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Minutes - 2021 - City Council - 08/24/2021 - Regular
EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES August 24,2021 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pierce calls the meeting to order at 5:3 1 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: GINDLESPERGER, PITTMAN, BAUN,PIKE. All present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 4. ADDITIONS,DELETIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE AGENDA: A. City Staff requests.None B. Mayor or City Council requests.None 5. PRESENTATION: A. Suicide Prevention Hotline: Lee Flinn,Director, 1607 W.Jefferson Boise,Idaho. Ms.Flinn reviews the services provided by the Idaho Suicide Prevention hotline.Discussion. 6. REPORTS: A. Mayor and Council Reports: Pike expresses his gratitude for the compassionate outreach to his family lately, due to his mom's recent medical event. Pittman gives a "shout out" to his mom as it is her birthday today. B. City Hall Department Supervisor Reports: Chief Wilke reviews the July statistics for law enforcement. C. City Attorney Report: No report. 7. PUBLIC COMMENT 1:The Eagle City Council is taking in person and remote public comment via Webex. Meeting login instructions are posted on https://www.cityofeagle.org/l698/Virtual-Meetings. If you just want to watch the meeting,without giving comment,please watch our livestream at https://www.cityofeagle.org/305/City- Agendas-Videos. This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding subjects not on the agenda. At times, the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters during this allotted time.This is not the time slot to give formal testimony on a public hearing matter,land use application,or comment on a pending application or proposal. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three (3) minutes. Lisa Marie,352A Idaho Street,Eagle,Idaho. Ms.Marie gives an update on the missing child alert system.There have been two deaths of siblings recently. Her concern is that there is no alert system in place to get the word out about these vulnerable children. She will be placing posters around the community of missing children. 8. ALL CONSENT ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED ACTION ITEMS: CONSENT AGENDA: • Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor,a Councilmember,member of City Staff,or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion.Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. • Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff,Planning&Zoning Commission,or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims against the City. B. Minutes of June 10,2021. C. Minutes of August 10,2021. D. Minutes of August 12,2021. Page 1K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-24-21min.docx E. An agreement between the City of Eagle and Personnel Plus, Inc. to provide Staffing Services for the City.An agreement between the City of Eagle and Personnel Plus Inc.to provide staffing services,on an as needed basis for the City of Eagle.There are sufficient funds in the budget for these services. (TEO) F. NeoGOV Agreement: An agreement between the City of Eagle and NeoGOV to provide services relating to recruiting, onboarding and employee evaluations. The agreement shall not exceed$7,650. (TEO) G. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for the Approval of RZ-06-14 MOD/RZ-14-20 & PP-07-20—King Fisher Cove Townhomes Subdivision—Don Newell:Don Newell,represented by Doug Russell with The Land Group,is requesting development agreement modification, rezone from MU-DA (Mixed Use with a development agreement) to R-9-DA (Residential with a development agreement [in lieu of a PUD]), and preliminary plat approvals for Kingfisher Cove Townhomes, a 72-lot (63-buildable, 9-common) residential subdivision. The 10.68-acre site is generally located on the northeast corner of West State Street and SH-44. (MJW) H. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for the Approval of RZ-04-21&PP/FP- 01-21 — Middlefork Estates — Michael & Julie Harrison: Michael and Julie Harrison, represented by Eagle Land Surveying, is requesting a rezone from R-E-DA (Residential-Estates with a development agreement) to R-1-DA (Residential with a development agreement) and combined preliminary and final plat approvals for Middlefork Estates Subdivision, a 3-lot residential subdivision. The 3.15-acre site is located on the west side of North Meridian Road approximately 1,725-feet north of West Floating Feather Road at 1655 North Meridian Road. (DLM) I. DR-20-21—Convenience Store with Fuel Service for Treasure Valley Chevron— JR Warila:JR Warila,represented by Jeff Likes with ALC Architecture,is requesting design review approval of a 6,505-square foot convenience store with fuel service for Treasure Valley Chevron. The 10.01-acre site is located on the southeast corner of West Beacon Light Road and State Highway 16. (BAW) J. DR-21-21 — Master Sign Plan for Treasure Valley Chevron Mixed Use Commercial Development, including Building Wall, Multi-tenant Monument, and Fuel Island Canopy Signage for Treasure Valley Chevron — JR Warila: Treasure Valley Chevron,Inc.,represented by Jim Nemeth with Idaho Electric Signs, is requesting design review approval for a master sign plan for Treasure Valley Chevron mixed use commercial development, including building wall, multi-tenant monument, and fuel island canopy signage for Treasure Valley Chevron. The 10.01- acre site is located on the southeast corner of West Beacon Light Road and State Highway 16. (ERG) K. DR-14-21 —Common Area Landscaping within Bald Eagle Pointe Subdivision— Todd Cunningham: Todd Cunningham,represented by Jesse Buster with Stack Rock Group, is requesting design review approval of the common area landscaping within Bald Eagle Pointe Subdivision.The 41.15-acre site is located on the south side of West State Street (SH-44) at the southeast corner of West State Street (SH-44) and West Moon Valley Road.(ERG) L. Development Agreement Associated with RZ-12-08 MOD3 — Restored Community Church — Ben Harris: Staff is requesting approval of a development agreement associated with the previously approved Restored Community Church development agreement modification. The 5.52-acre site is located on the south side of West Floating Feather Road approximately 1000-feet east of North Park Lane at 3633 West Floating Feather Road. (MJW) M. Elevate Our Everyday Heroes Day Proclamation: A proclamation by the City of Eagle declaring September 11, 2021, as Elevate Our Everyday Heroes Day, in recognition of our law enforcement officers, fire fighters, EMS, dispatchers, corrections, coroners, chaplains, retried first responders, healthcare workers, clinicians,our military,our veterans and their families as everyday heroes. (JP) Page 2K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-24-21min.docx N. Resolution 21-18: A Resolution of the City of Eagle, Ada County, Idaho, declaring the city's intent to not mandate any vaccine for city employees and / or contractors. (JP) O. Legal Services Agreement between the City of Eagle and MSBT Law Chrtd: An agreement between the City of Eagle and MSBT wherein MSBT will serve as special legal counsel and undertake work to represent the City of Eagle assisting with land use matters in the Foothills Development Sub-Area within the 2017 Eagle Comprehensive Plan.(JP) Pittman requests the removal of E,F,I,J,K and M. Gindlesperger removes item N. Pittman moves to approve the consent agenda items 8A-D, G, H, L and O. Seconded by Gindlesperger. GINDLESPERGER AYE; PITTMAN AYE; BAUN AYE,PIKE AYE. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. E. An agreement between the City of Eagle and Personnel Plus, Inc. to provide Staffing Services for the City. An agreement between the City of Eagle and Personnel Plus Inc. to provide staffing services,on an as needed basis for the City of Eagle.There are sufficient funds in the budget for these services.(TEO) Council Member Pittman requests further detail regarding the agreement. City Clerk,Tracy Osborn provides an overview of the agreement. Discussion. Pittman moves to approve consent agenda item 8E an agreement between the City of Eagle and Personnel Plus, Inc. to provide Staffing Services for the City. Seconded by Baun. GINDLESPERGER AYE; PITTMAN AYE; BAUN AYE, PIKE AYE. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. F. NeoGOV Agreement: An agreement between the City of Eagle and NeoGOV to provide services relating to recruiting,onboarding and employee evaluations. The agreement shall not exceed$7,650. (TEO) Pittman requests further information regarding the agreement. City Clerk Osborn provides information regarding the software suite. The City Attorney will be adding approved language regarding a non-appropriation, an "out-clause" and limiting the agreement one year agreement. Discussion. Pittman moves to approve consent agenda item 8F the NeoGov agreement to be brought in front of the Mayor for signature and approving the $7,650 required to get the first year for free, and then wait on the approval from legal. Seconded by Gindlesperger. GINDLESPERGER AYE; PITTMAN AYE; BAUN AYE, PIKE AYE. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. I. DR-20-21 — Convenience Store with Fuel Service for Treasure Valley Chevron — JR Warila: JR Warila, represented by Jeff Likes with ALC Architecture, is requesting design review approval of a 6,505-square foot convenience store with fuel service for Treasure Valley Chevron. The 10.01-acre site is located on the southeast corner of West Beacon Light Road and State Highway 16. (BAW) Council Member Pittman would like to increase the berm height to 3' above the roadway. Planner II,Barbara Williams provides comment on the current conditions regarding the berm. Page 3K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-24-21min.docx Council discusses berming height from center line of roadway vs from site grade,other commercial berming in Eagle and landscaping on the berm. Pike moves to approve 8I DR-20-21 — Convenience Store with Fuel Service for Treasure Valley Chevron as is. Seconded by Gindlesperger. GINDLESPERGER AYE; PITTMAN NAY; BAUN AYE,PIKE AYE.THREE AYE...ONE NAY...MOTION CARRIES J. DR-21-21 — Master Sign Plan for Treasure Valley Chevron Mixed Use Commercial Development,including Building Wall,Multi-tenant Monument,and Fuel Island Canopy Signage for Treasure Valley Chevron — JR Warila: Treasure Valley Chevron, Inc., represented by Jim Nemeth with Idaho Electric Signs,is requesting design review approval for a master sign plan for Treasure Valley Chevron mixed use commercial development,including building wall, multi-tenant monument, and fuel island canopy signage for Treasure Valley Chevron. The 10.01-acre site is located on the southeast corner of West Beacon Light Road and State Highway 16. (ERG) Pittman states that while the sign is within Eagle City Code, however based on e-mails that have been received, he is concerned with the precedence being set with this approval. Baun seeks clarification regarding proposed sign placement. Planner II,Emily Gero gives proposed sign height. Discussion. Planner III,Mike Williams reviews the development agreement associated with the site pertaining to signs. Discussion. Jim Waeth,Idaho Sign Company,6528 Supply Way Eagle,Idaho. Mr.Waeth states that it is within code and based on the speed limit on the roadway he feels the sign is appropriate. Discussion amongst Council regarding sign visibility, height and signage precedence that may be established. Baun moves to approve item 8J DR-21-21 —Master Sign Plan for Treasure Valley Chevron Mixed Use Commercial Development,including Building Wall,Multi-tenant Monument,and Fuel Island Canopy Signage for Treasure Valley Chevron at the existing 15' as identified. Seconded by Pike. GINDLESPERGER AYE; PITTMAN NAY; BAUN AYE, PIKE AYE. THREE AYE...ONE NAY...MOTION CARRIES K. DR-14-21 — Common Area Landscaping within Bald Eagle Pointe Subdivision — Todd Cunningham: Todd Cunningham, represented by Jesse Buster with Stack Rock Group, is requesting design review approval of the common area landscaping within Bald Eagle Pointe Subdivision. The 41.15-acre site is located on the south side of West State Street(SH-44) at the southeast corner of West State Street(SH-44)and West Moon Valley Road. (ERG) Pittman has concerns regarding the chainlink fencing around the pickleball court. He is seeking Council's input regarding it. Pike states that his subdivision has this type of fencing, and it works well. Discussion. Pittman moves to approve item 8K DR-14-21 — Common Area Landscaping within Bald Eagle Pointe Subdivision. Seconded by Baun. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. M. Elevate Our Everyday Heroes Day Proclamation: A proclamation by the City of Eagle declaring September 11,2021,as Elevate Our Everyday Heroes Day,in recognition of our law enforcement officers, fire fighters, EMS, dispatchers, corrections, coroners, chaplains, retried first responders,healthcare workers,clinicians, our military, our veterans and their families as everyday heroes.(JP) Page 4K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-24-21min.docx Council Member Pittman reads the proclamation into the record. Pittman moves to approve consent agenda item 8M Elevate Our Everyday Heroes Day Proclamation Seconded by Gindlesperger. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. N. Resolution 21-18: A Resolution of the City of Eagle,Ada County,Idaho, declaring the city's intent to not mandate any vaccine for city employees and/or contractors. (JP) Council Member Gindlesperger states that she is pleased with the contents of this resolution. She is a strong believer in medical freedom and body autonomy and encourages people to remember that where there is risk, there must be choice. If any entity mandates any medical procedure, we lose the right of sovereignty over our own bodies. Pittman and Pike express their support of the resolution as well. Gindlesperger moves to approve consent agenda item 8N Resolution 21-18 A Resolution of the City of Eagle,Ada County,Idaho,declaring the city's intent to not mandate any vaccine for city employees and / or contractors. Seconded by Pittman. GINDLESPERGER AYE; PITMMAN AYE; BAUN AYE; PIKE AYE: ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. ACTION ITEM: Bureau of Land Management Work Group — The Bureau of Land Management Work Group requests approval of the Foothills Recreation Concept Plan, and to submit this plan to the Bureau of Land Management for their consideration. Public comment is encouraged on this item. (SN) Mayor introduces the item. Trails and Pathways Superintendent, Steve Noyes. Noyes states that the plan was previously presented,and additional public input requested by Council at that time. The survey was re-opened and made available for subsequent input,which has been provided to Council. Tim Merrifield,4795 N. Hartley Lane Eagle,Idaho and his property abuts the BLM land and near the gate. Mr.Merrifield is in support of the proposed plan,as it maximizes the use of the site. The plan addresses a wide range of use, pedestrians, equestrians, off road uses, shooting — it is very comprehensive. The shooting plan addresses the lack of shooting safety that currently doesn't exist. It also mitigates fire hazard,addresses access points and environmental concerns. Burke Mantell, 4690 N. Hartley Road Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Mantell is grateful for the work that the work group put into the plan, and those who participated in the survey. On page 3-4 it addresses shooting safety and states that local laws shall be enforced. He is in hopes that the safety matters pertaining to shooting will be enforced upon approval. There are so many different uses and in the proposed plan and he hopes it is approved. Mike Faraino, 6730 Conagler Lane Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Faraino does not support the plan as proposed. The two main reasons being noise from shooting range and the ATV use. There would be a negative noise impact to nearby residential neighborhoods. A sound analysis should be conducted, and mitigation measures should be implemented. The noise pollution from ATV vehicles will disrupt the pastoral lifestyle of the residents of the foothills. He would like the plan to be denied and sent back to a citizen group, not a special interest—subject matter experts, that truly represents the residents of the foothills and Eagle at large,not the entire Treasure Valley. Dave Castro, 2251 Hawks View Lane Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Castro feels the survey was skewed to obtain the desired outcome. He does not feel that the work group adequately represented adjacent property owners. The overall survey was a scam to convey misleading positive responses. The Page 5K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-24-21min.docx increase of use will lead to a higher danger of fire, for which the city will most likely be found liable. The water aquifer may be negatively impacted by the increase of use. Mr Castro moved to Eagle to enjoy the quite. He inquires if the cost to develop and maintain the property been taken into account. If the plan is not set aside the city should be prepared to defend via litigation. Joan Mantell, 4690 N. Hartley Eagle, Idaho. Ms. Mantell has lived there since 1991. She is in favor of the plan. Currently the land is unregulated, and it is fair game for all sorts of activities from bon fires to the dumping of garbage and furniture. She has enjoyed the land and has witnessed others walking,biking and horseback riding. The public should be allowed to use this land,but the land needs to be protected as well. The proposed plan sets standards and guides the use. She encourages the approval of the plan. Johnathan Seel, 2906 N. Haven Drive Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Seels property abuts Homer Road. He did not become aware of the plan until a couple weeks ago. For horses, hiking, biking and dogs the plan is good. He is not in favor of the shooting and motorcycle portion of the plan. He feels the plan has something a theme park wherein it will draw in a lot of people, but most will not be from Eagle. Ted Day, 4840 N. Curlue Place Eagle, Idaho. This is the open public open space in the Eagle foothills. This is an opportunity to preserve the land. A management plan is more needed that a development plan. The plan should not encourage even more use. With the development of Spring Valley and Avimor there will be 10,000 or more homes. This is the Council's opportunity to preserve open space. A management plan with trigger points to address certain uses would be more appropriate. Justin Feffer, 5150 N. Soran Lane Eagle,Idaho.He and his neighbors feel as though they were left out of the process.The subject matter experts that were adjacent to the property should have reached out to all of the neighbors. Those who live in Hartley support the plan because it pushes use away from them. Rather than adopt this plan, a better plan should be created. The plan pushes ATV's onto a road adjacent to his backyard. Chris Fergusson, 5278 N. Gooderjohn Road Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Fergusson asks how Linder Road will go through private property. Why would you make Linder Road a major thorough fare through north Eagle?With the density of homes proposed,the motorized vehicles and shoot will need to be removed. Tom Fetzer, 6553 N. Conagher Lane Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Fetzer is against the plan. The nuisances of traffic and potential fires are all items that need to be addressed as well as the cost. He believes that a new and better plan is needed. Diane Fry, 5555 W.Homer Rd. Eagle,Idaho. The land is currently available for multiple uses. A great deal of the shooting is currently occurring on private land. In 2010, the fire was caused by lightening, and it moved fast. This plan creates a bigger danger of fires with motorized vehicles use of the land.Additionally motorized vehicles will cause increased soil erosion.People purchased their land for solitude, not to be near a playland. The introduction of noise, traffic and increased public use is not what people want. Scott Swanson, 5569 N.Kerliff Ct. Boise,Idaho. He hikes the property and has not seen shooting on the east side or ATV use. This property is a gem to protect. Horses,bikers and hikers have all been getting along. There is a lot of cheat grass and fire materials on the land. There is no garbage up there now,but with the proposed plan with the increased use it would result in increased garbage and fire hazard. Page 6K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-24-21min.docx Phil Shultz,5040 N.Elaina Lane Eagle,Idaho. Mr. Shultz has lived here for 20 years.He supports the idea to restrict the land to open space to allow equestrian,walking,bicycling uses. The shooting and motorcycles concern him. Adam Pitale,65256 N.Conager Eagle,Idaho. Mr.Pitale states that input from everyone is critical, especially those adjacent to the open space. There are serious traffic problems that need to be addressed. Bessy Fletcher, 1360 N. McDermott Rd.Kuna, Idaho.Ms. Fergusson is the president of the Idaho Horse Council. She thanks the work group for their work on the plan. She feels that equestrian use of the plan is important to the plan, though does have concerns with the allowed use of motorized vehicles. Cassie Bickle, lives on Homer Road. (testifying via webex). She believes that there is more issue with people shooting on their private property vs the BLM property. There is a problem with speeding on Homer Road now. How will the impact on traffic on Homer Road be mitigated for residents that are already there? How will the concerns regarding noise and shooting be addressed for those that already live in Eagle? Amy Reigner, 501 W. Stillwell Dr. Eagle,Idaho. The equestrian community will lose their rights if a gun range is allowed. The more places people are allowed to shoot the more equestrian trails are lost. Adjoining property owners have spent the money to enjoy the quality of life they currently enjoy. For planning purposes, she wishes the equestrian users would be considered more. Chris Laraway, 5540 W.Key Bridge Boise,Idaho. He questions the placement of horse usage and how it intersects with the ATV uses. The original 2009 plan designated this as equestrian space, and it was a better plan. It is his understanding the County and the City are not in agreement to this right now. Matt Siron,1050 W. Calligan Lane Eagle, Idaho. He is opposed to the shooting range for safety reasons. He does not see pedestrian and equestrian trails working well with a shooting range. Heather Fergusson, 5278 N. Gooderjohn Lane Eagle, Idaho. How will the city pay for the development and maintenance of the proposed park? Angela Merrifield,4795 N.Hartley Eagle,Idaho. They are currently struggling with the impact of shooting and motorized access on the BLM Road. She inquires if the shooting range and motorized vehicle can be removed from the plan. What remedies can she take for current issues with bonfires, shooting and noise. Todd Farland, 2807 W. Homer Road Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Farland feels that Council is arguing both sides of the coin to preserve the BLM land, as well as the rights of property within the City of Eagle.He moved here because of the values of Idaho;he does not feel that the Council is listening but rather they are arguing. The binary arguments of the Council are not productive, and he feels that the uncomfortable discussion needs to be had. Jim Jackson, 2910 W. Homer Rd. Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Jackson does not feel that the representation of neighboring property owners was not adequate, nor was the notification to the public. He is opposed to the shooting range and motorcycles. Mr. Jackson's residence was one that was lost to the fire started by lightening. To add additional human stupidity via the multiple uses proposed in the plan will not end well. Mayor calls a 5-minute break. Page 7K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-24-21min.docx City Staff, Steve Noyes addresses the comments made tonight. He appreciates the comments tonight and discusses the process. It is the hope that with the additional of responsible organized users' crime goes down. This is a regional concept which will be presented to Bureau of Land Management for consideration and then subsequent public input will be sought and considered. Discussion amongst the Council. Pittman suggests individuals sign up for notification via the City's website to gain notification for meetings, agendas and hearings to stay informed on events and what is going on in the community. He appreciates the 21 people that are in attendance tonight and the comments they have made. Baun states that he has listened to the comments tonight, as well as to the comments from the various user groups, property owners and the emails he has received. It would be impossible to incorporate everyone's wants, but they have attempted to balance the desires of each. Gindlesperger emphasizes that this is a concept plan,and there has to be a starting point. Bureau of Land Management may come back and remove or alter portions prior to the next step in the process. She would be very hesitant to restrict 2°a right on a federal land. Discussion. Baun moves to approve action 9A Foothills Recreation Concept Plan and recommend the City submit the existing plan to BLM with an additional addendum,that an addition to the plan that potential alternatives that a no shooting and no motorized vehicle be included as a range of alternatives in future planning processes. Seconded by Gindlesperger. Discussion. Baun moves to state amend there can be a full range of alternatives and future planning processes. Second concurs.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 10. ALL PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED ACTION ITEMS PUBLIC HEARINGS: Public hearings will not begin prior to 6:00 p.m.The Eagle City Council is taking in person and remote public testimony via Webex.Meeting login instructions are posted on https://www.cityofeagle.org/1698Nirtual-Meetings.If you just want to watch the meeting,without giving testimony,please watch our livestream at https://www.cityofeagle.org/305/City-Agendas-Videos.. •Public Hearings are legally noticed hearings required by state law.The public may provide formal testimony regarding the application or issue before the City Council.This testimony will become part of the hearing record for that application or matter. •Disclosure of ex parte and/or conflict of interest. A. ACTION ITEM: Public Hearing, Resolution to Reserve Forgone Amount for Fiscal Year 2022 —A Resolution to Reserve the Forgone Amount of$74,829 for Fiscal Year 2022 for potential use in subsequent years as described in Idaho Code 63-802. (KR) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. City Treasurer, Kellie Rekow explains the resolution and stands for questions. Mayor opens the public hearing No one chooses to speak. Mayor closes the public hearing. A.1. ACTION ITEM: Resolution 21-17, Resolution of the City of Eagle to Reserve Forgone Amount: A Resolution to Reserve the Forgone Amount of $74,829 for Fiscal Year 2022 for potential use in subsequent years as described in Idaho Code 63-802. Pittman moves to approve action item 10A.1 Resolution 21-17, A Resolution to Reserve the Forgone Amount of$74,829 for Fiscal Year 2022 for potential use in subsequent years as described in Idaho Code 63-802. Seconded by Baun. GINDLESPERGER AYE; PITTMAN AYE; BAUN AYE; PIKE AYE.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. B. ACTION ITEM:VAC-03-21—Vacation to the final plat of Williamson River Ranch Page 8K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-24-21min.docx Sub No. 3 —Tradewinds General Contracting, Inc.: Tradewinds General Contracting, Inc., is requesting to vacate the side yard public utilities, property drainage, and pressure irrigation easement located within Lot 16 and 17,Block 6,Williamson River Ranch Subdivision No. 3. The .52-acre site is located on the west side of South Riparian Way approximately 500-feet south of the intersection of East Crowns Pointe Drive and South Riparian Way at 1805 and 1819 South Riparian Way. This item was continued from the August 10, 2021 meeting. (MJW) Mayor introduces the item. Planner III,Mike Williams states that the applicant was in attendance earlier but is no longer here. Mayor asks staff to proceed. Williams reviews the application due to the applicant's failure to be present to do themself. Mayor opens the public hearing. No one chooses to speak. Mayor closes the public hearing. Baun moves to approve VAC-03-21 —Vacation to the final plat of Williamson River Ranch Sub No.3—Seconded by Pike. ALL AYE..MOTION CARRIES. C. ACTION ITEM: CU-02-21/PPUD-02-21/PP-04-21 —Arvory Crest Subdivision —FS One, LLC: FS One, LLC, represented by David Sterling, P.E., with T-O Engineers, is requesting a conditional use permit, preliminary development plan, and preliminary plat approvals for Arvory Crest Subdivision, a 249-lot (231-single family residential, 18-common) residential subdivision. The 80.20-acre site is located on the southeast corner of West Floating Feather Road and State Highway 16 at 1252 North Highway 16. (MJW) Mayor introduces the item. David Sterling, with T-O Engineering, representing FS One LLC. Mr. Sterling reviews the application. Discussion. Planner III, Mike Williams reviews the staff report including the site-specific conditions of approval and areas of special concern. Mayor opens the public hearing. Dave Sterling states that the density requested is lower than what is allowed. He also addresses the wetland report. Discussion regarding optional participation in the Conservation and Education program(CEP). The developer indicates he is in support of participation in the CEP program. Mayor closes the public hearing. Baun moves to approve action item 10C CU-02-21/PPUD-02-21/PP-04-21 — Arvory Crest Subdivision with the addition of a site specific condition#31 as inclusion in the CEP funding program. Seconded by Pittman. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Page 9K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-24-21min.docx 11. NEW BUSINESS: A. ACTION ITEM: Art Stop Public Art Program. The Eagle Arts Commission is seeking Council approval to proceed with the proposed Art Stop Public Art Project.Funds are available in the arts commission budget. Presented by Arts Commission Chairman,Mark McAllister. Mayor introduces the item. Arts Commission Chairman, Mark McAllister reviews the proposed project and seeks Council approval to proceed. They are hoping to introduce new types of art experiences in the community. The project will involve literary artwork. Discussion. 12. EXECUTIVE SESSION A. Idaho State Code 474-206. Executive sessions -- When authorized. (1) An executive session at which members of the public are excluded may be held,but only for the purposes and only in the manner set forth in this section. The motion to go into executive session shall identify the specific subsections of this section that authorize the executive session. There shall be a roll call vote on the motion and the vote shall be recorded in the minutes. An executive session shall be authorized by a two-thirds(2/3)vote of the governing body. An executive session may be held: (c) To acquire an interest in real property which is not owned by a public agency. Baun moves pursuant to I.C.74-206(1)that the City of Eagle convene an Executive Session for the purpose of Idaho State Code§74-206(c) To acquire an interest in real property which is not owned by a public agency. Seconded by Pike . GINDLESPERGER: AYE; PITTMAN AYE; BAUN: AYE;PIKE: AYE: ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES. B. ACTION ITEM: Action regarding acquisition of real property located at 127 S. Eagle Road. Baun moves to approve action item 12B which is acquisition of real property located at 127 S. Eagle Road. Seconded by Pittman. Discussion. GINDLESPERGER. AYE. PITTMAN AYE; BAUN AYE; PIKE AYE. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES 13. PUBLIC COMMENT 2: The Eagle City Council is taking in person and remote public comment via Webex. Meeting login instructions are posted on https://www.cityofeagle.org/1698/Virtual-Meetings.If you just want to watch the meeting,without giving comment,please watch our livestream at https://www.cityofeagle.org/305/City-Agendas-Videos. This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding any matter,up to and including any subject on the agenda with the exception of Public Hearing and land use items. Comments regarding Public Hearing and land use items need to be made during the open public hearing for said item(s)in accordance with Idaho Code.At times,the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters(excluding Public Hearing and land use items)during this allotted time. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three(3)minutes. None Page 10K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-24-21min.docx 14. ADJOURNMENT: Baun moves to adjourn. Seconded by Pike. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Hearing no further business,the Council meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted: 0g7••.. TRACY Il S ORN,CMC t !UO�/•,, CITY CL ' • ALO APPROVED: ••,��''•.,`rTgTE OF 1`o'• OAS N PIERCE OR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT W W W.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 11K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-24.21min.docx . 