Minutes - 2016 - City Council - 02/29/2016 - Town HallEAGLE CITY COUNCIL
Town Hall Minutes
February 29, 2016
1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Ridgeway calls the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
Mayor leads the audience in the pledge of allegiance.
2. ROLL CALL: Present: KUNZ, BASTIAN, PRESTON, SOELBERG. A quorum is present.
The City of Eagle is pleased to invite all Eagle residents to attend the town hall meeting. The
Mayor and City Council welcome your input and Zook forward to answering any questions that
you may have.
Have a suggestion? We'd love to hear from you!
Like what's happening? Great! Let us know!
Have a concern... we want to hear those as well!
We wish this to be an open discussion inspired by the interests of all of the people of our
wonderful community. Stop by to visit with your elected officials.
Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, each speaker should limit their presentation to three
(3) minutes. If time permits, and after all attendees who wish to address the City Council have
done so, the City Council may invite rebuttals or engage in additional discussions with the
Each speaker is to be treated with the utmost respect, courtesy and afforded the right to speak
without interruption. The intent of our town hall meeting is to create a friendly community
spirited forum where by the Eagle community may express their views openly and freely.
May we suggest this is a gathering of neighbors openly speaking with neighbors, and we hope
everyone will feel welcome to participate.
Welcome by Mayor Ridgeway. Mayor discusses the initiative of the City to brand itself and
replace the current logo. Anyone interested is asked to e-mail their thoughts and ideas to Tammy
Gordon, Media Specialist City of Eagle. Also if you are interested in participating in the
Committee reach out to the City. Mayor encourages speakers and the audience to be courteous to
those speaking at tonight's Town Hall meeting.
The Mayor explains that Don't Frack Idaho.org; hunting in Eagle (pro /con) / Eagle Fun Days
discussion will all be allotted 20 minutes as a result of phone calls he has received. All other
topics for discussion will be allowed 3 minutes.
Shelly Brock 8770 W. Chaparral Eagle, Idaho. Presenting on behalf of Don't Frack Idaho,
Citizens Allied for Integrity and Accountability. A PowerPoint presentation is reviewed detailing
concerns about oil recovery via fracking. They request the Council express their opposition to the
House Resource Committee to Senate Bill 1339, also that the City contact the Association of
Idaho Cities and Ada County to encourage their opposition to Senate Bill 1339.
Council member Bastian states that he has written to the Senate and the Bill passed and has now
moved to the House of Representatives. Bastian also notes that if you go to the Idaho State
website you can e-mail the Representatives directly. Preston would like the letter drafted and
mailed immediately, and mailed as a group. Ridgeway will draft the letter tomorrow for Council
to sign.
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KACOUNCYLVvIINUTESWemporary NEnutes Work AreaTC- 02- 29 -16min - town hall mtg.docx
A gentleman (unidentified) in the audience suggests Idaho Mayors get together to express their
An unidentified member of the audience states that the SB 1339 references a committee being
formed and this proposed committee should include more residential representation.
Police Chief Patrick Calley, confirms that it is illegal to fire a weapon in City limits, this includes
hunting. Clarification is provided that property in Ada County would permit hunting. Discussion
regarding regulating authorities including Idaho Fish and Game, Ada County and City of Eagle,
as well as potentially having the City of Eagle annex the property in question where the hunting is
taking place. Discussion regarding annexation process and agency requirements.
Robert Christensen 252 Woodlander Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Christensen was almost hit by shotgun
blasts when walking his dog near Merrill Park.
Council member Preston, states she has heard gunshots as well.
Teri Murrison Beacon Light Road, states that she was at a meeting with Idaho Department of
Water Resources (IDWR) and she heard that certain wells were being drilled deeper because the
aquifer is being depleted. The question is posed to Council if this is being taken into
consideration when processing applications. She encourages the Council to reach out to IDWR
and have them address the Council on the matter.
Zoning Administrator Vaughan states that every application that is submitted to the City is
transmitted to a multitude of entities for comment, including the Idaho Department of Water
Resources. These comments are provided to the City Council for review. Discussion.
Michelle Fink she notes a scam that came through her neighborhood where flyers were left on
mailboxes for curb painting. The flyer is provided to the Police Chief to follow up with code
Patricia Minkiewicz, thanks the City for holding Town Hall meetings again. She heard a rumor
about Eagle Fun Days, and maybe it is time for the City to take it over now that they have so
much money. Also, why isn't the Fire Department involved anymore?
