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Minutes - 2021 - City Council - 08/10/2021 - Regular
EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES August 10,2021 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pierce calls the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: GINDLESPERGER, PITTMAN, BAUN, PIKE. All present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 4. ADDITIONS,DELETIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE AGENDA: A. City Staff requests. B. Mayor or City Council requests. 5. RECONGNITION:None 6. REPORTS: A. Mayor and Council Reports: Gindlesperger reports that the Arts Commission will be hosting their first Friday Night Flicks this week. Additionally, Animal Control Committee met last week and continue to work assigned tasks. Chief Wilke was in attendance and provided input. Pittman reports on the Eagle Senior Center Board meeting. They have requested an additional vehicle to accommodate volume of transportation requests,they anticipate an increase in costs associated with the additional vehicle. Pike reports on the Valley Regional Transit meeting, and the Route 9 extension. This extension will be suspended due to low performance, and they have established certain benchmarks that would need to be met prior to the reestablishing the route. There is interest in holding an informational session with Valley Regional Transit to provide information to the public regarding transportation services available. Baun states that the BLM Work Group comment period has been extended. The Parks and Pathways Recreation Commission are discussing standards with Ada Count Highway District that will be bought forward to Council for consideration.Mayor Pierce states that he went to California to support West Valley Little League as they played in the in a regional tournament down there. B. City Hall Department Supervisor Reports: None. C. City Attorney Report: None. D. City Hall Expansion Update: Robert Grubb with Wright Brothers will provide a report regarding the status of the City Hall Expansion. The project is withing budget and on schedule. Mr. Grubb reports on the receipt of construction materials and the struggle they are encountering, however,they still anticipate hand over in April. 7. PUBLIC COMMENT 1: The Eagle City Council is taking in person and remote public comment via Webex. Meeting login instructions are posted on https://www.cityofeagle.org/1698Nirtual-Meetings.If you just want to watch the meeting, without giving comment, please watch our livestream at https://www.cityofeagle.org/305/City-Agendas-Videos. This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding subjects not on the agenda. At times,the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters during this allotted time.This is not the time slot to give formal testimony on a public hearing matter, land use application,or comment on a pending application or proposal. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three (3) minutes. Paula Seals, 1388 N.Willowwick Lake Avenue Eagle,Idaho. Ms. Seals is concerned with the lack of laws pertaining to the minimum age required to operate a golf cart. She was involved in an incident where she almost struck three youth that were driving a golf cart. Law Enforcement is Page 1 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-10-21min.docx unable to take action due to the absence of laws pertaining to these type of vehicles and restrictions regarding the same. When her concerns were taken to her Homeowners Association,they were not willing to address the matter. Ms. Seals is asking the Council to look into enacting laws to protect drivers of both vehicles and golf cart operators. Mayor Pierce states that he will investigate the matter and contact her regarding his findings. 8. ALL CONSENT ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED ACTION ITEMS: CONSENT AGENDA: • Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff,or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. • Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning&Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims against the City. B. Minutes for July 13,2021.(TEO) C. Minutes of July 15,2021.(TEO) D. Minutes of July 20,2021. (TEO) E. Minutes of July 22,2021.(TEO) F. Minutes of July 27,2021.(TEO) G. DR-13-09 MOD 2 — Modification for Three Retail Buildings within Eagle Island Marketplace—Eisenberg Company: Eisenberg Company,represented by Comet Larson with Larson Architects, is requesting design review approval to modify the previously approved building elevations for three retail buildings (including a veterinary clinic and restaurant) that appear as one building (two-single-tenant buildings and one multi-tenant building - 46,725-square feet total). The 5.38-acre site is located 420-feet north of West Chinden and 625-feet east of North Linder Road at 1260, 1280, and 1300 West Chinden Boulevard within Eagle Island Marketplace. (ERG) H. Cross Access and Through Access Agreement for 166 North 2nd Street (DR-59-14— Mixed Use Building) — Yesterday Properties, LLC: Yesterday Properties, LLC, represented by Shawn Nickel, is requesting approval of a cross access and through access agreement to comply with site specific condition no. 15. The 0.17-acre site is located on the southeast corner of North 2nd Street and East Idaho Street at 166 North 2nd Street. (BAW) I. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for the Approval of CU-07-20 —Innovate Academy — Megan Stephens: Megan Stephens, represented by Brittnee Elliott, is requesting conditional use permit approval for a school (private). The 1.81-acre site is located at the southeast corner of North Eagle Road and East Mission Drive at 175 East Mission Drive.(DLM) J. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for the Approval of A-03-21/RZ-03-21/CU- 03-21/PPUD-03-21/PP-05-21 — Carrara Estates Subdivision — CC Chase, LLC: CC Chase LLC,represented by Becky McKay with Engineering Solutions,LLP,is requesting annexation, rezone from RUT(Rural-Urban Transition—Ada County designation)to R- 1-DA-P and R-3-DA-P (Residential with a development agreement—PUD), conditional use permit, preliminary development plan, and preliminary plat approvals for Carrara Estates Subdivision, a 103-lot (85-buildable, 18-common) residential planned unit development. The 66-acre site is located on the north side of West Floating Feather Road approximately 2,280-feet west of North Eagle Road. (DLM) K. Resolution 20-21A—Extending the Sunset Date of the Bureau of Land Management Work Group:A Resolution of The City Council of the City of Eagle,Ada County,Idaho, establishing Bureau of Land Management Work Group,the purposes of such Work Group, the term of the Work Group,Group Members,and to amend the sunset date,and providing an effective date. (SN) Page 2 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-10-21min.docx L. Appointments to the Mayor's Youth Advisory Council: In accordance with Resolution 14-19, Mayor Pierce is requesting Council confirmation of Sarah Ciletti and Faith Endebrock as new members to the Mayor's Youth Advisory Council. (JP) M. Resolution 21-16—Declaration of Surplus Property: A Resolution of the City of Eagle,Idaho declaring personal property surplus, authorizing the disposal of surplus property; and providing an effective date. (TEO) Pittman requests the removal of item 8H. Zoning Administrator Vaughan request item J be removed. Baun moves to approve consent agenda items A-M, removing H and J. Seconded by Gindlesperger. GINDLESPERGER, PITTMAN, BAUN, PIKE. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. H. Cross Access and Through Access Agreement for 166 North 2nd Street (DR-59-14— Mixed Use Building)—Yesterday Properties,LLC: Yesterday Properties, LLC, represented by Shawn Nickel, is requesting approval of a cross access and through access agreement to comply with site specific condition no. 15. The 0.17-acre site is located on the southeast corner of North 2nd Street and East Idaho Street at 166 North 2nd Street. (BAW) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Pittman moves to remand this item.Baun seconds. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. J. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for the Approval of A-03-21/RZ-03-21/CU- 03-21/PPUD-03-21/PP-05-21 — Carrara Estates Subdivision — CC Chase, LLC: CC Chase LLC, represented by Becky McKay with Engineering Solutions, LLP, is requesting annexation, rezone from RUT(Rural-Urban Transition—Ada County designation)to R-1-DA-P and R-3-DA- P (Residential with a development agreement — PUD), conditional use permit, preliminary development plan, and preliminary plat approvals for Carrara Estates Subdivision, a 103-lot(85- buildable, 18-common) residential planned unit development. The 66-acre site is located on the north side of West Floating Feather Road approximately 2,280-feet west of North Eagle Road. (DLM) Zoning Administrator, Bill Vaughan, states that staff has been conferring with the applicant's representative, Becky McKay and the attorney for Corrente Bello Homeowners Association and staff is prepared to make a report. Planner II, Daniel Miller, addresses the e-mail received from Robert Tunison, the attorney representing Corrente Bello Homeowners Association. The applicant's representative and Mr. Tunison have been in discussion regarding the request from the HOA. Discussion for clarification between City Staff and Council. Baun moves to approve action item Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for the Approval of A-03-21/RZ-03-21/CU-03-21/PPUD-03-21/PP-05-21 — Carrara Estates Subdivision with changes to site specific condition#17 as stated taking out"and any amendments"both on the top. And also approving site specific condition 18 as stated. Seconded by Pittman. ALL AYE..MOTION CARRIES. Page 3 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-10-21min.docx 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. ACTION ITEM: Ada County Highway District (ACHD) 2021-2026 Integrated Five Year Work Program: Review and provide comment to ACHD on the 2021-2026 Integrated Five Year Work Program and project prioritizations within the City of Eagle. (NBS) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Director of Long Range Planning and Projects,Nichoel Baird Spencer,reviews the work plan and seeks Council direction regarding the same. Tom Ferch, with Ada County Highway District provides comment on the process pertaining to public outreach regarding bike lane placements. Discussion regarding prioritization within the Eagle community. Pittman moves to direct staff to continue with the staff recommendations to include the items that were listed,that are not listed here,to start that so that we can get it back to ACHD. . Seconded by Gindlesperger. Discussion for clarification. Add Park Lane and Floating Feather to staff recommendations that are listed on the screen (powerpoint attached). ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 10. ALL PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED ACTION ITEMS PUBLIC HEARINGS: Public hearings will not begin prior to 6:00 p.m. The Eagle City Council is taking in person and remote public testimony via Webex.Meeting login instructions are posted on https://www.cityofeagle.org/1698/Virtual-Meetings.If you just want to watch the meeting,without giving testimony,please watch our livestream at https://www.cityofeagle.org/305/City-Agendas-Videos. • Public Hearings are legally noticed hearings required by state law.The public may provide formal testimony regarding the application or issue before the City Council.This testimony will become part of the hearing record for that application or matter. • Disclosure of ex parte and/or conflict of interest. A. ACTION ITEM.Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Budget Hearing—An Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2022 commencing on October 1,2021,and ending September 30,2022,appropriating sums of money to defray all necessary expenses and liabilities of the City of Eagle for said Fiscal Year. (KR) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. City Treasurer, Kellie Rekow, reviews the draft budget for fiscal year 2021-2022 and stands for questions. Mayor opens the public hearing. Craig Shotwall,741 W.Rush Ct.Eagle,Idaho. Mr. Shockwall asks how the ARPA monies will be utilized by the City and if they have been defined. He also seeks clarification on the Capital Projects and Executive budget. Mayor Pierce states that the ARPA projects have yet to be finalized, but the City is researching a broadband project, water line extensions and a few other items. There are restrictions as to what the federal funds can be utilized for. Discussion regarding the Capital Project and Executive budgets. Mayor closes the public hearing. Pittman thanks the work of the City Treasurer for all the hard work, as well as staff for their work bringing forward the budget. Mayor Pierce also praises the City Treasurer for her thoughtful and Page 4 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-O8-10-21min.docx thorough approach to the budgeting process, while implementing the new online process for department head budget submittals. Baun moves to approve the proposed budget for fiscal year 2021-22. Seconded by Pittman. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. A.1. ACTION ITEM Ordinance No. 853: An ordinance entitled the Annual Appropriation Ordinance for the City of Eagle,Idaho,for the Fiscal Year 2022 commencing October 1,2021,and ending September 30, 2022. Pittman moves, pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 50-902,that the rule requiring Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with,and that Ordinance#853 be considered after being read once by title only. Seconded by Gindlesperger. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES. Pittman moves that Ordinance#853 An Ordinance Entitled The Annual Appropriation Ordinance For The City Of Eagle,Idaho,For The Fiscal Year Beginning October 1,2021, And Ending September 30,2022,Appropriating The Sum Of Money In The Aggregate Amount Of$58,967,884 To Defray All Necessary Expenses And Liabilities Of The City Of Eagle For Said Fiscal Year; Specifying The Objects And Purposes For Which Said Appropriation Is Made; Authorizing A Levy Of A Sufficient Tax Upon The Taxable Property In The City; Providing For Repeal Of Conflicting Ordinances; Providing For The Filing Of A Copy Of This Ordinance With The County Commissioners And The Office Of The Idaho Secretary Of State; Providing For Publication; And Providing An Effective Date. Seconded by Gindlesperger. GINDLESPERGER: AYE; PITTMAN AYE; BAUN: AYE; PIKE: AYE: ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES. B. ACTION ITEM:A public hearing to consider new and/or increased fees for the Water,Planning and Zoning, and Parks and Recreation Departments. Mayor introduces the item. City Treasurer, Kellie Rekow, reviews the proposed fee changes. Zoning Administrator Vaughan states that the proposed fees were analyzed to better account for staff time required to review a variety of applications. Mayor opens the public hearing. Stan Ridgeway, 1735 Rush Rd. Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Ridgeway has concerns with the fees being charged for recreation programs. The City does not charge for trails, parks or library services. He does not feel that these charges should be applied to the children. Mayor closes the public hearing. B.1. ACTION ITEM. Resolution No. 21-15 — Fee Schedule Update for the Water, Planning and Zoning and Parks and Recreation Departments: A resolution amending Fee and Deposit Schedules for the Water, Planning and Zoning, and Parks and Recreation Departments in accordance with Eagle City Code Section 1-7-4 to update and establish new fees charged for services; and providing an effective date. (KR) Baun moves to approve Resolution No.21-15—Fee Schedule Update for the Water,Planning and Zoning and Parks and Recreation Departments. Seconded by Gindlesperger. GINDLESPERGER AYE, PITTMAN AYE, BAUN AYE, PIKE AYE. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Page 5 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-10-21min.dock C. ACTION ITEM: RZ-06-14MOD/RZ-14-20/PP-07-20 — Kingfisher Cover Townhomes Subdivision—Don Newell: Don Newell, represented by Doug Russell with The Land Group, is requesting development agreement modification, rezone from MU-DA (Mixed Use with a development agreement) to R-9-DA (Residential with a development agreement [in lieu of a PUD]), and preliminary plat approvals for Kingfisher Cove Townhomes, a 72-lot (63-buildable, 9-common)residential subdivision. The 10.68-acre site is generally located on the northeast corner of West State Street and SH-44. This item was continued from the July 27, 2021 meeting. (MJW) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Mike Williams,Planner III provides an overview of the July 27th Council meeting,several concerns were to be addressed and brought back to Council with clarification. Doug Russell 462 E. Shore Dr. with The Land Group representing Don Newell. Mr. Russell provides comment on the pathway extension to the adjoining property, active open space fencing and landscaping in the right-of-way. Don Newell 1950 S. Channel Way Eagle, Idaho. Mr.Newell is reluctant to add fees to the HOA at this time. He believes in the CEP and what the city is trying to achieve, but at this time he is hesitant to incorporate it. Mr.Newell addresses short term rentals and states they would be willing to address the matter in the CC&R's. Discussion regarding CEP funds and collection of the same. Planner III Williams addresses landscaping in the right of way,city code pertaining to active open space and fencing style,timing of landscaping installation and timing of CEP funds. Mayor opens the public hearing. Karen Elitharp, 842 N. Ballantyne. As a real estate agent and a resident in Eagle, this is the type of project that is needed. She is very excited about this project, it is the price point that is desire right now. Doug Russell discusses the fencing and states they will meet city code for the landscape buffer plantings. Mayor closes the public hearing. Discussion amongst staff and Council regarding landscaping in the right of way, installation and maintenance of the same. Doug Russell states that the examples that staff provided for Council consideration were inaccurate. He believes the agreements were made between the City and ITD for the installation of sod along Eagle Road. Mr.Russell states that if this was something that was desired by the City then perhaps the City should have identified that and facilitated that process. His client has indicated that if this requirement is placed on the project,he may be forced to pull his project from consideration. Discussion. Baun moves to approve action item 10C RZ-06-14MOD/RZ-14-20/PP-07-20 — Kingfisher Cover Townhomes Subdivision with the following changes:the three specifics associated with it are the extension of 10' sidewalk to the corner of Ballantyne,the CEP funds,the standard process associated with transfer fee only, and not the $5 fee per month to be included, and not to require the developer to do the additional landscaping to the south for the ACHD/ITD right-of-way. Seconded by Pike. Discussion. Baun amends the motion to include short term Page 6 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-10-21min.docx rentals incorporated into CC&R's relative to a 6 month minimum. Second concurs. Discussion. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. D. ACTION ITEM: RZ-04-21 & PP/FP-01-21—Middlefork Estates Subdivision—Mike and Julie Harrison: Mike and Julie Harrison, represented by Eagle Land Surveying, is requesting a rezone from R- E-DA(Residential-Estates with a development agreement)to R-1-DA(Residential with a development agreement)and combined preliminary and final plat approvals for Middlefork Estates Subdivision, a 3-lot residential subdivision. The 3.15-acre site is located on the west side of North Meridian Road approximately 1,725-feet north of West Floating Feather Road at 1655 North Meridian Road. (DLM) Mayor introduces the item. Mike Harrison 1655 N.Meridian Rd.Eagle,Idaho. Mr.Harrison reviews the history of the property in question and reviews the application. Planner II,Daniel Miller reviews the staff report. Mayor opens the public hearing. David Bailey, Bailey Engineering 1119 E. State Street Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Bailey is representing Mr.Harrison for this application. They have reviewed the site-specific conditions of approval and are in agreement with them. He discusses the landscape buffer and maintenance of the same. Mr.Harrison states that Sawtooth law has drafted the maintenance agreement that will be recorded and noted on the plat. Mayor closes the public hearing. Pittman moves to approve action item 10B RZ-04-21 & PP/FP-Ol-21 Middlefork Estates Subdivision be approved as stated in the packet. Seconded by Pike. Discussion. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. E. ACTION ITEM: VAC-03-21 — Vacation to the final plat of Williamson River Ranch Subdivision No. 3, Tradewinds General Contracting, Inc.: Tradewinds General Contracting, Inc, is requesting to vacate the side yard public utilities,property drainage, and pressure irrigation easement located within Lot 16 and 17,Block 6, Williamson River Ranch Subdivision No. 3. The .52-acre site is located on the west side of South Riparian Way approximately 500-feet south of the intersection of East Crowns Pointe Drive and South Riparian Way at 1805 and 1819 South Riparian Way.(MJW) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Mike Williams,Planner III reviews the application. Gindlesperger moves that action item 10E be tabled to the next regular meeting. Seconded by Pittman. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 11. NEW BUSINESS: A. ACTION ITEM: EXT-13-20 MOD—Preliminary Plat Extension of Time Modification for Stillwater Subdivision — Stillwater Development Partners, LLC, Corey Elitharp: Stillwater Development Partners, LLC, represented by Corey Elitharp, is requesting an extension of time modification for the preliminary plat approval for Stillwater Subdivision, a 94-lot (72-buildable, 12-commercial [22-residential condominium units located above commercial buildings], 10- common) subdivision. The 39.7-acre site is located on the south side of State Highway 44 at the southwest corner of West State Street and State Highway 44. (WEV) Page 7 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-10-21min.docx Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Corey Elitharp representing Stillwater Development Partners. Mr. Elitharp is requesting an extension of time to allow for the installation of landscaping. He has been working with the an engineer since April to get obtain grading plans. His engineer has a backlog and is experiencing a shortage in staff as well. Zoning Administrator Vaughan makes himself available for questions. Discussion between Council and Mr.Elitharp regarding timing of receipt of engineering plans and timing of installation of landscaping. Pittman moves for action item 11A EXT-13-20 MOD—Preliminary Plat Extension of Time Modification for Stillwater Subdivision to include 30 days for weed removal, 90 days for grading plan, and the extension for landscaping to May 1,2022. Seconded by Gindlesbger. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. B.ACTION ITEM Ordinance 854—Annexation and Rezone—Brookwav North: An ordinance annexing certain real property situated in the unincorporated area of Ada County, Idaho, and contiguous to the corporate limits of The City of Eagle,to The City of Eagle, Idaho; changing the zoning classification of said real property described herein from RUT(Rural-Urban Transition)to R-2-DA-P(Residential with a Development Agreement—PUD); amending the zoning map of The City of Eagle to reflect said change; directing that copies of this ordinance be filed as provided by law; and providing an effective date.(MJW) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Planner III,Mike Williams makes himself available for questions. Baun moves,pursuant to Idaho Code,Section 50-902,that the rule requiring Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with,and that Ordinance#854 be considered after being read once by title only. Seconded by Gindlesperger. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES. Baun moves that Ordinance#854 be adopted. An ordinance annexing certain real property situated in the unincorporated area of Ada County,Idaho,and contiguous to the corporate limits of The City of Eagle,to The City of Eagle,Idaho; changing the zoning classification of said real property described herein from RUT(Rural-Urban Transition)to R-2-DA-P (Residential with a Development Agreement—PUD); amending the zoning map of the City of Eagle to reflect said change; directing that copies of this ordinance be filed as provided by law; and providing an effective date. Seconded by Pittman . GINDLESPERGER: AYE; PITTMAN AYE; BAUN: AYE; PIKE: AYE: ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES. C. ACTION ITEM: Ordinance 855 — Rezone — Quarry Village: An ordinance changing the Zoning Classification of the real property described herein from BP (Business Park) To MU-DA (Mixed Use with a Development Agreement); amending the zoning map of The City of Eagle to reflect said change; and providing an effective date. (MJW) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Planner III, Mike Williams states that the applicant has executed the development agreement associated with this item. Gindlesperger moves, pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 50-902, that the rule requiring Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with, Page 8 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-10-21min.docx and that Ordinance # 855 be considered after being read once by title only. Seconded by Pittman. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES. Gindlesperger moves that Ordinance#855 be adopted.An ordinance changing the Zoning Classification of the real property described herein from BP(Business Park)To MU-DA (Mixed Use with a Development Agreement); amending the zoning map of the City of Eagle to reflect said change; and providing an effective date. Seconded by Pike. GINDLESPERGER: AYE; PITTMAN AYE; BAUN: AYE; PIKE: AYE: ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES. 12. PUBLIC COMMENT 2: TThe Eagle City Council is taking in person and remote public comment via Webex. Meeting login instructions are posted on https://www.cityofeagle.org/1698Nirtual-Meetings. If you just want to watch the meeting, without giving comment,please watch our livestream at https://www.cityofeagle.org/305/City- Agendas-Videos. This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding any matter,up to and including any subject on the agenda with the exception of Public Hearing and land use items. Comments regarding Public Hearing and land use items need to be made during the open public hearing for said item(s)in accordance with Idaho Code.At times,the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters(excluding Public Hearing and land use items)during this allotted time. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak,the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three(3)minutes. No one chooses to speak. 13. EXECUTIVE SESSION: A. Idaho State Code 474-206.Executive sessions-- When authorized. (1)An executive session at which members of the public are excluded may be held, but only for the purposes and only in the manner set forth in this section. The motion to go into executive session shall identify the specific subsections of this section that authorize the executive session. There shall be a roll call vote on the motion and the vote shall be recorded in the minutes. An executive session shall be authorized by a two-thirds(2/3)vote of the governing body.An executive session may be held: (c) To acquire an interest in real property which is not owned by a public agency. (f) To communicate with legal counsel for the public agency to discuss the legal ramifications of and legal options for pending litigation, or controversies not yet being litigated but imminently likely to be litigated. The mere presence of legal counsel at an executive session does not satisfy this requirement; Baun move pursuant to I.C.74-206(1)that the City of Eagle convene an Executive Session for the purpose of:(c) To acquire an interest in real property which is not owned by a public agency;(!) To communicate with legal counsel for the public agency to discuss the legal ramifications of and legal options for pending litigation, or controversies not yet being litigated but imminently likely to be litigated. The mere presence of legal counsel at an executive session does not satisfy this requirement. Seconded by Gindlesperger. GINDLESPERGER: AYE; PITTMAN AYE; BAUN: AYE; PIKE: AYE: ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES. Council enters executive session Discussion of acquisition of real property not owned by a public agency, and pending/threatened litigation. Council exits executive session. B. ACTION ITEMS Action regarding acquisition of real property. No action C. ACTION ITEM:Action regarding pending/threatened litigation. Page 9 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-10-21min.docx Pike moves to have the Mayor and the City attorney finalize the agreement with the plaintiff. Seconded by Gindlesperger. ALL AYE..MOTION CARRIES. 14. ADJOURNMENT: Pittman moves to adjourn. Seconded by Pike. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES Hearing no further business,the Council meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted: 640) TRACY E S ORN, CMC CITY CL APPROVED: 01 Lie° ?orb fogi N PIERCE = * : S * • OR . SEAL OF `O?.••,. Ill,,,,,,,,,,,,, Page 10 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-10-21min.docx AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT W W W.C ITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 11 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-10-21min.docx EAGLE CITY COUNCIL August 10, 2021 PUBLIC COMMENT SIGN-UP Time is allotted on the agenda at the beginning and end of the council meeting. Time is limited to three (3) minutes per individual. TESTIFY PRO/CON or NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL Pa.t,( /6 sec 5 t3S8 M. 0' i( csZ,J(ek /4,1 � INTER City of Eagle Zoning Administration OFFICE To: Mayor Pierce and City Council Members From: Barbara A. Williams, Planner II Subject: Cross Access and Through Access Agreement(DR-59-14—Mixed Use Building located at 166 North 2nd Street)—Yesterday Properties,LLC,represented by Shawn Nickel Date: August 9, 2021 Attachment(s): N/A Copy To: Yesterday Properties, LLC, Attn: Shawn Nickel, shawn@slnplanning.com Staff is requesting item 8H be removed from the consent agenda and remanded to staff to allow staff to work with the applicant and surrounding property owners regarding the cross access and through access as proposed. Page 1 of 1 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\Dr\2014\DR-59-14 Yesterday MU Bldg cross access and through access agreement cc me2.doc ) 8110in City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page. 1 Check Issue Dates 7/28/2021-8/9/2021 Aug 09,2021 04 20PM Report Criteria: Report type GL detail Bank Bank account="82007705" Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount 34679 08/09/2021 34679 HECO Engineers ENGINEERING DE 01-0413-31-00 ENGINEERING FEE/DEVELOPER CHG 31,429 00- Total 34679 31,429 00- 35621 07/29/2021 35621 Brodart Co 583837 06-0420-07-00 SMALL FURNITURE REPLACEMENT 2,014 15- Total 35621 2,014 15- 35639 07/28/2021 35639 Ada County Sheriff-Civil Division 073021 06-0217-08-00 LIBRARY/GARNISHMENTS 374 33 Total 35639 374 33 35640 07/28/2021 35640 Idaho Child Support Receipting 073021 23-0217-08-00 GARNISHMENT 103 84 07/28/2021 35640 Idaho Child Support Receipting 073021 23-0217-08-00 GARNISHMENT 138 46 Total 35640 242 30 35641 08/09/2021 35641 Ada County Highway District JULY 2021 IMPACT 01-0203-00-00 ACCTS PAYABLE-ACHD IMPACT FEES 153,202 00 Total 35641 153,202 00 35642 08/09/2021 35642 Ada County Landfill 2107060146 23-0462-03-00 DUMPING-DISPOSAL 24 07 08/09/2021 35642 Ada County Landfill 2107060249 23-0462-03-00 DUMPING-DISPOSAL 15 00 08/09/2021 35642 Ada County Landfill 2107070238 23-0462-03-00 DUMPING-DISPOSAL 15 37 08/09/2021 35642 Ada County Landfill 2107070302 23-0462-03-00 DUMPING-DISPOSAL 15 00 08/09/2021 35642 Ada County Landfill 2107290271 23-0462-03-00 DUMPING-DISPOSAL 49 01 Total 35642 118 45 35643 08/09/2021 35643 Ada County Prosecuting Attorney AUG 2021 01-0416-05-00 PROSECUTOR 5,333 00 Total 35643 5,333.00 35644 08/09/2021 35644 Albertsons/Safeway 430094-070921-018 24-0420-03-00 BREAKFAST 78 51 08/0912021 35644 Albertsons/Safeway 800063-071521-018 11-0422-01-00 COMMUNITY/STAFF RELATIONS 2646 08/09/2021 35644 Albertsons/Safeway 800576-071621-018 06-0455-00-00 CLASSES&EVENTS 44.45 08/09/2021 35644 Albertsons/Safeway 809298-071321-018 11-0422-01-00 COMMUNITY/STAFF RELATIONS 3093 08/09/2021 35644 Albertsons/Safeway 809752-071421-018 11-0422-01-00 COMMUNITY/STAFF RELATIONS 62 37 08109/2021 35644 Albertsons/Safeway 809911-071521-018 11-0422-01-00 COMMUNITY/STAFF RELATIONS 32 95 08/09/2021 35644 Albertsons/Safeway 809941-071521-018 17-0423-00-00 REC SUPPLIES-CAMPS&CLASSES 13 25 Total 35644 288.92 35645 08/09/2021 35645 Alex or Karen Sidey UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page 2 Check Issue Dates.7/28/2021-8/9/2021 Aug 09,2021 04 20PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount Total 35645 75 00 35646 08/09/2021 35646 Alsco LB011914342 23-0414-05-00 PAPER PRODUCTS 95 53 Total 35646 95 53 35647 08/09/2021 35647 American Music USA 247262 09-0467-04-00 GAZEBO CONCERT SERIES 45 00 Total 35647 45 00 35648 08/09/2021 35648 American Trailer Sales 2022 BIG TEX DUM 23-0423-00-00 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT 8,569 00 Total 35648 8,569 00 35649 08/09/2021 35649 Andrew Lyle or Mary Henesh UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 Total 35649. 75 00 35650 08/09/2021 35650 Anna Rose Byers 080221 BABYSITTI 17-0416-00-00 CONTRACT-PERMITS-CAMPS/CLASS 513 00 Total 35650 513 00 35651 08/09/2021 35651 ASAPP 1280 09-0467-04-00 GAZEBO CONCERT SERIES 350 00 Total 35651 350 00 35652 08/09/2021 35652 Atlas Technical Consultants,LLC 186909 19-0465-06-00 EXPANSION OF CITY HALL 2,055 00 Total 35652 2,055 00 35653 08/09/2021 35653 Billing Document Specialists 77368 60-0434-47-00 MAIL SERVICE-CUSTOMER BILLING 1,866 90 Total 35653 1,866 90 35654 08/09/2021 35654 Blair or Ann Baertsch UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 Total 35654 75 00 35655 08/09/2021 35655 Blake Love Excavation Inc APPLICATION 1-C 19-0465-06-00 EXPANSION OF CITY HALL 113,869 85 Total 35655 113,869.85 35656 08/09/2021 35656 Bret Boeddinghaus UTILITY FINAL 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 21 73 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page 3 Check Issue Dates 7/28/2021-8/9/2021 Aug 09,2021 04 20PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount Total 35656' 21 73 35657 08/09/2021 35657 Brett Humphries UTILITY FINAL 60-0220-00-00' WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 4 97 Total 35657 4 97 35656 08/09/2021 35658 Brian Baugh 072721 09-0467-02-00 EAGLE SATURDAY MARKET 250 00 Total 35658. 250 00 35659 08/09/2021 35659 Brittney Echols UTILITY FINAL 99-0107-00-00 CASH CLEARING-UTILITY BILLING 57 92 Total 35659 57 92 35660 08/09/2021 35660 Bryan Moss UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 Total 35660 75 00 35661 08/09/2021 35661 B's Ace Hardware 104342 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 22 62 08/09/2021 35661 B's Ace Hardware 104624 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 25 97 08/09/2021 35661 B's Ace Hardware 105672 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 59 79 08/09/2021 35661 B's Ace Hardware 105720 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 34 97 08/09/2021 35661 B's Ace Hardware 105836 24-0430-03-00 SUPPLIES 64 71 08/09/2021 35661 B's Ace Hardware 105892 24-0430-03-00 SUPPLIES 15 18- 08109/2021 35661 B's Ace Hardware 105910 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 8 78 08/09/2021 35661 B's Ace Hardware 106010 24-0430-03-00 SUPPLIES 37 95 08/09/2021 35661 B's Ace Hardware 106256 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 15 99 08/09/2021 35661 B's Ace Hardware 106270 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 16.18 08109/2021 35661 B's Ace Hardware 106275 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 9 00 08/09/2021 35661 B's Ace Hardware 106352 24-0410-01-00 SUPPLIES 23 99 08/09/2021 35661 B's Ace Hardware 107057 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 4 78 08/09/2021 35661 B's Ace Hardware 107060 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 4 99 08/09/2021 35661 B's Ace Hardware 107156 60-0434-58-01 RPR/MTNC PUMPS-WELLS-CHEMICA 23 97 08/09/2021 35661 B's Ace Hardware 107161 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 45 98 08/09/2021 35661 B's Ace Hardware 107363 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 5 59 08/09/2021 35661 B's Ace Hardware 107589 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 54 54 08/09/2021 35661 B's Ace Hardware 107800 24-0430-03-00 SUPPLIES 751 59 08/09/2021 35661 B's Ace Hardware 108154 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 91 94 08/09/2021 35661 B's Ace Hardware 108749 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 7 59 08/09/2021 35661 B's Ace Hardware 108756 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 4 78 08/09/2021 35661 B's Ace Hardware 108933 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 7 99 08/09/2021 35661 B's Ace Hardware 109140 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 63 66 08/09/2021 35661 B's Ace Hardware 109143 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 53 98 08/09/2021 35661 B's Ace Hardware 109160 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 7 18 08/0912021 35661 B's Ace Hardware 109194 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 151 92 08/09/2021 35661 B's Ace Hardware 109226 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 29 38 08/09/2021 35661 B's Ace Hardware 109377 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 26 81 08/09/2021 35661 B's Ace Hardware 109446 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 87 14 08/09/2021 35661 B's Ace Hardware 109839 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 22 99 08/09/2021 35661 B's Ace Hardware 110140 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 16 98 08/09/2021 35661 B's Ace Hardware 110234 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 474 97 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page 4 Check Issue Dates:7/28/2021-8/9/2021 Aug 09,2021 04 20PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount 08/09/2021 35661 B's Ace Hardware 110236 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 9 99 08/09/2021 35661 B's Ace Hardware 110419 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 8 59 08/09/2021 35661 B's Ace Hardware 110424 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 23 17 08/09/2021 35661 B's Ace Hardware 110616 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 3 58 Total 35661 2,289 05 35662 08/09/2021 35662 BSN Sports Inc 913181130 17-0425-00-00 REC EQUIPMENT-TEAM SPORTS 162 05 Total 35662 162 05 35663 08/09/2021 35663 Caldwell Transportation Company 31640 17-0423-04-00 TRANSPORTATION SERVICES 975 00 08/09/2021 35663 Caldwell Transportation Company 31649 17-0423-04-00 TRANSPORTATION SERVICES 825 00 08/09/2021 35663 Caldwell Transportation Company 31672 17-0423-04-00 TRANSPORTATION SERVICES 1,350.00 08/09/2021 35663 Caldwell Transportation Company 31673 17-0423-04-00 TRANSPORTATION SERVICES 1,237 50 08/09/2021 35663 Caldwell Transportation Company 31698 17-0423-04-00 TRANSPORTATION SERVICES 1,031 25 08/09/2021 35663 Caldwell Transportation Company 31719 17-0423-04-00 TRANSPORTATION SERVICES 1,350 00 08/09/2021 35663 Caldwell Transportation Company 31787 17-0423-04-00 TRANSPORTATION SERVICES 1,106 25 08/09/2021 35663 Caldwell Transportation Company 31788 17-0423-04-00 TRANSPORTATION SERVICES 937 50 08/09/2021 35663 Caldwell Transportation Company 31789 17-0423-04-00 TRANSPORTATION SERVICES 1,125 00 08/09/2021 35663 Caldwell Transportation Company 31867 17-0423-04-00 TRANSPORTATION SERVICES 1,012 50 08/09/2021 35663 Caldwell Transportation Company 31884 17-0423-04-00 TRANSPORTATION SERVICES 712 50 Total 35663 11,662 50 35664 08/09/2021 35664 Caleb Zeller FUN CAMP MILEA 17-0422-04-00 GAS/MILEAGE 29 12 Total 35664 29 12 35665 08/09/2021 35665 Caroline Juedes CAMP CANCELLAT 17-0422-11-00 REFUNDS-PARK REC PROGRAMS 120 00 08/09/2021 35665 Caroline Juedes FUN CAMP CANCE 17-0422-11-00 REFUNDS-PARK REC PROGRAMS 100 00 Total 35665 220 00 35666 08/09/2021 35666 Carrie or Eric Schindler UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 Total 35666 75 00 35667 08/09/2021 35667 CDW Government Inc H045491 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 249 35 Total 35667 249 35 35668 08/09/2021 35668 Charles or Deanna Graves UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 Total 35668 75 00 35669 08/09/2021 35669 Checkr Inc 9BCCACEAA8-000 17-0422-10-00 BACKGROUND CHECKS 24 00 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page. 5 Check Issue Dates 7/28/2021-8/9/2021 Aug 09,2021 04 20PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount Total 35669 24 00 35670 08/09/2021 35670 Chris Chidgey UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 Total 35670 75 00 35671 08/09/2021 35671 Christina Ratusznik UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 Total 35671 75 00 35672 08/09/2021 35672 Christina Ray 235 24-0401-04-00 ADVERTISEMENT 330 00 Total 35672 330 00 35673 08/09/2021 35673 City Of Eagle BMX 7/21 23-0454-04-00 UTILITIES 125 77 08/09/2021 35673 City Of Eagle DOG PARK 7/21 23-0454-04-00 UTILITIES 41 72 08/09/2021 35673 City Of Eagle HWY 55 H2O 7/21 23-0455-04-00 UTILITIES 800 85 08/09/2021 35673 City Of Eagle SPORTS COMP 7/2 23-0454-04-00 UTILITIES 2,569,97 08/09/2021 35673 City Of Eagle SPORTSMAN 7/21 23-0463-04-00 UTILITIES 92 25 Total 35673- 3,730 56 35674 08/09/2021 35674 Co-Energy CL14052 23-0417-02-00 GAS AND OIL 996 69 08/09/2021 35674 Co-Energy CL14052 60-0420-01-00 FUEL&LUBRICANTS 482 69 08/09/2021 35674 Co-Energy CL14052 17-0424-03-00 GAS 108,28 Total 35674 1,587 66 35675 08/09/2021 35675 Commercial Tire 13444 23-0417-01-00 VEHICLE MTNC&REPAIR 611 36 08/09/2021 35675 Commercial Tire SC 073121 23-0417-01-00 VEHICLE MTNC&REPAIR 3 08 Total 35675 614,44 35676 08/09/2021 35676 Core&Main LP 0153669 60-0438-08-00 CAPITAL METER SETS(NEW CUST) 8.443 42 Total 35676 8,443 42 35677 08/09/2021 35677 Cornhole Idaho,LLC 307 24-0440-00-00 BUILDING/PAINT SUPPLIES 1,000 00 Total 35677 1,000.00 35678 08/09/2021 35678 CTC Business AUG 2021 18-0417-01-00 INTERNET&PHONE SERVICES 413 95 Total 35678 413 95 35679 08/09/2021 35679 D&B Supply 63482 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 92 93 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page 6 Check Issue Dates 7/28/2021-8/9/2021 Aug 09,2021 04 20PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount 08/09/2021 35679 D&B Supply 87342 60-0434-26-00 TOOLS,EQUIPMENT AND SUPPS 64 49 Total 35679 157 42 35680 08/09/2021 35680 Dale or Margie Zimney UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 Total 35680 75 00 35681 08/09/2021 35681 Dana or Linda Shuford UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 Total 35681 75 00 35682 08/09/2021 35682 Daniel or Ana Preston UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 Total 35682 75 00 35683 08/09/2021 35683 Dataworks Plus,LLC 21-1112 18-0419-02-00 EQUIPMENT 6,500 00 Total 35683 6,500 00 35684 08/09/2021 35684 David or Debbie Ponder UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220.00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 Total 35684 75 00 35685 08/09/2021 35685 De Lage Landen Financial Svc 73245769 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 1,285 03 Total 35685 1,285 03 35686 08/09/2021 35686 Debra Lester UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220.00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 Total 35686 75 00 35687 08/09/2021 35687 Delta Dental of Idaho AUG 2021 60-0217-07-00 WATER DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 482 70 08/09/2021 35687 Delta Dental of Idaho AUG 2021 06-0217-07-00 LIBRARY HEALTH INSURANCE 287 53 08/09/2021 35687 Delta Dental of Idaho AUG 2021 23-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 360 29 08/09/2021 35687 Delta Dental of Idaho AUG 2021 14-0217-07-00 P&Z DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 567 17 08/09/2021 35687 Delta Dental of Idaho AUG 2021 26-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 178 71 08/09/2021 35687 Delta Dental of Idaho AUG 2021 12-0217-07-00 CLERK DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 257 44 08/09/2021 35687 Delta Dental of Idaho AUG 2021 07-0217-07-00 MUSEUM HEALTH INSURANCE 41 76 08/09/2021 35687 Delta Dental of Idaho AUG 2021 11-0217.07-00 EXEC DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 41 76 08/09/2021 35687 Delta Dental of Idaho AUG 2021 17-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 167 04 08/09/2021 35687 Delta Dental of Idaho AUG 2021 18-0217.07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 178 71 08/09/2021 35687 Delta Dental of Idaho AUG 2021 13-0217-07-00 BLDG DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 357 42 Total 35687 2,920 53 35688 08/09/2021 35688 Denis Browne UTILITY FINAL 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 49 48 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page 7 Check Issue Dates 7/28/2021-8/9/2021 Aug 09,2021 04 20PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount Total 35688 49 48 35689 08/09/2021 35689 Dennis Holte JULY 2021 PLUMB] 13-0416-09-00 PLUMBING INSPECTIONS 10,684 26 Total 35689' 10,684 26 35690 08/09/2021 35690 Dennis Rister UTILITY FINAL 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 71 Total 35690: 75 71 35691 08109/2021 35691 Derek T Smith JULY 2021 01-0413-01-00 P&Z COMMISSIONERS COMPENSATI 70 00 Total 35691 70 00 35692 08/09/2021 35692 Diane McLaughlin JULY 2021 01-0413-01-00 P&Z COMMISSIONERS COMPENSATI 70 00 Total 35692 70 00 35693 08/09/2021 35693 Drugfree Idaho 9197 01-0416-49-00 DRUGFREE IDAHO 151 69 08/09/2021 35693 Drugfree Idaho 9197 01-0413-52-00 DRUG TESTING,PRE-EMPLOYMENT 160 00 Total 35693 311 69 35694 08/09/2021 35694 Dude Solutions 95607 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 8,472 40 Total 35694 8,472 40 35695 08/09/2021 35695 Eagle Defense,LLC 1016 17-0423-01-00 UNIFORMS 112 50 08/09/2021 35695 Eagle Defense,LLC 1017 17-0423-01-00 UNIFORMS 73 10 Total 35695 185,60 35696 08/09/2021 35696 Eagle Fire Protection District JULY 2021 IMPACT 01-0469-00-00 FIRE DEPT IMPACT FEES 39,468 00 Total 35696, 39,468 00 35697 08/09/2021 35697 Eagle Senior Citizens,Inc 20/21 FINAL PMT 01-0416-55-00 EAGLE SENIOR CENTER 25,000 00 Total 35697 25,000 00 35698 08/09/2021 35698 Eagle Sewer District 660 CIVIC LN 8/21 23-0442-04-00 UTILITIES 144 00 08/09/2021 35698 Eagle Sewer District GUERBER PK 8/21 23-0449-04-00 UTILITIES 36 00 08/09/2021 35698 Eagle Sewer District PARKS 8/21 23-0450-04-00 UTILTIES 18 00 08/09/2021 35698 Eagle Sewer District PARKS 8121 23-0452-04-00 UTILITIES 18 00 08/09/2021 35698 Eagle Sewer District SPORTS COMP 8/2 23-0454-04-00 UTILITIES 36 00 08/09/2021 35698 Eagle Sewer District SPORTSMAN 8/21 23-0463-04-00 UTILITIES 36 00 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page. 8 Check Issue Dates 7/28/2021-8/9/2021 Aug 09,2021 04 20PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount Total 35698. 288 00 35699 08/09/2021 35699 Elec Controls & Instrumentals,LL JULY 2021 ELEC IN 13-0416-25-00 ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR 12,229 84 Total 35699 12,229 84 35700 08/09/2021 35700 Eric or Betsy Hansen UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 Total 35700 75 00 35701 08/09/2021 35701 Eric or Charteen Locke UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 Total 35701 75 00 35702 08/09/2021 35702 Evan or Caroline Rohrer UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 Total 35702 75 00 35703 08/09/2021 35703 EventRent 58394 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 100 80 08/09/2021 35703 EventRent 58483 24-0410-09-00 EQUIPMENT 50346 08/09/2021 35703 EventRent 58484 24-0410-09-00 EQUIPMENT 1,328 72 Total 35703 1,932 98 35704 08/09/2021 35704 Fishers Technology 928585 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 103 39 Total 35704 103 39 35705 08/09/2021 35705 Frank Spagnola II UTLITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 Total 35705 75 00 35706 08/09/2021 35706 FTF Media,LLC 70945 01-0413-06-00 PRINTING&DISTRIBUTION 94 17 Total 35706 94 17 35707 08/09/2021 35707 Gabriel Morey UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 Total 35707 75 00 35708 08/09/2021 35708 Heather Paredes 2021 24-0401-05-00 MUSIC&ENTERTAINMENT 400 00 Total 35708 400 00 35709 08/09/2021 35709 HECO Engineers 46392 01-0413-31-00 ENGINEERING FEE/DEVELOPER CHG 202.50 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page 9 Check Issue Dates 7/28/2021-8/9/2021 Aug 09,2021 04 20PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount 08/09/2021 35709 HECO Engineers DRAINAGE FEES J 01-0413-31-00 ENGINEERING FEE/DEVELOPER CHG 3,500 00 08/09/2021 35709 HECO Engineers ENG FEES-DEVE 01-0413-31-00 ENGINEERING FEE/DEVELOPER CHG 9,466 75 08/09/2021 35709 HECO Engineers ENGINEERING DE 01-0413-31-00 ENGINEERING FEE/DEVELOPER CHG 31,429 00 Total 35709 44,598 25 35710 08/09/2021 35710 Holly Dransfield MUSICAL CAMP 6/ 17-0416-00-00 CONTRACT-PERMITS-CAMPS/CLASS 2,889 60 Total 35710 2,889 60 35711 08/09/2021 35711 Idaho CPR Plus-Attn AHA Divrsio 5498 17-0416-00-00 CONTRACT-PERMITS-CAMPS/CLASS 864 00 Total 35711 864 00 35712 08/09/2021 35712 Idaho Humane Society,Inc AUG 2021 CONTR 01-0416-06-00 IDAHO HUMANE SOCIETY 11,473 67 Total 35712 11,473 67 35713 08/09/2021 35713 Idaho Materials and Construction 5594402 23-0414-02-00 MISC MTNC&REPAIR GROUNDS 27 70 Total 35713 27 70 35714 08/09/2021 35714 Idaho State Police JULY 2021 01-0413-37-00 BACKGROUND CHECK-PERMITS/LIC 66 50 Total 35714 66 50 35715 08/09/2021 35715 Janis Macklin UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 Total 35715 75 00 35716 08/09/2021 35716 Jeffrey Engelbert EFD 2021 24-0401-05-00 MUSIC&ENTERTAINMENT 550 00 Total 35716 550 00 35717 08/09/2021 35717 Jennifer Remaley UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 Total 35717 75 00 35718 08/09/2021 35718 Jeremiah Hanley UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 Total 35718 75 00 35719 08/09/2021 35719 John Sayler UTILITY FINAL 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 38 24 Total 35719 38 24 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page 10 Check Issue Dates.7/28/2021-8/9/2021 Aug 09,2021 04 20PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount 35720 08/09/2021 35720 Jon Fox or Monica Steiner UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 Total 35720 75 00 35721 08/09/2021 35721 Joseph or Tambra Phares UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 Total 35721 75 00 35722 08/09/2021 35722 Justinian Morton ACE HARDWARE R 23-0415-08-00 LIBRARY FLOORING 58 28 Total 35722 58 28 35723 08%09%2021 35723 Kanami Fu/ita 080821 JAPENSE 17-0416-00-00 CONTRACT-PERMITS-CAMPS/CLASS 122 50 Total 35723 122 50 35724 08/09/2021 35724 Kelly or Jennifer Braaksma UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 Total 35724 75 00 35725 08/09/2021 35725 Kent or Kay Conrad UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 Total 35725 75 00 35726 08/09/2021 35726 Kevin or Torne Cope UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 Total 35726 75 00 35727 08/09/2021 35727 Kyle or Jodie Faulk UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 Total 35727 75 00 35728 08/09/2021 35728 Land Consultants 2021-031 14-0416-03-00 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONTRACT 3,752 50 Total 35728 3,752 50 35729 08/09/2021 35729 Lisa S Bittick Lowe SAT MKT 7/31/21 09-0467-02-00 EAGLE SATURDAY MARKET 250 00 Total 35729 250 00 35730 08/09/2021 35730 Live Welt Idaho 194235 17-0416-01-00 CONTRACT-PERMITS TEAM SPORTS 365 40 Total 35730 365 40 35731 08/09/2021 35731 Lynne Kukuk UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page 11 Check Issue Dates;7/28/2021-8/9/2021 Aug 09,2021 04 20PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount Total 35731 75 00 35732 08/09/2021 35732 M2 Automation&Control Sery 11903 23-0442-04-00 UTILITIES 123 00 Total 35732 123 00 35733 08/09/2021 35733 Mark or Rebecca Copeland UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 Total 35733 75 00 35734 08/09/2021 35734 Mark Powell UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 Total 35734 75 00 35735 08/09/2021 35735 Matt Lucas UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 Total 35735 75 00 35736 08/09/2021 35736 Matt Weiss UTILITY FINAL 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 31 83 Total 35736 31 83 35737 08/09/2021 35737 Matthew Le Guluche UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 Total 35737 75 00 35738 08/09/2021 35738 Maureen Oneale MILEAGE REIMB 17-0422-04-00 GAS/MILEAGE 14 56 Total 35738 14 56 35739 08/09/2021 35739 Michael Spiekerman UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 Total 35739 75 00 35740 08/09/2021 35740 Nancy Crump FUN CAMP CANCE 17-0422-11-00 REFUNDS-PARK REC PROGRAMS 120 00 Total 35740 120.00 35741 08/09/2021 35741 National Benefit Services,LLC 815658 06-0461-23-01 HRA/COBRA ADMIN FEES 72,40 08/09/2021 35741 National Benefit Services,LLC 815658 01-0415-23-01 HRA/COBRA ADMIN FEES 72 40 Total 35741 144 80 35742 08/09/2021 35742 Norco Inc 32529342 60-0434-26-00 TOOLS,EQUIPMENT AND SUPPS 148 50 08/09/2021 35742 Norco Inc 32671683 60-0434-26-00 TOOLS,EQUIPMENT AND SUPPS 7 59 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page 12 Check Issue Dates 7/28/2021-8/9/2021 Aug 09,2021 04 20PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount Total 35742 156 09 35743 08/09/2021 35743 Northwest Traffic Services,LLC 8643 24-0410-02-00 TRAFFIC BARRIERS&CONTROL 2,534 50 Total 35743 2,534 50 35744 08/09/2021 35744 Pablo or Lauren Benavent UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 Total 35744 75 00 35745 08/09/2021 35745 Pacific Office Automation 558918 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 1,382 70 Total 35745 1,382 70 35746 08/09/2021 35746 Pacific Steel&Recycling 7720233 60-0434-26-00 TOOLS,EQUIPMENT AND SUPPS 39 37 Total 35746 39 37 35747 08/09/2021 35747 Pamela Scott GAZEBO CONGER 09-0467-04-00 GAZEBO CONCERT SERIES 600 OD Total 35747 600 00 35748 08/09/2021 35748 Paul or