Findings - CC - 2021 - A-10-20 & RZ-13-20 - Treasure Valley Chevron BEFORE THE EAGLE CITY COUNCIL IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION ) FOR AN ANNEXATION AND REZONE ) FROM RUT (RURAL-URBAN TRANSITION) ) TO C-1-DA(NEIGHBORHOOD BUSINESS ) DISTRICT WITH A DEVELOPMENT ) AGREEMENT [IN LIEU OF A CONDITIONAL ) USE PERMIT])FOR A MIXED USE ) COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT FOR ) TREASURE VALLEY CHEVRON,INC. ) FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW CASE NUMBER A-10-20&RZ-13-20 The above-entitled annexation and rezone applications came before the Eagle City Council for their action on March 23,2021,at which time public testimony was taken and the public hearing was closed.The Eagle City Council, having heard and taken oral and written testimony, and having duly considered the matter, makes the following Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law; FINDINGS OF FACT: A. PROJECT SUMMARY: Treasure Valley Chevron, Inc., represented by Stephanie Leonard with KM Engineering, is requesting annexation and rezone from RUT (Residential-Urban Transition — Ada County designation) to C-1-DA (Neighborhood Business District with a development agreement [in lieu of a conditional use permit]) for a mixed used commercial development, which includes a convenience store with fuel service. The 10.01-acre site is located at the southeast corner of West Beacon Light Road and North Highway 16. B. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL: A Neighborhood Meeting was held virtually at 6:00 PM, on Monday, October 5, 2020, in compliance with the COVID-19 Stage 2 protocol and the application submittal requirement of Eagle City Code. The application for this item was received by the City of Eagle on October 28, 2020. C. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: Requests for agencies' reviews were transmitted on November 17, 2020, in accordance with the requirements of the Eagle City Code. Notice of Public Hearing on the application for the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission was published in accordance with the requirements of Title 67, Chapter 65,Idaho Code and the Eagle City Code on January 1,2021. Notice of this public hearing was mailed to property owners within 1,500-feet of the subject property in accordance with the requirements of Title 67,Chapter 65,Idaho Code and Eagle City Code on December 31,2020. The site was posted in accordance with the Eagle City Code on January 6,2021. Notice of Public Hearing on this application for the Eagle City Council was published in accordance with the requirements of Title 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code and the Eagle City Code on February 19, 2021. Notice of this public hearing was mailed to property owners within 1,500-feet of the subject property in accordance with the requirements of Title 67,Chapter 65,Idaho Code and Eagle City Code on February 19, 2021. The site was posted in accordance with the Eagle City Code on February 16,2021 and updated on March 16,2021. Page 1 of 15 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\RZ&A\2020\A-10-20&RZ-13-20 TV Chevron ccf docx D. HISTORY OF RELEVANT PREVIOUS ACTIONS: On December 18, 2007, the City Council approved an annexation and rezone from RUT(Rural- Urban Transition — Ada County designation) to MU-DA (Mixed Use with a development agreement [in lieu of a PUD]) for CMH Development. (A-17-07/RZ-24-07) (The development agreement was not executed by the applicant;therefore, the property was subsequently not annexed into the City.) E. COMPANION APPLICATIONS: All applications are inclusive herein. F. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE MAP AND ZONING MAP DESIGNATIONS: COMP PLAN ZONING LAND USE DESIGNATION DESIGNATION Existing Village/Community RUT(Rural-Urban Transition Agriculture Center —Ada County designation) Proposed No Change C-1-DA(Neighborhood Convenience store Business District with a with fuel service development agreement) North of site Village/Community MU-DA(Mixed Use with a Agriculture Center development agreement) South of site Village/Community MU-DA(Mixed Use with a Agriculture Center development agreement) East of site Village/Community MU-DA(Mixed Use with a Agriculture Center development agreement) West of site Neighborhood Residential RUT(Rural-Urban Transition Golf Course (Star Comprehensive —Ada County designation) Plan) G. DESIGN REVIEW OVERLAY DISTRICT: Not located within the DDA,TDA,CEDA,or DSDA. H. TOTAL ACREAGE OF SITE: 10.01-acres APPLICANT'S STATEMENT OF JUSTIFICATION FOR THE REZONE: See applicant's justification letter, date stamped by the City on October 28, 2020 (attached to the staff report). J. APPLICANT'S STATEMENT OF JUSTIFICATION OF A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT: See applicant's justification letter,date stamped by the City on October 28,2020(attached to the staff report). K. AVAILABILITY AND ADEQUACY OF UTILITIES AND SERVICES: The site is located within the City of Eagle's municipal water service area.The site is currently not located within the Eagle Sewer District. The applicant is proposing to serve the site with well and septic until such time central water and central sewer become available. L. PUBLIC USES SHOWN ON FUTURE ACQUISITIONS MAP:No map currently exists. Page 2 of 15 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\RZ&A\2020 A-10-20&RZ-13-20 TV Chevron ccf docx M. SPECIAL ON-SITE FEATURES: Areas of Critical Environmental Concern—No Evidence of Erosion—No Fish Habitat—No Floodplain—No Mature Trees—No Riparian Vegetation—No Steep Slopes—No Stream/Creek—No Unique Animal Life—No Unique Plant Life—No Unstable Soils—No Wildlife Habitat—No N. NON-CONFORMING USES:None. O. AGENCY RESPONSES: The following agencies have responded and their correspondence is attached to the staff report. Trails and Pathways Superintendent email dated November 17,2020. Museum Curator/City Historic Preservation Officer email dated November 18,2020. Ada County Development Services Ada County Highway District Ballentyne Ditch Company Central District Health Department of Environmental Quality Eagle Sewer District(email received from Lynn Moser,dated October 23,2020) P. LEI"I'RRS FROM THE PUBLIC (attached to the staff report): Email correspondence received from Lohrea Johnson,dated January 7,2021. Email correspondence received from Whittney Curran,dated January 11, 2021. Email correspondence received from Ryan and Melanie Clark, dated January 11,2021. Email correspondence received from Laurence Woodbury, dated January 11, 2021. Correspondence received from Mark Van Abel, date stamped by the City on January 11,2021. Email correspondence received from Jim Johnson,dated January 11,2021. Email correspondence received from Susi Guidi,dated January 14, 2021. Q. EAGLE CITY CODE 8-7-3-2 GENERAL STANDARDS FOR CONDITIONAL USES: The Commission/Council shall review the particular-facts and circumstances of each proposed Conditional Use in terms of the following standards and shall find adequate evidence showing that such use at the proposed location: A. Will, in-fact, constitute a conditional use as established in Section 8-2-3 of this title (Eagle City Code Title 8)for the zoning district involved; B. Will be harmonious with and in accordance with the general objectives or with any specific objective of the Comprehensive Plan and/or this title(Eagle City Code Title 8); C. Will be designed,constructed,operated and maintained to be harmonious and appropriate in appearance with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity and that such use will not change the essential character of the same area; D. Will not be haiardous or disturbing to existing or future neighborhood uses; Page 3 of 15 K:\Planning DepAEagle Applications\RZ&A\2020\A-IO-20&RZ-I3-20 TV Chevron ccfdocx E. Will be served adequately by essential public facilities such as highways,streets,police and fire protection,drainage structures,refuse disposal,water and sewer and schools;or that the persons or agencies responsible for the establishment of the proposed use shall be able to provide adequately any such services. F. Will not create excessive additional requirements at public cost for public facilities and services and will not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community; G. Will not involve uses,activities,processes,materials,equipment and conditions of operation that will be detrimental to any persons,property or the general welfare by reason of excessive production of traffic,noise, smoke, fumes, glare or odors; H. Will have vehicular approaches to the property which are designed as not to create an interference with traffic on surrounding public thoroughfares; and I. Will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of a natural, scenic or historic-feature of major importance. THE CITY COUNCIL RECEIVED AND REVIEWED THE FOLLOWING STAFF ANALYSIS PROVIDED WITHIN THE STAFF REPORT: A. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN PROVISIONS WHICH ARE OF SPECIAL CONCERN REGARDING THIS PROPOSAL: The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map(adopted November 15, 2017), designates this site as the following: Village/Community Center Village and Community Centers are intended to serve as mixed use centers for goods, services and employment for areas that are removed from downtown Eagle. Uses and residential densities vary based on location. See the planning area text for a complete description of site specific uses. Scenic Corridor An overlay designation that is intended to provide significant setbacks from major corridors and natural features through the city. These areas may require berming, enhanced landscaping, detached meandering pathways and appropriate signage controls. This designation includes the Willow Creek Scenic Corridor that is to provide increased setbacks and buffering of development including natural vegetation and restoration,regional trails and connectivity. 6.6.1 Village Planning Area Uses/Design A. The land use and development policies specific to the Village Planning Area include residential, commercial, retail, civic, research and development park, corporate and/or educational campus, hospitality, and office uses. Non-residential uses will be focused in the Village Center. 1. Village Center: The Village Center is generally located along the north and south sides of Beacon Light Road, extending from State Highway 16 East to Hartley Lane, as shown on the Future Land Use Map (Map 6.1). All Non-residential uses will be focused in the Village Center. This area is comprised of three key components: a. A research/development park,educational campus,and/or corporate park area designed to provide sufficient space for corporate headquarters in a park-like setting with ancillary commercial uses located in the Village Center; and b. The village center should include supporting office, retail commercial, hospitality, and civic uses that will benefit and support the non-residential uses, as well as the larger residential area; Page 4 of 15 K:U'lanning Dept\Eagle Applications lRZ&A12020\A-10-20&RZ-13-20 TV Chevron ccf.docx c. Office and restaurant uses with drive thrus are considered a supporting use to the corporate and campus uses. Office and restaurant uses that are appropriately designed and internally oriented to the larger development area may be considered on a case by case basis. (See Figure 6.9) d. Non-residential development in the northeast portion of the Village Center should be designed and oriented to capitalize on the needs of users of the future 22-acre Terra View Park. 2. Residential Uses should be developed as follows: a. New developments proposed near the Village Center in the Compact Residential designation are encouraged to include apartments, town homes, condominiums, patio homes, bungalows and live/work units ranging in densities from 4 to 8 units per acre. b. Densities should decrease as distance increases from the village center. The overall densities in the Village Planning Area and in the Neighborhood Residential designation, south of Beacon Light Road, should average 1-2 units per acre. Residential area north of Beacon Light is Large Lot Residential with a Residential Transition Overlay,transitioning (feathering and clustering) to the north and east ensuring compatibility with existing residential and foothills development. c. Lot sizing and compatibility will be paramount as residential development reaches the existing 2 and 5-acre lots in the area east of Linder Road and north of Floating Feather Road. Special care should be given to the feathering and clustering of residential units as development reaches the foothills/Farmers Union Canal. (See Figure 6.10) d. All non-residential use in the Village Planning area should be directed to the Village Center or the commercial center at State Highway 16 and State Highway 44(See Moon Valley& State Planning Area Section 6.10). 6.6.2 Village Planning Area Access A. The development Village Center Planning Area should include the construction of north/south boulevards as entry roads into the area. These roads should include planted medians, detached sidewalks,and traffic circles. B. This area will also include the extension of Homer Road from Linder Road to the Village Center. The intent of this roadway extension is to allow connectivity from the areas north of Beacon Light Road into the Village Center while decreasing demand on Beacon Light Road. Front-on housing should be discouraged on this roadway. C. The Village Planning Area will be dependent upon the interconnectivity of local roads as the area develops. D. Access to the area from State Highway 16 should be limited to Beacon Light Road and,in the short- term,Floating Feather Road. E. Commercial and retail uses should be discouraged from fronting on State Highway 16. Non- residential uses should be focused internally to the Village Center with residential uses focusing on local/collector roads. F. ITD should be discouraged from constructing frontage roads along the eastern side of State Highway 16. Alternatively, development should install landscape berms along State Highway 16 to continue a gateway feeling similar to Eagle Road. G. A collector road should be constructed from the Village Center south to Floating Feather Road and into the commercial development at the State Highway 44 and State Highway 16 intersection. Page 5 of 15 K:\Planning Dept'Eagle Applications\RZ&A12020\A-10-20&RZ-13-20 TV Chevron ccfdocx H. The design of the area should incorporate non-motorized pathways linking residential areas to the Village Center,foothills,and the existing Eagle Downtown. 6.6.3 Issues Of Concern A. The scaling and compatibility of uses will be of significant concern in this area. In order for non- residential uses to locate in this area they will require the establishment and development of residential uses prior to construction. The compact residential designation should be developed to support the planned non-residential uses in the area. New residents should be made aware that the area is intended to have research/development park, educational campus, and/or corporate park uses in the area. B. Special care should be taken to preserve the Village Center area. While residential uses will be the first demand in the area the City needs to work with land owners and developers to preserve sufficient land for the non-residential uses that will be needed to serve the area at buildout. If development pressure is not held back, the City's vision for an employment area will not be achieved. C. Special care should be taken to ensure that employment uses are incorporated into the Village Center. The Village Center designation is scaled for the inclusion of employment uses.If the City allows the area to shift into a retail and/or commercial-only area the size of the land use designation should be re-scaled. D. Special care should be taken to ensure that non-residential uses area internally oriented to the Village Center and that buildings and signage do not clutter the State Highway 16 corridor. If special care is not taken the vision of the City of Eagle for State Highway 16 to serve as an entry corridor will not be achieved. B. ZONING CODE PROVISIONS WHICH ARE OF SPECIAL CONCERN REGARDING THIS PROPOSAL: • Eagle City Code Section 8-1-2: Rules and Definitions: CONVENIENCE STORE: Retail sales of food, beverages and small convenience items typically found in establishments with long or late hours of operation. • Eagle City Code Section 8-2-1: Districts Established,Purposes and Restrictions: The following zoning districts are hereby established.For the interpretation of this title,the zoning districts have been formulated to realize the general purposes as set forth in this title. In addition, the specific purpose of each zoning district shall be as follows: C-1 NEIGHBORHOOD BUSINESS DISTRICT: To permit the establishment of convenience business uses which tend to meet the daily needs of the residents of an immediate neighborhood while establishing development standards that prevent adverse effects on residential uses adjoining a C-1 district. Such districts are typically appropriate for small shopping clusters or integrated shopping centers located within residential neighborhoods. • Eagle City Code Section 8-2-3: Schedule of District Use Regulations: Convenience Store with fuel service is allowed by Conditional Use within the C-1 (Neighborhood Business District)zoning designation. Page 6 of 15 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\RZ&At2020\A-10-20&RZ-13-20 TV Chevron ccf docx • Eagle City Code Section 8-2-4: Schedule of Building Height and Lot Area Regulations: Minimum Yard Setbacks Note Conditions A To E* Maximum Minimum Lot Lot Area Minimum Zoning Maximum Front Rear Interior Street Covered F (Acres Or Square Lot District Height Side Side And J* Feet)H* Width I* C-1 35' 15' 0' 0' 10' 50% 2,000 25' • Eagle City Code Section 8,Chapter 10: Development Agreements: 8-10-1: REQUIREMENTS AND RESTRICTIONS: A. Purpose: Development agreements are a discretionary tool to be used by the council as a condition of rezoning. Development agreements allow a specific project with a specific use to be developed on property