Minutes - 2014 - City Council - 10/28/2014 - Regular EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Minutes October 28,2014 PRE-COUNCIL AGENDA: 5:30 p.m. -6:30 p.m. 1. Eagle Fire Department: Chief Winkle will address the Council. Chief Winkle provides Council an overview of their activities and programs. Discusses Fire Prevention Month and their open house. Over 700 people attend the open house. Discussion on the Boise City Annexation that is impacting the Eagle Fire District, discussion on the development agreement for fire service at Avimor and discusses the Department's master plan. General discussion. 2. Ada County Sheriffs Office: Chief Calley presents the monthly report and provides Council an overview. Discusses the transition with the Eagle Prosecuting Attorney; we are very pleased with our process. Discussion on the City's Dog Control Ordinances and proposed changes. General discussion. Shawn Thomas, Code Enforcement Officer, provides Council his report and provides Council an overview. General discussion. 3. Mayor and Council Reports: Mayor: Reports on Chief Calley's Team Meeting. McFarland: None Butler: None Kunz: None Ridgeway: None 4. City Engineer's Report: Mike Davis, City Engineer, provides the Council an overview of his report. 5. City Hall Department Supervisor Reports: PZ Administrator Vaughan: Provides an update on the ACHD meeting on the extension of Plaza Drive. We will have another cost share agreement to decide what the roadway should look like. This project is scheduled for 2018. General discussion. PR/Facilities Director Aho: Provides an update on clearing the Laguna Pointe pathway. This will take 2-3 days. The Mace Trail is paved all the way, it is not open yet. General discussion. City Clerk/Treasurer Bergmann: None 6. City Attorney Report: None INVOCATION: REGULAR COUNCIL AGENDA: 6:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Reynolds calls the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: MCFARLAND, BUTLER, KUNZ, RIDGEWAY. All present. A quorum is present. Page I K.\COUNC1LMINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-IO-28-14min.doe 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Reynolds leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. ADDITIONS,DELETIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE AGENDA: Butler removes Item#E from the Consent Agenda; Kunz deletes the encroachment issue from the agenda and remands the discussion on the Laguna Pathway to staff for administrative action by the City and our City Attorney; Kunz moves to continue Item #8A to the November 10,2014 upon the request of the applicant. All Seconded by McFarland. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES Planning and Zoning Administrator Vaughan: M3 has requested that Item #6C be removed from the Consent Agenda as they have some changes to the Findings. General discussion. Butler moves to continue this Item to the November 10,2014 City Council meeting. Seconded by McFarland. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES 5. PUBLIC COMMENT: This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding subjects not on the agenda. At times, the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters during this allotted time. This is not the time slot to give formal testimony on a public hearing matter, or comment on a pending application or proposal. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three(3)minutes. Doris Shirmer, I received a letter from the BLM and I thought this was of interest to the City of Eagle. Distributes copies of the letter to the City Council. Mark Tate, M3,the letter that we sent today was in response to the Findings of Fact that we received on Friday. Don Stockton, I'm on the Park and Pathway Commission but I'm here as a citizen that uses the pathway at Laguna Pointe. My concern is the lot where the property owner has planted trees and grass and has installed an irrigation system that is within the easement. I think the Council should have the property owner remove all of this from the easement. General discussion. Naomi Preston,this is directed towards Chief Calley and his officers, a lot of people are speeding going North through the light at Eagle Road and State Street. General discussion. Robert Jennison, 8508 W. Shelly St., shows pictures of homeless children that live in Hollywood to the Council. I'm ending child homelessness and talking at the State Capital. 50%of the homeless want to be homeless and the other 50%are struggling and their only option is to be homeless. These flowers are going to be an alternative by providing jobs and income. I'm associated with Lisa Maria. I'm going to be sending emails out to all of you to take a tour of Rhodes Park. Patricia Minkiewicz, distributes a copy of the Eagle City Code, Eagle Wine District, and discusses the District. Nobody asked the Impact Area if we wanted this and there was no public hearing. The Code cites"the City of Eagle" and this is not in the City of Eagle. General discussion. 6. CONSENT AGENDA: • Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed Page 2 K.\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-10-28-14min.doc from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. ♦ Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims Against the City. B. Saturday Market Manager Contract for 2014-2015: C. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for PP-06-12 - Spring Valley Subdivision No. 1—M3 Companies,LLC: M3 Companies, LLC, is requesting preliminary plat approval for Spring Valley Subdivision No. 1, a 217-lot(190- buildable, 1-waste water treatment, 1-domestic well, 22-common, and 3-future phase) subdivision. The 346.77-acre site is generally located on the east side of State Highway 16 approximately 0.6-mile north of West Beacon Light Road. (WEV) D. Minutes of October 14,2014. E. Acceptance of engineering plans for Eagle SuperParks LLC. project. (JDR) 6E. Acceptance of engineering plans for Eagle SuperParks LLC. project. (JDR) Mayor introduces the issue. Butler: there was nothing in the packet and what are we supposed to approve on the Consent Agenda. McFarland moves to approve the Amended Consent Agenda,Items#A,B and #D. Kunz: with respect to Item #D the minutes of October 14,2014 I have submitted some typographical/minor corrections but there is one major addition I am requesting on Page 9 under 9B New Business the discussion of Planning and Zoning fees including M3 specific fees and future public hearing,I have asked the City Clerk to add a discussion sentence or two that talks about the fact that I have asked City Staff to explore the possibility of late interest payments and prepaid deposits for past due accounts as well as to add an additional sentence noting that Councilman Ridgeway had mentioned the Water Department has a late interest penalty policy in place already. So I would ask that those two discussion items be summarized as part of that agenda item. Seconded by Butler. McFarland: AYE; Butler: AYE; Kunz: AYE; Ridgeway: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES 6E. Acceptance of engineering plans for Eagle SuperParks LLC.Project continued. PZ Administrator Vaughan: We have a review letter from the City Engineer in regards to this project dated October 27`h and there is a condition of approval that I was working on getting resolved. General discussion. City Engineer Mike Davis provides Council an overview of the ongoing submittal process of the engineering plans for Eagle SuperParks LLC. City Engineer provides an overview of the conditions in the letter that PZ Administrator Vaughan distributed to the Council. PZ Administrator Vaughan: the Design Engineer stated that he would provide that certification letter to retain all water on site tomorrow. General discussion. Page 3 K.