Christine Fitzpatrick UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 Total 35748 75 00 35749 08/09/2021 35749 Platt Electric Supply 1S64971 23-0414-03-DO MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 61.70 Total 35749 61 70 35750 08/09/2021 35750 Priority Electric Inc APPLICATION #1 C 19-0465-06-00 EXPANSION OF CITY HALL 5,747 50 Total 35750 5,747 50 35751 08/09/2021 35751 Rick G Wenick JULY 2021 INSPEC 13-0416-13-00 BLDG INSPECTOR 5,119 00 Total 35751 5,119 00 35752 08/09/2021 35752 Rimi,Inc-Terry Medley JULY 21 MECH INS 13-0416-11-00 MECHANICAL INSPECTOR 10,229 29 Total 35752 10,229 29 35753 08/09/2021 35753 Rob or Teresa Watts UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page 13 Check Issue Dates:7/28/2021-8/9/2021 Aug 09,2021 04 20PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount Total 35753 75 00 35754 08/09/2021 35754 Ronald Odom UTILITY FINAL 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 69 67 Total 35754- 69 67 35755 08/09/2021 35755 Sarah Perry UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 Total 35755 75 00 35756 08109/2021 35756 SBI Contracting,Inc 9622 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 285 00 Total 35756 285 00 35757 08/09/2021 35757 Shred-It C/O Stericycle,Inc 8182493600 07-0462-37-00 SHRED-IT 139 05 08/09/2021 35757 Shred-It C/O Stericycle,Inc 8182493600 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 145 67 Total 35757 284 72 35758 08/09/2021 35758 Signs2u 10356 17-0422-06-00 PRINTING AND PUBLISHING 108 28 Total 35758 108 28 35759 08/09/2021 35759 Silver Creek Supply 0004675240-001 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 70 75 Total 35759 70 75 35760 08/09/2021 35760 Simona Bote UTILITY FINAL 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 34 53 Total 35760 34 53 35761 08/09/2021 35761 Simplot Turf&Horticulture 226077053 23-0462-01-00 SPRAYING/FERTILIZING 54 00 Total 35761 54 00 35762 08/09/2021 35762 Sonntag Recreation,LLC 21072 23-0418-03-00 MEMORIALS, MTNC/REPAIR 2,187 00 Total 35762 2,187 00 35763 08/09/2021 35763 Staples Credit Plan 18293 07-0462-31-00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2 01 08/09/2021 35763 Staples Credit Plan 18546 07-0462-31-00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 9 09 08/09/2021 35763 Staples Credit Plan 19769 07-0462-31-00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 138 82 08/09/2021 35763 Staples Credit Plan 21702 07-0462-31-00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 86 88 08/09/2021 35763 Staples Credit Plan 2878018791 07-0462-31-00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,254 99 08/09/2021 35763 Staples Credit Plan 37574 07-0462-31-00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 36 01 08/09/2021 35763 Staples Credit Plan FC-MUSSUM 7/30/ 07-0462-69-00 MISCELLANEOUS 2 00 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page 14 Check Issue Dates:7/28/2021-8/9/2021 Aug 09,2021 04 20PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount Total 35763 1,529 80 35764 08/09/2021 35764 Steve Guerber JULY 2021 01-0413-01-00 P&Z COMMISSIONERS COMPENSATI 70 00 Total 35764 70 00 35765 08/09/2021 35765 Steve or Alice Perry UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 Total 35765 75 00 35766 08/09/2021 35766 Suez Water Idaho-payment center PB PARK-08/21 23-0459-04-00 UTILITIES 45 02 Total 35766 45 02 35767 08/09/2021 35767 Sysco Idaho,Inc ACCT#100737 24-0445-03-00 FOOD AND BEVERAGE 4,896 33 Total 35767 4,896 33 35768 08/09/2021 35768 Tates Rents 1498789-9 24-0410-09-00 EQUIPMENT 514.59 08/09/2021 35768 Tates Rents 1498948-9 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 4 49 08/09/2021 35768 Tates Rents 1506771-9 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 45 97 Total 35768 565 05 35769 08/09/2021 35769 TeamSnap,Inc 00046914 17-0416-01-00 CONTRACT-PERMITS TEAM SPORTS 140 46 Total 35769 140 46 35770 08/09/2021 35770 The Sherwin Williams Co 19521 07-0463-03-00 EXHIBIT CONSTRUCTION 74 86 08/09/2021 35770 The Sherwin Williams Co 19539 07-0463-03-00 EXHIBIT CONSTRUCTION 41 90 08/09/2021 35770 The Sherwin Williams Co 31102 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 39 89 Total 35770 156 65 35771 08/09/2021 35771 Thomas or Sabrina Lacher UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 Total 35771 75 00 35772 08/09/2021 35772 TIAA Commercial Finance 8312816 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 237 78 Total 35772 237 78 35773 08/09/2021 35773 TischlerBise,Inc 20218000028 01-0418-35-00 ADMINISTRATIVE RESERVE 6,475 00 Total 35773 6,475 00 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page 15 Check Issue Dates.7/28/2021-8/9/2021 Aug 09,2021 04 20PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount 35774 08/09/2021 35774 T-O Engineers PROGRESS RPT# 19-0466-05-00 EAGLE RD PED/BIKE BRIDGE 17,538 38 Total 35774 17,538 38 35775 08/09/2021 35775 Todd McCauley JULY 2021 01-0413-01-00 P&Z COMMISSIONERS COMPENSATI 70 00 Total 35775 70 00 35776 08/09/2021 35776 Trent Wright JULY 2021 01-0413-01-00 P&Z COMMISSIONERS COMPENSATI 20 00 Total 35776 20 00 35777 08/09/2021 35777 U S Bancorp Equipment Finance 449279157 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 359 60 Total 35777 359 60 35778 08/09/2021 35778 United Heritage-Group Dept AUG 2021 18-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 142 35 08/09/2021 35778 United Heritage-Group Dept AUG 2021 11-0217-07-00 EXEC DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 28 72 08/09/2021 35778 United Heritage-Group Dept. AUG 2021 09-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 22 95 08/09/2021 35778 United Heritage-Group Dept AUG 2021 23-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 275 84 08/09/2021 35778 United Heritage-Group Dept AUG 2021 13-0217-07-00 BLDG DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 201 56 08/09/2021 35778 United Heritage-Group Dept. AUG 2021 26-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 80.93 08/09/2021 35778 United Heritage-Group Dept. AUG 2021 12-0217-07-00 CLERK DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 207 40 08/09/2021 35778 United Heritage-Group Dept AUG 2021 07-0217-07-00 MUSEUM HEALTH INSURANCE 28 72 08/09/2021 35778 United Heritage-Group Dept AUG 2021 17-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 148 62 08/09/2021 35778 United Heritage-Group Dept AUG 2021 60-0217-07-00 WATER DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 179 71 08/09/2021 35778 United Heritage-Group Dept AUG 2021 06-0217-07-00 LIBRARY HEALTH INSURANCE 183 29 08/09/2021 35778 United Heritage-Group Dept AUG 2021 14-0217-07-00 P&Z DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 348 36 Total 35778 1,848 45 35779 08/09/2021 35779 United Site Services 114-12192594 09-0467-02-00 EAGLE SATURDAY MARKET 184 37 Total 35779 184 37 35780 08/09/2021 35780 Verion Wireless 9884531234 60-0434-19-00 TELECOMMUNICATIONS/SCADA 185 49 08/09/2021 35780 Venzon Wireless 9884531234 18-0417-01-00 INTERNET&PHONE SERVICES 2,975 24 Total 35780 3,160 73 35781 08/09/2021 35781 Vern Goldsmith-Cloudstrike Home BUSINESS LIC RE 01-0413-25-00 MISCELLANEOUS 25 00 Total 35781 25.00 35782 08/09/2021 35782 Waxie Sanitary Supply 80186262 23-0414-05-00 PAPER PRODUCTS 1,733 17 08/09/2021 35782 Waxie Sanitary Supply 80191973 23-0414-05-00 PAPER PRODUCTS 720 18 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page 16 Check Issue Dates'7/28/2021-8/9/2021 Aug 09,2021 04 20PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount Total 35782 2,453 35 35783 08/09/2021 35783 Weston Trexler UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 Total 35783 75 00 35784 08/09/2021 35784 Willamette Dental Insurance AUG 2021 17-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 213 00 08/09/2021 35784 Willamette Dental Insurance AUG 2021 09-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 62 60 08/09/2021 35784 Willamette Dental Insurance AUG 2021 14-0217-07-00 P&Z DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 512 53 08/09/2021 35784 Willamette Dental Insurance AUG 2021 12-0217-07-00 CLERK DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 125 60 08/09/2021 35784 Willamette Dental Insurance AUG 2021 18-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 125 60 08/09/2021 35784 Willamette Dental Insurance AUG 2021 13-0217-07-00 BLDG DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 210 22 08/09/2021 35784 Willamette Dental insurance AUG 2021 23-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 250 40 Total 35784 1.499 95 35785 08/09/2021 35785 William or Renee Bourquard UTILITY DEPOSIT 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 Total 35785 75 00 35786 08/09/2021 35786 Wright Brothers 21249-001 19-0465-05-00 GENERAL CITY PROJECTS 30,320 25 08/09/2021 35786 Wright Brothers 21249-001 19-0465-05-00 GENERAL CITY PROJECTS 13,689 22 Total 35786 44,009 47 Grand Totals 577,684 67 Dated Mayor City Council Report Criteria Report type GL detail Bank Bank account="82007705" THIS IS NOT A BILL Page 1 of 1 Ea2Ik City Hall Expansion SCHEDULE OF VALUES • OWNER: CONSTRUCTION MANAGER: ARCHITECT: APPLICATION NO.: 1 City of Eagle Wright Brothers,The Building Company BRS Architecture - • FERIOD TO: 7/31/2021 660 E Civic Lane P 0 Box 877 1010 S Allante Ave PROJECT NO.: 21-249 Eagle,ID 83616 Eagle,Idaho 83616 Suite 100 CONTRACT DATE: 9/23/2021 Boise,ID 83709 . 14 F U1'.l)l ILE CW\':%LUi.S Original Scheduled Changes to Revised Scheduled Previous Total Value of Total Amount Line# Contractor Description of work Value Scheduled Value Value Application This Application Work to Date Balance to Finish Retained Current Due 001 Wright Brothers General Conditions " $ 228,468 00 $ 804.34 $ 229,272 34 31,916.05 31,916,05 196,551.95 1,595 80 30.320 25 002 Demolition(Budget) Demolition $ 21,28000 $ - $ 21,28000 000 21,28000 000 0.00 003 Blake Love Excavation Site Work $ 373,858.10 $ - $ 373,858.10 119,863 00 119,863 00 253,995 10 5,993.15 113,869 85 004 Boden Haus Landscape Landscaping $ 93,692.00 $ - $ 93,692 00 0.00 93,692 00 0.00 0 00 005 Wright Brothers Concrete Concrete $ 158,755.00 $ - $ 158,755.00 0.00 158,755.00 0.00 0.00 006 Mountain Steel Structural Steel $ 260,160.00 $ - $ 260,160 00 0.00 240,16000 0.00 0.00 007 M-L Masonry Masonry $ 224.000 00 $ - $ 224,000 00 0.00 224,000.00 0.00 0 00 008 Upson Company Roofing $ 141.960 00 $ - $ 141,960 00 0.00 141,960.00 0.00 0 00 009 I Fast Glass Storefront and Windows $ 90,257 00 $ - $ 90,257.00 0 00 90,257.00 0.00 0 00 010 Millwork Millwork $ 86,019.00 $ - $ 86.019.00 0 00 86,019.00 0.00 0 00 011 D&A Door Specialties Doors&Hardware $ 58,670.00 $ - $ 58,670.00 0 00 58,670 00 0 00 0 00 012 Forte Construction Services Framing,Drywall $ 498,350 00 $ - $ 498.350.00 0.00 498,350.00 0 00 0 00 013 _Dillabaugh's Flooring America Flooring $ 52,000.00 $ - $ 52,000.00 0.00, 52,000.00 0 00 0 00 014 Ceramic Tile 'Ceramic Tile $ 35.000 00 $ - $ 35,000.00 0 00 05,000.00 0.00 0 00 015 Painting 1Painting $ 23.838.00 $ - $ 23,838.00 0.00_ 23,838.00 0.00 0.00 016 D-10 Contracting Inc 'Interior Specialties $ 34,842 00 $ - $ 34.842 00 0.00 34.842 00 0.00 0.001 017 Treasure Valley Fire Protection Fire Supression $ 39,950.00 $ - $ 39,950 00 0.00 39,950 00 0 00 0,00 018 Service Experts Heating&Air Cond. HVAC $ 260,000 00 $ - $ 260,000 00 ' 0 00 260,000 00 0.00 0.00 019 Buss Mechanical Plumbing $ 122,117.00 $ $ 122,117.00' 0.00 122,117.001 0001 0.00 020 Priority Electric Electrical Systems I $ 335.783 00 $ - $ 335,783 00 6,050 00 6,050.00 329,703.00 302 50I 5.747.50 021 City of Eagle Contingency 1 $ 163,151 00 $ (804 34) $ 162,346 66_ 0.00 162.346.66 0.00 0.00 022 Wright Brothers 1CM Fee @ 4 5% $ 144,097,00 $ 1 Si 144,097 00 ' 14,409.701 14,409.70 129,687 30 720 49 13,689.22 Totals I I 3.446,247.10 $ - 3,446,247 101 0 00 172,238.751 172,238.75 3.27,3,294.01 8,611 94 163,626 82 • i < • (: r(. J ROberi Grubb ) CM as Advisor • • Schedule of Values-Application 91 Wright Brothers,The Budding Company 7/27/2021 r Public Meeting Sign In Form .�q �F�� Form used to provide remote public comment via WebEx for city meetings GIE 1�1� Important Notes: To provide remote public comment via Webex for city meetings please follow the instructions and complete the form below. You must submit the form at least 60 minutes before the meeting start time in order to receive a Webex invite via email to comment or testify at the meeting. Information submitted via this form is subject to Idaho's Public Records Act, in regard to both release and retention,and may be released upon request, unless exempt from disclosure by law. Note: If you have visual materials to display during the public meeting,you must email the materials in PowerPoint(.ppt)or PDF format to City of Eagle at least 6 business hours prior to the start of the meeting. Email files to:clerks@cityofeagle.org Once you have completed the Public Meeting Sign In Form(and indicated your desire to speak at the meeting),a Webex meeting invitation will be emailed(up to 30 minutes prior to the meeting start time)on the day of the meeting. If you don't see the invitation in your email inbox please check your junk/spam folder. Year* 2021 Your Information First Name* Last Name* Tunison Physical Street Address* 110 N 9th Avenue City* State* Zip Code* Caldwell Idaho 83605 Contact Phone Number* Email* 208-459-3659 robert@tunisonlaw.com * r I understand that the WebEx meeting invitation will be sent to the email address entered above. I have reviewed the information entered above and confirm that the information provided is correct. Signature* Date 08/10/2021 09:37:49 AM Meeting Information Public hearing sign-ins are date specific. In the event that an agenda item is continued to a future meeting date,you will need to complete a new public hearing sign-in form in order to receive the WebEx meeting invitation and provide remote testimony on the new date. Meeting Type* City Council Date of Meeting* 08/10/2021 Select if Applicable I am here representing my HOA or Neighborhood Group I wish to speak at this meeting HOA or Neighborhood Group Name* Corrente Bello Do you have visual material to present?