Minutes - 2020 - City Council - 07/23/2020 - SpecialEAGLE CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES July 23, 2020 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pierce calls the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: PIKE, GOLD, PITTMAN Absent: BAUN. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Pierce leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. PRESENTATION BY ADA COUNTY PROSECUTOR'S OFFICE: A. Robert Bleazard will present via Webex regarding contacted prosecution services provided by Ada County. Robert Bleazard, with the Ada County Prosecutors office will be speaking on behalf of Jan Bennetts (Ada County Prosecutor), addresses the council in regard to the upcoming contract and services provided by this office. There will be no increase in contract amount for the upcoming budget year. 5. REPORTS: A. Mayor and Council Reports: Pittman reports on neighboring city (Star) bringing forth and ordinance regarding 2" `' amendments rights and would like to see if Eagle might want to do the same thing. Gold reports on library stats and volume of use at this time. Gold states that she would like to address the statement recently issued by the City in regard to masks. "The City recently issued a statement on the subject of masks, and I would like to put my statement on the record — One of the fundamental responsibilities of local elected officials is to promote and protect public health, safety and welfare. I feel strongly that encouraging everyone to do all we can as a community in this time is in the best interest of our public health and will help improve our ability to safely get back to work, school and social life. I have chosen not to sign on to the statement from the Mayor and Council as my feedback that some of the language equivocates on the recommendations from our local healthcare experts and the public health order from our health district was not incorporated. As a member of the St. Luke's Meridian Eagle Advisory Council, I receive regular correspondence speaking to the importance and efficacy of face masks, physical distancing, hand washing, cleaning and sanitizing in order to slow the spread of the virus and help preserve our healthcare capacity. We are all in this together, and the care we take to protect our community's wellbeing now will be seen in the coming weeks. Let's all do our part to stay safe and healthy." Mayor reports on city run fiber in neighboring cities. Mayor would like to follow up with this program as something the City of Eagle might want to take on and the benefit of doing so. Mayor gives update on dog park and discussions with Pet IQ regarding building the park. B. City Hall Department Supervisor Reports: Public Works director, Eric Ziegenfuss reports on dog park and agreement/partnership with PetIQ to build the park. Ziegenfuss reports on Pamela Baker Park construction and phasing. Parks & Recreation director Brandon Johnson reports on phone call from City of Meridian in regard to skate park vandalism. Page 1 C:\Users\ematilla\Desktop\CC•07-23-20 SPMIN.docx C. City Attorney Report: None. 6. ADDITIONS. DELETIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE AGENDA: A. City Staff Requests. B. Mayor or City Council Requests 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. ACTION ITEM: FEMA COVID-19 Funding Assistance: Ed Sloan will present before the city council information and assistance for obtaining COVID-19 relief funding from FEMA. A request for the City Council to allow the Mayor to enter into a contract with Ed Sloan to work with FEMA to get COVID-19 relief funds for the City. (JP) Ed Sloan, resident of Eagle reviews offer of assisting for COVID-I9 recovery via FEMA. Mr. Sloan provides information on his background and how he could possibly assist the City of Eagle in recovering these funds. Gold moves to work with Mr. Sloan and legal counsel for contract. Seconded by Pittman. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. B. ACTION ITEM: FY 2021-2025 Capital Improvement and Capital Maintenance Plan: Staff will update the city council on the Capital Improvements and Capital Maintenance Plan. (NBS) City Planner Nichoel Baird -Spencer addresses the council and reviews updates or changes to the CIP plan. 8. ADJOURNMENT: Pike moves to adjourn at 4:42 pm. Seconded by Pittman. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES Hearing no further business, the Council meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted: SHETrHORTON, CMC SR. DEPUTY CLERK/TREASURER OFEACI • ••. 46, G1 I? •i s ow t", AI, •aP4/' • • AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT W W W.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 2 C:\Users\ematilla\Desktop\CC-07-23-20 SPMIN.doca Working Memo: Capital Planning Process Date: To: From: July 23, 2020 Mayor Pierce Eagle City Council Nichoel Baird Spencer, MCRP, AICP Planner III Attachments: Capital Projects Funding Sources by Year Departmental Summary of Capital Projects Individual Capital Project forms As previously discussed, the capital plan is a guide to help the City Plan for future investments. Today's draft provides the Council an opportunity to review all the projects within the plan by year from FY20 to FY 25. All requests were categorized as "funded" -having established funding through the FY21 draft budget and/or having committed grant funds for future years or "unfunded" no committed funding and placed into years based on the submitted department's request. As discussed previously, the initial plan (FY21- 25) will identify projects and secure funding in FY 21. After October, the focus of the FY22-FY26 plan will be to prioritize projects city wide and consider the allocation of City funds (general fund and impact fees) for a full 5-year schedule. It is important to note that the FY 21-25 capital plan will be adjusted according to final finding levels in the FY21 City budget. As we move forward today staff has the following questions: Economic Development: ED/CP-1: Baptist Church Parking- Eagle URA has not prioritized this project. It was anticipated that this would be a cost share. Does the City wish to retain it in the Capital Plan? ED/CP-2: Downtown parking Study- Eagle URA has prioritized to fund this 100% in FY 21. Does the City wish to retain it in the Capital Plan? Police: POL/CP-1: NW Eagle Police Substation: Staff has allocated 100% of the impact fees collected from FY-21 to FY25 to this project with 250K in developer funding and 87.5k of City funding. Is the Council comfortable with this assumption moving forward? Parks & Recreation: 1 of 2 k:\capital facilities planning\2020\combined documents\july 6 draft combines\working memo july 23.docx Parks and Recreation has an approximate carry forward of $2.7M in impact fees and will over the next 5- years double that amount to $5.2M. This is after the City sets aside $400K for West Park development in FY 21 and funds the following between FY 21 and FY 25: P&R/CP-2: REGIONAL SPORTS COMPLEX: $200K total (FY 22 & 23) P&R/CP-7: CHARLIE WOOD PARK: $30K design in FY 24 (moved forward from FY25 by Mayor) t r . it P&R/CP-9: TERRA VIEW PARK,. $10K for design in FY22 (in cooperation with developer) 4• PW/CP-9: MACE RIVER RANCH PARK/PARKING :$15K Design in FY 22 (A developer has offered to partner in the development of the river access parking at this location With a significant fund balance in park impact fees does the Council wish to move some projects forward? Both Charlie Wood Park and Mace River Ranch park could be advanced to include design and construction in the next two years. The City owns the property, and, in the case of Mace River Ranch, the construction of the park and parking could be coordinated with the construction of the Eagle Road Ped/Bike Bridge in FY23. Additionally, it is important to note that the P&R/CP-3: Doe Park Ada Eagle Sports Complex can utilize impact fee dollars in needed to support the developer contribution. 2 of 2 k:\capital facilities planning\2020\combined documents\july 6 draft combines\working memo july 23.docx FY 21-25 Capital Planning Program 1 Project Overview 1 Type chapter title (level 2) 2 Type chapter title (level 3) 3 Type chapter title (level 1) 4 Type chapter title (level 2) 5 Type chapter title (level 3) 6 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Fytitive Summary This document is the City of Eagle's first venture into a City-wide capital planning process. The goal of this planning process is to: "Provide the City (citizens, elected official, and staff) a road map for major investments and maintenance within the City that is collaborative and fiscally constrained." Historically, the City has adopted a single -year budget that addressed needs within a single fiscal year, relying solely on one-time and general fund dollars to fund capital projects, capital maintenance, and the on -going functions of the City. The City's general fund functions as a clearing house for all city revenue. Some monies pass through the general fund to restrict accounts (impact fees and bonds) while most funds are held in the general fund as a savings account and only transferred out to specific accounts on an as needed basis. At the end of each fiscal year, unspent dollars are swept into the general fund for reallocation in the next budget year. City Budgeting Model 'i.rr P"..•o,.,P'> R.lf Ir, gVc,F'"JrS 3 The intent of the capital planning process is to establish a fund that does not sweep back into the general fund each year but allows the City to plan for larger capital investment and capital maintenance over time, removing the burden from anyone fiscal year to absorb both a planned or and unplanned major capital expenditure. As a preliminary planning too three (3) funding categories were established: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Capital Projects Worksheets DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS (000 i Summary of Capital Projects Economic Development CFP No. CFP Projoct Name (Budgot # if applicable) 'Economic Develgpfnent - Capital Projects • FUNDED ICP-1 Baptist hurch Parking ICP-2 Downtown Parking Study ICP-3 1st Street/Festival Street Total • Eco . i . rr . al Project FUNDED !Economic Development - ��pItal Projects - UNFUNDett ICP-1 Baptist Church Parking ICP-2 ICP-3 Downtown Parking Study 1st StreeUFeslival Street Total • Economic Development Projects UNFUNDED Estimated Projoct Cost Economic Development CAPITAL COSTS BY YEAR (FUNDED & UNFUNDED) Economic Development - Capital Projects - ALLOCATIONS OF SECURED FUNDING SOURCES Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees- Project Specific Developer Contributions URA Cost Share (signed) Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other Total • SUMMARY ALLOCATION OF SEQURgn FUNDING SOURCES Economic Development . Capital Projects - ALLOCATIONS OF UNSECURED FUNDING SOURCES Capital Projects Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants State/Federal Money Other 616.0 97.8 TBD Spent thru 2020 616.0i 858 Oj TBDI WORKSHEETS . • • c . 610 are: 2021 2022 2023 16.0) 0.0 97.8 11.3 27.31 97.8 0.01 $ 27.3 Funded Thru 2020 16 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0' $ 97.8 2024 2025 0.0I 0.0 0.0 0.0I 0.0 o.6 0.0J 0.0 0.0 o.66I 0.01 0.01 0,01 0.01 0.01 600.0 o.o O. I 600.01 $ 600.0 0.0) 0.01 0,01 S 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.01 0.0 0.01 $ 6 Spending 2021- 2025 0.0 97.8 0.0 97.8 600.0 0.0 0.0 600.0 $ 697.8 Total Secured Funding 2021 2022 2023 I 2024 2025 FY21-FY25 11.25 97.8 27.3 Project Secured Funding 2021-2025 97.8 1 0.0 i 0,0 2021 0,0 Project Unse urge rwrdi 2022 (� 023 60 600.0 0.0 9 2t 2) .02,q 024 0.0 Costs Thru 2025 16.0 97.8 11.3 125.0 600.0 0.0 0.0 600.0 $ 725.0 Total Secured I Funding Thru 2025 0,0 1 0,0 1 97,8 1 125,1 Totat Usecured Funding Total Unsecured 2025 2021-2025 Funding Thru 2025 606 600 0.0 1 600.0 0.0 0.0 o.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 600.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Economic Development CAPITAL COSTS BY YEAR (FUNDED & UNFUNDED) S 27.3 S 978 $ 600.0 $ $ 697.6 New Capital Malntenace Costs: FY 21.25 Varrlance: $ (Total Cost- Funding thru FY25) 0.0 1 FY Economic Development 21 Capital Projects CP-1: Baptist Church Parking Lot Construct a joint use parking lot on the Baptist Church parking lot located at 350 E State Street. City and/or Eagle URA would construct the lot and the City would receive a 1st nghtol refusal for if/when the church were to sell the site Would increase parking for downtown businees and for City special events (Fun Days, Country Christmas, Harverst Festival). Would increase connectivity from State Street to Idaho street for local users if the Church were to sell in the future the City recives Ole ROW needed for the Idaho Street Extension (see PBZ CP-7). TBD by project funding Project Cnrnn,i•rzcenu•nt Hequrr.nnrent Project requires an agreement with the land owner. engineering and a cost share agreemetn with the Eagle URA before moving forward. Agreement with the land owner, engineering, cost share agreemetn with the Eagle URA, public bid process Conseptual lot layout has been completed future work TBD by project funding Estimated Total Project Cost: Estimate FY21-25 CIP Cost cc 0 c H c Scoping/Design Engineering Savings Construction/Purchase Estimated FY21-25 CIP Project Funding _ Capital Projects- Project Specific _ _Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) _ State/Federal Money (awarded) Other SECUROD FUNDING TOTA1. UNSECURED FUNDING Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contributions _ URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) _ _ Other '.tat Lntrrnated f undmd Project Variance Funding Estimate Project Cost Jlla.air UetiaYYLYI Annual Set.Aside for Malntenance: Projected Spending Mu 2020 Funding Received thru 2020 s Projected THROUGH 2020 Budgeted Estimated $ 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 18 600 16 $ - $ 600 S - 5- S- Budgeted 2020 16 f 16.00 Budgeted 2020 f 16 5 16 • TBD Estimated 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 s • 600 I _ I 0 100 0 s 600.00 s Estimated Estimated Spending 2021.2026 Estimated funding 2021.2025 S • 6161000 oral Esllmated Prefect Costa thtu 2025 f8 .,p C. If. gl 0001 6- 1 000 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 $ •5 600 5 - 5- S- S - S 600 $ - 5- S- S - $ - S - S- 5- oral 1.6111400 Protntt funding Ihru 2025 16 _1e e_oe 0 0 D 0 s001 f 616 FY Economic Development 21 Capital Projects CP-2. Downtown Parking Study 4 5 b Complete rebuild and extension of Aikens Street from Eagle Road east to Second Street Submitted as an ACHD economic development project goal is to increase visibility of business along Aikens and to provide alterative connection through downtown Eagle. Project is to be completed in FY23 in concert with the ACHD Project is to be completed in FY23 in concert with the ACHD. Project is to be completed in FY23 in concert with the ACHD. Project is to be completed in FY23 in concert with the ACHD. Estimated Total Project Cost: 0 Estimate FY21-25 CIP Cost v c Scoping/Design _o Engineering 1 Savings Construclion/Purchase A 9 otal Estimated Coats Estimated FY21-25 CIP Project Funding RED FUNDING Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) biker SECURED FUNDING TOTAL 1 UNSECURED FUNDING Capital Projects- Project Specific___ Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) State/Federat Money (awarded) Other NSECURED FUNDING TOTAL Total Estimated Fundln Projected Spending thru 2020 Funding Received thru 2020 Project Variance Funding Estimate Project Cost Protect Variance' $ Projected THROUGH 2020 Budgeted 2020 Budgeted $ 97,751.00 Estimated 2021 2022 2023 2024 2026 97.8 flaiallit11101111111111 $ Estimated 111 EsUmatsd Spending Project Costs 2021-2026 thru 2026 0 0 0 57- 75• S • ,S 98,5 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 97.8 97,8 Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2026 $ - $ 97.8 $ - $ - $ $ - $ - $ 97.8 $ - $ - $ - $ $ - S (0) $ - $ - $ $ Annual Set -Aside for Maintenance: N/A Estimated funding 2021.2026 0 0 0 97 75 0 6 c 1: 0 0 07 751 08 Total Estimated Project funding thru 2026 0 rr 90 FY Economic Development 21 Capital Projects Constructed 1st Street as a festival street from Aiken Street to Idaho Street. similar to the Boise Basque Block. Overflow for the Saturday market and downtown events that are centered at Heritage Park. 1st street currently has very limited improvments including gaps in the sidewalk and parking conflicts with pedestrains TBD by final design 8 fundings. Baer desing to complete the preliminary desing in FY 20. Conseptual design is ongoing. Need OR approval and engineered drawing befor moving forward. This is a Eagle URA project and they will be requesting a cost share. Phasnl/Stoppuiq point,. TBD by funding Engineering is on -going for construction in FY23 Estimated Total Project Cost: Dollars in Thousands (000) Estimate FY21.25 CIP Cost Scoping/Design Engineering Savings Construction/Purchase 'Estimated Costs Estimated FY21.25 CIP Project Funding SECURED FUNDING Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other: SECURED FUNDING TOTAL UNSECURED FUNDING Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants State/Federat Money other Sweeps i UNSECURED FUNDING TOTAL Projected Spending Ihru 2020 6 Funding Received Ihru 2020 Total Estimated Funding Projoct Variance Funding Estimate Project Cost Project Variance' 'Annual Set -Aside for Maintenance: Estimated 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 5 Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 11 25 S 11.25 S S - $ $- $- Budgeted 2020 11.2 Budgeted TBD • 1 1 i r 1 T ----- --- '—--n- j Estimated 2021 2022 2023 2024 2026 5 - $ - $ $- 5- 11.25 $ $ - $ 5- 5- $ $ • $ $- 5- TBD aid ota ending Estimated Project 2026 Ihru 2026 0 11 25 f I S 11.25 Estimated funding 2021.2026 intal F:.,1un4U:rl Prr.ler.t fundngl Rini 202: EAGLE P BL C LIBRARY Capital Projects Worksheets DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS (000 ICP-3 ICP-4 CP-5 CP-6 Summary of Capital Projects Library CFP Project Name (Budget # If applicable) Library • Funded CP-11 (Library Facilities Master Plan Total - LlbraryZEItal Project Funded (100% Funded) Library's Capital Projects -NFUNDED CP-2 Bookmobile West E,%)e Branch Library LibrarpL x pnsion South Eagle Branch Library Library Fleet Vehicle Total - Library Projects UNFUNDED Estimated Project Cost Spent thnl 2020 roJects Secured Spending 2021-2025 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 j LIBRARY CAPITAL COSTS (FUNDED & UNFUNDED) ALLOCATIONS OF SECURED FUNDING SOURCES Capital Protects/General Fund Total 6LinliVitticY I'UN rSU:URE'i;) 4Ni:41WSOURCES ALLOCATIONS OF UNSECURED FUNDING SOURCES Capital P%olects/General Fund Impact Fees Developer Contributions Eagle URA Cost Share Potential Grant Funding (TBD) User Groups/Others Total -SUMMARY ALLOCATION OF UNSECURED FUNDING SOURCES TOTAL LIBRARY FUNDING SOURCES (SECURED & UNSECURED) 2501 TBD TBD TBD TBD 250_0 WORKSHEETS Total Estimated Spending 2021-2025 Combined with City Capital Facilities Planning Fund Is •JI$ •II8 • $ • Is 125 125/ • I8 - Is 128I$ $ $ S 125 Funded I Thru 2020 2021 125I_$ S 125 Ls • IS Project Secured Fundin 2021-2025 2022 2023 I 2024 2025 $ $ - $ • Is Funded 'roject Unsecured Funding 2021-2025 Thru 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 12S 125 Is • Is - I8 $ $ 120I$ 125I $ S 125 $ 125 s Total Project Costs Thru 2025 - Is 250 0 0 250 $ 1 2501 0 Oj 01 01 250 I 260 $ 250 Total Secured Funding 2021-2025 Total Unsecured Funding 2021-2025 I$ - Is 250 250 I s $ 250 Variance: Total Secured Funding Thru 2025 s Total Unsecured Funding Thru 2025 250i Oj 0j 0) 01 0 250 $ 250 FY Library 21 Capital Projects P-2. 'Bookmobile lit•„_iiliti:�r, Purchase a mobile bookmobile. Mobile libraries can offer a variety of library services that can be taken anywhere in the community. They can also help bridge a community's library needs and services gap between an existing facility and its eventual expansion or creation of additional locations I inmul-: of uid ui.rt iac Savings in FY 22 & 23 with purchase in FY 23 or 24 Co -location with Eagle Water will need match funding. Need to Estimated Total Project Cost: locate a site for the facility. Ideally the site and/or construction Costs Pr<,Ivcr Pn.iauul,Stuppuu_j poiurti TBD by funding and Site acquisition Estimated annual operations of $90K /yr. TBD by funding 0 0 0 N c N 0 c_ N N 0 52 Estimate FY21-26 CIP Cost Scoping/Oesign Engineering Savings Construction/Purchase otel Estimated Costs Estimated FY21-25 CIP Project Funding _ Capital Projects- Project Specific _ Impact Fees _ Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other SECURED FUNDING TOTAL UNSECURED FUNDING Capital Projects:/General Fund Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants State/Federal Money - Other UNSECURED FUNDING Tom. Total Estimated Funding IIProject Variance Funding Estimate Project Cost Project Variance' Annual Set -Aside for Maintenance: TBD Projected Spending Ihru 2020 Funding Received tluu 2020 $ Budgeted Estimated Projected THROUGH 2020 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 125 125 $ 125 $ 125 $ - _ - Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2026 Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2026 $ • $ - $ 125 $ 125 $ - $ - $ $- $ 125 $ 125 $- $- $ $ - $ - $ - $ - $ • $250,000 Tots Estimated Estimated funding Project 2021.2026 funding thee 2025 f 260 Variance Varla nr-r• Iliru 2021.202E 2025 $ 250 1 $ 2$0I FY Library 21 Capital Projects f Developement of branch Libray West of Park Lane to accommodate users and growth Implement the policies of the Citys comprehsnive plan and Library Master Plan.Currrent library is at capacity both in materials storage and ocmmunity programming. TBD by City-wide Capital Facilities Plan TBD by funding and Site agwstion TBD by City-wide Capital Facilities Plan TBD by City-wide Capital Facilities Plan Estimated Total Project Cost: Dollars in Thousands (000) Estimate FY21-25 CIP Cost Scoping/Design Engineering Savings Construction/Purchase Total 1- •.tlrltate() Costs Estimated FY21.25 CIP Protect Funding SECURED FUNDING C,ap:'aI Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share _ Grants (awarded) State -Federal Money (awarded) Other SECURED FUNDING TOTAL UNSECURED FUNDING Capital Projects/General Fund Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants Stale/Federal Money Other UNSECURED FUNDtNG TOTAL Project Variance Funding Estimate Project Cost Protect Variance' Funding Received thru 2020 Projected THROUGH 2020 Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 ®® Budgeted 2020 2021 S S - $ S - $ - Annual Set -Aside Tor Maintenance: TBD Estimated 2022 2023 S- S - S- $ - S- $ - 2024 2026 S- S- S- S- S- 5- TBD tatltnetec 0 a Spending Estimated 2021-2025 Project Costs Own i0215_ 0 0 0 Estimated Estimated hording Project 2021.202E funding thru 2025 0; - zeist - e =fa. Ch Library CP-4: Main Library Expansion 2 3 Expansion of existing Eagle Library facilites to accommodate users and growth Implement the policies of the City's comprehensive plan and Library Master Plan. Current library is at capacity both in materials storage and community programming. TBD by City-wide Capital Facilities Plan TBD by funding and Site acquisition TBD by City-wide Capital Facilities Plan 6 St.ttur. TBD by City-wide Capital Facilities Plan Estimated Total Project Cost: cars in Thou. LI Estimate FY21-25 CIP Cost Scoping/Design Engineering Savings Construction/Purchase otal Estimated Costs Estimated FY21.25 CIP Protect Funding SECURED FUNDING Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees _ Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) • State/Federal Money (awarded) Other SECURED FUNDING TOTAL. UNSECURED FUNDING Capital Projects/General Fund Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants State/Federal Money Other SE„.. . Total Estimated Funding Prefect Variance Funding Estimate Project Cost Project Variance' Annual Set -Aside for Maintenance: Protected Spending Ihru 2020 Funding Received thru 2020 $ THROUGH 2n2n—_ Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 $ • $ - $ - $ - $ Budgeted Estimated $ 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 $ • ## ## $ • #0 0 0 I® $ Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 $ • $ • 5- $ $ - $ - $ $ - 5- $ $ - $ - $ $ • $ - $ - $ - $ - TBD TBD Estimated o Al Spending Estimated Project oject COMA Ihru 767: 0 0 0 $ Estimated funding 2021.2026 0 S Total 1: SUmate'l Prgtcct Innrlmq thru 202: 0 > a 0 0 0 a 1 -- 01 al 0 -- 0 $ • IS fl FY Library 21 Capital Projects =MEI -5 South Eagle Branch Library Developement of branch Libray South of SH-44 to accommodate users and growth Impliment Ole policies of the City's comprehsnive plan and Library Master Plan Currrent library is at capacity both in materials storage and ocmmunity programming. TBD by City-wide Capital Facilities Plan TBD by funding and Site aquistion t„ptnm9 TBD by City-wide Capital Facilities Plan TBD by City-wide Capital Facilities Plan Estimated Total Project Cost: Estimate I V21-25 CIP Cost Scoping/Design Engineering Savings Construction/Purchase Total Estimated Costs Estimated FV21-25 CIP Project Funding SECURED FUNDING Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other SECURED FUNDING TOTAL UNSECURED FUNDING Capital Projects/General Fund Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants State/F ederal Money Other UNSECURED FUNDING TOTAL Projected Spending thru 2020 Funding Received them 2020 Budgeted 2020 Estimated 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 $ • s - $ - s - s - Budgeted Estimated Estimated Spending 2021 2026 TBD Tote Estimated Project Costs thru 2026 n Total Estimated Estin,aterl funding Prup.cl 2021.2026 frnuLng thru 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2025 $ $ Project Variance Funding Estimate Project Cost Projer-t Varianre- !Annual Set -Aside for Maintenance: Projected THROUGH 2020 Budgeted 2020 s $ nx 0# $ MN $ 0 inmom 0 0 0 0 �'10 0' ®® —I_t — Estimated TBD 1 2021 2022 2023 2024 2026 $ - $ - $ $ - $ - $ - $ - $ $ - $ - $ - $ - $ $ - $ - Variance 2021-2025 Variance thru 2022 Y MI= Library 1 Capital Projects CP-6• Library Fleet Vehicle 3 Dedicated Fleet vehicle for library staff -Irr., nnr..tuonfBcnetn If/when the City constructs branch libraries, start will need the ability to move between sites to tranfer matenals and to support programming uunr) .:uIISIttrratwub TBD 4 rrun•a r-'4u14nt inr, 111, i Upon construction of branch library facility Estimated Total Project Cost: s o_ 5 I'r ycrt t'haslni)fStunpinrl I>omo c TBD by City-wide Capital Facilities Plan Scoping(Design o • Engineering I— Savings _ TBD by City-wide Capital Facilities Plan 5 Construction/Purchase N o` 0 Estimate FY21-25 CIP Cost Projected Spending thru2020 I.re Estimated FY21.25 CIP Project Funding CURED FUNDINGCapital Projects- Project Specific _ Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded)State/Federal Money (awarded) Other SECURED FUNDINQ TOTAL NSECURED FUNDING Capital Projects/General Fund IImpact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants State/Federal Money Other UNSECURED FUNDING TOTAL Total Estimated Funding Project Variance Funding Estimate Project Cost Project Variance' (Annual Set -Aside for Maintenance: Funding Received Ihru 2020 S Projected THROUGH 2020 Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 202E S- 5 S S- S- Budgeted Estimated S 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 0 0 ®® Budgeted 2020 2021 2022 S 3- 5 - S S- S - S - S. S - TBD Estimated 2023 2024 2025 5 - 5- S- S 5- S- S S- S- attmated Spending 2021.2026 Estimated funding 2021-2025 Variance 2021.2026 S 3 TBD total E %ttmaMtl Prnp:ct flail 2ri25 ff,t�1 1 •.hmatod Project funding thru 2026 Vartencr: thru 2025 Summary of Capital Projects Eagle Police isii DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS (000' CFP Projoct Name (Budget 5 If applicable) !Eagle olice - Funded ICP-1 INW Eagle Police Substation Total - Eagle Police Capital Project FUNDED 'Eagle Police- Capital Projects - UNFUNDED ICP-1 INW Eagle Police Substation Total - Eagle Police Projects UNFUNDED Estimated Projoct Cost 6151 Spent thru 2020 WORKSHEETS Total Estimated Spending 2021-2025 Preliminary Planning Combined with City Facilities Master Planning Fund • IS - Is - js • Is - I.5 I I IS - IS • I5 1501 1501 150 I_ S 150 15 1501 150I5 1651 185 I $ Total Projoct Costs Thru 2025 IS 6151 815I$ •I 615 1 815 ago • o ce • : :: YEAR (FUNDED 8 UNFUNDED) E E E 150 E 150 E 150 E 185 815 f 815 Economic Development - Capital Projects - ALLOCATIONS OF SECURED FUNDING SOURCES 'Capital Projects- Project Specific !Impact ees- Project Specific 11 cper gp, tribyliens URAost are (signed) (Grants (awarded) IState/Federal Money (awarded) 'Other L.. .. aF SEquREQ FUNDING SOURCES Economic Development - Capital Projects - ALLOCATIONS OF UNSECURED FUNDING SOURCES Capital Projects Police Impact Fees DPv `apercpnIributions GR ost are Grants State/Federal Money Other v5 Economic Development CAPITAL COSTS BY YEAR (FUNDED b UNFUNDED) Funded I Project Secured Funding 2021-2025 Thru 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 0.0 0 0.0 L 0,0 1 Total Secured Funding Total Secured Funding I 2025 FY21-FY25 0.0 I 0.0 Thru 2025 0.0 I 0,0 I 0,0 Project Unsecured Funding 2021-2025 55.6) 55.5 55111 55.51 z55.5, 55.5 I 55.5 55,5 55.5 ( 305,5 615,0 Total Unsecured Funding 5/I Thru 2025 87. 87.5 277. I 277.5 250. 250.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 0.0 615.0 New Capital Malntenace Costs; E $ 55.5 E 555 E 55 5 5 55.5 5 305,5 $ 616.0 5 615.0 FY 21.25 Varriance: $ TBD (Total Cost- Funding thru FY25) FY Eagle Police 11 Capital Projects 1111111111111 CP-1: NW Eagle Police Substation Construction of a police substation to maintain existing LOS and reduce call time in Wester Eagle Area. 2 ustrhr.ation/Benetr Fulfills the goals of the comprehensive plan and the Police CIP. 3 Turing Considerations Contingent on the completion of the City-wide facilities plan. Saving/Collecting of Police Impact Fees from FY 21 thru FY 25. Tentative construction in FY25 4 Project Cunnnencement Requirements Potential co -location with City facilities and/or agencies. Need to locale a site for the facility, ideally, site would developer donated. 