Minutes - 2021 - City Council - 02/04/2021 - Special EAGLE CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES February 4,2021 1. CALL TO ORDER: Deputy Clerk Csencsits states that there was a scrivener's error and Gold is no longer on the Council. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: BAUN,PIKE,PITTMAN.All present.A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 4. ADDITIONS, DELETIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE AGENDA: A. City Staff requests. B. Mayor or City Council requests. No requested changes to the agenda. 5. REPORTS: A. Mayor and Council Reports: Baun recommends Council 101 training at the Special Thursday meetings. It would be a working group type format that would be aimed at educating Council on municipal processes. Possible topics would be CIP 101 and Communication 101. Mayor states that the e-newsletter will begin providing department updates on a rotating basis. B. City Hall Department Supervisor Reports: None C. City Attorney Report: None 6. PUBLIC COMMENT 1: The Eagle City Council is taking remote public comment via Webex. Meeting login instructions are posted on https://www.cityofeaagle.org/1698/Virtual-Meetings. If you just want to watch the meeting, without giving comment, please watch our livestream at hops://www.cityofeagle.org/305/City-Agendas-Videos. This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding subjects not on the agenda. At times,the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters during this allotted time. This is not the time slot to give formal testimony on a public hearing matter, land use application, or comment on a pending application or proposal. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three (3) minutes. No public comment. Page 1 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-04-21spmin.dock 7. ALL CONSENT ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED ACTION ITEMS: CONSENT AGENDA: • Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember,member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. • Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Appointments to BLM Work Group: Mayor Pierce is requesting Council confirmation of the following voting-member appointments of Kathryn Colson, Micky Pingree,Herb Wollerman,William Johnson,Sam Blaine,Ken Elwer and Shelly Stirrat. Non-Voting Ex-Officio Members will be appointed at subsequent meeting. (JP) B. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for the Approval of RZ-08-19 MOD — Modification to the Lanewood North Development Agreement — SCS Brighton, LLC: SCS Brighton, LLC, represented by Kody Daffer, is requesting a modification to the rezone development agreement associated with the approved Lanewood North Subdivision. The request is to allow for privacy fencing along the northern and southern subdivision border and provide a revised fencing exhibit to the development agreement. The 81.16-acre site is located between North Lanewood Road and North Linder Road approximately 1,100-feet south of the intersection of North Lanewood Road and West Beacon Light Road at 2810 North Lanewood Road and 2553 North Linder Road. (MJW) C. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for the Approval of FPUD-04-20 & FP-04-20 — Final Development Plan and Final Plat for Molinari Park Subdivision No. 1 — Eagle 26, LLC: Eagle 26, LLC, represented by Brian Liquin with Rennison Design, is requesting final development plan and final plat approvals for Molinari Park Subdivision No. 1, a 41-lot (34-buildable, 7- common),mixed use subdivision.The 5.18-acre site is located on the south side of East Plaza Drive approximately 300-feet east of the intersection of South 2nd Street and East P1a7a Drive. (MJW) D. Appointment to Development Impact Fee Advisory Committee: Mayor Pierce is requesting Council confirmation of the appointment of Tim Neilson to the Development Impact Fee Advisory committee. Mr.Neilson will be serving the remainder of a vacated term that will expire March 2022. (JP) E. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for the Approval of A-04-20/RZ- 04-20/CU-02-20/PPUD-01-20/PP-02-20 — Annexation, Rezone with Development Agreement, Conditional Use Permit, Preliminary Development Plan, and a Preliminary Plat for Stags Crossing Subdivision —Urban Solutions, LLC: Urban Solutions, LLC., represented by Steve Hart, is requesting an annexation, rezone from RUT (Rural-Urban Transition—Ada County designation) to R-2-DA-P (Residential with a development agreement —PUD),conditional use permit,preliminary development plan,and preliminary Page 2 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-04-21spmin.docx plat approvals for Stags Crossing Subdivision, a 135-lot (113-buildable, 22- common)residential planned unit development.The 68.4-acre site is located on the south side of West Beacon Light Road approximately 2,000-feet west of North Lanewood Road. (MJW) Pittman requests removing item 7B from the Consent Agenda. Baun requests removing item 7A from the Consent Agenda. Pike moves to approve consent agenda items 7C, 7D, 7E as presented. Seconded by Baun. BAUN AYE; PIKE AYE; PITTMAN AYE. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Baun states that the City received 11 candidates and they are working on a survey for public input. The work group should be starting in February and having the entire project completed by mid-April. The group will provide a Council update in May. Baun moves to approve item 7A, appointment to BLM Work Group. Seconded Pittman.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Pittman states there is a scrivener's error on item 7A. On the last page, it says Sharon Bergmann and should be Tracy Osborn. Pittman moves to approve item 7A with the requested change. Seconded by Pike. ALL AYE... MOTION CARRIES. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. ACTION ITEM: 2022-2026 Integrated Five-Year Work Plan (IFYWP) Recommendation: Review the City's Transportation Work Group's recommendation and approve the 2022-2026 recommendation to the Ada County Highway District's Integrated Five-Year Work Plan. (NBS) Director of Strategic Opportunities, Baird Spencer provides an overview of the City's Transportation Work Group's recommendations for the 2022-2026 Integrated Five- Year Work Plan. Pike states that the Floating Feather project should be a top priority, since that is the only east and west corridor that does not have a county component attached to it. Baun states that the City should make it clear that it should be a type 2. Specifically, striped with a widen shoulder and detached sidewalk. Baun moves to makes a motion to use the list recommended from the Transportation Work Group. Seconded by Pike. Discussion.ALL AYE... MOTION CARRIES. Baird Spencer reviews the suggested Community Pedestrian Programs priority list. Baun moves to make a motion to use the Community Pedestrian priority list from the Transportation Work Group. Seconded by Pittman. ALL AYE... MOTION CARRIES. Baird Spencer reviews the suggested Economic Development Projects priority list. General discussion amongst the Council and Baird Spencer. Page 3 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-04-21spmin.docx Pittman moves to make a motion to use the Economic Development priority list from the Transportation Work Group. Seconded by Pike. ALL AYE... MOTION CARRIES. 9. NEW BUSINESS: A. ACTION ITEM: 2022-2026 City of Eagle Capital Improvements Plan: Staff will provide the Council an overview and results of the preliminary ProJet prioritization process for fiscal year 2022 to fiscal year 2026. (NBS) Baird Spencer provides an overview of the 2022-2026 City of Eagle Capital Improvements Plan and explains how the process will work. B. ACTION ITEM: Restroom Facility at the Eagle Dog Park: A contract with Wright Brothers for the construction of a restroom facility at the Eagle Dog Park. The contract amount shall not exceed$176,254. (EZ) Public Works Director, Eric Ziegenfuss presents bids to the Council for a Restroom Facility at the Eagle Dog Park. The restroom would be similar to the facility at Pamela Baker. General discussion amongst the Council and Ziegenfuss regarding the rendering. Baun moves to approve the expenditure of$176, 254 for the restroom facility at the Eagle Dog Park.Seconded by Pittman.ROLL CALL:Baun AYE;PIKE AYE; PITTMAN AYE. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Zoning Administrator Vaughan introduces the new Planner II Daniel Miller and Contractor Kathrine Wright. 10. ADJOURNMEN: Baun moves to adjourn. Seconded by Pittman. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES Hearing no further business,the Council meeting was adjourned at 4:26 p.m. R ctfull su itted: H L Y SEN ITS DEP T CLERK/TREASURER APPROVFD• A ON PIERCE MAYOR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT WWW.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 4 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-04-21spmin.docx 2/4/2021 lNr =``4dR 46161,0111 EAGLE FY 22-26 Capital Plan Nichoel Baird Spencer,MCRP,AICP Director of Strategic Opportunities N baird@cityofeagle.org 1 The Goal To provide the City - citizens, elected official, and staff- a road map for major investments and maintenance within the City that is: Transparent, Collaborative, & Fiscally Constrained 2 1 2/4/2021 History o Larger projects were briefly funded as a "strategic annual goal" (multi- Capital Request by Year $6,000,000 year set-aside) but not a consistent practice ga,000,aao ( AveraEi' o Capital Fund created in 2018 QPet $3,0,30.000 o Limited use s2.0ao,0oo o Does not include Capital Maintenance $1,000.600 o Reliant on 1-year appropriation cycle 5 20N 2021 2021 202; , ,. 3 Benefits of an annual capital plan? o Expands the City's vision to 5-year planning window for capital projects & capital maintenance *Creates an annual project evaluation, review, &prioritization process o Creates a phased project development process- * Preliminary Development/Planning, o Engineering, o Savings,& o Construction/Purchase o Decreases demand on a single fiscal year budget o Creates an annual process for the public involvement: o Hear, understand, & request projects- Transparency in Budgeting o Creates a City-wide/Cross departmental list of priorities o Stops silos- Increases collaboration between departments 4 2 2/4/2021 Benefits Continued o Evaluates competing demands for resources based on City's prioritization and the City's long-term goals and objectives(is one project worth all the funding) o Purposeful balancing of limited funding resources -Expansion vs. Maintenance o Establishes a prioritized list of projects for unanticipated funds o Helps position the City for outside funding & partnership options: *Matches, Seed Money, Federal and State Grants, Bonding, Savings/set-aside o Provides a means for the implementation of strategic and comprehensive plans within the City's fiscal capacity o Decreases vulnerability during economic crisis & emergencies 5 Terminology Capital Project: 111 Capital Maintenance Project: Operational Maintenance: New project,facility,or investment that costs The replacement,upgrade,or renovation of an The ordinary maintenance of a City facility and or more than$20,000 and has a life span of 5 years existing capital project,facility,or investment investment to ensure continued day-to- or more. Customarily these projects are that has a cost of$10,000 or more and has a day/annual use for its intended purpose and associated with maintaining minimal levels of lifespan of 5-years or more.This does not function.These funds should be part of the service associated with growth or the include ordinary maintenance necessary to appropriate departments'budget request. annexation of new lands.These projects often ensure continued day-to-day/annual use of the have a dedicated funding source(i.e. facility. development impact fees)or are eligible for outside funding and/or money(i.e.state and NOTE:This fund is not specific to a project but is federal transportation grants,etc.) NOTE: These requests should be part of the establishes a saving for future capital annual department budget request.There will be maintenance projects that would be in a future no change to this request process. year or that are unexpected expenditures. Example Projects/Investments: Example Projects/Investments: Example Projects/Investments: *New parks, *Painting of buildings *New trails, *Replacement of existing fleet vehicles *Screen protectors *Expansion of existing facilities *Renovation/replacement of specific park *Sprinkler heads *Extending water main lines *Replacement of flood damaged trails *Printer toner/Ink clix *Water sampling of i s *Repair of chlorine equipment *Replacement of onsite customer meter equipment 6 3 2/4/2021 Capital Projects vs. Capital Maintenance Capital Projects-$20K+ Capital Maintenance•$10K+ o New Infrastructure o Existing infrastructure o Impact Fee Eligible o No impact fees—general fund dependent o More outside funding sources o 1st items to go into deferred maintenance o Once constructed become maintenance o For every$Spent on Capital Projects$0.03 must be set aside annually for maintenance Example: Example: o New Park,Trail,or Facility o Splash Pad Replacement,Resurfacing Tennis Courts o Estimated at:$3-4M annually with some funding o Estimate at$1.26M annually with no funding offset offsets 7 Current Budget Process o Zero Based budget with limited carry City Budgeting Model forward Ackninistration o Library has "off the top"funding from library property tax dollars 4 Pmitc%s I o General Fund is a clearinghouse for City revenue Public works o Some revenues have dedicated (savings) —'—'—' city Fund"'" account o Water Enterprise fund(bypass General fund) contracts o Impact Fees • Reserves j o Remaining revenues are mixed to interest support the various budget funds 8 4 2/4/2021 A Unique Mix of Funding The ability to leverage outside and alternative funding sources helps advance projects Each Project will have a unique mix of Funding Sources: DC-DEVELOPER funding sources both within the City's budget GF-GENERAL FUND and from outside sources. CP-CAPITALPROJECTS FEMA Federal Sweeps The City's efforts to plan for capital projects CIF-compass PTF-PATHWAY FUND and maintenance beyond a single FY can EURA PIF-Police Impact Fees result in significant cost saving. CPD-COMPASS Project Development PD-Project Development TAP-Federal PF-PARKS FUND 9 FY21 Capital Projects Status [Summary of Capital Projects-FUNDED Project Specific Carry FY 20.21 forward to CM No. Project Name Estimated Cost Approriation FY21.22 %funded Funding Mix mpooeoccro164-Z3 a[•Mld alarm— W W$ 350, 0 $ so O ®I=1 DC-$300000 On-kind•— 1:73322Mle:r_1:ialanl•LI.__1_:a9 z • $ 30000 $ 30,000 I.--I ty2,F•axy •••-- �'a®'— p $ 400000 $ 4W,000 Q ••-- rW'aJE. $ 2WQW0 $ 65000D $ 1 650 000 10�T� " rifr -' • $ 30,OOo $ 30 000®a..,.,,•tI3 ..•-- M $ 203a 000 CPO 000 $ 670000� RA EU -$335,000 OEM If3EM $ 959,000 $ 80 Oro $ 56 000 = EUPA-$is,00D $ 2,700,000 $ 900 0W 92a 000 ' CP-$824 000 Federal Sore•s-$3000W—.�w ' $ 230,000 $ no coo• •X' FEMA-$1 0001r.•.••. $ 60,C00 $ 60000®Completed FY21 CP'MOW -- ' $ 1,240,000 $ aoC D• CP-$40,0,0-- p'$ 125,C00 $ 125,000®Completed FY21 CP-$100,000 PF-$15,000 FY 21 BUDGET BALANCE: $5,563,462 10 5 2/4/2021 FY21 Capital Maintenance Status Summary of Capital Maintenance- FUNDED IFY Capital Set.Aside Desch• FY 21 Capital Maintenance Set-Aside $ •1,052,188 •GF FEMA HMGP Post Construction Reimbursement(TRL CM-2)" $ 129,903 FEMA FEMA POM Post Construction Reimbursement TRL CM-11)" $ 1,240,000 FEMA �l�+'1(i14Y1 C_T1!r1 f_R1 E(J:TTi3T^Rl Rl a iY] IFt,:1 Projects FY 20-21 FY 20-21 Savings to FY 22 CM No. Pro'ect Name Estimated Cost Appropriation Expenditures /Com•letion %Funded Fundin.Mix/Restrictions PW CM Guerber Park Baseball Diamonds Q $ 20,000 $ 10,030$ 10000 Completed FY21 5036=OM Users 03(in-kind)' wlw �L�w Requiresres in-kind commitment before moving forward ®INMENEITEMMEEMM$ 47 COO 3T COO 3T 000�rd•1{;L>.yrIaP4 �JA•+� rFL CM-2 FEMA Trail Repairs 42(PDM) $ 1,423,000 $ 1,423,724 $ 1,423,030 Completed FY21 100% CM$180,000 Requires FEMA seed mono to start TRLCM-11 FEMA Trail repair NA(HMGP) $ 173,204 $173,204 $ 173,204 Completed FY21 103%FEMA HMGP-$129,903 CM Set Aside-$44,000 Requires FEMA seed money to start IIM=IFEEIMMENI Veer not show In budget 11 What Next? October 27, 2020 the Council Adopted Res. 20-25 o Departments are developing FY 21 projects o RFP/RFQ,Timelines, Staffing needs—Need to work on timing of these documents o City-wide facilities plan—No Responses o Integration into the City's fiscal impact tool—Beginning January 2021 Apps o Expansion of the Plan o Integration of City Water into the process—Timing is a challenge o Begin FY 22-26 Process 12 6 2/4/2021 Requests from Appointed Officials Presentations—All City Committees, Commissions, & Boards— November 2020 o Suggest projects & maintenance— December 2020 o Engage in public outreach and prioritization — Winter/Spring 2021 o Provide input on funding—how much &when o Provide input on prioritization and timing o Provide input on levels of service e o Provide input on annual budget and capital funding NEW!!!! 13 Role of the Public o Suggest projects & maintenance needs o Provide input on funding — how much & when o Provide input on prioritization and timing o Provide input on levels of service o Provide input on annual budget and capital funding Idaho at Stage 3: Allow up to 50 people Work with Mayor to establish a formal public outreach process as next phase. 14 7 2/4/2021 FY 22-26 Planning Process TEP 1: - DATA Collect data about the facilities and services the Ci GATHERING provides: 15 STEP 2: Preliminary Scoping by City Departments: CITY-WIDE • C; -e PROJECT • Es:a:,' s- e L"C sec.,es:e SOPPING • Es:aL7 s- e :.cs: es:—a:e a -;a a0 3e sot.:ces First Review by City Council: Preliminary review of current and new project and maintenance r • - ts • WM use$2M Capital Project&$1,26M Maintenance as guld - Council may add remove or move projects within the existing 16, Today! 16 8 2/4/2021 STEP 3: Additional Scoping by Staff: PUBLIC • Review of all project across all department to prepare for public party • PARTICIPATION • Establish timing and sequencing of each project: • Preliminary development, Engineering, Savings, Constructio IMP 1•,•• Public Participation: • Pubirc will be asked to help guide the City's work • Are there projects we missed? • How do we direct spending? • $1 7M annually- Maintenance • $2M annually- Projects Due to COVID-19 the FY21-25 Capital Plan had very limited public participation. Goal is to have public help prioritize and guide investment 17 STEP 4: COUNCIL City Council will take all information under consideration PRIORITIZATION • Public input/prioritization & BUDGET • Proposed project status/timeline: • Preliminary Development, Engineering. Savings. Constructio V • Project Cost/Need • Estimated operation & maintenance needs/ racttces • Potential funding options/restrictions:; • Alignment with City budgetafund balances • Integration of City Facilities Master Plan and Impact Fee Changes Per Idaho Code P&Z Commission provides a recommendation on the CIP similar to the adoption of=. impact fees. 18 9 2/4/2021 STEP 5: City Adoption: ADOPT & • Eagle P&Z Commission hears & recommends to the CC —if needed BEGIN AGAIN • CC holds a hearing to adopt �� • The Plan is a guide, adopted by resolution • Plan will mirror the FY22 Budget •46°' • Plan will prioritize projects from 2022-2026. including funding Begin Again: • Process begins in the Fall of each year • Prioritize 5-years of projects (FY 23-27) 19 Today's Request o Review the materials provided o Individual Department Requests by year& scored(most of them) o Summary of Project& Maintenance Request by year o Remember Guidelines: o Maintenance first(taking care of what we own)-Est.$1.7 M annually o Projects(new/expansion):$2M annually o Consider what capital projects the CC would like to... o Add-A project you want staff to consider/scope o Remove-An undesirable project o Need more Information o Want to defer or advance 20 10 • 2/4/2021 Something Old . . . FYZd20:2]Capital Maintenance Set Aside a atrrc.,...'i:din 9 •--lee so ®.aF ��® .peep Pr ,Mare: I�,..� t^u �[yca� �Mi.- ad.1F-<..uco xuNbmr.. .. .c-n .s'Ell iaii.nos s Vai . 1r2006ae tlpbFaram.ueinmtle.6damM ecltyo4map amWN•laOw m r��� ����<e�� pada.6aom0611nFa.d.aaa.raMn has WS yaee.e.gn,.rfwrm.so* �...,ay.:tlal,i 1.s,LisaC1^ paid immix sky Robes lot RCreoaaaa4aMmrnv<r110.• n6.rlrandeplar,eMrmm.abre Robes Wk.01.11. nrderiYlsanYgaoniVlar< F '.. Bsadm21g86xu�wrrpeex+edbYNad<BdAar<lutliewbdann. EMIMOM 2025 see,.�z-Yerwsaa,ya<,':x _ EMpg'r'Yo'eJ Pr-oe coo ono I® Cmr.e..tllm C..e •„ � " r� ® �" ke; °e""" � orrimmrimmemtmem 3000000Il0—E 6are.....ehl.the id MM. ETT=IMIM MIIIIMIMIIIMMM—=M. M1 •.i A— fl.. wML�ed G.,..SFud.Gtan. - ---- � ...:..........y.r....+...a -- ---- wra.<,.,n....�..e.-e..ca,® IIMME31^_T1m 1.sox am. --- --- 6N:.a...ad.Iaf h.re.a...ii,© .. ----.ii I0m 2"21 ------- Cwa. Funde: .. 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Fly On an amp*Odds.men,faap:alwn wa.Ilmhea.r<ammeOdis him Wend.For guidance selilWYlrIle•wir_ 1 111Y11..:-'.ent.,...vr:iefaaac drposn eat tttywalam UP 0al9.t01,aph0 pant amsl.MM for maimerwnepoMFIF IF. — �� 3 # ...A.!Id ION <Ire•w team. Iael Wfuneni nmidM can prosrna..veM.a/xooedas.nd..Minr...lore .m vat aOmer. Ma,maner to eeterme me maw.mm.,smwl nee.id extremeprapi ere pent. .OP. may. F.br offerer.,wv-es imernF eaere 4yiargact ,1.U10,..a.ets....11,T210,00.M1.a�aWmVIL.MAO inawea.a. uur.e5 etc ln..n enema.,me aYipamt aexroper:ana anlandavdn... awelwm e¢.1.ttnamwm.mnntlre Ohm...Mme tort Firm,pracrosmae 22 I 11 2/4/2021 Summaryof Capital Maintenance-UNFUNDED $ini savings or P� maintenance not FY22 Projects " completed in FY 21 Income ewall' ®$ 2,405,091 $ 2,405,091- Annual Set-Aside t0 General Fund to Capital Fund $ 1,726,000 $ 1,726,000 $ 1,726,000 --+. Balance at beginning of FY 22 $ 4,131,091 • build maintenance fund Allocated Funds b Pro'ect Reimbursement/ , CM No. Project Name Estimated Cost FY 21 Appropriation Savings to FY 23 Prioritization Score • Floodway/City Property Protection $ 10,000 $ 10,000 if'40 • Guerber Park Baseball Diamonds $ 20,000 $ 10,000 III I0 City-wide request for IIIMENDIEMEM $ 35,000 $ 35,000 MMMIIICIMMI FY 22 have been ® $ 54 600 $ $4 600 •® scored by the IMEIMISE $ 11,000 $ 11,000 Departments to give IMISIMPSESEMIM $ 20,000 $ 20,000 some beginning ®' - �1® - $ 60,000 $ 60,000$ 3,000,000 $ 1,000,000-1=2132M1111 evaluation for the CC PW CM-4 Friendship Park Play Ground $ 100,000 $ 100,000 Re a lacement Ilk No Score 4 Libra Interior Paint $ 50000 FF - F �F _ / $ 15,000 t- No Score Total Projects CEEEMEMEMBEill$ 65000 $ 65,000- 1 Requested for FY • CMSTIMEMEMEIMMEME $ 56000 56,0001MINNIM 1=1111MI• $ 6 700 $ 6,700 PW CM-9 Ada Eagle Parking lot light/Street Light $ 50,000 $ 50,000 Funds anticipated to Upgrade No Score come back to City FY22 Capital Maintenance Bud:et Total: $ 1,543,300 Reimbursements to Capital Maintenance $ - , .