Minutes - 1986 - City Council - 03/25/1986 - SpecialPage 9 EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES PUBLIC HEARING March 25, 1986 The council met in special session at the Eagle Elementary School, March 25, 1986, at 7:30 p.m. MAYOR CAROL HALEY presiding. Those councilmembers present were: MAILE, GUERBER, MATLOCK, MINOW. The purpose of the meeting was to conduct a public hearing to accept public input on a proposed application for a State of Idaho Department of Commerce administered Community Development Block Grant in the amount of $100,000 to construct a Senior Citizen Community Center building and accessories. Explanation of the project was given by Carlyle Briggs, P.E. of B.& A.Engineers, Inc. Mr. Briggs gave the address .of the project as 3rd and Idaho Street, Eagle, Idaho. He introduced a drawing of the building, reviewed the cost figures of the project and indicated that the application handbook and application were available for public inspection. MAYOR CAROL HALEY discussed the total amount of funds available for small project grants this year being $3,058,774 and that $271,000 of those funds were available for senior citizen facilities. MAYOR HALEY also stated that the Ada County Commissioners have indorsed our request, and that the Area 111 Council on Aging has backed this request, as it has for several years, because there has been a need to split Star and Eagle senior citizens facilities, however; the f~nds have not been available to do so. The Mayor indicated that for the number of senior citizens in the Eagle area an Eagle Senior Citizens Community Center would attract those senior citizens that are not currently able to participate or take advantage of programs that would enrich their lives both socially and nutritionally. MAYOR HALEY opened the meeting for public testimony. Citizens that gave favorable testimony were: Bessie Clark Bob Murdock George Needl'es 106 Wildflower Lane 1456 Medinah Court 3007 Stewart Favorable written testimony was received and Community Building Association, Inc., man, Wayne Crosby. Eagle, Idaho 83616 Eagle, Idaho 83616 Boise, Idaho 83616 from the Eagle Senior signed by the Chair- No testimony in opposition was given. MAYOR CAROL HALEY closed the public hearing at 7:50 p.m. Page 10 Public Hearing March 25,' 1986 Page 2 Motion made by MAILE to go forward with the application and effectuate whatever steps are necessary to complete the project. The motion was seconded by GUERBER. Roll call on the motion resulted as follows: AYE: MAILE, GUERBER, MATLOCK, MINOW~ MAYOR CAROL HALEY adjourned the meeting at 7:55 p.m. ResPectfully submitted: Barbar~ Montg6mery,~i~y Cle~ Approved o ~AROL HALEY~