Minutes - 1987 - City Council - 07/14/1987 - RegularCITY OF EAGLE COUNCIL MINUTES July 14, 1987 The City Council met in regular session Tuesday, July 14, 1987, Mayor CAROL HALEY presiding. ROLL CALL showed the following members present: GUERBER, MATLOCK, MINOW, ROGERS. ~oved by GUERBER and seconded by ROGERS ~hat the minutes from the June 9, 1987 meeting be approved with the following correction: page 3, last paraqraph, that MATLOCK moved-to approve the Claims Against the City. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. Moved by MATLOCK and seconded by Rogers to add to the aqenda under new business, appointments. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. SENIOR CITIZEN/COMMUNITY CENTER: moved by MINOW and seconded by GUERBER to accept Connelly Construction Company as the contractor for the project, with the concurrence of the Dept. of Commerce, as the second lower bidder. ROLL CALL ON THE MOTION RESULTED AS FOLLOWS: YEAS: GUERBER, MATLOCK, MINOW,.ROGERS. MOTION CARRIED. ~oved by MATLOCK and seconded by ROGERS to add the chanqe order #1 to delete list. ROLL CALL ON THE MOTION RESULTED AS FOLLOWS: YEAS: GUERBER, MATLOCK, MINOW, ROGERS. ,MOTION CARRIED. ~oved by GUERBER and seconded by ROGERS to authorize the Mayor to approve all change orders in the amount of less than $3,000. in order to proceed with the work on a timely basis. ROLL CALL ON THE MOTION RF~ULTFD AS FOLLOWS: YEAS: GUERBER, MATLOCK, MINOW, ROGERS. MOTION CARRIED. WATER COMPANY: Three different appraisers were contacted, two turned in proposals for appaisals, JUB and Ckq~ Hill. JUB's proposal was the lower bid, plus have the advantage of prior work regarding the Eagle Ranch Water Co. ~oved by MATLOCK and seconded by ROGERS to accep% JUD's Droposal to conduct the appraisal, for a fee of $3,146, and for a~itlonal work the amount not to exceed a total of $10,000 for all work. ROLL CALL ON THE ~OTION RESULTED AS FOLLOWS: YEAS: GUERBER, MATLOCK, MINOW, ROGERS. ~4OTION CARRIED. ~ved by GUERB~R and seconded ~y ~INOW for a letter to be written by the ~ A~.~ney to ~e~ ~n~ tC Eaqle ~anch W~t~r Co. asking for the 1986 Annual .{eport that the Water Co. is required to submit to the PUC. If no report has been filed with the PUC and if no Eagle City Council July 14, 1987 Pa~:e 2 copy has been received by the City of Eagle by August 1, 1987 we will indicate our intentions to file a formal complaint with PUC for non-compliance. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. Moved by MATLOCK and seconded by ROGERS to accept the contract submitted by Messuri Bates & Gibbons, CPA for the yearly audit. ROLL CALL ON THE ~OTION RESULTED AS FOLLOWS: YEAS: GUERBER, MATLOCK, MINOW, ROGERS. MOTION CARRIED. R~r-BOISE ADA CONTRACT: ~ore information needed, what days they a~-~ in the Eagle Area, how many trucks? Add to August agenda. FINANCIAL ADVISORS: Letter from City Hall deferring any decision on ~inanc~l advisors until a second appraisal on the Water Company has been completed (30 days). P~ ~N-CH~4BER OF CO~CE: GUERBER will confer with the Chamber on th sion and funding and have information at the next City Council meetinc. APPOINTMENTS: MAYOR HALEY presented the appointment of Richard L. Smith, of Eagle Chevron to the position of Commissioner on the Eagle Planning and Zoning. Moved by MATLOCK and seconded Richard L. Smith to the Eagle CARRIED. by MINOW to accept the appointment o~ Planning and Zoning. ALL AYE: MOTION COMMITTEE REPORTS: MAYOR HALEY advised the council that Cablevision has requested to add to their billing a line item "business fees". Moved by MINOW and seconded by ROGERS to approve the line item requested. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. PARKS: 5 additional trees planted with a donation of $600.00. There is money enough to set aside, $320.00~to go toward a canopy over a table in Orval Krasen Park. The canopy is estimated at $1,500. EAGLE IMPACT AREA AGREEMENT: Reported on by City Attorney, Mike Moore. The County will hold a public hea~ing retarding the impact area and are workinu toward this now. After Ada County's publ'ic hearing, Ea~]e will have a public hearing! also, probablv in September. Moved by GUERBER and seconded by MATLOCK to approve the Claims Against the City. ROLL CALL ~.] THE MOTION RESUI,T~D A~ FOLLOWS: YEAS: GUERBER, MATLOCK, MINOW, ROO, ERS. MOTION CARRIED. ' Meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. Approved: / / CAROL HALEY, MAvOq --/ / ~ e~flul/~sU~itted: