Minutes - 2021 - City Council - 01/21/2021 - SpecialEAGLE CITY COTINCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES January 21,.2021 1. CALL TO Mayor Pierce calls the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. 2. RoLL GALL: Present: BAUN, GOLD, PITTMAN, prKE. All present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLBGIAI\CE: 4. ADDITIO DEI,ETIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO AGENDA A. City Staff requests. None B. Mayor or City Council requests. None 5 PUBLIC COMMENT 1: The Eagle City Council is taking remote public comment via Webex. Meeting login instructions are posted on https://www.citvol'eaele.ore/1698/Virrual-Meetinss. If you just want to watch the meeting, without giving comment, please watch our livestream at https:/iwww.citvol-eagle.ore/305/City-Aeendas- Videos. 6. EXECUTIVE SESSION: l.C. {i74-206 WHEN AUTHORIZED. (l) An executive session at which members of the public are excluded rnay be held, but only tbr the purposes and only in the manner set fbrth in this section. The motion to go into executive session shall identify the specific subsections ofthis section that authorize the executive session. There shall be a roll call vote on the motion and the vote shall be recorded in the minutes. An executive session shall be authorized by a two-thirds (2/3) vote ofthe governing body. An executive session may be held: A. I.C. g 74-206 (f) - Pending/Threatened litigation: To communicate with legal counsel for the public agency to discuss the legal ramifications of and legal options for pending litigation, or controversies not yet being litigated but imminently likely to be litigated. The mere presence of legal counsel at an executive session does not satisfy this requirement; Baun moves pursuant to I.C. 74-206(l)(f) that the City of Eagle convene an Executive Session for the purpose of Pending/Threatened litigation: To communicate with legal counsel for the public agency to discuss the tegal ramifications of and legal options for pending litigation, or controversies not yet being litigated but imminently tikely to be litigated. The mere presence of legal counsel at an executive session does not satisfy this requirement; seconded by Pike. BAUN AYE; GOLD AyE; prrrMAN AyE; PIKE AyE. ALL AYE....MOTION CARRIES. Council enters executive session at 3:05 pm Council discusses pending and threatened Iitigation. Council exits executive session at 4:38 pm B. ACTION ITEM: Council action post executive session. Baun item 68 moves to approve the settlement documents and authorize the Mayorto execute those documents subject to final legal review and any necessary revisions. Seconded by Pike. BAUN AYE; GOLD AYE; PITTMAN NAY; PIKE AYE. TTIREE AYE. ONE NAY (Pittman). MOTION CARRIES. 7. ALL CONSENT ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED ACTION ITEMS: CONSENT AGENDA: Page 1 K:\COU NCI L\Ml N UTES\Tempora ry M inutes Work Area\CC-o1-21-21spmin.docx mlnutes- timeThis reserved1S for the to theiraddress of-ficialselected concem commentsorpublic wouldngregardithey like to to the Counci ects onprovideCity the At the Counci seekregardingbjnotagenda.times,City may comments/opinions matters allottedthis Thistirne.1SregardingCityspecific fimthe slote to formalveduringnotgr aon matter uselandtestlmonypublic or oncomment ication orhearingapplication,Outpendingapplproposal. of alfbr who towishcourtesy the Council eachspeak,ittm commentstheir threetoCityrequestsspeaker 3)( o o Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these iterns unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Stafl or a citizen requests an itern to be rernoved from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Iterns rernoved from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. Any itern on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning &ZoningCommission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims against the City. B. DR-141-04 MOD - C hnnse of flse from Rank with Drive-Service fo Retail - ALC Architecture - Jeff Likes: Idaho State Liquor, represented by Jeff Likes with ALC Architecture, is requesting design review approval for a change of use from bank with drive-up service to retail. The 1.03-acre site is located near the northwest corner of East State Street and North Horseshoe Bend Road at 3172 East State Street within Eagle Promenade Shopping Center. (ERG) C. Findines of Fact and Conclusions of Law for the Approval of FPUD-07-20/FP-08- 20 - Final Plan and tr'inal Plat for Lanewood Srrhdivision No. 8 - SCS Brishton, Inc.: SCS Brighton, Inc., represented by Kody Daffer, is requesting final development plan and final plat approvals for Lanewood SubdivisionNo. 8, a 71- lot (62-buildable, 9-common) residential subdivision. The 29-acre site is located onthe west side North Linder Road approximately 2,400-feet south of West Beacon Light Road. (MJW) Mayor introduces the item. Pike moves to approve consent agenda item A-C. Seconded by Baun. BALIN AYE; GOLD AYE; PITTMAI\ AYE; PIKE AYE. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 8. REPORTS: A. Mayor and Council Reports: Baun reports on the BLM Work Group and that a survey will be distributed shortly to gain public input. They are working on selecting members and appointing the same. Gold reports on the Urban Renewal Agency. The Agency rejected the sole RFP response as it did not meet the RFP criteria for the old museum property. States that the right in and right out at Palmetto extension has been completed. Reports on the Library Board meeting, their circulation remains consistent with digital continuing to increase. Gold states that it has been an honor to serve as a member of Eagle City Council. She will be moving outside of City limits and will step down from the Urban Renewal Agency and the City Council at the end of the month. Pittman reports on upcoming interviews for the Development Impact Fee Advisory Committee. Mayor Pierce and Council Members thank Gold for her service to the Eagle Community and wish her and her family the very best. B. City Hall Department Supervisor Reports: None C. City Attorney Report: None Page 2 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\TempoEry Minutes Work Area\cc-o1-21-21spmin.docx 9. ADJOT]RNMENT: Baun moves to adjourn. Seconded by Pittman.. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES Hearing no further business, the Council meeting was adjourned. submitted:clry CMC CITY TREAS APPROVED + HO AN ATIDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT WW,w.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 3 K:\coU Ncl L\M I N UTEs\Tempora ry Minutes Work Area\cc-o1-21-21spmin.docx + rIt, cL ilatla City of Eagle Check Register - Detail Eagle-City Hall Check lssue Dates. 1l2Ol2O21 - 112012021 Page: 1 Jan20,2021 03:11PM Report Criteria: Report type: GL detail Bank.Bank number = 2 GL Check Period lssue Date Check Number lnvoice Number lnvoice lnvoice GL Account lnvoice GL Account Title lnvoice Amount Check AmountPayeeDescriptionSequence Alexander Crag Marti 33921 01121 0112012021 33921 Alexander Crag Mar CARES Act-Smal 18 Total 33921: 1 01-0413-55-0 COVTD-19 E 1,437.62 1,437.62 1,437.62 Bartosz Eateries, LLC 33922 01121 O1l2Ol2O21 33922 Bartosz Eateries, LL CARES Act-Smat 3 1 01-0413-55-0 COVTD-19E 8,141.50 8,141.50 