Minutes - 1986 - City Council - 05/13/1986 - RegularPage 14 CITY OF EAGLE COUNCIL MINUTES May 13, 1986 The City Council met in regular session at the Eagle City Hall, on Tuesday, May 13, 1986, at 7:30 p.m. Mayor CAROL HALEY presiding. Roll call showed the following members present: MAILE, GUERBER, MINOW, MATLOCK. Motion made by MAILE to approve the minutes of the April 8, 1986 meeting subject to the change, page 2, sentence 4 regarding Banbury. The minutes read Eagle's rights and should read their rights. Also in the same sentence the words Ada County should read Eagle. Motion seconded by GUERBER. All AYE: motion carried. ~YOR CAROL HALEY announced that it was the time and place ~or a public hearing regarding annexation of D.C. Weaver, at 7:35 p.m. There was no opposition to the annexation and a motion was made by GUERBER to annex and zone C-2. Motion was seconded by MINOW. Roll call resulted as follows: AYE: ~ILE, GUERBER, MINOW, MATLOCK. Motion carried. It was suggested that the Official Schedule of District Regulations be changed by city attorney, Pat Receci, to accommodate storage units and also that lumber yards now zoned as industrial be chanted to commercial. MAYOR HALEY asked that be tabled until the next meeting. Public Hearing closed at 7:50 p.m. RIVERSTONE SUBDIVISION: ~r. extension of time on his project. an extension on time of one year, AYE. Motion carried. Robert DeShazo asked for an Motion made by MATLOCK to grant motion seconded by ~UERBER. ALL Motion made by MAILE to dispense with the rule requiring ordinances to be read on three different days, seconded by GUERBER. All AYE: Motion carried. Motion made by ~ILE to adopt Ordinance No. 104 desi~natinq 9alley News Times as our official newspaper of the city. Motion seconded by MINOW. All AYE: motion carried. Page 15 City Council Minutes May 13, 1986 Page - 2 - BANBURY PROJECT: Speaker Tom Wright, for Banbury, is requesting approval of the final plat for Phase 1 of this project. Mr. Wright agrees to annexation in the future for Banbury and (1) Dryline sewer lines, (2) to connect to the sewer as soon as adjacent to the property, (3) will engineer domestic water system to the standar~of Eagle Hills Water Co., and (4) will dedicate water system to the official Water company when operational. LaRue Bevington, representative of the Eagle Sewer District~objected to the dry line sewer system a~d should be served bY central service facility and not by septic tank. It should be served by that means or by Eagle Sewer District. ~r. Wright stated that the project has been approved by Central District Health. Mr. Kirby Vickers~speakinq for Eagle Sewer District, spoke regarding the original planning,at the request of the council~the Eagle Sewer District included an area south of the two main channels to be added to cover approximate 2,500 population or 800-1000 units. In figuring the construction of the new treatment plant those units will occur on that side of the river or this side of the river, but the intent is to be served by central sewer. The economics of the sewer plant is kased on revenues to be collected by those they serve, without those revenues there will be an impact, the council should know that that will affect the Sewer DiStrict and the citizens of Eagle. without conncection fees $600.00 plus $20.00 the revenue is gone. To Mr. Vickers knowledge~there have been no other exceptions to that policy. It was suggested by Robert DeShazo that collection of these fees be collected'~t the time the building permit is attained. Motion made by MATLOCK to approve ~he final plat of phase 1. ~!otion seconded by ~INOW. Discussion initiated by ~ILE to require sewer connection for the subdivision as is stated in the Eagle Comprehensive Plan, which states it must have sewer hookup. Our intent has always been cooperative effort between the city and sewer department. How can we justify that other develoDers must meet that requirement and Banbury doesn ' t? GUEr~ER stated that the question Was to allow development or ~ ~ have no develol~nent. Roll call resulted as follows: MAILE: NAY, AYE: GUERBER, ~A_~3DCK. ~tion carried. RICK AND FRED KUNKLER: Rick Kunkler made an appeal to council to be able to split a one acre lot from the ~0 acres. ~AYOR HALEY suggested repealing the amendment, Ordinance 91, an amendment to the subdivision