Minutes - 2021 - City Council - 07/22/2021 - Regular EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES July 22,2021 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pierce calls the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: GINDLESPERGER, PITTMAN, BAUN,PIKE. All present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 4. BUDGET CONSIDERATIONS: A. Eagle Senior Center,Tami Galt Tami Galt expresses her gratitude to the Council for their financial assistance over the last COVID year. The Board is hopeful for continued financial support from the City for the upcoming year as they anticipate a$40,000 increase in vehicle costs. Additionally,they would like to increase staff salaries and possibly adding additional staff members. The Board is working with Valley Regional Transit to draft a budget to stabilize the Center financially. Council Member Pittman, who serves as the liaison to the Senior Center, encourages the Council to budget$100,000 again to the Senior Center for the upcoming fiscal year, and continue to work with them to provide them tools to become financially solvent. Discussion regarding current and potential funding opportunities and technical assistance that the City may be able to provide in regard to grant writing,community resources,etc. Kellie Bashe with Valley Regional Transit will be working with Ms. Galt to get a better understanding of their budgeting needs and is hopeful to make a positive impact in finding those transportation dollars. Council encourages the Board to bring the budget forward with more details regarding operation needs vs transportation needs.As well as identifying funding opportunities, long range,and short- range budgeting. B. Valley Regional Transit Stephen Hunt, Development Director at Valley Regional Transit. Director Hunt reviews services provided over the last year,and the funding request for fiscal year 2021-2022. Discussion regarding services provided and ridership. C. Crime Stoppers of Southwest Idaho Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Council member Pittman declares that he is a Board Member of Crime Stoppers. Brii Mason is the President for Crime Stoppers of Southwest Idaho. Ms.Mason on reviews services provided by Crime Stoppers. Crime Stoppers is seeking 110 per capita from the various cities in Southwest Idaho. Currently Eagle and Meridian are participating via contributions, and they continue to work with other municipalities to partner with them. Crime Stoppers participated in the Eagle Market and Eagle Family Fun Night this year. For fiscal year 2021-2022 they are seeking a contribution of$3,500 again and are asking for a slight modification in the agreement. 5. FY 21/22 BUDGET PRESENTATION: A. City Hall Bond,Kellie Rekow Page 1 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-22-21spmin.dock Mayor Pierce introduces the item. City Treasurer, Kellie Rekow reviews the proposed budget. B. Impact Fees(Parks,Pathways,Police),Kellie Rekow Mayor Pierce introduces the item. City Treasurer, Kellie Rekow reviews the proposed budget. Director of Long-Range Planning and Projects Nichoel Baird-Spencer provides clarification on statutory requirements for impact fee capital improvement plan updates. Discussion. C. Capital Projects,Nichoel Baird Spencer Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Director of Long-Range Planning and Projects, Nichoel Baird-Spencer reviews the proposed budget. Discussion. D. General Fund,Kellie Rekow Mayor Pierce introduces the item. City Treasurer, Rekow reviews the revenue and expenditures in the general fund. Discussion. E. ACTION ITEM: Tentative approval of the Fiscal Year 2021/2022 proposed budget. Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Pike moves to approve the tentative budget for FY21/22 $58,967,884.00. Seconded by Gindlesperger. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 6. ADJOURNMENT: Baun moves to adjourn. Seconded by Pittman. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Hearing no further business,the Council meeting was adjourned. %%•o......,,,,, Respectfully submi ed: env EA ICI F. TRAC . SBORN, CMC 9 At- CITY ERK .••• q OF s0.,•� APPROVED: .•,,m.,,,,,. N PIERCE OR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT W W W.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 2 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-22-21spmin.docx 7/30/2021 tp $ Valley Regional ionalTransit FY 2022 Funding Request ° Nip Q Cityof Eagle ter. g Date:July 22, 2021 1 4<r VRT FY 2022 Funding Request t { • Recent Highlights C ' p �* • Local Cost Allocation Model & r: FY 2022 Funding Request .1 --- valleyregionaltransit I 2 1 7/30/2021 Recent Highlights Ovalleyreg Iona Itransii 3 VRT FY 2022 Funding Request ter Recent Highlights Tilly ► , 1; I - Route 9 Extension to Eagle I I X 4,0 CityGo & Website redesign 0 i_ '^ On-Demand Transit yk Electric Bus Infrastructure ` Bus stop enhancements _IF Transit schedules On-time performance valleyregiona ltransil "^ 4 2 7/30/2021 r VRT FY 2022 Funding State Street Request a Mai Sr%evn Slat. I Recent Highlights \ W °'� �, rvice •oo.o...eo,w.n<. ,1 Route 9 Extension to Eagle AvaiIablt mm�w..n w«aim 0 sal»aaern ' . CityGo & Website redesign I" 1e .� •;aw.`„ ',`p.Se On-Demand Transit ' ° w,:. `y '��° `— i. Electric Bus Infrastructure :a.,°wm oG aBcnv °" Bus stop enhancementsIR •� a0Y µ W Transit schedules .�� �., .aw b I Sarea rinuwryne•• fOn-time performance "`�"' I valleyride 1; li A Service o1 valleY°eo�onal Trxrt;n -- valleyregionaltransit 5 VRT FY 2022 Funding TRIP TIP Request . '. Recent Highlights "` COVID-19 Response ' Don't follow 0 Supported Eagle Senior Center the crowd Nike and other Specialized Services Stay healthy and stay safe t by limiting crowd exposure Cleaning & Masks Safe Travels,Treasure Valley . • . Remote working and meeting Safe Travels Treasure Valley 0 Suspended the launch of 9 Extension - valleyregionaltransii I E 6 3 7/30/2021 VRT FY 2022 Funding Request I r fl a ri , Recent Highlights y Specialized Transportation ., • Coordinated through community partners t ; • Pooled local funding w/80%federal match _ " µ & • Shared vehicles and technology reduce ""ittlth , costs enbrs8 • Pre-COVID efficiency has improved —38% • Additional technology improvements planned valleyregionaltransil 7 Local Cost Allocation & FY2022 Funding Request Ovalleyregionaltransil 8 4 7/30/2021 VRT FY 2022 Funding ' . Request Local Cost Allocation Review a-t Transit Operations, Capital and A1101. Support Services _ / Administration Finance etc. "� Regional ^ Transit Planning �'44 Overhead Customer Service and IT Fixed Route& Paratransit Services Facility Maintenance Transit Planning Transit Vehicles Capital Stops and Passenger Facilities - f4t -, .l''' Maintenance Facilities .1„. ,� t)valkyregionaltransii 5t 9 VRT FY 2022 Funding Request Local Cost Allocation Review Local Allocation Flow Chart 0 TOTAL LOCA1 AOl) then SIIRTRACT lOCAT. CATTGORl1L and DLSrH18tf1E Ill NEED Expenses Revenues* General Service Capital General Service &Capital Regional 4.1 2.2 1.9 0 Overhead million million million 26% 74t° m $18.200 16.7 8.8 7 9 d 0 m°�- Services 100% _ W_ m c $85,300(srvc.) million million million 'a m > $9,700(sac.) h m o ¢ Capital mllion million 600k - - 100% a $2,600 is -Revenues Include Special Allocatens 0valleyregionaltransit I 1° 10 5 7/30/2021 General Service Capital Special FY22 Local Funding Requests Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment Totals VRT FY 2022 Funding Ada(.Aa,Revenue Sources , 2108 $61.27E $24 3 so $95810 Ada Canty Highway District $5 458 $0 SO $0 $5 458 Request Ro estate Ilniver fy $5.458 $52.9 $2.426 $0 $60.863 $0 $84 Capital City Development Corp ...._.......__$5.45H $0 542 $90000 Local Cost Al location Review City of Boise $127.560 $7,255,033 $228.589 $130,000 $7 739181 City of Eagle $18,200 S85,254 $2,844 $9,700 $115,798 City of Garden City $6.637 $0 SO $0 $6.637 City of Kona $14,557 $0 $0 527.000 $41.557 A I l jurisdictions City of Meridian $67.520 $381.495 $12.869 $170.000 $631.891 City of Star $7 075 $0 $0 $0 $7 075 • Pooled local contributions Meridian Development Corp $5.458 $D $0 $o $5.458 Total Ada County $295.496 $7.836.028 $246.963 $421.242 $$8.799.729 • Leveraged by federal and directly Canyon County $27.519 $2270n $1044 $0 $51264 generated funds Canyon(Scanty Highway District e4 $1.568 $0 $0 $0 '$1.568 (Sty of Caldwell $33665--�$129.379 S6.018 SO $169.062 • -56%of total budget is non-local city of Greenleaf $475 $0 SO SO $475 City of Melba E312..___._..._ Ill S0 Ill $312 City of Middletonn $5502 $0 S0 $0 $5.51).2 5.....59..................$2___. $342..2/.................. City of Nampa $5N.G98 a271.i16 $12.556 SO $342.27C, City ofNohis $301 $0 S0 SO $301 City of Parma '61.167 $0 '$0 'S0 $1.167 City of Wilder $966 ---- $0 SO SO $966 College of Western Idaho $5.458 $79.016 $3677 $0 $88151 Golden Gate Highway District e3 $1.109 $0 $0 $0 $1,109 Nampa Highway District 41 $1,809 $0 $0 $0____...__..... $1.809 Notes/Parma Highway District $972 $0 $0 $O $972 Total Canyon County $139.421 $502.210 523.295 $0 $664,927 valley-egior transit Total luri,dictlon Revenue $434.918 $8.338.238 $270.258 $421.242 S$9,464,656 11 VRT FY 2022 Funding Request miiii ,,, Local Cost Allocation Review ,wow -,,.,. ,¢ "' ,111 FY 2022 Funding Request � ,.