Mayor Ridgeway relays his conversation with Commissioner Yzaguirre regarding the history of
the Rocky Mountain Oyster Feed fundraiser for the Eagle Fire Department. Over the years the
increasing cost of the "oysters" has made the fundraiser no longer sustainable. The Mayor states
that the Chamber of Commerce has notified him that they will not be in charge of the parade due
to liability costs. The Mayor has contacted the City's insurance carrier, and the City's insurance
will apply to the parade as the City is in charge of that aspect of the event. The City would need
to find someone to Chair the parade committee. Last year, paid City Staff were the only
volunteers that worked the parade, and the number of volunteers was low. There are meetings
with the Fun Days Planning Committee and the Chamber of Commerce tomorrow. Volunteers
are needed to make the event successful. Chief Calley discusses costs associated with the various
parade routes, safety and proper planning is of the utmost importance, as well as the funding for
law enforcement and volunteer personnel. Discussion.
Betty Frasher lives in Island Woods she would like to discuss the hunters again. A map is given
to the Council showing the land in the Boise River directly behind her homes, but she would like
the City to begin the process to annex the land. With the increased use on the greenbelt it is truly
a safety issue. Discussion.
Lauren Bruce 291 N. Yellow Pine Place Eagle, Idaho. She has concerns about traffic on Eagle
Road and Ranch Road near the Eagle Elementary School of the Arts. She is asking that flashing
crossing walk lights be installed. While the flashing lights are being installed, as a Girl Scout, she
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K \COUNCIUMINUTES \Temporary lAnutes Work Area \CC- 02- 29 -16min - town hall mtg.docx
would be willing to raise money to install cross walk flags and holders. She is concerned with
traffic safety.
Zoning Administrator Vaughan states that crosswalk will be before Council on the March 8`h
meeting. Chief Calley confirms that he will address speeding on Eagle Road.
David Ensunsa 2898 E. Lakeland Lane Eagle, ID. Mr. Ensunsa has concerns with the validity of
the conditional use permit for Idaho Sand and Gravel. Mr. Ensunsa reviews the information he
has obtained from both Ada County and the City of Eagle via public record requests. He inquires
what the City will do to correct these violations.
Zoning Administrator Vaughan states that City Staff and the City Attorney have been meeting
with the Homeowners Association that Mr. Ensunsa is a member of as well as representatives of
Idaho Sand and Gravel. The City is in the process of doing an administrative determination on
the matter that will be forwarded to Idaho Sand and Gravel. Vaughan reviews the procedural
aspects of the matter.
Curtis Stoddard 2462 N. Majestic Place Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Stoddard states he interrupted a
robbery and proceeded to follow the individual via a vehicle chase. He was able to contact
Dispatch and the criminals were apprehended. Mr. Stoddard wanted to publicly thank the Ada
County Deputies and the Ada County Prosecutor for all of their hard work bringing these people
to justice.
Teri Murrison thanks the Mayor and Council for their support of Beacon Light Road during the
Ada County Highway District meeting. Council member Preston thanks the members of Friends
of Beacon Light Road for their persistence.
Council member Kunz notes that ACHD also accepted the Quadrant solution for Eagle Road and
State Street into the Master Street Map.
Ms. Savino inquires as to a lawsuit her HOA is in against Farmers Union Ditch Company. Mayor
Ridgeway and City Council are unaware of the lawsuit Ms. Savino mentions.
Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 8: 06 p.m.
Respectfully submitted:
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K',COUNCIUMINUTES'.Ternporary Minutes Work Area1CC- 02- 29 -16min - town hall mtg docx
Citizens Allied For
Integrity And Accountability
Why is the oil & gas industry here?
All of the approximately 145 conventional' oil & gas wells drilled across the
state of ldaho from 1903 to 1988, were deemed "not commercially viable"
:Nat Goa'.-:
Industry & State agencies promise: Conventional Drilling only
"vertical drilling into sand" and only 1 well per 640 acre section
Exceptional Spacing of Wells
Idaho statutes allow the industry to apply for "Exceptional Spacing" of wells -
granting them the right to drill on far smaller, or larger tracts of land than the
standard 640 acre 'section'. This means they could theoretically drill 1 well per
acre if deemed necessary in order to "maximize production", as is required by
the State as a condition of leasing.
More holes drilled means more opportunity for contamination of
our aquifers
Applications for wells drilled in Payette County recently document directional
and diagonal drilling - a deviation from the vertical drilling officials have been
promising. They are also spaced a mere 20 to 40 acres apart
They say they won't frack here because:
"Idaho has no shale"
The truth is — the Treasure Valley and most of Idaho is rich in
hydrocarbon reserves. Advances in technology, specifically -
well 'stimulation' i.e. acidizing and fracking), now allow them to
extract oil and gas from tight sandstone and shale formations
that they couldn't access before.
(Shale highlighted) Idaho Geological Survey
Historical Well Logs — Eastern Idaho
Teton County Bonneville County
er F2 , • _ C�u�vt
feet of shal
Elmore County (Mountain Home)
Mare s.ha ....
Payette County
Washington County Canyon County
(Weiser) (Caldwell)
Thousands o~,t
Amy .roaor
14.114 r..'N.A wr• w nM
Ada County — Eagle (Dry Creek)
• .
• a Lsx:i so.
inserlP::r. o: Fo—.•o.:r.
Sall. amis and rrers1
tea van,to.
Solid shale
,d6,,,s,-rafibuii eeT of
Ada County — Eagle foothills
(IGS report from 3 wells drilled in Eagle foothills in 1920's)
_leve this soap rock capping is hard, h.dro-carben_b]ack_
blue -stain,:, shale of Tery light tan color, probably curare which
nnde: a specially strong lens shows diatoms. Thie again is
imediate],y overlaid by very fire, splitting, soft shales. Botha,
shales ate oil artier the chloroform test, Under these twenty
Yee; 'Rake oil s: -nae, capped uy thoso shales, is a kit of aiA-
Hv d ro �ceearthrr res tharcfcarl-O
oil a
There are also BOW o l seeps, well up the hillside,
cTcr r- shale lacer. They contain sor or ricotrre the year
and Jround5'16
son t: r�eenish-blue sand, and aro iiciiately underlaid by a
wildth shale layer, mug feet thick, microscopically impre.-nated
petroleas pcl±do.
The nearly flat part of tits structure on top of a hill
:.ors by, :.awe tr:r rteet or cil :..:;Cr:c bre- shale ]r1/er. ear -Ox
Cie Mtl:nAer1 .. rkile. ,...�_i_ _: ..______. _.
Applications by Bridge Resources
(Bought out by Alta Mesa in 2011)
8nteEnergy Ic(MLImestnen3
&tile Erergy Inc. (Bored)
Bodge Energy tx flstm4 Cap'd1
&kye Energy Lx (i euazsen1
Bridge beg'?Mc (Sarre&
& e Eaeriyec, Rath)
&page Ery tr (Tracy)
Bodge Energy No Mite)
Beige Energy he(Kom)
Bridge & ergy Inc (Shoemaker)
dodge Ene to (Nneifel)
Elf d*e End'9y Nt. (Mal)
Br)* &r ig Inc (DB) 1-13
BrdgeErrergyfnc(DJS)1.14 D
Bodge Er ine. (DJS) 145 D
ML 1-10 (V&A
ape* 1d (Pymarh)
Sea 1.17 Nanette;
Schwan 1.10 (Rapper)
Walcn 1-2
Tracy Trust 3.2
VAs?e t-10
Kern 1-22 (SM'e 1-22"
Kneel 1-29
DJS 1-13
JS 1-14
JS 1-15
464014tle Moe Rd.
5129Hwy 52
NE of6447 UtdeVl0ox Rd.
3737 SV! 3 Ave
East of 10775 S).[xer Cre k Road
115015 NV! 1stke
Ned1Vo`6100Van Rd
5866 Hey 30 S
4571 SE2nd Are
N 5356 Adams Rd.
N of 7246 Bode Rd
N d E 018400 Dutch Ln on Kiletvew
SE of 4640 L4tle W`6ow Rd
SE of 4640We W4orRd
SE of 4640 Lade WSee fid
Payette 1341
N Prymach 8912
Payette 2479
NP nn 1n 70016694
Payers 1201
N P'nrais 375
N Pyrrpu 1 6289 ii 6290
N Pymouth 563
N Plymouth 726
N Plyrcpylh 608-2
NF^;:c ; 1424
Payette 1399
12/102009 GRILLE"
1211012009 DRILLE .Intend to Frack
12110/2009 DRILLE
1/142310 DRILLE
121102009 PLUGG D
732010 DRILLE '-Intend to frock
7182010 DRILLE r4ntend to Frack
7182010 DRILI1 Molest to Frock
AGREL'atni rtnuow
31912010 PLUGGED
16142010 PLUGGED
10+14.2010 DRILLED
Set Twn Rn9
8 4
2 7 4
9 9 3
7 7 4
0 0 2
6 7 4
2 7 4
0 7 4
1.2 7 4
6 7 4
29 6 4
13 8 5
13 8 4
14 6 4
15 8 4
Idaho Petroleum Council website
To team more about the OGCC, cock -.<•�,
Idano's Energy Future
Refin . ' ' . . Gasoline Platform
OiIRi' racking _Drilling Petroleum
5,7 Sh Extraction Oilfield
o •- F O SIL Equipment Crude
p. ca Pollution FUEL o Power
c Natural Gas Mining c co. Pump
' Resource Business Ocean
q Energy Ecology Well Finance
co Global Work Value F• Offshore
Idaho's new laws have laid the necessary foundation for Idaho to eucces
enter into the Energy Revolution.
Non -Conventional Wells
Tight sandstone and shale formations here in Idaho will require:
Well "Treatment" = Actions performed on a well to acidize,
fracture(i.e.frack), or stimulate the target reservoir
Industry's definition & they have worked hard to pass legislation here in Idaho
to allow it (Idaho's oil & gas rules: IDAPA 20.07.02, pg �)
Acidizing (aka Mini-Fracking) - Uses Hydrofluoric and other acids to dissolve
sandstone in order to release hydrocarbons
Hydraulic Fracturing or Fracking - Injecting millions of gallons of water, any of
hundreds of toxic chemicals and sand under extremely high pressure in order
to crack tight sandstone and shale formations to release hydrocarbons
Hydraulic Fracturing Explained
Bottom Line...
• 85 years of conventional drilling proved commercial failure
If they could have profited from conventional drilling they would have done so
long ago
• Alta Mesa — fracking has been a big part of their oil & gas plays in every single state
they have drilled - Texas, Oklahoma & Louisiana and they specialize in stimulating'
flagging wells
• When asked if they are going to frack, officials John Peiserich, John Foster (Alta
Mesa) & Richard Brown (Alta Mesa partner Snake River Oil & Gas), have stated
repeatedly that they will frock
Check out the Oct 2015 issue of The Independent News for more on this!
Paul Powell (Petroglyph Energy, Inc.) Eagle City Council (Oct 20)
"1.2 million wells drilled across US and over 90% have been fracked"
His company drills approximately 60 wells per year in Utah, in tight sandstone like we
have here and they "frack every one of those wells".
What About Eagle?
John Foster (Alta Mesa spokesman) — August 2015 edition: The Independent News
told reporter Phil Janquart that Alta Mesa had not signed any leases in Ada County for
future drilling for gas & oil .
However, subsequent Idaho Dept of Lands records revealed that Alta Mesa had
leased the entire 3,277 acres of state-owned minerals leased there to date
Suzanne Budge (Idaho Petroleum Council) — 09/22/15 Eagle City Council meeting
After proof was provided about these leases at the Sept 22 Eagle City Council meeting
Suzanne admitted there has been land leased in Ada county but stated that it's just
part of a bigger package, there are no plans for it....
John Foster (Alta Mesa spokesman) - 10/20/15 Eagle City Council Meeting
At the Oct 20 Eagle City Council meeting John stated during a Channel 2 News report
that Alta Mesa had no plans to drill in Eagle and he was "mystified" as to why CAIA is
spreading misinformation.
Idaho Department of Lands - State owned Oil & Gas leases
L, 421
n ,SI
v •�
44: • Ada County
, 11 :t:
:,... r� a r,
Ci 1. i r L• - P"
Tensaf thousands =of-acr
Including major stretches of the Snake, BoiseSrP ye Rivers
Split Estate
• Vast majority of leased land in Ada County is State-owned split estate
(3,277 acres so far) Most of that land is in Eagle
• Surface rights have been severed from mineral rights as per a
1923 Law passed requiring State to retain minerals on land they sold
Mineral rights always trump surface rights
• Those minerals sat there untouched since they became property of the
State nearly a century ago
Alta Mesa deliberately sought out those tracts of land, nominated them to be auctioned off by IDL & then
leased the minerals
John Peiserich (Alta Mesa) — Interim Joint Resources Committee(Oct 16 "The easiest way to accumulate
acreage to go and try to drill on is to lease it from the State or Feds"
Idaho Department of Lands — Split Estate
In a split estate, mineral rights are legally considered the dominant
estate, meaning they take precedence over other rights associated
with owning the surface. Therefore, the mineral right owner (or its
lessee or its designated operator) can use as much of the surface
estate as is reasonably needed to explore for and develop the
reserved minerals within the land. This could result in surface -
disturbing activities on your land.
