Minutes - 2020 - City Council - 12/12/2020 - Regular EAGLE CITY COUNCIL
December 12,2020
1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pierce calls the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
2. ROLL CALL: Present: BAUN, GOLD, PITTMAN, PIKE. All present. A quorum is
A. City Staff requests.None
B. Mayor or City Council requests.None
5. ACTION ITEM:Election of City Council President and Pro-Tem.
Mayor Pierce introduces the item.
Pike inquires who would like to serve and asks that they explain what makes them most qualified
to serve that position this year,prior to a nomination.
Baun states he likes the idea of rotating Council members to serve as President. He has served on
a variety of Committees/Commission in Ada County and with the City of Eagle. Baun assisted in
developing the 2007 and 2017 Eagle Comprehensive Plans and was contracted by the City of Eagle
for 12 years to review plans relative to natural resources. He has served on the Council for one
year has been involved in the creation of the BLM Concept Plan Work Group and Farmland
Preservation Group and has also been working with irrigation districts to develop non-motorized
transportation systems. He feels like he is qualified to fill the position.
Pittman states he would like to serve another year as the arrival of the COVID-19 virus has impeded
his duties this year. He doesn't feel that he truly had the opportunity to work with the Mayor and
staff the way he had hoped due to the pandemic. He would like to work with the Mayor and Council
to propose what the duties of the Council President and Pro-Tern provide to the City. Pittman is
proud a Veteran of the United States Military and has served on the City Council for three years.
He is very accessible as his Eagle based business is five minutes from City Hall and has yet to miss
a meeting of the City Council. Pittman has attended, and would make himself available to attend,
ribbon cuttings, grand openings, Chamber of Commerce luncheon to be the representative for the
City of Eagle. He feels he listens well with the community and staff.
Gold nominates Council member Pittman as President and Council Member Baun as Pro Tem.
Pike feels that having people rotate through as President and Pro-Tern is good. He would like to
see duties and responsibilities to be identified for President and Pro-Tem for future reference.
City Attorney confirms that the election of a Council President is in the pervue of the Council.
There has been precedence that Councils have allowed the Mayor to break a tie vote for Council
President nominations.
Pike moves to nominate Baun as Council President. Seconded by Baun. TWO AYE(BAUN,
Baun moves to nominate Councilman Pittman as Pro Tem. Seconded by Pike. ALL
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A. Mayor and Council Reports: Baun reports that the BLM Work Group interviews have been
conducted. Confirmation of appointments should be made shortly and hopefully meetings will
begin in February. Also reports on RC&D and the possibility of a community garden.Gold reports
that the Arts Commission is reviewing the City's new branding and is investigating potential use
of it,they have also released a call to artist for another mural. Pittman states that the Senior Center
Board is still not meeting. He did attend the Sewer District Board meeting and reports on the same.
(get more on sewer board meeting). Mayor Pierce reviews recent changes at the library including
new carpet installation and re-organization of the collection. He also announces the free mask
giveaway program that the City has launched.
B. City Hall Department Supervisor Reports: Building Official Nash reviews first quarter
revenue and building permits. Discusses upcoming proposed fee changes. Reviews updates in
trade permits and website upgrades for new construction permits.
C. City Attorney Report: No report.
7. PUBLIC COMMENT 1: The Eagle City Council is taking remote public comment via
Webex. Meeting login instructions are posted on https://www.cityofeagle.org/1698/Virtual-
Meetings. If you just want to watch the meeting, without giving comment, please watch our
livestream at https://www.cityofeagle.org/305/City-Agendas-Videos.
This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would
like to provide to the City Council regarding subjects not on the agenda. At times, the City Council may seek
comments/opinions regarding specific City matters during this allotted time.This is not the time slot to give formal
testimony on a public hearing matter,land use application,or comment on a pending application or proposal. Out
of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three(3)
Steve Bender, 1235 N. Seven Oaks Place Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Bender is very impressed with the
speed of the home delivery service that the Library is providing. Mr. Bender provides comment
on the release of effluent by Boise City into Farmers Union Canal that had been discussed. He
believes that previous information provided by"experts" were not in context. Mr. Bender states
that has since done additional research and he is no longer opposed to the release of effluent into
the canals and that to be on the record.
• Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will
be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor,a Councilmember,member of City Staff,
or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion.Items removed
from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the
City Council.
• Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of
Eagle City Staff,Planning&Zoning Commission,or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part
of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise.
A. Claims against the City.
B. Minutes of December 3,2020. (TEO)
C. Minutes of December 8,2020. (TEO)
D. Minutes of December 17,2020.(TEO)
E. Minutes of December 18,2020. (HC)
F. Resolution 21-01: Republic Services CPI—A Resolution Of The City Of Eagle, Idaho,
Amending Republic Services Fee Schedule Pursuant To The Solid Waste Contract
Recycling Collection Services as stated in Section 4.2 A. "Customer Rates —
Establishment"And Providing For Effective Date.
G. Resolution 21-03 — Expanding MYAC membership: A Resolution to update Mayor's
Youth Advisory Council to add Eagle Academy to the eligible list of school
representatives. (BJ)
H. Appointments to the Mayor's Youth Advisory Council: In accordance with Resolution
14-19, Mayor Pierce is requesting Council confirmation of Halley Hoellwarth, Nathan
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Jenson,Kylee Whiting,Hannah Szychulda,Sebastian Carranza,and Amaia Clayton as new
members to the Mayor's Youth Advisory Council. (JP)
I. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for the approval of A-05-20/RZ-06-20/CU-
04-20/PPUD-02-20/PP-03-20 — Mosscreek Planned Unit Development — Urban
Solutions, LLC: Urban Solutions, LLC, represented by Steve Hart, is requesting an
annexation, rezone from RUT(Rural-Urban Transition-Ada County designation)to R-5-
DA-P (Residential with a development agreement - PUD), conditional use permit,
preliminary development plan,and preliminary plat approvals for Mosscreek Subdivision,
a 64-lot (56-buildable, 8-common) residential planned unit development. The 21.6-acre
site,consisting of three(3)parcels,is located at the west terminus of West Escalante Drive,
south terminus of North Tempsford Way, and 5806 West State Street. (MJW)
J. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for the approval of FPUD-02-20 & FP-02-
20—Final Development Plan and Final Plat for Hidden Pond Subdivision—Susan
Barros: Susan Barros, represented by Bill Barros, is requesting final development plan
and final plat approvals for Hidden Pond Subdivision, a 12-lot (8-buildable, 4-common),
residential subdivision. The 9.85-acre site is located on the south side of West Floating
Feather Road approximately 750-feet east of the intersection of North Ballantyne Lane and
West Floating Feather Road at 1795 and 1797 West Floating Feather Road. (MJW)
K. Concrete Fence and Landscape Maintenance Agreement for Lots 2 & 3 within
Warrior Park Subdivision—Bob Wood: Bob Wood is requesting approval of a concrete
fence and landscape maintenance agreement for Lots 2& 3,Block 1,within Warrior Park
Subdivision per site specific condition of approval#13 for design review application DR-
31-15 MOD. The 3.79-acre site is located on the southeast corner of West Flint Drive and
North Park Lane. (WEV)
L. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for the approval of DR-18-20 — Common
Area Landscaping within Molinari Park Subdivision—Eagle 26,LLC: Eagle 26,LLC,
represented by Brian Liquin with Rennison Design, Inc., is requesting design review
approval of the common area landscaping within Molinari Park Subdivision. The 23.06-
acre site is located on the south side of East Plaza Drive approximately 300-feet east of the
intersection of South 2nd Street and East Plaza Drive. (WEV)
M. DR-64-20—Common Area Landscaping within Snoqualmie Falls Subdivision NO. 15
—Red Butte,LLC: Red Butte, LLC, represented by Jaime Snyder with T-O Engineers, is
requesting design review approval of the common area landscaping Snoqualmie
Falls Subdivision No. 15. A portion of the site (approximately 33-acres) is located at the
southeast corner of North Palmer Lane and West Floating Feather Road. The remaining
portion of the site(approximately 9.85-acres)is located on the north side of West Floating
Feather Road approximately 790-feet west of the intersection of North Arena Avenue and
West Floating Feather Road. (ERG)
N. DR-65-20—Three Subdivision Monument Signs for Snoqualmie Falls Subdivision No.
15—Red Butte,LLC: Red Butte,LLC,represented by Jaime Snyder with T-O Engineers,
is requesting design review approval for three subdivision monument signs for Snoqualmie
Falls Subdivision No. 15. A portion of the site(approximately 33-acres) is located at the
southeast corner of North Palmer Lane and West Floating Feather Road. The remaining
portion of the site(approximately 9.85-acres)is located on the north side of West Floating
Feather Road approximately 790-feet west of the intersection of North Arena Avenue and
West Floating Feather Road. (ERG)
O. DR-66-20—Bank with Drive-Up Service for Idaho First Bank—Idaho First Bank:
Idaho First Bank,represented by Greg Toolson with JGT Architecture,is requesting design
review approval for a 2,798-square foot bank with drive-up service. The 0.57-acre site is
located on the northeast corner of East State Street and North Stierman Way at 560 East
State Street. (ERG)
P. DR-67-20—Two Building Wall Signs,Four Directional Signage,and One Monument
Sign for Idaho First Bank—Idaho First Bank: Idaho First Bank, represented by Greg
Toolson with JGT Architecture,is requesting design review approval of two building wall
signs, four directional signage, and one monument sign for Idaho First Bank. The 0.57-
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acre site is located on the northeast corner of East State Street and North Stierman Way at
560 East State Street. (ERG)
Mayor introduces the item.
Pittman moves to approve consent agenda items 8A-P. Seconded Pike. BAUN AYE; GOLD
10. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Public hearings will not begin prior to 6:00 p.m. The Eagle City
Council is taking remote public testimony via Webex.Meeting login instructions are posted on
https://www.cityofeagle.org/1698/Virtual-Meetings. If you just want to watch the meeting,
without giving testimony, please watch our livestream at
•Public Hearings are legally noticed hearings required by state law.The public may provide formal
testimony regarding the application or issue before the City Council.This testimony will become
part of the hearing record for that application or matter.
