Minutes - 1990 - City Council - 01/29/1990 - SpecialEAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 29, 1990 in special session on January 29, GARY WALKER. The Eagle City Council met 1990. Mayor GUERBER presiding. The following members were present: TOM MINOW, RICK YZAGUIRRE. ABSENT: STEVE HAMMONS. MEDICAL FACILITY/BOND: Discussion took place regarding the medical facility and a bond election to determine if the bonding should take place at this time. Moved by MINOW and seconded by WALKER to table the issue of the bonding of a medical facility at this time but to gather information on other items that may be put to a vote, and finalize issues by introducing them to the public at a town meeting or other means. Those items to include a swimming pool; parks/greenbelt; street lighting; library expansion; completion of the community/senior center; law enforcement; and an industrial park. AYE: MINOW, YZAGUIRRE. NAY: WALKER. MOTION CARRIED. Those council members with responsibility for getting information are as follows: WALKER-LIBRARY MINOW-SWIMMING POOL HAMMONS-STREET LIGHTS YZAGUIRRE-LAW ENFORCEMENT Mayor GUERBER will work with BSU regarding parks. CITY ANNEXATIONS: AREA 5: One acre parcel: Moved by MINOW and seconded by WALKER to it zone A, Agricultural. The large portion of area 5 formerly the Boise Valley Packing Plant to be zoned C-2, Commercial. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. AREA 4: Moved by MINOW and seconded by WALKER to zone the top portion of area 4, sectioned out by legal description as C-2, Commercial, one acrea at the N.W. corner of BanBury to be designated R-5 and the remainder of the property to be zoned A, Agricultural and that a conditional use be submitted by the developer to allow a golf course. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. Council also advised the city attorney to draw up an amendment to Title 8, the Schedule of District Regulations to include golf courses in the A-AR zone under conditional use permits. AREA 3: Moved by WALKER and seconded by MINOW to zone that portion of the property now zoned by Ada County as residential, R-l, Residential, the remainder of the property zoned A, Agricultural. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. AREA 1: Moved by MINOW and seconded by WALKER to zone Eagle Hills Golf Course R-5, Residential, Eagle Hills East Subdivision R-5, Evans Acres and remainder of the parcels R-1. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. AREA IA: Moved by MINOW and seconded by WALKER to zone A, Agricultural. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. AREA 2: Moved by MINOW and s.econded by YZAGUIRRE to zone the larger portion A, Agricultural, the smaller area, north of the irrigation ditch as requested by property owner to be zoned R-5. Residential. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. AREA 6: Moved by MINOW and seconded by YZAGUIRRE to zone Evans Lumber C-2 , Commercial , the remainder to be zoned A, Agricultural. ALL AYE~ MOTION CARRIED. AREA 6A: Moved by MINOW and seconded by WALKER to zone Monroc M- 2, Manufacturing, gravel pits, M-3, the frontage along State Street C-2, Commercial, and the remainder, A, Agricultural. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. AREA 7: By unanimous consent hearing no opposition motion passed to zone the area that is now Trolley Restaurant C-2, Commercial, and the remainder R-5, Residential. AREA 7A~ By unanimous consent hearing no opposition motion passed to zone the area that includes the subdivision R-5, Residential, and the remainder to be zoned C-2, Commercial. AREA 8: By unanimous consent hearing no opposition motion passed to zone the area R-5. HIGHWAY 55 ANNEXATIONS: AREA 1: Carl Raasch property: By unanimous consent, hearing no opposition, motion passes to zone the area R-5, Residential. AREA 2: B2L2 property: By unanimous consent, hearing no opposition, motion passes to zone the area R-5, Residential. AREA 4: Eagle Land Co. property: By unanimous consent, hearing no opposition, motion passed to annex the area and zone it M-2, Manufacturing, predicated upon a conditional use permit allowing a 5 year period of time to begin an operation of sand gravel extraction. AREA 5: Ray Dowdy property: By unanimous consent, hearing no opposition, motion passed to annex the area and zone it M-2, Manufacturing, with a conditional use permit. AREA 3~ A.B. West property: By unanimous consent, hearing no opposition, motion passed to annex area and zone it C-3, Commercial. EAGLE RIM SUBDIVISION: Discussion by council on future variances, if requested, on the subdivision. It was decided to develop an R-4 and R-3 zoning to alleviate inability of some developers to meet setbacks of R-5. 'AIR QUALITY BOARD~ Mayor GUERBER announced that there will be a noon meeting on February 6th on emission testing. He asked for council member to attend the meeting. It was established that WALKER would attend the meeting to represent the City of Eagle. The meeting adjourned at 11:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted: Barbara Montgomery Eagle City Clerk Approved= Mayor Steve Guerber