Minutes - 2020 - City Council - 08/06/2020 - SpecialEAGLE CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES August 6, 2020 3:00 PM 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pierce calls the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: PIKE, GOLD, PITTMAN, BAUN. ABSENT: BAUN. A quorum is present. Baun joins via WebEx at 3:15 pm. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Pierce leads the Pledge of Allegiance 4. REPORTS: A. Mayor and Council Reports: Pittman, no senior center reports again until COVID is under control, as they will not be meeting. Mayor visited injured officer, he is doing well. B. City Hall Department Supervisor Reports: None. C. City Attorney Report: None. 5. PUBLIC COMMENT: The Eagle City Council is taking remote public comment via Webex. Meeting login instructions are posted on https://www.citvofeagle.ora/1698/Virtual- Meetines. If you just want to watch the meeting, without giving comment, please watch our livestream at https://www.citvofeaale.ora/305/City-Agendas-Videos. This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding subjects not on the agenda. At times, the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters during this allotted time. This is not the time slot to give formal testimony on a public hearing matter, land use application, or comment on a pending application or proposal. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three (3) minutes. 6. ADDITIONS. DELETIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE AGENDA: A. City Staff requests. None. B. Mayor or City Council requests. None. 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. ACTION ITEM: FY 2021-FY 2025 Capital Improvement and Capital Maintenance Plan: Staff will update the city council on the Capital Improvements and Capital Maintenance Plan. (NBS) City Planner Baird -Spencer reviews updates made to Capital Improvements and Capital Mtnc. Plan for the next five years. Discussion. B. ACTION ITEM.: Crime Stoppers Budget: A discussion to add Crime Stoppers Participation to the FY 20-21 Budget (BP) Pittman recuses himself from this vote, he is on the Board for Crime Stoppers. Pittman is able to answer a few questions in regard to the need for Crime Stoppers funding. Discussion. Pike moves to entertain allocating funding for consideration at one of the next council meetings, I'd like to stick with $3500 for now. Seconded by Baun. Discussion. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. (Pittman abstains) Page 1 https://cityofeagle.sharepoint.com/sites/CityCouncilDocuments/Shered Documents/Council Packets/CC-08-25-2020/CC-08-06-20 SPMIN.docx 8. NEW BUSINESS: A. ACTION ITEM:Extension of Time for Previously Approved Developments: City Council will discuss changes to policy regarding extension of time requests for previously approved developments. (WV) Zoning Administrator Vaughan gives a brief overview and stands for questions. Council discussion. Council discussion. Current city code already has process for timelines and options for granting extension of time should the council so desire. Each application should be reviewed and amount of time if any determined after review by the council. No further changes to the code are necessary at this time. 9. ADJOURNMENT: Pikes moves to adjourn at 4:25 pm. Seconded by Gold. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES Hearing no further business, the Council meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted: r1,1U ORTON, CMC SR. DEPUTY CLERK/TREASURER APPROVED: JASON PIERCE "MAYOR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT W W W. CITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 2 https://cityofeagle.sharepoint.CCm/sites/OtvCoundlDocurnents/5hared Documents/Council Packets/CC-08-25-2020/CC-08-06-20 SPMIN.docx 40--& (01440-1 Summary of Capital Maintenance- FUND FY 20 Projects Au- CM No. (Project Name Plaza Drive Parkway Fleet Vehicles (FEMA Trail Repairs #1 rojec s (Budget Acc # 'Amount 19-C469-18-00 $ 28,000 $114,000 19-0462-02-00 $ 461,000.00 FY 20 Capital Maintenance Budget Total: $ 603,000 CM No. Project Name Guerber Park Baseball Diamonds PZ CM-1 Floodway/City Property Protection - NEW TRL CM-2 FEMA Trail Repairs #2 TRL CM-11 FEMA Trail repair #4A - NEW CM Set Aside - Carry forward to FY22 'Budget Acc # 'Amount 19-0462-02-00 $ 10,000 TBD $ 47,000 19-0462-02-00 $ 1,423,000 19-0462-02-00 $173,204 19-0462-01-00 $ 1,005,188 FY 21 Capital Maintenance Budget Total: $ 2,658,392 Funding Mix CP- $20,0001 PW - $114,0001 FEMA - $349,0001 Developer Contribution - $8,000 General Fund - $112,000 Funding Mix CM- $10,000 CM - $47,000 FEMA- $1,240,000 FEMA HMGP - $129,903 GF *in -kind does Users - $10,000 (in -kind)* CM- $180,000 CM Set Aside - $44,000 not show in budget i Summary of Capital Maintenance- UNFUNDED Allow Jcts l CM No. Proiect Name IT CM-1 IT CM-3 IT CM•7 LIB CM-5 Phone System City Hall Backbone Infrastructure Servers - City Hall Servers - Library Friendship Park Guerber Park Baseball Diamonds Library Maintenance & Renovation Fleet Vehicles TRLCM-3 44Trail TRL CM-4 Greenbelt Repair Merrill Park TRL Greenbelt Repair Edgewood to Lonsome Dove TRL akemoor Trail TRL Bridge Removal - Lonesome Dove CM Set Aside - (1,225,392�minus current year projects)* CM CM 5 6 CM-7 FY 23 Projects CM No. IT CM-2 IT CM-3 IT CM-7 LIB CM-7 TRL CM-4 TRL CM-6 TRL CM-7 TRL CM-8 Budpet Acc # Amount TBD $ 30,000 TBD $ 10,000 TBD $ 20,000 TBD $ 11,000 TBD $ 100,000 19-0462-02-00 $ 65,000 TBD $ 35,000 TBD $ 56,000 TBD $ 151,000 TBD $ 13,600 TBD $ 100,000 TBD $ 56,000 TBD $ 5,000 19-0462-01-00 $ 572,792 FY 21 Capital Maintenance Budget Total: $ Carry Forward from FY 21: $ Combined Carry Forward to FY 23: $ Project Name City Hall Security City Hall Backbone Infrastructure Servers - City Hall IT Backbone Infrastructure Heritage Park Renovation Guerber Park Fleet Vehicles Greenbelt Repair Merrill Park Lakemoor Trail Bridge Removal - Lonesome Dove Clear Creek Crossing CM Set Aside - $1,225,392 minus current year projects)* FY 24 Projects CM No. Project Name rrcM-7 LIB CM-2 TRI. CM-6 TRL CM-7 TRL CM-8 TRL CM-9 CM Set Aside - 1,225,392 1,005,18 1,577,9 Budget Acc # Amount TBD $ 35,000 TBD $ 7,000 TBD $ 8,500 TBD $ 7,000 TBD $ 3,000,000 19-0462-02-00 $ 50,000 TBD $ 36,000 TBD $ 13,700 TBD $ 56,000 TBD $ 5,000 TBD $ 107,000.00 19-0462-01-00 $ - FY 21 Capital Maintenance Budget Total: $ 3,325,200 Carry Forward from FY 22: $ 1,k77,9S0 Combined Carry Forward to FY24: $ j_117,7 20)I Servers - City Hall RFID Replacement Eagle Senior Center Friendship Park City Hall Maintenance Museum Maintenance Library Maintenance/Renovations Ada/Eagle Sports Complex Fleet Vehicles Orville Krasen Park Lakemoor Trail Bridge Removal - Lonesome Dove Clear Creek Crossing South Bank Merril Park to Eagle Road $1,225,392 minus current year projects)* FY 25 Projects CM No. Proiect Name Budget Acc # Amount TBD $ 94,500 TBD $ 50,000 TBD $ 20,000 TBD $ 60,000 TBD $ 30,000 TBD $ 30,000 TBD $ 30,000 TBD $ 100,000 TBD $ 50,000 TBD $ 130,000 TBD $ 112,000 TBD $ 10,000 TBD $ 107,000 TBD $ 132,000 19-0462-01-00 $ 269,892 FY 21 Capital Maintenance Budget Total: $ Carry Forward from FY 23: $ Combined Carry Forward to FY 25: $ IT CM-3 ICity Hall Backbone Infrastructure LIB CM-7 IT Backbone Infrastructure Fleet Vehicles TRL CM-8 Clear Creek Crossing TRL CM-9 South Bank Merril Park to Eagle Road CM Set Aside - 61,225,392 minus current year projects)* 19-0462-01-00 $ Budpet Acc # CM- $30,000 CM-$10 000 CM - $20,000 CM - $11,000 CM- $100,000 CM - $65,000 CM- $35,000 CM - $56,000 CM - $151,000 Savings in CM- $13,600 CM - $100,000 Savings in CM - $56,000 Savings in CM - $5,000 GE CM - $35,000 CM-$10 000 CM - 8,500 CM - $3,500 CM - $3,000,000 CM - $50,000 CM - $36,000 CM- $27,500 Savings in CM - $112,000 Savings in CM - $10,000I Savings in CM- $107,000 CM - $94,500 CM - $50,000 CM - $20,000 CM - $60,000 CM - $30,000 CM - $30,000 CM - $30,000 CM-$100,000 CM - $36,000 CM- $130,000 Construction with Savings $224,000 Construction with Savings $20,000 Savings in CM- $214,000 Savings in CM- $132,000 Funding Mix *Assumes a maximum allocation (set aside plus projects) each year of $1,225,392 unless directed otherwise Fundin�Mix Grant-$3,500 Developer Contribution - $92,700 *Assumes a maximum allocation (set aside plus projects) each year of $1,225,392 unless directed otherwise Funding Mix 1,225,392 *Assumes a maximum allocation (set aside plus projects) each year of $1,225,392 unless directed otherwise 269,892 1 Amount Funding Mix TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD $ FY 21 Capital Maintenance Budget Total: $ Carry Forward from FY 24: $ Combined Carry Forward to FY 26: $ 5,000 9,000 60,000 107,000 132,000 912,392 1,225,392 269,892 1,182,284 l CM $5,000 CM $9,000 CM $60,000 Savings in CM- $321,000 Savings in CM - $264,000 *Assumes a maximum allocation (set aside plus projects) each year of $1,225,392 unless directed otherwise Summary of Capital Maintenance CM No. .:apital Maintenance Project Name (Budget # if applicable) 117 - Funded Total - IT Maintenance 000% Funded) IT -Unfunded CM-1 Phone System CM-2 City Ha Security CM-3 City Hall Backbone Infrastructure CM-6 Plotters CM. 7 Servers Projects Secured Spending 2021-2025 Spent 2021 thru 2020 2022 I I I s $ - 1s Total - IT Maintenance UNFUNDED Is $ 2023 2024 2025 WORKSHEETS Total Estimated Spending 2021-2025 I I 1 - Is - is • Is Planned Maintenance Cuts Thru 2025 • $ 0 30 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 35 0 0 7 0 5 0 0 0 8.5 94.5 0 3T 35 22 0 123 $ - 1$ - I$ 60 I 51I$ .5I$ 5Is 30 70 44 0 123 210 1 $ 210 IT CAPITAL MAINTENANCE COSTS (FUNDED & UNFUNDED) SECURED FUNDING SOURCES Capital Maintenance Set Aside- Project specific Developer Contributions User Groups 'Eagle URA Cost Share (signed) Grants (awarded) (State/Federal Money (awarded) (Other TOTAL- SECURED FUNDING SOURCES Funded Thru 2020 210 210 Protect Secured Funding2021-2025 2021 I 2022 1 2023 1 2024 l 2025 Total Secured Funding 2021-2025 0 0 0 0 0 Total Secured Funding Thru 2025 0 $ - 1s Is - Is - Is - Is - Ls �13 0 UNSECURED FUNDING SOURCES Capital Maintenance Set Aside Developer Contributions User Groups Eagle URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other TOTAL- UNSECURED FUNDING SOURCES Funded I Protect Unsecured Fundr 2021.2025 Total Unsecured Funding Total Unsecured Funding Thru 2020 2021 1 2022 2023 2024 f 2026 2021.2025 I Thru 2025 ($ Is - Is 60 51 95 bogs 51 1 $ 5 bsji 5Is 210 210 0 0 0 0 0 0 2101 $ 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 TOTAL IT FUNDING SOURCES $ 60 $ 51 $ 95 $ 5 $ 210 $ 210 FY21.25 Vsniance $ Cost Total - Funding thru FY 25 FY 21 Call CM-3 City Hall Backbone Infrastructure Description Replacment of swtiches, routers and access points 2 JUStJTLL.:1ti 41 Nessecary for system operation 3 Timing Considerations Swtiches every 7 years, Routers every 3 years and access point every 5 years 4 Project Commencement Requirements To be reviewed with City Hall Expansion, TBD by funding 5 Project Phasing/Stopping points TBD by Funding 6 Status Access pointins FY 21 were to be placed in the IT budget, TBD by funding Estimated Total Project Cost: Punnets FY21.25 CIP Cost Scoping/Design 0 Engineering Savings Construction/Purchase Pta449parofocmltnq E lhnr 2020 Funding Estimated FV21 �!, Project Funding Received Iti Capital Maintenance Fund- Project Specific Developer Contribution User Groups Eagle URA Cost Share (signed) Grants (awarded) State/Fed Money (awarded) SECURED FUNDING TOTAL Capital Maintenance Fund Developer Contribution User Groups Eagle URA Cost Share Grants State/Fed Money UNSECURED FUNDING TOTAL QM ct Variance Funding Estimate Project Cost Annual Set -Aside for Maintenance: Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Budgeted 10 7 Eetirnate0 Spending 2021,2025 0 22 eattmated funding 2021.2025 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 SECURED FUNDING UNSECURED FUNDING Estimated vo 10 7 5 "7- 11_®®•• - P Pro14c1 Budgeted TRRO 2020 2020 Estimated 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 $- $ 10 $ 7 $- $- $ 10 $ 7 $- 22 $ 22 22 .,t- t;stlmateo Total Pro Variance a nanca 202i-202e 2025k $ 5 $ 22 $ 5 $ 22 • I. - I. t • $ 51 Summary of Capital Maintenance CFP No. Library . Funded 1 CFP Project Name (Budget # if applicable) Total - Library Maintenance (100 h Funded) Spent thru 2020 Projects Secured Spending 2021-2025 2021 2022 I I $ • 1 2023 2024 I I 2025 WORKSHEETS Total Estimated Total Protect Costs Spending 2021-2025 Thru 2025 $ Library-Untundeo MM 5 RFID Replacement -5 Server Replacement CM-6 Security 6M•7 IT Backbone Infrastructure Total - Library Maintenance UNFUNDED { I$ 33 8 341_$ 15 11 11 1 $ 7 7I$ 50 9 501$ eJs 50 11 0 16 77 I $ 50 11 - u 49 8 111 Library CAPITAL COSTS (FUNDED & UNFUNDED) $ 34 $ $ 11 $ 7 $ 50 $ 9 $ 111 ALLOCATIONS OF SECURED FUNDING SOURCES Capital Maintenance User Groups Eagle URA Cost Share Developer Contributions Public/Private Partnership Potential Grant Funding (TBD) Total - SUMMARY ALLOCATION OF SECURED FUNDING SOURCES ALLOCATIONS OF UNSECURED FUNDING SOURCES Capital Maintenance Set-Aside/General Fund User Groups Eagle URA Cost Share Developer Contributions Public/Private Partnership Potential Grant Funding (TBD) Total - SUMMARY FUNDING SOURCES Funded Thru 2020 169 16.9 1$ 34 1_ $ Funded Thru 2020 Project Secured Fundin 2021-2025 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 - _I$ - It - 1$ - 1$ - it Total Secured Funding Total Secured Funding 2021-2025 Thru 2025 17 17 - I$ 34 Project Unsecured Funding 2021-2025 Total Unsecured Funding Total Unsecured Funding 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2021-2025 Thru 2025 11 3.5 50 4.65 1$ 1$ - L$ TOTAL Library FUNDING SOURCES $ 34($ 3.5 11.0 1 $ 7.01 $ 4.65 50.0 L$ 9.3 ( $ $ 11 $ 7 I $ 50 8 9 77 $ $ 111 77 $ 111, FY21.25 Varrlanes $ (Total Cost -Funding thru FY 26) 0 CA1-5: Server 1 Description Replacement of Library servers 2 Justitis:.iti,Tn On -going operation and maintenance of Library IT infrastructure 3 Timing Considerations Timing is based on Capital Maintenance funding 4 Project Commencement Requirements TBD by Funding 5 Project Phasing Stopping points TBD by Funding 6 Status Last replaced in 2015 Estimated Total Project Cost: Estimate Fv21-25 CIP Cost to Scoping/Design co Engineering e Savings Construction/Purchase ATotal Estimated Costs PTojectea Spending Mu 2020 Funding Estimated F1,21-25 GIP Project Funding Received thru 2020 Capital Maintenance Fund- Project Specific Capital Maintenance Sel-Aside/General Fund User Groups Eagle URA Cost Share Public -Private Partnership Grants Total estimated Funding Project Variance Funding Estimate Project Cost Project Variance° diklAnnual Set -Aside for Maintenance: Budgeted Estimated Estimated Spending 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2021-2025 11 11 Budgeted Si $ 11 $ Estimated $11,000 Total Estimated Project Costs thru 2025 0 $- $- ; 11 $ 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 SWUM FUMING Total Estimated Estimated funding Project 2021-2025 funding thru 2025 UNSECURED FUNDING Protected THROUGH 2020 $ s- Budgeted 11 $ Estimated 2022 2023 2024 2025 $ 11 $ $- $- $ 11 $ 11 $ - $- $- $ 11 $ $ $- $• $ - Estimated Variance 2021-2025 $ Total Protect vanance thru CM-6: Security Uesc rl pll on Replacement of Library security 2 Justification On -going operation and maintenance of Library security system 3 Timing Considerations Timing is based on Capital Maintenance funding 4 Project Commencement Reyuiruntunts TBD by Funding 5 Project Phasing/Stopping points TBD by Funding 6 Status Last replaced in 2019, 8-year replacement cycle Estimated Total Project Cost: 0 0 0 Estimate FY21-25 CIP Cost 13 Scoping/Design Engineering I— Savings Construction/Purchase re Total Esetmetsd Costs 0 Estimated FY21-23 CIP Project Funding Projected Spending thru 2020 Funding Received thru 2020 Capital Maintenance Fund- Project Specific Capital Maintenance Set-AsldelGeneral Fund User Groups Eagle URA Cost Share Public-Privale Partnership Grants Total Estimated Funding Project Variance Funding Estimate Project Cost Project variance 'Annual Sat-AaIde for Maintenance: Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Estimated Spending 2021-2025 0 0 Budgeted 2020 S• $ $ 2021 2022 SECURED FUNDING UNSECURED FUNDING Projected THROUGH 2020 Estimated 2023 $ 5. 0 2024 2025 Estimated funding 2021-2025 Budgeted Estimated 0- $ - 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 $- $- $ $- $- $- $ - $- $, $, $ s• $42,000 Total Estimated Project Costs thru 2025 0 0 $ Total Estimated Project funding thru 202$ Estimated Total Project Variance Valiance Otto 2021-2025 202$ $- $ S $- $ 3 s• $ s Summary of Capital Maintenance CFP No. CFP Project Name (Budget # if applicable) Public Works - Funded Spent 2021 thru 2020 Projects Secured Spending 2021-2025 2022 2023 2024 2025 WORKSHEETS Total Estimated Spending 2021-2025 Total Project Costs Thru 2025 CM-5 Guerber Park Baseball Diamond Repair CM- t i l Plaza Drive Parkway CM t3 Fleet Vehicles Total - Public I '.It illh.FI1 r.J+l -i,. •iced) public W rks -Unfunded M• Heritage Park Renovation CM-2 Eagle Senior Center CM-3 r Pamela Baker Park CM-4 : riendship Park Guerber Park CB City Hall Maintenance t9N1(-7 Museum Maintenance 1-3 Library Maintenance/Renovations 91 Ada?Eagle Sports Complex " Reid Merrill Park 11 Plaza Drive Parkway 1412 Entrance signs M•54 Fleet Vehicles 1W-i4 Public Works Equipment M-15 Orville Krasen Park i otai - rudhc veorKs maintenance UNFUNDED 18 10 20 114 134 $ 10 50 10 10 0 0 3000 3050 20 0 0 100 60 160 65 50 125 30 30 30 30 35 30 65 100 100 0 0 0 56 36 50 60 202 0 0 130 130 1oi $ 3,086 $ 450 $ 60 5 1u 3.892 20 114 $ 144 3050 20 __Aa 12$ .111111111 30 70 1111 0 202 - ?30 3,892 UNFUNDED] $ PPM z ALLOCATIONS OF SECURED FUNDING SOURCES — 1, Capital Maintenance Total - SUMMARY ALLOCATION OF SECURED FUNDING SOURCES 133.9 $ 134 act Secured Funding 2021-20 1 2923 L 204124r;:. 2023 10) i I 10 144 1oj $ - J $ $ - $ - 8 10 8 144 2025 �.. a I:..� User Groups Eagle URA Cost Share Developer Contributions Potential Grant Funding (TBD) Capital Maintenance Set-Aside/General Fund Tow- ,dU . ,•,1-.,..11, 4, JON OF SECURED FUNDING $ 10 50 1500 256 1586 450 60 10 1500 2352 10 1500 0 0 2352 $ 60 $ 256 5 3,086 $ 450 15 60 $ 3,912 3,912 ?OTAI PUBLIC WORKS ING SOUR New Capital Maintenace Costs: TBD 8 FY 21-25 , (Total Cost- Funding thru FY25) FY Pubhc Wodcs 21 Capful Maintenance Description Phased maintenance of Eagle Senior Center Parking Lot Maintenance (FY 24) Remodel/Expansion - Kiwanis Club (TBD) Justitcati„m On -going operation and maintenance of Eagle Senior Center Timing Considerations Timing is based on Capital Maintenance funding 4 i'rujc< r Cummuimument Requirements Remodel/Expansion will be based on outside funding 5 Project Pnasing'Stuppiny points TBD by Funding 6 Status Preliminary discussions with Eagle Kiwanis Club about Estimated Total Project Cost: 21.25 CIP Co;t 1 0 Scoping/Design Engineering Savings Construction/Purchase Spendl, thtu20 Peett Esulr itaq FY21-25 CIP Frgact Funding Reeall Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 20 Esttrnated Spending 2021-2025 0 20 ®® Budgeted Estimated funding 2021-2025 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 SECURED FUNDING Estimated $20,000 Capital Maintenace Set Aside Project Specific Developer Contributions URA Cost Share (signed) Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other 0 0 0 0 0 0 SECURED FUNDING TOTAL: UNSECURED FUNDING Capital Maintenace Set Aside Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants State/Federal Money Other 20 20 0 0 0 0 0 UNSECURED FUNDING TOTAL: 1111' e Variance Budgeted 20 ®=KIM Estimated Variance 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2021-2025 Funding $ — $ - $ - $ - $ 20 $- $ 20 Estimate Project Cost $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 20 $- $ Annual Set -Aside for Maintenance: $ 23 5 Estimated 20 CM-4 Friendship Park Description Phased maintenance of Friendship Park Playground Replacement (FY22) Tennis Court Replacement (FY24) Justification On -going operation and maintenance of Friendship Park 3 Tintiny Considerations Based on a 15 year cycle for playground Based on 7 year replacement schedule for Tennis Courts 4 Project Conuuencement Requiretnents Based on need/funding 5 Project Phasing/Stopping points TBD by Funding 6 Status TBD Estjmated Total Project Cost: Esnmzte Fv11.25 CIS Coe Scoping/Design Engineering Savings C Construction/Purchase 1 Total Projected Spending thru 2020 Total Estimated Costs — fiellinated FY21 2 Prvlect Fundin Funding Received &ru 2020 Capital Maintenace Set Aside Project Specific Developer Contributions URA Cost Share (signed) Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other SECURED FUNDING TOTAL: Capital Maintenace Set Aside Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants State/Federal Money Other 1t�/ l�I W lGU/R,ED FUNDING TOTAL: 100 80 j ?i.[ A�� Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 100 60 111•111111•111111111= Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 SECURED FUNDING UNSECURED FUNDING Estimated Spending 2021-2025 0 Estimated funding 2029-2025 Total Estimated Project Costs thni2026 0 Total Estimated Prnject funding thru 2025 100 60 ct Variance Funding Estimate Project Cost Annual Set -Aside for Maintenance: Budgeted Estimated $ 16.4 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 $ - $100 $ - $ 60 $ - $ 160 $- $100 $- $ 60 $- $ 160 ®®111111111111 $ S i I S 160 Estimated Variance 2021-2025 Total Project Variance rhru 2025 FY Public Wo 21. _M{+nter aace CM-6 City HMI Description Phased maintenance of Eagle City Hall (does not include expansion) Parking Lot Replacement (FY24) Justifn:.itiol• On -going operation and maintenance of Friendship Park 3 I cuusiderations Based on 7 year replacement schedule for parking lots 4 Project Cununencemsent Requirements Based on need/funding Estimated Total Project Cost: 5 Project Phasing/Stopping points TBD by Funding b Status TBD stimat�25 CIP Cost Scoping/Design Engineering Savings Construction/Purchase Sperarng MIME Fundln9 FI4tt)nattpt FY21.25 GIP Project Funding Received Il ru 2020 Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 30 ®1111= t �® $30,000 , Budgeted Estimated funding 2021-2025 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 SECURED FUNDING Capital Maintenace Set Aside Project Specific _ 4 Developer Contributions URA Cost Share (signed) Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other SECURED FUNDING TOTAL: Capital Maintenace Set Aside Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants State/Federal Money Other UNSECURED FUNDING TOTAL; Funding Estimate Project Cost (Annual Set -Aside for Maintenance: 0 0 0 0 0 0 UNSECURED FUNDING 30 30 0 0 0 0 0 30 ®®t MIME Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 $ - $- $ - $ - $ 30 $- $ 30 $ $ - $ - $ - $ 30 $ - $ 30 IMEM1.11111.111111111.1 $ 37.0 Estimated Variance 2021-2025 t t t Estimated FY Public Works 21 Capital laiiiinienamcia CPI 8 1 Description Phased maintenance of Eagle Library (not expansion) Breakroom Remodel (FY22) Parking Lot Replacement (FY24) 2 Jusrta:att,,.. On -going operation and maintenance of Eagle Library 3 '141111'y Cansltteratiuir Based on Library request on 7 year replacement schedule for parking lots 4 ;Hruject C.mununccniant Requirements Based on need/funding 5 Project Phasing/Stopping points TBD by Funding 6 Stadia TBD Base Estimated Total Project Cost: Estimate FY21-2 Scoping/Destgn Engineering Savings Construction/Purchase Estimated FY21-25 CIP Project Funding Capital Maintenace Set Aside Project Specif, Developer Contributions URA Cost Share (signed) Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 35 30 Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 SECURED FUNDING $65,000 Estimated t Sptntding esumaMtl 2021.2025 Protoct Coate thru 2025 0 u 11. 6511111.ME§ Estimated funding 2021-2025 t:4 0 0 0 0 0 0 P $ • MINIM SECURED FUNDING TOTAL: UNSECURED FUNDING Capital Maintenace Set Aside Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants State/Federal Money Other UNSECURED FUNDING TOTAL: Project Variance Funding Estimate Project Cost 35 30 65 0 0 0 0 0 $ $- Variance Budgeted thru 2020 $ 1$ i t:c 35 30 351111.1nENERMIIIMMIli Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 - $- $ 35 $- $ 30 $ - $ - $ 35 $ - $ 30 $ Annual Set -Aside for Maintenance: $ 35.3 Estimated Variance 2021-2025 $ 65 $ 65 CM-10' Reid Merrill Park 1 Description Phased maintenance of Reid Merrill Park �ustit.�.ati:n, On -going operation and maintenance of Reid Merrill Park 3 Timing Considerations Base on 7 year replacement schedule for parking lots Project Commencement Requirements Based on need/funding 5 Prc,jvct Phasing/Stopping points Splashpad and play equiptment replced in FY 21 Status TBD Estimated Total Project Cost: Peojecled ,Eatlntate FY21.25 CIP Cost Spending Scoping/Design Engineering g Savings Construction/Purchase Oa . - 11111111 IF 1N 6QZII Punt] lill it mu FY21-25 GIP Project Funding Racal thru 2020 ' Capital Maintenace Set Aside Project Specific Developer Contributions URA Cost Share (signed) Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 TBD UMIlm 002 VEIL ilia% [% 002 ea— Total Budgeted Estimated Esumaied funding Project 2021-2025 hauling {hru 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 .2Q23 SECURED FUNDING SECURED FUNDING TOTAL: 602 Capital Maintenace Set Aside Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants State/Federal Money Other Estimated 0 0 0 0 D 0 UNSECURED FUNDING 0 0 0 0 0 0 UNSECURED FUNDING TOTAL: IMINIIIMIMINE epos $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ Variance ` `thru 2020 Funding Estimate Project Cost Budgeted Estimated Estimated Variance 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2021-2025 $ - $- $ - $ - $ - $- $ - 6i $ - $- $ - $ - $ - $- $ - [ $ s t $ Annual Set -Aside for Maintenance: $ 79 4 602 CM-12: Entrance Signs Description Phased maintenance of Entrance Signs 2 Justiticatiou On -going operation and maintenance of Entrance Signs 3 Tuning Considerations Based on Need & Council Direction 4 Project Commencement Requirements Based on need/funding 5 rr„ivct Phasing/Stopping points TBD by Funding 6 Status TBD estimated Total Project Cost: Estimate FY21-25 CIP Cost Scoping/Design Engineering Savings Construction/Purchase A _ O 1 Estimated FY21.25 CIP Project Funding Capital Maintenace Set Aside Project SpecifklEMM Developer Conlnbullons URA Cost Share (signed) Grants (awarded) Stale/Federal Money (awarded) Other SECURED FUNDING TOTAL: Capital Maintenace Set Aside Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants State/Federal Money Other . :. FUNDING TOTAL: Project Variance Funding Estimate Project Cost TBD Budgeted Estimated estimated Spending 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2021-2025 0 0 $- $ - $ - $ - $- 3 Budgeted Estimated Estimated funding 2021-2025 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 SECURED • 0 0 0 0 0 0 UNSECURED FUNDING Vnrtan0 thru 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 - $- $ - $ - $ - 3- $ Budgeted Estimated Estimated Variance 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2021-2025 $ - $- $ - $ $ - $- $ - $ $- $ - $ $ - $- $ - $ $- $ - $ $ - $- $ Annual Set -Aside for Maintenance: $ 8.3 illllllllllllllt! CM-14 Public Works Equipment 1 Description Phased maintenance of Public works Equipment 2 .1ustitit atwu On -going operation and maintenance of Public Works Equipment 3 Timing Considerations Based on need/funding 4 Project Commencement Requiretnents Based on need/funding 5 Project Phasing/Stopping points TBD by Funding 6 Status TBD Estimated Total Project Cost: O 2 Estimate FY21-25 CIP Cost Scoping/Design Engineering Savings Construction/Purchase Estimated FY21-25 CIP Project Funding Capital Maintenace Set Aside - Project Specific Developer Contributions URA Cost Share (signed) Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 $- $ - $ - $ - $- Budgeted 2020 2021 2022 SECURED FUNDING Estimated 2023 Estimated SpenclIng 2021-2025 0 $ Estimated funding 2021-2025 2024 2025 TBD 1l•._ Fe ¢i cGl 4'CCIt 0 0 0 0 0 0 SECURED FUNDING TOTAL; UNSECURED FUNDING Capital Maintenace Set Aside Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants State/Federal Money Other UNSECURED FUNDING TOTAL: Project Variance Funding Estimate Project Cost Annual Set -Aside for Maintenance: 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ - $- $ - $ - $ - $- $ Budgeted Estimated Estimated Variance 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2021-2025 $ NOME $ $ $ 17.3 $- $ - $ - $ - $- $ $- $ - $ - $ - $- $ $- $ - $ - $ - $- $ Summary of Capital Maintenance CFP CFP Project Name No. # if applicable) (Budget w1141.