Minutes - 2016 - City Council - 04/07/2016 - Joint0L X4/7/2016 EAGLE IS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE Presented to the Board of Ada County Commissioners April7, 2016 Nichoel Baird Spencer, MCRP, A1CP, Planner 111 HEALTHY, OPTIMISTIC, 1•:ULTi-FACETED, & ECONOMICALLY VIABLE Overview 1. Why now? - City Review & Recommendations 2. Scope of Work/Timeline 3. Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee 1 Why now? "'First full review of City's plan since 1999 'Bring all sections current with current growth /population "Educate & engage the citizenry of long-range plans and goals 'Establish policies that support both urban and rural development. Comprehensive Plan Review Committee Qii limn or Yaw TINT WE: lin? GJI:I Ouz CofV•uliIT!. lNTUII1 Summer 2015 (1al rife 30% G21 GronI4 Slue. 2000 • 0 2 0 n o The Cit} of Eagle's Precasted 2040 population is .... n4aITNY. OGI MIST C. 01.114ACIgW I IC000,CCa t r.11.I People move to Eagle each DAY! Cit • ink 1,1 In the I98O Census Eagle had 2,620 irataglanl =taglas'H'U'MC • Review the existing City of Eagle Comprehensive Plan and previous public involvement process, • Solicit broad community input on the existing plan and potential areas of concern and revision; • Conduct community outreach meetings; • Summarize public input, and • Make a recommendation to the City Council about the need to amend the comprehensive plan and provide detailed specific areas of concern within the existing plan. The goal for community outreach was to engage a minimum of zoo residents; the committee successfully engaged s8 members durtno a one-month period of time. 4/7/2016 1 2 Comprehensive Plan Review Committee Recommendation October 13. 2015 The City of Eagle should undertake a comprehensive plan revision process to bring the document current with existing conditions and ensure all chapters are written from the same timeline and perspective 2 Based on community input and comments received, the committee recommends that the City's efforts include a) Establish a scope of work and engage consultants and experts for assistance in the preparation of specific chapters and sections of the plan, b) Establish a citizen/land owner steering committee (similar to the composition of the Comprehensive Plan Review Committee) to guide and review the efforts of the consultants and staff, and c) Establish a full public participation plan/process to ensure a continuation of the open and consistent communication with Eagle's citizenry 3 All maps, tables and illustrations need to be updated to ensure they are accurate and consistent with the plan; 4. Begin the process of implementing the City's comprehensive plan, Implementation should focus on establishing annual goals and funding of projects that are important to the community including. a) Code to implement the Downtown subarea, b) Review of the existing codes for revision, c) Roadway Connectivity Master Pian, d) Establishing parks in the western area Chapter by Chapter Update • Minor Revision: Chapter 1- Overview Chapter 2 - Property Rights Chapter 6 - Land Use Chapter 7 - Natural Resources & Hazards Chapter 9 - Parks, Recreation & Open Space Chapter u - Special Areas * City will be issuing an RFP for Consultant Major Revision: Chapter 3 - Population Chapter 4 - Schools, Service & Utilities Chapters - Economic Development Chapter 8 -Transportation Chapter 10 - Housing Chapter 12 - Community Design Chapter 13 - Implementation 4/7/2016 3 Stewing Com ...Rn. & AM,u tenant P. dab on. Gape1,&&;.Inst C&IM. Agt.Cy Masts Pians Com ultanI 5tbph,P& S.iethen 51,1e1i14 C.mmnn Appointment The City's Approach: January 2016 Schedule: 18 -Months Estimated Adoption: July/August 2017 Phots_ii vale tl 9411 ..rd Pl,Nat.tm Q.datn' • S."a: d..! mt. k.:oat. p.adatt.,..dr,'I'MC.esb.d an wn•oz•M COMPASSP•t..Cttrt Cal Co,. apron ...co....ret • st..vl:..matMO, 1rpwtnea,a^C.f tc toMn•r.d r. a•atl+ ..u,ICanllh-Mot.".'