Findings - CC - 2016 - AA-06-15/DR-17-14MOD - Removal Of Fence/Creek Water Subd Common AreaBEFORE THE EAGLE CITY COUNCIL IN THE MATTER OF AN APPEAL OF THE ) DESIGN REVIEW APPLICATION REGARDING ) A MODIFICATION TO THE COMMON ) AREA LANDSCAPING WITHIN CREEK ) WATER SUBDIVISION PERTAINING TO THE ) DISALLOWANCE OF A FENCE AROUND ) THE IRRIGATION POND FOR BILL BARROS ) AND REQUEST FOR MEDIATION ) FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW CASE NUMBER AA- 06- 1S/DR -17 -14 MOD The above - entitled appeal came before the Eagle City Council for their action on January 26, 2016. The above - entitled request for mediation came before the Eagle City Council for their action on February 23, 2016. The Eagle City Council having heard and taken oral and written testimony, and having duly considered the matter, makes the following Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law; FINDINGS OF FACT: A. PROJECT SUMMARY: Bill Barros, represented by Hethe Clark with Spink Butler, is appealing the Design Review Board decision regarding the requirement to remove the non - approved fence previously constructed around the irrigation pond within the Creek Water Subdivision common area. The 12.7 -acre site is located on the south side of West Floating Feather Road approximately'/ -mile east of Park Lane at 3577 and 3395 West Floating Feather Road. The design review modification application (DR -14 -17 MOD) and this appeal apply only to the common area and fence located in the vicinity of the irrigation pond. All other common area improvement approvals which were part of DR -17 -14 remain valid (reference Design Review Board findings of fact and conclusions of law document, dated April 24, 2014, incorporated herein by reference). B. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL: The City of Eagle received the design review modification application for this item on September 15, 2015. The City of Eagle received the appeal application for this item on November 13, 2015. C. HISTORY OF RELEVANT PREVIOUS ACTIONS: On July 5, 2006, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of an annexation, rezone with development agreement, and preliminary plat applications for Gray Eagle Subdivision (A- 06 -06/RZ -06- 061PP- 06 -06). On January 16, 2007, the City Council remanded the applications to staff for Gray Eagle Subdivision (A- 06- 06/RZ- 06- 06/PP- 06 -06). Due to inactivity on these applications, the applications were considered withdrawn. On September 3, 2013, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of an annexation, rezone with development agreement, and preliminary plat (A- 02- 13/RZ -03 -13 & PP- 03-13) for the Creek Water Subdivision. Page 1 of 8 K PlanningDW .EagkApplicatiomlAPPEA[S' ?'el -AA :,'.° AppalA DR- IT- 1JMOnCrcck Winer landseapc plan (fc=)ccfdoa On October 8, 2013, the City Council approved an annexation, rezone with development agreement, and preliminary plat (A- 02- 13/RZ -03 -13 & PP- 03 -13) for the Creek Water Subdivision with the site specific conditions of approval and standard conditions of approval provided within their findings of fact and conclusions of law document, dated October 22, 2013. The findings of fact and conclusions of law are incorporated herein by reference. On April 10, 2014, the Eagle Design Review Board approved a design review application (DR -17- 14) for the common area landscaping within Creek Water Subdivision with site specific conditions of approval and standard conditions of approval provided within their findings of fact and conclusions of law document, dated April 24, 2014. The findings of fact and conclusions of law are incorporated herein by reference. The subdivision was constructed in accordance with this approved plan, with the exception of the design of the irrigation pond and the installation of a fence around the pond. No approval was granted for the design deviations to the pond nor for the installation of the fence around the pond. The application was not appealed. The landscape plan approval was considered final on May 9, 2014 (expiration of the fourteen (14) day appeal period pursuant to ECC 8 -2A -14 APPEALS). On April 10, 2014, Hernan W. (Bill) Barros signed the development agreement associated with the Creek Water development. On September 23, 2014, the Eagle City Council approved a final plat application for Creek Water Subdivision (FP- 16 -14). On June 15, 2015, the Design Review Board approved a design review sign application (DR -20- 15) for the subdivision entry monument signs for Creek Water Subdivision. On October 22, 2015, the Eagle Design Review Board approved a design review modification application (DR -17 -14 MOD) to modify the common area landscaping within Creek Water Subdivision with the site specific conditions of approval and standard conditions of approval provided within their findings of fact and conclusions of law document, dated November 12, 2015. The findings of fact and conclusions of law are incorporated herein by reference. D. COMPANION APPLICATIONS: None STAFF ANALYSIS PROVIDED WITHIN THE STAFF