Minutes - 1986 - City Council - 06/10/1986 - RegularPage 19 CITY OF EAGLE COUNCIL MINUTES June 10, 1986 The City Council met in regular session at the Eagle City Hall, on Tuesday, June 10, 1986, at 7:30 p.m. MAYOR CAROL HALEY presiding. Roll call showed the following members present: MAILE, GUERBER MINOW, MATLOCK. Motion made by GUERBER to approve the minutes of the May 13, 1986 meeting.subject to a change in page 4 second paragraph adding MATLOCK to the motion whereas his name had been left out. Motion seconded by MATLOCK. ALL AYE: motion carried. PRE-ANNEXATION APPLICATION: Presentation made by Chris Korti in behalf of his and Mel Day's request for annexation, 14 acres off Mace Rd. Motion made by MAILE to accept request as presented and continue with annexation and zoning public hearing. Motion seconded by GUERBER. ALL AYE: motion carried. PRE-ANNEXATION APPLICATION: Presentation made by Terry Hayden in behalf of himself, Robert Wright & Joe Rausch in the annexation request of the property located at 825 E. State St. Request asks for zoning that would provide for offices. Motion made by MINOW to accept application as presented and to continue with public hearings to request annexation and zoning. Motion seconded by MATLOCK. ALL AYE: motion carried. COMMITTEE REPORTS: AIR QUALITY: discussed ordinance provided to us APA: PARKS: LIBRARY: from Air Quality Board. MINOW ask for copies of ordinance to be provided to council. MINOW out of town at the time of meeting, discussion at the meeting was bypass. Parks look good at this point. GUERBER ask that citizens be made aware of the problem of vandalizm of sprinkler systems. MAYOR HALEY suggested that the schools should talk to students regarding this problem at beginning of school year. Library working on budget at this time. ADA COUNTY AMENDMENTS DISCUSSION: resulted in request of Council and Mayor to have City Attorney, Pat Receci and Tom Maile, meet with Commissioners regarding the E&gle Comprehensive Plan and to separate that issue from the Area of Impact Agreement issue. MAYOR CAROL HALEY brought up a discussion regarding Bypass and advised council that there will be a meeting with the Idaho Transportation on June 19th at 11:00 a.m. at the transportation building located at 3311 W. State, Room 201 and that they do have the finances to do studies regarding the bypass. DESIGN REVIEW CHANGES: Council reviewed requested changes of Business Association and Design Review Board. Additional changes made to submit to Planning and Zoning for Public Hearing Page 20 City Council Minutes June 10, 1986 Page -2- on July 1st. Additional proposed changes are in sections 8-2A~5 and 8-2A-10. Section 8-2A-11 includes a penalty clause which should have included addi~nal information in the code book. Apparently this was excluded by Sterling Codifiers. Pat Receci will notify them of the exclusion. D.C. WEAVER ANNEXATION: Pat Receci will provide an ordinance including the appropriate portion of the highway to also be annexed, and a special meeting will be called in order to consider passage of the ordinance. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Motion made by MINOW and seconded by MATLOCK to review annexation changes on comprehensive map to begin with July 1, 1986 Planning and Zoning agenda. ALL AYE: motion carried. DESIGN REVIEW APPLICATION: Baird Oil/Go-Fer Mart, for repainting building cre~ and dark brown. Motion made by MINOW to approve application. Motion seconded by GUERBER. ALL AYE: motion carried. WATER COMPANY DISCUSSION: Item requested added to the agenda. Motion made by GUERBER to add Water Company to the agenda. Motion seconded by MINOW. ALL AYE: motion carried. Mr. Aldridge, speaking for the Eagle Ranch Water Company Other speakers were: Earl Cohick, who expressed his opinion that the interests of the citizens of Eagle were that Eagle City control the water company, and Wayne Booe, Vice President of General Water Works, Boise. It was pointed out that a beginning point in negotiations regarding the Eagle Ranch Water Company was to have an engineering study. Motion made by GUERBER to to proceed with appraisal on Eagle Ranch Water Co. for consideration whether this council shall decide to purcha~the water company. Discussion resulted in an amendment to include ceiling of not more than $5,000.00 and to designate B.& A. Engineers to do an analysis within 45 days, charges to be contingent to sale. Motion seconded by MINOW. Roll call on the motion resulted as follows: AYE: MAILE, GUERBER,MINOW,MATLOCK. Motion carried. CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY: Motion made by MATLOCK to approve as presented, motion seconded by MAILE. Roll call on the motion resulted as follows: AYE: MAILE,GUERBER,MINOW,MATLOCK. Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m. CAROL HALE~ Respectfully submitted: