Minutes - 2016 - City Council - 02/02/2016 - RegularEAGLE CITY COUNCIL Minutes February 2, 2016 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Ridgeway calls the meeting to order at 7:20 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Ridgeway leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 3. ROLL CALL: KUNZ, BASTIAN, PRESTON, SOLEBERG. All present. A quorum is present. 4. ADDITIONS, DELETIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE AGENDA: Kunz: It may be covered already but I would like to discuss an issue of potentially asking ACHD to provide striped pedestrian crossings at two locations in Two Rivers Crossing where the major pathways cross either mid - street or corner street. The mid - street section crosses where there is a public parking lot and Two Rivers following the old Chevron pipeline. The second one is closer to Mace Ranch and is at an intersection. Mayor: Any objection to adding that to the Agenda? No objection. 5. DISCUSSION OF TRANSPORTATION RELATED ISSUES: Mayor introduces the issue. Planner Baird - Spencer discusses: 1. The Plaza Drive Extension: displays overheads and provides the Council an overview of the development timing and access to SH44. General discussion. 2. The City's Master Street Map Recommendations: We would like to have a discussion with ACHD on the philosophy in regards to the Beacon Light Road with and cross section for preservation. General discussion. Discussion on the State and Eagle intersection timing of design study for quadrant alternative and how do we move forward? General discussion. Discussion on the fence encroachment in ACHD right -of -way on Hesse Lane and Floating Feather Road. Kunz: The pathway that comes from Mace Ranch crosses into Two Rivers so where is the public parking lot in Two Rivers and where is the pathway? What I would like to propose during Thursday's meeting, I would like to explore with ACHD whether they might consider doing a stripped pedestrian crossing right across that mid - street section as well as a pedestrian crossing stripe at the Mace Ranch crossing. General discussion. Discussion on the City parking lot in Two Rivers. Discussion on the procedure at the ACHD meeting. 6. ADJOURNMENT: Kunz moves to adjourn. Seconded by Preston. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES ................... Page 1 KACOUNCIU IINUTEWemporary Minutes Work Area'.CC- 02 -02- 16minsp.doc Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 9:15p.m. Respectfully submitted: .•` of Eq0 �•, SHARON K. BERGMANN • . F �'•., �C�o <. CLERK/TREASURER O R :CITY : ; APPR �,.0s 00. SEAL .,'•.,q,TE,Of '0..•••• ST'XITREIDGEWAt MAYOR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT WWW.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG Page 2 K ,COUNCIUNM4 TES.Temporary Mmutes Work Area+CC -02 -02- 16minsp.doc INTER OFFICE City of Eagle Zoning Administration To: Mayor Ridgeway & City Council From: Nichoel Baird Spencer, MCRP, AICP, Planner III Subject: ACHD/City of Eagle Joint Meeting Date: February 2, 2016 Attachment(s): Plaza Street access to SH -44 Concept Map City of Eagle December 16, 2015 MSM Letter ACHD Staff recommended Beacon Light Road Cross Section ECC 8-3-3 Supplemental Yard & Height Requirements Map of Mace Road and Tesoro Pipeline Crossing Mayor Ridgeway and the City Council requested a joint meeting with the ACHD Commission to discuss the following items: 1. Plaza Drive Extension — Development timing and access to SH44; 2. Discussion of the City's Master Street Map Recommendations: a) Beacon Light Road width and cross section for preservation b) State and Eagle intersection timing of design study for quadrant alternative Further, the following items have been considered for addition to the agenda: 1. Discussion of the Site Triangle and visibility at Hesse Lane and Floating Feather Road; 2. Installation of a crosswalk across Mace Road along the Tesoro Pipeline Easement. Staff has prepared some background materials for the Mayor and Council's review as part of the workshop on February 2, 2016. Staff will be available at the workshop to answer any questions the Mayor or Council may have. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me at 489-8772 or via email at nbaird@ Cit\oteagle oitr . Page 1 of 1 K \Planning Depi\Tramporratmn1201612- 1 16 ACHU loml mrg prep meLdot. 60. r State Street ATiemete—Ffbu eiRSA 4j" --' M di 0---:- .:0. 0 0 Concept 1 Layout 1,23- o00 Plternate Concept 1 Exhibit Eag1e.Idol:o tit „a James D. Reynolds Mayor Ada County Highway District ACHD Commission 3775 Adams St. Garden City, ID 83714 December 16, 2015 Dear Commissioners. City of Eagle P.O. Box 1520 Eagle, Idaho 83616 208-939-6813 Council Members: Mark L. Butler Mary McFarland Jeff Kunz Stan Ridgeway As a rapidly growing community, the City of Eagle has often provided comment to ACHD on roadway issues on an as -needed and case-by-case basis. This type of communication can cause confusion between the two agencies. The Master Street Map (MSM) amendment process allows the City to address with ACHD Eagle's community wide planning and connectivity goals within a single document. The City sees the MSM as an implementation tool that helps bring the City's Comprehensive Plan and development aspirations to reality; the documents must compliment and support each other in order to he effective. The City's April 15, 2015 comments on the MSM amendments were purposefully concise, but after a year of community planning processes and public outreach, the City wishes to expand its rationale and requests. 1) Beacon Light Road (BL 2 to 5): Reduce Preservation Width from 5 -Lanes to 3 -Lanes The ACHD staff memo provided to the Commission on October 23, 2015, states that the City's request to reduce the preservation width on Beacon Light Road to 3 lanes was. "Based on Commission direction regarding the Northwest Foothills Transportation Update, staff will evaluate this request only after the City of Eagle has completed rei ieww/revisiorr of its Comprehensive Plan." As a point of clarification, the City of Eagle conducted a review of the City's comprehensive plan in 2014 and 2015. The rev iew included two parts: 1) in summer of 2014, the City, w ith the assistance of COMPASS, modeled 6 different land use scenarios to determine the potential impacts various land use intensities would have on Beacon Light Road. The scenarios ranged from full build -out of the City's plan to a zero -growth scenario. This modeling highlighted the fact that traffic demand on Beacon Light Road is not a local land use issue, but instead is a regional roadway issue that is further complicated by an underinvestment in the state highway system, specifically State Highway 16 and State Highway 44. A copy of the modelling summary is attached for your review. 