M3 HMP final 11-12-10Environmental Conservation Services Inc,
November 12, 2010
City of Eagle Planning and Zoning Department
Attn: Nichoel Baird Spencer, MCRP, AICP
660 E. Civic Lane
Eagle Idaho, 83616
RE: M3 HMP Adequacy Statement.
ff NOV 12 2010
Route to:L_
The following adequacy statement has been made based on: ECS and URS site evaluations; the best
available quantitative and qualitative data associated with the historic and current condition of the
habitat and relative use by wildlife; input from state (Idaho Department of Fish and Game) and
federal (Bureau of Land Management) resource agencies; and the professional experience/judgment
of the ECS staff associated with the Habitat Areas of Special Concern (HASC) delineated in Exhibit
M of the M3 Pre -Annexation and Development Agreement (PADA). It assumes that all actions
identified in the 2010 M3 Habitat Mitigation Plan (HMP) will be implemented within the identified
It is also assumed that in the event of a successful BLM/M3 land exchange, an additional 160 acres,
or its equivalent, of Developer -owned lands contiguous with the HASC would be set aside in
perpetuity via donation to the City of Eagle or third party conservation easement, or other similar
mechanism. Equivalent lands would be based on: current vegetation composition and condition
relative to trend; proximity to human development or uses; presence or absence of special status
species; and existing or potential use by wildlife. The specifics are explained in greater detail in a
letter from ECS to the City of Eagle dated April 16, 2010.
In the event that the BLM/M3 land exchange does not take place, the current actions identified in the
2010 M3 HMP are adequate without the additional 160 acres or its equivalent. This assumes the
plan is implemented within the identified timeframes.
Therefore, based on the location, type, and condition of habitat relative to wildlife use, threatened
and endangered species, the M3 development plan and required provisions outlined in the HMP, and
the supplemental 160 acres, it is the professional opinion of the ECS staff that M3's HMP
adequately addresses development within Constrained Lands, as generally identified in Exhibit M of
the as PADA as HASC. We also concur with the statements made in Susan Buxton's letter to M3
Companies dated September 23, 2010 letter.
Environmental Conservation Services Inc.
Charles Baun: Lead Ecologist/ Principal
4900 N. Rosepoint Way, Boise, Idaho, 83713
• 208-375-0408 Office • 208-287-8292 Fax