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Minutes - 2021 - City Council - 02/09/2021 - Regular EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES February 9,2021 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pierce calls the meeting to order at 5:31 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: PITTMAN,BAUN,PIKE. All present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 4. ADDITIONS,DELETIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE AGENDA: A. City Staff requests.None B. Mayor or City Council requests.None 5. PRESENTATION: A. Ada County Soil and Water Conservation District Pollinator Project Presentation. Jessica Harold the Program Director of the Ada County Soil and Water Conservation District. Ms. Harold reviews the purpose for the pollinator project and the three phase roll out of the same. Eagle could be involved by getting the word out and promoting the pollinating project. PowerPoint attached. Council Member Baun states that the use of native landscaping would reduce the amount of water required,the maintenance costs associated with native species is significantly lower than some of the other botanical species. There are other projects pertaining to Ag Land preservation and Conservation that he will be bringing forward for consideration. 6. RECOGNITION: A. Recognition of Craig Brasher for 9 Years of Service on the Design Review Board. Mayor Pierce presents a plaque to Craig Brasher and thanks him for his service on the Design Review Board. 7. REPORTS: A. Mayor and Council Reports: Pittman reports on the Eagle Sewer District meeting he attended last night. He also reports on the Eagle Senior Center Board meeting and the potential change of how they calculate revenue paid by Valley Regional Transit to the Center, which would have negative consequences to their revenue stream. The Center is hoping to re-open in April of this year with social distancing in place and temperature monitors at each entrance. Baun reports on the BLM Work Group, they will be meeting twice in March, April and May with the intent of presenting their recommendation to the Council in June. B. City Hall Department Supervisor Reports: Eric Ziengenfuss, Public Works Director provides an update to the City Hall Expansion project, the museum landscaping,and the dog park restroom construction.He reports on trial improvements at the Ada Eagle Sports Complex and the potential location for a pollinator project that he has been working on with Council member Baun. Chief Clifford provides the monthly report for January and reviews data for officer-initiated contacts vs citizen initiated contacts, crime suppression, code enforcement and other data points over the last four years.PowerPoint attached. Mayor Pierce addresses concerns about work being done at the corner of Eagle Road and Floating Feather. The work being done is by Suez Water it is not associated with at development project. C. City Attorney Report: No report. Page 1 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-09-21min.docx 8. PUBLIC COMMENT 1: The Eagle City Council is taking remote public comment via Webex. Meeting login instructions are posted on If you just want to watch the meeting,without giving comment,please watch our livestream at lnips:// Videos. This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding subjects not on the agenda. At times, the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters during this allotted time.This is not the time slot to give formal testimony on a public hearing matter,land use application,or comment on a pending application or proposal. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three (3) minutes. No one chooses to speak. 9. ALL CONSENT ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED ACTION ITEMS: CONSENT AGENDA: • Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor,a Councilmember,member of City Staff,or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion.Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. • Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff,Planning&Zoning Commission,or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims against the City. B. Minutes of January 21,2021. C. Minutes of January 26,2021. D. Resolution 21-04: Aquila Village Subdivision Vacation—A resolution of the Eagle City Council to vacate the western portion of the utility easement along the east property lines within Lots 6 and 7, Block 1 (Aquila Village Subdivision)as shown on the attachments hereto; and providing an effective date. (BAW) E. DR-33-20 — Multi-tenant Office (Business and Professional) Building — Eagle River,LLC:Eagle River,LLC,represented by Tom Bobo,is requesting design review approval to construct a 23,400-square foot two-story multi-tenant office building(1st Floor= 12,000-square feet and 2nd Floor= 11,400-square feet). The 1.48-acre site is located on the north side of East Riverside Drive approximately 865-feet east of South Palmetto Avenue within the Eagle River Development at 1100 East Riverside Drive (Mixed Use Subdivision No.4 Lot 08,Block 03). (BAW) F. DR-34-20 — Master Sign Plan for a Multi-tenant Office (Business and Professional) Building — Eagle River, LLC: Eagle River, LLC, represented by Joshua Hersel with Cushing Terrell, is requesting design review approval of a master sign plan for a multi-tenant office(business and professional)building. The 1.48-acre site is located on the north side of East Riverside Drive approximately 865-feet east of South Palmetto Avenue within the Eagle River Development at 1100 East Riverside Drive(Mixed Use Subdivision No.4 Lot 08,Block 03). (BAW) Pittman requests that item 9E be removed for further discussion. Baun moves to approve the action items 9A-F, minus E. Seconded by Pittman. PITTMAN AYE; BAUN AYE; PIKE AYE.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. E.DR-33-20—Multi-tenant Office(Business and Professional)Building—Eagle River,LLC: Eagle River, LLC, represented by Tom Bobo, is requesting design review approval to construct a 23,400-square foot two-story multi-tenant office building(1st Floor= 12,000-square feet and 2nd Floor= 11,400-square feet). The 1.48-acre site is located on the north side of East Riverside Drive approximately 865-feet east of South Palmetto Avenue within the Eagle River Development at 1100 East Riverside Drive(Mixed Use Subdivision No. 4 Lot 08,Block 03). (BAW) Pittman requests the Zoning Administrator address the trellis. Page 2 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-09-21min.docx Zoning Administrator Vaughan states that with clarification regarding the trellis. The Design Review Board was in favor of the placement of the trellis and it does comply with code. With the approval of this item, adopting the Design Review Boards recommendation with additional clarification regarding the trellis would need to be noted. Upon presentation of the findings for Council approval at a subsequent meeting they would reflect the trellis approval. Pittman moves to approve consent agenda item 9E DR-33-20—Multi-tenant Office(Business and Professional) Building — Eagle River, LLC_directing staff to bring back at the next meeting with the updated information requested on the trellis. Seconded by Pike. ALL AYE...MOTOIN CARRIES. 10. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None 11. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Public hearings will not begin prior to 6:00 p.m.The Eagle City Council is taking remote public testimony via Webex. Meeting login instructions are posted on If you just want to watch the meeting, without giving testimony,please watch our livestream at • Public Hearings are legally noticed hearings required by state law.The public may provide formal testimony regarding the application or issue before the City Council.This testimony will become part of the hearing record for that application or matter. •Disclosure of ex parte and/or conflict of interest. A. ACTION ITEMS CU-10-20—Change of Nonconforming Use—Jeremiah Smith & Melissa Wilde: Jeremiah Smith & Melissa Wilde are requesting conditional use permit approval for a change of nonconforming use to allow an addition to an accessory structure (located within the street side yard area)to encroach into the required rear yard setback. The 1-acre site is located on the southwest corner of North Downing Drive and West Floating Feather Road. (MJW) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Jeremiah Smith,reviews the application located in Downing Downs. The request is to construct a goat shed next to the existing RV shed within the street side yard to encroach in the rear yard setback. The shed will be approximately 18' from the neighboring fence line. Mike Williams,Planner III reviews the staff report and site-specific conditions of approval. Mayor Pierce opens the public hearing. Pat Miller,959 Preakness Dr.Eagle,Idaho. Mr.Miller lives in the same subdivision. He is a great fit in the neighborhood and doesn't see this as a problem. Steve Bender, 1235 N. Seven Oaks Eagle,Idaho. Mr.Bender drives Floating Feather all the time and you can barely tell there is an RV garage there. He is in favor of the application. Mayor closes the public hearing. Baun moves to approve action item 11A CU-10-20—Change of Nonconforming Use Smith- Wilde. Seconded by Pittman. Discussion. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Page 3 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-09-21min.docx B. ACTION ITEM: CPA-01-20/RZ-05-20 — Quarry Village — CDG Enterprise/Quarry Village, LLC: CDG Enterprise/Quarry Village, LLC, represented by Dave Yorgason with Tall Timber Consulting,is requesting a Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment to modify section 6.18.1- Guerber Park Planning Area, a Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment to change the future land use map designation from Business Park to Mixed Use, and a rezone from BP(Business Park)to MU-DA(Mixed Use with a development agreement[in lieu of a conditional use permit])to allow for a residential,office,retail and indoor entertainment development. The 27.3-acre site is located north of Hill Road between State Highway 55 and North Horseshoe Bend Road at 9755 North Horseshoe Bend Road.(MJW) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Pittman,Baun and Mayor Pierce disclose that that they have had previous contact with Ms. Greco prior to submittal of the application both via email and phone call, but that it won't affect their decision tonight. Pike has had no contact. Dave Yorgason, 14254 W.Battenburg Boise,Idaho. representing CDG Enterprise/Quarry Village introduces Cindy Greco she would like to provide opening statements. Cindy Greco, 18452 Bernado Trails Ct. San Diego, California. She is honored to represent this project and bring it forward to perpetuate the legacy of her family, that owns the property. Ms. Greco reviews her vision for the upscale luxury village. Dave Yorgason reviews the application, a luxury high end development. They are requesting a comprehensive plan amendment along the rezone with a development agreement.He discusses the building height exceptions that are being requested. They are willing to comply with ACHD and ITD conditions of approval, as well staff recommended conditions regarding parking, Parks and Pathways recommendations pertaining to pathways and bike and well as several other agencies. There are some development agreement conditions they would like to propose changes to: 3.8 the maximum square footage they would like it increased to 50,000 square feet,but would be also agree to 40-45,000. Development agreement condition 3.17 the number of residential units allowed,the applicant is requesting the 200 residential units, or preferably 250 in order to make it financially viable for the developer; condition 3.13 removal of the required two access to the north. Discussion for clarification between Mr.Yorgason,Mayor and Council. Nichoel Baird-Spencer,Director of Strategic Operations,reviews the request for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment and areas of special concern. Mike Williams,Planner III reviews the staff report and site-specific conditions of approval. Special attention is paid to the areas of concern expressed by the applicant. Discussion Mayor Pierce opens the public hearing. Dave Yorgason reads a statement into the record from Mark Butler (attached). Mr. Butler is opposed to the requirement of the northern access and is in favor of the application. Dave Yorgason reads a statement into the record from Deborah Hertzog(attached).Ms.Hertzog is one of the founders of Eagle Theatre Company and is excited about the development and potential to operating a theatre in Quarry Village. She is in favor of the application. Page 4 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-09-21min.docx Dave Yorgason reads a statement into the record from Vicki Walsh (attached). Ms. Walsh is a member of the Eagle Arts Commission. She is in favor of changing the land use and is in hopes that a performing arts center may become part of the development. Dave Yorgason reads a statement into the record from Zachary Higson, Co- Founder 3LB Restaurants(attached). Mr. Higson believes it is important for housing and retail work together. He has been involved with a similar successful concept in California. Steve Bender, 1235 N. Seven Oaks Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Bender is in favor of the project and lives near it and likes the architecture in the preliminary drawings presented. He does have some concern with the development near the hillside. Jeff Stucker,2255 E.Halsey Drive Eagle,Idaho. Mr. Stucker is a long time resident and is in favor of this project. He is excited about the potential of this project on the north side of town. Randy Labonney, 250 W. Broadway Ct. Boise,Idaho works with Arthur Berry a commercial real estate company. He feels that to keep the land use designation as industrial would be an error and the access to transportation is just not there for this location. Sandy Gibson,2682 W.Mariposa Eagle,Idaho. She concurs with previous comments in favor of this project. The project enhances the sense of community in Eagle. Ms. Gibson is also a realtor and states there is a very high demand for high end properties. Harmony Stall, 102 Fort Street Elco, NV is the co-owner of the property. Her grandfather and Cindy's father worked the property. She states they want to honor their families and wants to do right by their family and the Eagle Community. Debbie Arnold, 291 E. Gold Creek Eagle, Idaho. She is very excited about a development on the east side of Eagle. Dave Yorgason rebuts testimony. He thanks everyone for their positive comments, he feels that the only ones opposed to the application is City Staff. Yorgason provides information on who did the original species report,he states that the residential makes the commercial work, comments on building height and other items. Discussion amongst Council. Baun moves to approve 11B CPA-01-20 Quarry Village a comprehensive plan future land use map and text amendment to change the 27+/-acre site from Professional Office/Business Park and accepting the Planning and Zoning Commission's recommendations. Seconded by Pittman.