Minutes - 2016 - City Council - 03/22/2016 - RegularEAGLE CITY COUNCIL Minutes March 22, 2016 PRE COUNCIL AGENDA: 1: Trauma Intervention Program Report (TIP) — Presented by Kymber Jenkins, Trauma Intervention Program Coordinator: Kymber Jenkins shows a video and provides the Council an overview of the program. General discussion. 2. Mayor and Council Reports: Soelberg: I have a question for Chief Calley. What is the City going to doing to police the Dry Creek Trail area? Reports on PPDC meeting. Discussion on paving the last part of the Greenbelt pathway by Monroc. Kunz: Reports on last week's ACHD meeting. Discusses hunting along the river. Preston: Discussion on WealthWorks. I have watched one of the webinars and there is some potential there for the City. Discussion on the Comp Plan and not putting competing businesses in, especially when big businesses compete with small businesses in town. Kunz: Discuses the City Comp Plan Committee that is being formed. Bastian: Reports on the Sewer District meeting. Mayor thanks Council President Kunz for covering for him while he was on vacation. 3. City Hall Department Supervisor Reports: Parks/Rec Director Aho: Displays a PowerPoint and discusses the trail work behind Bella Aquila, the new playground equipment at Friendship Park, the Trail Eggxtravaganza, and trail work day at the Ada/Eagle Sports Complex. General discussion. City Attorney Report: No report City Clerk/Treasurer: Bergmann: No report Zoning Administrator Vaughan: No report INVOCATION: REGULAR AGENDA: 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Ridgeway calls the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: KUNZ, BASTIAN, PRESTON, SOELBERG. All present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Ridgeway leads the Pledge of Allegiance. Page I KACOUNCIL\MINUTES \Temporary Minutes Work AreACC- 03- 22 -16min doc 4. SERVICE RECOGNITION: A. The City would like to honor the outgoing commission members and thank them for their service and dedication. 1. The City would like to honor Dean Martin for his service to the Eagle community while serving on the Eagle Design Review Board. Mayor thanks Dean Martin for his service on the Eagle Design Review Board B. Volunteer Of The Month — March: Gunnar Dietsch The City of Eagle recognizes the importance of volunteerism and is taking a moment to thank those who selflessly give of themselves to the community. A plaque will be displayed in the lobby recognizing these outstanding volunteers. 1. On the behalf of Eagle Public Library's Teen Volunteers I would like to nominate Gunnar Dietsch as volunteer of the month. Gunnar has been a teen volunteer since November 2013. Since then he has become a leader in the Teen Advisory Board (TAB) and is currently serving as president. Since Gunnar has been a teen volunteer, he has dedicated his time to making the teen program a success. He is consistently at TAB meetings and makes himself available for the set -up, execution, and tear -down of events. During the summer months, while the library hosts a large number of events for children, Gunnar steps in to help in any capacity necessary. He can be found with his hands covered in tie -die ink, scooping ice for a snow cone, or helping a child make a US flag on a paper plate. In addition to summer events, there are a large variety of children's events during the rest of the year. Gunnar asks if he can be a part of any children's event throughout the year as well. His favorite event to help with is the building day. The teens are given the opportunity to sign -up for hour -long shifts. Gunnar will volunteer for all the available hours. Perhaps the most noteworthy example of Gunnar's giving heart is demonstrated during the quarterly Red Cross Blood drive. He eagerly takes part in greeting the donors and helping the Red Cross staff, but the most giving thing that Gunnar does is donate blood himself. A donor must be 16- years -old in order to give. I can recall how excited Gunnar was the first time he was going to donate. He had forgotten his permission slip to donate, but he went out of his way to assure that he could take part. Just like every other way that Gunnar gives, his enthusiasm was clear. During the last two blood drives, Gunnar has also stepped up to be a Double Red Cell donor. Gunnar is an exemplary example of the type of volunteers that the Eagle Public Library wants. It is common for a staff member to mention to me how eager Gunnar is to help, the growth that he has shown since he began volunteering, and the positive impact that he has had on the success of the library. In consideration of his exemplary and model characteristics in mind, I would like to nominate Gunnar Dietsch for Volunteer of the Month. Mayor thanks Gunnar Dietsch for his service to the community and to the Eagle Public Library. Presents Gunnar with a Volunteer of the Month Plaque and Volunteer of the Month Proclamation, a proclamation of the City of Eagle declaring March 23, 2016, Gunnar Dietsch Day in the City of Eagle for his dedication and volunteerism Page 2 KACOUNCIUMINUTEMemporary Minutes Work AreaWC- 03- 22- 16min.doe 5. PUBLIC COMMENT: None This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding subjects not on the agenda. At times, the City Council may seek comments /opinions regarding specific City matters during this allotted time. This is not the time slot to give formal testimony on a public hearing matter, or comment on a pending application or proposal. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three (3) minutes. 6. ADDITIONS, DELETIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE AGENDA: A. Mayor or City Council requests: Kunz: I would propose two amendments to the Agenda. The first one would be that we include an Executive Session immediately after Item #9 Public Hearing. The purpose of the Executive Session would be per I.C. 74- 206(1)(f) to review pending or threatened litigation. The second proposal requires asking a few questions. I would inquire of the Mayor, Council, Staff and anyone in the audience whether you are here to offer public comment or have questions or concerns with respect to Item #10A, the Noise Waiver Request for Creston Thornton, requesting a noise waiver on Friday, July 22, 2016 at Merrill Park to facilitate a concert event featuring the music group Sublime? Mr. Thorton is requesting that the time be extended one hour until 11:00 p.m. Is there anyone who has questions or concerns regarding this item? Hearing none, I would make a motion that we move Agenda Item #10A the Noise Waiver Request of Creston Thorton to the Consent Agenda as Item #L and that we add an Executive Session immediately after #9 Public Hearing as per I.C. 74- 206(1)(f) to discuss pending or threatened litigation. Seconded by Soelberg. Discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............ B. City Staff requests: None 7. CONSENT AGENDA: ♦ Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. ♦ Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. ♦ A. Claims against the City. ♦ B. Minutes of March 8, 2016 ♦ C. Re- appointment to Design Review Board: In accordance with Resolution 14 -19, Mayor Ridgeway is requesting Council confirmation of the re- appointment of Bob Schafer to the Board. Mr. Schafer will be serving a three (3) year term that will expire April 2019. (SR) Page 3 KACOUNCIUMMUTEMTemporary Minutes Work Area\CC- 03- 22 -16min doc ♦ D. Arbor Day Proclamation — A proclamation of the City of Eagle declaring April 24, 2016 as Arbor Day. (MA) ♦ E. Re- appointment to Parks and Pathways Development Commission: In accordance with Resolution 14 -19 Mayor Ridgeway is requesting the re- appointment of Dan Friend to the Commission. Mr. Friend will be serving a three (3) year term. (SR) ♦ F. Volunteer of the Month Proclamation — A proclamation of the City of Eagle declaring March 23, 2016, Gunnar Dietsch Day in the City of Eagle for his dedication and volunteerism! (SR) ♦ G. Vietnam Veterans Day Proclamation — A proclamation of the City of Eagle declaring March 29, 2016, Vietnam Veterans Day in the City of Eagle commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War. March 291h was the last day US troops were on the ground in Vietnam. (SR) ♦ H. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for FPUD -09 -15 & FP -15 -15 — Final Development Plan and Final Plat for Lilac Springs Subdivision No. 1 — Coleman Homes, LLC: Coleman Homes, LLC, represented by Becky McKay with Engineering Solutions, LLP, is requesting final development plan and final plat approvals for Lilac Springs Subdivision No. 1, a 95 -lot (85 buildable, 10 common) residential subdivision. The 47.65 -acre site is generally located at the northwest corner of West Floating Feather Road and North Lanewood Road at 5926 West Floating Feather Road. (WEV) I. FP -16 -15 — Final plat for Warrior Subdivision (formerly Liberty Park Subdivision) — Greg Hall: Greg Hall, represented by Chad Kinkela with CK Engineering P.C., is requesting final plat approval for Warrior Subdivision (formerly Liberty Park Subdivision), a 22 -lot (14- residential, 2- commercial, and 6- common) subdivision. The 3.79 -acre site is generally located on West Flint Drive at the southeast corner of West Flint Drive and North Park Lane. (WEV) ♦ J. Resolution 16 -15 — Partial Vacation of Easements - Arts West Subdivision: A Resolution of the Eagle City Council, Eagle, Ada County, Idaho, to vacate a portion of the public utility, drainage, and irrigation easements from Lot 5, Block 1 (Arts West Subdivision) as shown on the attachments hereto; and providing an effective date. (WEV) ♦ K. EXT -03 -16 — Final Plat Extension of Time for Ashbury Business Park Subdivision No. 1: SCS Brighton, LLC: SCS Brighton, LLC, represented by Van Elg, is requesting a final plat extension of time for Ashbury Business Park Subdivision No. 1, a 4 -lot commercial subdivision. The 1.74 -acre site is generally located at the northwest corner of North Meridian Road and West Bavaria Street. (WEV) ♦ L(l0A). Noise Waiver Request: Creston Thornton, representing CTTouring Inc., is requesting a noise waiver on Friday, July 22, 2016 at Merrill Park to facilitate a concert event featuring the music group Sublime. Mr. Thornton is requesting the time be extended one (1) hour until 11:00 p.m. Page 4 K:ICOUNCTUMINUTES \Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC- 03- 22 -16min doe Bastian moves to approve the Consent Agenda as amended. Seconded by Kunz. Bastian: AYE; Preston: AYE; Kunz: AYE, Soelberg: AYE. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............ 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Update for the Proposed Eagle Road Pedestrian/Bike Bridge: (COMPASS & MA) Mayor introduces the issue. Tom Laws, COMPASS, displays a PowerPoint and provides Council an overview of the project development report for the Eagle Road Pedestrian/Bike Bridge. Lisa Bachman, Project Manager J -U -B Engineers, presents a PowerPoint and discusses project need and the location of new bridge. Alan Cukurs, J -U -B Engineers, displays a PowerPoint presentation and discusses the recommended option. Lisa Bachman, discusses the Right -of -Way & Environmental, Public Involvement Plan, Costs Estimates, Funding & Schedule and Next Steps. Tom Laws, this is the conclusion of the project report. General discussion. B. Dog Park discussion: (SR) Mayor introduces the issue. We had a presentation a few weeks ago on the Dog Park and we are at a point where we need to appoint the Committee to look into the Dog Park. Discusses the Dog Park Open House. We should appoint a committee of maybe 8 or 9 members and I would like someone on the Council to be an active member of that committee. I would like the committee to spend some time in Nampa and Meridian looking at Dog Parks and all of their amenities and come up with some budget items, identify some locations, look at various options and come back to the Council with that. Park/Rec Director Aho: We do have an active list of people who are interested in this project. General discussion. General discussion on the Dog Park, the Committee and purchasing land for the Dog Park. 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None s Public Hearings are legally noticed hearings required by state law. The public may (provide formal testimony regarding the application or issue before the City Council. This testimony will become part of the hearing record for that application or matter. 9.1. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Executive sessions - When authorized. (1) An executive session at which members of the public are excluded may be held, but only for the purposes and only in the manner set forth in this section. The motion to go into executive session shall identify the specific subsections of this section that authorize the executive session. There shall be a roll call vote on the motion and the vote shall be recorded in the Page 5 KACOUNCIL\,MW=S \Temporary Minutes Work AreACC-03- 22 -16min doc minutes. An executive session shall be authorized by a two - thirds (2/3) vote of the governing body. An executive session may be held: Mayor introduces the issue. Kunz moves to go into Executive Session in accordance with I.C. 74- 206(1)(f). That we convene into Executive Session for the discussion of pending and threaten litigation. Seconded by Soelberg. Bastian: AYE; Preston: AYE; Kunz: AYE, Soelberg: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............ Council goes into Executive Session at 7:15 p.m. Council discusses pending and/or threatened litigation. Council leaves Executive Session at 7:55 p.m. 10. NEW BUSINESS: A. Noise Waiver Request: Creston Thornton, representing CTTouring Inc., is requesting a noise waiver on Friday, July 22, 2016 at Merrill Park to facilitate a concert event featuring the music group Sublime. Mr. Thornton is requesting the time be extended one (1) hour until 11:00 p.m. Moved to the Consent Agenda by a previous Motion and Approved. B. Addendum No. 3 to Service Agreement for Landscape Maintenance Services between the City of Eagle and Summer Lawns LLC.: This addendum will allow Summer Lawns to provide landscape management services to the newly installed Hill Road landscape improvements. (MA) Mayor introduces the issue. Park/Rec Director Aho: This is an Addendum to the Contract the City has with Summer Lawns for the Hill Road landscaping. This Addendum only goes through September. Kunz moves to approve the Addendum No. 3 to Service Agreement for Landscape Maintenance Services between the City of Eagle and Summer Lawns LLC. to provide landscape management services to the newly installed Hill Road landscape improvements at a total bid amount of $9,970.00. Seconded by Preston. KUNZ: AYE; BASTIAN: AYE; PRESTON: AYE; SOLEBERG: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES...... C. Ordinance 606 A — Annexation and Rezone for Vigne d' Aquila — Corrected Version: An Ordinance Annexing Certain Real Property Situated In The Unincorporated Area Of Ada County, Idaho, And Contiguous To The Corporate Limits Of The City Of Eagle, To The City Of Eagle, Idaho; Changing The Zoning Classification Of Said Real Property Described Herein From RUT (Rural -Urban Transition) To A -R -DA (Agricultural - Residential With A Development Agreement); Amending The Zoning Map Of The City Of Eagle To Reflect Said Change; Directing That Copies Of This Ordinance Be Filed As Provided By Law; And Providing An Effective Date. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Zoning Administrator Vaughan provides an overview of the corrected version. Page 6 KACOUNCIL\MINUTES \Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC- 03- 22 -16min doc Bastian moves, pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 50 -902, that the rule requiring Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with, and that Ordinance #606A be considered after being read once by title only. Bastian and Kunz read Ordinance #606A by title only. Seconded by Preston. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES...... Kunz moves that Ordinance #606A be adopted. Seconded by Soelberg. KUNZ: AYE; BASTIAN: AYE; PRESTON: AYE; SOLEBERG: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES...... D. AA -02 -16 — Applicant Appeal of the Zoning Administrator decision regarding HO -09 -15 MOD (Unlimited vehicle trips per day) — JoAnn Burrell: JoAnn Burrell with JoAnn's Iris Garden, is appealing the Zoning Administrator decision on the above referenced matter for the reasons specified in their appeal letter, date stamped by the City on February 29, 2016. The site is generally located on the north side of Floating Feather Road east of Ballantyne Lane at 1325 North Hesse Lane. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Zoning Administrator Vaughan provides Council an overview of his decision and the appeal by JoAnn Burrell. JoAnn Burrell, 1325 N. Hesse Lane, distributes photos and supporting letters, displays overheads, discusses her appeal and the iris garden. Mayor: I would like to poll the Council and see if they want to take public comment on this issue. Council concurs to take Public Comment. Kathy Bozman, 1700 W. Floating Feather Road, distributes information to the Council, and discusses the same. We previously expressed our opposition to the issuance of the Business License and the easement. All the traffic into that property crosses our property. Discusses the plat notations with regard to the road easement. Discusses the number of cars using the road. We also know that there is one member on this Council, Councilmember Preston, who is a personal friend of JoAnn Burrell, and we request that she be recused from voting on this issue. Councilmember Preston: I'm an acquaintance of them, I'm not a personal friend and I have never been to the property. Discussion. Christian Rasmusen. 