MEMORANDUM: A. ZONING ORDINANCE PROVISIONS WHICH ARE OF SPECIAL CONCERN REGARDING THIS APPEAL: Eagle City Code Section 8- 2A -14: APPEALS: A. Appeal Of The Design Review Board Decision: Any final decision by the design review board may be appealed to the city council. Within fourteen (14) calendar days following the design review board's adoption of findings of fact and conclusions of law, the appealing party shall file a written notice of appeal with the city clerk before five o'clock (5:00) P.M. or close of business, whichever occurs later, specifically identifying which requirements are appealed to the city council and all reasons, factual and legal, why the decision of the design review board should be overturned or modified. B. Action By The City Council: Within twenty five (25) calendar days from receipt of the written notice of appeal, the zoning administrator shall set a hearing date for the appeal to be heard by the city council. The zoning administrator and the city attorney shall provide the appellant and the city council with a written response to the notice of appeal, including any other documents filed by the appellant, at least three (3) calendar days prior to the appeal hearing. After hearing the appeal, the city council may approve, approve with supplementary conditions, or deny the appeal as presented. Within fourteen (14) calendar days after a written decision has been rendered by the Page 2of8 K. Planning Dcpi ER& ApplialiomlAPPEA ISl20iSAA -06-13 Appel u f DR- '.7.14 MOD Cradle talc knduapc plan ( rmac) ccr.doa city council, the zoning administrator shall provide the appellant with written notice of the decision. • Eagle City Code Section 8 -2A -6: DESIGN REQUIREMENTS, OBJECTIVES AND CONSIDERATIONS: A. General Objectives And Considerations: The following apply to the entire design review overlay district including the DDA, TDA, CEDA, and DSDA. Additional requirements for the DDA, TDA, CEDA, and DSDA are set forth in subsections C through G of this section and, to the extent there is a conflict with this section, the requirements for the DDA, TDA, CEDA, and DSDA shall control. The following, including the provisions set forth in the Eagle architecture and site design book, contains a listing of objectives applied to each application, and a listing of matters which shall be considered by the design review board. The objectives are separated into two (2) sections: site design and building design. Specific aspects of design should be examined to determine whether the proposed development will provide a desirable environment for its occupants as well as for its neighbors, and whether, aesthetically, the composition, materials, textures and colors meet the intent of this article. The design review board shall consider the following criteria in reviewing the application: 1. Site Design Objectives: The site plan design shall minimize impact of traffic on adjacent streets, provide for the pedestrian, and provide appropriate, safe parking lot design. a. The functional relationship of the structures and the site in relation to its surroundings; b. The impact and effect of the site development plan on traffic conditions on contiguous streets and adjoining properties or neighborhoods; c. The site layout with respect to separation or integration of vehicular, pedestrian and bicycle traffic patterns; d. The arrangement and adequacy of off street parking facilities relative to access points, building location and total site development to prevent traffic conflict or congestion; e. The location, arrangement and dimensions of truck loading ramps, docks, and bays and vehicle service facilities; f. The access, parking lot, and interior roadway illumination plans and hours of operation; g. The required driver, pedestrian and bicycle sight distance requirements of the project and their relationship to adjacent streets, driveways and properties; h. The coordination of the site development with planned right of way alignments, acquisitions and street improvements; i. The graphic delineation of traffic circulation patterns to avoid confusion, congestion and conflicts; j. The continued maintenance of traffic, parking and lighting systems; k. The protection of views and vistas in relation to urban design and aesthetic considerations; and 1. The provision of safe pedestrian and bicycle connections between neighborhoods and commercial areas. 2. Site Landscaping: The site landscaping shall minimize impact on adjacent properties through the proper use of screening with sound and sight buffers, and unsightly areas shall be concealed or screened and the design review board shall consider: a. The location, height, and materials of walls, fences, hedges and screen plantings to ensure harmony with adjacent development; Page 3 of 8 K Planing Dept Eaak Applic lions APPEALS.20151AA -06.15 Appeal of DR,17.14 MOT) Creck Walcr ]andu pe plan (fen=) =f do" b. The location and type of new plantings, with due regard to preservation of specimen and landmark trees, and to maintenance of all plantings; c. The providing of screen plantings or other screening methods reasonably required to conceal outdoor storage areas, trash receptacles, service areas, truck loading areas, utility buildings and other unsightly developments; d. The installation of sound and sight buffers, the preservation of public views, light and air, and the consideration of those landscape aspects of design which may have substantial effects on neighborhood development, land uses, and amenities; e. The design and use of open spaces and parks; and f. The permanent maintenance of all landscaped areas and fencing. • Eagle City Code Section 8 -2A -7 (E)(8) 8. a. Certification Of Completion: Upon the completion of the landscape installation, or other improvement subject to design review approval, a written certification of completion shall be prepared by the Iicensed landscape architect responsible for the landscape plan. The certification of completion shall state that the installation of all landscape improvements is in substantial compliance with the city approved landscape plan. This certification shall be submitted prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy and is required as a part of, and not in lieu of, the inspections performed and certificates issued by the city. b. Report Of Deficiencies: In the event that deficiencies are present after the landscape installation, or other improvements subject to design review approval, the licensed landscape architect shall prepare and file with the city a report noting the deficiencies in the improvements. The city will not accept a certification of completion, or issue a certificate of occupancy, until the licensed landscape architect has verified that the deficiencies have been corrected. B. DISCUSSION: The following reflects the Design Review Board's deliberation on this matter: The Board did not support the installation of the fence nor the cobble rocks that were installed around the pond. They debated at length about the rocks around the pond but concluded to allow the applicant to leave the rocks because of the financial hardship it would create to require the removal of the rocks and to have the pond liner re- secured at the edges. The Board's preference would have been to have the rocks removed and to have grass installed up to the edge of the pond. In an effort to compromise, the Board asked that a revised landscape plan be submitted showing the addition of larger boulders strategically placed around the pond to give it a more natural look and feel. The Board unanimously agreed that the fence needed to be removed. There are large trees that were retained and are located in close proximity to the irrigation pond and the fence detracts from the open, park like setting of the area. Additionally, since the pond was approved as an aesthetic integral part of the open space design for the subdivision, the Board concluded the fence needed to be removed to preserve the integrity of the originally approved design. The Board understood the applicant's concern regarding the risk of children playing in the pond, however, they concluded that the installation of a fence was not the appropriate way of mitigating that concern and that the presence of the fence may actually entice children to climb over the fence to explore and see "what is on the other side." The Board was also concerned that, in the event of an emergency situation in or near the pond, the fence would create an impediment and delay to the response time by emergency personnel. Finally, the applicant stated that the slopes of the irrigation pond (and the pond's safety shelf) had been constructed in compliance with the approved engineering plans (as evidenced by the design engineer's certification). The Board concluded that, based upon the design (and certification by the design Page 4 of 8 K PlsnnintDepl', EagkApplicat iomlAPPEALSI _015LAA•06- ISAppealofDR 17.14 Mon Ctmk Wal"lamLepeplan { fence)ccfdocx engineer) this pond is as safe as any other aesthetic, unfenced pond located within the City. STAFF RECOMMENDATION PROVIDED WITHIN THE STAFF MEMORANDUM: Based upon the information provided to staff to date, staff recommends denial of the requested appeal. PUBLIC MEETING OF THE COUNCIL: A. A meeting to consider the application was held before the Eagle City Council on January 26, 2016, at which time the Council made their decision. B. Oral testimony in opposition to this proposal was presented to the City Council by no one. C. Oral testimony in favor of this proposal was presented to the City Council by no one (not including the applicant/representative). D. A meeting to consider a mediation request made by the applicant was held before the Eagle City Council on February 23, 2016, at which time the Council made their decision. COUNCIL DELIBERATION: The Council discussed the safety issues raised by Bill Barros during his presentation with regard to the rationale for constructing the fence around the pond. The Council felt the pond, as designed (including a safety shelf with 3:1 slopes that was certified by the design engineer as being installed