+: Spent thru 2020 Projects Secured Spending 2021-2025 2022 2023 2025 WORKSHEETS Total Estimated Total Project Costs Spending 2021-2025 Thru 2025 M.1 FEMA Trail Repairs#1 ` M 2 FEMA Trail Repairs #2 LM.11 FEMA Trail repair #4A-NEW Dotal •TRAILS MalegplAenoe (100% Funded) T LS-Unfunded _ 44 Trail CM-4 Greenbelt Repair Merrill Park Cnn-� Greenbelt Repair Edgewood to Lonsome Dove CM-8 Lakemoor Trail CM? Bridge Removal - Lonesome Dove CM-8 Clear Creek Crossing CM-9 South Bank Merril Park to Eagle Road CM. 10 Mace Trial Modifications Total - TRAILS Maintenance UNFUNDED TRAILS CAPITA $TS EO TUNDEO) 461 461 1423 173 $ 1,423 $ - $ $ 461 $ ALLOCATIONS OF SECURED FUNDING SOURCES Funded Thru 2020 Capital Maintenace Set Aside Project Specific Developer Contributions URA Cost Share (signed) Grants (awarded) - COMPASS CIM State/Federal Money (awarded) Other .Cr a ..00ATIOI 1,._ :.6 Via 1 UNDING SOURCES Capital Maintenace Set Aside Project Specific Developer Contributions URA Cost Share (signed) Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other Total - SUMMARY ALLOCATION OF SECURED FUNDING SOURCES 461 $ 0 1423 0 1,423 461 1423 $ 151 — -- 151 161 60 60 120 120 100 100 100 56 56 112 224 y4 5 5 10 20 b 107 107 107 321 321 132 132 264 _ 264 372 $ 228 $ 361 $ 239 $ 372 $ 228 1 141 % 1111, $ v 1,884 1,200 $ 1,200 11".323 8 imem Project Se rad Funding 2021.2024 1 gtt j Totai�d Funding i Total Secure urttli 2021 2022 1 2023 1 2024 2026 gTilrtaQg{ 53 53 514 0 1,370 $ 461 (S 1,423 $ $ - 1$ 325.6 - Is 182 92 7 326 $ 274 $ 021-2025 24 361 $ 2025 239 1,370 1,370 $ 1,423 $ 1,884 Total Unsecured Funding 2021.2025 1107 2 92 7 361 $ 239 $ To ;;G �jtry 2028 1107.2 92.7 1,200 S 1,200 New Capital Maintenace Costs: TBD FY 21-25 Varriance: $ (Total Cost- Funding thru FY25) CM-2 FEMA Trail Repairs #2 Descr'iptiott Repairs and Mitigation to Riverbanks and Pathways (site 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 13-1 & 13-2) jut:tiftcation Damaged in the flooding disaster of 2017 Timing C011side, :l l•H:5 Construction to occure before FEMA dollars expirer 4 HA,.._.r. G,nunienr.unwnt l4equirunnonts TBD by funding 5 7 siProject Nn i aseif detemined i ed by 7 sites can be phased if detemined by the council Status Scoping/Design o TBD by funding Engineering Savings Construction/Purchase .4 'TotiIEsfiMiite f Costs 0 0 Estimated Total Project Cost: Projeb Spendin thru 202 Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 1423 Esttlnoted FY21•CIP Project Funding Capital Maintenace Set Aside Project Specific Developer Contributions URA Cost Share (signed) Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other Budgeted t�tim4t[Ki tact r- tl TQ25 $1,423,724 Estimated Spending 2021-2025 is tru 0! IL UMW 1423OIPSIM3 t'- 1,423 1405iirriated 1otal Estimated fundingProject 2021-2025txftng tllru 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 202$ SECURED FUNDING 183 1240 Estimated 183 $ 183 O $ O $ O r $ P 0 1240 SECURED FUNDING TOTAL 0 0 1423 UNSECURED FUNDING 1423 $ 1,423 Capital Maintenace Set Aside Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants State/Federal Money Other 0 0 0 0 0 0 UNSECURED FUNDING TOTAL: Project VariancI e Funding Estimate Project Cost '4ariance- Annual Set -Aside for Maintenance: $ - $ 1,423 $ - $ - Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 $ - $ 1,423 $ - $ - $ $ 1,423 $ - $ - $ 78 $ 1,423 Estimated Variance 2024 2025 2021-2025 $ - $- $ 1,423 $- $ 1,423 CM-4 Merritt Park Greenbelt Repair 1 Des Repave an area of 12-feet wide asphalt pathway a total of 2,337-feet in length (620-ft of City & 1717-ft of Eagle River) 2 Justification On -going Operation and Maintenace 3 Tiutittid Considerations Bid in 2019 but over budget 4 vrnjert e!nent Kryuu�•ni�:r,•: There is an agreement with Eagle River Development to cover cost of their section as part of the City's repair 5 Project Phasing/Stopping points TBD by Funding Status TBD by Funding Estimated Total Project Cost: o Rlify itu FY21.26 CIP Cost Spend/ ttuu 2 Scoping/Design Engineering g Savings Construction/Purchase Easiinatad F121-25 CIP Protoct Funding Capital Maintenace Set Aside Project Specific Developer Contributions URA Cost Share (signed) Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 60 60 Budgeted 2020 2021 SECURED FUNDING Estimated 2022 Estimated Spending 2021-2025 0 60 60 Estimated funding 2021-2025 2023 2024 2025 $120,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 SECURED FUNDING TOTAL: 0 0 UNSECURED FUNDING Capital Maintenace Set Aside Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants State/Federal Money Other UNSECURED FUNDING TOTAL: Project Variance Funding Estimate Project Cost Annual Set -Aside for Maintenance: 13 6 13.6 92.7 27 2 92 7 0 0 0 0 $ Budgeted 2020 $ - $ $ 13 0 13.6 ###### 120 $ - $ 14 $ 106 $ - $ - $ 120 2021 $ - $ - Estimated 2022 2023 $ 14 $ 106 $ 60 $ 60 Estimated Variance 2024 2025 2021-2025 $ - $- $ 120 $ - $- $ 120 $ 14 FY TRAILS Z1 CM-6 Lakemoor Trail Description Rebuild the 1212-foot asphalt Lakemoor Trail to New Concrete Greenbelt Standard 2 Justaic.n.t;i, Anticipated to become a highly traveled pathway due to the opening of the Pamela Baker Trail and the connection to Chinden in the same development. It was constructed to a lesser standard than our current specification, and has become very damaged from root - rises in11ii4j 1: s1�51u '1'.1t1�i1S TBD by funding, should be coordinated with the development of Pamela Baker Park 4 Pr jest Cuunn•:n6en;erlt Requirements TBD by funding F'rojr':tPiic:jug/Stoppingpoints TBD by funding Status TBD by funding Estimated Total Project Cost: oIA Ptoj ctety B �.F1r21.25CIPGoat ow. MTV .0 thru mg • Scoping/Design O • Engineering Savings IIME c 1.'� Construction/Purchase 3g Q £slnnalad F1 21 .26 CIP Project Funding Funding Rikid Capital Maintenace Set Aside Project Specific Developer Contnbutwrls URA Cost Share (signed) Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other SECURED FUNDING TOTAL. Capital Maintenace Set Aside Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants State/Federal Money Other UN$ECURmD'FUNDING TOTAL: Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 56 56 112 Budgeted Esrnmeted Spending 2021-202S 0 112 Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 SECURED FUNDING 2024 2025 $224,000 Toler Eeumateo tProtect Costs t11tu 2041 Sweeewal9 Estimated Estnnal _ funding Project 2021-2025 fundingt 2025 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 UNSECURED FUNDING 56 56 112 224 0 0 0 0 0 0 56 56 $- $ 56 $ 56 $ $- $ 112 Va Budgeted Estimated Estimated Project Variance Variance "42021-2025 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Funding $ - $ 56 $ 56 $ 112 $ - $ 224 Estimate Project Cost $ - $ - $ 56 $ 56 $ 112 $ - $ 224 Annual Set -Aside for Maintenance: $ 11.2 2 CM-8 Clear Creek Crossing 1 Description Reconstruct Clear Creek Crossing Trail to New Concrete Standard Justire; atioti On -going O/M 3 Timing CunsidbraUUns Constructon in FY 27 4 V'ruject Cuunnon.xnlent Requirements TBD by funding 5 Project Phasing/Stopping points TBD by funding Status 6 TBD by funding Estimated Total Project Cost: 8 i� R FY21-25 CIP CO Scoping/Design Engineering Savings Construction/Purchase r - Fund imaied FY21-25 CIP Project Funding Racist • thou 2 Capital Maintenace Set Aside Project Specific Developer Contributions URA Cost Share (signed) Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 107 107 107 111111.1.1 Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 SECURED FUNDING $561,000 Esnmatea Estt meat ` Spending ,� ru 2021-2025 ipthrv thr 0111111M 32, 0r$ l TOtal Estimated l Esttmatd! funding 2021-2025 0 0 0 0 0 0 Prole funding I� 2025 MERE SECURED FUNDING TOTAL: 0 0 - FUNDING $ Capital Maintenace Set Aside Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants State/Federal Money Other UNSECURED FUNDING TOTAL: 107 107 107 321 0 0 0 0 0 107 107 107 321 $ $- $ - $ 107 $ 107 $107 $ 321 321 Budgeted Estimated Estimated Variance 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2021-2025 Funding $ - $- $ - $ 107 $ 107 $107 $ 321 Estimate Project Cost $ - $ - $ - $ 107 $ 107 $107 $ 321 Annual Set -Aside for Maintenance: $ 1.0 IME CM-10 Mace Trail Modifications Description Widening the sidewalk to 10-feet between the pathway and the road ramp, widening the road ramp, modifying the landscaping/irrigation 2 JatUUcation The pathway that routes traffic from the Mace Trail (along the river) to Mace Road, sidewalk was not designed wide enough two-way bike/ped use, or for emergency and maintenance vehicle access, The existing pathway is not radiused where it connects to the sidewalk making this intersection difficult to navigate 3 ng CGllsiav^ratiuns Under construction in FY 20 4 PI O1v::t uoi tut i•-iii :eni_Ilt Requirements Based on need/funding �hly pcilnts Under construction in FY 20 Under construction in FY 20 Estimated Total Project Cost: Scoping/Design • Engineering Savings Construction/Purchase `o wrummitw- a Estimated FY2=rofet:l Funding Funding iliw�f Capital Maintenace Set Aside Project Specific Developer Contributions URA Cost Share (signed) Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other socumgartiorma TOTAL: Capital Maintenace Set Aside Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants State/Federal Money Other UNSECURED FUNDING TOTAL: f1Yd Funding Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 $95,000 Estimated Tots Spending &Minuted 2021-2025 Prglect.Costa tnru 2020 o lir IMF 0I 4E: i - s • $ s - - $ 461 Budgeted 2020 2021 SECURED FUNDING Estimated 2022 2023 2024 2025 Total Estimated Ettti atod funding Protect 2021-2025 funding tttru 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 UNSECURED FUNDING =MK- prgl.Ct Vd,aallee AIM W rigfrco k thru 2020 Funding Estimate Project Cost Annual Set -Aside for Maintenance: 0 0 0 0 0 $ $- $ Budgeted 2020 2021 2022 $ 5- $ - $ $- $ - $ $- s- $ 10 $ - $ 5- Estimated 2023 2024 2025 $ - $ - $- $ - $ - $- $ - Estimated Variance 2021-2025 $ - $ MINIM $ • s 111®t®.- RcC, 10-0-1 Summary of Capital Projects- FUNDED FY 20 Projects CM No. ED CP-1 ED CP-3 PW CP-4 P&Z CP-1 P&Z CP-2 P&Z CP-3 P&Z CP-4 P&Z CP-6 P&Z CP-7 Project Name 'BAPTIST CHURCH PARKING 1ST STREET - FESTVAL DESIGN MUSEUM RELOCATION PLAZA DRIVE POCKET PARK STATE & EAGLE INTERSECTION AIKENS STREET EXTENSION EAGLE ROAD PED/BIKE BRIDGE GRADE SEPERATED CROSSING OF SH-44 OLDE PARK PLACE EXTENSION IDAHO STREET EXTENSION Budget Acc # TBD TBD 19-0465-04-00 19-0469-18-00 TBD 19-0466-03-00 19-0466-05-00 19-0466-02-00 TBD New Amount TBD $ FY 20 Capital Projects Budget Total : $ 16,000 11,300 100,000 28,000 1_,75J 472,000 300,000 50,000 11,250 11,250 1,011,550 f$ Total Saved EURA - $11,300 CP - $20,000 EURA - $11,750 CP- $472,000 CP - $25,000 EURA - $11,250 EURA - $11,250 1,289,462 Carry Forward to FY -411 Funding Mix DC - $8,000 CPD - $25,0000 FY 21 Projects CM No. P&R CP-3 P&R CP-7 P&R CP 10 PW CP-3 P&Z CP-1 P&Z CP-2 P&Z CP-3 TRL CP-1 TRL CP-4 TRL CP-3 Noll Project Name DOG PARK- ADA/EAGLE COMPLEX CHARLIE WOOD PARK - PLAN Advanced/NEW WEST EAGLE PARK SET ASIDE ZITY HALL EXPANSION- New Mace Park -Advanced/NEW ;TATE & EAGLE INTERSECTION - New AIKENS STREET EXTENSION EAGLE ROAD PED/BIKE BRIDGE EAGLE ISLAND STATE PARK PHASE 2 EAGLE ISLAND STATE PARK PHASE 3 EAGLE ISLAND STATE PARK PHASE 4 -DESIGN CITY CAPITAL FACILITIES FUND IBudget Acc # 08-0438-37-00 08-0438-37-00 08-0438-37-00 19-0465-06-00 08-0438-37-00 TBD 19-0466-03-00 19-0466.05-00 19-0473-03-00 19-0473-03-00 19-0473-03-00 19-0465-05-00 FY 21 Capital Projects Budget Total : Carry forward from FY 20: FY 21 BUDGET BALANCE: Annual Approriation $ 50,000 $ 30,000 $ 400,000 $ 1,650,000 $ 30,000 $ 670,000 $ 89,000 $ 900,000 $ 230,000 $ 60,000 $ 40,000 $ 125,000 $ 4,274,000 $ 1,289,462 $ 5,563,462 Total to Save $ 400,000 $ 670,000 $ 561,000 $ 824,000 $ 2,455,000 PF: $50,000 PF: $30,000 PF: $400,000 GF(Landing Sale)- $1,650,000 PF - $30,000 CP - 335,000 CP- $472,000 CP - $824,000 CP - $33,000 CP- $60,000 CP- $40,000, CP- $100,000 tarry Forward to FY 22 *In -kind does not show in budget Funding Mix DC - $300,000 (in -kind)* EURA-$335,000 EURA- $89,000 Federal Sweeps- $300,000 FEMA- $172,000 PF - $15,000 CIM - $25,000 PTF - $10,000 PF- PARKS FUND DC- DEVELOPER GF-GENERAL FUND CP- CAPITAL PROJECTS FEMA Federal Sweeps CIM -compass PTF- PATHWAY FUND EURA PIF- Police Impact Fees CPD- COMPASS Project Developent PD-Project Development TAP -Federal Funds For Capital - FY 21 Budget Capital Fund Parks Fund Pathway Fund $ 3,739,000 $ 525,000 $ 10,000 $ 4,274,000 Show revenue from EURA but no Cut Match or Expenditure - Missing the 224K in carry forward from FY 2020 ummary of Capital Projects - UNFUNDED Y 22 Projects P&Z CP-1 P&Z CP-2 P&Z CP-3 P&Z CP-4 TRL CP-3 TRL CP-4 TRL CP-6 TRL CP-8 TRL CP-10 Project Name BOOKMOBILE POLICE SUB STATION REGIONAL PARK STUDY CHARLIE WOOD PARK- Development TERRA VIEW PARK CITY OWNED SHOP CITY HALL EXPANSION- New ENTRY SIGN - PLAN MACE PARK- DEVELOPMENT PAMELA BAKER PARK STATE & EAGLE INTERSECTION AIKENS STREET EXTENSION EAGLE ROAD PED/BIKE BRIDGE GRADE SEPERATED CROSSING SH-44 STUDY PHASE 2 EAGLE ISLAND STATE PARK PHASE 4 N. CHANNEL CENTER TRAIL- DESIGN ALL WEATHER TRAIL- ADA/EAGLE - DESIGN WAYFINDING & BRANDING CANAL TRAIL STUDY Budget Acc # TBD TBD TBD 08-0438-37-00 TBD TBD 39-0465416430 TBD 08-0438-37-00 TBD TBD 19-0466-03-00 19-0466-05-00 19-0466-02-00 19-0473-03-00 TBD TBD TBD TBD FY 22 Capital Projects Budget Total : Carry forward from FY 21: FY 22 BUDGET BALANCE: Annual Pppronation $ 125,000 $ 150,000 $ 100,000 TBD by Design $ 10,000 $ 250,000 $ 350,000 $ 10,000 TBD by Design TBD by Design 670,000 148,000 600,000 50,000 400,000 100,000 60,000 20,000 50,000 3,093,000 2,455,000 5,548,000 Total to Save TBD TBD TBD CP - $125,000 CP- $39,000 PF - $100,000 PF-TBD PF - $10,000 250,000 CP - $250,000 CP- $350,000 CP- $10,000 PF -TBD PF-TBD 1,340,000 CP - 670,000 724,000 CP-$561,000 1,484,001.0 CP - $1,484,000 CP-$25,000 400,000 PTF -$400,000 80,000 cP-$100,000 45,000 CP - $60,000 CP - $20,000 - ` CP-$50,000 4,698,001 Carry Forward to FY 231.1MMIL 125,000 150,000 100,000 Funding Mix PIF: $111,000 EURA-$670,000 EURA - $163,000 CPD- $25,000 Y 23 Projects CM No. P&Z CP-1 P&Z CP-2 P&Z CP-3 P&Z CP-4 TRL CP-3 TRL CP-4 TRL CP-6 TRL CP-10 TRL CP-11 TRL CP-14 TRL CP-15 Project Name BOOKMOBILE POLICE SUB STATION REGIONAL PARK STUDY CHARLIE WOOD PARK - Development CITY OWNED SHOP ENTRY SIGN MACE PARK- DEVELOPMENT STATE & EAGLE INTERSECTION AIKENS STREET EXTENSION EAGLE ROAD PED/BIKE BRIDGE GRADE SEPERATED CROSSING SH-44 EAGLE ISLAND STATE PARK PHASE 4 N. CHANNEL CENTER TRAIL ALL WEATHER TRAIL- ADA/EAGLE CANAL TRAIL STUDY THE SHORES SPORTSMANS ACCESS - DESIGN EAGLE ROAD SOUTH CHANNEL BRIDGE- PD PHASE 1 EAGLE ROAD SOUTH CHANNEL UNDERPASS- PD PHASE 1 Budget Acc # TBD TBD TBD 08-0438-37-00 TBD TBD 08-0438-37-00 TBD 19-0466-03-00 19-0466-05-00 19-0466-02-00 19-0473-03-00 TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD $ FY 23 Capital Projects Budget Total : $ Carry forward from FY 22: $ FY 23 BUDGET BALANCE: $ 7,751,001 Annual Total to Save pororlation 125,000 $ $ 150,000 $ 300,000 $ 100,000 $ TBD by Design TBD $ 300,000 $ 550,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 TBD by Design TBD $ 670,000 $ 148,000 $ 600,000 TBD by Design TBD $ 400,000 $ 800,000 $ 100,000 $ 180,000 $ 60,000 $ $ 50,000 $ $ 50,000 $ 30,000 $ 50,000 $ CP-$250,000 CP- $134,000 PF - $200,000 PF -TBD CP - $550,000 CP-$200,000 PF -TBD CP - 1,005,000 CP- $635,500 CP - $2,100,000 PTF -$800,000 CP-$80,000 CP - $105,000 CP-$50,000 CP - $$0,000 CP - $25,000 50,000 $ - CP - $25,000 3,053,000 IIMMi. 2,060:000 and to Wv 4,698,001 Funding Mix PIF: $166,000 EURA-$1,005,000 EURA - $237,5oo TAP- $600,000 FEMA - 100,000 CIM - $25,000 CIM - $25,000 PTF: $100,000 FY 24 Projects TRL CP-3 TRL CP-4 TRL CP-7 TRL CP-9 TRL CP-11 TRL CP-12 TRL CP-13 TRL CP-14 TRL CP-15 TRL CP-19 Project Name POLICE SUB STATION - ENTRY SIGN EAGLE ISLAND STATE PARK PHASE 4 N CHANNEL CENTER TRAIL BIKE SKILLS PARK EXPANSION TRAILHEAD AMENITIES ADA/EAGLE THE SHORES SPORTSMANS ACCESS WATER TRAIL STUDY (BOISE RVR) EQUESTRAIN TRAILHEAD STUDY (BOISE RVR) EAGLE ROAD SOUTH CHANNEL BRIDGE- PD Phase 2 EAGLE ROAD SOUTH CHANNEL UNDERPASS- PD Phase 2 N. CHANNEL UNDERPASS @ UNDER ROAD - DESIGN Annual Total to Save jB Dprorlatlon 150,000 $ 449,500 CP-$228,500 $ 190,000 CP- $390,000 $ 400,000 $ CP-$200,000 $ 116,000 $ CP-$80,000 $ 72,000 $ CP-$72,000 $ 150,000 $ CP-$150,000 $ 100,000 $ 130,000 CP - $130,000 $ 30,000 $ CP - $30,000 $ 30,000 $ CP-$30,0001 $ 50,000 $ - CP - $25,000 $ 50,000 $ - cP-$25,0001 $ 15,000 $ CP - $15,000 FY 24 Capital Projects Budget Total : $ 1,353,000 Ems` . 579,500 Carry Forward to FY 25 1 Carry forward from FY 23: $ 2,060,000 FY 24 BUDGET BALANCE: $ 3,413,000 Budget Acc # TBD TBD 19-0473-03-00 TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD Funding Mix PIF: $221,500 PTF-$1,00,000 FEMA - $116,000 CIM - $25,000 CIM - $25,000 FY 25 Projects CM No. TRLCP•11 TRLCP•16 TRL CP-17 TRL CP•20 Project Name POLICE SUB STATION THE SHORES SPORTSMANS ACCESS N. CHANNEL BRIDGE @ DRY CREEK DRY CREEK @DRY CREEK CANAL- DESIGN S. CHANNEL BRIDGE @ WILLIAMSON RR - DESIGN Budget Acc # TBD TBD TBD TBD I'D FY 25 Capital Projects Budget Total : Carry forward from FY 24: Annual Approriatlon $ 165,000 $ $ 100,000 $ $ 100,000 $ $ 30,000 $ CP-$30,0001 $ 100,000 $ - cP - $100,000 $ 495,000 liiLUcIMr4 � i i� $ 579,500 FY 23 ACCOUNT BALANCE: $ 1,074,500 Total to Save CP- $338,5001 CP - $230,000 CP - $100,000 Funding Mix PIF: $276,500