*. ^tfta. roan Cents etar ant tslete.ed C4entan+ng • cn.e MatArt2 acaameatt torhr• TransgttN.m.MltCrnomic Deelgon est Ch.oter CautUnata penr{ op': ons wOh ACn12.111:1 ...COMPASS Act enee Ionom.• Dart lop r tt p'a.norg an lags. Chamber & Cknmtl 914,143 I:aspa,s • Cc-_:t:a can tr.W{MMtYon and Ca:•Mg^I • 1.I,:9,Cm•tne/00r1 %..•..fn to rise teeteratm.rn ttr CM, Raa.sMn Cne gile10ufCnmtlC • S+MM mow.* o1 CMnNrnenve par PN.r.. Comms. • P.M.. rndntar.•Coura.a.W+o1,. I.tr *th•CPmmOtn.naam rota atxln,FaOto•bkbi • Raa.kmm&Rl to tie tern,11. 11t,90eow .4 maWyy.'.n1M.. t«1 fn..n. Cwnmani , t.•omn,,rd•h... m.11,0)1). m• Ottatatilttall__ Pluu1.f9...1..R RA & Coapnate. R.ah. haat we re.. en Saps• N vele and Prov 1&I Stan resent. -,I. C.mm.tte• rem*. or(.w•rs lid. i 9 R 11 e..4. $W 4,8.1d..aord.nl pato, uNr.aC). CCmnr1t. M..tn .nh ae•ncas m.•Np•Pm of ma ler 94,3 10•133.., al Potennal pdrbt o.ir•nn M Someone* Caa Al.rlpnm.1Nn..,d Cdnlnytt•• lenen.tlgp CamnM?.r a Com..tanl *avow o.1c0 -omg Uev•tpm..t am t.anapvt•nm Itan ...Av. at Ch.. •t 10. 11 & 11..:t. GO...at, a.d at.. epdun b•s.e to am. torr Mt •..I.1 fsmpnm,/ PON denath • *atm atlas to o. ahs • Preunt Mah Par. to Co. CommOun Comm.. on& aoNdt • We., re m WN..pn ane m,enmm•a Omni. • nonsoloratt tact.nn4 ter Peron • Cmd.o p.m./ noon o F..m Nrr.,.N aro, Car •oo..W.oe Goal 1.400 wrta..na MCd oaf:, aspdnonl • ea mew Comm., 6e.,,em • ess.rm.•an•e tan•or • hag f. .: l)rrc :.ti 9emeenee M hna w,1 • Sot fnN uv'•N Irom.g.wn and :.: nu o•c•-1.• I • Prn..6pv. opt r....w end <omidraban:PP&Z aro OleC.,.tl • Cstew,ha•tvr. man roe lmal.n•ert33a6-4.f I,. intmlterrne It Mt mns.temelw:r .t• ..... an.: 646 Project Timeline: Approx.mdl ely 18 months Phase 1 rnrina Development of Oran (tmmnnee Meet, C.nmhant Senates/Nilvwann ae.NmmentptrmPlw.rw.uban tnapte czmti mnnauan al all Chapc, Camaro. Bane &Comm t•ran Mot. Publu Ouuwth Amine Comments & Aelme reg mala •,A1.0. manse Draft P.m,. Commmt..na0 Pub).t Nearing Cyda lomat... rural Clea, 1157211 eeeeeeeeeeeee FMAM AM J 1 A S O N D 1 F M A M 1 1 A 50910 1 F M A M A M 1 1 A 4/7/2016 4 Steering Committee Res. & Recruitment Population, Growth & Bui Idout Collect Agency Master Plans Consultant Scoping & Selection Steering Committee Appointment Phase 1: (Underway) Phase 1: (3 months) Data and Population Updates: • Staff will develop new build out, population and growth forecasts based on historic and COMPASS projections City Council Review and comment • Staff will coordinate with supporting agencies to collect and research existing (and timing of amendments to) master plan Consultant Selection and Contracting • Create RFP/RFQ documents for the Transportation and Economic Development Chapter Coordinate planning options with ACHD, ITO and COMPASS o Coordinate Economic Development planning with Eagle Chamber & Council identified trade groups • Complete consultant selection and contracting. • Establish timeline/work schedule to ensure integration with the City processes. Create Steering Committee • Similar makeup of the Comprehensive Plan Review Committee • Prepare a resolution for Council approval establishing the Committee and the roles and responsibilities. • Recruit members for the committee o Use Newspaper ad, mailings, on-line fact sheets, community recommendations to establish the committee Phase 1: (Underway) Phase 1 F MAM Completed Council Review 4/26 Completed RFP released 4/1, closes 4/29 Council Review 4/26 4/7/2016 5 Phase 2: (9 