in substantial compliance with the approved plans) poses no more of a public safety risk than any other pond in any other subdivision within Eagle. The Council felt that allowing the non- approved fence to remain around the pond within Creek Water Subdivision would set an inappropriate precedence within the community, indicating that is okay to section off ponds from the rest of open spaces areas. Most, if not all, of the ponds within developments previously approved within the City of Eagle are open with no fences and are free of obstructions so that residents may experience their open spaces in the most natural setting possible. The Council understood the fence was not approved with the subdivision's original landscape plan, they understood the fence was constructed without approval, and felt the reasoning provided (to justify allowing the fence to remain) was insufficient and based on no actual proof of a safety concern but only on the applicant's personal opinion. COUNCIL DECISION REGARDING THE APPEAL: The Council voted 4 to 0 to deny AA- 06- I5 /DR -17 -14 MOD for an appeal for Bill Barros with the following site specific conditions: 1. Comply with all applicable conditions of Creek Water Subdivision (A- 02- 13/RZ -03- 13/PP- 03 -13, DR- 17 -14, and FP- I6 -14). 2. Provide revised landscape plans showing the fence around the irrigation pond removed and boulders to be placed strategically around the perimeter of the pond to provide for a more appealing landscape appearance. The revised landscape plan shall be reviewed and approved by staff and one member of the Design Review Board prior to the issuance of any certificate of occupancy for any of the residential dwelling units. 3. All ground mounted transformers, cable and phone boxes shall be screened by landscaping per Eagle City Code. 4. Paint all electrical meters, phone boxes, etc. located on the building to match the color of the shed. COUNCIL DECISION REGARDING THE MEDIATION REQUEST: The Council voted 3 to 1 (Preston against) to decline the mediation request made by Bill Barrels. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW: L The Council reviewed the particular facts and circumstances of this appeal application (AA -06- l5`DR- Page 5 of 8 K Plamling Depllr�nle AppliptiomlAPPEAlSL01 S)AA-06.15 Appeal of DR 17 -14 MOD Creek Wa1u 1arAscw plan (rencz) of docx 17 -14 MOD) with regard to the Eagle City Code Title 8, and based upon the information provided, concludes that the proposed appeal is not in accordance with the Eagle City Code. Specifically, the original landscape plan, date stamped by the City on February 26, 2014, for the Creek Water Subdivision did not depict nor include a provision for the construction of a fence around the irrigation pond. The design review application for the original landscape plan was not appealed and the approval was final on May 9, 2014. Relief from any of the requirements and/or parameters of the approval must have been sought before May 9, 2014. 2. Eagle City Code Section 8- 2A- 7(E)(8) requires a certification stating that all improvements, which are subject to design review approval, have been installed in substantial compliance with the approved landscape plan(s). To date, the City has not received said certification. The violation of ECC 8 -2A- 7(E)(8) will continue until certification is provided; certification is not possible until the non - approved fence has been removed and compliance with the site specific conditions of approval and standard conditions of approval as provided herein and within the Design Review Board's findings of fact and conclusions of law document, dated April 24, 2014, for DR- 17 -14, have been achieved. 3. While Section 3.5 of the development agreement associated with the Creek Water Subdivision states in part that, "...all fencing located adjacent to open space to be open -style such as wrought iron, extruded aluminum (looks identical to wrought iron), or three- rail -type wooden decorative fencing. All other fencing (ie. cedar fencing, vinyl, chain link) shall be prohibited," the development agreement does not grant design review approval. Section 3.2 of the development agreement states, "Banos and Hazen will develop their Property and Parcel subject to the conditions and limitations set forth in this Development Agreement. Further, Barros and Hazen will submit such applications regarding design review, preliminary and final plat reviews, and/or any conditional use permits, if applicable, and any other applicable applications as may be required by the Eagle City Code, which shall comply with the Eagle City Code, as it exists at the time such applications are made except as otherwise provided within this Agreement." The design review application for Creek Water Subdivision (DR- 17 -14) did not include any fence, regardless of style, around the irrigation pond and, thus, one was not approved. Mr. Barros' reliance on Section 3.5 of the development agreement to conclude a fence was permitted around the pond is unsupported, as Section 3.2 of the development agreement more specifically identifies the applications required for all improvements. 