Minutes - 2021 - City Council - 06/10/2021 - Regular EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES June 10,2021 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pierce calls the meeting to order at 3:03 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: GINDLESPERGER,PITTMAN, BAUN, PIKE. All present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 4. WORK SESSION: A. The City of Eagle will be conducting a series of meetings with the Avimor development representatives to provide information to the Mayor and City Council regarding the potential annexation of the project. The site is located on the east and west sides of SH55 approximately 4 'Y2 miles north of Beacon Light Road and extending north into Boise and Gem Counties.Discussion topics will be listed on each agenda. Following the informational meetings, if the property owner elects to pursue annexation, then the process outlined in Idaho Code 50-222 will be implemented along with the required public hearings identified in Idaho Code 67-6509 and Eagle City Code Section 8-7-8. Mayor introduces the matter. Council member Pittman acknowledges that he was unable to attend the last work session,however he has viewed the archived video. He poses questions regarding obtaining an updated fiscal analysis, funding for law enforcement in Boise and Gem County, EMS services and prosecution services. Dan Richter, Managing Partner of Avimor and Jeff Bower with Givens Pursley address the questions posed. Discussion. Mr.Richtor introduces the Avimor team that is attendance. 1. Traffic Avimor is seeking the expansion of Ada County highway District into all three counties, Gem, Boise and Ada that the Avimor project falls within. They are also investigating forming a local highway department to serve Avimor proper. Currently a roadway maintenance agreement is in place with Boise County that allows Avimor to maintain the roads. Sonia Daleiden, Kittleson and Associates, 101 S. Capital Blvd Ste. 600 Boise, Idaho. A traffic analysis is in the final stages of completion;and when completed it will be reviewed by ACHD and ITD. Avimor has unique traffic characteristics compared to typical residential developments. Most residents in Avimor are retired or work from home, in addition to the fact that they have access to recreation practically in their backyards. Studies show that a typical residential development would generate 100 PM peak hour trips,whereas Avimor generates only 50 PM peak hour trips. Discussion regarding trips,access, intersection planning,underpasses. 2. Street Dedication Page 1 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\2021\CC-06-10-21spmi i n.docx 3.Water/Irrigation Brad Pfannmuller, discusses the water infrastructure that was initially installed and water conservation. Mr. Pfannmueller reviews water conservation efforts which include that all homes and common areas are planted with Firewise and Xeriscape landscaping. Avimor homes use less that 50% of water per home than a typical home in the valley. Additionally,they reuse all water from homes for irrigation of parks and common areas. Jason Thomson, SPF Water Engineering Ste 350 Boise, Idaho. Mr. Thomson reviews the current water rights held by Avimor, and the additional permitting that is being sought. At build out Avimor is projected to need 7 cfs to serve the development, and if the additional cfs are acquired there would be an excess of 3-8 cfs above the projected need of the development. Discussion. 4. Sewer Mr. Richter discusses the Avimor Water Reclamation Company that has been installed is an advanced system. The facility was built and designed to be expanded in the future to cover all of the development.Redundancies have been built into the system in order to meet the Department of Environmental Quality requirements. Discussion. 5. Open Space Mr. Richter states that the Village One has approximately 60% open space. Habitat Management Plan that includes noxious weed plan, recreation plan and fire and vegetation management plan have all been created for the development. Avimor has clustered development in Villages and Hamlets to allow for large unobstructed space. Discussion. 6. Trails Mr. Richter states that Avimor has over 100 miles of trails currently in development. The trail system accommodates all types of users from horseback riders to ATV riders. A portion of the HOA fees goes to maintain the trials. At full build out Avimor will have over 300 miles of internal and external trails. Discussion. 5. ADJOURNMENT: Baun moves to adjourn. SecondedjwYskiiimo. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES Hear' g no further business,the Vi tiar q k� s adjourned. Re ectfully submitte . $ S .••"••••••'••.• . • -QORAT T CY E S ,CMC + •'* S Als' ' o O CITY CL L� •;toRpoo;•• r •. J�.•••...••• P ,#• APPROVED: ' q OF **, •. * ���� , JAS N PIERCE MA OR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT W W W.