Minutes - 2021 - City Council - 10/12/2021 - Regular EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES October 12,2021 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pierce calls the meeting to order at 5:33 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: GINDLESPERGER, PITTMAN, BAUN. Absent: PIKE. All present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Pittman moves to add executive item #14 on the agenda. Seconded by Gindlesperger. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 4. ADDITIONS,DELETIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE AGENDA: A. City Staff requests. B. Mayor or City Council requests. 5. RECOGNITION: A. Recognition of Danny Mortensen for Five Years of Service on the Library Board. Mayor Pierce presents Danny Mortensen with a plaque for his service on the Library Board and thanks him for his service. 6. PRESENTATIONS: A. Presentation of the completed Comprehensive Downtown Parking Study by Kimley- Horn.(Virtual) Kimley-Horn reviews the results of the Comprehensive Downtown Parking Study. Discusses the analysis that was conducted on existing parking available as well as average use of the available spaces,current and future funding options. PowerPoint attached. Council member Pike joins the meeting virtually at 5:45 p.m. 7. REPORTS: A. Mayor and Council Reports: Gindlesperger no report. Pittman reports on the Eagle Senior Center Board meeting. They continue to provide meals and activities and meet the transportation needs for the Seniors. Mayor Pierce met with ACHD representative, Mary May and visited the crosswalk at Ranch and Eagle Road. B. City Hall Department Supervisor Reports: Chief Wilke introduces Sgt. Justin Elliot as the new Administrative Sergeant in Eagle. C. City Attorney Report: No report. 8. PUBLIC COMMENT 1:The Eagle City Council is taking in person and remote public comment via Webex. Meeting login instructions are posted on https://www.cityofeagle.org/1698/Virtual-Meetings. If you just want to watch the meeting,without giving comment,please watch our livestream at https://www.citvofeagle.org/305/Citv- Agendas-Videos. Page 1 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-10-12-21min.docx This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding subjects not on the agenda. At times, the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters during this allotted time.This is not the time slot to give formal testimony on a public hearing matter,land use application,or comment on a pending application or proposal. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three (3) minutes. Burke Mantell,4690 N. Hartley Road, Eagle,Idaho. He came to address the shooting problem on the Bureau of Land Management property. Yesterday he witnessed someone sighting in their deer rifle on the road up there, there was also someone shooting at metal properties. Mr. Mantell contacted Ada County Sheriff's Office regarding the shooting and was informed that the shooting was not illegal. He believes that the City should start enforcing the law and perhaps install a sign that states no shooting. Discussion. Lisa Maire, 352A East Idaho St., Eagle, Idaho. Ms. Marie provides a handout to the Mayor with the press kit regarding missing children. She believes that an alert system for missing children should enacted. 9. ALL CONSENT ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED ACTION ITEMS: CONSENT AGENDA: • Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor,a Councilmember,member of City Staff,or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion.Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. • Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff,Planning&Zoning Commission,or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims against the City. B. Minutes of September 27,2021. C. Minutes of September 28,2021. D. Appointment to the Library Board: In accordance with Resolution 14-19,Mayor Pierce is requesting Council confirmation of the appointment of Morgan Ryza to the Library Board.Ms. Ryza will be serving a five-year term that will expire September 2026. (JP) E. DR-15-21 — Common Area Landscaping within Mosscreek Subdivision — Urban Solutions, LLC: Urban Solutions, LLC, represented by Steve Hart, is requesting design review approval of the common area landscaping within Mosscreek Subdivision.The 21.6- acre site, consisting of three parcels, is located at the terminus of West Escalante Drive, south terminus of North Tempsford Way, and 5806 West State Street.(ERG) F. DR-16-21 — Subdivision Entry Sign for Mosscreek Subdivision — Urban Solutions, LLC: Urban Solutions, LLC, represented by Steve Hart, is requesting design review approval for a subdivision entry sign for Mosscreek Subdivision. The 21.6-acre site, consisting of three parcels, is located at the terminus of West Escalante Drive, south terminus of North Tempsford Way, and 5806 West State Street. (ERG) G. DR-35-21—Common Area Landscaping within Brookwav North Subdivision—Greg Hall: Greg Hall,represented by Kim Siegenthaler with Jensen Belts Associates, PLLC, is requesting design review approval of the common area landscaping within Brookway North Subdivision.The 28-acre site is located on the south side of West Beacon Light Road approximately 100-feet west of North Linder Road at 6001 West Beacon Light Road. (ERG) H. DR-36-21 — Two Subdivision Entry Monument Signs for Brookway North Subdivision(aka Eagle Mountain Estates)—Greg Hall: Greg Hall is requesting design review approval for two subdivision entry monument signs for Brookway North Subdivision(aka Eagle Mountain Estates). The 28-acre site is located on the south side of West Beacon Light Road approximately 100-feet west of North Lanewood Road at 6001 West Beacon Light Road. (ERG) I. FP-10-21 — Final Plat for Brush Creek Subdivision — Altitude Development LLC: Altitude Development LLC, represented by Tyler Frazier of Altitude Development LLC, Page 2 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-10-12-21min.docx is requesting a final plat approval for Brush Creek Subdivision, a 20-lot(16-buildable, 4- common)residential subdivision.The 10-acre site is located on the west side of North Park Lane approximately one-half mile north of West Floating Feather Road at 2055 North Park Lane. (MNB) J. FPUD-07-21 & FP-13-21 — Final Development Plan and Final Plat for Whitehurst Subdivision No.2—Evans Development LLC:Evans Development LLC,represented by Becky McKay with Engineering Solutions,LLP, is requesting final development plan and final plat approvals for Whitehurst Subdivision No. 2,a 28-lot(25-buildable, 3-common), residential subdivision. The 12.72-acre site is located approximately 775-feet north of the terminus of West Breanna Drive east of Eagle High School. (DLM) K. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for the Approval of CPA-01-21/A-04-21/RZ- 05-21 — Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map Amendment, Annexation, and Rezone for a portion of Pamela Baker Park — City Of Eagle: City initiated Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map Amendment from Public/Quasi-Public(Boise City designation) to Public/Semi-Public (City of Eagle designation)/Annexation and Rezone from A-1 to PS to include a recently transferred property(from Boise City to City of Eagle) into Pamela Baker Park. The 6.22-acre site is located on the northern portion of the existing Pamela Baker Park, approximately 1/3-mile east of Eagle Road and 1/2-mile north of Chinden Boulevard. (MNB) L. Resolution No. 21-21 — Williamson River Ranch Subdivision No. 3 Vacation: A resolution of the Eagle City Council to vacate the public utility, property drainage, and pressure irrigation side lot line easements centered between Lots 16 and 17, Block 6 (Williamson River Ranch Subdivision No. 3) as shown on the attachments hereto; and providing an effective date.The .52-acre site is located on the west side of South Riparian Way approximately 500-feet south of the intersection of East Crowns Pointe Drive and South Riparian Way at 1805 and 1819 South Riparian Way.(MJW) M. FY 2022 Valley Regional Transit Cooperative Agreement:Authorizing the City to fund Valley Regional Transit(VRT) in the amount not to exceed $115,798 for transit services in Fiscal Year 2022, with an initial payment of$30,544 upon signature of the agreement and an additional$85,254 when and if the City and VRT mutually agree to restart the Route 9 Extension. (NBS) N. CivicPlus Master Services Agreement(MSA): An agreement between the City of Eagle and CivicPlus to provide website hosting service in an amount not to exceed $4,735.00. (DG) O. CivicPlus Statement of Work: Quote #Q-17073-1 to provide an expedited timeline for website redesign, in an amount not to exceed $1,050.00. (DG) P. CivicPlus Statement of Work: Quote #Q-17370-1 Standard Department Header for Economic Development Department in an amount not to exceed$3,676.00. (DG& RG) Q. CivicPlus Statement of Work: Quote#Q-19888-1 Custom IdP integration package in an amount not to exceed$3,150.00. (DG) R. Declaring a Sole Source Procurement with Biarri Networks: This declaration is based on the determination that Biarri Network is the only vendor reasonably available to provide the required purchase under Idaho Code 67-2808 (2) ii, iv,viii. (VV) Pittman removes 8E and G. Baun requests item 9R be excluded. Gindlesperger moves to approve Consent Agenda items 8A through R,excluding items E,G and R. Seconded by Pittman. GINDLESPERGER AYE; PITTMAN AYE; BAUN AYE; PIKE AYE. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. E. DR-15-21 — Common Area Landscaping within Mosscreek Subdivision — Urban Solutions, LLC: Urban Solutions, LLC, represented by Steve Hart, is requesting design review approval of the common area landscaping within Mosscreek Subdivision. The 21.6-acre site, Page 3 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-10-12-21min.docx consisting of three parcels, is located at the terminus of West Escalante Drive, south terminus of North Tempsford Way, and 5806 West State Street. (ERG) Mayor introduces the item. Pittman asks for clarification on the fencing height and the mailbox structure. Planner II, Emily Gero reviews the conditions in the staff report. Pittman moves to approve consent agenda item 9E DR-15-21 —Common Area Landscaping within Mosscreek Subdivision — Urban Solutions, LLC. Seconded by Baun. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. G. DR-35-21—Common Area Landscaping within Brookwav North Subdivision—Greg Hall: Greg Hall, represented by Kim Siegenthaler with Jensen Belts Associates, PLLC, is requesting design review approval of the common area landscaping within Brookway North Subdivision. The 28-acre site is located on the south side of West Beacon Light Road approximately 100-feet west of North Linder Road at 6001 West Beacon Light Road. (ERG) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Pittman asks for clarification on fencing types. Planner II, Emily Gero states that the fencing would be consistent with the other phases of Brookway. Pittman moves to approve consent agenda item 9G DR-35-21 —Common Area Landscaping within Brookway North Subdivision. Seconded by Gindlesperger. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. R. Declaring a Sole Source Procurement with Biarri Networks: This declaration is based on the determination that Biarri Network is the only vendor reasonably available to provide the required purchase under Idaho Code 67-2808 (2)ii, iv,viii. (VV) Mayor introduces the item. Baun asks for further explanation for the sole source procurement. Director of Long-Range Planning and Projects, Nichoel Baird-Spencer reviews the Idaho State Code applicable to the declaration of sole source. Discussion for clarification. The product/service in question pertains to the establishment of a citywide fiber optics system. Baun moves to approve item 9R Declaring a Sole Source Procurement with Biarri Networks. Seconded by Pittman. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 10. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None 11. ALL PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED ACTION ITEMS PUBLIC HEARINGS: Public hearings will not begin prior to 6:00 p.m.The Eagle City Council is taking in person and remote public testimony via Webex.Meeting login instructions are posted on https://www.cityofeagle.org/1698/Virtual-Meetings.If you just want to watch the meeting,without giving estimony,please watch our livestream at https://www.cityofeagle.org/305/Citv-Agendas-Videos. Page 4 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-10-12-21min.docx • Public Hearings are legally noticed hearings required by state law.The public may provide formal testimony regarding the application or issue before the City Council.This testimony will become part of the hearing record for that application or matter. • Disclosure of ex parte and/or conflict of interest. A. ACTION ITEM: ZOA-01-21 — Zoning Ordinance Amendment — City of Eagle: An ordinance of the City of Eagle,Ada County Idaho,amending Title 8"Zoning",Chapters 1-7,adding a new Chapter 12 "Development Along State Highways", and amending Title 9 "Land Subdivisions", Chapters 1-6; providing a severability clause; and providing an effective date. (WEV) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Zoning Administrator, Bill Vaughan reviews the zoning ordinance amendment. Mark Butler,consultant for the City of Eagle. Discussion regarding the PUD requirement for 10 units and home occupation requirements. Mayor opens the public hearing. James Magnevich, 515 N. Cove Colony, Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Magnevich feels the ordinance amendment process could be easier. There is a lot of exceptions being proposed to the Comprehensive Plan. The proposals seem to benefit the developers and not the existing residents. Jared Borg, 1450 Washam Rd. lives in Eagle and is building in Eagle. Mr. Borg explains why he likes the option of utilizing a conditional use permit for his circumstances. Tyler Hung, 1765 N.Racing Water Place,Eagle,Idaho. Mr. Hung is supportive of the conditional use process as it gives developers and owners additional options. Julie Eberle, 7100 N. Rhine Ave, Eagle, Idaho. Ms. Everly is a long time Eagle resident and explains the problems that were encountered with bands and parties. She lives in the Area of Impact and they rely on the Eagle Comprehensive Plan to regulate matters.There have been problems with noise,traffic and increased population. People have been circumventing the conditional use permit process. She believes that the process should be tightened down to control the process. Colleen Maile, 885 W.Rush Road,Eagle, Idaho. Ms.Maile is a long-term resident and has seen a lot of changes. She believes that a conditional use process should be in place to allow smaller lot splits to take place. She is in support of conditional use permits. Dave Yorgason, 14254 W. Battenburg Drive, Boise, Idaho. Mr. Yorgason provides a letter to the Council. The Building Contractors Association of Southwestern Idaho Inc is in general in support of the ordinance amendment, however there are a few items they are seeking additional consideration: an expanded timeline for submitting further items, increased flexibility for spacing development along state highways and that no change be to the definition of large-scale development. Letter attached. Discussion. Mick Ysura, 1450 Artesian Road,Eagle,Idaho. Overall,the proposed amendment is agreeable,he submits a letter with signatures of people that are like minded. The home occupation language regarding small wedding venues is not acceptable. It does not mesh with the Comprehensive Plan. Wedding venues should not be in the residential estates zoning. Page 5 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-10-12-21min.docx Josh Liddell, 1485 Artesian Road,Eagle,Idaho. Mr. Liddell is concerned about event centers and would like the opportunity to speak to that. He states that people rely on the Comprehensive Plan to protect their property and investment. Tim Gibson, 2074 W. River Meridian, Idaho. Mr. Gibson addresses wedding venues on Eagle Island. He is unable to enjoy his backyard due to the existing wedding venue and the noise/traffic associated with the events. They had relied on the Comprehensive Plan to protect their quality of life. He asks that they strike the allowance of small wedding venues. Branden Shaw,346 Mission Drive,Eagle,Idaho.Mr.Shaw is in support of the option of conditional use permits on small properties. Ted Epperly, 2180 W. Ribier Drive, Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Epperly is in favor of making conditional use permit requirements to be more restrictive. A wedding or event center, if allowed would have a negative impact sound,light and traffic.The definition of an event center is something that should be further defined and clarified. Mr.Gibson states that the definition of a home occupation and event center would need to be closely review so that there wouldn't be any loopholes. Mayor closes the public hearing. Discussion regarding the definition of large-scale development and extending the timeline. Baun moves to approve 11A ZOA-01-21 — Zoning Ordinance Amendment — City of Eagle. Seconded by Pike. Discussion. Baun amends his motion to add in changing section 5-8B to add in addition to residential,both public and semi-public spaces. And in section 12 and 23 8-7-10 to change from 30 days to 60 days or showing progress. Second concurs. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 12. NEW BUSINESS: A. ACTION ITEM Advanced Construct Approval for the Eagle Road Pedestrian and Bicycle Bridge: Staff is requesting the City Council approve the Mayor to begin the advanced construct process with ITD for FY 22 including negotiating a State and Local Agreement, pre- funding the project in an amount up to $3,868,000 through FY 23 when federal funds become available,and completing a bid process for the project. (NBS) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Director of Long-Range Planning and Projects,Nichoel Baird Spencer reviews the proposal. Baun moves to approve action item 12A Advanced Construct Approval for the Eagle Road Pedestrian and Bicycle Bridge. Seconded by Pittman.Discussion. GINDLESPERGER AYE; PITTMAN AYE; BAUN AYE; PIKE AYE.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. B. ACTION ITEM EXT-10-21 —Rezone Extension of Time for Willow Run Retirement Community — Rennison Companies: Rennison Companies, represented by Zachary Turner, is requesting a one(1)year extension of time to execute the development agreement associated with the rezone for the Willow Run Retirement Community. The 10.44-acre site is located on the east side of North Linder Road approximately 90-feet south of the intersection of West Temple Drive and North Linder Road at 6910 and 6940 North Linder Road. (MJW) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Page 6 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-10-12-21min.dock Zachary Turner,4909 N.Elisnor,Meridian,Idaho representing Rennison Design. Mr.Turner states that the original applicant backed out of the project. They have recently been contacted by a new interested partner. With the new investor they are looking to move forward with the project and thus are seeking the one-year extension from Council. Discussion. Gindlesperger moves to approve action item 12B EXT-10-21 -Rezone Extension of Time for Willow Run Retirement Community for one year. Seconded by Baun. Discussion. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. C. ACTION ITEM: Ordinance 861—Amending Title 5: An ordinance of the City of Eagle, Ada County, Idaho, amending Title 5 "Police Regulations",Chapter 2,"Miscellaneous Offenses", Section 3 "Weapons,Discharge of';providing for a severability clause; providing for a summary; and providing an effective date. (WEV) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Zoning Administrator Vaughan makes himself available for questions. Council member Baun provides comment on the 20-acre minimum and larger lot size,additionally he would like further clarification on the type of firearm He expresses concern on the individuals determination of safe firearm discharge,he would like further discussion and perhaps limit the type of firearms utilized within those larger land masses. Baun would like further discussion to get the others perception of the draft ordinance. Mayor Pierce states there are long time property owners with within the city that have not been able to hunt on their property,and this would allow it. Most gun owners are responsible users,though there will always be a few that ruin it for others. He feels if the Bureau of Land Management wants to change the type of firearms allowed on that property, then it should fall to that agency. Pittman likes the idea of having the Bureau of Land Management oversee firearm discharge on that property. He suggests working with the Bureau and make them aware of the concerns that are arising about firearm discharge. Gindlesberger concurs that the Bureau should manage their own land,the complication is in restricting individual property owners use of firearm and where on their property they are shooting. Pike is struggling with the duty of law enforcement to enforce all laws, both traffic and firearms. He feels that the Bureau address enforcement on their lands. Discussion. Pittman moves,pursuant to Idaho Code,Section 50-902,that the rule requiring Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with,and that Ordinance#861 be considered after being read once by title only. Seconded by Gindlesperger. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES. Pittman moves that Ordinance#861 an Ordinance of the City of Eagle,Ada County,Idaho, amending Title 5 "Police Regulations",Chapter 2,"Miscellaneous Offenses",Section 3 "Weapons,Discharge of"; providing for a severability clause; providing for a summary; and providing an effective date. Seconded by Gindlesperger. GINDLESPERGER AYE; PITTMAN AYE; BAUN NAY; PIKE AYE: THREE AYE; ONE NAY(Bann)MOTION CARRIES. 13. PUBLIC COMMENT 2: The Eagle City Council is taking in person and remote public comment via Webex. Meeting login instructions are posted on https://www.cityofeagle.org/1698/Virtual-Meetings.If you just want to watch the meeting,without giving comment,please watch our livestream at https://www.cityofeagle.org/305/City-Agendas-Videos. Page 7 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-10-12-21min.docx This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding any matter, up to and including any subject on the agenda with the exception of Public Hearin2 and land use items. Comments regarding Public Hearing and land use items need to be made during the open public hearing for said item(s)in accordance with Idaho Code.At times,the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters(excluding Public Hearing and land use items)during this allotted time. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three(3)minutes. None. 14. EXECUTIVE SESSION A. Idaho State Code 474-206. Executive sessions-- When authorized. (1)An executive session at which members of the public are excluded may be held, but only for the purposes and only in the manner set forth in this section. The motion to go into executive session shall identify the specific subsections of this section that authorize the executive session. There shall be a roll call vote on the motion and the vote shall be recorded in the minutes. An executive session shall be authorized by a two-thirds(2/3)vote of the governing body. An executive session may be held: (c) To acquire an interest in real property which is not owned by a public agency. Baun move pursuant to I.C. 74-206(1)that the City of Eagle convene an Executive Session for the purpose of(c)To acquire an interest in real property which is not owned by a public agency. Seconded by Pittman.GINDESPERGER AYE; PITTMAN AYE; BAUN AYE; PIKE AYE. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Council enters executive session. Discussion regarding acquisition of interest in real property not owned by a public agency. Council exits executive session. B. ACTION ITEM: Action regarding acquisition of real property. No action. 15. ADJOURNMENT: Pittman moves to adjourn. Seconded by Gindlesperger. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES Hearing no further business,the Council meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted: ,..•"",,,e'e,,,,, �,GLE OjC ff it. •° T CY B , CMC :V <sj1J APPROVED: *••••• 0-000 4 ��'•,,,....STA1',,.•`. J ON PIERCE MAYOR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT W W W.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 8 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-10-12-21min.docx 10/21/2021 tca Klmley>Hor l SS�� r �I00, �n - - „ 4- ..., r ,. 44 t Iiii: tilt '444. . - ♦.: t t. . )ersw/./irrue ry . tt .i `�,)'.. �' ; Comprehensive . , . ° DOWNTOWN '.< , . PARKING STUDY #" '��`' " ° �,� � :� , Final Report Summary Presentation -October 2021 .r 1' 1 Introduction & Key Goals +, ¢., Kinder.� • Introduction • 47.* 40,. ,—_a • This comprehensive downtown parking study was s , commissioned to evaluate the public parking supply and ! . '�_ management in downtown Eagle, in accordance with the �,r``��u 1 goals and objectives of the 2017 Eagle is HOME IU Comprehensive Plan and the Eagle Urban Renewal IS F Agency Plan. __,,,, -.' -. ir • Study Goals&Key Objectives J$' t. • The EURA has the following goals for downtown parking: i ' • Provide a customer friendly experience. �g, • Optimize utilization. .._. • Provide a pedestrian-oriented city center that is interconnected with a variety of uses that encourage , citizens to park and walk between destinations. :_ • Support an economically vibrant downtown;and • Achieve a balance between residential and non- Comprehensive E I i residential parking needs. DOWNTOWN PARKING STUDY o.o/ta.ca,t PARKING STUDY Kimley»Horn 2 1 10/21/2021 Project Study Area y Mound • Study Area • Downtown Sub-Areas 3 r.1 • For Planning purposes, the City of Eagle has identified four"sub-areas" within the downtown planning area.These four areas, identified in the map below, include: _:" N. - 7 0 urra---_,, 7-' fr • The Four Corners Area 1'iii • The Old Town Area --~, „ifl u- L. i ' far ''' • The Plaza Area and �1 '!' . 1, •i' ' \ , • The Downtown Boundary Area 40 4 .. PARKING STUDY Kim!ey-»Horn 3 Planning Context • The Downtown Eagle Plan • :. • "The Downtown Eagle Plan is intended to focus and solidify the .S?`. City's planning vision,goals,actions and investments in support of the growth and continued revitalization of Downtown Eagle; IIIE CITY OF to help coordinate private and public investment in the heart of the City of Eagle." Alsive • Downtown Development Goals - • Per the Downtown Eagle Plan,the following development goals have been identified: ., • Development in the Downtown Eagle Area should be designed to: - • Establish a distinctive,well maintained and well-branded r f•�� downtown. • Create a well-organized multi-use community that promotes 1'i the live,work,play,and recreate lifestyle. ! i# t" • Promote and support a strong and vibrant business community. Eagle • Create an interconnected community that allows access to and across the regional highway system;and • Promote and develop a unique downtown that supports •rn •' pedestrian,bicycle,and transit connectivity. -.. ,. PARKING STUDY Kim!ey»Horn 4 2 10/21/2021 i Current Conditions Assessment -, 1 E • Currently,the City provides six surface lots , that are open to the public(including some . 3 .� ° 4< �% - i inventoryfor cityemployee arkin • r`'�^ , parking),along +�, ' , I. 4r— with on-street parking. (273 spaces) 4 ` ' • k , fc ' ig r , • In addition,there are several dozen ; , ,; privately-owned off-street parking lots 'i., •fit '` '0 s ! ,. „m, •18 •1•4 4.' �� associated with businesses that are c ' s-- N r- ® m. { l generally available for customers and . .y L .. ,' a . visitors. (1,044 spaces) 'cs c{ ;_W r. is • There are also 328 on-street parking spaces ; „ r t m Gts se =.®i--r°°" which are owned and maintained by ACHD. �` � • • The total parking inventory within the study I t: t , 4 .,......�..— t • area is: 1,645 spaces ;r.' .• • r} t. *;, --, ' "' "� + — • All parking in the downtown is currently LegeOd i ° ` ` Total On-Street Spaces 3284 On-Street If ., ' Total Public Off-Street Spaced 273 A free, unlimited and unregulated. 0 Off-Street Private s —" Total Prvvate Off-Street Space 1.044! a 411 Oft-Street Public °' ' . .,--Total Spaces Overall 1,645 esn PARKING STUDY Kimley»Horn 5 \` ,r Current Conditions Assessment 1 • Existing Parking Code Add Check a new recommendations section? „n,1' 1� • The City's parking code dictates how much parking a development needs to meet its projected demand. It also dictates how the parking is managed.The policies within the Code allow the City to make restrictions over time that can right-size and/or effectively distribute parking demand. • The Kimley-Horn team supports retaining the current parking code provisions with the following comments: • The parking in-lieu fee is adequate to cover the cost of building one surface lot parking space. If the point of the in-lieu fee is to begin developing a fund that could eventually build a shared parking structure,the in-lieu fee cost per space should be adjusted to reflect the cost of a structured parking space(approximately$25,000.00-$35,000.00). • Building in an"alternate compliance" process that would allow for the use of transportation demand management(TDM)strategies to reduce the required amount of parking is recommended. See appendix#8(Sample Alternative Compliance TDM Checklist). • A whitepaper on Parking In-Lieu Fees is provided in appendix#6 that discusses other aspects of parking in-lieu fee programs. _. PARKING STUDY Kimley»Horn 6 3 10/21/2021 Current Conditions Assessment ,i �� y. , • Parking Data Collection �.1'- - • Kimley-Horn developed a data collection plan to collect downtown parking inventory and �-A !►- occupancy counts using drone-based high- - - " .. • •6. i:; resolution aerial photography. .lidsi 4 . ,4? , • Initial data collection was done on Tuesday ' Y - .'+; 11 11/10/20 t . � .. • A supplemental drone flight was conducted t x '` ' f on Friday 4/1/21 during the 6:00 PM-8:00 �wr PM timeframe. •_ -, • A sample drone image is provided to the right. -'1 r -l' • „> - .. i,,,,, 21,:ra".: )'' ' :-: ;;..iii 1/441 ,,. .. '4 ... ...4••• `'..1'.. ' - '''''' -.' ''''-'''' --'' '' -' - _. r;'. I. PARKING STUDY Kimley»Horn 7 Current Conditions Assessment a 1 �: • Parking Utilization ► ,, • The table to the right summarizes the parking utilization data from the 11/10 and 4/1 drone flights. • Overall utilization was very low, peaking Woo Occupancy .nw A'''''a Dar4ing Type Mvenlory OcouPe�pancy Yl�hhotD at 2:00 PM only 28.27%occupancy. ,o:oo AM 10,00AM 1 zo0PM 2:00PM 6:00 PM 6:oo PM Count O« Count O<c Count O« • Note: Kimley-Horn researched historical lo �-° Google Earth images dating back 10 Jr ,yA treat4 t '.} I 22'`'�'..... G1 �Jao years and while some higher parking demands were documented, the SA 061 ���' ���� ����� average occupancy was still around 'r "° . mionammiimmicionmini Kimley»Horn 8 4 10/21/2021 Current Conditions Assessment 1 f yr • Parking Utilization -' 7 -- , § ,,. *& ~-.' ` • At the peak hour there are . r " 7. .+ , t 4 5 4 .- k ' 1,180 spaces available € tj '' •` s ,f '' " �' " 8 t '� �Sa2 t , * ...gip.. throughout the entire 4r _i_ , ;3 _ -. r Downtown i . -, - 6 v wry . fi i. I+k., r '''" Y ,Nt r` fi .j•� r ``2","*d- *. On Street Off Street �} .,� �' p 4. 1,,=•9,.sow * ae.4 ZO, �di i' 0 - • s • • +-.,,,pis. {sw # 7r...esv. F �.� -_ i`. ,:' PARKING STUDY Kimley NHorn 9 Future Parking Demand z, 1 or : • The Four Corners area is an area that will likely create a ` ' t " k '41/ i considerable amount of demand change in the study area. 1, . Currently,the land is underdeveloped and has potential to accommodate a number of high intensity land uses. • The Comprehensive Plan indicates that structured parking i . , associated with development at this corner is encouraged.As • developers submit applications for review,the City can ' ilit '` potentially leverage an agreement to allow for some portion t i I t A f of the parking to be available for public use. I at . o ik....f — i • Note:As part of this study Kimley-Horn has provided a set of - parking garage design guidelines to assist with future . = rr planning.This could be an important tool if the City or EURA ,t . • ' 1 engage in a public/private partnership involving a jointly 1 '�". : owned future parking structure. 3 ,, tc • See Appendix 9 for the Parking Garage Design Guidelines 1 " —.4 y document. __ ..a a,a 4.'r ' dm_ _ 11..:.. I_ PARKING STUDY Ktmley»Horn 10 5 10/21/2021 Future Parking Demand 1 - • Event Accommodations and Future Parking . Investment Check for updates • • Events happen throughout the year in Downtown Eagle.The parking demand for events can currently be accommodated, however, as the area grows and experiences infill development or new development with lower parking '. ...-. Al requirements,the area may feel parking constraints during orq. , " events before it feels constraints during normal conditions. , . • To address these concerns, it is recommended to consider ._ - • , encouraging the use of the lot north of State Street east of 1 -,ca.a N.2nd Street during events to accommodate event parking ...a '--•- demand. I + . • This could be accomplished via a shared parking agreement r ._' as a short-term strategy or if the current owner of the ; ` property is open to selling the property or participating with „ i ' -• the City in a land swap, acquiring this well-located property •,, �... _ (from a parking perspective) could be an excellent long . 'h =-- __ term investment. PARKING STUDY Kimley»Horn 11 Future Parking Demand �::`�o :,„ . - ` ,, mv • A Flexible Future Parking Investment Strategy !. • There are two key reasons this property of is of special interest for parking.The first is its central location and its ability to potentially • serve multiple potential development sites in the Old Towne area as ,. •° . well as providing additional event parking support. • x, p J f. • The second is its size.This area could begin as a surface parking lot, �l but the site footprint could be large enough to accommodate an y o.lu°a°wo,.„, efficient(i.e.,350 sf./stall or less)future parking structure.As an interim strategy,the initial surface parking lot could be covered with + + *° ,-'•° " •a"parking lid"(a one-level structure over the existing surface lot)to ••• . .. — �*' { provide additional future capacity.The"parking lid' could also be designed to accept an additional level or two of parking to provide even more future flexibility. • Another option for this site could be a mixed-use development with an integrated structured parking option. , ' if , • Later in this study,Kimley-Horn explores the concept of"Parking as �� an Economic Development Strategy"(see Appendix 1).The idea that the EURA or the City of Eagle invest in structured parking and other infrastructure as a tool to incentivize other desired development in . 1. ► `- the downtown is a strategy that has worked well in other . communities around the country. ' -ate,_ .. ... �, PARKING STUDY � Kimley>>Horn 12 6 10/21/2021 Key Project Objectives • KeyProject Summary J Objectives • The RFP for this comprehensive downtown parking study 1. Is there a shortfall of parking in the downtown? 2. How many additional parking spaces will be needed to serve(a) listed eleven specific questions to be addressed. development projects that have already been permitted or are in the pipeline,and(b)anticipated downtown development in the next • In the Key Project Objectives Summary section (beginning to years? On page 8)our responses to these questions are 3. How should the public spaces and delivery zones be managed for p g p commercial and residential parking? specifically addressed.Many of these topics have been 4. Are there opportunities for shared parking? 5. How do incorporate the fundamentals of a"park once" further addressed in the body of the report or in the environment,enhance pedestrian connectivity and improve walkability? report appendices.We have noted references to other 6. Should private parking in downtown be minimized?If so,provide recommendations on how to create more spaces that area a content specific to these objectives within this summary common pool of shared parking. where applicable. 7. How do we encourage turnover of the public parking spaces? 8. Are there opportunities where new public parking can be achieved. If so,provide recommendations on how to facilitate this and a suggested location. 9. What alternatives and recommendations are suggested to benefit downtown parking? 10.What are the physical and perceived barriers to downtown walkability? 11.11.Are there opportunities to provide additional parking along State Street between N.Stierman and E.Plaza Drive?If so,provide recommendations. PARKING STUDY Kimleya»Horn 13 Community Engagement • Community Parking Survey • The project team engaged the community at various phases of the downtown plan.Assessing Li current opinions about parking in Eagle,as well as soliciting ideas for ideal parking as the community grows and changes. • A 12-question survey was shared with the (62.56 percent) community via the EURA and partners including Use of technology(11.79 percent) the City of Eagle(via the City website,social media Improved safety measures(24.62 percent) accounts,and employees)and downtown Improved directional signage(32.82 percent) businesses. Improved multimodal connectivity(19.49 percent) • The survey received strong response,with 200 None(13.33 percent) community members sharing their thoughts. Other(14.36 percent) • Survey responses for each survey question are detailed in the larger report. PARKING STUDY Klmley»Horn 14 7 10/21/2021 yfl .,__... Peer Cities Review 1- _ _ rr- • *.ra II1IIIIi nr • Reviewing"Peer Cities"can be a valuable addition to a ; 1•IY 2019 1, parking study,especially for communities that are just beginning to explore parking as a new endeavor. _.,„... • As we were developing our recommended list of"peer cities",we made a distinction between true"peer cities" and"cities we can learn from". r +• ys '' • PEER CITIES: • Estes Park,CO 1' t • Edmond, OK. • • Provo,UT. top ,R -wCkCC4^.F • Norman/Cleveland County,OK �� ' �` 'f • CITIES WE CAN LEARN FROM: ,72',17:11IX i ` • Boulder,CO• Portland, OR PARKING STUDY Kimley»Horn 15 Parking Management Strategies CHARACTERISTICS of Effective P,,b ng Prow am& um Developing an Effective Parking Management ®_Parting '"°""'G """" ` Program • Parking, in our view, is an essential element of an institution's infrastructure Y"" 'r""Mill and,when well-managed, it can contribute greatly to efforts to develop and sustain healthy and vibrant downtowns. • Convenient,safe,clean and affordable parking is critical to attracting and retaining staff, retailers, restaurants, office buildings/tenants, patients, and all _ other types of customers and developments. •3 1., AIM Characteristics of Effective Parking Programs • Based on evaluating numerous parking systems in a variety of environments and of •3+. . 7. 4 various sizes and complexity, we have identified a set of twenty characteristics,that when combined into an integrated, programmatic approach provides the foundation for a sound and well managed parking system. "..".. PARKING STUDY 9 S• - 16 8 10/21/2021 Parking Management Best Practices00- , Developing an Effective Parking ''' : #ii Management Program . . 4 • This chapter discusses a range of parking management best ' • - ,-,_ '!#11111111111111M- - F practices that are relevant to the development of a parking if, 4/0 program for the City of Eagle,ID. o a: • . • Key elements addressed in this chapter include: r • 44, 1 B • • Organizational structure t • • Operating methodologies • Active parking management strategies • Future paid parking considerations/technology • Enforcement/fines/adjudication/technology • Communications,outreach and signage strategies n010"•w HOUR ]0 M • Program brand and messaging t ....« 1 W ' FREE FREE , ti�y 1 g g g EA eii$TEDF sippoiS ~NW Ff..awl FREE a' 'n: • Space availability detection/signage PARK"O ,,Mw"' PARR'" NMI • Mobile parking apps • Modern Parking lot design elements m PARKING STUDY Kimley Morn 17 Primary Recommendations w ! ;;�. Focus Areas 10 Consistent with the EURA's goals for downtown Mastering the Fundamentals of Parking parking,the envisioned parking program will w ;` strive to deliver: Management • An easy to navigate system and a customer The recommendations of this report focus on the friendly experience. development of an effective parking management • Optimized utilization of all parking resources program than can evolve as the community grows. • Support a pedestrian-oriented city center that Based on our experience with similar sized is interconnected with a variety of uses that communities working to develop a parking and encourage citizens to park once and walk mobility program, even if limited at first, would be between destinations. a smart move for Eagle. • Contribute to an economically vibrant downtown;and • The overall recommended approach for Eagle is • Achieve a balance between residential and to begin by creating a limited parking non-residential parking needs. management function within the City. PARKING STUDY Kimley>Horn 18 9 10/21/2021 Primary Recommendations � Focus Areas Parking Supply/Demand • Eagle currently has an adequate parking supply with parking utilization currently less than 30%overall.Given the City's current parking surplus and current parking requirements,which we feel are appropriate for the Eagle community,even if multiple developments were to occur in Eagle,parking for the private developments would be provided as part of the development process(with a reduced requirement for the downtown core and an in-lieu fee option).There are however opportunities for some limited strategic parking supply investments(see appendix 13). Support Shared Mobility Strategies • Another important dimension to our recommendations is that the City should take a more holistic view of parking and related mobility options.This reflects a national trend whereby the disciplines of parking and shared mobility strategies are merging together to both"right-size"the parking supply for a community as well as providing a range of mobility options and alternative transportation options to create a more balanced system of community access strategies. Leveraging Parking As A Potential Economic Development Strategy • Additionally,this report discusses a strategy whereby"parking"can be leveraged as a tool for economic development.In a nutshell,this approach can be thought of as an infrastructure investment approach that targets a 5 to 1 return on the infrastructure investment(see appendix#1.) PARKING STUDY Kimley-»Horn 19 '-u"rANNIr TITS" Primary Recommendations ' srosA Recommendations Format PRIMARY RECOMMENDATIONS • The recommendations of this report are formatted as follows: • Recommendation description - • Intended results • Other Comments • Primary Responsibility • Key Partners typeolvt -•• • • Timeframe • Supportive Documents/Tools Provided. .." PARKING STUDY 20 10 II 10/21/2021 Primary Recommendations 1,4 .1 err Short-Term Recommendations (1 —2 Years) 1. Create an organizational home for parking management 2. Create an initial program development plan and budget 3. Invest in parking count system/wayfinding technology 4. Conduct a current parking enforcement program assessment 5. Draft parking policies,develop a parking communications plan and create a parking webpage 6. Conduct a parking facilities security/safety audit 7. Develop a local parking information database. Become the"central clearing house"for parking information in Eagle. 