•Disclosure of ex parte and/or conflict of interest.
A. ACTION ITEM: VAC-03-20 — Vacation to the Final Plat of Foxglove Estates
Subdivision No. 2—Jennifer & Leonard Fisher: Jennifer and Leonard Fisher are requesting to
vacate the southern 6-feet of the 12-foot rear yard public utility,pressurized irrigation,and drainage
easement located within Lot 21, Block 2, Foxglove Estates Subdivision No. 2. The 9,591-square
foot site is located at the north terminus of North Champions Place approximately 270-feet north
of the intersection of West Saguaro Drive and North Champions Place at 1190 North Champions
Place. (MJW)
Mayor introduces the item.
Zoning Administrator Bill Vaughan reviews the application and makes himself available for
Council Member Pittman seeks clarification on the site plan provided and the location of the
Mayor opens the public hearing.
No one chooses to speak.
Mayor closes the public hearing.
Pittman moves to approve VAC-03-20 — Vacation to the Final Plat of Foxglove Estates
Subdivision No.2—adding a site-specific condition with confirmation that all entities/utilizes
that could potentially use the easement have been contacted and letters confirming they are
ok with the confirmation are obtained. Seconded by Baun. Discussion. ALL
12. PUBLIC COMMENT 2: The Eagle City Council is taking remote public comment via
Webex.Meeting login instructions are posted on https://www.cityofeagle.org/1698/Virtual-
Meetings. If you just want to watch the meeting,without giving comment,please watch our
livestream at https://www.cityofeagle.org/305/City-Agendas-Videos.
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This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments
they would like to provide to the City Council regarding any matter,up to and including any subject on
the agenda with the exception of Public Hearing and land use items. Comments regarding Public
Hearing and land use items need to be made during the open public hearing for said item(s)in accordance
with Idaho Code. At times, the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City
matters(excluding Public Hearing and land use items)during this allotted time. Out of courtesy for all
who wish to speak,the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three(3)minutes.
Baun moves to adjourn. Seconded by Pike. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES
Hearing no further business,the Council m eci,ingwao Ijourned.
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Item 10A: VAC-03-20 — Vacation to the Final Plat of Foxglove Estates Subdivision No. 2 —
Jennifer & Leonard Fisher:
January 12, 2021
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We'll handle it from here' 2020 Annual Eagle Waste and Recycling Summary
Prepared by Rachele Klein —January 2021
Partnership History
• 1999 Solid Waste Services Franchised (3,400 households, 10,707 households at the close of 2020)
Residential service included weekly unlimited trash (in bags, cans or contractor-supplied carts) and
recycling (tin/aluminum cans, #1-3 plastics, mixed-waste paper, newspaper/magazines, cardboard and
used motor-oil) in 18-gallon blue bins. Residents recycled an average of 18.1 lbs./HH/month.
Commercial trash and cardboard-only recycling were offered to City businesses.
Average Number of Residential Accounts
: sa
• 2003 Eagle launched the first Pay-as-You-Throw trash program in the Treasure Valley with three trash cart
size options available (32-, 64-or 96-gallons). Rates were determined by the size of the trash cart.This
change was implemented after months of citizen-led meetings. As the City's partner we made the
necessary investments in the new carts and automated trucks. (Note: To accommodate residents with
limited trash service we offer "unlimited"trash for two weeks after Christmas and one week each spring.)
• 2008 City-Wide Recycling Survey—Results identified citizen interest in adding no-sort recycling carts and
senior citizen discounts.
• 2010 No-sort recycling carts delivered to every household —Customers were given the same recycling cart
size options as trash: 32-, 65- and 96-gallons. Recycling shifted to every-other-week collection. The amount
of recycling jumped to 31.5 lbs./HH/month. Senior citizen discounts were added.
• 2010 Fleet transition from diesel trucks to compressed natural gas. This decision was made during a time
when we were fighting non-attainment in the Treasure Valley. Crossing into non-attainment has significant
financial penalties, including the reduction or loss of funding for roads and highways. Our trash fleet was
one of the largest polluters in the State. Reducing our emissions had a dramatic impact on improving air
• 2012 City-Wide Customer Service Survey—Results indicated citizen interest in glass recycling. A glass
recycling drop-site at City Hall was added. This past year Eagle residents and businesses recycled 2,047
tons of glass.
• 2020—Residential Composting and Veteran Discounts were added. Today over 500 households compost
and 988 households have either the senior citizen or veteran discount. Our first compost give-back to
program participants will be in March.
• 2021 = Electric Trucks, Code Enforcement Clean-Ups and First Responder Discount
2020 Eagle City Statistics
Trash:The average household discards 273 pounds per month or 3,276 pounds per year.
95 Gallon Trash Carts 77%
65 Gallon Trash Carts 18%
48 Gallon Trash Carts 5%
Extra Trash Carts 16%
Pounds per House -Eagle 2020
jan feb mar april may june july aug sept oct nov dec
-Trash -Recycle
Curbside Recycling—The average household recycles 31.1 pounds per month or 373.2 pounds per year.
Leaf Recycling-458.7 tons of leaves collected curbside and 27.2 tons collected at the City Hall drop-site.
Republic Services provided leaf bags for Eagle Middle School's project and extra bags for Eagle City Hall.
Diverted Tons from Landfill-Eagle 2020
jan feb mar april may One july aug sept o<t nov de"-
Water-Bottle Only Recycling Drop-Site—Seasonal, Hauled 3x in 2020 for 1.4 tons of plastic.
Total residential diversion from the landfill in November was 30%.
2020 Donations totaled $24,992
2021 Proposed PI is 1.182%
City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version Page. 1
Check Issue Dates'12/9/2020-1/11/2021 Jan 11,2021 04:22PM
Report Criteria
Report type. GL detail
Bank Bank account="82007705"
Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check
Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount
12/17/2020 33494 Granicus,Inc. 1 ch 18-0418-01-00 OPERATIONAL RESV,EQUIP/SOFTWR 7,973 72- 7,973.72-
Total 33494 7,973 72-
12/16/2020 33615 Black Box Network Services 1 ch 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 199 00 199 00
Total 33615 199 00
12/16/2020 33616 Core&Main LP 1 ch 60-0438-08-00 CAPITAL METER SETS(NEW CUST) 10,046 96 10,046 96
Total 33616 10,046.96
12/16/2020 33617 DigLine 1 ch 60-0434-44-00 DIG LINE 291 20 291 20
Total 33817 291 20
12/16/2020 33618 Eagle United Methodist Church 1 ch 17-0423-03-00 FACILITY RENTAL 1,466 00 1,486 00
Total 33618 1,466 00
12/16/2020 33619 Heather Paredes 1 ch 01-0422-06-00 FIELD OF HONOR 120 00 120 00
12/16/2020 33619 Heather Paredes 2 ch 01-0422-06-00 FIELD OF HONOR 312 00 312 00
Total 33619 432 00
12/16/2020 33620 Jenay Furman 1 ch 17-0416-00-00 CONTRACT-PERMITS-CAMPS/CLASS 21 00 21 00
Total 33620 21.00
12/16/2020 33621 Loretta Jean Barra 1 ch 17-0416-00-00 CONTRACT-PERMITS-CAMPS/CLASS 84 00 84 00
Total 33621 84.00
12/16/2020 33622 M2 Automation&Control Sery 1 ch 23-0442-01-00 BLDG MAINTENANE&REPAIR 119 00 119 00
Total 33622 119 00
12/16/2020 33623 Maddalena Costanzo 1 ch 17-0416-00-00 CONTRACT-PERMITS-CAMPS/CLASS 140 00 140 00
Total 33623 140.00
12/16/2020 33624 MASTERCARD 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 120.22 120.22
City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version Page. 2
Check Issue Dates.12/9/2020-1/11/2021 Jan 11,2021 04:22PM
Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check
Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount
12/16/2020 33624 MASTERCARD 2 ch 23-0417-01-00 VEHICLE MTNC&REPAIR 17 59 17 59
12/16/2020 33624 MASTERCARD 3 ch 23-0414-02-00 MIS MTNC&REPAIR GROUNDS 13 50 13 50
12/16/2020 33624 MASTERCARD 4 ch 23-0417-01-00 VEHICLE MTNC&REPAIR 15 00 15 00
12/16/2020 33624 MASTERCARD 5 ch 23-0460-01-00 EQUIPMENT 499.99 499 99
12/16/2020 33624 MASTERCARD 6 ch 23-0420-00-00 MTNC/REPAIR EQUIPMENT 40.00 40 00
12/16/2020 33624 MASTERCARD 7 ch 23-0464-00-00 GROUNDS MTNC/REPAIR 422.97 422 97
12/16/2020 33624 MASTERCARD 8 ch 23-0480-27-00 Trash Cans,Bike Rep,Bench 1,152 78 1,152 78
12/16/2020 33624 MASTERCARD 9 ch 23-0413-04-00 TRAINING 191 58 191.58
12/16/2020 33624 MASTERCARD 1 ch 01-0462-01-00 PUBLIC RELATIONS 427 55 427 55
12/16/2020 33624 MASTERCARD 2 ch 21-0425-00-00 COMMUNITY EVENTS 57 70 57 70
12/16/2020 33624 MASTERCARD 3 ch 01-0462-01-00 PUBLIC RELATIONS 146.00 146 00
12/16/2020 33624 MASTERCARD 4 ch 23-0417-01-00 VEHICLE MTNC&REPAIR 176.84 176 84
12/16/2020 33624 MASTERCARD 5 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 16 55 16 55
12/16/2020 33624 MASTERCARD 6 ch 01-0482-01-00 PUBLIC RELATIONS 63 28 6328
12/16/2020 33624 MASTERCARD 7 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 77.99 77 99
12/16/2020 33624 MASTERCARD 8 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 17 54 17 54
12/16/2020 33624 MASTERCARD 9 ch 21-0420-00-00 ADMINISTRATION 14.69 14 69
12/16/2020 33624 MASTERCARD 10 ch 01-0413-50-00 JOB POSTINGS 123 46 123 46 1
12/16/2020 33624 MASTERCARD 11 ch 01-0413-50-00 JOB POSTINGS 501 70 501 70
12/16/2020 33624 MASTERCARD 1 ch 17-0423-09-00 VETERAN'S BREAKFAST 8324 83 24
12/16/2020 33624 MASTERCARD 2 ch 17-0423-09-00 VETERAN'S BREAKFAST 473.14 473 14
12/16/2020 33624 MASTERCARD 3 ch 17-0423-00-00 REC SUPPLIES-CAMPS&CLASSES 11_00 11 00
12/16/2020 33624 MASTERCARD 4 ch 17-0422-02-00 ADVERTISING/MKTING CAMP/CLASS 25 00 25 00
12/16/2020 33624 MASTERCARD 5 ch 17-0423-00-00 REC SUPPLIES-CAMPS&CLASSES 47 01 47 01
12/16/2020 33624 MASTERCARD 1 ch 18-0418-01-00 OPERATIONAL RESV,EQUIP/SOFTWR 739.98 739.98
12/16/2020 33624 MASTERCARD 2 ch 18-0419-02-00 EQUIPMENT 231 97 231 97
12/16/2020 33624 MASTERCARD 3 ch 18-0417-01-00 INTERNET&PHONE SERVICES 100 00 100 00
12/16/2020 33624 MASTERCARD 4 ch 18-0419-02-00 EQUIPMENT 303,95 303 95
12/16/2020 33624 MASTERCARD 1 ch 13-0413-25-00 MISCELLANEOUS 122.75 12275
12/16/2020 33624 MASTERCARD 1 ch 23-0417-01-00 VEHICLE MTNC&REPAIR 23.69 23 69
12/16/2020 33624 MASTERCARD 1 ch 17-0425-00-00 REC EQUIPMENT-TEAM SPORTS 226 13 226 13
12/16/2020 33624 MASTERCARD 2 ch 17-0425-00-00 REC EQUIPMENT-TEAM SPORTS 55 79 55 79
12/16/2020 33624 MASTERCARD 3 ch 17-0425-00-00 REC EQUIPMENT-TEAM SPORTS 160 20 160 20
12/16/2020 33624 MASTERCARD 4 ch 09-0463-12-00 PROMOTIONS 421 88 421 88
12/16/2020 33624 MASTERCARD 5 ch 09-0467-03-00 CHRISTMAS MARKET 32.97 32 97
12/16/2020 33624 MASTERCARD 6 ch 09-0487-08-00 EVENTS EQUIPEMNT 2,048 55 2,048 55
12/16/2020 33624 MASTERCARD 7 ch 17-0423-00-00 REC SUPPLIES-CAMPS&CLASSES 71 14 71 14
12/16/2020 33624 MASTERCARD 8 ch 17-0423-00-01 REC SUPPLIES-TEAM SPORTS 69 99 69 99
12/16/2020 33624 MASTERCARD 9 ch 17-0422-00-00 TRAINING-PROFESSIONAL DEVELOP 15.85 15 65
12/16/2020 33624 MASTERCARD 10 ch 09-0467-03-00 CHRISTMAS MARKET 129 15 129 15
12/16/2020 33624 MASTERCARD 11 ch 17-0425-00-00 REC EQUIPMENT-TEAM SPORTS 24000- 240.00-
12/16/2020 33624 MASTERCARD 1 ch 07-0461-02-00 ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP 140 00 140 00
12/16/2020 33624 MASTERCARD 2 ch 07-0481-02-00 ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP 118 00 11800
12/16/2020 33624 MASTERCARD 3 ch 07-0462-32-00 ARCHIVAL SUPPLIES 43.49 43.49
12/16/2020 33624 MASTERCARD 1 ch 17-0423-00-01 REC SUPPLIES-TEAM SPORTS 39 96 39 96
12/16/2020 33824 MASTERCARD 2 ch 17-0423-01-00 UNIFORMS 141 95 141 95
12/16/2020 33624 MASTERCARD 3 ch 17-0423-00-00 REC SUPPLIES-CAMPS&CLASSES 100.47 100 47
12/16/2020 33624 MASTERCARD 4 ch 17-0423-00-01 REC SUPPLIES-TEAM SPORTS 17 00 17 00
Total 33624 9,851 18
12/16/2020 33625 Parker Planning Services,LLC 1 ch 14-0416-03-00 Professional Service Contracts 4,480 00 4,480 00
Total 33625 4,480 00
City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version Page 3
Check Issue Dates:12/9/2020-1/11/2021 Jan 11,2021 04.22PM
Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check
Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount
12/16/2020 33626 Pitney Bowes 1 ch 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 432,03 432.03
Total 33626. 432 03
12/16/2020 33627 Sparklight Business 1 ch 23-0442-04-00 UTILITIES 6 16 6 16
Total 33627. 6 16
12/16/2020 33628 Staples Credit Plan 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 313 45 313 45
12/16/2020 33628 Staples Credit Plan 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 23.75 23 75
12/16/2020 33628 Staples Credit Plan 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 12521 125.21
12/16/2020 33628 Staples Credit Plan 2 ch 07-0462-31-00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 20 12 20.12
12/16/2020 33628 Staples Credit Plan 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 74 53 74 53
12/16/2020 33628 Staples Credit Plan 1 ch 07-0462-31-00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 17.00 17.00
Total 33628 574 06
12/16/2020 33829 Sterling Codifiers,Inc 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 500.00 500 00
Total 33629, 500.00
12/16/2020 33630 TischlerBise,Inc. 1 ch 01-0416-35-00 ADMINISTRATIVE RESERVE 5,500.00 5,50000
Total 33630, 5,500 00
12/16/2020 33631 T-O Engineers 1 ch 19-0466-05-00 EAGLE RD PED/BIKE BRIDGE 63,620,12 63,620 12
12/16/2020 33631 T-O Engineers 1 ch 19-0466-05-00 EAGLE RD PED/BIKE BRIDGE 23,772.21 23,772 21
12/16/2020 33631 T-O Engineers 1 ch 19-0466-05-00 EAGLE RD PED/BIKE BRIDGE 3,730 31 3,730.31
Total 33631: 91,122.64
12/16/2020 33632 US Bank Equipment Finance 1 ch 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 359 60 359 60
12/16/2020 33632 US Bank Equipment Finance 1 ch 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 2,573.67 2,573 67
Total 33632. 2,933.27
12/16/2020 33633 Venzon 1 ch 18-0417-01-00 INTERNET&PHONE SERVICES 385 60 385 60
Total 33633. 385 60
12/16/2020 33634 Venzon Wireless 1 ch 18-0417-01-00 INTERNET&PHONE SERVICES 68.12 68 12
Total 33634 68 12
12/16/2020 33635 XtraWorX 1 ch 17-0416-00-00 CONTRACT-PERMITS-CAMPS/CLASS 52 50 52.50
City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version Page 4
Check Issue Dates 12/9/2020-1/11/2021 Jan 11,2021 04.22PM
Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check
Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount
Total 33635 52 50
12/16/2020 33636 Zayo Group,LLC 1 ch 18-0417-01-00 INTERNET&PHONE SERVICES 1,303,18 1,303 18
Total 33636 1,303 18
12/16/2020 33637 Idaho Child Support Receipting 1 ch 23-0217-08-00 GARNISHMENT 152 30 152 30
12/16/2020 33637 Idaho Child Support Receipting 2 ch 23-0217-08-00 GARNISHMENT 138.46 138 46
Total 33637 290 76
12/16/2020 33638 Key Bank-HSA 1 ch 14-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 300.00 300 00
12/16/2020 33638 Key Bank-HSA 2 ch 06-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 660 00 660 00
12/16/2020 33638 Key Bank-HSA 3 ch 11-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 120 00 120.00
12/16/2020 33638 Key Bank-HSA 4 ch 17-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 625 00 625 00
12/16/2020 33638 Key Bank-HSA 5 ch 09-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 100 00 100 00
12/16/2020 33638 Key Bank-HSA 6 ch 13-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 150 00 150 00
12/16/2020 33638 Key Bank-HSA 7 ch 23-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 375 00 375 00
12/16/2020 33638 Key Bank-HSA 8 ch 13-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 100,00 100 00
Total 33638 2,430 00
12/17/2020 33639 Granicus,Inc. 1 oh 18-0418-01-00 OPERATIONAL RESV,EQUIP/SOFTWR 7,973.72 7,973 72
Total 33639: 7,973 72
12/21/2020 33640 Home Depot Credit Services 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 59 80 59 80
12/21/2020 33640 Home Depot Credit Services 1 ch 23-0480-01-00 EQUIPMENT 32 96 32 96
12/21/2020 33640 Home Depot Credit Services 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 25 97 25 97
12/21/2020 33640 Home Depot Credit Services 1 ch 23-0414-02-00 MIS MTNC&REPAIR GROUNDS 89 94 89 94
12/21/2020 33640 Home Depot Credit Services 1 ch 60-0434-26-00 TOOLS,EQUIPMENT AND SUPPS 19.28 19.28
12/21/2020 33640 Home Depot Credit Services 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 96 31 96 31
12/21/2020 33840 Home Depot Credit Services 1 ch 60-0434-26-00 TOOLS,EQUIPMENT AND SUPPS 45 16 45 16
12/21/2020 33640 Home Depot Credit Services 1 ch 23-0463-02-00 EQUIPMENT MTNC-REPAIR 161.31 161.31
12/21/2020 33640 Home Depot Credit Services 1 oh 23-0460-01-00 EQUIPMENT 59 76 59 76
12/21/2020 33640 Home Depot Credit Services 1 ch 60-0434-26-00 TOOLS,EQUIPMENT AND SUPPS 15.72 15.72
12/21/2020 33640 Home Depot Credit Services 1 ch 23-0460-01-00 EQUIPMENT 3 96 3 96
12/21/2020 33640 Home Depot Credit Services 1 ch 23-0460-01-00 EQUIPMENT 110 84 110 84
12/21/2020 33640 Home Depot Credit Services 1 ch 23-0450-01-00 BLDG/STRUCTURES MTNC&REPAIR 51 74 51 74
12/21/2020 33640 Home Depot Credit Services 2 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 28 91 28 91
Total 33640 801 66
12/21/2020 33641 Purchase Power 1 ch 01-0413-07-00 POSTAGE 904.00 904 00
Total 33641 904.00
12/21/2020 33642 Regence Blueshield of Idaho 1 ch 14-0217-07-00 P&Z DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 8.402 11 8,402 11
12/21/2020 33642 Regence Blueshield of Idaho 2 ch 06-0217-07-00 LIBRARY HEALTH INSURANCE 3,821 34 3,821 34
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Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount
12/21/2020 33642 Regence Blueshield of Idaho 3 ch 17-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 2,113 61 2,113 61
12/21/2020 33642 Regence Blueshield of Idaho 4 ch 13-0217-07-00 BLDG DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 2,955 30 2,955.30
12/21/2020 33642 Regence Blueshield of Idaho 5 ch 26-0217-07.00 HEALTH INSURANCE 595 59 595 59
12/21/2020 33642 Regence Blueshield of Idaho 6 ch 09-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 307 47 307.47
12/21/2020 33642 Regence Blueshield of Idaho 7 ch 11-0217-07-00 EXEC DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 335 99 335 99
12/21/2020 33642 Regence Blueshield of Idaho 8 ch 18-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 8,448 38 8,448.38
12/21/2020 33642 Regence Blueshield of Idaho 9 ch 12-0217-07-00 CLERK DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 5,018.21 5,018,21
12/21/2020 33642 Regence Blueshield of Idaho 10 ch 07-0217-07-00 MUSEUM HEALTH INSURANCE 499.14 499 14
12/21/2020 33642 Regence Blueshield of Idaho 11 ch 60-0217-07-00 WATER DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 2,468.88 2,468.88
12/21/2020 33642 Regence Blueshield of Idaho 12 ch 18-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 2,325 57 2,325 57
Total 33642 37,291 59
12/30/2020 33643 Ada County Sheriff-Civil Division 1 ch 17-0217-08-00 GARNISHMENT 513 79 513 79
Total 33643 513.79
12/30/2020 33644 Aspen Apartments,LLC 1 ch 60-0434-50-00 SHOP LEASE 875 00 875 00
12/30/2020 33844 Aspen Apartments,LLC 2 ch 23-0440-00-00 SHOP LEASE 1.998 54 1,998.54
Total 33644 2,873 54
12/30/2020 33645 Co-Energy 1 ch 23-0417-02-00 GAS AND OIL 650 95 650.95
12/30/2020 33645 Co-Energy 2 ch 60-0420-01-00 FUEL&LUBRICANTS 184 38 184.38
12/30/2020 33845 Co-Energy 3 ch 17-0424-03-00 GAS 49 14 49 14
12/30/2020 33645 Co-Energy 1 ch 23-0417-02-00 GAS AND OIL 400 92 400.92
12/30/2020 33645 Co-Energy 2 ch 60.0420-01-00 FUEL&LUBRICANTS 120.31 120 31
Total 33645 1,405 70
12/30/2020 33646 Idaho Child Support Receipting 1 ch 23-0217-08-00 GARNISHMENT 152 30 152 30
12/30/2020 33646 Idaho Child Support Receipting 2 ch 23-0217-08-00 GARNISHMENT 138 46 138.46
Total 33646 290.76
12/30/2020 33647 Idaho Power Co.-Processing Ctr 1 ch 60-0434-60-00 POWER 3,305 61 3,305.61
Total 33647: 3,305.61
12/30/2020 33648 Intermountain Gas Company 1 ch 23-0442-04-00 UTILITIES 630 86 630.86
12/30/2020 33648 Intermountain Gas Company 1 ch 23-0440-02-00 UTILTIES 158 72 158 72
12/30/2020 33648 Intermountain Gas Company 2 ch 60-0434-50-01 SHOP UTILITIES 68 00 68.00
Total 33648 857.58
12/30/2020 33649 Key Bank-HSA 1 ch 14-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 100 00 100.00
12/30/2020 33649 Key Bank-HSA 2 ch 23-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 75.00 75 00
12/30/2020 33649 Key Bank-HSA 3 ch 11-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 20.00 20 00
12/30/2020 33649 Key Bank-HSA 4 ch 08-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 260,00 260.00
12/30/2020 33649 Key Bank-HSA 5 ch 17.0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 225.00 225,00
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Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount
12/30/2020 33649 Key Bank-HSA 6 ch 13-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 50 00 50 00
Total 33649 730 00
12/30/2020 33650 Republic Services#884 1 ch 23-0442-04-00 UTILITIES 187 71 187 71
12/30/2020 33650 Republic Services#884 1 ch 23-0452-04-00 UTILITIES 243 50 243 50
12/30/2020 33650 Republic Services#884 2 ch 23-0449-04-00 UTILITIES 243 50 243.50
12/30/2020 33650 Republic Services#884 1 ch 23-0454-04-00 UTILITIES 204.54 204 54
12/30/2020 33650 Republic Services#884 1 ch 23-0421-01-00 REPUBLIC SERVICES-ADD PROGRAM 1,269 72 1.269 72
12/30/2020 33650 Republic Services#884 1 ch 23-0450-04-00 UTILTIES 58 15 58 15
Total 33850 2,207 12
01/11/2021 33651 A&B Lock and Key 1 ch 60-0434-26-00 TOOLS,EQUIPMENT AND SUPPS 203 80 203 60
Total 33651 203 60
01/11/2021 33652 ABC Stamp Co. 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 71.03 71 03
01/11/2021 33652 ABC Stamp Co 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 15 71 15 71
Total 33652 86.74
01/11/2021 33653 ACS-Advanced Control Systems 1 ch 60-0434-19-00 TELECOMMUNICATIONS/SCADA 478 00 478 00
Total 33653 478 00
01/11/2021 33654 Ada County Highway District 1 ch 01-0203-00-00 ACCTS PAYABLE-ACHD IMPACT FEES 189,600 00 189,600 00
Total 33654 189,600 00
01/11/2021 33655 Ada County Landfill 1 ch 23-0414-02-00 MIS MTNC&REPAIR GROUNDS 528 93 528 93
01/11/2021 33655 Ada County Landfill 1 ch 23-0414-02-00 MIS MTNC&REPAIR GROUNDS 124 83 124.83
Total 33655 653.78
01/11/2021 33656 Ada County Prosecuting Attorney 1 ch 01-0416-05-00 PROSECUTOR 5,333.00 5,333 00
Total 33656 5,333 00
01/11/2021 33857 Ada County Sheriffs Dept. 1 ch 01-0416-09-00 LAW ENFORCEMENT DEPARTMENT 267,819 00 267,819 00
Total 33657 287.819 00
01/11/2021 33658 Ada County Utility Coordinating C 1 ch 60-0434-23-00 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS 50 00 50.00
Total 33658. 50 00
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Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount
01/11/2021 33659 All Valley Fire Inspections&Svcs 1 ch 23-0442-01-00 BLDG MAINTENANE&REPAIR 265.00 265 00
Total 33659 265 00
01/11/2021 33660 Alsco 1 ch 23-0442-03-00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 72 44 72 44
01/11/2021 33660 Alsco 1ch 23-0442-03-00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 7244 7244
01/11/2021 33660 Alsco 1 ch 23-0442-04-00 UTILITIES 7244 7244
Total 33660 217.32
01/11/2021 33681 American Water Works Assoc 1 ch 60-0434-23-00 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS 86 00 86 00
Total 33661 86 00
01/11/2021 33862 American Water Works Assoc, 1 ch 60-0434-23-00 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS 86 00 86,00
Total 33662' 88.00
01/11/2021 33663 Analytical Laboratories,Inc. 1 ch 60-0435-56-00 TESTING-WK-MO-QTR-ANNUAL 64 00 64.00
01/11/2021 33663 Analytical Laboratories,Inc 1 ch 60-0435-56-00 TESTING-WK-MO-OTR-ANNUAL 64 00 64.00
01/11/2021 33663 Analytical Laboratories,Inc. 1 ch 60-0435-58-00 TESTING-WK-MO-QTR-ANNUAL 64 00 64.00
01/11/2021 33663 Analytical Laboratories,Inc 1 ch 60-0435-56-00 TESTING-WK-MO-QTR-ANNUAL 1,801 00 1,801.00
Total 33663' 1,993.00
01/11/2021 33684 Anna Rose Byers 1 ch 17-0416-00-00 CONTRACT-PERMITS-CAMPS/CLASS 63,00 63 00
Total 33664 63.00
01/11/2021 33665 Archive Social 1 ch 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 4,788.00 4,788 00
Total 33665 4,788 00
01/11/2021 33666 ASFPM 1 ch 14-0413-14-00 PROFESSIONAL DUES 500.00 500 00
Total 33666 500 00
01/11/2021 33667 Atlas Technical Consultants,LLC 1 ch 19-0465-06-00 EXPANSION OF CITY HALL 2,917,64 2,917 64
Total 33667 2,917 64
01/11/2021 33668 Barracuda Networks,Inc 1 ch 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 5,453 88 5,453.88
Total 33668 5,453.88
01/11/2021 33669 Blue Raven Solar,LLC 1 ch 13-0413-29-05 ELECTRICAL PERMIT REFUND 85 00 85 00
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Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount
01/11/2021 33669 Blue Raven Solar,LLC 1 ch 13-0413-29-05 ELECTRICAL PERMIT REFUND 85 00 85 00
01/11/2021 33669 Blue Raven Solar,LLC 1 ch 13-0413-29-05 ELECTRICAL PERMIT REFUND 85 00 85.00
- Total 33669 255 00
01/11/2021 33670 Boise Office Equipment 1 ch 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 33 84 33 84
Total 33670: 33,84
01/11/2021 33671 Borton-Lakey Law Offices PLLC 1 ch 01-0416-02-00 CITY ATTORNEY 1,140 00 1,140 00
Total 33671 1,140 00
01/11/2021 33672 B's Ace Hardware 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 13 50 13 50
01/11/2021 33672 B's Ace Hardware 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 7.58 7.58
01/11/2021 33672 B's Ace Hardware 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 44 16 44 16
01/11/2021 33672 B's Ace Hardware 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 2 49 2 49
01/11/2021 33672 B's Ace Hardware 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 15 98 15 98
01/11/2021 33672 B's Ace Hardware 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 87 55 87.55
01/11/2021 33672 B's Ace Hardware 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 19 18 19 18
01/11/2021 33672 B's Ace Hardware 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 24.98 24.98
01/11/2021 33672 B's Ace Hardware 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 40.98 40 98
01/11/2021 33672 B's Ace Hardware 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 7 77 7 77
01/11/2021 33672 B's Ace Hardware 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 229 95 229 95
01/11/2021 33672 B's Ace Hardware 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 22 99 22 99
01/11/2021 33672 B's Ace Hardware 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 19 17 19 17
01/11/2021 33672 B's Ace Hardware 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 4 46 4 46
01/11/2021 33672 B's Ace Hardware 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 109 98 109 98
01/11/2021 33672 B's Ace Hardware 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 71 98 71 98
01/11/2021 33672 B's Ace Hardware 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 9 98 9 98
01/11/2021 33672 B's Ace Hardware 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 18.98 18 98
01/11/2021 33672 B's Ace Hardware 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 17.98 17 98
01/11/2021 33672 B's Ace Hardware 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 64.54 64 54
01/11/2021 33672 B's Ace Hardware 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 22 99 22 99
01/11/2021 33672 B's Ace Hardware 1 ch 23-0460-01-00 EQUIPMENT 649 95 649 95
01/11/2021 33672 B's Ace Hardware 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 4 26 4 26
01/11/2021 33672 B's Ace Hardware 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 36 57 36.57
01/11/2021 33872 B's Ace Hardware 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 43 43
01/11/2021 33672 B's Ace Hardware 1 ch 23-0460-01-00 EQUIPMENT 688 44 688 44
01/11/2021 33672 B's Ace Hardware 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 15.58 15 58
01/11/2021 33672 B's Ace Hardware 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 41.98 41 98
01/11/2021 33672 B's Ace Hardware 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 16.37 16 37
01/11/2021 33672 B's Ace Hardware 1 ch 23-0414.03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 35.53 35 53
01/11/2021 33672 B's Ace Hardware 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 11 98 11 98
01/11/2021 33672 B's Ace Hardware 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 2 39 2.39
01/11/2021 33672 B's Ace Hardware 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 2.08 2 08
01/11/2021 33672 B's Ace Hardware 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 5.56 5 56
01/11/2021 33672 B's Ace Hardware 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 2.39 2 39
01/11/2021 33672 B's Ace Hardware 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 299 70 299 70
01/11/2021 33672 B's Ace Hardware 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 15 99 15.99
01/11/2021 33672 B's Ace Hardware 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 16 54 16.54
Total 33672 2,702 91
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Check Issue Dates:12/9/2020-1/11/2021 Jan 11,2021 04 22PM
Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check
Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount
01/11/2021 33673 BSN Sports Inc 1 ch 17-0423-00-01 REC SUPPLIES-TEAM SPORTS 664 88 664 88
Total 33673 664.88
01/11/2021 33674 Carl Attman 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 55 61 55.61
Total 33674 55.61
01/11/2021 33675 Carolyn Childers 1 ch 99-0107-00-00 CASH CLEARING-UTILITY BILLING 26.28 26 28
Total 33675 26.28
01/11/2021 33676 CenturyLink 1 ch 23-0442-04-00 UTILITIES 121 94 121 94
Total 33676 121 94
01/11/2021 33677 Christina Ray 1 ch 09-0467-03-00 CHRISTMAS MARKET 33.00 33 00
Total 33677 33.00
01/11/2021 33678 CIT 1 ch 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 196 06 196 06
Total 33678 196.06
01/11/2021 33679 City Of Eagle 1 ch 23-0454-04-00 UTILITIES 123 50 123.50
01/11/2021 33679 City Of Eagle 1 ch 23-0463.04-00 UTILITIES 55 83 55 83
Total 33679: 179.33
01/11/2021 33680 City Of Eagle 1 ch 60-0438-82-00 ROOM AND BOARD AT CITY HALL 3,201.00 3,201 00
Total 33680: 3,201.00
01/11/2021 33681 Co-Energy 1 ch 23-0417-02-00 GAS AND OIL 389 44 389.44
01/11/2021 33681 Co-Energy 2 ch 60-0420-01-00 FUEL&LUBRICANTS 209 84 209 84
Total 33681: 599 28
01/11/2021 33682 Commercial Tire 1 ch 23-0417-01-00 VEHICLE MTNC&REPAIR 76.95 76.95
01/11/2021 33682 Commercial Tire 1 ch 60-0420-03-00 VEHICLE MTNC&REPAIR 35.05 35.05
01/11/2021 33682 Commercial Tire 1 ch 60-0420-03-00 VEHICLE MTNC&REPAIR 32.95 32.95
Total 33662 144 95
01/11/2021 33683 Community Planning Association 1 ch 01-0413-14-00 PROFESSIONAL DUES 3,589.00 3,589 00
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Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount
Total 33683' 3,589.00
01/11/2021 33684 Comodo Security Solutions 1 ch 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 4,200 00 4,200.00
Total 33684 4,200.00
01/11/2021 33685 Core&Main LP 1 ch 60-0434-58-01 RPR/MTNC PUMPS-WELLS-CHEMICA 2,995,20 2.99520
01/11/2021 33685 Core&Main LP 1 ch 60-0434-58-01 RPR/MTNC PUMPS-WELLS-CHEMICA 35725- 357.25-
Total 33685 2,637 95
01/11/2021 33686 Core Building Company 1 ch 01-0203-01-01 BONDS DEPOSITS PAYABLE 11,028 32 11,028 32
Total 33686 11,028.32
01/11/2021 33687 Craig Ezekiel Brasher 1 ch 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 50 00 50 00
Total 33687 50 00
33688 1
01/11/2021 33688 CTC Business 1 ch 18-0417-01-00 INTERNET&PHONE SERVICES 413 95 413 95
Total 33688 413 95
01/11/2021 33689 Dell Marketing L.P 1 ch 18-0419-02-00 EQUIPMENT 381 82 381 82
01/11/2021 33689 Dell Marketing L.P 1 ch 18-0419-02-00 EQUIPMENT 109 99 109 99
01/11/2021 33689 Dell Marketing L.P 1 ch 18-0419-02-00 EQUIPMENT 1,540 09 1,540 09
01/11/2021 33689 Dell Marketing L P 1 ch 18-0419-02-00 EQUIPMENT 2,770 32 2770 32
Total 33689 4,802 22
01/11/2021 33690 Delta Dental of Idaho 1 ch 60-0217-07-00 WATER DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 324 87 324 87
01/11/2021 33690 Delta Dental of Idaho 2 ch 06-0217-07-00 LIBRARY HEALTH INSURANCE 371 05 371 05
01/11/2021 33690 Delta Dental of Idaho 3 ch 23-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 455 48 455 48
01/11/2021 33690 Delta Dental of Idaho 4 ch 17-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 167 04 167 04
01/11/2021 33690 Delta Dental of Idaho 5 ch 26-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 136 95 136.95
01/11/2021 33690 Delta Dental of Idaho 6 ch 12-0217-07-00 CLERK DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 320 08 320 08
01/11/2021 33690 Delta Dental of Idaho 7 ch 07-0217-07-00 MUSEUM HEALTH INSURANCE 41 76 41 76
01/11/2021 33690 Delta Dental of Idaho 8 ch 14-0217-07-00 P&Z DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 358 37 358 37
01/11/2021 33690 Delta Dental of Idaho 9 ch 18-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 136.95 136 95
01/11/2021 33690 Delta Dental of Idaho 10 ch 11-0217-07-00 EXEC DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 41 76 41.78
01/11/2021 33690 Delta Dental of Idaho 11 ch 13-0217-07-00 BLDG DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 220 47 220 47
Total 33690 2,574 78
01/11/2021 33691 Dennis Holte 1 ch 13-0416-09-00 PLUMBING INSPECTIONS 12,885 00 12,885 00
Total 33691 12,885.00
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Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount
01/11/2021 33692 Derek T Smith 1 ch 01-0413-01-00 P&Z COMMISSIONERS COMPENSATI 50 00 50.00
Total 33692 50 00
01/11/2021 33693 Design Space Modular Bldgs PN 1 ch 01-0413-55-00 COVID-19 EXPENDIURES 7,900.00 7,900 00
01/11/2021 33693 Design Space Modular Bldgs PN 2 ch 01-0410-19-00 RESERVE COVID-19 8,400 00 8.400.00
Total 33693 16,300.00
01/11/2021 33694 Development Services-Chaumont 1 ch 23-0416-07-00 CHAUMONT LEASE AGREEMENT 1 00 1.00
Total 33694- 1.00
01/11/2021 33695 Diane McLaughlin 1 ch 01-0413-01-00 P&Z COMMISSIONERS COMPENSATI 50 00 50 00
Total 33695 50.00
01/11/2021 33696 Display Sales Company 1 ch 23-0414-08-00 SIGNS&SIGN REPLACEMENT 900.00 900 00
Total 33696 900.00
01/11/2021 33697 Drugfree Idaho 1 ch 01-0416-49-00 DRUGFREE IDAHO 165 48 165.46
01/11/2021 33697 Drugfree Idaho 2 ch 01-0413-52-00 BACKGROUND CK-DRUG TESTING 151 00 151.00
Total 33697. 316 48
01/11/2021 33698 Eagle Senior Citizens,Inc. 1 ch 01-0416-55-00 EAGLE SENIOR CENTER 25,000 00 25,000 00
Total 33698: 25,000 00
01/11/2021 33699 Eagle Sewer District 1 ch 23-0442-04-00 UTILITIES 144.00 144.00
01/11/2021 33699 Eagle Sewer District 1 ch 23-0449-04-00 UTILITIES 36.00 36 00
01/11/2021 33699 Eagle Sewer District 1 ch 23-0450-04-00 UTILTIES 18 00 18 00
01/11/2021 33699 Eagle Sewer District 2 ch 23-0452-04-00 UTILITIES 18 00 18.00
01/11/2021 33699 Eagle Sewer District 1 oh 23-0454-04-00 UTILITIES 36 00 36.00
01/11/2021 33699 Eagle Sewer District 1 ch 23-0463-04-00 UTILITIES 36.00 36.00
Total 33699 288 00
01/11/2021 33700 Eagle Water Co 1 ch 23-0452-04-00 UTILITIES 435.76 435.76
01/11/2021 33700 Eagle Water Co. 1 oh 23-0452-04-00 UTILITIES 53 80 53 80
01/11/2021 33700 Eagle Water Co. 1 ch 23-0442-04-00 UTILITIES 40 36 40 36
01/11/2021 33700 Eagle Water Co 1 ch 23-0455-04-00 UTILITIES 20 09 20.09
01/11/2021 33700 Eagle Water Co 1 ch 23-0455-04-00 UTILITIES 20.09 20 09
01/11/2021 33700 Eagle Water Co 1 ch 23-0449-04-00 UTILITIES 53.80 53.80
01/11/2021 33700 Eagle Water Co 1 ch 23-0449-04-00 UTILITIES 53.80 53.80
01/11/2021 33700 Eagle Water Co. 1 ch 23-0454-04-00 UTILITIES 20.09 20 09
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Check Issue Dates 12/9/2020-1/11/2021 Jan 11,2021 04 22PM
Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check
Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount
Total 33700. 697 79
01/11/2021 33701 Ednetics Inc 1 ch 01-0413-55-00 COVID-19 EXPENDIURES 4,997.50 4,997 50
Total 33701: 4,997 50
01/11/2021 33702 Elec Controls & Instrumentals,LL 1 ch 13-0416-25-00 ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR 11,733.41 11,733 41
Total 33702 11,733 41
01/11/2021 33703 ESI 1 oh 08-0438-37-00 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 3,413 04 3,413.04
Total 33703: 3,413.04
01/11/2021 33704 ESI 1 ch 01-0203-01-01 BONDS DEPOSITS PAYABLE 59.700.00 59.700.00
Total 33704: 59,700 00
01/11/2021 33705 Fishers Technology 1ch 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 22.89 22.89
Total 33705 22 89
01/11/2021 33706 FitPrint Marketing 1 ch 01-0413-55-00 COVID-19 EXPENDIURES 40,000 00 40,000 00
Total 33706 40,000 00
01/11/2021 33707 Grainger-Dept.868555954 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 8 65 8 65
01/11/2021 33707 Grainger-Dept.868555954 1 ch 23-0414-08-00 SIGNS&SIGN REPLACEMENT 103.16 103.16
Total 33707: 11181
01/11/2021 33708 HECO Engineers 1 ch 01-0413-31-00 ENGINEERING FEE/DEVELOPER CHG 1,750 00 1,750 00
01/11/2021 33708 HECO Engineers 1 ch 01-0413-31-00 ENGINEERING FEE/DEVELOPER CHG 11,777 00 11,777 00
Total 33708 13,527 00
01/11/2021 33709 Holland&Hart LLP 1 ch 01-0416-02-00 CITY ATTORNEY 34,111 50 34,111 50
Total 33709 34,111 50
01/11/2021 33710 HR Specialist-Employment Law 1 ch 12-0413-12-00 PERSONNEL TRAINING 97 00 97 00
Total 33710 97 00
01/11/2021 33711 IDABO 1 ch 26-0413-14-00 PROFESSIONAL DUES 45 00 45 00
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Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount
01/11/2021 33711 IDABO 2 ch 13-0413-14-00 PROFESSIONAL DUES 390 00 390 00
Total 33711 435.00
01/11/2021 33712 Idaho Correctional Industries 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 469 50 469.50
Total 33712- 469 50
01/11/2021 33713 Idaho Humane Society,Inc 1 ch 01-0416-06-00 IDAHO HUMANE SOCIETY 11,473.67 11,473.67
Total 33713. 11,473.67
01/11/2021 33714 Idaho Power Co.-Processing Ctr 1 ch 23-0416-00-00 WHITECLIFF PUMP STATION 50 35 50.35
01/11/2021 33714 Idaho Power Co-Processing Ctr 1 ch 23-0442-04-00 UTILITIES 1,075.74 1,075.74
01/11/2021 33714 Idaho Power Co.-Processing Ctr 2 ch 60-0434-50-01 SHOP UTILITIES 67 38 67 36
01/11/2021 33714 Idaho Power Co-Processing Ctr 3 ch 23-0440-02-00 UTILTIES 134 74 134 74
01/11/2021 33714 Idaho Power Co-Processing Ctr 1 ch 23-0453-04-00 UTILITIES 97 80 97.80
01/11/2021 33714 Idaho Power Co.-Processing Ctr 2 ch 23-0459-04-00 UTILITIES 417.25 417.25
01/1 1/2021 33714 Idaho Power Co-Processing Ctr 3 ch 23-0450-04-00 UTILTIES 92.80 92.80
01/11/2021 33714 Idaho Power Co.-Processing Ctr 4 ch 23-0454-04-00 UTILITIES 661.55 661.55
01/11/2021 33714 Idaho Power Co.-Processing Ctr 5 ch 23-0449-04-00 UTILITIES 371.90 371.90
01/11/2021 33714 Idaho Power Co.-Processing Ctr 6 ch 23-0448-04-00 UTILITIES 17.98 17.98
01/11/2021 33714 Idaho Power Co-Processing Ctr 7 ch 23-0455-04-00 UTILITIES 241 36 241.36
01/11/2021 33714 Idaho Power Co.-Processing Ctr 8 ch 23-0463-04-00 UTILITIES 672 06 672.06
Total 33714. 3,900.89
01/11/2021 33715 Idaho Statesman-Advertising 1 ch 01-0413-08-00 LEGAL ADVERTISING/PUBLICATION 822 16 822 16
01/11/2021 33715 Idaho Statesman-Advertising 2 ch 19-0465-05-00 CITY ADDITIONAL PROJECTS 102.65 102 65
01/11/2021 33715 Idaho Statesman-Advertising 3 ch 14-0413-08-00 LEGAL ADS&PUBLICATIONS 543.20 543 20
01/11/2021 33715 Idaho Statesman-Advertising 1 ch 01-0413-08-00 LEGAL ADVERTISING/PUBLICATION 216.12 216.12
01/11/2021 33715 Idaho Statesman-Advertising 2 ch 01-0413-08-00 LEGAL ADVERTISING/PUBLICATION 411.76 411 76
01/11/2021 33715 Idaho Statesman-Advertising 3 ch 14-0413-08-00 LEGAL ADS&PUBLICATIONS 502 14 502.14
Total 33715 2,598 03
01/11/2021 33716 IIMC 1 ch 12-0413-14-00 PROFESSIONAL DUES 11500 115 00
01/11/2021 33716 IIMC 1 ch 12-0413-14-00 PROFESSIONAL DUES 215 00 215.00
Total 33716 330.00
01/11/2021 33717 International Code Council Inc 1 ch 13-0413-28-00 RESOURCE MATERIALS 105 00 105.00
01/11/2021 33717 International Code Council Inc 1 ch 13-0413-28-00 RESOURCE MATERIALS 80 20 80 20
Total 33717 185 20
01/11/2021 33718 Johnstone Supply 1 ch 23-0414-11-00 HVAC MAINTENANCE 172.15 172 15
01/11/2021 33718 Johnstone Supply 1 ch 23-0414-11-00 HVAC MAINTENANCE 18.99 18.99
01/11/2021 33718 Johnstone Supply 1 ch 23-0414-11-00 HVAC MAINTENANCE 39 38 39:38
01/11/2021 33718 Johnstone Supply 1 ch 23-0414-11-00 HVAC MAINTENANCE 335 38 335.38
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Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount
Total 33718 585.90
01/11/2021 33719 Joshua Johnson 1 ch 13-0413-29-04 PLUMBING PERMIT REFUND 70 00 70 00
Total 33719 70 00
01/11/2021 33720 J-U-B Engineers,Inc 1 ch 25-0438-01-00 EAGLE ISLAND ST PK CONNECTION 8.423 50 8,423 50
Total 33720 8,423 50
01/11/2021 33721 Kayli Nielson 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 69 33 89 33
Total 33721 69 33
01/11/2021 33722 Land Consultants 1 ch 14-0416-03-00 Professional Service Contracts 190 00 190 00
Total 33722 190 00
01/11/2021 33723 Loretta Jean Barra 1 ch 17-0416-00-00 CONTRACT-PERMITS-CAMPS/CLASS 126 00 126 00
Total 33723' 126 00
01/11/2021 33724 Louis Germano 1 ch 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 50 00 50 00
Total 33724 50 00
01/11/2021 33725 M2 Automation&Control Sery 1 ch 23-0442-04-00 UTILITIES 119.00 11900
Total 33725 119.00
01/11/2021 33726 MASTERCARD 1 ch 23-0480-29-00 Flag Pole Install 2,000 00 2,000 00
01/11/2021 33726 MASTERCARD 2 ch 09-0467-03-00 CHRISTMAS MARKET 63 00 63.00
01/11/2021 33726 MASTERCARD 3 ch 23-0464-00-00 GROUNDS MTNC/REPAIR 234.91 234 91
01/11/2021 33726 MASTERCARD 4 ch 23-0413-04-00 TRAINING 200,00 200 00
01/11/2021 33726 MASTERCARD 5ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 1,392,00 1,39200
01/11/2021 33726 MASTERCARD 6 ch 23-0413-10-00 PUBLIC RELATIONS 89 70 89 70
01/11/2021 33726 MASTERCARD 7 ch 23-0480-27-00 Trash Cans,Bike Rep,Bench 1,570 00 1,570.00
01/11/2021 33726 MASTERCARD 1 ch 17-0423-00-00 REC SUPPLIES-CAMPS&CLASSES 14 84 14 84
01/11/2021 33726 MASTERCARD 1 ch 17-0423-00-00 REC SUPPLIES-CAMPS&CLASSES 314 54 314 54
01/11/2021 33726 MASTERCARD 2 ch 17-0423-00-00 REC SUPPLIES-CAMPS&CLASSES 312.23 312.23
01/11/2021 33726 MASTERCARD 3 ch 17-0422-02-00 ADVERTISINGIMKTING CAMP/CLASS 19 99 19 99
01/11/2021 33726 MASTERCARD 4 ch 17-0423-02-00 FIELD TRIPS 250 00 250.00
01/11/2021 33726 MASTERCARD 5 ch 17-0423-02-00 FIELD TRIPS 178.20 178 20
01/11/2021 33726 MASTERCARD 6 ch 17-0423-00-00 REC SUPPLIES-CAMPS&CLASSES 164 04 164 04
01/11/2021 33726 MASTERCARD 7 ch 17-0423-00-00 REC SUPPLIES-CAMPS&CLASSES 19.99 19 99
01/11/2021 33726 MASTERCARD 8 ch 17-0423-00-00 REC SUPPLIES-CAMPS&CLASSES 34 98 34 98
01i11/2021 33726 MASTERCARD 9 ch 17-0423-00-00 REC SUPPLIES-CAMPS&CLASSES 22 00 22.00
01/11/2021 33726 MASTERCARD 1 ch 18-0419-02-00 EQUIPMENT 119 85 119 85
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Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount
01/11/2021 33726 MASTERCARD 2 ch 18-0419-02-00 EQUIPMENT 375 49 375 49
01/11/2021 33726 MASTERCARD 3 ch 18-0417-01-00 INTERNET&PHONE SERVICES 100 00 100 00
01/11/2021 33726 MASTERCARD 4 ch 18-0419-02-00 EQUIPMENT 3,599.88 3,599 88
01/11/2021 33726 MASTERCARD 5 ch 18-0419-02-00 EQUIPMENT 3,487.65 3,487 65
01/11/2021 33726 MASTERCARD 6 ch 18-0418-01-00 OPERATIONAL RESV,EQUIP/SOFTWR 50 92 50 92
01/11/2021 33726 MASTERCARD 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 2175 2175
01/11/2021 33726 MASTERCARD 1 ch 01-0462-01-00 PUBLIC RELATIONS 80.45 80.45
01/11/2021 33726 MASTERCARD 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 6000 6000
01/11/2021 33726 MASTERCARD 1 ch 09-0467-02-00 EAGLE SATURDAY MARKET 9 99 9.99
01/11/2021 33726 MASTERCARD 2 oh 09-0467-03-00 CHRISTMAS MARKET 378 64 378 64
01/11/2021 33726 MASTERCARD 3 ch 17-0423-00-01 REC SUPPLIES-TEAM SPORTS 45660 45660
01/11/2021 33726 MASTERCARD 4 ch 17-0423-00-01 REC SUPPLIES-TEAM SPORTS 746 53 746 53
01/11/2021 33726 MASTERCARD 5 ch 09-0483-26-00 MEMBERSHIPS 29.95 29 95
01/11/2021 33726 MASTERCARD 6 ch 09-0467-02-00 EAGLE SATURDAY MARKET 9 99 9 99
01/11/2021 33726 MASTERCARD 7 ch 17-0423-00-01 REC SUPPLIES-TEAM SPORTS 267 36 267 36
01/11/2021 33726 MASTERCARD 1 ch 17-0422-02-01 ADVERTISING/MKTNG TEAM SPORTS 73 03 73.03
01/11/2021 33726 MASTERCARD 2 ch 17-0423-00-01 REC SUPPLIES-TEAM SPORTS 151 91 151 91
01/11/2021 33726 MASTERCARD 3 ch 17-0423-00-01 REC SUPPLIES-TEAM SPORTS 213 89 213 89
Total 33726 17,114 30
01/11/2021 33727 Memorial Monuments Inc 1 ch 01-0462-02-00 AWARDS&RECOGNITIONS 371.50 371.50
Total 33727: 371.50
01/11/2021 33728 Michael MacKenzie 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 27 75 27 75
Total 33726 27 75
01/11/2021 33729 Mountain States Roofing 1 ch 23-0442-01-00 BLDG MAINTENANE&REPAIR 250 00 250 00
Total 33729 250 00
01/11/2021 33730 NAPA Auto Parts 1 ch 23-0417-01-00 VEHICLE MTNC&REPAIR 125.99 125 99
01/11/2021 33730 NAPA Auto Parts 1 ch 23-0417-01-00 VEHICLE MTNC&REPAIR 136 99 136 99
01/11/2021 33730 NAPA Auto Parts 1 ch 23-0417-01-00 VEHICLE MTNC&REPAIR 8.99 8.99
01/11/2021 33730 NAPA Auto Parts 1 ch 23-0414-05-00 PAPER PRODUCTS 48 98 48.98
01/11/2021 33730 NAPA Auto Parts 1 ch 23-0414-05-00 PAPER PRODUCTS 97.96 97.96
01/11/2021 33730 NAPA Auto Parts 1 ch 23-0417-01-00 VEHICLE MTNC&REPAIR 136 99 136.99
Total 33730 555.90
01/11/2021 33731 Neunlink 1 ch 01-0413-55-00 COVID-19 EXPENDIURES 17,001 25 17,001 25
Total 33731 17,001 25
01/11/2021 33732 Northwest Traffic Services,LLC 1 ch 09-0467-03-00 CHRISTMAS MARKET 575.00 575.00
Total 33732: 575.00
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Check Issue Dates 12/9/2020-1/11/2021 Jan 11,2021 04.22PM
Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check
Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount
01/11/2021 33733 Orkin/Sawyer Inc. 1 ch 23-0442-04-00 UTILITIES 1,090 60 1,090 60
Total 33733 1,090.60
01/11/2021 33734 Pacific Office Automation 1 ch 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 232 51 232 51
01/11/2021 33734 Pacific Office Automation 1 ch 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 60 67 60 67
01/11/2021 33734 Pacific Office Automation 1 ch 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 18 04 18 04
Total 33734 311 22
01/11/2021 33735 Paul Carew 1 ch 09-0463-12-00 PROMOTIONS 975,00 975 00
Total 33735: 975 00
01/11/2021 33736 Pitney Bowes Inc-Supplies 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 226 08 226 08
Total 33736 226 08
01/11/2021 33737 Platt Electric Supply 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 19 58 19 58
Total 33737. 19.58
01/11/2021 33738 PSI Inc. 1 ch 18-0418-01-00 OPERATIONAL RESV,EQUIP/SOFTWR 584.00 584.00
Total 33738 584 00
01/11/2021 33739 Pure Love Sustainability,LLC 1 ch 17-0416-00-00 CONTRACT-PERMITS-CAMPS/CLASS 63 00 63.00
Total 33739- 63 00
01/11/2021 33740 Quadrant Consulting,Inc 1 ch 08-0438-37-00 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 3,000 00 3,000,00
Total 33740 3,000 00
01/11/2021 33741 Radix Construction,Inc. 1 ch 01-0203-01-01 BONDS DEPOSITS PAYABLE 23,973 00 23,973 00
Total 33741- 23,973 00
01/11/2021 33742 Radix Construction,Inc. 1 ch 01-0203-01-01 BONDS DEPOSITS PAYABLE 165,598,50 165,598 50
Total 33742 165,598.50
01/11/2021 33743 Rick G.Wenick 1 ch 13-0416-13-00 BLDG INSPECTOR 4,632 00 4,632 00
Total 33743 4,632.00
City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version Page. 17
Check Issue Dates:12/9/2020-1/11/2021 Jan 11,2021 04:22PM
Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check
Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount
01/11/2021 33744 Mini,Inc.-Terry Medley 1 ch 13-0416-11-00 MECHANICAL INSPECTOR 12,635 94 12,635 94
01/11/2021 33744 Rimi,Inc.-Terry Medley 1 ch 13-0416-14-00 PLAN REVIEW-CONTRACT 2,200 95 2,200.95
Total 33744 14,836 89
01/11/2021 33745 Robert Grubb 1 ch 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 50 00 5000
Total 33745 50 00
01/11/2021 33746 Rocky Mountain Electric 1 ch 23-0415-08-00 LIBRARY FLOORING 3,677.00 3,677 00
01/11/2021 33746 Rocky Mountain Electric 1 ch 23-0415-08-00 LIBRARY FLOORING 7,717 00 7,717 00
01/11/2021 33746 Rocky Mountain Electric 1 ch 06-0464-00-00 BUILDING 2,784.67 2,784 67
Total 33746: 14,178.67
01/11/2021 33747 SESAC 1 ch 09-0463-21-00 PROFESSIONAL DUES 96500 96500
Total 33747' 965 00
01/11/2021 • 33748 Shred-it C/O Stericycle,Inc 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 135.00 135.00
01/11/2021 33748 Shred-It C/O Stericycle,Inc. 2 ch 07-0462-36-00 MUSEUM SHRED-IT 123.19 123 19
Total 33748 258.19
01/11/2021 33749 SiteOne Landscape Supply,LLC 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 681.10 681 10
Total 33749 681.10
01/11/2021 33750 Sonja Hunt 1 ch 99-0107-00-00 CASH CLEARING-UTILITY BILLING 10 56 10 56
Total 33750 10 56
01/11/2021 33751 Sparklight Business 1 ch 18-0417-01-00 INTERNET&PHONE SERVICES 266.97 286 97
01/11/2021 33751 Sparklight Business 1 ch 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 3.09 3 09
Total 33751 270 06
01/11/2021 33752 SPF Water Engineering 1 ch 60-0434-42-02 MISC LEGAL AND ENG SERVICES 1,468 00 1,468.00
Total 33752- 1,468.00
01/11/2021 33753 Staples Credit Plan 1 ch 14-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 203 20 203.20
01/11/2021 33753 Staples Credit Plan 2 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 33 80 33.80
01/11/2021 33753 Staples Credit Plan 3 ch 17-0422-01-00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 14 28 14.28
01/11/2021 33753 Staples Credit Plan 1 ch 06-0420-05-00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 47 50 47.50
01/11/2021 33753 Staples Credit Plan 1 ch 23-0413-01-00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 59.99 59 99
01/11/2021 33753 Staples Credit Plan 2 ch 12-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 6 49 6.49
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Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount
01/11/2021 33753 Staples Credit Plan 3 ch 17-0422-01-00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 14 99 14 99
01/11/2021 33753 Staples Credit Plan 4 ch 18-0419-01-00 FURNITURE 143.08 143,08
01/11/2021 33753 Staples Credit Plan 1 ch 17-0422-01-00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 17 99 17 99
01/11/2021 33753 Staples Credit Plan 1 ch 06-0420-05-00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 45 49 45 49
01/11/2021 33753 Staples Credit Plan 1 ch 17-0422-01-00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 3649 36.49
01/11/2021 33753 Staples Credit Plan 1 ch 12-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 7.75 7 75
01/11/2021 33753 Staples Credit Plan 1 ch 12-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 20 99 20 99
01/11/2021 33753 Staples Credit Plan 2 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 174 82 174.82
01/11/2021 33753 Staples Credit Plan 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 49.93 49.93
01/11/2021 33753 Staples Credit Plan 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 33 77 33 77
01/11/2021 33753 Staples Credit Plan 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 1586 15.86
01/11/2021 33753 Staples Credit Plan 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 125 44 125 44
01/11/2021 33753 Staples Credit Plan 2 ch 60-0434-15-00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 38 49 38 49
01/11/2021 33753 Staples Credit Plan 1 ch 14-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 2 84- 2.84-
Total 33753 1,087 51
01/11/2021 33754 Steve Guerber 1 ch 01-0413-01-00 P&Z COMMISSIONERS COMPENSATI 50 00 50 00
Total 33754 50 00
01/11/2021 33755 Stoner Electric 1 ch 01-0413-25-00 MISCELLANEOUS 25.00 25 00
Total 33755 25 00
01/11/2021 33756 Talena Baer 1 ch 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 50 00 50 00
Total 33756 50 00
01/11/2021 33757 Tates Rents 1 ch 23-0462-00-00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 272 14 272 14
01/11/2021 33757 Tates Rents 1 ch 23-0414-04-00 HOLIDAY LIGHTING 10 47 10 47
01/11/2021 33757 Tates Rents 1 ch 23-0417-01-00 VEHICLE MTNC&REPAIR 10.98 10 98
01/11/2021 33757 Tates Rents 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 48 98 48 98
01/11/2021 33757 Tates Rents 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 2 97 2 97
Total 33757 345 54
01/11/2021 33758 Terry L Sayer 1 ch 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 50 00 50 00
Total 33758 50 00
01/11/2021 33759 The Sherwin Williams Co. 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 225.87 225 87
01/11/2021 33759 The Sherwin Williams Co 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 135 52 135 52
Total 33759 361 39
01/11/2021 33760 TIAA Commercial Finance 1 ch 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 226 92 226 92
Total 33760 226.92
City of Eagle Check Register-Transparency Version Page. 19
Check Issue Dates.12/9/2020-1/11/2021 Jan 11,2021 04 22PM
Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check
Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount
01/11/2021 33761 T-O Engineers 1 ch 19-0466-05-00 EAGLE RD PED/BIKE BRIDGE 14,582.71 14,582,71
Total 33761 14,582 71
01/11/2021 33762 Todd McCauley 1 ch 01-0413-01-00 P&Z COMMISSIONERS COMPENSATI 50 00 50 00
Total 33762 50 00
01/11/2021 33763 Treasure Valley Coffee 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 83 10 83.10
01/11/2021 33763 Treasure Valley Coffee 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 83 10 83.10
01/11/2021 33763 Treasure Valley Coffee 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 101.00 101.00
01/11/2021 33763 Treasure Valley Coffee 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 75.50 75 50
01/11/2021 33763 Treasure Valley Coffee 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 148.35 148 35
01/11/2021 33763 Treasure Valley Coffee 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 101 00 101 00
Total 33763 592 05
01/11/2021 33764 Trent Wright 1 ch 01-0413-01-00 P&Z COMMISSIONERS COMPENSATI 50 00 50 00
Total 33764 50 00
01/11/2021 33765 T-Zers Shirt Shop Inc 1 ch 17-0423-01-00 UNIFORMS 162.00 162.00
Total 33765 162 00
01/11/2021 33766 U.S.Bancorp Equipment Finance 1 ch 18-0416-01-00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 719.20 719 20
Total 33768 719.20
01/11/2021 33767 United Heritage-Group Dept 1 ch 60-0217-07-00 WATER DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 133.93 133.93
01/11/2021 33767 United Heritage-Group Dept 2 ch 14-0217-07-00 P&Z DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 307.73 307 73
01/11/2021 33767 United Heritage-Group Dept 3 ch 06-0217-07-00 LIBRARY HEALTH INSURANCE 222.56 222 56
01/11/2021 33767 United Heritage-Group Dept 4 ch 23-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 313 82 313.82
01/11/2021 33767 United Heritage-Group Dept. 5 ch 17-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 148.35 148.35
01/11/2021 33767 United Heritage-Group Dept. 6 ch 13-0217-07-00 BLDG DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 143 50 143.50
01/11/2021 33767 United Heritage-Group Dept. 7 ch 11-0217-07-00 EXEC DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 28.72 28 72
01/11/2021 33767 United Heritage-Group Dept. 8 ch 26-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 53_.83 53 83
01/11/2021 33767 United Heritage-Group Dept 9 ch 18-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 109.58 109 58
01/11/2021 33787 United Heritage-Group Dept 10 ch 09-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 22.95 22 95
01/11/2021 33767 United Heritage-Group Dept 11 ch 12-0217-07-00 CLERK DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 185 20 185 20
01/11/2021 33767 United Heritage-Group Dept 12 ch 07-0217-07-00 MUSEUM HEALTH INSURANCE 28 72 28 72
Total 33767 1,698 89
01/11/2021 33768 United Site Services 1 ch 09-0467-03-00 CHRISTMAS MARKET 220.28 220.28
Total 33768 220 28
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Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check
Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount
01/11/2021 33769 Verizon Wireless 1 ch 18-0417-01-00 INTERNET&PHONE SERVICES 68 12 68 12
Total 33769. 68 12
01/11/2021 33770 Waxie Sanitary Supply 1 oh 23-0414-05-00 PAPER PRODUCTS 905 34 905 34
01/11/2021 33770 Waxie Sanitary Supply 1 ch 23-0414-05-00 PAPER PRODUCTS 1300 13 00
01/11/2021 33770 Waxie Sanitary Supply 1 ch 23-0414-05-00 PAPER PRODUCTS 226 60 226 60
01/11/2021 33770 Waxie Sanitary Supply 1 ch 23-0414-05-00 PAPER PRODUCTS 370 70 370 70
01/11/2021 33770 Waxie Sanitary Supply 1 ch 23-0414-05-00 PAPER PRODUCTS 30.57 30.57
01/11/2021 33770 Waxie Sanitary Supply 1 ch 23-0414-05-00 PAPER PRODUCTS 75 09 75 09
01/11/2021 33770 Waxie Sanitary Supply 1 ch 23-0414-05-00 PAPER PRODUCTS 200 09 20D 09
01/11/2021 33770 Waxie Sanitary Supply 1 ch 23-0414-05-00 PAPER PRODUCTS 800.10 800 10
01/11/2021 33770 Waxie Sanitary Supply 1 ch 23-0414-05-00 PAPER PRODUCTS 620 81 620 81
01/11/2021 33770 Waxie Sanitary Supply 1 ch 23-0414-05-00 PAPER PRODUCTS 35 77 35 77
01/11/2021 33770 Waxie Sanitary Supply 1 ch 23-0414-05-00 PAPER PRODUCTS 162 54 162 54
Total 33770 3,440 61
01/11/2021 33771 Western Heating&Air 1 ch 23-0414-11-00 HVAC MAINTENANCE 85 00 85 00
Total 33771- 85 00
01/11/2021 33772 Willamette Dental Insurance 1 ch 14-0217-07-00 P&Z DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 512.53 512 53
D1/11/2021 33772 Willamette Dental Insurance 2 ch 13-0217-07-00 BLDG DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 210.22 210 22
01/11/2021 33772 Willamette Dental Insurance 3 ch 23-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 313.00 313.00
01/11/2021 33772 Willamette Dental Insurance 4 ch 18-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 125.60 125.60
01/11/2021 33772 Willamette Dental Insurance 5 ch 17-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 213.00 213 00
01/11/2021 33772 Willamette Dental Insurance 6 ch 09-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 62,60 62.60
01/11/2021 33772 Willamette Dental Insurance 7 ch 06-0217-07-00 LIBRARY HEALTH INSURANCE 125.60 125 60
Total 33772 1,582,55
01/11/2021 33773 Xtreme Epoxy 1 ch 23-0452-01-00 BLDG/STRUCTURES MTNC Si REPAIR 1,620 00 1,620 00
01/11/2021 33773 Xtreme Epoxy 1 ch 23-0450-01-00 BLDG/STRUCTURES MTNC&REPAIR 315 00 315.00
01/11/2021 33773 Xtreme Epoxy 2 ch 23-0453-01-00 BLDGS/STRUCTURES MTNC &REPAI 315.00 315.00
Total 33773: 2.250 00
Grand Totals, 1,253,127.61