Eagle Split Estate Land
Idaho OII & Gas Lease
Pin Itis!
North Star Public
Charter School *'
F Gaiiteo Ntatti &
Science Magnet
�i � _ Eagle Higt4$c�op(
P4 9
cZ �r ���— milleBeckman
Eagle Split Estate Land
Idaho Orl & Gas Leases
Stillwell Estates
Oil & Gas Leasel* 0600266 (Stillwell Estates, Eagle)
Tract No. 136
By and through the State Board of Land Commissioners
300 North a" Street, Suite 103
PO Box 83720
Boise ID 83720-0050
AM Idaho, LLC
15021 Katy Freeway. Surto 400
Houston TX 77094
Lease 't erre. Commencement June 1, 2014
Expual.nn: May 31, 2024
Rent Tho annual real payment is due on June let of each year
Annual Rerl 0800.00
Dal. Penalty
Year 6 through Year 10 6600,00
Important Terms of The Lease
• Idaho Dept of Lands leased the minerals under these homes and farms for
the paltry sum of $1 per acre.
• Alta Mesa has the right to use as much of the surface as necessary for
exploration, drilling, production & marketing of oil & gas produced there,
including: all works, buildings, plants, waterways, roads, communication
lines, pipelines, reservoirs, tanks, pumping stations & other structures
necessary to 'full enjoyment and development of the leased premises':
• Each lease is for a 10 year term but can be extended indefinitely as long as
Alta Mesa conducts diligent and continuous drilling, OR reworks (through
stimulating/fracking), former wells in order to restore or improve
• All wells must be drilled, maintained and operated so as to produce the
maximum amount of oil and/or gas possible. A penalty is assessed if
drilling doesn't commence within the first 5 years of the lease.
State Owned Mineral lease - Stillwell Estates
. ,,, 7. ..........--1
C. -'.J1/1.11, 01 raIJAI*
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Eagle Split Split Estate Land
Idaho Oil & Gas Leases
• • • D.
• C. I
Zara{ :drWrZr=
Eagle Split Estate Land
Idaho 011 & Gas Leases
rev OCOGU.s.ogfit
Ada County Split Estate Land
Hidden Spnngs
10 2016
- t0.00.01.Ga0).••••••_051610
124 112
Star Split Estate Land - Boise River
Myth - "The Oil & Gas Industry is Heavily Regulated"
Reality - Major exemptions to most federal environmental laws
• Safe Drinking Water act — Protects underground drinking water sources from
injection of hazardous waste
• Clean Water Act — regulates discharge from well pads, pipelines & other infrastructure
• Clean Air Act — Sets limits for toxic air emissions
• Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation & Liability Act -
Holds industries accountable for cleaning up hazardous waste: i.e. "Superfund"
• Resource Conservation & Recovery Act — Sets standards for disclosure, safe
handling & reduction of hazardous waste
• Emergency Planning & Community Right to Know Act — Requires reporting of
significant releases of hazardous waste like Benzene, Toluene, Xylene, etc.
These exemptions have allowed highly industrialized activities
(exploration, drilling, treating - including fracking - processing, post
production & injection) in close proximity to human populations in
both rural and residential, urban locations across the US
Health Issues Associated With Oil & Gas Production
Rashes - Nose Bleeds - Asthma - Silicosis - Organ Damage
Cancers - Pre -term Birth - Fetal Death - Sleep Disorders
Cardiovascular Disease - Cognitive Impairment
Concerned Health Professionals of New York: Compendium 2015
Conventional vs Non -Conventional
• Both use massive amounts of potable water (tens of
thousands vs millions of gallons)
• All water used becomes permanently contaminated
with chemicals & radioactivity (our drinking water
aquifers and irrigation systems)
• Disposal of toxic drill cuttings, flowback water and
production brine is equally dangerous for
conventional and non -conventional, whether waste
water pits or injection wells are used
• Wellbore integrity (risk of gas leakage from wells) as
much an issue for conventional gas as it is for fracked
wells — over time virtually all cement casings leak
KEo 1T
Conventional vs Non -Conventional
• Flaring, leaking & spills from both types of wells are a proven danger
to communities — documented cause of myriad of health problems
from asthma & skin disorders to cancer clusters
• Risks from supporting infrastructure same - leaking pipelines,
compressor stations & refinery emissions, destruction of roads, truck,
train & well pad leaks, explosions of all the above
• Induced seismicity results from both conventional and non -
conventional wells. The state of Idaho has applied to the Federal
government for the authority to allow class 11 injection wells
(documented cause of earthquake clusters in states across the nation)
Earthquake Clusters - Oklahoma
Fracking & Waste water injection wells (also KA, CA, CO, TX, OH, ND...)