8. Develop an event parking management plan 9. Develop a defined parking asset maintenance program 10. Leverage this report and its"Toolkit"for staff development and existing process improvements 11. Embrace"Shared Parking"and formalize shared parking agreements PARKING STUDY Kimley<>Hom 21 Primary Recommendations C"c Mid-Term Recommendations (3 — 5 Years) 12. Develop a comprehensive parking marketing/branding/communications strategy 13. Develop an active parking monitoring and planning function 14. Plan for the development of new mid to long-term parking resources 15. Leverage parking as an economic development strategy 16.Assess public/private partnerships as a strategy for future parking structure development 17. Improve pedestrian and bicycle facilities 18. Leverage and enhance parking technology options 19.Assess the need for on-street time limited parking in the downtown core 20. Implement a limited curb lane management program 21. Develop an employee parking program with defined employee parking areas 22. Develop parking on-street, surface lot and parking structure design guidelines PARKING STUDY Kimley)Horn 22 11 10/21/2021 Primary Recommendations !;,‘� SFr Long-Term Recommendations (> 5 Years) 23. Expand the program scope to incorporate more mobility,TDM and alternative transportation options. 24.Assess personal transportation options(e-bike share programs, e-scooter programs, etc.) as potential new mobility program elements 25.Assess the need for a residential parking permit program 26. Design and install a downtown core gateway element(s) 27.Assess the feasibility/benefits of an alleyway enhancement program 28. Engage a parking management professional 29. Identify future parking sites. Be prepared to invest in the right property. 30. Following new parking technology investments, leverage new system data to create parking management performance benchmarks. 31.As development and parking demand increase over time, assess the potential benefits of implementing on-street paid parking. 32. Once parking revenues begin to be created, establish the parking management function as an enterprise fund .: . PARKING STUDY Kimley»Horn 23 Parking Management Tool Kit • The final chapter of this report contains a "Parking Management Tool Kit" to assist the City of Eagle with implementation of the recommendations above. This extensive tool kit is intended to be a long-term staff resource. • The Parking Management Tool Kit is a collection of informational resources (white papers, presentations, etc.) and tools (checklists, sample manuals, example reports, etc.), organized by the following sections: • Parking and Economic Development • Parking Planning and Design • Parking Management Best Practices and Tools • Parking Technology • Staff Training and Development • Mobility and TDM Strategies • Safety and Security • Communications,Marketing and Branding . .. PARKING STUDY Kimley.>Horr 24 12 10/21/2021 Tool Kit Elements by Category 4 "-I ' • Parking and Economic Development . Appendix 1.-Parking as an Economic Development Strategy White Paper Appendix 2.-Guidelines for Using Parking as an Economic Development Strategy Appendix 3.-Developing a Retail Parking Support Strategy • Parking Planning and Design Appendix 4.-Parking Requirements Reform Whitepaper Appendix 5.-Shared Parking Overview and Sample Shared Parking Agreements Appendix 6.-Parking In-Lieu Fees Whitepaper Appendix 7.-Assessing an Uncertain Transportation Future Appendix 8.-Sample Alternative Compliance TDM Checklist Appendix 9.-Parking Structure Design Guidelines Appendix 10.-Put a"Lid"on It Appendix 33.—The Art of On-Street Parking Management PARKING STUDY Kimley»Horn 25 Tool Kit Elements by Category .it • Parking Management Best Practices and Tools • Appendix 11.-Parking Management and Design Best Practices Toolbox • Appendix 12.-Sample Parking Facility Evaluation Checklist • Appendix 13.-Sample Parking Facility Operations Manual • Appendix 14.-Generic Parking Facility Rules and Regulations • Appendix 15.-Value of An On-Street Parking Space • Appendix 16.-White Paper on Residential Parking Permit Programs • Appendix 17.-Residential Parking Permit Programs Best Practices&Emerging Trends • Appendix 18.-Annual Parking Report Template • Appendix 19.-Sample Annual Parking Report-Missoula Parking Commission • Appendix 20.-APO Program Manual • Appendix 21.-APO Evaluation Criteria Matrix • Appendix 22.-Parking Facility Maintenance Manual • Appendix 23.-Parking Facility Maintenance Schedule Appendix 24.-Parking Enforcement Program Audit Checklist Appendix 25.-Sample Parking Enforcement Operations Manual - Appendix 26.-Valet Parking Program Development • Appendix 27.-IPMI Emergency Preparedness Manual • Appendix 28.-Consolidated Parking System Financial Report Format I(.VVN l:iA PARKING STUDY Kimley»Horn 26 13 10/21/2021 Tool Kit Elements by Category , 6t • Parking Technology • Appendix 29.-On-Street Parking Technology Whitepaper • Appendix 30.-Parking Count Technology Overview • Appendix 30b.-Parking Count Technology Product Cut-Sheets • Staff Training and Development • Appendix 31.-Recommended Reading List for Parking Professionals • Appendix 32. New Parking Manager Integration-Action Plan • Mobility and TDM Strategies • Appendix 33-Kimley-Horn TDM Quick Guide • Appendix 34-Portland 2018 E-Scooter Findings Report • Appendix 35.Curb Management Whitepaper—APA • Appendix 36-Boulder Transportation Options Toolkit .. , .. A. PARKING STUDY Kimley-NHorn 27 ro Tool Kit Elements by Category . • Communication, Marketing and Branding "' • Appendix 39-Crisis Communications Plan • Appendix 40-Eagle Stakeholder Workshop Comments • Appendix 41-Managing Parking and Travel for Planned Special Events • Appendix 42-Sample Parking Administrator Position Descriptions • Appendix 43-Strategic Parking Communications Plan • Appendix 44-20 Characteristics of Effective Parking Programs • Note: The Appendices/Parking Management Tool Kit chapter of the report has an annotated tool kit listing with brief descriptions of each tool kit element. • . . PARKING STUDY Kimley»Horn 28 14 10/21/2021 Questions and Discussion `� �:?. PARKING STUDY 29 it 15 EAGLE CITY COUNCIL October 12, 2021 PUBLIC COMMENT SIGN-UP Time is allotted on the agenda at the beginning and end of the council meeting. Time is limited to three (3) minutes per individual. TESTIFY PRO/CON or NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL 71 6e5' 13k (20A I (165 c 0\i elpier(y ti 1i of 71444, e 5P8 5' Sr*'"- /zr yzs EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 12, 2021 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 11A SUBJECT: ZOA-01-21 — Zoning Ordinance Amendment — City of Eagle STIFY PR /CON NAME (please print) ADDRESS YE O NEUTRAL ,.)(\ eC l €.__S f ' \ 0 l'Is/ Lkckwv\ i , , - --(vg \-\ok - \-76 0 _ F.4\‘c-lc-ii kxi 40. `tel-7 -MO / X ' i ,, i ,,,\L : 6-12x\°- '-( tio 1\, (A\titict \)6c-) (1_0( ft 1 ( ooliteVI a ki ,R.5 bAuts6 -.( ,,f ---. ) ( ' 5- --N-\4-*,' 3- - - - NAk6.- I /CV \to i c.tSti\ riSS`k IA/ 00,4100Rqr et,4._e_ N,,, ,s Px \AN.eciJe_k \,voiZz -1 () .k.\,)).LA,\( N I D Clycel f, r 1 l/.�s q /vro s,, , / Cmvx J )(7/1A LACCe \ ) 5 Ar'kee t\ V ' yes Coll �rvl d-,, `"JSaI) `�0-7 y W, \fir .d i etP` Le y4,s C,,v\._ S1.10. �� co vtAiSS l..J 7 R Yt✓Ls �g- li y ,,Ve (,), A k„ ,47/ . 24,- .,, 1 of 1 0-(> 10/ice/ w i (?bl,c C4w,t,y,..r,t IyA-eke.hla.nk l 1 City of Eagle Foothills Recreation Concept Plan—City of Eagle, ldah za' T' .t _ -e¢¢'r ~ ,y` ,�LL��.wAy',d�2F.. On December 27,2007, a pre-annexation/development agreement was signed between the City of Eagle and M3 Eagle/Spring Valley. This agreement initiated the process that eventually resulted in a 30-year development agreement (Development Standards and Design Guidelines), and the annexation of 6,000+ acres of private lands (Spring Valley), and roughly 1,600 acres of BLM lands into the City of Eagle. The final annexation agreement was signed and implemented on November 10, 2009 under City Ordinance 634. Since the City of Eagle annexed the private lands and the BLM lands, those BLM lands annexed into the city limits were now required to comply with local laws and ordinances, with enforcement authority by local law enforcement,pursuant to 43 CFR § 8365.1-7 (See below). Title 43. Public Lands: Interior-- Subtitle B. Regulations Relating to Public Lands-- Chapter II. BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT,DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Subchapter H. RECREATION PROGRAMS --Part 8369.VISITOR SERVICES --Subpart 8365. Rules of Conduct--Section 8365.1-7. State and local laws.---43 CFR § 8365.1-7 8365.1-7 State and local laws. Except as otherwise provided by Federal law or regulation, State and local laws and ordinances ______.-, shall apply and be enforced by the appropriate State and local authorities. This includes, but is not limited to, State and local laws and ordinances governing: (a) Operation and use of motor vehicles, aircraft and boats; (b) Hunting and fishing; (c) Use offzrearms or other weapons; (d) Injury to persons, or destruction or damage to property; (e)Air and water pollution; (9 Littering; (g) Sanitation; (h) Use of fire; (i) Pets; 6) Forest products; and (k) Caves. 4 23 • City of Eagle Foothills Recreation Concept Plan—City of Eagle, (doh As an example, once annexed the BLM lands fell under section 5-2-3 of the Eagle City Ordinance, which makes it: unlawful for any person to discharge a firearm, pellet gun, or air gun within the corporate limits of the city; provided, that this section shall not be construed to prohibit any officer of the law from discharging a firearm in the performance of his or her duties, nor to prohibit any person from discharging a firearm when lawfully defending any person or property (Ord. 145, 1-24-1989). As such, it is currently illegal under city code to discharge a firearm within the 1,600-acre BLM parcel: However, the City of Eagle has not actively enforce ther s or o city co es wit in the BLM lands since the 2009 annexation based on the historic use of the area by the public for recreation and the limited resources available to city law enforcement officials. Similarly, the City of Eagle has not managed or enforced any of the other uses outlined under Title 43 that fall under the City's control, including but not limited to: operation and use of motor vehicles; hunting and fishing; littering; use of fire; pets; and others. As such, there has been no clear direction in how best to manage these public lands to address multiple user groups, reduce user conflicts, and protect existing resources. Furthermore, increased use of the area and development pressure directly adjacent to these lands is creating greater conflicts and potential safety issues. In order to address these and future issues, the City of Eagle developed a recreation pole and initiated a citizen work group through(Resolution 20-21). The recreation poltwas used to identify the issues and concerns of the citizens of eagle related to recreational activities, as well as the type of use and users that would be affected by this concept plan. The pol.4 received over 1,100 submittals and was submitted to the working group for support materials. The Work Group The work group was tasked to advise and make recommendations to the Eagle City Council regarding a recreation within the 1,600 acres, and to develop a recreation concept plan for submittal to the BLM for incorporation into their resource management planning process. The seven-person citizen work group is comprised of four at large members and three members from the City's Parks Pathways and Recreation Commission(PPRC). The four"At Large" members were selected through an application and interview process conducted by the City Mayor, Council, and staff. These four volunteers represented the citizens of Eagle as well as the users in the area. They represented equestrians, hunters, shooters, hikers, bikers, residence in close proximity to the BLM lands, and much more. They gave up their time because they care about recreation, conservation, and the City we live in. These members are: • Kathryn Colson • William Johnson 5 ( 23 cc_ IoIo-I ' City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page 1 Check Issue Dates 9/30/2021-10/12/2021 Oct 12,2021 12 59PM Report Criteria- Report type GL detail Bank Bank account="82007705" Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount 31341 09/30/2021 31341 ESRI.Inc QUOTATION#2594 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 400 00- Total 31341 400 00- 31445 09/30/2021 31445 Daniella Putnam REC CLASS REIMB 17-0422-11-00 REFUNDS-PARK REC PROGRAMS 40 00- Total 31445 40 00- 31467 09/30/2021 31467 Grizzly Electric-Chen Archibald 1316 W PEAK BELL 13-0413-29-05 ELECTRICAL PERMIT REFUND 65 00- Total 31467 65 00- 31486 09/30/2021 31486 John McCarthy 040120 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00- Total 31486 75 00- 31523 09/30/2021 31523 Patrick Dimla 040120 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00- Total 31523 75 00- 31661 09/30/2021 31661 Andrea Wehrer 041420 01-0425-03-00 TREE REBATE PROGRAM 100 00- Total 31661 100 00- 1969 09/30/2021 31969 Jenay Furman 050720 17-0416-00-00 CONTRACT-PERMITS-CAMPS/CLASS 50 00- 09/30/2021 31969 Jenay Furman 051420 17-0416-00-00 CONTRACT-PERMITS-CAMPS/CLASS 50 00- 09/30/2021 31969 Jenay Furman 052120 17-0416-00-00 CONTRACT-PERMITS-CAMPS/CLASS 50 00- 09/30/2021 31969 Jenay Furman ART CLASS 0428/3 17-0416-00-00 CONTRACT-PERMITS-CAMPS/CLASS 100 00- Total 31969 250 00- 31985 09/30/2021 31985 Rebecca Barnes UTILITY FINAL 99-0107-00-00 CASH CLEARING-UTILITY BILLING 6 27- Total 31985 6 27- 32124 09/30/2021 32124 Greg Descargar 060220 01-0425-03-00 TREE REBATE PROGRAM 25 42- Total 32124 25 42- 32236 09/30/2021 32236 Stephanie Ayer 061020 60-0347-05-00 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 25 50- Total 32236 25 50- City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page 2 Check Issue Dates 9/30/2021-10/12/2021 Oct 12,2021 12 59PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount 32445 09/30/2021 32445 Kelly Cashen184 93- UTILITY FINAL-745 99-0107-00-00 CASH CLEARING UTILITY BILLING Total 32445 184 93- 32484 09/30/2021 32484 Travis Campbell UTILITY FINAL 99-0107-00-00 CASH CLEARING-UTILITY BILLING 7 30- Total 32484 7 30- 32542 09/30/2021 32542 Michael Cole MASK REFUND 01-0413-54-00 COVID-19 FACE MASK PURCHASES 30 00- Total 32542 30 00- 32900 09/30/2021 32900 Suzanne Ely EVENT REFUND 09-0468-01-00 EVENT REFUNDS 15 00- Total 32900 15 00- 33090 09/30/2021 33090 Emma Brooks UTILITY FINAL 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 40 19- Total 33090 40 19- 33448 09/30/2021 33446 Abby Holt COUNTRY CHRIST 09-0468-02-00 CHRISTMAS MARKET REFUND 35 00- Total 33448 35 DO- 33464 09/30/2021 33464 Brandon Howard UTILITY FINAL 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 36 81- Total 33464 36 81- 33549 09/30/2021 33549 Tracy Patton COUNTRY CHRIST 09-0468-02-00 CHRISTMAS MARKET REFUND 35 00- Total 33549 35 00- 36114 09/30/2021 36114 Blackletter Signs&Design 0013 07-0463-03-00 EXHIBIT CONSTRUCTION 475 00- Total 36114 475 00- 36179 10/07/2021 36179 Caldwell Transportation Company 31968-BALANCE 17-0423-02-00 FIELD TRIPS 37 50- Total 36179 37 50- 36208 09/30/2021 36208 AAF International 1241342 23-0442-01-00 BLDG MAINTENANCE&REPAIR 226 74 Total 36208 226 74 36209 09/30/2021 36209 Albertsons/Safeway 00664520 01-0462-01-00 PUBLIC RELATIONS 56 36 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-11 Page 3 Check Issue Dates 9/30/2021-10/12/2021 Oct 12,2021 12 59PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount 09/30/2021 36209 Albertsons/Safeway 00666240 09-0467-06-00 EAGLE HARVEST FEST 29 95 09/30/2021 36209 Albertsons/Safeway 00667576 01-0462-01-00 PUBLIC RELATIONS 40 95 09/30/2021 36209 Albertsons/Safeway 00723239 06-0455-00-00 CLASSES&EVENTS 45 99 09/30/2021 36209 Albertsons/Safeway 00805313 06-0455-00-00 CLASSES&EVENTS 48 43 09/30/2021 36209 Albertsons/Safeway 803139 01-0462-01-00 PUBLIC RELATIONS 2647 09/30/2021 36209 Albertsons/Safeway 804561 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 44 70 09/30/2021 36209 Albertsons/Safeway 805517 06-0455-00-00 CLASSES&EVENTS 78 57 Total 36209 371 42 36210 09/30/2021 36210 Amazon Capital Services 1 CHW-KDHX-DN4 06-0420-01-00 ADMINISTRATION 77 76 Total 36210, 77 78 36211 09/30/2021 36211 Andrea Wehrer 041420 01-0425-03-00 TREE REBATE PROGRAM 100 00 Total 36211 100 00 36212 09/30/2021 36212 Atlas Technical Consultants,LLC 189128 19-0465-06-00 EXPANSION OF CITY HALL 151 00 Total 36212 151 00 36213 09/30/2021 36213 Baker&Taylor 2036214319 06-0450-00-00 BOOKS 201 46 09/30/2021 36213 Baker&Taylor 2036214319 06-0450-01-00 PRINT VENDOR PROCESSING 27 72 Total 36213 229 18 36214 09/30/2021 36214 Boise Office Equipment IN2164230 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 37 23 Total 36214 37 23 36215 09/30/2021 36215 Brandon Howard UTILITY FINAL 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 36 81 Total 36215 36 81 36216 09/30/2021 36216 B's Ace Hardware 1148128 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 13 99 09/30/2021 36216 B's Ace Hardware 117926 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 12 99 09/30/2021 36216 B's Ace Hardware 118065 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 56 14 09/30/2021 36216 B's Ace Hardware 118076 60-0434-26-00 TOOLS,EQUIPMENT AND SUPPS 22 17 09/30/2021 36216 B's Ace Hardware 118441 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 14132 09/30/2021 36216 B's Ace Hardware 118815 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 1 49 09/30/2021 36216 B's Ace Hardware 118867 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 29 99 09/30/2021 36216 B's Ace Hardware 119251 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 41 34 09/30/2021 36216 B's Ace Hardware 119633 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 4 95 09/30/2021 36216 B's Ace Hardware 119678 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 23 58 09/30/2021 36216 B's Ace Hardware 119869 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 16 58 09/30/2021 36216 B's Ace Hardware 119871 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 9 99 09/30/2021 36216 B's Ace Hardware 119872 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 4 99 09/30/2021 36216 B's Ace Hardware 119931 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 2 99 09/30/2021 36216 B's Ace Hardware 119971 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 22 83 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page 4 Check Issue Dates 9/30/2021-10/12/2021 Oct 12,2021 12 59PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount 09/30/2021 36216 B's Ace Hardware 120061 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 16 18 09/30/2021 36216 B's Ace Hardware 120253 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 29 90 ' 09/30/2021 36216 B's Ace Hardware 120266 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 48 96 09/30/2021 36216 B's Ace Hardware 120322 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 7 98 09/30/2021 36216 B's Ace Hardware 120501 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 35 00 09/30/2021 36216 B's Ace Hardware 120766 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 22 33 09/30/2021 36216 B's Ace Hardware 121094 09-0467-05-00 GENERAL EVENTS 49 99 09/30/2021 36216 B's Ace Hardware 121177 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 1 68 09/30/2021 36216 B's Ace Hardware 121185 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 9 99 09/30/2021 36216 B's Ace Hardware 121395 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 14 98 09/30/2021 36216 B's Ace Hardware 121423 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 6 58 09/30/2021 36216 B's Ace Hardware 121552 07-0463-03-00 EXHIBIT CONSTRUCTION 13 57 09/30/2021 36216 B's Ace Hardware 121594 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 15 98 09/30/2021 36216 B's Ace Hardware 121619 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 12 99 09/30/2021 36216 B's Ace Hardware 121632 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 18 99 09/30/2021 36216 B's Ace Hardware 121715 17-0423-00-01 REC SUPPLIES-TEAM SPORTS 31 96 09/30/2021 36216 B's Ace Hardware 122098 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 14 98 09/30/2021 36216 B's Ace Hardware 122102 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 40 98 09/30/2021 36216 B's Ace Hardware 122191 60-0434-26-00 TOOLS,EQUIPMENT AND SUPPS 9 17 09/30/2021 36216 B's Ace Hardware 122299 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 19 99 09/30/2021 36216 B's Ace Hardware 122308 17-0423-00-01 REC SUPPLIES-TEAM SPORTS 20 98 09/30/2021 36216 B's Ace Hardware 122396 23-0460-01-00 EQUIPMENT 109 99 09/30/2021 36216 B's Ace Hardware 122453 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 26 98 09/30/2021 36216 B's Ace Hardware 122737 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 224 97 09/30/2021 36216 B's Ace Hardware 122826 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 80 87 09/30/2021 36216 B's Ace Hardware 122936 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 4 59 09/30/2021 36216 B's Ace Hardware 122937 23-0460-01-00 EQUIPMENT 379 99 09/30/2021 36216 B's Ace Hardware 122996 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 9 99 09/30/2021 36216 B's Ace Hardware 123149 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 63 96 09/30/2021 36216 B's Ace I-lardware 123565 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 18 98 09/30/2021 36216 B's Ace Hardware 123629 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 6 00 09/30/2021 36216 B's Ace Hardware 123638 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 7 50 09/30/2021 36216 B's Ace Hardware 123775 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 71 99 09/30/2021 36216 B's Ace Hardware 123923 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 28 95 Total 36216 1,683 26 36217 09/30/2021 36217 CenturyLink SEPT 2021 ALARM 23-0442-04-00 UTILITIES 130 45 Total 36217 130 45 36218 09/30/2021 36218 Checkr Inc REC BACKGROUN 17-0422-10-00 BACKGROUND CHECKS 1.024 40 Total 36218 1.024 40 36219 09/30/2021 36219 Commercial Tire 14354 23-0417-02-00 GAS AND OIL 40 05 Total 36219 40 05 36220 09/30/2021 36220 Core&Main LP P585208 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 416 03 Total 36220 418 03 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page 5 Check Issue Dates 9/30/2021-10/12/2021 Oct 12,2021 12 59PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount 36221 09/30/2021 36221 D&B Supply 19258 60-0434-26-00 TOOLS,EQUIPMENT AND SUPPS 21 99 09/30/2021 36221 D&B Supply 64665 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 74 96 09/30/2021 36221 D&B Supply 66325 60-0434-68-00 UNIFORMS 100 00 09/30/2021 36221 D&8 Supply 70054 60-0434-68-00 UNIFORMS 100 00 09/30/2021 36221 D&B Supply 70111 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 399 98 Total 36221 696 93 36222 09/30/2021 36222 Danielle Putnam REC CLASS REIMB 17-0422-11-00 REFUNDS-PARK REC PROGRAMS 40 00 Total 36222 40 00 36223 09/30/2021 36223 De Lags Landen Financial Svc 73878730 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 1,285 03 Total 36223 1,285 03 36224 09/30/2021 36224 Eagle Defense,LLC 1020 17-0423-01-00 UNIFORMS 48 00 Total 36224. 48 00 36225 09/30/2021 36225 Eagle United Methodist Church 365 17-0423-03-00 FACILITY RENTAL 1.475 00 Total 36225 1,475 00 36226 09/30/2021 36226 Emma Brooks UTILITY FINAL 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 40 19 Total 36226 40 19 36227 09/30/2021 36227 Findaway World LLC 363633 06-0450-04-00 MEDIA 624 65 09/30/2021 36227 Findaway World LLC 363634 06-0450-04-00 MEDIA 573 65 09/30/2021 36227 Findaway World LLC 363635 06-0450-04-00 MEDIA 2,995 73 09/30/2021 36227 Findaway World LLC 363636 06-0450-04-00 MEDIA 2,549 58 09/30/2021 36227 Findaway World LLC 363638 06-0450-04-00 MEDIA 539 67 09/30/2021 36227 Findaway World LLC 363667 06-0450-04-00 MEDIA 2,308 07 09/30/2021 36227 Findaway World LLC 363828 06-0450-04-00 MEDIA 3,275 74 Total 36227 12,867 09 36228 09/30/2021 36228 Gale 75842350 06-0450-00-00 BOOKS 148 79 Total 36228 148 79 36229 09/30/2021 36229 Grainger-Dept 868555954 1426514154 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 245 00 Total 36229 245 00 36230 09/30/2021 36230 Greg Descargar 060220 01-0425-03-00 TREE REBATE PROGRAM 25 42 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page 6 Check Issue Dates 9/30/2021-10/12/2021 Oct 12,2021 12 59PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount Total 36230 25 42 36231 09/30/2021 36231 Grizzly Electric-Chen Archibald 1316 W PEAK BELL 13-0413-29-05 ELECTRICAL PERMIT REFUND 65 00 Total 36231 65 00 36232 09/30/2021 36232 HECO Engineers 46579 60-0434-42-00 ENGINEERING SERVICES 2,021 25 09/30/2021 36232 HECO Engineers 46580 19-0471-00-00 FEMA PA Grant-Flooding 536 25 09/30/2021 36232 HECO Engineers 46581 60-0438-05-02 HORSESHOE BND1-GREENBROOK 2,483 25 09/30/2021 36232 HECO Engineers 46582 60-0438-10-00 WATER MASTER PLAN-UPDATE 9,040 00 09/30/2021 36232 HECO Engineers 46588 01-0413-31-00 ENGINEERING FEE/DEVELOPER CHG 337 50 Total 36232 14,418 25 36233 09/30/2021 36233 Holland&Hart LLP 1923339 01-0416-02-02 LITIGATION ATTORNEYS FEES 1,190 00 Total 36233 1,190 00 36234 09/30/2021 36234 Home Depot Credit Services 0052250 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 51 91 09/30/2021 36234 Home Depot Credit Services 8613449 60-0434-26-00 TOOLS,EQUIPMENT AND SUPPS 4 37 09/30/2021 36234 Home Depot Credit Services 9024430 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 98 72 09/30/2021 36234 Home Depot Credit Services 9622814 60-0434-26-00 TOOLS,EQUIPMENT AND SUPPS 37 46 Total 36234 192 46 36235 09/30/2021 36235 Idaho Correctional Industries 038671 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 700 00 Total 36235 700 00 36236 09/30/2021 36236 Ingram Book Company 55076194 06-0450-00-00 BOOKS 5 79 Total 36236 5 79 36237 09/30/2021 36237 Jenay Furman 050720 17-0416-00-00 CONTRACT-PERMITS-CAMPS/CLASS 50 00 09/30/2021 36237 Jenay Furman 051420 17-0416-00-00 CONTRACT-PERMITS-CAMPS/CLASS 50 00 09/30/2021 36237 Jenay Furman 052120 17-0416-00-00 CONTRACT-PERMITS-CAMPS/CLASS 50 00 09/30/2021 36237 Jenay Furman ART CLASS 0428/3 17-0416-00-00 CONTRACT-PERMITS-CAMPS/CLASS 100 00 Total 36237 250 00 36238 09/30/2021 36238 John McCarthy 040120 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 Total 36238 75 00 36239 09/30/2021 36239 Kelly Cashen UTILITY FINAL-745 99-0107-00-00 CASH CLEARING-UTILITY BILLING 184 93 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page 7 Check Issue Dates 9/30/2021-10/12/2021 Oct 12,2021 12 59PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount Total 36239 184 93 36240 09/30/2021 36240 Laserfiche 2022 EMPOWER R 18-0413-03-00 TRAINING 1,19900 Total 36240 1.199 00 36241 09/30/2021 36241 Library Ideas,LLC 84982 06-0450-02-00 BOOKS-DIGITAL 180 00 Total 36241 180 00 36242 09/30/2021 36242 MASTERCARD 1137-EZ 9/21 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 255 99 09/30/7021 36242 MASTERCARD 1137-EZ 9/21 23-0417-01-00 VEHICLE MTNC&REPAIR 227 37 09/30/2021 36242 MASTERCARD 1137-EZ 9/21 23-0449-02-00 EQUIPMENT MTNC&REPAIR 1.148 58 09/30/2021 36242 MASTERCARD 1137-EZ 9/21 23-0452-02-00 EQUIPMENT MI NC&REPAIR 1,365 60 09/30/2021 36242 MASTERCARD 1137-EZ 9/21 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 373 59 09/30/2021 36242 MASTERCARD 1137-EZ 9/21 23-0413-04-00 TRAINING 169 00 09/30/2021 36242 MASTERCARD 1137-EZ 9/21 23-0460-01-00 EQUIPMENT 1 771 12 09/30/2021 36242 MASTERCARD 1137-EZ 9/21 23-0420-00-00 MTNC/REPAIR EQUIPMENT 275 00 09/30/2021 36242 MASTERCARD 1137-EZ 9/21 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 15 85 09/30/2021 36242 MASTERCARD 1137-EZ 9/21 23-0417-01-00 VEHICLE MTNC&REPAIR 1,004 67 ' 09/30/2021 36242 MASTERCARD 1137-EZ 9/21 23-0417-01-00 VEHICLE MTNC&REPAIR 468 84 09/30/7021 36242 MASTERCARD 1137-EZ 9/21 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 31 98 09/30/2021 36242 MASTERCARD 1137-EZ 9/21 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 48 80 09/30/2021 36242 MASTERCARD 1728-MUSEUM 9/2 07-0463-01-00 DISPLAY SUPPLIES 8 47 09/30/2021 36242 MASTERCARD 1728-MUSEUM 9/2 07-0463-01-00 DISPLAY SUPPLIES 16 94 09/30/2021 36242 MASTERCARD 1728-MUSEUM 9/2 07-0463-01-00 DISPLAY SUPPLIES 47 60 09/30/2021 36242 MASTERCARD 1728-MUSEUM 9/2 07-0461-04-00 TRAVEL&PER DIEM 70 00 09/30/2021 36242 MASTERCARD 1728-MUSEUM 9/2 07-0462-32-00 ARCHIVAL SUPPLIES 37 65 09/30/2021 36242 MASTERCARD 1728-MUSEUM 9/2 07-0461-04-00 TRAVEL&PER DIEM 93840 09/30/2021 36242 MASTERCARD 2612-PT 09/21 17-0423-00-01 REC SUPPLIES-TEAM SPORTS 29 98 09/30/2021 36242 MASTERCARD 2612-PT 09/21 21-0425-00-00 COMMUNITY EVENTS 450 00 09/30/2021 36242 MASTERCARD 2612-PT 09/21 09-0467-06-00 EAGLE HARVEST FEST 39 10 09/30/2021 36242 MASTERCARD 2612-PT 09/21 21-0425-00-00 COMMUNITY EVENTS 26,49 09/30/2021 36242 MASTERCARD 2612-PT 09/21 21-0425-00-00 COMMUNITY EVENTS 286 59 09/30/2021 36242 MASTERCARD 2612-PT 09/21 17-0422-09-00 TRAVEUPER DIEM 10 00 09/30/2021 36242 MASTERCARD 3577-COE 9/21 01-0462-01-00 PUBLIC RELATIONS 178.56 09/30/2021 36242 MASTERCARD 3577-COE 9/21 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 279 74 09/30/2021 36242 MASTERCARD 3577-COE 9/21 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 281 20 09/30/2021 36242 MASTERCARD 3577-COE 9/21 23-0460-00-00 TOOLS 11000 09/30/2021 36242 MASTERCARD 3577-COE 9/21 01-0462-01-00 PUBLIC RELATIONS 143 03 09/30/2021 36242 MASTERCARD 3577-COE 9/21 23-0460-00-00 TOOLS 281 70 09/30/2021 36242 MASTERCARD 3577-COE 9/21 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 60 31 09/30/2021 36242 MASTERCARD 3577-COE 9/21 23-0417-01-00 VEHICLE MTNC&REPAIR 853 88 09/30/2021 36242 MASTERCARD 3577-COE 9/21 23-0414-04-00 HOLIDAY LIGHTING 1,421 26 09/30/2021 36242 MASTERCARD 3577-COE 9/21 01-0413-28-00 RESOURCE MATERIALS 17 33 09/30/2021 36242 MASTERCARD 5249-AC 9/21 23-0417-01-00 VEHICLE MTNC&REPAIR 102 71 09/30/2021 36242 MASTERCARD 5249-AC 9/21 23-0415-08-00 LIBRARY FLOORING 315 00 09/30/2021 36242 MASTERCARD 5249-AC 9/21 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 66 11 09/30/2021 36242 MASTERCARD 5249-AC 9/21 23-0449-01-00 BLDGS/STRUCTURES MTNC &REPAI 163 94 09/30/2021 36242 MASTERCARD 5249-AC 9/21 23-0420-00-00 MTNC/REPAIR EQUIPMENT 143 30 09/30/2021 36242 MASTERCARD 5249-AC 9/21 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 131 44 09/30/2021 36242 MASTERCARD 5249-AC 9/21 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 60 00 09/30/2021 36242 MASTERCARD 5272-WV SEPT 202 14-0413-14-00 PROFESSIONAL DUES 176 00 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page 8 Check Issue Dates 9/30/2021-10/12/2021 Oct 12.2021 12 59PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount 09/30/2021 36242 MASTERCARD 5272-WV SEPT 202 14-0413-12-00 PERSONNEL TRAINING 150 00 09/30/2021 36242 MASTERCARD 5439-KR 092921 01-0462-01-00 PUBLIC RELATIONS 16 96 09/30/2021 36242 MASTERCARD 5454-JF 09/21 60-0434-59-00 CHEMICALS 2,210-00 09/30/2021 36242 MASTERCARD 7742-LS 09/21 17-0422-03-00 PRINTING AND PUBLISHING 11940 09/30/2021 36242 MASTERCARD 7742-LS 09/21 09-0467-06-00 EAGLE HARVEST FEST 149 80 09/30/2021 36242 MASTERCARD 7742-LS 09/21 09-0467-06-00 EAGLE HARVEST FEST 1500 09/30/2021 36242 MASTERCARD 7742-LS 09/21 09-0467-06-00 EAGLE HARVEST FEST 167 20 09/30/2021 36242 MASTERCARD 9731-DN 9/21 17-0423-00-01 REC SUPPLIES-TEAM SPORTS 40 25 09/30/2021 36242 MASTERCARD 9731-DN 9/21 17-0423-00-01 REC SUPPLIES-TEAM SPORTS 55 92 Total 36242 16,827 65 36243 09/30/2021 36243 McClatchy Company 128574 01-0413-08-00 LEGAL ADVERTISING/PUBLICATION 74 00 09/30/2021 36243 McClatchy Company 128926 14-0413-08-00 LEGAL ADS&PUBLICATIONS 49 60 09/30/2021 36243 McClatchy Company 142696 14-0413-08-00 LEGAL ADS&PUBLICATIONS 39 24 Total 36243 162 84 36244 09/30/2021 36244 Midwest Tape 501047386 06-0450-04-00 MEDIA 80 22 Total 36244 80 22 36245 09/30/2021 36245 NAPA Auto Parts 201976 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 15 04 09/30/2021 36245 NAPA Auto Parts 201984 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 7 52 09/30/2021 36245 NAPA Auto Parts 202351 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 196 28 09/30/2021 36245 NAPA Auto Paris 202370 23-04'14-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES • 17 94 09/30/2021 36245 NAPA Auto Parts 203383 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 12 98 Total 36245 249 76 36246 09/30/2021 36246 Patrick Dimla 040120 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 Total 36246 75 00 36247 09/30/2021 36247 Rocky Mountain Electric 37330 06-0466-00-00 CAPITAL BUILDING 2,206 32 Total 36247 2,206 32 36248 09/30/2021 36248 Silver Creek Supply 5199321-001 CHRI 23-0414-04-00 HOLIDAY LIGHTING 4,544 05 Total 36248 4,544 05 36249 09/30/2021 36249 Simplot Turf&Horticulture 216055836 23-0462-01-00 SPRAYING/FERTILIZING 3,231 25 09/30/2021 36249 Simplot Turf&Horticulture 216056260 23-0462-01-00 SPRAYING/FERTILIZING 2,510 00 09/30/2021 36249 Simplot Turf&Horticulture 216056291 23-0462-01-00 SPRAYING/FERTILIZING 254 25 Total 36249 5,995 50 36250 09/30/2021 36250 Staples Credit Plan 291653082 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 69 90 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page 9 Check Issue Dates 9/30/2021-10/12/2021 Oct 12.2021 12 59PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount I 09/30/2021 36250 Staples Credit Plan 291778834 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 58 62 09/30/2021 36250 Staples Credit Plan 291795169 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 28.36 09/30/2021 36250 Staples Credit Plan 292276903 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 153 29 09/30/2021 36250 Staples Credit Plan 292277717 14-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 9 18 09/30/2021 36250 Staples Credit Plan 292381881 60-0434-15-00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 59 99 09/30/2021 36250 Staples Credit Plan 292785365 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 47 96 09/30/2021 36250 Staples Credit Plan 293357234 60-0434-15-00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 10 99 09/30/2021 36250 Staples Credit Plan 293357234 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 125 95 09/30/2021 36250 Staples Credit Plan 293357268 60-0434-15-00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 528 98 09/30/2021 36250 Staples Credit Plan 293702404 13-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 149 97 09/30/2021 36250 Staples Credit Plan 293715909 13-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 59 99 09/30/2021 36250 Staples Credit Plan 293751903 07-0462-31-00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 149 97 09/30/2021 36250 Staples Credit Plan 293751903 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 11571 Total 36250 1.568 86 36251 09/30/2021 36251 Stephanie Ayer 061020 60-0347-05-00 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 25 50 Total 36251 25 50 36252 09/30/2021 36252 TIAA Commercial Finance 8447249 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 453 94 Total 36252 453 94 36253 09/30/2021 36253 T-Mobile LIBRARY SEPT 20 06-0450-07-00 HOTSPOT 325 08 Total 36253 325 08 36254 09/30/2021 36254 Trademark 4571 23-0415-08-00 LIBRARY FLOORING 20,900 00 Total 36254 20,900 00 36255 09/30/2021 36255 ULINE 138885559 06-0420-01-00 ADMINISTRATION 86 72 09/30/2021 36255 ULINE 139217869 06-0420-05-00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 97240 Total 36255 1,059 12 36256 09/30/2021 36256 Brian C McCarthy 13 07-0463-03-00 EXHIBIT CONSTRUCTION 475 00 Total 36256 475 00 36257 09/30/2021 36257 CompuNet,Inc LB410802 179596 18-0419-03-00 SOFTWARE PURCHASES 7,656 00 Total 36257 7,656 00 36258 09/30/2021 36258 David Duperault SEPT 2021 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 120 00 Total 36258 120 00 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page 10 Check Issue Dates 9/30/2021-10/12/2021 Oct 12,2021 12 59PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount 36259 09/30/2021 36259 Eagle Chamber Of Commerce 203220 11-0422-01-00 COMMUNITY/STAFF RELATIONS 15 00 Total 36259 15 00 36260 09/30/2021 36260 Fishers Technology 948089 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 53 89 Total 36260 53 89 36261 09/30/2021 36261 Fred Fritchman 092821 07-0463-03-00 EXHIBIT CONSTRUCTION 835 96 Total 36261 835 96 36262 09/30/2021 36262 Garrett Dawson UTILITY FINAL 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 69 37 Total 36262* 69 37 36263 09/30/2021 36263 James Mihan SEPT 2021 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 70 00 Total 36263 70 00 36264 09/30/2021 36264 Louis Germano SEPT 2021 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 50 00 Total 36264 50 00 36265 99/30/2021 36265 Meridian Trophy,Inc M7269014 01-0462-02-00 AWARDS 8,RECOGNITIONS 19 95 Total 36265 19 95 36266 09/30/2021 36266 Nancy Merrill SEPT 2021 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 120 00 Total 36266 120 00 36267 09/30/2021 36267 Pacific Office Automation 660356 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 91 74 Total 36267 91 74 36268 09/30/2021 36268 Robert Grubb SEPT 2021 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 70 00 Total 36268 70 00 36269 09/30/2021 36269 Silver Creek Supply 0005189151-001 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 116 92 09/30/2021 36269 Silver Creek Supply 0005195098-001 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 12 94 Total 36269 129 86 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page 11 Check Issue Dates 9/30/2021-10/12/2021 Oct 12,2021 12 59PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount 36270 09/30/2021 36270 Terry L Sayer SEPT 2021 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 120 00 Total 36270 120 00 36271 09/30/2021 36271 Walter John Lindgren SEPT 2021 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 120 00 Total 36271 120 00 36272 09/30/2021 36272 Abby Holt COUNTRY CHRIST 09-0468-02-00 CHRISTMAS MARKET REFUND 35 00 Total 36272 35 00 36273 09/30/2021 36273 Tracy Patton COUNTRY CHRIST 09-0468-02-00 CHRISTMAS MARKET REFUND 35 00 Total 36273 35 00 36274 10/12/2021 36274 ACS-Advanced Control Systems 35690 60-0434-19-00 TELECOMMUNICATIONS/SCADA 478 U0 Total 36274 478 00 36275 10/12/2021 36275 Ada County Prosecuting Attorney OCTOBER 2021 01-0416-05-00 PROSECUTOR 5,337 00 Total 36275 5,337 00 36276 10/12/2021 36276 Ain Indermitte UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 Total 36776' 75 00 36277 10/12/2021 36277 Albertsons/Safeway 807910-092921-018 06-0455-00-00 CLASSES&EVENTS 87 33 Total 36277 87 33 36278 10/12/2021 36278 ALC Architecture REZONE APP WIT 14-0413-26-00 REIMBURSE-ANNEX/ZONING/DR FEE 1.866 54 Total 36278 1,866 54 36279 10/12/2021 36279 Alex or Andrea Trask UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 Total 36279 75 00 36280 10/12/2021 36280 All Valley Fire Inspections&Svcs 34593 23-0443-01-00 BLOC MAINTENANCE&REPAIR 285 00 Total 36280 285 00 36281 10/12/2021 36281 Amazon Capital Services 1CLF-N3RV-DQ39 06-0455-00-00 CLASSES&EVENTS 48 23 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page 12 Check Issue Dates 9/30/2021-10/12/2021 Oct 12,2021 12 59PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount 10/12/2021 36281 Amazon Capital Services 1CLF-N3RV-X9LG 06-0450-00-00 BOOKS 108 86 10/12/2021 36281 Amazon Capital Services 1KC7-R1C9-VN1C 06-0420-05-00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 32 64 10/12/2021 36281 Amazon Capital Services 1KNN-99RC-JJF6 06-0420-07-00 SMALL FURNITURE REPLACEMENT 676 00 10/12/2021 36281 Amazon Capital Services 1KQF-1P37-JTQN 06-0455-00-00 CLASSES&EVENTS 62 96 10/12/2021 36281 Amazon Capital Services 10KD-747D-Q763 06-0450-00-00 BOOKS 359 12 Total 36281 1,287 81 36282 10/12/2021 36282 ASAPP 1284 09-0467-04-00 GAZEBO CONCERT SERIES 350 00 Total 36282 350.00 36283 10/12/2021 36283 Aspen Apartments,LLC OCTOBER 2021 60-0434-50-00 SHOP LEASE 900 00 10/12/2021 36283 Aspen Apartments,LLC OCTOBER 2021 23-0440-00-00 SHOP LEASE 1,973 54 Total 36283 2,873 54 36284 10/12/2021 36284 Association Of Idaho Cities 10639 01-0413-14-00 PROFESSIONAL DUES 12,679 60 Total 36284 12,679 60 36285 10/12/2021 36285 Baker&Taylor 2036220892 06-0450-00-00 BOOKS 258 61 10/12/2021 36285 Baker&Taylor 2036220892 06-0450-01-00 PRINT VENDOR PROCESSING 30 87 10/12/2021 36285 Baker&Taylor 2036223121 06-0450-00-00 BOOKS 216 69 10/12/2021 36285 Baker&Taylor 2036223121 06-0450-01-00 PRINT VENDOR PROCESSING 23 22 10/12/2021 36285 Baker&Taylor 2036229032 06-0450-00-00 BOOKS 227 28 10/12/2021 36285 Baker&Taylor 2036229032 06-0450-01-00 PRINT VENDOR PROCESSING 26 91 Total 36285 783 58 36286 10/12/2021 36286 Billing Document Specialists 78414 23-0421-01-00 SANITATION SERVICES 299 46 10/1212021 36286 Billing Document Specialists 78414 60-0434-47-00 MAIL.SERVICE-CUSTOMER BILLING 1,983 20 Total 36286 2,282 66 36287 10/12/2021 36287 Brian Moggan UTILITY FINAL 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 48 62 Total 36287 48 62 36288 10/12/2021 36288 Charles or Dorothy Wohlfeiler UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 Total 36288 75 00 36269 10/12/2021 36289 Christopher or Kathryn Renner UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 Total 36289 75 00 36290 10/12/2021 36290 Cintas 5071667535 06-0420-01-00 ADMINISTRATION 127 21 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page 13 Check Issue Dates:9/30/2021-10/12/2021 Oct 12,2021 12 59PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount 10/12/2021 36290 Cintas 5078277830 06-0420-01-00 ADMINISTRATION 29 90 Total 36290 157 11 36291 10/12/2021 36291 City Of Eagle BMX 10/21 23-0454-04-00 UTILITIES 132 10 10/12/2021 36291 City Of Eagle DOG PARK 10/21 23-0454-04-00 UTILITIES 33 56 10/12/2021 36291 City Of Eagle HWY 55 ENT 10/21 23-0455-04-00 UTILITIES 489 05 10/12/2021 36291 City Of Eagle OCT, NOV, DEC 20 60-0438-82-00 ROOM AND BOARD AT CITY HALL 3,201 00 10/12/2021 36291 City Of Eagle SPORTS COMPLX 23-0454-04-00 UTILITIES 1.461 78 10/12/2021 36291 City Of Eagle SPORTSMANS RS 23-0463-04-00 UTILITIES 79 93 Total 36291 5 397 42 36292 10/12/2021 36292 Colonial Flag Foundation 578 01-0422-06-00 FIELD OF HONOR 2,065 42 Total 36292 2,065 42 36293 10/12/2021 36293 Community Planning Association 222007 01-0413-14-00 PROFESSIONAL DUES 15,198 00 Total 36293 15.198 00 36294 10/12/2021 36294 Contodo Security Solutions CSS 11829 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 4,200 