2) Based upon modelling results. the City Council directed City staff to undergo a citizen review of the City's comprehensive plan (ACHD staff was an ex -officio member of this committee). The goal of this process was to reach out to our citizenry to determine if the underlying growth policies of the City's comprehensive plan were still relevant to the community or if the City needed to amend its' plan to better address how the citizens wish to see the City grow. This process included a 30 member steering committee and outreach to over 300 citizens. The results of the public outreach and the direction of the committee were clear and of a uniform voice (a Page 1 of 3 K'Pldmmmg I) pt1rdmpnttation5?Ii151.1S l I cur 12-li-li Just copy is attached for the Commission's review). The citizen directives regarding transportation demand and planning included: a. The City's Foothills and Downtown Plan are consistent with the citizens' expectations and the City should focus on implementation. b. The City needs to work on an overall transportation and circulation plan that provides better connectivity within the City. c. The City needs to retain a rural (5+ acres) tier and keep the rural feel of the Beacon Light Corridor at 3 -lanes. In 2016-2017, the City will be reviewing the Comprehensive Plan to address the specific directives of the citizens' review, but the significant changes will not be made to the Foothills section of the plan. According to the volume -to -capacity ratios provided to the City on October 7, 2015, by ACHD, Beacon Light Road is currently functioning well below capacity with a volume -to- capacity ratio (V/C) of .38 or less for all sections. It is forecasted that by 2035, Beacon Light Road (assuming all growth and development assumptions are accurate) will fail with a V/C of 1.23 or less on all sections east of Linder Road. The capacity issues on Beacon Light Road are forecasted to be at the AM and PM Peak (a maximum of 4 hours a day). The City does not feel that it is prudent or consistent with the City's land use policies (rural residential with 2 and 5 acre lots) to preserve for 5 lanes on Beacon Light Road when the capacity is not needed for 20 hours a day (83% of the day). Further, the forecasts provided for Beacon Light Road only extend to 2035. What happens when the 2040 forecasts are applied? Do we add even more lanes? Where does it stop? The local roadway network should not be constructed as a permanent bypass to the state highway system. The only way to highlight the need for state investment in the highway network is to allow the local system to slow down and experience congestion during peak hour demand. The City requests that Beacon Light Road be planned as a rural 3 -lane arterial and requests that ACHD work with the City to develop a new roadway typology that includes a 10 -ft. multi -use pathway (in lieu of a sidewalk) on the north side of the road and an 8 -ft. wide gravel shoulder on the south side of the road to allow for parking for recreation users, including equestrians and bicyclists. 2) Eagle Road (EA10-1): Reduce Preservation Width from 5 -Lanes Again, the ACHD staff memo provided to the Commission on October 23, 2015 states that the City's request to reduce the preservation width on Eagle Road to 3 lanes was, "Based on Commission direction regarding the Northwest Foothills Transportation Update, staff will evaluate this request only after the City of Eagle has completed review/revision of its Comprehensive Plan." It is unclear what comprehensive plan changes the Commission was intending the City to consider. The City requested ACHD postpone the adoption of the 2014 Eagle Road and State Street Intersection Concept Study to allow the City additional time to work with citizens and look at other intersection alternatives. Since that request, the City has completed two separate review processes for the Eagle Road and State Street intersection and on October 28, 2015 provided ACHD a final recommendation (attached hereto) requesting the Quadrant alternative be considered in lieu of an expanded intersection or multi -lane roundabout. The MSM currently identifies 5 -lanes for preservation on Eagle Road between Plaza Drive and State Street. According to page 20 of ACHD's Eagle Road and State Street Intersection Concept Study (completed in May of 2014), the Quadrant alternative: "..minimizes widening along both Eagle Road and State Street in the vicinity of the Eagle Road/State Street intersection." The City requests that Eagle Road be planned for preservation consistent with the Quadrant alternative in ACHD's Eagle Road and State Street Intersection Concept Study completed in Mav of 2014, not 5 -lanes as currently shown in the MSM. Page 2 of 3 K:1I'Ianning Depi Transponatinn1211151MS I letter 12-15-I5.dooc 3) Linder Road (LI -15 & 16): Reduce Preservation Width from 7 -Lanes to 5 -Lanes from Floating Feather north. Linder Road north of Floating Feather Road is currently constructed as a 2 -lane section. The MSM prescribes 7 -lanes for preservation in this section. The City requests that this section be reduced to 5 - lanes to provide transitioning from the State Highwav 44 corridor and the Linder Road river crossing (7 lanes- mobility corridor — LI13) to the 3 lane section from Homer Road into the foothills (FH-NL2). The City believes that restricting capacity on Beacon Light Road and the northern sections of Linder Road will direct regional trips to the state highway system opposed to the local network (by increasing travel time on the local system). 4) Removal of FH-NL1: The City is in agreement concerning the removal of this roadway segment. 5) Addition of Big Gulch Parkway: The City thanks ACHD for the addition of this new 3 -lane residential collector. The City believes this connection will help promote and direct trips from the foothills to the state highway system. The road typology for this section should include the use of medians when a turn lane is not needed. 