850 + earthquakes in 2015, mag 3.0 or greater (up from 1 - 2 per year)
Attributed to just 4 injection wells
4201 >r loy Valtey Rd
Dallas TX 75244
Ourprnonr 07 2015
Policy IJunlher
Br taco
Many insurance' companies will no longer cover damage
from earthquakes attributed to oil & gas production ....
Soblucl t0 all JX)IICy provisions. 1110 COV0,affe pf0Vll)V11 by 11x111011(4 15 NOT Intended to cover provenly of lialelr1Y los•.
mutant() born
Ort) Oldraclnlg nil lir SIa, boIow Inc endh's SudSCe by Any plOCCss .ncl.atmg Ma not 11.0111C•411.1 nyriranbc. 1.0, ng Or
dolling or
(0) 1.Ileclnnlo. n . onulu any substance Including bin not 1 ed to water and wastewater Inflow the earth:0
s surin.1.)1
enY Purpose '!
(c) storage of any Sxtnlanc0. Including but 001 Mantled t0. Walol and wastewater Inv ow the errant's surfaca for any
110l pnia
(0) any combination of (a) - (C) above
PIeosu toed your Policy 11110 related Al00000lents 101 the SpOCIIIL 10,1x5 And C011/1111)115 .1 )44111.1.1144 Our policy
Thank you for Ins with us Wit look I1,ward to serve) you for litany years 10 (:I1n10
LJnlnrwnlulp Depatinionl
Privately Owned Mineral Rights
Across the valley many people own their mineral rights
Alta Mesa (and a few small exploration companies), have obtained some leases through
direct negotiation with property owners, including here in Ada county.
If that fails — they resort to Forced Pooling (Integration) of mineral rights,
as per HB 50 which was passed early in 2015
Signing a lease, whether voluntary or forced, puts most property
owners in direct violation of their mortgage contract and can
initiate foreclosure
State of Idaho, Attorney General - Letter to Senator Michelle Stennett,
Impact of Oil and Gas Leases on Mortgages, January 25, 2016.
Forced Pooling (Integration)
lithe owner(s) of 55% of the mineral acres in a section want drilling,
industry can apply to 'integrate' or force pool the other 45% against
their will
C.A.I.A. has successfully held up the first 2 applications to force pool Fruitland
residents using legal channels and rules put in place by the Oil & Gas Commission
to handle disputes fairly
The result - Senate Bill 1339
Critical for folks here in Eagle to realize that once precedent
is set in Fruitland they will use this process across the
Treasure Valley and around the state.
SB 1339 - Regarding `Integration' or Forced Pooling
Strips virtually all due process from oil and gas permitting in the state
• Transfers sole authority over permitting of wells to 1 person — director of Idaho
Department of Lands
• Shortens all application timeframes drastically (by roughly half of what they now are)
—so that no land owner could realistically mount a legal defense
• Applications MUST be approved — even if only "substantially complete"
• Re-classifies required information on applications (including names of unleased
mineral owners), as "Trade Secret" (with no way for anyone other than IDL to verify,
and no time for them to do so)
• Prevents anyone other than an unleased mineral interest owner from appealing the
rubber-stamp process/approval (i.e., no organization such as CAIA could represent it's
members in FORCED-pooling/integration hearings)
• Prevents any access to data that you would need to make a case in your own interests
(no "discovery")
Threat to livestock, wildlife & pets
Neurological, digestive, respiratory & reproductive damage & death
Oswald & Bamberger - Cornell University study (2013)
Poisoned waterways
Drilling in our neighborhoods
Light and Noise Pollution 24/7
Oil & Gas —fatalities more than 7 Times national average
of all other industries (27.5 per 100K - Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Vast majority of jobs will go to out of state workers
Porter Ranch, California - Methane Disaster
Infrared, time lapse photo of natural gas leak
Wells - Trains - Pipelines - Compressor Stations - Refineries
Leaking Wells - Accidental Spills - Illegal
Dumping - Toxic, Leaking Waste Water Pits
Methane in tap water
North Dakota farm
Wyoming Gas field — Eagle/Boise foothills?