Minutes - 1986 - City Council - 10/14/1986 - RegularPage 37 CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 14, 1986 The City Council met in regular session at the Eagle City Hall on Tuesday, October 14, 1986, at 7:30 p.m. MAYOR CAROL HALEY presiding. Roll Call showed the following members present: MATLOCK, MINOW. MAILE, GUERBER, Motion made by MAILE to approve the minutes of the September 9, 1986 as presented. Motion seconded by MATLOCK. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. Motion made by MATLOCK to approve the minutes of the September 23, 1986 meeting with an amendment on page 3, #2 of the conditions should read through the Glenns Ferry Formation. Motion seconded by GUERBER. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. MotJ. on made by MAILE to add to the agenda a report on the Senior Citizens Community Center by Carlyle Briggs, motion seconded by MINOW. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. Motion made by GUERBER to authorize the publication of the legals for the Environmental Review regarding the Senior Citizen Community Center and accepting the Environmental Review authorized by the Mayor. Motion seconded by MATLOCK. Roll call vote resulted as follows: AYE: MAILE, GUERBER, MATLOCK, MINOW. MAYOR HALEY declared that it was the time and place for the public hearing regarding the Abbott/Condition ak use permit. The public hearing began at 8:00 p.m. Applicant, Donna Abbott gave testimony, there was no opposition to the application and it was moved by GUERBER to approve the application as presented with the condition that the mobile home be removed within 6 months after the present need ends Motion seconded by MINOW. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. Public hearing ended at 8:06 p.m. ~A¥OR HALEY declared that it ,~as the time and place for the public he~ri, ng regarding the Fisher/Floodplain Permit. The public hearing began at 8:09 p.m. Testimony was given by the applicant, Harry Fisher. opposition. Public hearing ended at 8:15 p.m. There was no Motion by MATLOCK to approve application as presented on a renewal basis for one year, as this was presented in 1983. Motion seconded by MI~OW. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. Motion made by MAILE to dispense with the three day ruling and that Ordinance No. 114 be considered at this time. Motion seconded by GUERBER. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. Page 38 Minutes of Eagle City Council October 14, 1986 Page 2 Motion made by ~ILE approving Ordinance NO. 114, the Holgate/ Renauld Annexation providing for zoning in 3 sections R-5,C-3 and Agricultural. Motion seconded by MINOW. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION/WOOD BURNING STOVE: Issue tabled until next council meeting. DESIGN REVIEW/ESCO/SIGN: Represenatative of Esco, Bill Berry. Motion made by MATLOCK to approve the design review application with the conditions made by Design Review Committee for exterior illumination. Motion seconded by GUERBER. AYE: GUERBER, MATLOCK, MINOW. MAILE:abstained. COURTIAL PRE-APPLICATION/VARIANCE REQUEST: Advised to take it to public hearing through Planning and Zoning. · RE-NAMING OF HILLSIDE PARK: Motion made by GUERBER to the park "ORVAL KRASEN PARK". Motion seconded by MATLOCK. MOTION ~ARRIED. re-name ALL AYE: BI-CENTENNIAL AND IDAHO CENTENNIAL: GUERBER appointed to be liasioD for the IDAHO CENTENNIAL and will contact the county as to participation. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Suggestions of Planning and Zoning agreed upon. Council will review the plan and set up a meeting for December with Planning and Zoning for a workshop regarding the plan. MAYOR HALEY declared that the meeting would~be adjourned for a Executive Session regarding personnel. The session began at 8:50p.~m. ended at 9:30 p.m. Regular Council Meeting called to order. MINOW made a motion to · approve the Library Boards request for a raise for the Librarian as previo~sly submitted and as is in the budget. He also recommended that that they do a periodical evaluation. Motion seconded by MATLOCK. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. O~DINANCE NO. 45: General opinion to correct it rather than abandon it, will be on next council meeting agenda. Also on the next agenda the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law regarding the Treasure Valley Mobile Home Park. ISSUE ON CONFLICT OF I~¢~'EREST - REGARDING B&A ENG.: GUERBER asked for the legal opinion from Pat Riceci, City Attorney~ as previously requested in the minutes of September 9, 1986. The City Attorney's legal opinion is "there is potential for conflict,at worst, at best ......... an appearance of inpropriety". Page 40 Minutes of Eagle City October 14, 1986 Page ~ Council In discussion regarding the Water Company and Treasure Valley Mobile Home Park, it was recommended that the Standard Specifications For Constr~c~ion of Water Mains and Appurtenances for Eagle Ranch Water Co, Inc. be adopted by the City and that we should go by them. ..MATLOCK and MINOW .will raview the Specifications, as Eagle Ranch Water Company is referred to in our Comprehensive Plan. Discussion regarding the conditions of Treasure Valley Mobile Home Park Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law resulted in a motion made by MAILE to have Mayor Carol Haley sign the Findings of Fact subject to review and a copy will be sent to all members of council. Motion seconded by MINOW ..... ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED.. Discussion regarding Library: Motion made by MAILE to approve requests of purchase by the library prior to the purchase with the exception of salaries. Motion seconded by MINOW. AYE: MAILE,MATLOCK MINOW,GUERBER. Motion carried. CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY: Motion made..by MATLOCK to accept the claims as presented, motion seconded by MAILE. AYE: MAILE, ~iATLOCK M!NOW. NAY: GUERBER. Motion carried. Meeting ~d~urned at 10:50 p.m. ~,fully s~b~ tt Approved: MAYOR CAROL HALEY