\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-10-28-I4min.doe Butler moves to approve the Engineering Plan with conditions provided by the Engineer with the understanding that the Bond has to be paid in the time frame that was specified. Discussion. Seconded by McFarland. McFarland: AYE; Butler: AYE; Kunz: PASS; Ridgeway: NAY: Kunz: NAY: Mayor: AYE: MOTION CARRIES 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Ordinance 724: Clarification is sought of the motion made at the October 14, 2014 meeting pertaining to the definition of commercial vehicles. (Chief Calley) Mayor introduces the issue. Chief Calley provides Council an overview of the definition of commercial vehicles and the Eagle City Code where commercial vehicle is identified. General discussion. Chief Calley: I would ask that we revisit this and remove this commercial vehicle addition to 5-3-5 and leave it at Campers,Motor Homes and Trailers,72 hours. That we introduce a new ordinance asking for a commercial vehicle to be defined in a separate code and go for the 2 hours of parking,that way we have common language in two separate codes,we have 72 hours for vehicles in residential and 2 hours for commercial vehicles. Kunz: I would make the motion that Chief Calley just stated. Seconded by Butler. Discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES General discussion. B. Resolution 14-14—Communication Policy: A Resolution of the City of Eagle, Idaho, establishing a policy for communications within and by the city; and providing an effective date. (SR) This item was continued from the September 26, 214 meeting. Public comment will be taken. Mayor introduces the issue. Councilman Ridgeway provides Council an overview of the recommendation from the working group. We did get a letter from the Valley Times asking that we make some changes. I would like to open this up to see if there are any comments from other Council Members. General discussion on free speech. Kunz: I have reviewed Exhibit A and I think it is cleaner. I have some specific proposals I would like to cover: on Page lof 6 where it says"In order to meet the needs and expectations of our community,the City of Eagle is committed to facilitating effective communication with its city staff', elected official is singular,there should be an"s"on the end of it; on Page 2 of 6 Item #6 says "Foster positive relationships between city hall and the new media"I would add that city hall be replaced with"city officials and staff'; on Page 2 under External Communication I think there are a couple of sub points that we might need to consider here,the first one is perhaps including a comment or observation"that any personal opinions, subjective content or forward or speculative statements, either written or oral, need to be recognized strictly as those of the person making them and do not necessarily represent the position of the City"thereby encouraging the use of author bylines and journalism standards that should govern. Further, because Item A talks about guidelines for informing citizens and the last part of the second sentence says"including correspondence of such official policy, news releases, and the like should be communicated through the Mayor's office, the City Clerk's office and/or the Communications Specialist.", I think it is important to distinguish between the official position or policy statements of the City versus reporting or recapping publicly available information in a factual matter for the media such that publicly available info should not have to be communicated through the Mayor's office,the City Clerk's office and/or the Page 4 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-10-28-I 4min.doc Communications Specialist if it is merely being reported from a public meeting. On Page 3 of 6 Item #8 specifically lists the information to be available for review on the City's website, I would ask that immediately after sub point(e) meeting dates, agendas,that we insert an additional item that says "agendas updated with the status or decision of each agenda item"as per Mr. Frank Thomason's suggestions. On Page 3 of 6 under Section D. dealing with the Internet/City Website, I looked at the Social Policy and there is a sentence in there I think we need to consider adding an additional section that says something along the following"The City's website www.cityofeagle.org will remain the City's primary and predominate interne presence, all press releases, news articles, newsletters, articles and other public documents prepared by city staff or media shall be placed on the City's website. The City's website shall be used as the primary means of distributing materials prepared by city staff for media to afford or ensure equal access." On Page 5 of 6 under Guidelines for Departments there is a section that says"The City is not obligated to make any employee available to the media for an interview." I would propose striking that and if it is retained I would ask that it be rephrased as an example "although the City is not obligated to make any employee available to the media for an interview, every effort shall be made to respond in a timely manner regarding media requests." On Page 6 of 6, "Distribution of Press Releases and other Public Information:""The Communications Specialist is responsible for distributing press releases, newsletters, articles or other public documents prepared by City employees to media outlets. City Council members may, but are not required to, utilize the Communications Specialist for distribution of articles prepared by them in their capacity as a City Council member. All media representatives will be afforded the same access; any information available to members of the media will be provided equally." I would propose that the sentence be extended to include the following phrase "through primary placement on the City's website" and then instead of saying the last sentence "No reporter or news outlet will be excluded from any media availability."I would ask that the sentence there be replaced with"All media representatives can access or download such materials directly from the City's website." General discussion. Mayor opens the Public Comment No one has signed up to speak and no one in the audience wishes to speak. Mayor closes the Public Comment Kunz: Mayor: I am recommending that the comments made on the record be incorporated, run it by the Department Heads and bring it back. C. Ordinance 723 — Repealing the Internal Communication Policy Ordinance: An ordinance of the City of Eagle, Ada County, Idaho, repealing Section 1-11-3 of the Eagle City Code relating to internal communications policy; and providing an effective date. (SR) This item was continued from the September 26, 214 meeting. Public comment will be taken. Mayor introduces the issue. Kunz moves to continue this particular item which deals with the repeal of the current Internal Communication Policy to a future meeting where we discuss and take action on the draft Communication Policy. Mayor opens the Public Comment No one has signed up to speak and no one in the audience wishes to speak. Mayor closes the Public Comment Page 5 K\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-I0-28-14min.doe McFarland seconds Jeff's motion. Kunz moves to continue Item 7C to a future meeting, the same meeting in which we review and take action on the draft Communication Policy. Seconded by McFarland. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES D. Resolution 14-19—Board/Committee/Commission Appointment Policy: A Resolution of the City Of Eagle, Idaho, establishing a policy for appointment procedure for Boards/Committees/Commissions within and by the City; and providing an effective date. (SR) This item was continued from the September 26, 214 meeting. Public comment will be taken. Mayor introduces the issue. Councilman Ridgeway provides the Council an overview of the proposed policy. General discussion. Kunz: Concerning section 2 on selection of Board members, it has occurred to me that there is probably a 4th option. Option 4 could potentially be as follows: Members of a Board who are employees and/or elected or appointed officials of a public entity having jurisdiction within Eagle shall comply with all Conflict of Interest/Ethics laws and the Incompatibility of Office Doctrine. In cases where a conflict of interest exists or the individual cannot give allegiance to both entities or in cases where an entity supervises the other or the entities are antagonistic to each other the Board Member must recuse him or herself from such matters and/or must act in a no voting ex official capacity. General discussion. Mayor opens the Public Comment Tom Brentgel, I am in the area of impact and if you want to fill a position on a committee outside the City then you need to clarify how you want them to represent the City. General discussion. Patricia Minkiewicz, this is really interesting. I'm disappointed in the citizens as they are not submitting applications. There is something holding people back. They don't want to volunteer to make a difference. General Council discussion. Naomi Preston, Councilman Kunz has pointed out a couple of times about the volunteer nature and that these are just recommendations to Council but with respect to the roundabout the Transportation Committee had a decision and that was how Council changed their position on the roundabout. This was a recommendation by this Committee and it was taken by the Council. General discussion. Mayor closes the Public Comment Butler moves to move this to the November 10,2014 meeting. Seconded by McFarland. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES E. Resolution 14-16—Social Media Policy: A Resolution of the City of Eagle, Idaho, establishing a policy regarding official City use of social media; and providing an effective date. (SKB) Mayor introduces the issue. Butler moves to Approve 14-16 Social Media Policy. Seconded by McFarland. TWO AYES: ONE NAY: Ridgeway discussion: the wording is that everything is through the Communications Specialist and the Clerk's Office and I think we need to add the Mayor in there as he is the Chief Executive of the City. Our official website is how we communicate. I would not want our staff to be bogged down with answering the issues that are sent on social media. Anything that is posted on the social media website needs to have a clarification that says"if you have an issue Page 6 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-10-28-14min.doc that you want to bring before the City or you want the City to respond you need to go to the City's website and fill out the official complaint form." Kunz: We need to have some language to make sure it talks about the Social Media site's privacy policy; Page 2 #9 add to sentence the following"and site specific terms of use"the privacy policy as an example; Page 4 talks about establishment of Social Media Sites, I'm not sure if it is applicable on Social Media but there is a differentiation between moderated versus unmoderated sites,there is no discussion on usage; Page 4 talks about the fact that if the administrator of the social media sites is to leave the employment of the City I think there needs to be an additional sentence to say "The Communications Specialist shall immediately change the password necessary to administer the Social Media site"; discussion on Section IV. City Employees' use of Social Media Sites. I don't know if the title needs to be expanded or just drop that section. General discussion. Butler withdraws his motion. General discussion. Mayor: I would entertain a motion to continue this to the November 10,2014 meeting. So moved by McFarland. Seconded by Butler. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES F. Review of planned activities and schedule related to Stakeholders Committee and their evaluation of the Eagle Road/State Street intersection alternatives. (JK) Mayor introduces the issue. Kunz displays slides and provides the Council and the public with an overview of the planned activities and schedule for the Stakeholders Committee. Discusses the Eagle Road/State Street Intersection Study Refresher also known as an Open House on November 5, 2014, 6:00—7:30 pm at Eagle City Hall. Discusses the new Stakeholder Committee and the voting representatives. Wednesday night November 12th here at City Hall at 6:00 pm we will meet with affected businesses and we will select one voting representative and their alternate. On Thursday November 13th at 7:00 pm we will do the same thing with the affected residents, we will select their one voting representative and their alternate. We will also preview the model that we will be using. Thereafter the Stakeholder Committee will convene. 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Public Hearings are legally noticed hearings required by state law. The public may provide formal testimony regarding the application or issue before the City Council. This testimony will become part of the hearing record for that application or matter. A. A-02-14/RZ-02-14 & PP-01-14 — Banbury Meadows Subdivision No. 8 - Banbury Meadow, LLC: Banbury Meadow, LLC, represented by Becky McKay with Engineering Solutions, LLP, is requesting an annexation, rezone from RUT (Rural-Urban Transition — Ada County designation)and A-R(Agricultural-Residential up to one (1) unit per five (5)acres)to R- 3-DA (Residential up to three units per acre with a development agreement), preliminary plat approvals for Banbury Meadows Subdivision No. 8, a 29-lot (26 buildable and 3 common) residential subdivision. The 11.81-acre site is generally located at the west side of South Chipper Way approximately 50-feet north of the intersection of South Chipper Way and West Oakhampton Drive. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Upon Applicants request this item was continued to the November 10,2014 City Council meeting. B. RZ-07-13 MOD & PP-04-14—Development Agreement Modification,Development Page 7 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-10-28-14min.doe Agreement in Lieu of a PUD,and Preliminary Plat for Gateway Subdivision —NorthSide Management: NorthSide Management, represented by Scott Noriyuki, is requesting a development agreement modification, development agreement in lieu of a PUD, and preliminary plat approval for Gateway Subdivision, a 101-lot(95 buildable and 6 common) residential subdivision. The 28.11-acre site is generally located at the SW corner of E. Sadie Drive and N. Echohawk Way. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Mayor: Does anyone on Council have any exparte contact to declare? None Mayor: Does anyone on Council have any potential or actual conflict of interest?None Scott Noriyuki, representing the applicant, displays slides and provides the Council an overview of the application. General discussion. PZ Administrator Vaughan: both Staff and the PZ Commission have had the opportunity to review this application and both the Staff and the Commission have recommended approval of the application. Discussion on the Commission's recommendation and changes. Discussion on the Commission recommendation for the Plat. Mayor opens the Public Hearing Steve Deckers, 2249 Dicky Circle, I wrote you a letter. In general this application is a good one. The issue I have is the area between the development and the City Park. Discussion on what the area should look like. Bob Norton, 2528 E. Sadie Drive, I live directly across the street. We need some clarification of the medians in front of our places. Part is improved and the other part is in weeds. We need clarification from the City as to who is going to take care of the medians. Discussion on the buffer and what it should be. The homeowners would like to take care of the medians. Terri Curshner, 2225 Dicky Circle, I have to agree that the berm should still be there. It was a natural seating area. Trees and shrubs would be nice for a sound barrier. Mayor closes the Public Hearing Scott Noriyuki responds to the public comments in regards to the Park gaining a field and is bigger, discusses the berm,and discusses the medians. General discussion. Bob Norton discusses the medians on Sadie and who is responsible. Scott Noriyuki: everything on the north side of said (median) is the responsibility of Ringo Ridge and everything on the south side(median) is the responsibility of Gateway. General discussion. Kunz moves that the City approve RZ-07-13 MOD & PP-04-14 —Development Agreement Modification, Development Agreement in Lieu of a PUD, and Preliminary Plat for Gateway Subdivision — NorthSide Management with the following changes on Pages 18 of 17 Commission Finding #17 needs to refer to Site Specific Condition of Approval #16 rather than #15; the buffer area to the east of Guerber Park to contain deciduous trees along Mr. Noriyuki's property line, stair step or stepped fashion, with conifers in the Park Area between the Park and the property line. Discussion. Kunz: with an open wrought iron fence on your property line as well. Seconded by Ridgeway. Discussion. Butler: could the Council direct the applicant to meet with Mr. Norton so they could clarify the details so Mr. Norton is happy. Kunz: I amend my motion to include that. Butler: that was a silly addition and it was more a suggestion rather than a condition. Kunz: The main motion stands. Discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES Page 8 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-10-28-14min.doc Mayor calls a recess at 9:10 p.m. Mayor reconvenes at 9:20 p.m. 9. NEW BUSINESS: A. Overview of the Foothills Sub-area Plan and comparison to Scenario 1 (2013+entitled) of the Beacon Light Modeling. (NBS) Mayor introduces the issue. Planner Baird Spencer displays a power point presentation and provides Council an overview of the Overview of the Foothills Sub-area Plan and comparison to Scenario 1 (2013+entitled)of the Beacon Light Modeling. A video is played about the creation of the comp plan. Baird Spencer continues the overview. General discussion. Mayor entertains moving Item#C to#B. So moved by Kunz. Seconded by Ridgeway. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES C. 201401447-CU/MSP—Conditional Use Permit and Master Site Plan Application for an Event Facility—Tawnja Elison - Tawnja Elison, represented by Todd Lakey with Borton- Lakey Law, is requesting a conditional use permit and master site plan approval to utilize an existing 9,000-square foot open structure as a social hall to host weddings, receptions and similar events. The 6.21-acre site is located on the south side of Hatchery Road approximately 1,000-feet east of the intersection of Linder Road and Hatchery Road at 4499 Hatchery Road. This site is located in the Eagle Area of Impact. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Todd Lakey, representing the applicant provides Council an overview of the application. General discussion. Tawanja Elison discusses the surface of the roadway. PZ Administrator Vaughan provides Council an overview of the application. General discussion. Butler moves to approve 201401447-CU/MSP—Conditional Use Permit and Master Site Plan Application for an Event Facility with the Site Specific Conditions of Approval with #3 deleted and#4 to read "improve the proposed 20' wide access road and the parking lot with a dust free material". Seconded by McFarland. Discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES B. Discussion on Youth Sports Programs with the Skyhawks Organization: (MA) Mayor introduces the issue. Park/Rec Director Aho: I am going to let Caitlin take those over. Caitlin is our new Recreation Coordinator and she is going to give a presentation. Thank you. Mr. Mayor and members of the Council, Caitlin Straubinger, I started about 3 weeks ago as the Recreation Specialist, I was hired to help start recreation programs for the City of Eagle. Caitlin displays a power point and provides Council an overview of the Youth Sports Programs with the Skyhawks Organization. General discussion. D. Discussion of Laguna Pathway encroachment issue. (MA) This item was remanded to Staff by a previous Council motion for administrative action 10. EXECUTIVE SESSION: 67-2345 (1)Pending or Threatened Litigation: Laguna litigation- City v.Jade Properties,Laguna Pointe HOA, and Premier Properties. Page 9 K.\COUNCIL'MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-10-28-14min.doc A. Executive sessions--When authorized. (1)An executive session at which members of the public are excluded may be held, but only for the purposes and only in the manner set forth in this section. The motion to go into executive session shall identify the specific subsections of this section that authorize the executive session. There shall be a roll call vote on the motion and the vote shall be recorded in the minutes. An executive session shall be authorized by a two-thirds (2/3)vote of the governing body. An executive session may be held: (f) To communicate with legal counsel for the public agency to discuss the legal ramifications of and legal options for pending litigation, or controversies not yet being litigated but imminently likely to be litigated. The mere presence of legal counsel at an executive session does not satisfy this requirement; Mayor Reynolds introduces the issue. Kunz moves pursuant to I.C. 67-2345(1) that we go into Executive Session to discuss Pending or Threatened Litigation: Laguna litigation - City v.Jade Properties,Laguna Pointe HOA,and Premier Properties and any other litigation that may be pending. Seconded by Ridgeway. McFarland: AYE; Butler: AYE; Kunz: AYE; Ridgeway: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES .. Council goes into Executive Session at 10:45 p.m. Council discusses Pending or Threatened Litigation: Laguna litigation- City v. Jade Properties, Laguna Pointe HOA, and Premier Properties. Council leaves Executive Session at 10:55 p.m. Butler moves to instruct the Mayor to finalize payment of the$70,000.00. Seconded by McFarland. McFarland: AYE; Butler: AYE; Kunz: AYE; Ridgeway: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES . 11. ADJOURNMENT: McFarland moves to adjourn. Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 11:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted: ,,,,,.u. SHAR• K. BERGMANN i',-�.0 cot A7,,, . CITY CLERK/TREASURER » ...S 4k.` ' .* • • U -• y 0 • P r 'PROVED: / ? t• V. q �? 0 VA.:. . 1 • ...d.4„.„..,„.„„ MES D. REYN U L 1( * ''?ATE,0;, AYOR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE AT CITY HALL UPON REQUEST. Page 10 K:\COUNCIL'MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-10-28-14min.doc EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP October 28, 2014 RZ-07-13 MOD & PP -04-14 — Development Agreement Modification, Development Agreement in Lieu of a PUD, and Preliminary Plat for Gateway Subdivision — NorthSide Management NAME r TESTIFY EXPERT ADDRESS YES/NO YES/NO zz l c«2_ G -L 8 36 r-6 735 10/28/2014 01:28 3810160 r To: City of Eagle From: Frank Thomason, Ph.D., Publisher/Editor, Valley Times Re: Draft Resolution No. 14-14 .PAGE P01 c Gi*_,y MY OF'EAG; .E IA.282C14 File: Route to - I have read the language in this proposed resolution and find it generally a great improvement over the previous language, which this resolution when/if approved will replaced. Particular comments follow. Under "Media Relations," B. Guidelines for Departments, number 7 reads, "The City is not obligated to make any employee available to the media for an interview." Why this is included is unclear. It is combative and unnecessary and its gist may be inferred from number 8 re: department heads' responsibility and from Paragraph D, "Distribution of Press Releases and other Public Information." I recommend amending item/paragraph D relative to the last two sentences. "AII media representatives will be afforded the same access; any information available to members of the media will be provided equally." This sentence assumes the following/final sentence, "No reporter or news outlet will be excluded from any media availability." I strongly recommend adding to the end of the amended sentence after equally, "including posting an updated agenda of City Council and other City meetings on the City's web site the day after the meeting that notes in one -five words the results of agenda items, whether 'approved,"denied' or 'continued to a date certain'." I have covered Eagle City Council meetings since 1991 and for several years have repeatedly requested in open council meetings the posting of such updated council agendas on the City's web site. It requires very little staff time to add the results and post to the web site for all to access. No one should have to resort to video streaming the entire meeting to find out what decisions are taken. Consideration should also be given to shortening the number of pages in the draft resolution. All necessary language could and should be condensed into fewer pages. Respectfully submitted on October 28, 2014 C'G /o',2 "/t/ Northwest Ada County Right -of -Way Decision Notice 10-21-2014 The Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Four Rivers Field Office, 3948 Development Avenue, Boise, Idaho 83705, has approved applications filed by the M3 Companies for two road rights-of-way (R/Ws), two multi -use trail R/Ws, and one drainage/public access R/W, all located north of the City of Eagle. The Highway 16 connector and Linder Road extension R/Ws each consist of 4 traffic lanes, 2 bike lanes, curbs, and center median. The two 10 foot wide multi -use trails parallel the Highway 16 connector and Linder Road extension. The Big Gulch Drainage R/W consists of a flood drainage channel and 2 hiking trails. The decision is available via BLM's online NEPA Register at the following address: httns://www.blm.gov/eril-front-office/enlanning/neoa/ne_pa_register.do. The NEPA number is: DOI-BLM-ID-B010-2010-0010-EA. The NEPA Environmental Assessment document for the project is also available via BLM's online website. The search criteria are by State (Idaho), Office (ID -Four Rivers FO), Document Type (EA), and Fiscal Year (2014), Programs (All). The decision may be appealed to the Interior Board of Land Appeals, Office of the Secretary, in accordance with the regulations contained in 43 CFR, Part 4. If an appeal is taken, your notice of appeal must be filed at the above BLM address by close of business on November 21, 2014. The appellant has the burden of showing that the decision appealed from is in error. If you wish to file a petition (request) pursuant to regulation 43 CFR 4.21 for a stay (suspension) of the effectiveness of this decision during the time that your appeal is being reviewed by the Board, the petition for a stay must accompany your notice of appeal. A petition for a stay is required to show sufficient justification based on the standards listed below. Copies of the notice of appeal and petition for a stay must also be submitted to each party named in this decision and to the Interior Board of Land Appeals and to the appropriate Office of the Solicitor (see 43 CFR 4.413) at the same time the original documents are filed with this office. If you request a stay, you have the burden of proof to demonstrate that a stay should be granted. Standards for Obtaining a Stay Except as otherwise provided by law or other pertinent regulation, a petition for a stay of a decision pending appeal shall show sufficient justification based on the following standards: (1) The relative harm to the parties if the stay is granted or denied, (2) The likelihood of the appellant's success on the merits, (3) The likelihood of immediate and irreparable harm if the stay is not granted, and (4) Whether the public interest favors granting the stay. If you have questions, please contact John Sullivan, Realty Program Lead, at 208-384- 3338. Sharon Bergmann From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Mike Williams Tuesday, October 28, 2014 1:29 PM City Council Grp Bill Vaughan; Becky McKay (es-beckym@qwestoffice.net); Shari Stiles Banbury Meadows Subdivision No. 8 Banbury Meadows No. 8 Sub me3.pdf The applicant is requesting the Banbury Meadows Subdivision No. 8 public hearing be continued 2014. Michael Williams,PCED,CFM Planner II City of Eagle 660 Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Work 939-0227 Direct 489-8774 Fax 938-3854 1 , SA INTER OFFICE City of Eagle Zoning Administration To: From: File No: Date: Attachment(s): Copy To: Mayor Reynolds and City Council Members Michael Williams, PCED, CFM, Planner II A-02-14/RZ-02-14 & PP -01-14 — Banbury Meadows Subdivision No. 8 — Banbury Meadows, LLC, represented by Becky McKay with Engineering Solutions, LLP October 28, 2014 Email correspondence received from Shari Stiles with Engineering Solutions, LLP dated October 28, 2014 Engineering Solutions, LLP, Attn: Becky McKay, 1029 N. Rosario Street, Suite 100, Meridian, ID 83642 The applicant is requesting this application be continued to the November 10, 2014 meeting. Page 1 of 1 K:W1 vtcsg Urpttii=L• Appticstk►nt.SUBSI:QII4 fl;nbu y Mraduw, Nu 11 Sufi rar3,doe Mike Williams From: Shari Stiles <es-sharis@qwestoffice.net> Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2014 11:18 AM To: Mike Williams Subject: Request for Deferral of Public Hearing - Banbury Meadows Subdivision No. 8 Mike: Becky McKay is ill and unable to attend tonight's City Council meeting. On behalf of Banbury Meadows LLC, we respectfully request that the public hearing be deferred to Monday, November 10, 2014, to allow Becky to attend. Please let me know if you need additional information. Thank you From: Billy Mann rmailto:billvmehoffc.coml Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2014 10:37 AM To: 'Shari Stiles' Subject: RE: Banbury Meadows Subdivision No. 8 I guess we will need to do that, I hope it is nothing serious. From: Shari Stiles lmailto:es-sharisaawestoffice.net1 Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2014 10:12 AM To: Billy Mann Cc: 'Becky McKay'; 'Mike Williams' Subject: Banbury Meadows Subdivisions No. 8 Billy: Becky McKay is sick and out of the office for the next few days and needs to cancel your 11:00 conference call today. If acceptable to you, we would like to request the public hearing be continued to the first meeting in November (Monday, November 10), to allow Becky's attendance. Thank you. Shari Stiles Planner/Office Manager Engineering Solutions, LLP 1029 N. Rosario Street, Suite 100 Meridian, ID 83642 Phone: 208-938-0980 Fax: 208-938-0941 E -Mail: es-sharis(awestoffice.net 1 City of Eagle o /V Check Register - Transparency Version Page 1 Check Issue Dates. 10/15/2014 - 10/27/2014 Oct 27, 2014 03.03PM Report Catena Report type GL detail Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount 14490 10/15/2014 14490 Idaho Concrete Company 1 ch 15-0437-29-00 GREENBELT PATHWAY MTNC/RPR 2,396 60- 2,398.60 - Total 14490 2,396 60- 14560 10/16/2014 14560 Eagle Sewer Distnct 10/16/2014 14560 Eagle Sewer District 10/16/2014 14560 Eagle Sewer District 10(16/2014 14560 Eagle Sewer Distnct 10/16/2014 14560 Eagle Sewer District 1 ch 01-0413-16-00 UTILITIES/NEW CITY HALL 1 ch 15-0449-06-00 UTILITIES 1 ch 07-0462-52-00 MUSEUM UTILITIES 1 ch 15-0452-06-00 UTILITIES 2 ch 15-0450-06-00 UTILITIES 136 00 136 00 34 00 34 00 34 00 34 00 17.00 17 00 17 00 17 00 Total 14560 238.00 14561 10/16/2014 14561 Idaho Child Support Receipting 1 ch 18-0217-08-00 GARNISHMENTS 10116/2014 14561 Idaho Child Support Receipting 2 ch 60-0217-08-00 GARNISHMENTS 150 00 150.00 208 50 208 50 Total 14561: 358 50 14562 10/20/2014 14562 Ada County Highway Distnct 1 ch 01-0203-00-00 ACCTS PAYABLE-ACHD IMPACT FEE 73,300 00 73,300 00 Total 14562 73,300 00 14562 10/16/2014 14562 Key Bank - HSA 10/16/2014 14562 Key Bank- HSA 10/16/2014 14562 Key Bank - HSA 10/16/2014 14562 Key Bank - HSA 1 ch 13-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 2 ch 01-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 3 ch 16-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 4 ch 08-0217-10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 100.00 100 00 10000 10000 275 00 275 00 710 00 710 00 Total 14562 1,185 00 14563 10/20/2014 14563 Analytical Laboratories, Inc 10/20/2014 14563 Analytical Laboratories; Inc 10/20/2014 14563 Analytical Laboratories. Inc. 1 ch 80-0435-56-00 TESTING -WKLY, MO, QTR, ANNUAL 1 ch 60-0435-58-00 TESTING -WKLY, MO, QTR, ANNUAL 1 ch 60-0435-56-00 TESTING -WKLY, MO, QTR, ANNUAL 90 00 941.00 300.00 90 00 941 00 300.00 Total 14563. 1.331 00 14564 10/20/2014 14584 Andy Benoit 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 46 84 46 84 Total 14564. 46 84 14565 10/20/2014 14565 Anrinson Plumbing LLP 1 ch 15-0444-01-00 MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 75 00 75 00 Total 14565 75.00 14566 10/20/2014 14566 Baldwin & Associates, Inc. 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 211.76 211 76 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 2 Check Issue Dates: 10/15/2014 - 10/27/2014 Oct 27, 2014 03:03PM Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount Total 14566: 211.76 14567 10/20/2014 14567 Billing Document Specialists 10/20/2014 14567 Billing Document Specialists 1 ch 60-0434-47.00 BILLING SERVICES 2 ch 16-0415-01-00 AW IN MGMT (BFI) ED/ADD SRVS 992.63 992.63 187.91 187.91 Total 14567: 1,180.64 14568 10/20/2014 14568 DataTel 1 ch 01-0465-03-00 CAPITAL EXPEND/CITY HALL EQUIP 153.45 153.45 Total 14568: 153.45 14569 10/20/2014 14569 Dell Marketing L.P. 10/20/2014 14569 Dell Marketing L.P. 1 ch 01-0465-03-00 CAPITAL EXPEND/CITY HALL EQUIP 1,412.64 1,412.64 1 ch 01-0465-03-00 CAPITAL EXPEND/CRY HALL EQUIP 757.79 757.79 Total 14569: 2,170.43 14570 10/20/2014 14570 Dennis Nolte 1 ch 13-0416-09-00 PLUMBING INSPECTIONS 7,190.08 7,190.08 Total 14570: 7,190.08 14571 10/20/2014 14571 DigLine 1 ch 60-0434-44-00 DIG LINE 63.82 63.82 Total 14571: 63.82 14572 10/20/2014 14572 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 15-0450-05-00 MTNC & RPR -EQUIP & STRUCTURES 12.59 12.59 10/20/2014 14572 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 15-0450-05-00 MTNC & RPR -EQUIP & STRUCTURES. 90- .90- 10/20/2014 14572 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 15-0437-25-00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 11.24 11.24 10/20/2014 14572 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 15-0437-25-00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 4.63 4.63 10/20/2014 14572 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 15-0437-25-00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 8.67 8.87 10/20/2014 14572 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 15-0437-25-00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 13.93 13.93 10/20/2014 14572 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 15-0437-25-00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 30.56 30.56 10/2012014 14572 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 15-0445-01-00 MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 18.69 18.69 10/20/2014 14572 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 15-0437-29-00 GREENBELT PATHWAY MTNC/RPR 42.72 42.72 10/20/2014 14572 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 15-0437-25-00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5.20 5.20 10/20/2014 14572 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 15-0437-29-00 GREENBELT PATHWAY MTNC/RPR 247.00 247.00 10/20/2014 14572 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 15-0437-29-00 GREENBELT PATHWAY MTNCIRPR 16.19 16.19 10/20/2014 14572 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 