Minutes - 1986 - City Council - 02/11/1986 - RegularPage 4 CITY OF FAGLE COUNCIL MINUTES February 11, 1986 The council met in regular session at the Eagle City Hall, on Tuesday, February 11, 1986 at 7:30 p.m. ~_YOR CAROL HALEY presiding. Roll call showed the following members present: MAILE, GUERBER, ~LATLOCK & ~INOW. Motion made by ~LAILE to approve the minutes of the January 14, 1986 meeting as printed. Motion seconded by MATLOCK. Amendment made to paragraph five whereas the word Amendments of Ada County Zoning should read Eagle Comprehensive Plan. Motion to accept the minutes with the amendment was unanimous, motion carried. Motion made by MAILE to dispense with the rule requiring ordinances to be read on three different days, seconded by GUERBER. ALL AYE, motion carried. Motion made by MAILE to adopt Ordinance 103, the ordinance adopting the City Code, seconded by MINOW. ALL AYE, motion carried. GUERBER moved to adopt Resolution 2-86, a resolution providing that City Council meetings be held once a month, seconded by MATLOCK, ALL AYE, motion carried. Design review discussion was headed by Michael Divin, President Eagle Business Association, Inc. Mr. Divin presented to Council a letter from the Association addressing some of the concerns of the business men. Discussion resulted in suggesting formin~ a committee with THO~S MINOW workin~ with that committee to review proposed changes in the Design Review Ordinance. Future committees will be formed at a later date to review the Comprehensive plan and Sewer District. Stephenson & Coon's request for extension of time: Moved by MAILE to grant extension of one year, seconded by GUERBER, ALL AYE, motion carried. Extension of time regarding Eagle Rim Estates requested by J.J. Howard in the form of a letter. GUERBER moved to grant an extension of one year, motion seconded by MATLOCK, motion carried unanimously. D.C. Weaver,Multi Storage units discussion, presented by Mr. Weaver. Property in question is in the impact area located between the lumber comDany and egg farm. Would like to build Page 5 City Council Meetinq February 11, 1986 Page 2 Mult-storage units in phases and be considered for annexation in the city, discussion resulted in further reviewing the possibilities of this project through City Hall. Discussion regarding $idwalks resulted in no action bein~ taken at the present time. Ada County Transmittal #86-1-PR resulted in a motion made by MAILE that it is not in violation with our Comprehensive Plan, motion seconded by GUERBER. ALL AYE, motion carried. Pat Montgomery dba Hazard County Garage resulted in an int~rmal discussion reuarding such a business bein~ conducted ~.n -%he location of Main Street, Ea~le not being acceptable. T~ash Franchise discussed resulting in proposal to obtain more information on the subject. MAILE moved that Steve Hammon be apDointed to the Planninc and Zoning Commission, but withdrew the motion in order to accept both Steve Hammon and Harry Vogt in one motion. GUERBER moved to approve appointment o~ Steve Hammon to Planning and Zoning and to re-appoint Harry Voqt to Planning and Zoning, seconded by MINOW. ALL AYE, motion carried. Esco Highway access meets with no problem, it is Jim Gipsons suggestion that it co through the Desicn Review Committee at a later date for approval of phase !1. Eagle Auto Parts Design Review application reviewed. Motion made by ~A'?LOCK to accept application as presented, seconded by GUERBER. ALL AYE, motion carried. Claims against the city: Motion made by MAILE to approve as presented, seconded by GUERBER. ALL AYE, motion carried. MAYOR CAROL HALEY adjourned the meeting at 9:20 p.~. Approved: Re s~pec t fu 1 ly~bmit ted City Clerk