Minutes - 1997 - City Council - 09/30/1997 - Special
September 30, 1997
COUNCIL: 7:00 p.m.
2. ROLL CALL: Bastian, Masner, Merrill, Sedlacek. A quorum is present.
A. Claims Against the City
Masner moves to approve the Consent Agenda. Seconded by Sedlacek. Discussion. Merrill would like to wait until the end of the Agenda to approve the claims. Motion and Seconded are
Masner I move to add an item to the Agenda under Unfinished Business as Item E. Seconded by Merrill. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES………..
A. Appeal of Planning and Zoning Commission decision on DR-7-97 - Promotional Billboard Sign for Downtown Eagle -Pauline Hinman: Pauline Hinman, representing the Eagle Chamber of Commerce,
is appealing, to Council, the Planning and Zoning Commission decision to deny a billboard sign to promote downtown Eagle. The sign is proposed to be located on the property at 1871
McGrath Road (property abuts the south side of the alternate route), approximately 1000-feet east of the intersection of State Highway 44 (alternate route) and East State Street (extension
of Edgewood Lane).(MLB)
Mayor introduces the issue.
Applicant has requested in writing that this matter be continued to a later date.
Merrill moves that we continue the Appeal of Planning and Zoning Commission decision on DR-7-97 Promotional Billboard Sign for Downtown Eagle to the next regular scheduled meeting on
October 14, 1997. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES………..
B. General Liability Insurance Proposals: The Council will review proposals for general liability insurance and approve a contract.
Mayor introduces the issue.
Yvette Lyon, Fred A. Morton & Company. Provides the Council an overview of the proposal from Fred A. Morton & Company. General discussion. Fred A. Morton rated the policy with a population
of 10,000 people. Masner discloses that our population is below 10,000. The Company will re-rate the policy with a population of 6,500. If the City approves this policy there would
be a new premium amount. The premium for Eagle Fun Days should not increase. General discussion.
Shannon Bryson, J & K Insurance, Inc. Provides the Council with some background of the origination of ICRMP. Shannon goes through the coverage on the policy. General discussion.
General discussion on the two proposals among the Council.
Yvette Lyon, Fred A. Morton, explains Host Liquor Liability for the Council. General discussion.
Shannon Bryson, J & K Insurance, Inc. States that Eagle Fun Days are included in the policy. ICRMP provides training and etc. because they are a local company.
Council instructs Bryson, J&K Insurance, to clarify if sexual abuse and molestation is covered on the ICRMP policy and if the City water company is covered under the policy. Bryson
will report back on his findings.
Sedlacek moves that we retain Fred A. Morton & Company for a one year period. Seconded by Merrill. Discussion. Masner would like to know if Fred A. Morton & Company would extend the
coverage for one month. Yvette Lyon: the present company covering the City is no longer available and she would need to discuss this with St. Paul Companies. ONE AYE: 3 NAY: MOTION
Merrill moves that we go with Shannon Bryson, J & K Insurance, Inc., the ICRMP proposal. Seconded by Bastian. 3 AYE: 1 NAY: MOTION CARRIES…………
C. Ordinance 298 - ZOA-5-97 - City Initiated Zoning Ordinance Amendments: To amend ordinances related to zoning interpretation and definitions to clarify interpretations, provide additional
definitions for uses not shown, and to clarify definitions of uses currently defined; to amend ordinances related to zoning districts and zoning map to clarify definitions of existing
established districts and to establish new districts, to make zoning designation changes to the official zoning map incorporation by reference, to add, delete and modify uses within
the schedule of district use regulations, and to modify the schedule of building height and lot area regulations; to amend ordinances related to performance standards to modify and
provide additional supplemental general provisions and supplemental yard and height regulations. See proposed zoning maps and zoning text at City Hall. (MLB)
Mayor introduces the issue
Butler displays a new zoning map. Discusses the reasons for amending the Zoning Ordinance.
Butler goes through the changes in the Ordinance page by page. General discussion.
Butler provides Council with copies of letters received.
Butler displays a zoning district map and discusses same. General discussion.
Butler discusses the recommendations that the Planning and Zoning has made.
Nancy Taylor, J-U-B Engineers, discusses what was brought up at the workshops.
Mayor opens up the meeting for public comment.
Bill Selvage, Feels that this is a positive step forward. Discusses uses under the MU.
Rick Musick, owns property at 1445 E. State Street, Eagle: he is concerned that his property is being changed from M-1 to MU and now he finds out that it could be changed to C-2. We
have designed our facility and our property in accordance with the original zoning use. All of these uses are not permitted under the C-2. I am happy with the zoning as it is. It
appears to me that you have limited my secondary use. General discussion.
Greg Downing, now residing in Nampa, discusses what he can use his property for. I am between the old highway and the new highway. Discusses the problems with the highway in the area.
He would like to see offices in the area and not residential. General discussion.
Mayor: This matter needs to be noticed again as a Public Hearing for the next meeting.
Merrill moves to continue Ordinance #298 - ZOA-5-97 City Initiated Zoning Ordinance to the next scheduled City Council meeting, October 14, 1997. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYE: MOTION
D. The Zoning Administrator is requesting Council to approve the use of Second Street for construction traffic and commercial delivery vehicles while Plaza Avenue is under construction.
The temporary construction dates will be from October 1, 1997 through November 26, 1997. The residents on Second Street will be notified by mail. (MLB)
Mayor introduces the issue.
Joe Rausch, 825 E. State Street, Wright Brothers Building Company. We are doing the new Plaza Street road. I have submitted a letter to the City requesting approval to use 2nd street.
We would like to be able to use the road from October 1 to November 26, 1997. There are things that are going to be required at the end of 2nd street where trucks would need to use
the street. Eagle Road will be closed at a period of time for improvements and the access on 2nd Street would be necessary. General discussion.
Pat Towne, 200 Edgewood, Eagle. We have older people living in the apartments and we are concerned about the truck traffic. We would like not to have the trucks on 2nd Street.
Mrs. Simmons, Eagle Manor. She wants to know if Wright Brothers is involved in the gas island on the Albertsons’ property. Joe Rausch responds that they are not.
Steve Blackbird, Manager of Eagle Manor Apartments. We are concerned about our elderly. We had some bad experiences when Albertsons’ was being constructed. We would suggest a barricade
be constructed so the elderly could cross to go to Albertsons’.
Mrs. Simmons. Discusses a blockade. Wants to know if emergency vehicles could cross Albertsons’ to come in.
General discussion.
Archie, wants to know what the speed limit would be. He would prefer 15 MPH. He does not want trucks on the street. General discussion.
General Council discussion on limiting the speed limit to 15 MPH and have signs constructed to indicate limited truck use and the dates.
General discussion on delivery trucks using the street.
Bastian moves that we instruct the ACHD that it is the recommendation of the City that during the construction of Plaza Street that we limit the speed limit on 2nd Street to 15 MPH and
only allow construction trucks on 2nd Street and continue to require the delivery trucks to Albertsons’ to use the Eagle Road and parking lot driveway for a period of October 1, 1997,
through November 26, 1997. Seconded by Masner. 3 AYE: 1 NAY: MOTION CARRIES……….
Mayor discusses the three Post Office sites. The Mayor toured three sites with the postal officials. The Post Office would like the City to make a recommendation by October 9, 1997.
The three sites are: 1. Oppenheimer property, 2. The Kioukis property, 3. The Guho/Dave Roylance property that is across from Godfather’s Pizza. The new Postmaster likes this one
because it has State Street frontage. They will be back in town on October 9, 1997, and they will make a decision then. Mayor would like Council for direction as to which site they
would like to include in the letter.
Masner moves that we recommend the Oppenheimer Site. Seconded by Merrill. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES…………
A. Claims Against the City
Bastian moves to approve the Consent Agenda. Seconded by Masner. Discussion. Merrill would like to pull out the Wild Things billing. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES………..
Chuck Jeters introduces the new Homeowner’s Officers to the Council.
Masner moves to adjourn. Seconded by Merrill. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES…
Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted: