Minutes - 2021 - City Council - 05/20/2021 - Regular EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES May 20,2021 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pierce calls the meeting to order at 3:01 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present, GINDLESPERGER, BAUN and PIKE. Absent,PITTMAN. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. WORK SESSION A. The City of Eagle will be conducting a series of meetings with the Avimor development representatives to provide information to the Mayor and City Council regarding the potential annexation of the project.The site is located on the east and west sides of SH55 approximately 4 '/2 miles north of Beacon Light Road and extending north into Boise and Gem Counties. Discussion topics will be listed on each agenda. Following the informational meetings, if the property owner elects to pursue annexation, then the process outlined in Idaho Code 50-222 will be implemented along with the required public hearings identified in Idaho Code 67-6509 and Eagle City Code Section 8-7-8. Work Session Topics for May 20,2021: 1. Overview of the Avimor project: Dan Richter, General Manager, Avimor Development, 18454 N McLeod,Boise,presented. Mr.Richter explained the stages of the current Avimor development and the plans for future development. He also presented a history of the property and the working relationship with the property owner. Mr.Richter stated there will be 9700 homes with approximately 680,000 square feet of mixed use. The property is 23,000 acres in total. This is a 30-year plan for build out, likely 5-10 years before they build in Gem County, but everything will be part of the annexation request. They anticipate 60 to 70 percent open space, approximately 7000 of the 23,000 acres will be developed. 2.Existing Conditional Use Permit(CUP)/Entitlements: Jeff Bower,legal counsel,601 W Bannock,Boise. Mr.Bower reviewed the Avimor history for each phase.Avimor Ada, an Ada County Planned Community of 900 acres and 839 units. Avimor Boise, a Boise County Planned Community. A customized land use ordinance as well as a land use plan, developed with City of Eagle standards for planning in mind, was just approved by Boise County. It includes 1600 acres and 1700 residential units with a minimum of 50% open space in addition to the approved parks. Avimor will continue to work with the counties to obtain approval for preliminary plats and move forward with their development while they work through the annexation request with the City of Eagle. They hope the approved preliminary plats will integrate well when they are annexed. Mr. Richter confirmed all access to Avimor is from multiple points on Hwy 55 until such time that the property west of the highway develops to the west and an arterial to Hwy 16 is developed. 3. Community Infrastructure District (CID): Avimor Ada has an existing CID that includes most,not all,of the current development. They currently have a general obligation bond of.003 mils. All of the money collected goes to projects in the district or have a direct nexus to the district. 4.Police service: Mr. Richter has met with Police Chief Clifford and will soon meet with both Chief Clifford and Sheriff Bartlett to discuss levels of service, substations and other policing needs. Page 1 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-05.20-21min.docx 5. Fire services: Mr. Richter explained the existing relationship with the Eagle Fire Department. Avimor will continue to work with them as their development grows. 6. Emergency Medical Services (EMS): Mr. Richter explained the current working relationship between Avimor and Ada County Paramedics. They are working with them to provide service to their residents in Boise County. 7.Library: Mr.Richter has been working with Library Director, Steve Bumgarner,about future satellite sites in the Avimor Developments. He will also attend the June board meeting to discuss what they see happening out there. 8.Schools: Avimor has agreed to give the school district building sites deemed necessary to serve the community. They have also been working with Boise County and the Horseshoe Bend School District as it relates to the development existing in both the West Ada and the Horseshoe Bend districts. Avimor has already specified potential sites when the school district says they are ready to build. A PowerPoint presentation was shared by the Avimor staff and is attached to these minutes. In addition to the scheduled City Council presentations,Avimor will hold several public meetings. 14. ADJOURNMENT: Baun moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Gindlesperger. ALL AYE, MOTION CARRIED. Hearing no further business,the Council r .was adjourned at 4:25 pm. Respectfully submitted: �.•`'.G1TY OF''''•, �` •� GpRP0 Na/C1 •: 9 tn• . KELLIE REKOW, CMCItee: cn S CITY TREASURER '4 L ,♦ APPROVED: ''•.,OFIDAi% ...`' N PIERCE OR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT W W W.C ITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 2 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-05-20-21min.docx 5/25/2021 A AVIMOR_ Eagle City Council Work Session May 20, 2021 1 Spring Valley Ranch ' '^�:. wt~- fit' } . -` .; rL I` z 1. . ,, _-, :._ Lam:_� ,1 4 L t° L � v a L L. 1 t 2 1 5/25/2021 Community Involvement r v •tiry a A l l 0 i �h ., 11 r.4 `y 1 ,r - tl, , f_lj , :.14,141 . 1 . lot— - - , , .� t t # g ,? . v e ja p 1: . "'� 3 Avimor's Land i AVIMOR Legend M Ge 21-1-1 i „ CJ as C± LJ i 7 7 4 2 5/25/2021 Ada County Planned Community • The Ada County Avimor Planned Community was approved by Ada County in 2008. • Covers approximately 900 acres of Avimor's property. • Approved up to 839 residential units. ,,. • The majority is already final platted and sold to third parties. 5 -41/ AVIMOR 1 Ma owah lad as Plan Boise County Planned � _� Community „ r.rr • The Boise County Avimor Planned Community was Area i approved by Boise County in 2021. Y'`A�a2 r`,-' _ ` •! • Covers approximately 1600 acres -p ' —L of Avimor's property. 'e - ` i • Approved 1700 residential units. r, t !'`y` 4. -a -- • The first preliminary plat in this ' "B8I area has been submitted to �� Boise County. w;V.„r'sl,--'P;:,::' ti !,` .,_ 1 - ' . _i -- i 6 3 5/25/2021 Ada County — Village Center - Approved AVIATOR VILLAGE CENTER _ — i • SUBDIVISION = -, A??.-A, • __ : _ _ i ` / _, .gyp. ,;�o.,�J ys � / itt( 10 ..,(""1:j - • il A , r , 7 Ada County — Townhouse North - Approved AVIMOR TOWNHOUSE NORTH + SUBDIVISION v / Ei�..caLr+ ;: ,"`. 1 , . .,...r i —r. I \ • , ' ' • '7.-: .7.t:: ".:. :...1 :2. Lii"::.'::: ••='•..,\,., ., ;• 8 4 5/25/2021 Boise County — Phase 1 PRELIMINARY PLAT s0'``! Foa /A'� ` PORT OF THE SW IN OF SECTION 5 iE s AVIMOR VILLAGE SUBDIVISION NO.1 a stem. ------------ ar E \ W pr r'"``� \e z i — -1 Lyl Y▪ 7 \� r. • m 4 1 .a.. .7......., �... N.Y557" ,. .