5(agfa) Tracy Osborn From: Tracy Osborn Sent: Monday, August 23, 2021 10:06 AM To: City Council Grp Subject: FW:A-10-2- & RZ-13-20 & DR-20-21 - Treasure Valley Chevron Attachments: FW:Treasure valley Chevron meeting These items were forwarded to Council on 8/17 and 22nd. I believe the application in question will be heard tomorrow. Just an FYI, as staff did not incorporate this into the staff report. tif.,. Tracy E. Osborn,CMC ,00011K�'j���i City Clerk/Deputy Treasurer ,, � mmiliak Phone (208) 939-6813 ext. 201 �' �S rrA Address 660 E. Civic Lane, Eagle, ID 83616 rifti Email tosborn(a�cityofeagle.org ". Website THE CITY OF www.cityofeagle.org EAGLE All e-mail messages and e-mail addresses sent to,or received by, City of Eagle e-mail accounts are subject to Idaho's Public Records Act, in regard to both release and retention, and may be released upon request, unless exempt from disclosure by law. From:Tracy Osborn On Behalf Of Clerks Sent:Tuesday, August 17, 2021 10:08 AM To: City Council Grp<CityCouncilGrp@cityofeagle.org> Cc: Bill Vaughan <bvaughan@cityofeagle.org> Subject: FW:A-10-2-& RZ-13-20& DR-20-21 -Treasure Valley Chevron .,.,.. Tracy E. Osborn,CMC �ii` ;i City Clerk/Deputy Treasurer Alrr`, r-„--lmlirom.�,1 � Phone (208) 939-6813 ext. 201 II�•�.,�` r� Address 660 E. Civic Lane, Eagle, ID 83616 Email tosborn©cityofeagle.orq Website . ° ..rt www.cityofeagle.org EAGLE 1 All e-mail messages and e-mail addresses sent to, or received by, City of Eagle e-mail accounts are subject to Idaho's Public Records Act, in regard to both release and retention, and may be released upon request, unless exempt from disclosure by law. From:woody.woodbury@reagan.com <woody.woodbury@reagan.com> Sent:Tuesday, August 17, 2021 9:54 AM To: Clerks<Clerks@cityofeagle.org> Subject: RE: A-10-2-& RZ-13-20 & DR-20-21-Treasure Valley Chevron Eagle City Council August 17, 2021 Eagle City Hall 660 E. Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Re: A-10-20& RZ-13-20& DR-20-21-Treasure Valley Chevron-Treasure Valley Chevron, Inc. Dear City Mayor and Council Members, I am a resident of the Trellis neighborhood in Star, ID located W& NW of this new development, about 500 feet away. I am a graduate of the University of Idaho, in Engineering. I understand that the Chevron gas station will be a gateway project in our neighborhood with other commercial development to follow. My desire is simple and two-fold: Ensure an architectural design that fits our rural location and "country"feel; and, Establish an appearance standard for future commercial/retail development. I have attended previous in-person and virtual planning meetings with the City of Eagle and with the developer. I genuinely appreciate the opportunity to be involved, weigh-in and provide input. However, it appears that the recommendations of ACHD regarding modifications to this development have been IGNORED by the Eagle city review process—up to now. You council members could correct this. Specifically: 1. ACHD had listed specific recommended road changes in its Review Report which was part of the Design Review Board of June 10, 2021 meeting's agenda, document 5A, pages 73 thru 81. 2. ACHD Review Report document pages 73, 74, 80,and 81 are shown in the attached photos. 3. ACHD stated on page 74, item B: "This development is estimated to generate 5,528 additional vehicle trips days; 457 in the PM peak hour and 549 during the AM peak hour..." What has been done by the developer to address this significant additional traffic? 4. ACHD lists 4 major recommendations which are detailed on pages 80 and 81,about roadway changes, concerning the following topics: a. Additional Right of Way b. Widen pavement c. Multi-use pathway d. Access roads into the development e. What has been done by the developer to address these roadway changes? 5. This ACHD document was not part of the Design Review Board of July 22, 2021 meeting document package. After I testified about these issues at the Design Review Board of June 10, 2021 meeting, the members stated that these traffic issues were not part of their responsibility. 2 6. I request that you,the City Council members, have these ACHD recommendations addressed and implemented. It is extremely frustrating to me and others owners in the Trellis neighborhood that the items that are very important to us have been ignored or overruled—they are: • The berms are still too low. The design described in the 5A data packet on page 22 are still at 3 feet—NOT 10- 12 FEET that we need to reduce traffic noise and night lights from the Chevron station. • The signs are too high. Data packet 5B pages 15, 25&37 show there are two signs at 15 ft high. These signs were much lower at 6 and 8 feet high in the design after the earlier Planning and Zoning Board meeting. We did not cause the problems—but we are the victims. Good corporate and community policy requires that stakeholders, ALL stakeholders, are heard and have influence in the decision-making process.As a community leader,you have an obligation to help preserve the look,feel, and integrity of our neighborhoods. . . regardless which side of the road (SH-16)they live on! Respectfully, Laurence Woodbury 8585 W Rioja St. Star, ID 83669 Attachments: Chevron Design Review 2021-06-10,doc 5A pg 73,ACHD's review report 1st page.png 3 Tools D. p,rriFe7 SA tin ■ } rya 0 R. 0 0 ® Ur [}�t i lCrl'maa7N Si^:n e.%DrTr.rrrmi:se iviimpp. • Project/File: Treasure Valley Chevron!EAG21.0O011 DR-20-21 This rs a design revxrw applicator,to constnirt a 6.505 square fool convernerrce store wan fuett serv,oe on f 0 acres Lead Agency: City of Eagle Site address: Southeast Corner of Beacon Light Road and SM-16 Staff Approval: May 6.2021 Applicant: JR Wanla Vicinity Map 1100 South Renovare Lane Eagle. ID 83616 r r r Representative: Dakota Grallickson f r ALC Architecture 4' 1119 East State Sheet,Suite 120 ti lr Eagle. ID 83616 , — •• .� Staff Contact Paige Bank head.E I, Phone 387-6293 ankhwaji�^l.achdidaho.corq A. Findings of Fact 1, Description of Application: The applicant is requesting approval of a design review application to construct a 0.505 square foot convenience store with fuel service on 10 acres Chevron Design Review 2021-06-10,doc 5A pg 74,ACHD's Extra vehicle trips per day=5528.png 4 DJIJ o.,cke,SA;pg... R We're feu:Awl you._ e O 0 • li ® CT3 ..• widen the approaches between 2036 and 2040. • The intersection of Beacon Light Road and Palmer Lane is listed in the CIP to be improved as a single lane roundabout with 2-lanes on all legs between 2036 and 2040 • Beacon Light Road is listed in the CIP to be widened to 3-lanes from SH•16 to Palmer Lane between 2036 and 2040 and is listed as unfunded 9. Roadways to Bikeways Master Plan: ACHD's Roadways to Bikeways Master Plan(BMP)was adopted by the ACHD Commission in May of 2009 and was update in 2018 The plan seeks to implement the Planned Bicycle Network to support bicycling as a viable transportation option for Ada County residents with a wide range of ages and abilities. maintain bicycle routes in a state of good repair in order to ensure they are consistently available for use,promote awareness of existing bicycle routes and features and support encouragement programs and to facilitate coordination and cooperation among local jurisdictions in implementing the Roadways to Bikeways Plan recommendations • The BMP identifies Beacon Light Road as a Level 3 facility that will be constructed as part of a future ACHD project B. Traffic Findings for Consideration 1. Trip Generation; This development is estimate:I to generate 5,528 additional vehicle trips per day,457 additional vehicle trips per hour in the PM peak hour, and 549 taps during the AM peak 1Tor OnerolnhrtrafficlinractltifilY. 2. Traffic Impact Study CR Engineering, Inc. prepared a traffic impact study for the proposed mutts-family development. An executive summary of the findings as presented by CR Engineering Inc.can be found as Attachment 3. The following executive summary is not the opinion of ACHD staff ACHD has reviewed the submitted traffic impact study for consistency win ACHD policies and practices.and may have additional requirements beyond what is noted in the summary. ACHD Staff comments on the submitted traffic impact study can be found below under staff comments 2 Treasure Valley Chevron EA.G21-0001/DR-20-21 Chevron Design Review 2021-06-10,doc 5A pg 80,ACHD's recommended road changes 1.png 5 c. Applicant's Proposal: The applicant has not proposed any improvements to Beacon Light Road abutting the site d. /Staff Comments/Recommendations; The applicant should be required to dedicate adddioni#i I right-of-way to total 56-feet Irom the section tine on Beacon I grit Road abutting the site for 500-' I feet east of the edge of 5H-16 consistent with the CIP for the future improvements for I intersection Compensation wilt be provided for this right-of-way dedication since it is listed in the CIP as funded The applicant should be required to dedicate additional right-of-way for the I remaining portion of Beacon Light Road abutting the site that taxers to 48-feet from the secti rt' line cons'sTenT wilf—i tEie ?ASM andrTTP rghToTway dedication is not eliglbre for compensation since the CIP lists the widening of Beacon Light Road between 2036 and 2040 as unfunded /The applicant should be required to widen the pavement to 17-feet from the centerline of the I roadway and Construct a 3-foot wide gravel shoulder where deficient on Beacon Light Road I I abutting the site. The applicant should also be required to construct a minimum 5-foot wide detached concrete sidewalk located a minimum of al-feet from the centerline of the Beacon light-RQa4 abutting tl%e seta. Consistent with the ACHD Commission's previous requests for developments on Beacon Light Roads the ACHD Commission respe_ctfully_requests that the City_of Easle consider asking jhe 'developer to construct a 10--foot wide multi-use pathway instead Or the 3-foot—wide detached, concrete sidewalk required by ACHD Policy abutting the site on Beacon Light Road. The I Commission suggests that this addition would greatly benefit both pedestrians and bicyclists as knell as enhancini safety all while_encouraging_greater considerations for alternate, transporTation opTionsBiTill users. 8 Treasure Valley Chevron EAG21-0001I DR-20-21 Chevron Design Review 2021-06-10, doc 5A pg 81,ACHD's recommended road changes 2.png 8 Treasure Valley Chevron EAG21.0001r DR-20-21 I The study recommends that an eastbound dedicated right-turn lane be constructed on Beacon Light Roan at Access A.and a westbound left-turn Lane nn Beacon Light Road at Access B The applicant should be required to construct these turn lanes consistent with the TIS recommendations. The applicant should dedicate additional right-of-way as needed to fit the , Improvements Cornpensaaiion will norbe pfovlvtecTfpr fddrTional rig7it-ocf-way deaiclion or pavement widening. 