Minutes - 2021 - City Council - 08/12/2021 - Special EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES August 12,2021 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pierce calls the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: PITTMAN, PIKE, GINDLESPERGER. Absent: BAUN All present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 4. BUDGET CONSIDERATIONS: A. Eagle Senior Center,Tami Galt Mayor introduces the item. Tami Galt reviews the profit and loss for 2019 for the Senior Center and discusses the same. She has met with Valley Regional Transit to review the preliminary budget. Discusses staffing needs, and the increase in service demands,as well as funding constraints. Council member Pittman discusses the budget request and the services provided to neighboring communities for transportation services provided. He suggests reaching out to the neighboring communities to seek donations from them. Council member Pike relays information he found from Valley Regional Transit relating to transportation funding. Discusses additional funding options could be pursued. Discussion. B. Allumbaugh House, Tami Fife and Deanna Watson Heidi Hart, CEO of Terry Reilly Health Services. Ms. Hart provides an update to Allumbaugh House and the services they provide. They partner with many cities and organizations to fund the services they provide. Ms. Hart discusses the impact of COVID-19 to the clinic during the pandemic.In 2020,Allumbaugh House provided services to 731 patients,and the average stay was 5.4 days for detox and 5.6 days for mental health. On averages there are 12.9 patience daily. Services for patience are estimated at costing $569 per day. 59%of patience were treated for both psychiatric and substance abuse. Discussion. 5. ADJOURNMENT: Pittman moves to adjourn. Seconded by Pike.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Hearing no further business,the Council meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted: ,u,ggu.,,,,,�� APPROVED: SUBMITTED: ,,4 O •EAC N PIERCE T Y E RN, •M ;*• S ���.• MAYOR CITY CL *'• •S 13:::••O o`' % 74 E Ov,,,,' AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT W W W.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 1 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-12-21spmin.docx 'e - .`_, STATISTICS: 2020 ' D4 t „• 2020 BUDGET REPORT: TOTAL BUDGET: $2,329,636 I P • , 2 9%_�0'$%."--4% 2.9%City of Meridian i ' " , 0.8%City of Ea ( Gender 4%Terry Reilly Health r+: (J l� It 'I' 64% 1 I Male 0.4% 13.6% 44.8%Division of Behavioral Health I #, 36% Female 0.6%City of Kuna i, t /it 10.7%St.Alphonsus 14.1 8.6%St.Lukes 14.1%Ada County ALLUMBAUGH HOUSE Housing Status 8.6% 44% Homeless 107% 0.4%Garden City 56% Housed o6% 13.6%City of Boise ANNUAL REPORT REFERRALS SERVICE In 2020, Allumbaugh House marked 10 years of providing medically 50% 100% monitored detoxification and mental health crisis services for residents of 40% Ada, Boise, Valley and Elmore counties. The COVID-19 pandemic 30% 75 presented unprecedented challenges. Nationally, more drug overdose 20% 50' deaths were reported than ever before—which was reflected in the increased 10% 24% : 48% : 28% 25% 36/0 demand for services at Allumbaugh House. At the same time, staff managed o% o% Hospitals Self-Referrals Others Detox Mental Health changes and restrictions due to COVID quarantine. Allumbaugh House census capacity went from 16 to 13 in order to increase • In 2020, Allumbaugh House provided services to 731 patients. safety for patients and staff. That resulted in higher costs per patient day, yet • The average patient stay is 5.4 days for detox and 5.6 days for mental health. still allowed access to needed care. The staff is commended for extraordinary • On any given day, the census is an average of 12.9 patients efforts implementing safety protocols while maintaining a supportive •The average cost of a bed per day is $569. environment of care. • 18.2%of the patients admitted to Allumbaugh House in 2020 were previous This report highlights measurable outcomes that Allumbaugh House patients. contributes to behavioral health services in Idaho. Success is attributed to the • 59% of patients were treated for both psychiatric and substance abuse steadfast contribution of the Allumbaugh House Board of Directors disorder. representing: • City of Boise, Meridian, Kuna, Garden City, and Eagle Allumbaugh House Directors express thanks to the many community partners •Ada County collaborating to provide continued care and treatment for patients. El-Ada, • Idaho Department of Health and Welfare Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous all provide vital support to • Boise City Ada County Housing Authority patients while at Allumbaugh House.The AH Alumni Group meets weekly to share •Saint Alphonsus, St. Luke's (non-voting members) recovery successes that inspire hope and optimism. Terry Reilly Health Services (TRHS) is the contract operator