1700 W. Floating Feather, we are not trying to shut them down, we want them to be able to grow their garden. Our property is burdened by the amount of traffic. This is not a commercial property. Discusses the plat notes and the Comp Plan. Dan Beardall, our property is just East of JoAnn's place. Discusses the amount of traffic in and out. We have lived there three years and we have never had an issue with traffic in and out of there. We pledge our support to the business being there. The Iris Gardens is one of the reasons we purchased our lot. Discusses the privacy fence. Ian Burnett, 1417 N. Foresto Bello Way, my backyard backs up to the Iris Garden and it is one reason that we bought our property. Discusses the notes on the plat in regards to the road. The traffic is not an issue. It would be shame to see this shut down. Page 7 KACOUNCIU IINUTEMTemporary Minutes Work AreaWC- 03- 22 -16min doe Susan Bell, I am a professor with the University of Idaho, I have been teaching horticulture for thirty years. JoAnn's Iris Garden has been an educational partner with us for the last 20 years. I bring students there. My classes are 35 — 40 people and we could never car pool all of them in four cars. This is a seasonal business. This garden is a treasure. There is an Idaho Statute for the right to farm and this is something you might want to look into. General discussion. Kerry Burnett, 1417 N Foresto Bello Way, it is an absolute beauty to look at this garden. I have several dogs and none of my dogs are bothered by the traffic. This is nice to have. Nancy Sorensen, 1016 S. Arbor Island Way, I have gone every year to JoAnn's Iris Garden since I moved to Eagle 13 years ago. These people should have done their due diligence when they bought their home. Michelle Bradbury, 620 W. Bogus View Drive, those of us who are here to support JoAnn absolutely love that garden. I have been going there since we moved to Idaho. I send people to JoAnn. This has always been a place of peace and beauty. She doesn't sell flowers she sells the bulbs. I can't imagine this going away. Michael Hraneck, 6063 S. Pierre Way, I have known Joann for 18 years. Discusses the location of the driveway. These are upstanding people. It would be a bad travesty not to let the traffic come in for a short period of time. JoAnn Burrell: I attended an open meeting in January to talk about the garden and the meeting was packed. This shouldn't be an issue; it is a limited time for a month and a half depending on the weather. People enjoy the garden. With only 4 cars a day, I cannot run this business. I just hope I can have what it takes to stay open. Bastian: I asked legal counsel a couple of questions. 1. We could table this matter, 2. We could meet again in Executive Session to discuss legal issues or 3. We could go ahead with an action. After hearing the testimony, I would like to meet in Executive Session to discuss legal issues. Bastian: I don't know what the particular Idaho Code is. City Attorney McLain: It will be I.C. 74- 206(1)(f). Bastian: I move to go into Executive Session under Idaho Code as stated by our legal counsel. Seconded by Preston. Kunz: AYE; Bastian: AYE; Preston: AYE; Soelberg: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES...... Council goes into Executive Session at 8:45 p.m. Council discusses legal issues. Council leaves Executive Session at 9:08 p.m. Kunz: After carefully reviewing the application and listening carefully to the testimony, the Mayor and City Council have been advised by legal counsel that there are limitations with respect to what the City can do in this matter. Given the issues that have been raised, I move that the parties enter into mediation to identify a potential compromise solution to this matter. Seconded by Preston. City Attorney McLain: The code section is I.C. 67 -6510 and it does require both of the parties to participate in mediation and the City will provide the mediator. Kunz: I modify my main motion to incorporate the City Attorney's reference. Second concurs. Page S KACOUNCILMNUTESUemporary Minutes Work AreACC- 03- 22 -16min doc Discussion. Soelberg: I would like the Mayor to direct City Staff to immediately draft an Ordinance to change Eagle City Code, Section 812. Discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES ............... E. Award of Bid for restroom and concessions at Eagle Sports Complex.: (MD) Mayor introduces the issue. Bastian: After looking at the item before us, it is my conclusion that we should not award the bid and (discussion). I move under the Idaho Procurement Laws that we reject all bids. Seconded by Kunz. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES......... F. Lottery selection of municipal park vendors. Per Resolution 04 -13, the City Council will randomly select vendor's with whom they will enter into lease agreement negotiations so that they may conduct sales within the City owned park system. (MA) Mayor introduces the issue. Park/Recreation Director Aho: I only have two vendors and they both want to have Heritage Park. Yes, we will have to draw. Guerber or Merrill would be the second choice. Discussion. Frank Thomason does the drawing. Park/Recreation Director Aho: A &M Enterprises won the drawing for Heritage Park. 11 A-vio IU I OWN F This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding subjects on the agenda. At times, the City Council may seek comments /opinions regarding specific City matters during this allotted time. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three (3) minutes. 12. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor: I would entertain a motion to adjourn. So moved by Kunz. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES ................ Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted: SHARON K. BERGMANN CITY CLERK/TREASURER APP VED: STAN RIDGEWAY MAYOR OF _` RP�Rq�F VA SEAL J 4` : '••. nF ►OP.•`. Page 9 K +.COUNCIUMINUTES'Temporary Minutes Work AreACC- 03- 22 -16mm doc TIP Trauma Intervention Programs, Inc. C'iti:ens helping citizens in crisis' Date: February 1, 2016 To: Ada County Officials From: Kymber Jenkins, Crisis Team Manager Re: Statistics for the Treasure Valley from Feb. 1, 2015 to Feb. 1,2016 ( one year period) Statistical Data a. # Treasure Valley residents provided service = 796 b. # of services provided to Treasure Valley residents = 1,296 c. # of volunteer "ready alert" hours contributed by TIP volunteers = 25, 920 d. Average response time = 19 minutes e. # of TIP volunteers serving the Treasure Valley = 21 f. Reliability: TIP responded to 100% of requests for service from emergency responders First Responder Feedback "The volunteer was very helpful by attending to victim 's needs so 1 could conduct my investigation." Det. Miraglia Boise Police Department "They were nice, friendly, and quick to respond. Thank you so much!" Sara Hill ACSO "They provided the personal aspect that I could not." Officer Bock Boise Police Department Survivor Feedback "The volunteer was very helpful. They talked about stress reliever pressure points. "She was there as long as 1 needed. Thank you!" Awards Recipient — Paul H. Chapman Award from the Foundation for Improvement of Justice (2009) 2000 National Crime Victim Service Award Innovations in State and Local Government Award (1991) ALLIANCE - TITLE & ESCROW CORP. Sentry Dynamics, Inc. and its customers make no representations, warranties or conditions, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of Information contained in this report. geoAdvantage www.sentrydynamics.net QUOTES TAKEN FROM NOTES SECTION OF THE OFFICIAL RECORDED PLAT OF HESSE SUBDIVISION NOTE 6. SHEET1OF2: "THE PRIVATE ROAD HAS A PERPETUAL EASEMENT FOR THE INGRESS - EGRESS AND THAT SUCH EASEMENT SHALL RUN WITH THE LAND AND PROVIDE EACH LOT OWNER HAVING ACCESS FROM THE PRIVATE ROAD, UNDIVIDED INTEREST WITHIN THE PRIVATE ROAD." HIGHLIGHTED NOTE SHEET 2 OF 2: "THE PRIVATE ROAD SHOWN ON THIS PLAT OF HESSE SUBDIVISION IS NOT HEREBY DEDICATED TO THE PUBLIC, AND THE EASEMENTS INDICATED ON SAID PLAT ARE NOT DEDICATED TO THE PUBLIC, BUT THE RIGHT TO USE SAID PRIVATE ROAD AND EASEMENTS ARE HEREBY RESERVED FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES AND FOR OTHER USES AS DESIGNATED HEREON, AND NO PERMANENT STRUCTURES ARE TO BE WITHIN THE LINES OF SAID PRIVATE ROAD AND EASEMENTS. THE INDIVIDUAL LOTS DESCRIBED IN THE PLAT WILL NOT BE SERVED BY ANY WATER SYSTEM COMMON TO ONE (1) OR MORE LOTS, BUT WILL BE SERVED BY INDIVIDUAL WELLS." JOANN'S IRIS GARDEN To Honorable Mayor and Council, Jan, 19 2016 It has come to my attention that there has been a formal complaint regarding Joann's Iris Garden. I'm writing this letter to voice my support for keeping the Garden active and alive. I reside directly to the east of the Garden and have a beautiful view of it through the main rooms in my house. I also see the activity, and cars it brings while it is open. There is not a significant amount of traffic related to the amount of visitors that view the Garden. Parking is not an issue as the Gardens location affords a long driveway that easily handles the traffic. The Garden is part of a lot that at some point was subdivided into 3 lots. Lot 1 fronts on Floating Feather, Lot 2 (Joann's lot) and Lot 3 the back lot (northern most lot). My due diligence for this letter seems to show that the driveway for lots 2 and 3 are the sole property of Lot 2 and 3. There is a large turnaround at the end of the driveway, in front of lot 3. This turnaround is helpful because it lends space for additional parking. Part of the reason my wife and I purchased our lot was because of the beauty of the Garden. It warms my heart to see so many seniors being brought to view the Beautiful flowers that Joann lovingly tends to. This is truly one of Eagles assets and should remain that way. My only concern would be that the front lot (on Floating Feather)(Lot 1) has installed a wooden fence that significantly blocks the egress view of lot owners and guests as they reenter onto Floating Feather. I am a Board