3. Driveways 3.1 Beacon Light Road a. Existing Conditions: There are no driveways horn the site onto Beacon Light Road b. Policy: Access Points Policy: District Policy 7205.41 stales that an access points associated with tera.:nnmanr annlir thr.ne rkafl F.n.ratnrrninn.i in ,rrnrrranra unth the r.nlhriae in that earinn 6 C f a4 Tracy Osborn From: Tracy Osborn on behalf of Clerks Sent: Friday, August 20, 2021 12:33 PM To: City Council Grp Cc: Bill Vaughan Subject: FW: Treasure valley Chevron meeting Tracy E. Osborn,CMC City Clerk/Deputy Treasurer Phone (208) 939-6813 ext. 201 Address 660 E. Civic Lane, Eagle, ID 83616 Email tosborn@cityofeagle.org Website www.cityofeagle.org All e-mail messages and e-mail addresses sent to, or received by, City of Eagle e-mail accounts are subject to Idaho's Public Records Act, in regard to both release and retention, and may be released upon request, unless exempt from disclosure by law. Original Message From: Susan<guidifans@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, August 20, 2021 12:26 PM To: Clerks<Clerks@cityofeagle.org> Subject: Treasure valley Chevron meeting Dear Mayor and Council members, We live in the Trellis sub division across from this development. We understand that growth is going to take place and we also understand that we will be the ones looking and living with this project on a daily basis. So we are grateful that we do get a little bit of input. In previous meetings the council had agreed that the berms should be higher than the 3 foot proposed by the developer, but at last look the Chevron station has not addressed this problem. With the perposed 5500 additional vehichle stops per day at this station, the higher berm will considerably lessen the noise for homeowners and golfers in the area. This development is the first one to be built in our neighborhood and we know the next builds will follow the design and lead of this project. It will help us so much to have this berm 10-12 feet as most berms are. Then the next developers will most likely follow that lead. i The other issue is the Chevron sign, a 12-15 foot sign does not follow the design of most Chevron signs. Most signs for Chevron around town are 6-8 feet. Because the terrain in the area is ALL FLAT we do not see the need of such high signage. The mountains are beautiful and we all should be able to see them without a 15 foot sign in the middle. Again, we appreciate you taking the time to hear our concerns, we really feel with a few adjustments everyone can be profitable and happy ! Thank you Gino and Susi Guidi 3486 N Rhone Place Star Idaho 83669 2 0.6 glzgl 4 Public Meeting Sign In Form ° ,* Form used to provide remote public comment via WebEx for city meetings r v`� Important Notes: To provide remote public comment via Webex for city meetings please follow the instructions and complete the form below. You must submit the form at least 60 minutes before the meeting start time in order to receive a Webex invite via email to comment or testify at the meeting. Information submitted via this form is subject to Idaho's Public Records Act,in regard to both release and retention,and may be released upon request,unless exempt from disclosure by law. Note: If you have visual materials to display during the public meeting,you must email the materials in PowerPoint(.ppt)or PDF format to City of Eagle at least 6 business hours prior to the start of the meeting. Email files to:clerks@cityofeagle.org Once you have completed the Public Meeting Sign In Form(and indicated your desire to speak at the meeting),a Webex meeting invitation will be emailed(up to 30 minutes prior to the meeting start time)on the day of the meeting. If you don't see the invitation in your email inbox please check your junk/spam folder. Year* 2021 Your Information First Name* Last Name* Laurence Woodbury Physical Street Address* 8585 W. Rioja St. City* State* Zip Code* Star ID 83669 Contact Phone Number*!?? Email* 661-609-5345 woody.woodbury@reagan.com * I understand that the WebEx meeting invitation will be sent to the email address entered above. I have reviewed the information entered above and confirm that the information provided is correct. Signature* Lie/fez-Myer J tfjr.tf Date 08/23/2021 04:53:00 PM Meeting Information Public hearing sign-ins are date specific. In the event that an agenda item is continued to a future meeting date, you will need to complete a new public hearing sign-in form in order to receive the WebEx meeting invitation and provide remote testimony on the new date. Meeting Type* City Council Date of Meeting* 08/24/2021 Select if Applicable I am here representing my HOA or Neighborhood Group I wish to speak at this meeting Do you have visual material to present?* Yes No I Want to Provide Feedback On* Agenda Item Other Topic Agenda Item Number* Please provide Item number/letter reference from Agenda(ex: 9A) DR-10-21—Convenience Store with Fuel Service for Treasure Valley Chevron Stance On Agenda Item* If selecting"Other"please provide clarification in the comments field below. Support Oppose Other Comments on Agenda Item Please provide any additional comments here. DR-20-21—Convenience Store with Fuel Service for Treasure Valley Chevron. I do not see evidence that the developer has complied with ACHD requirements- shown in data package 81(for the 8-24 hearing)on: page 11,paragraph 3.15(Owner shall comply with all requirements of ACHD and/or ITD,as applicable...), page 155(5528 additional vehicle trips) [pg 2 of ACHD's report],and page 164(ACHD's Site Specific Conditions of Approval)[pg 11 of ACHD's report]. End CC/ 1 I d-i 4111r M111- 1 Public Meeting Sign In Form 4 Form used to provide remote public comment via WebEx for city meetings gt., Important Notes: To provide remote public comment via Webex for city meetings please follow the instructions and complete the form below. You must submit the form at least 60 minutes before the meeting start time in order to receive a Webex invite via email to comment or testify at the meeting. Information submitted via this form is subject to Idaho's Public Records Act,in regard to both release and retention,and may be released upon request, unless exempt from disclosure by law. Note: If you have visual materials to display during the public meeting,you must email the materials in PowerPoint(.ppt)or PDF format to City of Eagle at least 6 business hours prior to the start of the meeting. Email files to:clerks@cityofeagle.org Once you have completed the Public Meeting Sign In Form(and indicated your desire to speak at the meeting),a Webex meeting invitation will be emailed(up to 30 minutes prior to the meeting start time)on the day of the meeting. If you don't see the invitation in your email inbox please check your junk/spam folder. Year* 2021 Your Information First Name* Last Name* Casee Bickel Physical Street Address* 2201 W HOMER RD City* State* Zip Code* Eagle ID 83616 Contact Phone Number*'7i Email* 509-295-1365 bicville5@yahoo.com * ✓ I understand that the WebEx meeting invitation will be sent to the email address entered above. I have reviewed the information entered above and confirm that the information provided is correct. Signature* (:? f'r. Date 08/24/2021 04:05:46 PM Meeting Information Public hearing sign-ins are date specific. In the event that an agenda item is continued to a future meeting date,you will need to complete a new public hearing sign-in form in order to receive the WebEx meeting invitation and provide remote testimony on the new date. Meeting Type* City Council Date of Meeting* 08/24/2021 Select if Applicable I am here representing my HOA or Neighborhood Group I wish to speak at this meeting Do you have visual material to present?* Yes No Want to Provide Feedback On* - Agenda Item Other Topic Agenda Item Number* Please provide Item number/letter reference from Agenda(ex: 9A) 9A Stance On Agenda Item* If selecting"Other"please provide clarification in the comments field below. Support Oppose Other Comments on Agenda Item Please provide any additional comments here. My concern is about the traffic increase on Homer Road. Homer Road already has a speeding problem that the county can't do anything about. Homer Road is in the county.What will the City be able and willing to do to mitigate the impact of the Foothills Recreation on the residents of Homer Road? End l p TN '� Public Meeting Sign In Form Y ,o Form used to provide remote public comment via WebEx for city meetings 44r. n,,�. Important Notes: To provide remote public comment via Webex for city meetings please follow the instructions and complete the form below. You must submit the form at least 60 minutes before the meeting start time in order to receive a Webex invite via email to comment or testify at the meeting. Information submitted via this form is subject to Idaho's Public Records Act,in regard to both release and retention,and may be released upon request,unless exempt from disclosure by law. Note: If you have visual materials to display during the public meeting,you must email the materials in PowerPoint(.ppt)or PDF format to City of Eagle at least 6 business hours prior to the start of the meeting. Email files to:clerks@cityofeagle.org Once you have completed the Public Meeting Sign In Form(and indicated your desire to speak at the meeting),a Webex meeting invitation will be emailed(up to 30 minutes prior to the meeting start time)on the day of the meeting. If you don't see the invitation in your email inbox please check your junk/spam folder. Year* 2021 Your Information First Name* Last Name* Casee Bickel Physical Street Address* 2201 W HOMER RD City* State* Zip Code* ID 83616 Contact Phone Number* Email* 509-295-1365 bicville5@yahoo.com * ✓ I understand that the WebEx meeting invitation will be sent to the email address entered above. I have reviewed the information entered above and confirm that the information provided is correct. Signature* C4C [)%•41! Date 08/24/2021 04:05:46 PM Meeting Information Public hearing sign-ins are date specific. In the event that an agenda item is continued to a future meeting date, you will need to complete a new public hearing sign-in form in order to receive the WebEx meeting invitation and provide remote testimony on the new date. Meeting Type* City Council Date of Meeting* 08/24/2021 Select if Applicable I am here representing my HOA or Neighborhood Group I wish to speak at this meeting Do you have visual material to present?* Yes No I Want to Provide Feedback On* Agenda Item Other Topic Agenda Item Number* P ovide Item num r/letter reference from Agenda(ex:9A) 9A Stance On Agenda Item* If selecting"Other"please provide clarification in the comments field below. Support Oppose I, Other Comments on Agenda Item Please provide any additional comments here. My concern is about the traffic increase on Homer Road. Homer Road already has a speeding problem that the county can't do anything about. Homer Road is in the county.What will the City be able and willing to do to mitigate the impact of the Foothills Recreation on the residents of Homer Road? End \ l & I4Ia Idaho SuicideH Prevention Hotline � Call: (800) 273-8255 Text. (208) 398-4 7 Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline — 24/7 crisis intervention & suicide prevention Anyone can call for themselves, or for someone they care about. SUICIDE IN IDAHO Idaho has one of the highest suicide rates in the nation, ranking 9th among states—or 46% higher than the national rate. Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death for Idahoans ages 10—44, and the 4th leading cause of death for Idahoans ages 45—54 (American Foundation for Suicide Prevention). Since 2012, the Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline has responded to over 77,000 contacts (calls/texts) from Idahoans age 7—92, and supported individuals from every county. SUPPORT FOR EAGLE RESIDENTS Crisis phone responders collect basic demographic information from help-seekers when possible. Not all callers are able to provide this information while in crisis, and many choose not to share any identifiable information. *Therefore, data for any particular demographic is undercounted. When a person contacts us, a trained crisis responder evaluates the person's situation, conducts a suicide and homicide risk assessment, helps the person identify strengths and reasons to live, and assists the help-seeker by creating a safety plan. By providing support at the moment of crisis, the Hotline helps reduce unnecessary emergency department visits and welfare checks by local law enforcement. "Lois" is one of many callers who has been supported by the Hotline. An 83-year old widow living in Eagle, she has struggled with suicidal thoughts and a mental health diagnosis. As a suicide attempt survivor she had struggled before, but the pandemic made everything worse. When she needed help she reached out to the Hotline. Earlier this year, Lois sent a thank you card that said, "I had such good luck with Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline. I was feeling suicidal and had self-doubt and it got me though this difficult time". * From 7/1/20—6/30/21, the Hotline supported callers from Eagle: • Total known Eagle contacts: 33 (30 calls & 3 texts) • Called for themselves: 27 • Called on behalf of someone else: 6 • Help-seekers were between the ages of 15—85+ (teen-agers through elderly) Primary reasons Eagle residents contacted the Hotline: • Mental health concerns (self-reported) • Suicidal thoughts or plans • Relationship issues (divorce, break-ups, domestic violence, etc.) SUPPORT FOR COMMUNITIES In Idaho, 76%of communities did not have enough mental health providers to serve residents in 2020, according to federal guidelines (American Foundation for Suicide Prevention). Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline is an entry-point into the state's behavioral health system. For many people, a phone call or text to the Hotline is a first step in seeking help. Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline: • Provides a mental health safety-net to individuals and families who lack resources and are without healthcare access. • Offers support to family and friends of those at risk of suicide, and those who have lost a loved one through suicide. • Makes follow-up phone calls available to patients discharged from psychiatric hospitals and crisis centers. • Prevents unnecessary welfare checks by law enforcement and decreases emergency department visits by helping callers de-escalate. • Supports first responders by helping callers de-escalate and decreasing the need for EMS response. • Serves as a free crisis referral and support for healthcare providers, schools, and businesses. • Supports staff and inmates at county jails and the state's prison system by partnering with facilities that enable incarcerated individuals to place a no-cost phone call to the Hotline. This service includes a partnership with Ada County Jail and the Idaho Department of Correction. 988—NEW UNIVERSAL CRISIS NUMBER The National Suicide Hotline Designation Act of 2020 became law in October 2020. • Senator Mike Crapo was a co-sponsor. SUICIDE PREVENTION • Goes live on 7/16/2022 as the universal mental health and suicide prevention `0AtK ` crisis number in the United States. • Created to be the mental health equivalent of 911. 988 • 988 will replace the current number for National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (800-273-8255). • Currently National Suicide Prevention Lifeline routes calls to the Hotline's Boise call center based on caller's area code. • Hotline call volume will double (or more) in year one after 988 goes live. For more information: Lee Flinn, MBA, Director Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline I LFlinn@jannus.org I (208)258-6991 1.1 n-, n !„,€: ':, '":m�'.?4+ # ;`- ;mow `� -fat `,l ',f.• `s T= € z ;.x,a :` .121 9/-3/2021 g/a,1a-M OF EA \ /44191''147 *:# I <<(‘ 1� EAGLE POLICE `' DEPARTMENT City Council POLICE August Report 2021 i Patrol Statistics July 2021 Incicent f f lncir,, CAD C CAD Try 314 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Y ,m 2 1 9/13/2021 111111.1111111111.1111111111111 Eagle Fun Days i , "4, = L� y �;w • 0 Arrests- 1 subject escorted outo all venues ��- • Assisted in Parade Security , r . • Assisted in Fireworks security • Estimated 2000 vehicles/5k persons . / °;4 4 • No police related calls • , + . • GREAT SUPPORT FROM THE EAGLE , , . . : ; f ., COMMUNITY! 3 Volunteers - July Total Hours 124.75 ( r R tk ems, 55.75 51.5 Greenbelt Special Events ■Misd Probation Admin Project Dog Therapy 4 2 9/13/2021 City of Eagle Greenbelt Area burglaries 2020/2021 • 18 cases were identified in Eagle between August 2020 and March 2021, with the main concentration of cases beginning in late October and carrying until March 11th. The thefts continued every several days throughout this time period. • The main concentration of cases were in close proximity to the greenbelt between Eagle Rd. and Highway 55, along the apartment complexes and park areas. The trend continued approximately 1 mile south to Colchester Dr. and 1/2 mile east and west to the area of Two Rivers Dr. ■Om== ® — =— —i Mi11l®® ;^sWis ssmo mea .n.esis®urrceaeiimso!ee ®®®ems® imiliwimartmaremi�- 5 Jacob Otteson • Jacob Otteson was convicted of multiple Burglary, Grand Theft, and Possession of Stolen Property charges related to this spree. In total, we submitted 19 ACSO cases, 2 Boise cases and 1 Garden City case. He took a deal for 4 felony convictions, but was ordered to be responsible for the victim's restitution of all 22 cases. Two consecutive sentences of 2.8 years fixed years with 7 indeterminate. 6 3 9/13/2021 City of Eagle Greenbelt Area burglaries 2020/2021 0 9 9 co c 9 9 v$ 9 9 © 0 7 4 EAGLE CITY COUNCIL August 24, 2021 PUBLIC COMMENT SIGN-UP Time is allotted on the agenda at the beginning and end of the council meeting. Time is limited to three (3) minutes per individual. TESTIFY PRO/CON or NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL CC7 %Id(')X(91 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page: 1 Check Issue Dates:8/11/2021-8/23/2021 Aug 23,2021 01:59PM Report Criteria: Report type: GL detail Bank.Bank account="82007705" Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount 35595 08/17/2021 35595 Samuel Henry Rodabaugh 5 09-0467-06-00 EAGLE HARVEST FEST 250.00- Total 35595: 250.00- 35647 08/16/2021 35647 American Music USA 247262 09-0467-04-00 GAZEBO CONCERT SERIES 45.00- Total 35647: 45.00- 35809 08/11/2021 35809 Ada County Sheriff-Civil Division GARNISHMENT 08 06-0217-08-00 LIBRARY/GARNISHMENTS 374.33 Total 35809: 374.33 35810 08/11/2021 35810 Idaho Child Support Receipting 08/1321 CHILD SU 23-0217-08-00 GARNISHMENT 103.84 08/11/2021 35810 Idaho Child Support Receipting 08/1321 CHILD SU 23-0217-08-00 GARNISHMENT 138.46 Total 35810: 242.30 35811 08/17/2021 35811 Home Depot Credit Services 142328 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 47.30 08/17/2021 35811 Home Depot Credit Services 2010356 60-0434-26-00 TOOLS,EQUIPMENT AND SUPPS 21.22 08/17/2021 35811 Home Depot Credit Services 2026806 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 80.51 08/17/2021 35811 Home Depot Credit Services 2521036 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 28.69 08/17/2021 35811 Home Depot Credit Services 6032049 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 87.52 08/17/2021 35811 Home Depot Credit Services 6143524 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 98.76 08/17/2021 35811 Home Depot Credit Services 620036 60-0434-26-00 TOOLS,EQUIPMENT AND SUPPS 4.97 08/17/2021 35811 Home Depot Credit Services 7014441 60-0434-26-00 TOOLS,EQUIPMENT AND SUPPS 19.97 08/17/2021 35811 Home Depot Credit Services 7014488 60-0434-26-00 TOOLS,EQUIPMENT AND SUPPS 199.00 08/17/2021 35811 Home Depot Credit Services 8015129 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 149.00 08/17/2021 35811 Home Depot Credit Services 9015065 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 243.83 08/17/2021 35811 Home Depot Credit Services 9015092 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 50.85 08/17/2021 35811 Home Depot Credit Services 9021560 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 15.38 Total 35811: 1,047.00 35812 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 1137-JULY 2021 EZ 23-0417-01-00 VEHICLE MTNC&REPAIR 15.00 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 1137-JULY 2021 EZ 24-0410-05-00 STREET CLOSURES 350.00 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 1137-JULY 2021 EZ 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 21.20 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 1137-JULY 2021 EZ 23-0417-02-00 GAS AND OIL 50.41 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 1137-JULY 2021 EZ 23-0413-10-00 PUBLIC RELATIONS 46.48 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 1137-JULY 2021 EZ 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 247.74 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 1137-JULY 2021 EZ 23-0480-25-00 TRAILS BENCH INSTALL 2,402.37 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 1137-JULY 2021 EZ 09-0467-04-00 GAZEBO CONCERT SERIES 45.00 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 1137-JULY 2021 EZ 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 181.94 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 1728-JULY 2021-M 07-0462-68-00 MUSEUM PROGRAMS 135.97 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 1728-JULY 2021-M 07-0461-03-00 CONFERENCES&SEMINARS 472.00 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 1728-JULY 2021-M 07-0463-01-00 DISPLAY SUPPLIES 409.88 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 1728-JULY 2021-M 10-0464-08-00 COMM ENGAGEMENT/SPECIAL EVEN 227.33 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 1728-JULY 2021-M 07-0463-03-00 EXHIBIT CONSTRUCTION 3.38 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page: 2 Check Issue Dates:8/11/2021-8/23/2021 Aug 23,2021 01:59PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 1728-JULY 2021-M 07-0462-32-00 ARCHIVAL SUPPLIES 127.44 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 1728-JULY 2021-M 07-0462-69-00 MISCELLANEOUS 31.30 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 2612-JULY 2021 PT 24-0401-06-00 SUPPLIES 1,338.50 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 2612-JULY 2021 PT 17-0423-02-00 FIELD TRIPS 386.00 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 2721-JULY 2021 EC 26-0413-19-00 COMMUNICATIONS 529.40 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 2721-JULY 2021 EC 26-0413-12-00 TRAINING 250.00 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 2721-JULY 2021 EC 26-0413-14-00 PROFESSIONAL DUES 455.00 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 3577-JULY 2021 C 23-0417-01-00 VEHICLE MTNC&REPAIR 23.69 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 3577-JULY 2021 C 01-0413-50-00 JOB POSTINGS 664.44 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 3577-JULY 2021 C 24-0401-04-00 ADVERTISEMENT 42.00 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 3577-JULY 2021 C 23-0414-02-00 MISC MTNC&REPAIR GROUNDS 156.17 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 3577-JULY 2021 C 14-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 21.00 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 3577-JULY 2021 C 23-0414-02-00 MISC MTNC&REPAIR GROUNDS 366.05 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 3577-JULY 2021 C 01-0462-01-00 PUBLIC RELATIONS 426.14 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 3577-JULY 2021 C 01-0462-01-00 PUBLIC RELATIONS 198.73 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 3577-JULY 2021 C 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 30.14 