Minutes - 1994 - City Council - 09/23/1994 - SpecialEAGLE CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING SEPTEMBER 23, 1994 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL: YZAGUIRRE, BASTIAN, EASON, MASNER UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Subject: KESTRAL COVE SUBDIVISION-ditch conditions of approval Written cor~nents: Shari Sharp: Testimony: Bob Trent James Bruce Bill Cohen Walt Drury Ron Marshall David Mallory Concerns of the public: inadequate water, lack of outlets, mismatch of pipes, the open pipes into a collection basin. Mark Guho: Questions the water to the west. To correct the problems there was to be construction of a concrete box to act as a method to divert water to the Cowman property as well as act as an overflow to go to Cowman's property. This has not been resolved. The trench was cut from Eagle Wing, however it did not run the entire length and the trench is not connected on Van Engelen or Bosanka. There are areas not completed. This problem is where Eagle Water Co. comes across State Street. There is a junction box splitting the water to the east and to the west. This does not have anything to do with Kestral, but does need to be discussed in the future. YZAGUIRRE: We need to discuss irrigation to the west of the Narver property (Kestral Cove) at a future meeting. Randall Fredricks: The homeowners association will be responsible for maintenance of the system once it is installed and formed. If there is a clog, on the Kestral Cove property, which affects the ditch users the homeowners would take care of it. However, if the property is not Kestral Cove property it will not be the Kestral Cove homeowners responsibility. Mona: No reimbursement will be sought from downstream water users that the homeowners association will be responsible for if there is a problem on the Kestral Cove property. Moved by MASNER and seconded by EASON to correct the problems by within one week or bond which is to be determined by the City Engineer. Mr. Narver agreed to the conditions and bonding provision, with the extension date of October 1. The motion was amended to include the October 1 provision. AYE: MOTION CARRIED. ALL The meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m.