Minutes - 2015 - City Council - 01/27/2015 - Regular EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Minutes January 27, 2015 PRE-COUNCIL AGENDA: 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. 1. Audit Report FY 2013-2014: Quest CPA: Kurt Folke provides Council an overview of the FY 13/14 Audit Report. General discussion. 2. Eagle Fire Department Quarterly Report: Chief Winkle provides the Council an overview of their Agency Evaluation. Discussion on a master plan, residential sprinkler systems and a Joint Powers Agreement between the City of Eagle and the Eagle Fire District. Hopefully next month we will have this document before you. We are finishing up our annual report and our calls for service are up a little. General discussion. 3. Ada County Sheriff's Office: Chief Calley displays the monthly report for the year ending 2014 and discusses the same. I brought Terry Derden with me tonight. Terry Derden, Boise City Prosecuting Attorney's Office, we have completed our transition. Today was the first jury trial for the City of Eagle and it was actually settled before we went to trial. On Tuesday afternoons I am actually in the station with your police officers. We have been reviewing the Eagle City Code to see if there needs to be changes. General discussion. Chief Calley introduces Ann Yates their new Clerk. 4. City Engineer Monthly Report: City Engineer Mike Davis provides Council an overview of the Engineers Monthly Report. Discusses the Dry Creek Pathway, we did received the Contract from ITD and it will be on a February Council meeting. Provides Council an overview of the ITD Contract. General discussion. City Attorney Report: You have the AIC Legislative Day at the Capital this week and Friday is the Municipal Attorney's meeting. Discusses the EPA and DEQ rules. 5. Mayor and Council Reports: None 6. City Hall Department Supervisor Reports: Moved to the end of the Agenda INVOCATION: REGULAR COUNCIL AGENDA: 6:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Reynolds calls the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: MCFARLAND, BUTLER, KUNZ, RIDGEWAY. All present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Reynolds leads the Pledge of Allegiance. Page I K\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-01-27-15min.doc 4. SERVICE RECOGNITION: A.) The City would like to honor Laurel Jobe for her service to Eagle senior citizens while serving as President at the Center. The Mayor presents Laurel Jobe with an Eagle Statute Award and recognizes her service to the Eagle Senior Center. B.) Eagle Soaring Citizen Award: By recognizing the importance of outstanding residents, this quarterly award will be given to Eagle citizens who have shown high achievement and/or give back to their community. 1. Kory Puderbaugh: Nominated by Kory's high school principal Terry Beck. Kory has shown perseverance throughout his schooling and is graduating early. He always keeps an exceptional attitude and involves himself in many activities. Mayor presents Kory Puderbaugh with the Eagle Soaring Citizen Statute and recognizes his perseverance through school and honoring him for graduating early. 2. Team Lucas House: Accepted by Noah and Lucas Aldrich. Noah, older brother to Lucas (who has a life-limiting illness), wants his brother to experience life to the fullest. He shows his support for children with life-limiting illnesses by competing in triathlons with his brother. Together with their family, they have created the Lucas House an organization to help children and their families with end-of-life care. Mayor presents Noah and Lucas Aldrich with the Eagle Soaring Citizen Statute and recognizes their creation of the Lucas House, an organization to help children and their families with end-of-life care. 3. The Perks of Life: Accepted by Heather Andrade. Using the business model of "give what you can, pay what you are able" the Perks of Life has been able to raise funds to help local families in need. Mayor presents Heather Andrade with the Eagle Soaring Citizen Statute and recognizes The Perks of Life which uses a business model of"give what you can, pay what you are able". The Perks of Life raises funds to help local families in need and they raised $1,000 in November and helped 10 families for Thanksgiving. 5. ADDITIONS, DELETIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE AGENDA: None 6. PUBLIC COMMENT: This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding subjects not on the agenda. At times, the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters during this allotted time. This is not the time slot to give formal testimony on a public hearing matter, or comment on a pending application or proposal. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three (3) minutes. Patricia Minkiewicz, I noticed the Eagle is back at the entrance to the City, it looks great. Page 2 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-01-27-I5min.doc Teresa Johnson, is a member of the public allowed to make comment during new business? Mayor responds: only when it is posted as public comment. 7. CONSENT AGENDA: ♦ Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. ♦ Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims Against the City. B. Minutes of January 13,2015. C. FP-20-14 — Final Plat for Reynard Subdivision No. 6 — The M3 Companies: The M3 Companies, represented by Scott Wonders with J-U- B Engineers, Inc., is requesting final plat approval for Reynard Subdivision No. 6, a 29-lot (27-buildable, 2-common) residential subdivision. The 18.4-acre site is generally located on the north side of West Chinden Boulevard east of Linder Road, at the northwest corner of South Bergman Way and West Temple Drive. (WEV) D. Sole Source Award for Playground Equipment: Requesting approval for a sole source purchase including installation from Lucky Dog Recreation for the Dynamo Apollo playground equipment for Orville Krasen Park. (MA) E. Resolution 15-02: Authorizing the destruction of transitional public records. (SKB) F. Resolution 15-03: Authorizing the destruction of temporary public records. (SKB) G. Resolution 15-05: Authorizing the destruction of temporary public records. (SKB) H. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for FPUD-03-13 & FP-06-13 —Final Development Plan and Final Plat for The Preserve Subdivision No. 3 (formerly known as Eaglefield Estates Subdivision) — The Preserve, LLC. The Preserve LLC represented by Becky McKay with Engineering Solutions, LLP The Preserve, LLC, represented by Becky McKay with Engineering Solutions, LLP, is requesting final development plan and final plat approval for The Preserve Subdivision No. 3, a 19.33- acre, 63-lot (58-buildable, 5-common) residential subdivision. The Preserve Planned Unit Development is generally located 650-feet west of Linder Road and north of State Highway 44. (WEV) Kunz moves to approve the Consent Agenda, Items #A, B, C, D, E, F, G and #H, noting that there were some minor changes made to the January 13, 2015 minutes. Page 3 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-0I-27-15min.doc Seconded by Butler. McFarland: AYE; Butler: AYE; Kunz: AYE; Ridgeway: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Mural Project Location: The Arts Commission is seeking Council approval of the location of a proposed mural project. The Commission will be distributing a request for proposal (RFP) for the mural. Mayor introduces the issue. Michelle Anderson, Arts Commission, provides the Council an overview of the Mural Project which would be on the pedestrian underpass at the North Side of the North Channel. We are seeking your approval for the location. General discussion. McFarland moves to approve the RFP for the mural. Motion dies for lack of a second. Further discussion on expanding the choice of locations for the mural. Michelle displays overheads of a mural example on the underpass and pictures of the other two locations, 1st and State Street and the back of the City Hall building and discusses the same. General discussion. Council requests the Arts Commission to expand their search for different locations for a mural. B. AA-01-15 — Appeal of DR-30-05 MOD regarding the Design Review Board decision to disallow the use of barbed wire fence along the Boise River greenbelt within Common Lot 35 within the Laguna Pointe Subdivision — Laguna Pointe Home Owners Association: Laguna Pointe Home Owners Association are appealing the Design Review Board's decision to disallow the use of barbed wire fence along the Boise River greenbelt within Common Lot 35 within the Laguna Pointe Subdivision. The site is generally located on the south side of the south channel of the Boise River and on the east side of South Eagle Road (subdivision entrance roadway is East River Meadow Drive). This item was continued from the January 13, 2015 meeting. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. City Attorney Buxton: This item was continued from your last meeting. We meet with the HOA President Peel and their attorney Hancock. I would ask that Council hear their appeal. There is also a Design Review Application for the landscaping and the berm cannot move forward until the fence issue is resolved. General discussion. Nicole Hancock, representing the Laguna Pointe HOA, I have been in discussion with your City Attorney and I have a power point to present unless you want to approve the possible motion that your City Attorney presented tonight. General discussion. Butler moves to approve the design Review 30-05 MOD eliminating the condition with regard to the barb wire fence, making it clear that that application is not approving the barb wire fence and a separate Design Review application needs to be submitted for the barb wire fence or hopefully a different fence. Seconded by Ridgeway. Discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES Page 4 K.\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-01-27-15min.doc 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Public Hearings are legally noticed hearings required by state law. The public may provide formal testimony regarding the application or issue before the City Council. This testimony will become part of the hearing record for that application or matter. A. CU-01-14 — Conditional Use Permit - Skyway Towers, LLC: Skyway Towers, LLC, represented by Shawn Nickel with SLN Planning, is requesting conditional use permit approval for a 95-foot high camouflaged cell tower (defined as "personal wireless facility height-over 35-feet" in Eagle City Code) with the option to increase the height of the tower to 115-feet in the future. Note: this is a new public hearing (post mediation) and new information has been provided and new information will be discussed. The proposed 2,500-square foot lease area is located approximately 835-feet southwest of the intersection of North Eagle Hills Way and North Wingfoot Place at the southern boundary of Eagle Hills Golf Course within the area containing hole #2. Mayor introduces the issue. Mayor: Does anyone on Council have any exparte contact to declare? Kunz: I did receive two letters that some neighbors wrote and those were forwarded to City Staff and included in the packet of materials. Mayor: Does anyone on Council have any potential or actual conflict of interest? Ridgeway: I do not have a conflict of interest but I did receive some emails and I wrote back on those emails and asked people who their carrier was and some of the people answered but there was no other discussion after that or correspondence and it is the same correspondence that is in the packet. City Attorney Buxton discusses the mediation process and states that a settlement agreement did not come out of this process. Steve Lord, reads into the record an email communication with Skyway and Susan Buxton, City Attorney. We did not know that the Trott Study was a public record so we have not had time to put our written comments together. I would like to suggest that we go ahead tonight and then continue this to another meeting to allow further testimony and written comments to be submitted for no more than two weeks from tonight. It is up to you whether or not you allow the Trott Study to be submitted. General discussion. Further general discussion. Dan Behuniak, Skyway Towers, distributes to the Mayor and City Council a copy of the July 25, 2014 letter to the Mayor and City Council, a Google Earth print out of the area, and the Conditional Use Permit Site Plans, displays the same on overheads and discusses the same. General discussion. Mayor opens the Public Hearing Steve Lord, representing Protecting the Neighborhoods, displays overheads from the Conditional Use Permit Site Plans and a Google Earth print out of sites that would be appropriate for the tower and discusses the same. General discussion. Page 5 K\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-O1-27-15min.doc George Schnarre, 723 Spyglass Way, discusses the location, coverage that the towers will provide, towers in foliage, and the appropriate amount of towers needed for coverage. General discussion. David Schwartz, 948 E. Monarch Street, I just wanted to make sure you had my letter in our packet and I will stand for questions. General discussion on his letter. Debra Helton, 1203 Cerramar Court, the application has new information and it is not much different than the first application. I hope you will go back and look at the previous letters and comments on this application. I hope our neighborhood does not become an industrial park with these towers. Gretta Flemming, 681 Spyglass Way, this is redundant. The only new information I have heard tonight is that they want to put up two towers. Nothing has changed. There are optional sites that have not been proposed. Why does this keep coming back to this? They are not following the City Code and I think you deny them again. Tracy Herman, 457 Beacon Light Road, discusses the photo simulations for Skyway Tower and I know they are correct. Bill McCarrel, 1570 N. Snead Ave, I'm a business owner and my business is the Gathering Place in downtown Eagle. This has been discussed in my place of business the last couple of weeks and most people say that coverage is not good. To me this meeting seems to be a meeting saying"not in my back yard". Doug Foote, 656 Lane, my business is cellular and in order for me to get cell coverage on Beacon Light or down Eagle Road when I'm in my van I need to have a booster. My booster is contacting the cell tower in Hidden Springs. In Eagle there are only two cell sites. Once you get upon the ridge there is no coverage. The only locations that would work are the school or the location in this application. Sue Ellen Heardle, 764 Palmetto Drive, if I have a cell tower in back yard would my cell service be better? Discusses the shed. How many companies are going to be on the tower? How close is all of this going to be to the homes and the common area? Is the ground going to support all of this weight? Dr. Christopher Duker, 741 Spyglass, the pictures were great but they didn't show the access road. Everything seems to be changing, in the future how many towers will there have to be? I don't know if the health issues have been addressed. If you give variances you are going to degrade the area. Mayor closes the Public Hearing Shawn Nickels, representing the applicant, we do stand by our original application and it was submitted in accordance with the City Code. Discusses the different tower locations that were presented tonight and their short comings. The height needs to be above the canopy. Dan Behuniak, Skyway Towers, discusses the different tower locations that were presented tonight and their short comings. Towers have to be in the area that the users Page 6 K\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-01-27-15min.doc are. This is our third meeting and we have explained everything and I would like to get to the point where we get a decision. Shawn Nickels, representing the applicant, I don't think there is an argument that we have the worst cell service in the area. If you don't put the tower here and put it someplace else you will be back here doing the same thing. I would request that you look at the letters in support of this application. City Attorney Buxton: all of the information and documents that were provided at other hearings are part of this hearing. Discusses Federal Law and City Code. General discussion. General Council discussion. Kunz: My motion was going to be that we continue to a future Council meeting at least two weeks into the future the public hearing on CU-01-14 — Conditional Use Permit - Skyway Towers. At that future public hearing the public comment would be limited strictly to and only the Trott Study and the RF content that it contains. That is the essence of my motion but I don't know if it will get a second at this point. Mayor, why don't you put it up the flag pole? So moved by Kunz. Discussion. Motion dies for lack of a second. General discussion. Kunz: I would reinsert my motion in search of a second. Seconded by Ridgeway. Discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES Mayor: There will only be public comment on the Trott Study. General discussion. Butler moves that the public comment be limited to written comment to be provided on or before the February 5, 2015 in regard to the Trott Study. Seconded by McFarland. Discussion. McFarland: AYE; Butler: AYE; Ridgeway: AYE; Kunz: NAY: MOTION CARRIES Mayor calls a recess at 10:10 p.m. Mayor reconvenes at 10:25 p.m. B. Ordinance 728- Adopting of 2012 Building Codes: An Ordinance Of The City Of Eagle, Idaho, A Municipal Corporation Of The State Of Idaho, Amending Title 7, Chapter 1 Of The Eagle City Code By Adopting The 2012 International Building Code Including Appendix J Grading; Adopting The 2012 Idaho Residential Code (Parts I Through Iv And Ix); Amending Or Deleting Certain Sections Of The 2012 International Building Code; Amending Or Deleting Certain Sections Of The 2012 Idaho Residential Code; Adopting The Current Publication Of The International Fire Code; Adopting The Current Publication Of The International Mechanical Code; Adopting The Current Publication Of The International Existing Building Code; Adopting The Current Publication Of The International Fuel Gas Code; Adopting The Current Publication Of The National Electrical Code; And Amending Title 7, Chapter 4 Of The Eagle City Code By Adopting The 2012 Energy Conservation Code And Amending Or Deleting Sections Of The 2012 Energy Conservation Code; Providing A Severability Clause; Providing A Codification Clause; And Providing An Effective Date For Adoption. (SN) Page 7 K.\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-01-27-15min.doc Mayor introduces the issue. Kunz moves, pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 50-902, that the rule requiring Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with, and that Ordinance#728 be considered after being read once by title only. Kunz reads Ordinance # 728 by title only. Seconded by McFarland. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES Kunz moves that Ordinance#728 be adopted. Seconded by Ridgeway. McFarland: AYE; Butler: AYE; Kunz: AYE; Ridgeway: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES 10. NEW BUSINESS: A. Avimor Request for City Consent to Form a Community Infrastructure District (CID) with Ada County: Dan Richter, Avimor General Manager, is requesting the City Council give the Avimor Planned Community consent to form a CID district under the jurisdiction of Ada County pursuant to Idaho Code 50-3101(3). (NBS) Mayor introduces the issue. Planner Baird-Spencer: you have the binder on the CID which was given to you last week and I will stand for questions. Dan Richter, 8454 N. McLeod Way, I am the managing partner of Avimor; I am probably one of the more experienced people to do a CID. The last several years we have been growing. The CID is for the growths that is coming and will serve for the financing of additional improvements. The CID allows growth to pay for itself. Provides an overview of the Avimor development. I'm here tonight to request the City's Consent for Avimor to form a CID in the County. Planner Baird-Spencer: Discusses the City's Comprehensive Plan for the Foothills. Avimor made an application to be part of the Comprehensive Plan for the Foothills. Discusses the Avimor CID's Pros & Cons. Discussion on Chief Calley's Avimor Subdivision Policing Incidents 2010-2014. City Attorney Buxton discusses the potential annexation and the consent to annex. General discussion. Further discussion on annexation, a CID and providing the Consent to form a CID. Kent Rock, consultant with Avimor on the CID, discusses the consent, annexation, the CID Development Agreement. General discussion. Butler: Dan, what would you think if the City made a motion to not consent to the size of the Community Infrastructure District No. 1 that you proposed but to consent to the Community Infrastructure District No. 1 for Avimor with it being limited to the size of the land that you have been approved for development, approximately 800 acres. Would you be okay with a motion like that? Dan Richter: Yeah, I believe that would work. So moved by Butler. Seconded by McFarland. Kunz: I would ask that you consider amending your Motion to require that the Page 8 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-01-27-15min.doc Development Agreement name both the County, Avimor and the City of Eagle to resolve some of the issues that are identified under the cons as well as additional issues that have surfaced during this meeting with respect to conformance to the City of Eagle's Comp Plan, the future police services and etc. City Attorney Buxton: I also think that the consent would also be that any future annexation into that District would require consent. General discussion. Butler: I would amend the motion that at any time this Community Infrastructure District is expanded that you have to come back to us for another consent. Seconded by McFarland. General discussion. Kunz: to me this is not just a matter of a CID No. 2. I want to make sure that the consent the City provides for the first CID No. 1 is contingent upon the City and the County and Avimor being active partners under a Development Agreement even for the initial 800 units. Butler: I will amend my motion to include what you just said. General discussion. McFarland withdraws her second. Butler: I am going to withdraw my third motion which related to what Jeff said. Kunz makes a motion that the City of Eagle provide conditional consent to the creation of a CID No 1 for Avimor contingent upon the Development Agreement naming Avimor, Ada County and the City of Eagle as key partners to resolve some of the issues presented this evening with respect to some of the City's Comprehensive Plan performance, the future police services and some of the other cons that are listed here. General discussion. Butler: this would be a Substitute Motion. Motion dies for lack of a second. Butler: the motion that I made originally was that we not consent to this larger district that we consent to a Community Infrastructure District No. 1 for Avimor consisting of approximately 800 acres which has already been approved and that got a second and the amendment to that was that if they annex and make it larger they have to come back to us for a secondary consent and those both have seconds. THREE AYES: KUNZ: NAY: MOTION CARRIES B. Pressurized Irrigation Agreement (PI Agreement) Between the City of Eagle (Guerber Park),Wycliffe Estates Subdivision, and Gateway Subdivision: The City of Eagle, in conjunction with the developer of Wycliffe Estates Subdivision and Gateway Subdivision, is requesting City Council approval of a pressurized irrigation agreement to establish rules and guidelines for the maintenance and operation of a pressurized irrigation system to serve Wycliffe Estates Subdivision, Gateway Subdivision, and Guerber Park. The site is generally located near the northwest corner of State Highway 55 and Hill Road. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Butler moves to continue Item #10B to the February 10, 2015 City Council meeting. Seconded by McFarland. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES....... D. Discussion and possible action to create a committee to study Mayor and Council salaries and provide recommendations prior to Council consideration of new salaries as required by law. (MLB) Mayor introduces the issue. Page 9 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-01-27-15min.doc Butler moves to continue Item #10D to the February 10, 2015 City Council meeting. Seconded by McFarland. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES... C. Discussion and possible council action to create a task force to review the comprehensive plan. (MLB) Mayor introduces the issue. Planner Baird-Spencer discusses the process for the creation of a task force to review the comprehensive plan. Teresa Johnson, she covered everything that we were going to talk about. General discussion. City Hall Department Supervisor Reports: City Clerk/Treasurer Bergmann: No report PZ Administrator Vaughan discusses street trees in new developments. PR/Facilities Director Aho provides Council an overview of the City of Eagle Park and Rec Annual Report. General discussion. 11. EXECUTIVE SESSION: A. 67-2345 (a) Executive sessions -- When authorized. (1) An executive session at which members of the public are excluded may be held, but only for the purposes and only in the manner set forth in this section. The motion to go into executive session shall identify the specific subsections of this section that authorize the executive session. There shall be a roll call vote on the motion and the vote shall be recorded in the minutes. An executive session shall be authorized by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the governing body. An executive session may be held: (a) To consider hiring a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent, wherein the respective qualities of individuals are to be evaluated in order to fill a particular vacancy or need. This paragraph does not apply to filling a vacancy in an elective office or deliberations about staffing needs in general; Mayor Reynolds introduces the issue. Kunz: I would move in accordance with I.C. 67-2345(a) that we go into Executive Session to consider hiring a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent, wherein the respective qualities of individuals are to be evaluated in order to fill a particular vacancy or need. Seconded by McFarland. McFarland: AYE; Butler: AYE; Kunz: AYE; Ridgeway: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES Council goes into Executive Session at 11:20 p.m. Council discusses personnel. Council leaves Executive Session at 11:25 p.m. Page 10 K.\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-01-27-15min.doe Butler moves that Dave be allowed to take more than two weeks off for his needs. Seconded by McFarland. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES 12. ADJOURNMENT: Butler moves to adjourn. Seconded by McFarland . ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES... Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 11:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted: • ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , •0.' EAC(. r -.► -� l 'wt/A.i ••' ORAL'•. L SHARON K. BERGMANN i Cd b "L CITY CLERK/TREASURER t Z� ..•i 2 0P7I. RI 'PROVED: ••. .. „.••.......,,,,,.,,,, a .....„. ...„0„.,,,,, II .. , J �� ,MES D. RE LDS AYOR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE AT CITY HALL UPON REQUEST. Page I I K\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-O1-27-I5min.doc 1.1 P . • , •, ' 1,11,Vigt Ant,t1.1' • . r , • k. Irg 107. (1 01 ,17,9 I, .410 • . -• qa ( WCMA ( 'Ac )‘k al.A04 1YAK CVJ t(23- 1/039`0)43SA-5°J EXISTING TREE PRESENTED TOWER HEIGHT ACTUAL TOWER HEIGHT 115 feet EXISTING TREE 72 feet 39 3 feet 60 feet 393 FT AS PROPOSED TO CITY OF EAGLE ACTUAL PROPOSED HEIGHT iot ' THIS IS WHAT THEY MEANT TO SHOW YOU Before , �. J..• • •.- , A'. ,/ After /111•11,, AMEN • % V ".146.. /Mk • .00016.4 fr mil City of Eagle's New Trademark? View of the Cell Tower from City of Eagle's Post Office As you may have heard. a proposed "Personal Wireless Facility" with a 115' tall cell tower "camouflaged" u • pine tree has been submitted by Skyway Towers. LLC represented by Shawn Nickel with SNL Planning) to the City of Eagle They ere proposing to trx:ate this structure and facility along the southern boundary of Eagle Hills Goll Course Ina residential area, towering over the City of Eagle This unfortunately could become Eagle's trademark of our beautifully planned community Dur elected officials need to hear from you. the residents of Eagle. how you feel about having an industnal facility in such a prominent spot among our neighborhoods This Cell Phone Tower WIIl In Fact: 1) Destroy our scenic View Corridors that Eagle has worked so diligently 10 maintain. 2) Reduce our Property Values by 2-20% (on a national average.) 3) Introduce an Industrial Element into our beautiful, well planned neighborhoods. 4) Create Noise Pollution by running industrial air conditioners at all times of the day. 5) Health Risks are still undetermined. with many health experts warning of long term exposure. Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission Hearing Date: March 17th 2014 Time 6 00 pm Location Eagle Cay Hall. 660 E Civic Lane. Eagle. ID 83616 Please contact your elected officials and share with them what you think: Eagle Mayor Jim Reynolds )reynolds@cttyofeagle org Eagle City Council President. Mary McFarland rnmc arland@cayofeagle org Eagle Planner Michael Williams 208.939-0227 ext 205 PEN 'Protecting Eagles Neighborhoods' email us pf9S.Qcleaglenoyokg ioil corn Contact us today and sign our petition to help Protect Eagle's Neighborhoods) View of the CeII Tower North of State Street 1 n• y*+�rtt • FM- t& C / -aZ 7-5 SKYWAY TOWERS 20525 Ambertield Drive a Suite 102 • Land 0 Lakes, FL 34638 July 25, 2014 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Eagle 660 E. Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 RE: Skyway Towers/Eagle Golf Course Personal Wireless Facility Skyway Towers, LLC submits the following clarification in support of its application in the above -referenced matter. During the course of the City Council's public meeting held on July 8, 2014, the topic of the height of the tower that Skyway has proposed to erect on the Eagle Hills Golf Course was extensively discussed. At one point, Skyway expressed some flexibility regarding the height of the proposed tower and requested the Council's views on what height the Council would accept to balance its concerns with the need to close the service gap, while taking into account the record evidence demonstrating that the tower had to be sufficiently tall to avoid interference from the surrounding tree foliage on radio frequency propagation. At that time, the Council members were unable to give any direction on the subject. In an attempt to find a solution to balancing the Council's desire to limit the height of the proposed tower with the clear intent of the City's current ordinance, which requires towers to be capanle of accommodating collocation of additional providers so as to limit the number of towers needed to serve the community, Skyway clarifies that in light of its discussion at the July 8, 2014 hearing, it offers the following alternative proposed solutions: Proposal 1: Skyway will lower the proposed height of its monopine to a height of 90' for the tower (95' when counting the top branches of the monopine) so that Verizon Wireless and AT&T can close their respective service gaps, and the City would consent in advance that if and when an additional wireless carrier seeks to collocate on the tower in the future, the City would allow the addition of 10' for each carrier up to a maximum pole height of 110 feet (1 15 when including monopine branches) ; Proposal 2: Skyway will lower the proposed height of its monopine to a height of 90' (95' when counting the top branches of the monopine), and the City will consent to authorize Skyway to build a second, twin 95' monopine in the same compound in the future should another carrier seek to collocate there; or Proposal 3: In either Proposal 1 or Proposal 2, Skyway will agree to construct a monopole instead of a monopine in response to Councilman Butler's concerns. Respectfully submitted, Daniel P. Behuniak CEO Skyway Towers. LLC CC Ridge w/ approx 30' drop in elevation -dropping north 4 h.ase at Resident al Currently Under Construction Existing Tower MOORE SMITH BUXTON & TURCKE, CHARTERED ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW 950 W Bannock Street, Suite 520 Boise, ID 83702 TELEPIIONE: (208) 331-1800 FAX: (208) 331-1202 MEMORANDUM TO: City of Eagle — Mayor and City Council Members Skyway Towers FROM: Susan Buxton/Cherese McLain DATE: January 27, 2015 RE: Skyway Towers Mediation Summary The following is a summary of the discussions between the participants of the Skyway Towers Mediation held on October 7, 2014 and January 9, 2015, at the Eagle City Hall. The purpose of this summary is to capture the substantive issues explored by the participants without unnecessarily disclosing the internal dynamics of the debate. This summary is also intended to preserve a sufficient record of the discussion to disclose ex parte communications with the Eagle City Council members present at the mediation. The summary notes the identity of the mediation participant and a description of what was discussed in front of the Eagle City Council members present. This summary is a public record. A copy of the sign -in sheet will also be included as a part of this Mediation Summary as Exhibit "A." 1St Mediation October 7, 2014 City of Eagle: Jeff Kunz, City Councilman Mary McFarland, City Councilwoman Susan Buxton, City Attorney Cherese McLain, City Attorney Bill Vaughan, Planning Administrator Skyway Towers (Applicant): Shawn Nickel, SLN Planning Danial Behuniak, Skyway Towers Scott Thompson, Davis Wright Tremaine Protect Eagle Neighborhoods, Inc. Stephen Lord, attorney Jason Watt David Schwartz Patty Ritchie Skyway Tower Mediation Summary -1 I. DISCUSSION a. Introduction Susan Buxton commenced the meeting and provided the rules for the mediation between the City, Applicant, and opposition group. She introduced the two City Council members, Mary McFarland and Jeff Kunz, who will be participating. They are not acting on behalf of the City Council nor have any authority to negotiate a deal. Any resolution would have to be done in a public hearing and before the City Council. b. Siting Issues and Provider Needs The Skyway Towers representative, Dan Behuniak, explained the previous attempts by the telecommunication companies to find a site within the City of Eagle, including a previous application for a tower site next to Eagle Hills Elementary. The application was withdrawn at the Planning and Zoning level. That application also did not have a stealth monopole. The Planning and Zoning remanded the application back to staff. In an effort to meet the Planning and Zoning needs and due to the neighbors being upset, the Applicant moved the tower to the golf course. There are only 2 locations that work for the network. Height is necessary because the tower must be above the tree line. There is a gap in coverage on several fronts: new services, full motion, and wireless cable television. This gap will only continue to get worse. After the Planning and Zoning hearing, the school asked the Applicant not to pursue that location. Shawn Nickel asked whether that CUP application was still active. Behuniak responded that AT&T had a contract with the school but it had a timeline and at this point, we believe the time has lapsed and it is no longer valid. c. Coverage and Capacity Reauirements/Limited Locations Dan Behuniak continued to explain that the location is limited to 2 places: school and golf course. There are a few factors causing this limitation. First, the City ordinance requires a double height setback. The school was dead center in the "search ring". Jason Watt stated that the issue was data saturation and asked Behuniak why they couldn't put lower height towers between the 2 existing towers and one to the north. Behuniak explained that the towers serve both coverage and capacity needs, right now it is comparable to trying to put a ton of water through a hose. Jeff Kunz asked why not look at the watchtower at the golf course and consider an antennae. Behuniak explained he did not have the elevation to determine this. Jason Watt stated it should be put in an agricultural area away from Brookwood. Stephen Lord characterized that Watt was asking for 2 towers. d. DAS/Hvbrid systems Kunz asked whether it was possible to do a hybrid system like DAS. The towers are shorter and not objectionable. Behuniak explained that the industry is evolving. Users must have antennas close, macrosites are large, what happens is that shadowing of buildings creates an artificial canyon and the providers add all of these low -powered, smaller antennas. The problem is that water and foliage don't mix with RF signals. If you put 45 towers in neighborhoods, the signal will be going through foliage and trees. AT&T and Verizon will Skyway Tower Mediation Summary -2 not support DAS and it is cost prohibitive. Scott Thompson explains that these systems are typically built where there are current towers that exist. The DAS coverage is small, less than a quarter mile. Since there are no larger poles in Eagle, that would require a ton of DAS. Further, DAS requires fiber optics. Kunz states he believes DAS would work. Behuniak states that it is not financially feasible. e. Alternative Locations Jason Watt discusses possibly adding a tower at the Chevron on HWY 55 and one over around Floating Feather and Eagle Road. David Schwartz agrees that there has to be another solution. Behuniak states that these areas will just be "deloading" all 3 sectors but the clubhouse might work. Shawn Nickel states that the distance is key. Stephen Lord states that the athletic fields provide a multi-purpose use. Behuniak states that they could drop the height from 115' to 90' until another carrier came along. He could possibly do 2 90' towers. Lord states that the opposition group would be okay with 70-80'. Bill Vaughan interjects that the City Code does not allow for it if presented as a monopole, but a stealth might work. Behuniak states that stealth adds 5' for the disguise and Verizon will not allow a 65' tower. The group broke up into separate rooms. f. Applicant Breakout with City Behuniak states that the Applicant could add tall trees to break up the tree site. Kunz states he wants to find a compromise of a lower tower and asks for other ideas. Behuniak explains that the tower site has to be put on a foundation and requires specific RF friendly materials. A reference was made to the Albertson's antennae. Behuniak states that only applies to small cell. Mary McFarland asks if they could do 3 90' monopines. Behuniak states that 2 90' would definitely be needed. There was discussion how 2 of the 3 monopines could be staggered in height from 95' to 85' etc. and also serve other carriers. Buxton states the City could approve 2 at this time. Kunz states he doesn't want to piecemeal this if another tower is going to be needed in the future. Behuniak states that the demand depends on the growth and they don't know that at this time. Thompson suggests 2 90' monopines and new trees to surround them. Buxton asks if any of the towers can be lower. Behuniak states Verizon could do 70' but AT&T needs 90'. McFarland suggests doing an 85' and 95' monopine and a grove of trees. Buxton asks about the noise. Behuniak states that it is as loud as an air -conditioner. Buxton asks about the access road. The width of the road is discussed. It needs to be wide enough for the fire department. Thompson states the road cannot be limited in a manner that it is okay with any installation. Kunz asks what is least intrusive. Shawn Nickel states that no matter if a site was added at the Chevron and west side of the town, there will always be a need at the golf course and maybe the City could adopt a utilities plan. Bill Vaughan states the City has a map but it is already full. g. Neighborhood Breakout with City Buxton asks for a solution. Lord asks where the radius limits are located. There are 2 issues. This is not a single tower solution. Could have lower height collocation in industrial zone like the Idaho Power location or could do a Beacon Light and downtown location. Buxton Skyway Tower Mediation Summary -3 states that all they are saying is "everywhere but here". The Applicant is willing to go to federal court and the neighborhood will have to be an amicus to represent their interests. We cannot go into EMF's. Lord states to his clients that the group is here to represent the neighborhood and that . the City is not able to include all. of the arguments that the. neighborhood could bring. He states that the City may want to point out that there are spaces that have not been searched. He states that the application does not have radio information and the issues to the North are not resolved with this. Another alternative is the Eagle Hills parking lot, there are a lot of tall trees and could blend into a large cluster. McFarland points out there is a possibility to have varied heights of multiple monopines as a solution. Watt criticizes the City tower ordinance. Buxton assures that the City did not have an ulterior motive with the ordinance and she understands the group's frustration, but Idaho Code requires that this mediation must happen. McFarland states that the City must deal with the application before it. Lord expresses concerns with Ordinance 672 and whether they can show it violates the FCC, he doubts it. Entire group take 1 hour break for lunch. h. Reconvene Breakout Meeting with AnDlicant and City Buxton relays a question from the Neighborhood group as to whether the tower could be located on the back nine. Nickel responds that it is too far east from an RF perspective. The group begins discussing the parking lot location. Behuniak states there are issues with drilling a foundation of the tower near the water at the Eagle Hills golf course parking lot. A phone call was made to the owner of the Eagle Hills, Dave Begrow, he explains to the group that there are underground pipes that exist and you have to get maps to see them all. The Applicant asked whether Begrow would entertain a site there. Begrow said no. Behuniak asks what is next, hire an expert? Buxton asks whether could move it to the back 9? Behuniak states it is too far east. Buxton asks for other solutions. Behuniak states that 2 towers is not a graceful solution. Thompson asks whether the City can get this to work. If the City denies this or if the conditions are too prohibitive, the Applicant will go to federal court. CONCLUSION City determined that the best option was to hire an expert to do a peer review of the Applicant's findings. All parties agree. Skyway Tower Mediation Summary -4 2nd Mediation January 9, 2015 City of Eagle: Jeff Kunz, City Councilman (by phone) Mary McFarland, City Councilwoman (by phone) Susan Buxton, City Attorney Cherese McLain, City Attorney Bill Vaughan, Planning Administrator Skyway Towers (Applicant): Shawn Nickel, SLN Planning Danial Behuniak, Skyway Towers (by phone) Scott Thompson, Davis Wright Tremaine (by phone) Protect Eagle Neighborhoods, Inc. (all present by phone) Stephen Lord, attorney Jason Watt David Schwartz Patty Ritchie I. DISCUSSION a. Tree Transplant Scott Thompson began by discussing the proposal they received from Franz Witte regarding transplanting a tree to help with blending the tower. He went on to say a spruce would be needed in order to grow tall. The spruce would grow an average 1 foot a year. They could start with a 36' transplant that could grow to 60'. Buxton asks whether they are still seeking 115' approval. Kunz suggest leaving it at 95' until they show they need an increase. Buxton expresses concern about binding future city councils and in the alternative, approve 115' but initially only approve 95' at construction and when they take on additional carriers, they can increase. The second option would be to approve at 95' but have 2 monopines alongside the proposed tree and landscaping. Behuniak states they prefer approval of 1 tower. Ritchie asks about the road and access. Behuniak states they would maintain the road and would have to so emergency services could be provided. McFarland inquires when the transplant would occur. Behuniak responds that it is contingent up approval. He needs to check whether NEPA or other environmental studies would be required. They would also need to get an FCC permit. The parties discussed the 2 options provided by Franz Witte and the tree survivability issues. Scott Thompson states that the visual impact would be immediate at 30'. Schwartz states he is a landscape architect and that basically it would take 30 years to catch up. Lord states the golf course does not have a good track record for maintenance and concerned the tree might not survive. Behuniak states they would have a separate watering system for the landscape. He found the NEPA documents and it was completed March 2014. Kunz asks about the placement of the trees. Behuniak states that the tree would be placed on the cliff for big impact because the view from the southeast is the worst. Kunz points out that it will not be a gradual line. Thompson responds and states that tree lines aren't really gradual and the point is to work on the angle that has the biggest impact. They want it visible. Skyway Tower Mediation Summary -5 b. Trott Study Buxton states that the study reveals the need for some additional information from the applicant but that Trott still was able to conclude the same as the applicant. Thompson states that the Trott study confirmed what they said. Lord states that he didn't think the Trott study provided answers. He states that the underlying evidence does not provide enough detail for industry standards. He states it does not provide the required detail for the City ordinance. The tower needs to move 1 mile north to deal with coverage issues. This is not a solution to the problem. Thompson responds and states the study clearly shows a gap in coverage. The neighborhood group seems to sit on this 1 solution of going north at a location that does not exist. Cell towers are not designed to cover all gaps. He disagrees that the Trott study fails. Buxton states the City wasn't going to have another model done but that this was a peer review of the Applicant's documentation. She states that it appears that the opposition group is not going to agree with any option proposed. Lord states that per Schwartz it would 5 years for the tree to start growing and then at that time you would just have 2 items off of the skyline. He states this is just window dressing and not the substance that is needed for the council and commission. Thompson states that in Lord's view there is nothing at this site that will make his client happy. Lord states that lowering the height would. Thompson states they cannot lower the height. Kunz states that the Trott study says that this will not resolve all gaps. Ritchie inquires that she thought it was saying that the best location is Beacon and Edgewood. Behuniak states they tried the school. Ritchie states that a home located on Spyglass will be surrounded by the access road to the tower. She asks how often maintenance people are out there. Behuniak states twice a year. Ritchie asks about the generator needing fuel. Behuniak agrees and states that the maintenance remains the same and the only time fuel is needed is in the event of a power outage. Ritchie asks about changes to the fairway. Behuniak states • no changes to the course. McFarland asks whether we are talking about 2 towers? Kunz states that option 2 is the 2 tower option, option 1 is the 1 115' tower. He states that the pursuant to the Trott study, the map indicates that where it is yellow, it is good outside and where it is green, it is good inside. Behuniak agrees with the exception that performance will change at peak hours or during an emergency. It may be reliable until more of it is used. As the population grows, the network gets strained and now during peak hour it gets bad. Since 1997, have been adding antennas and added more technology. Since the LTE and iPhone, the companies have exhausted their ability to use antennas. The new traffic has forced the need for a tower to close the gap. Kunz asks what the degradation difference between 95' and 115'. Thompson responds that they did not do that calculation nor did he believe it was that simple. RF networks are dynamic. For instance, the area it covers at midnight would be different than other times of the day. Kunz states he does not understand why they can't quantify degradation between 95' and 115' and he wants to know the difference between option 1 and 2. Behuniak states they dropped it to 95' as a political solution and to mitigate neighborhood impact and got the carriers to agree. This will further increase a need for a tower to the north. Even 115' is still too short. The City should expect a future application to the north and to the east. He states nationwide, Eagle has the worst coverage based on its size and that he is willing to take 95' because of how bad it is. Lord states that the best solution is closer to Beacon Light. Behuniak says nothing Skyway Tower Mediation Summary -6 is available but the golf course and school. Buxton asks Lord if there is anything that his client is willing to buy off on. Lord says there is no viable opportunity, they have provided other locations and Skyway say they are not available. Thompson states that it is clear that the only political compromise for the opposition group is to move to a different site. McFarland states that everyone has gone through the information that is available. Kunz says he wants more data. Buxton states that she does not believe further breakout sessions will be helpful. Lord states that is client is not comfortable and believes that the Trott study has not satisfied the needs of the ordinance. Buxton asks the group if they would want breakout sessions. Thompson states that they are not going to get any more common ground. Lord states they want 65'. Behuniak states that will not work because the lowest carrier would be 40'. Lord inquires if the information acquired would be part of the record. Buxton states the information was part of the mediation and if the applicant chooses to proceed then the parties need to agree whether to put the study in the record. Lord states he wants to think about it. CONCLUSION: None. Mediation unsuccessful. Skyway Tower Mediation Summary -7 EXHIBIT "A" EAGLE SKYWAY MEDIATION SIGN-UP SHEET October! 2014 ADDRESS/ NAME TELEPHONE/E-MAIL S A Aco,) e /511 /J. L:5/4 cL`Q)I{ s•AAwN605- ,or, .0 le -4(x t i `qct( l ,/I /u.e Sad ,OSo, / 60,3 NAME 174c-' IV Sethw•sxorz Skiittvacw-4 4RO,.:4: \ c2 EXHIBIT "A" EAGLE SKYWAY MEDIATION SIGN-UP SHEET October 2014 ADDRESS/ TELEPHONE/E-MAIL q44 auQ"inu-r'1 ST. d4'h ro akIp+e WS. Gown `boa c,d q-ci fyrs e,, fir E 2p F3 702— X?. 16 Cfl91— Sp7Slw,�y Ee.i1n EXHIBIT "A" EAGLE SKYWAY MEDIATION SIGN-UP SIIEET October. 2014 NAME Tusao _Alta rn400411 ADDRESS/' TELEPHONE/E-MAIL f "ht., , eerw qSD �• Akitikek SKo‘t .O0. Ceb.A L., 10 v3C1I• t(*(10141. 645 g-/,-1e- Gd' tkus 674- Mg.). .. Sa . A 5 to CITY OF EAGLE PARKS,RECREATION AND TRAILS ANNUAL REPORT 2014 City of Eagle Parks,Recreation and Trails Annual Report 2014 Executive Summary • Eighteen major projects completed with a value of $211,856. • Facility rentals/events increased by 41% and revenues by 9% from 2013. • Hired Caitlin Straubinger as Recreation Specialist to create a community recreation program. • Began live web cast streaming of all City Council and City Commissions meetings. • Implemented a cloud based work order system. • Paved or repaired over three miles of Green Belt Trail. • Opened the Mace Trail on the south side of the north channel of the Boise River. • The Snow Park at the Sports Complex operated by Gateway Parks opened for snowboarding, skiing and sledding. • Five major volunteer projects that provided over 1500 hours of service. • Started the Master Plan for Parks, Recreation and Trails. • Opened the Firewise Garden at the Sports Complex. • Repaired the street tree irrigation system in downtown. City Council Jim Reynolds -Mayor Mary McFarland -Council President Mark Butler Stan Ridgeway Jeff Kunz Parks, Recreation and Facility Staff Mike Aho -Director Jenessa Hansen -Administrative Assistant Dave Rioux-Maintenance Specialist Caitlin Straubinger-Recreation Specialist Wayne Hancock -Maintenance Specialist Parks and Pathway Development Commission Randy Zollinger -Chair Charlie Baun-Vice Chair Lynn Moser Marc Grubert Dan Friend Don Stockton Scott Marshall Page 1 City of Eagle Parks,Recreation and Trails Annual Report 2014 Parks • Gateway Parks in partnership with the City of Eagle is making snow for snowboarding, skiing and sledding at the Sports Complex. r , 4141111°V. iNtik Snow making at the Sports Complex • l' Sledding at the Sports Complex Snowboarding at the Sports Complex Skiing at the Sports Complex Page 1 City of Eagle Parks,Recreation and Trails Annual Report 2014 • Created and opened a Firewise Garden at the Sports Complex using volunteers and Eagle City staff with technical assistance and help from Brett Van Paepeghem. Firewise Garden Before and After • Redid all 22 irrigation connections at the Sports Complex to help with maintenance and to allow volunteers easier access to water to do trail work. Irrigation connections at Sports Complex before and after Page 2 City of Eagle Parks,Recreation and Trails Annual Report 2014 • Rejuvenated the turf area by the pump track at the Sports Complex Turf area at Sports Complex before and after • Added over 200 yards of new fence at the Sports Complex to help improve safety at the Bike Park. New fence -Sports Complex • Built dumpster enclosure at the Sports Complex. Dumpster enclosure -Sports Complex Page 3 City of Eagle Parks,Recreation and Trails Annual Report 2014 • Added signs at the Sports Complex to improve mountain bike safety. OOMWRt Inutit OMI, .4l OMR ME MOM•illO Warning signs at Bike Park • Fixed water overflow problem at the skate park at the Sports Complex. Drainage work at skate park • Berm was removed at Guerber Park and area prepared for redevelopment. Removal of berm at Guerber Park Page 4 City of Eagle Parks,Recreation and Trails Annual Report 2014 • Added pavers around drinking fountain at Guerber Park to help with turf management and improve apperance. Guerber park Fountain before and after • Resurfaced the playground pad at Guerber Park to extend the life of the pad. Guerber Park playground surface issue and after resurfacing • At Orval Krasen Park added landscaping around the bathroom and sign to improve appearance. Orval Krasen Park bathroom and sign Page 5 City of Eagle Parks,Recreation and Trails Annual Report 2014 • Reroofed the shelter at Orval Krasen Park and painted the fence. Roof and fence work at Orval Krasen Park • Replaced the shade structure over the playground at Merrill Park. New shade structure Merrill Park • Refurbished the spray pads at Merrill and Guerber Park Refurbished splash pad at Merrill Park Page 6 City of Eagle Parks,Recreation and Trails Annual Report 2014 Trails • Created trail standards for maintenance and construction. • Added % of a mile of new Green Belt pavement on the north side of the north channel of the Boise River east of Edgewwod. New Greenbelt pavement • Added 1.1 mile of new Green Belt pavement west of Eagle Road on the south side of the Boise River. New Mace Trail Page 7 City of Eagle Parks,Recreation and Trails Annual Report 2014 • Reopened and established maintenance schedule for the Green Belt trail at Laguna. Laguna Trail before maintenance standard and after Laguna Trail new bridge • Rebuilt the retaining wall on the west side of the Ranch Road Trail. Ranch Road trail before and after • Trail at Guerber Park was rerouted due to removal of berm using surface material that is easier to maintain and more durable. Guerber Park Trail Construction Pige8 City of Eagle Parks,Recreation and Trails Annual Report 2014 • Repaired and replaced over 2 miles of damage trail surface along the Greenbelt from Edgewood west to Eagle Road. Replacing asphalt west of Edgewwod and repaired section near Merrill Park • Added garbage cans, dog waste bag dispensers and signs on Island Woods Trail, Mace Trail, and Laguna Trail. Signs and amenities Island Woods, Mace and Laguna • Working with the Eagle Art Commission installed art sculptures at %2 mile points along the Mace Trail. Mile marker on Mace Trail Page 9 City of Eagle Parks,Recreation and Trails Annual Report 2014 Facilities • Replaced the Senior Center HVAC. Senior Center HVAC • Painted the Library interior. • Worked on Senior Center kitchen, main room and bathroom improvements. • Improved parking lot lighting at the Senior Center. • Replaced main room lighting in the Senior Center with more energy efficient lights. • Added cameras for recording meetings and improved the sound recording system in the City Council Chambers. • Sealed the sidewalk joints at the Library. • Painted curbs throughout the city for no parking and repainted the 1st street parking lot. Curb painting and l st street Parking Lot painting • Completed roof repairs at the Museum. • Did stucco repairs to the exterior wall at the Museum. Page 10 Events City of Eagle Parks,Recreation and Trails Annual Report 2014 • Finished and received City Council approval for the Special Event permit application. • Had 100 runners at the Eagle Fun Days Run on July 10. Eagle Fun Days Run • Hundreds of people participated in the 1St ever Family Fun Night for Eagle Fun Days. Eagle Fun Days Family Night • Organized and sponsored -he Firework show for Eagle Fun Days. Fireworks at Eagle Fun Days Page 11 City of Eagle Parks,Recreation and Trails Annual Report 2014 • For Eagle Country Christmas we added free carriage rides, a children's activity tent and improved the lighting and decorations of the City's Christmas Tree and Gazebo. Eagle's Christmas Tree, Carriage rides and activity tent at Country Christmas • Worked with the Eagle Art Commission on the Sculpture Walk around downtown Eagle Art in front of the Museum and in McDonald Plaza Art and installing sculpture in Heritage Park Page 12 City of Eagle Parks,Recreation and Trails Annual Report 2014 • Baldapaloza was held in Merrill Park on September 5 and had over 900 participants. Baldapalooza Merrill Park • Waffle Cross an annual cycle cross event was held at the Sports Complex October, November and December. December Waffle Cross at Sports Complex • Eagle Foothill's Church sponsored the Foothill's Festival and had over 1000 participants. Climbing Wall at Foothill's Festival Page 13 City of Eagle Parks,Recreation and Trails Annual Report 2014 • Arbor Day Celebration was on April 26, with a Cup Scout Troop 77 planted a tree and the City of Eagle was recognized as a Tree City USA for our 22nd year. Arbor Day at Eagle City Hall with Scouts and Mayor Reynolds • Increased facility rental revenue by $2,128.36 and facility reservations by 186 over last year. G. FY 11/12 $ FY 12/13 $ FY 13/14 $ 12,996.05 15,508.89 17,637.25 2012 248 2013 266 2014 Volunteer Projects 452 • Volunteers from Meridian Charter School painted fence and did trail maintenance at the Sports Complex. Estimated 150 hours of help. Meridian Charter School painting fence and repairing trails at the Sports Complex Page 14 City of Eagle Parks,Recreation and Trails Annual Report 2014 • Eagle Scout Projects, repainting mile markers along the Green Belt and installed park signs along the Green Belt. Estimated 400 hours of help. Eagle Scout Projects along the Green Belt • Fifty volunteers from Mountain West Bank's Day of Caring helped surface the new trail down to Guerber Park. Estimated 600 hours of help. Completed Trail at Guerber Park from Day of Caring • Weekly volunteers at the Bike Park helped maintain and repair trails. Estimated 300 hours of help. Weekly volunteer trail work at the Bike Park Page 15 City of Eagle Parks,Recreation and Trails Annual Report 2014 • Had a crew of adult community service workers from Ada County Sheriff work on the Firewise Garden and the trails at the Bike Park. Estimated 100 hours of help. Community Service workers at the Firewise Garden and Bike Park Other • Hired Jenessa Hansen as the Parks and Recreation Administrative Assistant. • Hired Caitlin Straubinger as the Recreation Specialist. • Started a Community Recreation Program with the following accomplishments: o Entered into a contract with Skyhawks to provide various sports programs to Eagle youth. Programs to begin in January 2015. o Created a comprehensive waiver (serving minors and adults) for participation in Eagle Parks & Recreation programs. o Established an online activity registration system through the city's existing recreation software, Rec 1. o Entered into an agreement with the West Ada school district for facility use. These facilities will be used to provide a variety of recreation programs, including youth sports, camps, classes, etc. o Established a Memorandum of Understanding with Valley Transit for use of their vehicles for Eagle Parks and Recreation programs. The vehicles will be rented at a low rate to provide transportation for field trips and excursions around the area. o Created a working budget for recreation programs based on cost recovery models. o Established an agreement for facility usage with the Eagle Performing Arts Center. o Established an instructor contract for programs and activities with contracted providers/businesses. Page 16 City of Eagle Parks,Recreation and Trails Annual Report 2014 Soccer skill class Recreation Program • Started live video recording of all City Council and City Commission meetings so the public can watch them through the City of Eagle web site. • In June started utilizing a cloud based work order system that allows better management and recording of the work the Parks, Recreation, Trails and Facilities Department does. Count of Work Order ID Status Total Complete 793 Deferred 5 Duplicate Request 5 New Request 8 On Hold 3 Parts on Order 1 Pending 1 Void 17 Work In Progress 5 Grand Total 838 Number of Work Orders done in 2014 • Had over 60 hanging flower pots around town which included baskets at City Hall and Heritage Park Gazebo this summer with watering once a day and during hot spells twice a day. Flower Baskets Downtown and at Heritage Park Page 17 City of Eagle Parks,Recreation and Trails Annual Report 2014 • Selected The Land Group to begin work on a Parks, Recreation and Trails Master Plan. • Removed and replaced three downtown street trees that had lifted sidewalks and curbs while destroying the irrigation system. Repaired the irrigation system and replaced curbs and sidewalks. Tree sidewalk and street work 2014 Goal report 1. Establish and have approved a pricing policy that can be used to establish prices for all parks and recreation services including classes/programs and rentals. (DONE) 2. Create a year round recreational program for the citizens of Eagle. (STARTED) 3. Create and have approved a trail maintenance plan for Eagle Trails and Pathways. (DONE) 4. Create and have approved an event application for Eagle Parks and Recreation. (DONE) 5. Have available to the Citizens of Eagle a map showing the trails and parks. (CARRY OVER TO 2015 GOALS) 6. Start on the Parks and Recreation Department Master Plan. (STARTED) Page l8 City of Eagle Parks,Recreation and Trails Annual Report 2014 2015 Goals 1. Have available to the citizens of Eagle a map showing the trails and parks. Objectives: • Using the work from the trail maintenance plan, established trails to map data base. • Add parks to the data base. • Determine the style of map to be completed for the citizens. • Create map. 2. Complete pavement of the Green Belt from Garden City to Eagle Road. Objectives: • Repair washout just west of Garden City. • Identify easement for trail from Garden City to Eagle Road. • Hire contractor to prepare and pave trail. • Place garbage cans, dog waste bag dispensers and signage along trail. 3. Begin work on a future Dog Park. Objectives: • Create a citizen involvement committee to help select location and identify amenities. • Prepare location presentation for public open house, Parks and Pathways Committee and City Council. • Identify source of construction funds. • Create plans for park. • Begin construction of park. 4. Publish a Recreation Activity Guide at least three times a year. Objectives: • Create a year round schedule of Recreation Activities. • Select vendor to print the guide. • Mail the guide. 5. Create a Field Reservation System for Sports Fields. Objectives: • Identify fields to include in reservation system. • Create draft reservation form. • Coordinate with user groups the form, process and price. • Have form, process and price approved through City Council. • Implement system. 6. Complete the Parks, Recreation and Trails Master Plan Objectives: • Continue working with The Land Group on the plan. • Have plan approved by City Council. Page 19 City of Eagle Parks,Recreation and Trails Annual Report 2014 Acknowledaements Everything that was accomplished in 2014 would not have been possible without the hard work and dedication of the Parks, Recreation, Trails and Facility staff of Dave Rioux, Wayne Hancock, Jenessa Hansen and Caitlin Straubinger. These four people are the heart and soul of our Department and I am honored to be part of this great team. All of the wonderful things we did this year were because of the support of the Eagle City Council of Mayor Jim Reynolds, Council President Mary McFarland, Mark Butler, Jeff Kunz and Stan Ridgeway. The staff of Planning/Zoning, Building, Water, Clerk's/Treasurers office, Eagle City Library, Eagle Museum, Eagle Senior Center, Eagle Police and Eagle Fire Department have all been essential support and team members for the things we have accomplished in 2014. Guiding us through this year has been the Parks and Pathway Committee of President Randy Zollinger, members Dan Friend, Don Stockton, Marc Grubert, Scott Marshall, Lynn Moser and Charlie Baun. Countless volunteer hours from the Parks and Pathway Committee have allowed us to achieve the projects we have throughout this year. Local businesses, service clubs, non -profits, churches, scout troops, and user groups have donated materials, time and support to Eagle Parks and Recreation throughout the year and have been important partners in our achievements. Some of these include Eagle Chamber of Commerce: Gretchen Gilbert, BAMBA: Garrett Kerr and Mark Piper, Mountain West Bank: Debbie Carpenter, Wright Brothers: Robert Grubb and Bob Wright, Firewise Garden: Brett Van Paepeghem, Nevil Humphreys and Mike Pellant, Summer Lawns: Matt Johnson and Juan Morales, Eagle Nazarene Church: Pastor Ed Weaver, SWIMBA: Mike Edwards, Scott Perryman and Margie Rosenberg, Eagle Art Commission: Meg Glasgow, Fire Fusion Art: Delia Dente, Skyhawks, Eagle Elementary: Principal Chris Housel, Franz Witte, Gateway Parks: Ryan Neptune and The Land Group: Bob Schafer and Doug Russell. Eagle City Hall Page 20 City of Eagle • Report Criteria: Report type: GL detail Bank.Bank account = "82007705" Check Check ue Date Number 15378 01/16/20 15378 01/16/2015 15378 01/18/2015 15378 01/16/2015 15378 01/16/2015 15378 Total 15378: Payee Horne Depot Credit Services Home Depot Credit Services Home Depot Credit Services Home Depot Credit Services Home Depot Credit Services 15379 01/16/2015 15379 Idaho Child Support Receipting 01/16/2015 15379 Idaho Child Support Receipting Total 15379: 15380 01/16/2015 01/16/2015 01/16/2015 01/16/2015 15380 Key Bank - HSA 15380 Key Bank - HSA 15380 Key Bank - HSA 15380 Key Bank - HSA Total 15380: 15381 01/16/2015 15381 Trademark Sign Company Total 15381: 15382 01/22/2015 15382 Molly Maring Total 15382: 15383 01/22/2015 15383 Perks of Life Total 15383: 15384 01/22/2015 15384 Steve Nash Total 15384: 15385 01/23/2015 15385 Printworks Company Total 15385: 15386 01/26/2015 15388 AASLH Total 15386: Check Register - Transparency Version Check Issue Dates: 1/14/2015 - 1/26/2015 Invoice Invoice Sequence GL Account 1 ch 15-0437-24-00 2 ch 80-0434-58-00 3 ch 60-0434-58-00 4 ch 15-0437-25-00 5 ch 60-0434-28-00 AAR5r Invoice GL Account Title HOLIDAY LIGHTING RPRIMTNC-LINES-METERS-ETC RPRJMTNC-LINES-METERS-ETC MATERIALS & SUPPLIES Tools & Equipment 1 ch 60-0217-08-00 GARNISHMENTS 2 ch 16-0217-08-00 GARNISHMENTS 1 ch 13-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 2 ch 01-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 3 ch 06-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 4 ch 16-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 1 ch 15-0456-02-00 SIGN REPAIR -EAGLE RD OVERHEAD 1 ch 13-0413-13-00 TRAVEL & PER DIEM 1 ch 01-0422-01-00 PUBLIC RELATIONS 1 ch 13-0413-13-00 TRAVEL & PER DIEM 1 ch 01-0416-35-00 OPERATIONAL RESERVE 1 ch 07-0461-02-00 ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP Page: 1 Jan 26, 2015 02:36PM Invoice Check Amount Amount 44.41 2.89 24.35 21.17 13.73 44.41 2.69 24.35 21.17 13.73 106.35 278.00 278.00 150.00 100.00 50.00 835.00 375.00 150.00 428.00 100.00 50.00 835.00 375.00 1,360.00 9,474.00 9,474.00 9,474.00 235.50 235.50 235.50 207.00 207.00 207.00 235.50 235.50 235.50 598.39 598.39 596.39 115.00 115.00 115.00 Cityof Eagle Check Check Issue Date Number Payee 15422 01/26/2015 15422 Robert J. Koellisch Total 15422: 15423 01/26/2015 15423 Robert R. Schafer Total 15423: 15424 01/26/2015 15424 Talena Baer Total 15424: 15425 01/26/2015 15425 Terry L. Sayer Total 15425: 15426 01/26/2015 15426 The Cleaning Center 01/26/2015 15426 The Cleaning Center Total 15426: 15427 01/26/2015 15427 The Land Group, Inc. Total 15427: 15428 01/26/2015 15428 Trent Wright Total 15428: 15429 01/26/2015 15429 01/26/2015 15429 01/26/2015 15429 01/26/2015 15429 01/28/2015 15429 01/26/2015 15429 Total 15429: U.S. Bancorp Equipment Finance U.S. Bancorp Equipment Finance U.S. Bancorp Equipment Finance U.S. Bancorp Equipment Finance U.S. Bancorp Equipment Finance U.S. Bancorp Equipment Finance 15430 01/26/2015 15430 US Bank Total 15430: 15431 01/26/2015 01/26/2015 01/26/2015 01/26/2015 15431 15431 15431 15431 Valley Times Valley Times Valley Times Valley Times Check Register - Transparency Version Check Issue Dates: 1/14/2015 -1/26/2015 Invoice Invoice Sequence GL Account Invoice GL Account Title 1 ch 01-0413-01-00 P82 COMMISSIONERS COMPENSATI 1 ch 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 1 ch 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 1 ch 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 1 ch 15-0437-26-00 PAPER PRODUCTS 1 ch 15-0437-26-00 PAPER PRODUCTS 1 ch 08-0439-01-00 MASTER PLAN 1 ch 01-0413-01-00 P8Z COMMISSIONERS COMPENSATI 1 ch 13-0416-24-00 2 ch 13-0416-24-00 3 ch 11-0416-24-00 4 ch 14-0416-24-00 5 ch 12-0416-24-00 6 ch 14-0416-24-00 OFFICE EQUIPMENT LEASING OFFICE EQUIPMENT LEASING EQUIPMENT LEASING OFFICE EQUIPMENT LEASING EQUIPMENT LEASING OFFICE EQUIPMENT LEASING 1 ch 01-0416-35-01 AWARDS - RECOGNITION 1 ch 15-0413-08-00 LEGAL ADS & PUBLICATIONS 2 ch 14-0413-08-00 LEGAL ADS & PUBLICATIONS 1 ch 13-0413-08-00 LEGAL ADS & PUBLICATIONS 2 ch 01-0413-08-00 LEGAL ADVERTISING/PUBLICATION Page: 6 Jan 28, 2015 02:38PM Invoice Check Amount Amount 70.00 50.00 50.00 70.00 70.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 784.16 11703 764.16 117.03 881.19 8,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 70.00 70.00 70.00 39.81 39.81 39 81 39.81 39.81 39.81 39.78 39.78 39.81 39.81 39.81 39.81 238.83 211.85 211.85 211.85 44.92 44.92 154.56 154.56 82.80 82.80 51.84 51.84 • City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 7 Check Issue Dates: 1/14/2015 - 1/26/2015 Jan 26, 2015 02:36PM Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount Total 15431: 334.12 15432 01/26/2015 15432 Victor Viltegas 1 ch 01-0413-01-00 P&Z COMMISSIONERS COMPENSATI 50.00 50.00 Total 15432: 50.00 Grand Totals. 89,726.87 Dated: Mayor: City Council: Report Criteria: Report type: GL detail Bank.Bank account = "82007705" EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP CU -01-14 — Conditional Use Permit - Skyway Towers, LLC January 27, 2015 NAME (print legibly) ADDRESS PRO/CON/ EXPERT TESTIFY NEUTRAL YES/NO YES/NO h 1 r, M v Z6 /)),61 eeizianto, Cf co rJ til /4 66- e S6//iv41/ 7 L S 5/'r4/4 -ST /,/st y L D N )7(53-- (.-- c`f `" `i r <'. 1`1 e- 1 6-V 1 2-''4. -1 %U i l . r t c\ r' l`. f \, , i‘, 1\1 c. N C 1---,, LC. '( lin, (I,, L1.� c' i nt,a 17, (l. i� i� /I/ It COG 2)-0i ij Cac>` rPc �1(, Col( �� I Cc `c10 S+�l\ v U '17 S C 4.4- kr-- 7 2 11-g Z N iC / S-1 , Gv iJ Y v\V ..r: v, 149 �) .61X , t� 172/r 1/ L --C' 1 (h.. 41 r M ti .� `1 CO 6 -mi I LI t1S0-.t00410 6:7 Li ritlY et7 �� 11 j gate, (674ed.4 TrnR L, 1-e gi rr, i) JO) -ii),d/Q_Ax OV.,k cc �Slc s(1P4-7 w a j CAY--1 3'1d0 Nc) R?*M I P:vi EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP CU -01-14 — Conditional Use Permit - Skyway Towers, LLC January 27, 2015 ADDRESS PRO/CON/ EXPERT NEUTRAL YES/NO t‘Juk4-2-,\ NAME (print legibly) Thr ti n !ut 203 �,t.� (�c-V✓1 .�. r� r},r C ri L i� Ci uc-/ .qtrt, ,124-e( e -i2- (4.0 LiLL ! 1) y / yod_ ( c 0 l — TESTIFY YES/NO EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP CU-01-14 — Conditional Use Permit - Skyway Towers, LLC January 27, 2015 NAME (print legibly) ADDRESS PRO/CON/ EXPERT TESTIFY NEUTRAL YES/NO YES/NO cc i -o2 7-- / 10 A Avimor CID Pros & Cons Pros: • Allows Avimor to move forward with existing entitlements/approvals within Ada County (approx. 800 units); • Formalize, in general terms, Avimor's intent to annex to the City of Eagle "in the future" without any time frames; • Current approvals for the 840 units are consistent the City's adopted Foothills Plan; • Ad County deals with the CID formation; • Ada County is required to implement and enforce the existing Avimor entitlements (840 acres) granted by the Avimor Planned Community; • Allows Ada County to interface with the public about the approvals they have granted. Cons: • CID facilitates the continued subdivision of the Avimor property creating: o Fractured ownership that will create hardships when annexing in the future (larger areas that we cannot annex); o State law limits the city's enforcement of consent of annexation. Land owners can still protest annexation in the future; • There is no set timeline or threshold for annexation and no formalized agreement between the City and Avimor; • Avimor has development approval (from Ada County) for 840 of its 23,000 acres. Phase one, currently under construction, includes 661 units. Avimor holds the potential for up to 11,000 more units within the City's Comprehensive Plan (1 unit per 2 acres). A Planned Community application to Ada County would not be bound by the City's Comprehensive Plan. • The City must accept the terms of the CID development agreement between Avimor and the County, including, all funding and value assumptions and operational structures; • Transfer of the CID Board in the future requires joint City and County action(neutral consideration); • The Foothills Sub -area plan was adopted with the intent that all development in accordance with the plan would be done under the City of Eagle not the County; • Increases the distance between government (Ada County vs. City) and land owners/residents who wish to participate and monitor the CID approval process and administration. • The process is unproven. This would be the first CID to be formed by a County that would have the potential of transfer to a City. The two previous CID's established in the State were established by the City who will have long term/permanent control of the development entitlements. • State law requires the City to consent to a CID in the County. Without the City's consent, the County cannot form a CID. Nichoel Baird From: Patrick CaIley <pcalley@adaweb.net> Sent: Friday, January 23, 2015 1:19 PM To: Nichoel Baird Cc: Pat Calley Subject: RE: Avimor CID Consent request Attachments: Avimor Incidents Projection 2015.pdf Nichoel, A brief summary of Avimor - If the city were to annex the Avimor area as it exits: Avimor would add another 60+ citizen calls for service a year to EPD based on current growth trends. Current level of service would also add 160+ officer -initiated tasks like security checks and traffic stops to the EPD workload. With growth or a construction ramp up, there is certainly a need to look at how to strategically staff this with Police Officers. With your help, we can manage the NE (Avimor) and the NW (M3) and how best to increase EPD Staffing and Support Resources. Thanks pc From: Nichoel Baird [mailto:nbaird@cityofeagle.org] Sent: Monday, January 05, 2015 8:41 AM To: P&Z Agency Transmittal Subject: Avimor CID Consent request Please see the attached CID consent request from Avimor. All documents are available on the Cities website at the Zink below. htto://www.citvofeaele.ore/index.asp?SEC=63150740-60E1-419C-94DC-B3EFD8E89A68&DE=7E7B3547- 36C5-4831-B01C-1D33E0BE61BF&Tvoe=B PR Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. 1 Avimor Subdivision Policing Incidents 2010-2014 Total Police Incidents 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Projected Citizen Calls for Service (CFS) Officer -Initiated Response to a residence Response to a street, highway or general subdivision area Response by Eagle Police % of total incidents 26 118 Total = 144 14 14 85 99 5 26 90 116 30 105 135 14 9 130 94 102 126 9 8 10 12 6% 8% 9% 9% Avimor is currently in ACSO's North Division jurisdiction for patrol and criminal investigations. Eagle Police respond to 8-9% of Avimor's police incidents annually, usually citizen calls for service although deputies may conduct a traffic stop or security check if they are in the area. If Avimor were to move under Eagle Police jurisdiction, Eagle deputies would have an additional 200 incidents each year: 60 citizen CFS and 160 officer -initiated to maintain current level of service under projected growth in calls based on the past 4 years. 50 152 202 28 174 17 8% 60 160 220 Avimor Police Incidents Trend 0 Officer -Initiated Citizen Calls for ServiceigS1 Z 144 220 135 99 MOW Citizen Calls for Service 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Projected High priority code 3 (# calls) Average Response Time (min:sec) Average Time on Call (hr:min) Medium priority (# calls) 1 07:56 1:10 24 Average Time on Call (hr:min) 0:27 Low priority (# calls) 1 Average Time on Call (hr:min) 0:28 3 12:20 1:08 7 0:49 4 0:46 1 16:20 5:16 1 08:01 2:51 18 24 0:39 0:30 7 1:44 5 1:03 0 1-3 11-12 min 2 hours 43 0:23 7 0:35 50 30 min 10 1 hour Top CaII Types in 2014 Citizen Calls for Service Attempt to locate reckless driver Suspicious vehicle Disabled vehicle Vehicle crash (non injury) Attempt to locate drunk driver Loose/dead/injured animal Average Time on Call = 40 min Provided by ACSO/PRU/aa # (% of total) 9 (18%) 8 (16%) 6 (12%) 4 (8%) 3 (6%) 3 (6%) Officer -Initiated Construction site security check Security/property check Traffic stop Directed or extra patrol Suspicious vehicle Disabled vehicle Average Time on Call = 20 min # (% of total) 67 (44%) 50 (33%) 14 (9%) 7 (5%) 5 (3%) 4 (3%) Based on CADMIS Database Queried 1/12/2015 Skyway Tower Proposal Review 605 North Edgewood Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Presented to: v ' Slit MIT rT (00°1 ri IT 660 E. Civic Lane Eagle, Idaho 83616 Trott Communications Group, Inc. 1303 West Walnut Hill Lane, Suite 300 Irving, Texas 75038 Office: (972) 518-1811 \\ \1 \\ .trotturoun.coln City of Eagle, ID 12/29/14 Trott Communications Group, Inc. Skyway Tower Proposal The City of Eagle, Idaho (City) has requested an independent peer review of the RF propagation results and methods performed as part of a proposed cell tower application by Skyway Towers, LLC (Skyway) at 605 N. Edgewood Lane, Eagle, ID 83616. Skyway is proposing to construct a 115 foot monopole along the rd hole fairway of the Eagle Hills Golf Course. The impetus for the monopole is to provide a new wireless communication site for AT&T Wireless and for Verizon Wireless. In 2013, Skyway Towers and AT&T attempted to implement a communication site at 650 E. Ranch Drive, the North Eagle Hills Elementary School. The distance between the school and golf course sites is 0.5 miles at an angle of 145°. Wireless communication providers, whether they are commercial enterprises or public safety systems, produce various levels of reliable service. Public safety agencies implementing communication systems for their first responders generally require three levels of reliable communications to their target area. These levels of coverage are service to mobile radios (in vehicles), hand-held portable radios operating outdoors and portable radios operating indoors. Mobile and portable radios are treated separately due to their differing electronic characteristics which affect their ability to receive and transmit to a fixed site. Portables operating outdoors versus indoors are also treated differently due to the additional signal level margin required to penetrate a structure. Since the penetration factor for structures can vary, structures are placed in categories with a corresponding penetration factor. Category examples would be residential structures, light -industrial structures, downtown -urban structures, etc. Commercial wireless communication providers deal only with portable radios (i.e. cellphones and smartphones) and although these devices are manufactured by various companies with different operating systems and features, the required electronic specifications to wirelessly operate with the commercial wireless providers are similar and therefore for the purposes of coverage planning can be considered the same. In order to determine the necessary signal level threshold necessary for the levels of service described above, the wireless provider starts with the 12 dB SINAD or Bit Error Rate receiver sensitivity provided by the manufacturer of the wireless device. The wireless provider must then apply additional City of Eagle, ID 12/29/14 Trott Communications Group, Inc. factors to this sensitivity figure to account for modulation type, desired audio quality, and desired signal level reliability. After all relevant factors are applied, the wireless provider will then have a minimum signal level threshold for cellphone coverage with the most likely baseline target being outdoor cellphone coverage. Another loss factor would be applied to develop a minimum threshold for cellphone coverage within a building category described previously. The free space losses are calculated by the propagation software and depicted on a coverage prediction map. The threshold level calculations outlining these steps and associated loss factors could be provided in tabular form. (Example shown in Figure 1). The threshold levels and their corresponding grade of service should be provided as a legend and represented as colored areas on the coverage predication maps (Example shown in Appendix A). Item 12 dB SINAD Sensitivity CII for 12 dB SINAD Thermal Noise DAQ 3.4 CII DAQ 3.4 Threshold DAQ 3.4 - Non-NPSPAC Analog (± 5kHz deviation) Value Units Comment Receiver Sensitivity per manufacturer specs. Use the -119 dBm "Conversions" tab to convert from µV to dBm if receiver sensitivity is provided in uV by manufacturer. 4 Per TSB -88-B Table A-1 -123 Calculated thermal noise of receiver based on above figures 20 Per TSB -88-B Table A-1 -103 Signal level required at Mobile Radio receiver input 14 dB Estimated value (varies with frequency, antenna type, and body type) -89 dBm Estimated threshold DAQ 3.4 outdoors. Add margin as required for inbuilding thresholds. Portable Threshold -80 dBm Portable Radios In -Building (9dB Toss) Figure 1 Body Blockage + Ant Efficiency Portable Threshold dB dBm dB I dBm The two coverage maps for AT&T and the one coverage map for Verizon do not provide their signal level thresholds, their calculations nor provide a legend corresponding to the various colors other than the vague description of good, fair or poor coverage. Nevertheless, Trott has reviewed the two sets of AT&T coverage predictions for Eagle, ID. The first set of coverage predictions are associated with AT&T's proposed tower at the North Eagle Hills Elementary School and represents AT&T's existing and proposed coverage to cellphones operating indoors. The existing coverage map shows a lack of indoor coverage within Eagle, ID for —2.5 square mile area bordered by Beacon Lights Rd to the north, SR 55 to the east, SR 44 to the south and Eagle Rd to the west. AT&T has existing communication sites to the SW (Mace Road), to the SE (Horse Shoe Bend) and to the east (Seamans Gulch). The center of this deficient coverage area is roughly centered at the intersection of Floating Feather Rd and Edgewood Lane. City of Eagle, ID 12/29/14 Trott Communications Group, Inc. Trott searched the FCC's database of existing registered structures (ASR — antenna structure registration) using a five mile radius centered on the North Eagle Hills Elementary School. There were six existing structures listed with a minimum structure height of 80 feet located within this search and plotted on Figure 2 below. The red circle in Figure 1 represents the approximate area of poor indoor coverage within Eagle, ID for AT&T. The green flags represent the existing 100+ft ASRs located within five miles of the elementary school. The closest ASR to this area is ASR 1269320 which is located 1.85 miles to the south of this area. The second set of AT&T coverage predictions maps and the only set of Verizon coverage predictions were submitted with the Skyway proposal for the Eagle Hills Golf Course monopole. This set of AT&T coverage maps show three levels of coverage; grey — poor, yellow — fair, and green — good. However it is unclear what level of service to the cellphones can be associated with these levels. Verizon's coverage maps also show before and after coverage displayed via the same three color levels but also do not associate levels of service with these colors. Comparing the AT&T 2013 coverage maps to the AT&T 2014 coverage maps, it appears that fair "yellow" coverage represents reliable coverage to cellphones operating outdoors and that good "green" coverage represents reliable coverage to cellphones operating indoors. City of Eagle, ID 12/29/14 Trott Communications Group, Inc. Vbitxon Liget Rd/ Eagle 0 City of Eagle, ID S E4gnrised Le 0 1262226 0 Figure 2 12/29/14 Trott Communications Group, Inc. CONCLUSION The coverage predication maps provided do not provide the necessary level of detail per industry standards. ASSUMING the coverage maps provided by AT&T and Verizon are factual and being interpreted properly by Trott Communications Group, Inc. then both carriers lack indoor cellphone coverage within the area of Eagle, ID bounded by Beacon Lights Rd, SR 55, SR 44 and Eagle Rd. It should be noted that Trott has no reason to assume that any of the maps are intentionally misrepresented. Both Verizon and AT&T could utilize a collocated structure situated within the target area to improve reported coverage deficiencies. A search of existing tower structures registered with the FCC and having heights 80 feet or greater revealed that there is not an existing tower within this target area that could be used by AT&T or Verizon. Geographically speaking, the ideal proposed tower for both AT&T and Verizon would be located near the intersection of Floating Feather Road and Edgewood Lane. The proposed Skyway Tower is situated towards the south edge of the target area (see green Skyway flag in Figure 1). The reasons for the placement of the proposed Skyway Tower could be due to the following reasons: • Lack of available land at the center of the target area, • AT&T and/or Verizon's existing customer base may reside to the southern portions of this target area and thus may skew coverage priorities to the southem section of this area. A perusal of the target area via Google Earth imagery shows heavier residential development towards the middle and south portions of this target area. Nonetheless, the proposed Skyway Tower monopole at the Eagle Hills golf course should improve predicted indoor cellphone coverage for both AT&T and Verizon users in this target area but will not fully alleviate the fair / poor coverage within this target area and a future site located to the north and closer to Beacon Lights Road may be required in the future. Per the coverage maps, the proposed 115 foot height of the Skyway Towers monopole and the resulting maximum mounting height of 115 feet for AT&T or Verizon show that indoor cellphone coverage for either carrier would not fully satisfy the lack of indoor coverage within the target area. City of Eagle, ID 12/29/14 Trott Communications Group, Inc. Trott was not tasked to determine what minimum theoretical mounting height at the proposed location would provide full indoor cellphone coverage within the target area. However, it can be stated that a proposed height of 115 feet does not fully cover the target area and therefore represents a compromise of the ideal mounting height for AT&T and Verizon. Furthermore any proposed height less than 115 feet will only reduce the proposed coverage from the Skyway Tower monopole. Thomas Murphy Senior Project Engineer City of Eagle, ID 12/29/14 Trott Communications Group, Inc. APPENDIX A Sites Site: Alltel_McGregor N31°26'41.00" W97°23'42 00" 709 5 ft McGrTX Tx Ht.AGL: 200.0 ft Total ERPd 113 88 W Model 1 Use file-vertica1/0.0° 160.0000 MHz Site: McLennan_Fair N31032'20.00" W97°10'58.00" 584.0 ft MVFair Tx Ht.AGL: 400.0 ft Total ERPd 92.03 W Model. 1 Use file-vertical/0.0° 160.0000 MHz Site: West N31044'51.00" W97006'24.00" 580.7 ft WestTX Tx.Ht.AGL: 300.0 ft Total ERPd: 102.10 W Model: 1 Use file-vertical/0 0° 160 0000 MHz 1 Roads 1 County Boudaries Received Power at remote > -80 0 dBmW 9 dB Building -89.0 to -80.0 dBmW Portable Outdoor -103.0 to -89.0 dBmW Mobile Only < -103 0 dBmW Display threshold level -120.0 dBmW RX Antenna - Type: ISOTROPIC Height. 3.0 ft AGL Gain: 0.00 dBd MILES -5 0 10 Jim Reynolds From: Susan E. Buxton <SEB@msbtlaw.com> Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2015 5:02 PM To: Jim Reynolds; Jeff Kunz; Mark Butler; Stan Ridgeway; Mary Mcfarland; Bill Vaughan; Cherese D. McLain Cc: Steve Lord; Scott Thompson; Dan Behuniak Subject: Fwd: Skyway Application The parties have asked to include the Trott Study as presented below. If you do that you can here the presentations and testimony and keep the record open for testimony only on the Trott Study to the next regular meeting. Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: "Susan E. Buxton" <SEB@msbtlaw.com> Date: January 27, 2015, 4:57:58 PM MST To: "Slattv@aol.com" <Slattv@aol.com> Cc: "Susan E. Buxton" <SEB@ msbtlaw.com>, "ScottThomosonPdwt.com" <ScottThompson@dwt.com>, "da n@skvwavtowers.com" <danftskvwavtowers.com>, "sil.attv.idc gmail.com" <sil.attv.idPgrnail.com>, "bvauehanPcitvofeaele.ore" <bvauehanc citvofeaele.org> Subject: Re: Skyway Application The city council will have to decide whether they will accept this option. Sent from my iPhone On Jan 27, 2015, at 4:55 PM, "Slattv@aol.com" <SlattvPaol.com> wrote: Yes -- sorry for the delay in my email -- I couldn't find Dan's email address. Stephen J. Lord Attorney at Law 409 West Jefferson Street Boise, Idaho 83702 office (208) 342-3953 Fax (208) 387-2728 Cell (208) 602-9398 Email: slatty@aol.com or sil.attv.id@email.com email.com CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This message, including any and all attachments, contains confidential and privileged information intended only for the use of the recipient named above. When sent to counsel or parties, it contains information subject to Rule 408, Idaho Rules of Evidence and Rule 408, FRE. It may also contain confidential information protected by state or federal laws and rules (or both) regarding financial, 1 medical or health conditions. Review, dissemination or copying by anyone else is strictly prohibited. If misdelivered to you, please notify us at the telephone number under the signature block, and kindly remove this message from your computer and any other systems under your control. Thank you. In a message dated 1/27/2015 4:54:05 P.M. Mountain Standard Time, SEB@msbtlaw.com writes: Steve- this is what you and I spoke about over the phone when you called around 4:15. Will you request the Council do this? Susan Sent from my iPhone On Jan 27, 2015, at 4:42 PM, "Thompson, Scott" <ScottThomDson(cr�.dwt.com> wrote: Susan Pursuant to our discussion, Skyway will agree to allow the Trott report to be submitted onto the record and understands that parties will be given 2 weeks to comment on it. T. Scott Thompson 1 Davis Wright Tremaine LLP 1919 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 8001 Washington, DC 20006 Tel: (202) 973-4208 1 Fax: (202) 973-4408 Email: scottthompsonftr�dwt.com 1 Website: www.dwt.com Anchorage 1 Bellevue 1 Los Angeles 1 New York 1 Portland 1 San Francisco 1 Seattle 1 Shanghai 1 Washington. D.C. 2 jizto-cui 4/17131-1) Mayor closes the Public Hearing General Council discussion. McFarland moves to disapprove the wireless tower facility CU -01-14 from Skyway Towers, LLC. Seconded by Ridgeway. McFarland: AYE; Butler: AYE; Kunz: AYE; Ridgeway: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES City Attorney Buxton: what I would like to hear from the Council is under State Code, we need to tell the applicant what they would need to do to meet some requirements for approval. I would like you to have that discussion so that we can bring those back to you in your Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. General Council discussion. Mayor calls a recess at 8:35 p.m. Mayor reconvenes the meeting at 8:45 p.m. 9. NEW BUSINESS: A. Rick Thule with Walk and Ride Eagle would like to present information regarding pedestrian pathway connectivity to the Council. (JDR) Mayor introduces the issue. Rick Thule, I have formed a non-profit Walk and Ride Eagle. Presents a power point on bridges to cross the river and discusses the same. ParklRec Director Aho displays a map of the trail system that shows where the bridges would be placed and how they would connect the current trails and future trails. Rick Thule, we have been working with Mike for sometime and we have also set up at the Eagle Saturday Market at three different times and have asked people which option that they would prefer. Most people choose the stand alone truss bridge. We have met with the property owners and they are in support of the foot bridge. General discussion. B. Discuss sending a letter to ACHD requesting that project #38 within their Capital Improvement Plan to widen Eagle road to five lanes from Albertsons to Old State Street in 2017/2018 be removed and that the preferred alternative in the eagle road old state street intersection study, of a round -about for that intersection, be removed also. (MLB) Mayor introduces the issue. Page 12 K \COLI NC11.1NI INIITINTempurary Mmme, W nrk Are:ACC -ri7. W1 1 Jmm.Sr . LLC, represented by Shawn Nickel with SLN Planning, is requesting conditional use permit approval for a camouflaged cell tower (defined as "personal wireless facility height -over 35 -feet" in Eagle City Code). The proposed 2,500 -square foot lease area is located approximately 835 -feet southwest of the intersection of North Eagle Hills Way and North Wingfoot Place at the southern boundary of Eagle Hills Golf Course within the area containing hole #2. (WEV) E. FP -05-14 — Final Plat for Renovare Subdivision Phase 1 — MDG, LLC.: MDG, LLC represented by Kevin McCarthy, P.E., with KM Engineering. MDG, LLC, represented by Kevin McCarthy, P.E., with KM Engineering, is requesting final plat approval for Renovare Subdivision Phase 1, a 36 -lot (29 -buildable, 6 - common, 1 -private road) residential subdivision. The 13.33 -acre subdivision is located on the east side of South Edgewood Road approximately 7I0 -feet south of State Highway 44. (WEV) F. Re -appointment to the Design Review Board: Mayor Reynolds is requesting Council confirmation of Bryan Hash to the Board. Mr. Hash's term will expire in 2017. (JDR) G. Approval of Purchase and Sale Agreement Between the City of Eagle and Larry and Kathleen Hansen for the Citv's purchase of 12 shares of the capital stock of Boise Valley Irrigation Ditch Company represented by Certificate No. 02991. (WEV) McFarland moves to approve the Amended Consent Agenda, Items #a, #B, #C, #E and #G. Seconded by Kunz. McFarland: AYE; Butler: AYE; Kunz: AYE; Ridgeway: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES City Attorney: the City Clerk's Office has requested an amendment to Ordinance No. 698A be added to the Agenda under New Business. General discussion. McFarland moves to add as New Business Item #8F Amendment to Ordinance No. 698A. Seconded by Kunz. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES 6D. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for CU -01-14 Personal Wireless Facility (Height -Over 35 Feet) Skyway Towers, LLC.: Skyway Towers, LLC, represented by Shawn Nickel with SLN Planning, is requesting conditional use permit approval for a camouflaged cell tower (defined as "personal wireless facility height -over 35 -feet" in Eagle City Code). The proposed 2,500 -square foot lease area is located approximately 835 -feet southwest of the intersection of North Eagle Hills Way and North Wingfoot Place at the southern boundary of Eagle Hills Golf Course within the area containing hole #2. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Butler: the issue I had with regard to my recollection of our denial of the cell tower, we didn't go into the issues we had with fencing that was proposed around the cell tower, noise from the cell tower, the roadway issue and many other issues. My recollection of the Council concern was totally in relationship to Item #C with regard to conditional use permits. So I feel the Findings need to be modified to reflect our Findings not the Commissions which would result in the elimination of B which talked about fencing and etc., leaving in Item C but taking out 2 and 3 which talked about fencing and the roadway which we didn't talk about, go to Item D and solely changing D so it didn't include the word hazardous because we didn't talk about the potential for the tower to be a hazardous, we talked about it be disturbing to existing and future neighborhood uses because of the incompatibility with surrounding tree canopy and again on D we didn't talk about noise generated. Unless the Council has differences of opinions from what 1 had with Page , K 1COUNCl1.1MINIITI:S\Temporary Minute, Wurk Arca1CC-07 22.14min doe regard to our deliberations, I think as Bill has amended these, these are the Findings that should be approved. General discussion. Council asks Zoning Administrator Vaughan to review Council's previous deliberations and the Council's motion. Butler moves to remand this back to staff and bring this back at our next meeting. Seconded by Kunz. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES 6F. Re-anvointment to the Design Review Board: Mayor Reynolds is requesting Council confirmation of Bryan Hash to the Board. Mr. Hash's term will expire in 2017. (JDR) Ridgeway: I asked this be removed not because of the applicant, but we have a working group working on these issues. I thought when we assigned that group that we would put these on hold until we came back to the Council with some guidelines for appointments. I do know that this person does not live in Eagle and one of my concerns is that we keep putting people who don't live in Eagle and don't own businesses in Eagle on Committees that are making decisions for our residents. This is my only concern, I have no objection to the individual, I think he has done a great job. General discussion. Butler moves to approve a temporary appointment for 3 months for this gentleman so that we have a chance to review the policy regarding commissions. Seconded by McFarland. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES Further general Council discussion. 6. PUBLIC COMMENT: This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding subjects not on the agenda. At times, the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters during this allotted time. This is not the time slot to give formal testimony on a public hearing matter, or comment on a pending application or proposal. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three (3) minutes. Patricia Minkiewicz: I'm wondering what the status is of the Eagle on the sign over Eagle Road and also entering Eagle from the West the sign is obliterated by a big mound of dirt. General discussion. 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Public Hearings arc legally noticed hearings required by state law. The public may provide formal testimony regarding the application or issue before the City Council. This testimony will become part of the hearing record for that application or matter. A. Public Hearing for Budget Fiscal Year 2015 (Oct. 1. 2014 — Sent. 30. 2015): Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Eagle, Idaho, will hold a public hearing for consideration of the proposed budget including general revenue sharing for the fiscal period October 1, 2014, to September 30, 2015, pursuant to the provisions of Section 50-1002, Idaho Code. Said hearing to be held at Eagle City Hall, 660 E. Civic Lane, Eagle, Idaho, at 6:30 p.m. on July 22, 2014. At said hearing, all interested persons may appear and show cause, if any they have why said proposed budget should not be adopted. Mayor introduces the issue. Mayor opens the Public Hearing Page 4 K 1COUNCIIAMINU ES1Temparary Mmulcc Work Arca1CC•07.22.14mm doc Butler moves to approve Item #60. Seconded by McFarland. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES Butler moves to table Item #6P until after the presentation. Seconded by Ridgeway. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Discussion on crafting public participation lanauage to be utilized on agendas (SEB) Mayor introduces the issue. General discussion on an example of Public Comment Language submitted to the Council for review By City Attorney Buxton. City Attorney Buxton will make the revisions discussed tonight and bring this back on a future agenda. B. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for CU -01-14 Personal Wireless Facility (Height -Over 35 Feet) Skyway Towers, LLC.: Skyway Towers. LLC, represented by Shawn Nickel with SLN Planning, is requesting conditional use permit approval for a camouflaged cell tower (defined as "personal wireless facility height -over 35 -feet" in Eagle City Code). The proposed 2,500 -square foot lease area is located approximately 835 -feet southwest of the intersection of North Eagle Hills Way and North Wingfoot Place at the southern boundary of Eagle Hills Golf Course within the area containing hole #2. This item was continued from the August 26, 2014 meeting. Shawn Nickel as the representative for Skyway Towers we are requesting that we enter mediation with the Council regarding this application. I did submitted a letter today to Mr. Vaughan to request that request City Attorney Buxton discusses the mediation proccss. McFarland my motion would be that we agree to go into mediation and we agree amongst ourselves which two of the Council Members would be involved in that mediation. General discussion. Ridgeway, would you consider making the notion to enter into mediation as required by 67-6510? McFarland concurs. Seconded by Butler. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES General discussion on which Council Members will attend the mediation. Council concurs that Council Member McFarland and Kunz will be attending. Publication on the notice of the mediation will be a press release, putting the notification on the website, notify everyone who provided input and notice to the HOA's that are involved. McFarland and Kunz will work with the Clerk's Office on notification. Further discussion on the mediation. Butler moves to table Item #7B back to staff until after mediation. Seconded by Kunz. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES Mayor calls a recess at 8:10 p.m. Mayor reconvenes at 8:25 p.m. Page 6 K \COUNClI,\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work ArealCC-09-09- 14mrn doc are. This is our third meeting and we have explained everything and I would like to get to the point where we get a decision. Shawn Nickels, representing the applicant, I don't think there is an argument that we have the worst cell service in the area. If you don't put the tower here and put it someplace else you will be back here doing the same thing. I would request that you look at the letters in support of this application. City Attorney Buxton: all of the information and documents that were provided at other hearings are part of this hearing. Discusses Federal Law and City Code. General discussion. General Council discussion. Kunz: My motion was going to be that we continue to a future Council meeting at least two weeks into the future the public hearing on CU -01-14 — Conditional Use Permit - Skyway Towers. At that future public hearing the public comment would be limited strictly to and only the Trott Study and the RF content that it contains. That is the essence of my motion but I don't know if it will get a second at this point. Mayor, why don't you put it up the flag pole? So moved by Kunz. Discussion. Motion dies for lack of a second. General discussion. Kunz: I would reinsert my motion in search of a second. Seconded by Ridgeway. Discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES Mayor: There will only be public comment on the Trott Study. General discussion. Butler moves that the public comment be limited to written comment to be provided on or before the February 5, 2015 in regard to the Trott Study. Seconded by McFarland. Discussion. McFarland: AYE; Butler: AYE; Ridgeway: AYE; Kunz: NAY: MOTION CARRIES Mayor calls a recess at 10:10 p.m. Mayor reconvenes at 10:25 p.m. B. Ordinance 728- Adopting of 2012 Building Codes: An Ordinance Of The City Of Eagle, Idaho, A Municipal Corporation Of The State Of Idaho, Amending Title 7. Chapter 1 Of The Eagle City Code By Adopting The 2012 International Building Code Including Appendix .1 Grading; Adopting The 2012 Idaho Residential Code (Parts I Through Iv And Ix); Amending Or Deleting Certain Sections Of The 2012 International Building Code; Amending Or Deleting Certain Sections Of The 2012 Idaho Residential Code; Adopting The Current Publication Of The International Fire Code; Adopting The Current Publication Of The International Mechanical Code; Adopting The Current Publication Of The International Existing Building Code; Adopting The Current Publication Of The International Fuel Gas Code; Adopting The Current Publication Of The National Electrical Code; And Amending Title 7, Chapter 4 Of The Eagle City Code By Adopting The 2012 Energy Conservation Code And Amending Or Deleting Sections Of The 2012 Energy Conservation Code; Providing A Severability Clause; Providing A Codification Clause; And Providing An Effective Date For Adoption. (SN) Paste 7 K COUNCIL,MINU77S•7emporary Minutes Work Area.CC-01-27-I5mm doc MSBT MOORE SMITH BUXTON & TURCKE, CHTD. Attorneys and Counselors at Law BANNER BANK BUILDING 950 W. BANNOCK STREET, SUITE 520, BOISE, ID 83702 TELEPHONE: (208) 331-1800 FACSIMILE: (208) 331-1202 WW1I.MSBTLAW.COM THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN EXPRESSLY PREPARED FOR THE USE OF OUR CLIENT, IS CONFIDENTIAL AND DEEMED TO BE SUBJECT TO THE ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGE AND THE ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT PRIVILEGE MEMORANDUM TO: EAGLE CITY COUNCIL �1 FROM: CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE, SEB/CDM \ DATE: FEBRUARY 4, 2015 RE: CU -01-14 1. INTRODUCTION The City of Eagle is currently reviewing a CUP application to erect a 1 10' tower' on Hole 2 of Eagle Hills Golf Course. Unlike the majority of land use applications before the City Council, an application for a cell tower is governed by both federal and local laws through the Federal Telecommunications Act, (the "TCA"). 47 U.S.C. 332 and ECC 8-3-5(S). Both federal and local laws must be applied harmoniously. The TCA is generally designed to promote the continued growth and competition of telecommunications but still allows for local regulation. For instance. if the City Council applies the local and state requirements and finds that the application satisfies those requirements and approves the application, the analysis ends there. It appears that only when the City applies its' local and state requirements and concludes that a denial is proper does the TCA require a further analysis under federal law to determine whether the Council must change its mind and approve the application. The TCA requires the governing body to make a 2 part analysis. First, it must apply its own local governing law. ECC 8-3-5(S) and state law, the Local Land Use Planning Act, chapter 65, title 67. Idaho Code. Then it must apply the Ninth Circuit's two -prong test: Is there a "gap" in coverage? And, is this the least intrusive means? If the Council determines that the Ninth Circuit test is satisfied then it must approve the application as required by the TCA. If it finds that the application does not satisfy its ordinance or the Ninth Circuit test. then the City may deny the application but the denial must he supported by substantial evidence. The tower is 110' and an additional 5' for the camouflage tree top. Skyway Towers Analysis -1 T1ST: 1. Does the application satisfy the City's ordinance and LLUPA requirements? If yes, then it should be approved. If no, then the Council must continue its analysis. 2. Does application of City's ordinance or LLUPA act as an effective prohibition? a. Is there a "gap" in the applicant's network coverage? b. If yes, is this the least intrusive means? Factors: feasible alternative sites within search ring area; did applicant apply alternative technology or design options or rule out collocation? 3. If yes, then application should be approved. 4. If no, the City's denial must supported by substantial evidence. II. DISCUSSION A. Interaction between City Code and the TCA The TCA embodies two sometimes contradictory purposes. First, "to promote competition and reduce regulation in order to secure lower prices and higher quality services for American telecommunications consumers and encourage the rapid deployment of new telecommunications technologies," New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC v. Bd. Of Supervisors, 2011 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 1430 (D.Ariz 2011); T -Mobile USA Inc., v. City of Anacortes, 572 F.3d 987, 991 (9th Cir. 2009) (quoting Pub. L. No 104-104, 110 Stat. at 56), Congress chose to "end the States' longstanding practice of granting and maintaining local exchange monopolies,"id. (quoting Sprint Telephony PCS, L.P. v. County of San Diego, Sprint II, 543 F.3d 571, 576 (9th Cir. 2008)). Second, it did so by enacting 47 U.S.C. § 253, id., which reads, in relevant part: "No State or local statute or regulation, or other State or local legal requirement, may prohibit or have the effect of prohibiting the ability of any entity to provide any interstate or intrastate telecommunications service." 47 U.S.C. § 253(a). The TCA limits state and local regulation "of the placement, construction, and modification of personal wireless service facilities." 47 U.S.C. § 332(c)(7). Such regulation "(I) shall not unreasonably discriminate among providers of functionally equivalent services; and (II) shall not prohibit or have the effect of prohibiting the provision of personal wireless services." 47 U.S.C. §§ 332(c)(7)(B) (i). Further, state and local governments must act on applications "within a reasonable period of time" and may not deny such an application except in a written decision "supported by substantial evidence contained in a written record." Id. § 332(c)(7)(B) (emphasis added). The TCA thus strikes a balance between "two competing aims — to facilitate nationally the growth of wireless telephone service and to maintain substantial local control over siting of towers." Town of Amherst, N.H. v. Omnipoint Commc'ns, 173 F.3d 9, 13 (1st Cir.1999). Under the TCA, "[a]ny decision by a State or local government or instrumentality thereof to deny a request to place, construct, or modify personal wireless service facilities shall be . . . supported by substantial evidence contained in a written record." Am. Tower Corp. v. City of San Diego, at 38. § 332(c)(7)(B)(iii). Skyway Towers Analysis -2 In reviewing a denial and whether the governing body provided substantial evidence in the written record to support its decision to deny, the Ninth Circuit Court has adopted a two-pronged analysis, "requiring (1) the showing of a 'significant gap' in service coverage and (2) some inquiry into the feasibility of alternative facilities or site locations." Id. at 46-47; City of Anacortes, 572 F.3d at 995 (internal quotation marks and citation omitted). Through the significant -gap analysis courts "determine whether a coverage problem exists at all." Omnipoint v. Cranston, at 49; Second Generation Props., 313 F.3d at 631. The second prong is whether the applicant took a hard look at alternative sites, alternative technologies, or other options to have less of an impact. B. Eagle City Code 8-3-5(S) and LLUPA The application must comply with the requirements set forth in the Eagle City Code and LLUPA. Notable provisions within the ECC specific to cell towers are: ECC 8-3-5(S)(1) (a) Purpose: "To accommodate the communication needs of residents and businesses while protecting the public health, safety, and general welfare of the community... in order to: (1) facilitate the provision of wireless telecommunications services to the residents and businesses of the city; (2) minimize adverse visual effects of ...antennas... and other such structures through careful design and siting[sic] standards..." ECC 8-3-5(S)(3)(a) Collocation Requirements: Any commercial wireless communication tower in excess of 35' the Council must find that the "proposed tower cannot be accommodated on an existing or approved tower or building" within a two (2) mile radius for towers over 110' or a one (1) mile radius for towers over 80' but less than 110'. ECC 8-3-5(S)(3)(b) Collocation Requirements: It is the burden of the applicant to show it cannot collocate within the required search radius for one or more of the following reasons: (1) unwillingness of another tower or facility owner to entertain shared use; (6) Other unforeseen reasons that make it unfeasible to locate the planned telecommunications equipment upon an existing or approved tower or building as documented by a qualified or licensed professional engineer, or other professional qualified to provide necessary documentation. ECC 8-3-5(S)(4)(b) Tower and Antenna Design Requirements: "Towers and antennas shall be required to blend into the surrounding environment through the use of color and camouflaging architectural treatment..." ECC 8-3-5(S)(10)(6) Additional Application Submittal Requirements: "Propogation charts showing existing and proposed transmission coverage at the subject site and within an area large enough to provide an understanding why the facility needs to be in the chosen location." ECC 8-3-5(S)(10)(7) Additional Application Submittal Requirements: "A written analysis demonstrating that the proposed site is the most appropriate site within the immediate area. For the purposes of this subsection, the analysis shall include the properties within the search radii stated above. The analysis shall include, but is not limited to, the following: (A) Description of the surrounding area, including topography; (B) Natural and manmade impediments that would obstruct adequate cellular telephone transmissions; (C) Physical constraints that would preclude construction of a cellular telephone facility on any other site; (D) Technical limitations of the system that limit siting options." Skyway Towers Analysis -3 General provisions of the City's conditional use process that are notable are the following: ECC 8-7-3-1 Purpose and Interpretation of Conditional Use: "A. Purpose. It is recognized that an increasing number of new kinds of uses appearing daily, and that many of these and some other more conventional uses possess characteristics of such unique and special nature relative to location, design, size, method of operation, circulation and public facilities that each specific use must be considered individually. ECC 8-7-3-2 General Standards for Conditional Uses: "A. Will, in fact, constitute a conditional use as established in section 8-2-3 of this title for the zoning district involved ...C. Will be designed, constructed, operated and maintained to be harmonious and appropriate in appearance with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity and that such use will not change the essential character of the same area; D. Will not be hazardous or disturbing to existing or future neighboring uses;" General provisions of LLUPA conditional use requirements that are notable are the following: I.C. 67-6512(d): Upon the granting of a special use permit, conditions may be attached to a special use permit including, but not limited to, those: (1) Minimizing adverse impact on other development; (2) Controlling the sequence and timing of development; (3) Controlling the duration of development; (4) Assuring that development is maintained properly; (5) Designating the exact location and nature of development; (6) Requiring the provision for on-site or off-site public facilities or services; (7) Requiring more restrictive standards than those generally required in an ordinance; (8) Requiring mitigation of effects of the proposed development upon service delivery by any political subdivision, including school districts, providing services within the planning jurisdiction. I.C. 67-6512(0: In addition to other processes permitted by this chapter, exceptions or waivers of standards, other than use, inclusive of the subject matter addressed by section 67-6516, Idaho Code, in a zoning ordinance may be permitted through issuance of a special use permit or by administrative process specified by ordinance, subject to such conditions as may be imposed pursuant to a local ordinance drafted to implement subsection (d) of this section. C. "Effective Prohibition" The TCA mandates that "[t]he regulation of the placement, construction, and modification of personal wireless service facilities by any State or local government or instrumentality thereof .. . shall not prohibit or have the effect of prohibiting the provision of personal wireless services." 47 U.S.C. §332(c)(7)(B)(i)(11). A locality violates this provision "if it prevent[s] a wireless provider from closing a 'significant gap' in service coverage." City of Anacortes, 572 F.3d at 995 (citation omitted). The Ninth Circuit has adopted a two-pronged analysis, "requiring (1) the showing of a 'significant gap' in service coverage and (2) some inquiry into the feasibility of alternative facilities or site locations." Id. (internal quotation marks and citation omitted). The significant gap prong is satisfied "whenever a provider is prevented from filling a significant gap in its own service Skyway Towers Analysis -4 coverage." MetroPCS, Inc., 400 F.3d at 733. The court's evaluate the feasibility prong under a "least intrusive means" standard, which "requires that the provider show that the manner in which it proposes to fill the significant gap in services is the least intrusive on the values that the denial sought to serve." City of Anacortes, 572 F.3d at 995 (internal quotation marks and citation omitted). If the City denies the Skyway application, the applicant may argue that the City's decision and application of its ordinance effectively prohibited the applicant's ability to have a cell tower violating the TCA. 47 U.S.C. §332(c)(7)(B)(i)(II). The applicant must show that its facilities were the "least intrusive means" in light of the factors that motivated the City's decision to deny the CUP application. See Am. Tower, supra. The underlying question is whether, under the facts of a case, a zoning decision effectively prohibited providing wireless service. See 47 U.S.C. § 332(c)(7)(B)(i)(II); Second Generation Props., 313 F.3d at 630. But whether, under the circumstances, an effective prohibition has occurred is a factual issue; we review how the district court resolved it for clear error. Omnipoint v. Cranston, at 47-48; accord Omnipoint Commc'ns Enters., L.P. v. Zoning Hearing Bd. of Easton Twp., 331 F.3d 386, 392 (3d Cir. 2003). The Ninth Circuit Court explained in MetroPCS, Inc., the "least intrusive means" standard "allows for a meaningful comparison of alternative sites ... [and] gives providers an incentive to choose the least intrusive [means] in their first [ ] application[]." 400 F.3d at 734-35. To achieve these objectives, the applicant must make a prima facie showing of effective prohibition, which the locality may then rebut by demonstrating the existence of a potentially available and technically feasible alternative. Am. Tower, at 449; City of Anacortes, 572 F.3d at 996-99. The burden is on the carrier to prove it "investigated thoroughly the possibility of other viable alternatives" before concluding no other feasible plan was available. Omnipoint v. Cranston, at 35; citing St. Croix County, 342 F.3d at 834-35. If the Council finds that the Applicant has met this burden, the City should identify what provisions of local or state law that constitutes "effective prohibition" and may waive such requirements in order to accommodate the application because it has satisfied its burden under the TCA. See also I.C. 67-6512(0, supra, (exceptions or waivers of standards, other than use, are permitted through a conditional use permit). Any feasibility analysis balances these competing interests. Nat'l Tower, 297 F.3d at 20. A carrier cannot win an effective -prohibition claim merely because local authorities have rejected the carrier's preferred solution. Second Generation Props., 313 F.3d at 635; Town of Amherst, 173 F.3d at 14-15; accord St. Croix County, 342 F.3d at 834-35. On the other hand, if local authorities reject a proposal that is "the only feasible plan," that denial could "amount to prohibiting personal wireless service." Town of Amherst, 173 F.3d at 14. The burden is on the carrier to prove it "investigated thoroughly the possibility of other viable alternatives" before concluding no other feasible plan was available. St. Croix County, 342 F.3d at 834-35. When courts have held the carrier has not met its burden, the evidence has been essentially undisputed that the carrier had other alternatives.2 As with most such questions, the district court may consider a number of facts relevant to the conclusion it must reach. What facts are relevant may vary with the case. It is clear that the technical feasibility of the proposed solution or alternative solutions is important. See Town of Amherst, 173 F.3d at 15. 