Minutes - 1986 - City Council - 07/08/1986 - RegularPa3~- 21 CITY OF EAGLE COUNCIL MINUTES July 8,1986 The City Council met in regular session at the Eagle City Hall, on Tuesday, July 8, 1986, at 7:30 p.m. MAYOR CAROL HALEY presiding. Roll call showed the following members present: MAILE, GUERBER, MINOW, MATLOCK. Motion made by MAILE to approve the minutes of the June 10, 1986 meeting, motion seconded by GUERBER. ALL AYE: motion carried. MAYOR CAROL HALEY declared that it was the time and place for a public hearing on the Korte/Day Annexation, 7:35 p.m. Speaker Don Knickram representing the applicants. No opposition. MAYOR CAROL HALEY closed the public hearing testimony at 7:43 p.m. Motion made by GUERBER to annex the Korte/Day property located at the south side of Mace Rd. as presented, motion seconded by MATLOCK. Roll call resulted as follows: AYE: MAILE,GUERBER,MINOW,MATLOCK- Motion carried. Property to be zoned Agricultural. MAYOR CAROL HALEY declared that it was the time and place for the second public hearinq on the Wright/Hayden Annexation application, 7:45 p.m. Speaker Terry Hayden:~re~resenting~th~ proposed annexation. Motion made by MINOW to approve the annexation and zone C-3, motion seconded by MATLOCK. Roll call resulted as follows: AYE: MAILE,GUERBER,MINOW,MATLOCK. Motion carried. MAYOR CAROL HALEY declared that it was the time and place for the third public hearing on the proposed amendment to the subdivision section of the city code 9-1-6, 7:47 p.m. Ron Marshall gave testimony in favor of the change. Public hearing was closed at 7:49 p.m. MAILE made a motion that the three reading rule, 50-90 of the Idaho Code be dispensed with, motion seconded by GUERBER ALL AYE: motion carried. Motion made by ~4AILE to approve Ordinance #106 amending section 9-1-6 of the subdivision code to read more than two (2). Motion seconded by MINOW. Roll call resulted as follows: AYE: MAILE, GUERBER,MINOW,MATLOCK. Motion carried. DESIGN REVIEW public hearing was opened by MAYOR CAROL HALEY at 7:50 p.m. Speakers giving public testimony in opposition were: Wayne Crosby, LaRue Bevington, Ron Marshall, James Gipson. Those speakers in favor of the changes were: Joel Courtial, Karen Kreps. ~P_ ag e 22 City Council Meeting July 8, 1986 Page 2 Motion made by MAILE to table design review changes until council's first meeting in September. Discussion resulted in ~ILE amending his motion to state that Design Review Ordinance ar~ndmen~ be tabled until the August City Council meeting and suspend penalty, motion ~eCond~.by GUERBER. Further discussion resulted in a committee formed served by MATLOCK, KAREN KREPS, JAMES GIPSON and his committee. Further discussion by MAILE in which he stated that it was his opinion that interior lighting should remain prohibited. MINOW went on record stating that his opinion on interior lit signed should be permited with certain gu~ines and restrictions. GUERBER, chose to procrastinate and MATLOCK felt that if interior lit signs approved that those businesses that have complied would have been treated unjustly and those not in compliance would be "off the hook". GUERBER added that he would like to see guidelines regarding interior lit signs. ~YOR HALEY introduced a letter received by Richard B. Smith endorcing changes to the design review ordinance. Motion on the floor roll call vote resulted as follows: AYE: MAILE,GUERBER,MINOW,MATLOCK, Motion carried. ORDinANCE #105,107 and 108: Motion made by GUERBER to dispense with the three reading rule, 50-90 of the Idaho ~ode. Motion seconded by MATLOCK. ALL AYE: motion carried. Motion made by GUERBER to adopt Ordinances #105,107,108 as presented accepting the three parcels to the city by annexation. Motion seconded by MATLOCK. Roll call resulted as follows: AYE: MAILE,GUERBER,MINOW,MATLOCK. Motion carried. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Motion made by GUERBER to adopt the recommended changes of Planning and Zoning to the Comp- rehensive plan, and set up public hearings to that effect in August. Motion seconded by M3%ILE. ALL AYE: motion carried. Motion made by MAILE that paragrah 11 of page 9 of the Eagle Comprehensive Plan be amended to comply an~ conform to the prior motion accepted by the council earlier after public hearing. Motion seconded by MATLOCK. Discussion: GUERBER suggested that this section needs to be clarified as to how it is going to actually read and should be done at this meeting. Call for the question resulted in the following roll call vote: NAY: ~ILE,GUERBER,MINOW,MATLOCK. Motion failed. Motion made by MATLOCK to amend paragraph 11 of page 9 of the comprehensive plan to substitute the word "should" instead of "shall" in sentence 4 & 5 and that the paragraph incorporate section F of page 1 to the end of this section. .T~gge~ 23 City Council Meeting July 8, 1986 Page 3 MINOW Motion seconded by MINOW. Discussion resulted in the withdrawal of the motion~ Motion made by MATLOCK that section 11 of page 9, sentence 5 the "shall'be changed to "should", and incorporate section F of page 1 to read "Shall encourage urban and urban- type development within the incorporated City limits of Eagle first as opposed to development in its impact area. Motion seconded by MINOW. MAILE called for the question, ALL AYE: Motion carried. Motion made MAILE that on the comprehensive plan that the policies of agriculture land that land within the city limits be afforded the same policies and goals as outside the city limits regarding page 13 Policies sections 3-1.1 and 3-1.2 be incorporated to within the city limits also. Motion seconded by MATLOCK: ALL AYE: motion carried. ADA COUNTY AMENDMENTS: Motion made by MAILE for the City Attorney, Pat Riceci to write Ada County Zoning saying that they should adopt our comprehesive plan as they have done in the past and incorporate their approval not only for the city limits but the entire impact area. Motion seconded by GUERBER. ALL AYE: motion carried. _ COMMUNITY BLOCK GRANT: Motion made by MINOW to appoint James Gipson as Architect for the construction of the building. Motion seconded by MATLOCK. Discussion followed to amend the motion to state that the city will enter into contract with the architect when the monies become available. Call for the question resulted in the following: AYE: GUERBER,MATLOCK,MINOW, NAY: MAILE. Motion carried. Motion made by GUERBER that the plans Community Center be accepted as presented. motion. ALL AYE: motion carried. for the Senior Citizens Mortimer seconded the Regular session of the council meeting closed at 10:20 p.m. for Executive session regarding Eagle Ranch Water Co. Executive session closed at 10:55 p.m. ADA COUNTY TRANSMITTAL 86-33-cu, Maile: Motion made by MATLOCK to approve the application with the notation that the requirement to pave is an outrage. Motion seconded by MINOW. ALL AYE: motion carried. CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY: Motion made by MATLOCK to approve the claims as presented. Motion seconded by MINOW. ALL AYE: motion carried. Page 25 City Council Meeting July 8, 1986 Page 4 Council session adjourned at 11:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted: Approved: C]~ROL HALEY ~ MAYOR / /