$that is being saved CM Set Aside-Carry forward to FY23 for future years at end of FY22 23 Summary of Capital Project Requests FY22 to FY26 FY 22 Capital Projects Funding PPlanning Impact Fees/Match/Outside Funding Sources Project Specific C.Construction %Funded in FY22 CP No. Estinatod Gay Project Cost Carry Forward FY22 Budget 5-Savings Isarrymrwam'Apm,epdatnn Prioritization Of assigned) Project Name TOTAL Costs hest-e nasal from FY 21 request 5-Purchase • mnl Amount Description Score PSI NEW FF(cost share) S 421:0,030 $ 1,200,000 $ 5 200,000 17%a ACHD Cost Share A P&2CP-1 STATE EAGLE INTERSECTION $ 2,026,000 $ 1,018,000 $ 670,OW 5 318,000 S 102% $ 1,008,000 CORA Cost share$1.008M in FY23 68 142CP-10 SIDEWALK REPAIRS DOWNTOWN TBD TBD $ - TBD C TBD ACHD-ADA/URA 68 P&2 CP-2 AIKENS STREET EXTENSION $ B54000 $ 033,000 $ 301.0 $ 74,000 S 100% $ 223,030 EURO Cost Shure$223K in FY 23 66 PW CP-2 CITY OWNED... $ 2,000,000 5 ,Om $ $ 373,Om T 7I% 5 1,060000 up 1NKfor ParW&dolls Msintenantt, 33%of funding from Water Dept PL2 CP-3 FARE ROAD PED/BIKE BRIDGE 3,184,16S $ 2,569,46S $ 020,000 $ 765,003 61% $ 615,030 federal/TAP$615Kten FY 2023 61 1420*4 WAYFINDING&BRANDING-Sill,. 24000 $ 20,000 $ - $ 24000 100% 61 ED CP-3 1ST STREET FESTIVAL STREET 1,147,000 $ 1,147,O03 $ - $ HI0,000 17% Eagle Urban Renewal Agency-TBD 60 RADESEPERATED CROSSING SH-44 PHASE 2 STUDY 54000 j 50,000.L - s 25,003 50% COMPASS Min FY 22 Pending 60 W CP-3 CITY HALL EXPANSION Additional Cost 1,000,000 5 1.000,000 5 - $ 1,004000 100% Shift from Capital maintenance m -:;r.-, EXCESS ROW STUDY STATE STREET 5,0W 1 5,000 A - y$ 5,000 - 103% Coordination with ACHD 58 TRL CP-3 EAGLE ISLAND STATE PARK PHASE 4 1,240,000 5 1,240,000 $ 40,000 $ 400,000 35% Pathway Fund,406 from GF In FY 21 S7 TRL0PO4 N.CHAIM LCENsER TRAIL ,a u£si 314000 5 3140. 5 - $ mow 32% 57 PW CP-9 MACE PARK-DEVELOPMENT TBD TBD 5 - TBD TBD Pathway Fund 57 WEATHERTRAIL-ADA/EAGLE•DESIGN 120,003 $ 120,000 $ - $ PARKS&nlcslunos mnn6a PLAN 100,000 $ 100,003 $ - $ SOKi FY22&FY24 54 PW CP 11 PAMEM BAKER PARK TBD TBD $ - TBD 52 Eagle Urban Renewal Agency•TBD ED CP-1 DOWNTOWN PUBLIC PARKING P(4ry TBD TBD 5 - $ 16,000 P TBD Start pla nning basedresults of 50 downtown padi ED New DOWNTOWN FACADE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM $ 5411011 5 54000 5 - $ 50,000 100% Annual Project/Potential al COru EURA 46 P8RCP-2 REGIONAL PARK,co, $ KO. $ Boom $ • $ 40,000 5 50% 40K in FY 22&FY 23 45 BD D $ TBD 33 PLRCP-g FOOTHILLSSNOOTING RANGE STUDY $ 40,000 $ 40. $ - 5 40,000 $ 08 07-2 BOOKMOBILE $ 254000 $ 254000 $ - $ 123,000 T 31 PINNOWNISPERRA VIEW PARK PLAN $ 14000 5 10,000 5 - $ 50,000 5 1010% 29 OW CP-7 VITO/516N-PEAS $ 14000 $ 14000 $ $ 10060 P 1W% 19 Police Impact Feeslesdmated$70K/Yea0 POLICE SUB STATION $ 613,020 $ 345,000 $ 5 96000 S 26% $ ]0,000 No Score /General Fund P WEST SIDE PARK $ 5,000,000 5 5,003,000 $ 400,000 $ 100,003 S 8% Council Request to set aside In Park Fund NO Score Impart west of Fade Rd Estimated TOTAL Protect Costs in FY 22:$ 19,321,465 City Protect Coat: $ 16.345.465 Estimated Carry Forward from FY 21:$ 2,221,000 FY22 Capital Prefect Budget Request Total:$ 3,911,000 FY 22 Planned Expenditures/Construction:$ 1.266,000 Planned Savings/Carry Forward to FY23:$ 5,006,000.0 Other Funding Sources/Outside Matchi$ 2,976,000 24 12 2/4/2021 Questions- t"1 P Nichoel Baird Spencer, MCRP, AICP Director of Strategic Opportunities nbaird(c�cityofeagle.orq 939-0227 25 13