* Yes No Note: If you have visual materials to display during the public meeting,you must email the materials in PowerPoint(.ppt)or PDF format to the City of Eagle at least 6 business hours prior to the start of the meeting. Email files to:clerks@cityofeagle.org I Want to Provide Feedback On* Agenda Item Other Topic Agenda Item Number* rs) Please provide Item number/letter reference from Agenda(ex: 9A) FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW CASE NUMBER A-03-21/RZ-03-21/CU-03-21/PPUD-03-21/PP-05-21 Stance On Agenda Item* If selecting"Other"please provide clarification in the comments field below. Support Oppose Other Comments on Agenda Item Please provide any additional comments here. I represent the HOA and would like an opportunity to comment on site specific condition#17 as it relates to the irrigation easement. V End Address 110 N 9th Avenue City Caldwell State Idaho Zip Code 83605 Phone Number (208)459-3659 Email robertCa�tunisonlaw.corn Please enter your message Good morning, in the below box: I represent the Corrente Bello HOA and am asking that the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for the Approval of A- 03-21/RZ-03-21/CU-03-21/PPU D-03-21/PP-05-21 be pulled from the consent agenda so that discussion can be had regarding site specific condition#17. Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional information. Thank you, Robert Email not displaying correctly?View it in your browser. 2 Tracy Osborn From: Tracy Osborn Sent: Monday, August 9, 2021 1:29 PM To: 'robert@tunisonlaw.com' Subject: FW: [EXTERNAL]Online Form Submittal: Email the City Council Dear Sir Please follow the instructions on the City of Eagle's website (link provided below). The instructions will show you how to sign in for public comment, testimony or request an item be removed from the Consent Agenda. https://www.cityofeagle.org/1698/Virtual-Meetings Should you require further assistance, I can be reached at the number listed below. Have a nice day— ..;.. Tracy E. Osborn,CMC oomm �il City Clerk/Deputy Treasurer p . * }�r ''"E '`" Phone (208) 939 6813 ext. 201 If:; Address 660 E. Civic Lane, Eagle, ID 83616 �,. Email tosborn@cityofeagle.org . Website THE CITY OF www•cityofeagle.orq EAGLE Original message From: noreply(c�civicplus.com Date: 8/9/21 11:31 AM (GMT-07:00) To: City Council <citycouncil(a�cityofeagle.orq> Subject: [EXTERNAL]Online Form Submittal: Email the City Council This email was originally sent to CityCouncil c(�.cityofeagle.orq and originated outside of the network. Please be careful when clicking any attachments or links. -IT Department Email the City Council Send an email to all members of the Eagle City Council *Indicates a required field Name Robert Tunison 1 � g1lolal 7 v)isor'1 The applicant shall submit a revised preliminary plat and final plat that delineates the required 12-foot-wide rear lot utility easement and the 10-foot-wide Corrente Bello gravity line easement with the instrument number for the original easement and any amendments. The applicant shall also stipulate within the Carrara Estates CC&R's that: •If side fences are to be installed on Lots 23, 24, 30, 31, and 32 of Block 4 that either a 4-812-footwide access gate or removable fence panel shall be provided. • If any Carrara Estates homeowner damages or disturbs the existing irrigation in- frastructure improvements within the 10-foot-wide Corrente Bello easement, the in- dividual lot owner shall be responsible for coordination with thefor reimbursing Cor- rente Bello Homeowners Association anflfor the costs to repair related repairs as a result to the damage incurred and any damages incurred by Corrente Bello. •Homeowners shall be limited to only installing grass or groundcover within the -1-012-foot Corrente Bello gravity linclot utility easement. No underground sprinkler systems shall be installed within the 4-012-foot-wide easement. If grass or other groundcover requires regular maintenance, such as mowing,then the Carrara Estates homeowner will be responsible for maintenance. If it remains dirt, Corrente Bello responsible for weed control. Existing_easement shall be amended to reflect mainte- nance responsibilities. • Language consistent with the original easement document shall be includedwithin that permits the Corrento Bello subdivision to access the existing gravity irrigation easement and manhole from their property for the repair, maintenance, or improve- ment of the system, in perpetuity, shall be included within the CC&Rs. •Carrara Estates/Developer shall grant Corrente Bello an additional easement to use the 25-foot wide access road between Lots 20 and 22 in Block 4 of Carrara Estates for the purpose of access, maintenance, improvement and repair of the diversion weir, manhole covers and piping on the East property line. The revised preliminary and final plat, amended easement and the CC&Rs shall be submitted prior to the City Clerk signing the final plat. EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 10, 2021 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 10C SUBJECT: RZ-06-14MOD/RZ-14-20/PP-07-20 — Kingfisher Cover Townhomes Subdivision — Don Newell: ESTIFY PRO/ CON NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL 1 of/ EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 10, 2021 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 10A SUBJECT: Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Budget Hearing ESTIFY PRO/CON NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL ✓G( S[t,t9t0 e )J 770 Ye) /V fi I0.0 1 EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 10, 2021 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 10D SUBJECT: RZ-04-21 & PP/FP-01-21 — Middlefork Estates Subdivision — Mike and Julie Harrison: ESTIFY PRO/CON NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL o%/ EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 10, 2021 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 10E SUBJECT: VAC-03-21 — Vacation to the final plat of Williamson River Ranch Subdivision No. 3 - Tradewinds General Contracting, Inc.: ESTIFY PRO/CON NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL l of / -8/2O/2&21 ex— F 1 io[di 2022-2026 INTEGRATED FIVE-YEAR WORK PROGRAM DRAFT ACHD PROGRAM • ..- :--..i t i W1p ', August 10,2021 Nichoel Baird Spencer MCRP,AICP Director of Long-Range Planning& E _ Projects E.AG L E 1 WHAT IS THE IFYWP? The first two years of the Plan align with ACHD's Budget. Sets forth the strategies, projects Jr and priorities which the Ada The remaining years focus ACHD's efforts for future budget years. County Highway District (ACHD) will Jr pursue over the next five years. Allows elected officials, staff, partner agencies, and the public to work in a coordinated fashion to implement projects(Local$ - cost share agreements & capital planning). 2 1 8/20/2021 C ty and County Ctsmprehemive Mans Establish the land Use Vaion Regional Transportation Plan Communities in Motion Demographic Projections and Transportation Demand Model Strategic Man Primary City Asset Management and Resource Allocotron Involvement Capital Integrated Raw Improvements Plan Year Wort Plan Annual Budget Maintenance and Enhancement Projects ACND's Foundational Planning Documents:Bike Master Plan,Pedestrian Bicycle Transition Plan,Tronsportotion Land Use Integration Plan including the Master Street Map,Livable Streets Design Guide and Complete Streets Policy 3 ANNUAL REQUEST FROM ACHD November 1 6, 2020: Initial Request from ACHD December 2020: City Outreach January 4, 2021: Deadline for project submittal January 11, 2021: Transportation Work Group Review& Recommendation of Project Priorities January 2021: Request for Agency Support January 26, 2021: City Council Review of TWG Recommendation February 4, 2021: City Council Action on Recommendation February 24, 2021: ACHD Deadline for Recommendations May 2021: ACHD Commission work session August 2021: Comments on ACHD Commission Draft September 2021: Public/City comments on draft plan Late September 2021: Tentative ACHD Public Hearing 4 2 8/20/2021 PUBLIC OUTREACH - City Social media & website Email to School Districts Emails to Eagle School Administration (District, Private & Charter Schools) Email to Homeowners Associations Comprehensive Plan Participants Parks, Pathways and Recreation Commission* Transportation Work Group Recommendation New in 2021 5 PRIORITIZATION GUIDELINES All projects currently prioritized for project development or construction from FY2020 to 2024 should be retained- "Programmed Projects". Projects ranked 1 to 5 within a category receive prioritization points; projects ranked 6th or lower and below do not. (These projects are color coded by category) Properly and thoroughly identify why the City is requesting the project (corridor study, construction, safe routes to school, ped/bike facilities). Identify partnerships and plans that identify the same or similar need. Projects previously identified but being completed by development retained but moved to the end. 6 3 8/20/2021 CATEGORIES OF PROJECTS: ✓PROGRAMMED PROJECTS sr ROADWAY & INTERSECTION PROJECTS ✓COMMUNITY PROJECTS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS ✓Additional Studies & Requests (may includes request to lTD&City Depts.) 7 PROGRAMMED PROJECTS Projects that are in the existing ACHD 2021 -2025 IFYWP and have funding through a designated construction year. Cory9 vogi441; 8 4 8/20/2021 Roads&Intersections-Programmed Construct a quadrant intarvecuon,mdudmg specific local system improvements,as recommended in the Eagle Rd and State St Intersection Concept Study.The project includes studying the 2nd and State Street intersection and the Plaza Drive and Eagle Road Intersection to determine bes+. nine. Eagle Rd.&State St management/treatment to reduce back ups on State St during AM,PM,arid lunch peaks. 2020,2021 2022 2023 .".,erred Floating Feather Rd.&Linder Rd. Install a multi-lane roundabout in accordance with the 2016 CIP. 2022 2022.2023 2025 Widen Linder Rd to 5 lanes.with curb,gutter.sidewalk,and bike lanes in accordance with the 2016 CIP.The project includes construction of a multi lane roundabout at Linder Rd and Floating „mmea Linder Rd,SH 44/Floating Feather Rd. Feather Rd(IN217.o3)and bridges 41021 and#1022(MA214-03). 2020,2021 2022.2023 2025 ,-vilified Palmetto Ave_SH 44/Plaza Dr. Estend Palmetto Ave.from Plaza Dr.to SH 44.Install a right irr/nghtout access onto 5H.44. Complete Complete Complete I Widen Linder Rd.to S/Tlanes,with curb,gutter,sidewalk,and bike lanes in accordance with the Linder Rd.,Chinden Blvd.(US 20/26)/SH 44 2012 CIP.The project should include a grade separated greenbelt crossing of Linder Rd at the (State 51l north channel of the Boise Ricer. 2024.2025 2026 Future Community Programs•Programmed rtorseVirde Cleric Ru and r,outing Feather „- Rd Pedestrian Crossing Convert intersection to an all.way stop and install pedestrian crossing markings and signage. 2024 2024 2026 Horseshoe Bend Rd.and Shadow view St Install an enhanced pedestrian crossing near the intersection of Horseshoe Send Rd.and Shadow C _,e_ (Bucktail Dr.)Pedestrian Crossing clew Sr. 2020 2020 2020.2021 Complete a multiuse pathway on the east side of Horseshoe Bend Rd.,from State St.to Hill Rd in accordance with the Northwest Boise Neighborhood Plan and Bike Master Plan.Project includes installation of a precast bodge,an enhanced pedestrian crossing(rectangular rapid flashing beacon)at Utahna St ICM211-431.and installation of wayfinding and bikeway signago north to the ,mee Horseshoe Bend Rd,State St/Hill Rd. Eagle Sports Complex and south to the greenbeh. 2021 2022 2023 Complara sidewalk and install bike lanes on Edgewood to from State Sr.to Hill Rd.Project would C men Edgewood Ln.,State St./Hill Rd. complete connection between Boise River Greenbelt and Guerbar Park. 2020 N/A 2020 Install an enhanced pedestrian crossing and curb ramps on Eagle Rd.ar Ranch Dr. 2024 2025 2026 Ecomomic Development Extend Aiken,Rd,east to 2nd Sr.from s current terminus and compiete rho street section with corn,gutter and sidewalk,n accordance win Ae Eagle Rd.and Stare St intersection concept -.,,sirs St,Eagle Rd/02nd St suds. 2018-2019 2022 2023.2024 9 i° PP&HSB X-Ing 2024 2026 Roundabout +• 2024 2025 Ranch Dr Ped + HSB Ped X-Ing X-ing 2021 r 7. 202+2026 State&Eagle Linder Widening 2022-2024°P Aikens '•,,. • 2824 2025°' 2A22.2024°' • f- - _1c -.:ii.. psi'-: • Edgewood -r Pad/Bike . completed Linder SH-44 to HSB Ped as S 20/26 Design Improvements *Tx`. 2025 z 2023 • 2 ..4 Locust Grove "` � 5 - d-*T L Ped/Bike h R t * completed .. • � .. f e is c. PROGRAMMED PROJECTS 2021 -2025 10 5 8/20/2021 ROADWAY & INTERSECTION PROJECTS Projects within this program are primarily road and intersection widening projects with their associated bike and pedestrian infrastructure. Higher priority projects for ACHD focus on providing congestion relief and traffic safety. This program is the primary tool by which ACHD implements its 20-year Capital Improvement Plan, utilizing the key impact fee resources derived from this Plan. chink �' ' C4i4cii), ROADWAY AND INTERSECTION PROJECTS ARE HIGHLIGHTED IN YELLOW Sip 14.1111, 11 ROADWAY & INTERSECTION ACHD PRIORITIZATION 2021 CW1.tn IPYWP Proya S0.u.nto.n p2bilry Rrhl.g ..olOwYY 01.110 Nw Rgenq eyoloo OesoWolon Design YR ROW YR YR i ACNO Raopen5. ROOD ImpletwoomeNm Propo Now R Road wayur asgnpun Aslr-x NM Nor Nq e;an.rt,ral Ra era H�xvMw lid vt.s.rws.+re.:6e+n Re 1 hill Rd.5115:to Maronlx Berul Rd SRam(tot...Grxrber Pert Nb..Mown Evyb HA ho9ramrre.F P,op emnmf _a neJ ._. 