member of Corrento Bello Homeowners Association (development directly to the east). I have fielded complaints about this fence. Exiting from Corrento Bello onto Floating Feather the view of east bound traffic is impeded by this fence. During the summer months the sun setting, the rise in the road and the addition of this fence have made for an unsafe condition. Please also accept this letter as a formal complaint against the height and location of the aforementioned fence. Can you please have Code Enforcement evaluate the height, setback, and location to make sure this fence meets City of Eagle and ACHD requirements. Respectfully Ian and Cari Burnett 1417 No. Foresto Bello Way Eagle, Idaho 83616 FROM CARRIER AND IAN'S BACK YARD TOWARDS THE IRIS GARDEN Cc. ,-2 z- 16 To whom it may concern, The purpose of this email is to express our support for JoAnn's Iris Garden. We have owned the property bordering JoAnn's property for the last few years. The Iris Garden has been one of the highlights of living here. It is such a serene beauty! It is part of this community and must be allowed to continue in business. So many people look forward to their season. They have always been extremely respectful of all neighbors. The traffic for the business is at a minimum and has never been disruptive. JoAnn is very welcoming to allow all around to enjoy in the gorgeous atmosphere. She has even allowed me to take pictures of my children in her garden which I will forever cherish. My husband and I give JoAnn's Iris Garden our full support. We pray this garden will be around and successful for years to come! Sincerely, Tawni Beardall FROM DAN AND TAWNY'S BACKYARD TOWARDS THE IRIS GARDEN Sterling Codifiers, Inc. Page 9 of 16 11A-5-4-4: PARKING DISABLED VEHICLES: Z L The parking of a disabled vehicle within a residential or commercial district for a period of more than two (2) weeks shall be prohibited unless such vehicle is stored in an enclosed garage or other accessory building. (Ord. 710, 1-14-2014) 11A-5-4-5: BICYCLE PARKING: ID One bicycle parking space within an approved rack shall be required for each thirty (30) required automobile parking spaces or fraction thereof for office and commercial developments. Multi -family residential developments shall provide one bicycle rack space per each ten (10) units. Bicycle parking racks shall be in a well lit area, and shall be designed in accordance with the parking facility criteria of the "Bicycle -Pedestrian Design Manual For Ada County" as prepared for the Ada County highway district with the exception that bicycle racks do not have to be covered unless required by the design review board, or planning and zoning commission or city council. (Ord. 710, 1-14-2014) 11A-5-5: SCHEDULE OF PARKING REQUIREMENTS:Z 0 In accordance with subsection 11A -5-1B of this chapter, parking spaces for other permitted or conditional uses not listed herein shall be determined by the administrator. Among the factors for determining the number of spaces to be required for a use not listed herein, the administrator shall compare the proposed use with a use which has similar traffic generating characteristics as outlined in the most recent version of the Institute Of Transportation Engineers "Trip Generation Manual". For the purpose of this title, the following space requirements shall apply: TABLE 5.3 REQUIRED PARKING gfa = Gross floor area IAgricultural uses: Plant nurseries/sod farms (retail and wholesale): 11 1 Retail 1 space per 250 square feet of gfa, plus 1 space per 500 square feet of outdoor display/lathe house/greenhouse area LILil Wholesale II 1 space per 2,000 square feet of gfa UIVineyards (no winery) 111 space per 2,000 square feet of gfa Wineries 1 space per 1,000 square feet of gfa. Gift shops, restaurants, event facilities, etc., shall require additional parking per the standards in this section Civic, community, and public/quasi-public uses: 1 11 11 1 http://www.sterlingcodifiers.com/codebook/getBookData.php?chapter id=8... 3/17/2016 Sterling Codifiers, Inc. Page 10 of 16 Community association buildings and facilities, including clubhouses and swimming pools: Ull General Swimming pools Community information centers Conference centers Equestrian centers/riding academies Golf courses/clubhouses UlMuseums ulParks/open space/trail heads Post office/annexes Recreation/community centers Recreation fields, courts, and sports facilities Religious facilities/houses of worship Swimming pools, outdoor (public, community or club) UI Utility buildings and facilities Wireless communication facilities ICommercial uses: UlAuto body shops Auto gas stations/service shops II1 space per 250 square feet of gfa 1 space per 4 persons' capacity, plus 1 space per 4 seats or 1 space per 30 square feet of gfa used for seating purposes, whichever is greater 1 space per 250 square feet 1 space per 4 fixed seats or 10 spaces per 1,000 square feet of gfa, whichever is greater 1 space per 4 stalls 4 spaces per hole, plus 1 space per 150 square feet of gfa of clubhouse ll1 space per 400 square feet of gfa °Determined by site plan review 1 space per 400 square feet of gfa, but not Tess than 6 spaces 1 space per 300 square feet of gfa for offices, plus 1 space per 100 square feet of gfa for weight rooms/workout and/or dance rooms, plus 1 space per 100 square feet of gfa for restaurant/cafe or snack bar, plus 1 space per employee for largest shift, plus additional parking for any stadiums/arenas or other uses 1 space per 3 seats in spectator area; if there is no seating for spectators, an interpretation by the administrator is required 1 space per 5 seats 1 space per 4 persons' capacity, plus 1 space per 4 seats or 1 space per 30 square feet of gfa used for seating purposes, whichever is greater IIDetermined by site plan approval or CUP 1 space per 500 square feet of gfa 11 111 space per 225 square feet of gfa 1 space per 2 gas pumps and 2 spaces per service bay (not counting fronts of bays/pumps) http ://www. sterlingcodifiers. com/codebook/getB ookData.php?chapter id=8... 3/17/2016 Sterling Codifiers, Inc. Page 11 of 16 Auto repair and service shops 1 space per 225 square feet of gfa (major and minor) Auto sales (new and used) 1 space per 400 square feet of gfa, plus 1 space per 750 square feet of outdoor display LilAuto/truck rental agencies II 1 space per 200 square feet of gfa Banks/financial institutions 1 space per 200 square feet of gfa, plus 1 lane per drive -up window and/or automatic teller machine with stacking for 4 vehicles per lane 1 space per 200 square feet of gfaUlBars/pubs/nightclubs II Bed and breakfast facilities 1 space per sleeping room plus 2 spaces for primary residence Building materials/lumber 1 space per 400 square feet of gfa, plus 1 space per yards 1,000 square feet of gross storage area — Car washes (full and self- service) 1 space per 200 square feet of gfa of sales, office or lounge area, plus stacking for 3 cars per washing station Ul Childcare facilities: 11 UlilFamily/home daycare 111 space on site (may include driveway) LI111 Group daycare II 2 spaces Daycare 3 spaces per classroom, but not less than 9 spaces for centers/preschools the building UlClinics/urgent care facilities II 1 space per 200 square feet of gfa UlClubs, public and private il 1 space per 200 square feet of gfa Commercial center, Determined by building use at site plan review community Commercial center, neighborhood Determined by building use at site plan review Dry cleaners/laundries 1 space per 400 square feet of gfa, plus stacking for 3 cars per drive -up window Emergency healthcare facilities: Ambulance services 1 space per 500 square feet of gfa, plus 2 enclosed ambulance storage spaces Emergency healthcare II 1 space per 200 square feet of gfauu Emergency services 1 space per 500 square feet of gfa, plus 2 enclosed vehicle storage spaces Entertainment facilities (excluding shooting ranges and gun clubs): http://www.sterlingcodifiers.com/codebook/getBookData.php?chapter id=8... 3/17/2016 Sterling Codifiers, Inc. Page 12 of 16 General Bowling centers/lanes Golf driving ranges Miniature golf courses Skating rinks (ice/roller) Tennis/racquetball clubs Theaters (live and movie) Flex space 11 Food and beverage sales 7 Health clubs Home occupations Hospitals and related facilities Hotels and motels Kennels Laboratories Laundromats Liquor stores Manufacturing, light Mortuaries/funeral homes Motion picture/radio/television production facilities Nursing/convalescent homes/ transitional housing Offices, business and professional: 1 space per 250 square feet of gfa 3 spaces per lane, plus 1 space per 100 square feet of area used for restaurant, cocktail lounge, arcade area or similar use 3 spaces plus 1 space per tee 3 spaces per hole 1 space per 100 square feet of skating rink area 3 spaces per court 1 space per 5 fixed seats or 10 spaces per 1,000 square feet of gfa, whichever is greater 1 space per 500 square feet of gfa 1 space per 250 square feet of gfa 1 space per 250 square feet of gfa 1 space on site (may include driveway) 1 space per patient bed 1 space per guestroom, plus 1 space per 2 employees; parking requirements for hotels that contain ancillary uses (retail, restaurants, conference centers, etc.) such as those found in a resort shall be determined by site plan review 1 space per 400 square feet of gfa 1 space per 500 square feet of gfa 1 space per 300 square feet of gfa 1 space per 250 square feet of gfa 1 space per 500 square feet of gfa used for manufacturing/processing, plus 1 space per 300 square feet of office or sales area 1 space per 4 seats Determined by site plan review 1 space per 3 beds http://www. sterlin codifiers.com/codebook/getBookData.php?chapter id=8... 