——— J ! L i' 1 ' I cS H ;;;ZOCKS 9 Community Infrastructure District (CID) >.,r • The Idaho Legislature adopted the CID Act in 2008. I' r. • A CID is a special taxing district to generate funds or., for infrastructure projects. • The idea behind CIDs is to provide a financing tool m for development to pay for itself. ' • To generate funds for infrastructure projects,Idaho law gives CIDs the power to issue bonds to generate funds and to tax and assess property to service bonds. What is"Community Infrastructure"? • Public roads,parking facilities • Bonds: i ()general obligation bonds;(ii)special • Public parks and trails assessment bonds;and(iii)revenue bonds. • Public safety facilities • Water and sewer facilities 10 5 5/25/2021 The Avimor Community Infrastructure District AVIMOR • The Avimor CID was Legend formed in 2015 by Ada s— County. • The CID covers 729 acres of Avimor's 23,000 acres. ,511 Fyn • Phases 1-3, recorded \ between 2008 and 2013, not in the CID. oi • • 11 CID Governing Documents FC L I_V 74 AGREEMENT NO.- 6=11 •D RN.rt wd�.mw hfi>�.,ureDr�, IIAdaCount,1�.1 ary AVIMORrOMIIDNoF� FRC tCRCommilI,ND., m,mmm °' 20p: ;tw°,.I w awo err GenerW Plan C.-Cono No)for t .Avmar Co o N Iarrow. �nmol g! ImI� Donet No.I,AdoCmD,Id.M -.Won1,N- Won subrruned bcon unction MNUeped for We Creation and OrgamoFen of We IN..I m,Woe,p.m.to W.CemmmiD Inf s,nuc se Dr.m,Am Title fa.Chewer O.Id.Cale pbe Any DISTRICT DEVELOP„EFT AGREEMENT NO.I muu rm.in I rAid.mrshed mad pm,M m.the Al IADA COUd aW R AxO1 purpose,IIW.Lump..benefited era Ile wfu mitt'iafraururwe mwrowronts SWl etmenoc. In public rynwaGauscultatewy auscultate looted h .1.6 and o.16 the m.s ADA ColwrIV.IDARO de,.rib<d E,WWWw,mod me for We boner of Me me•described nSrnix.A. se of DIsmin to liromelaw mlufncmerwe vq mmmmaty mnmmrmm porpvn m h n AIIMOR COMMUNITY INPRASTRLCTURE DISTRICT NO.I audiet ho..and Omarrre fully sat Lothp,.0 to We 11AuruT11Pnenr Amennenr'u 9w IADA['OI.15IDAHO, indiractly Wont Me Distr.rue gSu.Futow 5 0102.1,011110111C Dionict Wall be as pennined by •ud tag, rbfd ,rmn t mtum. Y rbe etNrd ru rFe Uvmi wrrnoutAVINIOR DEVELOPMENT,LLC an lelas li•billey comp, Celain infmanwIme vements may Wm.lan6 ticudhed'm Evh;hta.nTome mot i II)Dim.NMI comm.,inhwroclwe irref rn erneo, �PARTNERS,11C' ILarr my beneW lamb outside die SRO dev 1Fed on£obtb Jv Direct WOmy rule. u Ada County and other neowlu Dais.mdb.lsto m require We camas of web bent iued u IdYu 14n1.1ea wnurl comp./ lends to reimburse the DIdekt UNrer JlruRy or rluowh Nlwarbn of Waren,saolo or mbar cod)foe the Inv.sFue of.cos of the community mfwrre.e Impou.rm Not end spellmay boo. I.N.Such rtlm,urm[+t mnNORrd Oiler��MrrNu.pm row FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE C'OWAN% f,fid pia hu,uauual oleo pemir abw event on web fq earevwaar.elch,such as •Nein..corpora..ul'nnv of We Duel Reset.,l^'"CdTrot Nu.111162.dated October S.petitioning owners COWL uc n.tliVely.wrmm DfSllplmr.LL Tn.was crested pursuant m the S•LNrlrb•Tr•u Ap.w•e• r.Edell end El.American Tlrle!usu..Company,o Nebmlu Gmb. T T hum Apeumt sagaUrWn 1,MI,re men.I,orthen rerni aw Subdivisionmecevs andssiWs.u vamp*,fiord comm.,inirrrumtwr Oproeemeov con Nmfit.6 our.we um on Fehibir A.M Dwkr may vain reimbursement oremwe,W. 12 6 5/25/2021 Avimor CID Bonds w.rs v � and Projects Int t� sib} .�.gr� '' f 1 ' a l ,. n , v+ E a .' ': S � . 01=713 General Obligation Bonds: • 2015 GO Bond-$48,800(formation ,4fo, Costs) �..�._ • 2017 GO Bond-$320,000(N.McLeod Way) Special Assessment Bonds: • 2015 SA Bond-$332,000(Avimor Dr.) ." + -+� • 2016 SA Bond-$304,000(N. McLeod ,A ' e ` t It' Way,W.Creeks Edge and Avimor Dr. ..4 ., ` Signal) ` • 2017 SA Bond-$864,000(N. McLeod } Wa ••• , 4 • 2018 SA Bond-$564,000(Avimor Dr. and Second Access on SH 55) 13 (It (Underpass Current CID Projects x ie _� is ,k- r#0�x \. }� =oi '' silk 7 \ �r w \ : :'...... \\ ''?"4'4'''. - .(4‘14.:IN 40. ''' , . At '. ""z,e. irk ilt.:••••!:,,e,.'2:,' • Acceleration/"-s Deceleration Lanes \' ,��' jss- ` �.: ` . ` `- A .vrwoa�•ECOIT��,OAD.COUnn a con2V1.M SITE PLAN' HIGHWAY 55-NORTH INTERCHANGE 14 7 5/25/2021 Avimor CID Expansion • strld Area I \\ 15 Transition of the Avimor CID to Eagle • "If the district is located entirely within the boundaries of a city,three(3)members of the city council chosen by the city council shall serve as the district board."I.C.§50-3104. • "Neither any member of the district board nor any person acting on behalf of the district,while acting within the scope of his or her authority,shall be subject to any personal liability for any action taken or omitted within that scope of authority." I.C.§50-3118. • "Bonds issued by a district shall not be a general obligation of this state or any political subdivision thereof, including any county or city in which the district is located and shall not pledge the full faith and credit of this state or any political subdivision thereof,including any county or city in which the district is located. I.C.§50- 3107(West) 16 8 5/25/2021 Community Services 7 ANNEO COMMUNITY DIeCLOPI Inn NOTICA rIllAT IS LOCATED IN YOU CD mm.IDAHOANDwalDN PURCHASING SEAL BO UNDARIES A • Schools This_ _ _ou property in Me Avanor Planned Chasing iv umacorporaudAw Cady.Idahoy d net whin doe lim Mc a s vm purchasing Plumed Commomity walendus de lunity m.p de :lallo edinAdaCounty.ld.hompm.ide-urhamring develop. aho • Police Moues the propeated rty yen ereco.IderIng parth.mng Is located m nnlnrn7P,..ted Ada<.en�. ,P�l.�.n. EMS may not Pe�,D.v:ere net a N� ;m� .mil:t nle,P..l,. • ovido rim no-ud OM sermon.Nap purchasing pmpe.yA.;m.yom:,:.mm �- ACKNOWLEDGEMENT • Eagle Fire �mdenigred proapeetive ptcdtner(c)of real Nnpeny wi*in A hereby acknowledge that Mat the subject A;d,W nc;r A yea m n< Tel • Community times may be municipality.The midenigned opponent.to contact the agennee promdmg e. g ryaervicestoAvo P,property m�be Fur ya Avimor located Watch Moo.Name gmna,ure 17 Police • COMMUNITY I K OUT BE ALERT AND VIGILANT ` �„.... ©' ' WATCH OUT FOR EACH OTHER HELP KEEP OUR i NEIGHBORHOOD SAFE REPORT SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY IMMEDIATELY! It 208-921-5047 Ay^op .. +!„�. 18 9 5/25/2021 Fire ^tea. r/ A_ GE � �� � 1\,.. ,-' iikorN2tir ip *4\ )).: A '1 4,46Z., 4144i10 41.*--' .1'' ji.13 1 _, EAGLE HRE n w. #._,a n r TRAINING f 19 EMS 44.04- ., �� COMMUNITY ottoL® aiK OUT BE ALERT AND VIGILANT AdaCOuntyParamedics WATCH OUT FOR EACH OTHER _€- _ _ HELP KEEP OUR S""'■ NEIGHBORHOOD SAFE °""— : IFi REPORT SUSPICIOUS , , - ' ACTIVITY IMMEDIATELY! Faa 208 921 5047 .M.A 20 10 5/25/2021 Library -- -- .._ _ 1 ,1 --r-INei- ,111P'7.14 ' 4,U ,---,-.,,el '-'-' •;,., ..-7 ,,f-'--. -,11.01..,_ 1 i-4 „,,,.) ', 'a ' - ti - -'-:•'-..,..'-:` .,,--,., , • 21 Schools 4...'',-7 .''•1*' .„,'._-'. 4' 17, \\ I 2 e E------ , ,.. ,.. NI* 1 V '.'A ” - ' ..' ' ' - ''' -- '''''• ., ANIIIIIIIIIIC It.ail iiiiit,1-!IA. „ - r-4"42! \ `11"3''Pri ' * . . "otential 1 111 N. 1 14,. Mdelik- .',' 7,_.,, ' .6, I school \ . 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