Minutes - 1986 - City Council - 01/21/1986 - SpecialPage 3 SPECIAL SESSION CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP January 21, 1986 Mayor CAROL HALEY presiding: The Council met in special session on Tuesday, January 21, 1986, at the Eagle Sewer Office at 6:30 p.m. Those in attendance were: MAILE, GUERBER, ~IATLOCK, MINOW. Speakers at the meeting were: Tom Gwin, Robert ~ De Shazo and Dick Christian. Topics o~ discussion were the Eagle By-Pass project designated for 1991-1992, presentation given by Tom Gwin, State of Idaho Transportation Department, Riverstone Townhouses consisting of 24 units given by Robert De Shazo, and a Farm Center in Eagle impact area N.E. corner of Highway 44 and 55 by Dick Christian. Other discussions were the Cullen/Fabco expansion, City overview for new Councilmembers ahd Ada County Transmittal regarding Pettycoat Junction and Ada County Amendments. Committee appointments are as follows: APA- Planning & Zoning- Library- Park Thomas Minow Steve Matlock Maile Guerber Meeting was ajourned by Mayor CAROL HALEY at 9:18 p.m. Respectf~%~' submitted: Barbara Montgome City Clerk Approved:~ CAROL HALEY, MAYOR