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 2 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\2021\CC-06-10-21spmiin.docx 8/9/2021 >p► VIMQf2 EAGLE CITY COUNCIL JUNE 10, 2021 1 INTERNAL STREET We are currently in discussions with Ada County Highway District for the expansion of their district into all three counties We have researched the possibility of the formation of a Local Highway Department to serve Avimor proper i - In 2020 we signed a Roadway Maintenance Agreement with Boise County for Avimor to %'ttJ' �" •✓,;. k s ty maintain the roads • i { °, • • 2 1 8/9/2021 TRAFFIC Data from traffic monitoring shows Avimor has unique traffic characteristics compared to typical residential development Residents are retired or work from home; link trips when they go into town; have access to recreation in their backyard For every 100 homes: A typical residential development would generate -100 PM peak hour trips Avimor generates only 50 PM peak hour trips 3 SR 55 EXE PM Peak Hour 18% Avimor trips .82% other trips Friday PM Peak Hour 15% Avimor trips 85% other trips 4 2 8/9/2021 Site Access B \ McLeod Way Avimor Drive 5 ria dile lift 11'1; -Key findings from traffic analysis: McLeod Way RI/RO + underpass required with buildout of Area 1 Turn lanes on SH 55 required for Site Access B -Avimor Drive interchange required at 50% buildout of Area 1 (approximately 5 years) Proportionate share contributions to long-term solutions on SH 55 6 3 8/9/2021 \ \ \ NI cr.;=.'d Way Avimor Drive 7 TRAFFIC 8 4 8/9/2021 T1AFFI C i ._..1 tJ 4L-_, ; .•. iiilli 1 ' d- 4ke 1 ,, .1 "� Iii, • I T.f 7 ', / ,ter i, 0 9 WATER In 2007 Avimor spent approximately six million on initial infrastructure to the site This covered Village Ones 839 homes along with commercial and potential future phases Avimor has one 5 cfs water permit(63-32061) • Additionally Permit number 63-39966 for 5 cfs is in the process of being reapplied for T" - '�4';` „-. ,, . Avimor has 3 additional water rights(63-5386, ' .. t «4, '�l 63-5387 and 63-18974) that are used for 6 ' ' irrigation *, :� S..4, At L- ,,r ' ''. 1 � • Additionally we are diligently looking to t r - � secure an additional 5 cfs water right j r • At buildout Avimor is projected to need i' approx.7 cfs to serve the development I_ • This would provide an excess of 3-8 cfs above ' , the projected water needed for the development 10 5 8/9/2021 D n DTi out§���"`. fJf , IT F It'i �I T r r M3M Tp Typ PA �IIII� r r II' 4Gt IILI�� ��-;Tp, �7 III �i d Si)�rl:Ad „ u vd m.x5 1uT ti� IIs3 .f; Foothills i Batho111h Aquifer er ow t3, -r'I Tcr •,,,-- .. • all ii,,�AO Tcr r Tc w ems•'. ss. K9 ... DTI III,I .ITor P L. Rd g ♦ Plgpnud Awnwt Kbll. or Trr H —Rghw.ye Margin A ' atm Tcr aquifer Boundary lcnneepwetl DTi ©aapn Dawuptrenl '~',.. y - °*Tcr Connally Ranch Prrr.rry TPTc Geologic U. Tcr -no.Duna t - !Keno•no Stlhdia GT1T -DT,-Idela Fotmatron -al-Stro.m elprvmm C ail -Den-cauweu-ram-,SedimaM -Da•LandelM*deposits -rbr-Tuck.RNer dawns -W-ertece groraa �y+,�l� -Den.sdyHOOPt 01 Aquifers-TRa.y�y R,l agpder ' -er.epxl I.Rlwar eaa.rc Surficial Geology and -Tor-Oro.Rhypna Aquifer Boundaries pigTp-Payette Formation 5FF WAIER o -TPc-Pnnon cmeM Formeenn � Mues V�1 ••r��•• �-- 11 n 0IENCVr.i0 ��I • .. WATER CONSERVATION 1,a_ . , p . Avimor homes use less than 50 percent of water per home -- �, than a typical home in the valley 0 ok.: • Avimor reuses all of the water from the homes for irrigation of "LL the parks and common areas • ° , All of the homes and common areas are planted with Firewise i ; and Xeriscape landscaping to conserve water usage 12 6 8/9/2021 WASTE VaTER HOW WATER IS RECLAIMED AT AVIMOR • In 2007 Avimor built a waste water facility that currently serves Village .6.11 One This facility was built and designed to be expanded in the future to cover all V w„v d - of the development. Avimor Water Reclamation Company mil'.4b has installed an advanced system to ensure productivity of the plant. _ W 13 OPEN SPACE ENVIRONMENTAL ^ EDUCATION PLAN - Village One has approx.60% �. ; . open space a ---- In 2010 Avimor dedicated 640 acres for conservations efforts �. . Avimor has created and follows a Habitat Management Plan.This Yt; e - a includes: - Noxious Weed Plan Recreation Plan RS N - Fire and Vegetation Management PIM cONsiRVING Plan ---.,... - RESOURCES Avimor holds residential educational programs through " the ASO 14 7 8/9/2021 OPEN SPACE - The Art of Living Director works with residents to review open space and . � - _ trail etiquette among other topics ti "�`5,, 1_. t „ I ' Avimor has a clustered development 1 in Villages and Hamlets to allow for r Y - -----�- ❑ large unobstructed open space i Y F r -i J •. r { L, _'Li i t \ I - If Boise Foothills Levy was to purchase ::.. i i '.1 I. —a , J-� all the open space Avimor. is _- 1 _j - providing at full buildout it would cost �__}- t 4-1 approx. 100 Million dollars ;. J. ', ' r In Ada County we would be entitled , -� to develop in 10 acre lots which would eliminate open space 4 15 a w W µfa fix. • tV "• ' } ; OR r • -- - ti i ti q x. a" 'a � oaf . v�1 , + � vo ••:, '. A,,: '-‘4 ''' ., e^ c t 2 LLn Y 16 8 8/9/2021 TRAILS .. , ,,, '* ,, ,,,,,,, ,,, ,„ ,,, i�.,,, 4� � `` Avimor has over 100 miles of trails currently built in the development ' When completed Avimor plans on having a „ . trail system that will connect all parts of the . development I _ = Avimor's trail system accommodates all ) '..- types of users from horseback riders to ATV ,,, s.� t riders. - _VA portion of the Homeowner's ASO fee goes r, to maintaining the trails • 17 \---(6\t*.t.s\\C'S.' AI\'''1, ' \ . 0 ,, , F.,,, ‘, \_, TRAILS I ✓ '-1 - There are several partners that assist in the ! �, O \ %` � construction,maintenance and planning of C4 �.' these trails. F , ., - r --Fr �{5 ti ' 'j , At full build out Avimor will have over 300 t>. u� \; --- miles of internal and external trails 1 / �- - g , ? V ' > *tot. G ,,: a -;-�, � 1 fi �, kin \,. � /, l` 5//f- \ • 1= 4� /' 18 9 8/9/2021 r`r. -. - s u_.w ate, a .i ,.- (41:-.4 . . ' ., . 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