Minutes - 2015 - City Council - 04/28/2015 - RegularEAGLE CITY COUNCIL Minutes April 28, 2015 PRE COUNCIL AGENDA: 1. Ada County Sheriff s Office - Chief Calley: I sent the monthly report over to you. Discusses a couple of the incidents in the report. I will stand for questions. General discussion. Shawn Thomas, Code Enforcement Officer, I want to thank the building department for providing me access to their new software as it has Code Enforcement and I'm putting my information into the program. Provides Council an overview of the Clean Up Eagle Project. General discussion. Chief Calley introduces Mike Kinzel who is the new permanent Sgt. Mike Kinzel: I am really excited to be here. Eagle is a premier place to be. 2. City Engineer Report: Mike Davis, City Engineer, the April report is in your packet and I will stand for questions. Discussion on the Drainage Ordinance. 3. Review and discussion of changes to Eagle City Code 1 -7 -4 Fee Schedule for Land Use Planning Actions and the Fee Collection Policy. (SEB) City Attorney Buxton distributes the draft Fee Schedule For Land Use Planning Action and the Fee Collection Policy and provides the Council an overview of each of the policies. General discussion. 4. Mayor and Council Reports: Discussion on City of Eagle's possible request to the Ada County Highway District (ACHD) for technical assistance with the Eagle Road/State Street intersection alternatives and design concepts (e.g., modeling and simulation). (JK) Kunz provides Council an overview of his work on the request to the Ada County Highway District (ACHD) for technical assistance with the Eagle Road/State Street intersection alternatives and design concepts. Discusses having ACHD do modeling and simulation. General discussion. Tom Frisch, ACHD, such a request for modeling and simulation would need to be passed on to Director Wong. I will see about getting some examples of costs from some prior modeling. General discussion. Kunz: tomorrow morning from 9:30 — 11:00 ACHD staff has agreed to provide an ACHD Impact Fees 101 tutorial and also give the Mayor and Council an opportunity to ask or engage in a pre- discussion and Q/A session about policy decisions relative to their impact fees. I want to emphasize that it is strictly an informative type meeting. No decisions will be made. The meeting is actually 9:00 — 10:30. Ridgeway: Mayor, in your absence this weekend I had the privilege to attend the Arbor Day Celebration. This is the 23rd year that the City of Eagle has been a Tree City USA Page 1 KICOUNCII.\M N=S \Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC- 04- 28- 15min.doc and there is a long list of criteria to meet. We spend an average of $6.29 for each tree. They gave us another flag. Displays the flag. Mayor reports on the Leadership Conference he attended. 5. City Hall Department Supervisor Reports: PR/Facilities Director Aho: Displays a power point and discusses the new trail at the Bike Park, the new Edgewood Greenbelt Connector, the Guerber Park Sports Field, and the new trail at the Sports Complex. PZ Administrator Vaughan: Discusses the Drainage Ordinance changes which will be at your May 12th meeting. City Clerk/Treasurer Bergmann: ACHD wants to hold the Joint Meeting with Council on May 8th at noon or anytime during the week of May 1 lth. Council concurs to schedule the Joint Meeting on May 8th at noon at City Hall. Council concurs to have only one meeting in December which will be on Tuesday the 15th 6. City Attorney Report: No report. INVOCATION: REGULAR COUNCIL AGENDA: 6:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Reynolds calls the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: MCFARLAND, BUTLER, KUNZ, RIDGEWAY. All present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Reynolds leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. SERVICE RECOGNITION: A. Eagle Soaring Citizen Award: By recognizing the importance of outstanding residents, this quarterly award will be given to Eagle citizens who have shown high achievement and/or give back to their community. 1. Ron Marshall Nominated by Alana Dunn. Ron Marshall was born and raised in Eagle and considered it his hometown. Even when work took Ron to California, he returned to raise his children and put his roots back in this community. Ron was a permanent fixture in Eagle and seemed to be friends with everyone. Anytime you would see him, it was usually with a gleam in his eye and a new idea in his head. Ron had many "irons in the fire" over the years, from sitting on various commissions and committees to organizing local events. Ron was a true historian of Eagle. Eager to maintain and preserve the history of his hometown, Ron was instrumental in getting the Eagle Historical Museum off the ground. He approached Eagle City Council and lobbied to get the building at 67 E. State Street converted into the city's museum. This community would be hard pressed to find a man who had the tenacity and passion for the preservation of Eagle's history. Ron's tireless work and dedication to this city will be missed by all who knew him. This award is being accepted by his wife, Nancy. Page 2 KACOUNCIUMINUTESUemporary Minutes Work Area\CC- 04- 28- 15min.doc Mayor presents Nancy Marshall with Ron Marshall's Eagle Soaring Citizen Award. 2. Doug Clegg Nominated by Mary McFarland. Doug, his wife Sandra, three daughters and two sons live in Eagle. Doug earned a bachelor's degree in construction management from the College of Engineering at BYU in 1991. Shortly thereafter he moved to Southern California where, between 1991 and 1995, he worked as a project manager, consultant and business owner. Since moving to Eagle in about 1995, Doug has designed and built more than $20 million in commercial and residential real estate with projects ranging from exterior /interior remodeling to industrial manufacturing plants. In 2002 Doug built the Spring Creek 55 and over Assisted Living Community on Eagle Road at Ranch Drive. He has built a half dozen of these wonderful senior communities in the area since 1996. These communities are beautifully landscaped and provide a safe secure living environment for seniors. They clearly are at the top of the list for 55 and over communities in the valley. Doug continues to invest in our City, most recently, by clearing extra earth around Guerber Park at the old gravel pit which resulted in a clean site for development and two more soccer fields in Guerber Park. Doug's service extends far beyond Eagle. Doug states, regarding he and his family, "We're at a point in our lives where we feel like we need to do more." Doug and his family have been to Cambodia working with orphanages, India helping people in need, and Spain helping seniors in an agriculture village building chicken coops and other manual labor related to their farming activities. We are fortunate to have Doug as a part of our City. Councilmember McFarland presents Doug Clegg with the Eagle Soaring Citizen Award. 3. Tom Holloway Nominated by Mayor Reynolds. Tom is recognized for his continued service to the City of Eagle for his above and beyond commitment and drive. Tom plays a critical role in many city events. He provides donations and resources that make city events successful. Those events strengthen our community. Additionally, Tom was able to oversee a major remodel of the Eagle Albertson's. Like all successful Eagle businesses, their success is the City's success. Tom was able to accommodate their Eagle Customers with very little adverse impact in this major construction project. Customers could have left for a convenient experience at a nearby store, but yet they stayed in Eagle. Their loyalty to Tom, to Albertsons and to the city is contagious. Again, Tom plays a role in the health of our city. Mayor presents Tom Holloway with the Eagle Soaring Citizen Award. 5. ADDITIONS. DELETIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE AGENDA: None 6. PUBLIC COMMENT: Page 3 KACOUNCILWINUfESUemporary Minutes Work AreACC- 04- 28 -15min doe This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding subjects not on the agenda. At times, the City Council may seek comments /opinions regarding specific City matters during this allotted time. This is not the time slot to give formal testimony on a public hearing matter, or comment on a pending application or proposal. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three (3) minutes. Jane Kramer, I have another couple of letters along with a flash drive pertaining to the eminent domain for your review. Also, is there another Town Hall meeting being planned? Naomi Preston, I'm here as representative of a group of people "Beautify Eagle ". Discusses the flower basket project. I would encourage anyone with a business or an individual who wants to honor a family member to adopt a basket. The cost is $100. You can contact me or contact the Chamber of Commerce. General discussion. 7. CONSENT AGENDA: ♦ Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. ♦ Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. ♦ A. Claims Against the City. ♦ B. Minutes of April 14, 2015. ♦ C. Re- Appointment to Planning and Zoning Commission: Mayor Reynolds is requesting Council confirmation of the re- appointment of Trent Wright to the Commission. Mr. Wright will be serving a three (3) year term that will expire in 2018. (JDR) ♦ D. Municipal Clerk's Week Proclamation: A proclamation of the City of Eagle declaring May 3 through 9, 2015 as Municipal Clerks week. (SKB) ♦ E. Resolution 15 -16 — Establishing a Comprehensive Plan Review Committee: A resolution of the City Council of the City of Eagle, Ada County, Idaho, establishing: a Comprehensive Plan Review Committee, the purposes of such Committee, the term of the Committee, Committee members, and a sunset date, and providing an effective date. (WEV) ♦ F. Memorandum of Agreement between the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) and City of Eagle. An agreement relating to projects undertaken by the Eagle Historic Preservation Commission with financial assistance from a National Park Service matching grant. The projects are as Page 4 KACOUNCIUMINUTES \Temporary Minutes Work AreACC- 04- 28- 15min.doc follows: a Historic Barns Survey and the attendance of the Commissioners to the Idaho Heritage Conference. (SKB) ♦ G. Contract for Historian Services to conduct a Barn Survey: A contract for services with Madeline Buckendorf Consulting LLC. to conduct a barn survey in conjunction with Eagle Historic Preservation Commission and the matching State Historic Preservation Office grant. (SKB) ♦ H. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for FPUD- 03- 15/FP -03 -15 — Final Development Plan and Final Plat for The Preserve Subdivision No. 5 — The Preserve, LLC. The Preserve, LLC, represented by Becky McKay with Engineering Solutions, LLP, is requesting final development plan and final plat approval for The Preserve Subdivision No. 5, a 15.53 -acre, 37 -lot (30- buildable, 7- common) residential subdivision. The Preserve Planned Unit Development is generally located 650 -feet west of Linder Road and north of State Highway 44. (WEV) ♦ I. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of FPUD- 02- 15/FP -02 -15 — Final Development Plan and Final Plat for The Preserve Subdivision No. 4 — The Preserve, LLC.: The Preserve, LLC, represented by Becky McKay with Engineering Solutions, LLP, is requesting final development plan and final plat approval for The Preserve Subdivision No. 4, a 11.45 -acre, 40 -lot (36- buildable, 4- common) residential subdivision. The Preserve Planned Unit Development is generally located 650 -feet west of Linder Road and north of State Highway 44. (WEV) ♦ J. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law) CPA- 04- 14/RZ -08 -14 — Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment from Residential Four to Mixed Use and Rezone with a Development Agreement from R -4 (Residential) to MU -DA (Mixed Use with a development agreement) — Jayo Development, Inc.: Jayo Development, Inc., represented by Shawn Nickel with SLN Planning, is requesting a Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment from Residential Four to Mixed Use and rezone with a development agreement from R -4 (Residential) to MU -DA (Mixed Use with a development agreement in lieu of a PUD) for the allowance of six (6) patio homes. The 0.88 -acre site is located on the south side of West Floating Feather Road at 135 West Floating Feather Road. (WEV) ♦ K. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for A-06-14/RZ-07-14/PP- 03-1.4 _- Eaglefield Village Subdivision — Coleman Homes, LLC.: Coleman Homes, LLC, represented by Becky McKay with Engineering Solutions, LLP, is requesting an annexation, rezone from RUT (Rural -Urban Transition — Ada County designation) to MU -DA (Mixed Use with a development agreement in lieu of a PUD), and preliminary plat approvals for Eaglefield Village Subdivision, a 39 -lot (31- buildable, 1- future development, and 7- common) residential subdivision. The 9.83 -acre site is generally located on the north side of State Highway 44, west of Linder Road, at the western terminus of W. Escalante Drive. (WEV) Page 5 KACOUNCIU IINUTESUemporary Minutes Work AreACC- 04- 28 -15min doe ♦ L. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for FPUD- 01- 15/FP -01 -15 — Final Development Plan and Final Plat for Alderwood Village Subdivision No. 2 — Tealey's Land Surveying: Tealey's Land Surveying represented by Pat Tealey, is requesting final development plan and final plat approval for Alderwood Village Subdivision No. 2, an 18 -lot (15- buildable, 3- common) residential subdivision. The 4.7 -acre site is generally located at 947 W. State Street approximately 430 -feet west of South Grandean Way. (WEV) ♦ M. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for FPUD -09 -14 & FP -21 -14 — Final Development Plan and Final Plat for Mace River Ranch Subdivision No. 4 — Gardner Mace Company, LC. Gardner Mace Company, LC, represented by Scott Wonders, is requesting final development plan and final plat approval for Mace River Ranch Subdivision No. 4, a 69 -lot (63- buildable, 6- common) residential development. The 67.33 -acre site is located adjacent to the north side of Mace Road west of the intersection of Mace Road and North Eagle Road (SH -55) at 800 W. Mace Road.(WEV) s N. FPUD -04 -15 & FP -05 -15 — Final Development Plan and Final Plat for Snoqualmie Falls Subdivision No. 6 — Horseshoe Flats, LLC. Horseshoe Flats LLC, Horseshoe Flats, LLC, represented by Ben Thomas with Civil Innovations, PLLC, is requesting final development plan and final plat approvals for Snoqualmie Falls Subdivision No. 6, a 40 -lot (31- buildable, 9- common) residential subdivision. The 17.71 -acre site is generally located south of Floating Feather Road, between Linder Road and Palmer Lane, at the terminus of West Nordic Drive. (WEV) Kunz requests to pull Items #7F, G and K from the Consent Agenda. Ridgeway moves to approve the Amended Consent Agenda, Items #A, B, C, D, E, H, I, J, L, M and N. Seconded by Butler. McFarland: AYE; Butler: AYE; Kunz: AYE; Ridgeway: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES .............. K. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for A- 06- 14/RZ- 07- 14/PP -03 -14 — Eaglefield Village Subdivision — Coleman Homes, LLC.: Coleman Homes, LLC, represented by Becky McKay with Engineering Solutions, LLP, is requesting an annexation, rezone from RUT (Rural -Urban Transition — Ada County designation) to MU -DA (Mixed Use with a development agreement in lieu of a PUD), and preliminary plat approvals for Eaglefield Village Subdivision, a 39 -lot (31- buildable, 1- future development, and 7- common) residential subdivision. The 9.83 -acre site is generally located on the north side of State Highway 44, west of Linder Road, at the western terminus of W. Escalante Drive. (WEV) Kunz: On Page #26 Site Specific Condition of Approval specifically says "The applicant shall work with the property owners north of the development in regard to a planting landscape buffer located adjacent to West Escalante Drive ". I would like to make sure that we denote that sentence reads "The applicant shall work with the property owners located north of the development in regard to providing a landscape buffer planted with deciduous and conifer trees located adjacent to West Escalante Drive. ". General discussion. Butler: I move that the Findings be approved with the changes recommended by Jeff. Seconded by Ridgeway. ALL Page 6 KACOUNCIUMINUTEMTemporary Minutes Work Ared\CC- 04 -28 -1 5min.doc AYES: MOTION CARRIES ............... F. Memorandum of Agreement between the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) and City of Eagle. An agreement relating to projects undertaken by the Eagle Historic Preservation Commission with financial assistance from a National Park Service matching grant. The projects are as follows: a Historic Barns Survey and the attendance of the Commissioners to the Idaho Heritage Conference. (SKB) G. Contract for Historian Services to conduct a Barn Survey: A contract for services with Madeline Buckendorf Consulting LLC. to conduct a barn survey in conjunction with Eagle Historic Preservation Commission and the matching State Historic Preservation Office grant. (SKB) Kunz displays the MOA with SHPO and the Contract with Madeline Buckendorf Consulting, the Historian Contract for the Barn Study, and provides Council an overview of the Grants Funding from SHPO and the amount of the services provided by Madeline Buckendorf. Kunz display the Contract with Madeline Buckendorf Consulting, this is the Historian Contract for the Barn Study and discusses the fees in the Contract and the maximum not exceed project budget submitted by SHPO. Based on the historian fee compensation and not to exceed reimbursement expenses cited in the contract the actual total cost should be $7,110.00 (rather than the not to exceed totally cost of $10,250.00). Kunz moves to approve Consent Agenda Items #F and #G. Seconded by McFarland. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES .................. 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: NONE 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS: NONE Public Hearings are legally noticed hearings required by state law. The public may provide formal testimony regarding the application or issue before the City Council. This testimony will become part of the hearing record for that application or matter. 10. NEW BUSINESS: A. Request for Reconsideration of the Final Order for AA -02 -15 — Appeal of the Home Occupation Permit (HO- 10 -14) for a Dog Training Facility located at 173 N. Sierra View Way — Redwood Creek Homeowners Association: The Redwood Creek Homeowners Association, represented by Randy Paulus, is requesting the reconsideration of the Council's final order for AA- 02 -15, Mary Hunter's appeal of the Zoning Administrator's decision pertaining to HP- 10 -14, a Home Occupation Permit for an on- site dog training facility, pursuant to Idaho Code Section 67- 6535(2)(b). The site is located at 173 N. Sierra View Way. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Ridgeway: I would like to declare a conflict. I ended up speaking with Ms. Hunter and a couple I ran into in the store so I need to recuse myself from voting on this. Councilman Ridgeway steps down. Page 7 KACOUNCIL\MINUTES \Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC- 04- 28- 15min.doc City Attorney Buxton provides Council an overview of seeking reconsideration. They have met that time frame so the matter before you is if you want to reconsider this item. Provides Council an overview of the Idaho Code and Eagle City Code relating to reconsideration. This is a private right of action with the CC &Rs and the HOA with a private homeowner. The City does not review and the City does not enforce any CC &Rs. I have reviewed the record and looked at the process. It does not appear to me that there has been any substantive or procedural due process violation under City Code or Idaho Law and furthermore, I am not seeing that there is any action or allegations of violation of the Home Occupation Permit conditions that you have provided. It would be my advice that we deny the request for reconsideration and that we provide a written decision to them so if they would like to seek judicial review they could do so pursuant to Idaho Code. So moved by Butler. Seconded by Kunz. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES ................ B. Selection of Artist for Eagle Road Underpass Mural Project and Authorizing the Mayor to sign the Contract for Service with the Artist for the same in an amount not to exceed $20,000: (SKB) Mayor introduces the issue. Meg Glasgow, Chairman of the Arts Commission, provides Council an overview of the RFP process for the selection of artist for Eagle Road Underpass Mural Project. Also provides Council an overview on the issue of the Committee reviewing a proposal that was submitted after the deadline set out in the RFP. General discussion. City Attorney Buxton provides Council an overview of the Idaho Bid Laws and states that the two late submittals should not have been considered by the Committee reviewing the proposals. The proposals submitted late should have been rejected and should not have been included in the proposals to be reviewed by the Committee. General discussion. General discussion on the valid proposals and how they were graded. Butler moves to look at #2 and #3. Seconded by McFarland. General discussion. TWO AYES: TWO NAYS: MAYOR: AYE: MOTION CARRIES ..................... Further general discussion. Meg Glasgow displays the two proposals and provides Council an overview of the proposals. General discussion. Ridgeway: I think that we have to award this to #2. I think that the people who evaluated them have the most skills to do that. I would recommend that if we are going to award this that we award it to the highest vote getter that met the qualifications who would be Jessie and Alicia (Hilo). Seconded by Butler. McFarland: AYE; Butler: AYE; Kunz: NAY Ridgeway: AYE: THREE AYES: ONE NAY(Kunz). MOTION CARRIES .............. Page 8 KACOUNCILMNUTESWempormy Minutes Work Area\CC- 04- 28- 1 5min.doc 11. EXECUTIVE SESSION: 67 -2345 (f) Pending & Threatened Litigation — Laguna Pointe Homeowners Association LLC. v. City of Eagle & Predico: Executive sessions -- When authorized. (1) An executive session at which members of the public are excluded may be held, but only for the purposes and only in the manner set forth in this section. The motion to go into executive session shall identify the specific subsections of this section that authorize the executive session. There shall be a roll call vote on the motion and the vote shall be recorded in the minutes. An executive session shall be authorized by a two - thirds (213) vote of the governing body. An executive session may be held: A. I.C. 07 -2345 (f) (f) To communicate with legal counsel for the public agency to discuss the legal ramifications of and legal options for pending litigation, or controversies not yet being litigated but imminently likely to be litigated. The mere presence of legal counsel at an executive session does not satisfy this requirement; Mayor Reynolds introduces the issue. McFarland moves to go into Executive Session per I.C. 67- 2345(f) to consider and advise its legal representative in any litigation for Pending and /or Threatened Litigation in the matter of Laguna Pointe and Predico. Seconded by Kunz. McFarland: AYE; Butler: AYE; Kunz: AYE; Ridgeway: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES .............. Council goes into Executive Session at 7:55 p.m. Council discusses Laguna Pointe and Predico. Council leaves Executive Session at 8:35 p.m. 12. ADJOURNMENT: McFarland moves to adjourn. Seconded by Ridgeway. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES ............... Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted: EA Olt 71 SHARON K. BERGMANN : v �Q F• CITY CLERK/TREASURER v 'ROVED: '•.'unra�' . Q• 4ES D. REYN LD YOR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE AT CITY HALL UPON REQUEST. Page 9 K.%COUNCIL\ IINUTES1Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC- 04- 28 -1 Smin doc April 27, 2015 draft SEB Fee Collection Policy (working titlet Section 1: Enforcement The Eagle City Clerk or designee shall be responsible for collections of fees consistent with Eagle City Code and this policy. Section 2: Minimum Balances P minimum balance of twenty percent (20%) of the initial deposit shall be maintained until the City has taken final agency action and alt implementation of said final action has been completed. Completion of implementation of final action shall be determined solely by the City Clerk's office in conjunction with the Zoning Administrator or its designees. The initial deposit shall be established by a„Resolution adopted by of the Eagle City Counci, The City shall notify all applicants when,their balance reaches the, twenty percent (20%) benchrnarkor less of the initial deposit on the regular invoice generated by the City Clerk's office. Section 3: Release of Balances Within sixty (60) days after final city action and completion of implementation of said final action, as determined solely by the City Clerk's office in conjunction with the Zoning Administrator or its designee,, the city will release any unused funds from the account to the applicant or land owner of record minus any outstanding invoices. Section 4: Stop Work The City Clerk shall have the authority to issue a stop work order to all city departments, including but not limited to City contractors and consultants (ie., attorneys. engineers, architects, economists), once an account falls betow,ten percent (10%) or less of the initial deposit. The stop work order shall be in effect until: 1) All outstanding invoices are paid in full; and 2) The deposit account is brought back to a minimum of twenty percent (20%) of the initial deposit. If a stop work order is issued all scheduled and noticed hearings shall be deemed vacated and shall not be agendized. The applicant shall all costs for new notices and publication required for new hearings. If after sixty (60) days fromitheissuance of a stop work order the applicant's account remains below ten percent (10%) of the initial balance and the applicant has not replenished the account or been granted,a fee waiver under ECC 1-7-4, the application shall be deemed abandoned. All remaining funds within the depository account shall be returned to the applicant minus any outstanding invoices and costs incurred by the City to collect the outstanding invoices. Section 5: Collection of Overages The applicant shall be responsible for all costs associated with their application. If after final action of the City the account is at a negative balance it shall be the responsibility of the applicant to pay in full the outstanding balance within sixty (60) days of said final action. Section 6: Past Due Balances u:\1019\02 - additional billable\fee collection policy -- seb edits 4-27-15.docy, cc - t/ -Z k.-/5 Deleted: t all times a 1 Deleted: as adopted by fDeleted: I shall be retained by the City fDeleted: of I Deleted: ing [ Deleted: on the application Deleted: reaches ( Deleted: incur 1 Deleted: after fDeleted: rought forth Deleted: k:\planning dept\misc other\2015\fee collection 1 policy.docx April 27, 2015 draft SEB If there is an outstanding balance after sixty (60) days of a final action by the City the City Clerk shall issue a suspension on the acceptance and processing of all city applications including, but not limited to building permits, planning and zoning permits, and design review approvals, regardless of location, until the past due amounts are paid in full. The City may uses anv and all legal remedies to collect outstanding balances. 1 Deleted: Section 7: Referral to Collections 11 »3??;i l I1{ Deleted: k:\planning dept\misc other\2o15Vee collection 1 policy.docx u:11019102 -additional billablelfee collection policy — seb edits 4.27-1S.doct, April 28March 19, 2015 draft SEB 1-7-4: FEE SCHEDULE FOR LAND USE PLANNING ACTIONS: A. Fee Schedule Established: The city clerk or their designee. at the time of the filing of an application for a land use planning action, shall collect the fee thereforefor aetion established through a resolution of the city council together with aany deposit for anv direct costs incurred by the city in obtaining a review of the application by architects, engineers, attorneys, or other professionals and contractors the City deems necessary to enable the city to process the application in an informed manner. (Ord. 658, 7-12-2011) B. Payments and Deposits for Direct Costs 1. The city shall bill all applicants and/or land owners.,ea-a-.3Q-€1.av-b44444e-c-vc-4.e, for allaav-direct costs incurred by the city in obtaining a review of the application by architects engineers, attorneys. or other professionals and contractors the City deems necessary to enable the city to process the application for compliance with Eagle City Code. applicable state and federal laws, or applicable conditions of approval or other final action and their implementation in an informed manner. 2. Reouirement of a Deoosit: All applicants or land owners shall be reauired to provide a deposit to the city clerk, or their designee, a sum in cash. ,The Deposit shall be collected at the time of application for anv land use action. Deposits shall be held for the time period in which the application is under consideration and until such time the implementation of any final action on the application is complete by the City of Eagle. tThe amount t-aR4 deposit procedures shall be further set forth ed by resolution of the city councicouncil that may be amended from time to time at the City's sole discretion. 313. Payment: The deposit shall be considered as a payment on account and be drawn down based on the billings for the direct costs incurred by the city to process applications described in this Title. - cncincers. attorneys. or of +cr ; r f ; ;a;. l Minimum balances shall be retained pursuant to a fee resolution of the city council upon the passage of this chapter and reviewed and updated as needed by resolution of the council. c. Minimum Balances: After the initial deposit the applicant shall be responsible for maintainine a minimum account balance as established by resolution of the city council. c \users\sbergroann\appdata\fot ,,: trnrc • osofl\wind ows\temporary interne! 111..-\+ n•+trnf c..0 co>k 1.•:o5a175 1oa for collect+ons of Fees seb ecits 4.2f.1 15 dccxk-'yp+aan,ng dep mr opwr\2015\ma for fdkctiorc erfe.esQdwer April 280.44r -c-4-1-9, 2015 draft SEB ne the account current broucht current. d. Contesting Of Invoices Sent by the Citv84Us: Where there is anv defect or claim of impropriety in an Invoice submitted. the applicant shall contact the City Clerk in writing within ten (10) working days of receiving the invoice. The written contest shall specify the date. services rendered and rational for anv invoice. partial or in full. An error in the City's invoice. if corrected within five (5) working days of being contacted by the applicant shall not delay the applicant's timely payment Any invoice. or portion of an invoice. that is not contested as described in this section are considered final. due and owing. e. Release Of Deposit Balance. Within sixty 1601 days after final city action on the application completion of the City's implementation of said final action. the city will release anv unused funds from the account to the applicant or land owner of record, minus any outstanding fees. Completion of the implementation of a final action shall be determined solely by the City Clerk's office in contunction with the Zoning Administrator_ or its designee C. Payment Of Fees Prior To Action By The City Until all fees charged and expenses established by this section have been paid in full, no action shall be taken by the city on any application and as may be further set forth in a fee resolution adopted from time to time by the City Council. or referral to which thi-s scctipn p)i„s D. Refunds: Fees charged pursuant to section A of this chapter shall not be refundable. E. Waivers: The City Council may. upon receipt of a written reauest from the applicant onor to the City deeming anv application complete for processing-anv 3t t+fat-i©n. approve a waiver or payment plan for the reauired fees and/or the direct costs Incurred in obtaining a review only upon a clear representation that the applicant has: The inability to pay at the time of application such that the applicant is considered in forma pauper's. and a b. The public interest would suffer by assessment or collection of the feels). T-pe-E+Ey counE+l-shall-f+ave-the au _ awe, in e collected according to the city's collection ool+es Ord. 181, 3 12 1991) i'..,•.,'. tI� t:-....1 r1�1.�1�1�)t!�1, it kit.11 Mil 10,11tl.411111,tiv'.'ttt'1t'jttt'.Ity tri." 1A 15 12) rot tt:. 'ott.t tn.t.tt dtytrott .• • ,h..A1a .it . 011,, t.on....t I,,., 4 .14. . tt Comment [NB1]: Does this mean council final action or any city actions required to process the application? Formatted: Font Italic City of Eagle Report Cnfena. Report type GL detail Bank Bank account = "82007705" Check Check Issue Date Number Payee 16199 04/16/2015 16199 Idaho Child Support Receipting 04/16/2015 16199 Idaho Child Support Receipting Check Register - Transparency Version Page 1 Check Issue Dates. 4/15/2015 - 4/27/2015 Apr 27, 2015 12 52PM Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount 1 ch 60-0217-08-0D GARNISHMENTS 2 ch 16-0217-08-00 GARNISHMENTS 278 00 278.00 150 00 150 00 Total 16199: 428 DO 16200 04/16/2015 16200 Key Bank - HSA 04/16/2015 16200 Key Bank - USA 04/16/2015 16200 Key Bank - HSA 04/16/2015 16200 Key Bank - HSA 1 ch 13-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 2 ch 01-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 3 ch 16-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 4 ch 06-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 100 00 50 00 475 00 535 00 100 00 50.00 475.00 835-00 Total 18200 1,460.00 16201 04/17/2015 16201 US Bank 1 ch 01-0416-35-00 OPERATIONAL RESERVE Total 18201 16202 04/27/2015 16202 A Busy Bee Lock & Key LLC 1 ch 15-0445-01-00 MAINTENANCE 8 REPAIR 161 85 161 85 161 85 80.00 80 00 Total 16202 80.00 16203 04/27/2015 16203 A Tropical Paradise 1 ch 15-0454-05-00 MTNC & RPR -EQUIP & STRUCTURES 550.00 550.00 Total 16203' 550 00 16204 04/27/2015 16204 ABC Stamp Co 1 ch 13-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 75.11 75.11 Total 16204: 75 11 16205 04/27/2015 16205 ACS -Advanced Control Systems 1 ch 60-0434-25-00 MTNC EQUIP-COPIERS/SOFTWARE 347.00 347 00 Total 16205; 347 00 16206 04/27/2015 16206 Alpine Bike Parks LIC 1 ch 15-0437-29-00 GREENBELT PATHWAY MTNC/RPR 12,00000 12,000.00 Total 16206 12.000 00 16207 04/27/2015 16207 Amber Shylle/Mark Teuscher 1 ch 60-022000-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 6345 63.45 Total 16207 63 45 16208 04/27/2015 16208 Baldwin & Associates, Inc 04/27/2015 16208 Baldwin & Associates, Inc 04/27/2015 16208 Baldwin & Associates, Inc 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 1 ch 09-0463-02-00 EAGLE SATURDAY MARKET 94 56 9144 26.04 94 56 91.44 2604 City of Eagle Check Check Issue Date Number Payee 04/27/2015 18208 Baldwin & Associates, Inc. 04/27/2015 16208 Baldwin & Associates, Inc. Total 16208: 16209 04/27/2015 18209 Bryan T. Hash Total 18209: 16210 04/27/2015 16210 BSN Sports Inc. Total 16210: 16211 04/27/2015 18211 Craig Ezekiel Brasher Total 16211: 16212 04/27/2015 18212 Craig Soelberg Total 18212: 16213 04/27/2015 16213 Cynthia Grace Erica England Total 16213: 16214 04/27/2015 16214 De Lege Landen Financial Svc Total 16214: 16215 04/27/2015 16215 Dean Vernon Martin Total 16215: 16216 04/27/2015 16216 DEQ 04/27/2015 16216 DEQ Total 16216: 16217 04/27/2015 16217 Derek T. Smith Total 18217: Check Register - Transparency Version Check Issue Dates: 4/15/2015 - 4/27/2015 Invoice Invoice Sequence GL Account Invoice GL Account Title 1 ch 14-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 1 ch 12-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 1 ch 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 1 ch 15-0437-25-00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 1 ch 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 1 ch 01-0413-01-00 P&Z COMMISSIONERS COMPENSATI 1 ch 09.0463-02-01 SAT MARKET MGR FEES 1 ch 01-0416-24-00 EQUIPMENT LEASING 1 ch 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 1 ch 60-0436-01-00 DEQ LOAN PAYMENT -PRINCIPAL 2 ch 60-0436-01-00 DEQ LOAN PAYMENT -PRINCIPAL 1 ch 01-0413-01-00 P&Z COMMISSIONERS COMPENSATI 16218 04/27/2015 16218 Eagle Informer 1 ch 09-0463-02-00 EAGLE SATURDAY MARKET Page: 2 Apr 27, 2015 12:52PM tnvoice Check Amount Amount 39.90 4.93 100.00 62.68 50.00 39.90 4.93 256.87 100.00 100.00 62.68 62.68 50.00 50.00 100.00 100.00 403.00 100.00 403.00 403.00 1,252.12 1,252.12 1,252.12 100.00 100.00 90,918.08 10,000.00 50.00 100.00 90,918.08 10,000.00 100,918.08 50.00 50.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 Total 16218: 1,000.00 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Check Issue Dates: 4/15/2015 - 4/27/2015 Check Check Issue Date Number Payee Page: 3 Apr 27, 2015 12:52PM Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount 16219 04/27/2015 16219 Eagle Mini Storage 1 ch 07-0462-15-00 STORAGE UNIT 72.00 72.00 Total 16219: 72.00 16220 04/27/2015 16220 Eagle Water Co. 04/27/2015 16220 Eagle Water Co. 04/27/2015 16220 Eagle Water Co. 04/27/2015 16220 Eagle Water Co. 04127/2015 16220 Eagle Water Co. 04/27/2015 16220 Eagle Water Co. 04/27/2015 16220 Eagle Water Co. 04127/2015 16220 Eagle Water Co. 04/27/2015 16220 Eagle Water Co. 04/27/2015 16220 Eagle Water Co. 04/27/2015 16220 Eagle Water Co. 04/27/2015 16220 Eagle Water Co. 04/27/2015 16220 Eagle Water Co. 04/27/2015 16220 Eagle Water Co. 04/27/2015 16220 Eagle Water Co. 04/27/2015 16220 Eagle Water Co. 04/27/2015 16220 Eagle Water Co. 04/27/2015 16220 Eagle Water Co. Total 16220: 16221 04/27/2015 16221 ESI Total 16221: 16222 04/27/2015 16222 Franz Witte Landscape Total 16222: 16223 04/27/2015 16223 Ground -FX Total 16223: 16224 04/27/2015 16224 Hard Rock Construction Total 16224. 16225 04/27/2015 16225 HD Supply Waterworks, Inc. 04/27/2015 16225 HD Supply Waterworks, Inc. Total 16225: 16226 04/27/2015 16226 Holladay Engineering Co. 04/27/2015 16226 HolEaday Engineering Co. 04/27/2015 16226 Holladay Engineering Co. 1 ch 15-0455-06-00 UTIUTIES 10.07 10.07 1 ch 15-0452-08-00 UTIUTIES 62.22 62.22 1 ch 01-0413-16-00 UTILIl1ES/NEW CITY HALL 40.36 40.36 1 ch 15-0446-06-00 UTILITIES 15.72 15.72 1 ch 15-0455-06-00 UTILITIES 20.09 20.09 1 ch 15-0455-06-00 UTILITIES 20.09 20.09 1 ch 15-0455-06-00 UTIUTIES 23.10 23.10 1 ch 15-0447-08-00 UTILITIES 14.62 14.82 1 ch 15-0449-08-00 UTILITIES 107.80 107.60 1 ch 15-0449-08-00 UTILITIES 53.80 53.80 1 ch 15-0450-06-00 UTILITIES 10.07 10.07 1 ch 01-0413-16-00 UTILITIES/NEW CITY HALL 8.25 8.25 1 ch 15-0453-06-00 UTILITIES 14.62 14.62 1 ch 15-0448-08-00 UTILITIES 9.42 9.42 1 ch 15-0454-06-00 UTILITIES 53.80 53.80 1 ch 15-0454-08-00 UTILITIES 105.38 105.38 1 ch 15-0448-06-00 UTILITIES 13.45 13.45 1 ch 15-0455-06-00 UTILITIES 20.09 20.09 602.73 1 ch 13-0413-29-00 BUILDING PERMIT REFUNDS 150.00 150.00 150.00 1 ch 16-0415-02-00 REPLACEMENT FND-TREES-LITES 220.00 220.00 220.00 1 ch 16-0458-02-00 CHIP REPLACEMENT -PLAYGROUNDS 12,927.00 12,927.00 12,927.00 1 ch 13-0413-29-04 PLUMBING PERMIT REFUND 186.00 186.00 186.00 1 ch 60-0434-26-00 Tools & Equipment 100.21 100.21 2 ch 15-0454-01-00 MAINT & REPAIR 796.77 796.77 896.98 1 ch 01-0416-07-00 CITY ENGINEERING 770.00 770.00 1 ch 60-0434-42-00 WATER/ENGINEERING 175.00 175.00 1 ch 01-0416-07-04 Park/Rec Engineering Fees 408.75 408.75 City of Eagle Check Check Issue Date Number 04/27/2015 16226 04/27/2015 18226 04/27/2015 16226 04/27/2015 16228 04/27/2015 16226 04/27/2015 18226 04/27/2015 16226 04/27/2015 16226 Total 16228: 16227 04/27/2015 18227 04/27/2015 16227 04/27/2015 16227 04/27/2015 16227 04/27/2015 16227 04/27/2015 16227 04/27/2015 16227 04/27/2015 16227 04/27/2015 16227 04/27/2015 16227 04/27/2015 16227 04/27/2015 18227 04/27/2015 18227 04/27/2015 16227 04/27/2015 16227 04/27/2015 16227 04/27/2015 16227 04/27/2015 16227 04/27/2015 16227 04/27/2015 16227 04/2712015 16227 04/27/2015 16227 04/27/2015 16227 04/27/2015 16227 04/27/2015 16227 04/27/2015 16227 Total 16227: Payee Holladay Engineering Co. Holladay Engineering Co. Holladay Engineering Co. Holladay Engineering Co. Holladay Engineering Co. Holladay Engineering Co. Holladay Engineering Co. Holladay Engineering Co. Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 16228 04/27/2015 16228 Integrity Audio Visual Total 16228: 16229 04/27/2015 16229 Intelligent Products Incorporated Total 16229: Check Register - Transparency Version Check Issue Dates: 4/15/2015.4/27/2015 Invoice Invoice Sequence GL Account 1ch 1ch 1 ch 1ch 1ch 1ch 1ch 1ch 01-0413-31-00 01-0413-31-00 01-0413-31-00 01-0413-31-00 01-0413-31-00 01-0413-31-00 01-0413-31-00 01-0413-31-00 1 ch 15-0455-08-00 1 ch 15-0454-06-00 1 ch 15-0455-06-00 1 ch 60-0434-60-00 1 ch 15-0441-06-00 1 ch 60-0434-80-00 1 ch 15-0454-06-00 1 ch 15-0454-08-00 1 ch 15-0449-08-00 1 ch 15-0455-06-00 1 ch 60-0434-60-00 1 ch 01-0413-16-00 2 ch 15-0455-06-00 3 ch 01-0413-16-00 4 ch 15-0450-06-00 5 ch 15-0449-06-00 6 ch 15-0448-06-00 7 ch 15-0441-06-00 1 ch 15-0452-06-00 1 ch 15-0453-06-00 1 ch 15-0455-06-00 1 ch 15-0441-06-00 1 ch 60-0434-50-01 2 ch 16-0413-18-00 1 ch 15-0441-06-00 1 ch 60-0434-60-00 Invoice GL Account Title ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ENGINEERING FEE/DEVELOPER CHG FEE/DEVELOPER CHG FEE/DEVELOPER CHG FEE/DEVELOPER CHG FEE/DEVELOPER CHG FEE/DEVELOPER CHG FEE/DEVELOPER CHG FEE/DEVELOPER CHG UTILITIES UTILITIES UTILITIES POWER STREET LIGHTS -UTILITIES POWER UTILITIES UTILITIES UTILITIES UTILITIES POWER UTILITIES/NEW CITY HALL UTILITIES UTILITIES/NEW CITY HALL UTILITIES UTILITIES UTILITIES STREET LIGHTS -UTILITIES UTILITIES UTILITIES UTILITIES STREET LIGHTS -UTILITIES SHOP UTILITIES SHOP UTILITIES STREET LIGHTS -UTILITIES POWER 1 ch 15-0442-01-00 MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 1 ch 15-0437-29-00 GREENBELT PATHWAY MTNC/RPR Page: 4 Apr 27, 2015 12:52PM Invoice Check Amount Amount 222.50 555.00 2,738.00 2,810.00 3,002.00 2,924.00 1,318.00 1,436.00 10.90 15.44 8.25 1,003.20 43.76 300.48 75.70 25.12 229.02 13.12 339.22 847.20 7.28 66.04 50.51 73.78 18.27 1,700.42 87.55 6.57 5.85 5.25 100.55 100.56 127.43 964.86 553.70 222.50 555.00 2,738.00 2,810.00 3,002.00 2,924.00 1,316.00 1.436.00 16,357.25 10.90 15.44 8.25 1,003.20 43.76 300.48 75.70 25.12 229.02 13.12 339.22 847.20 7.28 66.04 50.51 73.78 18.27 1,700.42 87.55 6.57 5.85 5.25 100.55 100.56 127.43 964.86 8,226.33 553.70 553.70 3,480.00 3,480.00 3,480.00 16230 04/27/2015 16230 iWorQ 1 ch 01-0465-03-00 CAPITAL EXPEND/CITY HALL EQUIP 5,785.00 5,785.00 Total 16230: 5,785.00 CV City of Eagle Check Check Issue Date Number Payee 16231 04/27/2015 16231 James Reynolds Total 16231: 16232 04/27/2015 16232 Jill Stephens Total 18232: 16233 04/27/2015 16233 04/27/2015 18233 04/27/2015 16233 04/27/2015 16233 04/27/2015 16233 04/27/2015 16233 Total 16233: K&T Maintenance K&T Maintenance K&T Maintenance K&T Maintenance K&T Maintenance K&T Maintenance 16234 04/27/2015 16234 Kathy Frizzi Total 16234: 16235 04/27/2015 16235 Luann & James McCarty Total 16235: 16236 04/27/2015 16236 Matthew & Jennifer Kelly 04127/2015 16236 Matthew & Jennifer Kelly Total 16236: 16237 04/27/2015 18237 Midge Connor Total 16237: 16238 04/27/2015 18238 Peak Alarm Company Total 16238: 16239 04/27/2015 16239 Purchase Power Total 16239: 16240 04/27/2015 16240 Robert Grubb Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 5 Check Issue Dates: 4/15/2015.4/27/2015 Apr 27, 2015 12:52PM Invoice Invoice Sequence GL Account Invoice GL Account Title 1 ch 11-0413-24-00 Vehicle Expense 1 ch 99-0102-00-00 CASH IN CHECKING 219-0002820 1 ch 15-0445-03-00 1 ch 15-0444-03-00 1 ch 15-0443-03-00 1 ch 15-0442-03-00 2 ch 15-0437-27-01 3 ch 60-0434-50-01 CUSTODIAL SERVICES CUSTODIAL SERVICES CUSTORIAL SERVICES CUSTODIAL SERVICES SHOP UTIITIES SHOP UTILITIES 1 ch 16-0413-27-00 REFUNDS -PARK RESERVATIONS 1 ch 99-0107-00-00 CASH CLEARING -UTILITY BILLING 1 ch 99-0107-00-00 CASH CLEARING -UTILITY BILLING 2 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 1 ch 16-0413-27-00 REFUNDS -PARK RESERVATIONS 1 ch 15-0416-07-00 ALARM MONIOTRING AGREEMENT 1 ch 01-0413-07-00 POSTAGE Invoice Check Amount Amount 92.46 60.22 92.46 92.48 60.22 60.22 56.67 56.67 1,697.50 1,697.50 700.30 700.30 2,653.70 2,653.70 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 59.00 35.71 50.40 30.59 59.00 107.40 300.00 5,144.17 59.00 59.00 35.71 35.71 50.40 30.59 80.99 59.00 59.00 107.40 107.40 300.00 300.00 1 ch 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 50.00 50.00 Total 16240: 50.00 • City of Eagle Check Check Issue Date Number Payee 16241 04/27/2015 18241 Robert J. Koellisch Total 16241: 16242 04127/2015 16242 Robert R. Schafer Total 16242: Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 6 Check Issue Dates: 4115/2015 - 4/27/2015 Apr 27, 2015 12:52PM Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Sequence GL Account Account Titie Amount Amount 1 ch 01-0413-01-00 P&Z COMMISSIONERS COMPENSATI 100.00 100.00 100.00 1 ch 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 50.00 50.00 50.00 16243 04/27/2015 16243 Service Experts 1 ch 16-0418-07-00 HVAC MTNC CONTRACT 118.00 118.00 Total 16243: 118.00 16244 04/27/2015 16244 Talena Baer Total 16244: 16245 04/27/2015 16245 Teny L. Sayer Total 16245: 16246 04/27/2015 16246 Trent Wright Total 16246: 16247 04/27/2015 16247 T-Zers Shirt Shop Inc. 04/27/2015 16247 T-Zers Shirt Shop Inc. 1 ch 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 50.00 50.00 50.00 1 ch 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 100.00 100.00 100.00 1 ch 01-0413-01-00 P82 COMMISSIONERS COMPENSATI 100.00 100.00 100.00 1 ch 60-0434-68-00 UNIFORMS - LAUNDRY 134.75 134.75 2 ch 13-0422-01-00 PUBLIC RELATIONS 17.75 17.75 Total 16247: 152.50 16248 04/27/2015 16248 U.S. Bancorp Equipment Finance 04/27/2015 16248 U.S. Bancorp Equipment Finance 04/27/2015 16248 U.S. Bancorp Equipment Finance 04/27/2015 18248 U.S. Bancorp Equipment Finance 04/27/2015 16248 U.S. Bancorp Equipment Finance 04/27/2015 16248 U.S. Bancorp Equipment Finance 1 ch 13-0416-24-00 OFFICE EQUIPMENT LEASING 2 ch 13-0416-24-00 OFFICE EQUIPMENT LEASING 3 ch 11-0416-24-00 EQUIPMENT LEASING 4 ch 14-0416-24-00 OFFICE EQUIPMENT LEASING 5 ch 14-0416-24-00 OFFICE EQUIPMENT LEASING 6 ch 12-0416-24-00 EQUIPMENT LEASING 39.81 39.81 39.81 39.78 39.81 39.81 39.81 39.81 39.81 39.78 39.81 39.81 Total 18248: 238.83 16249 04/27/2015 16249 USABIueBook 1 ch 80-0434-59-00 CHEMICALS 1,380.84 1.380.84 Total 18249: 1,380.84 16250 04/27/2015 16250 Valley Times 1 ch 01-0413-08-00 LEGAL ADVERTISING/PUBLICATION 224.64 224.64 Total 16250 224.64 Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, 4,7,17-,7./ A Az, 1 Signature h�-�. Printed Name 1 —NU D 3-676 Address �- 1/ 7// Date Resident XArea of Impact 1X Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature °6 1k ,,1\. 5412- V V`Pb 1✓l E )V -1 -nu Printed Name 190 e Address '' Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner i- Cagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, l i C. Signatt e/ (W7:4/ -q thCs Printed Name s �L 1/1 41 /al/ 1/1P*9 t Address ,)// /5 - Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed ` Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature %4N Printed Name C©geziSrcww' Address 5-420 Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, e Signature V;,"k0-i Printed Name 5 s-'11"\-\0%-ktfs ) Address 20IS Daje 1 1)V 91;1 'L �531aZ`l Resident" rea of Impact_ Business or Commercial Property Owner_ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Signature J7 k AA►.Al G�rya /L Printed Name 1///i Address Date Ei(t3b /Os g) /5/15 iacfsb, stegzilcd Resident Y\ Area of Impact K Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Printed Name ‘g fel 1/ icim f Vi/d/,) 0/c Date Address Resident Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signat + re ft1 c kke.( MULL Printed Name Qtr Fok\51t_:Li) Address Date ResidentResidenti Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature r tet i Printed Name CIL Z A_ - CC-(14/14eAlk Address Date Resident Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature / 1Y ( y Printed Name ..,f' Are./1 Address /J Date Resident Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, ►fyc Signature (l(tii 1611 Printed Name (11 3C CO ' -FUT - Ce Address Date Resident Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature Printed Name -51 )L Address (—) Date Resident Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Printed Name 9F Mowch s� Address Date L36 Residentrea of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board. Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Sig) atu re Printed Name r6H c9 -en ,n, Cb3(12W Address Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, LiI0 Signature (0(\a"di Q.TheS Printed Name U ec.s'k (" 1-41 Address Date Resident )< Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature Printed Name /Zero 5: -<%_5Z /t Address Date Resident A' Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, (1- Sbilhnitre Printed Name Address L0141[12 1) Date Resident)Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner_ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature Printed Name f l 2 7'/ O k; v�� rs Pr' 1421Ft k t Address Date Resident( Area of lmpact — Business or Commercial Property Owner_ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, :! A SiFfGture Printed Name Eoz 6 F7d4 t-!rc rcot -444 1 j I Address f Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner_ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Signature -CIS Brc,\,L)N) Printed Name 811 0.Ca,---eAtR si0(. S3616:3. Address f�lil�ll Ill, 2615 Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature ‹...-5),....4 (:ep'e'e" G - Printed Name -fie 5. - Address } �- Address ate Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, IMA6--e- AD -MA' Sig ture k),f5,' nr 1 Printed Name 316 kNVD ' ren o1 '; Address 1\1 Date Resident Ir Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, allY1 u\\(.0), Signature ,A\ -\\(ht Printed Name c3c21 cu -F, cm- \() aglij, ID Address Date Resident Area of Impact — Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, �ignature 410,/ Printed Name /7/, C'/de 4 /2/. Address D te Resident Area of Impact r, Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed L, Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature AIA -01714( 1-72 (-D77)/(,) Printed Name S7'0 -TVA 1/b Address l'f(/ 4' Date Resident of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner <Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, ture ( Qo I �V\ Printed Name s, .15 8C.'ci1 i Ad d res Date Resident L/Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, 1 I Signature Printed Name c �00(co Address Resident ) Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board. Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Print4Name til '7f (/ Address Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature Air�lifov-. Printed Name S Address it /6 Date Residen� Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Si nature J0_,,t/t45.4": I� DIfikkAaA_ Printed Name vDf4/.56� 4 D` CLL R Resident Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Printed Name i2g- S • PrT P c�L �.,�•► \ 3 �e Address Lq1L1 2-ot Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, 1(41 Signature Annk A 6- Printed Nartie • (o SLI li .01 -e loxpo d LN g3 I (..7 Address Date Resident Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, iY1 t A m YYk Signature MCA(i Printed Name z� 4.-1°‘ 0 LA—Y-\ o cfi_ y fN760 (�o Address n (no, , ftD - Date Resident Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, ., ' l SignatG�e I (7 Printed Name 6 /U Cv, /if,/ e e s u (40 Address , D e Resident Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signa Printed Name i1) t(04‘) ‘) I5/p Address I f' D e S Resident v Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner ,_ Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature \\ vIzA)1. Printed Name ‘i 1S.K V_iv\r\A_L.LA 01 Address I(0 Date Resident Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, 4..D Signature /-1_r -161)-1Y)(-744,fL Printed Name 1`I 1 ] A/ 'At/ j --‘)/Z:. s% Address 7/ -)1P -- Date /-)- Date Resident Area of Impact.X' Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, 1 i/L fit. Signature til{ACEI*OA 1 c -Dt Printed Name (i- „t3 "Q-Cti(=r1 ("k"-/__ Add res (-1 1 ( ( Date Resider. t Area of Impac • Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Sig Printed Name / P 15— Address 41 t(0 ResidentP-Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, joc Signature ALV) C. AaWA Printed Name Address 11111 15 Date g-3G(G Resident = Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature Printed Name l vyri 4-G (0, Address Date Resident i[ Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, &,,e1 tg tur .�) Printed N me & 61'e 674 Address/ V 0 14/296/K— Date Resident " Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, L P(:, Printed Name CO (/ C9—/E-P7 i>4/?. 'C6 -2,(P 1)° Address Date Resident t/ Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature Printed Name 1 I ,_(-) -% /-) ALL rov i v, 6 Address Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, ture kikt`V-) SZ - Printed Name VV Y � (1746 il 7fCress \''(GO ( frD Date ResidentC ' Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature f�� w r Printed Name Address lei- `` l 1 D. t01% Date Resident x Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, I Signature Printed Name • l( ?c•��r�ir t5g 77�� Address Date Resident Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed /� Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, ( � i./: Signature -;' Printed Name /r \ ' %l-tW) dia (r39 (4c) Address 4J20fr3 Resident V Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature 1-1 £v 13 Printed Name b"19 c ST - Address Date gat f(1 Resident,( Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board. Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, 5i u re \ to Printed Name (- Address • 1) 1D1C Date Resident `t'\ Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, J 11C���i,1.e Printed Name Address Date Resident Ar Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature r c �1 C 1_4Ve/4/v Printed Name Address Date Resident 1,,Area of Impac Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincefel 5" ":T (,(,)/-TTS Printed Name Ad ss Date Resident/ r Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature Printed Name c20 v . Address �11�1� lam, Date/ ResidentI Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Q Signature tdd.fry_of 4//i/YQ Printeame Address � 7V 114zecoizt)z. Th Date ResidentArea of impact XBusiness or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed`✓' Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincere) /% Signatur Printed Name olde i,el PC Addre 11/ / ate Resident Area of Impact KEL0 /6 Business or Commercial Property Owner £L. Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, ignature 61/11/J ij% Printed Nam s. etic-191. 6,(jw Address —� $/2/// Date ' /r Resident- Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, 9"? c.(_ /t Signature C yrvrtkin doRbEt Printed Name 155 wild -c [ow Lig C.011Q %f Address Date Resident/ Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Si nature 3 `-k La Printed Name ( O i?2 C 01%2'10)44 )3131)&)(- 51S IP k 6 Addr ss Dte Resident Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, ;' / A Signature gea Printed Name z . K+Do t[ Deq 3621 Address Date Resident Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Si- ature re7 / Printed Name (k( tdA&/fait Address 10( Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signy(ure Ora Printed Name /°7°� Address -/', Date Residentrea of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Si ;ri a!u re jIi t Printed Name \ Up- 1 Vir\/-14446 0-eAr\ Al6 Address ?A (IAK Date Resident _ Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, ik4441/L4 gnature He& krA Printed Name 1(c.P v�1Oalk) .°t1 '� p-1 kLe Address 4-( 2 1 Resident Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, -51gnat re7. //fry /7/A4///7/0/1 - Printed r+11/•/7/0 - Printed Name (pig /,-/Av4 e I CAK �4 � ,aZ ,17? 17341 / Address Date Resident Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, 40"11 Signature \ e Lt2:16,1 Printed Nanie 212 . P1(1110(11 Address y c,-15 Date Resident X Area of Impact_ Business or Commercial Property Owner_ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Yr..ti-yam - signature I[ Kti-6 cq/ .7 cbd42 Printed Name Address Date M4,1 cc, Resident✓Area of Impac _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature 61a--0,256- Printed Name g 152-1 ,/4-/Aefe i/e0.1)e , Address y-z.s"-,z;is Date Resident Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elect position in the future. Sincer ignature .C: Printed Namj '111/4C/ Address Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Acan e 192. S Printed Name 51. _6Qc16wedi,e,/ D4 Address 25 ki9X-0 Z5 Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, aLide Signature e4CH rico 1 (is6(1_ Printed Name Lt spc1cLI1-55 w1i Address //25 -1/(5 -- Date Resident V Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature I , C_ Po (� oGly. Printed Name CAT (Z v02,rJ LA Address '+/24/1 S Date Resident Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, s %1 Signature L. 1 If le Fci�`'f� Printed Name ( J Address 23_� Date Ir• vr� ? - (C. Resident! Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, jSign tore Printed Name Address e u -- Resident Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature df Printed Name t/✓. "Zio/ n, fda P� �jG/G Address 1 1'? Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, -(745 gnature DS/ \c , n/1 Printed Name 2(0 ( — Cni �C )Y.Q.E- —3 NP A �� -- Address Date Resident V Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, r. edlo, Signature Printed Name S2_ 1 81-11 r \7 X619 Address Date Resident Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sinc Siature 1 161,0ALf— --/C Printed Name agO Address 11/14.11s Date Resident _ Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property OwneV�, Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature Printed Name Address 5-// Date Resident _ Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owne agle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, y Signature LA./ Printed Name u4) Address I/ /1 Date Resident _ Area of Impact \ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature jj ACICY rLL1 Printed lame °,211-1/4\ U C CC V I Address LOC Date Resident X. Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, IN., _ _... Signaure Printed Name O Address Date 9\PL 's3-711 Resident _ Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sin kl-P7 Signature Qx U Printed Name t 12 P,1 Address Date 1\5\ Resident \' Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, i 2 l _�'� C� .-c. Signature j?o 8pkgr- Printed Name 690,93 cA.i Address Lfr— Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, TkLUM1/k\iTh Signature TPC \rd Printed Name S\04 AU) DF Address Vi� 1 i1, Ib6�2 Oat Residents Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner — Eagle Employe '1 Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, r - Si : ature �( Aite, 01-Z7/:///:/s-154W Printed Name 41_/ g/44()4(1.07-, g:/d& Address /1/4/0 Date Resident V Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed V Loch ("C a.ri h71 S ,7 Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, i1 Signatt3 jpt ifica �Lr Printed Name :Pout-dte...cv, dress "b-/ c( 0 S)/ Date l� Resident Area of lmpa Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature / Printed Name Address y/S7(s- Date } Resident X Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature Printed Name / 2 7 0 kr ._ l? . - Address 116 L Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed �✓ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature Printed Name Address Date Resident _ Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature Printed Name • Address 1 D Resident Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner_ Eagle Employe Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Jr lQ_JO'Tr-- signature ISignature Nair) Printed Name Vc-butic-J Address Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner_ Eagle Employed k -f Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature Printed Name SIS L1 Roy Ct\ Address Date Pu`‘4. q-3-7/) /30;s<_ Resident _ Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signatur / Printed Name Address s_15V< Date Resident _ Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed J Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature Printed Name Address *41l/t 1 Dat Resident _Area of Impact v _ Business or Commercial Property Owner_ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signatt ire Printed Name / Q6_/ ' Address q/6//S Date Resident,. Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed '_ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. <_Sigi atu re X/44 Printed Name Address Date Resident Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature J1 Printed Name (i2> ci (,✓ 6- Address Date FN Resident Area of Impact ‘/Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, fiu Signature L` \ (..AN Y\ Ks Printed Name ,Thgaq ( A) (-MT ()Q-1 r e'etjc}4--P S-3(oracy Address 4/1015 Date Resident _ Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed }( Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature Fe/J Printed Name PP/ :6Clekc .5r Address 9//5// Date fir-- 336W Resident _ Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner — Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board. Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, aivAiud, a,_.0‘ar.t Signature Signature c3/1-144.(17 Printed Namfi () 644')`: _ 118'(0 76°1V -P 5 761 Address 4-645 Date Resident _ Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincere! , it( / ��tr (Signature /`l/� Printed Name ©1/.I ///77)//( Address Date / Resident ! Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. T ► Ca Printe■l ame _BA2,1) Li inneta kt DisQ_ 11L Address Date Residen rea of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Egnature Ova -74'6Loi4 LC'�,ulook(7-evt Printed Nam !) \\ \oq<-1 Kuet.uh_ c3 -c- Address Date Resident _ Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Nick, e Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, gnatu Printed Name 2 i6 r Address Date Resident Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner __ Eagle Employe Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Ida 1464( nature Vitra Ndfi� Printed Name 1.2224 10 Address 4/2/it� Date Resident)' Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employe Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board. Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature a r-- 4 (Vv --t Printed Name 11 Z Iv E od e r r�nc ri �r Address Date Resident Area of Impac Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Si nature IN\& I ha.yv K Printed Name 4-11,91g UiNk ,l - Address Date / Resident d/ Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employes/ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature (--k)eick (-01\Gr( Printed Name 13 w Q_.ktc 7\ V L Address _� Date Resident �i ` r Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed \/.•,, Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Printed Narfie (0(TirC Address -/ - 1Z - i -S Date ‹.-cm N Resident Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, �riiau(e Printed Name OZ.3 io ry r ,1 1_36g Address Date Resident _ Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed V Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, s�,fU�• Signature Printed Name „S-1 41i6r7 XiotJon DP 45'70°, Address Date �/ Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner _Eagle Employed X. Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature ,__ » E 04 a R -t--t-E-A) Printed Name g 'f7 /keviva*e 2 e, <3 7 /`l Address 23 /� Da e Resident Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed .)( Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature /1Z-71-4tei,..) /24- i'Ae-/ Printed Name L.J Sa-f o D r. 4 4S 3 `i Address .7 ./7.2.- /.5 - Date Resident Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed )( Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, ature s 61(i 4,11-4' r Printed Name Address Date ItA tchi r Residenj' Area of Impact ^ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, 5i Printed Name Address q/ee.f- Date Residen Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner/\ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature Printed Name Address Dfili Dail Resident )'k \for cif, $ V Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed V Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, I /frIAA 7 Signature M: E T 5 L. cyn/T Printed Name ea -i?- i/`~ `/ Address c,v1-23— IS Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed �' Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, l �y r ignat L n.Vc Printed Name i ( taro AA 1J2_, LP_ Address Date Resident Area of Impact_ Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed `J Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Signature CAR Lec Printed Nameq25 (1) Vierwod. Ave,. �OI�P �� (-370C, Address °L1/2 L� Date Resident Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed i/ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, S natuy J i /J Printed Name R99 V 57A-7 S_ Address 11/I - Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature l =.)k Printed Name Address cr:zoh7 l lam' Date Resident Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Signature Signature Printed Name Address Date Resident'L Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed c) Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, /ij,(//v. Signature /n1/ kf Ie2)z4 ,- Printed Name /=Jd9 I_ 85T-3 oi�if 7 Lice . Addre ssi /-11S he) 5 Date Resident J Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, —11L-E>C) I3 'iGL a% Signat re { r 16_0 in Printed Name i ti F; tActi gr Address L.� Date Resident Area of Impact 60 is -2. % 13 Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, (1) Printed Name 4 ki }"-- f t o --e-OC-a..( A) . t)v1 J -L X37/4 Address i -4 -I Date Resident Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner — Eagle Employed _ I:4C; L.: Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature 6k -- Printed Name 1334.3 Elwy $ s- ct''3 7/ Address Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature RoxAN 1'1 51,-64pe2 Printed Name /33543 3 71 Address �g-/s Date Resident of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. erely, Signature >a Printed Name 17(101 4(1) -)00d ( To( o/y, Address Date \ n Resident Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, signKtufe r� c` Pt -c Printed Name_..) Address V/1/ 'Date Resident', Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, :62Fa Sivature Alsiek ) rinted Name q)(Qq Miz LY .8-svg,.(o Address Nhr.3 Date Residentx Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature 3j t 4,1-e /144,--k y Printed Name Address ._yhkA; Resident Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Signature 71 1(1 r r %_/ ' J 00.127 L� Printed Name J ��, fc1vi, s r. 4-z et '�,� $310 Address Date Resident v. -Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature Printed Name Sci?C) rt K P. -v4--. F'tfe� v 453614 Address '-Vi S/ts Date Resident _ Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature fir b 4• V Printed Name / 390 /'Wll7=l Address ate Resident , Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Sig ture tfis-) Printed Name rlLL- \(, ,1 S � Address Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature .4-fif$ Pri ntedName 2 4 L -( ; {J Addre Date Residen 414,4- / 3 Area of Impact_ Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, /1/c/y �- Signature 12 '124 Pk Printe • Name //5-Y /je Ntil /06 kbr Address Date Resident Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, j Signature 4 L r Printed Name fi Address V -1-C J$ Date Resident( Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, • Signaturd Whiliiea W i55e06411 Printed Name Hit/ /07 W. Balit/ `- Address 0,vi I /Li ?0/5 Date by Resident ]\ Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Sign ure Printed Name 22L4.7 Address - t4-- 15 Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner_ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature Printed Name O'/6 5 Address Date 51,4e Gr-Je.