- / Type Baseline Proposed i General Assessment $ 18,200 $ 18,200 1.4 > Service Assessment $ 105,880 $85,254 / Capital Assessment $2.644 $2.644 ';' i` Special Assessment $9,700 $9,700 A Total Request $ 136,424 $ 115.798 . fi kx va l ley reg i o na l transit 12 6 7/30/2021 Thank you. Questions? Stephen Hunt shunt@valleyreigonaltransit.org 1 7 OPT, ,, �'' , THE CITY OF EAGLE # ° CITY COUNCIL oiE i . ° SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA Eagle City Hall, 660 E. Civic Lane July 20, 2021 3:00 p.m. INVOCATION: 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. ROLL CALL: BAUN, GINDLESPERGER, PIKE, PITTMAN. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 4. FY 21/22 Budget Presentation: A. Eagle Arts Commission, Mark McAllister B. Parks and Recreation Department, Beeg Johnson C. Economic Development Department, Robin Collins D. IT Department,Devonte Goodman 5. ADJOURNMENT: The City will make reasonable accommodations for anyone attending this meeting who require special assistance for hearing, physical or other impairments. Please contact the City Clerk's Office at(208)939-6813 at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting date and time. Page 1 of 1 cc-07-20-21 spag-budget(002).docx 7/ 021 PRESENTING: CRIME STOPPERS OF SOUTHWEST IDAHO Crime Stoppers of Southwest Idaho Boise, Idaho, United States www.343cops.com What is Crime Stoppers? ► We are a Non-Profit 501 c(3) run by volunteers! (Board of Directors) ► We provide valuable information to our local law enforcement agencies. ► We provide an "anonymous" way for individuals to report information about criminals wanted for major crimes. ► We offer rewards for the capture of these individuals (UP TO$l.000.00( ► Our sole source of FUNDING come from the partnerships we create with local individuals, businesses, and cities we service. 2 1 7/30/2021 Crime Stoppers of Southwest Idaho Encompasses: • Boise 34.-3r-3•33:',3.3. ' 10- Caldwell a. Nampa Eagle , Meridian • Kuna • Middleton a. Star 1. Garden City a. Twin Falls a. Mountain Home p. Unincorporated Ada &Canyon County a. And provides TIPS outside of these areas to other law enforcement agencies! To Educate: 0. Crimes happen everyday & we receive tips daily In order to keep our communities safe, we need to provide a way for individuals to report criminals, anonymously, and get them off our streets. o. Here's how they can do that and remain anonymous! Call anytime 24/7-(208)343-COPS (2.677, 2. Visit our website- , .0 e am 3 Download our P3 app on Google Play or App Store 4 2 7/30/2021 How we fulfilled our agreement: ► Provided 24/7 Call Center & App ► Communicated Frequently with ;• . Ada County Sherriff and Eagle Chief = ► Eagle Events: ► Eagle Market-June 261h fog 7 ► Eagle Fun Days; Family Night July 9th jr„ f: ► Funds Spent: µ.me ► Monthly Expenses: Phone Line, Website Host, Tip Software, Domain Name Renewal, Insurance ► Request; strike the "Educational Program at an Eagle School" in our agreement due to the unknown COVID Restrictions of accessing schools ► Instead provide 2 Community Events in Eagle, as we did this year 7 City of Eagle Stats ► Tips Received YTD- 18 ► Offense Types: Narcotics / Armed Robbery /Theft / DUI / Solicitations ► Since Program Inception- Over 300 8 4 7/30/2021 To Share: ► Our program has provided valuable information to local law enforcement agencies both in and outside the State of Idaho! ► It has allowed capture of hundreds of wanted felons. ► It has provided a safe and secure way to report these wanted individuals. ► It continues to pay out rewards for these captures. 5 To Give an update: ► Crime Stoppers annual budget is $50,000 per year. ► Expenses are:TIPS Software, Call Center, Mobile Phone, Trailer equipment, marketing materials & Rewards. (There are no paid clerical costs at this time, but are looking to hire someone part time) ► We came up with an $0.1 1/per capita calculation that is being requested by each of the cities. Using the Compass Population count, Eagle has roughly 32,560 people. ► The City of Eagle graciously donated $3,500 for fiscal year 2021 and we are here hoping to continue that partnership. ► The City of Meridian has agreed to partner with us, and we are continuing to work with other surrounding cities. 6 3 7/30/2021 Thank you for your Time ! ►.We would by happy to answer any • uestions? Crime Stoppers of Southwest Idaho admigmilis Boise, Idaho, United States www.343cops.com 5