Minutes - 1990 - City Council - 05/08/1990 - RegularEAGLE CITY COUNCIL M~ETING
MAY 8, 1990
The Eagle City Council met in regular session on May 8,
1990. Mayor GUERBER presiding.
The following members were present.. STEVE HAMMONS, GARY
Moved by HAMMONS and seconded by YZAGUIRRE to approve the minutes
of the April 24, 1990 meeting as presented. ALL AYE.. MOTION
FABCO BUILDING/Auto Body Shop proposal.' MAYOR GUERBER announced
that a proposal had come to city hall regarding establishing a
body shop in the Fabco building. Since that is not a permitted
use in CBD, but does fall into the nonconforming section of the
code, the city attorney was asked to give a formal opinion
regarding the establishment of a business. The findings were as
follows: Fabco was a legal nonconforming use, and the operation
of a body shop is allowable under a conditional use permit, if
determined that there is not a significant change in the use of
the building. The requirements include no structural change in
the building, no hazardous situations, council has the
opportunity to set conditions to the use. The application for
CUP should be applied for at city hall and go through the proper
public hearing channels.
ADA COUNTY TRANSMITTAL 90-15-PDR/HANSON: 80 acres-Buffalo Farm,
W. of Horseshoe Bend Rd. development for 15 five acre lots. The
proposal is to use septic systems. Moved by MINOW and seconded
by WALKER to approve the application as submitted. ALL AYE:
ADA COUNTY TRANSMITTAL 90-26-CU/MCNEFF.. A building over 900 sq.
feet, located at 3482 N. Linder Rd. Moved by WALKER and seconded
by MINOW to approve the application as submitted. ALL AYE..
crusher in a gravel pit on Hill Rd. Moved by WALKER and seconded
by MINOW to approve the application with the stipulation that a
limitation is imposed for working during day time hours only,
along with the dust level being maintained. ALL AYE.. MOTION
BEER LICENSE/Eagle Uni-Merc:
MINOW to approve a beer license
Moved by HAMMONS and seconded by
for consumption off the premises.
ORDINANCE #163: Moved by MINOW and seconded by HAMMONS to
dispense with the 3 day ruling. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED.
Moved by MINOW and seconded by HAMMONS to adopt Ordinance 163, an
ordinance to annex and zone R-1. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED.
APPOINTMENTS/PLANNING AND ZONING: No appointment made at this
time. The Mayor requested aid from the council for nominations
for the commission.
LAW ENFORCEMENT REPORT: There were 5 reports for the last month.
Eagle Hills has had a problem with vandals spray painting in the
area. The Mayor reported that he has requested 3 bids on
refinishing the Senior Center hardwood floor. AIC had a budget
meeting, we will soon begin the budget process. The Eagle Fun
Day Festival will have a meeting tomorrow at noon. The Chamber
of Commerce had a successful clean up day with the biggest turn
out of helpers yet. We have a recreation director selected for
the summer, the youth trainer will be selected next week. We
have had good applications this year.
At council request it was established that the special meeting
scheduled for May 29th will also be a workshop on various items
of concern.
MEDICAL FACILITY/MINOW: Letters have been sent regarding needing
a doctor for the facility. There have been no answers yet.
CENTENNIAL REPORT/HAMMONS: Mrs. Miller is making a Centennial
quilt to display throughout the city. The fireworks contract has
been signed. The display should last 20 minutes, and cost
ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Questioned the open container ordinance.
CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY: Moved by MINOW and seconded by
YZAGUIRRE to approve the claims. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED.
Moved by MINOW and seconded by HAMMONS to adjourn.
8:37 p.m.
The time was
Respectfully submitted:
Barbara Montgomery
Eagle City Clerk
Mayor Steve Guerber