5 TBD by funding and Site acquisition Site size and location should be part of the Citywide Capital Facilities Plan Estimated Total Project Cost: 0 0 5) Scoping/Design O • Engineering Savings Construction/Purchase Ar Estimate FY21-25 CIP Cost 0 Total Estimated Cosh Estimated FY21-25 CIP Project Funding SECURED FUNDING Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other SECURED FUNDING TOTAL UNSECURED FUNDING Capital Projects- Project Specific_ Impact Fees (Police) Developer Contributions - URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other UNSECURED FUNDING TOTAL Projected Spending ihru 2020 Funding Received Oyu 2020 Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 150 150 150 165 $ - $ 150 $ 150 $ 150 $ 165 Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Project Variance Funding Estimate Project Cost Project Vari:uir.e' Annual Set -Aside for Maintenance: Projected THROUGH 2020 Budgeted 2020 $ - $ • $ - TBD $615,000 Estimated Total Spending Estimated 2021-2025 Project Costs ihru 2025 0 0 450 .SO 165 165 $ 615 b 416 Estimated funding 2021.2025 0 _ 0 o 0 0 0 B7.5 55.5 55.5 55.5 55.5 55.5 250 2.i1 55.5 $ 55,60 2021 $ 56 $ - $ 56 55,5 $ 66.60 2022 $ 56 55,5 $ 55.50 55.5 Estimated 20 $ 150 $ $ (95) $ $ 55.50 Tote Estimated Project Iunding ihru 2025 87.6 -- 277.5 250 0 0 0 615 616i $ 393.00MEM 393 23 2024 2025 56 $ 56 $ 393 150 $ 150 $ 165 (95) $ (95) $ 228 Variance ,2021.2025 $ 615 $ 615 1111•1111 EAGLE POLICE Capital Projects Worksheets � PARKS & RECREATIO Capra! Projects Worksh„,ets Summary of Capital Projects I Parks & Recreation Co O O DOLLARS IN THOUSAN CFP No. CFP Project Name (Budget tt if applicable) (Parks & Recreation -Funded ICP-3 Dqg Park- Ada/Eagle Sports Complex $ 300 300I I I ` L. .!_!il 1. i.._.L.. r.r I I = Cllrlllanlj'(')nv),dlrl :r) s * IAII.'I 11111111 MU MCI 11l',II 1I 11 L IIili!MIEN IN N1 Itt U II II Estimated Project Cost Spent lhru 2020 Projects Secured Spendln9 2021-2025 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 WORKSHEETS Total Estimated Spending 2021.2025 Total Project Costs Thru 2025 Parks & Recreation Capital Projects - UNFUNDED CP-1 Eagle Recreation/Community/Performing Arts Center CP-2 Rpgional Sports Complex - Plan/study CP-6 Motocross Facility - Plan/Study CP-7 Charlie Wood Park CP-B Foothills Shooting Range - Plan/Study CP-9 Terra View Park Total -Felts & Recreetton Projects UNFUNDED TBD 200 TBD 30 TBD 10 240 L$ 2.31 1 2,3 t $ • IS 10 tools 106 100($ 30 so j_$ Is 300I 6 200 0 30 6 10 2401$ 0.0, 200.0 0.0 32.3 0 10 242.3 Parks & Recreation CAPITAL COSTS (FUNDED & UNFUNDED) $ 540 $ 2.3 5 300 5 110 5 100 $ 30 $ $ 640 $ 642,3 ALLOCATIONS OF SECURED FUNDING SOURCES (Capital Projects 'Park Impact Fees Total - SUMMARY ALLOCATION OF SEC . !•; .. • . ALLOCATIONS OF UNSECURED FUNDING SOURCES Capital ProiectslGeneral Fund User Groups Eagle URA Cost Share Qpypjoper C,pptributions ct e Sark Impaes Potential Grant Funding (TBD) Total - SUMMARY ALLOCATION OF UNSECURED FUNDING SOURCES Funded 1 Thru 2020 2.3 2021 Project Secured Funding 2021-2025 2022 2023 2024 2025 $ $ $ s $ Total Secured Funding 2021-2025 $ . 0 Total Secured Funding Thru 2025 JI S 2 Funded Thru 2020 $ IS Project Unsecured Funding 2021-2025 2021 2022 2023 2024 300 110 100 30 3001$ 1101 $ 10013 301$ Total Unsecured Funding Total Unsecured Funding 2025 2021-2025 Thru 2025 - I_s TOTAL LIBRARY FUNDING SOURCES (SECURED & UNSECURED) $ $ 300 $ 110 $ 100 $ 30 $ 0 300 240 54o f $ FY 21-25 Variance: $ (Total Cost- Total Funding) 01 01 3001 240! of SioI FY Parks & Recreation 21 Capital Projects CP-1 Eagle Recreation/Community/Performing Arts Center - Study 1 Update the 2007 study concerning the location, development and funding of an Eagle Recreation, Community, Preforming Arts Center 2 Justtficatton/Benefjt Quality of life, provide jobs, attract businesses and spark activity, facility rental opportunities, increased contract revenue 3 Tinuncl Considerations TBD by funding 4 Project Commencement Requirements TBD upon completion of Eagle City Hall expansion 6 TBD by funding, Study is 1st phase of a larger project Based on Study outcomes TBD by funding Estimated Total Project Cost: Estimate FY21-25 CIP Cost Scoping/Design Engineenng Savings Construction/Purchase Total Estim Projected Spending Ulm 2020 Funding Received Rim 2020 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Capital Fund- Project Specific UNSECURED FUNDING User Groups Eagle URA Cost Share Impact Fees Public -Private Partnership Grants rand r•.timeted Funding $ $- $ - $ 2021 2022 2023 2024 2026 $ Projected Budgeted Estimated Project Variance THROUGH 2020 2020 Funding $ $- $ - $ $- $- Estimate Project Cost $ $- $ - $ $- $- Project Variance•$ $ $ - $ $ $- Annual Set -Aside for Maintenance Upon Completion : TBD Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 5- $ - $ - $- $- Estimated FY21-25 CIP Project Funding Budgeted Estimated TBD stimatod Spending 2021.2025 Total Estimated Project Costs thnr 2025 Estimated funding 2021-2026 Total Estlmatod Proloct funding Ihru 2025 111111111111 1 $ $ rntel Project Vananco Ihru 2025 b FY Parks & Recreation 11 Capital Projects 4 S • udy Begin the planning process for the development of a 100+ acre regional sports complex in NW Ada County. Quality of life, provide jobs, attract businesses, and spark activity, facility rental opportunities. contract revenue. Youth/Adult Sports Tournament revenue, skate rental sales. concession sales. Increased regional & public -private partnerships, I 'mum i;um.nla•ra1t:..n. TBD by funding Project needs to be established as a regional partnership through resolution or interlocal agreement with potenlilla partners (Star, Ada County, West Ada, ect). Consider establishing an exploratory committee to gauge regional interest. Consider requesting COMPASS planning support. May require consideration of a recreation dislnct. TBD by funding and Site acquisition Site size and location should be part of the City-wide Capital Facilities Plan Estimated Total Project Cost: 0 0 c o' Estimate FY21.25 CIP Cost ScopinglDesign Engineering Savings Construction/Purchase Otal Estimated Costa Estimated FY21.25 CIP Protect Funding SECURED FUNDING Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees _Developer Contributions URA Cost Share _ Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other SECURED FUNDING TOTAL ad Spending thin 2020 Funding Rocetusd thru 2020 Budgeted 2020 Budgeted 2020 Estimated 2021 2022 2023 2024 2026 100 100 5 - $ 100 S 100 $ - $ Estimated 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 NR $ - 00 00 UNSECURED FUNDING Capital Projects Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants State/Federal Money Other UNSECURED FUNDING TOTAL '- 100 100 100 100 $200,000 Spending Estimated 2021 2026 Project Coati thru 2026 2z� >ui estimated funding 2021-2026 Total Estimated Project Funding thru 202 0 0 Project Variance Funding Estimate Project Cost Project Variance' Annual Set -Aside for Maintenance: $ Projected THROUGH 2020 $ Budgeted ® $ 100 $ 100,00 ® 1..m Ld Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 5 $- 5100 $ 100 S- 5- $ - $- 5100 5 100 5- 5- $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 5 17 l 2021.2026 $ 200 Vanancn Ihru 2025 5 200 FY Parks & 'Recreation 21 Capital Projects apex Develop a dog park on the undeveloped portions of the Ada/Eagle Sports Complex The Ada/Eagle Sports Complex was identified as a location for a dog park by The City's Dog park committee in 2017. The City does not currently have a dedicated dog park and uses a pop up park to meet the community need for a facility. Additionally. an Eagle based business has agreed to partner with the City on the project reducing the City's cost burden to only administrative costs. Timing would be determined by the private partner 4 Project will commence upon receiving a formal agreement from the private partner Estimated Total Project Cost: 0 0 5 a'I P11 srrlt)IS W)1DInII !omit! TBD by funding and Site acquisition ro 0 FY 20 preliminary design C Estimate FV21-25 CIP Cost Scoping/Design Engineering Savings Con struction/Purchase Otal E!mated Costs Estimated FY21-25 CIP Project Funding Capital Projects. Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contnbutions URA Cost Share _ Grants (awarded) Slate/Federal Money (awarded) Other SECURED FUNDING TOTAL UNSECURED FUNDING Capital Projects Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants Stale/Federal Money Other UNSECURED FUNDING TOTAL Total Estimated Fundin Project Variance Funding Estimate Project Cosi j Project Variance' Annual Set -Aside for Maintenance: Spending Oyu 2020 • $ Projected THROUGH 2020 Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 300 S 300 $ - $ $- $- Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 300 Spending 2021.2025 $500,000 I slirrrated Project f:Gals Ono 2025 0 ri Estimated funding 2021-2025 Total •.Irrnab•d t•r.gc'-t funding Irrru $ 300 0 0 0 0 0 0 ®CIZI®�e Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 $ - S 300 S • $ - S- 5- $ • S 300 0 - $ - 5- $- $ - $ - 5 - $ - $- $- FY Parks & Recreation 21 Capital Projects IMMO e n A.a ar e Sports Complex 60x100 Recreational Ice Rink with skate rentals. skating Gasses, rentable ice time for local hockey teams Quality of life. provide jobs. attract businesses. and spark activity. facility rental opportunities. contract revenue 3 Awns TBD by funding 4 Pn,l„i t C:0111Inencement Requirements TBD by funding Estimates! Total Project Cost: 0 0 0 5 Stopping points TBD by funding Scoping/Design u•, O Engineering TBD by funding F Savings c 'y Construction/Purchase Total Estimated Costs 0 Estimate FY21-25 CIP Cost Estimated FY21-25 C •Id \cundi cict ?D "Uf. Vt- i e- liar ,jests-.4. `e.at opecific 'ley, er Contributions .IA Cost Share Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other SECURED FUNDING TOTAL UNSECURED FUNDING Capital Projects Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants State/Federal Money Other UNSECURED FUNDING TOTAL. Projected Spending thru 2020 rhng h�caived thru 2020 Budgeted 2020 Estimated 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 235 $ 235 $ $ - $ - Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2026 235 Total Estimated Funding Project Variance Funding Estimate Project Cost Project Variance' Annual Set -Aside for Maintenance: Projected THROUGH 2020 Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 $ $ - $ 235 $ - $ - 5.$ $ - $ 235 $ - $ - $ - $ $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $235,000 Estimated owl Spending E.ctCod 2021-2026 Project Costs thru 2025 Estimated funding 2021-2025 Cota hsIlmated Project funding thru 2026 FY Parks & Recreation 21 Capital Projects Facility- Eagle Foothills Begin the planning process for the development of an 80. acre motocross facility in the Eagle Foothills Quality of life, provide jobs, attract businesses, and spark activity, facility rental opportunities. contract revenue. Youth/Adult reach revenue, facility rental sales, concession sales 3 mint) Considerations TBD by funding 4 uurencentent Requirements TBD by funding 5 .:nutyrStoppnig points TBD by funding 6 TBD by funding Estimated Total Project Cost: Estimate FY21-25 CIP Cost c ScopingiDesign Engineering Savings Construction/Purchase 'Mal Estimated Costs Estimated FY21-25 CIP Project Funding SECURED FUNDING Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other SECURED FUNDING TOTAL UNSECURED FUNDING Capital Projects Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) Stale/Federal Money (awarded) Other UNSECURED FUNDINI3 TOTAL Projected Spending thru 2020 Funding Received thni 2020 11111111111 _IL _ ON I All It MI 1111 IL _AM Total Estimated Fundin Project Variance Funding Estimate Project Cost Project Variance' !Annual Set -Aside for Maintenance: Projected THROUGH 2020 Budgeted 1 Budgeted Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 5 - 5 - $ 5 - 5 Estimated 2023 2021 2022 0 0 ®® $ 2024 2025 -.41111111.11111 TBD Estimated Total Spending Estimated 2021.2026 Project Costs thru 2026 0 Estimated funding 2021-2026 II 0 0 Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 5- $ - $ - $ - $ - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 0 eta Estimated Prn)r:r.I funding thru 2025 $ S 0 0 0 FY Parks & Recreation 21 Capital Projects Design and construct park land dedicated to the City in 2018. Off Edgewood behind River District/Renovare Subdivision Maintain adopted level of service for park land City owns the site and the project is identified in the Parks Impact Fee Study. TBD by funding Preliminary scoping was complete in 2019 Need to work through park development alternative and timing for construction. TBD by funding. Project can be advanced if desired, sufficent impact fees to cover planning & potential construction of the park Estimated Total Project Cost: Dollars in Thousands (DOO) Estimate FY21.25 CIP Cost ScopingfDesign Engineering Savings Construction/Purchase Mal Estimated Costs Estimated FY21-25 CIP Project Funding 5 • ?D FUNDING Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contnbutions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other SECURED FUNDING TOTAL UNSECURED FUNDING Capital Projects Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) Slate/Federal Money (awarded) Other UNSECURED FUNDING TOTAL Total Esgmatod Pundin, Project Variance Funding Estimate Project Cost Pro ect Variance' Annual Set -Aside for Maintenance: Projected Spending thru 2020 Funding Received thru 2020 23 $ 2.3 5 2.30 Projected THROUGH 2020 $ $ TBD Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2026 30 $ - $ - $ - $ 30 $ - Budgeted 5 Estimated 2021 2022 2023 2024 2026 S - as tiff Budgeted $ • RI Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2026 $ $ 30 $ S 30 $ S- $32,300 Spending Estimated 2021.2026 Project Costs thru 2025 Estimated funding 2021.2026 r.ld 1.auwnh,rl Pinter.• lundlu(j thru 2025 j duunu: $ S 301 f• 5- 5 - 5 - $ - 5- - Variance Vanancr thru 2021.2026 2025 $ 30 S 30! - $ FY Parks & Recreation 21 Capital Projects Si ..i :511�j. • • IfT+�:'FTi7°C�>1FL1� Develop a plan for a Riffle and Archery Shooting range in the Eagle Foouolls near M3/ Spring Valley or Amor Area ill,• ,rnciil Centralized shooting area within the community relieves the stress and conflict currently found on the BLM lands within the City limits. Formalizes a permitted shooting area within the city that has appropriate wildlife mitigation, education, and safety features. 3 Tinnily C. onside! dtiorls TBD by Funding 4 Proj,_o t UantlnellLoIllurit !Girl intetlle:its Project needs to be established as a regional partnership through resolution or intedocal agreement with potenlilla partners (Star, Ada County, Fish & Game, BLM, & 4-H) 5 • li,,nut�.l•� tr,lrl,lny puinn TBD by funding and Site acquisition Site size and location should be part of the Citywide Capital Facilities Plan Estimated Total Project Cost: 0 0 Estimate FY21-25 CIP Cost 0 0 0 c 0 0 0 Scoping/Design Engineering Savings Construction/Purchase Total Estimated Costs Estimated FY21-25 CIP Project Funding Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other SECURED FUNDING TOTAL UNSECURED FUNDING Capital Projects Impact Fees IDeveloper Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other UNSECURED FUNDING TOTAL Total Estimated Fundnn Protect Variance IFunding Estimate Project Cost Project Variance' lAnnualSet-Aside for Maintenance: Projected Spending thru 2020 Funding Received thru 2020 Projected THROUGH 2020 Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 S- Budgeted Estimated S- 5- 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 0 0 0 $ Estimated funding 2021-2025 1 S - as Ma S - ea Ira 0 0 ®E- 0 0 0 Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 glismw s • s- s - s s• S- s • s- s - S s- s- S - S- $ - $ - 5- 5- TBD I TBD Total Estimated Project Coats thru 2025 Total Estimated Protect funding thru 2025 to llmutud Variance 2021.2026 2025 FY Parks & Recreation di Capital Projects 1 Description Work with developer to plan for and ensure the use of City standards for the required developer constructed city park as pan of the Terra View development 2 Developer is reugired to dedicate a 22+ acre developed park site as pan of the Terra View Developmetn agreement. This project provides City planning dolars to ensure That the park facilites and development meel city standards. 3 4 5 Timing would be determined by the private partner, prelimiary plat is required by Feb. 2021 Project will comence upon receiving a preliminary plat application from the developer TBD through the development approval process `;taro•. Waiting on development submittal Estimated Total Project Cost: 0 0 Estimate FY21-26 CIP Cost c Scoping/Design L Engineering Savings c C onstru ction/Purchase 8 Toull Estimated Costs Estimated FY21-25 CIP Protect Funding Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other SECURED FUNDING TOTAL UNSECURED FUNDING Capital Projects Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other NSECURED FUNDING TOTAL Project Variance Funding Estimate Project Cost Ptejl:Lt Va nonce' ro acted Spending thru 2020 Funding Recer•red thru 2020 Projected THROUGH 2020 Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 10 $ - $ 10 $ - 5 - $ - Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2026 10' 0 10 0 0 Budgeted 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2026 $• 5 - $ 10 $ - $ - S S S • $ 10 5 - S - $ S - 5 - $ - 5 - $ - $ Annual Set -Aside for Maintenance: TBD Estimated $$10,000 Olmsted E:eurneted Spending Project Coots 2021.2026 thru 202. 10 0 5 10 5 10 Estimated funding 2021-2025 Total Estimated Project funding thru Variance van... r rhru 2021.2025 2021. 5 101 . 10 1. $ 5 Capita! Projects INF Worksheets Summary of Capital Projects Public Works O O O C./3 IPubllc Works -Funded a ICP-3 C%yv Hall x�I(Ianslon Z CP-4 Muesumhelocallon Q CP-5 Plaza Drive Pocket Park (completed In FY2D) Total • Public Works Capital project Funded (100% Funded) (Public Works Capital Pro,)ects • UNFUNDED CP-2 City Owned 5h p (partnership w/Water DeplJ CP-7 Entry Skip - Relocation CP•8 Hen'1 oa ark Exslon PIan/Stu4, ICP-9 Mace nrver Access Parkin- PIan/5ludv CP-11 Pamela Baker Park - Plan WORKSHEETS P Project (Jame et it If applicable) Estimated Projoct Cost Projects Socured Spend nU 2021-2025 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Total Estimated Spending 2021-2025 Total Project r;osls Thru 2025 DOLLARS IN THC �r"i 2000 100 I001 28 28 28 1 128 { $ 2,000 TB1 40f 5 2 TBD 2000 50 250 300 10 200 190 2000 0 2,000 $ 550 400 501 2 20001 1001 20 2,128 550 400 50 21. PUBLIC WORKS CAPITAL COSTS (FUNDED 8 WA' UNWED) $ 128 1 2.050 $ 275 S 110 3,1 Economic Development • Capital Projects - AL�tOC, 1•(ONS OF SECURED FUNDING SOURCES Capital Proi cts- roe ttpciil c Impact Fees- pecIllc Developer Conlributions URA Cost Share signed) GrantsJaward Sl�le/Fpderd) orl(awarded) oiher n�(�andlniql ale Tolal.$11IIJ a Iq'I d ,1, DIJ„11C,1 .)F SECURED FUNDING SOURCES Economic Development - Capital Projects - ALLOCATIO/NS OF UNSECURED FUNDING SOURCES Capital ProiteclslGenerat (uncl (impact Fees Developec,Conlributions I URA Cost Share Grants �State/Federal Money Other Funded Pro�'t pp``t Secured Fundina 2021-2025 I Total Secured Funding 'Total Secured Funding Thru 2020 2021 3U2 2023 1 2024 2025 FY21-FY25 Thru 2025 120 356 1 356 470 0 8 1650 1778.0 1 350,0 1 0,0 2021 50 Economic Development CAPITAL COSTS BY YEAR (FUNDED 8 UNFUNDED) $ 1,778.0 $ 400.0 0,0 0.0 1 0.0 1 350.0 Prtir Unsecured Fundirr 2021-2025 Total Usecured Funding 2023 2024 2025 2021-2025 2500 310 206 190 950 1 15.0 10 10.0 50.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 it 1 2750 3100 1 200.0 1110,0 1 $ 190.0 1025,0 S.0 212@OJ Total Unsecured Funding Thru 2025 950 15.0 10.0 50.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 New Capital Malntenace Costs; 7BD FY21.26Varrlance: S• (Total Cost- Funding thru FY25) # FY Public Works 21 Capital Projects CP-2: City Owned Shop (partnership w/Water Dept) Purchase Land, build a shop and outfit with mechanical for fleet R. equiptment maintenace includng fenced area for msterial storage. Contnue to expand the duties of PW and bnnging contract services in house City cunendy rents a facility for 533,698/year. Construction will allow the City to control cost increases associated with rent and would provide a site for expansion in the future Savings in FY 22 & 23 with construction in 2024 Co -location with Eagle Water will need match fundings. Need to locate a site for the facility. Ideally the site and/or construction TBD by funding and Site aquislion 6 Slahre Site size and location should be part of the Citywide Capital Facilites Plan Estimated Total Project Cost: Estimate FY21-25 CIP Cost Scoping/Design Engineering Savings Construction/Purchase Estimated FY21-25 CIP Project Funding Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) StatefFederal Money (awarded) Other SECURED FUNDING TOTAI. UNSECURED FUNDING Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other UNSECURED FUNDING TOTAL Total Eallmated Fundln Project Variance Funding Estimate Project Cost Project Variance' 'Annual Set -Aside for Maintenance: Projected Spending Ihru 2020 Funding Received ihru 2020 $ Projected THROUGH 2020 Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 250 300 $ - $ 250 $ 300 $ - S Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 $ Budgeted 2020 $ TBD s- $ • - 250 300 0 260 300 $ 250 Estimated $ • Estllflat d Spending 2021.2026 550 $550,000 total 1.. shmated Projwct Gods Ihru 2025 f1 Intel Eatlmated 1 mrmatad funding Project 2021 2025 hrnrhng Ihru 2025 550 0 0 0 0 0 $ $ 6501 5 •.'.rl 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 $ - $ 250 5 300 $ - $ $ - $ 250 $ 300 $ - $ $ - $ - 5 - $ - $ .u, it.14 . r $ FY Public Works 21 Capital Projects Expansion of Eagle City Hall to include needed office and programing space. Expand to include programming space and meetign rooms that have been lost or not avalible to meet the needs of the City during growth. To be comnpleted after sale of the Landing propoerty Sale of the Landing property Initial phase is desing in FY 20, with physical expansion in FY21. space renivations and finishes TBD by need and funding Landing was sold at Auction on July 16, 2020. Dpace planning is currently under review. Estimated Total Project Cost: s Estimate FY21-25 CIP Cost c ScopinglDesign Engineering Savings Construction/Purchase -c F c w 8 Estimated FY21-25 CIP Project Funding SECURED FUNDING Capilal Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees _ Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other SECURED FUNDING TOTAL UNSECURED FUNDING Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contnbutions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other UNSECURED FUNDING TOTAL Total Estimated Fundln Project Variance Funding Estimate Project Cost Project Variance' Annual Set -Aside for Maintenance: Projected Spending tltru 2020 Funding Rim Mired titre 2020 $ 1,6501 $ 1,050 Projected tNROUGH 2020 1060 Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 1650 350 $ 1,650 S 350 $ - Budgeted $ Budgeted $ 5- $ Estimated 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 350 hid $ 350 s • 5 Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 $ - $ 350 $ $ - $ - 5 - 5 1,650 5 350 $ - $ - $ - 5 - $ (1,650) 5 - $ - $ $ - 5 - TBD $2,000,000 Estlmated Spending 2021-2025 350 Estimated funding 2021-2025 0 0 Total Estimated Project Coils Ihru 2025 S 2,000 rota E shnulcrl Prop: U funding Uinr 202r. Total Project Variance Variance thru 2021-2025 202'. 5 350 S 350 . 5 - S P-4 Museum Relocation s Move the existing Eagle Museum from the Eagle Landing to the City Hall complex on Civic Lane Centralization of City sences to a single campus and ability sell the Landing site to leveage improments at the central campus Upon auction (July 2020) of the Landing timline will be developed Auction and accepteance of the Eagle Landing Property, Civil 8 structural engineering to move and relocate the building. ! f'hasuulrStuppuly point, TBD Wailing for completion/acceptance of bid for landing site Estimated Total Project Cost: ScopingfDesign gEngineering Savings 5 Construction/Purchase Estimate FY21-25 CIP Cost Total Estimated Costs Estimated FY21.25 CIP Protect Funding SECURED FUNDING IL Capital Projects. Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other SECURED FUNDING TOTAL NSECURED FUNDING apital Projects- Project Specific mpact Fees eveloper Contributions RA Cost Share rants (awarded) tate/Federal Money (awarded) ther UNSECURED FUNDING TOTAL Total Estimated Funding Project Variance Funding Estimate Project Cost Project Variance' Projected Spending Ihru 2020 Funding Received thru 2020 $ $ Projected THROUGH 2020 Budgeted 2020 Estimated 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 100 100 5- $ • $ - 5- 5. Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 100 $ 100 NI 041 $ - $ 100 Budgeted 2020 $ 100 $ 100 S • 'Annual Set -Aside for Maintenance: TBD 0 mien S Estimated 2021 2022 2023 5- $ - $ 5- 5- $ $• $ • 5 2024 2025 2024 $- 5- S- 2025 5- 5- 5- timated ending 21.2025 0 100 $ Estimated funding 2021.2026 0 0 0 0 0 Vu1ertce 2021.2026 S $ TBD oral Estimated Project Costs thru 2025 0 100 100 otal Estimated Protect funding thru 2025 _ 100 0 0 0 0 Ol Tolnl Proloct Vnnanco Ihru 2026 I De,t:riutirnn Develop/Expand the Plaza Drive Parkway 10 include grass, irrigation and seating 6 Expansion of the Plaza Drive Parkway. Control of potential signage along 2nd street. Community health and beautifcation in Downtown. Conslrucilon in FY 20 ACHD dedicated the propoerly to the City in 2018, Finalize desing, cordinate with EURA Estimated Total Project Cost: 0 0 TBD by funding and Site aquistion -a Bids are currently being reviewed for construction, Request to Eagle 2 URA for partnership dollars F- c 12 m ra Estimate FY21-25 CIP Cost ScapinglDesign Engineering Savings Construction/Purchase Estimated FY21-25 CIP Project Funding SECURED FUNDING Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other SECURED FUNDING TOTAL UNSECURED FUNDING • Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other UNSECURED FUNDING TOTAL. Total Estimated Funding Projected Spending thru 2020 Funding Rscelved thru 2020 E Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 28 28 $- 5- $ 5- $ - Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 20 8 S Project Variance Funding Estimate Project Cost Project varinnce' Annual Set -Aside for Maintenance: Projected THROUGH 2020 0 $ 26 8/ Pi ; 0f -fir S 26 Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2026 5 28 5- 5- $ $- S- S 28 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 5 - 5 - 5 - $ - $ - $ • $ 0.84 l Esttlnated Spending 2021.2026 $28,000 ota ESUmatod Project Costs thru 2026 r, Estimated funding 2021-2025 0: Variance Varlanre thru 2021.2025 26P, FY Public Works 21 Capital Projects CP-7: Entry Sign Relocatio 4 1 Expansion of existing Eagle Library facilites to accommodate users and growth Implimen the policies of the City's comprehsnive plan and Library Master Plan. This is a permanent structure and improvements to update the building will be on going. Savings in FY 22 & 23 wilh construction in 2024 Co4ocation with Eagle Water will need match fundings. Need to locate a site for the facility. Ideally the site and/or construction costs TBD by funding and Site aquistion Site size and location should be part of the Citywide Capital Facilites Plan Estimated Total Project Cost: Estimate FY21-25 CIP Cost rr0a ScopinglDesign LEngineering 1— Savings c ConslructlonlPurchase otal Estimated Costs Estimated FY21-25 CIP Project Funding SECURED FUNDING Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) Slate/Federal Money (awarded) Other SECURED FUNDING TOTAL NSECUREO FUNDING Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded)_ Other Total Estimated Funding Protect Variance Funding Estimate Project Cast Pro act Variance' Annual Set -Aside for Maintenance: Spsnding thru 2020 $ Projected THROUGH 2020 0 Budgeted Estimated 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 10 200 190 $ - $ 10 S 200 $ 190 $ - Budgeted Estimated 1 Budgeted 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 IA ;I lic 10 200 190 10 200 190 8pondtny 2021.2025 Estimated Project Costs thru 2028 10 Estimated lunding 2021.2025 oa Estimated Project funding thru 2026 !i) 400 0 0 0 $ 200 S 190 NEM Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 $ $ - S 10 $ 200 S 190 $ - $ - $ - $ 10 $ 200 $ 190 $ - $ $ - S - S - 5 - $ • 400, S 400 Valance Variance thru 2021-2025 2025 5 400 $ 400 FY Public Works 21 Capital Projects Develop a plan for the future expansion of Heritage Park to the south of the existing park. Citys Comprehensive plan details a goal to expand Heritage Park as the City grows. City has planned improvements to Heritage Park in 2023 to update existing infrastructure. ACHD and the City will be completing roadway and intersection improvements to State Street and 2nd Street in FY23 this planning will address those changes. Construction in FY 20 ACHD dedicated the property to the City in 2018. Finalize design. coordinate with EURA rr up,tr r'hr•uulr�tupun ul pond's TBD by funding and Site acquisition Bids are currently being reviewed for construction. Request to Eagle URA for partnership dollars Estimated Total Project Cost: 0 0 Estimate FY21.25 CIP Coat Scoping/Design o Engineering Savings Construction/Purchase 0 Estimated FY21-25 CIP Project Funding it 1 hrl lit Ir, inlll Capital Projects- Project Spocific Impact Fees Developer Contnbulions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) Slate/Federal Money (awarded) Other SECURED FUNDING TOTAL UNSECURED FUNDING Captal Projects- Project