Minutes - 1986 - City Council - 12/09/1986 - RegularPage 45 EAGLE CITY COUNCIL December 9, 1986 The council met in regular session at the Eagle City Hall, on Tuesday, December 9, 1986, at 7:30 P.M. In Mayor Haley's absence Councilman MAILE presiding. Roll call showed the following members present: MAILE, GUERBER, MINOW. ~TLOCK excused. Motion made by MINOW to approve the minutes of .the November 10, 1986 meeting, motion seconded by GUERBER. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. EAGLE SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER: Motion made by GUERBER to add to the agenda Eagle Senior Citizens Center, motion seconded by MINOW. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. Briggs presented a report regarding the center as to the funds, bids and authorization. Motion made by MINOW as follows: Se Motion seconded by GUERBER. AYE: ~ILE,GUERBER,MINOW. 1. Authorize call for bids on Senior Citizen Center 2. Place a sign 4X8 on the site recognizing the fact that it is a Federal. Grant project. 3. Authorizing the city to make public notice for proceedings. 4. Authorizing the Mayor tO sig~ n~ce'ss~ry Papers & reports as they received~ '.with the~ex~l~sion~anything~of a:contractual nature. Authorizing the payment of the architect and engineer. Roll call on the motion resulted as. follows: MOTION CARRIED. BEER AND WINE LICENSES: ~ense for 1987. MAILE, GUERBER, MINOW. Baird Oil: Motion made Wine License for 1987. MAILE, GUERBER, MINOW. Bank Club: Motion made Wine License for 1987. ~ILE, GUERBER, MINOW. Eagle Foodtown: Motion made by GUERBER to approve the request for Beer and Wine License for 1987. Motion seconded by MINOW. Roll call on the motion resulted as follows: AYE: MAILE, GUERBER, MINOW. MOTION CARRIED. Circle K: Motion made by GUERBER to approve the request for Beer and Motion seconded by MINOW. Roll Call, AYE: MOTION CARRIED. by GUERBER to approve the request for Beer and Motion seconded by MINOW. Roll Call, AYE: ~TION CARRIED. by GUERBER to approve the request for Beer and Motion seconded by MINOW. Roll Call, AYE: MOTION CARRIED. Eagle Beverage: Motion made by GUERBER to approve the request for Beer and Wine License for 19~7. Motion seconded by MINOW. Roll call, AYE MAILE, GUERBER, MINOW. MOTION CARRIED. The Barn: Motion ma~e by GUERBER to approve the request for Beer and Wine License for 1987. Motion seconded by MINOW. Roll call, AYE: MAILE, GUERBER, MINOW. MOTION CARRIED. Page 46 City Countil Meeting December 9, 1986 Page 2 ORDINANCE 945: Moved by GUERBER to table this ordinance until the attorney is present to advise us as to the property owners desires as to annexation of his property. Motion seconded by MINOW. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION #6-86: BEER AND WINE LICENSES FOR 1987. Moved by MINOW approv~ applications as presented under Section 23-1011 of the Idaho State Code. Motion seconded by GUERBER. Roll call, AYE: ~ILE, GUERBER MINOW: MOTION CARRIED. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DISCUSSION: Revised Comprehensive Plan presented to council by Fred Wilson, Chairman of Planning and Zoning Commission. Reviewed over-all changes. AIRPORT DISCUSSION: Presented by Fred Wilson. Mr. Wilson indicated tha~ he has a number of people in the area that are interested in a reliever air- port and that he would like to organize a committee to investigate the possibility of such a project. Council concurred with the request and ask that Mr. Wilson report progress to council at a later date, February was suggested for a preliminary report. BSU NURSING PRESENTATION: Reported on a survey within Eagle, those reports will be made available to City Hall and the Library. DESIGN REVIEW: 15-86 Gil Simpson and 16-86 Weaver Center 1. D.C. Weaver/Weaver Center: Motion made by MINOW to approve the Design Review application as presented. Motion seconded by GUERBER. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. 2. Gil Simpson: Motion made by GUERBER to approve the Design Review application as presented. Motion seconded by MINOW. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIE[ LIBRARY APPROVAL: Doubleday invoice for $179.49. Moved by GUERBER to approve the invoice as presented. Motion seconded by MINOW. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. Council asked that a donation from the City of Eagle be made to the Senior Citizens Building Fund in the memory of JOHN A. HALEY, in the amount of $50.00. CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY: Motion made by GUERBER, seconded by MINOW to approve the claims as presented. ALL AYE. ~ILE tendured his resignation,with regret,from the Eagle City Council due to a move from the city. Resignation effective December 31, 1986. Meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. ~~~tted:.. Approved: ~~v~ _~_ _.~ ~~' ~ B~gL~ba r aY Mo n t gor~e r~, Cit TH0551S MAILE, Council President