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 3577-JULY 2021 C 01-0413-07-00 POSTAGE 21.90 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 3577-JULY 2021 C 23-0414-02-00 MISC MTNC&REPAIR GROUNDS 129.99 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 3577-JULY 2021 C 14-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 15.97 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 3577-JULY 2021 C 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 77.45 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 3577-JULY 2021 C 01-0413-28-00 RESOURCE MATERIALS 17.33 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 3577-JULY 2021 C 11-0422-02-00 STAFF RELATIONS 959.00 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 3577-JULY 2021 C 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 19.06 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 5249-JULY 2021 AC 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 18.50 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 5249-JULY 2021 AC 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 23.85 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 7742-JULY 2021-LS 17-0423-02-00 FIELD TRIPS 99.00 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 7742-JULY 2021-LS 17-0423-00-00 REC SUPPLIES-CAMPS&CLASSES 189.39 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 7742-JULY 2021-LS 17-0423-02-00 FIELD TRIPS 174.90 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 7742-JULY 2021-LS 17-0423-00-00 REC SUPPLIES-CAMPS&CLASSES 133.52 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 7742-JULY 2021-LS 17-0416-00-00 CONTRACT-PERMITS-CAMPS/CLASS 711.00 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 7742-JULY 2021-LS 17-0423-00-00 REC SUPPLIES-CAMPS&CLASSES 30.79 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 7742-JULY 2021-LS 17-0423-00-00 REC SUPPLIES-CAMPS&CLASSES 142.56 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 7742-JULY 2021-LS 17-0423-02-00 FIELD TRIPS 60.00 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 7742-JULY 2021-LS 17-0423-02-00 FIELD TRIPS 562.50 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 7742-JULY 2021-LS 17-0423-02-00 FIELD TRIPS 400.00 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 8819-JULY 2021 BJ 17-0423-00-00 REC SUPPLIES-CAMPS&CLASSES 77.55 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 8819-JULY 2021 BJ 17-0423-02-00 FIELD TRIPS 27.04 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 8819-JULY 2021 BJ 17-0423-02-00 FIELD TRIPS 1,040.00 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 8819-JULY 2021 BJ 24-0401-06-00 SUPPLIES 92.06 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 8819-JULY 2021 BJ 24-0401-06-00 SUPPLIES 245.71 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 8819-JULY 2021 BJ 24-0401-06-00 SUPPLIES 487.82 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 8819-JULY 2021 BJ 17-0422-07-00 PROFESSIONAL DUES 200.00 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 8819-JULY 2021 BJ 09-0463-21-00 PROFESSIONAL DUES 50.00 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 8819-JULY 2021 BJ 17-0422-07-00 PROFESSIONAL DUES 675.00 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 8819-JULY 2021 BJ 09-0467-02-00 EAGLE SATURDAY MARKET 9.99 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 9731-JULY 2021 DN 24-0440-03-00 ADVERTISING 112.75 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 9731-JULY 2021 DN 24-0410-01-00 SUPPLIES 268.37 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 9731-JULY 2021 DN 24-0440-03-00 ADVERTISING 100.00 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 9731-JULY 2021 DN 24-0440-03-00 ADVERTISING 140.00 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 9731-JULY 2021 DN 24-0440-03-00 ADVERTISING 374.25 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 9731-JULY 2021 DN 24-0430-05-00 MISCELLANEOUS 35.34 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 9731-JULY 2021 DN 17-0422-02-00 ADVERTISING/MKTING CAMP/CLASS 1.11 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 9731-JULY 2021 DN 17-0422-07-00 PROFESSIONAL DUES 140.46 08/17/2021 35812 MASTERCARD 9731-JULY 2021 DN 24-0430-05-00 MISCELLANEOUS 48.96- Total 35812: 17,469.90 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page: 3 Check Issue Dates:8/11/2021-8/23/2021 Aug 23,2021 01:59PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount 35813 08/17/2021 35813 Samuel Henry Rodabaugh 5 09-0467-06-00 EAGLE HARVEST FEST 250.00 Total 35813: 250.00 35814 08/17/2021 35814 Verizon Wireless 9885089528 18-0417-01-00 INTERNET&PHONE SERVICES 136.24 Total 35814: 136.24 35815 08/23/2021 35815 45th Parallel Electric 1318 N KOTINOS A 13-0413-29-05 ELECTRICAL PERMIT REFUND 260.00 Total 35815: 260.00 35816 08/23/2021 35816 ABS Masonry&Landscape,LLC 860 W HEADWATE 13-0413-29-04 PLUMBING PERMIT REFUND 60.00 Total 35816: 60.00 35817 08/23/2021 35817 ACS-Advanced Control Systems 35534 60-0434-19-00 TELECOMMUNICATIONS/SCADA 478.00 Total 35817: 478.00 35818 08/23/2021 35818 Ada County Sheriffs Dept. 087716 01-0416-09-00 LAW ENFORCEMENT DEPARTMENT 267,819.00 Total 35818: 267,819.00 35819 08/23/2021 35819 Ada County Weed, Pest&Mosqui 191686 23-0414-02-00 MISC MTNC&REPAIR GROUNDS 130.08 Total 35819: 130.08 35820 08/23/2021 35820 Alsco LB011918084 23-0414-05-00 PAPER PRODUCTS 95.53 Total 35820: 95.53 35821 08/23/2021 35821 Analytical Laboratories,Inc. 83063 60-0435-56-00 TESTING-WK-MO-QTR-ANNUAL 106.00 08/23/2021 35821 Analytical Laboratories,Inc. 83064 60-0435-56-00 TESTING-WK-MO-QTR-ANNUAL 106.00 Total 35821: 212.00 35822 08/23/2021 35822 Atlas Technical Consultants,LLC 187411 19-0465-06-00 EXPANSION OF CITY HALL 1,233.75 08/23/2021 35822 Atlas Technical Consultants,LLC 187835 19-0465-06-00 EXPANSION OF CITY HALL 1,675.00 Total 35822: 2,908.75 35823 08/23/2021 35823 Ballet Fokllorico Mexico Lindo 22226 24-0401-05-00 MUSIC&ENTERTAINMENT 150.00 Total 35823: 150.00 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page: 4 Check Issue Dates:8/11/2021-8/23/2021 Aug 23,2021 01:59PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount 36824 08/23/2021 35824 Blackletter Signs&Design 7 07-0463-03-00 EXHIBIT CONSTRUCTION 450.00 08/23/2021 35824 Blackletter Signs&Design 8 07-0463-03-00 EXHIBIT CONSTRUCTION 275.00 Total 35824: 725.00 35825 08/23/2021 35825 Boise Office Equipment 2660738 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 37.23 Total 35825: 37.23 35826 08/23/2021 35826 BRS Architects 20040-14 19-0465-06-00 EXPANSION OF CITY HALL 6,138.60 Total 35826: 6,138.60 36827 08/23/2021 35827 Burgess Pump&Supply,LLC 15578 60-0435-56-00 TESTING-WK-MO-QTR-ANNUAL 145.00 Total 35827: 145.00 35828 08/23/2021 35828 Caldwell Transportation Company 31915 17-0423-04-00 TRANSPORTATION SERVICES 975.00 08/23/2021 35828 Caldwell Transportation Company 31979 17-0423-04-00 TRANSPORTATION SERVICES 881.25 Total 35828: 1,856.25 35829 08/23/2021 35829 Christopher A.Dawson 2583-3 24-0401-05-00 MUSIC&ENTERTAINMENT 750.00 Total 35829: 750.00 35830 08/23/2021 35830 CIT 38225712 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 427.45 Total 35830: 427.45 36831 08/23/2021 35831 CleanEarth 33003198309 23-0421-01-00 SANITATION SERVICES 1,978.25 Total 35831: 1,978.25 35832 08/23/2021 35832 Co-Energy CL18394 23-0417-02-00 GAS AND OIL 2,144.24 08/23/2021 35832 Co-Energy CL18394 60-0420-01-00 FUEL&LUBRICANTS 209.03 08/23/2021 35832 Co-Energy CL18394 17-0424-03-00 GAS 78.44 Total 35832: 2,431.71 35833 08/23/2021 35833 Core&Main LP P137952 60-0438-08-00 CAPITAL METER SETS(NEW OUST) 308.68 Total 35833: 308.68 35834 08/23/2021 35834 Dale F.Best 2 09-0467-02-00 EAGLE SATURDAY MARKET 250.00 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page: 5 Check Issue Dates:8/11/2021-8/23/2021 Aug 23,2021 01:59PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount Total 35834: 250.00 35835 08/23/2021 35835 David Duperault AUGUST 2021 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 50.00 Total 35835: 50.00 35836 08/23/2021 35836 Diane McLaughlin AUGUST 2021 01-0413-01-00 P&Z COMMISSIONERS COMPENSATI 50.00 Total 35836: 50.00 35837 08/23/2021 35837 Dude Solutions 95596 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 3,767.98 Total 35837: 3,767.98 35838 08/23/2021 35838 Eagle Kiwanis Club 2021 01-0413-14-00 PROFESSIONAL DUES 400.00 Total 35838: 400.00 35839 08/23/2021 35839 ESRI,Inc. 94085450 18-0418-01-00 OPERATIONAL RESV,EQUIP/SOFTWR 345.21 Total 35839: 345.21 35840 08/23/2021 35840 Fast Glass INAC004009 23-0415-08-00 LIBRARY FLOORING 1,109.00 Total 35840: 1,109.00 35841 08/23/2021 35841 Ferguson Enterprises#3007 9602613 23-0452-01-00 BLDG/STRUCTURES MTNC&REPAIR 98.43 Total 35841: 98.43 35842 08/23/2021 35842 Harris Mountain West-Idaho 270800366 23-0444-01-00 BLDG MAINTENANE&REPAIR 225.00 Total 35842: 225.00 36843 08/23/2021 35843 HECO Engineers 46405 01-0413-31-00 ENGINEERING FEE/DEVELOPER CHG 1,147.50 08/23/2021 35843 HECO Engineers 46415 60-0434-42-00 ENGINEERING SERVICES 2,035.00 08/23/2021 35843 HECO Engineers 46417 60-0438-05-02 HORSESHOE BND1-GREENBROOK 1,047.40 08/23/2021 35843 HECO Engineers 46418 60-0438-10-00 WATER MASTER PLAN-UPDATE 1,600.00 08/23/2021 35843 HECO Engineers 46419 01-0416-07-00 CITY ENGINEERING 33.75 Total 35843: 5,863.65 36844 08/23/2021 35844 Idaho Power Co:Processing Ctr CITY HALL EXP-8/2 19-0465-06-00 EXPANSION OF CITY HALL 119.16 08/23/2021 35844 Idaho Power Co.-Processing Ctr FACILITIES 8/2021 23-0442-04-00 UTILITIES 1,424.60 08/23/2021 35844 Idaho Power Co.-Processing Ctr FACILITIES 8/2021 23-0440-02-00 UTILTIES 123.42 08/23/2021 35844 Idaho Power Co:Processing Ctr FACILITIES 8/2021 60-0434-50-01 SHOP UTILITIES 61.71 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page: 6 Check Issue Dates:8/11/2021-8/23/2021 Aug 23,2021 01:59PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount 08/23/2021 35844 Idaho Power Co:Processing Ctr TRAILERS-8/2021 23-0442-04-00 UTILITIES 294.67 Total 35844: 2,023.56 35845 08/23/2021 35845 Idaho Tool and Equipment 2108-005811 60-0434-26-00 TOOLS,EQUIPMENT AND SUPPS 44.58 Total 35845: 44.58 35846 08/23/2021 35846 Intermountain Gas Company 660 CIVIC LANE 8/ 23-0442-04-00 UTILITIES 11.44 08/23/2021 35846 Intermountain Gas Company SHOP 8/2021 60-0434-50-01 SHOP UTILITIES 3.26 08/23/2021 35846 Intermountain Gas Company SHOP 8/2021 23-0440-02-00 UTILTIES 6.53 Total 35846: 21.23 35847 08/23/2021 35847 Johnstone Supply 1126317 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 37.55 Total 35847: 37.55 35848 08/23/2021 35848 Ken Acuff MILEAGE 8/18/21 60-0420-01-00 FUEL&LUBRICANTS 20.64 Total 35848: 20.64 35849 08/23/2021 35849 Leanna Matthews UTILITY FINAL 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 55.86 Total 35849: 55.86 35850 08/23/2021 35850 Leisure Time of Boise DUPLICATE PREMI 13-0413-29-03 MECHANICAL FEE REFUND 120.00 Total 35850: 120.00 35851 08/23/2021 35851 Loretta Jean Barra REC CLASS=PAIN 17-0416-00-00 CONTRACT-PERMITS-CAMPS/CLASS 126.00 Total 35851: 126.00 35852 08/23/2021 35852 Louis Germano AUGUST 2021 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 50.00 Total 35852: 50.00 35853 08/23/2021 35853 Lupe McCarthy YOUTH SOCCER R 17-0422-11-00 REFUNDS-PARK REC PROGRAMS 70.00 Total 35853: 70.00 36864 08/23/2021 35854 McClatchy Company 104512 14-0413-08-00 LEGAL ADS&PUBLICATIONS 49.60 08/23/2021 35854 McClatchy Company 104862 01-0413-08-00 LEGAL ADVERTISING/PUBLICATION 144.32 08/23/2021 35854 McClatchy Company 104865 01-0413-08-00 LEGAL ADVERTISING/PUBLICATION 191.68 08/23/2021 35854 McClatchy Company 104876 14-0413-08-00 LEGAL ADS&PUBLICATIONS 58.83 08/23/2021 35854 McClatchy Company 109168 14-0413-08-00 LEGAL ADS&PUBLICATIONS 49.60 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page: 7 Check Issue Dates:8/11/2021-8/23/2021 Aug 23,2021 01:59PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount 08/23/2021 35854 McClatchy Company 88163-1 60-0434-20-00 ADVERTISING-PUBLICATIONS 6.47 08/23/2021 35854 McClatchy Company 88163-2 60-0434-20-00 ADVERTISING-PUBLICATIONS 27.40 08/23/2021 35854 McClatchy Company 92474 14-0413-08-00 LEGAL ADS&PUBLICATIONS 48.12 08/23/2021 35854 McClatchy Company 92475 14-0413-08-00 LEGAL ADS&PUBLICATIONS 52.56 08/23/2021 35854 McClatchy Company 96398 14-0413-08-00 LEGAL ADS&PUBLICATIONS 49.60 08/23/2021 35854 McClatchy Company 96400 14-0413-08-00 LEGAL ADS&PUBLICATIONS 48.12 08/23/2021 35854 McClatchy Company 96895 14-0413-08-00 LEGAL ADS&PUBLICATIONS 45.16 Total 35854: 771.46 35855 08/23/2021 35855 Melinda Mazo UTILITY FINAL 99-0107-00-00 CASH CLEARING-UTILITY BILLING 20.46 Total 35855: 20.46 35856 08/23/2021 35856 Mobile Modular 2175125 01-0416-35-00 ADMINISTRATIVE RESERVE 1,200.00 Total 35856: 1,200.00 35857 08/23/2021 35857 N.C.Services 10207 23-0459-02-00 GROUNDS MTNC&REPAIR 50.00 Total 35857: 50.00 35858 08/23/2021 35858 Nancy Merrill AUGUST 2021 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 50.00 Total 35858: 50.00 35859 08/23/2021 35859 Pacific Office Automation 574571 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 332.32 Total 35859: 332.32 35860 08/23/2021 35860 Parsons Behle&Latimera Corp 1364017 60-0434-42-02 MISC LEGAL AND ENG SERVICES 108.00 Total 35860: 108.00 35861 08/23/2021 35861 Platt Electric Supply 1V24936 23-0450-02-00 EQUIPMENT MTNC&REPAIR 257.22 Total 35861: 257.22 35862 08/23/2021 35862 Robert Wayne White 3 09-0467-02-00 EAGLE SATURDAY MARKET 250.00 Total 35862: 250.00 35863 08/23/2021 35863 Signs2u 9827 21-0422-00-00 ARTS IN PUBLIC SPACES/BEAUTIFY 777.63 08/23/2021 35863 Signs2u 9996 TRAFFIC BOX 21-0422-00-00 ARTS IN PUBLIC SPACES/BEAUTIFY 720.76 Total 35863: 1,498.39 • City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page: 8 Check Issue Dates:8/11/2021-8/23/2021 Aug 23,2021 01:59PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount 35864 08/23/2021 35864 Steve Guerber AUGUST 2021 01-0413-01-00 P&Z COMMISSIONERS COMPENSATI 100.00 Total 35864: 100.00 35865 08/23/2021 35865 Structural Edge 8548 13-0413-09-00 COMMERCIAL PLAN REVIEW 240.00 Total 35865: 240.00 35866 08/23/2021 35866 Terry L.Sayer AUGUST 2021 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 50.00 Total 35866: 50.00 35867 08/23/2021 35867 Todd McCauley AUGUST 2021 01-0413-01-00 P&Z COMMISSIONERS COMPENSATI 100.00 Total 35867: 100.00 36868 08/23/2021 35868 Treasure Valley Coffee 2160:07611390 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 120.60 08/23/2021 35868 Treasure Valley Coffee 2160:07664835 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 103.20 08/23/2021 35868 Treasure Valley Coffee 2160:07707841 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 60.30 Total 35868: 284.10 35869 08/23/2021 35869 Trent Wright AUGUST 2021 01-0413-01-00 P&Z COMMISSIONERS COMPENSATI 50.00 Total 35869: 50.00 35870 08/23/2021 35870 United Site Services 114-12253987 23-0448-04-00 UTILITIES 137.87 Total 35870: 137.87 36871 08/23/2021 35871 US Bank Equipment Finance 450225115 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 3,604.50 Total 35871: 3,604.50 35872 08/23/2021 35872 Verizon Connect Fleet USA,LLC 622000016374 18-0417-01-00 INTERNET&PHONE SERVICES 49.52 08/23/2021 35872 Verizon Connect Fleet USA,LLC 633000020697 18-0417-01-00 INTERNET&PHONE SERVICES 296.65 08/23/2021 35872 Verizon Connect Fleet USA,LLC 634000016934 18-0417-01-00 INTERNET&PHONE SERVICES 280.99 Total 35872: 627.16 36873 08/23/2021 35873 Walter John Lindgren AUGUST2021 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 50.00 Total 35873: 50.00 35874 08/23/2021 35874 Wright Brothers 20281-002 19-0465-06-00 EXPANSION OF CITY HALL 4.582.66 • City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page: 9 Check Issue Dates:8/11/2021-8/23/2021 Aug 23,2021 01:59PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount Total 35874: 4,582.66 Grand Totals: 335,229.13 Dated: Mayor: City Council: Report Criteria: Report type: GL detail Bank.Bank account="82007705" EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 24, 2021 PUBLIC COMMENT SUBJECT: 9A Bureau of Land Management Concept Plan TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL Mei-6Z H �e5 fir) Fi f L,E ;/ i N?�L (./6ry A!, / 7 5f ` er P'Pz) Fa 0&io to, Co oe e L 9 LEti3O YPS 60A) / ��lve Cairo Z Z �/ �;�/�KS yr / �,�/ yes CO/v 0,4 JCS. �l -(c / ���-e Ye Fp,r) CA 0„ij 11V1 KJ, C„\e_vt c 0,0x o jOs-4i-k) Ve-ePe2 CA�5,-0royw-,1 ,-s) CON 5flV N eh 600de.r- J RL41 . ro►A Fjze., 6-g Conc4.=., Lrk• Ee4e e O vk ✓ i Ome_ r 5555 r Zd.. yes CADY) 5€- 5\,u.`kt,br emk 9.6\u0--L f ��a P41 . 6 em r( kLe i /arc LCc,r a,„�� /O( gQT-ln.vA 1 ail 5irlem li `Kec -erco5 S te. ✓ " �(Y tvt�,-r-c 4 rd 8/24/2021 New Submission oFTFfr• Public Meeting Sign In Form too Form used to provide remote public comment via WebEx for city meetings c'E, 1v?' To provide remote public comment via Webex for city meetings please follow the instructions and complete the form below. You must submit the form at least 60 minutes before the meeting start time in order to receive a Webex invite via email to comment or testify at the meeting. nformation submitted via this form is subject to Idaho's Public Records Act, in regard to both release a' : etention, and may be released upon request, unless exempt from disclosure by law. 1ofe: if you have visual materials to display during the public meeting, you must email the _ . owerPoint(ppt) or POF format to City of Eagle at least 6 business hours prior to the start of the meeting. 7mail files to: clerks@cityofeagle.org Once you have completed the Public Meeting Sign In Form (and indicated your desire to speak at the meeting), a Webex meeting invitation will be emailed (up to 30 minutes prior to the meeting start time) on the day of the meeting. If you don't see the invitation in your email inbox please check your junk/spam folder. Year* 2021 Your Information First Name* Walter fyy CAl UU [c! Last Name* Meyer 0 Q4» O(o wl i, Physical Street 4640 No Skyline Dr 17ik", Address* City* Eagle I State* ID hOld df'ierd Zip Code* 83616 Contact Phone Number* (?) https://If.cityofeagle.org/Forms/Public-Meeting-Sign-In 1/3 Email* wgllywanch@q.com * • I understand that the WebEx meeting invitation will be seat to thei email address entered above. I have reviewed the information entered above and confirm that the information provided is correct. Signature* t /rr/t`r"r �711 °f Date 08/24/2021 03:04:30 PM r Public hearing sign-ins are date specific. In the event that an agenda item is continued to a future meeting date, you will need to complete a new public hearing sign-in form in order to receive the WebEx meeting invitation and provide remote testimony on the new date. Meeting Type* Parks, Pathways & Recreation Date of Meeting* 08/24/2021 Select if Applicable I am here representing my HOA or Neighborhood Group I wish to speak at this meeting Do you have visual Yes material to present? No * I Want to Provide Agenda Item Feedback On* Other Topic Agenda Item Please provide Item number/letter reference from Agenda (ex: 9A) Number* motor vehicle use at proposed foothills park Stance On Agenda If selecting "Other" please provide clarification in the comments field below. Item* Support Oppose Other https://If.cityofeagie.org/Forms/Public-Meeting-Sign-In 2/3 Comments on Please provide any additional comments here. Agenda Item Allowing motor vehicle use on the eastern portion of the proposed park would result in administration, management, and environmental problems. Some vehicle users will not be content to stay on designated routes and will establish new, unauthorized, new trails and hill climbing areas resulting in damage to the natural environment, damage to the historic Goodales Cutoff, as well as annoying noise. Motor vehicle use would also be a safety hazard for equestrians. If motor vehicle use is allowed, it will probably become necessary for the City of Eagle to provide funding to the Ada County Sheriff to patrol the area in an attempt to prevent unauthorized and environmentally harming uses. I know what I am talking about since I spent 30 years working for the federal government in wildiand recreation,wilderness, and cultural resource management and planning. Next https://If.cityofeagle.org/Forms/Public-Meeting-Sign-In 3/3 20210820 Foothills Plan Comments Compiled Final Form Summary 1 8/20/2021 j 195 Responses to the Concept Plan -7/20/2021 to 8/20/2021 Question I Question 2 Question 3 Question 4A Question 48 Question 4C Question 4D Are the outdoor recreational Does the proposed concept plan Do you feel that the proposed concept Area,trail,or use Seasonal closures Seasonal/daily Area or trail closures uses you participate in adequately address your plan adequately balances recreational use designations to reduce (Nov-March)for closures(as needed) (limited to 5 days addressed in this concept concerns for the long-term use with the protection of resources(natural user conflicts wildlife habitat for trail sustainability annually)for special plan? and management of these lands? and cultural)and public safety? protection events Yes 154 76 85 105 Agree 147 137 155 128 141.75 No 41 119 110 90 Disagree 48 58 40 67 53.25 tof Times 195 195 195 195 195 195 195 Question was Answered I 1 of 1 EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 24, 2021 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 10A SUBJECT: Public Hearing, Resolution to Reserve Forgone Amount for Fiscal Year 2022 ESTIFY PRO/ CON NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL 1 ot;2' ( EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 24, 2021 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 10A SUBJECT: Public Hearing, Resolution to Reserve Forgone Amount for Fiscal Year 2022 ESTIFY PRO/ CON NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL 2 of2 EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 24, 2021 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 10B SUBJECT: VAC-03-21 — Vacation to the final plat of Williamson River Ranch Subdivision No. 3 - Tradewinds General Contracting, Inc.: ESTIFY PRO/ CON NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL 1 of/1 EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 24, 2021 PUBLIC HEARING: Item l0B SUBJECT: VAC-03-21 — Vacation to the final plat of Williamson River Ranch Subdivision No. 3 - Tradewinds General Contracting, Inc.: ESTIFY PRO/ CON NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL 2 of 2 EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 24, 2021 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 10C SUBJECT: CU-02-21/PPUD-02-21/PP-04-21 —Arvory Crest Subdivision — FS One, LLC: ESTIFY PRO/ CON NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL oft EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 24, 2021 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 10C SUBJECT: CU-02-21/PPUD-02-21/PP-04-21 —Arvory Crest Subdivision — FS One, LLC: ESTIFY PRO/ CON NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL 2 of 2