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Baun moves approve action item 11B RZ-05-02 rezone from business park to mixed use with a development agreement. Striking condition 3.13.Changing 3.17 from 196 to 200.Seconded by Pittman. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. C. ACTION ITEM: A-08-20/RZ-10-20/CU-08-20/PPUD-03-20/PP-05-20 — Brookwav North Planned Unit Development—Hall Capital,LLC:Hall Capital,LLC,represented by Kent Brown, is requesting an annexation,rezone from RUT(Rural-Urban Transition—Ada County designation) to R-2-DA-P (Residential with a development agreement — PUD), conditional use permit, preliminary development plan, and preliminary plat approvals for Brookway North Subdivision, a 58-lot(53-buildable, 5-common)residential planned unit development. The 28-acre site is located on the south side of West Beacon Light Road approximately 100-feet west of North Lanewood Road at 6001 West Beacon Light Road.(MJW) Page 5 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-09-21min.docx Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Kent Brown, 3161 E. Springwood Meridian, Idaho, representing Hall Capital LLC reviews the application.Discussion of construction phasing and traffic. Kevin Amar, 1580 W.Cayuse Creek Dr.Meridian,Idaho is the owner of BuiltMor Company. They want to make this development consistent with what has already been approved with Brookway Subdivision and see it as an extension of that subdivision. It will be a high-end subdivision with walking paths and nice amenities with custom homes starting around$800,000. Mike Williams,Planner III reviews the staff report and site-specific conditions of approval. Mayor opens the public hearing. No one chooses to speak. Kent Brown speaks to the turn around for emergency vehicles. Council member Baun discusses the Conservation and Education Program that the City is proposing and would like to set up a meeting with the applicant to discuss the same. The applicant agrees to meet. Mayor closes the public hearing. Williams discusses conditions Council discussed tonight. The addition of site specific condition 23. Provide a revised preliminary development plan/preliminary plat showing common lots a minimum of 5-feet in width located on one(1)side of all corner lots. The revised preliminary development plan/preliminary plat shall be provided prior to submittal of final development plan and final plat applications. And modifying site specific condition#10 regarding setbacks be modify to add that Interior Side(Lots 90-feet in width or less and 7.5-feet(first story)2.5-feet (each additional story)_Street Side(with 5-foot common lot located adjacent to street) 15-feet. Pittman moves to approve action item A-08-20/RZ-10-20/CU-08-20/PPUD-03-20/PP-05-20— Brookway North Planned Unit Development—Hall Capital,LLC with the recommendations read on the record by staff. Seconded by Baun. Discussion.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES, 12. NEW BUSINESS: None 13. PUBLIC COMMENT 2: The Eagle City Council is taking remote public comment via Webex.Meeting login instructions are posted on you just want to watch the meeting,without giving comment,please watch our livestream at Videos. This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding any matter, up to and including any subject on the agenda with the exception of Public Hearing and land use items. Comments regarding Public Hearing and land use items need to be made during the open public hearing for said item(s)in accordance with Idaho Code.At times,the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters(excluding Public Hearing and land use items)during this allotted time. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three(3)minutes. Steve Bender, 1235 N. Seven Oaks Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Bender appreciates all of the work on the Quarry Village application. He provides suggested improvements to the provision of information to the public. Page 6 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-09-21min.docx 14. ADJOURNMENT: Pittman moves to adjourn. Seconded by Baun. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES Hearing no further business,the Council m eciirrguaas•ad)ourned. Respectfully submitted: �.• OF EAR;/ $• •'• QORAT: • /I ' '' :$))61}----- RACY ii. OSBORN, CMC 1, • CITY CLERK %* '• SE 9J sus O APPROVED: %%.,�•Sl' ;''O*'��`9P%.��, i CO"N PIERCE MAYOR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT W W W.C ITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 7 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-09-21min.docx .. f�f it IXt`ta i *Q1 a•; • Y i a *q*: tom'^ a°• hAi ffvi%e41°'• 0717:2-1 1 r =* , ,, ,,..... „... ;:, , 41: ..„,t.4.4r, <lit 44 b, rgith. ' m , Treasure Valley Pollinator .� Project 1 Presented by Jessica Harrold,Ada Soil &Water Conservation District 1 • Pollinators are responsible for 1 out of every 3 bites we eat why focus • More than 180,000 species of o n plants depend on pollinators for existence pollinators ? • Rapid decline: Idaho's state insect, the Monarch butterfly, has declined 99% in the last 20 years 2 1 2/23/2021 .t� " • Pollinators are birds, bats, V /: / butterflies, bees, moths, ,4** • a beetles, wasps, spiders and .�►r � `'"' small animals • • In the U.S. we transition 175 acres of agriculture into development every hour (American Farmland Trust) 3 • We need to reframe our understanding of how the natural world operates beyond the human sphere, and how we can work with nature instead of against it • As urbanization spreads, homeowners will need to understand the important role our home yards play in growing diversity ' • Urban landowners need a paradigm shift. The urban landowner is now called upon to be a land steward. Our yards, office spaces, public parks need to be managed for diversity in species 4 2 2/23/2021 Treasure Valley Pollinator Project • Promote pollinator habitat in the Treasure Valley • Get 64,000 flowering plants in the ground • Bring habitat and education to backyards and inspire land stewardship 5 Project Overview: Phase 1 • Plants purchased by homeowners, farmers, organizations, businesses • Each flower mix is blended to a 'k. • attract a wild variety of pollinators including native bees, butterflies, beetles, and hummingbirds • � • Plants will bloom from spring to late autumn -a critical component to providing good pollinator habitat 6 3 j 2/23/2021 t' i Project Overview: $* w +w '�., 4 tiff Phase 2 :'' { t s • Several free workshops will be = ' 'z,. s 14-,* available throughout the summer � "°" for participants b z � • "How to Create a Healthy ,'r: Pollinator Habitat" • "Insect Identification and � : :• e' Conducting Pollinator Counts" , -' -7,1''t',f.. ^.It figt , , # • Local and online resources will , .. also be promoted for participants to access , . �e. s A� r" ' - Y 1 7 Project Overview: Phase 3 • Community-wide citizen science fie project "`. • Monitors • Pollinator varieties, counts seen in -41 gardens • Success rate of plants * • Participants will receive a prize pack - - .„ .,: with items created by local artists for their responses t' iir 4 2/23/2021 • Get the word out to Eagle communities about the How can Treasure Valley Pollinator Project the Cityof • Promote pollinator habitat E a I e be and protection in public spaces In vo I ve d ? • Encourage planting of native flowers and habitat in new developments 9 5 240/2021 Patrol Responses •CFS •OFIN 16377 15606 14975 14981 11932 4981 5035 4126 3543 2637 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 1 Total Patrol Responses Total Patrol Responses 20500 20000 19961 19500 ,•,,s-29732 19000 13500 18518 18000 17500 17000 16967 16500 16000 15500 15000 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2 1 2/10/2021 Average Response Times-Calls for Service 111111 2016 2017 2018 2019 202+'._ P3- 3:35 3:24 3:31 2:33 2:55 Emergency P2P-Higher 5:20 5:27 9:05 6:11 6:17 Priority P2-High 6:45 9:39 10:18 8:28 18:14 Priority P 1 P- 10:23 10:29 14:07 11:59 15:53 Moderate Priority P1-Low 13:50 14:30 11:59 13:22 15:07 Priority P0-No 7:00 5:29 4:20 8:34 8:30 Priority 3 Crime Suppression 3500 . 3000 2500 !n O 2000 • , a. C 1500 O ti 114104400 . 1000 500 r Extra Patrol 1 Traffic Sto s Construction Site T P Security Chxls ( Directed Patrol �•2016 174 - -- C434 467 1040 434 185 �-2017 132 1586 --'-- 395 � 391 144 —20181665 —534 - '—-- i — "1654 1073 490 —2019 1388 1638 l 2" ssa1551 --- --- ____ 884 —2020 1763 2982 _ 1361 677 1154 4 2 2/10/2021 Code Enforcement iWorq Cases ■ 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 249 277 Code 428 638 1247 961 302 Enforcement VIN 75 80 98 114 125 321 Inspection Abandoned 147 306 170 140 100 veHole ■2016 is 2017 •2018 :2019 ■2020 5 STEP Unit - 2020 Stops with Citations Issued 72 t;n U � � N alp- 0 .Traffic Stops 51- o O O .Cites _ =Arrests 1007 DWP 6 6 % 7 5 *Drug Cases 6 3 EAGLE CITY COUNCIL February 9, 2021 PUBLIC COMMENT SIGN-UP Time is allotted on the agenda at the beginning and end of the council meeting. Time is limited to three (3) minutes per individual TESTIFY PRO/CON or NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING PUBLIC HEARING: Item 11A CU-10-20 — Change of Nonconforming Use —Jeremiah Smith & Melissa Wilde: February 9, 2021 TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL 1 of 1 EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING PUBLIC HEARING: Item 11C A-08-20/RZ-10-20/CU-08-20/PPUD-03-20/PP-05-20 — Brookway North Planned Unit Development— Hall Capital, LLC: February 9, 2021 TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL )5 V\ c_z)\ tS Pc-L- - rat o (p f, r ri 1)0s . or . yes �r, NJ .>~,,�.- Cc‘p C^yusg ��. 1 of 1 EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING PUBLIC HEARING: Item 11B:CPA-01-20/RZ-05-20 — Quarry Village — CDG Enterprise/Quarry Village, LLC: February 9, 2021 TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL )) f 12Sy \At- gam °r. 1 ,-v 4-12- Prt i--)—e. .-)-±"---e,„,-(.. -1 ,_.e,,,,L ID-1 \-11 -e„-81,-/k( pi E-,, ,„ ,,,/, . , s , ___(--- -rf- 57)-,,,_ 2200 E a6,/_5 A.- Pro 1 of 1 TIICCIT10te Public Meeting Sign In Form Form used to provide remote public comment via Webex for city meetings To provide remote public comment via Webex for city meetings please follow the instructions and complete the form below. You must submit the form at least 60 minutes before the meeting start time in order to receive a Webex invite via email to comment or testify at the meeting. Information submitted via this form is subject to Idaho's Public Records Act,in regard to both release and retention,and may be released upon request,unless exempt from disclosure by law. Note: If you have visual materials to display during the public meeting,you must email the materials in PowerPoint(.ppt)or PDF format to City of Eagle at least 6 business hours prior to the start of the meeting. Email files Once you have completed the Public Meeting Sign In Form(and indicated your desire to speak at the meeting),a Webex meeting invitation will be emailed(up to 30 minutes prior to the meeting start time)on the day of the meeting. If you don't see the invitation in your email inbox please check your junk/spam folder. Your Information First Name* Last Name* Thomas Bobo Physical Street Address* 435 E Shore Drive,Suite 120 City* State* Zip Code* Eagle ID 83616 Contact Phone Number*(9) Email* 206-579-1270 Select if Applicable I am here representing my HOA or Neighborhood Group I wish to speak at this meeting Signature* 'Vf e4/ff&19'C4 Date 02/08/2021 11:52:59 AM Meeting Information Meeting Type* City Council Date of Meeting* 02/09/2021 Do you have visual material to present?* Yes • No I Want to Provide Feedback On* • Agenda Item Other Topic Agenda Item Number* Please provide Item number/letter reference from Agenda(ex:9A) 9E and 9F Stance On Agenda Item* If selecting"Other"please provide clarification in the comments field below. • Support Oppose Other Comments on Agenda Item Please provide any additional comments here. I work for the developer of the project referenced in Consent Agenda items 9E and 9F.I am attending virtually in case the Council has any questions regarding the project. WE CITY OF Public Meeting Sign In Form Form used to provide remote public comment via Webex for city meetings To provide remote public comment via Webex for city meetings please follow the instructions and complete the form below. You must submit the form at least 60 minutes before the meeting start time in order to receive a Webex invite via email to comment or testify at the meeting. Information submitted via this form is subject to Idaho's Public Records Act,in regard to both release and retention,and may be released upon request,unless exempt from disclosure by law. Note: If you have visual materials to display during the public meeting,you must email the materials in PowerPoint(.ppt)or PDF format to City of Eagle at least 6 business hours prior to the start of the meeting. Email files Once you have completed the Public Meeting Sign In Form(and indicated your desire to speak at the meeting),a Webex meeting invitation will be emailed(up to 30 minutes prior to the meeting start time)on the day of the meeting. If you don't see the invitation in your email inbox please check your junk/spam folder. Your Information First Name* Last Name* Harmony Stahl Physical Street Address* 102 Court Street City* State* Zip Code* Elko NV 89801 Contact Phone Number*(?) Email* 775-934-0222 Select if Applicable I am here representing my HOA or Neighborhood Group ✓ I wish to speak at this meeting Signature* Date 02/08/2021 08:32:49 PM Meeting Information Meeting Type* City Council Date of Meeting* 02/09/2021 Do you have visual material to present?* Yes • No I Want to Provide Feedback On* • Agenda Item Other Topic Agenda Item Number* Please provide Item number/letter reference from Agenda(ex:9A) ACTION ITEM:CPA-01-20/RZ-05-20—Quarry Village Stance On Agenda Item* if selecting"Other"please provide clarification in the comments field below. • Support Oppose Other Comments on Agenda Item Please provide any additional comments here. As co-owner of the property,I wish to speak about the history of the property and our vision for Quarry Village in the future. THE CITY OF Public Meeting Sign In Form Form used to provide remote public comment via Webex for city meetings s To provide remote public comment via Webex for city meetings please follow the instructions and complete the form below. You must submit the form at least 60 minutes before the meeting start time in order to receive a Webex invite via email to comment or testify at the meeting. Information submitted via this form is subject to Idaho's Public Records Act,in regard to both release and retention,and may be released upon request,unless exempt from disclosure by law. Note: If you have visual materials to display during the public meeting,you must email the materials in PowerPoint(.ppt)or PDF format to City of Eagle at least 6 business hours prior to the start of the meeting. Email files Once you have completed the Public Meeting Sign In Form(and indicated your desire to speak at the meeting),a Webex meeting invitation will be emailed(up to 30 minutes prior to the meeting start time)on the day of the meeting. If you don't see the invitation in your email inbox please check your junk/spam folder. Your Information First Name* Last Name* Debbie Arnold Physical Street Address* 2991 E Gold Creek St City State* Zip Code* Eagle ID 83616 Contact Phone Number*('') Email* 208-559-1236 Select if Applicable I am here representing my HOA or Neighborhood Group I wish to speak at this meeting Signature*LAID ( Date 02/09/2021 04:04:13 PM Meeting Information Meeting Type* City Council Date of Meeting* 02/09/2021 Do you have visual material to present?* Yes • No I Want to Provide Feedback On* • Agenda Item Other Topic Agenda Item Number* Please provide Item number/letter reference from Agenda(ex:9A) CPA-01-20/RZ-05-20 Stance On Agenda Item* If selecting"Other"please provide clarification in the comments field below. • Support Oppose Other Comments on Agenda Item Please provide any additional comments here. I Support this project of Quarry Village to continue in planning phases and to beautify and bring this project to East end of Eagle. cL0 a y7 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page 1 Check Issue Dates:1/27/2021-2/8/2021 Feb 08,2021 03:41 PM Report Criteria Report type' GL detail Bank.Bank account="82007705" Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount 33960 01/27/2021 33960 Ada County Sheriff-Civil Division 012921 17-0217-08-00 GARNISHMENT 513 79 Total 33960 513 79 33961 01/27/2021 33961 Again LLC 38 01-0413-55-00 COVID-19 EXPENDIURES 10,306 92 Total 33961 10,306,92 33962 01/27/2021 33962 Ann Veloso SPRNG 2021 06-0463-03-05 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 4,329 06 Total 33962. 4,329.06 33963 01/27/2021 33963 Idaho Child Support Receipting 01-29-21 23-0217-08-00 GARNISHMENT 152 30 01/27/2021 33963 Idaho Child Support Receipting 01-29-21 23-0217-08-00 GARNISHMENT 138 46 Total 33963 290.76 33964 01/27/2021 33964 Key Bank-HSA 012921 17-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 625.00 01/27/2021 33964 Key Bank-HSA 012921 13-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 100.00 01/27/2021 33964 Key Bank-HSA 012921 13-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 150.00 01/27/2021 33964 Key Bank-HSA 012921 06-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 660 00 01/27/2021 33964 Key Bank-HSA 012921 23-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 575 00 01/27/2021 33964 Key Bank-HSA 012921 09-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 100 00 01/27/2021 33964 Key Bank-HSA 012921 60-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 100 00 01/27/2021 33964 Key Bank-HSA 012921 11-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 120,00 01/27/2021 33964 Key Bank-HSA 012921 14-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 300 00 Total 33964 2,730 00 33965 01/29/2021 33965 Larry W Ralston 49 01-0413-55-00 COVID-19 EXPENDIURES 13,981 80 Total 33965 13,981 80 33966 02/08/2021 33966 AAF International 91621134 23-0414-11-00 HVAC MAINTENANCE 160 64 Total 33966 160.64 33967 02/08/2021 33967 ABC Stamp Co. 0548745 17-0422-06-00 PRINTING-DUPLICATION 40 87 Total 33967 40 87 33968 02/08/2021 33968 Ada County Highway District JAN 2021 IMPACT 01-0203-00-00 ACCTS PAYABLE-ACHD IMPACT FEES 168,217 00 177 Jason Pierce 953 Ellen Mattila 1137 Eric Ziegenfuss 1902 Tammy Magnuson 1910 Julio Gonzalez 1928 Tom Benzler 1936 Brandon Ure 2612 Paige Martin-Thomas 2721 Robin Collins 2732 Robert Hollerman 3577 City of Eagle-Admin Card 4063 Jessica Bradley 4762 Steve B-Library 4796 Steve Noyes 4812 Devonte Goodman 5181 Ann Veloso 5249 Allen Cormier 5272 Bill Vaughan 5280 Nichoel Baird-Spencer 5298 Michael Williams 5306 Barb Williams 5314 Emily Gero 5330 Steve Nash 5348 Steven Wisener 5371 Sheri Horton 5389 Tracy Osborn 5405 Holly Csencsits 5413 Ellen Smith 5421 Ken Acuff 5439 Kellie Rekow 5447 Greg Foley 5454 Jeremy Friton 5681 Irene Benvenuti 5699 Emily Allen 7348 Christine Heimbigner 7355 John Gonzales 8819 Brandon Johnson 9393 Alana Dunn 9731 Dane Knickrehm ***Cards other than Dept. Heads,Rec Staff and Special Event staff are kept in the City Clerks office until needed. City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page. 2 Check Issue Dates:1/27/2021-2/8/2021 Feb 08,2021 03 41PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount Total 33968 168,217 00 33969 02/08/2021 33969 Ada County Prosecuting Attorney FEB 2021 01-0416-05-00 PROSECUTOR 5,333.00 Total 33969 5,333 00 33970 02/08/2021 33970 Alsco LBO11866749 23-0414-05-00 PAPER PRODUCTS 88.44 Total 33970 88 44 33971 02/08/2021 33971 Anna Rose Byers VALENTINE 2/21 17-0416-00-00 CONTRACT-PERMITS-CAMPS/CLASS 63 00 Total 33971' 63 00 33972 I 02/08/2021 33972 Batteries Plus P35945960 23-0480-23-00 Guerber Park LED Lights 1,521 87 Total 33972 1,521 87 33973 02/08/2021 33973 B's Ace Hardware 65083 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 15 36 02/08/2021 33973 B's Ace Hardware 65183 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 4 80 02/08/2021 33973 B's Ace Hardware 65310 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 42 72 02/08/2021 33973 B's Ace Hardware 65326 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 11 1 8 02/08/2021 33973 B's Ace Hardware 65332 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 19 58 02/08/2021 33973 B's Ace Hardware 65336 60-0434-58-01 RPR/MTNC PUMPS-WELLS-CHEMICA 23 99 02/08/2021 33973 B's Ace Hardware 65519 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 27 99 02/08/2021 33973 B's Ace Hardware 65535 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 29 98 02/08/2021 33973 B's Ace Hardware 65954 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 7 59 02/08/2021 33973 B's Ace Hardware 65976 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 19 99 02/08/2021 33973 B's Ace Hardware 66123 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 10 58 02/08/2021 33973 B's Ace Hardware 66160 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 4 14 02/08/2021 33973 B's Ace Hardware 66188 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 17 98 02/08/2021 33973 B's Ace Hardware 66201 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 18 56 02/08/2021 33973 B's Ace Hardware 66420 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 32 15 02/08/2021 33973 B's Ace Hardware 66604 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 8 78 02/08/2021 33973 B's Ace Hardware 67284 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 12.78 02/08/2021 33973 B's Ace Hardware 67307 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 2 26 02/08/2021 33973 B's Ace Hardware 67414 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 14 99 02/08/2021 33973 B's Ace Hardware 67609 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 3 68 02/08/2021 33973 8's Ace Hardware 67625 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 14 99 02/08/2021 33973 B's Ace Hardware 67637 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 74.99 02/08/2021 33973 B's Ace Hardware 67741 17-0423-00-01 REC SUPPLIES-TEAM SPORTS 6 67 02/08/2021 33973 B's Ace Hardware 68196 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 39 96 02/08/2021 33973 B's Ace Hardware 68254 60-0434-68-00 UNIFORMS 7 99 02/08/2021 33973 B's Ace Hardware 68347 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 27 99 02/08/2021 33973 B's Ace Hardware 68373 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 32.57 02/08/2021 33973 B's Ace Hardware 68623 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 31 99 02/08/2021 33973 B's Ace Hardware 68850 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 19 96 02/08/2021 33973 B's Ace Hardware 68878 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 229.99 Total 33973 816 18 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page 3 Check Issue Dates:1/27/2021-2/8/2021 Feb 08,2021 0341PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount 33974 02/08/2021 33974 BSN Sports Inc 911118255 17-0423-00-01 REC SUPPLIES-TEAM SPORTS 211 00 Total 33974 211.00 33975 02/08/2021 33975 CenturyLink ALARMS 1/21 23-0442-04-00 UTILITIES 123 18 Total 33975 123.18 33976 02/08/2021 33976 Checkr Inc CORE BACKGROU 17-0422-10-00 BACKGROUND CHECKS 60.00 Total 33976 60.00 33977 02/08/2021 33977 Christina Ray 203 17-0422-02-00 ADVERTISING/MKTING CAMP/CLASS 44 00 Total 33977 44 00 33978 02/08/2021 33978 City Of Eagle BMX H2O 01/21 23-0454-04-00 UTILITIES 123 27 02/08/2021 33978 City Of Eagle SPORTSMAN H2O 23-0463-04-00 UTILITIES 55 83 Total 33978, 179 10 33979 02/08/2021 33979 Co-Energy CL85657 23-0417-02-00 GAS AND OIL 415 68 02/08/2021 33979 Co-Energy CL85657 60-0420-01-00 FUEL&LUBRICANTS 136.17 02/08/2021 33979 Co-Energy CL85657 17-0424-03-00 GAS 6815 Total 33979 620 00 33980 02/08/2021 33980 Commercial Tire 11466 23-0420-00-00 MTNC/REPAIR EQUIPMENT 838.04 02/08/2021 33980 Commercial Tire 11467 23-0420-00-00 MTNC/REPAIR EQUIPMENT 108,00 02/08/2021 33980 Commercial Tire 11568 60-0420-03-00 VEHICLE MTNC&REPAIR 745 40 Total 33980 1,691.44 33981 02/08/2021 33981 Core&Main LP N626065 60-0438-08-00 CAPITAL METER SETS(NEW OUST) 10,057 96 Total 33981 10,057,96 33982 02/08/2021 33982 Craig Ezekiel Brasher JAN 2021 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 100.00 Total 33982 100 00 33983 02/08/2021 33983 CTC Business FEB 2021 18-0417-01-00 INTERNET&PHONE SERVICES 413 95 Total 33983. 413 95 33984 02/08/2021 33984 D&B Supply 45424 60-0434-68-00 UNIFORMS 7 99 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page 4 Check Issue Dates.1/27/2021-2/8/2021 Feb 08,2021 03 41 PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount 02/08/2021 33984 D&B Supply 45424 60-0434-26-00 TOOLS,EQUIPMENT AND SUPPS 3 49 Total 33984 11 48 33985 02/08/2021 33985 Dave or Kristina Warner UTILITY FINAL 99-0107-00-00 CASH CLEARING-UTILITY BILLING 41 90 Total 33985 41.90 33986 02/08/2021 33986 David Duperault JAN 2021 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 100 00 Total 33986 100 00 33987 02/08/2021 33987 Dell Marketing L P 10459122175 18-0416-02-00 REPAIR&SERVICES 1,417 43 Total 33987 1,417 43 33988 02/08/2021 33988 Delta Dental of Idaho FEB 2021 60-0217-07-00 WATER DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 387 51 02/08/2021 33988 Delta Dental of Idaho FEB 2021 06-0217-07-00 LIBRARY HEALTH INSURANCE 329 29 02/08/2021 33988 Delta Dental of Idaho FEB 2021 23-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 497 24 02/08/2021 33988 Delta Dental of Idaho FEB 2021 26-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 136.95 02/08/2021 33988 Delta Dental of Idaho FEB 2021 12-0217-07-00 CLERK DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 257.44 02/08/2021 33988 Delta Dental of Idaho FEB 2021 07-0217-07-00 MUSEUM HEALTH INSURANCE 41 76 02/08/2021 33988 Delta Dental of Idaho FEB 2021 17-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 125.28 02/08/2021 33988 Delta Dental of Idaho FEB 2021 18-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 136.95 02/08/2021 33988 Delta Dental of Idaho FEB 2021 14-0217-07-00 P&Z DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 358.37 02/08/2021 33988 Delta Dental of Idaho FEB 2021 11-0217-07-00 EXEC DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 41.76 02/08/2021 33988 Delta Dental of Idaho FEB 2021 13-0217-07-00 BLDG DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 220 47 Total 33988 2,533.02 33989 02/08/2021 33989 Dennis Holte PLUMBING INSP 1/ 13-0416-09-00 PLUMBING INSPECTIONS 14,579 61 Total 33989 14,579 61 33990 02/08/2021 33990 Derek T Smith JAN 2021 01-0413-01-00 P&Z COMMISSIONERS COMPENSATI 50 00 Total 33990 50 00 33991 02/08/2021 33991 Diane McLaughlin JAN 2021 01-0413-01-00 P&Z COMMISSIONERS COMPENSATI 70 00 Total 33991 70 00 33992 02/08/2021 33992 DigLine 85400 60-0434-44-00 DIG LINE 256 62 Total 33992 256 62 33993 02/08/2021 33993 Eagle Fire Protection District JAN 2021 DEV IMP 01-0469-00-00 FIRE DEPT IMPACT FEES 17,940 00 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page. 5 Check Issue Dates 1/27/2021-2/8/2021 Feb 08,2021 03 41 PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount Total 33993. 17,940 00 33994 02/08/2021 33994 Eagle Nazarene Church 010621 17-0423-03-00 FACILITY RENTAL 200.00 02/08/2021 33994 Eagle Nazarene Church 1272021 17-0423-03-00 FACILITY RENTAL 100 00 Total 33994 300 00 33995 02/08/2021 33995 Eagle Sewer District CITY HALL 2/21 23-0442-04-00 UTILITIES 144 00 02/08/2021 33995 Eagle Sewer District GUERBER PK 2/21 23-0449-04-00 UTILITIES 36 00 02/08/2021 33995 Eagle Sewer District PARKS 2/21 23-0450-04-00 UTILTIES 18 00 02/08/2021 33995 Eagle Sewer District PARKS 2/21 23-0452-04-00 UTILITIES 18 00 02/08/2021 33995 Eagle Sewer District SPORTS COMP 2/2 23-0454-04-00 UTILITIES 36 00 02/08/2021 33995 Eagle Sewer District SPORTSMAN 2/21 23-0463-04-00 UTILITIES 36.00 Total 33995 288 00 33996 02/08/2021 33996 Elec Controls & Instrumentals,LL JAN 2021 INSP 13-0416-25-00 ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR 16,57944 Total 33996 16,579 44 33997 02/08/2021 33997 Farmers Union Ditch Co.,Ltd 11478 23-0416-01-00 FARMERS UNION-ASSESSMENT/FEE 1,153 03 Total 33997: 1,153 03 33998 02/08/2021 33998 Fishers Technology 873640 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 47 62 Total 33998 47 62 33999 02/08/2021 33999 G&R Ag Products,Inc. 1015399-0000-01 23-0460-01-00 EQUIPMENT 298 94 02/08/2021 33999 G&R Ag Products,Inc 1252380-0001-01 23-0460-01-00 EQUIPMENT 5,190 73 02/08/2021 33999 G&R Ag Products,Inc. 1252778-0001-01 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 28 64 Total 33999 5,518 31 34000 02/08/2021 34000 Geoffrey A Edwards 013021 17-0416-00-00 CONTRACT-PERMITS-CAMPS/CLASS 105 D0 Total 34000. 105.00 34001 02/08/2021 34001 Grizzly Sports 32432 23-0420-00-00 MTNC/REPAIR EQUIPMENT 1,869 93 02/08/2021 34001 Grizzly Sports 32873 23-0420-00-00 MTNC/REPAIR EQUIPMENT 78720 Total 34001: 2,657 13 34002 02/08/2021 34002 HECO Engineers DRAINAGE 1/21 01-0413-31-00 ENGINEERING FEE/DEVELOPER CHG 3,750 00 02/08/2021 34002 NECO Engineers ENG FEES/DEV FE 01-0413-31-00 ENGINEERING FEE/DEVELOPER CHG 60,073.50 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page 6 Check Issue Dates 1/27/2021-2/8/2021 Feb 08,2021 03.41PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount Total 34002: 63,823.50 34003 02/08/2021 34003 Holland&Hart LLP 1869598 01-0416-02-00 CITY ATTORNEY 9,647 50 Total 34003 9,647 50 34004 02/08/2021 34004 Idaho Business Review 2140747 01-0413-28-00 RESOURCE MATERIALS 149.00 Total 34004. 149 00 34005 02/08/2021 34005 Idaho Department of Labor 4TH QTR 2020 06-0461-28-00 UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS 105 59 Total 34005- 105 59 34006 02/08/2021 34006 Idaho Humane Society,Inc FEB 2021 01-0416-06-00 IDAHO HUMANE SOCIETY 11,473 67 Total 34006 11,47367 34007 02/08/2021 34007 Idaho Power Co-Processing Ctr PARKS 1/21 23-0450-04-00 UTILTIES 163 68 02/08/2021 34007 Idaho Power Co-Processing Ctr PARKS 1/21 23-0449-04-00 UTILITIES 399 94 02/08/2021 34007 Idaho Power Co-Processing Ctr PARKS 1/21 23-0463-04-00 UTILITIES 908.47 02/08/2021 34007 Idaho Power Co-Processing Ctr PARKS 1/21 23-0454-04-00 UTILITIES 614 84 02/08/2021 34007 Idaho Power Co-Processing Ctr PARKS 1/21 23-0453-04-00 UTILITIES 89 45 02/08/2021 34007 Idaho Power Co.-Processing Ctr PARKS 1/21 23-0459-04-00 UTILITIES 696,50 02/08/2021 34007 Idaho Power Co-Processing Ctr PARKS 1/21 23-0452-04-00 UTILITIES 195 87 02/08/2021 34007 Idaho Power Co-Processing Ctr PARKS 1/21 23-0415-09-00 WYCLIFFE PUMP STATION 34,86 Total 34007. 3,103.61 34008 02/08/2021 34008 International Code Council Inc 1001293711 13-0413-28-00 RESOURCE MATERIALS 339.00 Total 34008 339.00 34009 02/08/2021 34009 Joanne Wilcox UTILITY FINAL 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 63 95 Total 34009: 63 95 34010 02/08/2021 34010 Louis Germano JAN 2021 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 100 00 Total 34010: 100 00 34011 02/08/2021 34011 Maddalena Costanzo 012521 REC CLAS 17-0416-00-00 CONTRACT-PERMITS-CAMPS/CLASS 140 00 Total 34011 140 00 34012 02/08/2021 34012 MASTERCARD 1137-JAN 2021 23-0460-01-00 EQUIPMENT 4,52999 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page 7 Check Issue Dates'1/27/2021-2/812021 Feb 08,2021 03 41 PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount 02/08/2021 34012 MASTERCARD 1137-JAN 2021 23-0460-01-00 EQUIPMENT 2,026 84 02/08/2021 34012 MASTERCARD 1137-JAN 2021 23-0414-08-00 SIGNS&SIGN REPLACEMENT 86 2 73 02/08/2021 34012 MASTERCARD 1137-JAN 2021 19-0465-06-00 EXPANSION OF CITY HALL 00 010 02/08/2021 34012 MASTERCARD 1137-JAN 2021 23-0413-10-00 PUBLIC RELATIONS 02/08/2021 34012 MASTERCARD 1137-JAN 2021 23-0414-06-00 BACK FLOW PARTS REPLACEMENT 96.47 02/08/2021 34012 MASTERCARD 1137-JAN 2021 23-0414-02-00 MIS MTNC&REPAIR GROUNDS 195 00 02/08/2021 34012 MASTERCARD 2612-JAN 2021 17-0423-00-00 REC SUPPLIES-CAMPS&CLASSES 83 71 02/08/2021 34012 MASTERCARD 2721-JAN 2021 26-0413-14-00 PROFESSIONAL DUES 295 00 02/08/2021 34012 MASTERCARD 2721-JAN 2021 26-0413-14-00 PROFESSIONAL DUES 180.00 02/08/2021 34012 MASTERCARD 3577-JAN 2021 01-0413-50-00 JOB POSTINGS 839 67 3577-JAN 2021 23-0460-00-00 TOOLS 434.99 02/08/2021 34012 MASTERCARD 79 90 02/08/2021 34012 MASTERCARD 3577-JAN 2021 23-0460-00-00 TOOLS 02/08/2021 34012 MASTERCARD 3577-JAN 2021 23-0417-01-00 VEHICLE MTNC&REPAIR 48 9048 90 02/08/2021 34012 MASTERCARD 3577-JAN 2021 01-0413-28-00 RESOURCE MATERIALS 3577-JAN 2021 23-0460-00-00 TOOLS 155 49 02/08/2021 34012 MASTERCARD 55 85 02/08/2021 34012 MASTERCARD 3577-JAN 2021 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 3577-JAN 2021 01-0462-01-00 PUBLIC RELATIONS 39 30 02/08/2021 34012 MASTERCARD 22 40 02/08/2021 34012 MASTERCARD 3577-JAN 2021 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 02/08/2021 34012 MASTERCARD 3577-JAN 2021 01-0413-51-00 BACKGROUND CK-PRE-EMPLOYMEN 132.48 02/08/2021 34012 MASTERCARD 3577-JAN 2021 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 310.93 3577-JAN 2021 12-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 49.90 02/08/2021 34012 MASTERCARD 30 98 02/08/2021 34012 MASTERCARD 3577-JAN 2021 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 02/08/2021 34012 MASTERCARD 3577-JAN 2021 01-0462-02-00 AWARDS&RECOGNITIONS 126 87 3577-JAN 2021 01-0462-02-00 AWARDS&RECOGNITIONS 27.64 02/08/2021 34012 MASTERCARD 3 99 02/08/2021 34012 MASTERCARD 4063-JAN 2021 17-0423-02-00 FIELD TRIPS 3 99 02/08/2021 34012 MASTERCARD 4063-JAN 2021 17-0423-02-00 FIELD TRIPS 02/08/2021 34012 MASTERCARD 4063-JAN 2021 17-0423-00-00 REC SUPPLIES-CAMPS&CLASSES 216 13 02/08/2021 34012 MASTERCARD 4812-JAN 2021 18-0417-01-00 INTERNET&PHONE SERVICES 100.00 02/08/2021 34012 MASTERCARD 4812-JAN 2021 18-0419-02-00 EQUIPMENT 1,174 16 02/08/2021 34012 MASTERCARD 4812-JAN 2021 18-0419-02-00 EQUIPMENT 136 81 02/08/2021 34012 MASTERCARD 5249-JAN 2021 23-0463-01-00 BLDG/STRUCTURES MTNC REPAIR 700 00 02/08/2021 34012 MASTERCARD 5249-JAN 2021 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 13 57 02/08/2021 34012 MASTERCARD 5371-JAN 2021 01-0462-01-00 PUBLIC RELATIONS 81 59 02/08/2021 34012 MASTERCARD 5389-JAN 2021 01-0462-01-00 PUBLIC RELATIONS 249 10 5439-JAN 2021 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 60 00 02/08/2021 34012 MASTERCARD 30 00 02/08/2021 34012 MASTERCARD 5454-JAN 2021 60-0434-23-00 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS 127 10 02/08/2021 34012 MASTERCARD 8819-JAN 2021 17-0423-00-01 REC SUPPLIES-TEAM SPORTS 02/08/2021 34012 MASTERCARD 8819-JAN 2021 17-0422-07-00 PROFESSIONAL DUES 50 00 02/08/2021 34012 MASTERCARD 8819-JAN 2021 17-0423-00-01 REC SUPPLIES-TEAM SPORTS 47 90 02/08/2021 34012 MASTERCARD 8819-JAN 2021 17-0423-00-01 REC SUPPLIES-TEAM SPORTS 36 77 02/08/2021 34012 MASTERCARD 8819-JAN 2021 17-0423-00-01 REC SUPPLIES-TEAM SPORTS 113.00 199.00 02/08/2021 34012 MASTERCARD 8819-JAN 2021 17-0422-03-00 PRINTING-DUPLICATION 02/08/2021 34012 MASTERCARD 8819-JAN 2021 09-0463-26-00 MEMBERSHIPS 29.95 02/08/2021 34012 MASTERCARD 8819-JAN 2021 17-0422-03-00 PRINTING-DUPLICATION 50 00 02/08/2021 34012 MASTERCARD 8819-JAN 2021 17-0423-00-00 REC SUPPLIES-CAMPS&CLASSES 75.08 02/08/2021 34012 MASTERCARD 8819-JAN 2021 09-0467-04-00 GAZEBO CONCERT SERIES 9 99 02/08/2021 34012 MASTERCARD 8819-JAN 2021 17-0423-00-00 REC SUPPLIES-CAMPS&CLASSES 49 08 02/08/2021 34012 MASTERCARD 8819-JAN 2021 17-0423-00-00 REC SUPPLIES-CAMPS&CLASSES 100.81 02/08/2021 34012 MASTERCARD 9393-JAN 2021 07-0461-03-00 CONFERENCES&SEMINARS 134 32 02/08/2021 34012 MASTERCARD 9731-JAN 2021 17-0423-00-01 REC SUPPLIES-TEAM SPORTS 1,13396 02/08/2021 34012 MASTERCARD 9731-JAN 2021 17-0423-00-01 REC SUPPLIES-TEAM SPORTS 953.98- 02/08/2021 34012 MASTERCARD 9731-JAN 2021 17-0423-00-01 REC SUPPLIES-TEAM SPORTS 56 45 02/08/2021 34012 MASTERCARD 9731-JAN 2021 17-0423-00-01 REC SUPPLIES-TEAM SPORTS 26486.86 00 02/08/2021 34012 MASTERCARD 9731-JAN 2021 17-0422-10-00 BACKGROUND CHECKS 02/08/2021 34012 MASTERCARD 9731-JAN 2021 17-0423-00-01 REC SUPPLIES-TEAM SPORTS 126 57 02/08/2021 34012 MASTERCARD 9731-JAN 2021 17-0423-00-01 REC SUPPLIES-TEAM SPORTS 19 06 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page- 8 Check Issue Dates'1/27/2021-2/8/2021 Feb 08,2021 03 41PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount Total 34012 14,671 48 34013 02/08/2021 34013 NAPA Auto Parts 178135 23-0417-01-00 VEHICLE MTNC&REPAIR 41 97 Total 34013 41 97 34014 02/08/2021 34014 National Benefit Services,LLC 787777 01-0415-23-01 HRA BILLING 75 55 02/08/2021 34014 National Benefit Services,LLC 787777 06-0461-23-01 HRA ADMIN FEES 75 55 total 34014 151 10 34015 02/08/2021 34015 Oxarc,Inc 31164696 60-0434-59-00 CHEMICALS 1,39700 Total 34015 1,397 00 34016 02/08/2021 34016 Parker Planning Services,LLC 4 14-0416-03-00 Professional Service Contracts 2,040 00 Total 34016 2,040.00 34017 02/08/2021 34017 Parsons Behle&Latimer a Corp 1334402 01-0416-02-00 CITY ATTORNEY 3,816 00 02/08/2021 34017 Parsons Behle&Latimer a Corp 1334402 60-0434-42-02 MISC LEGAL AND ENG SERVICES 162 00 Total 34017 3,978 00 34018 02/08/2021 34018 Rick G Wenick JAN 2021 INSPECT 13-0416-13-00 BLDG INSPECTOR 4,332,00 Total 34018 4,332 00 34019 02/08/2021 34019 Rimi,Inc-Terry Medley JAN 2021 INSP 13-0416-11-00 MECHANICAL INSPECTOR 11,897 07 Total 34019 11,897 07 34020 02/08/2021 34020 Robert Grubb JAN 2021 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 50.00 Total 34020 50 00 34021 02/08/2021 34021 SCORE 6650655 17-0423-01-00 UNIFORMS 3,034.20 02/08/2021 34021 SCORE 6650789 17-0423-01-00 UNIFORMS 427 90 02/08/2021 34021 SCORE 6650795 17-0423-01-00 UNIFORMS 405 90 Total 34021 3,868 00 34022 02/08/2021 34022 Shilo Automatic Sprinklers,Inc 721014-1 23-0443-01-00 BLDG MAINTENANCE&REPAIR 125 00 02/08/2021 34022 Shilo Automatic Sprinklers,Inc 721055-1 23-0443-01-00 BLDG MAINTENANCE&REPAIR 563 20 City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page 9 Check Issue Dates:1/27/2021-2/8/2021 Feb 08,2021 03 41PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Issue Date Number Payee GL Account Account Title Amount Total 34022 688.20 34023 02/08/2021 34023 SOLV Bus Solutions-Safeguard-2 407694 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 207 64 Total 34023 207 64 34024 02/08/2021 34024 Southwest Idaho RC&D Council 2147 01-0413-14-00 PROFESSIONAL DUES 500.00 Total 34024 500 00 34025 02/08/2021 34025 Sparklight Business FEB 2021 18-0417-01-00 INTERNET&PHONE SERVICES 100 69 Total 34025 100 69 34026 02/D8/2021 34026 Speciality Construction Supply 0203790 60-0420-03-00 VEHICLE MTNC&REPAIR 700 00 Total 34026 700 00 34027 02/08/2021 34027 Staples Credit Plan 2740461731 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 127 48 02/08/2021 34027 Staples Credit Plan 2740945341 14-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 19 98 02/08/2021 34027 Staples Credit Plan 2740945341 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 30 49 02/08/2021 34027 Staples Credit Plan 2750460351 12-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 2 60 02/08/2021 34027 Staples Credit Plan 2750460531 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 136 39 02/08/2021 34027 Staples Credit Plan 2750460531 12-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 15.48 02/08/2021 34027 Staples Credit Plan 2750460531 60-0434-15-00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 5.05 02/08/2021 34027 Staples Credit Plan 2750474371 13-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 8 03 02/08/2021 34027 Staples Credit Plan 2750474371 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES .59 02/08/2021 34027 Staples Credit Plan 2754187451 06-0420-05-00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 99 96 02/08/2021 34027 Staples Credit Plan 2756487631 17-0422-01-00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 42 49 02/08/2021 34027 Staples Credit Plan 2756487631 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 115 31 02/08/2021 34027 Staples Credit Plan 2756487681 17-0422-01-00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 7 21 02/08/2021 34027 Staples Credit Plan 2756487761 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 22 04 02/08/2021 34027 Staples Credit Plan 2764349571 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 86 63 02/08/2021 34027 Staples Credit Plan 2764349571 14-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 17 81 02/08/2021 34027 Staples Credit Plan 2764676901 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 24 74 02/08/2021 34027 Staples Credit Plan 2764676901 11-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 8 99 Total 34027. 771 27 34028 02/08/2021 34028 Steve Guerber JAN 2021 01-0413-01-00 P&Z COMMISSIONERS COMPENSATI 70 OD Total 34028 70 00 34029 02/08/2021 34029 Suez Water Idaho-payment center 11/20-1/21 P BAKE 23-0459-04-00 UTILITIES 32 20 Total 34029 _. 32.20 34030 02/08/2021 34030 Talena Baer JAN 2021 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 100 00 • City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Check Issue Dates:1/27/2021-2/8/2021 Page 10 Feb 08,2021 03 41PM Check Check Issue Date Number Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Payee GL Account Check Account Title Amount Total 34030 100 00 34031 02/08/2021 34031 Tates Rents 02/08/2021 34031 Tates Rents 1435198-9 23-0480-24-00 Guerber Park,Trail Fencing 320 88 1435202-9 23-0414-02-00 MIS MTNC&REPAIR GROUNDS 159 04 Total 34031 479 92 34032 02/08/2021 34032 Terry L Sayer JAN 2021 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 100 00 Total 34032 100 00 34033 02/D8/2021 34033 The Sherwin Williams Co 38224 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 173 97 Total 34033 173.97 34034 02/08/2021 34034 TIAA Commercial Finance 7876335 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 237 78 Total 34034 237 78 34035 02/08/2021 34035 T-O Engineers 200138-10 19-0466-05-00 EAGLE RD PED/BIKE BRIDGE 1,464 35 Total 34035 1,464 35 34036 02l08/2021 34036 Todd McCauley JAN 2021 01-0413-01-00 P&Z COMMISSIONERS COMPENSATI 50 00 Total 34036 50 00 34037 02/08/2021 34037 Tony Talarino UTILITY FINAL 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 39 31 Total 34037 — ---- 9 31 34038 _ 39 31 02/08/2021 34038 Trent Wright JAN 2021 01-0413-01-00 P&Z COMMISSIONERS COMPENSATI 70 00 Total 34038 70 00 34039 02/08/2021 34039 U S Bancorp Equipment Finance 434705174 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 35 96 Total 34039 35 96 34040 02/08/2021 34040 United Heritage-Group Dept FEB 2021 02/08/2021 34040 United Heritage-Group Dept. FEB 2021 60-0217-07-00 WATER DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 187 46 14-0217-07-00 P&Z DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 272 15 02/08/2021 34040 United Heritage-Group Dept FEB 2021 02/08/2021 34040 United Heritage-Group Dept. FEB 2021 23-0217-07-00 HEALTHLIBRAR INSURANCEHEU INSURANCE 313 82 02/08/2021 34040 United Heritage-Group Dept. FEB 2021 23-0217-07-00 HEALTH 313 82 02/08/2021 34040 United Heritage-Group Dept FEB 2021 16-0217-07-00 HEAL DENT RANCH INSURANCE 138,24 2 02/08/2021 34040 United Heritage-Group Dept FEB 2021 -0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 53 83 12-0217-07-00 CLERK DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 193 65 __________ — — --City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version-II Page_ 11 Feb 08,2021 03 41 PM Check Issue Dates 1/27/2021-2/8/2021 Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Check Check Check Account Title Amount Payee GL Account Issue Date Number ----- ____ —.-_,__._ _.- - 28 72 FEB 2021 07-0217-07-00 MUSEUM HEALTH INSURANCE 128 72 02/08/2021 34040 United Heritage-Group Dept. FEB 2021 17-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 02/08/2021 34040 United Heritage-Group Dept. 109 58 FEB 2021 18-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 22 958 02/08/2021 34040 United Hertage-Group Dept. 09-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 02/08/2021 34040 United Heritage-Group Dept. FEB 2021 22 95 02/08/2021 34040 United Heritage-Group Dept. FEB 2021 11-0217-07-00 EXEC DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 1,693 74 Total 34040 34041 185 49 9871683137 60-0434-19-00 TELECOMMUNICATIONS/SCADA 3,190 49 02/08/2021 34041 Verizon Wireless 9871683137 18-0417-01-00 INTERNET&PHONE SERVICES 02/08/2021 34041 Verizon Wireless 3,375 49 Total 34041: 34042 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 100 00 02/08/2021 34042 Walter John Undgren JAN 2021 100 00 Total 34042 34043 637 41- 02108/2021 34043 Waxie Sanitary Supply 79606849-CREDIT 23-0414-05-00 PAPER PRODUCTS 52 02/08/2021 34043 Waxie Sanitary Supply 79737308-CREDIT 23-0414-05-00 PAPER PRODUCTS 152 38 79767578 23-0414-05-00 PAPER PRODUCTS 045 768 35- 02/08/2021 34043 Waxie Sanitary Supply 23-0414-05-00 PAPER PRODUCTS ry pP Y 79769749 524 76 02/08/2021 34043 Waxie Sanita Su I 79769755 23-0414-05-00 PAPER PRODUCTS 02/08/2021 34043 Waxie Sanitary Supply 169 78 79781859 23-0414-05-00 PAPER PRODUCTS 169.78 02/08/2021 34043 Waxie Sanitary Supply 79785178 23-0414-05-00 PAPER PRODUCTS 02/08/2021 34043 Waxie Sanitary Supply 473 24 Total 34043 34044 512 53 14-0217-07-00 P&Z DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 512 53 02/08/2021 34044 Willamette Dental Insurance FEB 2021 17-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 02/08/2021 34044 Willamette Dental Insurance FEB 2021 62 60 09-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 210 22 02/08/2021 34044 Willamette Dental Insurance FEB 2021 13-0217-07-00 BLDG DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 02/08/2021 34044 Willamette Dental Insurance FEB 2021 250,40 FEB 2021 120660 02/O8/2021 34044 Willamette Dental Insurance FEB 2021 23-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 12-0217-07-00 CLERK DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 02/08/2021 34044 Willamette Dental Insurance FEB 2021 18-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 125 125,6600 02/08/202134044 Willamette Dental Insurance FEB 2021 06-0217-07-00 LIBRARY HEALTH INSURANCE 02/08/2021 34044 Willamette Dental Insurance 1,625 55 Total 34044 34045 2500 02/08/2021 34045 WoodLab LICENSE REFUND 01-0413-25-00 MISCELLANEOUS 25 00 Total 34045 34046 17-0416-00-00 CONTRACT-PERMITS-CAMPS/CLASS 196 00 0210812021 34046 XtraWorX 2021-005 196 00 Total 34046 34047 13,124 32 02/08/2021 34047 Zions Bank SERIES 2013E-20 54-0480-82-00 INTEREST BOND PAYMENT 13,124 32 Total 34047 City of Eagle —Check Register-Transparency Version-II Check Issue Dates 1/27/2021-2/8/2021 Page 12 Feb 08,2021 03.41 PM Check Check Invoice Number Invoice Invoice GL Issue Date Number Payee Check GL Account Account Title Amount Grand Totals 443,349,62 Dated Mayor, City Council, Report Criteria Report type. GL detail Bank Bank account="82007705" `2 oi-1 fi , 1 Leaning Tree Acre oi,;\ �' 1235 North Downing Drive Eagle,Idaho i Jerry Smith and Melissa Wilde +r R'r` ,1 i Presentation for: *t ": A , •, Eagle City Council Meeting n '1 ' ' _ 7 * February 9,2021 ig1r . rj J 1 F �'•t w _ + r . ,. :‘ 1/Brr ok Jed I-oo' 0 'y t I,' -..., � �... • I g�. r t .. Mi.hael Flmir Sri...'"'r ' ,' _ . Y+ •+' 'F'agle • ,. Or i, v '4" ,j _ t. . 2 1 2/23/2021 Floating Feat Smith-Wilde Goat Shed Site Plan b,, from Floating Feiflf •-^, 3G d, =g'_ - . -30'wide ♦: 12'deep i l • "'a y a tall at -8'tall at front 15 ersatoaak ` 11 �, }• � -15'tall at peak i` I{ rseboard and batten ceda sidf - i ,y 'tip. =tdrrogated metal roof - `?^ -1 window on this side �s'+' ., . - -2 Dutch doors _ e� YellowbosoouHneof s 'emu.. .. - fell Si' ' ,' P r' ,-1 open storage area \ proposed accessory building tF' t" (goat shed) - ^ ' gill 41everse board and batten siding r18`iiii 115' metal roof y II at .;� • Goat shed view from Downing Dr �' r r. Y a p o w`r ..r y .y , � jt � `��''�� -12'wide at base '®[riss -15'tall at peak r " :q��` a II OS 1 -2 windows on this side �'; -` x _„t Reverse board and batten siding Ltvv5vowntr t sled me al roof - g or. :7 ,. = — t .1 is_ v' a ` r.t'Aq :1 t w, 3 face/pfap.en..w rods frptboe 1110 be.aa..n RV pat..,,a Mw/0ra9..V Wo IS'2'between popotea goat shed and fence/pfopartY te,. ♦ RV Gavage(37a io RI wee 16'r deep T .- 17'tali w peal volebarn..oaneaaa,r nwui .erg ate toll Wood Slop VS No bloc-mar,nopt r'G Drat Shod µpa.IK'ftwN to a♦h) Vast boat'Una (360 soh) itoaMg faatMr 12,3,wide m'woe N7'deep 12 Heap l0'Y'tan at peal l3'on at peat GownYaE b.stsb, Wood fame, pole Wm.Lka electrum,noonattuctgn Deg a Raver.board One butts Unit batten Fanced past,. asdag app.. 6acres RV Wag.dean Ragear game doe Me house C Droste pad tall of b,engs appa stale' uS'ems ee Darnel Deno (Ism co ft) Goat Shed Site Plan tot 1235 Downing Dr. . 4 2 2/23/2021 &-ott Socor qi1 ir I JHH , ICI1 ( � ` i ❑° cj.Fr. 5 t ak Go t S44•01 Ili xlft ! ! 1 , 1 ; , 1 , 1 . 1111 II 1111 ❑_ c�ct. 6 3 2/23/2021 ii R t .,+ - At. ;p ... Questions? "4 a/' 7 4 2/9/2 0 2 1 -- - . „., . . - ...*. QUARRY VILLAGE ..-j- _ COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT(MAP&TEXT)FROM PROFESSIONAL . .„,..-- OFFICE/BUSINESS PARK TO MIXED USE AND REZONE FROM BP(BUSINESS 4 '-, , - PARK)TO MU-DA(MIXED USE WITH A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT[IN LIEU ' A CONDITIONAL usE pERmITI) CPA-01-20/RZ-052 . . . -- ...... . , .,„ ... . -. . .. .4, .... ..... , .... , Eagle City Council Public Hearing February 9, 2.02 City Staff: Nichoel Baird Spencer,MCRP,AICP,0S0 - - - , - ' • • , -'. 'el 'lle ' Phone: 939-0227 939-0227 . E-Mail: - — 1 — Project Summary f .., CDG Enterprise/Quarry Village, LLC, represented by Dave Yorgason with 1 Tall Timber Consulting, is requesting: *!, • A Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment to modify section 6.18.1- Guerber Park Planninab Area, a Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment to change the future land use map designation from Professional Office/Business Park to Mixed Use, and a rezone from BP (Business Park) to MU-DA (Mixed Use with a development agreement [in lieu of ' a conditional use permit]) to allow for a residential, office, retail, indoor entertainment development, and a height exce t. p io - , • The 27.3-acre site is located north of Hill Road between State Highway 55 and North Horseshoe Bend Road at 9755 Nort Horseshoe Bend Road. ----- — - -- -- •'-' - '- '-- ' -2 1 2/9/2021 `!/ICI>"lfiv Ma ., a o ` t 6� ai. i s tur 3 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT - Comprehensive Plan Map & Text Amendment is a legislative action of the City. The City is not obligated to change the plan and a comprehensive plan amendment does not grant the ap licant the � "right" to change the use of the site. The site-specific allowances °A are part of the Rezone application Decision before the Council: • Should the future land use map designation be changed to Mixed Use? • What land uses should the property be granted? - • Does another solution exist?Why or Why not. • Will the change proposed promote the public benefit.' . • Does the application as conditioned provide the city Assd+r thatthe im et from this:' change are properly considered prior to approval?. 4 2 2/9/2021 Applicant Requestk The applicant is requesting a comprehensive plan future rand use map and text amendment to change the 27 +/- acre site from Professional Office/Business Park to Mixed Use. Existin : "Professional Office/Business Park"Suitable primarily for the eve elopment of technical park/research and development facilities, professional office/office complexes, and limited manufacturing activities, including small-scale production, distribution, and storage of goods. Support activities may also be permitted. Retail may be permitted as an ancillary use within this land use category. Smaller medical uses such as dentist offices and other outpatient clinics are also encouraged. All development within this land use shall be designedp to be within a landscaped setting and be free of hazardous or objectionable elements such as noise, odor, dust, smoke, or glare. Such development should be operated entirely within enclosed structures and generate minimal industrial traffic. Development within this land use designation should be required to proceed through the PUD process. .4116. 5 Proposed: "Mixed Use" Suitable for a mixture of uses including limited office, limited commercial and resident esident a Residential densities within the designation is up to 20 units °' x per acre but density will be determined on a site by site basis. Uses should complement and not take away from downtown Eagle. Development within this land use designation should be required to proceed through the PUD and/or development agreement process. See the planning area text for a complete description of site-specific uses" This request is to allow the following uses • Residential, • Entertainment, • Restaurant, and • Retail 6 3 2/9/2021 Existing .'1 sting Y Neighborhood j I Lj yu Residential %: Comprehensive \\..... Plan Map Designation: `i Residential I r 7 fn 4�• y Mixed Use , ` -«,,,y Boise City , Professional office/ ___ Business Park I r 7 1. Proposed k Mi Neighborhood l Residential Comprehensive • aPlan Map 4_ ::;,Designation: �r ,,„,..rlll g Compact ' Residential 3 z# 7 Public/Semi-Pubic J, Mixed Use i �Y • Boise City Professional office/ '''"'..,,._-_ , Business Parks .t ,. �...- < rev 8 4 2/9/2021 Applicant's Proposed Comprehensive Plan Text } Section 6.18.1 —Guerber Park Planning Area: A. Neighborhood Commercial(limited-service commercial,limited retail,professional office) and compact residential uses(specifically 55 and older)adjacent to Hill Road and with the residential uses transitioning to neighborhood residential toward the north and the existing residential and the park to the west with Mixed-use/Community Commercial allowed on t 27 acre parcel on the north east corner of Hill Road and Highway 55. F. On the NE corner of the State Highway 55 and Hill Road intersection the land use designation is Mixed Use. Due to this site's location,the • availability of services and topography these parcels surrounded by Hill Road,Horseshoe Bend and Highway 55 should be developed with employment,light/boutique manufacturin technology and recreational technology uses,retail of no more than 120,000 square feet and residential units up to 15 dwelling units per acre consisting of a mix of live-work town hom• apartments and condominiums. 9 Relevant P an Goals 84 zPolicies There are numerous goals and policies associated with this request, see pag. 12-29 of the staff report. It is not the Vision of the City's Plan to direct residential growth to thisar The key elements of the City's plan are: • Provide diversified employment opportunities for ail citizens. „';"community focused on economic sustainability,the ability for the city to continue to fund, improve and support itself,including infrastructure,parks,and trails without the use of building.s permit fees, impact fees and zoning fees. • Assign and direct growth into appropriate areas and densities as designated by this plan. g' • A community that balances residential and commercial growth and encourages mixed use activity centers. 10 5 2/9/2021 Council Considerations for the CPA 1) Should the future land use map designation be changed to Mixed Use? This proposal includes the following uses: residential, entertainment, restaurant, and retail, The proposal to chap a the future land use desr' atsQ4i to Mixed Use necessary or t nt•nm n restaurant d re ail . Under the current land use and zoning,limited restaurant and retail(up to 10%of xthe site 12 7- p, acres])could be allowed as an ancillary use to the Business Park Professional Office uses through the City'splanned unit � i... :' ': s The 9 knit h xs not applied for c . planned unit development. . • Retail at the intensity p , ut the PrOtesscanai 0 ,ice/Bus/nos Park Designation. Residential =_; t .�.. .r:act: e P.fp essiOnak O1,ice/Susmss Park Desrgnatian 11 2) Should the mixture of uses include residential (up to 15 units per acre)? • The site is designated as an employment area for the City. ' t del r c + ccfrren f avadable to the y` site to support employment and light manufacturing uses. , • Due to annexation practices of the City of Star the City has very limited'PO/Pp Tariff rent inirrd , Undeveloped Aces Designated as PO BP '1 _ __— This site represents 23%of • l o.c� 7c;a Acrese,^T< toles:Ine>.ed m to Star the available BP/PO land Ile Lore+able to be develnaed in the City's Planning or- 'Average Pa cel Six _ ICe=rentP slat„mac 1 dN" • According to the Ada County Assessor in 2020,the City's tax la• This application converts additional land from Commercial to Residential • The adjacent uses are non-residential in nature or separated by collector roadways—Commercial,Storage,1W Park • • hE COMPASS2040 prodgs Hill Road will have nedlups per day(Map$.5 of the Eagle HOM Papry providing opportunity for trip capture for the no -residential 12 6 2/9/2021 Residential Built Since 2015 , Eagle Residential Building Permits • _ , - ,-,- SF MF Ratio SF:MF I 29%of the Total Single-Fatuity" 2015 446 16 28:1 Units in Eagle have been 2016 489 4 122:1 I constructed in the past 5-years 2017 658 66 10:1 2018 656 32 21:1 1 61%of the Total Multi-family' 2019 433 460 0.94:1 i Units in Eagle have been 2020 474 131 4:1 ! constructed in the past 5-years _. 5-year Total 3156 709 Total Unit Count 10,875 1,156 l 3 in 10 residential units in Eagle . r-- 1 have been constructed in the 5 year Average 88% 9%, i past 5 years .z ..� , Historical Average 96% 3.50% Multifamily uses are allowed in over 15%of the overall land area/land use designations within the City's L. planning area. 13 ° By Comparison : Bridges at Lakemoor:The 25-acres site is approved for Molinari Park:The 24.6-acre site is approved for 248- $ up to 214,000 square feet inclusive of the two 3-story units(91 townhomes and 248 multifamily units),7,000' office buildings,retail,and indoor entertainment(movie sq ft of retail/office within the residential and 5-acres of theater). The site included height waivers of 49-ft for commercial/employment. The site includes a height .. the movie theater and 60-ft for the office buildings. waiver of up to 45-ft. (• � a v ► - - rs � '�••! s ', � , ' sTf' 1. -1 111+.'..--r , y¶ter _... ,3 _ I , r 1 3 _ rt ": ;.- U. Quarry Village, -•• ding to the applicant's narrative, the 27.13-acres site will include up to 275,000 square feet of retail, • office,hotel,and entertainment plus an additional 252,000 square feet of residential(up to 196 units-54 condo and 142 4' apartments).The current proposal would look and feel similar to adding the Molinari Park apartments to the office, .. commercial and entertainments uses approved at the Bridges at Lakemoor 14 7 2/9/2021 Bridges @ Lake moor Molinari Park Quarry Village Acres 25.4-acres 24.6-acres 27-acres 316-units 196-units €. Units of Residential N/A (91 Townhomes&248 (54 condos&142 Apartments) Apartments) 212,000 sq.ft. 7, Residential 275,000 sq.ft. Sq ft of Non- (office,retail& (office,retail,hotel, Residential 5-Acres entertainment) entertainment) CommerciaUOffice 6 Townhomes: 45-ft max Building Height Retail/Restaurant:35-ft Multi-family.45-ft max General. 35-ft (F_CC 8-2-4 est. Office 60-ft Mixed Use:45-ft max ' k.35 ft max) Entertainment:49-ft Commercial/Office Core Area: 60-ft 35-ft or CUP (Bldgs. 9,11,12,13,& Parking Garage) Current: Professional Comp.Plan Mixed Use Downtown Office/Business Park Requesting: Mixed Use Current: Business Park Zone MU-DA-P CBD-DA-P Requesting: MU-DA >;, 15 3) Is there no other option? • Are the uses proposed(residential,.gotertainrneot,.restaumptiand fet.7u the only option for the development of the property', , _ Since 2028,the City has received 28 requestr site locations consistent with the current land use =' - designation(see page 35 of the staff report) z ' 4)Will the change proposed promote the public benefit? • Increased employment options? • Increased retail/entertainment uses? • Increased residential uses in the area? • Is density at this location consistent with the City`s vision and goals?f � ) Does the application as conditioned provide the City assurance that the impact from this change are properly considered prior to approval? r~�� •. Applicant has not completed a TIS for the site. - u • Applicant is requesting the TIS be approved by ITP arid prior to t 1st hulid#pa,perrrut• preliminary plat,or conditional use permit. -�, 16 8 2/9/2021 Planning & Zoning Commission. .4 Recommendation . of On December 7, 2020, the Eagle Planning and Zoning - µ' ommission voted (4 to 1, Smith opposed) to recommend .. of CPA-01-20 with the changes provided on page 37 of the Planning and Zoning Commission Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. 17 City Council Options: . 1)Accept the Planning and Zoning Commission's Recommendation and Approve the request as presented b the Applicant; 2)Deny the application stating 'why the application was denied, 3)Recommend an alternative. (Alternative language from staff is on page 7 of the staff report). 18 9 2/9/2021 F. • , . , w c. Neighborhood If the Council -i.-... Residential ,-, a) finds that a CP t 0 Map Amendment , eirProercial ] . is appropriate, Compact please identify Residential nn 0 the map and text . . changes desired , Rd , Mixed Use 5/ ,..,...,....Boise City Professional Office/ Business Parks 19 . . • Nit'Ittl Staff changes are shown in doubie_nnder,line and. :',•:-., . • .i.ii • :I. :•,: H. • 6.18.1: Guerber Park Planning Area A. Neighborhood Commercial(limited service commercial, limited retail,professional office)and compact residential uses(specifically 55 and older)adjacent to Hill Road and with the residential uses transitioning to neighborhood residential toward the north and the existin?, residential and the park. MAO VSPITIPLQ1Alt54,li.itiji&IN illoviz,ami,ammai , gs tzonsiSent-twil 4e-wie:si with Mixed-use fslc 115jrist 911,Community Commercial ,... , .7.,„.*.i..,. *:I, .:',._ _in:0Kit_ t__. _. ___• cs MIMI;fs,..arzitwi.thialhis Om .- .-1 - ' * 2 • ' '• •-- -` • ' ';- F. On the NE corner of the State Highway 55 and Hill Road intersection the land use designation is iaffl44 +iw- 'PaFk-Mixed Use : • -.-...• : : ' - • Due to this site's location,the availabilit) of services and topography these parcels I surrounded by Hill Road, Horseshoe Bend and Highway 55 should be developed with I employment, liebt'boutique manufacturing,technology and recreational technology uses,retail of no more than 120.000 suuare feet : •: - - . , .,- - . :' . - - • I 2 0 10 2/9/2021 , , „ , „ „ a ......,.......„, , , , , , Concept Plan , J J I , 'I riMillj J It , ,- - - J , 4 i 4 ' I ' 44 J,,, '''r'--7 3 j j :rL -AA..A.,,,t '' ur. d I 1 , j d 4 U i I o ! VI1, ..0 ..e d j.... 1 l'.0 0 '' Id " 1 .. ....'' '''' -' ... cl cl 4, .cl 1 . f,,... •••' ..t.., .cl — — t .fr I J., J ...0 J' 4 ,.:-...*44,...,..4 J., pi 4.".."j . ../‘'.::----- ; , ,.., '.." ., j-4' I I a _ a , J..",.i.J JJ J.1 ..0 i -.A .... -..t JJ, 9755 N HORSESHOE BEND ROAD 21 , ;:,....,...,-7-- -.--........,-........;:„-...41: -,.11 ... 1,........," ...,-1/\-*---al:.:::::..j11.*:::1-:':::1:I'll:14'24Y41-ii l' 1 :Concept . l. Plan ' i- '''' -'4 ..# . _ ... (Quarry ,,,,,,7- -', -.; Commons) it,c1... .,,,„, ....,_ L._ .-r---1::: ..,,,,,i 1,-., .. .,, , - , 1 I , p----1 1 ..., 9 i 2,75az,HORSESHOEIDB, t BEND ROAD 22 11 2/9/2021 Conceptual . .t. Phasing Plan .. - _=-- _\. st ,, . ',- r''., et., 1 '177--,...„ \ I _ ' '.f ' .s VN1 1-1 I �'1 F. ;',. l'IL,,. .,..,,_•.,"1._ {-2,':,,,-:-,,-,;-.7 ' . --‘1 I,.j=u .'---,,, I , _ QI'1RRS'VILLAGE \„ I 1. Conceptual Phasing Plan r { IeOv R LL i1:G PLAN 23 Site PI — =\\ 1 . a an \ 1, ,..„ ` . \' \. :p . Q E; \. i' 24 12 � 7/q/JO21 Site Data Proposed Uses(Based on on the 0 stamped by the City on October 9,2020): Entertainment-85,000-square feet ery, bowling lanes, Buildings contain a mix of uses � � 25 z'omprehensive Plan Amendment A�064-1 ACHD and ITD concerns(Traffic Impact Study) Height Exception (Buildings located within Quarry Commons) Quarry Commons(Timing of construction of the buildings) Maximum square footage of buildings and building footprint,�" Residential Use Permitted uses! Parking i Interconnectivity(access to the no h)i,-,-e policy 6.18.4.A, page 12,and policy 8.4.1./VPU#4�� of the Commission findings) Pathway Easement ITD Transportation Mitigation Agreement ' 26 13 2/9/2021 6.18.4 Issues of Concern A. Due to the limited access allowed under the lTD Access Restrictions, the area must be reviewed as a whole to ensure that individual lot access points are removed and alternative access is provided for as redevelopment occurs 8.4.1 Roadway Strategies N. To the extent possible, access to arterial and collector streets should be Itrniteoir to public streets serving multiple parcels. Frontage and backage roads should be considered where appropriate. When direct parcel access is necessary, cross- access agreements and shared driveways should be used to the extent possible to limit the number of access point - 27 - - Conditions of Development 3.4 As a submittal requirement of the first design review,preliminary plat,or conditional use permit application,whichever occurs first.Owner shall submit an updated Traffic Impact Study(TIS)which has been reviewed and approved by ACHD and ITD.Owner shall be required to comply with all requirements of ACHD and/or ITD,including but not limited to approval of drainage systems,curbs,gutters,streets,and sidewalks. 3.6 The proposed building heights of Building Nos. 9, 11, 12,and 13 (located within Quarry Commons as shown on Exhibit C-2)shall not exceed 60-feet in height as shown on the submitted building elevation (Exhibit E .The "Parkin&Garhown on the Concept Plan [Exhibit C-11)shall not exceed 48-feet in height.Building No. 14 shal take access from the east elevation(with the exception of parking).A height exception will not be required for Building No. 14 based on the topography of the site and the access point. 3.7 Owner shall construct Buildings Nos. 9, 11, 12.,and 13, and the central common area located within Quarry Commons(Exhibit C-2) simultaneously with the first phase of the development as shown on the Conceptual Phasing Plan (Exhibit F). 28 14 2/9/2021 • Condition of Development-----'—'--- -------- -- ., „,...-., 3.8 The Property as deoicted on the Concept Plan is to be developed with a combination of residential and non-residential .' uses allowe within Eagle City Code Section 8-2-3"Official Schedule of District Regulations"under the MU zoning designatio -- I, (except as permitted in Section 3.9,below).The buildings shallf be limited to a maximum ot 235,000-square feet of non- .-..- residential enclosed area(Le,enclosed wit walls No building footprint shall exceed 35,00a-square feet-6f— eniIiVirarea(i.e.,enclosed With walls and roof(inactiusriZal parking areal). .... .,.. 3.9 Except for the limitations and allowances expressly set forth above and the other terms of this Agreement,the Property can be developed and used consistent with the Mixed Use Districti land uses allowed by the Eagle City Code Section 8-2-3 'Official Schedule of District Regulations',existing at thet application or conditional use permit application(whichever the case may be)is made for indivill'alabLscegrueSiele.w All uses shown as"P"permitted under the MU zoning designation within Eagle City Code Section 8-2-3"Official Schedule of. District Regulations,'shall be considered permitted uses and all uses shown as*C conditional uses under the MU zoning designation shall require a conditional use permit. :'- The following uses which are shown as"C"conditional uses under the MU zoning designation within Eagle City Code Section '..' 8-2-3"Official Schedule of District Regulations,"shall be permitted uses on the Property: i • Commercial Entertainment Facility(Indoor)(Bowling alley only) :,- • Dwelling,Multi-Family J.' • Hotel • Microbrewery • Retail Sales(General) , •--,,,-' • Retail Sales(Limited). 29 , • Condition of Development „ :,. .,......,..,,, 3.12 Owner shall provide a parking ana yt'ts - or t e commercia .. buildings at the time of submittal of a design review application. Owner ,., shall provide a joint/collective parking written agreement in conformance with Eagle City Code Section 8-4-3-3(A)(6), prior to issuance of the first building permit. 3.13 Owner shall provide a minimum of two (2) ingress/egress access ',. points to the unplatted property located north of the Property. The location of the two (2) ingress/egress access points shall be reviewed .,. and approved by the City Council prior to the issuance of the first building permit or as part of a preliminary plat approval, whichever , . AaL A- 30 ,. 15 2/9/2021 - Condition of Development ' 3.14 Owner shall provide a 25-foot wide public pathway easement,centered on the existing canal access road located at the northeast corner of the property.The required easement shall terminate at the northern and eastern boundaries of the development : and shall be approximately 420-feet in length (as shown on Exhibit G).The easement shall be dedicated through a recorded pathway easement agreement with the City.Th.' recorded easement shall be delineated on the final plat and a plat note added to the ' 1 final plat referencing the instrument number associated with the recorded pathway , easement agreement. In the event that the Owner provides evidence showing any exclusive easement or legal right of any party that would preclude the granting of a public access easement in the same location, L- *ridition_sbail be cdosidereci, sated. . 3.15 Owner shalt provide a copy Of an execirtedrrn Transportation IVIitigatio' Agreement to the City prior to signature of the first final plat or is.suad‘e of a buildu% . permit whichever comes first. r 31 „.11.111111Nr---Tififf.. Condition of Development (P&Z Commission it added) 3.17 The total number of residential units on the Property shall not exceed 196-units in the aggreg_ate. Future conditional use permits for a residential use will not be required. The residential units shall only be located within Buildings 9, 11. 12,and 13. located within the Quarry Commons area (as identified on Exhibit C-2). In the event Owner desires to utilize Building 14(as identified on Exhibit C-1)for a residential use,Owner shall be required to modify this agreement. - 3.18 Owner shall provide a 3-foot high landscaped buffer berm (minimum height) along North Horseshoe Bend Road, East Hill Road, and SH-55(approximately 450-feet in length from the intersection of East Hill Road and SH-55).The landscaping on the 3- foot high buffer berm shall be commensurate with landscaping requirements pursuant to Eagle City Code Section 8-2A-70)(4)(a).The landscape plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Design Review Board and City Council prior to submittal of a design review application associated with the first buildingor submittal of a final plat application,whichever comes first. 32 16 2/9/2021 Staff Recommendation • Based upon the information provided to staff to date, if the rezone application is approved, staff recommends the Conditions of Development on page 7 of the Staff Report be placed in a development agreement ti 33 P ann ng Commission Recommendation On December 7, 2020, the Eagle Planning and Zoning. Commission voted (4 to 1, Smith opposed) to recommen• of CPA-01-20 with the changes provided on page 37 of the Planning and Zoning Commission Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. On December 7, 2020, the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission voted (3 to 2, McLaughlin & Smith opposed) to ..' recommend of RZ-05-20 with the conditions of .' . development provided on page 37 of the Planning and Zoning Commission Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. 34 17 2/9/2021 End of Presentation 35 Comprehensive Plan Map Designation & Zoning Map Designation COMP PLAN ZONING LAND USE DESIGNATION DESIGNATION Existing Professional Office/Business Park BP(Business Park) Vacant-Gravel Pit(inactive) Proposed Mixed Use MU-DA(Mixed Use with a development agreement) Mixed use residential,commercial,office North of site Professional Office/Business Park BP(Business Park)and R-1(Residential) Vacant parcel and single-family dwelling and Commercial South of site Professional Office/Business Park C-3-DA(Highway Business District with a Fuel Service,Mini-storage,Single-family and Commercial development agreement),BP-DA(Business Park with dwellings a development agreement),and A-R(Agricultural- Residential) East of site Mixed Use and Suburban(City of RP(Rural Preservation—Ada County Designation) Commercial and single-family dwellings Boise designations)and and LO(Limited Office—Ada County designation) Commercial West of site Compact Residential MU-DA(Mixed use with a development agreement SH-55 and single-family residential [in lieu of a PUD]) subdivision(Redstone Ranch Subdivision) 36 18 2/9/2021 Policies about access �€ 6.4 D:Preserve the function of regionally significant roadways transecbng the City while ensuring compatibility land uses and design standards of the City. X 8.2.1.C:Using sound land use and transportation relationships,develop alternate routes for ACHD planners to =,a evaluate that best emphasize the needs of the developing areas while lessening the potential for congestion.This is typically implemented through the development review process 8.3.C:Maintain a land use decision-making process that is supportive of the operational characteristics identified in ..._ the most recent Regional Long-Range Transportation Plan for Ada County of record,and which is protective of living environments along streets.Balance the regional need for connectivity with the local needs of accessibility. • a.3.E:Promote an use policies that limit access as necessary to maintain safe and efficient operation of the existing street system allowing reasonable access to individual development parcels. 37 N.To the extent possible,access to arterial and collector t • j" . ftS =xtl •; stfelets servirtr multiple parcels.Frontage and backage roads shout. _•nsrdered where appropriate.When direct parcel access is necessary,cross-access agreements and spared dri+ewa s shwici be, '.to the extent.•t .imit the number of access points ',I.Work with lTD,ACHD,and adjacent jurisdictions to develop access management plans for arterl highways of regional transportation importance that consider the surrounding land use conte P. Local and collector streets through residential neighborhoods are recommended to provide cannectivve .` while being designed to preserve the character of the surrounding neighborhoods through appropriate= design techniques,including street width,traffic calming,and traffic control.The goal of the local saw , system is to provide for local circulation within Eagle and not for regional traffic.Cul-de-sac streets ari• ; private streets should be discouraged. In order to provide this connectivity new developments should • required to stub access to adjacent undeveloped or underdeveloped parcels consistent with ACHD road -. spacing standards.All new developments should be reviewed fora F?ro opportunities ? � ?A € ruti tac b� local roads and collectors in adjacent developments, 38 19 2/9/2021 S 4.4 A: The city of Eagle may require a traffic study for new developments event 2sr if s` nit traffic impact study should include,but not be limited to,potential impacts to existing traffic patter roadway widths,access to existing and proposed roadways sa. t fit•,. ;ld '` t by ,t Acre t rk�ngar�decletrwn facil ' • 0.2.0:Preserving Regional al Transportation 55,16,44. . _,/26):Presere the .;' ncticsn of region: Ficant roadways t' land uses and +esign standards 39 Guerber Park Planning Area Policie . Beyond general policies the Guerber Park Planning Area further details the importance of interconn= access: x= 6.18.28:To the greatest exte the planning area should be designed with internal orculat+on f pedestrians and bikes betwee.: es.e: -??.non-residential and park us -w 111 6.18.20:Direct lot/development access to State Highway 55 should be discouraged. Access shouttt xx=-� from HAf Road �,� - 6.18.4.A: Due to the limited access allowed under the 1TD Access Restrictions,the area :be reviewed r4 whole to ensure that individual lot access points are removed,and alternative access is r wed Tor as redevelopment occurs,..-: y �3 40 20 2/9/2021 z1 Residential Use Conditions of Development • 3_"a Xhe rota,rwrr of rrs7 ientr.W wee err the Rope i sf,at!wt zsteed ZOO-wet,in the e .Future ou.1t enai us.'e sea antra NaN anN be tasted wet err the_ 9,11,2,2 and 13,lacatod urethra the Ca imensa area las identified onnr�tr C 2 tau•eventuOfhwr deserts to soh., 4 I ag I4{as identified on EaJWtl roil.)for a residential 4se,Owner stud be teeter tpriiadifY this agraamaM POW fONi)iTlONI jds • 3.4?barb as 4ep;ttrdm CCUKept Par,va to he:ier¢ witha cvrnMnMian of rzsdaritialaradnoneecdeetr urea allowed within Eaisle CRY CadsSection$-2-3 ttdal S at i etrict 4: Lrcrons"order the MU err {. t as permitted et Seale.3:9,Woe)Me iwn-residentwt area shall be muted to a maximum of 3S,00rasgwne NetaferR area ;enclosed oath wits aril tool):=daber4.Niobrara sh it excceed33,AW-svw,e Net of rectos darn ji.a,enclosed eixh walla arc4 reel ontluaweot Paren%stealt • 3 9 Ereceyt ter the tirnrfationsar 4 attow,lr *west. set forth rapes and tare other terms et bra' AArmamenr,bee Property can be:is�vadoped and cared tcwni$tent a+tn the ;CI heave heave Use ilishr t land uses Mowed by the 4og a City Codt Section 3-2-3"oit30d S:hedule W Ltistnct Retlations',aaiatang at the t ne a.ies:gn renew.aeolia rm or oonditiarmr .ose pemmt eePimatten(whrdreve thec+ye may be) maaetee mbi+rauat bobjtrig sae. uses shown as"P•perr a tese under tire MU to dess•#ranon wlthm eatgla City CedeSectland-2-3'OftcI,I SctisdWe of Oiatrstt RegWnaans.'shaei be cansidwud per+nutted user and alt uses shaven as'C"conditional uses under the MU zoning ales gnatren ahab eery ire a twdttiersa area prrrnii. • he taaiowi uses which�show as"C'caiditionai uses vender the MU zct une designation rattan Eagle City:ode Becton 3-2.3'Ottkial Schedule or asa:tt Reguiatrons,'shag be peeristred roes ar t�4s Commercial€Mtrtenniteit Facility{Indoor)lBcnNing alley only) 2" D«u#u+g,MiaMi-Famity Hotel .,. rl• tV%p'abrewery '•: Retail Sass(General; c. • Retail Sales(Limited) 41 21 • c&c,t5i,1 - Quarry Village • "The work of today is the history of tomorrow", • :,'''''%.:^174,1t•O'''.:',1414k- ':-'•,ti-J4.‘... " ..-- " - .., ...„, ' .--....,,,, - ,...„,' _ -'.., , i'l -44;*.lamw.".4•Vi4V- V.A`",.:W1W.1" -' - .-..-- - 7..t:- " '' .. ..'"" ' - - - -.. - .-..-, ,-,..,-....•-,- ..:. --,."4.4;..... tir . ''....c,.., - '. * — ' .•. .. '''"' ''.• -,07.4 - ._ 4...- - ."•-.5`7";°';rr" '' -7''''''r- -' '7,, '--- ,_,--,- .4,t641,,,„,_;1/4„.- --""k---P,,,;-1.1/477,-.71,--"'--' -A-tir-'-!mw: - - •_ _ mkt '.':.-7-- --As.47. 4".f.'"4" - ' ';«, T7. • -"--1""-r'44Nr '17,•:, .-4146-1.'4,'" ......,'''.' ''4.**•-.... ',.., • .. ..0" %r ,a,I* 4510.11/A ''''"rt t a i.',.. ,....--4 .,,. .... '...' ''...p, -"Ilt°''''..1.-k. *41%;"'% "' '''', ' -.., ,' ,1/2 ..... . • . - *ts'''... ."1 7ft4Ar.,e '''' ''*" St.{..*C., IA •V c .-• * '` '' 7 ' ,f- -mir. "-,.. , . • . . • , „. . 4, , 7. ---rweiew toe. .4-1/24,',„ '1/2 ' -1/2 1/2..• 44,4" '''' Building- a Village From a Quarry • ,,`••• . • 1. li' *.ti / • WV. The heirs of Ray Dowding and . AilMyron Stahl are honored to present : NO our vision for our old quarry site at • fillit . . • the corner of Hill & 55 , , , , •, k ar- • . A d, a , • Quarry Village Is . . . . • A Tribute to Dreamers and Builders • I • ' h 1. Aa' �'� - �.:s 100gr ¢ ,d`k v ""_`. `k '' �k � �_teM 1 •I y. k„g 1 Vision and Hard Work Built Idaho • Our family land once grew crops to feed the early residents of this valley. Later rock, sand -• '1, and gravel were quarried from this site to help build the foundations, roads and buildings • needed as Idaho grew. Our family is proud of the raw materials we supplied to support the visionaries and workers that shaped this state. • As the heirs of Ray Dowding and Myron Stahl, we are grateful for the hard work and sacrifices they made for us. Long gone, they . are not forgotten. Quarry Village is a tribute ; . . . - to them and to all the developers, architects iiitilt.„ ' "' and builders who create places people love. 1 • What Is � g uar V111 r a e ?. . • A Vision for a Complete Community • , 1 , '. 11,E � .. vie 4i 014 • is q0. ' Y I till pAPI' .a a d °� _ X` 1111 ill — .., _ - V.,•'—'t • y F _., - `� Quarry Village is an urban style community A,. ` set on the border of Eagle and Boise. It's a live, work and play neighborhood that encourages community and discourages commutes. Here's an opportunity to ditch your car for most days i ` of the week. - ` Walk to work with your neighbor and g meet your significant other at the end of the day at 6 l' 'Li, "figilr, your favorite restaurant. This is the way life 1 �►0ii0 used to be in small towns all across the world ... Jo 1 before the automobile separated us. Close to :f charming downtown Eagle and on the way to 14 ° ' - '., the mountains in McCall, this location is ideal for both young and old who love the active t lifestyle of Idaho. i ,: ,.,., --14.1r '... , II '.„.,,,*,i1-:.,:--."-..:: ,"! -4.111,.:=0 .„- . ..1.... vir4-....Ari.• ,.t.1..,„,,41, , .144.. , ‘4.• .,,, . ..., „ . .,„ , ,,,.0,,,,,,,:,,,,,,:.„..r.,::,,,::: ..,,.:,::,,,,,,..:,. .r..1:.;.:,7,,,..,.. .:,ii.,...i..14 1„,61 ,..:4; , ...„,.... E ,. r . ab f F i;."7".1.,.. ;-,.: ,•:.':,:,:: ,'-::.,f,:',1 „ , (*H.,. -. .. . . . .. ..... 41.1 .wj + ""��cC is ua Village? ? ?What • It's a little bit of U. S .A. ,„, -„, .. ,„ „.., ,„,„,„ ,,,,...,.. . ..,. ..„. „„, ....„, . - . .,;,..40.P•. _..,.„ • -,,,„ _ . , ,""„-- , v .,..„, . 4 „„.„„et'' , . .....6 077, ! „ .„ . , . .. ,, . , .., ,,,, ... . .„ . .... „. .. . „ . „ :. _ ,. : ii ,,.., , .... hi: --. - - -.. ,:.': .t-,'..: I ', .' ii 'i ' . .. #� . .. 41 Yome town feel)' x ere the shp eep• t .; +. t •, s in Street U.S. a .-arc i„ec . re an+ . mow, , rr i--- • 'friendly town square. It's a chanc . t II it.00- �.. :�o mingle with neighbors an,c -•` i .! - t &A` k E . R!..._• a special memories 4 r e RN I r e • - ft., I , . 4: , ,L1 4..;-,1'0;i*it 40 • • • .with a sprinkle o Beverly • , ,...,.7. 110; -,• /0°ril. 11 11,1010001011 1 } - Quarry Village Is.... Elegant Architecture +`r Concierge Services # :mot Boutique Shopping Casual and Fine Dining Luxurious Residences :.: 1 • Quarry Village Is . . . . • The Butcher, the Baker and the Chocolate Maker 44 rum, illft 1 4. � ik r d Ilk Atime 0 - .- de...." ,00.-Ar:,-7.,-- I r.' ‘ : F#::,(eV°S 4 if*:'''''-'4 4-74"P "7: ,., ,"71.... ,,, 0 ,, _ ,, 4m... . 7,,aik , ,,,,,,. t ,, * 0#0.## tip .41414„, ---7, , it.4.*-, 7- , ..,„ , ..1 1 et . ww a.,,, re30.6 , . ,,, _ _ , ,.. . .- - -- _. , , ail) • - - roil* Nity4dieta \\ ;. �� ,� Food glorious food!!! Freshly bake• bread. . . the smell of roasting coffee beans. . . bright fresh produce and the ' - hoppy and happy smell of beer. . . Oh W and let's not forget dessert!!! Quarry , Village will be a sensation fille. , � marketplace with every imaginable ,� ,1 " fresh food for consumption onsite, of -. '`� ; - .a: in the comfort of your home. 4 • $1 , .. Quality! Fresh! Unique! Delicious!!! • We are planning to carefully curate the very best in every food category. Gourmet cooks rejoice! ,,,,r....... ,.. „__ ii., Arilkii, Quarry Village will be looking for the highes b . quality locally grown produce and meats, in II " ` # addition to confectioners, chocolate makers an IIIIIbakers. Hate to cook? No worries there, we will • "` ' have prepared food to take home or consume onsite. +mow We want to encourage local chefs and food 6,!kaititiqi; .4:'; 1 wil 4 , ,li �r r. ki , ,,x manufacturers from the area, but we will also be ..,4 • s ,-, bringing in gourmet treats from around the world. No need to travel the world to experience • , ,� the best of the best, we will bring the world to you • right here at Quarry Village! m ,a I • SY Em PYY YOUR TANK --,.y a I • 4 i x . CIA Jr�\ r v { t I , .- _, #fir ii ,'.. ! ``ter i j 4 a • Quarry Village Is . . . . • Fun for Everyone ! ! ! ! ., , - . " ;,:i...ii w.„: • r'''.7 : ''''''- , • ..?*: \ ,,,,,, tip- 9 , • Atilf 0 -. • f We've planned something for everyone at Quarry Air Village! Great activities for the kids, unique wor • f y environments, and entertainment galore! You can be, Y f as active as you want, or just grab a comfy seat ands — ) watch the fun with your best friend!! • ,maLiM' 0. _.,5a1 .,,.. 4( I t ,' it E3 . , 1"1 MIN ab , 7, . � W e N * , • „• s` ,.•• a m , , .. ti r ilk pr r +e w• :::i:::: ffi00- • 9 a • i Y i ♦.: • •-44.,2„ ...,t"‘ '• . ..- ••', •-it Ili ' i,.. . , i ,,,o No- • 4 81 • • 46001-- , a .i.... • .* -xis „ • Grown Up Fun ! • ,, „ . . . ..ram• .4„. .., ,.. . ..„. • .„ . .. 4 ..,, ,.. I:' ,.. ,....., ..„.,...4. . ,.. , . • . ,.... ,..... .4,. • QuarryVillage Is . . . . Quality Boutique Shopping ilinalk 1111111% .• * -7 7- r-1 jilt ,- -..„,_, ' "5 a • 0,-- , . _T;0, _ 111116: ate.r -.. 4 la tillnillett i "444 k ''t 6 • i 1 :,.: trir , 401, I ' . iii i ,, 111111fiL ) _.„--- .....,,, ,,. .1 ,. iiii.„,,,ii ,.... � 1 Shop Till You Drop • I „ > at Quarry Commons & Quarry Village • BY Books and Gifts Children's Clothing and Toys • Mens and Women's Fashion "' Jewelry and Accessories «, Quality Home Furnishings 1 Home Decor and Kitchenware Sporting and Outdoor Goods , :4 • , Gifts and Stationary , W 4 ._.._ • -- - QuarryVillageIs . . . . • , A Place to Pamper Yourself • • , _ _ 444, x zR t=xe, x >..��,.�. , ''fir i It's a place to get fit or stay fit in '. Piot ' .' i luxurious surroundings • . .,. *„. , s v ' .. .11-0%-''...'11'1.1. ti.-',..11.-*:.111. . '1.,'.11'..`' 7:„„,,, OP , . *IP 0 .., ' 1*, • Quarry Village Is . . . . • Timeless Buildings with Modern Appeal • R - el gg . ,6 441.11. ilicto;'.' r0;- 0: 0 ', rt 4 F. F :�, 0 w . , x ** .« goon ;�ilr.-- r i R s • :,,x4 1111i 1!= ,7,, 1,,,,,,t.;.,„;7: i„ip ir,,,, 7 : fi - - ".. "::Pogo , l'em r_-. ti9ni3 ... .. U'1...m..K."f-:e IS IC lit , m._ ; . Classic meets modern , '.. in r blend of at t Ilk 'I.,, styl ,�. ii; l,' lookses as th if ,: � it's been ..r he.. .. , .... re -; ,,,S:41 « forever. 4111 1 • Quarry Commons • Mixed Use Building Concepts • ,„,,..„,„„„,,...„,•,-N:47.-q,4-01-.s. ,,,tyiff-11-40*-5aNci-=.,-----,,-- . ems � . � i y y3 ': ';'.,-,.--'''''' -i-- !WI--:fit .7.i El!!!!!!A-':"! - .. •. nE tip tfj >i+t �e;7N y •fi+ • t s .• +a"� ' „e1' 4 . A II pp, %II IT% . •.t. ' al al 1--.. - of t,-,J `.2 y 3T t ,-,,,. .. . • . i I 1 livi .. ...., ,,.., ... r� i le III r; .1 .si ... , „..11,. . kti -.... . ...., c . • .._. ._. . tn .'tot �P t oe. ...: . ...„ ......,,. . .:,...!. ,.,..., is , „.r.. 1 .. • _______ _ Is . .Village . . . Quarry • Natural Materials and Elements - , .1 ,„s .ram m � • • V. , iT �, � ,t i, • } i\\ ;rig'' ki .too. a w ► a4 t rlR lip! 0 r ., f , ;s� . _. ilINmil a yof 1 ►$► • ► ¢ f illr;240.':.' 1.:1111"4: 1;100:' , ‘41.,.,:.,1,2714.: ill',41: .,,- ' : %.,, ;:::. a 0 Kr` v R ap,yM« kJ. w it:04::„: s it ,, ,i. I -e', : -5,1, t, „44t;* v. 41 ,tea fit, 4'I': • y it, M. ir s. I Itrs � . ....iN `a-.: 4 • Quarry Commons • LuxuryResidences j 6 ,„._ ., n_.,..� 3.. .,,.. - ,.. , . 1 ,• • .„..... _ is ii, I 4 0. . .. 7:-4 Rai Inn ,i ON ;. i ,_.,„,---,. 74,.E-N. YSr .4, .. _ err ..,,, r • +; �•-...-¢ _.,,. "".:-=_.� `t- ,` ,p Y t ,„.,t. ''''°- 4141f"44 Iiiiii ''' 6 '010 , ' !! Al . ,' ,t 1 i i 1 „ ;',.. - io ,. , • ,, / 1 kr ate.. • Don't give up on luxury • when you downsize! T4ife within NValking Distance! Luxurious elevator served I buildings with concierge 4 w,_ service, secure parking and ; • all your favorite shops right ''''', .. -.�,� .� �, �: ° *'. out your door! i, , * �° -v- Tftir • if ' 4 • I • QuarryVilla e Is . . . . . ,,! .. Music! Theater! Dance ! Comedy! . . We plan to host performances of all I"' ° '_ . . • kinds, both indoors and outside on Ar - " our public green. Theater and dance groups, opera, and musical • entertainment will be year round. ... ..., . 1 . ...' ._ ,....-,-..---..-:-.,-.':',-....:'-'':': .- • _ .. dm1 ... ( ... 12' ''fftr .6.-;. r:-...-- .: ..410%.*44.. •• ' -:'.. tlir 416;1,;'-. - .' ie-',.::....--;-;.'' ' ''' a .•''.- Entertainment for all ages. • .-T,4,i:it,,.. .., tIV x • 1 1.:.- -'' '4,04: :'-:. . 3-F4'' -..: ,.;:..... ...._ . ..---. 1/4 iit4 •'''''r. N''.....,... '''. '- ,1 %.,. ''.- •-'111,110,,,,..,, .;,', -....::'''' :].:t,•!,.. ' .„-:„..,.,. • . ;. �•J r h 'y 1.. , ' • r . . 6 I 41110, 1 ..••••(4., - , • ....„.. , , ... .. ...:.... ., .. . .„ .:, . .. ...... . i • • TVilla e Is ot . .• Quarry Business As Usual • .„ , ,, , , %, I , , „.. , ,, ti j fi. ....-4 , ____,':______ ,' • ----------,:_—_-------- l ________,,, '.' � a.:.,i�:;'aa,.auk � �� , i, 1 b . 1 „ 4 y • t. ØI:: „. p ,,:i �/)� i i rry F .,. . i gi • Bringing Fun to Work• 4 1 € 1 - Relocate your business to Quarry Village and yo and your employees will enjoy a premium location i .- beautiful Eagle. Right out your door you could wal to your favorite coffee shop, gym, or brew pub. From! shared co-working spaces to opulent Class A office • r f, _ ill space there will be a variety of office spaces for you, . to customize for your business. You might like it here i ii ,,,.. T., - , so much you may want to move here and keep your • car just for the weekends. With a straight shot up Highway 55 to the recreational opportunities that Idahoan's love, you and your employees will thrive in - this location where Boise meets Eagle!!! cC, al ?f 9I Ibbooi'-\ — Mayor Pierce and Council Members, As a resident of Eagle for 22 years, I would like to share the enthusiasm in our community over the pending development of Quarry Village as a mixed usage project that will potentially include retail, business, residential, and theater opportunities. As one of the future co-founders and board members of the Eagle Theatre Company, I would like to speak to the possibility of an operating theatre in Quarry Village. Though it's currently only a vision due to COVID, there was an active group moving forward in forming Eagle's first community theater, ETC (Eagle Theatre Co.). The Eagle Arts Commission awarded ETC a grant February 2020 to be used for a Community Theatre Management Training workshop conducted by AACT, the national organization American Association of Community Theatre. The scheduling of the workshop has been postponed due to the pandemic and the timeline for ETC to provide theatre to the community is unknown. What is certain is there is an interest in community theatre in Eagle and a vision for what is possible. Performing arts classes are being offered by Eagle Parks and Rec and is a start in offering performance opportunities. The possibility of an actual community theatre being built at Quarry Village is an exciting dream. This is only one specific benefit Quarry Village holds for the City of Eagle. With mixed usage zoning, there will be many more benefits for our community. We have all been going into Boise to enjoy places similar to what Quarry Village will offer (ie Bown Crossing). With Eagle's growth, Quarry Village is needed more than ever. It will be so nice to have retail, business, residential, and theatre opportunities all in one place for the enjoyment of the City of Eagle. Please give thoughtful consideration to this project as a mixed usage zone instead of a business park. 01-19/ Mark Butler Quarry village. February 2,2021 at 9:16 PM Mike Williams Mike-Please include this in the packet to the City Council. Due to my surgery which got scheduled for this Friday I will be unable to attend. Dear Mayor Pierce and City Council members, I am in full support of the Quarry Village Development as proposed. I'm against requiring access to the property to the north through Quarry Village. I was going to present a PowerPoint presentation but got detained due to surgery. Please look at the Google maps.The property to the north is loaded with trees and high ground water similar to which that this council has forced other developers to retain on their properties. Why would you require two access points to this property and encourage Development on it? It has one access that was allowed through the condemnation case and that property owner(who