2 Carl tn.x Al ba �. "a on Pat rn at.24 ro rae,.a q r rant cut. ri^d zOze Fury. Future Prol.m +nr.n ur nv d..q...M N ,rare .n..HAz fsu. • I Eagle _ l2hd*6 nyoRto ontorovornonn. 01'64 la:Rnerxd lttfctlenFloefa,4•Attoi vemm 1/1 of a mdv oaa M the 6martecbon to 01 14:non:)larv+w, ilrutin fvat#'O1 le uaM of Ballarrt%ro m�.rn trt ara,veataw Cla,W M end twa(la s el.nea.:2 nnc ltF° +rna 5 roar y 11/e mr a u.nIn .nrgwnn loon to the cc.,and till s n rnannadie.cl 'J Lmm tc;Wk..) u Yry, Mao l«a.ses.t 2024 202S amuse .q irayrammndu ba Mgnod in 2024. raS Para wO..w t%rea. oaery I..thor boxy Port sane M tnan RI as a I.rns sot., d n bn wnron es..newt ww dan W Dos,Csualannas Csoss t me Mterwz1u+nl VI.,Po...Rood n r .x .Roodo a v(lane at rr uiwlabwu era ICI we..q we :an rNrxrwJ /ewnrlNMn.A tr.0 tlwr 'a floannyi'eaJN�Rd Of sot Lot to Ltr.Jm Rd1 edowele en 11 l�.rylrel tote iacatwa. 2026 2025 Fmu.. q I r nw,lralraa..4rad in t0u aA�l rRd:Part to • Feather from Liner Rona to ralmr Erna as to coral rector a d lane 2aeeon L.A.StaMI Dubry u+G ie na+.f.41 WM xaF n rna Ire beM 4 1..4II2R25. PFe M a^ubrd FIn y timer 'S Llrxnny Feather Hd l_.ndn Rdw l'elmer Lot dataslwdsdewaM scatemntto.n.ltypttlaw 4s a 2025 Futureend Future .rcer rrc. rRV Pew W.dga /2(4 6 otsod VSzry3E Unto •a cyo, s(•Ares a. woFle cof ny tn.m I,.C n+f,onueNy �,efWd Irewl5ou11-'MClu:wu of non nNM Nre raxe+us m VS 3M1'261Cni^.;,,� �n�iuWor .1 24102/N ft t Atmoad to yra0ucan rpacNNtaa Noun VWumemCapxiM1;e.5%55 lE+yb Roadl: Muurktull aaK rIAI E r o Stre IGNmwoW Poetl],Bench on rM1e f'irden CM/Bnaa BercF irw M.k Ummlam R�xc..n.. .w EMI mr+M PY Creek c ROW I;ory wnity et L. ft...benefit andkau4J t5 ac.Ctl mclwrgelmwem 0 d 2Ofn awrsekonJ uw.no tub • • M tanlif4Nm GlenrraA brace to 5 3 xWen4 ft. .Na MN Na 1 d.qny lwrna.wort wowaf rwulu 6 .Ices.<itw.,Rrvr fiaau ly o%W nrnw yew[u mata aaanfiGPrrrlvcr. n. ...,3 .s......_ t .....,, wrn%bW Ly iO >M1rar i..0 Ru ff... 12 6 8/20/2021 FF Linder to Palmer FF Park to Linder FF Ballonlyne to Park 24-25(Design&ROW)aP 24-25(Design&ROW)aP , 24-25(Design&ROW)aP ,y, :. Pork Lane&SH-4 r - 2026(design) ' Hill SH55 to HSB Not programmed j : Linder SH44 to US 20/26 '� -_": 2025(design)." A .. 'Jw gyi¢ d g, ,#,,r y A j..9! A ,tt ^s 3CRX a r 6 - 4 ROADWAY & INTERSECTION PROJECTS 13 COMMUNITY PROJECTS Projects within this program are primarily focused on the bike and pedestrian scale within ACHD's right-of-way. Projects could include sidewalks, bike lanes, pedestrian crossings and other minor improvements for the primary benefit of the bicyclist or pedestrian. ACHD's highest priority within this program is the provision of safe routes to school. aPgilk ink COMMUNITY PROJECTS ARE HIGHLIGHTED IN BLUE 9- Pe1 Bike / -4t444% 14 7 8/20/2021 COMMUNITY PROJECTS ACHD PRIORITIZATION Community Programs Floating F ther Road.Address bridge ono canal crossings to accommodate a dedicate right turn Park tr,(OH 44(State St)to Floating Feather Rd) at SH-44. 2026 Future Future Sidewalk safety improvement fix grade separation at hack of sidewalk,install curb at rear of s.dc' Not Nor Nor 2 State Street,(Sherman to 2nd Street) walk to limit parking over sidewalk,install curbing at driveway approaches within the ACeD ROW Programmed r-•:ocrammc l gr,rn'r•d Complete gaps in the detached sidewalk system and bike network on Floating Feather Road from Floating Feather Road OM mile east of tit mile east of Ballantyne Lane to Park Lane.Address canal issues that limn pod and bike facilities s Ballantyne Lane to Park Ln.) at the SW corner of rho Ballantyne and Floating Feather intersection 2024 2025 Future Complete gaps:n the detached sidewalk system and bike network on Floating Feather Road from 4 Floating Feather Road(Park Ln.to Under Road) Park Lane to Linder Road.Address limited pod and bike faciliuos. Programmed Programmed Programmed Floating Feather Road(Under Road to Palmer Complete gaps in me detached sidewalk system and bike network on f loaung Feather Road fro,, `5 Lane) Linder Road to Linder Road.Address limited ped and bike facilities. 2025 Future Future Park Lane,(Floating Feather Rd to Beacon Light Reconstruct Park Ln to collector standards occluding curb,gutter sidewalks and bike tacibbes in 6 Road) accordance with the Livable Streets Design Guide. 2024 2025.2026 Future Support the Cny.n making the local roadway and network connections associated with Installation Nor Not Nut 7 SH 44 Bike/Pedestrian Crossing of a grade separated bike and pedestrian crossing of SH 44 between Eagle Rd and Edgewood Ln. Programmed Programmed Programmed SH 44(State St.)&Fisher Pkwy Pedestrian Nor Not Not 8 Crossing Install an enhanced pedestrian crossing on SH 44(State St)at Fisher Pkwy. Programmed Programmed Programmed Lakebrook Ln and Colchester St Pedestrian Not Not Nor 9 Crossing Install a crosswalk and signage on Colchester St at Lakebrook Ln. Programmed Programmed Programmed 15 t. a - :- , F ) ';_ ,� d 7? 6 Pork Lane(FF to BL) ,ay - FF(Ballantyne to Park) 2024-26(design&ROW) _ FF(Linder to Palmer) ',. 2024-25)design&ROW)o° 2025(des)gn)co .. .,M, ..a. 5 FF(Park to Linder) Programmedp° 4 1 Park Lane(SH-44 to FF) State Street r 2026(design) (Stierrnon to 2nd)c° `�'a> not programmed• 2 , 8 . 1 • -, ` '' SH-44&Fisher Crosswalk • not programmed r 7 -i S '^7 SH-44 xyng 4 n a not progrommeeP . ,F .s�L iritilku d - -• .t Lakebrook a-ing 1 f ..�;r - N. trot programmed +I•I COMMUNITY PROJECTS 16 8 8/20/2021 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS Projects within this program are primarily focused on partnerships between ACHD and the cities in Ada County to enhance an area to increase its economic development potential. Projects are identified by cities, through their land use planning efforts, identifying potential areas of opportunity where key infrastructure is lacking that would not reasonably be anticipated to be built by private development. Arisms, Loc./ Pro ed/s f Note: ACHD has not programmed new project in this category for 3-years %.0,�(� rj ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS ARE III6LILI6HTED IN RED 17 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ACHD PRIORITIZATION Ecomomic Development Enteed Aiken:Rd.east to 2no St.from.¢current terminus and cornplete the street section with curb.guner and sidewalk:r accordance wnh.the Eagle Rd.and State St..ntersacuon concept ...eo Aikens St.Eagle Rd:02nd St study. 2018.2019 2022 2023.2024 Improve Ankens St oust of Eagle Rd.and errand Olde Park PI.south to tee Plaza Dr.and Eagle Pe. Not Not Not Olde Park Extension,Aikens St/Plaza Dr. Intersecuon, Programmed Programmed Programmed Ear:nd I' .0 t ..al r, rcnr rn y ... Ea. Nor Nor Nor I:ia.ir S Extor roa /.«,��•el h'..:St r r ar.b^;.+ ar:; t':z Programmed Programmed Programmed 18 9 8/20/2021 is . / j { r Idaho Skeet Eaten o bit n qa�y Not programmed Ce 1 r t: o a -.'. , • DT Mobility Improvements > i Jo, v •e =a 2024 ae wIR ,1.l. T, .a..,y I'_— Per City Request to * .-. - ry 01e Park Place Extension > "<•.r 5 w ",,,,,"",,,,�,� .,,, \ rr'A Not programmed a° 1 ° \ � arvaw,e , r�*l ., ' 1 t ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS 19 STUDIES & SPECIAL REQUESTS Study Requests _ �td.Lea xat lone av In capaprty necdc .i V 'ti k rmpro nets between Floating rhn a a,:n r/or.ronrwctny Ur b.ryle.to tta float i11s,r*Ch and AC. ea.vo heater Road and Beacon Light Road begin thscussun.hut how m.mare ped/bike,a pmervrveiy plennwl. N/A N/A WA Please wiw tr.rin aaasla Sreur MapiM1M: The MOM signed by ACHD.denbf•es Neerran Ugh!as a Rural Anrn,el,3 lene.96-h c,pas ae.aicn iha rand atrial acts Leone ir.the ACHU L,oabe greets desgn gadel,ne is S lanes.Thera is a Deacon Light Road:Develop two�2J cross rtiunm*ct bulween the Cry's wsarn.whir is In the MSM and U*Lovable Seas desgn yi delete, Ira Cay sregneengrb,•IAC.HD update Ira Lovable Sects dasge go."orapproprate sections fat inclusion.n the MB•Aet$[reel Map document tc develop a 3 law rura.arterial Mal addresses sepa,ared vdewalks and a cuss 2 of 3 1 yp w d aw ngs io a Mu ... 1,Ski tb to 4nde,diAl2)Linder to SH 55 bon Ione fora 3 lane eeervan rho work oval support me Cty s and ACHU s reguoe toeped'b•ka ealopmenl.ACHU wpuM racarr.nwr,u ACHD) r ,m our e.o.yda, WA WA WA suulying dw.o Wdug comdpr. mplete Bed/bike counts for floating Feather elko/Ped counlus are....labia ihraugh COMPASS rho Cryshould,aka a mqueal rd Iced.,me .rid Beaton Light Road WA WA• Wa ,..ueu rvaiF sent«.i,aRe lcr.ti.luavon. .Street:irutRc Calming-r ss ROW A/Iha old Hwy.s ec[hds sly/brans e.reesllOWatihouastnnd wnuendofdn.n,tnwn nt Suer an East and from Kestrel west In Wak wnh ACHE.toedenhfy potential prgats le narrow the steal td reduce speeding through uenbity options ton traffic cabmin9 dowmpwn.Opaoin may mclueb madrans,on street parking and public a2 WA WA WA ... 20 10 8/20/2021 STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS 1 : Emphasize the need to fix existing pedestrian hazard — State Street •OP budgets $1 OK offer match 2: Emphasize desire to work with ACHD on Ped/Bike Design on Beacon Light Road •Unique cross section •Urban-rural Transition Area 3: Thank for deferral and cooperation on DT Mobility Improvements •Consider moving forward Plaza Drive & Aikens (E. of Eagle) •Aikens has 100% design and E. Aikens is at 95% design •City support current plans for both 4: Request ACHD lead/participation with Idaho Parks on Fisher Parkway Crossing 5: Request elected official participation in larger planning discussion on 3CRX 21 Next Step: ACHD comment period closes: Friday, August 20th Changes, Recommendations, further considerations that impact ACHD's budget & IFYWP ACHD Budget Hearing- Wednesday, August 25th ACHD IFYWP Work Session- Wednesday, September 1st ACHD IFYWP Hearing- Wednesday, September 22nd QUESTIONS? 22 11 8$f 2O21 c044 Kingfisher Cove 3 THE Townhomes =' ___t Eagle, ID 110 4mise LAND June 21,2021 ginibaisimilA GROUP Development Goals "Encourage the development of high-density residential units (up to 10 dwelling units • Single Family Townhome Development per acre) on the northeast • Provide diversified housing options corner of the State Highway • Improve transition adjacent to HWY 44 44 and Ballantyne Lane just south of West State Street."... • Create community feel "Uses in this area should be • Complement Eagle Design Standards developed and controlled through the rezone and development agreement process." 2017 Eagle is HOME Comprehensive Plan 2 1 8/20/2021 Master Plan Data LEGEND 0 30"Landscape Berm 0 5'Landscape Berm © 12'Landscape Berm • 7.38 Acres `0 Visitor Parking • Rezone 1 ` © Bicycle Rack MU-DA to R-9-DA s`' - • - Pergola Shade Structure • Proposed Units=63 ©" �n 0 Townhomes A"/ - 7 Swimming Pool • Lot Size=80'x 21' _ • Open Space=2.90 acres — Future Phase • Extensive buffers provide good transitions to , 1 © ' adjacent uses, meet code l :, requirements and keep `1 t © , Eagle streetscape theme � :� ,, eta rP�� in play '` Regional Pathway ` High t/44 O 0-. .'1 •a, -. ... . . , r 3 Architectural Style . —±fir ; , } MI, "'. .. IF Kingfisher Cove Townhomes l • --: III tilt li it r �. L _ .. :4"IT ill - F 4 2 8/20/2021 Context Map Birds Eye View-Looking Southeast . . r. �' W State St..-- -�.� . } t�� _ a �.. . Future Phase -' . • �^ - i, t'e ,. ,i 191 ' 1 i'''' li.,',..*::,';';'.4.' 'AI* .. . .'''•."f--,. LEGEND 4 0 30"Landscape Berm tr if— 4 °'' ' s © 5'Landscape Berm x,- © 12'Landscape Berm I, Visitor Parking . Y elBicycle Rack z. /YaBh Re6opa Pa -r 3,,,r _e \ Wdy 4q thWut t.' ' © 'w• \ 4 O Pergola Shade Structure �Y © (O *o }}0 Swimming Pool Birds Eye View of Kingfisher Cove-Looking North 5 Project Highlights '-d A Ill +nr IA '11114614/4—:,.,h,',1-7- ''''''' ':::::;11'''''''''''''i'';''''''''''''' 1 Ir'*'*':::';'''''''''''''S;':::':,: ' ''''''''''':' ' 4WD uM�;b a..� uIIIi �4 111knp'u'rr i +F r"1.` i' 'k i Birds Eye HofKingfisher Cove 1,--V f '`' 3 8/20/2021 Project Highlights - .., -441,. .' ..:, ,..: ,_.,.. ...,... .:, ' . .., .. ._ ,,,., , , _me , •'r .4.. ' t il - , J i II I -411111111111imliMmOmr.— View of Private Alley View of Interior Pathways View of Berm along W State Street ... — . • . ligitow ., .‘i.:4,`,,,••••'-':':'.-.*A..'••= ''.... . :-,:i-'.'..:.•.,,,,•4•''' .. 1 :?: ... ...-. , ..kf.. :-.,-.:-..,,,s,;‘, : - . . -•,,-- ,- 0,,,- , 42'. ,f- -, .--#"', 4444' Lvi.t.-2.,.,,,, ,i,..„,:, ,,,„4., 4..,:„,'.: -- .:.,-4.t,--.. ,;,*4-."1,'Iii, . -,:. A',2-.:,-- .'-.... ,i--',:t.,.t- ,, '; -. --,--9• A.,'I, -- .-....- -,- .,. - tikiii,,..v...--,1---.:--, :'ef ' 7•;".f.,.:7;,v,' , 4,0\ rimr-- -.i-oer-rf,.., .10,e, '," -. ,..: . ' 43..,..,:rito. -" ' .,-‘,-,,, 4*- ,.74'' ' '''.''''''''''' ,%i.•''?t -.6,-',... ..-'''' :::4,4..•. -,,1,t,......, 4.-e,' ' ....., .4ii...,..,;,:,--.-:', ' -,.tttl%;',4101t"... .?;: .... '''' - ''-kt.' ' ' ,;- ' . 4-; 0'100 •-'41:": .,..1•'''' "',.,'!,..:.1 ''''''',,-'''-- '- • ,;=,.,- olifft View of Landscape Buffer from N Ballantyne Lane 7 Project Highlights . .„........ ,. „,... .- ,...,....... ,-,.. . „. --, . .... ., .. ... ..... .:.....-:. ,, .. . ,...„, „Li.. . . ,... . , Hwy 44 Buffer:12'Berm ....„...,..._ . --..... - -,..:,. ... .,, . . -..., ,..- .. . . ,,...„.... . . „...,, ...,..,, mir State Street Landscape Buffer:5'Berm 8 4 8/20/2021 Project Highlights ,. SYS'HEAVYFLAT CAP Screening Fence at Berm 1 Landscape Buffer �DUTY POST ... -. 10'CONCRETE i ' PE(OSTLIZI.SPACHO T o.0. A, ID _ ,L` BI'i. 006 ,n 6' i t7 t6 . . . NOTES 1 COMPOSITE WOOD FENCE SHALL BE SOLID TONGUE AND GROVE 6 HT x 8 WIDE PANELS 2 FENCE SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM f964-0V 1. BOTTOM RAIL SWU.L.HAVE METAL REINFORCEMENT 4 COLOR TO BE SELEC TED SR OWNER401 . Solid Composite Wood Fence 9 Comprehensive Plan Alignment 6.673YOF P�f, r* w cF�� rM'-� `� ;'^^..,..-_ate _ „.,,.,„,„.., ..L. „,„,...„ . , 8 , ...,„ ,, , ,,„.T, La 11"Af IF, Eagle is HOME,we are a community that envisions our future as: H ealthy: LIVABLE,TRANSPORTATION,ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP,ACTIVE COMMUNITY 0 ptimistic:CHILDREN&FAMILIES,DIVERSIFIED EMPLOYMENT,HOUSING OPPORTUNITIES,ECONOMIC SUSTAINABILITY M ultifaceted: MAINTAIN A RURAL AREA,DIRECT GROWTH,WELL-DESIGNED ACTIVITY CENTERS,MULTI-GENERATIONAL E conomically Viable:STRONG ECONOMY,DISTINCT DOWNTOWN,BALANCED COMMUNITY,LOCAL 10 5 8/20/2021 Comprehensive Plan Alignment CHAPTER 5:ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Focus:Provide a broad range of housing options,thereby allowing the city to locally house a large amount of the community's future workforce. 1r ti 'v Middle Housing crn:as. — Missing 11 Comprehensive Plan Alignment CHAPTER 6:LAND USE Infill/High Density Residential:Suitable for lofts,townhouses, "Encourage the development of high-density and apartments within or adjacent to downtown or as par of residential units(up to 10 dwelling units per acre)on a mixed-use node/community center. Densities range from 8 the northeast corner of the State Highway 44 and to 20 units per acre. Ballantyne Lane just south of West State Street." -2017 Eagle is HOME Comprehensive Plan CHAPTER 6.16:SH-44&BALLANTYNE PLANNING AREA Residential uses(including single family,live/work, N STATE STREFT FNECT condos,townhomes,and temporary/corporate housing)should be considered as complementary uses `71` jf in this area and should be scaled and designed to be ��% pedestrian-friendly to establish a village feel along ' /�/, / collector roadways. Hwy 44 wsr Vicinity Map NOT TO SCALE 12 6 8/20/2021 , / , . i 42tt,-1 4400,. . ,a o., , / tk / - ,. * / , ,ono-i .. 4 ou e st'I o . 13 Preliminary Plat ,..:- ...... ..„—,,........'=4,-,... , ._- ....„...- - ........--,-......--.-+-7 1,-------1,--1"?'- __=:-.:-.. •Tr-:„....,--1-- ,--- &-r----- - -;.-.- ' ! -.,:.-=---- 'I !„..-.,— .1.; r........ ,--' — - Fi _i ,....: ..,_ /if -ILE. -,........., 0 c. A- __47,ir- • -1 , ill _...'`,kk, ,, -,.. ,---,---17 - 'N' t....,,:-L—•.-..atia -Lar.1 -":_......—1V,,, N,.',„, ''-'. if,'sz ,:,*.a. 177 - ‘7,-44, -'-'I ''' ''-'' •,, ,* ,04‘ I ll. -' ''THt'-':1 '...21',1111:-'-ilr.F=--1—•-7.,"" ,^r _ _ 'r.s-.u,,,, _„,,,__ --,,-± -, 1; ,......r., pPi.00 ....oft% trromese. (Dn.' 1.,,,„,.,,„„„„plat 7 14 8/20/2021 Open Space Exhibit LANDSCAPE CALCULATIONS /�� Hatch Lewitt Highway 44 Landscape Buffer ■ Length of Road Frontage:725' -- —'— j / m �. w m a. Trees: Deciduous Evergreen Ornamental j / ...WA Required 44 73 29 _...._y.�..— i•e+ii<!SE—,- ,� - l ! uz� Proposed'44 73 29 ,F ji �t `'� i\ `\ srou State Street Landscape Buffer � \ Length of Road Frontage:562' I�i ��� \\ Required Buffer:50'Width(Total Area:25,591 SF) ,j� ',,i ®' - � ® \ Provided Buffer:Width Varies(Total Area:28,286 5F) r` ��� ®� ��®�ifflai Trees: Deciduous Evergreen Ornamental '%'�.r®� ®1 ® ' ri�I Required: 28 45 17 `� ®I-I®, ' �\ Proposed. 28 45 17 -- \�� ®I anal ' /��/♦�1 Residential Street Trees \\��......r. r Total Residential Street ROW:1,377' �I``�y��.`— _ ,� � •"-� •,: �¢� \ Trees:Deckduous �I —"--— 1f. Requued:17 I IEEE ®� ®� ®� w••- Proposed:34 �I� ; Common Lot Open Space All Open Space Active Space ®i.i ji® ®� ® 162.1 \ \ Total Acreage Required: 1.48 AC 0.22 AC I® '®' I�, ®I I �I Total Acreage Proposed: 3.04 AC 0.64 AC ®I I® '�� '®, �I '�' , ( \ Common Lot Trees ®I, �' \`\ \\ Total Required:22 "'—''-" ". Total Proposed:22 ?' • Tree Mitigation . 1 Total Caliper Inches Removed:0" r a Total Caliper Inches Proposed:0" _____ No trees removed which require mitigation. _. 15 Right-of-Way Exhibit ', ", ACHD Right-of-way ,,, e't •. .., _ • °• ,.rH **0 ITD Right-of-way o 3� --- 56,8835For1.31AC ` "?w„at' a.. Sa tml - 4 g &t t: s a F W.e..*F'4 'u tiwril a '€r ''d" k y4 - rF ...�.,wy'•^p.® ,— In— '"r`'t. '/9i13'i- '' —. mr.,....,e.d.n. w ..�,.. __.. .: . 16 8 -812e0424. cisliolal _.. MAL PLAT til IVIIDDLEFORK ESTATES SUBDIVISION 14 PART OF THE NE 1/4 OF ME SE I/4 OF SECTION 1, T. 4 N., R. 1 frf,B.M. CITY OF EAGLE, IDAHO _SLICC i 2020 550.1721gblittr-r:' 000*ere I& J L:7:'., HWY'S MK ttoll Ill 1 • 0 ' 0 1 ' : t L f mot. J ,:.•••• •,,f';',..f.r.....f.'"4-.......-,--,ff,..-f-,-- •-• •,s,-- \ .V:f. .F.----- — --.fw fjf,I;:.f‘f.—— - .--\ \ --g+- ..).4", ‘,.,„. \ i 711 c- . ^ (i) 4 .-1...-I- ",:.r.a,gzalq...1 ‘, 0 N )N• ® 9 \ 'I ' VI\•(4=z— .„ LEONID ,ez' > 'A. \. ---, - ---,' '\ , \ \I. \ ..,,„,, - —11 i r- =,r,.= ..,,f r- m.f,..Aff......,. a..4 • ,.. \ \ il 1 , 1 9+,9.0 All WAD 0 11 I '\itt' \ I 0 10*0 \ li MEW%R% t i PAII *•I f 49,000 N tUS.Ma 9...,,,,,.... .... >"49 4:- 7 , , _—-------— 9----___ _ -- -- \ V" \ , -- (.2) .9.99ATIED 11,--- 5516..Yrn2R AO RRAIIVF itr) .1.,?; - '919:="74=9:9"."2',Odefer"V="919797' I a...team,ewers r99r ?•=,9'.99 1 4 1 " OAROVROCOROZ ..........-':„. 4,..„44 ....,,:, 1 --.....1—',..,..,....,?.....,, ,........\ \ I 11°.—\\:41i., SUBDIVISION .• AZE RANCH ‘1\ 'I.:JOE,VISION O. 4 ---.1------ -..,4• 7 > •..\ -, 1 44.0-.... 4" , CAN •BURY 1 II 1.m. 1 SNY CITK CANAL ( MARSHALL FARMS I tlIBONISIEN NO 1 r.. cOLONY n , SUBEINISIO '......'''.---I----- .VICINITY MAP MAP 2 1 8/20/2021 Meter at 1655 N Meridian Road Mike - Our mapping shows three meters for 1655 N Meridian Road, one installed 2008 and two installed in 2005. Clip from mapping below: ir r ' \\ tiikioL..H. ''''''\ 4\ ., 1 le Floatin, Feather N. -` ` 0401-4 s s i , _ �t _ _ i 3 i y C gin �' ' '. s w,z r, ib , . , .6. . w ,‘.. _ ,,, - ,... , .. ,....*_ - ..,,....}.. .„.. . . .... .„..k. ; ‘._ •16. .--4 . ,t,,,.. ,,., ,... ,1 , , tm • a 1i Street Light Entrance to Canterbury ikmomM .s 4,3 rc ; 4 2 8/20/2021 • Street Light Henry's Fork 5 Rc t IDf�' Landscape Buffer 6 3 8/20/2021 ar ra.•g a� -;� L ? }, 7 tr ,a � � i � rat ' d �x .: x , Landscape Buffer 7 1. to t' . . la. 4, '�Fa .x'^ f3. ilit Ike' q.t ^ �f. :;,,'!,..-4ri 7" 4. eF s4Y } ✓3 ,3 4 4. Landscape Buffer " 'i 1 , . •cam ,, { C'' '1144„ } *.a 3', ,. '-k,"..4".,a...4.k , '*,a u.,Zt, . ear _ .-.r'��'" 1+h�3».=. 4. ,:' al"3`*. 8 4 8/20/2021 } ,,,:o...ii.....1..: '::: * � L **, § 4-.:i:!', .' e „:31,..2";-;:...:,,,,4,,,, ,, ,„.. , .... .,. .,... 4.,, ,..„40,...„,, ...,.... •, ., . . n j� - 5j� 9 •p is-�4' -J ♦ 1Y .k.-..1. k %X4s `Tr..*•,. .. ,. _ , .,: .,...:::„ •.,.,,..:_it,;1;';',';;',..;,),-- ,,..r.il, ' g,y �5.,, sN ,1- I� . �. tee. r xv-.,..,..: Landscape Buffer 9 �$ ,—;„ 7. '� �r a *,77k" a '1.3'"' x r k . a ''� fie'; t -eg - ¢ . . .&h{ --...,•- -., •----.... ---...„-•r ,..---, - ,.. - ::...,,,-.*.,,..:,-.-f,-,:..;.--..-.A.;.:,J:3,.---,..-,--,-.4--• -- -.-.ve ,,,-- - -..-, 7-,- ry b fk ' { }ralt .'TJ 1 Zr ''''�- } d1 ; i:.„S V -4. 4. ,r Y7 Landscape Buffer �. „ nht,,,, G, *` .t � < i- 10 5 8/20/2021 s Y K , "?l • ¢B ,..,,, . .,.:,_,_ ,., , _.._ ....,..._,......„..", .., 144 Landscape Buffer 11 4,'• .. 011:t4c1 .1,1'4:7A,,....-- L Lot 3 Noteooking Elevation Change 12 6 8/20/2021 f"A' •r.3 am;T i .: 8 4 r+rif ht("7 , . r �" . -Ai'r'', V �) tt I - , -... A v �hR F ;:\ I i i.Looking West _ 13 ' Tr 1. br i).., Via$ � .... ?� " s k 4':: r*-ef:.. .'-:.', - i 0 t • 0I .� . ',`', Looking East Towards Meridian Rd. . • Note Elevation Change 14 7 8/20/2021 r, }. �, • '110 a i f 9 $+' y. y . t Looking North Lot 2 a � 15 • • • Looking North Lot 2 16 8 8/20/2021 . - ,v; L'Iiiiifyi.747::::4.-..'.4 .-44,10.:":,!'- -...- ,.' ,_ -,,stt,„.. twn ,„ ..,,,,, .,ixi4v,,, ,,t4,, .4,-, .:4 ' 417" ,;,,,,e.',, -;;;:-., tik-.:',. s'eit, -.'."4' .':1 '' s• � f .,, killialli a ., M Lot 2 35'Dnveway/Landscape/Irrigation/Easement y;�,� 17 9 8/20/2021 , .. . . , . .,... , . .., .. , .. •.. ,• • r'..' • . , .„ , .,.• . .,,, -- . .., - , . ,_.„,••• '--•.:;-'''''''• .,.•7" )1, , ' ,. •-,t,,,*.' : ': ' . -t - ,: ", ,.., • 444 it' ' ' . 4 .. . ..--,,,..(6 .7.,..„ ..... , ..... ... . . ,,, • - ..,„ ' ''''‘,- ‘•::' 4 -'-.-• ' ' *„.4 Or - —...... „.. , .. . , . ... .,...„, ,.• ...AV ' .., . . 11 ... - 1 .- _ --'-•','- ----•-• :7_ . „. 31. - •„ • -,.: - 40,,V- -'. . • - -,- . .- ......„ ,. w ,,,,, vv. • s•.• ' 1• ' . " `,. ' 47' ,14 ! 1 ,..„ -! ithiiii ' ' , 7- 1 ' '''' ' . ' '• . , t,44..; . lilt . J., . . ,.,• . ....‘ • ., 4.s. 1- * ... 4 .... .. :-. . , ... - •--.`,1. , • i — . -1- ''.. *.*, 44 ' '.1:.. 114t ''''‘ '. ' ' '. It•' . '''....10. ..- .,' ' -.1 • . • - +. 'ai 4 . .• 0 .,.. 4, . - - , ,. 1? _ . • . ,•-------,,-- - .. , --- 1 , .- 1 '•,. v. -.1—. • ‘...: -•,.., . N• ..*.- ,*.,--. ;.-. ;9 - , lit , • • --..*--a. —.. , . . t„=,,1 1 .--- ---4 t Aerial Map .,. . , , .... -. lk. "•:,--- . .«-..,*-K !--.' - . • ,:- -1 '''''''' '•4* .. ---- 2 ' 1 8/20/2021pit y i v Walking Path Looking North 3 • oet • k ti • EL 4 a �....W e Walking Path Looking N.E. 4 2 8/20/2021 .4 s r • • y°, �r T t.•i.f vt fj n..4i m^•� � YSsa, a .....,w.- t.W✓ ��. Lot 3 Looking North Landscaping Berm *- 5 •TM • ' p' ' • • Lot 3 Looking North ` A Landscaping Berm •y *+ • 6 3 8/20/2021 • f jai ��`� - s v- , .. fit 1� '',� .,.. r • awe '�_,. *� r - .w i »i. j it -a,.�s. 1 �� '` ..".." i j , r v ,Y ," ''� , +?a!a i "�' 4 \ , j'''" + ;' '.'„ai 1k- Landscaping Along The Path '" 7 )y,,,•-r41'17)..,...;' K' ", ,. 4'. • £ 'qr �e J ssyy,v,,� �--/ tea a ,, �i� e.� �«• t�> he�`�� „�� :.,�t� s•\. �� � ,�'``�' 3�Via* °�': h :.i, *a . .4 l� ate A '.,, , Y",1 74' ,} '_ "• ` a•'' 6, a A . . .,,,, .,, . .. ._ 7$& . ., . .. . . „ -.J.-04 , . , ..,.... ., .„..... . ... ..„......... ,.... .......... ..,, ,A.,.,,,,,.,,.v . , fj i V , ,1 3 _ >' 8 4 8/20/2021 _l .s. i 7. ri 4; *i . - _ 'Iy1- • rr • Y N^.�{jl r r { ter r^ 'Y s' as .sw.... - -- .-a II ii Q. ,,i 4-t,t. :- , --.." ---4,-4„...... :vi,i-i..i-i -.',,..-. 9 x • Y. y x. *• 'I ^.1i kw t .., ,, r 4 r a,krf . s-A Walking Path Looking East > d1".A, yid'Or t ,v.�„ 10 5 8/20/2021 . ., • • •, - IP' i .0' ;:.1•'.''' . V ' ,....., _ a oba• ''''`'''' .?' ' . vo. :' ., 4,:3010: t*:.1.,:%4Z:.. .4.4•'' i': :-1*: '''.1.'f' ......v, ,,, i41tit '.., . 'i.." ''.' ,a,' ''''s a . ' ...\ •,. ,,,. ' . a lomm. ■•••----,. ', '-'' ---- ' : 1111111111..............,..ii- 111.1.1Wit - .*.t , . WM/1/ga' 1111111111.1111, tg'-''' , 7, ismii , . . - ,A,....:4,'- '.4). ""` '.• - * ;:t' Landscaping Berm "%it,...,‘ , ',!,.kP'1..ir't',,,-"•,•.- "` -..,5,„,4!",..,"': 11 ' . ''•.':4- °` ' 414.,,,. '4* '5. • .r. 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S,1K4*V4-1',A 1" `, * - '' ! . .+41:*.i,V+ , i ' , .. ,:-#:.•.„,,, ':,-.!.. , „, :'''.,..'::;Y '.41;417' , A,iit ,'4'4,,.''''k k',''' I!`;' ;'-',k(',4.k•-+ ' ,-' ''''' ''"4••-"sOik.,l'r"..•...-':'.•`',"4,47',' •r-','„;' '"*:',•' ,.'-',..; 1 CT-1141 4,01,1,1".,`,.' •, , ' , ' —- t .- ' t' -"'" , *4•)1/2,ilik-,,,*•?4t.,4 ,, ' - . '• kl'•'• :-,la r•,.°I • -.,°•-,', 'A•' -4 12 6 8/20/2021 le :- - --;..1,',., ,,t' '.,..,,,V....tf.',, „- ..,tA. 1. f ' L . .1 _ ii1 Walking Path x s' Jx 13 s. } i h ,s w y K S N.Property Line Lots 2 3 14 7 8/20/2021 Nit..4.,,i,:, „,e . t,..i. • t ,f t• \ �, p�,• •y-Fly• f �' /. Y., `.0 < R •� u h 3 *i 'W' 'tip_'+° Walking Path East Lot 2 • 15 t • ...lt#,...: 'Y''''.::•'; " ' l',• ',)Y,,, iy; , .:7I-..„..' ,,'.. -i,' .;..:".,',,10* - ,* .4 s �.fir. ; � ^y x ,A�-' - ,�q l r f f �- , . .., `a '+`r ` "` yY 2 iF '1 ', 16 8 8/30/3O2l Walking Path West Lot 2 17 Looking West From Meridian Rd.Lot 2 18 9 8/20/2021 yy��, { aS n y `fy s h^ " .:: Lot ,„ Driveway/Landscape *.,,.. a_ �` Easement 35 Feet �° 19 4 ' T t'. wcm e. .,{; ,i .'" '...4 "`#� ems` ` . '" �Y=,` «s' a , Wµ ,. . ti 20 10 8/20/2021 4,; _,, ,,,, .._i.,..t.,,,,-..,:r..v,t,,-:1,,,i„,,,,,,i,J,::-',,„:,,,, :...:,,,,.. .__,.., N , . ..,,,...„.::. ',..itlet—');'' ).fo';;ift.,,.,.., r 1*'' r � �- 21 t"l j . f `xa , YT - a Entrance to Canterbury „'t C" ,, Off Of Floating Feather 22 11 8/20/2021 ,, Downtown Eagle Streetto Light 23 / "4i, d� gg, t 24 12 8/20/2021 i. 1.f +4. 4 , , .,, ":+i l'Ai '`' '�� * �« .VI Its F i `„ „... m§«.- yq t 4$ 25 t r r 26 13 8/20/2021 Cavallo Street Light 27 t f k r ti IIEEEEEF .fir 4 Castlerock Street Light 28 14 8/20/2021 x n,w, SHARED ROAD AND IRRIGATION EASEMENT AND MAINTENANCE DECLARATION this Shared Rowland Isdgation Easement andbfamtenancc Declared.is made CTealve Ibis_—day of.___..._..............202),by JULIE HARRISON.a Inwood woman as her sole and separate property,and whose addresg is 1655 North M.xidia,Road,Eagle.Idaho 13616 ("Declarant"). RECITALS: WHEREAS.Declarant is the owner and dwdnpee of the real property Iodated at AS County commonly referred to.5Bddlefak Estates(the"Property"),which seal property is mare folly described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incapoaed hadu; WHEREAS,the development of the Property will amen thane(3,separate pacds know as Lars I,2,and 3 and Ives 2 and 3 will have a shared access.id a shared'common damewed en depimed on the attached Exhibit B attacked...to,mat made a pan hereof(the"Shared Driveway").. WHEREAS,the development of the Propmy will include lbe divadon and delivesy ef dnga..water fa®fanners l-wsn Ditch Company,Lama/v"9 and will include the eousnuction d a)a 3 x 3'x 3'Inigationn tut with two 12-inch Waterman slides on Lot 1-b)a 4' x 4 a 4'inigaion So,with one 1Sinch and one 12-inch Waensan slide gate on La 2,and c)a 4 x 4"x 4''mgaticn box with one IS-ivch and we 12 wch Waterman slide gate n I.of 3.and will include the existing open ditches on Lots I.2 and 3 O,ereinafter"litigation Improvements') and which we depicted on the attached Eabahil B attached hens and made a pan bereof. WHEREAS.Declarant dcures to confirm and grant easements fa Shared Daivewav and Inigalmn lmpso.emeun,including an tomsd conditioos...cantina maintenance regwndhibties for said Shared Dn.eway and Irrigation lmlxm emrnss,wide.the tens and conditions.ntla al hereafter. AGREEMENT: NOW THEREFORE,Declarant haeby declares as follow.. 1. Declaration of Ea%moat for Shared Dtl.ew a..1)nc1a3211.as g,m,oe.haclrc grants Pa t,and»ts mod the,t1rIfIllar,dflt,n.,,...nn:rinn2andI;ts11,enxre5and 29 15