Minutes - 2021 - City Council - 04/13/2021 - Regular EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES April 13,2021 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pierce calls the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: BAUN, PITTMAN, PIKE. Absent: GINDLESPERGER. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Pierce leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. ADDITIONS,DELETIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE AGENDA: A. City Staff requests.None B. Mayor or City Council requests. Baun moves to amend the agenda to add item 11D: Range Design Services—Public Shooting Range Site Evaluation proposal.Seconded by Pittman. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 5. PRESENTATION: A. Idaho Humane Society: Director of Animal Control, Tiffany Shields to provide a report regarding the City of Eagle's incidents. Mayor Pierce introduces the item: Ms. Shields discusses the changes that have been made over the last year. She has been director since May of 2020. They have rebranded to promote Animal Care and Control. Another improvement has been to route calls to personnel rather than directly going to voicemail.All animal control officers have been issued e-mail, radios and cell phones, these measures have vastly improved the exchange of information and improved communication, as well as the safety of the officers. They have also improved the software used for incident reporting. Eagle Police requested a night drop kennel, and IHS has been able to accommodate that request. Director Shields has begun attending briefings with local law enforcement so they know who to contact and what enforcement they are undertaking, and working to improve that working relationship. They are focusing more on a community policing report vs enforcement. With this focus they are working towards education and trying to provide means for improvement of behavior or circumstances of the event. 6. REPORTS: A. Mayor and Council Reports: Baun reports on the Bureau of Land Management Work Group meeting. Pittman reports on the Eagle Senior Center Board meeting. The Center is now open for meals,as well as bingo and pinochle. B. City Hall Department Supervisor Reports: 1. City Treasurer,Financial Reports for January and February 2021. Building Official Steve Nash provides a report on building permit numbers at this mid-way point of the fiscal year. They are averaging 57 homes per month,with a projection of around 700 for the fiscal year. C. City Attorney Report: None 7. PUBLIC COMMENT 1: The Eagle City Council is taking remote public comment via Webex. Meeting login instructions are posted on https://www.cityofeagle.org/1698Nirtual-Meetings. If you just want to watch the meeting,without giving comment,please watch our livestream at httns://www.cityofeagle.org/305/City-Agendas- Videos. This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding subjects not on the agenda. At times, the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters during this allotted time.This is not the time slot to give formal testimony on a public hearing matter,land use application,or comment on a pending application or proposal. Out Page 1 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-04-13-21min.docx Iof courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three (3) minutes. 8. ALL CONSENT ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED ACTION ITEMS: CONSENT AGENDA: • Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor,a Councilmember,member of City Staff,or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion.Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. • Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff,Planning&Zoning Commission,or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims against the City. B. Re-appointment to the Development Impact Fee Advisory Committee: In accordance with Resolution 14-19, Mayor Pierce is requesting Council confirmation of the re-appointment of Eric Fillmore to the Development Impact Fee Advisory Committee. Mr. Fillmore will be serving a four-year term that will end in April 2025. (JP) C. Environmental Systems Research Institute (ERSI) License Agreement: The Director of IT is seeking Council approval for the purchase of ERSI licenses in an amount not to exceed$25,700. The expense will be funded out of operational reserve. (DG) D. Eagle Saturday Market Live Performance Agreements for May and June Performances: The Special Events/Saturday Market Coordinator is seeking Council approval of the Live Performance Agreements for artists performing at the Eagle Saturday Market during the months of May and June. (PT) E. Minutes of March 23,2021. (TEO) F. Minutes of April 1,2021.(TEO) G. Agreement Renewal for Eagle Fun Days with Outdoor Event Group for Fiscal Year 2021: Approval of an Independent Contract Agreement Renewal with Outdoor Event Group not to exceed the amount of$10,000 for services associated with the organization and operation of the parade for the Eagle Fun Days,to be held July 10, 2021. (BJ) H. DR-04-21 — Monument Sign for Eagle Holistic Health — Julie McCallson: Julie McCallson, represented by Chantel Wiles, is requesting design review approval to change the face of an existing monument sign for Eagle Holistic Health. The 0.16- acre site is generally located on the southwest corner of South Academy Lane and East State Street at 367 South Academy Lane. (BAW) I. DR-05-21 — Office (Business and Professional) Building within Ancona Park — Boise Hunter Homes: Boise Hunter Homes, represented by Amanda Bidwell with neUdesign Architecture,is requesting design review approval for a 20,430-square foot, two-story office(business and professional)building. The 1.56-acre site is located on the northwest corner of East Riverside Drive and South Ancona Avenue at 1113 and 1107 South Ancona Avenue(Lots 4 and 6,Block 1,Ancona Park). (ERG) J. DR-06-21—Three Building Wall Signs and One Monument Sign for Boise Hunter Homes — Boise Hunter Homes: Boise Hunter Homes, represented by Amanda Bidwell with neUdesign Architecture, is requesting design review approval for three halo illuminated building wall signs and one halo illuminated monument sign. The 1.56-acre site is located on the northwest corner of East Riverside Drive and South Ancona Avenue at 1113 and 1107 South Ancona Avenue. (ERG) K. FPUD-01-21 & FP-03-21 —Whitehurst Subdivision No. 1 — Evans Development LLC: Evans Development LLC, represented by Becky McKay with Engineering Solutions, LLP, is requesting final development plan and final plat approvals for Whitehurst Subdivision No. 1, a 39-lot (34-buildable, 5-common), residential subdivision. The 17.35-acre site is located at the terminus of West Breanna Drive east of Eagle High School. (MJW) Page 2 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-04-13-21min.docx L. FPUD-02-21 & FP-04-21 —Rene Place Subdivision No.1 —MCG-Sterling, LLC: MCG-Sterling,LLC,represented by Becky McKay with Engineering Solutions, LLP, is requesting final development plan and final plat approvals for Rene Place Subdivision No.1, a 63-lot (55-buildable, 8-common), residential subdivision. The 14.69-acre site is located at the northeast corner of North Dicky Drive and North Rene Place at 500 North Rene Place. (MJW) Baun requests items K and L be removed. Pike moves to approve the Consent Agenda items 8A-I excluding K & L. Seconded by Pittman. Discussion. Pike amends to add J. Second concurs.PITTMAN AYE;BAUN AYE; PIKE AYE. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. K. FPUD-01-21 &FP-03-21—Whitehurst Subdivision No. 1—Evans Development LLC: Evans Development LLC, represented by Becky McKay with Engineering Solutions, LLP, is requesting final development plan and final plat approvals for Whitehurst Subdivision No. 1,a 39- lot(34-buildable,5-common),residential subdivision.The 17.35-acre site is located at the terminus of West Breanna Drive east of Eagle High School. (MJW) Mayor introduces the item. Council member Baun has questions about the southeast and also inquires if the developer would consider voluntary participation in the Conservation and Education Program the city is developing. Becky McKay Engineering Solutions,states that additional information regarding the CEP program would be needed, it would be something that the Evans Development would consider but more information is needed. Baun discusses the voluntary CEP program that is being developed by the City and explains the funding of the same, staff will provide additional information to the applicant. Discussion regarding the routing of construction traffic. Patrick Sherman 786 N.Cove Colony Way Eagle,Idaho.Mr. Sherman expresses his concern about construction traffic and wishes to confirm that the land use requirements do not change based on the development ownership changes. Mike McGrath 678 N.Cove Colony Way Eagle,Idaho.He believes there are other routes that could be taken to get to the construction site and does not feel substantial compliance of the final plat to the preliminary plat is adequate. City Planner II, Daniel Miller reviews a comparison of the preliminary plat and the final plat that was submitted. Missy McGrath 678 N. Cove Colony, lives in Cove Colony. Ms. McGrath would like to know when construction traffic will cease utilizing Breanna. Becky McKay states they are just completing construction and it is their hope that they should be done utilizing Breanna within two weeks. Discusses the changes to the preliminary plat that were made at the request of the Council, as well as the installation of irrigation to City owned property, preservation of trees. Chuck King 3146 W. Wind Court. The traffic on Breanna is 7 days a week and there is a lot of debris on the road. The neighbors feel that an open dialog with developer would be of benefit. Page 3 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-04-13-21min.docx Jim Manech 515 N. Cove Colony. He inquires if some of the trees that were torn out for irrigation could be replaced using the CEP program that was discussed earlier. Baun moves to approve 8K FPUD-01-21 & FP-03-21—Whitehurst Subdivision No. 1—Evans Development LLC. Seconded by Pittman.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. L. FPUD-02-21&FP-04-21—Rene Place Subdivision No.1—MCG-Sterling,LLC:MCG- Sterling, LLC,represented by Becky McKay with Engineering Solutions,LLP, is requesting final development plan and final plat approvals for Rene Place Subdivision No.1,a 63-lot(55-buildable, 8-common),residential subdivision. The 14.69-acre site is located at the northeast corner of North Dicky Drive and North Rene Place at 500 North Rene Place. (MJW) Mayor introduces the item. Council Member Baun states he has the same inquiry regarding participation in the CEP. The information will be forwarded. Judy Dahl 765 would like construction traffic to utilize Dickey Lane and would like signs at the beginning of the neighborhood. Additionally, Ms. Dahl is requesting that when construction is completed could they make Dickey Lane one way in. Ms. Dahl provides background information regarding the project,her attempt to appeal Council's initial action Zoning Administrator Vaughan provides clarification on the appeal and fee waiver process. Becky McKay Engineering Solutions discusses construction access. Upon receipt of additional information regarding the proposed CEP program she will convey it to her client for consideration. Pittman moves to approve action item 8L FPUD-02-21 &FP-04-21—Rene Place Subdivision No.l. Seconded by Pike.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIERS. 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. ACTION ITEM: Ordinance 845 — Amending Eagle City Code Title 1, Chapter 11 to Require National Background Checks for New City Employees and Contractors: An Ordinance of The City of Eagle,Ada County Idaho Amending Title 1,Chapter 11,Miscellaneous Provisions; Adding Section 3 Authorization of FBI National Criminal History Records Check; Providing For Severability; Providing For Codification; And Providing An Effective Date. This item was continued from the April 1, 2021 meeting. (TEO) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Pittman moves,pursuant to Idaho Code,Section 50-902,that the rule requiring Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with,and that Ordinance#845 be considered after being read once by title only. Seconded by Pike. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES. Pittman moves that Ordinance#845 be adopted. Ordinance 845—Amending Eagle City Code Title 1,Chapter 11 to Require National Background Checks for New City Employees and Contractors: An Ordinance of The City of Eagle,Ada County Idaho Amending Title 1, Chapter 11,Miscellaneous Provisions; Adding Section 3 Authorization of FBI National Criminal History Records Check; Providing for Severability;Providing For Codification; And Providing An Effective Date. Seconded by Baun. PITTMAN AYE; BAUN: AYE; PIKE: AYE: ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES. Page 4 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-04-13-21min.docx 10. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Public hearings will not begin prior to 6:00 p.m.The Eagle City Council is taking remote public testimony via Webex. Meeting login instructions are posted on httns://www.cityofeagle.org/1698Nirtual-Meetings. If you just want to watch the meeting, without giving testimony,please watch our livestream at https://www.cityofeagle.org/3O5/City-Agendas-Videos. • Public Hearings are legally noticed hearings required by state law.The public may provide formal testimony regarding the application or issue before the City Council.This testimony will become part of the hearing record for that application or matter. • Disclosure of ex parte and/or conflict of interest. A. Public Testimony Regarding Conveyance of West Park Property: The purpose of the hearing is to hear public testimony on the proposed conveyance by auction of real property identified as follows: Parcel: SO412110064 Property Description: 34.57-acre property, commonly referred to as"West Park Property"generally located at on the south side of West Floating Feather Road at the southwest corner of the intersection of West Floating Feather Road and North Meridian Road. Minimum Bid Price: $5,000,000.00 Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Mayor opens the public hearing. Arlene Studor, 1550 W.Colville Ct.Eagle,Idaho. She was excited about the initial purchase of the property as it is closely located to her home. She inquires how they will replace this land with park land. She feels that this property is an investment in the future, and but she understands that land is at a premium, she would still prefer the land be retained. Mayor Pierce discusses the initial purchase of the property,the monetary investment the west park property would require for infrastructure,the park impact fee short fall and the regional park that is currently being discussed associated with another development. Baun discusses park development by developers, improvements to the park impact fee capital improvement plan and the potential of approximately three other parks in the western area of the City. Michelle Brian .3423 W. Bearfoot Street,her property abuts west park property. She suggests the property be rezone to at least one acre lots. Discusses current challenges with neighbors and site access. Mayor states that the property is currently in the County, discusses the process of rezoning and development, as well as the potential use of funds from the sale. Council Member Baun discusses the CEP funds and the use of the same. Discussion regarding the potential development of the west park property,Eagle's Comprehensive Plan. Kristy Neal 1101 N.Ripple Creek Place Eagle,Idaho. Ms.Neal expresses her concern with traffic should the property be sold and developed. Jane Rohling, 582 Palmetto Dr. Eagle, Idaho. Ms. Rohling appreciates the information provided tonight. She inquires how residents can be informed about park plans and alternatives that are in the works and participate in the process. Mayor Pierce states that the Capital Facilities Plan is currently being formulated and rolled out for public input. The plan will show future proposed projects as well as the ongoing maintenance for the same. It will be a valuable tool for the City moving forward. The meeting will be on April 20th and public input will be sought. Discussion. Scott Hine 3188 W. Wind Ct. Mr. Hines property abuts west park to the east. Mr. Hine inquires about the road placement through the property. Should a road be constructed in could devalue their property. Page 5 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-04-13-21min.docx Chuck King 3146 W.Wind Ct. Mr.King echo his neighbors' comments about the road placement. He would request that if Meridian Road is continued,that it be central to the property. Michelle Brian 3423 W. Bearfoot Street Eagle,Idaho inquires as to process should the property be sold and developed. Valerie Kline 3188 W. Wind Ct. Eagle, Idaho. Ms. Kline inquires as to the density of the developments and how that process evolves. Cilley Robinson missed it 2957 W.Colony Ct Eagle,Idaho. Ms. Cilley discusses the transitioning of Cove Colony and neighboring developments. She is very concerned with high density developments,more thoughtful planning and development. Jim Manech 515 N. Cove Colony Way. Mr. Manech expresses concern with road placement and connectivity. Cilley Robinson 2957 W. Cove Colony Eagle, Idaho. Ms. Robinson discusses traffic cutting through their subdivision. Mayor notes that written testimony was received after the deadline of 5 days prior to the testimony, but the testimony will be entered into the record and has been provided to Council. The testimony was received from Barb Jekel. Mayor closes the public hearing. Pittman that he had initially been involved in the purchase of the property and believes in the park. He commends the Council on their transparency on this process. He was involved in the initial purchase though he was unaware that the revenue utilized were from an inappropriate funding source. Pike states that 3.3 acres per 1000 is dedicated to park land per the Park and Pathway Capital Improvement Plan. He would like balance in the development of parks in relation of the type of users to include not just the younger generation, but the older residents to enjoy. A regional park wherein the developers participate in the cost of development. Baun discusses the use of CEP funds to preserve ag lands and property such as this,comments on funding mechanisms. Baun moves to approve item 10A Conveyance of West Park Property. Seconded by Pike. PITTMAN NAY;BAUN AYE; PIKE AYE.TWO AYE; ONE NAY(PITTMAN). MOTION CARRIES. A.1.ACTION ITEM. Council decision regarding conveyance of West Park Property. See above. 11. NEW BUSINESS: A. ACTION ITEM: Ordinance 846 — Amending Title 4, Chapter 9 Loud Amplification Devices Noise Ordinance:An Ordinance of The City of Eagle,Ada County Idaho Amending Title 4, "Public Health And Safety", Chapter 9, "Loud Amplification Devices; Noise Ordinance", Section 6, "Exemptions", Adding Section 7 "Temporary Waivers", Providing For Severability; Providing For Codification;And Providing An Effective Date. (TEO) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. City Clerk Osborn briefly reviews the proposed ordinance. Page 6 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-04-13-21min.docx Baun moves,pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 50-902,that the rule requiring Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with, and that Ordinance#846 be considered after being read once by title only.Seconded by Pittman. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES. Baun moves that Ordinance#846 be adopted. Ordinance 846—Amending Title 4,Chapter 9 Loud Amplification Devices Noise Ordinance: An Ordinance of The City of Eagle, Ada County Idaho Amending Title 4, "Public Health And Safety", Chapter 9, "Loud Amplification Devices; Noise Ordinance", Section 6, "Exemptions", Adding Section 7 "Temporary Waivers", Providing For Severability; Providing For Codification; And Providing An Effective Date. Seconded by Pike. PITTMAN AYE; BAUN: AYE; PIKE: AYE: ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES. B. ACTION ITEM Approval of Contract with Balancing Act: Council approval of the proposal with Balancing Act and direct the Mayor into enter into a contact in the amount of$6,000 for the development of an online and mobile public outreach tool for the City's Capital Plan.(NBS) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Long-Range Planning & Special Projects, Nichoel Baird-Spencer reviews the proposed purchase of software to be used in conjunction with the City's Capital Plan. General discussion. Pittman moves to approve action item 11B,contract with Balancing Act. Seconded by Baun. Discussion. Pittman amends to add Act in an amount not to exceed $6,000. Second concurs. PITTMAN AYE; BAUN AYE; PIKE AYE. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Baird-Spencer states that the funding will come out of capital projects. C. ACTION ITEM: Eagle Road Pedestrian/Bike Bridge Supplemental No.1: Staff is requesting approval of Supplemental No. 1 to Agreement 95537 with TO Engineers in the amount of$61,840.73 for additional work associated with the Eagle Road Pedestrian/Bike Bridge over the north channel of the Boise River(Key No. 20841). (NBS) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Long-Range Planning& Special Projects,Nichoel Baird-Spencer reviews Supplemental No. 1 for additional work associated with the Eagle Road Pedestrian/Bike Bridge and discusses funding options of the same. General discussion. Baun moves to approve action item 11C Eagle Road Pedestrian/Bike Bridge Supplemental No.1 to Agreement 95537 in an amount not to exceed $61,840.73. Seconded by Pike. PITTMAN AYE; BAUN AYE;PIKE AYE. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. *D. ACTION ITEM : Range Design Services - Public Shooting Range Site Evaluation Proposal: The Bureau of Land Management Work Group is seeking Council approval of the proposal submitted by Range Design Services in an amount not to exceed $3,500. Range Design Services will complete a site evaluation and conceptual design for a proposed shooting range facility. (CB) Mayor introduces the item. Council member Baun discusses the impetus of this proposal to evaluate and provide conceptual designs for a proposed shooting range facility. Page 7 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-04-13-21min.docx General discussion. Pike moves to approve action item 11D Range Design Services Public Shooting Range Site Evaluation Proposal with the BLM Work Group and seeking the$3,500 and having the City Attorney prepare a contract for the Mayor to authorize it. Seconded by Pittman. PITTMAN AYE; BAUN AYE; PIKE AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 12. PUBLIC COMMENT 2: The Eagle City Council is taking remote public comment via Webex.Meeting login instructions are posted on https://www.cityofeagle.org/1698Nirtual-Meetings.If you just want to watch the meeting,without giving comment,please watch our livestream at https://www.cityofeagle.org/305/City-Agendas- Videos. This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding any matter,up to and including any subject on the agenda with the exception of Public Hearing and land use items. Comments regarding Public Hearing and land use items need to be made during the open public hearing for said item(s)in accordance with Idaho Code.At times,the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters(excluding Public Hearing and land use items)during this allotted time. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three(3)minutes. Rick Thoene 1151 W. Deadwater Drive Eagle, Idaho. He is in support of funding of the bike/pedestrian bridge that was approve earlier tonight. Mr. Thoene submitted written comments that are attached to the minutes. 13. EXECUTIVE SESSION: I.C. §74-206 WHEN AUTHORIZED. (1)An executive session at which members of the public are excluded may be held, but only for the purposes and only in the manner set forth in this section. The motion to go into executive session shall identify the specific subsections of this section that authorize the executive session. There shall be a roll call vote on the motion and the vote shall be recorded in the minutes. An executive session shall be authorized by a two-thirds(2/3)vote of the governing body. An executive session may be held: (c) To acquire an interest in real property which is not owned by a public agency; Baun moves to enter into executive session, I move pursuant to I.C. 74-206(1)(c) acquire an interest in real property which is not owned by a public agency. Seconded by Pittman. PITTMAN AYE; BAUN AYE; PIKE AYE. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Council enters executive session. Council discusses acquisition of real property not owned by public agency. Council exits executive session. B.ACTION ITEM:Action regarding acquisition of real property. No action Page 8 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-04-13-21min.docx 14. ADJOURNMENT: Pittman moves to adjourn. Seconded by Bann. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES Respectfully submitted: Opt , 6/11 . .•�•pRPOR , - * • G TRACY S ORN,CMC ! ; �'� m. CITY CL RK sl,SEA L •• *c 40FAPPROVED: ID P�.. J S N PIERCE OR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT W W W.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 9 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-04-13-21min.docx i I?JdJ RECEIVED&FILED71 CITY OF EAGLE APR 12 2021 2862 N Haven Dr File: Eagle,Id. 83616 Route to: • April 11,2021 RE:Auctioning proposition for West Side Park property 4f, 't )3, boa/ e171yeoanc,/ 4cen4 /Oy P,,�(�c- tl k Cri4d Dear City Council and Mayor, I write in opposition to the proposed auction of West Side Park property. Twenty years ago much of west Eagle was composed of agricultural and rural properties. In the interim, much has now been rezoned and developed. Eagle attracted builders to seek its approval rather than Ada County by establishing a reputation for extensive rezoning approvals. To compensate in some measure for that development and to balance as the population was grown and open lands eliminated, and to equalize with the numeration of East side parks, the West Side Park land was purchased, with the work and cooperation of numerous residents of the surrounding area of West Park land. To now negate all that and sell the land is a betrayal of community effort and trust. At this point it causes consideration of motive being to finance City Hall additions, furthering the unbalance. Eagle Council consistently approves rezoning and increased population, adding former Ada County land to City coffers but isn't providing the public community amenities in the West as are now developed in the Eastern portion of Eagle City. It is a prime location for an open lands amenity for the surrounding community and wildlife as development rips the former rural beauty and tone of West Eagle. Change and development has a place, and a pace, that has unfortunately run amok over the equal, and more so vital, agricultural and rural element that West Eagle just barely clings to in fractured remaining elements. All things in balance; regarding and respecting that which gives the community its narrative and strength. There is some mention of co- development park area with Star. That might be a great additional proposition but this needs to remain as a space for West Eagle. Its location would be easily accessed by surrounding community whereas a joint project would undoubtedly move much farther west, and where is another 35 acre or more lot available and at what price? Please be supportive of the work, alliance and trust that was established with the original purchase and intent of West Park property and retain it as the irreplaceable asset it is, not only for west Ada County and rezoned Eagle City developments, but will also serve as an invaluable open land asset for all of Eagle and Ada County citizens. Rather than auction it, please place efforts into developing it and opening for public use. There are so many additional housing units in the area since the.West Park purchase that it is of expedience now to bring this as an available public use park. Your read and consideration is appreciated. Barb Jekel Cc, LiI IN 31 OF TA..4111r Public Meeting Sign In Form Form used to provide remote public comment via Webex for city meetings 1 # yE 41-E Mr- To provide remote public comment via Webex for city meetings please follow the instructions and complete the form below. You must submit the form at least 60 minutes before the meeting start time in order to receive a Webex invite via email to comment or testify at the meeting. Information submitted via this form is subject to Idaho's Public Records Act,in regard to both release and retention,and may be released upon request,unless exempt from disclosure by law. Note: If you have visual materials to display during the public meeting,you must email the materials in PowerPoint(.ppt)or PDF format to City of Eagle at least 6 business hours prior to the start of the meeting. Email files to:clerks@cityofeagle.org Once you have completed the Public Meeting Sign In Form(and indicated your desire to speak at the meeting),a Webex meeting invitation will be emailed(up to 30 minutes prior to the meeting start time)on the day of the meeting. If you don't see the invitation in your email inbox please check your junk/spam folder. Year* 2021 Your Information First Name` Last Name* Rick Tholen Physical Street Address* 751 W Headwaters Dr City* State* Zip Code" Eagle ID 83616 Contact Phone Number`" Email* 208-863-5234 walkeagle2@gmail.com Select if Applicable E I am here representing my HOA or Neighborhood Group I wish to speak at this meeting Signature* i.,‘,"P. A-L, Date 04/13/2021 12:03:45 AM Meeting Information Public hearing sign-ins are date specific. In the event that an agenda item is continued to a future meeting date,you will need to complete a new public hearing sign-in form in order to receive the WebEx meeting invitation and provide remote testimony on the new date. • Meeting Type* City Council Date of Meeting* 04/13/2021 Do you have visual material to present?* Yes • No I Want to Provide Feedback On* • Agenda Item Other Topic Agenda Item Number* Please provide Item number/letter reference from Agenda(ex:9A) 11C Stance On Agenda Item* If selecting"Other"please provide clarification in the comments field below. • Support Oppose Other Comments on Agenda Item Please provide any additional comments here. Good evening Mayor Pierce and City Council Members. My name is Rick Tholen and I live at 751 W Headwaters Dr, Eagle. I am a 28 year resident of Eagle. My comments today are in support of funding for the pedestrian/bike bridge on Eagle Rd. (Agenda Item 11C). I began advocating for a safer pedestrian and bicycle crossing over the north channel of the Boise River shortly after I moved from Lexington Hills to Two Rivers a little over 7 years ago. On the advice of then-Mayor Jim Reynolds I formed a non- profit corporation called Walk & Ride Eagle to help build broader community support for a safer means for Eagle residents to walk and bike along this portion of Eagle Road (and elsewhere in Eagle). But like most things requiring government action to become reality, the process has been full of fits and starts and the outcome still remains uncertain 7 years later. However, I'm here to tell you that my experience in running W&RE for nearly 8 years is that many Eagle residents who currently use or would use this crossing, if it were made safe, strongly support a new pedestrian/bike bridge in this location. I'm consistently asked why a sidewalk wasn't included on this bridge when it was built or widened? And, why hasn't the city done something to make it safer? • • V I UUUI Jc, U Icy at tavv i J LU LI ICJC. yUCJLIVI IJ 121011 L JII I IIJIc.J-J you're aware, this portion of Eagle Road is owned by the Idaho Transportation Department. And if people think it's difficult to influence the Ada County Highway District, I dare you to try with ITD! In 2017, I presented a letter to the Eagle City Council, ITD and COMPASS signed by the residing presidents of the 12 residential subdivisions on Eagle Island, including Mr. Dennis Baker who at the time was beginning to expand his Lakemoor subdivision and who owns the North Channel business park just north of the bridge. The letter outlined how important a safer crossing over both channels of the river was to the 2,500 homeowners residing on Eagle Island at the time. You can probably add about another 1,000 residents to that figure now. As the letter stated, there is currently no other reasonable route for most residents of Eagle Island to get to public services including parks, schools, the library, businesses etc. without bringing their cars into an already congested downtown area. And that this route, as currently designed, is not safe for pedestrians or some bicyclers. The crossing was also identified by the Eagle Parks and Recreation Department as a vital trail connection for people residing north of the river to access the south side Greenbelt and the future connection to Eagle Island State Park. Walking and bicycling are often cited by people looking to relocate to the Treasure Valley as amenities they desire most. Our trails, pathways and bike lanes are important economic features in our community. But this river crossing presents a major obstacle for many, particularly children and seniors, to fully utilize all that Eagle has to offer. I ask that you follow through with the City's commitment to make this bridge a reality before someone is seriously hurt or killed making this current crossing along the shoulder of this very busy highway. Further investment in this pedestrian/bike bridge is an investment in the livability and economic vitality of our community. Thank you. 1'5\ ,D-\ City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page: 1 Check Issue Dates:4/2/2021-4/12/2021 Apr 12,2021 01:50PM Report Criteria: Report type: GL detail Bank.Bank account="82007705" Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount 34461 04/07/2021 34461 Idaho Child Support Receipting 040921 23-0217-08-00 GARNISHMENT 152.30 04/07/2021 34461 Idaho Child Support Receipting 040921 23-0217-08-00 GARNISHMENT 138.46 Total 34461: 290.76 34462 04/07/2021 34462 Key Bank-HSA 040921 14-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 100.00 04/07/2021 34462 Key Bank-HSA 040921 11-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 20.00 04/07/2021 34462 Key Bank-HSA 040921 17-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 175.00 04/07/2021 34462 Key Bank-HSA 040921 06-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 160.00 04/07/2021 34462 Key Bank-HSA 040921 23-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 75.00 04/07/2021 34462 Key Bank-HSA 040921 18-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 50.00 Total 34462: 580.00 34463 04/12/2021 34463 A&B Heating and Cooling LLC 3/26/21 REFUND B 13-0413-29-03 MECHANICAL FEE REFUND 260.00 Total 34463: 260.00 34464 04/12/2021 34464 A.M.E.Electric,Inc. 210246 60-0434-58-01 RPR/MTNC PUMPS-WELLS-CHEMICA 1,080.00 Total 34464: 1,080.00 34465 04/12/2021 34465 ABC Stamp Co. 0550739 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 27.47 Total 34465: 27.47 34466 04/12/2021 34466 ACS-Advanced Control Systems 35062 60-0434-58-01 RPR/MTNC PUMPS-WELLS-CHEMICA 805.00 Total 34466: 805.00 34467 04/12/2021 34467 Ada County Emergency Mgmt 40321.00 01-0413-14-00 PROFESSIONAL DUES 2,686.25 Total 34467: 2,686.25 34468 04/12/2021 34468 Ada County Landfill 3/1/21 LAND FILL 23-0462-03-00 DUMPING-DISPOSAL 202.76 Total 34468: 202.76 34469 04/12/2021 34469 Ada County Prosecuting Attorney APRIL 2021 01-0416-05-00 PROSECUTOR 5,333.00 Total 34469: 5,333.00 34470 04/12/2021 34470 Alexander Clark Printing 7114 13-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 288.81 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page: 2 Check Issue Dates:4/2/2021-4/12/2021 Apr 12,2021 01:50PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount 04/12/2021 34470 Alexander Clark Printing 7115 13-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 221.48 04/12/2021 34470 Alexander Clark Printing 7116 13-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 163.53 Total 34470: 673.82 34471 04/12/2021 34471 Allen Cormier BOOT REIMB 4/21 23-0413-09-00 UNIFORMS 100.00 Total 34471: 100.00 34472 04/12/2021 34472 Alley Heating&Cooling 3/30/21 BLDG REF 13-0413-29-03 MECHANICAL FEE REFUND 455.00 04/12/2021 34472 Alley Heating&Cooling 3/5/21 REFUND BL 13-0413-29-03 MECHANICAL FEE REFUND 1,270.00 Total 34472: 1,725.00 34473 04/12/2021 34473 Alsco LBO11881428 23-0414-05-00 PAPER PRODUCTS 88.44 Total 34473: 88.44 34474 04/12/2021 34474 Amanda Bicknese UTILITY FINAL 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 6.63 Total 34474: 6.63 34475 04/12/2021 34475 Amanda Wenisch 4/2/21 REFUND 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 Total 34475: 75.00 34476 04/12/2021 34476 Anna Rose Byers 031921 REC CLAS 17-0416-00-00 CONTRACT-PERMITS-CAMPS/CLASS 42.00 04/12/2021 34476 Anna Rose Byers 032121 BABYSITTI 17-0416-00-00 CONTRACT-PERMITS-CAMPS/CLASS 630.00 Total 34476: 672.00 34477 04/12/2021 34477 Anthony Nisbet 04/6/21 WATER RE 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 35.04 Total 34477: 35.04 34478 04/12/2021 34478 B and J Electric REFUND BLDG 13-0413-29-05 ELECTRICAL PERMIT REFUND 300.00 Total 34478: 300.00 34479 04/12/2021 34479 BaseLine,Inc. 115152021 23-0416-08-00 BASELINE MANAGER AGREEMENT 3,383.00 Total 34479: 3,383.00 34480 04/12/2021 34480 Billing Document Specialists 64602 60-0434-47-00 MAIL SERVICE-CUSTOMER BILLING 1,800.41 Total 34480: 1,800.41 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page: 3 Check Issue Dates:4/2/2021-4/12/2021 Apr 12,2021 01:50PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount 34481 04/12/2021 34481 Blue Raven Solar,LLC 9/18/20 13-0413-29-05 ELECTRICAL PERMIT REFUND 85.00 Total 34481: 85.00 34482 04/12/2021 34482 Bluebeam,Inc. M40540 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 745.00 Total 34482: 745.00 34483 04/12/2021 34483 Boise Valley Irrigation Ditch Co. 17186 23-0416-10-00 BALLANTYNE DITCH CO 630.00 Total 34483: 630.00 34484 04/12/2021 34484 Borton-Lakey Law Offices PLLC 2949 01-0416-02-00 CITY ATTORNEY 14,157.00 04/12/2021 34484 Borton-Lakey Law Offices PLLC 2949 01-0413-33-00 ATTORNEY FEE-CHARGE DEVELOPE 1,190.00 Total 34484: 15,347.00 34485 04/12/2021 34485 Brian Wolfe FINAL BILL 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 10.25 Total 34485: 10.25 34486 04/12/2021 34486 Cabinet Concepts Inc. 3/16/2021 DOCENT 07-0466-74-01 CAPITAL EXP FURNITURE 4,805.00 Total 34486: 4,805.00 34487 04/12/2021 34487 Caldwell Transportation Company 31446 17-0423-04-00 TRANSPORTATION SERVICES 825.00 Total 34487: 825.00 34488 04/12/2021 34488 CenturyLink ALARMS 3/21 23-0442-04-00 UTILITIES 124.21 Total 34488: 124.21 34489 04/12/2021 34489 Cheryl Spoehr 4/2/2021 WATER D 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 Total 34489: 75.00 34490 04/12/2021 34490 City Of Eagle 2ND QTR 2021 WA 60-0438-82-00 ROOM AND BOARD AT CITY HALL 3,201.00 04/12/2021 34490 City Of Eagle 3/22/2021 LINDER 23-0463-04-00 UTILITIES 55.83 04/12/2021 34490 City Of Eagle 3/22/21 WATER BM 23-0454-04-00 UTILITIES 124.61 Total 34490: 3,381.44 34491 04/12/2021 34491 Cloverdale Plumbing Co. 3/16/21 BLDG REF 13-0413-29-04 PLUMBING PERMIT REFUND 60.00 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page: 4 Check Issue Dates:4/2/2021-4/12/2021 Apr 12,2021 01:50PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount Total 34491: 60.00 34492 04/12/2021 34492 Co-Energy CL94367 23-0417-02-00 GAS AND OIL 1,061.85 04/12/2021 34492 Co-Energy CL94367 60-0420-01-00 FUEL&LUBRICANTS 476.95 Total 34492: 1,538.80 34493 04/12/2021 34493 CompuNet,Inc. LB410802 167410 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 4,728.00 Total 34493: 4,728.00 34494 04/12/2021 34494 Container and Packaging LANDSCAPE SURE 01-0203-01-01 BONDS DEPOSITS PAYABLE 37,578.88 Total 34494: 37,578.88 34495 04/12/2021 34495 Core&Main LP N871474 60-0434-58-00 RPR/MTNC-LINES-METERS-ETC 96.39 04/12/2021 34495 Core&Main LP N898841 60-0434-58-00 RPR/MTNC-LINES-METERS-ETC 279.84 04/12/2021 34495 Core&Main LP N914212 60-0434-58-00 RPR/MTNC-LINES-METERS-ETC 26.21 04/12/2021 34495 Core&Main LP N946448 60-0434-58-00 RPR/MTNC-LINES-METERS-ETC 601.88 04/12/2021 34495 Core&Main LP N952679 60-0438-08-00 CAPITAL METER SETS(NEW CUST) 10,046.96 Total 34495: 11,051.28 34496 04/12/2021 34496 Corinne Camp 4/2/2021 WATER R 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 Total 34496: 75.00 34497 04/12/2021 34497 Craig Russell 4/2/2021 WATER R 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 Total 34497: 75.00 34498 04/12/2021 34498 Curt gates 4/2/2021 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 Total 34498: 75.00 34499 04/12/2021 34499 David Duperault MARCH 2021 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 100.00 Total 34499: 100.00 34500 04/12/2021 34500 Dell Marketing L.P. 10475926420 18-0419-02-00 EQUIPMENT 229.39 Total 34500: 229.39 34501 04/12/2021 34501 Denyce Udink 4/5/2021 FINAL BIL 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 28.64 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page: 5 Check Issue Dates:4/2/2021 -4/12/2021 Apr 12,2021 01:50PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount Total 34501: 28.64 34502 04/12/2021 34502 Douglas Tanaka 4/2/2021 REFUND 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 Total 34502: 75.00 34503 04/12/2021 34503 Drugfree Idaho 8951 01-0416-49-00 DRUGFREE IDAHO 82.74 04/12/2021 34503 Drugfree Idaho 8951 01-0416-49-00 DRUGFREE IDAHO 100.00 04/12/2021 34503 Drugfree Idaho 8951 01-0413-52-00 BACKGROUND CK-DRUG TESTING 128.00 Total 34503: 310.74 34504 04/12/2021 34504 Eagle Nazarene Church 32620.21 17-0423-03-00 FACILITY RENTAL 200.00 Total 34504: 200.00 34505 04/12/2021 34505 Eagle Senior Citizens,Inc. QUARTERLY PMT 01-0416-55-00 EAGLE SENIOR CENTER 25,000.00 Total 34505: 25,000.00 34506 04/12/2021 34506 Eagle Sewer District 4/1/2021 HERITAG 23-0452-04-00 UTILITIES 18.00 04/12/2021 34506 Eagle Sewer District 4/1/2021 HERITAG 23-0450-04-00 UTILTIES 18.00 04/12/2021 34506 Eagle Sewer District 4/1/21 EAGLE SPO 23-0454-04-00 UTILITIES 36.00 04/12/2021 34506 Eagle Sewer District 4/1/21 GUERBER 23-0449-04-00 UTILITIES 36.00 04/12/2021 34506 Eagle Sewer District 4/1/21 SEWER 23-0442-04-00 UTILITIES 144.00 04/12/2021 34506 Eagle Sewer District 4/1/21 SPORTSMA 23-0463-04-00 UTILITIES 36.00 Total 34506: 288.00 34507 04/12/2021 34507 Eleanor L Phillips 2151 24-0401-04-00 ADVERTISEMENT 750.00 Total 34507: 750.00 34508 04/12/2021 34508 Fishers Technology 892509 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 35.92 Total 34508: 35.92 34509 04/12/2021 34509 Franklin Building Supply 1949 W OAKHAMP 13-0413-29-03 MECHANICAL FEE REFUND 60.00 Total 34509: 60.00 34510 04/12/2021 34510 FTF Media,LLC 69560 01-0413-06-00 PRINTING&DISTRIBUTION 36.00 Total 34510: 36.00 34511 04/12/2021 34511 HC Company Inc. BRIGHT BANK SUR 01-0203-01-01 BONDS DEPOSITS PAYABLE 7,938.24 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page: 6 Check Issue Dates:4/2/2021-4/12/2021 Apr 12,2021 01:50PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount Total 34511: 7,938.24 34512 04/12/2021 34512 HECO Engineers 46050 19-0462-03-00 FEMA TRAIL REPLACEMENT 948.75 04/12/2021 34512 HECO Engineers 46051 01-0413-31-00 ENGINEERING FEE/DEVELOPER CHG 1,061.25 04/12/2021 34512 HECO Engineers 46053 01-0416-07-00 CITY ENGINEERING 551.25 04/12/2021 34512 HECO Engineers 46054 60-0434-42-00 ENGINEERING SERVICES 577.50 04/12/2021 34512 HECO Engineers 46055 01-0413-31-00 ENGINEERING FEE/DEVELOPER CHG 1,635.00 04/12/2021 34512 HECO Engineers 46056 01-0413-31-00 ENGINEERING FEE/DEVELOPER CHG 843.75 04/12/2021 34512 HECO Engineers 46057 60-0438-10-00 WATER MASTER PLAN-UPDATE 8,000.00 04/12/2021 34512 HECO Engineers 46058 60-0434-42-00 ENGINEERING SERVICES 165.00 04/12/2021 34512 HECO Engineers 46059 01-0413-31-00 ENGINEERING FEE/DEVELOPER CHG 292.50 Total 34512: 14,075.00 34513 04/12/2021 34513 Holland&Hart LLP 1881017 01-0416-02-00 CITY ATTORNEY 15,052.50 Total 34513: 15,052.50 34514 04/12/2021 34514 I squared Electric,Inc. REFUND BLDG 3/2 13-0413-29-05 ELECTRICAL PERMIT REFUND 130.00 Total 34514: 130.00 34515 04/12/2021 34515 Idaho Humane Society,Inc. APRIL 2021 CONT 01-0416-06-00 IDAHO HUMANE SOCIETY 11,473.67 Total 34515: 11,473.67 34516 04/12/2021 34516 Idaho Medical Adacemy-AHA Div 5247 17-0416-00-00 CONTRACT-PERMITS-CAMPS/CLASS 540.00 Total 34516: 540.00 34517 04/12/2021 34517 Idaho State Police MARCH 2021 BAC 01-0413-37-00 BACKGROUND CHECK-PERMITS/LIC 199.50 Total 34517: 199.50 34518 04/12/2021 34518 Ida-Ohm Electric 3/19/2021 BLDG RE 13-0413-29-05 ELECTRICAL PERMIT REFUND 350.00 Total 34518: 350.00 34519 04/12/2021 34519 iWorQ 194900 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 5,375.00 Total 34519: 5,375.00 34520 04/12/2021 34520 Jack Dalton 4/2/2021 REFUND 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 Total 34520: 75.00 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page: 7 Check Issue Dates:4/2/2021-4/12/2021 Apr 12,2021 01:50PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount 34521 04/12/2021 34521 Jan Crofoot 4/2 WATER REFUN 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 Total 34521: 75.00 34522 04/12/2021 34522 Joey McCarrel 4/2/2021 WATER R 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 Total 34522: 75.00 34523 04/12/2021 34523 Johansen Plumbing 3/26/2021 REFUND 13-0413-29-04 PLUMBING PERMIT REFUND 325.00 Total 34523: 325.00 34524 04/12/2021 34524 Judy Campbell UTILITY FINAL 99-0107-00-00 CASH CLEARING-UTILITY BILLING 10.40 Total 34524: 10.40 34525 04/12/2021 34525 K Brothers 1 Plumbing REFUND 3/20/2021 13-0413-29-04 PLUMBING PERMIT REFUND 260.00 04/12/2021 34525 K Brothers 1 Plumbing REFUND BLDG 13-0413-29-04 PLUMBING PERMIT REFUND 260.00 Total 34525: 520.00 34526 04/12/2021 34526 Karen Manthey 425 17-0416-00-00 CONTRACT-PERMITS-CAMPS/CLASS 1,173.90 Total 34526: 1,173.90 34527 04/12/2021 34527 Karen Shein 4/2/21 DEPOSIT RE 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 Total 34527: 75.00 34528 04/12/2021 34528 Karleen Savage 57134 17-0416-01-00 CONTRACT-PERMITS TEAM SPORTS 1,125.00 04/12/2021 34528 Karleen Savage 58225 17-0416-01-00 CONTRACT-PERMITS TEAM SPORTS 150.00 Total 34528: 1,275.00 34529 04/12/2021 34529 Kristi Hoelzel WATER REFUND 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 Total 34529: 75.00 34530 04/12/2021 34530 Leisure Time of Boise 3/30/21 EFUND BL 13-0413-29-03 MECHANICAL FEE REFUND 60.00 04/12/2021 34530 Leisure Time of Boise 4/25/21 REFUND B 13-0413-29-03 MECHANICAL FEE REFUND 70.00 Total 34530: 130.00 34531 04/12/2021 34531 Loretta Jean Barra 033021 REC CLAS 17-0416-00-00 CONTRACT-PERMITS-CAMPS/CLASS 115.50 • City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page: 8 Check Issue Dates:4/2/2021-4/12/2021 Apr 12,2021 01:50PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount Total 34531: 115.50 34532 04/12/2021 34532 Louis Germano MARCH 2021 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 100.00 Total 34532: 100.00 34533 04/12/2021 34533 Lustre-Cal 135255 13-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 965.51 Total 34533: 965.51 34534 04/12/2021 34534 Mark Guho Construction MUSEUM#1 23-0415-08-00 LIBRARY FLOORING 10,978.00 Total 34534: 10,978.00 34535 04/12/2021 34535 Melinda Weaver 4/5/2021 FINAL BIL 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 51.71 Total 34535: 51.71 34536 04/12/2021 34536 MK Pine 4/2/21 REFUND 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 Total 34536: 75.00 34537 04/12/2021 34537 Nancy Merrill MARCH 2021 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 50.00 Total 34537: 50.00 34538 04/12/2021 34538 NAPA Auto Parts 1095 23-0417-01-00 VEHICLE MTNC&REPAIR 273.98 04/12/2021 34538 NAPA Auto Parts 1095 60-0434-26-00 TOOLS,EQUIPMENT AND SUPPS 15.99 Total 34538: 289.97 34539 04/12/2021 34539 National Benefit Services,LLC 797535 06-0461-23-01 HRA ADMIN FEES 69.25 04/12/2021 34539 National Benefit Services,LLC 797535 01-0415-23-01 HRA BILLING 69.25 Total 34539: 138.50 34540 04/12/2021 34540 Norco Inc 31513475 60-0434-26-00 TOOLS,EQUIPMENT AND SUPPS 41.64 04/12/2021 34540 Norco Inc 31522462 60-0434-26-00 TOOLS,EQUIPMENT AND SUPPS 19.96 Total 34540: 61.60 34541 04/12/2021 34541 Parsons Behle&Latimer a Corp 1343288 60-0434-42-02 MISC LEGAL AND ENG SERVICES 18.00 Total 34541: 18.00 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page: 9 Check Issue Dates:4/2/2021-4/12/2021 Apr 12,2021 01:50PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount 34542 04/12/2021 34542 Pond Pro 12 23-0415-08-00 LIBRARY FLOORING 22,750.00 Total 34542: 22,750.00 34543 04/12/2021 34543 Real Power Construction 2/4/2021 REFUND 13-0413-29-05 ELECTRICAL PERMIT REFUND 65.00 Total 34543: 65.00 34544 04/12/2021 34544 Republic Services#884 0884001132599 23-0442-04-00 UTILITIES 189.92 04/12/2021 34544 Republic Services#884 0884-001133582 23-0449-04-00 UTILITIES 582.44 04/12/2021 34544 Republic Services#884 0884-001133582 23-0452-04-00 UTILITIES 515.64 04/12/2021 34544 Republic Services#884 0884-001134327 23-0454-04-00 UTILITIES 409.91 04/12/2021 34544 Republic Services#884 0884001134768 23-0421-01-00 REPUBLIC SERVICES-ADD PROGRAM 1,192.50 04/12/2021 34544 Republic Services#884 0884-001144607 23-0450-04-00 UTILTIES 58.84 04/12/2021 34544 Republic Services#884 0884-00134150 23-0421-01-00 REPUBLIC SERVICES-ADD PROGRAM 12.13 Total 34544: 2,961.38 34545 04/12/2021 34545 Robert Grubb MARACH 2021 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 100.00 Total 34545: 100.00 34546 04/12/2021 34546 Rochelle Termini WATER DEPOSIT 4 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 Total 34546: 75.00 34547 04/12/2021 34547 Rodger Borge 4/2/21 WATER DEP 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 Total 34547: 75.00 34548 04/12/2021 34548 School Outfitters,LLC 13549264 17-0425-00-00 REC EQUIPMENT-TEAM SPORTS 931.86 Total 34548: 931.86 34549 04/12/2021 34549 SCORE 1605283 17-0423-01-00 UNIFORMS 147.60 Total 34549: 147.60 34550 04/12/2021 34550 Shilo Plumbing 3/22 REFUND 13-0413-29-04 PLUMBING PERMIT REFUND 195.00 Total 34550: 195.00 34551 04/12/2021 34551 Simplot Turf&Horticulture 216051795 23-0462-01-00 SPRAYING/FERTILIZING 661.00 04/12/2021 34551 Simplot Turf&Horticulture 216051796 23-0462-01-00 SPRAYING/FERTILIZING 254.25 04/12/2021 34551 Simplot Turf&Horticulture 216051962 23-0462-01-00 SPRAYING/FERTILIZING 132.00 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page: 10 Check Issue Dates:4/2/2021 -4/12/2021 Apr 12,2021 01:50PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount Total 34551: 1,047.25 34552 04/12/2021 34552 Smart Solutions Group,Inc. 1514 26-0413-19-00 COMMUNICATIONS 1,000.00 Total 34552: 1,000.00 34553 04/12/2021 34553 Sparklight Business 4/1/21 INTERNET 18-0417-01-00 INTERNET&PHONE SERVICES 209.38 Total 34553: 209.38 34554 04/12/2021 34554 Speciality Construction Supply 0206287-IN 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 328.85 Total 34554: 328.85 34555 04/12/2021 34555 Steven Wiesner RECERTIFICATION 13-0413-12-00 TRAINING&CERTIFICATION RENEW 105.00 Total 34555: 105.00 34556 04/12/2021 34556 Suez Water Idaho-payment center 3/25/21 PAM BAKE 23-0459-04-00 UTILITIES 32.20 Total 34556: 32.20 34557 04/12/2021 34557 Talena Baer MARCH 2021 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 100.00 Total 34557: 100.00 34558 04/12/2021 34558 Tates Rents 1444402-9 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 3.98 04/12/2021 34558 Tates Rents 1449085-9 23-0414-02-00 MIS MTNC&REPAIR GROUNDS 31.36 04/12/2021 34558 Tates Rents 1451973-9 23-0460-01-00 EQUIPMENT 82.49 04/12/2021 34558 Tates Rents 1453022-9 23-0462-00-00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 330.40 04/12/2021 34558 Tates Rents 1456057-9 23-0415-08-00 LIBRARY FLOORING 551.04 Total 34558: 999.27 34559 04/12/2021 34559 Ted DePriest 3/1/21 WATER DEP 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 Total 34559: 75.00 34560 04/12/2021 34560 Ted Quigley UTILITY FINAL 99-0107-00-00 CASH CLEARING-UTILITY BILLING 85.89 Total 34560: 85.89 34561 04/12/2021 34561 Terry L.Sayer MARCH 2021 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 100.00 Total 34561: 100.00 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page: 11 Check Issue Dates:4/2/2021-4/12/2021 Apr 12,2021 01:50PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount 34562 04/12/2021 34562 Tesla Electric LLC 3/16/21 REFUND B 13-0413-29-05 ELECTRICAL PERMIT REFUND 85.00 Total 34562: 85.00 34563 04/12/2021 34563 T-O Engineers 20138-12 19-0466-05-00 EAGLE RD PED/BIKE BRIDGE 44,150.00 Total 34563: 44,150.00 34564 04/12/2021 34564 Treasure Valley Coffee 2160:07260046 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 101.00 04/12/2021 34564 Treasure Valley Coffee 2160:07293955 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 301.90 Total 34564: 402.90 34565 04/12/2021 34565 Treasure Valley Partnership FY 2021-2022 DUE 01-0413-14-00 PROFESSIONAL DUES 2,706.00 Total 34565: 2,706.00 34566 04/12/2021 34566 Trisha VandeKamp 3/19/2021 REFUND 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 Total 34566: 75.00 34567 04/12/2021 34567 U.S.Bancorp Equipment Finance 439395633 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 359.60 Total 34567: 359.60 34568 04/12/2021 34568 United Heritage-Group Dept. APRIL 2021 60-0217-07-00 WATER DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 154.49 04/12/2021 34568 United Heritage-Group Dept. APRIL 2021 14-0217-07-00 P&Z DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 353.63 04/12/2021 34568 United Heritage-Group Dept. APRIL 2021 06-0217-07-00 LIBRARY HEALTH INSURANCE 111.08 04/12/2021 34568 United Heritage-Group Dept. APRIL 2021 23-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 313.82 04/12/2021 34568 United Heritage-Group Dept. APRIL 2021 13-0217-07-00 BLDG DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 138.23 04/12/2021 34568 United Heritage-Group Dept. APRIL 2021 26-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 53.83 04/12/2021 34568 United Heritage-Group Dept. APRIL 2021 12-0217-07-00 CLERK DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 207.40 04/12/2021 34568 United Heritage-Group Dept. APRIL 2021 07-0217-07-00 MUSEUM HEALTH INSURANCE 28.72 04/12/2021 34568 United Heritage-Group Dept. APRIL 2021 17-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 122.06 04/12/2021 34568 United Heritage-Group Dept. APRIL 2021 18-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 142.35 04/12/2021 34568 United Heritage-Group Dept. APRIL 2021 11-0217-07-00 EXEC DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 28.72 04/12/2021 34568 United Heritage-Group Dept. APRIL 2021 09-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 22.95 Total 34568: 1,677.28 34569 04/12/2021 34569 United Rentals 19907358-001 23-0462-00-00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 865.98 Total 34569: 865.98 34570 04/12/2021 34570 United Site Services 114-11748754 23-0448-04-00 UTILITIES 185.29 Total 34570: 185.29 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page: 12 Check Issue Dates:4/2/2021-4/12/2021 Apr 12,2021 01:50PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount 34571 04/12/2021 34571 Verizon Wireless 3/01/21 CRADLE 18-0417-01-00 INTERNET&PHONE SERVICES 147.63 Total 34571: 147.63 34572 04/12/2021 34572 Vermeer Rocky Mountain,Inc. R01627 60-0434-58-00 RPR/MTNC-LINES-METERS-ETC 4,000.00 Total 34572: 4,000.00 34573 04/12/2021 34573 Walter John Lindgren MARCH 2021 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 100.00 Total 34573: 100.00 34574 04/12/2021 34574 Waxie Sanitary Supply 79891933 23-0414-05-00 PAPER PRODUCTS 890.48 04/12/2021 34574 Waxie Sanitary Supply 79891935 23-0414-05-00 PAPER PRODUCTS 3,526.39 Total 34574: 4,416.87 34575 04/12/2021 34575 Willamette Dental Insurance APRIL 2021 14-0217-07-00 P&Z DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 512.53 04/12/2021 34575 Willamette Dental Insurance APRIL 2021 23-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 250.40 04/12/2021 34575 Willamette Dental Insurance APRIL 2021 18-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 125.60 04/12/2021 34575 Willamette Dental Insurance APRIL 2021 13-0217-07-00 BLDG DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 210.22 04/12/2021 34575 Willamette Dental Insurance APRIL 2021 17-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 213.00 04/12/2021 34575 Willamette Dental Insurance APRIL 2021 12-0217-07-00 CLERK DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 125.60 04/12/2021 34575 Willamette Dental Insurance APRIL 2021 09-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 62.60 04/12/2021 34575 Willamette Dental Insurance APRIL 2021 06-0217-07-00 LIBRARY HEALTH INSURANCE 125.60- Total 34575: 1,374.35 34576 04/12/2021 34576 Zayo Group,LLC 20021040017361 18-0417-01-00 INTERNET&PHONE SERVICES 1,303.18 Total 34576: 1,303.18 34577 04/12/2021 34577 zerorez 43256 23-0444-01-00 BLDG MAINTENANE&REPAIR 2,544.00 Total 34577: 2,544.00 Grand Totals: 296,011.89 • City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page: 13 Check Issue Dates:4/2/2021 -4/12/2021 Apr 12,2021 01:50PM Dated: Mayor: City Council: Report Criteria: Report type: GL detail Bank.Bank account="82007705" City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page 1 Check Issue Dates'4/13/2021-4/13/2021 Apr 13,2021 01 55PM Report Criteria, Report type: GL detail Bank.Bank account="82007705" Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount 34578 04/13/2021 34578 ABC Stamp Co. 0550368 06-0420-05-00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 49.99 Total 34578. 49 99 34579 04/13/2021 34579 Ada County Highway District MARCH 2021 IMPA 01-0203-00-00 ACCTS PAYABLE-ACHD IMPACT FEES 201,387 00 Total 34579 201,387.00 34580 04/13/2021 34580 Ada County Sheriffs Dept. 082265 01-0416-09-00 LAW ENFORCEMENT DEPARTMENT 267,819.00 Total 34580 267,819 00 34581 04/13/2021 34581 Albertsons/Safeway 726267-031721-018 11-0422-01-00 COMMUNITY RELATIONS 3298 Total 34581. 32.98 34582 04/13/2021 34582 Alsco LB011881429 06-0464-05-00 CUSTODIAL 4742 04/13/2021 34582 Alsco LB011885110 06-0464-05-00 CUSTODIAL 47 42 Total 34582: 94 84 34583 04/13/2021 34583 Andrew Phelps TREE VOUCHER 2 23-0421-02-00 TREE FUND 53 99 Total 34583 53 99 34584 04/13/2021 34584 Ann Veloso DOORSTOP DELIV 06-0463-01-00 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 18.37 Total 34584; 18 37 34585 04/13/2021 34585 Austin Reed TREE VOUCHER 2 23-0421-02-00 TREE FUND 100 00 Total 34585, 100 00 34586 04/13/2021 34586 Baker&Taylor 2035805227 06-0450-00-00 BOOKS 332.24 04/13/2021 34586 Baker&Taylor 2035805227 06-0450-01-00 PRINT VENDOR PROCESSING 37 80 04/13/2021 34586 Baker&Taylor 2035840240 06-0450-00-00 BOOKS 272 57 04/13/2021 34586 Baker&Taylor 2035840240 06-0450-01-00 PRINT VENDOR PROCESSING 32 04 04/13/2021 34586 Baker&Taylor 2035849216 06-0450-00-00 BOOKS 353 35 04/13/2021 34586 Baker&Taylor 2035849216 06-0450-01-00 PRINT VENDOR PROCESSING 44.28 04/13/2021 34586 Baker&Taylor 2035859160 06-0450-00-00 BOOKS 251 50 04/13/2021 34586 Baker&Taylor 2035859160 06-0450-01-00 PRINT VENDOR PROCESSING 32 67 Total 34586 1,356 45 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page: 2 Check Issue Dates:4/13/2021-4/13/2021 Apr 13,2021 01 55PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount 34587 04/13/2021 34587 Bayscan Technologies 67115 06-0420-05-01 MATERIAL PROCESSING SUPPLIES 102 00 Total 34587 102.00 34588 04/13/2021 34588 Bernard Horning TREE VOUCHER 2 23-0421-02-00 TREE FUND 100 00 Total 34588 100 00 34589 04/13/2021 34589 Bibliotheca,LLC US42501 06-0420-09-00 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 533 20 Total 34589 533.20 34590 04/13/2021 34590 Boise Public Library LOST/DAMAGED M 06-0435-03-00 OPEN ACCESS 34 48 Total 34590 34.48 34591 04/13/2021 34591 BRS Architects 20040-09 19-0465-06-00 EXPANSION OF CITY HALL 27,389 05 Total 34591 27,389 05 34592 04/13/2021 34592 Business Management Daily LT0281 12-0413-12-00 PERSONNEL TRAINING 199 00 Total 34592 199 00 34593 04/13/2021 34593 Cameron Wagner TREE VOUCHER 2 23-0421-02-00 TREE FUND 100 00 Total 34593. 100 00 34594 04/13/2021 34594 Caroline Wagner TREE VOUCHER 2 23-0421-02-00 TREE FUND 49 96 Total 34594 49 96 34595 04/13/2021 34595 Casey Hawkins TREE VOUCHER 2 23-0421-02-00 TREE FUND 100 00 Total 34595 100 00 34596 04/13/2021 34596 Cindy Ferch TREE VOUCHER 2 23-0421-02-00 TREE FUND 95 39 Total 34596' 95 39 34597 04/13/2021 34597 Cindy Girard TREE VOUCHER 2 23-0421-02-00 TREE FUND 100.00 Total 34597 100 00 34598 04/13/2021 34598 Cintas 9126408267 06-0420-01-00 ADMINISTRATION 99.00 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page 3 Check Issue Dates-4/13/2021-4/13/2021 Apr 13,2021 01 55PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount Total 34598: 99 00 34599 04/13/2021 34599 CIT 37521348 06-0416-02-00 PHOTOCOPIERS 274.25 Total 34599 274 25 34600 04/13/2021 34600 Clint McCormick TREE VOUCHER 2 23-0421-02-00 TREE FUND 100,00 Total 34600 100 00 34601 04/13/2021 34601 D&B Supply 22252 60-0434-68-00 UNIFORMS 29 99 04/13/2021 34601 D&B Supply 40321 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 14 17 04/13/2021 34601 D&B Supply 43894 60-0434-26-00 TOOLS,EQUIPMENT AND SUPPS 59 98 04/13/2021 34601 D&B Supply 53916 23-0460-01-00 EQUIPMENT 1,069 99 04/13/2021 34601 D&B Supply 55278 60-0420-01-00 FUEL&LUBRICANTS 94,20 04/13/2021 34601 D&B Supply 94747 60-0434-68-00 UNIFORMS 43 98 Total 34601 1,312 31 34602 04/13/2021 34602 David Dahlberg TREE VOUCHER 2 23-0421-02-00 TREE FUND 90 00 Total 34602 90.00 34603 04/13/2021 34603 Demco,Inc 6929466 06-0420-05-01 MATERIAL PROCESSING SUPPLIES 912 52 Total 34603 912 52 34604 04/13/2021 34604 Dennis Holte MARCH 2021 PLU 13-0416-09-00 PLUMBING INSPECTIONS 16,309 52 Total 34604 16,309 52 34605 04/13/2021 34605 Doug Dodson TREE VOUCHER 2 23-0421-02-00 TREE FUND 100 00 Total 34605 100 00 34606 04/13/2021 34606 Eagle Sewer District LIBRARY APRIL 20 06-0464-02-00 UTILITIES 216 00 Total 34606 21600 34607 04/13/2021 34607 Elec Controls & Instrumentals,LL MARCH 2021 ELEC 13-0416-25-00 ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR 18,010 36 Total 34607 18,010,36 34608 04/13/2021 34608 Findaway World LLC 342560 06-0450-04-00 MEDIA 871 60 04/13/2021 34608 Findaway World LLC 345831 06-0450-04-00 MEDIA 1,727,97 04/13/2021 34608 Findaway World LLC 345870 06-0450-04-00 MEDIA 47 49 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page 4 Check Issue Dates:4/13/2021-4/13/2021 Apr 13,2021 01 55PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount 04/13/2021 34608 Findaway World LLC 346746 06-0450-04-00 MEDIA 374 95 04/13/2021 34608 Findaway World LLC 346747 06-0450-04-00 MEDIA 429 18 04/13/2021 34608 Findaway World LLC 346752 06-0450-04-00 MEDIA 50.99 Total 34608. 3,502 18 34609 04/13/2021 34609 Frank Turner TREE VOUCHER 2 23-0421-02-00 TREE FUND 100 00 Total 34609 100A0 34610 04/13/2021 34610 Fred Pryor Seminars 267858 EAGLE PU 06-0463-03-00 CONTINUING EDUCATION 597 00 Total 34610: 597 00 34611 04/13/2021 34611 Gale 73980145 06-0450-00-00 BOOKS 24 69 04/13/2021 34611 Gale 73988519 06-0450-00-00 BOOKS 72 77 04/13/2021 34611 Gale 73989094 06-0450-00-00 BOOKS 42.68 04/13/2021 34611 Gale 74023181 06-0450-00-00 BOOKS 49 38 Total 34611 189 52 34612 04/13/2021 34612 Graig Carnes TREE VOUCHER 2 23-0421-02-00 TREE FUND 99 50 Total 34612 99 50 34613 04/13/2021 34613 Heike Schmalstieg TREE VOUCHER 2 23-0421-02-00 TREE FUND 76 49 Total 34613 76 49 34614 04/13/2021 34614 Idaho Economic Development As 1411 26-0413-14-00 PROFESSIONAL DUES 250.00 Total 34614 250,00 34615 04/13/2021 34615 Ingram Book Company 520086189 06-0450-00-00 BOOKS 5.21 04/13/2021 34615 Ingram Book Company 52064485 06-0450-00-00 BOOKS 5 79 04/13/2021 34615 Ingram Book Company 52064486 06-0450-00-00 BOOKS 5 79 04/13/2021 34615 Ingram Book Company 52086188 06-0450-00-00 BOOKS 27.78 04/13/2021 34615 Ingram Book Company 52112311 06-0450-00-00 BOOKS 7 51 04/13/2021 34615 Ingram Book Company 52112312 06-0450-00-00 BOOKS 16.21 04/13/2021 34615 Ingram Book Company 52159459 06-0450-00-00 BOOKS 16 21 04/13/2021 34615 Ingram Book Company 52212052 06-0450-00-00 BOOKS 5.79 04/13/2021 34615 Ingram Book Company 52212053 06-0450-00-00 BOOKS 5.79 04/13/2021 34615 Ingram Book Company 52236848 06-0450-00-00 BOOKS 11 00 04/13/2021 34615 Ingram Book Company 52308677 06-0450-00-00 BOOKS 9.19 Total 34615 116.27 34616 04/13/2021 34616 Intermountain Gas Company MARCH 2021 EPL 06-0464-02-00 UTILITIES 658 72 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page. 5 Check Issue Dates 4/13/2021-4/13/2021 Apr 13,2021 01:55PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount Total 34616 658 72 34617 04/13/2021 34617 Jan Deters TREE VOUCHER 2 23-0421-02-00 TREE FUND 69 98 Total 34617 69 98 34618 04/13/2021 34618 Jeffrey Long TREE VOUCHER 2 23-0421-02-00 TREE FUND 100 00 Total 34618 100 00 34619 04/13/2021 34619 Jerry Anderson TREE VOUCHER 2 23-0421-02-00 TREE FUND 100 00 Total 34619, 100 00 34620 04/13/2021 34620 Julie George TREE VOUCHER 2 23-0421-02-00 TREE FUND 100 00 Total 34620 100.00 34621 04/13/2021 34621 Julie Gonzalez TREE VOUCHER 2 23-0421-02-00 TREE FUND 100 00 Total 34621 100 00 34622 04/13/2021 34622 Kanami Fujita TREE VOUCHER 2 01-0421-03-00 MATCHING GRANT 98.00 Total 34622 98 00 34623 04/13/2021 34623 Kanopy Inc 243160 06-0450-05-00 MEDIA-DIGITAL 203 00 Total 34623 203 00 34624 04/13/2021 34624 Kathleen Ely TREE VOUCHER 2 23-0421-02-00 TREE FUND 100 00 Total 34624. 100 00 34625 04/13/2021 34625 Kenneth Shaw UTILITY FINAL 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 59 68 Total 34625 59,68 34626 04/13/2021 34626 Laurie Genovese TREE VOUCHER 2 23-0421-02-00 TREE FUND 100 00 Total 34626 100 00 34627 04/13/2021 34827 Library Ideas,LLC 81750 06-0450-02-00 BOOKS-DIGITAL 11 50 04/13/2021 34627 Library Ideas,LLC 81763 06-0450-00-00 BOOKS 233 70 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page 6 Check Issue Dates.4/13/2021-4/13/2021 Apr 13,2021 01 55PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount Total 34627' 245 20 34628 04/13/2021 34628 Mark Prins TREE VOUCHER 2 23-0421-02-00 TREE FUND 100 00 Total 34628 100 00 34629 04/13/2021 34629 Mary Peschke TREE VOUCHER 2 23-0421-02-00 TREE FUND 100 00 Total 34629 100 00 34630 04/13/2021 34630 MASTERCARD 2721-MARCH 2021 26-0413-19-00 COMMUNICATIONS 31 77 04/13/2021 34630 MASTERCARD 2721-MARCH 2021 26-0413-14-00 PROFESSIONAL DUES 779.88 04/13/2021 34630 MASTERCARD 2721-MARCH 2021 26-0413-12-00 TRAINING 675,00 04/13/2021 34630 MASTERCARD 4762-MARCH 2021 06-0420-01-00 ADMINISTRATION 15 94 04/13/2021 34630 MASTERCARD 4762-MARCH 2021 06-0420-04-00 MARKETING 2,160,00 04/13/2021 34630 MASTERCARD 4762-MARCH 2021 06-0450-00-00 BOOKS 552 91 04/13/2021 34630 MASTERCARD 4762-MARCH 2021 06-0420-01-00 ADMINISTRATION 450 44 04/13/2021 34630 MASTERCARD 4762-MARCH 2021 06-0420-04-00 MARKETING 42 73 04/13/2021 34630 MASTERCARD 4762-MARCH 2021 06-0420-11-00 SUBCRIPTIONS&MEMBERSHIPS 191 33 04/13/2021 34630 MASTERCARD 4762-MARCH 2021 06-0435-00-00 CREDIT CARD PROCESSING FEE 5 00 04/13/2021 34630 MASTERCARD 4762-MARCH 2021 06-0435-01-00 3D PRINTING 56943 04/13/2021 34630 MASTERCARD 4762-MARCH 2021 06-0450-00-00 BOOKS 1,605.43 04/13/2021 34630 MASTERCARD 4762-MARCH 2021 06-0455-00-00 CLASSES&EVENTS 277 53 04/13/2021 34630 MASTERCARD 4762-MARCH 2021 D6-0463-08-00 VIRTUAL TRAINING 352 00 04/13/2021 34630 MASTERCARD 4812-MARCH 2021 18-0417-01-00 INTERNET&PHONE SERVICES 87 99 04/13/2021 34630 MASTERCARD 4812-MARCH 2021 18-0419-02-00 EQUIPMENT 104,97 04/13/2021 34630 MASTERCARD 8819-MARCH 2021 09-0467-02-00 EAGLE SATURDAY MARKET 9.99 04/13/2021 34630 MASTERCARD 8819-MARCH 2021 17-0423-00-00 REC SUPPLIES-CAMPS&CLASSES 17 01 04/13/2021 34630 MASTERCARD 8819-MARCH 2021 17-0423-00-00 REC SUPPLIES-CAMPS&CLASSES 68.84 04/13/2021 34630 MASTERCARD 8819-MARCH 2021 09-0463-11-00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 42,40 04/13/2021 34630 MASTERCARD 8819-MARCH 2021 17-0423-00-00 REC SUPPLIES-CAMPS&CLASSES 38.96 04/13/2021 34630 MASTERCARD 8819-MARCH 2021 17-0423-00-00 REC SUPPLIES-CAMPS&CLASSES 129 06 04/13/2021 34630 MASTERCARD 8819-MARCH 2021 17-0423-0D-00 REC SUPPLIES-CAMPS&CLASSES 159 60 04/13/2021 34630 MASTERCARD 8819-MARCH 2021 17-0423-00-00 REC SUPPLIES-CAMPS&CLASSES 54 36 04/13/2021 34630 MASTERCARD 8819-MARCH 2021 17-0423-00-01 REC SUPPLIES-TEAM SPORTS 1,012 15 04/13/2021 34630 MASTERCARD 8819-MARCH 2021 17-0423-00-00 REC SUPPLIES-CAMPS&CLASSES 64 59 04/13/2021 34630 MASTERCARD 8819-MARCH 2021 17-0423-00-00 REC SUPPLIES-CAMPS&CLASSES 399 81 04/13/2021 34630 MASTERCARD 8819-MARCH 2021 17-0423-02-00 FIELD TRIPS 150 00 04/13/2021 34630 MASTERCARD 8819-MARCH 2021 09-0467-02-00 EAGLE SATURDAY MARKET 9 99 04/13/2021 34630 MASTERCARD 8819-MARCH 2021 17-0423-00-00 REC SUPPLIES-CAMPS&CLASSES 33 92 04/13/2021 34630 MASTERCARD 9393-MARCH 2021 07-0462-33-00 PUBLICITY-PRINTING 39.59 04/13/2021 34630 MASTERCARD 9393-MARCH 2021 07-0462-32-00 ARCHIVAL SUPPLIES 26 49 04/13/2021 34630 MASTERCARD 9393-MARCH 2021 11-0422-01-00 COMMUNITY RELATIONS 87 00 04/13/2021 34630 MASTERCARD 9393-MARCH 2021 07-0462-32-00 ARCHIVAL SUPPLIES 12,75 04/13/2021 34630 MASTERCARD 9393-MARCH 2021 07-0462-32-00 ARCHIVAL SUPPLIES 11 49 04/13/2021 34630 MASTERCARD 9731-MARCH 2021 17-0423-00-01 REC SUPPLIES-TEAM SPORTS 6 34 Total 34630. 10,276 69 34631 04/13/2021 34631 Michael Odom TREE VOUCHER 2 23-0421-02-00 TREE FUND 100 00 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page: 7 Check Issue Dates 4/13/2021-4/13/2021 Apr 13,2021 01 55PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount Total 34631 100 00 34632 04/13/2021 34632 Midwest Tape 500218595 06-0450-04-00 MEDIA 508 06 04/13/2021 34632 Midwest Tape 500249473 08-0450-04-00 MEDIA 335 13 04/13/2021 34632 Midwest Tape 500278380 06-0450-04-00 MEDIA 527.09 Total 34632. 1,370 28 34633 04/13/2021 34633 Nampa Public Library MARCH 2021 06-0435-03-00 OPEN ACCESS 46 99 Total 34633: 46 99 34634 04/13/2021 34634 Nathan Mikita TREE VOUCHER 2 23-0421-02-00 TREE FUND 88 99 Total 34634 88 99 34635 04/13/2021 34635 Republic Services#884 0884-001148460 06-0464-02-00 UTILITIES 198.30 Total 34635: 198 30 34636 04/13/2021 34636 Rick G Wenick MARCH 2021 13-0416-13-00 BLDG INSPECTOR 5,788.00 Total 34636 5,788 00 34637 04/13/2021 34637 Rimi,Inc.-Terry Medley MARCH 2O21 MEC 13-0416-11-00 MECHANICAL INSPECTOR 16,913 74 04/13/2021 34637 Rimi,Inc.-Terry Medley MARCH 2021 PLAN 13-0416-14-00 PLAN REVIEW-CONTRACT 1,469 59 Total 34637, 18,383 33 34638 04/13/2021 34638 Shauna Merrill TREE VOUCHER 2 23-0421-02-00 TREE FUND 100 00 Total 34638 100 00 34639 04/13/2021 34639 Sparklight Business 111932968 EPL MA 06-0464-02-00 UTILITIES 6 16 04/13/2021 34639 Sparklight Business 112808068 -MARC 18-0417-01-00 INTERNET&PHONE SERVICES 6 16 04/13/2021 34639 Sparklight Business LIBRARY APRIL 20 06-0464-02-00 UTILITIES 78 24 Total 34639_ 90 56 34640 04/13/2021 34640 Staples Credit Plan 2791298171 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 27 49 04/13/2021 34640 Staples Credit Plan 2791308411 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 103.75 04/13/2021 34640 Staples Credit Plan 2796567881 14-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 12 49 04/13/2021 34640 Staples Credit Plan 2796567881 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 20.28 04/13/2021 34640 Staples Credit Plan 2796568141 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 39 96 04/13/2021 34640 Staples Credit Plan 2801534211 14-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 7 81 04/13/2021 34640 Staples Credit Plan 2801534681 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 91 71 04/13/2021 34640 Staples Credit Plan 2806950741 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 30 08 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page 8 Check Issue Dates:4/13/2021-4/13/2021 Apr 13,2021 01'55PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount 04/13/2021 34640 Staples Credit Plan 2806951491 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 168 53 Total 34640 502.10 34641 04/13/2021 34641 T-Mobile MARCH 2021 06-0450-07-00 HOTSPOT 389 19 Total 34641 389 19 34642 04/13/2021 34642 Tori Dell TREE VOUCHER 2 23-0421-02-00 TREE FUND 100 00 Total 34642 100 00 34643 04/13/2021 34643 Travis Gustayson TREE VOUCHER 2 23-0421-02-00 TREE FUND 90 00 Total 34643. 90 00 34644 04/13/2021 34644 Travis Hollifield TREE VOUCHER 2 23-0421-02-00 TREE FUND 100 00 Total 34644 100 00 34645 04/13/2021 34645 Uhl Albert TREE VOUCHER 2 23-0421-02-00 TREE FUND 100 00 Total 34645 100 00 34646 04/13/2021 34646 Valley Office Systems AR934880 06-0416-02-00 PHOTOCOPIERS 101,31 Total 34646: 101 31 34647 04/13/2021 34647 William or Elaine Westcott TREE VOUCHER 2 23-0421-02-00 TREE FUND 53.99 Total 34647 53 99 Grand Totals 582,084,93 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page' 9 Check Issue Dates:4/13/2021-4/13/2021 Apr 13,2021 01 55PM Dated Mayor City Council, Report Criteria Report type GL detail Bank Bank account="82007705"