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Minutes - 2020 - City Council - 11/12/2020 - Special
EAGLE CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES November 12, 2020 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pierce calls the meeting to order at 3:01 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: BAUN, GOLD, PITTMAN, PIKE. All present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Baun moves to amend the agenda to add items 7 C and I. Seconded by Pike. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 4. REPORTS: A. Mayor and Council Reports: Baun states that at the coffee member yesterday interested was expressed in having a community garden. This would be a project that may qualify for RC&D funding. A project scope would need to be created; it could qualify for up to 50% funding. B. City Hall Department Supervisor Reports: 1. Website and Social Media Analytics Report Public Information Officer, Ellen Matilla reviews analytics pertaining to the City's website and social media. C. City Attorney Report: None 5. PUBLIC COMMENT 1: The Eagle City Council is taking remote public comment via Webex. Meeting login instructions are posted on https://www.cityofeaele.ore/1698/Virtual-Meetings. If you just want to watch the meeting, without giving comment, please watch our livestream at httns://www.citvofeagle.ore/305/City-Aeendas- Vidcos. This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding subjects not on the agenda. At times, the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters during this allotted time. This is not the time slot to give formal testimony on a public hearing matter, land use application, or comment on a pending application or proposal. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three (3) minutes. None 6. ADDITIONS, DELETIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE AGENDA: A. City Staff requests. None B. Mayor or City Council requests. None 7. NEW BUSINESS: A. ACTION ITEM: ACHD Downtown Eagle Mobility Improvements: Council will discuss the ACHD Downtown Eagle Mobility Improvements including design, City and public participation and potential design options. (NBS) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Planner III Nichoel Baird Spencer reviews the ACHD Downtown Eagle Mobility Improvements. Discussion amongst Mayor and Council. Ryan Kuhns 725 W. Floating Feather Eagle, Idaho. Asks for clarification on the design and parking downtown. Page 1 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-11-12-20spmin.docx Mark Butler 1675 N. Watson St. Eagle, Idaho seeks clarification and provides input regarding the downtown. CJ Cacioppo 1648 W. Harbor Town Mr. Cacioppo is the owner of Rembrandts inquires as to access to his business property. Discussion amongst staff, Mayor, Council and the above -mentioned individuals. Council expresses the desire to hold a joint meeting with ACHD. B. ACTION ITEM: Modular Buildings Lease Agreement: A Lease Agreement between Design Space and the City of Eagle to provide modular buildings during the construction phase of City Hall expansion, for a monthly lease fee not to exceed $1,100, an initial delivery fee not to exceed $6,200, and return fee not to exceed $2,900. (EZ) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Public Works Director Eric Ziegenfuss reviews the placement of the proposed modular and re- distribution of staff. General discussion. Baun moves to approve Modular Buildings Lease Agreement. Seconded by Pike. BAUN AYE; GOLD AYE; PITTMAN AYE; PIKE AYE. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. *C. ACTION ITEM: Architecture Services Service Agreement: An agreement with BRS Architects to provide engineering and architectural services, including constructions plans for the City Hall expansion. Compensation for services rendered shall not exceed $130,469. (EZ) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Public Works Director, Eric Ziegenfuss reviews the selection process and makes himself available for questions. Gold requests a memo with all agreements and contracts to state identify if the expenses were budgeted for and where they will be coming from. Additionally, she would like public input on City Hall expansion related items. Discussion. Baun moves to approve Action Item 7C Architecture Services Service Agreement. Seconded by Pike. Discussion. Pittman wants a clear tracking of the expenses associated with the move of the museum, modulars, expansion costs — etc. BAUN AYE; GOLD AYE; PITTMAN AYE; PIKE. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. ACTION ITEM.. Restoration of museum building bid: A contract with Artifact Restoration for the repairs and restoration of the museum building. The contract amount shall not exceed $22,500. This item was continued from November 10, 2020 meeting. (EZ) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Staff is requesting this be tabled until the requested changes can be brought forward to Council for action. Pittman moves to continue this time. Seconded by Baun. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Page 2 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-11-12-20spmin.docx B. ACTION ITEM: EXT-09-19 — Preliminary Plat Extension of Time for Stillwater Subdivision — Stillwater Development Partners, LLC: Stillwater Development Partners, LLC, represented by Kirsti Grabo with KM Engineering, is requesting a one (1) year extension of time for the preliminary plat approval for Stillwater Subdivision, a 94-lot (72-buildable, 12- commercial [22-residential condominium units located above commercial buildings], 10- common) subdivision. The 39.7-acre site is located on the south side of State Highway 44 at the southwest corner of West State Street and State Highway 44. This item was continued from November 10, 2020 meeting. (MJW) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Corey Elitharp with Stillwater Development. Mr. Elitharp apologizes for missing the meeting on Tuesday. Discusses the request for an extension of time. Discussion. Baun moves approve the preliminary plat extension of time for Stillwater Subdivision to March 30, 2021 and July 31, 2021 to complete the front landscaping in front of Highway 20- 21. Seconded by Pittman. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 14. ADJOURNMENT: Gold moves to adjourn. Seconded by Pike. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES Hearing no further business, the Council meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted: TRACY E1I S I ORN, CMC CITY CI ',RK APPROVED: JASON PIERCE MAYOR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT WWW.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 3 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-11-12-20spmin.docx CC- 11/12/2020 WEBSITE AND SOCIAL MEDIA REPORT October 2020 1 October visits to www.cityofeagle.org 27,024 visits 2.5 actions 2 11/12/2020 Direct entry: 14,229 visits* Referrers (How people got to our site) Campaigns 200 visits 549 visits 3 October Website Referrals • Top 3 referrers • 1,225 visits from Facebook • 62 visits from riverstoneidaho.com • 32 visits from Nextdoor Facebook Twitter In t Qr8m Inkedin Yc,u :be 4 2 11/12/2020 October Top Visited Pages (Non-homepage) • #1 JOBS PAGE #2 AGENDAS AND #3 BUILDING VIDEOS PAGE DEPARTMENT 5 11 11 11 11 1 11 11 1 MEETING VIDEOS AND AGENDAS Live streams and recordings =�x¢x ixx=;.: • 6 3 11/12/2020 OVERVIEW 289,679 An a lytic s Dashboard 30,087 & hini• anique liftkim 1;3 89% 11% Dlomp "Iolt 2020 Meeting Video and Agenda Views 7 October Meeting Video Views • Top Live Streams • Oct. 13 City Council Meeting: 309 views • Oct. 22 City Council Special Meeting: 68 views • Oct. 19 P&Z Meeting: 48 views • Oct. 8 Design Review Meeting: 7 views • Top On Demand Videos • Oct. 13 City Council Meeting: 91 views • Oct. 22 City Council Special Meeting: 68 views • Oct. 12 City Council Special Meeting: 21 views • Oct. 19 P&Z Meeting: 21 views 929 IN Total Media Stream Views 0 824 • 105 External Views 0 Internal Views 0 8 4 11/12/2020 SOCIAL MEDIA City of Eagle Pages 9 Reach vs. Impressions • Reach • Impressions • Generally, the number of people who say our content at least once • Generally, the number of times our content was on someone's screen • For the sake of comparison, I am tracking impressions, because not all social media sites track reach. 10 5 11/12/2020 October Facebook Summary • October's top post: Admin Clerk job post with 6,121 people reached • Overall impressions for October: 48,279 • Total likes: 4689 59 likes Gty of Eagle, Idaho The City of'Eaole is hiring an Administrative Clle,,.r4.kk'. View the details and apply on our ebsite: ww tt ,. citytfentJ .._. 6,121 ,op= k_. 862 En_agemer.[ 11 October Twitter Summary • October's top tweet: EAC Quilt Show Call For Artists with 376 impressions • Overall tweet impressions for October: 4,674 • Total followers: 782 A 7 followers City of Eagle, Idaho . e Eagle Arts Commission 1oJ%:I! _ ierartriosiod,spiat, their sre i ___2020 WinterI/i - Art h The _eadline to apple is I?c;.22. 12 6 11/12/2020 October Instagram Summary • October's top post: Admin Clerk job post with 693 impressions • Overall impressions for October: 8,612 • Total followers: 1,309 82 followers 1-1 ccaitgyieodho fieaagleid View Insights C? 7 Promote 13 October Nextdoor Summary • October's top post: Household Hazardous Waste Reminder with 3464 impressions • Overall impressions for October: 35,238 • Total members: 11,491 *City of Eagle . , HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTF MOBILE COLLECTIO, *4 ** * ....... Household Hazardous Waste Collection on October 14. hicesehcdd rdos \Nesse CC:i.ZI:TIC,1-, corsi:sg up on October 14. ,,Vasse cokes:es: from neon to 7 n the r kz.tzetilh of she Easfle •Litscaty„4.cceINatee inclAe; solvents, oestielces.Thensioces. aamtzstain/ea-mtsn: barter',es. aeiorneerve producs:s irijou gasolhse and fhEzescell7 light tubas, arel mech sra4e. Maserieis :hat riot he aceepled it's -Jude: e-e,alosives. amrecnition. rs•dioacs.ive items, ano hi.orrec.ical v.sste (he. sharosineeolee, For questicns eficorr. dotisehoid elazard pus Waste -sokection ca[l 208-334-D901. - Subscribers of City of Eagle 14 7 11/12/2020 THANK YOU! Any Questions? 15 8 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAGLE, ADA COUNTY IDAHO AMENDING EAGLE CITY CODE TITLE 1 "ADMINISTRATION", CHAPTER 6 "CITY OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES", SECTION 1 "APPOINTMENT OF OFFICERS"; AND SECTION 2 "TERMS OF OFFICE", PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Eagle, Idaho is a municipal corporation organized and operating under the laws of the State of Idaho; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council have determined that good cause exists for amending Title 1 Administration, Chapter 6 City Officers and Employees, Section 1 Appointment of Officers", and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE, Ada County, Idaho; Section 1: That Title 1-6-1, APPOINTMENT OF OFFICERS: be and is hereby amended, in part, with the underlined text added and the strikethrough text deleted to read as follows: A. The mayor, with the consent of the city council, shall appoint a city clerk, city treasurer, senior deputy oity clerk/t„,.asurer, deputy cis; cEerk,itreaatrer, and city attorney, city engineer, police chief, Department Supervisors and any other officers and supervisors as may be deemed necessary by the council for the efficient operation of the city. Section 2: That Title 1-6-2: TERMS OF OFFICE, REMOVAL: All appointive officers and Department sSupervisors shall hold office for the term for which they were appointed and qualified if a term is enumerated; provided, that any appointive officer or Department sSupervisor may at any time be removed by the action of the Mayor for any reason deemed sufficient, but such removal shall be by and with the affirmative vote of one-half (1/2) plus one (1) of the members of the Council holding office, or if there is a vacancy in the Council, by a majority of those Council Members holding office; provided that the Council, by unanimous vote of all of its members may, upon their own initiative, remove any appointive officer, Department sSupervisor, or employeetJcr]. If an appointive officer or Department sSupervisor has entered into an employment or similar professional services agreement with the City that sets forth the method of termination of said agreement, said agreement shall be followed in lieu of this section. Nothing in this section waives any benefits or obligations an appointive officer, Department sSupervisor, or the City may have in the Personnel Policy Manual except to define the method of termination. Section 3: All prior ordinances or parts thereof, to the extent inconsistent herewith, are hereby repealed and shall, to the extent of such inconsistency, have no further force or effect. Section 4: This Ordinance shall be published once in the official newspaper of the City, and shall take effect immediately upon its passage, approval, and publication. Adopted by the Eagle City Council, Eagle, Idaho, on this day of , 2020. Page 1 of 2 c:\users\tosborn\appdata\local\microsoft\windows\inetcache\content.outlook\41 i42pw5\amending appointment of officers.docx RESOLUTION NO. 20-22 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE, ADA COUNTY, IDAHO, ESTABLISHING ANIMAL CONTROL COMMITTEE, THE PURPOSES OF SUCH WORK GROUP, THE TERM OF THE WORK GROUP, GROUP MEMBERS, AND A SUNSET DATE, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Animal Control and Animal Welfare are important concerns to the residents of Eagle, and WHEREAS, Animal Control ordinances and enforcement are key to providing a safe community for residents and animals, WHEREAS, the City of Eagle contracts with the Idaho Humane Society for animal control services, and WHEREAS, the City of Eagle desires to establish an Advisory Work Group to provide recommendations to the City Council for animal control related services or programs that may better serve the residents of Eagle pet owners and non -pet owners in Eagle. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE, Ada County, Idaho, as follows: Section 1: Pursuant to Title 2, Chapter 4, Eagle City Code, the Eagle City Council hereby establishes the Animal Control Advisory Work Group . Section 2: Identified tasks: a. Recommend amendments to city code relating to animal control. b. Review and make suggestions regarding the service contract between the Idaho Humane Society and the City of Eagle. c. Recommend pet specific programs the City could provide i.e educational programs, recreation programming, hosting adopt -a -pet day; etc. d. The City Council may provide additional direction to the Work Group through the Mayor after such action is taken at an open meeting of the City Council. Section 3: Composition of Work Group: The Work Group shall consist of no more than five (5) members. VOTING MEMBERS: Members of the Work Group shall be comprised of five (5) members of the public with an expressed interest or knowledge of animal control, care, or welfare. The members of the Work Group will serve without compensation. NON -VOTING MEMBERS: Non -voting subject matter experts. Section 4: Terms, Duration and Idaho Open Meeting Act requirements: All members will serve the same term. The Animal Control Advisory Work Group will dissolve twenty-four (24) months from the date that member appointment is confirmed or upon presentation to the Council of Work Group recommendations whichever occurs first. This term may be amended via Resolution of the City Council. The Work Group will hold quarterly regular meetings, with special meetings as needed. The Work Group is subject to the requirements of the Idaho Open Meetings Act and will post agendas and keep minutes of their meetings. Section 5: Work Group members shall be recommended by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council at a regular public meeting. Section 6: This Resolution shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and approval. PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council on the day of , 2020. Jason Pierce, Mayor ATTEST: Tracy E. Osborn, City Clerk ACHD Go ..wul -377 SGL LGG Downtown Eagle Mobility Improvements- Eagle Road & State Street Public Involvement Summary IntrOdUCtiOr The Ada County Highway District (ACH D), working with the City of Eagle, completed the preliminary design for improvements to Eagle Road and State Street and the connecting roadway network which includes Olde Park Place, Plaza Drive and Aikens Street. The goal of the street network improvements is to improve safety and mobility for all users while accommodating future traffic growth and creating a welcoming downtown environment. ACHD held two public outreach events in September 2020 to present the preliminary project design to the public, agencies, adjacent property owners, and businesses for feedback. A brief project history, public outreach activities and a comment summary are presented in the following sections. c e•_t Eagle's population grew from 3,000 people to 10,000 by the late 1990s and it is now approaching 25,000. Population and traffic projections show substantial growth continuing into the foreseeable future. Eagle Road is the only north -south roadway connection across State Highway 44 for a mile to the east or west. Eagle Road also offers the only crossing of the Boise River for a seven -mile stretch between Glenwood Street to the east and Linder Road to the west. This means the most convenient and viable option for north -south travel for a significant portion of traffic is Eagle Road. Based on projected population growth and an extensive traffic analysis, the Eagle Road/State Street intersection is expected to become more congested and drivers will experience more delays. Traffic at the intersection already backs up on State Street through the 2nd Street intersection during peak hours. Through a collaborative effort between the community, City, and ACHD, multiple alternatives to improve downtown circulation, including the pedestrian and bicycle environment, were evaluated starting in 2012 as part of the Eagle Road and State Street Concept Design. Public outreach was conducted in 2013 and 2014 as part of the Concept Study to present and get feedback on the alternatives. Outreach activities included: Three stakeholder committee (representatives from the City of Eagle, school district, ACHD, Chamber of Commerce, neighborhoods, transit and Urban Renewal Agency) meetings: January 29th, 2013 (17 attendees), March 14th, 2013 (26 attendees), and April 23rd, 2013 (joint meeting with Project Management Team — 30+ attendees) • A web site was established and 7 comments were received through the project website. Additionally, 10 comments were received via e-mail (http://www.achdidaho.ora/Proiects/PublicProiect.aspx?Proiect;D=249) • Two ACHD Commission and Eagle City Council work sessions held prior June 24, 2013 ACHD Downtown Eagle Mobility Improvements - Eagle Road & State Street Public Involvement Summary Reduced parking From September 8 thru September 25, 2020: • From September 11, September 24, 2020, the project web page was accessed 331 times. The bitly website link advertised had 242 clicks through the materials • The project video, accessible through the on-line open house, was viewed 721 times during public comment period and had 787 views as of October 6' 2020 • 9 property owners/businesses participated • 53 comments were received via the on-line open house, phone calls and direct e-mail/and general mail Con1Flidr'nt :;uiTViii%l'y' In summary, there were three primary concerns associated with the project. • Loss of on -street parking on State Street and its potential negative impact to local businesses. • Potential for increased congestion on State Street resulting from the project which could also negatively impact businesses • Increased traffic on Olde Park Place and the potential negative impacts on adjacent residences. Additionally, there were multiple comments about changing the one-way direction of 15t Street south of State Street. It is currently a one way street heading south, and the City of Eagle has proposed to change the direction to a one way northbound. This project is a City of Eagle project and not part of the proposed ACHD improvements. There was also an article in IdahoNews that left an impression that State Street may become a one-way which was incorrect; however, many people provided comments opposing it. The actual comments received are presented in the following table. Key sentiments are based on the feedback form that asked participants to identify their overall sentiment about the project ranging from "This is great" to "I really don't like this" and issues/questions pulled from their comments. Not everyone expressed an overall sentiment. Key Sentiments Downtown Eagle Mobility Improvements - Eagle Road and State Street Comments Comments in Generally in Support This is great This is great Short of a Roundabout on Eagle/State this is the best alternative. Much needed. Redirect left turn to McDonalds/Wells Fargo to second left. like this Does the Aikens Street westbound to Eagle Road have a stop sign? It may be better to have a dedicated lane for the westbound Aikens Street drivers to turn into to avoid the stop sign. Is the bridge over the canal going to be widened? Are any of the neighboring properties going to be used for storm drainage from the roads? like this I like the light at 2nd Street. I use 2nd Street to get home from Albertson's and avoid the Plaza Drive mess. I drive north to Idaho or Mission and then go to Eagle Road. You say that parking will be reduced. Currently a lot of people park in the empty lots (your video shows cars parked in lots). What happens to that parking when those lots get built on? Can you add street parking east of 2nd Street? On the south side of State Street where Eagle Automotive and NAPA are the sidewalk is old and not nice like past Stierman. Could you do something there to add street parking? 3 ACHD Downtown Eagle Mobility Improvements - Eagle Road & State Street Public Involvement Summary Loss of Downtown charm I really don't like this Business impact Parking Business impact I don't like this Reduced parking Not in support of bike lanes Removal of left turn to Eagle Supports wider sidewalks I don't like this Won't solve problem I don't like this Signal on 2nd Street We came here many years ago because of the charm of the downtown area. Am sure there are better ways to achieve the same end. Can't imagine how this would affect the businesses along this route. We should be thinking of all our small businesses along this route. What about parking? It is already limited. I would think we would be wanting it to be easier for citizens to access our Eagle businesses not to hinder it. This area is a big draw for people visiting our area 100% pointless. Leave our town alone. Bicyclists can go somewhere else. All this will do is cause small businesses to go out of business. I am very concerned about the removal of on street parking on the north side of State St and reduced parking on the south side of State St. This on street parking supports our small businesses and keeps the small town feel and it keeps the speed down. I don't see any planned replacement for the loss of this parking. Moving parking over to Olde Park Place then requires crossing a major intersection as it is planned. Finally, Eagle Road is a major through road. The current bike lanes are not effective and they are dangerous. We are not a bike culture here in Idaho and it will only be a matter of time before someone is turning and doesn't see a bike and they collide. If bike lanes are added, which would be great, get them off the road - move them to along side the sidewalks or elsewhere, like an asphalt path that is dedicated for bikes. There are too many people texting and driving and bikers are at risk. Also, why are there no left turns allowed from Eagle onto westbound State? If we are coming from Two Rivers or Mace, or Island Woods, how are we to get to Customedica Pharmacy, etc? Finally, please do not put another stoplight at the corner of 2nd and State. This is too close to the light at Eagle and State and will back things up even worse. By keeping the stop sign, and maybe adding a better/more visible sidewalk crossing with those little hand-held flags to cross, then it will keep the focus on pedestrians and our walking downtown area. This is more in light with Eagles downtown look and feel vs turning us into an over regulated/controlled metropolis. Widening the sidewalks and keeping the speed to 20 mph is great - make it slow so folks have time to look at the little stores and flowers and sites. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. I live north of State and Eagle and I often have to wait thru 3-4 turns of the light when driving south on Eagle. Parking is backed up to Ranch Drive, and just a few cars make it thru the light because of the light at Plaza. I don't see that any of this project will help me, or the thousands of people who live north of State and Eagle, get thru this intersection any better. Eastbound State drivers turning South on Eagle snake in front of Southbound Eagle drivers who avoid blocking the intersection when traffic is backed up at Plaza: can your road design help minimize this? Synchronize the lights at State and Plaza so we don't get backed up so badly! I can't believe that this is THE solution to the Eagle/State problem, and it is supposed to help us with future growth! This seems to me to be a waste of money because it is not a real help: it's a tiny band -aid when we need a major surgery. Re: 2nd street signal lights. I'm happy with the intersection not having signal lights. When southbound Eagle is backed up, I take Mission to 2nd and go south to get to Plaza and turn left on Eagle. If you add a light at 2nd Street, it's not a lot different than waiting at the light on Eagle and State. 5 ACHD Downtown Eagle Mobility Improvements - Eagle Road & State Street Public Involvement Summary I really don't like this Business impact Reduced parking 1st Street directional change I really don't like this Loss of Downtown charm Business impact I really don't like this I really don't like this Business impact Once again government is making changes that do not make any sense. Maybe you have not driven in this neighborhood lately but you are proposing changes that will only hurt businesses in the area. The first major problem is the intersection at Eagle and State Street. There is no reason to make the intersection narrow. The property at southeast corner is vacant and you could put in your ramps in by simply using that land. The second issue is the loss of on street parking that is used by people that shop in the area. I get my hair cut at the Eagle Barber shop, I eat at the Bodacious Pig, my auto insurance is Matt Dietz, my wife loves shopping at Sweet Tea living and I love Scoops for Ice Cream. if you take out parking where am I going to park? The changing of the direction of 1st Ave will make it more difficult to get to Scoops. The traffic pattern has worked for years no need to change it now. and where are the cars coming from to go north on 1st as you are making no improvements to E Aikens Street? The need to change for bicycles or shorter distances for people crossing the street is good for who. Drivers in the area will still need to be alert and how many bicycles are talking about? I love how this area is bicycle friendly with lots of space devoted to bicycles but to disrupt the local businesses to add more bicycle space is the worst decision you can make. I hear people complain about how the new people moving here want to make this place like where they left. Now you are doing just that. I left Portland Oregon where bicycles rule and cars are becoming second class citizens on streets built on gas taxes. As for the re-routing of traffic onto Olde Park Place and W. Aikens is just another inconvenience. As a concerned citizen and young adult I do not approve of these plans. What I love very much about the town of eagle is the historical charm it brings to the area. I think it would be such a shame to change the way the roads go because that is changing the historical aspect of this town. I drive through these streets on a daily basis and have encountered no problems with traffic whatsoever. I am a big supporter or our local businesses and so should everyone else. I believe these streets are very important to the success of our town and our local business. Local business have more pros than they do cons. I do not want to see our streets change because it would be doing more harm to our local business rather than setting them up for success. All Americans want to do is live their American dream. If running a local business is just that for a person who are we and what have we become to take that right away from them. Leave the streets alone. They are safe, well structured, they help the local businesses, and provide easy time flow with traffic. Thank you. The most sound planning advise that I can offer is; DISCOURAGE POPULATION GROWTH. Leave Eagle just the way it is. No more infrastructure improvements (including Boise and Meridian by the way). If we do not address this issue, Treasure Valley will soon resemble the Salt Lake Valley. Nobody in their right mind could want that. Please consider the major impact that will result to small businesses by doing this. We understand the challenges, however, let's work together, not against each other to create solutions. These are small businesses that built Eagle and these businesses rely on customers to feed their families. They thrive on customer access. What is the bigger picture here? Let's look at each other's goals together in creating a positive result for everyone. 7 ACHD Downtown Eagle Mobility Improvements - Eagle Road & State Street Public Involvement Summary I don't like this Increased traffic and access on Plaza Drive Increased traffic on Olde Park Business impact Increased traffic Plaza Drive I really don't like this Business Impact I really don't like this Won't solve congestion Business impacts Reduced parking I really don't like this I really don't like this I do not understand the plan to exist the Albertsons grocery store to head south on Eagle Rd. If the parking lot exit onto Plaza only allows a right hand turn, then I have to go to 2nd, turn left, then to State, turn left, then to Eagle, turn left to start heading home? This is not good - the entire area is far too congested now and all the planned homes east of 2nd and off of Plaza will exacerbate this traffic issue. It would be very helpful to offer a few use cases/situations for how people will navigate the new planned patterns. For example, how does a citizen exit Albertsons to go south on Eagle Road? How does a citizen turn west on State if driving north through Eagle on Eagle Road? Where are all the parking options for those who visit downtown Eagle? Please keep the speed limit to 20-25mph on all of Plaza - this is a new area with nice sidewalks but will eventually have a lot of folks walking around. Let's keep the speed low and safe for families. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. Do not understand diversion of traffic (left turns from State Street) to Olde Park. Putting traffic on residential road that should be on main roads. Olde Park is not meant for public traffic. Prohibiting left turns to Aikens will hurt businesses. Wreck looking for a place to happen. Will make an already bad situation worse. Pushing more people through second to Plaza Drive. It's already backed up to 2"d now. But now we are doubling traffic. Looking at whole picture — are we going to have enough space for added traffic. Doesn't seem like it. Businesses already have challenges with Covid. This would further hurt them I don't see how decreasing from 2 left turn lanes to one heading west on 44 from northbound 55 will be enough. The existing 2 lanes are often full and backed up now. Not allowing a left (southbound) turn from Old State onto Eagle and forcing drivers to go to Olde Park Place and taking/reducing parking on State Street is going to hurt the business owners and the Saturday Market. The last changes made that force drivers heading south on 55 from Albertsons to go through Walgreens/Eagle Vision One/Zamzows made those parking lots dangerous for drivers and pedestrians. I certainly agree with Old State Street not being used as a thoroughfare but if the new plan kills the downtown then it doesn't seem worth it. Would a pedestrian crosswalk with additional "criss cross" lanes be helpful in the intersection of 44 and 55.So it would look the same way that you have it planes but also an "X" in the box. I do not agree with taking away parking downtown. Parking is limited as it is downtown. I do not agree with changing the direction of 1st street. This will make it harder for people to access, find, and discover businesses on first street. I think parking and the businesses downtown should be supported and put first when deciding how to address traffic. The businesses are important to Eagle and help make our downtown great! We love to walk downtown and visit the shops and restaurants. We want the best support for our businesses! Leave it alone....its worked this long, it's too confusing. Starting with one way streets. Enough damn changes going on in the city! Very stupid idea!!! Leave things as they are. 9 ACHD Downtown Eagle Mobility Improvements - Eagle Road & State Street Public Involvement Summary Won't solve problem Does not support bike lanes Increased traffic on Olde Park Reduced parking Good day! Just for context, I sent Commissioner Baker and the previous mayor of Eagle an email when this project was first brought to the public's attention. At the time, Commissioner Baker replied the mayor never did. I did not realize this project was unfortunately still alive. I can't find my original email, it was sent so long ago. In my mind and my experience, this is a poorly designed project that I think will make this area less safe and more congested. As part of my job for the last 25 years, I have driven the streets of Ada County at all hours of the day and night, in all weather. I understand the 3 E's of traffic safety and believe the engineering in this is flawed and will cause further congestion and make this area less safe. First, it is my opinion that to leave Eagle Road open north of State Street as a thorough fare is a bad idea. Unless the road is widened to accept the increasing load of traffic, it will never be a safe road for the people that use it, especially the kids at the school. I know that the crash numbers would not support that. We have been lucky. As the traffic volume increases, our luck will run out. With regard Plaza drive. This road is already over capacity, and adding turn lanes will not help this. I travel this road quite often, and often times traffic backs up past 2nd street. The turn lane will only make it more convenient and attract more traffic. I already avoid the businesses in this area, only patronizing them when absolutely necessary or first thing on a weekend morning. Adding bikes lanes where there are already sidewalks will increase the clashes between bicycles. As an avid bicyclist who Gen rides on Eagle Road, Chinden and other major roads, I get tired of hearing about how hard it is to commute by bicycle in our county. It is not. Olde Park is not, nor can it handle the traffic you are forcing that way. This new intersection at Olde Park and State will be the source of crashes that don't already exist. The push will be to install a traffic light there. The lights in this area are already usually out of sync, and in my experience adding a traffic light only adds to congestion, idle time, with minimal reductions in crashes. Driver's get frustrated when they hit every red light, and start to push the envelope running red lights increasing crashes, and there is usually an uptick in read end crashes caused by traffic stopped at red lights. West bound traffic on State waiting to turn south on Olde Park will back up and end up in the intersection of Eagle and State, causing further delays. Additionally, drivers will soon figure out this route slows them down, they will start to use 2nd street to Plaza thus adding more traffic to an already overburdened street. There is already a parking problem in Eagle, and removing parking especially around the Plaza will create more conflicts with private property owners and drivers who try to find places to park to attend the events in downtown Eagle. As I stated before, Eagle Road north of highway 44 and north of State street is over capacity. This road is also land locked with no potential to safely and economically widen it. Instead of encouraging people traveling north of State Street to use Eagle, we should be looking at ways to force northbound traffic to Ballantine, Highway 55, Linder, Park and Highway 16 to access all the growth in north Eagle. I understand that my email does not really matter. It is too late for input, the decision has already been made. I just think that encouraging more traffic to use an overburdened road is not a solution. 11 ACHD Downtown Eagle Mobility Improvements - Eagle Road & State Street Public Involvement Summary Our friends the business owners of Sweet Tea Living and SCOOPS on the corner of State St. and 1st., we do not want the direction of 1st to change. If the direction of the one-way on 1st St. changes, this would result in an illogical and inefficient route our customers must take to reach our shops. Additionally, the loss of an easy right or left turn off State St. onto 1st. would reduce the likelihood that new people would discover our shops. We will lose customers due to the increased difficulty in reaching our shops under the proposed direction change of the one-way. This will hurt our businesses significantly. We would like to see the direction of the one-way stay the same OR to make it a 2-way street. We are also very concerned with the plan of taking parking away. As small businesses in downtown Eagle, we hear all the time how parking is such a problem for our customers. We believe that if downtown Eagle's mobility is to be improved, parking is an important issue that should also be considered if your plans are to be successful. As a customer of Sweet Tea Living and SCOOPS on the corner of State St. and 1st., I do not want the direction of 1st to change. If the direction of the one-way on 1st St. changes, this would result in an illogical and inefficient route. I would like to see the direction of the one- way stay the same OR to make it a 2-way street. I'm are also very concerned with the plan of taking parking away. As a customer in downtown Eagle parking is such a problem for customers. I believe that if downtown Eagle's mobility is to be improved, parking is an important issue that should also be considered if your plans are to be successful. This change does not feel helpful to businesses in this area and seems like it may hinder customers from frequenting these businesses. It seems like it would make it difficult to get to the shops and restaurants there, find parking, and even get back out on State St. This plan is really not good as it would drastically reduce the customer base for Sweet Tea Living and Scoops at Sweet Tea Living ice cream shop. Already people find it hard to get a parking spot and changing the direction of the street (1st) would make it even more difficult. There is hardly any access to the businesses on the corner of State and 1st if the direction is changed because no one would have any idea to turn off Eagle Rd to get over to 1st. Obviously if you choose to do this you are clear that you don't care about small business owners. DO NOT CHANGE the direction of 1st! As an employee of Sweet Tea Living and a frequent customer to SCOOPS, I believe that changing the direction of 1st St. will make it extremely difficult and inefficient to visit these shops, which in turn will slow business down for shops on this side of State Street. Please consider letting 1st St. stay the same direction so customers can more easily access, park near and discover these amazing small businesses in Eagle. This change is unnecessary and will unfairly impact the small businesses. As a customer & friend to the owners of Scoops and Sweet tea Living in downtown eagle, I do not want the direction of 1st to change. If the direction of the one-way on 1st St. changes, this would result in an illogical and inefficient route that customers must take to reach shops. Additionally, the loss of an easy right or left turn off State St. onto 1st. would reduce the likelihood that new people would discover their shops. I would hate for them to lose customers due to the increased difficulty in reaching their shops under the proposed direction change of the one-way. This will hurt their businesses significantly. i would like to see the direction of the one-way stay the same OR to make it a 2-way street. I am also very concerned with the plan of taking parking away. Parking is already such a problem. If Downtown Eagle's mobility is to be improved, parking is an important issue that should also be considered if your plans are to be successful. 13 ACHD Downtown Eagle Mobility Improvements - Eagle Road & State Street Public Involvement Summary Comments related to conversion of State Street to a one-way which is not part of the project State street should remain a two way street. There is never ant traffic jams and no reason for a one way. It would just make it more difficult to get to the businesses. Please do not make State Street in Downtown Eagle one way...I do not want to see the loss of old town charm in this manner Eagle does not need to change the direction to make a one way street on state street. As a resident of Eagle, I am opposed to this & feel very sorry for businesses like Sweet Tea Living/Scoops, Finer Frames, Rocky Mountain Pizza all places I frequent. Do not punish us who like the small downtown of Eagle & drive it daily, the impatient people who don't like the traffic can reroute themselves or go somewhere else. I understand and appreciate your attempts to improve traffic but making State St a one way in downtown would be a huge mistake. So many small boutique retail shops depend on local traffic. If you change it to one way traffic you will reduce the local access and customers. Our small businesses don't need any more hurdles in their way. It's tough enough for them to survive right now. 15 State St. / 4' furnishing/6' sidewalk item Concrete Trees Pavers Tree grate Silva cell Light pole Irrigation Bench Planter pots Bike Rack Trash total cost linear foot price per foot total linear feet Demolition Medians Bulb -outs Paver crosswalks Intersection lights Traffic signal Asphalt repair Signage Catch basin Precast sediment box 1000 gal Fiber/Straw wattles Inlet protection Traffic control signs Traffic control drums Portable tubular markers Traffic control flaggers Traffic control maintenance Pavement markings (paint) Fence Mobilization Stormwater management plan Total cost 15% contingency Professional fees@2.5% Grand Total unit unit measurement unit price 420 SF $ 7.50 2 EA $ 450.00 216 SF $ 23.00 2 EA $ 3,500.00 2 EA $ 17,000.00 1 EA $ 6,000.00 2 EA $ 500.00 1 EA $ 2,100.00 2 EA $ 1,200.00 0.5 EA $ 500.00 0.25 EA $ 1,600.00 70 4925 1 LS $ 502,350.00 10 EA $ 31,730.00 20 EA $ 21,570.00 20 EA $ 8,620.00 18 EA $ 8,000.00 1 EA $ 150,000.00 9850 SF $ 6.00 1 LS $ 20,000.00 ? EA $ 1,100.00 ? EA $ 4,000.00 ? LF $ 2.00 ? EA $ 75.00 ? SF $ 10.00 ? EA $ 15.00 ? EA $ 10.00 ? MH $ 35.00 ? MH $ 38.00 ? SF $ 1.50 ? LF $ 22.00 1 LS $ 150,000.00 1 LS $ 4,000.00 item total $ 3,150.00 $ 900.00 $ 4,968.00 $ 7,000.00 $ 34,000.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 2,100.00 $ 2,400.00 $ 250.00 $ 400.00 $ 62,168.00 $ 888.11 $ 4,373,941.75 $ 502,350.00 $ 317,300.00 $ 431,400.00 $ 172,400.00 $ 144,000.00 $ 150,000.00 $ 59,100.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 150,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 6,324,491.75 $ 948,673.76 $ 158,112.29 $ 7,431,277.81 CC lia-13-0 Additions and Deletions Report for AIA' Document C 132 - 2019 This Additions and Deletions Report, as defined on page 1 of the associated document, reproduces below all text the author has added to the standard tarn AIA document in order to complete it. as well as any text the author may have added to or deleted from the original AIA text. Added text is shown underlined. Deleted text is indicated with a horizontal line through the original AIA text. Note. This Additions and Deletions Report is provided for information purposes only and is not incorporated into or constitute any part of the associated AIA document. This Additions and Deletions Report and its associated document were generated simultaneously by AIA software al 18:13 11 ET on 11/10/2020. PAGE 1 AGREEMENT made as of the Twenty Third day of September in the veal "[Iwo Thousand '1`yventy C itv of Fla=plc 660 I; Civic Lane Eagle, 1F) 83616 \1 rieht Brothers. The Buildinc Company, 779 E State St Eagle, 11) 83616 Eaalc City Hall Expansion - C\l 660 E Civic Lane. Eagle. ID 83616 New build 10.600SF of new office space attached to existinee building Trent I'toci L31tS ;Architects 1010 =Allante Ave. Suite 100. Boise. ID 83709 208-336-8370 PAGE 2 Desicn review drawing dated 7/232020 10..600 SF addition to existing. Cily Hall For additional office. meeting. storage. and community space. S2.120.000,00 Design "1 eam lcicl:-off'ieetin;r - 11i 30i20 Schematic I1)esicn Complete - 1/5/21 Additions and Deletions Report for AIA Document C132' - 2 01 9 Copyright I' 1973. 1980. 1992, 2009. and 2015 by The American Instilulo of Architects. All rights reserved. r .',r,, e s �.. ..L' This document cos produced by AlA software at 18 13 11 ET on 11 10'2020 under Order N0,9297097346 which expires on 08 22/2021 is not for resale, is licen_::ad for one -lime use only. and may only be used in accordance with the AIA Contract Documents Terms o. Service. To report copyright violations. e-mail copyriyhl@•aia.org. User Notes: (1483943755) Design Development Complete - 2 5/21 504b Construction Drawiruls Complete 3! /21 90°,%Construction Drayvink*s Complete - 4/2/21 Final Construction Drin,vin+is Complete 4'23 21 5/7/2021 PAGE 3 I2'15 2021 Competitive Bid Prime Contracts Would like to move as last as possible. but consider costs. Unknow at this time. !ll!4-...e-Ottivrtzr idc::';tics :: Sttr.tainable O: ectk t. t!}z Ov",::cr .as! C13!l:7.:' f iDt: r'la::_:�ci s!ia! l complcte end +`a.�l.\ 22?'t 2 1n 171 G ;; �;} fpc r) 1 ? 1 `. 0 . S 11 .t � 4 "o.jt�t4- � iLtt C-onttic,Y Adviser lritc1 1 1: � 1 .�ti.}:,. , ! r 3n and .., E_.,. 20 19 ..: .i._.. r., _.. ..__v'-e.�� .-ii;� ��a_+. �..., ..12 .)lrFicI" and .".....,t .\.,,., .. .....` _ _.... C_oY.. [. ;1_:;1 :', i :'�:'.': al 1 SCP"1':«._ r O .a, ..1\.2\. :!:c Si:c:a::: _171e. Eric Zei2enluss Director o1 Public Works 660 I Civic Lane 1 a+Ltle. It) 83616 208-939-68 31 cxt 235 ezieuen1'u s(dcitvofeavrle.or_ None PAGE 4 T13D TBf) Additions and Deletions Report for AIA Document C132' - 2019 Copyright 4 1973, 1980, 1992, 2009. and 2019 by 'the American Institute of Architects. An rights reserved -,.1 rittc i : +'-1 tr'1 UI .. I r '.. This document was produced by Ale; software at 18.13 11 ET onH11/102020 under Order No.9297097346 which expires on 08/22/2021 is not for resale, is licensed for one -lime use only, and may only be used in accordance with the AIA Contract Documents' Terms of Service To report copyright violations. e-mail copyright@aia.org. User Notes: (1483943755) As Nccessary As Ncccssary :\s Nu c sar\ Robert Grubb, Member Wrielit Brothers. -1 he Built 0e Company 779 13 State St Eagle. 11) 83616 208-938-6000 r�rubb'u; vti btbc.com As determined by the Construction Manaeer As determined by the Construction N1ana,er PAGE 5 Unknown at this time None P.0 ['! c pa i-ie ; s.!:;:!! : :'c_ t:p on pf 3toac15 ;..:! :., L f 1 lti ;t .., I S s ::1y ltgief a;:tbr„1aaon Nl.xieho_ and Di .: ,i :a stal'1 sh thc I,:. .1., cl !.t..._. , :...::_m'.:;: on, and c:;chan_e of'digital !:::a. § 1.3.1 Any tt;eof, o: relience;:n.:a'. o:'::fsot'.i?:: cf.; haii4 in_ ini'cr; ;cae:: r;ode! ‘'*itt::: ;et:::eta't hrat,Nt,k .;tiYerrL}`; th,c tt,sa as relilS;:e Ittc c-ottlaini in the aiattal art! r ".:oc?ls set ht:,tl: !;:.ii:1 r _::::._.,.1 031" 20!_ t' .'.:!:: , infortIN:::.>tt N1:1del::` ::::., r,c.:,.., r,:.:. I ..1.:.�it., s:., tr,c ox;uisite Prof It il i ; tbratatioit-:fir-}:,.Jit 1":ctc.,:c! .l.c :SCt1h or:elyina;` pa—Fir-=;-sc,la .!; :. I the oche: part) ft,i&1 its centracto: s-o .:ensd-tams. ,he sifts@ors ef.:.. I. PAGE 6 § 2.8.1 Commercial General 1 iahility with policy limits of not less than One Million Dollars (S 1,000,000.00 ) for each occurrence and One :AMiIlion Dollars (S 1,000,000.00 ) in the aewegate for bodily injury and property damage. § 2,8.2 Automobile Liability covering vehicles owned, and non -owned vehicles used, by the Construction .Manager with policy limits of not less than One Million Dollar s (S 1,000,000.00 ) per accident 6 r bodily injury, death of any Additions and Deletions Report for AIA Document C132- - 2010, Copyright t 3 1973, 1980. 1992, 2009, and 20'19 by The American Institute of Architects, All rights reserved r,Ir......::: a1,� n 3 .rc ..r. This document was produced by AIA software at 18 13:1 1 01 on 1 )/10/2020 under Order No.929709734o which expires on 08 22/2021 is no! for resale is licensed for one -lime use only, arid may only be used in accordance with the AIA Contract Documents"" Terms of Service. To report copyright violations, e-mail copyr.'ehl@aio.org User Notes: (1483943755) person. and property damage arising out ()lithe ownership, maintenance and use of those motor vehicles, along with any other statutorily required automobile coverage. § 2,8.4 Workers. Compensation at statutory limits and Employers Liability with policy limits not less than Five Hundred Thousand Dollars (S 500.000.00 ) each accident. Five Hundred Thousand Dollars (S 500,000.00 ) each employee. and Fi e 1 tundred Fhousand Dollars (S 500.000.00 1 policy limit. § 2.8,5 Professional Liability covering negligent acts, errors and omissions in the performance of professional services with policy limits of not less than hive Hundred Thousand Dollars (S 500,000.00 ) per claim and Five Hundred Thousand Dollars iS 500.000.00 ) in the aggregate. § 2.8.7 The Construction Manager shall provide certificates of insurance to the Owner with in 30 days of'executed contract that evidence compliance with the requirements in this Section 2.8. PAGE 7 § 3.2,3 The Construction Manager shall prepare, and deliver with in 45 days from the executed contract to the Owner, for the Owner's approval; a written Construction Management Plan that includes. at :a minimum. the following: (I) preliminary evaluations required in Section 3.2.2, (2) a Project schedule. (3) cost estimates. (4) recommendations for Project delivery method. and (5) Contractors' scopes of Work. The Construction Manager shall periodically update the Construction 'Management Plan. fbr the Owner's approval. over the course of the Project. § 3.2.6 Based on the preliminary design and information prepared or provided by the Architect and outer Owner consultants, the Construction Manager shall prepare, for the :Architect's review and Owner's approval, preliminary estimates or the Cost ()lithe Work Or the cost of program requirements using area, volume or similar conceptual estimating techniques, including the establishment of sufficient contingency to reasonably anticipate the development of the Project's design docu:me+t; Ioctnnents with in 30 days of the executed contract. § 3.2.9 As the Architect progresses with the preparation ()Pile Schematic Design, Design Development .and Construction Documents, the Construction Manager shall prepare and update, at appropriate intervals agreed to by the Owner_ Construction Manager and Architect. an estimate ofthe Cost of the Work with increasing detail and refinement To be completed 30 days from the executed contract at 50% drawings and 01 90"b drawings. the Construction Manager shall include in the estimate those costs to allow for further development of the design. bidding or negotiating. price escalation, and market conditions. the estimate shall be provided for the Architects review and the Owner's approval. The Construction Manager shall inform the Owner and .Architect in the event that the estimate of Cost of the Work exceeds the latest approved Project budget, budget and make recommendations for corrective a tion.action with 5 days of each budget. PAGE 8 § 3.2.18 Following the Owner's approval of the Drawings and Specifications, the Construction Manager shall update and submit the latest estimate of the Cost of the Work and the Project schedule tier the Architect's review and the Owner's approya4annrovalwith in 20 days. § 3.2.19'The Construction Manager, in consultation with the Owner. shall develop bidders' interest in the Project and establish bidding schedules. The Construction Manager shall assist the Owner and the Architect with the development of the Bidding Documents, which consist of bidding requirements and proposed Contract Documents. "'he (= nstracti of Nla:1:0�r, Owner. with the assistance of the Construction Manager and Architect, shall issue Bidding Documents to bidders and conduct pre -bid conferences with prospective bidders_ The Construction Manager shall issue the current Project schedule with each set of Bidding Documents. The Construction Manager shall assist the :Architect with regard to questions from bidders and with the issuance of addenda. Additions and Deletions Report for AIA Document C132` - 2019 Copyright <:: 1973, 1980, 1992, 2009, and 2019 by The American Institute of Architects All rights reseiwThis document was produced b y AIA software at 18:13:11 ET on�11110/2020 under Order No.929709i346 which expires ,.2 for ...,. ,,;ra;.0 i r y p es on 08l22/2021, is not resale, is licensed for one -lime use only, and may only be used in accordance with the AIA Contract Documents Terms of Service. To report copyright violations. e-mail copyright@aia.org. User Notes: t 1483943 7 55) § 3.2.20 The Construction Manager shall submit a list of prospective bidders for the Architect's review and the Owner's ap we —vat: j proval within 10 days of the bid. PAGE 11 § 3.3.18 The Construction Manager shall assist the Initial Decision ,Maker in the review. evaluation and documentation of Claims, subject to Section { See 4.2.2 .7- Fire) PAGE 13 § NMeasurcd drawings Not Provided § 4,1,1.2 'Tenant -related services Not Provided § 4,1.1.3 Commissionir1O Not Provided § Development of a comntissiottintu plan Not Provided § 4,1.1.5 Sustainable Project Services pursuant to Section 4.1.3 Not Provided § 4,1.1.6 Furniture, furnishings and equipment delivery, and installation coordi nation \ot Provided § Furniture, furnishings and equipment procurement assistance Not Provided § Assistance with site selection Not Provided § ,Assistance vvith selection of the Architect Provided § Furnish land survey Not Provided § Furnish ueotechnical engineering services Not Provided § 4,1,1,12 Provide insurance advice Provided § 4,1.1.13 Provide supplemental Project risk analysis and mitigation strategies Provided § 4,1.1.14 Stakeholder relationships management Provided § (weer ntovino coordination Not Provided § 4,1,1.16 Coordination of Owner's Separate Contractors Provided § 4,1.1.17 Other Supplemental Services Not Provided PAGE 14 linkno‘vn at this time Unknown at this time 4.1.3 t tl:e f,,`l1 `:_, :d_..',ii'Ld a c t Iinat;le r)r jeet4 in A4-tide I, the (t, l .:: Mar.: C.i-314 ,,, 9+„1ST 4 r .1 .