Minutes - 1987 - City Council - 08/11/1987 - RegularCTTY OF EAGLE COUNCIL MINUTES OF August 11, 1987 The City Council met in regular session Tuesday, August 11, 1987. Mayor CAROL IIALEY presiding. ROLL CALL showed the following members present: GUERBER, MATLOCK, MINO~4, ROGERS. Moved by GUERBER and seconded by ROGERS tO approve the minutes of the July 14, 1987 meeting. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. The Mayor announced that this was the time and ~lace set for a public hearing on EAGLE RIDGE SUBDIVISION. ~resentati,~n by owners/developersl ~lock Bros, ~epresented by Walt Wojcik, an(! surveyor Pat ~ealey. There was no b~position present. Public hearing closed,discuss{ion of hearing subject to council. ~oved by MINOW and ~.~on¢]ed by I.~()GERS to ant)rove the Preliminary ~lat of Eaole Ridge Subdivision, s,~bj(~ct to six (6) conditions: 1. A 40 foot riqht-o{-way be dedicated to the Ada County I1i~hway district. Construction of a 2,9 foot road section to Ada County tti¢~h~{ay standard ~rom Stierman Way to Palmetto Drive ~...,ith sidewalk on one side. Palmetto Drive. be completed from ~{onarch Ave. North to the eagle. Ranch subdivisfon line. ,~bble Beach Wa}, be completed ~rom Palmetto Drive East to he Eagle Ranch subdivision .line. £%L1 lots shall be pr¢,vid~-~] with domestic water, power, storm nd sanitary sewer s rvlc{.. ~ 5' front yard setl. ~ck varian~o being7 granted for the lots 3ocated bet~{een Stic. 'man Way an¢t Palmetto Drive to compensate. for the additi,-nn! ~-.ight-of-way required by Ada County tlighway district for a nub]ic road. ALL AYE: ~oTION CAR~IED. ADA COUNTY AMENDMI'~!T: ~FRVICE STATIONS, it would be the desire of the Council for all recommendations, including P&Z, to be considered first. ADA COUNTY TRANSMITTAL 97-17-PDC: on the ~ollowin~: Council recommended denial based 1. I'roperty is located directly across from the Eagle City Limits. ~f,in the ~uture, the property in question ,~as included in the City limits that property ~{ould be subject to the City's design revie~ stand~rds, landscaping etc. City Council August 11, 1987 Page 2 2. That the entrance off Eagle Road is a traffic hazard. Moved by GUERBER and seconded by MATLOCK that in accordance with the provisions of section 50-90 Idaho Code that the rule requiring ordinances to be read on three different days be dispensed with and that Ordinance No. 119 be considered immediately. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. Moved by GUERBER and seconded by MATLOCK that Ordinance #119, Requiring permits for the installation of Solid Fuel Heating Appliances; Providing for the Issuance of such Permits; and establishing a penalty for noncompliance. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. Moved by GUERBER and seconded by ROGERS to adopt the Resolution, 4-87, approving an agreement by and between the City of Boise and the City of Eagle for the purchase of qualified wood burning stoves. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. Moved by GUERBER and seconded by ~ATLOCK to re-appoint Jim Gipson to the Design Review Committee for another term. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. FLOOD PLAIN EXTENSION/FISHER: ~oved by GUERBER and seconded by MINOW to approve the extension of time on the Flood Plain Permit request by Harry Fisher for a period of one year. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. TREASURE VALLEY MOBILE HOME PARK.EXTENSION OF TIME: Moved by MATLOCK and seconded by MINOW to approve the extension of time for 6 months. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. FINDINGS OF FACT/GARRETT: Moved by GUERBER and seconded by MINOW to approve the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law regarding Garrett. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. Letter regarding suit by Garrett presented to council. FINDING OF FACT/WILDER-WRIGHT: Moved by GUERBER and seconded by MINOW to accept the Finding of Fact and Conclusions of Law regarding Wilder- Wriaht. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. WATER CO~ St is the request for a meeting to take place between the city attorney and JUB in regards to the additonal costs on an appraisal. Moved by GUERBER and seconded by ROGERS to authorize a planning and cost analysis of the project to provide water to the new Community/ Senior Center and City Hall, that we are not authorizing construction of the water project at this time only after required financial needs are met after funds are raised. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. Moved by }~ATLOCK and seconded by ROGERS to add to the agenda the Ada County draft of the Impact Area A~reement. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. Discussion regarding the Impact Area Agreement is to adopt the draft that Ada County sent us in which Eagle's Subdivision Ordinance will apply within the Area of Impact and that Ada County Zoning will aDply. City Council August 11, 1987 Page 3 Committee reports discussed. CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY: Moved by ~TLOCK and seconded by GUERBER to accept the claimsagainst the city as presented. ROLL CALL ON 'THE MOTION RESULTED AS FOLLOW~: YEAS: GUERBER,MATLOCK,MINOW',~ROGERS. MOTION CARRIEI SENIOR CITIZEN/COMMUNITY CENTER: request by Briggs to contact the different entities, ~tn. ~ell, Intermountain Gas etc. Requests also to confer with the city attorney regarding the Ordinance Map. Moved by M!NOW and seconded by ~ATLOCK to authorize the meeting needed to finalize the map project. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. APPROVED: MAYOR CAROL HALEY / City ra Mon tqo~--ery Clerk