3/17/2016 Sterling Codifiers, Inc. Page 13 of 16 [U' General Iii Medical/dental Personal improvement establishments Personal service establishments: LEI General Barbershops/beauty parlors Repair shops (appliances and electronics) Radio and TV broadcast stations Recreational vehicle dealerships/ service/storage: Li [JJ Sales LILil Service Storage Recycling/solid waste transfer centers Rental service stores/storage yards (large equipment): DUI Sales Li Lil Service Storage Research and development facilities it Resorts LI Restaurants (with and without drive-throughs) and catering establishments: With drive-through II1 space per 250 square feet of gfa II1 space per 200 square feet of gfa 1 space per 250 square feet of gfa II1 space per 250 square feet of gfa 2 spaces per barber chair or beautician station 1 space per 400 square feet of gfa 1 space per 500 square feet of gfa ll1 space per 500 square feet of gfa II2 spaces per service bay 1 space per 1,500 square feet of gross storage area, plus 1 space per 750 square feet of outdoor display 1 space per 1,000 square feet of gfa II1 space per 400 square feet of gfa 112 spaces per service bay 1 space per 500 square feet of gfa of office space, plus 1 space per 500 square feet of outdoor display 1 space per 500 square feet of gfa IIDetermined by site plan review 11 1 space per 200 square feet of gfa, plus stacking for 5 cars for drive -up service http://www.sterlinacodifiers.com/codebook/getBookData.php?chapter id=8... 3/17/2016 Sterling Codifiers, Inc. Page 14 of 16 ilul Without drive-through Retail sales and services (other than those listed): Liu General Furniture and Targe appliance stores Printing and blueprint facilities Rental stores (small tools/ equipment) LI1 Shooting ranges/gun clubs LI 1 Special care facility 1 11Veterinary hospitals/clinics Warehousing, wholesaling, distribution and storage: General [J[jJ Ministorage IEducational facilities: Business, technical and vocational schools Colleges and universities (including satellite campuses) Elementary/junior high/middle schools High schools Preschools and kindergartens (private) 1Residential uses: UlAccessory dwelling Multi -family, studio and 1 bedroom LI 1 Multi -family, 2 bedroom I II II1 space per 150 square feet of gfa I1 space per 250 square feet of gfa 1 space per 500 square feet of gfa of sale floor display area, plus 1 space per 2,500 square feet of gfa of warehouse storage 1 space per 400 square feet of gfa 1 space per 500 square feet of gfa of structure and covered storage area II1 space per target and/or shooting station 1 space per 3 beds 111 space per 400 square feet of gfa 1 space per 1,000 square feet of gfa up to 20,000 square feet plus 1 space per 2,000 square feet of gfa over 20,000 square feet 111 space per 20 storage units 1 space per 400 square feet of gfa 1 space per 400 square feet of gfa 2 spaces per classroom, plus 1 space per 5 seats in auditoriums or assembly halls 9 spaces per classroom, plus 20 spaces for administrative staff 3 spaces per classroom, but not less than 9 spaces for the building 11 111 space per unit 1.5 spaces per unit, including 1 covered space 112 spaces per unit, including 1 covered space II httn://www.sterlinacodifiers.com/codebook/aetBookData.php?chapter id=8... 3/17/2016 Sterling Codifiers, Inc. Page 15 of 16 Multi -family, 3 bedrooms and above Senior citizen apartment Single-family attached/detached/ equestrian Single-family (SFSL) ITemporary facilities: Aggregate processing and batch plants Carnivals and circuses U� Farmers' markets Seasonal or holiday product sales U1Special events Temporary construction offices/yards Temporary real estate sales offices/trailers 11 2 spaces per unit, including 1 covered space 1 covered space per unit, plus 1 guest space for every 5 units 2 spaces per unit including 1 covered space 2 spaces per unit, including 1 covered space, plus 0.25 space per unit for guest parking (adjacent on street parking may count toward guest parking requirement) 1 space per employee 1 space per 3 seats (circus) or as determined by a site plan or CUP IIAs determined by a site plan or CUP As determined by a site plan IIDetermined by site plan 1 space per 2 employees using the facility, plus 2 spaces 1 space per 2 employees using the facility, plus 2 spaces (Ord. 710, 1-14-2014) 11A-5-6: LOADING SPACE REQUIREMENTS: Every use that receives or distributes materials or merchandise by truck shall provide and maintain on site loading spaces in accordance with the following standards: A. Requirements: 1. The number of loading spaces shall be based upon the total gross floor area in the building or use. 2. On site loading spaces shall be provided in accordance with table 5.4 of this section. TABLE 5.4 ON SITE LOADING REQUIREMENTS http://www.sterlingcodifiers.com/codebook/getBookData.php?chapter id=8... 3/17/2016 Sterling Codifiers, Inc. Page 16 of 16 Gross Floor Area (Square Feet) Quantity And Type 14,000 - 36,000 111 type B 136,001 - 60,000 I! 2 type B 60,001 - 100,000 2 type B and 1 type A Each 75,000 (or fraction thereof) over 1 additional type A 100,000 Notes: 1. Type B = 35 feet in length. 2. Type A = 65 feet in length. B. Design Standards: Off street loading spaces shall be provided in the following manner: 1. The minimum size of a loading space, exclusive of access platforms or loading areas shall be thirty five feet long by twelve feet wide (35' x 12') for a type B space and sixty five feet long by fifteen feet wide (65' x 15') for: a. Type A space with a fifteen foot (15') vertical clearance. 2. Loading spaces shall be located as follows: a. Adjacent to, or as close as possible to, the main structure. b. Located at the rear or side of the main structure. c. Situated to provide convenient access from streets or alleyways. d. Situated to ensure that all loading and unloading shall take place on site and in no case within adjacent public rights of way or on site traffic areas. e. Situated to ensure that all vehicular maneuvers associated with loading and unloading shall occur on site. f. Situated to ensure that impact on adjacent residential uses is minimized. (Ord. 710, 1-14-2014) http://www.sterlingcodifiers.com/codebook/getBookData.php?chapter id=8... 3/17/2016 Cc .3, --i le CHAMBER OF COMMERCE February 16, 2016 Honorable Mayor and City Council 660 E. Civic Lane Eagle, Idaho 83616 Dear Mayor and Council: RE: Jo Ann's Iris Garden Please accept this letter in support of the City of Eagle land use application to allow for the continued operation of the business known as Jo Ann's Iris Garden on Floating Feather Road in Engle, Idaho. The Iris Garden has been a staple of the City of Eagle for many years. The Iris Garden attracts people from all around the Treasure Valley and benefits our entire community by bringing in visitors and by demonstrating the uniqueness that is Eagle. The members of the Board of Directors for the Eagle Chamber of Commerce, as representatives for all of its members, would sincerely appreciate and encourage the City to do what it can to keep this wonderful attraction open for all to enjoy! Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, yz_.;,_.-kf Shawn L. Nickel Eagle Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Chairman for Governmental Affairs 148 N 2nd Street #101 Eagle, Idaho 83616 208-939-4222 Phone 208-327-2139 Fax Eagle City Council Eagle, Idaho January 11, 2016 GREENFIELDANDREW D. BURRELL, D.O. FA.N4IILY 1244 N. GREENFIELD RD., SUITE 104 MESA, AZ 85205 MEDICINE TEL. 480.964.6900 FAX 480.964.6901 Letter of Support RE: JoAnn's Iris Garden, 1325 N. Hesse Lane, Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle City Council Members, I would like to voice my support in favor of allowing JoAnn Burrell (no relation) to continue to allow customers to personally visit her beautiful Iris Garden in person during the blooming season. We visited Eagle for Mother's Day last May from Mesa, Arizona and her garden was on our list of places to visit. We were able to make our selection of irises while in bloom, and subsequently make our choice and place an order. Our payment included the sales tax for your city. Without being able to visit the garden personally, I would not have been able to choose the best plants for my garden back home in Arizona. We were there on a Saturday, and there were maybe 1 or 2 other visitors at the time. The garden is in the back yard and the surroundings were beautiful, quiet, and serene. I don't believe there could have been any disturbance to any neighbors as the setting was nicely landscaped with natural trees, bushes, and vines that separated her garden from other properties. It did not appear commercialized, loud, or disruptive in any way; rather, the garden is quite complimentary to the neighborhood. I was also impressed to learn that jobs were provided to local youth who dig and separate the rhizomes for delivery in late summer. When I visit Eagle in the future I would definitely include JoAnn's Iris Garden on my list of places to visit. Please allow her to remain in business as is. Sincerely, Drr. AnSrem- 6tA4Pre.U. January 20, 2016 TO: Eagle City Council FROM: Zora Lee Poppenhouse RE: JoAnn's Iris Garden I am writing in complete and total support of JoAnn Burrell and her lovely Iris Garden. I have been a patron of JoAnn's for several years now and would hate to see anything happen to this wonderful resource for Iris bulbs. JoAnn's Garden is situated in the perfect setting for cultivating Iris. She has laid out the Garden so that it is not only a beautiful sight to see and enjoy; but also for ease in selection and ordering of bulbs. When you first arrive at the Garden in the Spring, the view of the blooming Iris is striking and quite beautiful — enhancing the natural beauty of the area. I have not found another Iris Garden locally with the quaint feel of a real old-fashioned garden, rather than a mass—producing bulb farm. It is a pleasure to sit on one of the benches she has strategically placed within the Garden and just enjoy the view and the fragrance. I live in Boise, and although Eagle is our neighbor, I do not find myself patronizing Eagle businesses unless something specifically draws me to your City. JoAnn's does that. I enjoy stopping in Eagle to see what's new, to stop for coffee or tea, to browse and shop a bit, or have a meal — depending on the time of day that I visit the Garden. I have recommended JoAnn's to friends for both the lovely ambiance of the Garden itself, as well as the high quality bulbs she consistently produces and sells. I would hate to see this friendly, honest, truly entrepreneurial woman have to close due to the whim of a "new" neighbor. I am not sure why it is that people move into a neighborhood and then set about to try to change that neighborhood. If the new people are not happy — why did they buy in this rural area, close to a well-established local Garden in the first place? Makes no sense to me! If you have not already visited the Garden, please take the time to do so this Spring, when the Iris are in bloom — it's really beautiful! Please don't lose this valuable addition to your City! Please rule in JoAnn's favor! I will not be in town for the meeting, or I would certainly be there in support of JoAnn Burrell and JoAnn's Iris Garden. Thank you for giving my words your consideration. cc Doran and Kathy Dalke 1304 N. Foresto Bello Way Eagle, Idaho 83616 Phone 208-995-3516 Date: 01/18/2016 Eagle City Hall 660 E. Civic Ln. Eagle, Idaho 83616 To Eagle City Council, Subject: Hesse Lane road usage. We are writing in support of JoAnn Burrell of "Joan's Iris Garden" located on 1325 N. Hesse Lane, Eagle, ID. We reside at 1304 N. Foresto Bello Way in the Corrente Bello subdivision and have a full view of Hessen road, residence and garden from the front of our house. We are proud to have them as neighbors and have thoroughly enjoyed the Iris Garden. We welcome the chance to share the beauty with relatives, friends and visitors especially in the month of May. We find the gardens a wonderful refuge that should be enjoyed by all Boiseans. The people of Eagle should be especially proud to have such a garden available to them. The grounds are immaculately maintained and the owners have continued to improve and upgrade the property. We have lived in Corrente Bello for four years and have never been troubled by increased traffic around the property at any time. Garden visitors have been able to find adequate parking on the property and the garden has not been a noise problem. We consider it an asset to our neighborhood. The opposing party does not have access to their property from Hesse Lane and accesses their property from Floating Feather. There are only two homes that use Hesse Lane and the traffic is minimal and the gardens do not present a road noise or congestion problem. With sincerest regards, Doran and Kathy Dalke Home Owners i 17 / /'C�1 rG�00!/ 7 e y 3-- a - January 18, 2016 To Whom It May Concern; Our property and driveway are located directly across from the entrance of JoAnn's Iris garden. We have lived here for approximately 6 years. Traffic related to this business is not an issue for us, in fact it is unnoticeable. a-- oi c-ecL-. Donald Wood Property Owner 1601 W. Floating Feather Rd. Eagle, ID 83616 608-1035 January 18, 2016 To Whom It May Concern; Our property and driveway are located directly across from the entrance of JoAnn's Iris garden. We have lived here for approximately 6 years. Traffic related to this business is not an issue for us, in fact it is unnoticeable. Lana Sorenson Property Owner 1601 W. Floating Feather Rd. Eagle, ID 83616 867-8920 FROM DONS DRIVEWAY SOU T HS1DE OF FLOATING FEATHER LOOKING NORTH DOWN HESSE LANE City of Eagle Report Criteria: Report type: GL detail Bank.Bank account = "82007705" Check Check Issue Date Number 19352 03/21/2016 19352 Greg Foley Total 19352: Payee 19602 03/16/2016 19602 De Lags Landen Financial Svc Total 19602: 19603 03/16/2016 19603 03/16/2016 19603 03/16/2016 19603 03/16/2016 19603 03/16/2016 19603 03/16/2016 19603 03/16/2016 19603 Total 19603: Home Depot Credit Services Home Depot Credit Services Home Depot Credit Services Home Depot Credit Services Home Depot Credit Services Home Depot Credit Services Home Depot Credit Services 19604 03/16/2016 19604 Idaho Child Support Receipting Total 19604: 19605 03/16/2016 19605 Key Bank - HSA 03/16/2016 19605 Key Bank - HSA 03/16/2016 19605 Key Bank - HSA 03/16/2016 19605 Key Bank - HSA 03/16/2016 19605 Key Bank - HSA Total 19605: 19606 03/16/2016 19606 Zayo Group. LLC Total 19606: 19607 03/21/2016 19607 A&B Lock and Key Total 19607: 19608 03/21/2016 19608 A.M.E. Electric, Inc. Total 19608: 19609 03/21/2016 19609 Aaron and Joy Holsinger Check Register - Transparency Version Check Issue Dates: 3/9/2016 - 3/21/2016 Invoice Invoice Sequence GL Account Cc --,?,2----/b Invoice Invoice GL Account Title 1 ch 60-0434-22-00 TRAVEL-MTNGS-EDUCATION 1 ch 01-0416-24-00 EQUIPMENT LEASING 1 ch 15-0445-01-00 1 ch 60-0434-26-00 1 ch 60-0434-26-00 1 ch 60-0434-26-00 1 ch 15-0445-01-00 1 ch 60-0434-26-00 1 ch 60-0434-26-00 MAINTENANCE & REPAIR Tools & Equipment Tools & Equipment Tools & Equipment MAINTENANCE & REPAIR Tools & Equipment Tools & Equipment 1 ch 16-0217-08-00 GARNISHMENTS 1 ch 2 ch 3 ch 4 ch 5 ch 16-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 06-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 09-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 17-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 13-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 1 ch 01-0414-02-00 INTERNET SERVICES 1 ch 60-0434-26-00 Tools & Equipment 1 ch 60-0434-58-01 RPR/MTNC PUMPS-WELLS-CHEMICA 1 ch 99-0107-00-00 CASH CLEARING -UTILITY BILLING Invoice Amount Page: 1 Mar 21, 2016 03:58PM Check Amount 55.25- 55.25- 55.25- 1,306.85 1,306.85 1,306.85 43.91 43.91 9.26 9.26 24.12 24.12 32.40 32.40 23.56 23.56 8.75 8.75 56.94 56.94 198.94 150.00 150.00 150.00 385.00 535.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 385.00 535.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 1,220.00 764.64 764.64 764.64 30.00 30.00 30.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 10.55 10.55 ti City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 2 Check Issue Dates: 3/9/2016 - 3/21/2016 Mar 21, 2016 03:58PM Check Check Issue Date Number Total 19609: Payee 19610 03/21/2016 19610 Ada County Sheriffs Dept. Total 19610: 19611 03/21/2016 19611 Advanced Sign & Design Total 19611: 19612 03/21/2016 19612 Alsco 03/21/2016 19612 Alsco Total 19612: 19613 03/21/2016 19613 Analytical Laboratories, Inc. 03/21/2016 19613 Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Total 19613: 19614 03/21/2016 19614 03/21/2016 19614 03/21/2016 19614 03/21/2016 19614 03/21/2016 19614 03/21/2016 19614 03/21/2016 19614 Total 19614: Baldwin & Associates, Inc. Baldwin & Associates, Inc. Baldwin & Associates, Inc. Baldwin & Associates, Inc. Baldwin & Associates, Inc. Baldwin & Associates, Inc. Baldwin & Associates, Inc. 19615 03/21/2016 19615 Bitting Document Specialists Total 19615: 19616 03/21/2016 19616 Boise Basin Electric Total 19616: 19617 03/21/2016 19617 Boise Office Equipment Total 19617: 19618 03/21/2016 19618 Brahma, LLC Total 19618: Invoice Invoice Sequence GL Account 1 ch 15-0465-10-00 FLEET FUND Invoice GL Account Title 1 ch 16-0454-08-00 TRAIL MAP SPORTS COMPLEX-DESIG 1 ch 15-0444-03-00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 1 ch 15-0442-03-00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 1 ch 60-0435-56-00 TESTING -WKLY, MO, OTR, ANNUAL 1 ch 60-0435-56-00 TESTING -WKLY, MO, OTR, ANNUAL 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 1 ch 12-0413-05-00 1 ch 14-0413-05-00 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 1 ch 15-0442-01-00 OFFICE EXPENSES OFFICE EXPENSES OFFICE EXPENSES OFFICE EXPENSES OFFICE EXPENSES OFFICE EXPENSES MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 1 ch 60-0434-47-00 BILLING SERVICES 1 ch 13-0413-29-05 ELECTRICAL PERMIT REFUND 1 ch 01-0413-23-00 Mtnc-Repair Equipment 1 ch 01-0203-01-01 BONDS DEPOSITS PAYABLE Invoice Amount Check Amount 10.55 210.12 210.12 210.12 500.00 500.00 500.00 39.00 77.00 64.00 16.00 39.00 77.00 116.00 