Total 33922: Beau Durocher 33923 01t21 01t2012021 Total 33923: Bodaciousl Pig LLC 8,141.50 33923 Beau Durocher CARES Act-Smal 36 1 01-04'f 3-55-0 COVTD-19 E 't2,821.00 't2,821.00 12,821.00 33924 01121 0112012021 33924 Bodacioust Pig LLC CaresAct- Small Z2 1 01-0413-55-0 COVID-19 E 15,000.00 1s,000.00 Total 33924 15,000.00 Dreamitaly LLC 33925 01121 01t2012021 33925 Dreamitaly LLC CARES Actsmat 2 1 01-0413-55-0 COVTD-19 E 12,817.16 12,817.16 Total 33925:12,817.16 Eagle Chamber Of Commerce 33926 0'1121 0112012021 33926 Eagle Chamber Of CARES Act-Smal 4 1 01-0413-55-0 COVTD-19 E 6j27.44 6j27.44 Total 33926:6,127.44 Eagle Hills Golf Course, lnc 33927 01121 0112012021 33927 Eagle Hitts cotf Cou CARES Act-Smat 5 Total 33927: 1 01-0413-55-0 COVID-19 E 7,347.96 7,347.96 7.347.96 FCO Eagle lsland LLC 33928 01121 0112012021 33928 FCO Eagle lsland L CARES Act-Smat 6 Total 33928: 1 01-0413-55-0 COVID-19 E 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 Gary M. Altenburg DDS 33929 01121 01t2012021 33929 Gary M. Altenburg D CARES Act-Smat 35 M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 't 01-0413-55-0 COVTD-19 E 7,484.80 7,484.80 City of Eagle Check Register - Detail Eagle-City Hall Check lssue Dales 1l2ol2o21 - 112012021 Page: 2 Jan20,2021 03:11PM GL Check Period lssue Date Check Number Payee Description lnvoice Number lnvoice Sequence lnvoice GL Account lnvoice GL Account Title lnvoice Amount Check Amount Total 33929:7,484.80 Gregory Marsh 33930 01121 0112012021 33930 Gregory Marsh CARES Act-Smal 8 'l 01-0413-5s-0 COVID-19 E 12,602.13 12,602.13 Total 33930:12,602.13 H2 lnsurance lnc 3393r 01t21 01t20t2021 33931 H2 lnsurance lnc CARES Actsmal I 1 01-0413-55-0 covlD-19 E 3,000.00 3,000.00 Total 33931 3,000.00 HL lnvestment lnc 33932 01t21 01t2012021 33932 HL lnvestment lnc CARES Act-Smal 10 1 01-0413-55-0 COVID-19 E 15,000.00 15,000.00 Total 33932:'15,000.00 ldaho Medla Publishing LLC 33933 01121 o1l2ol2o21 33933 ldaho Media Publish CARES Act-Smal 12 1 01-0413-55-0 COVID-19 E 6,900.00 6,900.00 Total 33933:6,900.00 lnfinite lraintenance Solutions LLC 33934 O1l2'l O1l2Ol2O21 33934 lnfinite Maintenance CARES Act-Smal 13 1 01-0413-55-0 COVID-19 E 3,000.00 3,000.00 Total 33934 3,000.00 James M. Roberts 33935 o1t2't 01t2012021 33935 James M. Roberts CARES Act-Smal 11 1 01-0413-55-0 covlD-19 E 3,900.00 3,900.00 Total 33935:3,900.00 Kristina Anderson 33936 01121 01t20t2021 33936 Kristina Anderson CARES Actsmal 'l 'I 01-041 3-55-0 COVID-19 E 11,117.00 11,117.00 Total 33936:11,117 .OO Linda Western 33937 01t21 01t20t2021 33937 Linda Western CARES Act-Smal 26 1 01-0413-55-0 COVID-19 E 8,433.25 8,433.25 Total 33937:8,433.25 LLBG hc 33938 01t21 01t20t2021 33938 LLBG lnc M = Manual Check, V = Void Check CARES Act-Smal 14 1 01-0413-55-0 COVID-19 E 3,000.00 3,000.00 City of Eagle Check Register - Detail Eagle-City Hall Check lssue Dates:112012021 - 112012021 Page: 3 Jan20,2021 03:1 lPM GL Check Period lssue Date Check Number Payee Description lnvoice Number lnvoice Sequence lnvoice GL Account lnvoice GL Account Title lnvoice Amount Check Amount Total 33938:3,000.00 Marie P Demers 33939 01121 0112012021 33939 Marie P Demers CARES Acfsmal 22 1 0 r -0413-55-0 COVID-19 E 2,000.00 2,000.00 Total 33939:2,000.00 MASTERCARD 33940 01121 0112012021 33940 MASTERCARD Laserfiche Empo 7348-DEC2O 1 18-0413-03-0 TRA|NING 399.00 399.00 Total 33940:399.00 Morhood LLC 3394r 01t21 01t2012021 33941 Morhood LLC CARES Act-Smal 15 1 01-0413-55-0 COVID-19 E 11,241.85 11,241.8s Total 33941 11,241.85 North 45 One LLC 33942 o'il21 0112012021 33942 North 45 One LLC CARES Act-Smal '16 1 01-0413-55-0 COVID-I9 E ',15,000.00 15,000.00 Total 33942:15,000.00 North 45 Two LLC 33943 01t21 01120t2021 33943 North 45 Two LLC CARES Act-Smal 17 1 01-0413-55-0 COVID-19 E 14,523.54 14,523.54 Total 33943:'t4,523.54 Pain Care Clinic of ldaho 33944 01121 O1l2Ol2O21 33944 Pain Care Clinic of I CARES Acfsmal 19 1 01-04r3-55-0 COVID-19 E 3.627.18 3,627.18 Total 33944:3,627.18 Pivot Education LLC 33945 01121 o1l2ol2o21 33945 Pivot Education LLC CARES AcLSmal 20 1 01-0413-55-0 COVID-19 E 6,682.00 6,682.00 Total 33945:6,682.00 Preventative Health 33946 01t21 01t2012021 33946 Preventative Health CARES Act-Smal 21 1 01-0413-55-0 COVID-19 E 11,553.07 11,ss3.07 Total 33946 1 1,553.07 Reed Weber 33947 o'v21 01t2012021 33947 Reed Weber M = Manual Check, V = Void Check CARES Act-Smal 33 1 01-0413-55-0 covlD-19 E 15,000.00 15,000.00 City of Eagle Check Register - Detail Eagle-City Hall Check lssue Dales:1l2Ol2O21 - 1l2Ol2O21 Page: 4 Jan20,2021 03:'l'lPM GL Check Period lssue Date Check Number lnvoice Number lnvoice lnvoice GL Account lnvoice GL Account Title lnvoice Amount Check AmountPayeeDescriptionSequence Total 33947:15,000.00 Robert J Malin 33948 01121 01t201202'.1 33948 Robert J Malin CARES Act-Smal 7 1 01-0413-55-0 COVTD-19 E 8,000.00 8,000.00 Total 33948:8,000.00 Roman Enterprises LLC 33949 01t21 0'U2012021 33949 Roman Enterprises CARES Act-Smal 23 1 01-0413-55-0 COVTD-19 E 15,000.00 '15,000.00 Total 33949:15,000.00 Sara Day Spa LLC 33950 01121 0',U20t2021 33950 Sara Day Spa LLC CARES Actsmal 24 1 01-0413-55-0 COVID-19 E 12,362.50 12,362.50 Total 33950:12,362.50 Schumaker Consulting Group lnc 33951 01121 O1l2Ol2O21 33951 Schumaker Consulti CARES Act-Smat 25 Total 33951: 1 01-0413-55-0 COVTD-19 E 3,750.60 3,750.60 3,750.60 Sweet Cheeks Beauty Bar LLC 33952 01121 0112012021 33952 Sweet Cheeks Beau CARES Act-Smat 27 1 0'l-0413-55-0 COVTD-19 E 5,000.00 5,000.00 Total 33952:5,000.00 THD LLC 33953 01t21 01t20t2021 33953 THD LLC CARES Act-Smal 28 1 01-0413-55-0 COVID-19 E 10,s00.00 10,500.00 Total 33953:10,500.00 The Prancing Pony LLC 33954 0'1121 O1l2Ol2O21 33954 The Prancing Pony CARES Act-Smal 29 Total 33954: 1 01-0413-55-0 COVID-19 E 13,443.81 13,443.81 13,443.81 Tony Jay LLC 33955 01121 O1l2Ol2O2'l 33955 Tony Jay LLC CARES Act-Smal 34 1 01-0413-55-0 COVTD-19 E '13,000.00 13,000.00 Total 33955:13,000.00 Ver lnc 339s6 01121 01t2012021 33956 Ver lnc M = Manual Check, V = Void Check CARES Act-Smal 30 I 01-0413-55-0 COVTD-19 E 15,000.00 15,000.00 City of Eagle Check Register - Detail Eagle-City Hall Check lssue Dales112012021 - 1l21l2o2'l Page: 5 Jan20,2021 03:'l1PM GL Check Period lssue Date Check Number Payee Description lnvoice Number lnvoice lnvoice Sequence GLAccount lnvoice GL Account Title lnvoice Amount Check Amount Total 33956 15,000.00 VRI Limited Liability Company 33957 01t21 01t20t2021 Total 33957: Grand Totals: 33957 VR1 Limited Liability CARES Actsmat 31 1 01-04'13-55-0 COVTD-19 E 8,903.30 8,903.30 8,903.30 338,1 1 6.71 Dated: Mayor: City Council: Report Criteria: Report type: GL detail Bank.Bank number = 2 M = Manual Check, V = Void Check N o-) @o o o u_r <t oo' o oo ri @ N acN aq o.-t q o) Oqo o ui @ N € ^i rN o ogooo. @q oq 6o aq oosi au) N dl O@+@ ra oqoa @' ^ioq N cooo a cioq 4 oqooodi q a olo e C;Oq e doo-n oO o N N oqooq noq .{ o on 4 Nns Nq N .i Nol Noq N 6 NN @ aq 6@ci rc q no @ Og a ^i Oqooq o4N @01 N o!qonr di nn oo' oco O oNNr' a C,o o oq di a cioq oqo c aq N q ad) ood ogIt og 6 oo o ui @ a a o0 e -9 L o: f o -ad U @ @ @ @ o -9 o 6 U od mN + !2ocoE .E UUo N o ooo .g c = @o o oEa o C c o o -9uoU d qj EoE6 q o@N o o @ U dO o o trI @lol3l @ @ @o I o U o o EcNz 6 e o @6U o 6 ? 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