Minutes - 2021 - City Council - 04/01/2021 - Regular EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES April 1,2021 at 3:00 p.m. meetingto order 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pierce calls the 2. ROLL CALL: Present: GINDLESPERGER, PITTMAN, BAUN, PIKE. All present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 4. ADDITIONS,DELETIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE AGENDA: A. City Staff requests.None B. Mayor or City Council requests. Pike moves to hear item 10A to be heard as 5B. Seconded by Gindlesperger. ALL AYE..MOTION CARRIES. 5. PRESENTATION: A. Star Fire Protection District is requesting the City of Eagle to collect fire impact fees on their behalf. Anne Wescott with Galena Consulting representing Star Fire Protection District. Ms. Wescott states the document provided describes the calculation of Star's Capital Improvement Plan. The plan itself is a little old and data has changed, and will be addressed in the updated plan. Council member Pike poses questions regarding fire district jurisdiction,development lots that lie within both Districts. Discussion. Fire Chief Greg Timinsky discusses staffing for Fire Station 2 and the proposed Fire Station 3. Chief Timinsky explains that Star Fire Protection District extends into Eagle City limits, and that is why they are seeking Eagle's assistance in the collection of fees so that new growth can pay for itself. General discussion. Bill Gigray,City Attorney for Star Fire Protection District,5700 E.Franklin Road Ste.200 Nampa, Idaho. Mr. Gigray speaks to the different jurisdictions that may fall within City limits. Council member Pike inquires if the fees collected within Eagle City limits on behalf of Star would be expended within the City boundaries or elsewhere in the Star Fire District. Mr. Gigray states the capital improvement plan states that the funds are to be expended within the Star Fire District boundaries. Baun inquires as to process of altering fire district boundaries. Mr. Gigray discusses the process. B. ACTION ITEM:Council action regarding the request from Star Fire Protection District to begin collecting impact fees on their behalf. Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Baun moves to approve action item 5B Council to have staff more forward to get the agreements in place associated with the request from Star Fire Protection District to begin collect fees on their behalf. Seconded by Pike.Discussion.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Page 1 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-04-01-21spmin.dock 6. REPORTS: A. Mayor and Council Reports: Baun reports on the BLM Work Group Meeting, B. City Hall Department Supervisor Reports: 1. Social Media Report: Public Information Officer, Ellen Mattila will report on January March 2021 social analytics for City social media pages. C. City Attorney Report: None 7. PUBLIC COMMENT 1: The Eagle City Council is taking remote public comment via Webex. Meeting login instructions are posted on https://www.cityofeagle.org/1698Nirtual-Meetings. If you just want to watch the meeting,without giving comment,please watch our livestream at https://www.cityofeagle.org/305/City-Agendas- Videos. This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding subjects not on the agenda. At times, the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters during this allotted time.This is not the time slot to give formal testimony on a public hearing matter,land use application,or comment on a pending application or proposal. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three (3) minutes. None 8. ALL CONSENT ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED ACTION ITEMS: CONSENT AGENDA: • Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor,a Councilmember,member of City Staff,or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion.Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. • Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff,Planning&Zoning Commission,or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims against the City. B. Re-Appointment to the Planning and Zoning Commission: In accordance with Resolution 14-19, Mayor Pierce is requesting Council confirmation of the re- appointment of Trent Wright to the Planning and Zoning Commission.Mr.Wright will be serving a 3-year term that will expire in April 2024. (JP) C. Service Proposal Between the City of Eagle and Air Care LLC:A service proposal between the City of Eagle and Aire Care LLC for the installation of an HVAC system in the museum.An amount not to exceed$10,767.50. (EZ) D. Proposal between the City of Eagle and Rocky Mountain Electric: A proposal between the City of Eagle and Rocky Mountain Electric to conduct the electrical portion associated with the HVAC system at the museum. An amount not the exceed $2,038.(EZ) E. Shelter Fee Waiver: A request to the Mayor and City Council to waive park shelter fees in the amount of$75.00 for an Eagle based non-profit, Rays for Rare, at Merrill Park on Thursday,May 20,2021. (BJ) F. Request for Building Permit and Plan Review Fee Waiver: The Building Official is seeking Council approval of the waiver of building permits and plan review fees for the new construction of the Eagle Sewer District Facility located at 100 South Urban Gate,Eagle. The total fees requested to be waived is$18,592.48. (SN) G. Service Proposal for Playground Chips Between the City of Eagle and Bark Blowers,Inc.: A service proposal between the City of Eagle and Bark Blowers, Inc. to provide and install playground wood chips at the playgrounds located at OK Park and Friendship Park.An amount not to exceed$5,824.00. (EZ) H. Appointment to the Urban Renewal Agency: In accordance with Resolution 14-19, Mayor Pierce is requesting Council confirmation of the appointment of Kent Ebinger to the Urban renewal Agency. Mr. Ebinger will be serving a vacated term that will expire in August 2024.(JP) Page 2 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-04-01-21spmin.docx Baun moves to approve Consent Action items 8 A-H. Seconded by Gindlesperger. GINDLESPERGER AYE; PITTMAN AYE; BAUN AYE, PIKE AYE. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Fiscal Year 2022-2026 Capital Plan Project List&Public Participation: Staff is requesting the Council's direction on the Draft FY 22-26 Capital Plan Project and Maintenance lists before beginning public involvement. This item was continued from the March 18, 2021 meeting. (NBS) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Long Range Planning and Projects Director, Nichoel Baird-Spender reviews public participation proposed for the Capital Plan Project. Discussion. 10. NEW BUSINESS: A. ACTION ITEM:Council action regarding the request from Star Fire Protection District to begin collecting impact fees on their behalf. Moved up on the agenda, see above motion. B. ACTION ITEM:Ordinance 845—Amending Eagle City Code Title 1,Chapter 11 to Require National Background Checks for New City Employees and Contractors: An ordinance of the City of Eagle, Ada County Idaho amending Title 1, Chapter 11, Miscellaneous Provisions; providing for severability;providing for codification;and providing an effective date.(TEO) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Pittman to continue action item 10B Ordinance 845 the next Council meeting. Seconded by Pike.Discussion.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 11. ADJOURNMENT: Baun moves to adjourn. Seconded Cji&rger. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES Hearing no further business,the'd'i •'•ta,'esijourned. Re ectfully submitted: • r ?O R q Z •: : * �•� i * C SEAL : TRACY E. SB RN,CMC '•. >+••v :••.Zt."/ CITY CLERK 1•'•.9 OF'1V P;�`.• APPROVED: C-->;) AS N PIERCE 3YOR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT W W W.C ITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 3 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-04-01-21spmin.docx (c ///21 INTER City of Eagle Long Range Planning & Projects OFFICE To: Mayor Pierce and City Council From: Nichoel Baird Spencer, MCRP, AICP, Planner III Subject: Capital Plan Public Engagement Date: March 31, 2021 Attachment(s): Draft CIP Goals In Spring of 2020, the City began the development of the first capital facilities plan. The plan was to be developed and perfected over a three-year period. Due to COVID-19 restrictions the ability for the City to engage the public in this new planning effort was limited to streaming of meetings and a public hearing adopting the final plan. As the City begins the first update and the planning for fiscal year 2022-2026, the goal is to establish a public engagement process that both educates the public about why the City is taking on a city-wide capital plan, but also asks the public to help guide what the City plans for budgeting, maintaining, and developing projects over the next 5-years. Special Committee City council Presentst O Level of Public Impact — " " 1?) k; k Inform Consult Involve Collaborate wt! ,g _ "Here's what's "Here are some "Here's a "Let's work "You care v, happening" options,what do problem,what together to solve about this issue Pi. you think?" ideas do this problem" and are leading i you haver an initiative, how can we a. support your •Website •Meeting •Charrette •Community •Task Force N •Fact Sheet •Open House •Workshop Advisory •Referendum a+ •Mailout •Survey •Dialogue Committee •Delegate •Consensus Decision to I- f ` ` • Building Community ... \ •Co-Design / March-April-May November-December January Annual Capital Plan Outreach Committees,Commissions&Boards—Individual Do we have it right? Dept.Capital Plans Closely related to budget process Page 1 of 3 C:\Users\nbaird\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Outlook\A8K820Q9\Outreach overview memo.doc • Public engagement is a spectrum that can focus on sharing information with the public to empowering the public to mold a process. The City has developed a hybrid model for the capital plan. For the FY 22-26 Capital Plan the active involvement, collaboration and empowerment portions of public engagement were completed in November, December and January by the City's committees, commissions, and boards. These appointed officials were asked to consider both their personal interests as citizens, as well as, their advisory role to the City in the development projects and request for consideration. These requests were provided to department staff to be vetted and integrate either into existing projects or developed as new projects for consideration by the Council. This project list was provided to the Council on February 2, 2021. The Council is now beginning their own engagement of the community at large. The public process will focus on informing and consulting the public based on the input of the City's boards, committees, and commissions and staff. The goals of the FY 2022-2026 public outreach are: • Inform public of the process the city is undertaking • Educate the public about the cost of maintenance and projects on the City budget • Guide public expectation of continued increases in LOS • Educate the public on where to find the information • Establish a base line for future outreach and funding alternatives The Council's public outreach will be two phased. Phase 1: A townhall meeting addressing purpose and board goals; and Phase 2: A money management exercise intended to help guide investment. The framework of the two phases is below: Phase 1: City Council Town Hall Aura 20,2021 Town Hall Presentation/Open House will focus on: • Why is the City undertaking a city-wide capital plan; • Why is capital planning important; and • How will the plan be developed& used. The town hall format will include a staff overview of the rationales for capital planning presented to the Council in 2020 followed by a question-and-answer session that will allow for the Council and staff to address specific concerns or questions about the process to date. Upon completion of the townhall, the public will be asked for their support and comment of the broad Capital Planning goals and policies (See Draft Goals Sheet). Each goal will have a board and the public will be asked if the support the goal as well as if they have comments or ideas. Page 2 of 3 C:\Users\nbaird\AppData\Loca1\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Outlook\A8K82OQ9\Outreach overview memo.doc • e -•j P ill '! f ._ "`+:. is 1 . '': LMCaIrMKt CMI ry' .+.., y r 1.1It O.'y t'.le s ( e. Oowu T*WU0•1c*m• / f10 riff•••• ; • f l .,, 1, i t Image courtesy Paul Krueger Phase 2: The Money Game(TBD-Under development) This part of the public engagement will ask the public if the City is spending money correctly: maintenance before expansion,upcoming capital projects, appropriate overall capital set-aside. This phase has two options that are currently being developed by the Mayor and staff: Online Option: This tool allows the public to balance the City's capital plan. Projects are presented and the public can fund or de-fund specific projects by year. (estimate cost$6,000) An overview is available at: https://abalancingact.com A working example is available at: https://largo.abalancingact.com/capital-improvements- plan?preview=e5a6b811 c4f9006ef532f45bc8922d79 In-Person Option: Monopoly Money gives each person a budgeted amount per fiscal year and they tell us what to spend the money on and when. Money is color coded by year limited amounts. Staff will be available to provide a complete overview of this process at the April 1st special meeting, if desired by the Mayor and City Council. Please feel free to contact me at 939-0227 or via email at nbaird(acityofeagle.org if you have questions. Page 3 of 3 C:\Users\nbaird\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Outlook\A8K820Q9\Outreach overview memo.doc Draft FY 22-26 CIP Goals GOAL 1: Provide to the public a clear, realistic, and fiscally constrained 5-year capital improvement plan. • Prioritize maintenance and operation of existing infrastructure ahead of system expansion. • Establish annual fiscal goals for saving/set asides to fund depreciation, replacement,and planned construction. • Ensure that projects are properly developed through the scoping process-project development, planning,savings,then construction/purchase. GOAL 2: Establish a process for the development of public facility plans that address existing services, deficiencies, and future needs. • Ensure each City service has completed and maintain a facility inventory, 5+year master facilities plan,and has an adopted level of service. • Ensure all facilities comply with state and federal service regulations • Establish implementable and enforceable level of service standards • Ensure development does not degrade the City's adopted level of service without proper mitigation. GOAL 3: Enhance the quality of life in Shoreline through the planned provision of capital facilities and public services that are provided either directly by the City or through coordination with other public and private entities. • Work with the community to determine community needs and desires for services • Prioritize maintenance of existing community investment ahead of expansion GOAL4: Provide needed capital facilities in an economic, efficient, and equitable manner. • Use the capital planning process to identify city needs(project and maintenance),funding opportunities,and partnership opportunities that serve all the citizens of Eagle. • Projects should be prioritized based on needs ahead of desires. • Use the City's fiscal impact tool to help guide changes in land use to ensure both short term and long tern fiscal sustainability(ability to fund infrastructure without the use of one-time fees). GOAL 5: Ensure that adequate public facilities and services for new developments are available or conditioned to be provided at the time of final land use approval (Final Plat/Building Permit) such that service provision for new developments will not lower existing service levels. • Condition development to pay their proportionate share of capital cost and the cost for system expansion • Maintain, update, implement the City's development impact tool to evaluate the cost and benefits of development on the City's capital plan and operations • Educate the public and elected official about the fiscal impact of different types of land uses. k:\capital facilities planning\2021\draft plan goals.docx Draft FY 22-26 CIP Goals • Work to ensure that development does not degrade the adopted level of service for City provided services-consider mitigation agreements, dedications,and other mechanisms to ensure the equitable and consistent level of service. GOAL 6: Coordinate transportation improvement plans, programs, and partnerships with ACHD & ITD to ensure the City's vision for future and growth-related road projects are achievable. • Identify and plan for opportunities for cooperation. • Identify projects that will require a Cost-share agreement and plan appropriately for this contribution. k:\capital facilities planning\2021\draft plan goals.docx C&yI27 Social and W I irr,r•,,r�,•,,�,I Report , THE CITY OF January-March, 2021 EAGLE 1 Quarterly Website Visitors o 80,940 64,206 3 min 7 s VISITS DOWNLOADS AVERAGE VISIT DURATION Documents,applications,forms, etc. 2 1 4/9/2021 QuarterlyAgenda and • �.. � �� � Meeting Video Views 5,563 2,505 Jan 26 CC VISITS STREAM VIEWS Meeting MOST VIEWED MEDIA 892 views 3 acebook TOP POST summary • January 13 Mural Call to Artists Post • 154,998 impressions city f E gie,Idaho • 419 comments The Eagle Arts Commission is looking for two teams of artists to paint twopublicmuraisihemufals will go bntMentrancewadnothe • This was NOT a paid post Mace trail untleryass agony the Eagle Greenbelt.The deadline to apply i is February 26,2021.by 5.00 p.m.Check out the full project description and application on our webslte. IMPRESSIONS • 272,798 impressions LIKES/FOLLOWERS • Total page likes 4837 • t 49 146,397 15,466 Boost Fog • Total followers 6062 • OD, •.:. t 958 Fir 4/9/2021 Twitter TOP POST Summary • Feb 25 Art That's Small at Eagle City Hall Post • 587 impressions The Eagle Arts Commission is looking for 2D and 3D artists for 2021 and 2022 gallery displays.Apply on our website = _ -- IMPRESSIONS s. - • 16.1 K impressions � �� • 114 link clicks = Artists Wanted: _4 20 and 3D Gallery Displays.,- .., FOLLOWERS ,, ''.-•,".e.'.-;‘-' 4 • 782 • r 10 24 Jtrt,.mib. ') EAGLE 5 InstagramI TOP POST Summary • January 13 Mural Call to Artists Post • 890 impressions • 16 comments -- .r IMPRESSIONS 0 • Competitors taking the same approach to social medi presence growth yicra In�iyhts �'' .a 0O V eit Liked by eagleparksandrecreation and 66 others ; cityoteagleid The Eagle Arts Commission is looking for two • 1661 followers teams of artists to paint two public murals.The murals will g0 on the entrance walls of the Mace Trail underpass along the Eagle Greenbelt The deadline to apply is February 26, • I 198 followers .. 2021,by 5A10 p.m.Check out the full project description 6 3 4/9/2021 N extd oo r TOP POST Summary • Jan 7 "Free Disposable Masks for Eagle Residents" • 2233 impressions ®UCily al Fagle ... DISPOSABLE - FACE MASKS IMPRESSIONS • 42,500 impressions a dupu4alM lace marks for Eagle Pesldvnts.II e CV of Eagle I5 gnus. ei of ow,oskle Ixe maAs t,,Eagle resltleM,staring on t W,s:;, u 2g.1. .*bed ebbo,,.1be,n(bel,wwsback.1,KAMOE .ta,a,a ,g MEMBERS 'vv.business toes,which ate weekday,Ire.6 en to 5 Pin you.ust slww peon(eS iestle cy iS'with mi Eagle address)to get y as box aresupply.,last Are Go peeoaf MS the",are w „Ineh,box -'� • 11,930 members N; ,ern,l w too,l pe:kwW Wen 1 439 members 1 elwWiry pe,MJ WJnKW n..Jay.t,ne and b.Miori forth •e µr dttllW,wrn w,tl besvvwrweJ ala lnN'Jdte. SubeN,en d On of Ea* CJ,ae eJ,w,. .E ... *Since last report 7 Government Social Media Conference: Key Takeaways ,,,. ri..„. ,,,,,. _., , q 4 , i • ,,, . _ _ , .,.. 01 02 03 FACEBOOK AXING LIKES INSTAGRAM ALGORITHM INSTAGRAM STORIES FOR Facebook will remove all page FAVORING REELS EVERY POST likes and focus on followers.No Use Reels to get more eyes on People spend more time on IG timeline for this change.This our page stories than their traditional will not impact post likes. feed. 8 4 4/9/2021 10 0 01 a Nitjor. a Ili ft ill 1111 rr ilipli , , Thank y Do you have any questions? THE CITY OF EAG L E 9 5