Specific impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other UNSECURED FUNDING TOTAL Total Estimated Fundin. • Spending Ihru 2020 f f Projected THROUGH 2020 Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 cp Budgeted f Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Budgeted $28,000 Spending Estimated 2021.2026 Reelect Costa Estimated funding 2021 2025 ole Estimated Project funding Ihru 2025 a eoiT0 1111101111111111111 Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 f• $ 50 5• f • f• f- S $ 50 5• $ - f- f- f - f- 5- f f- f (Annual Set -Aside for Maintenance: TBD I I1( Public Works Capital Projects CP-9• Mace Rivr:r Ranch Parking Area ninon Preliminary scoping and design of a greenbelt and sportsmans access on the S. Side of the N. Channel o1 the Boise River Dedicated safe parking lot for access to the greenbelt and for sportsmans access to to the Boise River. City has received complaints from Business owners in N. Channel Center about greenbelt users consumming required parking. TBD by funding and Site aquistion 4 Prole(. t Commencement Requirement, Mace River Ranch dedicated the land in 2013. Need Preliminary design to begin permitting process with ITO. Lot will support the City has deed to the property, could be cordinated with Eagle Road Ped/Bike Construciton 6 Stew, Site size and cost estimates will be part of the design Estimated Total Project Cost: Estimate FY21-25 CIP Cost Scoping/Design Engineering Savings Construction/Purchase I Estimated Costs Estimated FY2I.25 CIP Project Funding SECURED FUNDING Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) StatelFederal Money (awarded) Other SECURED FUNDING TOTAL. UNSECURED FUNDING Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other UNSECUREO FUNDING TOTAL Total Estimated Fundhn Project Variance Funding Estimate Project Cost Project Variance' Projected Spending ttuu 2020 Funding Recehred thru 2020 $ • Budgeted Budgeted Estimated 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 25 $ - $ 25 $ - $- 5_ Estimated 2021 2022 2023 2024 2026 15 10 1111111 26 Projected THROUGH 2020 Budgeted 2020 $ - $ !Annual Set -Aside for Maintenance; TBD Estimated 2021 2022 2023 2024 2026 5 - S 25 5 - S- S- S - $ 25 5 - 5- S- S - 5 - S 5- S- Estimated funding 2021-2025 eta Estimated Project Coate thru 2026 25 Total Estimated Project funding thru 202S 0 0 0 0 0 0 o' Variance thr 2025 Public Works Capital Proj P-11' Pamela Baker Park 6 Development of Pamela Baker Park within the Lakemoor development Increased open & park land. Maintaining the City's adopted LOS for Parks. TBD once master plan is completed and developed Park improvments are impacr fee eligible. Project can comence once the City has an adopted master plan Restrooms & Parking were constructed in FY20 Developer is competing Master Plan for the City's consideration and funding Estimated Total Project Cost: s 0 v • vi Scoping/Design o Engineering Savings Construction/Purchase t . o, 0 Estimate FY21-25 CIP Cost Tot.I Estimated Costs Estimated FY21.25 CIP Project Funding _SECURED FUNDING Capital Projects- Project Specific _ Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) StatefFederal Money (awarded) Other SECURED FUNDING TOTAL UNSECURED FUNDING Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other UNSECURED FUNDING TOTAL Total Estimated Fundin Project Variance Funding Estimate Project Cost Project Variance' Projected 8pending thru 2020 Funding Received Own 2020 $ Projected THROUGH 2020 0 TBD denoted otr ending Estimated 21-2025 Protect Costs flint 20211 0 0 o _ 0 0• Estimated funding 2021.2026 •s Estimated Protect funding thru Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 $ - S - S S - S- Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 Lli 2024 2025 Iw 11111111111111111111.1 Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2026 $ $ - $ - $ - $ - S- S $ - $ - $ - $ - $- S $ - $ - $ 5 - 5- Annual Set -Aside for Maintenance: TBD mini Pieer.t Varance Vnnnn'.' Ihn, 2021-2026 2cY, PLANNNG & ZONiNc Capital Projects Worksheets O O RS IN THOUSANDS Summary of Capital Projects PLANNING & ZONING CFP Project Name (Budget # if applicable) IPLA WING & ZONING - Capital Projects - FUNDED ICP•1 State & Eagle Intersection 2026,0) 24.0 670.0) 0.0 0.0) 0.0j 0.0 CP-2 Aikens Street Extension 858. � 472.0 89.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CP-3 Eagle Road Ped/Bike Bridge 3506.OJ 806,0 600.0 0.0 600.0 0.0 0.0 CP-4 Grade Secreted Crossing of SH-44 7050.61 50.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CP-6 Olde Park Place Extension 1500.0 11.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0/ CPCP�daho Street Extension 2411. 11.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 f lam . NI - r L u • .0 .(i u .tvndG Gupitnl l'Yolect Ft_JNQ Q 1 1374,5 1359.0 0,0 600,0 0,0 0,0 PLANNING & ZOl(IiG - Capital Projects - UNFUNDED CP-1 State & Eagle Intersection 2020.0 0.0 670.0 670.0) 0.0, 0.0 CP-2 Aikens Street Extension 858.0 o.6 148.0 149.E 0.01 0.0 CP-3 Eagle Road Ped/Bike Bridge 3506.0 300.0 600. 600.E 0.0 0.0 CP-4 Grade Sezrated Crossing of SH-44 7050.0 0.0 50.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CP-6 Olde Pa I )ace Extension 1500,0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 CP-7 Idaho Street Extension 2411,0 o.6 0.0 0.0 0.01 o.o 0 CP-8 Floating Feather Ped/Bike Gaps TBD 0.0 0.0 0.01 0.0 0.0 CP-9 Beacon Light Ped/Bike Gaps TBD 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0,01 0.0 CP-10 Three Cities River Crossing (3CRX) TBD 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.01 0.61 0.01 0.0 Total - PLANNING & ZONING Projects UNFUNDED I I 0.0I 300.01 1468.01 1419.01 0,01 0.01 3187.01 3187,0 Estimated Project Cost Spent 2021 thru 2020 -• e•'. Q•- 2022 2023 2024 2025 WORKSHEETS W. I I , \I • PITAL COSTS BY YE • • & UNFUNDED) $ 1,659.0 $ 1,468.0 $ 2,019,0 $ $ Spending 2021- 2025 670.0 89.0 1200.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1959.0 1340.0 297.0 1500.01 50.01 0.01 0.0 0.01 $ 5,146.0 Costs Thru 2025 694.01 561.01 2006.01 50.01 11.31 11.3 3333,5 1340.0 297.0 1500,0 50.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 $ 6.520.5 Planning & Zoning - Capital Projects - ALLOCATIONS OF SECURED FUNDING SOURCES Capital Projects- Protlect Sgecific Impact Fees- Project Specific Developer Contributions URA Cost Share (signed) Grants (awarded) StatelFederal Money (awarded) Other 1J . iid•lt$Iid1111g(S1 11 I1111I IIW Planning & Zoning - Capital Projects - ALLOCATIONS OF UNSECURED FUNDING SOURCES Capital Projects Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants State/Federal Money Other 1 Total - SUMMARY ALLOCATION OF UNSECURED FUNDING SOURCES e un c r IPuc - n:u UJ 13 0) j Funded Thru 2020 Protect Secured Funding 2021-2025 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 1106 935 34,4 25 20‘ 1,11 0.0 8U 1,l) $ 1,374.5 2021 Total Secured Total Secured Funding Funding Thru FY21-FY25 2025 936 2041.0 0,0 0.0 34.5 25.0 600 600 809.0 0.0 0 0 1 0.0 1535,0 j 2909,5 Total Usecured Project Unsecured Funding 2021-2025 Funding Total Unsecured 2022 2023 JJ 2024 2025 2021-2025 Funding Thru 2025 1034 909.5 1943.4 100 424 406 409.4 25 306 724.0 j 1468.0 I 1419.0 0,0 $ 1,659.0 $ 1,468 0 $ 2,019 0 $ j 0.0 100.0 0.6 1242.5 25.0 0.0 300.0 3611.0 $ 5,1460 1943,5 100.0 0.01 1242.51 25.01 0.01 3 3611,000.0I $ 6,520,5 FY Planning & Zoning 21 Capital Projects --1` agle & State Intersection Pannenng with ACHD during the installation of the quadrant road al Eagle and State to repair and implement new pedestrian improvements- Expanded sidewalks. street trees. street lights and amenities. Most of the pedestrian improvements in Downtown Eagle are dated and tho historic use of Tree welts is creating buckling and cracking of the sidewalks. Many trees are dead ardor dying due to a lack o1 irrigation and sidewalk width are challenging for ADA needs. New sidewalk with include a more sustainable tree environment and make side walks safe for all users. Project Is 10 be completed in FY23 in concert with the ACHD project in the area. v,mnt i!cuuuruud-. Project Is to be completed M FY23 In concert with the ACHD project in the area. Project is to be completed in FY23 in concert with the ACHD project in the area 3096 design completed in July of 2020. Estimated Total Project Cost: 0 Estimate FY21-25 CIP Cost `L' ScopingrDesign • Engineering F Savings Construction/Purchase jalel . IIW 1:.......... O Estimated FY21-25 CIP Project Funding Il 5Illit1 Capital Projects -Project Specific ' Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) StaterFederal Money (awarded) Other SECURED FUNDING TOTAL UNSECURED FUNDING Capllal Projects. Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other UNSECURED FUNDING TOTAL total Estimated Fuuurm Project Variance Funding Estimate Project Cost Annual Set -Aside for Maintenance: Projected Spending thew 2020 Funding Received Ihru 2020 Budgeted Estimated Is Protected THROUGH 2020 $ 2,034,000 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 12 670670 670 12 $ 670 S 670 S 670 S. S- Budgeted Estimated Total Estimated .Protact Costa uuu 2625 :4 1340 670 $ 2 010 7 4s.t rru 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 12 12 335 S 24 0 335 335 335 335 335 335 $ 24 OD Budgeted 2020 S 24 S 24 S !stlmeted funding 2021-2025 eta 1. stunated Project landing Ihru S 335 5 335 670 070 10751 S 070.00 $ 670.00 $ 670.00 Estimated 1111111,301 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 S 670 S 670 5 670 5- f S 670 S 670 S 670 5- S- S - S - S - S- 5- 363 1 2614 FY Planning & Zoning 21 Capital Projects jam: .~.Y-4rrLt l;(=1 t E; �=ij1-f-1� far-lit�1[rL Complete rebuild and extension of Aikens Street from Eagle Road east to Second Street Submitted as an ACHD economic development project- goal is to increase visibility of business along Aikens and to provide alterative connection through downtown Eagle unnq �:,iisulr�alf,n, Project is to be completed in FY23 in concert with the ACHD. Project is to be completed in FY23 in concert with the ACHD Project is to be completed in FY23 in concert with the ACHD. Project is to be completed in FY23 In concert with the ACHD Estimated Total Project Cost: 0 0 0 V ScopingiDesign 0 Engineering 1'c Savings Construction/Purchase Estimate FY21-25 CIP Cost Ass Estimated Costs Estimated FY21-25 CIP Protect Funding SECURED FUNDING Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contributions _ URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) . State/ - • — - -- Other • SECURED FUNDING TOTAL 356 UNSECUREOFUN01NG Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees . Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other UNSECURED FUNDING) TOTAL Projected Spending Hint 2020 335 $ 336.00 Funding Received thou 2020 Total Estimated Fundln Project Variance Funding Estimate Project Cost Project Variance' !Annual Set -Aside for Maintenance: $ 336.00 Projected THROUGH 2020 t :I1>>00 s 335 00 ! $ 858,000.00 Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2026 137 69 148 149 $ 137 $ 89 $ 148 $ 149 ! xtlmated ota Estimated Spending Pooled Costa 2021.2026 thou 2026 I 0 386 F ;h p . —.. S 3 3ti $ e,e Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 137 ! 137.00 Budgeted 89 74: 74 5'• S 89.00 ! 148.00 ! 149,00 ! Estimated ! 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 $ 137 5 89 5 148 5 149 $ $ I $ 137 $ 89 $ 148 $ 149 5 - $ I $ - $ - S - S - $ $ Estimated funding 2021-2026 0 0 0 0 rota Estimated Project funding thru 2025 472 148 `.,j 146.5 0 148 5 148.E 0 ! 386 297 ! 868 total Project Variance thru 2025 FY Planning & Zoning 21 Capital Projects -3: l`agre' - .4. PedfBlke Bridge Construction of a Ped/Bike Bridge over the north channel of the Boise River west of Eagle Road. The SH-55 bridge does not currently have a dedicated pedlbike facility. Users are required to use the shoulder of the hwy with cars traveling at a speed of 45-55MPH ITD has no plans to widen the bridge and provide facilities Project is scheduled to construct in FY23 due to the provision of State and federal grant dollars :,iwi wm.cuieut ttmqurromel r. Engineer and design is on -going. Project is scheduled to construct in FY 23 due to the provision of Stale and federal grant dollars TBD by funding Engineenng is on -going for construction in FY23 Estimated Total Project Cost: o` 0 C Scoping/Design O • Engineenng t' Savings c 'N Construction/Purchase A g Estimate FY21-25 CIP Cost M otal Estimated Costs Estimated FY21.25 CIP Project Funding SECURED FUNDING Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) I Other. J SECURED FUNDING TOTAL UNSECURED FUNDING Capital Projects- Project Specific impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants State/Federal Money Other Sweeps UNSECURED FUNDING TOTAL Total Estimated Funding Project Variance Funding Estimate Project Cost Project Variance' !Annual Set -Aside for Maintenance: ProJsctied Spending thru 2020 423 423 Funding Received thru 2020 214 Budgeted 2020 2021 383 300 600 600 Estimated 2022 2023 2024 2025 1200 383 $ 900 $ 600 S 1,200 S- S- Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 383 423 S 383 $ Projected THROUGH 2020 -- 423 423 S 353 Budgeted 600 300 300 $ S00 $ S 900 2020 2021 $ 383 $ 900 $ 383 $ 900 $ - $ - 17I S 600 600 800 S 1,200 Estimated 2022 2023 $ 600 $ 1,200 $ 600 $ 1,200 $ - S - 2024 $- $- S- 350,600.00 Spending Est/mated 2021-2025 Project Casts thru 2026 0 300 12001 1200 2,700 $ 1, 506 Estimated funding 2021-2025 600 r00 S • $ 2,700 2025 variance 2021-2026 $ 2.'100 $ 2.700 otal Estimated Project frinding Hint 2025 ft09 3.506 Variance rhrr 202h $ FY Planning & Zoning 21 Capital Projects -4' rade Separated Crossing SH-44 Grade Separated crossing of SH-44 between Edgewood Lane and Eagle Road Pedestrian an bike safety. connection of Eagle River Development to Downtown Eagle TBD Phase 1 of Project development completed in 2018. Phase 2 TDB by funding TBD by funding and Site acquisition Project funding request was made to COMPASS. CC asked to remove from FY 21 request and to bring forward in a future year Estimated Total Project Cost: o €I Estimate FY21-25 CIP Cost 5, c il H Scoping/Design g, Engineering g Savings •g Construction/Purchase e 0 Q __.tat Estimated Costs Estimated FY21-25 CIP Project Funding SECURED FUNDING Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other SECURED FUNDING TOTAL UNSECURED FUNDING Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants State/Federal Money Other SECURED FUNDING TOTAL Intel Estimated Fundin Project Variance Funding Estimate Project Cost Project Variance' Projected Spending thru 2020 50 $ 50 Funding Received Ihru 2020 50 Projected THROUGH 2020 5U 5 50 $ Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 50 Budgeted S- $ 50 $ - $- $- Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 ._ - 25' 25 Budgeted 2020 $ Annual Set -Aside for Maintenance: TBD 50 $- $ 50 $ Estimated $- 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 $ $ 50 S S- S- S- $ 50 $ S- S- $- $ - $ $- $- 7,500,000 Estimated Total Spending Estimated 2021.2025 l','oct Costs thru 202$ 50 ir! 01 0 5 50 $ no ialnl Estimated t:ybnrotad funding Project 2021-2025 fundingfhru 2025 Variance 2021.2025 $ 50 50 $ 100 Total Project Variance ihru 2025 100 100 ..1:..Iili. i-i' • CP-6 Olde Park Extension Extension of Olde Park Place south of Aikens to the signal at Plaza Drive and Eagle Road Creates better circulation in the Downtown, increases visibility of parcels that area along Olde Park Place, removed direct commercial accesses from Eagle Road. TBD by Funding and Development TBD by Funding and Development TBD by Funding and Development Conceptual only Estimated Total Project Cost: Estimate FY21-25 CIP Cost g ScopinglDesign Engineering Savings Construction/Purchase Total Estimated Costs Estimated FY21-25 CIP Protect Funding SECURED FUNDING Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other SECURED FUNDING TOTAL UNSECURED FUNDING Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other Total Estimated Funding Project Variance Funding Estimate Project Cost Project Vanancu' Projected Spending giro 2020 1125 Funding Received thru 2020 S 11,26 S 11.26 Projected THROUGH 2020 11 2b 11 26 $ Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 s- $ - $ - $- s- Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 S Budgeted S S 2020 lAnnual Set -Aside tor Maintenance: TBD • • ®E s ®u Estimated 2021 2022 2023 2024 2028 S- $ - $ - S- S- S- $ - $ - $- S- S- $ - $ - S- S- ESUmated Spending 2021-2025 0 Estimated funding 2021.2028 4am•Iltd S 1,500,000 Total Estimated Project Costa thru 2025 11125 Total Estimated Project funding thru 2025 'l1,25 S 11.26 FY Planning & Zoning 21 Capital Projects •a o ree - xtension Extension of Idaho Street East from the Eagle Senior Center to Stiorman and west from Eagle Road to Olde Park Place Provide better EMI connectivity within the downtown - remove some of the demand on State Street where the ROW is significantly constrained. TBD based on funding .pui,:im,nl•.. 1 E3D by funding and Site acquisition Preliminary cross section design in FY20 with EURA, need ROW acquisition Site size and location should be part of the City-wide Capital Facilities Plan Estimated Total Project Cost: 1 s Estimate FY21.25 CIP Cost Scoping/Design Engineering Savings Construction/Purchase Total Estimated Costs Estimated FY21-25 CIP Project Funding SECURED FUNDING Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other :. L :.. b_ 1RNG TOTAL UNSECURED FUNDING Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other UNSECURED FUNDING TOTAL Total Estimated Funding Project Variance Funding Estimate Project Cost Project Variance' Annual Set -Aside for Maintenance: Projected Spending thru 2020 1125 Funding Rocolvod thru 2020 S 11.26 Budgeted 2020 Estimated 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 5- S - S• S- $- Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 $ TBD ®I= S Estimated 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 S- S - $ - S- S- S- S - $ - S- S- S- S - S - 5- S- 2,411,000 Estimated Total Spending Estimated 2021-2026 Project Costs thru 2025 0 1 1 2'. 0 0 Estimated funding 2021.2025 2021.2025 S 11 25 rt.tai ,llmntud Propor.t Innduul thru 2025 11 25 FY Planning & Zoning 21 Capital Projects C •-8' Floating Feather PedBike Gaps 4 Complete Ped/Bike improvements/gaps on Floating Feather Road between SH-16 & SH-55 Increase pedestrian/bike mobility along the corridor. There is a middle school, elementary school and a high school all located on or within 1/4 mile of the corndor TBD- needs to be scoped Need ACHD to scope and provide estimate for project costs ',topping point . TBD by funding Currently in the City's Integrated Five Year Work Program request to ACHD Estimated Total Project Cost: 0 0 a Scoping/Design Engineering 1— Savings Construction/Purchase Estimate FY21.25 CIP Cost Protected Spending thru 2020 Estimated FY21-25 CIP Protect Funding SECURED FUNDING Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cosl Share Grants (awarded) Stale/Federal Money (awarded) Other SECURED FUNDING TOTAL UNSECURED FUNDING Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other UNSECURED FUNDING TOTAL Total Estimated Fundln. Project Variance Funding Estimate Project Cost Project Variance' }Annual Set -Aside for Maintenance; FUnrling Received thru 2020 Protected THROUGH 2020 Budgeted 2020 Estimated 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Budgeted 2020 $ TBD ®® Estimated 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 $- $ - $ - $- $- $- $ - $ - $- $- $• $ • $ - $- $- TBD Estimated Total Estlma Spending h:rl 2021-2025 Project Costs thru 2025 Total Estimated I:Mdmated funding Project 2021.2025 Inntlingthru 2025 Total Projsr.t Variance Vannnu: Ihru 2021-2025 202r.. FY Planning & Zoning 21 Capital Projects Develop a cross section for Beacon Light Road and complete Ped/Bike improvements/gaps on Floating Feather Road between SH- 16 & SH-55 Increase pedestnanlbike mobility along the corridor. This corridor has multiple users with varied needs- road bike. recreation, equestrian, and vehicular TBD- needs to be scoped Need ACHD to scope and provide estimate for project costs 5 TBD by funding b Currently in the City's Integrated Five Year Work Program request to ACHD Estimated Total Project Cost: 0 to c N 0 L r= is Estimate FY21-25 CIP Cost ScopingfDesign Engineering Savings Co nstruction/Purchase otai Estimated Costs Estimated FY21-25 CIP Project Funding • . WING Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) other RED FUNDtNO TOTAL SECURED FUNDING Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Omer NSECURED FUNDING TOTAL Total Estimated Funding Project Variance Funding Estimate Project Cost Projected Spending thru 2020 Funding Received Rots 2020 Project Varlanea' Annual Set -Aside for Maintenance: Projected THROUGH 2020 Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 S- S - S - $- S. Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 S $- $ - $ - 5- 5- S - 5- $ - $ - S- $- S - S- S - S - S- S- TBD TBD Spending Estimated 2021.2026 Project Costs thru 2026 ntal Estimated Estimated Funding Project 2021.2026 funiting thru 2025 Total Project Variance Variance thru 2021-2025 2026 Planning & Zoning 1 Capital Projects erro=s ng- Work with regional partners to connect State Hwy 55 from SH-44 (State Street) to US 20/26 (Chinden Blvd) across the Boise River Reduces demand on Eagle Road (SH.55) through the center of Eagle, increases connectivity to State of Idaho Campus on Chinden and creates new bridge crossing between Eagle and Glenwood (4 Miles span). The distance between Eagle Road and Glenwood is currently the longest distance between Boise River Crossings in Ada County. Original scope was completed in 2012. Timing TBD by funding Need interlacal agreement between Eagle, Garden City. Boise, Ada County, ACHD, ITD and Compass to move (onward with study. TBD by funding City made a UPWP request to COMPASS for initial modeling work Wailing for final FY 21 budget to see if request was accepted Estimated Total Project Cost: Dollars in Thousands (000 Estimate FY21-25 CIP Cost Scoping/Design Engineering Savings Construcllon/Pu rcha se • Total Estimated Costs Estimated FY21.25 CIP Project Funding llY, l CapitalProjects-Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other SECURED FUNDING TOTAL UNSECURED FUNDING Capital Projects- Project Specifi Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other UNSECURED FUNDWO TOTAL Total Estimated Fundin Project Variance Funding Estimate Project Cost Project Variance' 'Annual Set-Astde for Maintenance: Projected Spending thru 2020 Funding Received thru 2020 Projected THROUGH 2020 Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 5- $ $ - S- s- Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 $ - 5- 5 - $ 5- 5- S• 5- $ - $ - 5- 5- S 5- 5- $ - 5• 5- TBD Eallmabd Project Costa Iluu 2026_ row 1.'.t,w I.rrl Vroru hlndmrl Ihru 202!. Total Project Variance thru 2025 Estimate Sprndlnq 2021- S Estimated funding 2021.2026 Variance 2021.2025 3 - TRAILS Capital Projects Worksheets DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS (OOr Summary of Capital Projects Trails, Alb CFP No. CFP Project Narne (Budget n it applicable) ITra s- C pal Protects - FUNDED ICP-1 ole Island State Park Trail - Phase 2 CP-2 le Island State Park Trail - Phase 3 ICP-3 0pJe Island State Park Trail - Phase 4 CP-5 BLM Trail Plan Total • Trails Capital Project FUNDED Trails- C vital Prolects - UNFUNDED CP-3 Ea Island Stale Park Trail - Phase 4 CP-4 Npjjh girnr101 yr Trail IsCP-6 ((��iieallher flaS /rts�Com, ex c�-7Bike Skills Park,`1p�{Ipn�le\Sports Complex AdafE CP-8 Trails Wt)% Indirt an - Study CP-9 Trailhead Amenities - agle Sports Complex CP-10 Canal Trait St1fdy CP-11 §yortsman's Access - The Shores CP-12 Water Trail Study - Boise River CP-13 Equestrian Trailhead Study CP-14 South Channel Brirg a Boise River -Study CP-15 South Channel Undr s Boise River -Study CP-16 N. Channel Boise River Bridge at DA Creek - Design only CP-17 j\Creek aft Djy Creek Canal Trail Connection - Design only CP-19 Linder Road n a(oass V N. Channel CP-20 Williamson Ranch Greenbelt Bndge - Design Total • Trolls Projects UNFUNDED ra s • • • • EAR (FUNDED & UNFUNDED) Estimated Project Cost 230.0 60.0 1240 0 12401 3161 1201 72 20 150 50 250 30 30 100 100 100 30 15 100 Trails- Capital Projects - OF SECURED FUNDING SOURCES ALLOCATIONS Capital ProVs- Protect S ecific Impact Fees- Protect Specific �,elope.,C nlri �ns URA Cost Share .signedt Grants (awarded tate/Federal Money (awarded) Other Total • SUMMARY ALLOCATION C _ -- a I, , , , , ! .. OURCES Trails- Capital Projects - OF UNSECURED FUNDING SOURCES ALLOCATIONS apit 1 Proiects/General Fund Impact Fees Develop Contributions URA Cost Share Grants State/Federal Money Other 1 Total • SU14MA•RYAt1;GC .. 1, ,i!'s:., •• , • ' .- • .• . • • •• • • ••• rat s A • 1 AL OSTS BY YEAR (FUNDED & UNFUNDED) Spent 1hru 2020 $ WORKSHEETS acts ecuro en n _ 2022 2023 2024 2026 Spending 2021- 2025 230.0 O.o0.0) 0.0) 0.0 60.6) 0.0'0.0J 0.6f 0.6) 0.Dlll` 40.OI 0.01 O.O6 0.0 relirninary Panning Combined with City Facilities Master Planning Fund 0.0 330.0) 0,01 0.01 0.01 0.0 330,0 330,0 Costs Thru 2025 0 Funded Thru 2020 330 400 100 60 0 20 of 501 0 0 01 01 01 01 01 01 0 630 630 400 400) 100 11 60 0 6 72 6 0 0 150 d 0 50 1001 01 301 01 301 501 501 501 501 01 01 01 0t 01 151 0 0 710 1013 710 1013 Protect Secured Fundinn 2021.2025 2021 J 2022 157. I 172 5 0 390,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 100 0 0 0 0 1001 301 01 100 330 130 230.01 60.0 40.0 36 30 100 100 100 30 15 100 28831 1613 230.0 60.0 40.0 1200 12001 316 3161 120 1201 72 72 26 20 1d 150 50 50 266 250 30 30 100 100 1001 301 151 1001 26831 1013 Total Secured Total Secured 1 Funding Funding Thru 2023 1 2024 2025 1 FY21-FY25 2026 0 0 1 0 1 330 Total Unsecured 'ro ct Unsecured Funding 2021-2025 Funding 2021 �b22 2023 2024 2026 2021-2025 230 160 647 256 1292 400 400 200 1000 0,0 630.0 S 330.0 5 6300 50 50 25 216 1 501 • .. S 610.0 S 897.0 S 646.0 125 216 50 2663.0 3,013.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 330 Total Unsecured Funding Thru 2025 1292 1000 0 0 125 216 50 $ 3.013,0 New Capital Maintenance Costs; FY 21-25 Variance: $ (Total Cost- Funding thru FY20) FY Trails 21 Capital Projects .! ,1lir (-LT.1i13i1i1k,1'r Demolish the 500.fee1 of flood damaged asphalt pathway and relocate the pathway along the opposite side of the imgalion canal and connect this new 975400t pathway to the Newman Levee. This new section is to be constructed to the Citys standard for concrete pathways. This will provide the alignment needed to connect to a future Greenbelt trail Mal terminates in Eagle Island Stale Park. Increased business revenues and property value by creating bike/ped access l0 545.acres o1 Stale recreation land located in our city limits and positive health impacts which reduce healthcare Costs. FEMA Pre-:isaster Mitigation Funding expires 3-years after award. (expiration estimated to be spring of 2023) This project could be postponed. Project is to be completed on or before FY23 r'r,..uni '•I.l,prutl puler. Phase 2 of 4 Phases In FY21 Budget Estimated Total Project Cost: 0 Estimate FY21-25 CIP Cost seeping/Design o Engineering Savings C onstnrclion/Purcha se lilir Lsh+l.. .:c.... Estimated FY21-25 CIP Project Funding hi Jlii II )IIiul t Capital Projects• Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) StatelFederal Money (awarded) Other SECURED FUNDING TOTAL UNSECURED FUNDING Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Conlnbulrons URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) Stale/Federal Money (awarded) Other UNSECURED PUI *SG TOTAL Projected Spending tfau 4020 Funding Received thru 2020 Budgeted 2020 Budgeted 2020 $ 230,000 Estimated 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 230 S 230 S - S - S- Estimated 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 58 172 $ 230 Estimated Project funding lhru 230 $ 0 230 Total Estimated Fundmr • I1123000t 0 230 230 Funding Estimate Project Cost Annual Set•Aside for Maintenance: Projected 1NROUGII 2020 Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 $ • $ 230 S - S • S. S- S • S 230 S - S - S• i f f - S - f - S- S- S 2' Intel Project Variance Variance Ohio 2021.2026 102; f 2301 r1Trails Capitol Projects 1 fr Plan and design a Greenbelt connection from the Mace River Ranch to Eagle Island State Park Design will include a 3175-foot concrete pathway built to the City's new Concrete Standard, and a 100-foot span bridge Increased business revenues and property value by creating bike/ped access to 545-acres of State recreation land located in our city limits, and positive health impacts which reduce healthcare costs. Precursor to Phase 4 4 Prop:,t Connneri,emi nt Requirements TBD based on funding pi �:Ic� t I:., tuplhny points Phase 3 of 4 Phases In FY21 Budget Estimated Total Project Cost: 0 Yi v 3 0 c 0 0 Estimate FY21-25 CIP Cost Scoping/Design Engineering Savings Construction/Purchase Total Estimated Costs Estimated FY21-25 CIP Project Funding Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) Stale/Federal Money (awarded) Other SECURED FUNDING TOTAL UNSECURED FUNDING Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cosl Share Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other UNSECURED FUNDING TOTAS. Projected) Spending thru 2020 Funding Rnceivuei thru 2020 Budgeted 2020 $ Budgeted $ Estimated 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 60 $ Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 0 60 60,000.00 Estimated r°tal Spending I stun atcd I•r•,p.r.t r 2021-2025•,;t•. Ihru 'N/' --j 50 Estimated funding 2021-2025 oral I stuoalyd Froyrr.t funding lh,u 'r 60 0 0 0 total Estimated Fundln S S00.00 Project Variance Funding Estimate Project Cost Project Variance' Projected THROUGH 2020 Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 $ - 5 60 S - S - S - S - 3• S 60 S - 5• S S - S - S- S • S • S S Annual Set -Aside for Maintenance: N/A 0 0 0 0 0 FY Trails 21 Capital Projects 4 r). Construct a connection of the Eagle Greenbelt to Eagle Island State Park with a new 3175-foot concrete pathway (which will include a bridge), built to the Cay's new Concrete Standard. Increased business revenues and property value by creating bike/ped access to 545-acres of Stale recreation land located in our city limas, and positive health impacts which reduce healthcare costs. Project is scheduled to construct in FY 24 and is dependent on the completionof Phase 3. Final Phase of Eagle Island State Park TBD by funding -assumes the use of Pathway impact fees collected in FY22, 23 824 TBD by funding Estimated Total Project Cost: 0 0 Estimate FY21-26 CIP Cost N • Scoping/Design • Engineering Savings Construction/Purchase 0 Total Estimated Costs Estimated FY21-25 CIP Project Funding SECURED FUNDING Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other SECURED FUNDING TOTAL UNSECURED FUNDING Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees (annual t carry forward) Developer Contnbutions URA Cost Share Grants State/Federal Money Other: Sweeps NSECURED FUNDING TOTAL T.hl s d F rding Project Variance Funding Estimate Project Cost Projected 8pendfng thru 2020 Pr • 1 Variance' Funding Received Ihru 2020 S $ Projected THROUGH 2020 S - $ $ Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 40 400 400 $ $ Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2026 1l 40 $ EME Budgeted $ S Annual Set -Aside for Maintenance: $ 2020 - 37 400 40 $ 400 $ 400 $ 400 $ - $ 40 8 200 400 400 200 • S 400 $ $ 40 $ 400 400 $ 400 $ 400 Estimated 5400.00 1,240,000.00 Estimated Spending 2021-2026 40 0 800 400 8 1,240 Estimated funding 2021-2025 40 Total Estimated Project Costs thru 2028 0 R00 S I240 ota Estimated Project funding thru 2025 $ - s 1,2401 $ 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 $ 40 $ 400 $ 400 $ 400 $ $ 40 $ 400 $ 400 $ 400 $ $ $ - $ - $ - $ ■a nliir r•_•.