Minutes - 2021 - City Council - 02/18/2021 - Special EAGLE CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES February 18,2021 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pierce called the meeting to order at 3:01 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present—BAUN,PIKE,PITTMAN. All present,a quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Pierce led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. ADDITIONS,DELETIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE AGENDA: A. City Staff requests. None B. Mayor or City Council requests. None 5. PRESENTATION: A. Audit Report Fiscal Year 2020: Kurt Folke, Quest CPA. Mr. Folke presented the audit information to the Mayor and City Council via Webex. B.Valley Regional Transit(VRT):A representative from Valley Regional Transit will report on ridership. Stephen Hunt, Development Director at VRT, 4106 Strafford, Boise, ID. Mr. Hunt provided an update on the Eagle Service Extension, Valley Connect 2.0, and the plans for moving forward. Everything was delayed due to COVID and Mr. Hunt provided information on how the plan was reformatted and where they plan to go from here. They look forward to future meetings with the mayors from Eagle, Star and Middleton as they continue to work through the details. 6. REPORTS: A. Mayor and Council Reports: Baun handed out a map of the Bureau of Land Management property that the work group(BLM workgroup)will be addressing. In addition,there is a survey coming out for the Council that he requested be completed. Discussion followed on types of specific uses and that those meetings would be held during the on-going work of the BLM workgroup. He is also working with the Ada County Soil and Water Conservation District for educational awareness projects. B. City Hall Department Supervisor Reports: 1. City Treasurer,Financial Reports,October,November,and December C. City Attorney Report: None 7. PUBLIC COMMENT 1: The Eagle City Council is taking remote public comment via Webex. Meeting login instructions are posted on https://www.cityofeagle.org/1698/Virtual-Meetings. If you just want to watch the meeting, without giving comment, please watch our livestream at https://www.cityofeagle.org/305/City-Agendas-Videos. This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding subjects not on the agenda. At times,the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters during this allotted time. This is not the time slot to give formal testimony on a public hearing matter, land use application, or comment on a pending application or proposal. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three (3) minutes. None. Page 1 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-18-21spmin.docx 8. ALL CONSENT ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED ACTION ITEMS: CONSENT AGENDA: • Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember,member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. • Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff,Planning&Zoning Commission,or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims against the City. B. Minutes from February 4,2021. C. Traffic Signal Box Art Agreements: The Eagle Arts Commission is recommending approval of six (6) artist agreements to create artwork to be placed on six (6) traffic signal boxes in Eagle. The Commission is seeking Council authorization for the Mayor to sign the agreements with the individual artists. (PT) D. Resolution 21-06 — Municipal Park Vendors: A Resolution establishing procedures for issuance of vendor permits in municipal parks and establish specific locations within the municipal parks in which vendors can operate. (HNC) E. Resolution 21-07—Fisher Vacation: A Resolution of the Eagle City Council to vacate the southern six feet of the 12-foot rear yard public utility, pressurized irrigation, and drainage easement located within Lot 21,Block 2,Foxglove Estates Subdivision No. 2. (MJW) F. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for CU-10-20—Change of Nonconforming Use — Jeremiah Smith & Melissa Wilde: Jeremiah Smith & Melissa Wilde are requesting conditional use permit approval for a change of nonconforming use to allow an addition to an accessory structure(located within the street side yard area)to encroach into the required rear yard setback. The 1-acre site is located on the southwest corner of North Downing Drive and West Floating Feather Road. (MJW) G. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for CPA-01-20/RZ-05-20—Quarry Village — CDG Enterprise/Quarry Village, LLC: CDG Enterprise/Quarry Village, LLC, represented by Dave Yorgason with Tall Timber Consulting, is requesting a Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment to modify section 6.18.1-Guerber Park Planning Area, a Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment to change the future land use map designation from Business Park to Mixed Use,and a rezone from BP(Business Park)to MU-DA(Mixed Use with a development agreement[in lieu of a conditional use permit]) to allow for a residential,office,retail and indoor entertainment development. The 27.3- acre site is located north of Hill Road between State Highway 55 and North Horseshoe Bend Road at 9755 North Horseshoe Bend Road.(MJW) H. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for A-08-20/RZ-10-20/CU-08-20/PPUD- 03-20/PP-05-20—Brookway North Planned Unit Development—Hall Capital,LLC: Hall Capital,LLC,represented by Kent Brown,is requesting an annexation,rezone from RUT(Rural-Urban Transition—Ada County designation)to R-2-DA-P(Residential with a development agreement — PUD), conditional use permit, preliminary development plan, and preliminary plat approvals for Brookway North Subdivision, a 58-lot (53- buildable, 5-common)residential planned unit development. The 28-acre site is located on the south side of West Beacon Light Road approximately 100-feet west of North Lanewood Road at 6001 West Beacon Light Road. (MJW) I. Appointment to the Eagle Urban Renewal Agency: In accordance with Resolution 14-19, Mayor Pierce is requesting Council confirmation of the appointment of Mark Butler to the Eagle Urban Renewal Agency. (JP) Page 2 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-18-2lspmin.docx Mike Williams, City Planner, requested that Item 8G be pulled from the consent agenda for discussion. Pike moved to approve consent agenda Items 8A-I,with the exception of Item G for discussion. The motion was seconded by Pittman. Roll call: BAUN,AYE;PIKE,AYE;PITTMAN,AYE. ALL AYE,MOTION CARRIED. Planner III, Mike Williams addressed Item 8G from the consent agenda, Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for CPA-01-20/RZ-05-20—Quarry Village—CDG Enterprise/Quarry Village, LLC. Planner Williams explained that the presented findings did not include the previous Council decision to strike the condition of development 3.13 on page 40. He requested that their motion include that. Pittman moved to approve Item 8G, Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for CPA-01- 20/RZ-05-20—Quarry Village,striking site specific 3.13 on page 40. The motion was seconded by Baun. ALL AYE,MOTION CARRIED. 9. NEW BUSINESS: A. ACTION ITEM Appointment to City Council: Mayor Pierce is requesting Council confirmation of the appointment of Melissa Gindlesperger to the City Council. Ms. Gindlesperger will be serving a vacated term that will expire December 31,2021. (JP) Baun moved to approve Action Item 9A,Appointment to City Council,of Ms. Gindlesperger to the vacant term that will expire December 31, 2021. The motion was seconded by Pike. Mayor Pierce stated that 14 people had applied for the vacated term, 11 were interviewed, a very qualified group of applicants.ALL AYE,MOTION CARRIED. 10. OATH OF OFFICE: A. Oath of Office: The City Treasurer/Deputy Clerk administers the oath of office to Melissa Gindlesperger. After the Oath of Office was administered,Councilmember Gindlesperger took her seat on the dais. 11. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. 2022-2026 City of Eagle Capital Improvements Plan: Staff is seeking City Council Direction on the preliminary project prioritizations for fiscal year 2022 to fiscal year 2026. (NBS) Long Range Planning and Project Director, Nichoel Baird Spencer, addressed the Mayor and Council. She reviewed the project list for capital maintenance as it currently stands and was scored. She asked the Council to consider the following: are there projects that are missing that the Council would like to add; are there projects that should be removed; are there projects that additional information is needed prior to deciding whether to move forward or not? Following these decisions and public input,the capital maintenance plan can be re-visited for final decisions to consider for the next fiscal year budget. 12. EXECUTIVE SESSION: A. Idaho State Code §74-206.Executive sessions -- When authorized. (1) An executive session at which members of the public are excluded may be held,but only for the purposes and only in the manner set forth in this section.The motion to go into executive session shall identify the specific subsections of this section that authorize the executive session. There shall be a roll call vote on the motion and the vote shall be recorded in the minutes. An executive session shall be authorized by a two-thirds (2/3)vote of the governing body. An executive session may be held: Page 3 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-18-21spmin.docx (f) To communicate with legal counsel for the public agency to discuss the legal ramifications of and legal options for pending litigation, or controversies not yet being litigated but imminently likely to be litigated. The mere presence of legal counsel at an executive session does not satisfy this requirement; Pike moved pursuant to I.C.74-206(1)(f)that the City of Eagle convene an Executive Session- Pending/Threatened litigation: To communicate with legal counsel for the public agency to discuss the legal ramifications of and legal options for pending litigation, or controversies not yet being litigated but imminently likely to be litigated. The motion was seconded by Baun. BAUN, AYE; PIKE, AYE; PITTMAN, AYE; GINDLESPERGER, AYE. ALL AYE, MOTION CARRIED. Council entered Executive Session at 4:43 p.m. Council discussed pending/threatened litigation. Council exited Executive Session at 5:15 p.m. 13. ADJOURNMENT: Pittman moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Baun. ALL AYE,MOTION CARRIED. Hearing no further business,the Council me ipaiyias adjourned at 5:17 p.m. o`'`%`{ OF Eq Respectfully submitted: '�.•-1'�•••••••••••pop••���•,• • TRACY . SBORN, CMC •% SEA L CITY CL RK ••.J'),';•o'"Ae;;:�O•.�' •,•., OF 10.,,•••. A OVEN'-----.... ,••••••••uu•••••• AS N PIERCE' OR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT W W W.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 4 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-18-21spm in.docx ft « is t{ r t 4* VW 4 ANY �I T Y Y O + V e#Y R 4 ♦ditv�uP r e 4+ '�ik:1t18 A+ERR' . i -"-"I" GillP'" ' ' i. -... '-.., . (-#°1 I ISPC-441) • ••,..,,,,.. '0,:.--,-; 1 p ,..?'0- ----tt.-- — .!' f • • ••••••-- ••"' . - • •• •f• .„.., 7,,..,i"74 f.,,., ',...:,... ..4 •, _. ,,l_. f:..4,.,.'• :••.",:"..;--:-•::.,: . ..,.; „. . ...4: °. '. ri• ? , ' . ,.,.,..., ey .,....,„ -cl-' 4., -;. 'T..--".1•- '''' ''''f'-',.ep, '! - . ..• , ; r ; , i " -;,::, li.-: . -- '.. .A.--'' • ' ,' ;:',; • • -- •i ,. ., "L: ' ,1' ' ' ir- ; Ii .... 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TODAY! 2 1 2/22/2021 NEXT STEP: Additional Scoping by Staff: :<ry=UBLIC • Review of all project across all department to prepare for public participatiog PARTICIPATION • Establish timing and sequencing of each project: • Preliminary development, Engineering, Savings, Construction=• Public Participation: • • Public will be asked to help guide the City's work • Are there projects we missed? • How do we direct spending? • $1.7M annually- Maintenance • $2M annually- Projects Due to COVID-19 the FY21-25 Capital Plan had very limited public participation. Goal is to have public help prioritize and guide investment 3 Today Are all the projects there? 1) Are there projects missing that the Council would like added before going out to the public? 2) Are there projects that the Council would like removed before going out to the public? This may include projects that require additional planning, scoping or development before taking them to the public. 3) Are there projects that the Council needs additional information on before taking them to the public? This may include merging, clarifying scopes, or other information. 4) How does the Council want to use scores to prioritize projects? 1) Is there a minimum score(maximum score of 75)a project should have before being considered? 2) Based on preliminary scores are some projects not yet viable? 4 2 2/22/2021 Total Capital Request by FY FY 21Capital Fund CP Requests CM Request Direct funding of Year Total Construction Projects: FY 21-22 1.54M 3.91M 1.26M $2.66M FY 22-23 1.59M 5.04M 4.44M Set-Aside for future: FY23-24 [ 1.97M 2.75M 4.49M $1.025M FY 24-25 .99M 1.45M 3.0M Total CM: FY 25-26 1.03M .74M .14M $3.69M Capital Plan Policies: Annual General Fund Transfers: $1.26m annually for Capital Maintenance $2M annually from the General Fund for Capital Projects(this does not include impact fees,or outside funding). 5 Capital ■ in n n 6 3 2/22/2021 FY 22-26 Capital Maintenance Request by Prioritization Score Required CIP Project Priority Score Construction # Description Year Requested (75 Max.) Year ME=Floodway/City Property Protection 1.1111WHEMIIMICIMEMEMMII CM=Guerber Park Baseball Diamonds MEIMMEMINIMIIIIIII ENEMPIN Re•ave Greenbelt Ed:ewood to Lonsome Dove ®- Capital l Greenbelt Re• -�rn OF ®= Maintenance: FIDEEI Mace Trail Modifications �! Prioritization South Bank Merrill Park So Eagle Road InmIII= Challenges ®Backbone Infrastructure-.. ��- Dark Trace u•�_rade ® ®® 25 of the 45 project Backbone Infrastructure-grouters/3 access••lots ® Server Re. � , have no score IIIITEIEMIlillIM ��• 4 0 MIESINEMEIS 2022,2023,2024 M11111116221111CM Set-Aside not ®IZIEL- —IIINIIMMEE ®IIIM! m1.111111 Project Specific— comm Ada Eagle Parking lot light/Street Light Upgrade ®M12=M1 IiEO=Ada Ea,eS•orts Com•lez Skate Bowl Re•lacement 111111=2 ===- Just a saving pool =MINIM — IIMI =2132TITIM— C •• sM =1712111=— IIITEIN122121MIII=1 How much of a 1�ra� ��� lwirflB Friendshl•Park Play Ground Re•lacement MIMIMF2MOMIMIMCI=Z=MMIM cushion do we Friendship Park Tennis Court Overly '®' ®' want? =ME Fleet-Vehicle Re• -2022,2023 2024 2025,2026 OEM 11111111=EMEMS=MI MIME Orville Krassen Pla:,ound re•lacement and ADA Rams 17] ...2=1=- 7 Capital Maintenance FY 22 Summary of Capital Maintenance-UNFUNDED FY 22 Projects Income rEra=31_ _... ® s 2,405,091 5 _. 2,405,091 General Fund to Capital Fund I. 0 1.726,000 Balance at beginning of FY 22 $ 4,131,091 Allocated Funds by Project Reimbursement CM No. Project Name Estimated Cost FY 21 Appropriation Savings to FY 23 Prioritization Score ®Floadway/Crty Property Protection ® I I•—1 ®Guerber Park Baseball Diamonds $ 20,000 5 10,00a-0 ® $ 35,000 $ 35.000 11111=� ®HISIMIIIIISEICEENIIIIIIIIM 5 54.600y-® 5 20,000 5 20,000 -11.111111 ' 5 60.000 5 60,000 =®5 3,000.000 PW CM-4 Friendship Park Play Ground Replacement $ 100,000 5 100,00 No Score Libra Interior Paint $ 50.000 IMMINIIIIIIIMMINIMMIIIIIIIIIMMEME.11111 $ 15,000 .i i— • $ 65,000 r i i- ' 5 56,000 EIMMEMEMONIMICOM•� ® S 6,700 sa- PW CM-9 Ada Eagle Parking lot light/Street t irht $ 50.000 5 SO.00r Up,rade NO Score FY 22 Capital Maintenance Budget Total:rillIMCI Reimbursements to Capital Maintenance MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII El ME CM Set Aside-Carry forward to FY23 IMIIIIIIIIIMEEI 8 4 2/22/2021 Capital Maintenance FY 23 FY 23 Projects Income ai=i General Fund to Capital Fund 5 1,726,000 $ 1,726,000 $ 1,726,000 Balance at beginning of FY 23 $ 4,313,791 Allocated Funds b Pro'ect Project Name Estimated Cost Annual Appropriation Reimbursement/ Prioritization Score Sevin:s to FY 24 Floodwa/City Propert Protection $ 20,000 $ 10,00®ILIMMIE Greenbelt Repair Merrill Park $ 120,000 5 120,00t®® 1RL CMS l P Repave Greenbelt Edgewood to Lonsome $ 89.550 t $ 55 TRL CM-3 44 Trail $ 151,000 5 151,00t $ - 52 MIZEIMIIIIIMMEMMIIIIIIIMMINII$ 8,500 01111111111.EMEMENIMEMIIMMEMOM Library IT Backbone Infrastructure $ 7.000 MMIMIMM::EnIIIIIIIMIMIIIIII Heritage Park Renovation 5 3,000.000 S 1,000.t InIIIIIIIIMEaM . • 5 15,000�t '.®� TESEEMII Cxunor Paint Senor Center L`,000 PW CM-4 Friendship Park Shelter Roof Replacement $ 7,500 $ 7,50. 5 - No Score Library Roof Replacement $ 80,000 $ 80,00•® ®t• tt®® $ 36,000 5 36.00.®� PW CM-5 Gnerher Park Parking Inc Replacement S Sn,nrin®IEE S - No Score FY 22 Capital Maintenance Budget Total: $ 1,597,000 CM Set Aside'Carry forward to FY24 $ 2,716,791 9 Capital Maintenance FY 24 IFY 24 Projects Income MIZI:=1211311=MIONMEMEMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMIIIM111111111111111MIMEI General Fund to Capital Fund 5 1,726,000 5 1,726.0005. 1,726.000 Balance at beginning of FY 24 $ 4,442,791 Allocated Funds b Pro'ect Reimbursement/ CM No. Project Name Estimated Cost Annual Appropriation Prioritization Score Sevin:5 to FY 25 Floodway/City Property Protection $ 30,000 IBIIMIIIIIIIIIIIEEEIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIMIICIMIIIII - $ 224,000 t Dn••e Removal- •, : •.. e ®Backbone Infrastructure-Dark Trace u.:ra• $ 118,000 $ 118,000 ® $ 94,500 IMINIIIIMMOMEMESEEM IMEISIIIIMM RFID Replacement $ 50,000 10111111111111.11ECEMEINIMMEMIll ®Heritage Park Renovation 5 3,000,000 $ 1-000,000 Senior Center Parkin: Lot $ 20,000 1011111111111111= Librar Parkin:Lot Re•lacernent $ 30,000 t t t t PW CM-4 Friendship Park Tennis Court Overlay $ 60,000 5 60,0.• $ - No Score PW CM-9 Ada Eagle Sports Complex Parking lot $ 100.000 $ 100,0r o Re•lacement5 - No Score PW CM-15 Orville Krassen Playground replacement $ 130,000 $ 130,0.r and ADA Rams $ . No Score Merrill Parkin:Lot Re lacernent $ 20,000 Bk111111111=111111111111111111322211111111111 ® $ 50,000 MINIIII=EZIMEIMMININIMMINIIIIMEMEMO City Hall Parking Lot Replacement UIIIIIIMIEDECIMMMMMIWIMEMIIIIIIIIIII.M1 FY 22 Capital Maintenance Budget Total: 5 M1,957 aintenance $ CM Set Aside-Carry forward to FY25 $ 2,485,091 10 5 2/22/2021 Capital Maintenance FY 25 FY 25 Projects Income Carry Forward Carry forward FY 24 $ - $ 2,485,091 $ 2,485,091 SET ASIDE General Fund to Capital Fund $ 1,726,000 5 1,726,000 $ 1,726,000 Balance at beginning of FY 25 $ 4,211,091 Allocated Funds by Project CM No. Project Name Estimated Cost Annual Appropriation Reimbursement/ Prioritization Score Savings to FY 26 P2 CM-1 Floodway/City Property Protection $ 40,000 $ 10,001 5 64 IT CM-3 City Hall Backbone Infrastructure $ 5,000 $ 5,000 5 38 LIB CM-7 Library IT Backbone Infrastructure $ 9,300 $ 9,301 $ No Score iiiWitIzw'" ' Fleet Vehicle Replacement $ 60,000 $ 60,001 $ No Score PW CM-1 -Heritage Parkin:lot $ 15,000 $ 15,001 $ No Score FY 22 Capital Maintenance Budget Total: $ 99,300 _�- Reimbursements to Capital Maintenance $ CM Set Aside-Carry forward to FY26 $ 4,111,791 11 Capital Maintenance FY 26 I FY 26 Projects Income Carry Forward Carry forward from FY 25 $ - $ 4,111.791 $ 4,111,791 SET ASIDE General Fund to Capital Fund $ 1,726,000 $ 1,726,000 5 1,726,000 Balance at beginning of FY 26 $ 5,837,791 Allocated Funds b Project CM No. Project Name Estimated Cost Annual Appropriation Reimbursement/ Prioritization Score Savings to FY 27 PZCM-1 Floodway/City Property Protection 5 10,000 5 10,00. S 64 'LCM-10 Mace Trail Modifications S 50,000 50000 $ - 42 RCM-9 South Bank Merrill Park to Ea.le Road 5 512,265 5 512,26 $ 40 Batk6une hdras6 uaur e'2ruuleis/3 aues ITCM-3 points $ 15,900 5 15,900 $ - 38 TR.CM-8 Clear CreekCrossin. $ 428,168 $ 428,168 $ - 37 IT CM-6 Plotter replacement $ 12,000 5 12,000 S - 11 PW CM 9 Ada Eagle Sports Complex Skate Bowl S 500,000 5 500,001 keplacement 5 No Score FY 22 Capital Maintenance Budget Total: $ 1,028,433 � Reimbursements to Capital Maintenance $- CM Set Aside-Carry forward to FY23 $ 4,819,458 12 6 2/22/2021 Capital Projects 13 FY 22-26 Capital Project Request by Prioritization Score P-Planning Committed C-Construction Outside/ Required Priority CIP Project S-Savings Leveraged Construction Score a Descri•ion Year Requested $-Purchase Funding Year (75 Max.) MMTEMMININIIaIIm UNDER ROAD-5H44 to FF cog share 2022,2023.2024 11117E1a11111•111• 1111•a ITIMEM aIIMIEE=a MEM ®aim 2022,2023,2024 :insmiiimmiiiiiminm Capital MIMI ®om Projects: MIMI imirEm 2024.2025. MEM 2022,2023 2024 2025,2025 , '® 2022,2023,2024 1111MEIMIEMMMI Projects that 2024,2025,2026 -0 OMER 202 2023 2024,2025 _--0 received 50O/O or EZEZMI 2022.2023 202411113111N1 more of the 2022,2023,2024 --M1 IZEI:Ell ITEMEIIMMINIMIIMEMEMETI=m points possible 11111111EZECTIIMIMm TEEM !I!MEMININIIIIMIIIIIM=M11111MMIll MEM IIIIIMEMEM111111111112111E1M111•1111 ® GIME= 11111111•1111=11111111 ® 6 of the 34 2022,2023,2024 ® -® MOM 2024,2025,2026 11112=11111111111111= ® Projects are ammo 2022,2023,2024,2025,2026111111Er=MIME a�ma studies DOWNTOWN FA • IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM0- 0 EOU HMI NTRAILHEAD STUDY BOISERVR ROD Las IMMEMCIMEMENINIMEIMITM MI NOMMa =1m CEMENE=Cii7 IMMECEMMINam !:MMINIIIIMMI 0 =EM ROD 14 7 2/22/2021 a,131t, r3r-co"l 't `if 0(0.ct F0.YNeKN04I..W Funding Solace. Project 9P.C510 0 5 Ct,c9 af%Funn FT 22 dS CP No. EN .t.0 Cry Project Colt Carry Forward FY20 s0Opet S0.in4. , ..•.,. PY0,100a,4.0 P 1 Nail. TOTAL Cow K+...w-.uru, Irvin FY at 1.we4 s.Pu,cnew •MO..N 0«eww000n Swn 5 i.m.., .5.OM s 200. s 4t.0Cs. ,c s 13.NIWW,xa,w......, Cal tmAa WAD aWan 0,0051. .._ y ••n ,5,, s 5 5 -... 015. NOM nN biro.rr inn e1. o $ .co 1 151 Stwncu..xaw tr,m 5 ,m s $ ..._._.__ •.. :.r sra5*nswvu state s 5 tan 5 J.wt,tm s 2wwt 5- row waas.w P,..rwssa J 5 room t WM s 25.00 , Jan.,aea w,.*,.«“Al $ !COMM min 5 5 1Amtw t.a onwut m « tatss NOW snNN nnn marl 5 5°�°�® $ . ....__.. .........___� ..___ __. w mP 5 mo i AMMO s ..rote lN.aln.rt ON. S 12W t>W non-n • Qi C.uNNF.c tfNlf.lMl S 115.4 5 21N 5 5 . Os r.t 0 NR.a4tmp.N.Y1 --'- tin51 tm SOO TM 5 .. tea _.. wNNA ,Itw1..r%WU.a. . 5 ....iOU. 5 1t00,0 1 5 5 nn .. 5 Om S 5 SOAm w.�,�i...e,,.� . a w ..it I a.s -� • :W 1 Im 5 ��__ ... vaNetu.NB.rua W rw 5 m00 . •,,,:.. Ml uowdl4.r5wu(r4100%,-. 100 rso 5 5 16003 v 161., ..,...... s ,.:... ru ________ ____. ...._._._�.. v.0,.v v.0 •.vote-,,,.,,.-..n ore Oatq�iniuxt rntvae4 :1.:: 5 .....OW. :,�xrluvry rn Wtm 5 .._... f 50.Pm Wino 5 .p.DOo 5 5 .a001 5 sOr ...sr ss A ss ss as IND MDS 1 wa 5.w).1s11 swa01.1 05 �5 0j0 5 .0000 5 $ 00.0 a 35 o Ian -1 x4*40012 $ 25um,5 00 5 5 125.000 5 son 31 VW CP.r __ _- 10000 5 I S .._. . 15w SWOONct�..W . .o.uW 4 . OPAw u+ 2yoy0 r..n.insp.r.rNe. MSM./tmet row. bta4 r.M $ ..fl'C®5 500044 5 aa.C4O 5 amour s r �___.- C...O,e.e...eu Nu.I.044 Mer.w r.. No Yoe 15 Capital Projects FY 23 FY 23 Ca lea!Projects Funding P.PLanns, Impact F...N4tN0.WM FosConp Sou,c.s Project Sp.iTIC 0 CP Nu E.t .tad COy Proj.tt Cost Corry Forward FY 23 Nudp.l 9.9.,g, r uc5len to,ro 0 s,00FY 3 . F Prdnlw.iwn PrgKt Naar TOTAL Costa 400 •.,00.,.u.., 2rvI FY 72 N0u.S4 N'urc4as. Amount O..00WIIn Sears n.m.uni 702 Yea •.J w 5141..Nor me r,Il.n.n.n w4•F• .2r+20% S ::z':ta 5 2w.at0 5 ',Ls,o ..... •s. ACM Wm9u0 ASMP. u,01NCN.d0 aw5 1 MOLL S 4T.% .._ _- -_ P.ZtPJ rartte5eLL 0.11161[n0k u tv:5 W400o 5 a. 2110..OW x.S Cat wrl 41.00wut5 JJ Nd rl20, ..Smsnar tort 2:1Am M.5 WIN vs II II 00 ew Cv-i ....+Jr::•.�.rn 2;u"uu s ixwtau 5 121W O s J,Ja1u .n. 1Favu1 U.leam Sus ra,bftr.4Nn[mn,ae. w art re2pd ,. i}4 5 : l61'5 1.265Aw S •w.OU __. "m' ......... 5 a 11)4, 94t0.a 1.m;1.Own ON 41L10FT 2021, 41 .._......_...r.Tio 5 200.00 $ u' 1.00 tl,amb...a wfal :=xtir.�J:,... ::� $ : Iw16'0 ...•.r-rw slnt,m.[.400,,;.•.,.. rw 440 1 5 5m000 itw SNP a, ton.,. ,R;.ass NOW ssra.West 5 ,Co 5 t oW S 5 JSApI - ,agar, t....100 I. W I, 5'e -.ea5tt,u.rlp rnitr4,....., 1 :::.nave S IZ.o5W 5 .VA005 .0a0W . 69'.. P.[n..r/w..4Y l.an tin n,r tic r.t: 5/ S4 pp 5 31400 5 MAP 5 114000 S 4. -_.. Alan 5J CM F PAL., 150 4*0 5 iw TNI r.v w.,,net WIAlN4 t1Wa.0AR.a51 in 40 S IamO 5 wll410 5 640w SSt I M400040 YNANait BOiH Nrv,P :10, S IW000 _ S MY c.11 4.mtu.M4r.Yl ...__. __. . _ gp` _- SOpOD ... 'u" roaOd COarnUW 5: TOO ___.. 1a2 130 .24004 TOO 5 5 200AN toga twee M0540 0,-MD w(FI M'NTOWM aJMK1 Im IW row. :•YNOw0F0Ot0e 1NF.O.Yfl4Ni PROW.. 5 palm 5 n+u:m 5___-___ S SOOfO .rnwaaown/Pau0wtt0.lW. b IaH-Y ..1 s0u5*400 04ytaalt SKwTS[eM%le 5 2200 5 »00 5 T2.tew 5 . N11 Owi .•u,.(wu vN[1'...�. 1 NO. 5 1111. > -5 $I .5 $ _ •IDA015 1 sOti .Oa n.r Jt a,.23 __- Jv'�1e0F{... ivNO WeniN01N(.SMirM6E/..AW,NG _S WWO 5 Mm0 5 5 M C TOO. We WA WU 4 aNWel w 1w 5 ISO tw __ 29015 Nw2sr"".....(OSS . no. $ Ol0 50.Ym 5 2. HISIN 5 C Im,f.oE5 LLCM SN/. w JJ MCN ...woat2 S 150 MO 5 2504510 5 MOW 5 12.Am s 05N 11 ran P 1 .w vaw. m1N o Nt 2OO Teo w CP n tastes s aada`s s MOOD s 51% IF ,RQd .nst SON MOON n.. , .,,v . O. $ .,x �•< .wet ea srp�rcrl 011/117-4 n.:[.Otr+.. ...u,.. , WII5o 1n,0i . tow ..e=at.8r a xu uu. 55emwa0 TOTAL Project coos.Ft 21 5 COY Preje.Cod:5 I S.f 92.K5 F5t1.w5ed Cary Forward xoa FY22:$ SA06.000 FY 23 ClON.S Project*Dodos.Roeuat,5 4,24.000 FY 23 PWmmO L.PIM0une/Caweuc,on:5 4M0A00 PM..5.wrg8/Qnry farm..to CY 26:5 %..5i.000 iMwr f.044 5owc..JONude Meta:5 1A4.0001 16 8 2/22/2021 Capital Projects FY 24 FY 24 Capital Projects Funding Pylamug Impact FeeelYMCNQrW W Funding SOWWN6 CP No Esumate0 CII Project Coat Cary Forward FY 24B C-Coan.cg.«• Daunt.., FY.. Y 1 Carry 030 5-Lwnps ►rla4laetblh •aa.prod, Prglp Netm TOTAL Casts 1•aa,awu rpm FY 23 Ne0u111 S,Purchase o.mean..Nni Anaunt Owc/IpWn Soo" � t NU 66W ,,564.1 to el,cAx,✓.r,e) 1 _•a I.66 S NgM2 { 5n01 l ApOt Srvre M w P [P-1I e4e4 PARR �� ....___ ian MO rm t • w vw eox un ONNfOlr•M s _.,k.,... ,m.wo $ 7.M.o0o s 2meap s . h 0100 mna 33xm 1ww.1.0mww.,oem as EawSOY s 1- �s . 450,O0 .,wt..r.nweaa«vi 1uo. O55ym m n MU ao Is,. oP uveM3tou I s uvN/oevelou 4 PsSw tauru croon W nU > ......... roe.. -L.,POW nte..n«n ,v. _.,n.,.. ,.>..u•nt,a wl.n:n s rw s •0 owolwlwu a '> }a .wu iuwho S,All PAUPnnu 4 5 I 240 616, 5 -aua. 5 116000 S AMMO C rw. 57 cwlNl,ae M1 5 a,40) 4 - OW 5 216000 5 MAOD 0V 57 000 w Ann 6 -.. ..._ _ I S ... MO SU 1n aaStavrP --_ y 5 50Am 5 54000 . —_ c Asi PO lank linn14161 l w tnMP Y2 xi 5 50.000 5 SOdOP COMPASS PO(ix,l per Mean .12 a 1W w r.w awrn rrzs 1iw m p im s2 tt R1 eMa0.1,t IW S rdOn 5 __. 71D.000 s 190 .... la4wppnnrnewY N•^r.IW w MOO K::rI e0A1I 3.01550 41,N.n1NNt1 $ --- 300* .wMr .._ law: Ana P,eis,2Rnewuif„M .5 FA NOV I501 ara.M 5 SO. 5 .. _.. 5 30020 -— t0K Pwo•7l ,0,', 3au,tm iPrvs nvK s 10000 5 i_x2 5 nAOO 5 Pwv-. eNrPaoN - ---s :aom1 i 15aado s Aouaco s ..�----�.MOO t*G4t 45 . t'M AM... - loon S 110,000 4 5 120Am 15t a,ut $ n.000 3 A00n 5 5 7DAOI r .va ........... M rtued Wags Or..1v23 are yet 03; nt s.oets s000nwAr.4 4,1, S ]50.00 5 ] 00p 5 3a0➢00 t a75 uAln 3.1aa.25 6,6 I J,11 NO IUD 5 .... .._. P , n Wow10 wt5i u31 APy .. Cgrr,tK aaewn np wn a.er.Aaanrwer« bYwe i00p mP 3 � t 2 mu s -'.c It'-t 01i 0)0t�uu el.On S 11.3 xya S +.+a. Ile.«)p oaere mpa11erveaumeeasep/vew3 NO Srwe NmratW TOTAL Pralsrt CPUY in FY 24 S 1I,733,000 rW+wYFuro f 01.Rohn C. $ 11,563,030 fete,..(Amy foamed from FY23 5 1.310,000 Fy'24 Ca77t5l P,ojnta Nwt{el A...0.5 2,755,000 FY 24 PIamW 1.PerquwnYKomMxtion. $ A.7.000 Ranrwe 54wne5/Carry Forward to FY 24 5 3,OFa,OW SNm fund',{Seeraan/Ouhide Matti,4 1,270.000 17 Capital Projects FY 25 FY 26 • I Projects Funding PPNmmg IMMO FN44141cN70utside Funding Sourtes ProlecI Specific C.Conseucewn ye Funded in FY 25 P No, Estimated City Prased Cost Cony Forward FY25 Budget SSawng3 Irany umrl.ANKwr,arwn. Pnpd12ah0n 44,UPre01 __._.T P1geCt Name TOTAL Costs I:.4,•o.,+dr^•0.4, from FY 24 regoesl 1-Purchase weau0FN Amount Oeacnp2on Scoro R.2 ,In0NMtO5n0P 5 ..,,. - ,. 5 94,000 S 5 10.. 5 f.0W,0O] ij110400a 1«Ps•M6ua,a Menterurue. e4 5.01641606 Wen water neat =MI.K I. AA. 0 If➢CALF45NM 18U ten S I UU 110 IM e0 N017M[70400.ON IIO ItO 1 ' UM20EV102124SOPER 31 0 t iti 0.0Wt5Mie Greed MO IW 5 I60 MO its COnSuuum mOs1W g111pnFy21;73 Stl -si 100yt52NLON 110 MO S I00 ... .__. INS UWDEY110Pte Sa .iAnO}IM1t SSMff5C.5P1I MPAONMNIIS MO MO$ S 1)011O 0 IIO t�.._.run Renew..Adency tat SS CMG;II _ 1w1u•G 1tAMta RDYtFI'vAP MO MD 2N2 } MO __ AlnO aYNl eeaue.t 12 • ,Jav'NI001NR3SM4.104 tin tat 5 P7,000 5 20000 S SOO so UW 2iNti iTOU mow PNCCPAM S 50.000 S S00O3 $ 5 00000 1W% Anneal PIOPcq>dM,+IIOM In .. CNAad101Y ar15 a1yxil _ S taagao 5 lmau 5 5 2340W lap% +i 1tt 51getS SRMTWul0Mi155 5 75:LIyM S 03000 5 3 3m,00D < WI. PN,A34t,.,35em5 Oe''1Y 234ie M w.Orul.an FY 246122 •. CMMKAEO0AYMkt CAIIO, S 10000 S MOM 5 5 *COS 1 imp 11 •• MK.0M15M❑(MOW 104000 5 100000 5 S 105010 P :co. _ 0$ :Ines,I Ir..1Wel,w swrtrearl > 615.000 5 35S WO 4 770A00 5 65,000 C :m+ 5 7 IRO part '•K2 Sue 5tAM1N (Oe al iud No Scam a..0MOANC0MREOLN<GOern....id IA20A00 S 1.000.000 7W MO C Im NoX«e OMN[)I AOeMM SOaO,OW 5 S,OOn;IU 4 LW0900 5 40Q000 I OWN 161.fern Pw:iwd lot pel....of k M hakwe 14Sm44dt07MPr05.4/C44 In fY 2S 4 9.145,000 COy Prolrtt Cow 5 7,105,000 Fstima rd Carry Penard hem FY24:S 3.011400 fY 25 Op1e1 P701441s 0W11e1 Request'.5 1,145,000 FY 25 Namedslp.Mroles/Castructon: $ 3401.050 Planned Soinp/Om Fo.wad to iT 26.$ 2.577.000 Other Funding 5ources/Ourvde Marsh 5 1,140.0001 18 9 2/22/2021 Capital Projects FY 26 FY 26 Ca vital Projects Funding P?smmng Impact Feet NatBlOutadde Funding Sowcn Project Speck C•Consouctbn %Raw in FY22 CP NO. Estimated City Project Cost Carry Forward FY22 Budget S$u rgs i;,;t rpmpa.pompom.. Prioritization r eFugned) P,.,,ct Name TOTAL Cosh I .....k,,✓ Iram F.^: request (Purchase a,mrar.rYM Amount Description Score PKW MO(VFW E_ TIIB S TBO OP MMQ4 0AN0 STREET EA}OW)". MD IN(' LRAAVEIOPtt ... F{20O OEDE PARREAIEN5ION '_ TO S DR{NEYEIOPER Wadi `DANOSSRtE1 STREEIS(API IAtPRDVIMENrS IODCOD 5 700 y EuC OW Retrial AaIMY'IBD (OBG 1,1: Fel CPS LOOTING IEAINTA PEOjUKE CAP t30 PD 5 MO Sr( ITO A(nO Ti tN DOWNTOWN PAX PARKING Ito :to $ 412.000 TB) tt0 1OO OftOGMwTOWN WAOt.ILCROVEMINI PROGRAM S sew 50,OKi 5 5 WeC LA .__._.. ._ AnnAProENTNdren*A,EMT FB&(W ONMNNITYPPEAMOSIAC 41115CENI(R S %COO $ SOS 5 _ S 5ODN P N11th{:,° W1IXR055EAnOn WOOS +O,OeO S � S 10,000 P Nt0421'' Sol 35eIz n Pan hid Tor p *TV Poop s.DJOoon S $.000.fOO S I000,GO0 S tOQ0O3 5 ., o neSot I IL. se Estimated TOTAL Project Coos inFY2S$ 5,140,000 City Proktt Cost:$ 5,110,000 Estimated Cury Froward from FY24:$ 2,572,000 FY 2S Capital Projens Budget Bequest$ 140,000 FY 25 Planned Eapentiulres,ICamtodon:$ 140,000 Planned Wilt/Cory Foment toFY26:$ 3,Itt,000 Other Fundy Sounes/Q TtSde Matct $ • 19 Questions: 0 Nichoel Baird Spencer, MCRP, AICP Long-Range Planning & Projects Director nbaird@cityofeagie.org 939-0227 20 10 -2 92/2021 a 0,-//S)/(7/ 4-11) rim � Eagle Service Extension Update Q 3 Eagle City Council Date: February 18, 2021 1 Eagle Service Extension Update • • ValleyConnect 2.0 Vision e Ile ride • Extension planning Val Y bus • COVID-19 impacts transportation • Service roll-out • Next steps valleyreglonaltransit 2 1 2/22/2021 .. ValleyConnect 2.0 Vision 1valIeyregionaItronsiI lc) Eagle Service Extension Eagle Update ValleyConnect 2.0 Vision Eagle as a crossroads • Frequent service to downtown Boise • Highway 44 connection to Boise Meridian and Boise • 2011 State Street Transit Meridian 6D minutes. Population. Operations Plan Ovalleyregionaltransit 4 2 2/22/2021 Extension Planning Ovalleyregionaltransil 5 Eagle Service Extension -- , Update Extension Planning I i r-,r t ort••• t 11 i 70011rik, Coordinated Response 1 II' I s t I;,, • Replaced lost Route 44 ° !CIE r service x . T E t -;, • Coordinated with Ada County A K E ,, ' AT EA6Lf ; '. • Serves high density corridor i )valleyregionaltransit s ,, 6 3 2/22/2021 COVID-19 Impacts Ovalleyreg ionaltransii 7 Eagle Service Extension TRIP TIP Update COVID-19 Impacts Reset of Expectations Don't follow • Service start delayed the crowd Stay healthy and stay safe • Limited service promotions by limiting crowd exposure • Severely impacted ridership Safe Travels,Treasure Valley volleyregionaltransil 8 4 2/22/2021 • 014 Service Roll-Out441, gaa Ovalleyreg ionaltransil 9 Eagle Service Extension ri90 Updateit Service Roll-Out Reset of Expectations d; p�� � , ' ` " ' • Constructed Bus Stops _ • Launched in October ' . a t M: • Limited marketing ;A • a.$ • Slow start valley eg one transit 10 5 2/22/2021 Next Steps 11 Eagle Service Extension 4rt- Update s t N Next Steps "• 411 Looking to the future '11 • Vaccinations • Schools/Business to open .5f • Development intensifying • Construction - valleyregionaltransit 12 6 2/22/2021 Thank you. Questions? Stephen Hunt shunt@valleyreigonaltransit.org Ovalleyregionaltransit 13 7