-2/ $-1-2?Oi sident)C� Area of Impact — Business or Commercial Property Owner_ Eagle Employed _ Dd Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Printed Name Address S 1 � `7 Y i Date ,F7‘. Resident'Area of Impact W Business or Commercial Property Owner__ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature Printed Name Address r\) 7-gto,001 sp60 Date Resident Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner_ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, .fes Signature Printed Name Address (4--1 - IC Date Resident t/ Area of Impact_ Business or Commercial Property Owner_ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Printed Name rr c9c ci9 Address //05-- Da e s¢ 3,1762 Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner_ Eagle Employed �i� Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature Printed Name Address Date Resident _ Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed 7 3 L Ai. Lf (I� L/8/ /' - Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sinc ely, Signature �/i✓�Of" v1 vto/C/S Printed Name A/ Co v -c/ G Gr v1 /4 v Address Date Resident Area of Impact, Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature /_I4A-r+v�1 Printed Name Address 3/-/ 7 - / Date Resident')( Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, f Si nature [ �, Printed Name l2cyq V_Ios-L-.0_5- 8,3 a.eq-4. Address Date Resident rea of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner ____ Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Printed Name (2O /41\mk6 Address / !J Get Date ResideArea of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, ignature 00 rr Printed Name 5�51c 6ott(Dvavul Address b� - 'G J g'114 OL `c_ — Date Resident N° Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, j `f L Signatu, 5160 4(114) 96,9,ez Printed Name te Address Date Resident i" Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, 7 ignature . a rpt#/ Printed Name / / 4/ 4 eta -1•At-- Address Date Resident V'Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner_ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature Printed Name w sLJER E - Address E,,i2e !t7r2.711 ,� 034,1`' Date Resident Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, :r� t.-� c , )(1,LL Signature ,Lois A. SA Printed Name 41c g S. PieVEgesTWmV Sia ;S6 Zb $3i I 4 Address ¥-old- IS Date Resident Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Sianau e Printed Nbme (/g9 Address Lc) itrkA 9 2-C%-(5 Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Printed Name Address Lt. Date Resident [ Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, e/Me_ar7C-1( Signature k t, Li a 'ay. Printed Name Address e,7 Date Resident Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. l ULo r aace.e s ioe 30 €49 Address /2—Y1 ,( Da `f�.�r371 Resident V Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Old Pried Name /i9 A drys 05 Date ork_ Vag )v(67,),(A 42 - Resident Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, (Ir 9 Signature Printed Name S t -H kS. P64).) Address 20 �}-ZJ—ice Date ` / Resident v Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed j7J3 Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Oci-12 Signature 00 Printed Name 1 Address 0 f Date b( r Resident! Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature Printed Name Address Date Resident _ Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature I}COric/ Printed Name Address 2 la Y Date Resident Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, IN Sign(ure \LAIV(.e, v)53 \() Primed Name . '7A1 P6kifi LA My St - Address jlc 1 _I2CICl) Date Resident _ Area of Impact✓ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature iibbk Printed Name IS 4,s fit, Address Date 8 3(0 s/a— Resident _ Area of Impact 'Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed,)( Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature „ex/s+7( /e Printed Name . ?3 ( Address 17//Dat Resident ) Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for 'pother elected position in the future. Sincerely, 1 4\J A Signature III JCAAO Printed Name 3<- )L Ik) 1tsg c?.n 7 :! Address - Z )-?ot�7 Date 77)c0t t4, Resident le Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature 0/4 .e Printed Name / 'J2) 4/ I i; 4/,/ Address Date Resident ( Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature e -A I Yet } Printed Name Da e Resident of of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Si Mature /41v /IS Printed Name Addr ss dii C Date Reside'... Area of impact_ Business or Commercial Property Owner,. Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature G�j 13�� Printed Name Address .„)_0/5 Date Q (J_ y Resident (—• Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature May -L._ C.At---z- Printed Name (-2?"0? Gut 1-1t/U-0„_..i.,,LAC____ C -4 - Address Date Resident Area of Impact :) 6 e (U)' T75 Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature +[� Printed Name --'1Gc) 5 041401)04 cvv, Address Date Resident 1\, Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, at e 1\--1 C-( Printed N B e ()? (o5QP a 7,t6Y� Address �/V 9 ,,Y/7 Resident / Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. 1Il�Qr 1�i rtfi _)g-769 V/eRi /6 Date Resident " Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, LLA/-‘ Signature • Pratrot J)5 Jf1 Printed Name Address 2//2)/L Date (yc) ResidentArea of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, rim ; Signature Printed Namg / f Address ///:_:,-.)// Date Resident Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board. Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, ( Signature !� / -A ANtzt5 kfvF- Printed Name (i366-6" S 83•-•,?itI Address Date Resident Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, ;Signature �a(6.6 Printed Name irtkkerl (5 -7z ,.)enny Address !S D e Resident Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed _ '63( Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature r�t�/CJ f 4/r'• Printed Name ? 7 9°' f 6 J04iA I lJQ Address /fit 02, # 'sem Date Resident Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature U 0-5'0 '� / \ I etc} Printed Name 173 6- tit •s Address 27,6 Date Resident�! Area of Impact_ Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature sail/ lcttL L dyA., Printed Name /o y l,{ C37/ V Address °Lilu `S Date Resident � Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, (//4411444/43 Signature 14 I, ;ilk (11 44411 t../....) Printed Name -3- '5 11.1 4ii9M('(i'( Addres j—i -2--ihr Date Resident Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature Printed Name 1 '2 1014 Address qix Date G Resident Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sinc 4 - "nature (/ rtik Printed Name (b Ails L ci A/L 2( 3l t('( Address G/7117dic Date Resident rea of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. 610 Printed Name LE5`t-�esc(-(.-F (AA -41/ Address 1S Date Resident X. Area of Impact — Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature jer-e.M-, .. `r e C roA,.e, / I Printed Name 4/3 7s /Lc-, p ,vi Rot Address Date Resident X Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signatur Printed Name r?ff,-7,1, Address Lib r2 ✓f g Date Resident / Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, z , Signature aa FAY Printed Name y �� i ,,4,41 id e tai .j Address i/Z1% I5 Date Resident ✓ Area of Impact F3S Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature L v-,%rE Printed Name /66.6i� Wi9 -J —. Address Date Resident`\, Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature ( A y N ey_) /l Printed Name Poct(--/04 Address — l 3 ' Date L k, yyvivol) Resident `� Area of Impact Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, 49241k Signature /[lJ/ k Printed Name 10_,A9 14.(6k7 Address 1' Date Resident / rea of Impac, Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely,, gnature /)7/1-01 A Printed Name rf 7)5 Address Date Resident +" Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, AAL gnatu\r,e/ 61\V\ttO Printed Name `) 2,p__2..4 v cr LIN Address ill' 201S Da e Resident 1, Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner_ Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, SignAure Printed Name 117 oc? s L Address Date Resident Area of Impact — Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed )19—friA (774— Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Jfti2a Siggnatur /Lk LA k k Printed me Address a -37-o)/ Date Resident Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, ignature Frit v1 K 6 ' )b Printed Name Address Date Resident Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Printed Name fo z S4‘wdJ Address ` 2 2-(S Date Resident...---- Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner_, Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signature dr{JeLLLr&d Printed Name Address g Date Resident riti Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, nature Tote ilk Pro tA-. Printed Name %33 i S. ,Voh n s' Ave, 2730& r 7 Address -Z3 • Date /Area " Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed _ Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, f gna LMprii2,cS Printed Name Address /.2 45. - Date 0 6 Resident Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner Eagle Employed Eagle Mayor and City Council, aka Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Eagle City Hall 600 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Eagle Mayor and City Council/EURA Board: Your continued efforts to invoke eminent domain in the city of Eagle causes me concern as a taxpayer as your actions are litigious, frivolous and a waste of my tax dollars. I respectfully demand that you cease all endeavors associated with eminent domain and start defending the rights of property ownership. Failure to do so will most certainly be remembered and reflected by the voting public should you decide to run for another elected position in the future. Sincerely, Signatur Ne \i\ 61\ Printed Name 1(55 U.44 ire Address 1 1 2-4 L Date Resident Area of Impact _ Business or Commercial Property Owner _ Eagle Employed