Minutes - 1990 - City Council - 01/09/1990 - RegularEAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 9, 195/9 The Eagle City Council met in regular session on January 9, 1990. Mayor GUERBER presiding. The following members were present: TOM MINOW, GARY WALKER. STEVE HAMMONS STEVE MATLOCK. Moved by HAMMONS and seconded'by WALKER to approve the minutes of the December 12, 1989 meeting as presented. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. MARION HALL, ADA COUNTY TRANSMITTAL 89-31-PDC/89-26-ZC: Request by the representatives of United Methodist Church on the rezoning of this property. Ken Tewksbury, representative of the church, presented the proposal to the council that the transmittal needed reviewed as they would like support of the council to deny the proposed business as it is next to the church and would not be properly zoned. After discussion the council asked to meet with Marion Hall regarding the zoning. Moved by MINOW and seconded by WALKER to table the discussion of the transmittal until the next scheduled council meeting and to invite Mr. Hall to the hearing. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. DRY CREEK ESTATES/NAHAS, ADA COUNTY TRANSMITTAL 89-32-PDR/89 27- ZC: By request of R. W. Nahas for council consideration of this transmittal for the second time. Mr. Nahas indicated that he has revised his plat to provide for a total of 11 lots instead of the original proposed 13 lots. He advised the council that Ada County set 2 conditions on his proposal, (1) that lot size be 3 acres and (2) additional reports and studies be made on Dry Creek. