Minutes - 2002 - City Council - 09/30/2002 - Special oinGINAL CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION/DESIGN REVIEW BOARD Special Meeting Minutes September 30,2002 1. CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order at 6:05 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Council: Present: Merrill, Sedlacek, Guerber. Absent: Bastian Design Review Board: Present: Murray, McCullough, Barnes, Christensen, Paulson, Stanger, Floegel. Planning & Zoning Compassion: Present: Nordstrom, Bloom, Cadwell, Crook. Absent: Franden Introductions are made. 3. DISCUSSION ITEMS: A. Review of how a one story home is evaluated by the Building Official. Mike Mongelli reviews the City's interpretation of a one story residential structure. General discussion regarding the definition of living space, height of single and two story homes. B. Discussion on Arborists. (Design Review) Murray states that the Board is quite pleased with the recent arborist reports submitted by Linda Jarsky. The reports are very thorough. Discussion. Merrill is concerned with the reports submitted by Ms. Jarsky, and explains her reasoning. She does not feel that the mature trees should be removed, some existing trees have sentimental value. Barnes states she likes receiving arborist reports from different individuals, as each bring different backgrounds to their review of the site. Stanger notes that the arborist reports are usually used as tools to aid in the decision being made by the Board. Merrill comments on the liability issue the City made encounter if the arborist's report state a tree should be removed and the City determines it should stay in and if falls injuring someone. Discussion. Linda Jarsky states that she attempts to provide the Board with as much information as she can so they can make an informed decision. She states there are many ways to assign value. Discussion. C. Discussion regarding landscape berms. (Planning &Zoning) Cheryl Bloom lists a number of subdivisions which she has visited and feels that the site specific conditions of approval have not been met. She states that the developer of Oakley Estates has not done what he stated he would do when he addressed Council. Bloom comments on The Colony, Spyglass,Big Horn, the Kings shopping center and other subdivisions she feels are in need code enforcement regarding their landscaping conditions. Bloom states that staff has not done follow up on the complaints that she and others have filed on various sites. She feels there is no follow up and no enforcement for these alleged violations. She inquires if there is a lack of procedure on staffs part or is it a lack of desire for the City to expend additional funds for code enforcement? Bloom is willing to go and bring some of theses things up to speed, and help with code enforcement, by evaluating the sites and writing letters. Sedlacek explains some of the challenges with code enforcement. Guerber comments on staff work load and budget Page I KACOUNCIL MINUTES\Tenpomy Minutes Work Area\CC-09-30-02sprondoc constraints. There have been numerous discussions at the Council level regarding code enforcement. Discussion. Merrill feels that if Bloom is willing to review the files for site specific conditions of approval, visit the site, and write a letter for staff to review the City should utilize her expertise. Vaughan addresses recent staff actions and staffs procedure regarding code enforcement. He states that a code amendment instigating fines for non- complying signs that will be going to Planning and Zoning in October for action. Ransom Bailey, City Attorney, comments on the prudent way to seek compliance from those violating conditions of approval. Discussion. D. Discussion on how to improve the working relationship with Ada County Development Services. (Planning & Zoning) This item will be addressed later during the meeting. *E. Report on the Visionary Committee. (WEV &JM) This committee is comprised of members of Chamber of Commerce, City Staff, Design Review Board, and local business that are attempting to address issues brought up through the survey that the Chamber sent out. Vaughan relays the results of recent meetings. *F. Discussion regarding lot sizes vs. home sizes—specifically setbacks and reduction of lot size in PUD's. (NM) *G. Discussion regarding possibly requiring subdivisions over a certain number of lots to apply for a PUD. (NM) Mayor Yzaguirre introduces items F. &G. and gives the floor to Council member Merrill. Merrill briefly touches on both topics. General discussion regarding density, lot size, and the Comprehensive Plan. Guerber states that there have been proposed changes to the Comprehensive Plan and amazingly everything they have planned on is right here (in the Comprehensive Plan), and there has to be a very good reason for the City to revise it. Crook states that he does not feel that the Plan needs to change to allow higher density so lower income people would have a place to live in Eagle. Sedlacek comments that there is mixed use zoning with 20 unites per acre, and some higher density of R-3 zoning which provide different development options. Guerber states that there are people starting to look at these higher density options, for apartments and other things to fill the downtown core area. Development has been geared towards the larger lots and bigger houses as the market has driven it there, but the market is shifting and other things are being now being examined. The City has built this versatility into the Comprehensive Plan. General discussion. Item 3D is now addressed. Page 2 K:000NCILN INUT65\Temporary Minutes Work As a CC-09-30-02aprniadoc Discussion on how to improve the working relationship with Ada County Development Services. (Planning &Zoning) Bloom comments on a recent Ada County transmittal at which neither the applicant or the applicant's representative were present. The Commission felt that the application had made no attempt to comply with Eagle's Comprehensive Plan, and they (the Commission) were concerned that the application would be approved at the Ada County level regardless of Eagle's action on the item. Discussion. 9. ADJOURNMENT: Merrill moves to adjourn at 8:15 p.m.. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES... Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm. Respectfully submitted: �0�, , ON EA C ,•��. tea_V // .9€,4�- IO iyOR4>. SHARO K. MOORE • _ CITY CLERK/TREASURER :* 3 t• a. SEALa • "o APPROVED: •'• `PT `• °�°o::• , �. � �� ..:444/, _ RICK Y • , MAYOR Page 3 KCCOUNCUM MUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-09-30-02epntdoe