6) New Requests: Since our correspondence in April of 2015, the City has completed several planning and design processes specific to downtown Eagle (Plaza Drive Extension and Eagle Road and State Street Intersection) which have brought forward two additional projects for inclusion on the Master Street Map. New Collectors: 3 -Lane Collector from the Plaza Drive extension to SH -44 The City of Eagle has historically planned for a mid -mile access point between Edgewood Lane and Eagle Road to provide additional north/south connectivity within the City. The City has been working with ACHD on the design of the Plaza Drive extension to stimulate development in the Eagle Rodeo grounds area north of SH -44. With the anticipated construction of the Plaza Drive Extension in FY 2017 and ITD's recent approval of a mid -mile access for the Eagle River Development to the south, the City would request that a new collector be added to the MSM connecting SH -44 to the Plaza Drive Extension. 2/3 -Lane Extension of Olde Park Place to south of Aikens Street to Plaza Drive As previously discussed, the City has spent a significant portion of 2015 reviewing the Eagle Road and State Street Intersection Concept Study and supporting roadway network. Since the City recommended the Quadrant alternative for the intersection, the City feels that it is important for overall circulation and connectivity in downtown Eagle to add the extension of Olde Park Place from Aikens Street to the signal at Eagle Road and Plaza Drive. Historically, this connection was anticipated as a private cross -access easement, but growth within the community warrants it becoming a public roadway. As the Commission can see from the discussion above, the City is committed to being an active participant in the roadway planning and preservation process. It is of paramount concern that the City and ACHD address the needs and desires of all Eagle citizens. The City continues to see ACHD as a proactive partner in the implementation of our community's vision and looks forward to partnering with you in the future. Sincerely, James D. Reynolds j1'Iayor CC: Council Zoning Administrator Mitch Skiles, ACHD Page 3 of 3 K1Planning Dept\Transportation12015\A1SM1 Letter 12-1S-15.docx 12/17/201 BEACON LIGHT MODELING Beacon Light Comprehensive Plan Update - Modeling Results - Scenario 1 "2013 + Entitled" Eagle City Council August 26, 2014 & September 9, 2014 SCOPE OF WORK Stacre 1: Modelincr of Land Use Scenarios Work collaboratively with COMPASS and ACHD to analyze through the regional transportation models 4-5 land use scenarios based on the 2040 COMPASS population projections and the impacts on Beacon Light Road at three horizon years - 2025, 2030, & 2035. All modeling will look at both the state and local roadway networks. Establish an executive committee to select/review scenarios and model runs. Results of the scenario process will be presented to the public and City Council at an open house/public comment session during a regular council meeting. 1 12/17/20: CITY COUNCIL DIRECTION June 24, 2014: Model the 15' scenario (2013 + Entitled) through COMPASS. IF the model showed Beacon Light Road as requiring 5 lanes all info should be brought back to the City Council for their specific direction and a potential change to the scope of work. IF the model showed Beacon Light Road as functioning at 3 lanes under scenario 1 (2013 + Entitled) a special committee will be convened to review and draft a 6th modelling scenario which will be sent to COMPASS for Modeling with the remaining 4 scenarios from the executive committee. SCENARIO NO. 1: 2013 + ENTITLED • No new growth/development is allowed in any of the transportation analysis zones (TAZ) along Beacon Light Road and into the Foothills. • All TAZ(s) are kept at the 2013 levels (population, households and job) except those with existing entitlements. • Build -out of all existing entitlements (approved subdivisions and development agreements), Committee Rationale: This scenario is the most accurate illustration of what has been approved to date. 4 CO MODELIPdG ASSUMPTIONS Please note: These assumptions apply to all model runs AREAS Rt;VIEWE➢ & MODIFIED ) Active Subdivisions City Limits 12/17/20: 12/17/20 ASSUMPTION NO. 1 All scenarios will reflect the complete build out of the Transportation Analysis Zones (TAZ) adjacent to Beacon Light Road and within the foothills regardless of the horizon year. The intent is to allow the city to see the impacts and maximum trip generation based on the scenario's parameters versus a horizon year. ASSUMPTION NO. 2 All scenarios to be modeled on both the 2013 roadway network (what exists today -Beacon Light 2/3 lanes, Linder at 3 lanes) and on the proposed 2040 network (as proposed in the CIM 2040 plan) . The use of the 2013 network will allow the City the ability look at the various scenarios with limited background traffic (regional growth) impacting the City. Conversely, the 2040 network will allow the regional growth to continue on as is planned in the CIM 2040 plan. z 6SSUIHP'tION NO. 3 All scenarios will show build out of existing City approved entitlements (approved subdivisions and development agreements). The Committee believed that the removal of approved entitlements (development agreements or subdivisions) should only occur at the direction of the City Council. c RSSUMPTION NO. 4 All scenarios will show the planned Communities in Motion (CIM 2040) growth allocation for 2040 within the TAZ(s) not adjacent to Beacon Light Road or in the foothills. 12/17/20: flSSUMPTION NO. 5 12/17/20: Scenarios 1, 2, and 4 will not include an east/west connection between State Highway 16 and State Highway 55 within the foothills. The east/west connection was identified by ACHD and the City as a "developer constructed" roadway. If there is no development in the foothills the roadway network would not be constructed. The M3 portion of the roadway from SH 16 to Eagle Road will be shown in all scenarios as part of the M3 entitlement. Conversely, scenarios 3 and 5 will include an east/west connection between SH 16 & SH 55 within the foothills COMPASS ENTITLEMENT ONLY NETWORK Rod = Principle Arteria! Green = Mtnor Arterial Purple = Collectoi 12/17/20: Minor Arterial No Turn Lane Continuous Center Turn Lane Median Control, Channelized Left Turns ACHD CIP LOS # of Linos /Direction of Travel D 550 E 690 RCHD LEVEL OF SERVICE All model runs were evaluated as a 1 720 880 pass fail according to the ACHD 2 1540 1770 adopted LOS for the road 3 2370 2660 classification, number of lanes, and access restrictions 2 3 770 1670 2530 920 1860 2790 Collectors 2 550 1100 All P1easQnotet li center lulu lane does not increase capacity. Table is in number of lanes In a single direction o! travel MODELING RESULTS Scenario 1: "2013 + Entitled" MODEL RiJN 1 CONFIGIJRATION CIM 2040 APPROVED NETWORK MODEL RUM 1 [Beacon Light Road fadlustodl FM1nor Artesian 1 Peak Hour ACHE) 105 Directional as 9,1 Location Lane 4 ()ally Tota, Peak HR O•reclronaI Pats/Fail of Peak HOLr a 59 16 to Linder Rd 5 33.300 2 200 1 440 - 57 154 b Linder Rd to Ballantyne Rd 5 38,440 2,400 1 560 P••11.