<., 4' :: .,.F•`, ih,...a.r.�.. r.'�..�.f11 'l'2 2. S,. }. T,.....al�l. Il i . �-tt;, t..c St sty �b rt` Sot��.�, te...._ � �, l ..hibit,. Cons:, ,},;tiot, N 090 _ . as Advise:- _. ' :, ...,. ::e_! .., :!;.., : h_ " .•.._.:',.,!! mpcm,:a,_ .4.0 pro. d.o(.1- in Se:4;l 3n 1.1.2. PAGE 15 § 4.2.5 4f the services covered by this Agreement have not been completed within Eighteen (18 ) months of the date of this Agreement, through no fault of the Construction Manager, extension of the Construction Manager's services beyond that time shall be compensated as Additional Services, § 5.7 Unless provided by the Construction N-taraagor. Manager and needed for the completion of the project. the Owner shall furnish services olrgeotechnical engineers, which may include test borings. test pits. determinations of soil bearing values, percolation tests, evaluations of hazardous materials, seismic evaluation, ground corrosion tests and resistivity tests, including necessary operations for anticipating subsoil conditions, with written reports and appropriate recommendations. PAGE 18 Additions and Deletions Report for AIA Document C132` - 20 t a_ Copyright :` 1973, 1980, 1992, 2009, and 2019 by The American Institute of Architects At Vic. s+ n T nls document „os produced byAl:; software at 18.13: 11 ET on 1 110,2020 under Order No 9297097346 which expires on 08/221202 , is not for resa:e, is licensed for one -tine use only, and may only be used in accordance with the AIA Connect Documents Terms of Service To report copyright violations. e-mail copyright riin.arg User Notes; (1483943755) [ X ] Litigation in a court of competent jurisdiction PAGE 19 § 8,3-Afb4-tratien rc::t.dation in this .i'.igreoment, any osi othei: 0107 re!ated Agrieionnt tailjzot but-itat skied by. .dtal! .a.i.bjeot to ait4,:itititin-it4i,1::-.!cti;:t tbc ;•:.t•irtios adinini.itisttd tbio \Nit!) Co..stfitt-€.4ian. 1:-„-.1iiittfy Arbitration Rtdo.; nail., of till::: .`so;-oiont.ni-tt. shall bo nitado !it doliverod-tc, tbio other party tic era. aiiid tbo norson ontity the • ' • . 'y .v:t!..!._ .. iiti.T.!eitt far a • bt4F i;; dispato or other :nano:. be ',tarried by the tipplio.ibilo itttit: I imtlon.i. Fr stattile ot!iinitalLins roceiipt to!' a Nviiitton the 1..-on.ti1ie the inii.tiniticit nif p:'•L‘C,2:2-2f:-.g:: based an thecIon,dispato ntatilitiii in clne.stion. § 8.3.2 The liorei4aingone ni inarrate,niid 6-thiciittzrconte:na :nbilrtito with an addition:II ,)ei-A)P.--t4-en-t-ity dn t.:ityrir.ientot! :it.; by parlieiri1C till:, Agri.i.ement, aba!! tiro cab 94 be;n accxrdance with tipp!lci4-!e !tn.Y in any itttittrit 4-1,2-ee•Fbit-l'at,7r4Sj jriik.4 thcrzsof. §-8-2.4-Co;!on 07 Joinder ;:arty, il:; :.;OL tintycc.3. ncla.;:ed atiit!oii this . tinitxiinetit party ;-:rovidod that ;!; titz.rooitnerit cthor art:rite:Mon ono den: :he tt;blt:i*itFro.;C bo contrnian and (.) arbitiona einttiloy :inakyitilly proice:Ittrtt4 for arbltratariis). § Either party, sstile tion, :nay !nch.:4:o bvjcialioEtiiiiet,=o ntil!2.7.. lf1V:AN:2d .•41:* faCl. :%::i';ef is te ai.i:eioi.idioit] !nib raticit. ;ha: nte jained .orrin,;eitits WEitin: Lc ottiolt a:'hit::tin 07 ,intlity slta!! . der.:cribi.-",:l in tile f _ ..... ] +Hitler S..e.otimi. S.3, Y.iiItti!t?ii by joitik4eial—-4-nei-sitt44ei-i4e444-i-4+1+.4-tii-erel-. ard Canst+nctian Niantia.x. under tbis ;kg:roc:no:it. § 8.1 of this .‘rti::te. 8 sktii! the bull Dre construction cost to date ' Full construction inanaizeincnt fee during construction. § 10.1 This Agreement shall be governed by the law of the 1,14we-Statc of Idaho where the Project is located, excluding that jurisdiction's choice of law rulcs. .11 tine select&I . in tb.c method bindin; 4litptite reaa!ntion, the.. Ftideral Aoi shall govern Soictlan 32. PAGE 20 See Attachment "A" for hour! \it rate. time, and material not to exceed S20.000.00 Additions and Deletions Report for AIA Document C132- - 22Is Copynghl ,01973, 1980, 1992, 2009 and 2019 by The American Instilule et Architecls, All This document was produced by AIA software at 181311 ET 0E1 11/10/2020 under Order No.9297097346 which expires on 08/2212021. is not for fC,5ale. is licensed for one-urne Jse only and may only be used in accordance wi!h the AIA Contr.fel CC)Cuil1ef0S' Terms of Service To report copyright vlolations. e.mall copyright@ala org. User Notes: (14839437551 PAGE 21 5.5"'o Not at Risli Fee plus all direct costs and reimbursables Fee plus all direct cots and rcimbursables Pee plus all direct costs and reirnbursablcs See :litachmcnt "A" § 11.6,2 For Reimbursable Expenses the compensation shall be the expenses incurred by the Construction Manager and the Construction ManaLier's consultants plus Zero percent ( 0 ",b) oi'the expenses incurred. PAGE 22 Limits noted in Article 2 of contract § 11.8,1,1 \n initial payment of Zero (S 0 ) shall be made upon execution of this A ureement and is the minimum payment under this Agreement. It shall be credited to the Owners account in the final invoice. "fen Percent " b 10 .3 Exhibits: thc:.r! 1.1)Xfo{: hr0 i.o it;,•;rr•r;.tii:c2!i;r:c h .I tzrvterect.',' { 1 .\ \ D„ ..a ent t: .51'." 201 n Sit+==ai+iable Pre jeots �_ ii. t :`... �'.'.'::.tl 'eri . 1?:titat;el b::la L23 ' 2019 PAGE 23 Jason Pierce Mayor City ohFaulc Robert Grubb Member Additions and Deletions Report for AIA Document C132- - 2e 19. Copyright, , 1973. 1980, 1992 2009, and 2019 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved - r .. - . red,, .. Vic.., ... -..ra i 3 r zS i . rs a a 'r, a r.,i . ,' 7 This document was produced by Alr, software at 18 13'11 ET on 11,10r2D20 under Order No 9297097346 which expires on 08122;2021 is not for resale, is licensed IN one-time use only, and may only be used in accordance with the AIA Contract Documents' Terms of Service. To report copyright violations, e-mail copyright(/11:01 erg. User Notes: ('1483943755) Certification of Document's Authenticity AIA' Document D401 — 2003 1, . hereby certify, to the best of my knowledce, information and belief. that 1 created the attached final document simultaneously with Its associated ;Additions and Deletions Report and this eetnllcation at 18:1 3:1 I 1'T on 1 1' 10/2020 under Order No. 92970973.4E from AI:A Contract Documents software and that in preparine the attached final document! made no changes to the oricin tl text of A1A Document C I32' `' 2019. Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Construction ,Alanaecr as :Adviser, as published by the ALA in its software. other than those auditions and deletions shown in the associated Additions and Deletions Report. (Signed) 1 J r1/e) PIA Document D401 Copyright '7: 1942 and 2003 by Therm rican Insh r e of Archdu e is All rights reserver.: • i= .:.- n , d _. I Tns document was produced by AIA software at 18 1 ':11 ET on 11J t0112020 under Order No 9297097346 which expires on 0812212021, is not for resale, is licensed for one-time use only• and may only be used In accordance with the Alt, Contract Documents Terms of Service. To report copyright violations. e-mail copyright©aia.org. User Notes: (1483943755)