64.00 16.00 80.00 38.74 38.74 26.31 26.31 39.90 39.90 22.99 22.99 55.75 55.75 46.28 46.28 46.76 46.76 276.73 1,098.49 1,098.49 1,098.49 65.00 65.00 65.00 90.71 90.71 90.71 168, 763.29 168, 763.29 168,763.29 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 3 Check Issue Dates: 3/9/2016 - 3/21/2016 Mar 21, 2016 03:58PM Check Check Issue Date Number 19619 03/21/2016 19619 Brian Burgess Total 19619: Payee 19620 03/21/2016 19620 CDW Government Inc. 03/21/2016 19620 CDW Government Inc. Total 19620: 19621 03/21/2016 19621 CEPI Total 19621: 19622 03/21/2016 19622 Creek Water, LLC Total 19622: 19623 03/21/2016 19623 David and Paula Hushman Total 19623: 19624 03/21/2016 19624 DigLine Total 19624: 19625 03/21/2016 19625 Doug Victor Total 19625: 19626 03/21/2016 19626 Drugfree Idaho 03/21/2016 19626 Drugfree Idaho Total 19626: 19627 03/21/2016 19627 03/21/2016 19627 03/21/2016 19627 03/21/2016 19627 03/21/2016 19627 Total 19627: 19628 03/21/2016 19628 03/21/2016 19628 03/21/2016 19628 03/21/2016 19628 03/21/2016 19628 Eagle Sewer District Eagle Sewer District Eagle Sewer District Eagle Sewer District Eagle Sewer District Evan's Building Center Evan's Building Center Evan's Building Center Evan's Building Center Evan's Building Center Invoice Invoice Sequence GL Account Invoice GL Account Title 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 1 ch 60-0434-26-00 Tools & Equipment 1 ch 01-0416-35-00 OPERATIONAL RESERVE 1 ch 13-0413-12-00 PERSONNEL TRAINING 1 ch 01-0203-01-01 BONDS DEPOSITS PAYABLE 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 1 ch 60-0434-44-00 DIG LINE 1 ch 99-0107-00-00 CASH CLEARING -UTILITY BILLING 1 ch 06-0217-07-00 LIBRARY HEALTH INSURANCE 2 ch 01-0217-07-00 GEN ADMIN HEALTH INSURANCE 1 ch 1 ch 1 ch 1 ch 2 ch 1 ch 1 ch 1 ch 1 ch 1 ch 01-0413-16-00 UTILITIES/NEW CITY HALL 15-0449-06-03 SEWER 15-0445-05-00 UTILITIES 15-0450-06-03 SEWER 15-0452-06-03 SEWER 16-0437-20-00 GEN MTNC PARKS -PATHWAYS 15-0452-05-00 MTNC & RPR -EQUIP & STRUCTURES 15-0442-01-00 MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 15-0437-23-00 MISC MTNC/RPR GROUNDS 15-0452-05-00 MTNC & RPR -EQUIP & STRUCTURES Invoice Check Amount Amount 32.09 32.09 32.09 126.47 126.47 2,076.92 2,076.92 2,203.39 100.00 100.00 100.00 225,300.00 225,300.00 75.00 66.90 33.91 41.37 41.37 136.00 34.00 34.00 17.00 17.00 4.49 16.18 2.66 16.45 8.98 225,300.00 75.00 75.00 66.90 66.90 33.91 33.91 41.37 41.37 82.74 136.00 34.00 34.00 17.00 17.00 238.00 4.49 16.18 2.66 16.45 8.98 City of Eagle Check Check Issue Date Number 03/21/2016 19628 03/21/2016 19628 03/21/2016 19828 03/21/2016 19628 03/21/2016 19628 03/21/2016 19628 03/21/2016 19628 03/21/2016 19628 03/21/2016 19628 03/21/2016 19628 03/21/2016 19628 03/21/2016 19628 Total 19628: Payee Evan's Building Center Evan's Building Center Evan's Building Center Evan's Building Center Evan's Building Center Evan's Building Center Evan's Building Center Evan's Building Center Evan's Building Center Evan's Building Center Evan's Building Center Evan's Building Center 19629 03/21/2016 19629 Ferguson Enterprises #3007 Total 19629: 19630 03/21/2016 19630 Granicus, Inc. Total 19630: 19631 03/21/2016 19631 Greg Foley Total 19631: 19632 03/21/2016 03/21/2016 03/21/2016 03/21/2016 19632 HD Supply Waterworks, LTD 19632 HD Supply Waterworks, LTD 19632 11D Supply Waterworks, LTD 19632 HD Supply Waterworks, LTD Total 19632: 19633 03/21/2016 19633 Heather Eastman Total 19633: 19634 03/21/2016 03/21/2016 03/21/2016 03/21/2016 03/21/2016 03/21/2016 03/21/2016 03/21/2016 03/21/2016 03/21/2016 03/21/2016 03/21/2016 19634 19634 19634 19634 19634 19634 19634 19634 19634 19634 19634 19634 Holladay Engineering Co. Holladay Engineering Co. Holladay Engineering Co. Holladay Engineering Co. Holladay Engineering Co. Holladay Engineering Co. Holladay Engineering Co. Holladay Engineering Co. Holladay Engineering Co. Holladay Engineering Co. Holladay Engineering Co. Holladay Engineering Co. Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 4 Check Issue Dates: 3/9/2016 - 3/21/2016 Mar 21, 2016 03:58PM Invoice Invoice Sequence GL Account 1 ch 15-0442-01-00 1 ch 15-0437-26-00 1 ch 15-0444-01-00 1 ch 15-0437-23-00 1 ch 15-0450-05-00 1 ch 16-0437-20-00 1 ch 60-0434-26-00 1 ch 15-0444-02-00 1 ch 15-0450-05-00 1 ch 15-0437-23-00 1 ch 15-0449-05-00 1 ch 15-0437-23-00 Invoice GL Account Title MAINTENANCE & REPAIR PAPER PRODUCTS MAINTENANCE & REPAIR MISC MTNC/RPR GROUNDS MING & RPR -EQUIP & STRUCTURES GEN MTNC PARKS -PATHWAYS Toots & Equipment MAINT & REPAIR GROUNDS MTNC & RPR -EQUIP & STRUCTURES MISC MTNC/RPR GROUNDS MTNC & RPR -EQUIP & STRUCTURES MISC MTNC/RPR GROUNDS 1 ch 60-0434-58-01 RPR/MTNC PUMPS-WELLS-CHEMICA 1 ch 01-0414-03-00 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT/CONTR 1 ch 60-0434-22-00 TRAVEL-MTNGS-EDUCATION 1 ch 1 ch 1 ch 1 ch 60-0438-09-00 METER REPLACEMENT PROGRAM 60-0438-01-00 EQUIPMENT 60-0434-58-00 RPR/MTNC-LINES-METERS-ETC 60-0438-08-00 CAPITAL METER SETS 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 1 ch 08-0413-02-00 1 ch 01-0416-07-04 1 ch 08-0413-02-00 1 ch 60-0434-42-00 2 ch 60-0434-42-00 3 ch 60-0434-42-00 4 ch 60-0434-42-00 1 ch 01-0413-31-00 1 ch 01-0413-31-00 1 ch 01-0413-31-00 1 ch 01-0413-31-00 1 ch 01-0413-31-00 OPERATIONAL RESERVE Park/Rec Engineering Fees OPERATIONAL RESERVE WATER/ENGINEERING WATER/ENGINEERING WATER/ENGINEERING WATER/ENGINEERING ENGINEERING FEE/DEVELOPER CHG ENGINEERING FEE/DEVELOPER CHG ENGINEERING FEE/DEVELOPER CHG ENGINEERING FEE/DEVELOPER CHG ENGINEERING FEE/DEVELOPER CHG Invoice Check Amount Amount 39.58 39.58 4.98 4.98 6.49 6.49 7.22 7.22 123.21 123.21 17.44 17.44 16.19 16.19 14.93 14.93 32.38 32.38 2.00 2.00 82.50 82.50 2.24 2.24 397.92 20.45 20.45 20.45 1,197.00 1,197.00 1,197.00 55.25 55.25 55.25 431.20 431.20 7,370.00 7,370.00 58.52 58.52 8,925.84 8,925.84 16,785.56 50.01 50.01 50.01 6,857.50 6,857.50 420.00 420.00 7,740.50 7,740.50 1,155.00 1,155.00 210.00 210.00 2,135.00 2,135.00 70.00 70.00 105.00 105.00 2,660.00 2,660.00 1,880.00 1,880.00 3,386.00 3,386.00 106.25 106.25 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 5 Check Check Issue Date Number Total 19634: Payee Check Issue Dates: 3/9/2016 - 3/21/2016 Mar 21, 2016 03:58PM Invoice Invoice Sequence GL Account 19635 03/21/2016 19635 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0441-06-00 03/21/2016 19635 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0454-06-02 03/21/2016 19635 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0455-06-02 03/21/2016 19635 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0441-06-00 03/21/2016 19635 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0454-06-02 03/21/2016 19635 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0454-06-02 03/21/2016 19635 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0449-06-02 03/21/2016 19635 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0441-06-00 03/21/2016 19635 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0455-06-02 03/21/2016 19635 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0452-06-02 03/21/2016 19635 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0453-06-02 03/21/2016 19635 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0455-06-02 03/21/2016 19635 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0455-06-02 03/21/2016 19635 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 60-0434-50-01 03/21/2016 19635 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 2 ch 15-0460-02-00 03/21/2016 19635 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0455-06-02 03/21/2016 19635 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 60-0434-60-00 03/21/2016 19635 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0441-06-00 Total 19635: 19636 03/21/2016 19636 JPServices 03/21/2016 19636 JPServices Total 19636: 19637 03/21/2016 19637 03/21/2016 19637 03/21/2016 19637 03/21/2016 19637 03/21/2016 19637 03/21/2016 19637 Total 19637: K&T Maintenance K&T Maintenance K&T Maintenance K&T Maintenance K&T Maintenance K&T Maintenance 19638 03/21/2016 19638 LeapFox Leaming Total 19638: 19639 03/21/2016 19639 Marshall Hill Total 19639: 19640 03/21/2016 19640 MASTERCARD 03/21/2016 19640 MASTERCARD 03/21/2016 19640 MASTERCARD 03/21/2016 19640 MASTERCARD 03/21/2016 19640 MASTERCARD Invoice GL Account Title STREET LIGHTS -UTILITIES ELECTRICAL ELECTRICAL STREET LIGHTS -UTILITIES ELECTRICAL ELECTRICAL ELECTRICAL STREET LIGHTS -UTILITIES ELECTRICAL ELECTRICAL ELECTRICAL ELECTRICAL ELECTRICAL SHOP UTILITIES UTILITIES ELECTRICAL POWER STREET LIGHTS -UTILITIES 1 ch 01-0416-35-00 OPERATIONAL RESERVE 1 ch 01-0416-35-00 OPERATIONAL RESERVE 1 ch 15-0445-03-00 1 ch 15-0444-03-00 1 ch 15-0443-03-00 1 ch 15-0442-03-00 2 ch 60-0434-50-01 3 ch 15-0460-03-00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES CUSTODIAL SERVICES CUSTORIAL SERVICES CUSTODIAL SERVICES SHOP UTILITIES CUSTODIAL SERVICES 1 ch 13-0413-12-00 PERSONNEL TRAINING 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 1 ch 2 ch 3 ch 4 ch 5 ch 01-0414-02-00 INTERNET SERVICES 12-0413-12-00 PERSONNEL TRAINING 01-0414-02-00 INTERNET SERVICES 01-0413-37-00 BACKGROUND CHECK-PERMITS/LIC 07-0461-03-00 CONFERENCES & SEMINARS Invoice Check Amount Amount 26,725.25 11.91 11.91 10.03 10.03 8.36 8.36 44.74 44.74 115.38 115.38 16.80 16.80 257.39 257.39 34.27 34.27 12.57 12.57 86.92 