4. The Council further has reviewed the particular facts and circumstances of this appeal application (AA- 06- 15/DR -17 -14 MOD) specifically with regard to Eagle City Code Section 8 -2A -13 (13)(2), and based upon the information provided, concludes: 2. General Standards For Design Review: The zoning administrator or Design Review Board, whichever is applicable, shall review the particular facts and circumstances of each proposed design review in terms of the following standards and shall find adequate evidence showing that such design review at the proposed location: a. Will function in conformance with the applicable strategies of the Eagle comprehensive plan, however, is not in accordance with the regulations of this code as identified in Conclusions of Law Items 1 and 2 above; b. Is not of a scale, intensity, and character that is in harmony with existing conforming and planned development in the vicinity of the site because the pond area open space is not accessible and usable (because of the placement of the non - approved fence) as was required; d. Will interfere with the visual character, quality, or appearance of the surrounding area and city, and will not enhance the continuity of thematically common architectural features because the non - approved fence detracts from the open space theme approved in the original, approved landscape plan by creating a barrier between the user and the aesthetic pond feature which was included in the subdivision's open space calculations; Pagc 6 of 8 K PlanninaDep. P2;IcApplication\ APPEA1S1 2015LAA•06.1SAppealofDR -17 -Id MOD CrcekWaialanbcapep UnIfcna►cefdGm e. The physical improvements have not been designed as a whole, when viewed alone as well as in relationship to surrounding buildings and settings. Rather, the non- approved fence was installed as an after- the -fact addition and was not proven to be compatible with the intended use of the subdivision's common area open space; and f. Will obstruct views and vistas in relation to artistic considerations as the non - approved fence detracts from the visual aesthetics of the subdivision's common area open space as identified on the original, approved landscape plan; 5. The Council further has reviewed the particular facts and circumstances of this appeal application (AA- 06- 15/DR -17 -14 MOD) specifically with regard to Eagle City Code Section 8 -2A -6 (A)(2) Site Landscaping, and concludes: 2. Site Landscaping: The site landscaping shall minimize impact on adjacent properties through the proper use of screening with sound and sight buffers, and unsightly areas shall be concealed or screened and the design review board shall consider: a. The location, height, and materials of walls, fences, hedges and screen plantings to ensure harmony with adjacent development; The non - approved fence located around the pond open space area does not ensure harmony with adjacent development(s) as no other developments have been allowed to construct fences around open space ponds. Ponds in other developments in Eagle are open with no fences whereby the residences are permitted to interact among all facets of the subdivision common area open space thereby creating a harmonious environment. d. The installation of sound and sight buffers, the preservation of public views, light and air, and the consideration of those landscape aspects of design which may have substantial effects on neighborhood development, land uses, and amenities; The non - approved fence obstructs the public view of the subdivision common area open space from the public street compared to what was envisioned and shown on the original, approved landscape plan and thus, has a substantial negative effect regarding the overall usability of the common area open space and the feeling of openness within the neighborhood. e. The design and use of open spaces and parks; The design and use of the open space was considered by the City to be open with no impediments therein upon review and approval of the original landscape plan, which showed no fence around the pond. The after -the -fact construction of the non - approved fence changes the original intent and theme of the subdivision's common area open space. Page 7of8 K.. Plarmingl3M', FaglcAppli= iom1APPEAISVOl51AA-0&1 5App n1 ofbR- 17- 14MOACrmkWalcrWnd: pcplanjrencelcddoca DATED this 841 day of March 2016. CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE Ada County, Idaho Stan f geway, , byor ATTEST: Sharon K. Bergmann, Eagle Citt Clerk o` *` OT Y pp '••,, . C' R p0 •Z9r �P �� 9�scri `s4! q L Regulatory Taking Notice: Applicant has the right, pursuant to section 67 -8003, Idaho Code, to request a regulatory taking analysis. Reconsideration Notice: Applicant has the right, pursuant to Section 67 -6535, Idaho Code, to request a reconsideration within fourteen (14) days of the final written decision. Page 8 of 8 K_ Planning Deps'. EaQkAppticaliori3WPEAIS1 30151AA-0 6. 15 Appeal ofDR. 17.1 3 MOD Creek Winerlandscapeplanffemvs cef.dacu