00 Total 36294 4,200 00 36295 10/12/2021 36295 Coni Rathbone or Gail Ott UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 0D Total 36295 75 00 36296 10/12/2021 36296 Courtney Duffy UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 Total 36296 75 00 36297 10/12/2021 36297 CTC Business OCT 2021 18-0417-01-00 INTERNET&PHONE SERVICES 406 63 Total 36297 406 63 36298 10/12/2021 36298 Dandy Cooper,LLC TANDEM RIDGE S 01-0203-01-01 BONDS DEPOSITS PAYABLE 38,520 00 Total 36298 38,520 00 36299 10/12/2021 36299 David Binetti UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 Total 36299 75 00 36300 10/12/2021 36300 David or Maria Anderson UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page 14 Check Issue Dates 9/30/2021-10/12/2021 Oct 12,2021 12 59PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount Total 36300 75 00 36301 10/12/2021 36301 Deborah Spohr UTILITY FINAL 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 36 56 Total 36301 36 56 36302 10/12/2021 36302 Delta Dental of Idaho OCTOBER 2021 17-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 167 04 10/12/2021 36302 Delta Dental of Idaho OCTOBER 2021 06-0217-07-00 LIBRARY HEALTH INSURANCE 204 01 10/12/2021 36302 Delta Dental of Idaho OCTOBER 2021 18-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 178 71 10/12/2021 36302 Delta Dental of Idaho OCTOBER 2021 23-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 360 29 10/12/2021 36302 Delta Dental of Idaho OCTOBER 2021 60-0217-07-00 WATER DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 482 70 10/12/2021 36302 Delta Dental of Idaho OCTOBER 2021 14-0217-07-00 P&Z DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 567 17 10/12/2021 36302 Delta Dental of Idaho OCTOBER 2021 13-0217-Of-00 BLDG DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 315 66 10/12/2021 36302 Delta Dental of Idaho OCTOBER 2021 26-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 178 71 10/12/2021 36302 Delta Dental of Idaho OCTOBER 2021 12-0217-07-00 CLERK DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 257 44 10/12/2021 36302 Delta Dental of Idaho OCTOBER 2021 07-0217-07-00 MUSEUM HEALTH INSURANCE 41 76 10/12/2021 36302 Delta Dental of Idaho OCTOBER 2021 11-0217-07-00 EXEC DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 41 76 Total 36302 2,795 25 36303 10/12/2021 36303 DEQ 20220462 60-0434-53-01 PUBLIC WATER DRINKING FEES 5,488 00 10/1212021 36303 DEQ 20220463 60-0434-53-01 PUBLIC WATER DRINKING FEES 6,624 00 Total 36303 12,112 00 36304 10/12/2021 36304 Drugfree Idaho 9318 01-0416-49-00 DRUGFREE IDAHO 128 05 Total 36304 128 05 36305 10/12/2021 36305 Eagle Sewer District 660 E CIVIC LN 10/ 23-0442-04-00 UTILITIES 144 00 10/12/2021 36305 Eagle Sewer District GUERBER PK 10/2 23-0449-04-00 UTILITIES 36 00 10/12/2021 36305 Eagle Sewer District HERITAGE PK 10/2 23-0450-04-00 UTILTIES 36 00 10/12/2021 36305 Eagle Sewer District MERRILL PK 10/21 23-0452-04-00 UTILITIES 36 00 10/12/2021 36305 Eagle Sewer District OCTOBER BILL 06-0464-02-00 UTILITIES 216 00 10/12/2021 36305 Eagle Sewer District SPORTS COMPLX 23-0454-04-00 UTILITIES 72 00 10/12/2021 36305 Eagle Sewer District SPORTSMAN RST 23-0463-04-00 UTILITIES 36 00 Total 36305 576 00 36306 10/12/2021 36306 Eagle United Methodist Church 366 17-0423-03-00 FACILITY RENTAL 1,412 50 • Total 36306 1,412 50 36307 10/12/2021 36307 EMRC-Ada County Emergency 40122 00 01-0413-14-00 PROFESSIONAL DUES 2.843 75 Total 36307 2,843 75 36308 10/12/2021 36308 Findaway World LLC 364009 06-0450-04-00 MEDIA 56 99 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page 15 Check Issue Dates 9/30/2021-10/12/2021 Oct 12,2021 12 59PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount Total 36308 56 99 36309 10/12/2021 36309 Gale 758555551 06-0450-00-00 BOOKS 70 67 10/12/2021 36309 Gale 75855794 06-0450-00-00 BOOKS 43 38 10/12/2021 36309 Gale 75856173 06-0450-00-00 BOOKS 48 98 Total 36309 163 03 36310 10/12/2021 36310 George Kuck or Amy Singleton UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 Total 36310 75 00 36311 10/12/2021 36311 George or Cheryl Martin UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 Total 36311 75 00 36312 10/12/2021 36312 Idaho Child Support Receipting 100821 CHLD SUP 23-0217-08-00 GARNISHMENT 103 84 10/12/2021 36312 Idaho Child Support Receipting 100821 CHLD SUP 23-0217-08-00 GARNISHMENT 138 46 Total 36312 242 30 36313 10/12/2021 36313 J P Cooke Co 690698 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 205 40 Total 36313 2205 40 36314 10/12/2021 36314 Jason or Kaci Dominguez UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 Total 36314 75 00 36315 10/12/2021 36315 Jenni Weber UTILITY FINAL 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 54 32 Total 36315 54 32 36316 10/12/2021 36316 Jessika Hulewsky UTII.ITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 Total 36316 75 00 36317 10/12/2021 36317 Jim Lepnlan or Bette Wright UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 Total 36317 75 00 36318 10/12/2021 36318 Joann Kraus or Bill Evans UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 Total 36318 75 00 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page 16 Check Issue Dates:9/30/2021-10/12/2021 Oct 12,2021 12 59PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount 36319 10/12/2021 36319 Joseph or Betty Jo Zappia UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 Total 36319 75 00 36320 10/12/2021 36320 Kanopy Inc 266374-PPU 06-0450-05-00 MEDIA-DIGITAL 270 00 Total 36320 270 00 36321 10/12/2021 36321 Lewis or Barbara Isbell UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 Total 36321 75 00 36322 10/12/2021 36322 Lindsay McCarty UTILITY FINAL 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 97 22 Total 36322 97 22 36323 10/12/2021 36323 MASTERCARD SEPTEMBER BILL 06-0420-01-00 ADMINISTRATION 8 00 10/12/2021 36323 MASTERCARD SEPTEMBER BILL 06-0420-04-00 MARKETING 2,418 00 10/12/2021 36323 MASTERCARD SEPTEMBER BILL 06-0420-11-00 SUBSCRIPTIONS&MEMBERSHIPS 60 00 10/12/2021 36323 MASTERCARD SEPTEMBER BILL 06-0435-00-00 CREDIT CARD PROCESSING FEE 5 00 10/12/2021 36323 MASTERCARD SEPTEMBER BILL 06-0455-00-00 CLASSES&EVENTS 798 88 10/12/2021 36323 MASTERCARD SEPTEMBER BILL 06-0463-08-00 VIRTUAL TRAINING 624 00 Total 36323 3,913 88 36324 10/12/2021 36324 Meridian Trophy,Inc M4854428 01-0462-02-00 AWARDS&RECOGNITIONS 19 95 10/12/2021 36324 Meridian Trophy,Inc ORDER#M293695 01-0462-02-00 AWARDS&RECOGNITIONS 189 85 Total 36324 209 80 36325 10/12/2021 36325 Michael Klinger UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 Total 36325 75 00 36326 10/12/2021 36326 Michelle Harris UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 Total 36326 75 00 36327 10/12/2021 36327 Midwest Tape 501061928 06-0450-04-00 MEDIA 356 33 10/12/2021 36327 Midwest Tape 501092907 06-0450-04-00 MEDIA 220 89 Total 36327 577 22 36328 10/12/2021 36328 MPLC 504369442 06-0420-11-00 SUBSCRIPTIONS&MEMBERSHIPS 197 79 Total 36328 197 79 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page 17 Check Issue Dates 9/30/2021-10/12/2021 Oct 12,2021 12 59PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount 36329 10/12/2021 35329 Nick Matters Productions 1723 21-0425-00-00 COMMUNITY EVENTS 250 00 Total 36329 250 00 36330 10/12/2021 36330 North Corridor,LLC SNOQUALMIE#14 01-0203-01-01 BONDS DEPOSITS PAYABLE 184,942 43 Total 36330 184,942 43 36331 I 10/12/2021 36331 Paige or Maor Vasserman UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 Total 36331 75 00 36332 10/12/2021 36332 Phillip or Charlene Jones UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 Total 36332 75 00 36333 10/12/2021 36333 Quest CPAs PLLC FY21 AUDIT 25% 01-0416-08-00 CITY AUDITOR SERVICES 4,938 00 Total 36333 4,938 00 36334 10/12/2021 36334 Raymond or Terry McDermott UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 Total 36334 75 00 36335 10/12/2021 36335 Regence Blueshield of Idaho 212550004211 14-0217-07-00 P&Z DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 8,131 65 10/12/2021 36335 Regence Blueshield of Idaho 212550004211 13-0217-07-00 BLDG DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 5,438 20 10/12/2021 36335 Regence Blueshield of Idaho 212550004211 06-0217-07-00 LIBRARY HEALTH INSURANCE 1,557 02 10/12/2021 36335 Regence Blueshield of Idaho 212550004211 26-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 914 94 10/12/2021 36335 Regence Blueshield of Idaho 212550004211 23-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 5,118 32 10/12/2021 36335 Regence Blueshield of Idaho 212550004211 12-0217-07-00 CLERK DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 5,331 14 10/12/2021 36335 Regence Blueshield of Idaho 212550004211 60-0217-07-00 WATER DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 3.926 25 10/12/2021 36335 Regence Blueshield of Idaho 212550004211 07-0217-07-00 MUSEUM HEALTH INSURANCE 499 14 10/12/2021 36335 Regence Blueshield of Idaho 212550004211 17-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 2.511 52 10/12/2021 36335 Regence Blueshield of Idaho 212550004211 18-0217.01-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 3.859 00 10/12/2021 36335 Regence Blueshield of Idaho 212550004211 11-0217-07-00 EXEC DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 335 99 10/12/2021 36335 Regence Blueshield of Idaho 212550004211 09-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 307 47 Total 36335 37,930 64 36336 10/12/2021 36336 Republic Services#884 0884-0011284 23-0442-04-00 UTILITIES 189 92 10/12/2021 36336 Republic Services#884 0884-001177346 23-0449-04-00 UTILITIES 1.287 16 10/12/2021 36336 Republic Services#884 0884-001177346 23-0452-04-00 UTILITIES 423 88 10/12/2021 36336 Republic Services#884 0884-001178077 23-0454-04-00 UTILITIES 359 70 10/12/2021 36336 Republic Services#884 0884-001178509 23-0421-01-00 SANITATION SERVICES 1,15387 10/12/2021 36336 Republic Services#884 0884-001187820 23-0450-04-00 UTILTIES 58 84 10/12/2021 36336 Republic Services#884 0884-001192910 06-0464-02-00 UTILITIES 189 92 Total 35336 3,663 29 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page 18 Check Issue Dates 9/30/2021-10/12/2021 Oct 12,2021 12 59PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount 36337 10/12/2021 36337 Rocky Mountain Electric 36332-1 06-0466-00-00 CAPITAL BUILDING 800 00 Total 36337 800 00 36338 ertll t 10/12/2021 36338 Samuel Henry Rodabaugh 6 21-0425-00-00 COMMUNITY EVENTS 25000 Total 36338 250 00 36339 10/12/2021 36339 Silver Creek Supply 0004958208-001 23-0460-01-00 EQUIPMENT 1,008 43 10/12/2021 36339 Silver Creek Supply 0004958208-002 23-0460-01-00 EQUIPMENT 8,384 00 10/12/2021 36339 Silver Creek Supply 0005087477-001 23-0460-01-00 EQUIPMENT 7,506 00 Total 36339 16.698 43 36340 10112/2021 36340 Sparklight Business OCT 2021 INTERN 18-0417-01-00 INTERNET&PHONE SERVICES 104 94 Total 36340 104 94 36341 0/12/2021 36341 Suzette Irvine UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 Total 36341 /5 00 36342 10/12/2021 36342 Terry or Melissa Ireland UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATERiSERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 Total 36342 75 00 36343 10/12/2021 36343 Tiffany Wendt UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 Total 36343 • 75.00 36344 10/12/2021 36344 U S Bancorp Equipment Finance 453949612 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 359 60 Total 36344 359 60 36345 10/12/2021 36345 ULINE 139004784 06-0420-07-00 SMALL FURNITURE REPLACEMENT 38 98 Total 36345 38 98 36346 10/12/2021 36346 United Heritage-Group Dept OCT 2021 09-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 22 95 10/12/2021 36346 United Heritage-Group Dept OCT 2021 18-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 142 35 10/12/2021 36346 United Heritage-Group Dept. OCT 2021 11-0217-07-00 EXEC DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 28 72 10/12/2021 36346 United Heritage-Group Dept. OCT 2021 23-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 275 84 10/12/2021 36346 United Heritage-Group Dept OCT 2021 13-0217-07-00 BLDG DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 160 48 10/12/2021 36346 United Heritage-Group Dept OCT 2021 26-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 80 93 10/12/2021 36346 United Heritage-Group Dept. OCT 2021 07-0217-07-00 MUSEUM HEALTH INSURANCE 28 72 10/12/2021 36346 United Heritage-Group Dept OCT 2021 12-0217-07-00 CLERK DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 207 40 10/12/2021 36346 United Heritage-Group Dept OCT 2021 17-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 148 62 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page 19 Check Issue Dates 9/30/2021-10/12/2021 Oct 12,2021 12 59PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount 10/12/2021 36346 United Heritage-Group Dept OCT 2021 60-0217-07-00 WATER DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 159 62 10/12/2021 36346 United Heritage-Group Dept OCT 2021 06-0217-07-00 LIBRARY HEALTH INSURANCE 123 15 10/12/2021 36346 United Heritage-Group Dept OCT 2021 14-0217-07-00 P&Z DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 388 99 Total 36346 1,767 77 36347 10/12/2021 36347 Valley Office Systems AR996223 06-0416-02-00 PHOTOCOPIERS 133 95 Total 36347 133 95 36348 10/12/2021 36348 Venzon Wireless 9889441672 18-0417-01-00 INTERNET&PHONE SERVICES 11 75 Total 36348. 11 75 36349 10/12/2021 36349 Waxie Sanitary Supply 80357564 23-0414-05-00 PAPER PRODUCTS 332 57 10/12/2021 36349 Waxie Sanitary Supply 80357565 23-0414-05-00 PAPER PRODUCTS 1,268 61 Total 36349 1,601 18 36350 10/12/2021 36350 Willamette Dental Insurance OCTOBER 2021 18-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 125 60 10/12/2021 36350 Willamette Dental Insurance OCTOBER 2021 13-0217-07-00 BLDG DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 21022 10/12/2021 36350 Willamette Dental Insurance OCTOBER 2021 23-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 250 40 10/12/2021 36350 Willamette Dental Insurance OCTOBER 2021 17-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 213 00 10/12/2021 36350 Willamette Dental Insurance OCTOBER 2021 09-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 62 60 10/12/2021 36350 Willamette Dental Insurance OCTOBER 2021 14-0217-07-00 P&Z DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 512 53 10/12/2021 36350 Willamette Dental Insurance OCTOBER 2021 12-0217-07-00 CLERK DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 125 60 Total 36350- 1,499 95 36351 10/12/2021 36351 William or Cheryl Row UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 Total 36351 75 00 309737 09/30/2021 309737 Ronald Dwyer UTILITY FINAL 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 71 68- Total 309737 71 68- Grand Totals 479,648 47 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page 20 Check Issue Dates 9/30/2021-10/12/2021 Oct 12,2021 12 59PM Dated Mayor City Council Report Criteria Report type GL detail Bank.Bank account="82007705" /O// -/ W October 5, 2021 Re:Application#:ZOA-01-21 Greetings Eagle City Council, I reside at 1450 Artesian Rd.and submit this letter as comment to the above application scheduled for hearing on October 12,2021.In case you are not familiar,Artesian Road is on Eagle Island in the City's Area of Impact and within the Eagle Island Sub-Planning Area of the Comprehensive Plan. Back in 2014 the homeowners in this area delt with the application for a conditional use permit of a wedding and event center that operated illegally prior to the application.With several weekend and night events,it created a massive nuisance and burden on our lives. As a practicing attorney,my neighbors looked to me for help with this nuisance.We began to research land use planning and our objection prevailed when the operator finally filed for the necessary conditional use permit.The underlying reason for the permit being denied was that it created a commercial activity(that is specifically prohibited by the City's Comprehensive Plan)in an otherwise residential area. Our zoning district is Residential Estates(R-E)and,as I understand it,the zoning districts must be in accordance with the policies set forth in the adopted comprehensive plan.The current City Comprehensive Plan was reviewed,rewritten, and adopted in 2017 and still prohibits nearly all commercial activity including wedding and event centers in the R-E District. Because we live in the Area of Impact,we rely heavily on the Comprehensive Plan adopted by Ada County in 2004-again prohibiting this type of commercial activity-when managing land use issues with Ada County.My experience has been that Ada County struggles with the idea that the City of Eagle has designated more restrictive zones,like R-E,in the otherwise Rural-Urban Transition county designation and that they should follow those restrictions. As written,Home Occupations Class C(h)-"small wedding venue" would require a business license which clearly indicates it will operate as a for-profit entity for commercial purposes.Allowing Class C(h)in the R-E and Residential zoning districts contradict the Comprehensive Plan and current City Code as written and intended.It also contradicts 8-3-5(L)(5)that prohibits outdoor commercial entertainment venues and live entertainment events such as weddings.In addition,the amendment, as it pertains to Home Occupations Class C(h),creates ambiguity that now opens the door for an event center applicant to gain traction with Ada County by using the Class C(h)definition in its application and operate a venue which otherwise would be prohibited in the R-E or R Districts. My request of the City Council would be to pass a motion to remove small wedding venues as a Home Occupation altogether from the R-E and R districts in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan and current City Code prior to passing the proposed amendment. , .i Sincerely, Mick Ysursa 1 We, the undersign, residents of Eagle Island are in complete agreement with Mr.Ysursa's letter (copy attached) regarding application#ZOA-01-21, and fully support his points and concerns. We at various times were part of the groups opposing applications for such operations, submitted to the Ada County. Amending Eagle's Code as it pertains to Home Occupations Class C(h) to allow"small wedding venue"and similar activities would open the doors for event center and similar applications.We respectfully ask the city of Eagle to rewrite this section of the comprehensive plan to assure such activities "are not"allowed. / &/W&ii jj2,4"VitA) ' • G d RECEIVEO&FILED CITY OF EAGLE OCT 0 8 2021 October 7,2021 File: Re:Application #ZOA-01-21 Route to: To Eagle City Council We,the undersign,residents of Almaden Subdivision are in complete agreement with Mr.Ysursa's letter(copy attached) regarding application#ZOA-01-21,and fully support his points and concerns. We at various times were part of the groups opposing applications for such operations,submitted to the Ada County.Amending Eagle's comprehensive plan as it pertains to Home Occupations Class C(h)to allow"small wedding venue"and similar activities would open the doors for event center and similar applications. We respectfully ask the city of Eagle to rewrite this section of the comprehensive plan to assure such activities "are not"allowed. VIV.,2_,1/4._a_,..,___ P...— k c.:V-s\ -7 .-- -.)5 ,2\0\......2_€.___, .-7.-1 • 3te.t-f.c__ (7 ,. - . - e ,a- `e,- A,,.. _LP - :I/ LU1-vFfz-- 4..)(s i , ,(21u°-c Ave 1l149Afr‘ 6s6 yC • — — RECEIVED&FILED CITY OF EAGLE OCT 0 8 202f Re: Application #ZOA-01-21 Roufe to. To Eagle City Council We, the undersign, residents of Almaden Subdivision are in complete agreement with Mr.Ysursa's.letter (copy attached)lregarding application #ZOA-01-21, and fully support his,points and concerns. We4at various times were part of the groups opposing applications for such operafiens, submitted to the Ada County.Amending Eagle's comprehensive plan as it pertains to Home Occupations Class C(h) to allow "small wedding venue° and similar activities would open the doors for event center and similar applications. We respectfully ask the city of Eagle to rewrite this section of the comprehensive plan to assure such activities "are not" allowed. r's- OCtd 4 S CA,SO vt " i 6 i RA. 1-1e6i4 210 mmars btx z--Z a a 4 C611-1 AR 3 .?‘ /x/ e.4- ( it cl`d Coy (cam I z lt/� 5411 d. RECEIVED&FLED CITY OF EAGLE OCT 0 8 2021 File: OctOber.5,2021 Route to: Re:Application#:-.Z0A-01-21 Greetings Eagle City Counsel, 1 reside.at 1450 Artesian Rd:and submit this-letter as.tontmentio-the above applidation scheduled for heating on October12,202i-hi-case you-are not familiar,ArtesianRoad is on Eagle Island in the City%Area-of Impact arid within,the Eaglelsland Sub-PlatinMg-Area ofthe.CoMpreheriSive Plan. Badart 2014 the horneowners-in this areadeIt iiWth the application for a conditional useperinit of a wedding and event-center that-operated illegallyprior to the application.With several Weekend and night events,-it created a-massive nuisance arta binden oriour lives.As a practiCing attorney,my neighbors looked to me fOr help with this nuisance.Webegan tOresearch land use planning arid our - Objection prevailed whert-the operator finally filed-fOr the necessary conditionaluse permit.The. underlying-reason for the permitheing denied was that it created-a commercial activity(thatis. spetifically prohibited by the Qty's,CarnprehensivePlan)inanotherwiseresidential area. Our zoning district is Residential Estates(R-E)and,:as Itinderstancl it,the zoning distriCts-mustbe in accordarice-Witli the policies set forth in.the.adopted comprehensive plan.The current City ComprehenSive Plan wasreviewed,rewritten,and adopted in 201-?and still pr.cihibitspearly all 'commercial activity including wedding and event ce.nters.in the R-EDistrict. Because We live in the Area of Impact, we rely-heavily on the ComprehensivePlan adopted by Ada County in 2004-again prohibiting this typenf commercial activity-when managing land use issues with.Ada County.My-experience has been:that Ada.County snuggles with the idea-that theCity.of Eagle has-designated morerestrictive zones,like R-E,in the otherwise Rural-Urban Transition county.designation arid that they should followthose restrictions. As written,1-Tome Occupations Class C(h) "small wedding venue would require a business license which-clearly indicams.it will operate.asa-for-profit entity for commercial purposes.Allowing C(h)inthe R-E and ResidentialToning districts contradict the Comprehensive Plan.and.current City Code as written and intended.It also contradicts 8.-3-5(1.)(5)-that prohibits outdoor commercial • entertainmentyenues.and live-entertainment-events.such as weddings.Iii addition,the amendment, asit:pertainsto.1-fome Occupations-Class C(h),creates ambiguity that now-opens the.dOorfor an event center applicant to gain traction with Ada County by using the Class C(h).definition in its. application and operate a-vertue which ctherWise would be prohibited in the R-E or R Districts. My request of die,City Counsel would be to pass a mOdon to remove Small wedding venues as-a Home Occupation altogether from the R-E and R districts in accordance with the Coinprehensive. -Plan and current City Code prior to passing the proposed amendment Sincerely, Micic Ysursa • ac1© 110-1t Uo„ocroRsis.� 6206 N. Discovery Way, Suite A 9 Boise, Idaho 83713 .�- mgsgCp BUILDING CONTRACTORSASSOCIATION (208)377-3550 Zfaili OF SOUTHWESTERN IDAHO, INC. (208)377 3553 fax HBx,. �( ema Website:www.bcaswi.org Of "A Tradition of Building Excellence for Over 60 Years" E-mail:bca@heritagewifi.com October 6, 2021 City of Eagle 660 E. Civic Lane P.0 Box 1520 Eagle, Idaho 83616 Re: Amendments to Eagle City Zoning Ordinance To Mayor Pierce and Eagle City Council The Building Contractors Association of Southwestern Idaho(BCA) represents hundreds of Treasure Valley businesses including homebuilders,contractors, and tradespeople. These member businesses employ thousands of people, many of whom live and work in Eagle, Idaho. The BCA is dedicated to promoting the responsible development of our community while also keeping housing within reach of all Idaho citizens. Recently,we became aware of proposed changes to the City of Eagle Zoning ordinance. Though we did not have much time to prepare for written comments to the Planning and Zoning Commission, we are very grateful for Bill Vaughan, Planning Director, and Mark Butler, city consultant,coming to the BCA to inform our members of the proposed changes and answer questions regarding these changes. In general, we are supportive of the proposed changes. We believe many changes will improve the process and/or become more in alignment with other sections of the city planning codes. Adopting these changes will bring clarity, reduce current confusions, and simplify the process where necessary. Specifically, some of the topics that address positive proposed changes include: • alleys(vs. private streets), • alley loaded homes, • lot frontage, • metal siding materials, • transitional lot sizing, • administrative appeals and reconsiderations, • preliminary plat approval period, • modifications to approved preliminary plat(hopefully most plat changes are not material) • private street and private alleys • easement widths,and • streetlights and sidewalks Additionally,we have a few remaining concerns are request the Mayor and City address these concerns at the upcoming public hearing. Specifically,our concerns are: 1. Section 12 (and 23): 8-7-10 Application deemed null and void if information requested by the city is not provided to the city after 30 days. • We are currently experiencing significant delays within the industry. 30 days may be unrealistic depending on what is requested, including simple design changes • We suggest 60 days to allow for adequate time to provide requested information. o so 6206 N. Discovery Way. Suite A BCA 2Boise, Idaho 83713 .„. BUILDING CONTRACTORSASSOCIATION (208)377 3550 \�gs p OF SOUTHWESTERN IDAHO, INC. (208)377-3553 fax ti. H6I., „t ems;&aura; Website:www.bcaswi.org "A Tradition of Building Excellence for Over 60 Years" E-mail:bca@heritagewifi.com 2. Section 13: New Chapter 12: Development Along State Highways • Need flexibility for spacing requirements in the foothills if topography becomes a constraint and infeasible. • No suggested changes,but rather we trust staff in suggesting language to allow this flexibility if necessary. 3. Section 14: Large Scale Development: 11 or more lots required to be PUD • 11 lots will not have a big impact on public utilities or services(as noted in 9-5-5) • Added costs: In addition to the added application fees,there will be added costs to generate and/or the validate the added information required in the code for PUDs(noted on the city application checklist) that will unnecessarily increase the time and cost to a new development. Some of these new requirements for developments 11 lots or more include: • Identification of all public services that would be provided to the development including, but not limited to, fire protection, police protection, central water, central sewer, road construction, parks and open space, recreation, maintenance, schools and solid waste collection; • Estimate of the public service costs to provide adequate service to the development; • Estimate of the tax revenue that will be generated from the development; and • Suggested public means of financing the services for the development if the cost for the public services would not be offset by tax revenue received from the development. • The cost sand effort to validate the long list of items required in the PUD narrative (as stated on the CUP or Preliminary plat application for PUD checklist: #19) • We asked staff for reasoning and justification to this change. The response was that the city needs flexibility for some applications to allow for creativity. • We are concerned that the added cost and effort for doing a PUD when not warranted and is unnecessary will become an unnecessary burden on future development applications and add city staff time for the staff report for the PUD. Additionally,we believe it is the applicant's responsibility to know if they need to do a PUD. • The applicant is still allowed to submit a PUD application for less than 50 lots, but requiring it is a concern for the reasons stated above. • We request the number of units where a PUD is required remains at 50 lots. We sincerely appreciate your consideration of our comments. As stated above, we support most of the proposed changes and believe once adopted will improve many aspects of the development process in Eagle. We ask that you approve the staff recommended changes to the zoning ordinance with our suggested changes. We thank you again for your service and dedication to the City of Eagle. Sincerely, Rod Givens Bill Rauer BCASWI President BCASWI Executive Officer