months) Staff & Committee Review • Initial workshop on Scope of work and Phase 1 & 2 • Staff amendments & Committee review of Chapters 1.2, 6, 7, 9, & 11 • Rural Sub -area draft - Including public outreach • Committee Review with agencies on integration of master plans (Chapter 4) • Potential public outreach by Committee Consultant Deliverables and Committee Integration • Committee & Consultant Review of Economic Development and Transportation Plan • Review of Chapters 10, 12 & 13 with deliverables and other updates based on final contract Activity Phase 2 Development of Plan Committee Meetings Consultant Services/Deliverables Development of Implementation Chapter Phase 3: (5 -months) Phase 3: (5 months) MONTH flee 10 ®®®m®11111r11111 AMJ J AS ON D J Public Outreach • Refine edits to drafts • Present draft plan to City Committees, Commission & Boards • Work with local papers and magazine to create a trivia/quick fact article series to promote the process • Conduct Public outreach i. Find alternatives to public open houses to engage the larger City Population Goal: 2,400 participants (10%of City Population) • Review comments and refine • Publish Hearing Schedule Activity Phase 2: (9 -months) MONTH eeeeeeee 10 ®®®e acne m Integrate on of all Chapters Committee, Board & Commission Review Public Outreach Review Comments & Refine Format & Publish Hearing Draft F M AM 1 J A S ON D J F MAM 4/7/2016 ,r0.114a 6 HEALTHY. OPTIMIS . M LP -FACETED. i ECOHOHICALL VIABLE Community Engagement: Goal: 2,400contact (10% of population) Need to outreach to 20-45 yr. old citizens: Facebooh Eagle is Home: Comprehensive Plan Update InstagranL "#EagletsHOME ' Eagle Fun Days -Fancily Carnival Phase 4: (3 -months) Witt I. •® •• • cru call •,9how uS IA HOME? 00 • • • • SHARE YOUR PHOTOS inytairgint #EagleisHOME • • Eagle Trivia 'Myna know that only, 60% of the vehicle trips that start in Cagle Stay 4/7/2016 Why Jci, r 411 E,nik H.O.M.E. Transportation *MPIMS EAGLE : 15110%1E Phase 4: (3 months) ! Develooment of Final Plan • Seek final review from agencies and service providers • Present plan for review and consideration to P&Z and City Council • Establish action plan for implementation — Capital Improvements to implement the plan separate from the actual plan. Activity Agency Comment Period Public Hearing Cycle Incorporate Final Changes MONTH flee 10 1111®m®11111111 A M J Project Completion/ City Council Adoption July/August 2018 7 Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee City Coinmittees, Commissions, & Boards Committee structure is consistent with the format used for the Review Committee in Summer of 2015. -1 Basic Components: — City Committees, Commissions & Boards — Citizen Representatives — Agency/Ex-officio Member Representatives from the existing City committees, commissions and boards shall be nominated from the membership of the applicable committee: • City Council, • Planning and Zoning Commission, • Design Review Board; • Parks and Pathway's Development Cornmisslon; • Historic Pi eservation Commission, • Arts Commission, • Lib! ary Board, and • TransportatronCommittee. 4/7/2016 8 Citizen Representatives Application Closed 414116 The membership is to "represent a cross section of the community and property owners with a vested interest in how the community develops." Specifically, the Committee was to ensure a broad and equal representation of the City's Comprehensive Planning area and be selected based upon Geographic and Spatial Distribution: Representatives from throughout the city and comprehensive planning area (ideally one from each existing planning subarea), Community Involvement. Individuals who, through current contacts, have