Minutes - 1991 - City Council - 05/14/1991 - Regular EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MAY 14, 1991 The Eagle City Council met in regular session on May 14, 1991 Mayor GUERBER presiding. The following members were present: STEVE HAMMONS, GARY WALKER, RICK YZAGUIRRE. Absent: THOMAS MINOW Moved by WALKER seconded by YZAGUIRRE to approve the minutes of the April 23, 1991 meeting as presented. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING/Towne Rezone MAYOR GUERBER announced that this is the time and place set for a public hearing on TOWNE REZONE Application, rezone 14 acres from Agricultural to Commercial(C2). Applicant: Location: Proposal: JOHN TOWNE 1/2 MILE EAST OF EAGLE ROAD ON THE NORTH SIDE OF HWY 44. REZONE 14 ACRES FROM AGRICULTURAL TO C2 (COMMERCIAL) PUBLIC TESTIMONY: Opposition: Jack Coonce In Favor: LaRue Bevington Concerns: Should develop from the City core out and not leap frog from existing commercial areas and create speckling development throughout the City. Public hearing closed, Moved by WALKER to approve the application for rezone as presented. Motion failed for lack of second. Discussion resulted in a motion by WALKER, seconded by YZAGUIRRE to approve the application for rezone as presented. AYE: YZAGUIRRE, WALKER. NAY: HAMMONS ORDINANCE 185/AMENDMENT TO THE DESIGN REVIEW ORDINANCE: Moved by HAMMONS seconded by WALKER to waive the three readings rule and consider Ordinance #185 at this time. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. Moved by HAMMONS seconded by YZAGUIRRE to adopt Ordinance #185 as presented. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED, '--- -~--- --- -'"n_, ORDINANCE 186/ANIMAL CONTROL: Moved by WALKER seconded by HAMMONS t? wa!ve t~e three readi~gs rule and consider Ordinance 186 at th~s t~me, w~th the follow~ng changes: 4-5-2(E) Discharges feces upon public property or private without the consent of the owner of such property and the person or persons keeping, harboring, possessing, caring for, or having any custodial duties over said animal fail to promptly remove and dispose of the feces in a garbage receptacle. 4-5-2(E) First offense $25.00 Second offense $50.00 ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED Moved by WALKER seconded by HAMMONS to adopt Ordinance 186 as amended ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. TRASH LICENSES: We have received the renewal application and fee from BFI, but Boise-Ada has not responded and is now in violation of code, Moved by HAMMONS seconded by WALKER to approve the trash licence for BFI with notification to BOISE-ADA that they are no longer in compliance with the City of Eagle and in violation of trash operations within the City of Eagle. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. ADA COUNTY TRANSMITTAL 91-08-SP/Rod Lamm: Request for special exception to continue living in a mobile home while construction a new home on a 4,8 acre site on N. Park Lane. Moved by YZAGUIRRE seconded by HAMMONS to approve the Ada County Transmittal 91-08-SP/Rod Lamm as requested and submitted ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. PROCLAMATION May 20-27, "BUCKLE UP AMERICA": Moved by WALKER seconded by HAMMONS to approve the Proclamation designating May 20 through the 27 as "BUCKLE UP AMERICA WEEK" ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. HORIZON TASK FORCE: Presentation by Erv Olen, a representative from APA for Council recommendation in regards to Transportation Improvement Program priorities. A letter from Phil Whitner, Chairman of Eagle Horizon Task Force, was presented to Council prioritizing the areas. The priorities are as follows: Priority 1. Widen Eagle Road from Fairview to Chinden Blvd. Priority 2. Highway 55 N. from State St. alignment which is the proposed route C. Priority 3. Emphasizing the development of a bike trail on the greenway. Moved by WALKER seconded by YZAGUIRRE to accept the recommendations of the Horizon Task Force regarding the three specific priorities in transportation in Eagle. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. PRIME EARTH: Larry Sale was asked by City Attorney to prepare a map identifying the property owners within 300' and draw the area that was subject to the application. Mr. Sale drew a line around that property 300' from the exterior of the boundary and then checked the parcel numbers on the map against the list of names and parcel numbers which were provided by the applicant. He did not receive a map for the area across from Highway 55, it appears that there are addresses on the applicants list from both sides of Highway 55. It appears that all owners of property within 300' were notified except five, those five are located at the southwest corner of the property. (The people that submitted the petition to council) Mona Mack, City Attorney, needs the names of the present owners, and reconfirm all the individuals that need to be notified so we can begin the publication process. The Deputy City Clerk, Laura Markham will provide those names to Mona. By Council directive, State Department of Public Lands and Daunt Whitman need to check for Safety Hazard at the Prime Earth site, also if there is a fence surrounding that area as provided for by code section 8-3-5 (k). The Council would like a report at the next regularly scheduled Council meeting. MAYOR REPORT: The developers of Island Wood Subdivision have requested a continuance of the public hearing. Moved by WALKER seconded by YZAGUIRRE to continue the public hearing for Island Woods Subdivision. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT/PHIL CHOATE PRESENTATION: Application for Community Block Grant is due on May 20, 1991, It will be necessary to hold a special Council meeting in order to pass the resolutions necessary for the establishment of a LID to accompany the grant. Plan for Commercial Revitalization in Eagle: Recommendations of committee: The City needs to work in partnership with the Chamber of Commerce or a business based organization to create a "clean sweep", an attempt to clean up downtown, there are some serious problems that need to be addressed. The Market Survey that was done showed that people were concerned with the development of the downtown area. The city needs to continue code enforcement regarding maintaining the downtown area. The city should establish an LID with downtown business support, and apply for a Community Development Block Grant. The City should also consider establishing an Eagle Advantage Revolving Loan Fund to accelerate the transition of downtown real estate which is currently marginal residential or commercial uses and try to accelerate the process of consolidating the commercial development in downtown Eagle. The City needs to obtain written commitment from the Idaho Transportation Department to complete the improvement that they have verbally agreed too. (Intersection Improvements) Phil Choate presented figures to the Council of approximately 440,582.00 needed in the revitalization grant. The Mayor will need Council authorization to apply for the grant. RESOLUTIONS: Moved by YZAGUIRRE seconded by WALKER to adopt a policy of non- discrimination on the basis of disability for the City of Eagle. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED Moved by WALKER seconded by YZAGUIRRE to authorize the Mayor to sign the necessary documents to apply for the Block Grant Application up to $500,000, ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. Council needs to have a meeting next week to pass a resolution creating the LID. The meeting is set up for next Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. Moved by HAMMONS seconded by YZAGUIRRE to approve the claims against the city. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. 9:15 p.m. ~ectfullY submitted: IJA~ --fYì~~ ura Mar~am, Deputy City Clerk """""" .."" Of E/f"'", ,",,~ .."'.. C"',, ,: '" o. "0 "",,', ""\; ~ ~ c," "yORA "°. V' ~ omery '1. Citl\Ef~Ìc~o~"'::-"tg" ~ ~ ". ,'" ~ Approved ' ~ ~.~é, ÇJ I7 i\!f "': :: ~' ';. \f!J,;'o,-<¿..,',,\,:?" ¡ ì ".:., ú'~:"~{'°Ft t,"i~',~'/' < () l "';<~¡"'i"~:::~~t:~>" MAYOR STE GUERBER "i..",,~;;'..';;;""