• 58 7% c Ballantyne Rd to Eagle Rd 5 38,19D 2,450 1,580 . 57.2% d Eagle Rd to 5955 5 38,560 2,710 1,590 55 5% Linder Road iMinor Arterfall Locator, Lane u Daily Total Peak HR Peak Hour ACHD LOS Directional as % Directional Pats/Fail of Peak Hn„r a M3 to Hamer Rd 5 37.010 2,460 1.520 • • 61.5% b Homer Rd to Beacon (Ant Rd 5 26,350 11810 1,100 60 8% c Beacon Light 118 to F,oating Feather Rd 5 29,920 7 310 1,330 57 31: d Floating Feather Rd to 51144 5 38.780 3,140 1,680 • ... 53 4% • 5944 to Boise River 7 64.920 5 250 2 760 52 5'.: Floating Feather Road (Minor Arterial! Peak Hour ACHE) LOS Directional as % Location Lane # Daily Total Peak HR Directional Pass/Fad of Peak Hour a 59 16 to Palmer Ln 2 16,480 1,020 540 •+ 52 1% o Palmer Le to Linder Rd 2 16,530 1,054 5R0 .. 54 7% Linder Rd to Ballantyne Ln 2 15,020 910 580 64 3% d Ballantyne Ln to Eagle Rd 3 13,080 890 570 63 794 e Eagle Rd to SH55 3 16,220 1,080 700 64 3% • 12/17/201 MODEL RUN 1 (Eagle Road (Collector) Peak Hour ACRO LOS Directional as % _ Location_ Lane R Daily Total Peak HR Directional Pass/Fad of Peak Hour a 5 M3 entrance to Arie In 3 12,290 600 420 .-- 68.7% b Arie Ln to Beacon Light Rd 2 12,930 630 430 - - 68 0% c Beacon Light Rd to Floating Feather Rd 2 13,130 730 530 71 5% d Floating Feather Rd to Ranch Or 3 10,470 940 600 FAIL 63 3% e Ranch Dr to State St 3 12,470 1,200 780 FAIL 64 8% f State St to 5H44 Bypass 5 22,950 1,620 840 5:-5,,, 51.8% !Homer Road (Collector) Peak Hour ACHD 105 Directional as % Location Lane 17 Daily Total Peak HR Directional Pass/Fail of Peak Hour a Linder Rd to Park Lane 2 10,680 660 420 :ES 63 6% b Park Lane to Ballantyne Rd 2 7,970 370 290 1 ; 76 1% j Ballane (Collector Peak Hour ACHE) LOS Directional as % Location Lane 4 Dady Total Peak HR Directional Pass/Fad of Peak Hour a Homer Rd to Beacon Light Rd 2 7,930 370 282 = :ss 75 2% b Beacon Light Rd to Floating Feather Rd 2 9,243 620 422 9. 68 1% c Floaung Feather Rd to State 5t 2 11,250 840 520 61 9% MODEL RUN 2 CONFIGURATION COMMUNITIES IN MOTION (CIM) 2040 FUNDED ROADWAY SYSTEM BUT CONSTRAINING BEACON LIGHT EAST OF IdNDER ROAD TO STATE HIGHWAY 55 TO 3 LANES AND CONSTRAINING CINDER ROAD NORTH OF BEACON LIGHT ROAD TO 3 LANES 12/17/201 c MODEL RUN 2 (Beacon Wirt Road lads a1 U0w.3.dl (Mina Memal1 1 Peak Hour 47H3 Dueeemni as 6: Peak .our E. 014 charge io 2040 4 :hange to 4 charge '02040 location 6,o6 D,7y Total Peat Ho.. D:reCO3nal 205 of Peak Hum ;ural dally 2040 peak how peak hour d,ecnoral a 92 16 to Linder Rd 5 35870 7,477 1,670 6084 6812 724 9.8% 13.5% h Linder Rd to Ballantyne Rd 3 20,350 1.300 1,070 16(3 5572S 64': .. c 8allantyre Rd to Eagle Rd 3 20,770 1,400 1,000 1411 58 3`f 6 7% - d Eagle Rd to SUSS 3 22.110 1.590 1,000 16(1 559% 7.2% ", ., • :: - Dnder Rad IS na Mena Poe Har ACH0105 D•ea o'. 3s'2 of Peak Hoar %ol %change to 2040 % change so % change to 2040 GKil of ta"e 0 Da y iota Peaa HA D •e^. auPasOP, Pea, He: 303,7 daily 2040 peak hoar peak hour does trc nal a MI'0Hrrer Rd 3 26,020 1699 950 1411 557. 55`5 .:7 ., Hrr, Pdm Seace, t t-4 Ad 1 13.570 890 420 is 3. 55,; bei:»:g-t 3d rc -ar nt For,Rd a 30 e3C 229^. 1277 551'• 73, 13•. 4 P ca: 64 ream R2 to 3)444 5 4,300 3737 1770 - 501`- 754 61% :_. Ll% o 5,522la CaoRvr 65750 32772770 ,. 5, 604 731 01% 04% floating feather Rod PularArserW) Pea, Hor 40,0 205 0 •.7o, an407 Peak 'lou' 5, of sr :Note to 2042 %changes° 4:lunge to 2640 L0.3! 01 Ire Da i Teta Pox Hoe D•ett 0"a Pass/Fa Pa. Ho, 10'46 daily 0040 peak hour peak haw orecl•anaI a lu 16 so'a.e'i-, 2 16.377 1.030 503 - 521'5 525. 05% 05% 01% o ea— e• 07101799-40 2 17,7•:4 1047 570 346. 5951 6.74 1 _ 7,c'Fist ro3aa^+,x7' 2 :7177 1100 630 57 u. 5 4% 1251 178% 60% 0 Baa+r.'e,-lo Eat 04 3 15 8'0 .120 520 551• 744 176% 21.5% 17.75 e 734o73339'7, 3 13557 ;200 717 583- 60'. 11654 8.7% 15% MODEL RUN 2 Eag'e Road ICc7ectal 401, 4:L- ::-_.... _ ' ,. - : _ .. 0,ge 20 5l.,:large 2o2040 I c• .re= Ca yids Pel, ..:1..' 0',::', Fis,9; F= 1:121 251, 2:4:064597,1 peakh0ar,i,re:'.0^al 3 551125.13-:,':4• r'.' 3 16570 530 647 9206 531 ... 25E0 35.5% 34.9% i ; 4',2-•:9.,.. s c :7,7,7 850 55: 9411 ... 40'- 27.0% 793% 25.a Rik::.. .;" YY '. gr --5• ,,'4 757 , a 9271 1. -, 233% 6.1% 7.3% *-;•-e �.r.1'::l:c;-r D' 35..879 510 ,:- 146 57'. 31.0% 7.21 ! 5 203"_ D":i'its it 1533, 1157 751 9672 155. 17594 21004 553" 51 is 5X4461735• J 27720 1)70 04' i 7- 5325 75•, 10.304 216% Homer RoadlC00etl00 L•:31 71,.3'9 tc53 a•ry'a 9: IBarantyne (Ccaecta) P730 EI:v 7050105 0•0t0•a as v- :I Peak Hour 3;01 75 change to 2040 3change to 'S charge to 2040 13',2 D3') iota Pear '44; 0'ea cre P1;;/43 I'M H:v total de; 2040 peak hour peas hour direct anal 2 12,787 800 470 " . 581' 54% 11.10 2 0,830 097 370 - 611• 615 171% 37.3% 44.10 23.7 D3 •''"C"3 31.7 :i ;e;, 40ar S of '7:ra"gi t01:40 %:large to 7:ha ge'c 2040 L':317- la'e a 03, 73 2114 H:'- .:.1_1 Passe F3 5E3, R:.' 12125 da•t; 2(47 peak rGcr peak he.r irett.enal home'Od to dearon,.ght Art 2 9730 590 370 622:4 61,7 16.5% 373% 7124 5 025:271957 Rd t:50907gFeather4 2 1CC4G 620 44C .. 698' 61'5 79% 0.0% 11% E:cahrgfe0"e' Rd to Stale 51 2 11600 830 520 625' 72'. 3.0;5 , 12/17/20] 1( MODEL RUN 3 CONFIGURATION COMM1JNITIES IN MOTION (CIM) 2040 FUNDED ROADWAY SYSTEM BUT CONSTRAINING LINDER ROAD NORTH 01' BEACON LIGHT ROAD TO 3 LANES. MODEL RUN 3 Rard ladmsleal3.l.or Ar38"012 Lo,a: 07 Stl 16 .0 -46- Rd 0n4.7 0130 81 an, Re 8; a -toe avo e 6d .543It3 to 5..55 tode,Road PH/001 Anna° l Pra. Mc.: 0C-3 0 ',It, as , Pra, H0,, --4-te'2 '7. 71,gr'D 1 ;.-,a-g. :a 2000 :et 4 Da .,Sola D,Os 113., 0 T210, WE ft' 0j.110.,' 011011 2043 da y 2040 04,, .... .71,2, ,(1, d•e:1014 i 37 150 2603 1,746 1-.7" 203- 63'- 21.3% IS 4% II I% 36 310 2 3?0 1015 13 7, 8; On 3 35'02 2050 1 559 . 1. E 3 - 128 33 8.1:, 2 ?SO 2 617 : . ; 553. 7 2 - 1.0% 2 6% LI% Je2. 40yr AC.140101 CW..sto J. ' 0' .ear10, t T. ,ale•0 '.. -2^.(• IC 1,1,2-.{.. to 22.13 1.:1.03 1..rel Dad, -0111 0.4283 C.,c1ion,1 7114, Fad 5.42.,,: Of 1011 2040 di .6 104012e. ,C,./. 3024 .10 , 4 R:. 0, 1 V 5 12,0.ff 00 3 28 350 1690 9E: ItAn 532'. 6 4', 6 243.. 04.4 StaCe, gt!91 3 *4163 113 21.6 7',- 3 .1., :41337 236: 1112 17 : 3 ‘:+,:itahr R1,D 5,1 3 383-2 .221 : ,E,. .. 2 2 • . 484.414 2.0 sr a:, 60150 5231 2'01 ,.. 1.5' a 1, ibalr4 katoet ito..4 (Minato:waft )••••.,,..1 it ;I •a• Pic; .7 77 :-.210!1,7 ,1 .-.21t 10 1 rYlle IC 2030 :041203 4200 J., -0, in. .171.0 Dd., On, 95,4420.. 42:1 3, 01101, 201011; , 20323.;, 10, 0ei..10.1• 7 '01: 3.11 50 lE to Pe,' 0 2 16 920 1010 5526 2', 6% 2 f% 1.3% er ol O Palmaobrdtr 1.1 2 17 62C 1 050 5E3 , . .. 32917 2. 54 3 6 0, 225% 0..1% O ItocIrt Pito ealiootJne lo 2 14 541 070 5535511 I 12 213 an 3 P11142011, V to Eaile rt1 512 1 5. 6 4 - O bee Ra to 5501 3 13100 1 350 640 ,,,. • 63 7, 61 0, 6 0- 12/17/20 1: 12/17/20 MODEL RUN 3 ilet'e Road(Corercd Paak How ACRO 103 0✓x1.3313 A of PeaO Ho r"C .6:Oi ge to `E 0'4'37 0 403-17 to 2040 lorncr= ur., : Dad)-atil Posit How Direcllon, Pass/fal Peat .1car of Iola 2040 do y 2040473. nor orae ..0 J. (Peet ov i V3 entr-r.e ta;n, U 11,822 997 610 Flat 4' G'''. 7 4, 333% 11.6% u.esn!I.e;i-nt0j 12:7: 8'7 57C PVL 415 72-. - 283% 24.6% Eea.:nbsrt PL. 't Floasl leather Ra 33:20 730 510 777'.: 68' 0.80 _. 3 ;to:mg:Wry, Ri to Ranch 0' 12,340 5E0 670 FAIL 311; 7 60 17 211 11% • .. 0 ?^:.00000 S:a4 it 15030 1219 760 FAIT 3281 519 1701 0.876 . is, S,-S,449,Pass - 22.951 1E29 840 537-% 719 437% 23.9% ._. Harr, Road 1Coknorl Peak Hour ACHD1050,ra9,cnel as 0 of Peat Ho, :4 zchange to 4 :nage to 3 nage to 2040 10¢13' tinea Oalll"0'.i Perk 9000 tor, conal Dif041 87akkc,' Of Ma 2240day 2031001000; 0707erd-e:lo+a Ai.. RP, %;rt_ -e 2 12121 737 451 ici'. 640 1194 13016 5T% e Par: um ,011e1101,44 71 2 7.312 330 262 _. 37,2-S i 2, 9 C` 2.6% Ba9antyne Road ICoketoel Pan Mow 0040.CS tre^_a-, a: 'f of Peat He r"k 9-a tge to is :,a-ge to f4:03747 to 2540 pta',er. 13000 03:17 "o', P,ak how W^t,rat Pass,•P.a Peat r;o• of zeta 20414i 2043 ;dee 'tox 2430 40 2. d•ect o^a a Hare' Rd to Bien, i get Rd 2 7;270 39D 27D = .. 671-! 94% .. 5.1% r. b Bei :on I. got Rd to isoet og featie' Rd 2 9,290 6.0 420 617% 6936 0S% 16% 74177gfea!,e'Rdloitateil 2 11240 520 513 6:74 747 _. MODEL RUN 4 CONFIGURATION COMIdUNITIES IN MOTION (CIM) 2040 FUNDED ROADWAY SYSTEM BITI1 STATE HIGHWAY 16 CONSTRUCTED AT 4 LANES FROM M3 ACCESS TO SII 44 (SHiS WIDENING IS NOT A FUNDED PROJECT BY ITD) 1: 12/17/20 MODEL RUN 4 {t3eatm Win Road ladaustedl IMuw Alterla3 Peak Har ACR9 Doctoral as % Peak hour% %change to 14 change to 2)13 ,change to 2070 peak locelmn lane4 Dairvlola Peak Hour Doethonal 105 o' Peak How of total 2040 daily peak hour hour direct:oral a 5111650 Under Rd 5 40,820 2,510 1,120 61 4'5 61% 1414 12.3% 16576 I:: Linder Rd to Bauer.ran0 BO 5 37.840 2.610 1.660 561% 69% ? 7.1E 63% SaUnty1e Ad ..2 Ears Pa 5 31650 2630 16EC 552% 7016 6.77 L5% 0 6agie Roto 5,155 5 38.560 2.860 1,530 .. 55 2% 7 3% 00% 1.2' L6% Under Road IMoter MedWI Peak Hour 3060005 Direetma' as%of Peak Hour% % change to %change 39 % Chile to 2040 peak .ocatoe lanes Daly 13;41 Peak 63 Direct ion at FcsIFad Pro Hour of tot a. 2040 da.ly 2040 peak hour hour duett onal A 6'311 r:'neo Pd 5 23690 1.690 1:784 0371 7I% D e Horner R0 tOBeacon.gn: RI 5 13650 510 570 - 5,4'. 56'4 ... c Beacon Lint Rd to Floating feather Rd 5 27,260 2.330 1461 .. 6: 7s. 8 57' 0 7% 61% d Floating Feather Rd to 5H44 5 36.380 3,120 1720 ' - 55 10 8 6'4 .6 . ; . 16% e 51144 to Sone Ro,r 7 64,580 5.230 2730 : - 515% 814 .. .. Florio. 8eathea Road IMror Anenaf Peat Hove 3039105 Dre31.on4 It 3011 P07a 4?0 ur" % change t0 S^ar3e t: 00range to 2900 peak !_cat on lane0 Dairy Total Pea1144 u.: Drama Pass fail Peak Haul d' rota' 2040 dads 2040 peak hour hour dee ctora: a 56 16 to Palmer In 2 17,120 2000 540 51 6'5 6 156 3 8% 19% 10% 3 P41me, In to Under Ad 2 14320 1 130 610 145 54 20 6 1% 303% 6 2% 5 3% 0 5 ndr ad to 8411antanet 2 14550 87C 5010 646E 0,1 7.1 55`,• ._ 15% 0 EQL1 ne In to Eagle Pd 4 13010 7113 S2C - 665'. 59', , e EagleRu re. SH5i 3 15 PCC 1.050 600 fol 6445 66% MODEL RUN 4 iEwk. Road (Collector Rdl Pei<H_; 0)99 9'313'33s Pea( 1.7.21"9 15 ^6'46 f: :'3'ge to 2x.40 0:'4'92 19 2040 9040 1113 13-26 9431918 Pea( H:,.' 0•e:tc•a 105 91 Pear H:: :51913 2049o, y ora.^cc rcr:z:t c•4 3 5 45 s'0'u.::'c 1r- n 3 7,036 559 360 51 i`0 1824 . . r 0,6.714504::0 45. 4 0 2 8506 531 38) - 55215 06' 3eac:n 4ghr 4:'C31.at,o91Eath0r 1O 2 10.530 680 460 - 6o5'. 64r, Reaeng=erl.r R:rr. iarcr. Jr 3 ':330 850 340 6251 1212 122% turn 7"1541411 5 '381.s . '-7 .. 325' 3: 3d5 i'40>_t_,•_ 36:4.. 22 -: .,0 515 -- 1 7"'67 11 Q7% 25.5% Homer Road 5CpiMOr RdI 70a'4isr 01,161757'oo'OraasayrPeak 'too % 1;:Ur 30!5 110change 'a y•rargeto204C001k Mat o+ Lne1 01 Toll Pea,60; 3'en na Pass2F; Pea, Hoa' of lcta 2040 den: 2C40peak rw hod, dnec'.iono! a 1 •de• Pd to ka': L)•E 2 991; 580 389 £15', i 9% F - j 0 4a-6 13.1 10 34 61031030 2 7560 348 262 100- 4357 _. jBallardyne Road 1Col6ctor 041 Pea, Hour 4591.19 105 C'ect ora as :4 of Peak Hour % %change to % change to 34004730 ID 2040 peak licca; c^ tile 1 Da 31011 Peas Hee Dreg ora Pass/Fa Pea: Hoar oa tot al 2040 daiy 2040 peak hour hour Ire:Lona! I a dome' id to Beacon L$it Rd 2 7,180 340 280 - 802% !14e D Beacon..ght Rd tocca:.79 Fe3tk_'Ad 2 epCC 411 382 IC 86 55`5 I; F01093 Fea:net Rd to Rate 5t 2 11.140 630 100 _: 7;275 585. ... •• 1. MODEL RUN 5 CONFIGURATION COMMUNITIES IN MOTION (CIM) 2040 FUNDED ROADWAY SYSTEM WITH STATE HIGHWAY 16 CONSTRUCTED AT 4 LANES FROM M3 ACCESS TO SH 44 (SH16 WIDENING IS NOT A FUNDED PROJECT BY ITD) AND 115 20/26 (CHINDEN) CONSTRUCTED AT 4 LANES FROM SH 16 TO LOCUST GROVE (US20/26 WIDENING IS NOT A FUNDED PROTECT BY ITD) MODEL RUN 5 reearxeUghtRoadiaci..sted)Hinar Artenal) '11,15,. A:,:.. ::.e.. ,-. I ' .PI, 4.7.. - , 741,1 . ,.-g..n:C4C , 4,0 t': 2."4::••• ILc•al a • La -e • Da e 0.4 000'-:.. 25130; a ON. %t -c:. 3,0 053 ; a 5.415.oVrat P.J 5 1 5:•1 23a. ; 151 57 1-. 111% 12% 6 11 1v; 0.11: : 3:: F,8 .3'3 6 7. • 2% 00 .1m0477E4.0i 5 15.710 1487 1 3,C., 3, : • 0 5. Lt% OM d EaR e 0410 51453 5 WA 2 755 18450 1004 72 Ibolder Road IM.00,Anena31 00.1; H,..m. 2540105 5.-.41.crz. v. , 5. Pea. Ho 4- , , -.a,ge 0 , .131010 2040 51513g3 .02040000. Liv., "ar 0 Pt.( 03 c..,,,, ,,,,,, ,110 00. "000,11 01011 2045 0; 1 '0.1 J....toll 2115 1',C • • 14 0 ... 5 :1 277 .. "3,:: 5 't 616 8 :- Bei:, .r.. 14 1,0 -a-•44 .e,....44P, 4 2, iP: .117 53 3'. i 8 • I 1..4,1..4 Peite, 01•53.1:4 3 If 307 : '40 i 5.2 5000 7 a • r 55000, 24-41,7,04 7 65101 5060 1187 521' 005, Si% 111% OA iktrenhalbet Road Minor Arlene!' 544 16•5Pa ,se. 10 3.4.34t,• • v dalult.nr lc Er Ea& 00.15455 0,10 Ica AOC lai 10,54.al as 511 411 ..11, , .4 :14,e!Ct • 1-.4"ie 10 1040 "11'4'00 20.IC ie.< Lae,: ;Ale -0.1 003 774.1: 1.41.,..al Pas., Fa•T Pei. hew 5, te!.. 7040 da 4 0.1% ..01 %Cr J ,r. sli 2 1E 210 315 03 '. ,• 50 1 015 1 7 370 .1.53 =1,.. IA 10; 10% ILA I ro. 2 :II,: -!.: .5 3 . 1 0 3 1 :1040 73.5 .117, 04, 415 1 3 1010 .003 315 513. 074 12/17/201 • 14 MODEL RUN 5 1ag14 Bead Kautz., Itch Ftek Roy 8232 L03 0rectonals 4c9 Teal Ha: ". 'e 48tge to 9.:vtgl to2040 4 :age 142010 xi( Locaeoe. Lot Di'r3'34 Pat Hour Qrata,rlal Pas!;fog De.444 , of lata 2046341 043 0 04• '0'd•erl 011 4 5 V3 _wr:n;e:o 44,78 3 7,740 560 360 63 9' 78'4 7;. . • t the s,7 844403148: 93 a 87E0 4E1 330 ei 1-; 65, c 8eaco, :ghe Al!a fioaung ifalher 8.0 1 9.190 630 43, r.• EP3, 664 .. d 8ica!mg 7e.lher Ad la Rad W 3 12311 924) 540 i. 596. 734 14134 e Ehnch 44 to Sate 5! 3 14.170 1191 72) 1N1. 400, 843 127. I 59447to 9414 80,14 s 23701 1E10 332 5.24. 74, 42.339 0743 L?. Hamer Road ((8844531 Rd) Wit.? a timer Rdlo Parklane b Dar4 Lot to e.11an4ne Aa 714 ',:v 4782 404 2.ra94i.4=:1 Pea. rar;•4'ge tc La.ea 0/0e "oto P4.4 44 y�]aal Pall'fal P44 how, o' ton 207944 4 1 9 250 510 340 t,.' 66 7" 4 5:3 1 6,720 150 230 1'5" 8947. 37'6 1.. +6:111113 1640 '-:'atgel32040 900 0414'IC: 944a •e1 uta JRalathne Road ((n0eaar R,i1 Pe.43,,, 4780 403 (/rea.aV144',1 Pea. l4..,.. :4182 to ,: ,a-ge 102'.'47 f:4146132042x81 I 1041,:3 l:+• a 0atr-0'7 4464 now 441,;,,43.1 834.'F,l Per 14. eE te!a 2A 334 741,1314 30, 3•e:2016 a Hc-e•Alle9ea:o•Lgs4Ao 2 6,660 740 230 857.4 3T. o 8eacan:gt1 Ad to Fort. Feane•Ad 2 8,220 430 340 ,•, 778, 54-' - - -' c F oal'Rfeatler 3074 SIM, St 1 :0030 640 440 674, 634 MODEL RUN 6 CONFIGURATION COit.hiliNITIES IN 11OTION (CIi) 2040 FUNDED ROADWAY SYSTEM WITH BEACON LIGHT ROAD EAST OF LIIDER CONSTTji1AINED TO 3 LANES, LINDER ROAD NORTH irF BACON LIGHT CONSTRAINED TO 3 LANES, STATE MORAY 16 CONSTRUCTED AT 4 LANES FROM 113 ACCESS TO 511 44 (51116 WIDENING IS NOT A FUNDED PROJECT BY ITU) AND US 2G/20 (CIHNDEN) CONSTRUCTED AT 4 LANES FROM SH 16 TO LOCUST GROVE (US'20/20 WIDENING IS NOT A FUNDED PROJECT BY ITD). 12/17/20 It 1` MODEL RUN 6 'Beacon L M Road (ad3.dted3 (Moor Mena8 Peak Hour ACHE) 0rtecuo.Ias 5 Peak Hour% 33 change to %change to % change to 2010 peak L0cauon lane a 0a,h Total Pus Hour Duec'.onat 1.05 of Peak Hour of total 2040 daily 2040 peak hoar ho dr d,recto nal a SH 16 to Leder Rd 5 36,9C0 2.000 l 750 F 65 2'4 5 74 99•: I 3 2% h lyder 40 to da'4re/ne Rd 3 13,440 0,270 930 FAIL 62 051 6 5'• ' . c eaeanyne Rd to Eagle Rd 3 20510 1380 580 Fall 580': 67% d Eagle Rd 1051.55 3 20.970 1550 970 Fall 571% 74% __ lander Road (Minor MeenB Peak Hour AC317105 Dreniona1 as% Peak Hoar% % change to 'L change to % change to 2040 peak Location Lane0 Daily Total Peak HR rhremo735 Pass/Fail of Peak Hour of total 1040 da1y 2040 peak hour hour Vet l.onaI 613 to Hemel R0 3 18600 1190 741 P:-' 6375 6474 h home. Pd to deacon(ght Rd 3 R 150 740 410 ,- 5505, 90% t 1111345(3454-4 Pbatrg Fere. ao 5 07397 1ECC 7000 413, 5451 c' - __ d 555.e34514,7e. as to 5543 5 40,350 2790 1580 - 56510 71') 15% e 5547;06,7,,, Lre' 7 665.0 5270 2807 Ful 53710 7951_ 2.4% 01'. 1951 Fbatine feather Road Moor Arta nail Peat Hour 401.7105 Doeamna as "5 Peak 309'5 % change to % change to % change to 2040 peak location Lane 1 Oatkr1ota' Peak hour 0uecuon35 Pass/50J of Peak Hou: of total 2040 da.iy 2040 peak hour Ito drd;rectonal 3 5514 to Pore, In 2 36410 920 470 _ 511.1 55% ._3 Is Pame.1n to :oder Rd a 17 1'747 577 - . 94510 41.4 Li% 2. ;,nder 04 lo 33u32130e 7. _ 15.07= 1080 530 53 5', 55S 9.9% 169% 12% d Pa ta'cvne 1n;c Sara Rd 3 .5519 1150 637 55. 77', 16.2% 33014 11.4: e Eagle ad tr563S 3 19:40 1319 830 ' 587+ 71'.. 15.2% 137% 16104 t MODEL RAN 6 lEagk Road ICc1ectoe Rd) Pea. ho. 401.0005 C'e::-331- Peak nod% 3L (hal. to 91r-arge to i. cha7e to 20;0713k I0:51:' We 9 03 'r :') ora .r 0 e.. ;-3 7353j/1 51 ae3r7:0- 07;0:3. 21.0044 it 20105931 had hour 000::0nal a 5 515 e't•3- a t: a e L. 3 9,340 770 480 o4:: 385.. 81S , . 1491E 1420 o A el- !:Be3:7 trIR: 1 16,397 920 55. - 67}; 7047 22.2% 2L1% 9:3::•Lg-10ooi:it -g Ft3t'e' 2: 2 9.072 402 455 E84 1 - - s:at-g Fair-- P:1: 43-:.0- s 9E51 30' ;30 - oil 33`• '.rvt:Sal-: S'. 5 17.510 1:70 uPC 24 51 534 st1'e_t t:Sou Sr:r: i :3737 1SE: 935 5,0 2.54 36.70 23.10 .. Homer Road (Cotleclor Rd) P"3. n:v ACH0 L05 0 ecl 7-3 asp' Peak Hour% %orange to 040)130(710 ae"4737 to 2040 pear ::o: c+ Lye 7 Cr , Tea 4E)' n::• 7•e3:•3 F3s,'F3 :1 fl, n:0' 0i total 20400a:1y 204 peak no" Mur draclona: . 2<lo.2 Pr, "3-" 2 10133 350 347 713'. 7.,_3e 7 63 31L -e 147 2 5232 150 340 705'- 5.74 11.15. 1345 1150 8allavyne Road IC4ector R4 Pei, H:v ACHC.DS 0 'ao'a is •r. Paaknow '44 % :54080 to 83c5gr5e to i. =barge ;o 2040 peak Oat a- 1az4 03y 3d, Peat Hcv 0 ett.o'a Pa33:9a 71 Pea' Hu: 0110931 2040 daily 2040p=_akhoui hour dueclonal Hon•.:' Rd to Ream ight RC 2 9,240 450 120 70953 4.9`50 11.1% 17.1% 116% 5 Beacon Lgh; R3 to 1,03tng aeatre1 ad 2 9272 172 19C 82 I% 5 23t - -o3-rg F_a.an Rd 17, Statex 2 104E1 E9; SCC _ 7:3. 9044 12/17/20: 1E BEACON DIGHT SPECIFIC MODEL RUN 1, 2, & 3 Local M Lana a Noy f01a1 Pe4. ,0R Deal, Now ACH7 LOS C•rrt.ona. a, 4, 0eech0041 Pail,=s' [If Deal, Now Sr. 15:c.•rder Re 5 13300 7.200 1440 4e 1'- 4 12 446 7 400 1 560 .. 53 7.5 -aia['• `%t 5 IA 19^. 7 :5f •.54. . 57 23, .-s 9 Ia 5222. 7 710 1 S90 51 44 lota'wr. SH 1610 LP'd,r Rd 6 1 r der 21306404ntyne 22 2. .antyre Rd to Eae'e 21 ,t (.re84r0 SF55 Model 0., 54,73 0.e2 1nta Ptak 6o.7r 5 35.270 7420 3 20,330 1300 3 20.770 1 400 3 22 lin 1490 P712 Hour 0740 Ore'1.024,24Y PeakHOu. % %0340ge to 3. .F.a'(e 3, 2047 .rnar,, 172040oea, Cir,... ra L05 97 Peak Hour o a. t 0 05a, 2040 deity Pehour .n d.re0t'ora. - 1,670 1 _-60 A9. 6II% 7.7% /J% 13.6%-- — 1 000 8AIL 65 711, 6475 ,. ,. 1,000 31.11.5R 3% 6 7% . - 7' '. 2 1 non FAIL S5 9% 7 79; 7 . , r, 14:01 en S. 16.0 Larder 43 L.nde• Rd t0 11IIar-one F 844.4101 21'0 Cape 21 d Iare Rd to 51.54 48412 2670 0,010101 . 107' eat NC %onarge to f. (1 to 2040 f, :twit 7420430842 1.9n.... . a 04 i Dea• 8402' D7,0707a L03 oa DeX 4•Fou, of,0,1. 2040 da,v al Kong now 1ratt ora 5 37 260 1.580 1,746 _. 60 145 1 9% 113/4 35.4% 171% 06 3SC. 2 377 1 555 59 174 6 5'S : _ . - . • 0.7% 6 35 7SL 2 407 1 549 ' '' 56 34. 6 92: 0.2% _ . . 