ordinance, No. 88. This would provide that section .ddd in the subdivision would be in effect and reads "subdivision means the result of an act of dividing an original lot, tract or 9arcel of land into more than two parts for the purpose of transfer of ownership or development" The amendment reads: land into two or more. Mr. Pat Receci suggests that a repealing of this ordinance be on the agenda first. MAILE suggested that along with that chan~e should be considered the section that deals with section 3-1.1 which Page 16 City Council Minutes May 13, 1.986 Page - 3 - pertains to Agricultural land outside the city should also be included. inside the city limits. -Tho"City A~to~ne~ is'i~s~ructed to prepare an ordinance dealing with both issues, with "what is the definition of a subdivision". TREASURE VALLEY MOBILE HOME PARK: Represented by Dave Nelson, B&A Engineering. Property located at Floating.Feather and Highway ' 55 and will include 426 mobile home spaces given a five star rating. This park is 95 acres which will include dump station, recreational facilities, commercial sites, park areas and will be.an adult park. It will own its own water system and will connect to the Eagle Sewer and will be constructed in a 9 months period in it's entirety. The lots are 55' to 60' or wider. They will vary from 5000 sq.ft, to 6000 sq. ft. This land is not contiguous to the city; however there is a party that will request annexation of.~his propemty which will in turn make this area contiguous. The property in question is 1~0 acres. 'Discussion took place as to if the application should be :'subdivision or PUD, ~nd density problems outside and inside city limits, ahd~ the proper zoning. Subject will be dealt with and applications w~ill be considered at a future Planning and Zoning meeting where the two annexations can be considered at the.same time. ADA COUNTY TRANSMITTALS: 86-4-PR Private Road. Motion made by GUERBER to accept as presented, motion seconded by MATLOCK: All AYE: motion carried. 86-21-CU Private Storage. Motion made by MAILE that the county provide us with addition information as to the intended use from the applicant. Motion seconded by MATLOCK. All AYE: motion carried. 86-23-CU Private Storage. Motion made by GUERBER to approve as presented motion seconde~ by MIALE. All AYE: motion carried. 86-25-CU Private Storage. Motion made by ~ILE to approve as presented, motion seconded by GUERBER. All AYE: motion carried. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Parks: there has been much work on the parks and they are looking much better. Private Industry Council: We will provide employment for three youths and do have a supervisor, Beth Ambrose. We must have our own equipment. Library:Glida concerned with funding next year in budgeting process. APA: Highway District Public Hearing of May 8th was regarding the bypass and it was requested moving forward the bypass budget for funding. They will accelerate for the 1989-90 range. Page 17 City Council Minutes May 13, 1986 Page - 4 - P&Z: Discussion as to the value of the commission. MATLOCK opened a discussion regarding the annexation of Banbury. Motion made by MATLOCK that the city begin procedures on this plat of land known to us as Banbury. Motion seconded by MAILE. Roll Call on the motion resulted as follows: AYE:, MATLOCK MAILE, GUERBER, MINOW. Motion carried. Motion made by MAILE to ~pprove Claims Against the City. ~4~%ion seconded by GUERBER. Roll call resulted as follows: AYE MAILE, GUERBER, MINOW, MATLOCK. Motion carried. ADA COUNTY AMENDMENTS: Discussion regarding the letters and amendments to the impact area recieved by Ada County. Section 5.3.1 in the amendments was brought into discussion by MAYOR HALEY and council was advised that Eagle Planning and Zoning objected to this section as it seemingly does not include impact area. City Attorney, Pat Receci was instructed to set up a meeting with Ada County Commissioners prior to the requested time given, within 30 days of said letter. The letter was dated May 8, 1986. City Clerk, Ba~bara Montgomery was instructed to send a letter to the commissioners advising them they would be contacted regarding this meeting. Meeting was adjourned at 10:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted: n~t~mery, Ci~ Cler~ Approved: aro£ Haley, Mayor ~f Eagle