was Prime Earth)was fully paid for removal of access. The current owner paid pennies on the dollar for this property. The property should stay in open space natural habitat area with limited access. Don't force Quarry to give them access. Please. Thank you. Mark Sent from my iPhone ( 49/� tom Vf ' WaIsk — �e Ark C cii/ Mem b As a resident of Eagle, I feel that this location would be more usable to the city residents if it was opened up for additional usage. As a participant in the theater arts, I would love to see a facility in the northern region of the Treasure Valley that would serve as a performing arts center. As a commissioner on the Eagle Arts Commission, I personally find it encouraging that the developers would like to see the project include such a facility. Prior to the recession of 2008 there was a feasibility study done regarding the building of a performing arts complex in the city of Eagle. Now, over thirteen years later, a facility that would encourage people to live, work, and play in our city would be even more desirable. By changing the status of the land usage, a potential seed is planted for arts groups to dream and for the city to be able to offer more creative opportunities to its residents. Thank you. Cca>ylc/-j a��¢vRi ao 3lB �f+r'p IAUl Zachary Higson 2013 N 27th St. Boise ID 83702 858.395.9995 February 5, 2021 City of Eagle 660 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear City Council Members: I have been working the Cindy Greco on her Quarry Village project and our potential involvement as a restaurant, brewery, and bowling alley operator for some time. About a year ago I met with a few members of the Eagle Economic Development Council led by Director Robin Collins. We reviewed our project and it seemed to fit with the desires of the council and there was significant community support for the project and its overall success. We have built a similar successful concept near California State University San Marcos in San Marcos,California called"North City". Given the proposed uses for the site I thought it might be prudent to share some of the reasons why the North City project worked for us as a tenant,the city of San Marcos, and the community. We believe it's important for the housing and retail to work together. We saw the occupancy of the higher end apartments next to us start from about 30% grow to over 95% with three months of our opening. Our restaurant had several regular guests as well as team members reside in the apartments next to us. We felt the proximity and density of those apartments contributed to our success both financially and to help build an intimate sense of community. We understand that the city has denied access off the Idaho 55, but believe the council should reconsider this access. While we understand the reasons cited by the city's study around the 55, however, there are other access points off this freeway and believe that success of the Quarry Village project could depend on this access. When the project is successful there is also potential for some significant traffic impact on Hill Road and the surrounding intersections. I moved my family to the Treasure Valley area a few years ago and have been coming to the Valley for over a decade. Our restaurant group worked closely with local city officials to develop a community connection that benefited everyone involved. We believe Eagle has the right people involved to build something unique and can do the same for the community of Eagle as we did in San Marcos. I would be happy to discuss with the city of Eagle anything regarding our experience developing a mixed-use project and welcome the opportunity for us to be a part of the community. Sincerely, laC/1.47.7177d.,9. Zachary Higson, Co-Founder 3LB Restaurant Concepts cc,,A / KENT BROWN PLANNING SERVICES February 9,2021 City of Eagle City Council P.O. Box 1520 Eagle,ID 83616 RE: PUD& Preliminary Plat for Brookway North Subdivision Dear City Council: On behalf of Hall Capital LLC,as a part of the PUD process we are seeking some minor relief from the side yard setbacks in the R-2 zone for lots less than 90 feet wide. We did receive similar relief from side setbacks in the Brookway Subdivision phases to the south as a part of the PUD process. The builders who have been building in Brookway Subdivision are seeing a market desire for their upgraded homes on the lot sizes we proposing if they can get some relief to side yard setbacks. For lots less than 90-feet in width we would request 7.5-feet(first story)2.5-feet(each additional story). Street side 20-feet and street side(with 5-foot common lot located adjacent to street) 15-feet. Thank you for your consideration and help. We look forward to working with you and your staff. If you have any question or concerns feel free to contact me,or send an e-mail at Sincerely, Kent Brown,Planner PO Box 36 • Meridian, Idaho 83680 ♦ Tel.: 208-871-6842 __.2,4 �:�JP, , c, BILTMORE CO. 'r- """""r"-r- -1.44-....-..s..... -16.,-..-A-z---7...7 1..., ".Tromaft„ ..„..—±1 ' l'\ I al Es EE DIIo-1I�M�MI Ir .illAl lllamillmmill „_ ® I ■ice t Iam�I•ri = 1IwIJI I i ip=11_ ' - :II ••1p�1.ip�llr��l1= ICI 1 - !I =I� II _Ip�_III III lj= »,,: r + -_ __ — . iTa Ilia 1�� lmin Ir�,I- __== _ __--= COVER ID PATIO ! $ 7 2 9 900 r 6 b mg 2,898 SQ. FT. DINING 12'-2"X 11'-0• CLOSET 6S•X,2'->. _ 795 SQ. FT. GARAGE OWNER'S BEDROOM -[ - 14'-3"x 15.3 GREAT ROOM 4= '— O __ 16'-10"x 16'-1' ,ram - 1'-s' '1Lt,-'J - t-; n KITCHEN OWNER'S BATH, • 12'-1"X 12'-S" BONUS ROOM 14 a•x u'a• BEDROOM" I 12-3'%11'-6" 16'-3'z 14'-1p" I //. PANTRY me 1 r-r.e's• MI L �jj�j ,P4® LAUNDRY Io B N2 10'G%610' GARAGE 3GA X 23 JI I l B ra ENTRY /•%ra'• BEDROOM#3 12'-1'x 13'7' mop i —RR. BEDROOM#4 1T-1.X 11'-11" JN PORCHAmO - it it III IN Lot 04/Block 20 SIIvercreek REALTY GROUP DEBBIE STEARNS SANDY DOERTY N % ' TF O SE T E R I N# E 7F GORR OLIUFEP\ 3 d2e0b8b.e806m11.k5e3br5o2w s2a0n8dy.@76rn1ik.e1b1ro1w DRY CREEK RANCH b �� /BILTMORE CO (/. 76.12/9¢e...(it7le1iiaeffer. ------- -=_==:_-_,..7,==_EzE,---= I li r_E-77.-E-E7.-=*=-2 - -----_----_� ----� ram_ �l��■■ �' ■■ MIN _ __J1J ! ! (� .■ MIN -- 11111MTN 1111111i1MuuIIIa1inTIT uuI! I_ — II — ®® _ ..-..-- 1 ��I- ;lei ® , , I - — ; 1_f .� u. _ I_�.�1.�1,�.�i__ III au. ..1111111.1111. $7 4 4, 9 0 0 i COVERED PATIO 2,927 SQ. FT. 795 SQ. FT. GARAGEry a 72o�N�N�°" CLOSET OWNER'S BEDROOM E1 - 14'-3•x 15-3• GREAT ROOM 0-- --- -- 16,10•x 16,1" SHOWER --� 3'-rX6-, \I BEDROOM#2 Sill r_�12,3"X 11,8• -BONUS ROOMKITCHEN18'-3'x 14'-70" OWNER'S BATH 12'-i'X 12'-8• u'-rxlra MEIMINI 1 /�'� -� ■ _ r////F,77JI8P! ° ,+LAUNDRY111.11.11111 #2 I1rr. 3 , b' N. k i 01E11 r 1 N r GARAGE `I 3 oi r-r X 23'-r I BEDROOM#3 ' ENTRY 12'-1"x 15'-r r 1T.r T.6• BEDROOM ® 1 1r-i"X 11'-11" 1^ __ I SITTING AREA T 11'.8'X T 8" -� , JL_ PORCH Lot 10/Block 20 Sllvercreek NIBREALTY GROUP DEBBIE STEARNS SANDY DOERTY mAti 3 THE IKE EP 6N GROUP 208861.5352 208.761.1117' FOSTERING C L 1 i Th N T 5 FOR LIFE DRY CREEK RANCH n ......2X, (re) B„ . ��ILTMORE CO ,...,,,,,,,,..L.,...,..,,,e,...„, \\__ _....,.._ ...„,____,....„._._,......„..„,......„.._4.,..._,,..,..___ ..„_____________: ir�aswraass- _ err3nsr--KW / •rav{r__. " :---.7--___=---f--=tr.t---=,..-7-4„:q.=:—..7.7.7-4.-Iwall= % ii z _ U E :im:I IN III.,A'L.._...„....,_ ___,....7...._ =fir - _ _ ,r:=_____...... _,=_=_._ = s z/ oo,of\s\ die,/ III 1....1111.17 ..r — i'll — U� u IL s_1� as ■ Ill= "� TI CH ROO —_-r s,+e DINING COVERED vtro 13'-1"X 1 V-0' A OWNER'S BEDROOM $ 7 9 9,9 0 0 16'-5"X 15,9" t 3,512 SQ. FT. r B. Cx GREAT ROOM I +z LtOStlT , 1T-0'x15'-11' 1, 861 SQ. FT. GARAGE KITCHEN _ PANTRY 13'-1'X 16'-6" OWNE7 BATF_-_ ti'-Yxs'a' 88.. ws MUD ROOM I I O a,.xy-ti• II SA! L O1.-- Ai 11117 BEDROOM#2 BEDROOM#3 1a-s"x 1+'-+• CC �j7 /� tr.w•x 13'$• • BONUS ROOM err, 1w ( I ®.—_—_ •.xi8'-1•— e 31'O' �•°� M - GARAGE --,==—. 1 20'-6'X 2W-6" I I OFFICE GARAGE to'-s•x 19-r 11'-9"X 234" Ur r BEDROOM#4 !'Ul IIn'-9•x 1z-r11:117, ICI 0 E BEDROOM 1R5 14'-8'z tY-i• Lot 02/Block 20 Itik S lye r GROUP REALTY GROUP DEBBIE STEARNS SANDY DOERTYAka n B� 208.861.5352 208.761.1117 JTHER.': wevGROUP CREEK O S T E R N G CLIENTS FOR LIFE DRY RANCH ( �� BILTMORE CO iss.eysr w w* [ - yip E' —�i=� i r »�v z —= Fr.= ■M' MI ■■ 1■iULLT ■■ �i 111I1t,� p _ f — r+ •�_= tee= .==_y —iF AIM IIIII IIIII IIIII JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIC IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ••_`�__ _. !Hill IIIII:1!!II IIIII IIIII IIIII"IIIII 11111=-_" IIIII IIIII 11111 Ilpl R - E _— TECH ROOM $7 9 9,9 0 U u DINING 13 +c '-1"X 11'.0 - OWNER'S BEDROOM o 16'-5'%15'-a' Oa I 3,626 SQ. FT. 860 SQ. FT. GARAGE GREAT ROOM = ',OS , IICET lio KRCH • I 13'-i"X 16'-6" PANTRY +x-Yx6.J" OWNER'S BATH AA � I ti�xtzs O I • ,%jjl O1 / MUO ROOM , BEDROOM#2 — BONUS ROOM 13-10.x11-1" BEDROOM#3 12-1'x 13'_6• VAULTED B J \Y/ xso GARAGE _y_.: _ -- OFFICE 10-9"x 1o'-r I '—va —...` ___ BATxs� n LAUNDRY . —Li i - o-J•x+a+' 0 BEDROOM#4 coVeRsovancH OCC r R M ■ BEDROOM#5 1T'-3'x 13'-8' Lot 08/Block 20 Silver GROUP a�� REALTY GROUP DEBBIE STEARNS SANDY DOERTYka �� THE :?� ? aA, GROUP 208.861.5352 208.761.1117 C .„7 FOSTERING CLIENTS FOR LIFE DRY RANCH _BILTMORE CO. .....2Q e e______ ----, gs:..4.39 (41/6/1.,ke...(Atidi Oaellek/ _.�—.� -__ A" a .1.111•aaaaw.aa7.a.wanow111tw••. - aaa as _s_n.1Ga' 3.. _ ,ione o..moo\z-L�YYra�z$ni'RTi7 i�r.Y�" -71�T1i17147 �IZL i��.,l?"3aw.T- -sue---I i-- — 1 .���� -g.1i■.T.AYl----1.ara.. 1 . .1.1111.1■..I■1■ -- � ---- 11111■Un11r1111n1n/1r, __ _. SW' 1.11Yn111rIn11Yn111� = -zj _ .�1'111 u/1.1111I%MIN'IliT, 1iIY111/11111/1Y11111Y1111111. -- — —_----.----- ,.In/1 111 1 1 r(11 11/1/I. � F. l.a 1lsori/1rn111r11/11/I. _s' 'l /1/Il.�����.� Tali IIIn■ 1/1114. Iiunrnnunnlrnminlm111m11 unrnl ununl a IrinnlYnlntimnrnl/mnr111y1nY ['miring 1{r111/1r1 4 OMMIII MMiNMOmammi1�!1 IY111/1/11' 11�w.� man11n 11% - mo mi Et in IIIM mamma = -1. =� ===-ail► ?-s`r-W11rn11■1. '—mniralti1.1/1r1n11rnlcrii.. _nulrnuulua/n1,lrn//1/n/11/In11r14a....,.1..■1rn1//nl �■�M�M ����M� III i II ---1 --- ti -- — .-.._f_ I- 1=_: I ilk - II--- Ill iI* 'ji !JOiJiII1 —_' I' Ip��� - _--= ■III ■n■ _y -- _ - - =l�I ICI_am _ =__ = I --I I ._I I 1 11.„_==r• = _ Q ... COVERED PATIO • $ 762 ,900 DINING 3 368 SQ. FT. 13'-1'X 10,7' OWNER'S,0.BEDROOM GREAT ROOM 1.� 832 SQ. FT. GARAGE 16'-5'x 16'-9' _— I I 4 �- r 0 KI TCHEN KTCHEN -- �--N 13'-1-X 16'-7. - ER•s BAT® BEDROOM#2 BEDROOM#3 ...__i .4rx lva 1 PAN-WI 12,8"x 12,r 12,8'x 17-2" LAUX OR1 © SHO CLOSET 5..•.5.".•WER.'is, ®, POD DE0,RABONUS BATHSpI . �(^/-�^�� 5'-' -5-11 111M111 - BATH p3 j MUSIC ROOMs•r3 ' 11Y-1.x 11'4" r _57.01 il 0411 BEDROOM#4 n'-r x 1r-r EDROOM#5 PORCH 11'-9'x 12'-9' lir ■ I. rr� Lot 07/Block 20 `REALTY EA reek LTY GROUP DEBBIE STEARNS SANDY DOERTY n ....1,4, THE "'T GROUP 208.861.5352 208.761.1117 DRY CREEK • ' I O S T E P I N,G CLIENTS FOR LIFE RANCH • 030-... .e e_. "----4#7/ / / <B`LTM0RE O/ __ -: 779,900 1 NNE. :1 WIIIIIIIIMI=IIII .II-+IM I . �f, - fI� I� 1 1D=1��i� _®® ■a■ II ' i di d1 Q 7,_,:. z--,--.±.. _ UU: �n _.... — 1,-.., ..., _.,... L'Imo■ � _. 1= — i �� ip• i =- - I I 3, 166 SQ. FT. 1786 SQ. FT. GARAGE 1 COVERED PATIO DINING 113'-,nx,V BALCONY ' 13'-5.X 11'-0' OWNER'S BEDROOM I L ts'-1•x 16•-0' I GREAT ROOM = 15'-8"x18'5' F G '7 _ KITCHEN ,Rv J. ® id'-0'X 15'-3' BONUS ROOM 0 OWNER'S rA BATH OF�FSCE L— CLOSET 741 :e -, I zx,r.,• llIllIlli. o (bLQ- r 1 i I HCIIIIIIIII�IIII LAUNDRY NxUp qpp#� - I BEDROOM#2 ! II '. 11'-10'x 11'fi• rATHSp3• al 1 �_ xEN1RV I �- • rV V-1I O II BATH p2 x.,p• 111111111 GARAGE 4' F r i BEDROOM#3 AEDROOM'III 11'-10.x 11'-U 1144,x 14-8.1 tr I Lot 06/Block 20 Silver GROUP REALTY GROUP DEBBIE STEARNS SANDY DOERTY A h\V/wLDJ'� THE GROUP .5352 208.761.1117 D R Y CREEK JF o s r e a l r, CLIENTS F o R LIFE RANCH ata BILTMORE CO. $779, 900 0 0 0 77 .- I I l I =T i g ___________w ' 4 r w MEM i I I I I II = _ MINI MINER Ili . i i I[TiI iIT jI • 1 '� '■■■ 3, 166 SQ. FT. 1786 SQ. FT. GARAGE b p D I COVERED PATIO BAICONV DINING una,1A- 13-5•%11'-0' i OWNER'S BEDROOM " ° 1,1'x 18'-0" - - -- 0 I I ' 1 D GREAT ROOM - 1 V KITCHEN ® u'-0•x 1sa rR� ONUS RO4 / 14•,0"x 20,7' 0 OWNER'S n aOF%ICE CLOSET7174 P rx,r,. l �� o 8b IIII OO LAUNDRY N�sR " ii BEDROOM#2r•Mir Vi . /_, IiInk\ -\° 00 1 ink ENTRY I� N u 7� &4TN 1 1111 01 i►x GARAGE BEDROOM#3 BEDROOM##1 11'-10'x 11'A" 114,0"x 14•-8' Lot 06/Block 20 silvercreek GROUP REALTY GROUP DEBBIE STEARNS SANDY DOERTYAkiaTHE GROUP n ' 208.861.5352 208.761.1117 DRY CREEK I v u.... n s T E RING CLIENTS FOR LIFE debbieQa RANCH L22 �0 B�I��LTMOR�EC�O. u NN 1111111111' Li 777W 1 A111111111k • Val ni Z= -AI♦I\. i4tas�c'2'a ■=Li: i:::1I 't swi Isar - easy wi— -t �l,._ .rater, _ 1 —1 t - f wwivs 1Co-i ®0 ( I I 1 I! I EIE !ill NB Will 1' II 1 I - III —I1 I d =1 I I II II _:)1 Am a a a COVERED PATIO $6 7 4,9 0 0 -f __ DINING 2577 SQ. FT. 11 / -i-I 756 SQ. FT. GARAGE OWNERS BEDROOM GREAT ROOM 13-11"x 14'-2" 14'-10'x 14'-5" ri `' r KITCHEN M r/ 12'-1'X 12.-8. OBEDROOM#2 12'-2"x12-3" �� BONUS ROOM PAMR\ 1 WNER S BAT 15-3" 7-i' a-i•x ta¢^ N CLOSET LAB NDRV BATH# r� 6'-1t•X� 1 ..,.. A 1 , ,- 0511 I DEN GARAGE 31'-7.X 21'-0' ,3I 10'-0'z 11'-S" BEDROOM#3 r* 13'-2"x 11-0" BEDROOM#4 • ` . 11'-10'x 12'-B" - PORCH .,I 113 Lot 05/Block 20 REALTY GROUP s\k 1\43 GROUP DEBBIE STEARNS . SANDY DOERTY THE "� ? ?7:�T' GROUP 208.861.5352 208.761.111.7 DRY CREEK JFOSTERING c L I E N 7 S FOR L I F E debbieCa� sandy® RANCH rk BILTMORE CO (Ailtritai-e...(1.GJCReIt�/.�e/fe7,/ iNsiNN.0, ' -- Imo a\ _- — =, ` • ..,.7,_—_,-=—=-.,— 1 rd " --z-7E,--41--;:=„13-:-:,-,T, is :{ -PI ,,,p.,.....,-..i.,...„„,„ fill II I I '71X 0 n Q�Q Q ii g D I .. 11 II I ...„...„-= , ' I_ i „..„......, w it����; ,_ , ,_ _. ..... , a a COVERED PATIO $ 659 ,9 UU „.....J-111.----1:::\" DINING - BM2,266 SQ. FT. r-s xlra \ OWNER'S BEDROOM II 6'-7X5-0 786 SQ. FT. GARAGE OFFICE ]'�1-X 6'�10' - -v GREAT ROOM 16'-2•x 16'-9• `t/rl POWD a • %56 �� ' �' \ 4 KITCHEN __ .WNMIT '' PANTRY 12'-9"X 17'3. I I .TM IT 6'8'x5-Y * r � 7 CDII MUD ROOMUNDRY CLOSETe II II 6'5'x#8' -0'XB'6' .•%8'8' `S II '� R r� f � r.�� Co BEDROOM#2 " ] 11'-O•x 11'-11• ^ BATH#2 5fi'X5'6' L J lir Ilk r 1 -_-- , TRY ENTRY RYr GARAGE !I z9'a•x za'-6' BEDROOM#3 L 1 -, 12'-1•x 11'-9• - rr PORCH _111, Lot 03 /Block 20 Silver GROUP REALTY GROUP DEBBIE STEARNS SANDY DOERTY BIM n �� THE GROUP 208.861 .5352 208.761.1117 E K E E K ' v u� F chi)s T E P I N I E N T s F o RLIFE sandy(+� DRY RANCH k �� /41/ Co BILTMORE CO "tt/M .(,lfl�.l l We/lei i _ _—_— ---'-----it Obi — — _ — - _ _ ter= = _Lam"-. - _ _ 1:-.7W--;--=-7-4-=-71-t!-4- --.-E*--- __-_----=_Trr i'=-_ ---: a a„.....„„.., ..--1:-;=,:-- -.....,,..,___.---- 17-;a7_=.==.1------'-_,-,--'F_ - _.,.7.,-":::-';-_ --=-:-=--- : -2-=E-----i32" -==_ME4 _ � .w i _ �^ ^gip. 1 - No ow- - - rl r- --_ • -� 1 — 1 i 111 I /=Ya _ _ '� _E I I: --=U__1p��111■��II_r■■I.__-M M a __ a�1s -nl�s— -- 0 IS COVERED PATIO $ 674,900 DINING --a---. 12•.9^X11-0^ 2,344 SQ. FT. \ OWNERS BEDROOM,s•-o• u sa• II ' OFFICE y 786 SQ. FT. GARAGE �^-- GREAT ROOM TV j Es18'-2'z 16'-9^ IP \KITCHEN T •YaNER'S BA , PANTRY 12'-9"X 17'-3" I 11'-1'a t'c 98'a 6'Y I I (0 fr-'1 �� 1 C��I I1_ 1 4 iv O 1 •. • II DROOM UNDRY CLOSET ' 'aa CC � �'XB'E i lL © 1 BEDROOM#2 tr-o•xtr-„^ Cl Ilk r ENTRY ra xa'-r GARAGE BEDROOM#2 PORCH 12'-1'x 17'-9" Lot 09/Block 20 `Silver creek- REALTY GROUP DEBBIE STEARNS SANDY DOERTY igki �7 THE M3 208.861.5352 208.761.1117 R E E K �I F o s E R I N G c L I E N T'; F o R LIFE RANCH