of Allumbaugh 400 N Allumbaugh St. STAFF STAFF House. TRHS contracts with Sage Health Care for psychiatric and medical care Boise, ID 83704 Terry Reilly Sage Healthcare and with Life's Kitchen for meals. Patients are transitioned into 208-377-9669 Heidi Hart,Terry Reilly CEO Charles Novak, M.D. community-based services and programs to continue their recovery journey. www.trhs.org Cindy Miller, Program Director Medical Director Allumbaugh House is accredited by the Joint Commission and is open 24 Roberto Negron, M.D. hours a day, 7 days a week. Medical Director aw t5AM EAGLE SENIOR CITIZENS, INC. 08/12/21 Profit & Loss Accrual Basis January through December 2019 Jan-Dec 19 Ordinary Income/Expense Income 4700-Miscellaneous Income 2,706.47 US Bank Credit Card Rewards 750.00 4000 •Contributed Support 4010•Indiv/Business Contributions 4011 • Business 450.00 4012 • Individuals 2,022.00 4010 •Indiv/Business Contributions-Other 50.00 Total 4010• Indiv/Business Contributions 2,522.00 4030•Ada County Grants 20,000.00 4000•Contributed Support-Other 8,668.36 Total 4000 •Contributed Support 31,190.36 4100 •Transportation Service Revenue 4140-Valley Regional Transit 165,455.96 4110 •ICOA Transportation Income 28,241.79 4100•Transportation Service Revenue-Other 269.00 Total 4100 •Transportation Service Revenue 193,966.75 4200 • Membership Dues 743.00 4300 • Interest Income 2,464.39 4400 • Special Events&Activities 4410•Activities Income 3,993.00 4420•Special Events 2,801.00 4400•Special Events&Activities-Other 8,748.04 Total 4400 •Special Events&Activities 15,542.04 4500 • Rental Revenue 6,955.00 4600 • Boutique Income 2,172.50 Total Income 256,490.51 Gross Profit 256,490.51 Expense 6000 • Salaries&Wages 173,193.75 Page 1 11:43 AM EAGLE SENIOR CITIZENS, INC. 08/12/21 Profit & Loss Accrual Basis October 2019 through September 2020 Oct'19-Sep 20 Ordinary Income/Expense Income 4700-Miscellaneous Income -78,077.44 4000•Contributed Support 4010• lndiv/Business Contributions 4012•Individuals 2,305.95 Total 4010 • Indiv/Business Contributions 2,305.95 4030 •Ada County Grants 20,000.00 4000 •Contributed Support-Other 8,400.00 Total 4000•Contributed Support 30,705.95 4100 •Transportation Service Revenue 4140-Valley Regional Transit 135,745.35 4120 •City of Eagle Trans Funding 25,000.00 4100 •Transportation Service Revenue-Other 255.00 Total 4100 •Transportation Service Revenue 161,000.35 4200 • Membership Dues 952.00 4300 • Interest Income 2,464.39 4400 •Special Events&Activities 4410 •Activities Income 2,319.50 4420•Special Events 1,054.00 4400•Special Events&Activities-Other 2,484.00 Total 4400•Special Events&Activities 5,857.50 4500• Rental Revenue 7,365.00 4600• Boutique Income 1,182.00 Total Income 131,449.75 Gross Profit 131,449.75 Expense 6000•Salaries&Wages 123,191.25 6200•Center Expenses 6225 Water&Coffee 811.16 6210 •Accounting Fees 2,686.95 6215• Processing&Bank Charges 228.06 6230•Other Professional Fees 8,325.50 6240 • Building Cleaning&Maintenance 1,117.36 6260• Utilities 14,885.95 6280•Office Supplies 1,412.27 6200 •Center Expenses-Other -15,799.50 Total 6200•Center Expenses 13,667.75 6500• Payroll Tax Expense 6510- Unemployment Insurance 58.08 6500• Payroll Tax Expense-Other 19,820.62 Total 6500• Payroll Tax Expense 19,878.70 8400• Depreciation&amortization exp 35,382.00 8500• Insurance 8520 • Insurance-Commercial Property 906.00 8530 • Insurance-Workers Comp 4,723.00 Total 8500• Insurance 5,629.00 Page 1 11:43 AM EAGLE SENIOR CITIZENS, INC. 08/12/21 Profit & Loss Accrual Basis October 2019 through September 2020 Oct'19-Sep 20 8600•Activities&Special Event Exp 14,013.77 8610 •Senior Center Donation 455.00 8630•Van Fuel&Maintenance 18,064.23 8665• Proof of Correction-Debit 26.00 Total Expense 230,307.70 Net Ordinary Income -98,857.95 Net Income -98,857.95 Page 2 Budget Line Items Program Explanation Description p Expenses Senior Staff Full time scheduler/coordinator wages&benefits Wages/Benefits $54,000.00 scheduler/coordinator wages&benefits Accounting Staff Wages/Benefits $20,000.00 Part time accounting staff wages& benefits Office Supplies $780.00 Paper,ink etc Facilities/Utilities $6,636.00 Rent,gas,electric, internet, phone Professional Services $3,500.00 Yearly CPA charges for payroll taxes Printing& Postage $1,020.00 Business Cards, brouchers,stamps etc 2 full time drivers,7 part time drivers, payroll,wort Driver Wages and Benefits $155,530.00 unemployment taxes. AARP Defensive Driving Course for all drivers, $25 F Training $4,950.00 wages for VRT quarterly training sessions and AARF Insurance $300.00 Insurance for commercial building 1/4 yearly cost Fuel $40,500.00 Estimated 13,500 gallons of fuel times 4 vehicles at Vehicle Wash and Supplies $3,837.96 Clorex wipes, masks, Lysol spray, etc. Bus wash onu wash for 3 buses RouteMatch Software Costs $68,900.00 for 4 vehicles Shared Vehicle $39,532.00 for 4 vehicles Include other costs if needed Total program costs $399,485.96