the ability to share and interact with various community organizations and the citizenry at large, tenure, Length of Residency Both long-term and newer residents, people who can bring a variety of perspectives on how the city is planned, Connection to the Business Communty. Connection to city employers both within downtown and the city as a whole; A student representative age 23 to zo years old. (unfilled position) Preference may be given to members of the Comprehensive Plan Review Committee who wish to continue to work with the City on the Comprehensive Plan and can provide a good understanding of the Comprehensive Plan Review Committee's recommendation Technical Committee Ex -officio "414'0 COMPASS se f%SYPJ<:1 PDAHO OWER Ovalleyregionoltransit Ada County ACHD Boise Valley Economic Part. COMPASS Eagle Chamber Eagle Fire Eagle Sewer Dist' ict Eagle URA Idaho Power Idaho Smart Growth Idaho Transportation Depart. Valley RegionalTiansit West Ada School District * Additional public agencies may be added as deemed appropriate and approved by the Mayor. 4/7/2016 9 Dates to Remember HEALTHY. OPTIMISTIC. MULTIFACETED. B ECONOMICALLY . TABLE • April 26 Committee Appointment Council Review of Growth Assumptions • April 29 RFP for Transportation and Circulation Closes • May Steering Committee Begins • May 18 Rural Subarea Policy Summit • July 8 Eagle Fun Day's Family Carnival 4/7/2016 QUESTIONS Staff Contact: Nichoel Baird Spencer, MCRP, AICP, Planner III nbaird®cityofeagle.oj 208-939-0227 EAGLEan: s Pe -1 HOME • HEALTHY, OPTIMISTIC, MULTIFACETED, & ECONOMICALLY VIABLE Thank you! 10 4/7/2016 CITY OF EAGLE April 7, 2016 PROCESS OVERVIEW ATV y 2. Joint Planning Process 1 Process Overview June -Sept 2015 June - Sept 2015 Aug Nov. 2015 UNDERWAY Jane Sept 2016 1: Preparatory Phase 2. State of the County Opportunities for Input www.adacounty2025.com STATE OF THE COUNTY: R N )S AND FOR(_: 4/7/2016 2 Where We Live in Ada County “UmiCiDALiTiES UNINCORPORATED Ar.A.,C00,U11145.TY 1 OUTSIDC SCIS MtflIDIAN ACI S0111 ACI Population - Growth • . 1.• m . KV ACU 401475 Atla County Papulation (31:33) 5.h. Ado Countya lateat arty Id% 70P lnnn3 outsid• mut, tqa midi 11013) 3% Annual avtraga tate of pop growth 0980-200 Ci Bet% wth ,wrgest plOpsolaboo growth (1080-20131 Meridian C-'7 rOW:h 0980.2015i 2010 2040 4/7/2016 3 al.= aC_ -^^1 emev Unincorporated Ada County Current land U.o. R.,,, 14._: ri —1'LL Excluding CityACI. 014,4 SPACE =Via7Cm1 _ 211,,i orrvro. n.vo1.w. of Current Land Use r .tL .,•t antraimr! Sia tu 'oar • • As ovSoK L.MOS ST.TL 0.10< ,• :i Agriculture Agricultural Land. in Ada County 1939'2014 • HH,,. '... Infrastructure & Services • 202HT.,02S.S02.21.T1Ce11..00.(1.,.4e.oa,z 4/7/2016 4 www.adac0unty2O25.com ADA COUNTY 2025 SL:?E OF THE COUNTY; TRENDS AND FORCES 11Rs:1.1 ... • Governance • Dopulanon • Nous,ng • Economy • Land Use • Infrastructure and Serv,ces • En.n n-n.nt and Natural gesou.ces • Watards and !Mks ISSUES AND OPPORTUNITIES w„AI w� vi a=ARr) SO TAR aoa COurte HEM . atl. GO{RR/ CO..0oBCSfl a W 1 WOOS Public Outreach Efforts 4/7/2016 5 County Leaders' & Public Input • •U .C.COOITYT0!..NCOIIM.VCCM..WWLNC.LU1 U OAfl Next Steps • Preliminary policy directions expected in April 2016 • Ada County 2025 open houses — April 77 . 6 oo 5 i;.: prr 1 nke Ho/1.1 Miu;ne — A: :I A.,, Coi:••ty — Ap 28 . (. r b rm ?awtr.••a! n M Jllic 3 lun: • Orl ne survey regard ng open space and ognculture policies • Draft strategic plan expected May/June 2016 • Draft c arnprehens ve p'an expected June/July 2016 .O. COOK, 34M ..0• C W Mir CO1.11W WIYC.ta UVOO[ Opportunities for Input www.adacounty2O25.com .O.COUMTYTOTT •.W COUNTY C0.0111../1•1 /UN LIMOS 4/7/2016 6