Minutes - 1987 - City Council - 10/17/1987 - RegularCITY OF EAGLE COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 17, 1987 The City Council met in regular session Tuesday, November 17, 1987. MAYOR CAROL HALEY presiding. ROLL CALL showed the following members present~ MATLOCK, MINOW, ROGERS. COUNCIL PRESIDENT GUERBER absent. Moved by MATLOCK and seconded by ROGERS to approve the minutes of the October 13, 1987 meeting as presented. ALL AYE~ MOTION CARRIED. Moved by MATLOCK and seconded by ROGERS to approve the minutes of the October 15, 1987 meeting as presented. ALL AYEs MOTION CARRIED. Moved by MINOW and seconded by ROGERS to approve the annexation request by Monty and Marie Edwards for annexation and zoning C-3, with a conditional use permit subject to the following provisions, set by the Planning and Zonings 1. Zoning C-3, w/ conditional use permit 2. Require Design Review Approval 3. Subject to Flood Control Regulations 4. Subject to Design Review as to the Green Belt and Boise River Plan The one condition that is an exception and will not be included in the conditions set by P&Z is a Central Sewer requirement. ALL AYEs MOTION CARRIED. Moved by MINOW and seconded by ROGERS to city/Hicks application for rezoning from R-5 MOTION CARRIED. approve the Tri- to CBD. ALL AYEs RESOLUTION 7-87s Moved by MATLOCK and seconded by ROGERS to adopt Resolution 7-87, a resolution Agreement for installation of a water line. ALL AYEs MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE #122s Moved by MINOW and seconded by MATLOCK to dispense with the 3 day ordinance ruling and to consider Ordinance #122 immediately. ALL AYEs MOTION CARRIED. Moved by MINOW and seconded by ROGERS to adopt ORDINANCE #122, a boundary Ordinance for the Eagle Impact Area. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE #123, Moved by MINOW and seconded by MATLOCK to CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 17, 1987 PAGE 2 dispense with the 3 day ordinance ruling and to consider Ordinance #123 immediately. ALL AYEz MOTION CARRIED. Moved by MINOW and seconded by ROGERS to adopt ORDINANCE #123, an ordinance amending Eagle City Code, Section 1-7-4, the fee schedule. ALL AYE~ MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE #124z Moved by MINOW and seconded by MATLOCK to dispense with the 3 day ordinance ruling and consider Ordinance #124 immediately. ALL AYE~ MOTION CARRIED. Moved by MINOW and seconded by ROGERS to adopt Ordinance #124, an annexation ordinance, zoning C-3, of Monty and Marie Edwards dba U-CATCH-EM- TROUT FARM. ROLE CALL ON THE MOTION RESULTED AS FOLLOWS~ AYE~ MATLOCK, ROGERS, MINOW. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE #125~ Moved by MINOW and seconded by MATLOCK to dispense with the 3 day ordinance ruling and consider Ordinance #124 immediately. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. Moved by MINOW and seconded by ROGERS to adopt the annexation, zoning C-3 ordinance as presented. ROLL CALL ON THE MOTION RESULTED AS FOLLOWS~ AYE~ MATLOCK, MINOW, ROGERS. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE #126s Moved by MINOW and seconded by MATLOCK to use the first reading only by title of Ordinance #126, a amending of legal descriptions to annexations to the City of Eagle, and to do the second reading at the next council meeting. ALL AYE~ MOTION CARRIED. SENIOR CITIZEN CONTRACT: Moved by MATLOCK and seconded by MINOW to accept the contract as presented with the correction that an exception to the contract will be the City Hall portion of the building. ALL AYEs MOTION CARRIED. Moved by MATLOCK and seconded by MINOW to reconsider passage of Resolution #7-87. ALL AYE~ MOTION CARRIED. Moved by MATLOCK and seconded by MINOW to resend to time uncertain Resolution 7-87, due to the financial involvement and low funds of the Grant Fund. ALL AYE~ MOTION CARRIED. WATER CONTRACT= will not be considered at this meeting. Moved by MATLOCK and seconded by MINOW to adjourn to Executive Session for purposes of discussion of Eagle Ranch Water Co./acquisition. ALL AYEs MOTION CARRIED. 8~15 p.m. CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 17, 1987 PAGE 3 REGULAR MEETING RESUMED AT 8~40 p.m. It was suggested that no further action be taken by JUB Engineering toward acquisition of the water company, and that a letter be written from Eagle City Hall officially giving notice to JUB Engineering to discontinue the task. Moved by MATLOCK and seconded by ROGERS to accept the Findings of Fact and Conclusion of Law of Eagle Ridge Subdivision with the exception of, Page 2, Section 9, (2) which should read 32 feet instead of 28 feet. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. Moved by MATLOCK and seconded by ROGERS to approve the against the city as presented, including B&A Engineers for payment of $5,000 for an appraisal. AYEs MATLOCK, NAY~ MINOW. MOTION CARRIED. Claims request ROGERS, City Council meeting adjourned at 9~00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Barbara Montgomery Eagle City Clerk Approved .' CAROL HALEY, MAYOR~/