2 An alternative must be feasible i.e. there must be a willing landowner to lease the site in order for it to be an alternative site. Skyway Towers Analysis -5 D. "Substantial Evidence" Under the TCA, "[a]ny decision by a State or local government or instrumentality thereof to deny a request to place, construct, or modify personal wireless service facilities shall be ... supported by substantial evidence contained in a written record." Id. § 332(c)(7)(B)(iii). This most recently affirmed by the United States Supreme Court in T -Mobile South, LLC v. City of Roswell, Slip Op. 13-975, decided January 14, 2015 (Court held that City violated TCA for failing to put denial in writing and supported by substantial evidence in written record). Courts have held that "this language is meant to trigger the traditional standard used for judicial review of agency decisions." MetroPCS, Inc. v. City & Cnty. of S.F., 400 F.3d 715, 723 (9th Cir. 2005) (internal quotation marks and citations omitted). However, the substantial evidence inquiry does not incorporate the substantive federal standards imposed by the TCA. Id. Instead, this inquiry requires the court to determine "whether the zoning decision at issue is supported by substantial evidence in the context of applicable state and local law." Id. at 723-24. "In other words, we must take applicable state and local regulations as we find them and evaluate the City decision's evidentiary support (or lack thereof) relative to those regulations." Id. at 724. The substantial evidence inquiry is deferential: "[we] may not overturn the [City's] decision on 'substantial evidence' grounds if that decision is authorized by applicable local regulations and [is] supported by a reasonable amount of evidence (i.e., more than a 'scintilla' but not necessarily a preponderance)." Id. at 725. The City should be weary to only rely on lay testimony if the Applicant has provided expert testimony to the contrary. See T -Mobile Cent., LLC v. Charter Twp. of W. Bloomfield, 691 F.3d 794, 804-05 (6th Cir. 2012). For instance, in T -Mobile Cent., the Township of Bloomfield relied on a lay person's factual assertions to deny the application and the Sixth Circuit held that its denial was not supported by sufficient evidence: The only evidence in the record that the Township cites to support the assertion that there was not a sufficient need for the tower was testimony from Mr. Dave Crook at the February 24, 2009, Planning Commission meeting. Mr. Crook stated that the proposed facility would only address 15% of T—Mobile's coverage problem. Mr. Crook provided no explanation of how he reached this number, nor did he dispute any of the facts in the RF engineer's report. Nothing in the record suggests what qualifications Mr. Crook possessed or whether he had any expertise to opine on the coverage gap in the area. His ostensibly lay opinion is not substantial evidence. MIOP, Inc. v. City of Grand Rapids, 175 F.Supp.2d 952, 956-57 (W.D.Mich.2001) (citing Telespectrum, 227 F.3d at 424) ("Instead, the cases cited by the Sixth Circuit remark that opinion is not sufficient to meet the substantial evidence requirement. Consistent with Sixth Circuit precedent, this Court does not find lay opinion evidence sufficient to satisfy the substantial evidence requirement.")." Id. at 804-05. This means that the substantial evidence assessment is made based on applicable state and local regulations. Anacortes, 572 F.3d at 993 (citing MetroPCS 400 F.3d at 724). "'If the decision fails that test it, of course, is invalid even before the application of the TCA's federal standards.' Id. By this approach, we "avoid unnecessarily reaching the federal questions of whether a zoning decision violates the substantive provisions of the TCA."' Id. "'[I]n most cases, only when a locality applies the regulation to a particular permit application and reaches a decision -which it supports Skyway Towers Analysis -6 with substantial evidence -can a court determine whether the TCA has been violated.' Id. To establish a substantive violation of the TCA, "a plaintiff must establish either an outright prohibition or an effective prohibition on the provision of telecommunications services; a plaintiffs showing that a locality could potentially prohibit the provision of telecommunications services is insufficient." Anacortes, 572 F.3d at 993 (citing Sprint II, 543 F.3d at 579). The City Council must support its decision to approve or deny with substantial evidence. The Local Land Use Planning Act, requires that the Council provide its approval or denial: [In] writing and accompanied by a reasoned statement that explains the criteria and standards considered relevant, states the relevant contested facts relied upon. and explains the rationale for the decision based on the applicable provisions of the comprehensive plan, relevant ordinance and statutory provisions, pertinent constitutional principles and factual information contained in the record. I.C. 67-6535(2). The City must comply with the requirements of LLUPA and ECC 8-3-5(S) and apply the facts of the application and record to support its decision. E. Case Studies Omnipoint Communications, Inc. v. City of White Plains, 430 F.3d 529 (2nd Cir. 2005). Background: Board denies Omnipoint's application to erect a 150' cell tower (disguised as a large tree) on a local golf course. Omnipoint conducted its own visual impact study by placing a 150' crane at the location. Neighbors testified that the tower was not going to be disguised because tree canopy was 51' at tallest height. Council held public hearings for 6 months. Board denied based on 3 factors: (1) adverse visual impact; (2) diminution of property values; and (3) lack of "public necessity." Holding: District Court found in favor of Omnipoint that the City's decision was unsupported by substantial evidence and awarded them $1.3M in damages and $231K in attorneys fees. City appealed. Circuit Court overturned in favor of the City. Court held that City complied with its local land use standards in denying the application and that under NY state law, "aesthetics" and "public necessity" are a factor for denial in land use applications. Applied state law analysis to determine whether city correctly denied under local law requirements. Omnipoint Holdings, Inc. v. City of Cranston, 586 F.3d 38 (lst Cir. 2009). Background: Omnipoint determined that its signal coverage was below its policy standard for signal levels. A consulting engineer drove around and mapped signals to determine signal strength was below company coverage standard. Omnipoint determined a "search ring" and looked for suitable sites as well as looked at current tower structures for collocation. Omnipoint did not find any suitable 'raw' sites or collocation. Omnipoint identified 4 potential sites within search ring: museum, 2 different sites at a country club, and a church. The museum site was ruled out due to redundant coverage with another tower covering that gap. Omnipoint tried to negotiate with the country club but the country club refused to compromise. Omnipoint works a deal with the church Skyway Towers Analysis -7 site. City denies application. City relies on a purported expert testimony challenging Omnipoint's employee and engineer's method for determining gap and available sites. Holding: District Court held in favor of Omnipoint and Circuit Court affirmed. Court found that the carrier had adequately shown a gap in coverage and had provided sufficient information and evidence to show that church site was only feasible site and ` further reasonable efforts to find an alternative solution would be fruitless." Court discounted city's assertion that DAS could be available or multi -site solutions because had not shown whether it was actually feasible and would cover the gap. Am. Tower Corp. v. City of San Diego, 763 F.3d 1035 (9th Cir. 2014). Background: Am. Tower Corp. ("ATC") challenges city's denial based on 3 claims under the TCA: (1) not supported by "substantial evidence" because city misapplied its own law; (2) denial would be unreasonable discrimination among other providers, and (3) denial was an "effective prohibition." Holding: Court held that city had supported its denial with substantial evidence because its local ordinance required concealment or integration within its environment within '/i mile of another telecommunication facility and its finding that the tower "be designed to be nominally visible through use of architecture, landscape architecture, and siting solutions" had not been satisfied. On second claim, the Court held that ATC did not prove it was discriminated to similarly situated providers. On third claim, Circuit Court followed District Court's finding that a gap occurred and only analyzed whether ATC showed this was the least intrusive means. Court held that ATC had not shown any modifications, including a reduction in height or a redesign of the towers. The mere insistence that this was the least intrusive does not satisfy. They must have provided some alternative designs or sites and allow the city to reach the conclusion. III. CONCLUSION This is a very fact -specific analysis and determination. The record should be closely reviewed to determine whether the application and record satisfies ECC 8-3-5(S) and LLUPA. If the answer, is yes, then the application should be granted. If the answer is no, then does the application of the City ordinance requirements act as an effective denial? If so, then the Council may waive certain requirements of the City ordinance in order to accommodate the application. If not, then the City must make sure the denial is supported by substantial evidence from the record. Skyway Towers Analysis -8 ENGINEERING 2012 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE 2012 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE 2014 NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE TIA/EIA-222—G OR LATEST EDITION GENERAL NOTES THE FACILITY IS UNMANNED AND NOT FOR HUMAN HABITATION. A TECHNICIAN WILL VISIT THE SITE AS REQUIRED FOR ROUTINE MAINTENANCE. THE PROJECT WILL NOT RESULT IN ANY SIGNIFICANT DISTURBANCE OR EFFECT ON DRAINAGE; NO SANITARY SEWER SERVICE, POTABLE WATER, OR TRASH DISPOSAL IS REQUIRED AND NO COMMERCIAL SIGNAGE IS PROPOSED. PROJECT DESCRIPTION THE PROJECT CONSISTS OF THE INSTALLATION OF A 50'x75' FENCE COMPOUND, ACCESS ROAD, H—FRAME, 95' MONO—PINE WITH FUTURE 95' MONO—PINE FOR FUTURE CARRIERS. SITE INFORMATION PROPERTY OWNER: EAGLE HILLS GOLF COURSE ADDRESS: 605 N. EDGEWOOD LN EAGLE, ID. 83616 TOWER OWNER: SKYWAY TOWERS SITE NAME: SITE CONTACT: SITE ADDRESS: COUNTY: LATITUDE (NAD 83): LONGITUDE (NAD 83): ZONING JURISDICTION: PARCEL NUMBER: OCCUPANCY GROUP: CONSTRUCTION TYPE: POWER COMPANY: FIBER COMPANY: SITE ACQUISITION CONTACT: APPLICANT: REPRESENTATIVE CONTACT: CONTACT: PHONE: E—MAIL: NORTH EAGLE LESLEY CORDILEONE (813) 960-6211 611 N. EAGLE HILLS WAY EAGLE, ID. 83616 ADA 43.69790' N —116.34011' W CITY OF EAGLE R2024150300 U V—B IDAHO POWER (800) 488-6151 CENTURY UNK (800) 603-6000 LESELY CORDILEONE (813) 960-6211 Iesley®skywaytowers.com SKYWAY TOWERS SLN PLANNING SHAWN L. NICKEL (208) 794-3013 shawnOslnplanning.com CONTACT INFORMATION T—STAR WIRELESS SERVICES LLC. TRACY HERMANN (541) 610-3445 tracyOtstarwi reless.com R0 SITE NAME: NORTH EAGLE SITE ID: ID -01052 VICINITY MAP ky�M EFba1ng Feadw Ra e ,..a a -'ti„w SITE LOCATI EaN 44 es mir$ avatar r.1 ET ra9aA SKYWAY TOWERS RAW LAND MONO -PINE TOWER i; } 644 W/ ROW Pk W u,da LOCAL MAP cs p1 e6% M N Spyglass SITE LOCATION NOT TC SCALE DRIVING DIRECTIONS DO DIRECTIONS FROM: BOISE AIRPORT, ID DEPART W AIRPORT WAY TOWARD S VISTA AVE 0.3 MI BEAR RIGHT ONTO S VISTA AVE TAKE RAMP LEFT FOR 1-84 W / US -30 W 7.2 MI AT EXIT 46, TAKE RAMP RIGHT FOR ID -55 NORTH TOWARD McCALL 0.4 MI TURN RIGHT ONTO 10-55 N / S EAGLE RD 6.5 MI KEEP STRAIGHT NAME CHANGES TO N EAGLE RD 0.5 MI TURN RIGHT ONTO E RANCH DR 0.6 1,11 TURN RIGHT ONTO N EAGLE HILLS WAY 0.6 MI ARRIVE AT 43.69773, —116.33977 ON THE RIGHT NOT SCALE DRAWINGS SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL PLANS & EXISTING DIMENSIONS & CONDITIONS ON THE JOB SITE & SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE ENGINEER IN WRITING OF ANT DISCREPANCIES BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK OR BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SAME. Calls• Before You Digi DIG LINE, INC. IDAHO 811 (800) 342-1585 OR 811 www.digline.com 3 WORKING DAYS UTILITY NOTIFICATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION Lc/ CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT SITE PLAN DRAWING INDEX SHEET SHEET TITLE T-1 TITLE SHEET C-1 OVERALL SITE PLAN C-2 ENLARGED SITE PLAN C-3 PROPOSED PHASE -1 ELEVATION C-4 PROPOSED PAHSE-2 ELEVATION SKYWAY TOWERS 2025 AMBERFIELD DRIVE SUR 102 LAND O'LAKES, FL. 34638 T -STAR WIRELESS SERVICES LLC. 457 E BEACON UGHT RD EAGLE, ID. 83616 DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: REVISIONS TLH TLH 12/03/14 ISSUED FOR REVIEW TLH REV DATE DESCRIPTION INT SITE INFORMATION NORTH EAGLE 611 N EAGLE HILLS WAY, EAGLE, ID. 83616 RAW LAND SHEET TITLE: TITLE SHEET SHEET NUMBER: T-1 J •—'� L OVERALL SITE PLAN m1w 1 • •293'-11' D �PROPOSED 95" MONOPINE IJ + PROPERTY BOUNDARY v FAIRWAY #2 EAGLE HILLS GOLF COURSE PROPOSED 50'x75' COMPOUND ORY EEK CANAL. FUTURE 95' MONOPINE PROPOSED TURN AROUND e0UN0' ' OM��' 011 ,,,� • 4,0 az (o 03 w 11x17 SCALE: 1 "= 60'-O" I 0 30' 22x34 SCALE: 1"= 30'-0" (17) SKYWAY TOWERS 2025 AMBERFIELD DRIVE SUIT 102 LAND O'LAKES, FL. 34638 T -STAR WIRELESS SERVICES LLC. 457 E BEACON UGHT RD EAGLE. ID. 83616 UCENSE NO.: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: REVISIONS TLH TLH 01/24/15 ISSUED FOR REVIEW TUI REV DATE DESCRIPTION INT SITE INFORMATION NORTH EAGLE 611 N EAGLE HILLS WAY, EAGLE, ID. 83616 RAW LAND SHEET TinE: OVERALL SITE PLAN SHEET NUMBER: 60' 120' J ` C — 1 PROPOSED CONCEALMENT LANDSCAPING PROPOSED 5394sqft AREA INCLUDING CONCEALMENT LANDSCAPING PROPOSED 95'-0" MONO—PINE PROPOSED 11'-6"x28' EQUIPMENT SHELTER • FUTURE CARRIER LOCATION 0000+0 Opp..i!NXP PCI0000000061ProPOPfOPPpp• .? 11 11 11 , 1 IRRIGATION FOR NEW LANDSCAPING TO TAP INTO EXISTING IRRIGATION UNES • PROPOSED 11'-6"x28' EQUIPMENT SHELTER PROPOSED 8' HIGH CEDAR FENCE SITE NOTES: 1. TOWER FOUNDATION WILL BE ENGINEERED BY OTHERS. 2. TOTAL SOFT OF AREA TO BE USED INCLUDING LANDSCAPING 4461sgft. 3. FENCE TO BE CONSTRUCTED OF CEDAR PLANKS. ENLARGED SITE PLAN • 12'-0" ACCESS GATE i le•W 4 ...r 4-:4- 4- r 4- ,.r 4- 4 .�• 3• - s .4 4 4 4 .r ,.Ya,3-; •s ,.s :.3•:.3:x: y:-s_y._y, .> SITE TO BE FILLED WITH CRUSHED ROCK OVER WEED BARRIER 7E. FUTURE CARRIER LOCATION . •ri • �.�r.'!•r • •• . FUTURE 95'-0" MONO—PINE PROPOSED 8' HIGH NORTHERN PRIVET HEDGE PLANTED ON 6' CENTERS IN 5 GALLON POTS 4 PROPOSED TURN AROUND 11x17 SCALE: 1/16"= 1'-0" 0 8' 22x34 SCALE: 1 /8"= 1'-0" momM_s f SKYWAY TOWERS 2025 AMBERFIELD DRIVE SUR 102 LAND O'LAKES, FL. 34838 T -STAR WIRELESS SERVICES LLC. 457 E BEACON LIGHT RD EAGLE. ID. 83816 UCENSE NO.: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: REVISIONS TLH TLH /24/l5ISSUED FOR REVIEW TIN REV DATE DESCRIPTION INT SITE INFORMATION NORTH EAGLE 611 N EAGLE HILLS WAY, EAGLE, ID. 83616 RAW LAND SHEET TITLE: ENLARGED SITE PLAN SHEET NUMBER: 16' 100' TOP OF MONO-PINE BRANCHES •• PROPOSED 95'-0" MONOPINE 7 PROPOSED 11' -6 -x28 - EQUIPMENT SHELTER 7 PROPOSED 11'-6"x28' EQUIPMENT SHELTER - -'> ---� --�-ti--t o.v.--� 1.�'_"'; ,{ , .. • ; �T., , f. 't ti�.' ' ' ---it-it:fid- �'t 't-�'r r 't 't �'.. A--.) . {.. t.� s. t.� t.) :. t.i t.' t t t.? {: tt s .) t. -r� I. .irt w Sfi\'s«t{'Ff t J._ J, 7 r ��J t J 1 J .1. r .1 t_ 1 1_,1 1 "� ,,y1 ),. .,..1. ;-,,--••.1- <1...,i Zi.�i�Jftj. . j{. -. t-j-G�trt'Ajfatr}fY.jt1 . %• _t'fv t�� t t�• i'•t f• f t C.�t f, lf' Cf.}t,�t;.lf%}t 2t f.3r 2t. J,f•: ;s:���?; ?�.�tt � J,t f�1t'�� � z: i-. �?- _ _ . �_ f.�_ %_ .?; _ %;.1. 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FL 34638 T -STAR WIRELESS SERVICES LLC. 457 E BEACON UGI -1T RD EAGLE. ID. 83616 UCENSE NO.: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: REVISIONS TLH TLH 31/24/15 ISSUED FOR REVIEW TUt REV DATE DESCRIPTION INT SITE INFORMATION NORTH EAGLE 611 N EAGLE HILLS WAY, EAGLE, ID. 83616 RAW LAND SHEET T1TLE: PHASE -1 ELEVATION SHEET NUMBER: / \ C-3 J PROPOSED MONOPINE PROPOSED 11'-6"x28" EQUIPMENT SHELTER 95'-0" PROPOSED 11'-6"x28' EQUIPMENT SHELTER Me iflZol�'Id:I•II;i1;13E==C13!' FUTURE 95'-0"-N, MONOPINE 1I PROPOSED PHASE -2 SOUTH ELEVATION t '•tSS S -Jr r-+, .�-+ S -i S-- f -I {', i'f'• {','iT'{_•'{•P_:, FT'r. 'F. T-_ .1.. ./ � J'. �n t•3f�f.�r}f.�. }f.� �f•�f:1 ,1f r;Fr tti L_ `_r�,- S iL� L C t� S S • S S� t t3 T �S3 t tj S L S S L t�z�trt�-L�t tt'y'�rjt'�t�'s� jc'� t r•r t'�rir''rzt rr t t\ t L rr rC rJ►" t r r i r�r� t�4t t, t•:. r r: c �•. • i`. t= J.. Y.. {:. �{ rT� . Derr ��r�O�D�rr�rii�Wi�rr�" -fl ayr1O�i 0`rr�O�rrrr�G�rr�G�rr�Orr 41*.. j�j�l �jr���jr��j! 4 ��r l�� e43(., �j��j `�j�j� ��jNr��rf��jr�r�jl�rl��r��Ii�r�. r!r�!r•r��!r��*--?•/,•:-/.. ir�rr�S �r > 11x17 SCALE: 3/32"= 1'-0" 22x34 SCALE: 3/16"= 1'-0" PROPOSED 8' CEDAR FENCE CONCEALED BEHIND NORTHERN PRIVET SHRUB 0 8' mi—wwimms (10 SKYWAY TOWERS 2025 AMBERFIELD DRIVE SUIT 102 LAND MAKES, FL. 34638 T -STAR WIRELESS SERVICES LLC. 457 E BEACON LIGHT RD EAGLE. ID. 83616 LICENSE NO.: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: REVISIONS 31/24/15 ISSUED FOR REVIEW REV DATE DESCRIPTION SITE INFORMATION NORTH EAGLE TLH TLH TW INT 611 N EAGLE HILLS WAY, EAGLE, ID. 83616 RAW LAND SHEET TITLE: PHASE -2 ELEVATION SHEET NUMBER: ,6' �� C-4 T -STAR WIRELESS ID -01052 North Eagle - Looking South, (2) 95' monopines. 01/24/15 Before SKYWAY TOWERS (PHOTO IS FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY) After T -STAR WIRELESS ID -01052 North Eagle - Looking North, (2) 95' monopines. 01/24/15 Before (10 SKYWAY TOWERS (PHOTO IS FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY) After T -STAR WIRELESS ID -01052 North Eagle looking East (2) 95ft monopines 01/24/15 Before SKYWAY TOWERS (PHOTO IS FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY) After T -STAR WIRELESS ID -01052 North Eagle - Looking West, (2) 95' monopines. 01/24/15 Before SKYWAY TOWERS (PHOTO IS FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY) After