Minutes - 1991 - City Council - 03/12/1991 - Regular EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING March 12,1991 The Eagle City Council met in regular session on March 12, 1991. Mayor GUERBER presiding. The following members were present: STEVE HAMMONS, YZAGUIRRE, TOM MINOW. Absent: GARY WALKER Moved by HAMMONS and seconded by YZAGUIRRE to approve the minutes of the February 26, 1991 meeting as presented. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. RICK PUBLIC HEARING/Avante Annexation and Zoning Mayor GUERBER announced that this was the time and place set for a public hearing on Avante Annexation and Zoning. Applicant: Tony Hickey, Donald Grandmason, David Smartt Location: Patterson Sub, lots 1,2,3,4 and 5 Proposal: Annexation to the City of Eagle, zoning request R5 in order to submit a preliminary plat for a 100-140 lot subdivision on 41 acres. Public Testimony: Opposed: Jim Carran Jess Boeder Pat Towne Concerns: In Favor: Tony Hickey school impact, traffic, high water table Public hearing closed at 8:25 p.m. Moved by MINOW and seconded by YZAGUIRRE to approve the proposal for annexation to the City of Eagle, but to reduce the zoning from the requested R5 to the R4 district. AYE: MINOW, YZAGUIRRE. NAY: HAMMONS MOTION CARRIED. HOFFMAN/ADA COUNTY TRANSMITTAL 91-09-PDR: A planned unit development for 9 lot on 50.5 acres located at Beacon Light and Ballantyne. Moved by MINOW and seconded by HAMMONS to approve the Transmittal as presented. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. UGALDE/ADA COUNTY TRANSMITTAL 91-09-TLQ: Temporary living quarters. (staff review) Moved by YZAGUIRRE and seconded by MINOW to approve the transmittal as presented. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. PROPERTY NUISANCES: Daunt Inspector GREEN HOUSE located on Second St. and Highway 44, WHITMAN reported that it appears to be a safety and health hazard, He would like to get permission to enter the premises to examine it for structural problems. We have been in contact with the caretaker and have received a call from Kathy Roberts, the owner, who resides in Hawaii. The site has been a problem for some years now, the lot has not been maintained for some time. Moved by MINOW and seconded by HAMMONS have the building inspector to contact the owner and request permission for a thorough inspection. Should it be denied or no answer in 30 days to seek appropriate court action for safety & health purposes. The letter to the owner needs to be mailed by certified mail. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. PRIME EARTH GRAVEL PIT COMPLAINT: WHITMAN reported that he had viewed the site and took pictures (presented to Council) but found no problems with the site not consistent with a gravel pit; however, it does need safety fencing, required by code. Barbara Montgomery, City Clerk, contacted the Bureau of Land Management, they check the site and found no violation of the mining acts. The City Attorney, Mona Mack reported that she is checking into the legal effect of improper notification on property at time of annexation, there is little in the code regarding this issue. The probable results might be in the action of the annexation being void. She has requested a legal opinion from the office of the Attorney General. After the opinion has been received we may need to have a hearing before Council to request an explanation why these particular property owners were not on the property owners list for those to be notified within 300 ft., by B.& A. Engineers, who supplied the City with the information. MONROC GRAVEL PIT: Complaint by Dick Wilkerson. WHITMAN reported that he viewed the site and took pictures (presented to Council) but found no evidence of improper handling of the property; however there appears to be some litigation between Wilkerson and Monroe. City Clerk, Barbara Montgomery contacted the Bureau of Lands, they checked the site and found no violation of the mining acts. Mayor GUERBER will contact Dick Wilkerson regarding the legal issue. COX/VACATION OF EASEMENT: Mona Mack, the City Attorney, reported that there appears to be some confusion regarding a vacation of an easement in an impact area, the property is located within one mile of the Eagle City limits. The Ada County Engineer believes that Eagle will be required to hold a public hearing in order to vacate. She advised Council that it would be appropriate to take action tonight and clear the problem of public hearing with Ada County. Moved by MINOW and seconded by YZAGUIRRE to continue this item until the next Council meeting in order to conclude the public hearing problem, ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES-RESOLUTIONS: Moved by MINOW and seconded by 1ZAGUjJ!~E Lo dispense with the three day ruling and to consider Ordinance 181 at this time, ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE 181: Moved by MINOW and seconded by YZAGUIRRE to adopt Ordinance amending Eagle City Code 1-7-4, the fee schedule, and to adopt a resolution accompanying the Ordinance. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION 6-91: Moved by MINOW and seconded by HAMMONS to adopt Resolution 6-91 approving a fee schedule. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. MAYOR REPORT AND ATTORNEY REPORTS: City Attorney, Mona Mack, reported that the Bodily/B~nderson motion at the previous Council meeting bypassed the Planning and Zoning and should be reconsidered. Moved by MINOW and seconded by YZAGUIRRE to rescind the previous motion of approval and notify Ada County that it is a conceptual of Council only. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. It was suggested that "discussion only" should be placed on the agenda on such items, or arrange to hear it at a pre council session. The City Attorney reported that Bill 210 (local option) was defeated in Legislature. the Council requested the names and vote of our representatives. ADA COUNTY SHERIFF'S REPORT: Pat Cowles reported that there were 20 traffic violations in the area in February. The Council requested additional patrolling of the Harvey Dr.-Hill Rd. area for speeding violations. Lt. Cowles requested Eagle consider a contract for a part time patrol officer for the area, YZAGUIRRE will report on this request at the next Council meeting. We have received one tennis court upgrade bid. The bid was from Cascade Fence for approximately $7,000. The Council asked for another bid to be given at the next meeting. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Library/HAMMONS: The Library Board needs a new member. There is a possibility of a State Library Grant. Ada County has entered into an agreement for the Eagle Library extension agreement for $5,000. The Library will pay for the cleaning of the Library, the City is not responsible for that expense. Seniors/MINOW: The Seniors will pay the $850.00 for the refinishing of the Senior Citizen wood floor, In the future any addition or maintenance will be placed on the agenda by the President of the Senior Citizens, The Seniors will procure their own bids on repair work. They intend to revise the cost schedule and bring it before the Council, Planning and Zoning/YZAGUIRRE: Ken Tewksbury resigned from the Planni W_I lid '~(oning Commission, We will need a new member, I. force will be meeting on the second and tUL i " , The Greenbelt Committee will be meeting regaCC¡jdq l';.ìdIid ,',-,'xl Subdivision, CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY: Moved by MINOW and seconded by HAMMONS to approve the claims as presented. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. /"" """"":.::"~. 7' 1 ~ '. 0, ,~ /' '-