Minutes - 1986 - City Council - 08/12/1986 - RegularPabe~ 26
August 12,1986
The City Council met in regular session at the Eagle Primary
School, on Tuesday, August 12, 1986, at 7:30 p.m. MAYOR CAROL
HALEY presiding.
Roll call showed the following members present: MAILE,GUERBER,
Motion made by MAILE to approve the minutes of the July 8, 1986
meeting. GUERBER seconded motion subject to an amendment on page 3,
paragraph 5 which should read "~INOW seconded the motion" and not
"Motion seconded the motion". ALL AYE: motion carried.
MAYOR CAROL HALEY declared that it was the time and place for
the public hearing regarding S&H Farms Annexation and zoning request
of R-5. The property in question is approximately 200 acres located
north of Floating Feather Rd, and east of Eagle Rd. The public hearing
began at 7:45 p.m. Speaker representing S&H Farms was Carlyle Briggs
of B & A Engineering, Inc.. W.J. Renauld and Steve Hammons spoke in favor
of the proposed annexation. Those who gave testimony opposing the
annexation and zoning were: Helen Pardew,Ted Persons, E.F. Stark,
Eleanor Chase, Kathleen Fields, A1 Thornton, Art Hoffman, Jan Osterberg,
Jeanette Hoffman and Bill Thompson. Addresses attached to the minutes.
The public hearing regarding S&H Annexation and Zoning request
closed at 8:28 p.m.
Motion made by MAILE to approve the annexation request, but to
zone the property "A" Agricultural. Motion seconded by GUERBER.
Roll call on the motion resulted as follows: AYE MAILE,GUERBER,MINOW,
MATLOCK. Motion carried.
MAYOR CAROL HALEY declared that it was the time and place for
the second public hearing regarding the Holgate/Renauld annexation
and zoning request. The public hearing was opened at 8:50 p.m.
W.J. Renauld was the representative of this request. He stated
at the location of the land was N. of Floating Feather Rd. and W of
Highway 55. That it included approximately 390 acres, that 115 acres
would be developed for a mobile home park and that 10.6 acres would
be designated for commercial development. That when developed they
expected 433 dwelling units under one ownership, that the units would
then be rented out to "adults only". That the project would be considered
a five star project.
Those who gave testimony for the project were: Larry Sundell,
Steve Hammons, and Carol Raasch. Those names and addresses are
attached to the minutes. Those who gave testimony opposing the project
were: A1 Thornton, Ted Person, Art Hoffman, LaRue Bevington, william
Pardew, Kathleen Fields, Margaret Thompson and Carol Hagerman. Those
names and addresses are attached to the minutes.
Public hearing on the Holgate/Renauld annexation and zoning
request ended at 9:37 p.m., and it was declared break time.
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C~-, :.ouncll Meeting
A, st 12, 1986
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City Council meeting resumed at 9:50 p.m. GUERBER ask for an opinion
from Bob DeShazo representing Eagle Ranch Water Co., for his opinion on
availability of water and a water system to the area in question. Mr. DeShazo
advised him of the feasability of such a system. MATLOCK requested testimony
from the attending members of Planning and zoning. Hammons spoke in favor
of the proposed annexation, Shade abstained and Wilson cited the 1983 Compr-
hensive plan and with its implications could not cast a vote in favor, for
that reason only
Discussion by the council followed and GUERBER made a motion to approve
the annexation and zoning request of R-5 as requested. Motion was seconded
by MINOW. Discussion followed called by MAILE suggesting the question that
all of the property be zoned R-5. GUERBER amended his motion to include
that section of the property that was 10.6 acres desginated commercial to
be zoned C-3. Further discussion followed and the motion was amended to
designate that the 115 acres intended to be developed as a mobile home park
be zoned R-5, that the commercial area consisting of 10.6 acres be zoned
C-3 and that the remaining 104 acres of the property remain zoned Agricultural
for the time being. Roll call, on the motion resulted as follows: AYE: MAILE,
Break from 10:30 p.m~ to 10:35 p.m.
MAYOR CAROL HALEY declared that it was the time and the place for public
hearing number three on the Eagle Comprehensive Plan. Public hearing began
at 10:37 p.m.
There was no opposition on the proposed changes to the comprehensive plan
and the public hearing ended at 10:40 p.m.
Motion made by MINOW to accept the proposed changes as presented. Motion
seconded Dy MATLOCK. Roll call on the motion resulted as follows: AYE: MAILF,
Beer and Wine application from Eagle Food Town reviewed. Motion made by
MAILE to extend beer and wine license for one year. Motion sec3nded by
MATLOCK. Discussion followed and MAILE amended his motion to state approval
of the beer and wine license through the month of December 1986 before renewal.
ALL AYE: motion carried.
WATER COMPANY REPORT: Speaker for the engineering firm assigned to study
the project was Carlyle Briggs. Mr. Briggs stated that he had received all
the information available and had completed inventory today. We should have
the 1986update soon and then he will have a report. That should be by or before
the next council meeting.
DESIGN REVIEW: Jim Gipson spoke on behalf of the ad hoc group assigned
~ tudy the changes needed in this ordinance. Mr. Gipson read the design
review changes.
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City Council Meeting
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Motion made by MATLOCK to accept the changes in the design review ordinance
as presented and to amend the ordinance to reflect those changes. Motion
seconded by MINOW. Roll call on the motion resulted as follows: AYE: ~LAJ~LE,
BUDGET: Discussion regarding the budget resulted in a motion made by MAILE
to reduce the tax levy by 10%, motion seconded by GUERBER. Motion amended
by MINOW to~ leave the property tax the same amount as the 1985-86 budget and
not take the 5% increase option. Roll call vote on the motion resulted as
follows: AYE: MAILE,GUERBER,MINOW,/~%~L~3K- Motion carried. NAY: MATLOCK
RESOLUTION #4-86: Transfering funds from capital improvements to library,
in that the library received a grant in the amount of $4,830. Motion made
by GUE~BER to accept the transfer of funds. Motion seconded by MI~]OW. ALL
AYE, motion carried.
City Council meeting adjourned at 12:10 a.m.
Respectfully submitted: