Minutes - 2016 - City Council - 02/23/2016 - RegularEAGLE CITY COUNCIL Minutes February 23, 2016 PRE COUNCIL AGENDA: 1. Audit Report Fiscal Year 2014 — 2015: Kurt Folke, Quest CPAs, provides Council an overview of the FY 14/15 Audit Report. General discussion. 2. Chamber of Commerce: Debbie Carpenter, Chairman of the Board of the Chamber of Commerce, we just wanted to extend a hand and greeting to you as the Mayor and City Council. The State of the City was one of the best presentations given. We do have an open door to the Executive Committee. We are in the search for a new Executive Director. We are here to represent our Chamber Members and we are looking forward to working with the City of Eagle on Country Christmas and Eagle Fun Days. General discussion. Mike Olsen, Board of Directors Eagle Chamber of Commerce, the City is providing us a list of new business licenses and we are using the list to recruit new members. We advertise your events on our website and Facebook. General discussion. 3. Mayor and Council Reports: Bastian: Reports on the Transportation meeting. Soelberg: Reports on the Parks and Pathway Development Commission meeting. Kunz: Discussion on tomorrow night's ACHD meeting and the Agenda. The meeting starts at 6:00 p.m. and it is at ACHD. General discussion. 4. City Hall Department Supervisor Reports: Parks /Rec Director Aho: No report 5. City Attorney Report: No report INVOCATION: None REGULAR AGENDA: 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Ridgeway calls the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Ridgeway leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 3. ROLL CALL: KUNZ, BASTIAN, PRESTON, SOLEBERG. All present. A quorum is present. 4. ADDITIONS, DELETIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE AGENDA: A. City Staff requests. Page 1 KACOUNCIUMINUTEMTemporary Minutes Work AreACC- 02- 23- 16min.doc Zoning Administrator Vaughan: for your consideration to move to the Consent Agenda: Item #813. CU -10 -15 — Conditional Use Permit - Tahoe Homes: Tahoe Homes, represented by Amy Kelley, is requesting conditional use permit approval for a waiver to reduce the front and rear setbacks within Banbury Meadows Subdivision No. 8. and #8C RZ -05 -02 MOD Modification to the Lakemoor Development Agreement — William Schultz and additionally #9E Temporary License Agreement between City of Eagle and Lexington Hills Homeowners Association. Mayor: Is there anyone in the audience to testify for items under Public Hearing #813 and #8C the titles that Mr. Vaughan just read? #813 CU -10 -15 — Conditional Use Permit - Tahoe Homes and #8C. RZ -05 -02 MOD Modification to the Lakemoor Development Agreement and #9E Temporary License Agreement between City of Eagle and Lexington Hills Homeowners Association. No one in the audience indicates they wish to testify on these items. Bastian moves to move Items #811, #8C and #9E to the Consent Agenda. Seconded by Preston. General discussion. Mayor: With the motion is there a unanimous consent for the changes to the Agenda? So moved. B. Mayor or City Council requests. None 5. This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding subjects not on the agenda. At times, the City Council may seek comments /opinions regarding specific City matters during this allotted time. This is not the time slot to give formal testimony on a public hearing matter, or comment on a pending application or proposal. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three (3) minutes. 6. CONSENT AGENDA: s Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. ♦ Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims against the City. B. AA -07 -15 — Zoning Administrator Appeal of Design Review Application (DR -52 -99 MODE) & Findings of Fact and Conclusion of Law for AA -07- 15/DR-52-99 MOD6 — Eagle Marketplace Master Sign Plan Modification: Alturas Eagle Marketplace, LLC, represented by Virginia Cunningham with Golden West Signs, is requesting design review approval to modify the master Page 2 K1COUNCIMMMUTES \Temporary Minutes Work AreaWC- 02- 23 -16min doc sign plan for the Eagle Marketplace. The site is located on the northeast corner of East Chinden Boulevard and North Eagle Road at 3210 East Chinden Boulevard. In accordance with Eagle City Code Section 8 -2A -14 (A), the Zoning Administrator previously appealed the Design Review Board's decision on this matter and is seeking City Council approval. C. Minutes of February 9, 2016. D. EXT -01 -16 — Preliminary Plat Extension of Time for SCS Syringa Subdivision (aka Tannenbaum Subdivision) — Smith Brighton, Inc.: Smith Brighton, Inc., represented by Mike Wardle, is requesting a one (1) year extension of time for the preliminary plat approval for SCS Syringa Subdivision, a 142 -lot (128 buildable and 14 common) residential subdivision. The 63.57 -acre site is located on the north side of West Floating Feather Road approximately 1,320 -feet west of the intersection of North Lanewood Road and West Floating Feather Road. (WEV) E. EXT -02 -16 — Preliminary Plat Extension of Time for Gated Garden Subdivision — Brighton Corporation: Brighton Corporation, represented by Mike Wardle, is requesting an extension of time for the preliminary plat approval for Gated Garden Subdivision, a 72 -lot (60- buildable and 12- common) residential subdivision. The 18.62 -acre site is generally located on the east side of N. Linder Road approximately 2,100 -feet north of the intersection of W. Chinden Boulevard (Highway 20/26) and N. Linder Road at 7000 N. Linder Road. (WEV) F. Minutes of February 2, 2016. G. Resolution 16 -14 — A resolution of the City of Eagle, Idaho Appointing Board Members and Alternates To Valley Regional Transit Board. (SR) H. Appointment to the Design Review Board: Mayor Ridgeway is requesting the appointment of Louis Germano to the Board. Mr. Germano will be serving a three (3) year term that will expire in March 2019. (SR) I. FP -14 -15 - Final Plat for Springhouse Subdivision — CBH Homes Inc.: CBH Homes, Inc., represented by Scott Wonders with J -U -B Engineers, Inc., is requesting final plat approval for Springhouse Subdivision, a 58 -lot (52- buildable, 6- common) residential subdivision. The 18.39 -acre site is generally located on the west side of North Park Lane approximately 750 -feet north of the intersection of State Highway 44 and North Park Lane. (WEV) J. LYNX! Consortium Services Agreement: (SB) *K. Appointments to the Historic Preservation Commission: Mayor Ridgeway is requesting Council confirmation of the appointment of Zachary Pence and Paula Davina to the Commission. Both will be serving three (3) year terms that will expire in February 2019. (SR) L(8B). CU -10 -15 — Conditional Use Permit - Tahoe Homes: Tahoe Homes, represented by Amy Kelley, is requesting conditional use permit approval for a waiver to reduce the front and rear setbacks within Banbury Meadows Subdivision No. 8. The 11.81 -acre site is generally located on the west side of South Chipper Way approximately 50 -feet north of the intersection of South Chipper Way and West Oakhampton Drive. (WEV) Page 3 KACOUNCILVAMTEMTemporary Minutes Work Area\CC- 02- 23 -16min doc M(8C). RZ -05 -02 MOD Modification to the Lakemoor Development Agreement — William Schultz: Williams Schulz, represented by Kristi Watkins with J -U -B Engineers, Inc., is requesting a development agreement modification to modify the condition of development relating to setbacks within Lakemoor Subdivision No. 5 to permit a rear yard setback of 7.5 -feet on Lot 180, Block 7, located within the "Carriage Home Site" portion of the development. Lot 180, Block 7, is located approximately 780 -feet south of the intersection of East Lakebrook Lane and South Creek Pointe Lane at 2931 South Creek Pointe Lane. The 178.52 -acre Lakemoor site is generally located on the east side of Eagle Road approximately 1000 -feet north of Chinden Boulevard. (WEV) N(9E). Temporary License Agreement between City of Eagle and Lexington Hills Homeowners Association. Bastian moves to approve the Consent Agenda. Seconded by Soelberg. Bastian: AYE; Preston: AYE; Kunz: AYE, Soelberg: AYE. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............ 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. State Highway 44 and Edgewood: Review of the Eagle Transportation Committee recommendation on the removal of the north -bound free - running right turn from the west- bound leg of the State Highway 44 and Edgewood Lane Intersection. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Planner Baird- Spencer provides Council an overview the Transportation Committee's review of State Highway 44 and Edgewood Intersection. Bastian moves to take the recommendation of the Transportation Committee and approve it which would allow for a signalized condition for the right turn lane, which would allow the north /south traffic to avoid the weaving and make that a safer interchange during that time that we have the traffic flowing north /south and when the light turns to green you will have the easy clearing of the stacked lane on the right and the through traffic. Kunz: Councilman Bastian, would you be amenable to adding or extending your motion to also compose a letter and send it to all of the transportation entities? Bastian amends the motion. Seconded by Preston. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES ................. Mayor: I totally missed Public Comment so we will now open up Public Comment. Theresa Johnson, 3417 N. Croft Way, I want to thank the entire Council for their support of Beacon Light Road being constrained to 3 lanes and I would like to invite the Public to please come to the ACHD Commission meeting tomorrow night at 6:00 p.m. Thank you for your support. 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS: ♦ Public Hearings are legally noticed hearings required by state law. The public may provide formal testimony regarding the application or issue before the City Council. This testimony will become part of the hearing record for that application or matter. Page 4 KACOUNCIUMIMUPES \Temporary Minutes Work AreaWC- 02- 23- 16mm.doc A. PP -14 -13 MOD - Overton Acres Subdivision Preliminary Plat Modification — Vince Kouba: Vince Kouba, represented by Pat Tealey with Tealey's Land Surveying, is requesting a modification to the preliminary plat for Overton Acres Subdivision, a 6 -lot (4- buildable, 2- common) residential development. The applicant is requesting the proposed public road to be a private road and remove the two (2) common lots. The 4.66 - acre site is located on the west side of South Locust Grove Road approximately 1,000 feet north of Chinden Boulevard at 3145 South Locust Grove Road. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Zoning Administrator Vaughan displays overheads and provides the Council an overview of the application. General discussion. Pat Tealey, representing the applicant, provides Council an overview of the application. General discussion. Mayor opens the Public Hearing. Mary Beth Cronyn, 3173 S. Stonington, I live directly due east of the proposed private driveway and for that reason I am asking for a redesign of the driveway because it faces directly into the living area of my home. This affects my master bedroom, bathroom, kitchen and family living area. I have been here for 17 years and we are thinking about downsizing and this affects my market value. I do have a letter from us for all of you. Discusses the traffic on Locust Grove and the speed limit. Summarizes the letter she wrote to the City Council. General discussion. Pat Tealey: We did have neighborhood meetings and I wished we would have had the opportunity to talk to these neighbors. There was really nowhere else for access to this ground. Discusses the private driveway and the sidewalks on Locust Grove. Planner Williams: discusses the vertical curbing being stricken and relocating the access. General discussion. Mayor closes the Public Hearing General discussion. Soelberg moves PP -14 -13 MOD - Overton Acres Subdivision Preliminary Plat Modification — Vince Kouba with the following changes: Site Specific Condition #6 be changed from vertical curbing to ribbon style curbing, Site Specific Condition #7 be removed in its entirety and Site Specific Condition #19, the cul -de -sac, be changed to a hammerhead with the appropriate staff language. Seconded by Bastian. Kunz: would the maker of the motion be amenable to deleting any language that says if the City Council approves the proposed private street prefacing certain Site Specific Conditions of Approval and also striking Site Specific Conditions of Approval #37 altogether? Discussion. Soelberg: I am amenable to the amendments proposed by Councilman Kunz. Second concurs. Discussion. TWO AYES: TWO NAYS: MAYOR: AYE: MOTION CARRIES .................... Page 5 KACOUNCIL\MINUTES \Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC- 02- 23 -16min doc B. CU -10 -15 — Conditional Use Permit - Tahoe Homes: Tahoe Homes, represented by Amy Kelley, is requesting conditional use permit approval for a waiver to reduce the front and rear setbacks within Banbury Meadows Subdivision No. 8. The 11.81 -acre site is generally located on the west side of South Chipper Way approximately 50 -feet north of the intersection of South Chipper Way and West Oakhampton Drive. (WEV) Moved by previous Motion to the Consent Agenda. C. RZ -05 -02 MOD Modification to the Lakemoor Development Agreement — William Schultz: Williams Schulz, represented by Kristi Watkins with J -U -B Engineers, Inc., is requesting a development agreement modification to modify the condition of development relating to setbacks within Lakemoor Subdivision No. 5 to permit a rear yard setback of 7.5 -feet on Lot 180, Block 7, located within the "Carriage Home Site" portion of the development. Lot 180, Block 7, is located approximately 780 -feet south of the intersection of East Lakebrook Lane and South Creek Pointe Lane at 2931 South Creek Point Lane. The 178.52 -acre Lakemoor site is generally located on the east side of Eagle Road approximately 1000 -feet north of Chinden Boulevard. (WEV) Moved by previous Motion to the Consent Agenda. 9. NEW BUSINESS: A. Presentation on the Eagle Foothills American Viticulture Area (AVA), part of the Snake River Valley American Viticulture Area - Martha Cunningham, 3 Horse Ranch Vineyards: (NP) Mayor introduces the issue. Martha Cunningham, our family business is 3 Horse Ranch and we planted some vineyards in 2005, they are thriving. I wanted to validate this so I created an AVA. Displays some overheads and provides Council an overview of what an AVA is. Discusses the Comp Plan, and highway signage. This is a gateway to the Eagle Foothills and will bring international recognition to the City. We are taking this the Idaho Wine Commission. Suggestions on what the City can do to promote the AVA. General discussion. B. Report on Dog Park Open House: (MA) Mayor introduces the issue. Parks /Rec Director Aho displays overheads and provides Council an overview of the Dog Park Open House. There are 22 people interested in a user group for the dog park. General discussion on creating a working group, the location of a dog park and moving the dog park forward. C. Request for Mediation regarding the City Council decision on DR -17 -14 MOD /AA -06 -15 — Bill Barros: Bill Barros is requesting City Council consideration to enter into mediation to discuss the disallowance of a fence around the irrigation pond located within the common area open space located within Creek Water Subdivision. The 12.7 -acre site is located on the south side of West Floating Feather Road approximately 1/4 -mile east of Park Lane at 3577 and 3395 West Floating Feather Road. (WEV) Page 6 KAC0UNCIL\M1NUTES \Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC- 02- 23- 16min.doc Mayor introduces the issue. Planning and Zoning Administrator Vaughan displays overheads and provides Council an overview. Council can make a decision to allow mediation or not to allow mediation. General discussion. Hethe Clark, representing Bill Barros, the Barros should have asked permission to put this fence in and I want to assure Council that it was done with the best intentions and purely for a safety concern. Discusses reconsideration and mediation. We are asking for the mediation so the safety concerns can be vetted. We wanted to give mediation the opportunity to work. General discussion. Soelberg: I would like to make a motion that we reject the Request for Mediation regarding the City Council decision on DR -17 -14 MOD /AA -06 -15 — Bill Barros. Seconded by Kunz. Discussion. THREE AYES: ONE NAY: MOTION CARRIES........ D. AA -01 -16 — Applicant Appeal of Design Review Application DR -30 -05 MOD3 (Laguna Fence) — Steve Peel, represented by Nicole Hancock with Stoel Rives: Steve Peel, represented by Nicole Hancock with Stoel Rives, is requesting a modification to the Laguna Pointe Subdivision's design review approval to allow for the installation of a smooth (barbless) wire fence with metal t -posts (approximately 4,375 -feet in length) within Common Lot 35 along the south side of the pathway along the south side of the Boise River. The applicant requests an option to place up to 2 additional strands of barbed wire on the back (south) side of the fence (facing the subdivision common area) to further deter trespassers. The subdivision is located on the east side of South Eagle Road approximately 800 -feet north of East Colchester Drive. In accordance with Eagle City Code Section 8 -2A -14 (A), the applicant is appealing the Design Review Board's decision on this matter. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Planning and Zoning Administrator Vaughan provides Council an overview. General discussion. Steve Peel, President of the Laguna Pointe HOA, introduces Nicole Hancock who is representing the HOA. Nicole Hancock, representing Laguna Pointe HOA, provides the Council some history and an overview of the request for a modification to the subdivision's design review approval and their appeal. General discussion. Nicole Hancock continues with her presentation. General discussion. Kunz moves to deny the appeal. Seconded by Bastian. Discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............ Page 7 KACOUNCIL\MFNUTES \Temporary Minutes Work AreaWC- 02- 23 -16min doc E. Temporary License Agreement between City of Eagle and Lexington Hills Homeowners Association (CDM) Moved by previous Motion to the Consent Agenda. 10. PUBLIC COMMENT: This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding subjects on the agenda. At times, the City Council may seek comments /opinions regarding specific City matters during this allotted time. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three (3) minutes. Patricia Minkiewicz, 3047 Deerfield Court, discusses the AVA and the Eagle Wine District. Theresa Johnson, 3417 N. Craft Way, discusses the AVA and truffles. Mayor calls a recess at 9:15 p.m. Mayor reconvenes at 9:20 p.m. 11. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Executive sessions - When authorized. (1) An executive session at which members of the public are excluded may be held, but only for the purposes and only in the manner set forth in this section. The motion to go into executive session shall identify the specific subsections of this section that authorize the executive session. There shall be a roll call vote on the motion and the vote shall be recorded in the minutes. An executive session shall be authorized by a two - thirds (2/3) vote of the governing body. An executive session may be held: A. Personnel Matters: 74 -206 (1) (b) To consider the evaluation, dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent, or public school student; B. Pending or Threatened Litigation — Laguna Pointe: 74 -206 (1) (f) To communicate with legal counsel for the public agency to discuss the legal ramifications of and legal options for pending litigation, or controversies not yet being litigated but imminently likely to be litigated. The mere presence of legal counsel at an executive session does not satisfy this requirement; Mayor introduces the issue. Kunz moves to go into Executive Session as per I.C. 74- 206(1)( b) personnel matters and (f) pending and /or threatened litigation on Laguna Pointe. Seconded by Soelberg. Bastian: AYE; Preston: AYE; Kunz: AYE, Soelberg: AYE. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............ Council goes into Executive Session at 9:20 p.m. Council discusses personnel matters and pending and/or threatened litigation on Laguna Pointe. Council leaves Executive Session at 10:20 p.m. Page 8 KAC0UNCIL\MrNUTES \Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC- 02- 23 -16min doc 6. ADJOURNMENT: Kunz moves to adjourn. Seconded by Soelberg. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES ................ Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 11:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted: .•`` EAGIF''•. -'0 •.,� SHARON K. BERGMANN ••......•• ; •.f oRgp'•.• CITY CLERK/TREASURER C: o�Q APPROVED: �.• � : �. "N" sPATE o�;O••. r� SfA6YRIDaWAY MAYOR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT WWW.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 9 K':COUNCIU IINUTESTemporary Minutes Work AreACC-02- 23 -16mm doc EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP PP -14-13 MOD - Overton Acres Subdivision Preliminary Plat Modification — Vince Kouba February 23, 2016 TESTIFY PRO/ CON or NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL X 1 1 2•/ )' 1� 1 N i/ EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP CU -10-15 — Conditional Use Permit - Tahoe Homes February 23, 2016 TESTIFY PRO/ CON or NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP RZ-05-02 MOD Modification to the Lakemoor Development Agreement — William Schultz February 23, 2016 TESTIFY PRO/ CON or NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL f ^ rs City of Eagle Report Criteria: Report type: GL detail Bank.Bank account = "82007705" (C -'(„2_--2 3-/‘. Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 1 Check Issue Dates: 2/10/2016 - 2/22/2016 Feb 22, 2016 01:01 PM Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount 19330 02/16/2016 19330 Idaho Child Support Receipting 1 ch 16-0217-08-00 GARNISHMENTS 150.00 150.00 Total 19330: 150.00 19331 02/16/2016 19331 Key Bank - HSA 1 ch 16-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 385.00 385.00 02116/2016 19331 Key Bank - HSA 2 ch 06-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 535.00 535.00 02/16/2016 19331 Key Bank - HSA 3 ch 09-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 100.00 100.00 02/16/2016 19331 Key Bank - HSA 4 ch 17-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 100.00 100.00 02/16/2016 19331 Key Bank - HSA 5 ch 13-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 100.00 100.00 Total 19331: 1,220.00 19332 02/22/2016 19332 6 Development LLC 1 ch 01-0203-01-01 BONDS DEPOSITS PAYABLE 11,725.50 11,725.50 Total 19332: 11,725.50 19333 02/22/2016 19333 A Busy Bee Lock & Key LLC 1 ch 15-0442-01-00 MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 249.95 249.95 Total 19333: 249.95 19334 02/22/2016 19334 Ada County Assessor's Office 1 ch 14-0413-23-01 SOFTWARE PURCHASE-MTNC 100.00 100.00 Total 19334: 100.00 19335 02/22/2016 19335 Ada County Sheriffs Dept. 1 ch 15-0413-24-00 MTNC-REPAIR VEHICLES 212.99 212.99 Total 19335: 212.99 19336 02/22/2016 19336 Albertson's #182 02/22/2016 19336 Albertson's #182 02/22/2016 19336 Albertson's #182 1 ch 16-0413-29-00 PUBLIC RELATIONS 1 ch 01-0462-01-00 PUBLIC RELATIONS 1 ch 11-0422-01-00 PUBLIC RELATIONS 17.97 87.87 73.42 17.97 87.87 73.42 Total 19336: 179.26 19337 02/22/2016 19337 Alloway Electric 02/22/2016 19337 Alloway Electric 1 ch 15-0441-05-00 STREET LIGHTS MTNC & REPAIR 1,328.00 1,328.00 1 ch 15-0441-05-00 STREET LIGHTS MTNC & REPAIR 83.91 83.91 Total 19337: 1,411.91 19338 02/22/2016 19338 Alsco 1 ch 15-0444-03-00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 38.50 38.50 Total 19338: 38.50 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 2 Check Check Issue Date Number Payee 19339 02/22/2016 19339 Analytical Laboratories, Inc. 02/22/2016 19339 Analytical Laboratories. Inc. Total 19339: 19340 02/22/2016 19340 Avenet, LLC Total 19340: 19341 02/22/2016 19341 02/22/2016 19341 02/22/2016 19341 02/22/2016 19341 02/22/2016 19341 02/22/2016 19341 02/22/2016 19341 Total 19341: Baldwin & Associates, Inc. Baldwin & Associates, Inc. Baldwin & Associates, Inc. Baldwin & Associates, Inc. Baldwin & Associates, Inc. Baldwin & Associates, Inc. Baldwin & Associates, Inc. 19342 02/22/2016 19342 Boise Spring Works, Inc. Total 19342: 19343 02/22/2016 19343 CDW Government Inc. 02/22/2016 19343 CDW Government Inc. Total 19343: 19344 02/22/2016 19344 CompuNet, Inc. Total 19344: 19345 02/22/2016 19345 De Lage Landon Financial Svc Total 19345: 19346 02/22/2016 19346 Drugfree Idaho 02/22/2016 19346 Drugfree Idaho Total 19346: 19347 02/22/2016 19347 ESRI, Inc. Total 19347: 19348 02/22/2016 19348 Ferguson Enterprises #3007 Check Issue Dates: 2/10/2016 - 2/22/2016 Feb 22, 2016 01:01 PM Invoice Invoice Sequence GL Account Invoice GL Account Title Invoice Check Amount Amount 1 ch 60-0435-56-00 TESTING -WKLY, MO, QTR, ANNUAL 64.00 64.00 1 ch 60-0435-56-00 TESTING -WKLY, MO, QTR, ANNUAL 16.00 16.00 80.00 1 ch 01-0414-03-00 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT/CONTR 950.00 950.00 950.00 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 55.63 55.63 1 ch 16-0413-05-00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 3.78 3.78 1 ch 12-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 96.00 96.00 1 ch 14-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 131.80 131.80 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 119.82 119.82 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 70.42 70.42 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 30.35 30.35 507.80 1 ch 60-0420-03-00 VEHICLE MTNC & REPAIR 966.40 966.40 966.40 1 ch 01-0416-35-00 OPERATIONAL RESERVE 67.03 67.03 1 ch 01-0416-35-00 OPERATIONAL RESERVE 33.99 33.99 101.02 1 ch 01-0465-19-00 IT HARDWARE REPLACEMENT 3,150.00 3,150.00 3,150.00 1 ch 01-0416-24-00 EQUIPMENT LEASING 1,306.85 1,306.85 1,306.85 1 ch 06-0217-07-00 LIBRARY HEALTH INSURANCE 41.37 41.37 2 ch 01-0217-07-00 GEN ADMIN HEALTH INSURANCE 41.37 41.37 82.74 1 ch 14-0413-23-02 MAINTENANCE (GIS) 400.00 400.00 400.00 1 ch 15-0452-05-00 MTNC & RPR -EQUIP & STRUCTURES 232.18 232.18 City of Eagte Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 3 Check Issue Dates: 2/10/2016 - 2/22/2016 Feb 22, 2016 01:01PM Check Check Issue Date Number Total 19348: Payee 19349 02/22/2016 19349 Ferguson Waterworks #1701 Total 19349: 19350 02/22/2016 19350 Fire Extinguisher Co. Inc. Total 19350: 19351 02/22/2016 19351 Game Face Athletics Total 19351: 19352 02/22/2016 19352 Greg Fotey Total 19352: 19353 02/22/2016 02/22/2016 02/22/2016 19353 HD Supply Waterworks, LTD 19353 HD Supply Waterworks, LTD 19353 HD Supply Waterworks, LTD Total 19353: 19354 02/22/2016 19354 02/22/2016 19354 02/22/2016 19354 02/22/2016 19354 02/22/2016 19354 02/22/2016 19354 02/22/2016 19354 02/22/2016 19354 02/22/2016 19354 02/22/2016 19354 Total 19354: Home Depot Credit Services Home Depot Credit Services Home Depot Credit Services Home Depot Credit Services Home Depot Credit Services Home Depot Credit Services Home Depot Credit Services Home Depot Credit Services Home Depot Credit Services Home Depot Credit Services 19355 02/22/2016 19355 HR2 Inc Total 19355: 19356 02/22/2016 19356 Idaho Correctional Industries 02/22/2016 19356 Idaho Correctional Industries Total 19356: 19357 02/22/2016 19357 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr Invoice Invoice Sequence GL Account Invoice GL Account Title 1 ch 60-0434-22-00 TRAVEL-MTNGS-EDUCATION 1 ch 15-0445-01-00 MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 1 ch 13-0422-01-00 PUBLIC RELATIONS 1 ch 60-0434-22-00 TRAVEL-MTNGS-EDUCATION 1 ch 1 ch 1 ch 60-0438-01-00 EQUIPMENT 60-0434-26-00 Tools & Equipment 60-0438-08-00 CAPITAL METER SETS 1 ch 15-0437-23-00 1 ch 15-0437-25-00 1 ch 60-0434-26-00 1 ch 15-0437-25-00 1 ch 15-0442-02-00 2 ch 15-0447-05-00 1 ch 15-0444-02-00 1 ch 15-0437-24-00 1 ch 60-0434-26-00 1 ch 15-0452-05-00 MISC MTNC/RPR GROUNDS MATERIALS & SUPPLIES Tools & Equipment MATERIALS & SUPPLIES MAINT & REPAIR GROUNDS MTNC & RPR -EQUIP & STRUCTURE MAINT & REPAIR GROUNDS HOLIDAY LIGHTING Tools & Equipment MTNC & RPR -EQUIP & STRUCTURES 1 ch 16-0416-08-00 BACK FLOW TESTING AGREEMENT 1 ch 01-0413-06-00 DUPLICATION/PUBLISHING/PRINTIG 1 ch 01-0465-17-00 Capital Expenditure-Fumiture Invoice Check Amount Amount 232.18 120.00 120.00 57.00 94.50 55.25 2,350.00 14.84 8,925.84 38.21- 116.25 8.47 159.25 21.97 33.97 21.97 26.91 24.98 50.71 120.00 57.00 57.00 94.50 94.50 55.25 55.25 2,350.00 14.84 8,925.84 11,290.68 38.21- 116.25 8.47 159.25 21.97 33.97 21.97 26.91 24.98 50.71 426.27 1,205.00 1,205.00 116.00 1,205.00 116.00 2,495.00 2.495.00 2,611.00 1 ch 15-0455-06-02 ELECTRICAL 12.25 12.25 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 4 Check Check Issue Date Number Payee 02/22/2016 19357 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 02/22/2016 19357 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 02/22/2016 19357 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 02/22/2016 19357 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 02/22/2016 19357 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 02/22/2016 19357 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 02/22/2016 19357 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 02/22/2016 19357 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 02/22/2016 19357 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 02/22/2016 19357 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 02/22/2016 19357 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 02/22/2016 19357 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 02/22/2016 19357 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 02/22/2016 19357 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 02/22/2016 19357 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 02/22/2016 19357 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 02/22/2016 19357 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 02/22/2016 19357 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr Total 19357: 19358 02/22/2016 19358 Idaho Rural Water Assoc. 02/22/2016 19358 Idaho Rural Water Assoc. Total 19358: 19359 02/22/2016 19359 International Code Council Inc Total 19359: 19360 02/22/2016 19360 Jeremy Friton Total 19360: 19361 02/22/2016 19361 Jilt Faciszewski Total 19361: 19362 02/22/2016 19362 02/22/2016 19362 02/22/2016 19362 02122/2016 19362 02/22/2016 19362 02/22/2016 19362 Total 19362: K&T Maintenance K&T Maintenance K&T Maintenance K&T Maintenance K&T Maintenance K&T Maintenance Check Issue Dates: 2/10/2016 - 2/22/2016 Feb 22, 2016 01:01PM Invoice Invoice Sequence GL Account 1 ch 1 ch 1 ch 1 ch 1 ch 1 ch 1 ch 1 ch 1 ch 1 ch 1 ch 1 ch 1 ch 1 ch 1 ch 2 ch 1 ch 1 ch 15-0453-06-02 15-0454-06-02 15-0455-06-02 60-0434-60-00 15-0441-06-00 15-0441-06-00 15-0454-06-02 15-0454-06-02 15-0449-06-02 15-0455-06-02 60-0434-60-00 15-0452-06-02 15-0455-06-02 15-0455-06-02 60-0434-50-01 15-0460-02-00 15-0441-06-00 60-0434-60-00 Invoice GL Account Title ELECTRICAL ELECTRICAL ELECTRICAL POWER STREET LIGHTS -UTILITIES STREET LIGHTS -UTILITIES ELECTRICAL ELECTRICAL ELECTRICAL ELECTRICAL POWER ELECTRICAL ELECTRICAL ELECTRICAL SHOP UTILITIES UTILITIES STREET LIGHTS -UTILITIES POWER 1 ch 60-0434-22-00 TRAVEL-MTNGS-EDUCATION 1 ch 60-0434-22-00 TRAVEL-MTNGS-EDUCATION 1 ch 13-0413-28-00 RESOURCE MATERIALS 1 ch 60-0434-22-00 TRAVEL-MTNGS-EDUCATION 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 1 ch 1 ch 1 ch 1 ch 2 ch 3 ch 15-0445-03-00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 15-0444-03-00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 15-0443-03-00 CUSTORIAL SERVICES 60-0434-50-01 SHOP UTILITIES 15-0460-03-00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 15-0442-03-00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 19363 02/22/2016 19363 M2 Automation & Control Sery 1 ch 01-0465-03-00 CAPITAL EXPEND/CITY HALL EQUIP Total 19363: Invoice Amount 6.58 9.25 8.69 1,029.82 141.24 51.18 334.45 16.80 394.80 13.25 474.42 202.41 5.85 5.25 38.22 76.45 37.65 913.50 Check Amount 6.58 9.25 8.69 1,029.82 141.24 51.18 334.45 16.80 394.80 13.25 474.42 202.41 5.85 5.25 38.22 76.45 37.65 913.50 3,772.06 265.00 265.00 265.00 265.00 530.00 435.00 435.00 435.00 55.25 55.25 55.25 30.46 30.46 30.46 61.20 61.20 1,785.00 1,785.00 920.00 920.00 30.00 30.00 90.00 90.00 1,125.00 1,125.00 4,011.20 7,414.00 7,414.00 7,414.00 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 5 Check Issue Dates: 2/10/2016 - 2/22/2016 Feb 22, 2016 01:01 PM Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount 19364 02/22/2016 19364 Mary and Peter Staley 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 42.10 42.10 Total 19364: 42.10 19365 02/22/2016 19365 Mary Ellen Biebel 1 ch 16-0413-27-00 REFUNDS -PARK RESERVATIONS 18.00 18.00 Total 19365: 18.00 19366 02/22/2016 19366 Moore Smith Buxton & Turcke 1 ch 01-0416-02-00 CITY ATTORNEY 4,162.39 4,162.39 02/22/2016 19366 Moore Smith Buxton & Turcke 1 ch 01-0416-02-00 CITY ATTORNEY 195.00 195.00 02/22/2016 19366 Moore Smith Buxton & Turcke 1 ch 60-0434-42-02 WATER/MISC LEGAL SERVICES 166.00 166.00 02/22/2016 19366 Moore Smith Buxton & Turcke 1 ch 01-0416-02-00 CITY ATTORNEY 4,691.75 4,691.75 02/22/2016 19366 Moore Smith Buxton & Turcke 2 ch 01-0413-33-00 ATTORNEY FEE -CHARGE DEVELOPE 90.00 90.00 02/22/2016 19366 Moore Smith Buxton & Turcke 1 ch 06-0416-01-00 LEGAL - CITY ATTORNEY 4,883.00 4,883.00 02/22/2016 19366 Moore Smith Buxton & Turcke 1 ch 01-0416-02-00 CITY ATTORNEY 638.86 638.86 Total 19366: 14,827.00 19367 02/22/2016 19367 Mountain Home Auto Ranch 1 ch 15-0465-10-00 FLEET FUND 26,800.88 26,800.88 Total 19367: 26,800.88 19368 02/22/2016 19368 Republic Services 1 ch 16-0415-01-00 AWIN MGMT (BFI) ED/ADD SRVS 4,336.78 4,336.78 Total 19368: 4,336.78 19369 02/22/2016 19369 Safeguard by IBF -233439 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 107.28 107.28 Total 19369: 107.28 19370 02/22/2016 19370 Shannon White 1 ch 16-0413-27-00 REFUNDS -PARK RESERVATIONS 55.00 55.00 Total 19370: 55.00 19371 02/22/2016 19371 Shred -it - USA 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 86.49 86.49 Total 19371: 86.49 19372 02/22/2016 19372 SPF -Specialty Plastics & Fab, Inc. 02/22/2016 19372 SPF -Specialty Plastics & Fab, Inc. Total 19372: 1 ch 60-0434-58-01 RPR/MTNC PUMPS-WELLS-CHEMICA 15.95 15.95 1 ch 60-0434-58-01 RPR/MTNC PUMPS-WELLS-CHEMICA 15.96 15.96 31.91 19373 02/22/2016 19373 Staples Credit Plan 1 ch 13-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 25.44 25.44 Total 19373: 25.44 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 6 Check Issue Dates: 2/10/2016 - 2/22/2016 Feb 22, 2016 01:01 PM Check Check Issue Date Number Payee 19374 02/22/2016 19374 The Gallery at Finer Frames Total 19374: 19375 02/22/2016 19375 The Idaho Statesman Total 19375: 19376 02/22/2016 02/22/2016 02/22/2016 02/22/2016 19376 Treasure Valley Coffee 19376 Treasure Valley Coffee 19376 Treasure Valley Coffee 19376 Treasure Valley Coffee Total 19376: 19377 02/22/2016 19377 US Bank Total 19377: 19378 02/22/2016 19378 Valley Times Total 19378: Invoice Invoice Sequence GL Account Invoice GL Account Title 1 ch 17-0416-00-00 CONTRACTS -PERMITS 1 ch 16-0413-18-00 SHOP UTILITIES 1 ch 1 ch 1 ch 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 1 ch 01-0462-02-00 AWARDS & RECOGNITIONS 1 ch 14-0413-08-00 LEGAL ADS & PUBLICATIONS 19379 02/22/2016 19379 Zayo Group, LLC 1 ch 01-0414-02-00 INTERNET SERVICES Total 19379: Grand Totals: Dated: Mayor. City Council: Invoice Check Amount Amount 300.00 300.00 300.00 138.56 138.56 138.56 62.60 62.60 75.00 75.00 136.75 136.75 132.70 132.70 407.05 350.00 350.00 350.00 92.16 92.16 92.16 764.64 764.64 764.64 103,556.06 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 7 Check Issue Dates: 2/10/2016 - 2/22/2016 Feb 22, 2016 01:01 PM Report Criteria: Report type: GL detail Bank.Bank account = "82007705'