in an area that is not appropriate for all uses allowed or conditional in the requested zone. C. DISCUSSION (based on the applicant's narrative, date stamped by the City on October 28, 2020, Conceptual Site Plan, date stamped by the City on October 28, 2020, and applicant's development agreement, date stamped by the City on October 28,2020.): • The applicant's narrative indicates they are requesting annexation and a rezone to C-1 (Neighborhood Business District)to allow for a future convenience store with fuel service and an automotive washing facility.The Conceptual Site Plan identifies a 6,600-square foot Chevron with an 8-pump fuel island located between the building and West Beacon Light Road. The proposed uses are located within the northwest quadrant of the site. No other uses are identified on the Conceptual Site Plan. The applicant has indicated the remainder of the site will be developed by others at a future date. The narrative indicates the remainder of the site may be developed with a mix of uses, including but not limited to, retail, storage, office, and commercial space. Since the Conceptual Site Plan does not identify the type or location of future uses the applicant should be required to modify the development agreement prior to any future uses being constructed within the site. Also, the Conceptual Site Plan does not show potential cross access easements to the adjacent parcels located south and east of the site. Prior to future development of the site the applicant should be required to modify the development agreement to address cross access easement locations for ingress/egress to the adjacent properties located south and east of the site. • The Conceptual Site Plan shows a proposed well location and a proposed drainfield location. The proposed drainfield is located within the property between the convenience store and HWY 16/Emmett HWY [sic]. The applicant has indicated within the provided narrative that due to the current location of central water and sewer not being in proximity to the site they are requesting that the site be served by individual well and septic. The property is located within the City of Eagle's municipal water service area. The property is currently not annexed into the Eagle Sewer District's service area.Based on the proposed use and future uses that may be developed within the site, the applicant should be required to connect the property into central water and sewer when those services are available to the site. Also, the applicant should be required to pay the Storage Trunk Line (STL) fees. The applicant should also be required to provide a surety associated with the connection of those services. • The applicant's narrative and submitted development agreement list several uses that typically require a conditional use permit within the C-1 (Neighborhood Business District) zoning designation. As previously referenced the Conceptual Site Plan does not identify the location or type of use; therefore, the applicant should be required to submit a conditional use permit Page 7 of 15 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\RZ&A\2020\A-10-20&RZ-13-20 TV Chevron ccf docx application or modify the development agreement prior to commencement of those uses. The narrative and development agreement include Dwelling (multi-family, single-family, and two- family dwellings). Due to the property being located within the Village/Community Center comprehensive plan designated area the policies of the comprehensive plan do not recognize this area for residential uses. Residential uses are encouraged to be located within the Compact Residential Area located outside of the subject property to provide an area for non-residential uses to be developed to serve the residential area. The future non-residential uses should be internally oriented so that the buildings and signage do not clutter the State Highway 16 corridor. Also, the applicant should be required to provide a landscape buffer between along State Highway 16 and Beacon Light Road to serve as an entry corridor and buffer the uses from adjacent development. PUBLIC HEARING OF THE COMMISSION: A. A public hearing on the application was held before the Planning and Zoning Commission on January 19,2021,at which time testimony was taken and the public hearing was closed. The Commission made their recommendation at that time. B. Oral testimony in opposition to the application was presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission by one(1)individual who indicated concerns regarding the impact to private property right for people living in the area, the potential negative impact on property values in the area, and the proposed development is not compatible with the surrounding area. C. Oral testimony in favor of the application was presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission by one(1)individual(other than the applicant/representative)who indicated that the site is a good location for a convenience store with fuel service,that a blue fuel island canopy should be permitted along with a 25-foot tall sign, and that the building should be permitted to be larger than 30,000 square feet. D. Oral testimony neither in favor of nor in opposition to the applications was presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission by one(1)individual who indicated concerns regarding views, future uses of the site,that a three foot high landscaped berm will not adequately block vehicle headlights of vehicles utilizing the convenience store with fuel service, and the proposal will cause future development to occur within the area. COMMISSION DELIBERATION: (Granicus time 2:13:15) Upon closing the public hearing,the Commission discussed during deliberation that: • The location and use are appropriate based on existing traffic in the area. • The City of Eagle requires higher standards regarding building design and site layout. • A 25-foot high sign along State Highway 16 is not permitted within Eagle City Code. • The site building coverage should be limited to a maximum of 30,000-square feet. • The required 3-foot high landscaped berm will block headlight glare from vehicles accessing the property. • The city should use the proposed design of the building to set the standard for the area. • The applicant should contact the neighbors to discuss mitigation efforts to decrease the impact of the proposed development on surrounding properties. COMMISSION DECISION: The Commission voted 3 to 0(McCauley and Smith absent)to recommend approval of A-10-20&RZ-13- 20 for an annexation and rezone from RUT(Rural-Urban Transition—Ada County designation)to C-1-DA (Neighborhood Business District with a development agreement [in lieu of a conditional use permit]) for Treasure Valley Chevron, Inc., with conditions to be placed within a development agreement as provided within their findings of fact and conclusions of law document,dated February 1,2021. Page 8 of 15 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\RZ&A\2020\A-10-20&RZ-I3-20 TV Chevron ccf docx PUBLIC HEARING OF THE COUNCIL: A. A public hearing on the application was held before the City Council on January 19,2021,at which time testimony was taken and the public hearing was closed. The Council made their decision at that time. B. Oral testimony in opposition to the application was presented to the City Council by two (2) individual who indicated concerns regarding the impact to private property right for people living in the area, the potential negative impact on property values in the area, and the proposed development is not compatible with the surrounding area. C. Oral testimony in favor of the application was presented to the City Council by two(2)individuals (other than the applicant/representative) who indicated that the site is a good location for a convenience store with fuel service since there is no vehicle fuel facilities located within the immediate area. Also, the applicant maintains their other fuel facilities within the area in a clean manner and completes upgrades when needed. D. Oral testimony neither in favor of nor in opposition to the application was presented to the City Council by four(4)individuals who indicated concerns regarding views,future uses of the site,that a three foot high landscaped berm will not adequately block vehicle headlights of vehicles utilizing the convenience store with fuel service; therefore, a higher buffer berm should be required along SH-16, the proposed monument sign along the SH-16 should not exceed eight feet(8') in height, and the proposal will cause future development to occur within the area.They are supportive of the "Prairie Style"architecture; however a blue canopy should not be permitted. The building should be rotated 90-degrees so that the building blocks the view of the fuel canopy from SH-16.The trash enclosure should be moved to the southeast corner of the site.All of the individuals were concerned with noise, lights,traffic,and impact to their view shed. COUNCIL DECISION: The Council voted 4 to 0 to approve A-10-20&RZ-13-20 for an annexation and rezone from RUT(Rural- Urban Transition — Ada County designation) to C-1-DA (Neighborhood Business District with a development agreement [in lieu of a conditional use permit]) for Treasure Valley Chevron, Inc.,with the following Planning and Zoning Commission recommended conditions to be placed within a development agreement: 3.1 Owner will develop the Property subject to the conditions and limitations set forth in this Development Agreement. Further, the Owner will submit such applications regarding floodplain development permit review,design review,preliminary and final plat reviews,and/or any conditional use permits, if applicable,and any other applicable applications as may be required by the Eagle City Code,which shall comply with the Eagle City Code, as it exists at the time such applications are made except as otherwise provided with this Agreement. 3.2 Eagle hereby acknowledges that the Conceptual Site Plan (Exhibit C) represents Owner's concept for the Property. Phase 1 of the development of the Property includes the development of the convenience store with fuel service and the required roads and improvements as shown on Exhibit C. Any future development of the Property shall be generally consistent with the Conceptual Site Plan; provided, however, it is the intent of this Agreement to allow flexibility until such time a detailed Concept Plan("Concept Plan"),and preliminary plat are submitted to Eagle so long as the general intent of the Conceptual Site Plan and the conditions and limitations set forth in this Agreement are met.Owner shall submit the Concept Plan outlining future phases of the development as a modification to the development agreement prior to or concurrent with future development of the site or submittal of a preliminary plat application,whichever occurs first.The Concept Plan shall provide more detail,including but not limited to,location of roads within the development,lot layout, lot dimensional standards, location and size of any common areas and buffer areas. The City shall Page 9 of 15 K.\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\RZ&A\2020\A-10-20&RZ-13-20 TV Chevron cc£docx hold necessary public hearings pursuant to Eagle City Code notice requirements to address the Concept Plan and any changes thereafter proposed to said plan. 3.3 Owner shall submit payment to the City for all engineering and legal fees incurred for reviewing this project, prior to submittal of the first building permit or signature of a final plat by the City Clerk, whichever occurs first. 3.4 The Property shall consist of an entirely non-residential development.The land uses to be utilized on the Property shall be compatible to the Village/Community Center planning area emphasizing trip capture and minimizing high traffic generating uses. The Village/Community Center area specifically seeks to provide retail commercial, hospitality, and civic uses; a research and development/educational campus and/or corporate park area designed to provide sufficient space for corporate headquarters in a park-like setting near ancillary commercial uses located in the village center. 3.4.1.The Property shall be developed in compliance with Eagle City Code and the Eagle Comprehensive Plan, as adopted at the time this Development Agreement is recorded,except as otherwise provided herein. 3.4.2 The total square footage of retail and commercial on the site shall be limited to 30,000 square feet. 3.4.3 No single retail tenant on the Property shall exceed 20,000 square feet in building footprint area. 3.4.4 All lighting on the Property shall be in conformance with Eagle City Code Section 8-4-4-2. 3.4.5 All signage shall be in conformance with Eagle City Code Section 8-2A-8. 3.5 Except for the limitations and allowances expressly set forth above and the other terms of this Agreement,the Property can be developed and used consistent with the C-1 (Neighborhood Business District) land uses allowed by the Eagle City Code Section 8-2-3 "Official Schedule of District Regulations", existing at the time a design review application or conditional use permit application (whichever the case may be)is made for individual building use. All uses shown as "P" permitted under the C-1 zoning designation within Eagle City Code Section 8-2-3 "Official Schedule of District Regulations," shall be considered permitted uses and all uses shown as "C" conditional uses under the C-1 zoning designation shall require a conditional use permit. The following uses which are shown as"C"conditional uses under the C-1 zoning designation within Eagle City Code Section 8-2-3 "Official Schedule of District Regulations," shall be permitted uses on the Property: • Convenience Store with Fuel Service • Automotive Washing Facility • Bank/financial institution(with drive-up service) • Drugstore In addition to all other uses prohibited within said section of Eagle City Code and on the entire Property as noted above,the following uses shall also be prohibited on the Property: • Adult Business • Animal Shows or Sales • Ambulance Services • Boarding or Lodging House or Dormitory • Cemetery • Circuses and Carnivals Page 10 of 15 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\RZ&A\2020\A-10-20&RZ-13-20 TV Chevron ccf.docx • Drive In Theater • Golf Course • Hospital • Horticulture(general and limited) • Kennel • Public Service Facilities • Residential Mobile Home(Single Unit) • Residential Mobile Home(Single Unit temporary living quarters) • Riding Academies, Stable • Small Engine repair 3.6 The setbacks shall be as follows(as measured from the perimeter of the site): Front(north property line) 15-feet Rear(south property line) 0-feet Side(east property line) 0-feet Street Side(west property line) 10-feet Side(interior) 0-feet Maximum coverage 50% Maximum building height 35-feet(any exceptions to the maximum height requires a conditional use permit) 3.7 The area identified on the Conceptual Site Plan (Exhibit C) showing the Convenience Store with Fuel Service is subject to the following minimum conditions: 3.7.1 The Convenience Store with fuel service shall be located in the northwest corner of the Property. The total size of the parcel containing the convenience store with fuel service shall not exceed thirty percent(30%)of the gross area of the Property(10.01 acres). 3.7.2 The convenience store and fuel station canopy shall be oriented as shown in the Concept Plan. The convenience store and fuel station canopy design will incorporate the "Prairie School" architectural style and shall be architecturally compatible with the commercial buildings located within the development and other development in the vicinity. The fuel canopy design and color shall complement the design and earth tone colors of the convenience store. The proposed architecture is subject to change at the discretion of the Design Review Board and/or City Council. Owner shall submit a design review application for the proposed building (as required by Eagle City Code) and shall comply with all conditions required by the Design Review prior to issuance of a zoning certificate. 3.8 The Convenience Store with Fuel Service shall be constructed utilizing a "Prairie School" style of architecture, as shown on Exhibit D. Owner acknowledges that the proposed architecture is subject to change at the discretion of the Design Review Board and/or City Council. Any future non- residential buildings shall be constructed utilizing "Prairie School" style architecture as identified within the Eagle Architecture and Site Design Book. As individual buildings go through the design review process,Owner shall demonstrate the complementary relationship,in terms of building height and style, to adjacent existing or proposed buildings within the development in order to produce a compatible and desirable development. 3.9 Owner shall provide a property use and common area maintenance agreement "Agreement" containing conditions, covenants and restrictions for the Property which shall contain at least the following: (a) An allocation of responsibility for maintenance of all community and privately owned pressurized irrigation facilities, parking lots and amenities. The repair and maintenance Page 11 of 15 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\R2&A\2020\A-IO-20&RLI3-20 TV Chevron ccf docx requirement shall run with the land and that the requirement cannot be modified and that the Agreement cannot be dissolved without the express consent of the city. (b) A requirement that all common landscaped areas are to be privately owned but shall be described in and subject to a reciprocal easement allowing for common use by all property owners within the development.The Agreement shall provide that a designated property owner or group(i.e. business owner's association)shall have the duty to maintain and operate all the landscaped areas in a competent and attractive manner,including watering,mowing,fertilizing and caring for shrubs and trees in accordance with Eagle City Code, in perpetuity. (c) A maintenance manual for the drive aisles requiring the association(s) shall have the duty to maintain and operate all of the drive aisles providing access to the individual lots including the repair and replacement of asphalt and sidewalks. The Owner shall provide a copy of the Agreement (which include a similar statement regarding common areas)for review and approval by the City Attorney prior to the issuance of a zoning permit. 3.10 Owner shall provide a minimum three foot(3') high landscaped berm along State Highway 16 and West Beacon Light Road to provide a buffer between the parking areas, proposed buildings and the respective roadways. The landscape plan and required berms should be reviewed and approved by the Design Review Board and City Council prior to issuance of a zoning certificate associated with the first building permit. 3.11 Owner shall submit a design review application with each portion or phase of the Property that is being developed showing at a minimum the following as applicable: 1) proposed development signage,2)planting details within the proposed and required landscape buffers and all common areas throughout the development, 3) elevation plans for all proposed common area structures and irrigation pump house(if proposed),4) landscape screening details of any irrigation pump house(if proposed), 5)useable amenities such as picnic tables,covered shelters,benches,gazebos,bike racks, and/or similar amenities, 7) design of ponds (if any) to be constructed in reference to mosquito abatement. The design review application shall be reviewed and approved by the Eagle Design Review Board prior to commencing construction of the applicable structure(s). 3.12 Building placement shall be designed such that parking areas are not concentrated between the buildings and roadways of a collector status or higher. The side of any buildings facing these roads shall be provided with architectural design elements and architectural relief in keeping with the proposed "Prairie School" architectural style contained in Exhibit D, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference.The building placement and parking area locations,for each phase or proposed improvement thereafter, shall be reviewed and approved by the Design Review Board and City Council prior to issuance of a zoning certificate. 3.13 Owner acknowledges that the Property is currently located within the City of Eagle's Municipal Water Service Area. Owner desires to serve the site with potable water from a temporary potable water well until such time that a City municipal water service line is located within proximity to the Property. The Owner shall be permitted to construct a temporary potable water well to serve the Convenience Store with Fuel Service until such time that a City of Eagle municipal water service line is located within 300-feet of the Property. At that time, Owner shall be required to connect into the City's municipal water system within 90-days of the municipal water system line being available. Owner shall be required to abandon the temporary potable water well upon connection to the City's municipal water service line. Owner shall be required to pay the required Storage and Trunk Line (STL)fees associated with the Convenience Store with Fuel Service prior to the issuance of a building permit. Based on the Owner acknowledging the Property is located within the City of Eagle Municipal Water Service Area and the City allowing Owner to construct a temporary potable water well (until such time a City municipal water service line is available) Owner shall not file a water right protest or seek to intervene regarding any current or future City water right application filed Page 12 of 15 K.\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\RZ&A\20201A-10-20&RZ-I3-20 TV Chevron ccfdocx with the Idaho Department of Water Resources. 3.14 Owner acknowledges that the Property is currently not annexed to the Eagle Sewer District. The annexation shall be required prior to submittal of the first building permit. The Owner shall be allowed to connect the Convenience Store with fuel service to a temporary septic system until such time central sewer is available to the Property. Owner shall provide proof of adequate sewer service to the proposed convenience store with fuel service prior to issuance of a building permit. Upon availability of central sewer, Owner shall have 90-days to connect to the Eagle Sewer District's central sewer system and abandon the temporary septic system. No additional uses shall be located on the Property until such time central sewer service is available to the Property. 3.15 Owner shall comply with all requirements of ACHD and/or ITD, as applicable, including, but not limited to, dedication of right-of-way, access approaches on Beacon Light Road, curb, gutter, and sidewalk. 3.16 Owner shall place 4'x8' sign(s) containing information regarding the proposed development. The sign(s) shall be located along each roadway that is adjacent to the Property. The sign(s) shall be located on the Property outside of the public right-of-way and remain clearly visible from the roadway. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW: 1. The Council reviewed the particular facts and circumstances of this proposed rezone upon annexation (A-10-20&RZ-13-20)with regard to Eagle City Code Section 8-7-5 "Action by the Commission and Council", and based upon the information provided concludes that the proposed rezone upon annexation is in accordance with the City of Eagle Comprehensive Plan and established goals and objectives because: a. The requested zoning designation of C-1-DA(Neighborhood Business District with a development agreement [in lieu of a conditional use permit]) is consistent with the Village/Community Center designation as shown on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map; b. The information provided from the agencies having jurisdiction over the public facilities needed for this site indicate that adequate public facilities exist, or are expected to be provided,to serve the proposed senior living facility use on this property under the proposed zone; c. The proposed C-1-DA(Neighborhood Business District with a development agreement [in lieu of a conditional use permit]) zone is compatible with the MU-DA (Mixed Use with a development agreement[in lieu of a PUD])zone and land use to the north since that area will be developed with commercial uses based on the executed development agreement; d. The proposed C-1-DA(Neighborhood Business District with a development agreement [in lieu of a conditional use permit]) zone is compatible with the MU-DA (Mixed Use with a development agreement)zone and land use to the south since that area may be developed with commercial uses; e. The proposed C-1-DA(Neighborhood Business District with a development agreement[in lieu of a conditional use permit]) zone is compatible with MU-DA (Mixed Use with a development agreement)zone and land use to the east since that area may be developed with commercial uses; f. The proposed C-1-DA(Neighborhood Business District with a development agreement [in lieu of a conditional use permit])zone is compatible with the RUT(Rural-Urban Transition—Ada County designation) zone and land use to the west since that area contains a golf course and is separated from the subject property by State Highway 16; g. The land proposed for rezone is not located within a"Hazard Area"and"Special Area"as described within the Comprehensive Plan; h. No non-conforming uses are expected to be created with this rezone. Page 13 of 15 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\RZ&A\2020\A-10-20&RZ-I 3-20 TV Chevron ccfdocx 2. The Council reviewed the particular facts and circumstances of this proposed rezone with a development agreement in lieu of a conditional use permit, and based upon the information provided concludes that the proposed development is in accordance with the City of Eagle Comprehensive Plan and established goals and objectives because: A. Will, in fact, constitute a conditional use as established in Section 8-2-3 of this title (Eagle City Code Title 8) since a convenience store with fuel service may be permitted in the C-1-DA (Neighborhood Business District with a development agreement) zoning district if a conditional use permit is approved by the City Council; B. Will be harmonious with and in accordance with the general objectives or with any specific objective of the Comprehensive Plan and/or this title(Eagle City Code Title 8) since there are no inconsistencies with the Comprehensive Plan and since a convenience store with fuel service is permitted with the approval of a conditional use permit with the C-1-DA(Neighborhood Business District with a development agreement)zoning district and the Comprehensive Plan designates this site as Mixed Use; C. Will be designed, constructed, operated and maintained to be harmonious and appropriate in appearance with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity and that such use will not change the essential character of the same area since all buildings on the site will be designed to meet the City's design review requirements and design requirements of the Eagle Architecture and Site Design Book and the applicant is required to provide a buffer between the adjacent roads and the proposed convenience store with fuel service; D. Will not be hazardous or disturbing to existing or future neighborhood uses since the property is surrounded by a principal arterial (State Highway 16), and a minor arterial (West Beacon Light Road)and the applicant is required to construct a buffer located adjacent to the roads; E. Will be served adequately by essential public facilities such as highways, streets, police and fire protection,drainage structures,refuse disposal,water and sewer and schools;or that the persons or agencies responsible for the establishment of the proposed use shall be able to provide adequately any such services. The applicant is conditioned herein to connect to central services when they become available to the site.Also,development of sewer,water, drainage, streets,and other urban services will be provided at the developer's expense. The design of the building and access roads will be reviewed and approved by the Star Fire Protection District prior to issuance of a building permit; F. Will not create excessive additional requirements at public cost for public facilities and services and will not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community since the site will be served by an individual well and septic system until such time central water and sewer are located in proximity to the site. Upon availability of central water and sewer the applicant is required to connect to those services. Fire protection will be provided by the Star Fire Protection District and fire hydrants will be provided where required; G. Will not involve uses, activities, processes, materials, equipment and conditions of operation that will be detrimental to any persons, property or the general welfare by reason of excessive production of traffic,noise, smoke, fumes, glare or odors since the applicant is proposing a senior housing residential development; H. Will have vehicular approaches to the property which are designed as not to create an interference with traffic on surrounding public thoroughfares since the proposed approach has been reviewed and approved by the Ada County Highway District; and Page 14 of 15 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\RZ&A\2020\A-10-20&RZ-13-20 TV Chevron ccf docx I. Will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of a natural, scenic or historic feature of major importance since the property has been fanned and does not contain any natural, scenic,or historic features. 3. Pursuant to Eagle City Code 8-7-3-5 (F),a conditional use permit(development agreement in lieu of a conditional use permit) shall not be considered as establishing a binding precedent to grant other conditional use permits. DATED this 27th day of April, 2021. CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE Ada County,Idaho J: • Pierce,Mayor A EST: •• ,�, ,.•...... A. O • • racy E. Osa agle City Clerk :v �•� i 4( •; SV,P'",• :� •.;�T,RIKlF1•. 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