15-0455-05-00 MTNC & RPR -EQUIP & STRUCUTRES 13.02 13.02 10/20/2014 14572 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 15-0455-05-00 MTNC & RPR -EQUIP & STRUCUTRES 12.59 12.59 10/20/2014 14572 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 15-0437-23-00 MISC MTNCIRPR GROUNDS 33.98 33.98 10/20/2014 14572 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 15-0444-01-00 MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 5.94 5.94 10/20/2014 14572 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 15-0437-29-00 GREENBELT PATHWAY MTNCIRPR 8.58 8.58 10/20/2014 14572 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 15-0450-05-00 MTNC & RPR -EQUIP & STRUCTURES 4.49 4.49 10/20/2014 14572 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 15-0437-29-00 GREENBELT PATHWAY MTNCIRPR 24.88 24.88 10/20/2014 14572 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 15-0437-29-00 GREENBELT PATHWAY MTNC/RPR31.01 31.01 10/20/2014 14572 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 15-0437-29-00 GREENBELT PATHWAY MTNC/RPR 34.32 34.32 10/20/2014 14572 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 15-0437-29-00 GREENBELT PATHWAY MTNC/RPR 7.58 7.58 10/20/2014 14572 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 15-0437-29-00 GREENBELT PATHWAY MTNC/RPR 2.40 2.40 10/20/2014 14572 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 60-0434-26-00 Tools & Equipment12.59 12.59 City of Eagle Check Check Issue Date Number Total 14572: 14573 10/20/2014 10/20/2014 10/20/2014 Payee 14573 HD Supply Waterworks, Inc. 14573 HD Supply Waterworks, Inc. 14573 HD Supply Waterworks, Inc. Total 14573: 14574 10/20/2014 14574 10120/2014 14574 10/20/2014 14574 10/20/2014 14574 10/20/2014 14574 10/20/2014 14574 10/20/2014 14574 10/20/2014 14574 10/20/2014 14574 10/20/2014 14574 Total 14574: Home Depot Credit Services Home Depot Credit Services Home Depot Credit Services Home Depot Credit Services Home Depot Credit Services Home Depot Credit Services Home Depot Credit Services Home Depot Credit Services Home Depot Credit Services Home Depot Credit Services 14575 10/2012014 14575 Idaho Sand & Gravel Co. Total 14575: 14576 10/20/2014 14578 Idaho Sporting Goods Total 14576: 14577 10/2012014 14577 Integrity Audio Visual Total 14577: 14578 10/20/2014 14578 MASTERCARD Total 14578: 14579 10/20/2014 14579 Molly Maring Total 14579: 14580 10/2012014 14580 Nampa Floors & Interiors Total 14580: 14581 10/20/2014 14581 National Benefit Services, LLC 10/20/2014 14581 National Benefit Services, LLC Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 3 Check Issue Dates: 10/15/2014 -10/27/2014 Oct 27, 2014 03:03PM Invoice Invoice Sequence GL Account Invoice GL Account Title 1 ch 80-0438-01-00 EQUIPMENT 1 ch 80-0434-26-00 Tools & Equipment 2 ch 15-0437-28-00 BACK FLOW PARTS REPLACEMENT 1 ch 15.0437-29-00 1 ch 60-0434-58-01 1 c 60-0434-28-00 1 ch 60-0434-26-00 1 ch 15-0455-05-00 1 ch 15-0437-25-00 1 ch 15-0437-29-00 1 ch 15-0437-29-00 1 ch 60-0434-26-00 1 ch 15-0437-23-00 GREENBELT PATHWAY MTNC/RPR RPR/MTNC PUMPS-WELLS-CHEMICA Tools & Equipment Tools & Equipment MTNC & RPR -EQUIP & STRUCUTRES MATERIALS & SUPPLIES GREENBELT PATHWAY MTNC/RPR GREENBELT PATHWAY MTNC/RPR Tools & Equipment MISC MTNC/RPR GROUNDS 1 ch 15-0437-29-00 GREENBELT PATHWAY MTNC/RPR 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 1 ch 15-0442-05-00 UPGRADE SOUND SYSTEM-CHAMBE 1 ch 15-0442-01-00 MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 1 ch 13-0413-12-00 PERSONNEL TRAINING 1 ch 01-0416-35-00 OPERATIONAL RESERVE 1 ch 14-0415-23-01 COBRA ADMIN FEE 2 ch 80-0433-23-01 COBRA ADMIN FEE Invoice Amount 1,058.40 79.76 93.80 Check Amount 601.90 1,058.40 79.76 93.60 1,231.76 16.22 16.22 48.85 48.85 14.98 14.98 5.32 5.32 22.92 22.92 65.91 65.91 96.39 96.39 9.97 9.97 7.67 7.87 119.96 119.96 408.19 2,393.60 2,393.60 2,393.60 20.50 20.50 20.50 150.00 150.00 150.00 508.80 508.80 508.80 189.00 189.00 189.00 8,261.00 8,261.00 8,261.00 18.00 18.00 9.00 9.00 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 4 Check Check Issue Date Number Payee 10/20/2014 10/20/2014 10/20/2014 10/20/2014 10/20/2014 14581 National Benefit Services, LLC 14581 National Benefit Services, LLC 14581 National Benefit Services, LLC 14581 National Benefit Services, LLC 14581 National Benefit Services, LLC Total 14581: 14582 10/20/2014 14582 PSC Environmental Services Total 14582: 14583 10/20/2014 14583 Quest CPAs, P.C. Total 14583: 14584 10/20/2014 14584 Rimi, Inc: Terry Medley Total 14584: 14585 10/20/2014 14585 Service Experts 10/20/2014 14585 Service Experts Total 14585: 14586 10/20/2014 14586 10/20/2014 14586 10/20/2014 14586 10/20/2014 14586 10/20/2014 14586 10/20/2014 14586 10/20/2014 14586 10/20/2014 14586 10/20/2014 14586 10/20/2014 14586 10/20/2014 14586 10/20/2014 14586 10/20/2014 14588 10/20/2014 14588 10/20/2014 14586 10/20/2014 14588 10/20/2014 14586 10/20/2014 14586 10/20/2014 14586 10/20/2014 14588 10/20/2014 14586 10/20/2014 14586 10/20/2014 14586 10/20/2014 14586 Summer Lawns, Inc. Summer Lawns, Inc. Summer Lawns, Inc. Summer Lawns, Inc. Summer Lawns, Inc. Summer Lawns, Inc. Summer Lawns, Inc. Summer Lawns, Inc. Summer Lawns, Inc. Summer Lawns, Inc. Summer Lawns, Inc. Summer Lawns, Inc. Summer Lawns, Inc. Summer Lawns, Inc. Summer Lawns, Inc. Summer Lawns, Inc. Summer Lawns, Inc. Summer Lawns, Inc. Summer Lawns, Inc. Summer Lawns, Inc. Summer Lawns, Inc. Summer Lawns, Inc. Summer Lawns, Inc. Summer Lawns, Inc. Check Issue Dates: 10/15/2014 - 10/27/2014 Oct 27, 2014 03:03PM Invoice Invoice Sequence GL Account 3ch 4 ch 5ch 6ch 7ch Invoice GL Account Title 16-0433-23-01 HRA ADMIN FEE 12-0415.23-01 COBRA ADMIN FEE 01-0415-23.01 HRA ADMIN FEE 06-0461-23-01 COBRA ADMIN FEE 13-0415-23-01 COBRA ADMIN FEE 1 ch 16-0415-01-00 AWIN MGMT (BFI) ED/ADD SRVS 1 ch 01-0416-08-00 CITY AUDITOR 1 ch 13-0416-11-00 MECHANICAL INSPECTOR 1 ch 01-0416-35-00 OPERATIONAL RESERVE 1 ch 16-0416-07-00 HVAC MTNC CONTRACT 1 ch 18-0437-20-00 2 ch 16-0437-20-00 1 ch 16-0454-04-00 1 ch 16-0415-02-00 1 ch 15-0452-05-00 1 ch 15-0449-05-00 2 ch 16-0449-02-00 3 ch 16-0415-02-00 1 ch 15-0455-05-00 1 ch 15-0437-29-00 1 ch 15-0452-05-00 1 ch 15-0447-01-00 1 ch 15-0455-01-00 i ch 15-0451-01-00 1 ch 15-0442-02-00 1 ch 15-0445-01-00 1 ch 15-0452-01-00 1 ch 15-0449-01-00 1 ch 15-0450-01-00 1 ch 15-0455-01-00 1 ch 15-0455-01-00 1 ch 15-0455-01-00 1 ch 15-0455-01-00 1 ch 15-0450-01-00 GEN MTNC PARKS -PATHWAYS GEN MTNC PARKS -PATHWAYS RENOVATE SPRINKLER SYSTEM REPLACEMENT FND-TREES-LITES MTNC & RPR -EQUIP & STRUCTURES MTNC & RPR -EQUIP & STRUCTURES ADD PAVERS -DRINKING FOUNTAIN REPLACEMENT FND-TREES-LITES MTNC & RPR -EQUIP & STRUCUTRES GREENBELT PATHWAY MTNC/RPR MTNC & RPR -EQUIP & STRUCTURES MAINTENANCE & REPAIR GROUNDS MAINTENANCE & REPAIR GROUNDS 1604140000 MAINT & REPAIR GROUNDS MAINTENANCE & REPAIR MAINTENANCE & REPAIR GROUNDS MAINTENANCE & REPAIR GROUNDS MAINTENANCE & REPAIR GROUNDS MAINTENANCE & REPAIR GROUNDS MAINTENANCE & REPAIR GROUNDS MAINTENANCE & REPAIR GROUNDS MAINTENANCE & REPAIR GROUNDS MAINTENANCE & REPAIR GROUNDS Invoice Check Amount Amount 12.00 12.00 9.00 9.00 3.00 3.00 24.00 24.00 15.00 15.00 90.00 1,400.17 1,400.17 1,400.17 5,350.00 5,350.00 5,350.00 6,326.86 6,326.86 6,326.86 19,827.00 19,827.00 252.75 252.75 20,079.75 9,774.33 9,774.33 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,978.85 5,976.65 700.00 700.00 693.97 693.97 988.88 988.88 2,002.64 2,002.64 880.00 880.00 78.39 78.39 900.00 900.00 1,250.00 1,250.00 75.00 75.00 35.00 35.00 75.00 75.00 85.00 85.00 93.75 93.75 85.00 65.00 95.00 95.00 55.00 55.00 45 00 45.00 35.00 35.00 33.75 33.75 41.25 41.25 55.00 55.00 Total 14586: 29,033.61 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 5 Check Issue Dates: 10/15/2014 -10/27/2014 Oct 27, 2014 03:03PM Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount 14587 10/20/2014 14587 Susan Lynn Mimura & Associates, 1 ch 01-0416-05-01 Attorney - Terrain park 2,280.00 2,280.00 Total 14587: 2,280.00 14588 10/20/2014 14588 The Cleaning Center 1 ch 15-0437-26-00 PAPER PRODUCTS 229.43 229.43 10/20/2014 14588 The Cleaning Center 1 ch 15-0437-26-00 PAPER PRODUCTS 1,083.37 1,083.37 Total 14588: 1,312.80 14589 10/20/2014 14588 Treasure Valley Coffee 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 124.90 124.90 10/20/2014 14589 Treasure Valley Coffee 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 27.25 27.25 10/20/2014 14589 Treasure Valley Coffee 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 21.80 21.80 Total 14589: 173.95 14590 10/20/2014 14590 United Water Operations Idaho 1 ch 80-0434-58-00 RPR/MTNC-LINES-METERS-ETC 964.51 964.51 Total 14590: 964.51 14591 10/27/2014 14591 A Company. Inc. - BOI 1 ch 15-0448-06-00 UTILITIES 100.97 100.97 Total 14591: 100.97 14592 10/27/2014 14592 Alana C. Dunn 1 ch 07-0462-68-00 MUSEUM PROGRAMS 83.41 83.41 Total 14592: 83.41 14593 10/27/2014 14593 Albertson's #182 1 ch 06-0461-30-01 CHILDRENS PROGRAMING 80.71 80.71 10/27/2014 14593 Albertson's #182 1 ch 06-0461-30-01 CHILDRENS PROGRAMING 26.93 26.93 10/27/2014 14593 Albertson's #182 1 ch 08-0461-30-01 CHILDRENS PROGRAMING 11.94 11.94 Total 14593: 119.58 14594 10/27/2014 14594 Alexander Clark Printing 1 ch 13-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 495.91 495.91 Total 14594: 495.91 14595 10/27/2014 14595 Alloway Electric 1 ch 15-0441-05-00 STREET LIGHTS MTNC & REPAIR 472.87 472.87 Total 14595. 472.87 14596 10/27/2014 14596 Amazon Credit Plan 1 ch 06-0461-65-00 LIBRARY/BOOKS - ADULT & CHILD 45.97 45.97 10/27/2014 14596 Amazon Credit Plan 2 ch 06-0461-30-00 AUDION1DEO MATERIALS 70.70 70.70 Total 14596. 118.67 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 6 Check Issue Dates: 10/15/2014 - 10/27/2014 Oct 27, 2014 03:03PM Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount 14597 10/27/2014 14597 Association Of Idaho Cities 1 ch 14-0413-12-00 PERSONNEL TRAINING 50.00 50.00 10/27/2014 14597 Association Of Idaho Cities 2 ch 11-0413-12-00 PERSONNEL TRAINING 25.00 25.00 Total 14597: 75.00 14598 10/27/2014 14598 Baldwin & Associates, Inc. 1 ch 14-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 39.90 39.90 10/27/2014 14598 Baldwin & Associates, Inc. 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 16.23 16.23 10/27/2014 14598 Baldwin & Associates, Inc. 1 ch 15-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 63.99 63.99 10/27/2014 14598 Baldwin & Associates, Inc. 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 76.69 76.69 Total 14598: 196.81 14599 10/27/2014 14599 Boise City Attomey's Office 1 ch 01-0418-05-00 PROSECUTOR 4,916.67 4,916.67 Total 14599: 4,916.67 14600 10/27/2014 14600 Boise Office Equipment 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 650.00 850.00 10/27/2014 14600 Boise Office Equipment 1 ch 01-0413-23-00 REPAIR/OFFICE EQUIP/FURN 61.47 61.47 Total 14600: 711.47 14601 10/27/2014 14601 Brodart Co. 1 ch 06-0461-65-00 LIBRARY/BOOKS -ADULT & CHILD 9.29 9.29 Total 14601: 9.29 14602 10/27/2014 14602 Bryan T. Hash 1 ch 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 100.00 100.00 Total 14602: 100.00 14603 10/27/2014 14603 Building Safety Prof. of SW Id 1 ch 13-0413-12-00 PERSONNEL TRAINING 100.00 100.00 10/27/2014 14803 Building Safety Prof. of SW Id 2 ch 13-0413-12-00 PERSONNEL TRAINING 150.00 150.00 Total 14603: 250.00 14604 10/27/2014 14604 CCI - Remington Construction 1 ch 01-0203-01-04 PERFORMANCE BONDS DEPOSIT PB 124.41 124.41 Total 14604: 124.41 14805 10/27/2014 14605 CENGAGE Learning 1 ch 06-0461-65-00 LIBRARY/BOOKS - ADULT & CHILD 46.78 46.78 Total 14605: 46.78 14606 10/27/2014 14608 Center Point Large Print 1 ch 08-0461-65-00 LIBRARY/BOOKS - ADULT & CHILD 42.54 42.54 Total 14606: 42.54 City of Eagle Check Check Issue Date Number Payee 14607 10/27/2014 14807 Craig Ezekiel Brasher Total 14807: 14808 10/27/2014 14608 Craig Soelberg Total 14608: 14609 10/27/2014 14609 Curtis Clean Sweep, Inc. 10/27/2014 14609 Curtis Clean Sweep, Inc. 10/2712014 14609 Curtis Clean Sweep, Inc. Total 14609: 14610 10/27/2014 14610 Cynthia Grace Erica England 10/27/2014 14610 Cynthia Grace Erica England Total 14610: Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 7 Check Issue Dates: 10/15/2014 - 10/27/2014 Oct 27, 2014 03 03P Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount 1 ch 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 100.00 100.00 100.00 1 ch 01-0413-01-00 P&Z COMMISSIONERS COMPENSATI 100.00 100.00 1 ch 15-0443-02-00 MAINT & REPAIR GROUNDS 1 ch 15-0450-01-00 MAINTENANCE & REPAIR GROUNDS 1 ch 15-0452-01-00 MAINTENANCE & REPAIR GROUNDS 75.00 100.00 250.00 100.00 75.00 100.00 250.00 425.00 1 ch 09-0463-02-01 SAT MARKET MGR FEES 403.00 403.00 1 ch 09-0463-02-01 SAT MARKET MGR FEES 429.00 429.00 832.00 14611 10/27/2014 14611 De Lege Landen Financial Svc 1 ch 01-0416-24-00 EQUIPMENT LEASING 1,252.12 1,252.12 Total 14611: 1,252.12 14612 10/27/2014 14612 Dean Vernon Martin Total 14612: 14613 10/27/2014 14613 Derek T. Smith Total 14613: 14814 10/27/2014 14614 Eagle Mini Storage Total 14614: 1 ch 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 100.00 100.00 100.00 1 ch 01-0413-01-00 P&Z COMMISSIONERS COMPENSATI 100.00 100.00 1 ch 07-0462-15-00 STORAGE UNIT 100.00 70.00 70.00 70.00 14615 10/27/2014 14615 Eagle Water Co. 1 ch 15-0455-06-00 UTILITIES 10.07 10.07 10/27/2014 14815 Eagle Water Co. 1 ch 15-0452-06-00 UTILITIES 53.80 53.80 10/27/2014 14615 Eagle Water Co. 1 ch 15-0452-06-00 UTIUTIES 296.31 296.31 10/27/2014 14615 Eagle Water Co. 1 ch 01-0413-16-00 UTILITIES/NEW CITY HALL 107.51 107.51 10/27/2014 14615 Eagle Water Co. 1 ch 15-0446-06-00 UTILITIES 117.96 117.96 10/27/2014 14615 Eagle Water Co. 1 ch 15-0455-06-00 UTILITIES 57.62 57.62 10/27/2014 14615 Eagle Water Co. 1 ch 15-0455-06-00 UTILITIES 139.15 139.15 10/27/2014 14615 Eagle Water Co. 1 ch 15-0455-06-00 UTILITIES 111.42 111.42 10/27/2014 14615 Eagle Water Co. 1 ch 15-0447-06-00 UTILITIES 29.66 29.66 10/27/2014 14615 Eagle Water Co. 1 ch 15-0449-06-00 UTILITIES 399.86 399.66 10/27/2014 14615 Eagle Water Co. 1 ch 15-0449-06-00 UTILITIES 65.93 65.93 10/27/2014 14615 Eagle Water Co. 1 ch 15-0450-06-00 UTILITIES 23.35 23.35 10/27/2014 14615 Eagle Water Co. 1 ch 06-0461-52-00 LIBRARY/UTILITIES 201.24 201.24 City of Eagle Check Check Issue Date Number 10/27/2014 10/27/2014 10/27/2014 10/27/2014 10/27/2014 10/27/2014 14615 14615 14815 14615 14615 14615 Total 14615: Payee Eagle Water Co. Eagle Water Co. Eagle Water Co. Eagte Water Co. Eagle Water Co. Eagle Water Co. 14616 10/27/2014 14616 FacilityDude.00m Total 14616: 14617 10/27/2014 14817 Fireworks America Total 14617: 14618 10/27/2014 14618 Fishers Technology Total 14618: 14619 10/27/2014 14619 Great Sky Estates Total 14619: 14620 10/27/2014 14620 HD Supply Waterworks, Inc. Total 14620: 14821 10/27/2014 14821 Holladay Engineering Co. 10/27/2014 14621 Holladay Engineering Co. 10/27/2014 14621 Holladay Engineering Co. 10/27/2014 14821 Holladay Engineering Co. 10/27/2014 14621 Holladay Engineering Co. 10/27/2014 14621 Holladay Engineering Co. 10/27/2014 14821 Holladay Engineering Co. 10/27/2014 14621 Holladay Engineering Co. 10/27/2014 14621 Holladay Engineering Co. 10/27/2014 14621 Holladay Engineering Co. 10/27/2014 14621 Holladay Engineering Co. 10/27/2014 14621 Holladay Engineering Co. Total 14621: 14622 10/27/2014 14822 Idaho Chapter PRIMA Total 14622: 14623 10/27/2014 14623 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 8 Check Issue Dates: 10/15/2014 -10/27/2014 Oct 27, 2014 03:03PM Invoice Invoice Sequence GL Account Invoice GL Account Title 1 ch 07-0482-52-00 MUSEUM UTILITIES 1 ch 15-0453-06-00 UTILITIES 1 ch 15-0455-06-00 UTILITIES 1 ch 15-0454-06-00 UTILITIES 1 ch 15-0448-06-00 UTILITIES 1 ch 15-0455-06-00 UTILITIES 1 ch 16-0416-09-00 FACILITY DUDE MTNC-MTNC EDGE 1 ch 18-0414-02-00 COMMUNITY PROMO/FIREWORKS 1 ch 08-0461-58-00 LIBRARY/MTNC-EQUIPMENT 1 ch 15-0416-04-00 EAST ENTRY WATER AGREEMENT 1 ch 60-0434-58-01 RPR/MTNC PUMPS-WELLS-CHEMICA 1 ch 01-0416-07-00 2 ch 01-0413-31-00 1 ch 01-0416-07-04 1 ch 60-0434-42-00 1 ch 01-0413-31-00 1 ch 01-0413-31-00 1 ch 01-0413-31-00 1 ch 01-0413-31-00 1 ch 01-0413-31-00 1 ch 01-0413-31-00 1 ch 01-0413-31-00 1 ch 01-0413-31-00 CITY ENGINEERING ENGINEERING FEE/DEVELOPER CHG Park/Rec Engineering Fees WATER/ENGINEERING ENGINEERING FEE/DEVELOPER CHG ENGINEERING FEE/DEVELOPER CHG ENGINEERING FEE/DEVELOPER CHG ENGINEERING FEE/DEVELOPER CHG ENGINEERING FEE/DEVELOPER CHG ENGINEERING FEE/DEVELOPER CHG ENGINEERING FEE/DEVELOPER CHG ENGINEERING FEE/DEVELOPER CHG 1 ch 60-0434-22-00 TRAVEL-MTNGS-EDUCATION 1 ch 15-0441-06-00 STREET LIGHTS -UTILITIES Invoice Check Amount Amount 8.25 8.25 28.05 28.05 13.24 13.24 596.35 596.35 226.70 226.70 31.66 31.68 2,517.93 5,370.00 5,370.00 5,370.