•I Variance 2021-2025 40 200 1000 1,240 folai Project Variance Ihru 2025 0 1 240 1 240 CP-4. ti (;tlarirlt:l (;enter rail fn..-.< m.0.1 Demolition and reconstruction of North Channel Center Pathway owned by Dennis Baker but recently dedicated to the Cily for maintenance. This pathway will be rebuilt to the City's Concrete Standard which will be more sustainable in the flood zone. Riverbank will also be reclaimed and armored In riprap. Our concrete trail specification and bank restoration will lower the ongoing cost of maintaining this trail over the decades to come. It is a valuable recreation and alternate transportation pathway section located in the heart of Eagle. Possible FEMA Pre -Disaster Mitigation Grant. Should coordinate timing with funding TDB by funding TBD by funding Need CC approval for FEMA grant application Estimated Total Project Cost: Estimate FY21-25 CIP Cost ScopinglDesign Engineering Savings Cdoslru ction/Purcha se f nlal F. •,Innalcrt t,r�•-I. Estimated FY21-25 CIP Project Funding Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other SECURED FUNDING TOTAL UNSECURED FUNDING Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants State/Federal Money (FEMA-Pre-disaster)) Other UNSECURED FUNDING TOTAL Total Eslltnatod Funding Project Variance Funding Estimate Project Cost Pro'or,1 Variance. Projected Spending thru 2020 Projected THROUGH 2020 0 Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 $ - Budgeted 2020 $ $ 'Annual Set -Aside for Maintenance: TBD 20 80 100 116 5- $ 100 $ 100 $ 116 $. 2024 2025 100 215 100 5• $ t00 g Estimated 216 $ 216 5- 2021 2022 2023 2024 S S 100 $ - $ 216 $. 5- $ 100 $ 100 $ 118 5- $• $ - $ (100) $ 100 $- 316r000 Esti Total Spending Estimated 2021.2025 Pro(ectCr,.Is thru 2025 (',till Estimated I:h,.,ntr.d funding I Pr,,in,.t 2021.2025 h,ndu,tl dnu total Project Vananco Vanancr thru 2021-2025 2h25 3161'- $ 3181 _ - S FY Trails 21 '•P1e;lthcr frail - Ada/LegitA(la/Lagie Complex D, tI WI. Design and construct a downhill.only, bike only, all•weather trail using repurposed concrete slabs (removed from road and sidewalk reconstruction). This trail will have the characteristics of trails found in desert locations like Moab, Utah, Slabs will be placed on top of road -mix and other natural materials in a variety of configurations to create different riding experiences for different skill Levels. The access road for the Eagle water storage facility could be used as the "up" trail, since it has an all-weather surface. Mountain Bike trails increase property values, and community wellness, and lower healthcare costs. TBD by Funding TBD by Funding and Development TBD by Funding and Development Conceptual only Estimated Total Project Cost Estimate FY21-25 CIP Cost Scoping/Design Engineering 1— Savings •€ Construction/Purchase Total Estimated Coots Estimated FY21-25 CIP Project Funding Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other cum) FIINOII463 TOTAL UNSECURED PUN OfNG Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other UNSECURED FUNDING TOTAL Total Estimated Funding Project Variance Funding Estimate Project Cost Pro *et Vanance* Projected Spending thru 2020 Funding Received Wu 2020 Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Budgeted 15 45 60 S- S 60 5 60 5- S- Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 rya Projected THROUGH 2020 Budgeted 5 $ 5 2020 !Annual Set -Aside for Maintenance: $ 0.1 60 60 50 5 60 Estimated 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 S- S 60 $ 60 5- S- S- S 60 S 60 5- S- S- S - S• S• 5- 1,500,000 otl Estimated Project Cost thru 2026 0 15 46 Estimated Estimated funding Project 2021-2025 muting thro 2025 1 z IS 2021-2025 ► 120 Total Profact Variance Ihru 2025 5 120 S S 120 a li0 FY Planning & Zoning 21 Capital Projects -7' Bike Skills Park Expansion Next level of bike skills park elements will include a 10'tall x 30' long wall ride (curved), Whale tale, 2 Drops 5' wide, Flat wall Ride 10' tall 25' long, step-up box and connecting trails. Mountain Bike trails increase property values, and community wellness, and lower healthcare costs. TBD based on funding I h, n.., t ,nntur•w.• itirnt Reyuuitmvn TBD by funding and Site acquisition 'n e:anyl Stcl-pii 1 liunit', TBD by funding and Site identification TBD by funding Estimated Total Project Cost: 8 0 . o Estimate FY21-25 CIP Cost Scoping/Design Engineering Savings Construction/Purchase Total Estimated Costs Estimated FY21.25 CIP Project Funding FUNDING Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) StatelFederal Money (awarded) Other SECURED FUNDING TOTAL UNSECURED FUNDING Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contnbutions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other UNSECURED FUNDING TOTAL Total E.tbnated Funding Project Variance Funding Estimate Project Cost Project Vidanee' Annual Set -Aside for Maintenance: Projected • Spending thru 2020 Funding Received thru 2020 Projected THROUGH 2020 I Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Budgeted 72 S- S- S - S 72 5- Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2021 S- 5- S- s 3I Budgeted 2020 S - s S - 72 72,000 'Spending Etddlstsd 2021-2025 Project Costs thru 2025 — — 0 0 0 Estimated funding 2021.2025 Mal Estimated Project funding thru 2026 OK_ $ 72 S $ 72 172 Estimated 2022 2023 2024 2025 S • S - S 72 S- S - S - S 72 S- S - S - S - S- Variance V:vinnce Ihru 2021-2025 2025 $ 72 : S 72 $ FY Trails 21 Capital Projects rta in. Ing Signs/Branding Design and construct city-wide pathway wayfinding signage that could include City branding, destination distances, business access directions and points of interest indications. Wayfinding creates information that users can use to locate commerce and recreation options. TBD by funding TBD by funding TBD by funding TBD by Funding Estimated Total Project Cost: 0 A e Of Of Estimate FY21.25 CIP Cost Scoping/Design Engineering Savings Construction/Purchase Total Estimated Costs Estimated FY21-25 CIP Project Funding ISECURED FUNDING Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees • Developer Contributions URA Cost Share • Grants (awarded) Stale/Federal Money (awarded) Other SECURED FUNDING TOTAL UNSECURED FUNDING Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees • Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) Stale/Federal Money (awarded) Other UNSECURED FUNDING TOTAL. Total Estimated Funding Protect Variance Funding Estimate Project Cost Project Variance' !Annual Set -Aside for Maintenance: Projected Spending thru 2020 Funding Rnr-rrved Duo 2020 Projected THROUGH 2020 Budgeted Estimated $ 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 5 15 $- $ 20 $ - $- $- Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 6 Budgeted ® i 20 f ®nill Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 $ - $- $ 20 $ $- $• $ • $- $ 20 $ $- $- E• $- $ $ S- 5- $ 5.0I E$tlrnalod Spending 2021.2026 Estimated funding 2021.2026 20,000 Estimated Protect Costs Uiru 2026 5 20 eta Estimated Proton hrnduuj ihru 2n2: $ 20 Total Project Variance thr 2026 20 __.4=000010imui, _ FY Trails 21 Capital Projects CP-9: Trailhead Amenities Ada/Eagle Sports Complex Improvements to the upper parking area at the bike park that would include picnic tables, trash receptacles, water filling station. shades and/or shelter. Mountain Bike trails increase property values, and community wellness, and lower healthcare costs ideratiui TBD by Funding .muent Requirements TBD by Funding 5 . ,tupp,ng p0mts TBD by funding i r.ur TBD by Funding Estimated Total Project Cost: 0 Estimate FY21-25 CIP Cost Budgeted Estimated N C 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Scoping/Design Cr Engineering g Savings Construction/Purchase r150 $- $ $ - $ 150 $- i 150,000 Estimated FY21.25 CIP Project Funding .RED FUNDING Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other SECURED FUNDING TOTAL UNSECURED FUNDING Capital Projects- Project Specific IImpact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other UNSECURED FUNDING TOTAL Total Estimated Funding Project Variance I_Funding Estimate Project Cost lAnnual Set -Aside for Maintenance: Projected Spending thru 2020 Funding Received Rini 2020 $ Projected THROUGH 2020 Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 ®® Budgeted Estimated 150 160 $ 160 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 $ - $- $ - $ - $ 150 $- S - $.- $ - $ - $ 150 $- $- $ - $ $ - 5- Estimated Total Spending Estimated Project Ihru 2026 0 0 150 $ 160 S 150 Estimated funding 2021.2025 r rdal F'.iirnaierl Pray,, t II 'richury Ihru 2025 150 Variance 2021.2026 5 $ $ 150 150 150 f uhd Proprr.l Varlanur thnr 2025 FY Trails 21 Capital Projects Develop a Canal Trails master plan trail that will connect State Highways 55 and 16 north of Highway 44 via irrigation and drainage canals within the City. Canal trails increase property values, and community wellness, and lower healthcare costs. TBD by funding Need interlocal agreement between Eagle, Ada County and canal and drain companies to coo-opertaively plan TBD by funding TBD by funding Estimated Total Protect Cost: 0 to a 0 c S Estimate FY21-25 CIP Cast ScopinglDesign Engineering Savings Construction/Purchase Total Estimated Costs Estimated FY21-25 CIP Project Funding SECURED FUNDING Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) StatelFederal Money (awarded) Other SECURED FUNDING TOTAL UNSECURED FUNDING Capital Projects/General Fund Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awardod) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other UNSECURED FUNDING TOTAL Total Estimated Fundln Protect Varlance Funding IIII Estimate Project Cost Project Variance' (Annual Set -Aside for Maintenance: ProJccted Spending thru 2020 Funding Rrcelvad Ihru 2020 $ Projected THROUGH 2020 $ 60,000.00 Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 50 Budgeted $ Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Budgeted 2020 $ $ TBD 60 $ 60 Estimated 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 5- $ 50 $ 5- $- 5- $ 50 $ $- 5- $- $ - $ 5- 5- Estimated Spending 2021.2026 Estimated funding 2021.2025 Variance 2021.2026 $ 50 5 $ 50 Mai Estimated Project Costa tivu 2026 . ots I,%limited Project limiting thru 2025 5 Torn) Project Vn nnur.• Ilvu 2025 5 FY Trails 21 Capital Projects Develop a primitive natural surface trail along the South Channel on easements behind the Shores Subdivision on the north bank of the South Channel. This area can be accessed from a public pathway in Two Rivers and ono access in The Shores. A short bridge will be required. Some residential encroachments exist that will have to be addressed River access trails increase property values, and community wellness, and lower healthcare costs. TBD by funding TBD by funding TBD by funding TBD by funding 'c'1111,. Estimated Total Project Cost: Dollars in Thousands )ODO) i Estimate FY21-25 CIP Cost Scoping/Design Engineering Savings Construction/Purchase Estimated FY21-25 CIP Protect Funding Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other SECURED FUNDING TOTAL UNSECURED FUNDING Capital Projects/General Fund Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other UNSECURED FUNDING TOTAL Total Estimated Fundin Project Variance Funding Estimate Project Cost Project 'homier,' Projected Spending thru 2020 Funding Received thru 2020 $ Projected THROUGH 2020 250,000.00 Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 20 Budgeted 30 100 100 S. $ - $ 50 $ 100 $ 100191111.7/ Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 50 100 100 jamo MOM MIS Mom $ $ 60 Budgeted $ $ $ 2020 'Annual Set•Aside for Maintenance; 5 5 1 100 $ 100 Estimated $ 100 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 5- $ - $ 50 S 100 $ 100 S- $ - $ 50 S 100 $ 100 5- S • $ - $ - $ - 100 260 I 7fI 0 260 of■ Estimated Project funding thru 2025 250 260 250 Total Project Variance Variance thru 2021.2026 2025 5 250 1 . ;- o $ 250 6 $ FY Trails 21 Capital Project -12- Wafer 1 r ail Study (Boise River) 0 Develop a master plan for a river based trail system with launch points and lake outs near areas with available parking. The North and South Channel have good potential for these, and utilizing Eagle Island State Park as part of the system will be a valuable component. Water trails increase property values, and community wellness, and lower healthcare costs. TBD by funding Need interlocal agreement between Eagle & Ada Co to address cross jursdicitional issues. Need to cordinate with Eagle Polic, Fire and EMS to address emergecy services and apprortiate season uses. TBD by funding TBD by funding Estimated Total Project Cost: 5 0 c Scoping/Design P. Engineering Savings Ei. Construction/Purchase O 1, Estimate FY21-25 CIP Cost Total Estimated Costa Estimated FY21-25 CIP Project Funding SECURED FUNDING Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other RED FUNDING TOTA1. UNSECURED FUNDING apital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cast Share Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other CURED FUNDnNo Tom r'tlmalod Funding Project Variance Funding Estimate Project Cost Project Variance' Annual Set -Aside for Maintenance: Projected Spending thru 2020 Funding Received thru 2020 Projected THROUGH 2020 Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 30 Budgeted S- 5 - $ - $ 30 S- Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Budgeted 2020 $ $ $ TBD 1: Estimated 30 ao 130.00 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 $- $ - $ $ 30 S- $- $ - $ $ 30 5- $- $ - $ $ - 5- Spending 2021-2028 Estimated funding 2021 2025 30 30,000.00 a Estimated Project Costs Hun 2025 $ r, 10 Total Estimated Project funding ihrn 2028 Vatienco 2021.2028 5 30 Varience thru 2025 1 30. FY Trails 21 Capital Projects CP-13 Equestrian Trajihead Plan Develop Equestrian Trailhead standard that include pull -through parking, water sources, possibly restrooms. Equestrian trails are a part of the Eagle culture. increase property values, and community wellness, and lower healthcare costs. Currently. the City of Eagle does not have easements or land that we can designate for equestrian use, therefore location of (railheads can not be determined at this time. TBD by funding TBD by funding TBD by funding Estimated Total Project Cost: 8 ScopingfDesign o Engineering g Savings Construction/Purchase 0 0 0 Estimate FY21-25 CIP Cost Total Estimated Cots Estimated FY21.25 CIP Protect Funding Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other ifl-irk". -. s.. Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other NSECURED FUNDING TOTAL I Total Estimated Fundin Protect Variance Funding Estimate Project Cost Projected Spending Ihru 2020 Project Variance' 'Annual Set -Aside for Maintenance: Funding Received thru 2020 • $ Projected THROUGH 2020 Budgeted Estimated $ 30,000.00 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2026 30 Budgeted $ S- S - S S 30 5- Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2026 Budgeted 2020 TBD s • S Estimated 30' 30 s 30 Es maNd Totat Estimated Spending Project Cosh 2021.2026 lbw 2025 30 0 S 30 etal Estimated Estimated funding Project 2021.2025 funding thug 2026 30 30 S E 30 2021 2022 2023 2024 2026 S S- S - S 30 S- S- S - S - S 30 S- S- S - S - S - 5- 2021.2025 S S 30 30 60 $ 30 Total Project Variance thou 2026 FY Trails 21 Capital Projects I th,criptii,ii Plan and design a bridge over the South Channel so that Greenbelt traffic between Lakemoor, Bridges and Chinden can connect to the pathway that runs westward into Two Rivers, as well as the pathway along the West side of Eagle Road that reaches the North Channel. This would allow bike/ped traffic to travel safely between river channels on Eagle Road. Public pathway systems increase property values and community wellness, and lower healthcare costs. Preliminary project development to determine cost and potential funding sources. Construction timeline TBD. 4 1,,., i , nurtrn..,.un. TBD by funding TBD by funding Preliminary project development plan only Estimated Total Project Cost: s Estimate FY21-25 CIP Cost t c Scoping/Design 0 Engineering Projected Spending thru 2020 Savings Construction/Purchase Estimated FY2I.25 CIP Project Funding Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other SECURED FUNDING TOTAL UNSECURED FUNDING Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (COMPASS- PD) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other J.V! -URED FUNDING TOTAL, Project Variance Funding Estimate Project Cost Project Variance' Annual Set -Aside for Maintenance: Funding Resolved Ihru 2020 • Projected THROUGH 2020 $ 100,000 Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 50 50 Budgeted 5- $ $ 50 S 50 5- Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Budgeted 25 25. 25 25 Estimated Spending 2021.2026 --100 0 Estimated funding 2021-2025 otil Estimated Project Coats thru 2026 l btl $ 1Ln irdal f '.hm ab•,I Inunur/Ihni 5f 0 60 40' Yet 00 nimi Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 $ • $• $ - $ 50 $ 50 5- $ • 5- $ - $ 50 $ 50 5- $ 5- 5 - S - $ - 5- TBD to 2021.2025 S 100 OEM FY Trails 21 Capital Projects CP-15* S. Channel Underpass 4 Plan and design a crossing that would allow Greenbelt traffic between the east and west sides of Eagle Road for safer bike/ped crossing of Eagle Road in a 55 MPH zone. Currently, users have to cross Eagle Road using a crosswalk at Colchester. Public pathway systems increase property values and community wellness, and lower healthcare costs. un�i •, , i.ulrn nuum. Preliminary project development to determine cost and potential funding sources. Construction timeline TBD. TBD by funding, may be combined with TRUCP-14: S. Channel Bridge TBD by funding Preliminary project development plan only Estimated Total Project Cost: 8- 0 Estimate FY21-25 CIP Cost 0 0 0 2 0 Scoping/Design Engineenng Savings Con structiOn/Pu rch a s e Total Estimated Costs Estimated FY21.26 CIP Project Funding FUNDING Capital Projects- Project Specific impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other SECURED FUNDING TOTAL UNSECURED FUNDING Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (COMPASS PD) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other UNSHCURep FU NDINQ TOTAL Projected Spending thru 2020 Funding Received thru 2020 1 Estimated Fundl I $ Projected THROUGH 2020 $ 100,000.00 Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 50 50 5- $ - $ 60 $ 60 5- Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Project Variance Budgeted 2020 Funding 5 Estimate Project Cost Project Varlanco• $ !IAnnual Set•Aside for Maintenance: TBD 25 25 25 25 60 KIND Estimated 2021 2022 2023 2021• ttvu 2625 10 0 01 100 1 5 100 Estimated funding 2021-2026 Total F.+Imiatud Projni.l luudinry thru 2025 —ems S0 se te0 $ SO 5 100 100 2024 2025 5- 5 - $ 50 5 50 5- 5- $ - $ 50 $ 50 S- s- s - $ - $ • 5- 2021-2026 2025 5 1001 s 100 1 ' 5 - 15 FY Trails 21 Capital Projects .1111.111.111 r1r• •.0 I I I It11, 1, Plan and design a bike/ped bridge that crosses the North Channel o1 the Boise River between the Greenbelt on Highway 44 and the Greenbelt behind Mace River Ranch near Dry Creek. This bridge, which will be located 1-mile from the Eagle Road bike/ped bridge, would make a logical connection to Eagle Island State Park. Public trails increase property values, and community wellness, and lower healthcare casts Preliminary project development to determine cost and potential funding sources. Construction timeline TBD. oow-uuwnt Retlutrnmems TBD by funding 1,;i,Slopinutl Poo TBD by lunding Sl.rtu•. Preliminary project development plan only Estimated Total Project Cost: 0 0 0 'C tca O c 0 Estimate FY21.25 CIP Cost Scoping/Design Engineering Savings Construction/Purchase Total EYlimatud Costs Estimated FY21.25 CIP Project Funding SECURED FUNDING Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contnbutions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other SECURED FUNDING TOTAL UNSECURED FUNDING Capital Projects- Project Specific I _ Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (COMPASS PD) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other Funding Estimate Project Cost Protect Variance' Projected Spending flirts 2020 Funding Received thru 2020 100,000.00 Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 100 5- $ - 5 $- $ 100 Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 75 UNSECURED FUNotio TOTAL — 0 — Project Variance Projected THROUGH 2020 Budgeted I 2020 • 5 - $ Annual Set -Aside for Maintenance: TBD Estimated 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 5- $ - $ - 5- $ 100 5- $ - $ • 5- $ 100 5- $ - $ 5- $ - eta • Spending I.en,ah•d 2021.2025 I.I r-„-, hru i0i'. 1.0.11 Estimated I •.un,,,u•tl funding Prop,cl 2021-2025 funding Ihru X02: 100 s 1:11 • • Total l•roplcl VarMnes Vanancc lbw 2021.2025 2U75 $ 100 , n,r, $ 100 FY Trails 21 Capital Projects Plan and design a connection from Clear Creek Crossing and undeveloped property to the south that is west of Dry Creek itself. Two bridges and pathway connections will be required. This project will allow a critical connection along Dry Creek. Public trails increase property values. and community wellness. and lower healthcare costs Preliminary project development to determine cost and potential funding sources. Construction timeline TBD. City holds an easement that creates the connection at Clear Creek Crossing. TBD by funding '��'sI�i Ir I11I IsJ pvli 1 . TBD by funding Star.:. Engineering and project design only Estimated Total Project Cost: 0 h 0 0 1-- c 2 Estimate FY21.25 CIP Cost Scoping/Design Engineering Savings Construction/Purchase Total Estimated Costs Estimated FY21-25 CIP Project Funding Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other SECURED FUNDING TOTAL UNSECURED FUNDING Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (COMPASS PD) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other UNSECURED FUNDING TOTAL fetal Estimated Fundin Project Variance Funding Estimate Project Cost Project Variance' Projected Spending thru 2020 Funding Rom h+sd thru 2020 Projected THROUGH 2020 30,000.00 Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 30 S- S • S - S- S 30 Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Budgeted 2020 S Annual Set -Aside for Maintenance: TBD Estimated 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 5- S - $ 5- S 30 5- 5 - S• S S 30 5- S - S - S- S Estimated otat Spending 1 curnah,rl 2021.2024 I r•,p•cl Costs tluu :env: 0 r 0 To141 Estimated I Lstimatr,i funding l Project 2021.2025 funding uuu 111 :0 0 0 0 0 0 Variance 'ranancc nvl. 2021-2025 2025 FY Trails da Capital Projects CP-1 a N Channel B►idg; 'rr, w rjescnnr... Construct a bike/ped bridge across the North Channel of the Boise River on the east side of Linder Road. Public pathway systems increase property values and community wellness, and lower healthcare costs. Preliminary project development to determine cost and potential funding sources. C3nstruclon timeline TBD. 4 ACHD's 2018 conceptual plan Shows a multi -use tml on both east and west side of the bndge Formal design to begin n FY 24-25. 5 TBD by funding 1 5cnu•. ACHD Integrated 5 year Wont ram s desy... rY24-25, no year of construction Estimated Tote! Pro jgr" r,ot 6 .,ate Fh Scot• Dose,. Engneenng k Savings . Construct°nil.urchase Is, Estimated FY21-25 CIP Project Funding isecusED FUMpN1G Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other CURED FUNDING TOTAL UNSECURED FUNDING Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (COMPASS PD) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other NSECUREO FUNDING TOTAL f add 1-.tunated Fundin Protect Variance Funding Estimate Project Cost Project Variance' Funding Received ditu 2020 $ Projected THROUGH 2020 $ 1au.geted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 15 S- $ $ $ 15 5 - Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 15 0 15 0 IMIM1®®1131111111111 Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 S 5- 5 - $ - $ 15 5 - S• 5- 5- S - $ 15 S - $ • 5- $ - $ - 5 - $ Annual Set•Aside for Maintenance: TBD 30,000.00 oe Estimated Project Costs Ihru 2025 15 O Estimated Estimated funding Project 2021.2025 funding thru 2025 Variance thru 2025 S i5 $ 15 FY Trails 21 Capital Projects CP-19: N. Channel Underpass (81 Linder Road Work wuh ACHD to design and construct a bike/ped underpass under Linder Road at the North Channel of the Boise River. Public pathway systems increase property values and community wellness, and lower healthcare costs. Preliminary project development 10 determine cost and potential funding sources Construction timeline TBD by ACHD project ACHD's 2018 conceptual plan shows an underpass at the N channel bridge. Formal design to begin in FY 24-25. City should be planning for a cost share agreement to help off set costs for underpass construction. TBD by funding E. ACHD ACHD Integrated 5 year Work program shows design in FY24-25, no year of construction Estimated Total Project Cost: 0 w • Scoping/Design o Engineering Savings 'c Construction/Purchase O Estimate FY21-25 CIP Cost Estimated FY21-25 CIP Project Funding G I' Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) State/Federal Money (awarded) Other SECURED FUNDING TOTAL UNSECURED FUNDING Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA Cost Share Grants (COMPASS PO) Slate/Federal Money (awarded) Other UNSECURED FUNDING TOTAL total Estimated Fundin Protect Variance Funding Estimate Project Cost Project Variance' Annual Set -Aside for Maintenance: Projected Spending thru 2020 Funding Received thru 2020 Projected THROUGH 2020 Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 S- S S Budgeted Estimated S 15 S 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 15 0 15 ®®®®� Budgeted 2020 S TBD • 2021 5- S- S- Estimated 2022 2023 S - S - 5 - 5 - S 2024 2025 S 15 S - 5 15 S - S • S - 15 e AMC IM AIM 15,000.00 Estimated Project Costs thru 2025 _15 • Estimated Project funding thru 2025 CP-20: S. Channel Bridge @ Williamson RR .1 Design a bikelped bndge that crosses the South Channel of the Boise River between the Boise Greenbelt and the Williamson River Ranch on Eagle Island. Public pathway systems increase properly values and community wellness. and lower healthcare costs. This would create a central connection to the citys pathway system and a sate way to avoid vehicle traffic on Eagle Road. I ,nur , I.�nr,u 1, rawer Preliminary project development to determine cost, design and potential funding sources. Will require partnership with the City of Boise MOU/Cost Share Agreement vnth Boise Cityshould be completed before moving forward. TBD by funding d City of Boise TBD by funding Estimated Total Project Cost: 0 0 S 100,000.00 Estimate FY21-25 CM Cost • Scoping/Design Engineering • Savings Construction/Purchase Total Estimated Costa Estimated FY21-25 CIP Project Funding Capital Projects -,Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contnbutions URA Cost Share Grants (awarded) StalelFederal Money (awarded) Other SECURED FUNDING TOTAL UNSECURED FUNDING Capital Projects- Project Specific Impact Fees Developer Contributions URA.Cost Share Grants StalelFederal Money (awarded) Other (Boise City Cost Share) (MECUM) PUMOWO TOTAL. Project Variance Funding Estimate Project Cost I Pro Vanance• Annual Set -Aside for Maintenance: Projected Spending thru 2020 Funding Resolved thru 2020 Projected TtIROIJfitl 2020 Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 100 S- S - S S thru 2025 I00 100 - S 100 Inintil Budgeted Estimated 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Budgeted Estimated Estimated funding 2021.2020 50 50 r stlmated Prophet funding thru 2025 $ 100 . 11 100 s 100 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 S • 5- 5 • 5 • 5 - $ 100 S • S- S - S - S - $ 100 $ • 5- $ - $ 5 • $ - TBD V tan•rian e 2021.2025 202. S 100 $ 1001 •$ • lT EAGLE CITY COUNCIL March 23, 2020 PUBLIC COMMENT SIGN-UP Public comment is sought, but shall be limited to three (3) minutes per individual NAME (please print) ADDRESS M C i.� A 0 /&7iJ /14yie &7o5 in(�re Mega - � uP�e r j 4.o 11 W. -r(o rid drive_ ,k. 270 9 (?(..t6fol 635 9-4\r/- .Ract ic2i-v,J TESTIFY PRO/ CON or YES/NO NEUTRAL des Pro CzN2 �a9 e I df `i