86.92 6.68 6.68 5.85 5.85 5.25 5.25 32.03 32.03 64.05 64.05 5.30 5.30 939.70 939.70 129.91 129.91 1,787.14 93.40 93.40 48.75 48.75 142.15 61.20 61.20 1,710.00 1,710.00 920.00 920.00 1,125.00 1,125.00 30.00 30.00 90.00 90.00 3,936.20 650.00 650.00 650.00 34.30 34.30 34.30 30.34 30.34 598.00 598.00 20.00 20.00 46.00 46.00 240.00 240.00 City of Eagle Check Check Issue Date Number 03/21/2016 19640 03/21/2016 19640 03/21/2016 19640 03/21/2016 19640 03/21/2016 19640 03/21/2016 19640 03/21/2016 19640 03/21/2016 19640 03/21/2016 19640 03/21/2016 19640 03/21/2016 19640 03/21/2016 19640 03/21/2016 19640 03/21/2016 19640 03/21/2016 19640 03/21/2016 19640 03/21/2016 19640 03/21/2016 19640 03/21/2016 19640 03/21/2016 19640 03/21/2016 19640 03/21/2016 19640 Total 19640: 19641 03/21/2016 19641 03/21/2016 19641 03/21/2016 19641 03/21/2016 19641 03/21/2016 19641 03/21/2016 19641 03/21/2016 19641 03/21/2016 19641 03/21/2016 19641 Total 19641: Payee MASTERCARD MASTERCARD MASTERCARD MASTERCARD MASTERCARD MASTERCARD MASTERCARD MASTERCARD MASTERCARD MASTERCARD MASTERCARD MASTERCARD MASTERCARD MASTERCARD MASTERCARD MASTERCARD MASTERCARD MASTERCARD MASTERCARD MASTERCARD MASTERCARD MASTERCARD Moore Smith Buxton & Turcke Moore Smith Buxton & Turcke Moore Smith Buxton & Turcke Moore Smith Buxton & Turcke Moore Smith Buxton & Turcke Moore Smith Buxton & Turcke Moore Smith Buxton & Turcke Moore Smith Buxton & Turcke Moore Smith Buxton & Turcke 19642 03/21/2016 19642 Mountain States Roofing Total 19642: 19643 03/21/2016 19643 Norco Inc Total 19643: 19644 03/21/2016 19644 Olivia Christianson Total 19644: Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 6 Check Issue Dates: 3/9/2016 - 3/21/2016 Mar 21, 2016 03:58PM Invoice Invoice Sequence GL Account 6 ch 1 ch 2 ch 3 ch 1 ch 1 ch 2 ch 3 ch 4 ch 5 ch 6 ch 7 ch 1 ch 2 ch 3 ch 4 ch 5 ch 6 ch 7 ch 8 ch 9 ch 10 ch 01-0413-25-00 07-0462-69-00 01-0465-19-00 01-0465-17-00 11-0413-24-00 11-0422-01-00 15-0437-23-00 16-0413-13-00 16-0415-02-00 17-0423-00-00 16-0413-29-00 17-0423-00-00 11-0422-01-00 16-0459-05-00 16-0413-19-00 15-0465-10-00 15-0437-25-00 16-0413-19-00 15-0465-10-00 15-0437-25-00 15-0465-10-00 15-0465-10-00 1 ch 01-0416-02-00 1 ch 60-0434-42-01 2 ch 60-0434-42-01 3 ch 60-0434-42-01 1 ch 01-0413-33-00 2 ch 01-0416-02-00 1 ch 06-0416-01-00 1 ch 01-0416-02-00 1 ch 01-0416-02-01 Invoice GL Account Title MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS IT HARDWARE REPLACEMENT Capital Expenditure-Fumiture Vehicle Expense PUBLIC RELATIONS MISC MTNC/RPR GROUNDS TRAVEL & PER DIEM REPLACEMENT FND-TREES-LITES RECREATION SUPPLIES PUBLIC RELATIONS RECREATION SUPPLIES PUBLIC RELATIONS WAREHOUSE OFFICE -FIELD STAFF TELEPHONE & COMMUNICATIONS FLEET FUND MATERIALS & SUPPLIES TELEPHONE & COMMUNICATIONS FLEET FUND MATERIALS & SUPPLIES FLEET FUND FLEET FUND CITY ATTORNEY WATER/LEGAL SERVICES WATER/LEGAL SERVICES WATER/LEGAL SERVICES ATTORNEY FEE -CHARGE DEVELOPE CITY ATTORNEY LEGAL - CITY ATTORNEY CITY ATTORNEY PARK/REC ATTORNEYS FEES 1 ch 16-0416-06-00 ROOF MTNC CONTRACT 1 ch 15-0437-25-00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES Invoice Check Amount Amount 7.39 7.39 11.00 11.00 11.99 11.99 395.00 395.00 20.28 20.28 34.94 34.94 321.44 321.44 12.61 12.61 280.63 280.63 85.73 85.73 26.39 26.39 12.62 12.62 443.23 443.23 885.87 885.87 21.00 21.00 249.00 249.00 12.12 12.12 9.99 9.99 23.46 23.46 331.01 331.01 450.00 450.00 94.90 94.90 4,674.94 3,740.55 3,740.55 323.00 323.00 480.00 480.00 1,604.03 1,604.03 240.00 240.00 5,326.92 5,326.92 1,824.00 1.824.00 165.00 165.00 165.00 165.00 13,868.50 250.00 250.00 250.00 4.40 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 8.07 4.40 4.40 8.07 8.07 19645 03/21/2016 19645 Pitney Bowes 1 ch 01-0416-24-00 EQUIPMENT LEASING 463.47 463.47 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 7 Check Issue Dates: 3/9/2016 - 3/21/2016 Mar 21, 2016 03:58PM Check Check Issue Date Number Total 19645: Payee 19646 03/21/2016 18646 Plumbing Parts & Supply Total 19646: 19847 03/21/2016 19647 Purchase Power Total 19647: 19648 03/21/2016 19648 03/21/2016 19648 03/21/2016 19648 03/21/2016 19648 03/21/2016 19648 03/21/2016 19648 Total 19648: Republic Services #884 Republic Services #884 Republic Services #884 Republic Services #884 Republic Services #884 Republic Services #884 19649 03/21/2016 19649 Rhino Linings of Boise Total 19649: 19650 03/21/2016 19650 Shred -it - USA Total 19650: 19651 03/21/2016 19651 Speciality Construction Supply Total 19651: 19652 03/21/2016 19652 03/21/2016 19652 03/21/2016 19652 03/21/2016 19652 Total 19652: Summer Lawns, Inc. Summer Lawns, Inc. Summer Lawns, Inc. Summer Lawns, Inc. 19653 03/21/2016 19653 The Gallery at Finer Frames Total 19653: 19654 03/21/2016 19654 Treasure Valley Coffee 03/21/2016 19654 Treasure Valley Coffee Total 19654: Invoice Invoice Sequence GL Account Invoice GL Account Title 1 ch 15-0450-05-00 MTNC & RPR -EQUIP & STRUCTURES 1 ch 01-0413-07-00 POSTAGE 1 ch 2 ch 1 ch 1 ch 1 ch 1 ch 15-0449-06-04 GARBAGE 15-0452-06-04 GARBAGE 15-0454-06-04 GARBAGE 16-0415-01-00 AWN MGMT (BFI) ED/ADD SRVS 15-0445-05-00 UTILITIES 01-0413-16-00 UTILITIES/NEW CITY HALL 1 ch 60-0438-13-00 VEHICLES 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 1 ch 60-0438-13-00 VEHICLES 1 ch 2 ch 1 ch 2 ch 15-0437-21-00 FULL TIME GEN MTNC STAFF 15-0437-21-00 FULL TIME GEN MTNC STAFF 15-0451-01-00 MAINTENANCE & REPAIR GROUNDS 16-0415-02-00 REPLACEMENT FND-TREES-LITES 1 ch 17-0416-00-00 CONTRACTS -PERMITS 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES Invoice Amount 197.36 Check Amount 463.47 197.36 197.36 300.00 300.00 300.00 106.84 106.84 106.84 106.84 91.73 91.73 312.58 312.58 79.78 79.78 163.71 163.71 861.48 600.00 600.00 600.00 86.49 86.49 86.49 285.00 285.00 285.00 5,000.00 12,357.66 1,050.00 975.00 19,382.66 150.00 150.00 150.00 75.00 75.00 136.54 136.54 211.54 5,000.00 12,357.66 1,050.00 975.00 City of Eagle Check Check Issue Date Number Payee Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 8 Check Issue Dates: 3/9/2016 - 3/21/2016 Mar 21, 2016 03:58PM Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount 19655 03/21/2016 19655 Ultimate Heating and Air 1 ch 13-0413-29-03 MECHANICAL FEE REFUND 195.00 195.00 Total 19655: 195.00 19656 03/21/2016 19656 Valley Times 1 ch 14-0413-08-00 LEGAL ADS & PUBLICATIONS 777.06 777.06 Total 19656: 777.06 19657 03/21/2016 19657 Waxie Sanitary Supply 1 ch 15-0437-26-00 PAPER PRODUCTS 295.06 295.06 Total 19657: 295.06 Grand Totals: 497,455.36 Dated: Mayor. City Council: Report Criteria: Report type: GL detail Bank.Bank account = "82007705" r 1/4 034 01 Crif / 1254823 sE (n5 COIttaR MOM212.221 'LWOW 0'341 e M 49'33'38' t t4ORt14.ist comfit t (/2 Y 1/4 St: 1/4 St 1/4 In 1 N 11a12124' E 1371.91' ORA no LOT 3 t/4 MOO - g e3MM9 SWM t/le CORNER g (atilt ROT sc1) !Sx 5 Mf(4(Ast COINER 4• t (/2 sC 1/4 st 1/4 Si 1/4 330.38 s 59'31'10' w .7303r 30032 cid"' LOT 1 20. WOE ORA1tAGC EAsi404 aNRRIO 04 LOT ti4L E ,/2 SE s0JTh � 01 T/4 SE 1 tAST 1/14 CORN1l CPY / 9244824 13tl41' 991.06' V. 841421r-ArS Tar OW OM* s MR190' r 7543.er s 5971'10' w S e971h0' r LOT 1 330.3:,' 330. Se' 300 35' sl SOWa 1 S aa'31'10' W 330.35' L C/L W. FLOATING FEATHER ROAD 2003' 13 a 7 ter E 9254823 P r i1.00. - A(X F 2U AAA/ U. 71 AS Mt 141f241 Pow siOVL44412v7 N. PLAT OF HESSE SUBDIVI A SUBMISION OF 'ME E.1/2, SE.1/4, SE /� SEC1tON 6, T. 4N., 6.1E.111.11. 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PA114CJf A. ft LS 4317 ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS ACCEPTANCE APPROVAL Of CENTRAL DISTRICT HEALTH DEPARTMENT 5A411A4! DESTR411ms Or INS RAT ARE NWRTBT 14(140470 ACCORONC TO IHC LETTER To SE REN' OH r44 1414 1144 IbUK1T MOVER OR KS AGENT USTi4G ENL cc OWNS Cr APPROVAL. i' !. COMM.• d c 14[45.144 O(PMtuDit APPROVAL OF QTY ENGINEER L 0 tr (NON 01141, WREST APPROVE 7145 PLAT Or MESS OTT Cr EAGLE. ADA CAINTT. 644 047 D 01, 1A0L 147400 APPROVAL OF d1Y COUNOL `'V�/A •�'4 ry OTT 0.ER'A W AND 1TIR d4T a DOLL ADA 177U14T'', 501140 0 OTMI At A REGULAR IEETINC or THE CITY 4 14[10 OH 114E '� OAY d pp T* -42_ 04S PLAT CF 41(331. WAS WLY D AHD AAPRQIKQ. • 4 ^' k4ribv, OTT CLERK CERTIFiCATE OF THE BOA$ ACCEPTED MO APPROVED TNS D BOARD a C011NTY CouleSS NOt5 OF A RECEIVE[ & FILED OF i LE DE 15 22915 RISPUSIEZINISSIONERS yr 1Mr � Ri1� ./..h, .# CNAIR4A414 AOA 4:01.114T7 C01.1MKSIOREAS CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY SURVEYOR L JOSH 5. PRITSTrIT. Pi.. RE031LHED PRatSSIOIAL 444 WR/LANO SLINKIER TOR ADA COR41Y, CAMEL H4.RIHT 514117 NAT 1 NAVE (NM= OAS PLAT Or 44155( SUBOII*1014 A10 MO THAT IT 101P4E5 TON EHE STATE Or TOMO 700( RELATING 10 PLATS ANO 51.111V(YS. .IO4N L PORTEI. P.L. EMPTY CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY TREASURER L i, . � . 1), . • C 14417 MADAM in ARA EOR THE TY or ADA, STATE Or OA140. PtR 11141 REOu.W005a LC. S0-1304 00 1474444! CERTIFY THAT AN! AND ALL CUR RENi ANO 04 OQ.n(4r 0011147 PROP4 *! 113(5 F411 M*4(10(0 N C PROPERTY 1 1495 5 05 NAVE 511!4 PATO 04 FURL TMS CIRTPICA7ON e5 v/0f0 NOR ME MITT M11n (301 RAYS 0ML7. 144S1R111ENT NQ STATE Cr CAW CWR1Y a ADA COUNTY RECORDERS CERTIFICATE (134•'-3 I ) 55 t HEREBY aRT:Y 1441E TNS WSlRUUDIT EIAs F1L0 AT THE ROUES a sr�1"1 ttE$66 AT Xig 11a4UTS PAST , . .D'CSAOX �M.. Ra _LL DECK JAZ._. a PLATS AT PAGES 4448 *4 WAS DULY RECCROEO 4114 of:1,4,ker. Q IIP° SHEET 2 OF 2