5 36940 2 780 1617 55 334 7 135 1.038 7.5% LI% 12/17/20 17 MODEL RUN 4, 5, & 6 /Model Run 0 Paat Hour AIHD Doec1,onal as% Peat How 76 % to arge 5. change to 2040 % change to 1040 peat Location Lane /I pally iota Peak Hour Directional (0T of Peak Hour of total W2040 dally0040 how hour directional • 5016 to 1 rider Rd 5 40 820 2.510 1720 61 4% 61% IAA % 123% 16.5% 6 4Me, 421: 6a ur.ryne Rd 5 37 920 2 61C 1.660 - 58 1% 69'6 _ _ 72% 6.3% 62.10,1.•e Rd to Eage Rd 5 17690 2530 1.661 562`: 70% ,. 676 1.5% n (a4eCc,. 5,-5.. 5 38560 2 80 1650 -. _ 55 7.. 0.0% 1206 26% Peat Hour 6(HD D3re3: rut et% Peat How% %eha'-rto %c yarge to 2020 %m1nge 102040 peat Lo:41.00 lana Daly Tote Peat Hn., Directional 10S 01 Peak How of total 2040 dally tae now how directional a 5016 to Uncle, Rd 5 37.560 2,060 1490 627% 55.6 11.3% 3.2% b Linder Rita Ballanyne Rd 5 35 760 2.410 1 550 - 5A 4% 6 776 02% 7 3' Batantyne 60 to Eagle 04 5 35 780 2 400 1,59[ 57 1% 6 9% .. 1 1% 0 r. d Eaere R7.n4635 S 3730516 7110 1 600 55 E% 77. OA% CM Peat How 0(50 Directional aa% Peat Flow % %change to %change to2040 lo:hangr to 2040 peak location Lan. 0 Daily rota Peat Hour Directional 1.05 01 Peak IlOo, 0110191 2040 dally Praia now tour directional SH 16 To Linder Rd 5 36,900 2 000 1.490 65 2% 5 4.6 9II% 311 3 216 Linder Bdlo Ballar,lynn Rd 3 19440 1170 933 PAIL 62 C% 65'1 Banantyne Rdt. Eagir Rd 3 20 510 1,300 980 3AI1 58 0'6 6 7% .,. _ , Eag:e Ri co 5,55 1 20970 1550 970 (All 571% 74% ._ CONCLUSIONS • Beacon Light Road with only 3 lanes under the scenario and assumptions will not function at a level of service better than an "E" and as such fails • Purposely constraining Beacon Light Road and Linder Road to 3 lanes has significant negative impacts on Eagle Road (see model run 2 & 3). • While the expansion of State Highway 16 and US 20/26 (Chinden) to 4 lanes reduces demands on Beacon Light Road it does not bring the peak hour level of service on Beacon Light Road to passing (LOS better than E)(see model run 6). • Alternatives to be considered: • Redacting all and/or significant portions of the existing Footlulls and Western Area Plans (will require negotiations with Ada County and public hearings); • Allow for ROW to be preserved and directing ACHD to revisit the thresholds, demands, and specific road typologies in 5 to 10 years (prior to construction); • Begin discussions with approved development about purchasing development rights; • Accept peak hour congestions and system wide impacts of constraining Beacon Light Road to 3 lanes. 41) 12/17/20 1; Master Street Map Agency Requests Agency Request Ada County Request Accommodated? Remove designations on Cole and Pleasant Valley south of Barker Road Yes Ada County Reclassify Swan Falls south of Avalon to rural arterial Yes Boise Boise Eagle Eagle Adjust alignment of proposed collectors south of Victory and west Yes of Cole Add proposed local roads to downtown area Yes Reduce preservation width on Eagle Rd (Plaza to Floating Feather) No to 3 lanes until the City completes Eagle/State intersection study Reduce preservation width on Beacon Light Rd (SH -16 to SH -55) to No 3 lanes Ea le Reduce preservation width on Linder Rd (Floating Feather to No g Beacon Light) to 5 lanes If not accommodated, Why? Based on Commission direction regarding the Northwest Foothills Transportation Update, staff will evaluate this request only after the City of Eagle has completed review/revision of its Comprehensive Plan Based on Commission direction regarding the Northwest Foothills Transportation Update, staff will evaluate this request only after the City of Eagle has completed review/revision of its Comprehensive Plan Based on Commission direction regarding the Northwest Foothills Transportation Update, staff will evaluate this request only after the City of Eagle has completed review/revision of its Comprehensive Plan Master Street Map Agency Requests Request Agency Request Accommodated? If not accommodated, Why? Eagle Add Big Gulch Parkway (SH -16 to Willow Creek Rd) as a proposed Yes residential collector Add future alignment of Marigold and Adams/Alworth as Garden City Yes proposed local road through town Add future parallel street between Coffee and Glenwood as a Garden City Yes proposed local road Garden City Add Brown Street Extension as a proposed local road Yes Garden City Add Clay Street Extension as a proposed local road Yes Kuna Kuna Workshop conducted with City of Kuna Staff. Typologies were assigned to Kuna's portion of the MSM Most segments match Kuna's 2035 Street Circulation Map. A few roads from the Circulation Map were not Compare MSM to Kuna's 2035 Street Circulation Map Partially included in the MSM. These exceptions include roadways that fall within Federal Lands or that include a railroad crossing. November 4, 2015 - DRAFT 2035 Build Table Segment i 2035 No 2035 i 2035 No 2035 2016 Build Build Build Build Vol Vol Cap. Cap. Vol 2035 No 2035 2035 No 2035 2016 MSIVI V/C Build Build Lanes Build Build V/C V/C Lanes Lanes 36th St Extension (Cartwright to Bogus Basin) 0 0 239 575 575 0.00 0.00 0.42 Amity Rd (Meridian to Locust Grove) 281 628 1451 575 1540 0.49 1.09 0.94 Amity Rd (Locust Grove to Eagle) 347 685 1604 575 1540 0.60 1.19 Amity Rd (Eagle to Cloverdale) 416 525 826 575 720 0.72 0.91 1.15 Beacon Light Rd (Hwy 16 to Hartley) 134 847 626 575 720 0.23 1.47 0.87 Beacon Light Rd (Hartley to Linder) 147 859 882 575 1540 0.26 1.49 0.57 Beacon Light Rd (Linder to Ballantyne) 169 705 1088 575 1540 0.29 1.23 0.71 Beacon Light Rd (Ballantyne to Eagle) 199 669 1144 575 1540 0.35 1.16 0.74 Beacon Light Rd (Eagle to SH 55) 216 680 1108 575 1540 0.38 1.18 0.72 Black Cat Rd (Overland to Franklin) 231 659 702 575 720 0.40 1.15 0.97 Black Cat Rd (Franklin to Cherry) 512 649 1270 575 1540 0.89 1.13 0.82 Black Cat Rd (Cherry to Ustick) 589 692 1444 575 1540 1.02 1.20 0.94 Black Cat Rd (Ustick to McMillan) 497 807 1092 575 1540 0.87 1.40 0.71 Black Cat Rd (McMillan to Chinden) 460 648 697 575 720 0.80 1.13 0.97 Cloverdale Rd (Kuna to Deer Flat) 117 503 689 575 720 0.20 0.87 0.96 Cloverdale Rd (Deer Flat to Hubbard) 139 519 706 575 720 0.24 0.90 0.98 Cloverdale Rd (Hubbard to Columbia) 241 557 711 575 720 0.42 0.97 0.99 Cloverdale Rd (Columbia to Lake Hazel) 333 654 1338 575 1540 0.58 1.14 0.87 Cloverdale Rd (Lake Hazel to Amity) 646 720 1404 575 1540 1.12 1.25 0.91 Cloverdale Rd (Amity to Victory) 682 874 1456 575 1540 1.19 1.52 0.95 Cloverdale Rd (Victory to Overland) 737 810 1479 575 1540 1.28 1.41 0.96 Cloverdale Rd (Overland to Franklin) 798 905 1485 720 1540 1.11 1.26 0.96 Cloverdale Rd (Franklin to Fairview) 522 682 1406 575 1540 0.91 1.19 0.91 Cloverdale Rd (Fairview to Ustick) 490 632 1180 575 1540 0.85 1.10 0.77 Cloverdale Rd (Ustick to McMillan) 481 740 1004 575 1540 0.84 1.29 0.65 Cloverdale Rd (McMillan to Chinden) 653 897 941 720 1540 0.91 1.25 0.61 Cole Rd (Amity to Victory) 725 1268 985 690 1780 1.05 1.84 0.55 Cole Rd (Overland to Franklin) 847 909 1592 880 1780 0.96 1.03 0.89 Deer Flat Rd (Linder to Meridian) 643 831 1277 720 1540 0.89 1.15 0.83 Eagle Rd (Lake Hazel to Amity) 467 799 1278 690 1780 0.68 1.16 0.72 Eagle Rd (Amity to Victory) 690 831 1653 690 1780 1.00 1.20 0.93 Eagle Rd (SH 44 to State) 812 856 1120 720 1540 1.13 1.19 0.73 Eagle Rd (Floating Feather to Beacon Light) 230 582 644 575 720 0.40 1.01 0.89 New segment in this table 2 0 2 5 2 5 5 2 5 3 2 3 5 2 3 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 2 3 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 2 3 3 2 3 5 2 3 5 2 3 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 3 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 3 5 5 2 5 5 3 5 5 3 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 3 5 3 2 3 Yes James I). Reynolds Mayor ACHD Commission 3775 Adams Street Garden City, ID 83714 City of Eagle P.O. Box 1520 Eagle. Idaho 83616 208-939-6813 October 28. 2015 RE: Eagle Road and State Street Intersection Dear Commissioners. FILE COPY Council Member Mark L. Butl Mary McFarlat Jeff Km Stan Ridge a The future intersection configuration of the State Street and Eagle Road intersection has been of considerable concern and discussion for over two years. Since our last correspondence the Cit) has conducted two facilitate processes and after review and consideration of the outcomes the City Council on October 27. 2015. unanimously voted to recommend the quadrant road alternative to the ACHD for the State Street and Eagle Road intersection The Cit appreciates the C'ommission's patience and willingness to allow the Cit\ to work through the concerns and Intersection alternatives w ith our citizens and stakeholders. We also appreciate our staff and Commissioner Woods' accessibility in addressing the various questions and concerns during the City -facilitated discussions and meetings. With the finalization of this recommendation the City looks forward to implementation: both through the construction and the installation of the intersection and road« ay improvement but also the implementation of the goals that are expressed in the City's Dow ntow n Plan. The City looks forward to working with the Commission to prioritize and ad\ ance the construction of the quadrant road and the local system improvements within our Community. CC: City Council -1 Page 1 of 1 n.r lr u„r,'r'ate,c'' , eta_ ^J 1"a, I. 1 t u,. Mayor James D. Reynolds Ada County Highway District 3775 Adams St. Garden City, ID 83714 April 15, 2015 Dear Commissioners, City of Eagle P.O. Box 1520 Eagle, Idaho 83616 208-939-6813 Council Members Mark Butler Mary McFarland Jeff Kunz Stan Ridgeway Thank you for soliciting comment from the City of Eagle on amendments to the Master Street Map. The City Council reviewed the document at the April 14, 2015, meeting; the City provides the following comments and recommendations on this matter: 1) Eagle Road between Plaza Drive and Floating Feather Road. The section is currently constructed at 3 lanes and ACI -ID is showing a build out of 5 lanes. City recommends this section be reduced to 3 lanes for preservation until the City completes the Eagle Road and State Street Intersection Study, including the construction of the Plaza Street Extension from Second Street to Iron Eagle Drive. 2) Beacon Light Road between State Hwy 16 & State Hwy 55. The section is currently constructed at 2 lanes and ACRD is showing a build out of 5 lanes. Consistent with the Council's action and recommendation to ACHD the City recommends this section be shown as a maximum of 3 lanes. 3) Linder Road between Floating Feather Road and Beacon Light Road. The section is currently constructed at 2 lanes and ACHD is showing a build out of 7 lanes in this section. The City requests that this section be maximum of 5 lanes to provide transitioning from the State Hwy 44 corridor and the Linder Road River crossing (7 lanes- mobility corridor) to the 3 lane section from Beacon Light Road into the foothills. 4) Big Gulch Parkway between State Hwy 16 and Willow Creek Road (N. Eagle Road) add to the MSM and designate it as a Residential Collector (similar to Floating Feather Road) and show it a 0 today and a build out of 3 lanes in future. While the City understands ACHD's concerns about LOS, congestion, and the need to preserve ROAW now for future needs (beyond 2040), the City of Eagle cannot support the expansion of the local system to offset the lack of planning and investment on the state highway system. The City is committed to working proactively with ACHD to plan for the community's transportation needs, including the review of the City's Comprehensive Plan that is currently underway. Page 1 of 2 K 11'lanning 17cpt Transportationh?9I 5\\9\\I Letter 4-15-15 dim: x The City continues to see ACHD as a proactive partner in the implementation of our community's vision and look forward to partnering with in the future. Sincerely, ‘t4\ed mes D. Reynolds, Mayor CC: Council Zoning Administrator Mitch Skiles, ACHD Page 2 of 2 K:1Planning DeptlTransportation120151MSM Letter 4-15- I5.docx Rural -Recreational Arterial 10' —.— Multi -Use Path 14' Drainage — 2' 5' -- Bike Lane 12' Travel Lane 12' Median/Turn Lane 100' R.O.W. 2' 12' Travel Lane Bike Lane 8' Parking 14' Drainage Eagle City Code 8-3-3: SUPPLEMENTAL YARD AND HEIGHT REGULATIONS: In addition to all yard regulations specified in section 8-2-4 of this title, and in other sections of this title, the following provisions shall be adhered to: A. Visibility At Intersections: On a corner lot in any district, nothing shall be erected, placed, planted or allowed to grow in such a manner as to materially impede vision between the height of two and one-half (21/2) and ten feet (10') above the center line grades of the intersecting streets in the area bounded by the right of way lines of such corner lots and a line joining points along said street right of way lines twenty five feet (25') from the point of intersection. B. Fences In Front Yards: In any required front yard. no fence or wall shall be permitted which materially impedes vision across such yard between the height of two and one-half (21/2) and ten feet (10'). GO isle earth feet' meters 1000 juu A