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 160.73 160.73 160.73 525.28 525.26 525.26 7.95 7.95 7.95 320.43 320.43 490.82 490.82 2,397.50 2,397.50 1,182.72 1,182.72 264.00 264.00 210.00 210.00 410.00 410.00 315.00 315.00 212.50 212.50 70.00 70.00 400.00 400.00 2,739.00 2,739.00 35.00 9,011.97 35.00 35.00 11.23 11.23 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 9 Check Issue Dates: 10/15/2014 - 10/27/2014 Oct 27, 2014 03:03PM Check Check Invoice Invoice Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account 10/27/2014 14623 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0453-06-00 10/27/2014 14823 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0454-08-00 10/27/2014 14823 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 80-0434-60-00 10/27/2014 14623 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0441-06-00 10/27/2014 14623 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 60-0434-60-00 10/27/2014 14623 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0454-06-00 10/27/2014 14623 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0454-06-00 10/27/2014 14823 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0449-06-00 10/27/2014 14623 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0455-06-00 10/27/2014 14623 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 60-0434-60-00 10/27/2014 14623 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 06-0461-52-00 10/27/2014 14823 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0441-08-00 10/27/2014 14623 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0441-08-00 10/27/2014 14623 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 60-0434-60-00 10/27/2014 14623 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0441-06-00 Total 14623: 14624 10/27/2014 14624 Idaho Regional Ballet, Inc. Total 14624: 14625 10/27/2014 14625 Idaho Rural Water Assoc. Total 14625: 14826 10/27/2014 14628 Idaho Tool and Equipment Total 14626: 14627 10/27/2014 14627 Infogroup-Library Division Total 14627: 14628 10/27/2014 14628 Information Today Inc Total 14628: 14629 10/27/2014 14629 10/27/2014 14629 10/27/2014 14629 10/27/2014 14629 10/27/2014 14629 10/27/2014 14629 10/27/2014 14629 Total 14629: Ingram Book Company Ingram Book Company Ingram Book Company Ingram Book Company Ingram Book Company Ingram Book Company Ingram Book Company 14630 10/27/2014 14630 Intermountain Gas Company 10/27/2014 14830 Intermountain Gas Company Invoice GL Account Title UTILITIES UTILITIES POWER STREET LIGHTS -UTILITIES POWER UTILITIES UTILITIES UTILITIES UTILITIES POWER LIBRARY/UTILITIES STREET LIGHTS -UTILITIES STREET LIGHTS -UTILITIES POWER STREET LIGHTS -UTILITIES 1 ch 09-0464-02-00 AVAILABLE GRANT FUNDS 1 ch 60-0434-22-00 TRAVEL-MTNGS-EDUCATION 1 ch 15-0437-25-00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 1 ch 06-0461-48-00 LIBRARY/SUBSCRIPTNS,MEMBERSH 1 ch 06-0461-48-00 LIBRARY/SUBSCRIPTNS.MEMBERSH 1 ch 08-0461-65-00 1 ch 08-0461-85-00 1 ch 06-0461-65-00 1 ch 08-0461-65-00 1 ch 06-0461-65-00 1 ch 06-0461-65-00 1 ch 06-0461-65-00 LIBRARY/BOOKS - ADULT & CHILD LIBRARY/BOOKS - ADULT & CHILD LIBRARY/BOOKS - ADULT & CHILD LIBRARY/BOOKS - ADULT & CHILD LIBRARY/BOOKS - ADULT & CHILD LIBRARY/BOOKS - ADULT & CHILD LIBRARY/BOOKS • ADULT & CHILD 1 ch 01-0413-16-00 UTILITIES/NEW CITY HALL 1 ch 06-0461-52-00 LIBRARY/UTILITIES Invoice Check Amount Amount 7.02 16.43 1,249.15 44.52 191.96 62.59 79.45 54.25 16.87 489.67 1,234.15 5.85 5.25 650.60 127.43 7.02 16.43 1,249.15 44.52 191.96 62.59 79.45 54.25 18.87 489.67 1,234.15 5.85 5.25 650.60 127.43 4,248.42 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 723.25 723.25 723.25 2,885.00 2,885.00 2,865.00 288.00 288.00 288.00 9.51 9.51 8.25 9.25 21.65 21.65 938.49 938.49 153.81 153.81 59.86 59.86 88.76 88.76 1,281.33 135.94 135.94 79.01 79.01 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 10 Check Check Issue Date Number Payee 10/27/2014 14630 Intermountain Gas Company Total 14630: 14631 10/27/2014 14631 10/27/2014 14831 10/27/2014 14831 10/27/2014 14631 Total 14631: K&T Maintenance K&T Maintenance K&T Maintenance K&T Maintenance 14632 10/27/2014 14832 Katie Pelazini Total 14632: 14633 10/27/2014 14633 Kellie Rekow Total 14633: 14634 10/27/2014 14634 Kristine Reynolds Total 14634: 14635 10/27/2014 14635 Makin' Faces Face Painting Total 14635: 14636 10/27/2014 14836 MASTERCARD 10/27/2014 14638 MASTERCARD 10/27/2014 14836 MASTERCARD 10/27/2014 14636 MASTERCARD 10/27/2014 14638 MASTERCARD Total 14636: 14637 10/27/2014 14637 National Benefit Services, LLC 10/27/2014 14637 National Benefit Services, LLC Total 14637: 14638 10/27/2014 14638 Printworks Company Total 14838: 14639 10/27/2014 14839 Prominent Homes, LLC Total 14639: Check Issue Dates: 10/15/2014 -10/27/2014 Oct 27, 2014 03:03PM Invoice Invoice Sequence GL Account Invoice GL Account Title 1 ch 07-0462-52-00 MUSEUM UTILITIES 1 ch 15-0442-03-00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 1 ch 15-0445-03-00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 1 ch 15-0444-03-00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 1 ch 15-0443-03-00 CUSTORIAL SERVICES 1 ch 07-0462-33-00 PUBLICITY -PRINTING 1 ch 60-0434-22-00 TRAVEL-MTNGS-EDUCATION 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 1 ch 07-0462-68-00 MUSEUM PROGRAMS 1 ch 06-0461-29-00 LIBRARY/EMPLOYMENT TESTING 2 ch 06-0461-30-00 AUDIONIDEO MATERIALS 3 ch 06-0461-30-01 CHILDRENS PROGRAMING 4 ch 06-0461-74-01 LIBRARY -SOFTWARE AUTOMATION 5 ch 06-0461-58-02 LIBRARY/COMPUTER RPR/MTNC 1 ch 16-0433-23-00 HRA BILLING -PREMIUM REIMBURS 2 ch 14-0415-23-00 HRA BILLING 1 ch 07-0462-33-00 PUBLICITY -PRINTING 1 ch 99-0107-00-00 CASH CLEARING -UTILITY BILLING Invoice Amount 10.78 Check Amount 10.78 225.73 710.70 710.70 56.87 58.67 840.50 840.50 560.30 560.30 2,168.17 102.12 102.12 102.12 17.36 17.36 17.36 9.76 9.76 9.76 100.00 100.00 100.00 75.00 75.00 8.47 8.47 193.61 193.61 352.00 352.00 223 89 223.89 852.97 383.79 383.79 1,440.00 1,823.79 18.00 18.00 18.00 22.35 22.35 22.35 1,440.00 City of Eagle Check Check Issue Date Number Payee Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 11 Check Issue Dates: 10/15/2014 - 10/27/2014 Oct 27, 2014 03:03PM Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount 14640 10/27/2014 14640 Purchase Power 1 ch 01-0413-07-00 POSTAGE 300.00 300.00 Total 14840: 300.00 14641 10/27/2014 14641 Ray and Laurie Killian 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 55.39 55.39 Total 14841: 55.39 14642 10/27/2014 14642 Robert Grubb Total 14642: 14643 10/27/2014 14843 Robert J Koelhsch Total 14643: 14644 10/27/2014 14644 Robert R. Schafer Total 14644: 14645 10/27/2014 14645 Speciality Construction Supply Total 14645: 14646 10/27/2014 14846 Strain, Michael Total 14646: 14647 10/27/2014 14647 Talena Baer Total 14647. 14648 10/27/2014 14648 Terry L. Sayer Total 14648- 14649 10/27/2014 14649 Treasure Valley Partnership Total 14649: 14650 10/27/2014 14650 Trent Wright Total 14650: 1 ch 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 100.00 100.00 100.00 1 ch 01-0413-01-00 P&Z COMMISSIONERS COMPENSATI 50.00 50.00 50.00 1 ch 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSAT1O 50.00 50.00 50.00 1 ch 15-0437-29-00 GREENBELT PATHWAY MTNC/RPR 1,325.52 1,325.52 1 ch 09-0463-02-00 EAGLE SATURDAY MARKET 1, 325.52 150.00 150.00 150.00 1 ch 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 100.00 100.00 100.00 1 ch 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 100.00 100.00 1 ch 11-0413-13-00 TRAVEL & PER DIEM 100.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 1 ch 01-0413-01-00 P&Z COMMISSIONERS COMPENSATI 50.00 50.00 14651 10/27/2014 14851 U.S. Bancorp Equipment Finance 1 ch 01-0418-24-00 EQUIPMENT LEASING 50.00 201.75 201.75 City of Eagle Check Check Issue Date Number 10/27/2014 10/27/2014 10/27/2014 10/27/2014 10/27/2014 10/27/2014 Payee 14651 U.S. Bancorp Equipment Finance 14651 U.S. Bancorp Equipment Finance 14651 U.S. Bancorp Equipment Finance 14651 U.S. Bancorp Equipment Finance 14651 U.S. Bancorp Equipment Finance 14651 U.S. Bancorp Equipment Finance Total 14651: 14652 10/27/2014 14852 Upson Company Total 14852: 14653 10/27/2014 10/27/2014 10/2712014 14653 Valley Times 14653 Valley Times 14653 Valley Times Total 14653: 14854 10/27/2014 14654 ValleyRide 10/27/2014 14654 ValleyRide Total 14654: 14655 10/27/2014 14655 Victor Vitlegas Total 14655: Grand Totals: Dated: Mayor: City Council: Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 12 Check Issue Dates: 10/15/2014 - 10/27/2014 Oct 27, 2014 03:03PM Invoice Invoice Sequence GL Account 1ch 2ch 3 ch 4 ch 5 ch 6 ch 13-0416-24-00 12-0416-24-00 13-0416-24-00 11-0416-24-00 14-0416-24-00 14-0416-24-00 Invoice GL Account Title OFFICE EQUIPMENT LEASING EQUIPMENT LEASING OFFICE EQUIPMENT LEASING EQUIPMENT LEASING OFFICE EQUIPMENT LEASING OFFICE EQUIPMENT LEASING 1 ch 15-0443-02-00 MAINT & REPAIR GROUNDS 1 ch 13-0413-08-00 LEGAL ADS & PUBLICATIONS 1 ch 14-0413-08-00 LEGAL ADS & PUBLICATIONS 2 ch 01-0413-08-00 LEGAL ADVERTISING/PUBLICATION 1 ch 01-0413-14-00 PROFESSIONAL DUES 2 ch 01-0468-10-00 VRT HWY 44 EXPRESS 1 ch 01-0413-01-00 PBZ COMMISSIONERS COMPENSATI Invoice Check Amount Amount 39.81 39.81 39.81 38.81 39.81 39.81 39.81 39.81 39.81 39.81 39.78 39.78 440.58 600.00 600.00 600.00 288.00 288.00 475.92 475.92 316.80 316.80 1,080.72 8,686.00 8,688.00 16,607.00 16,607.00 25,293.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 251,094.02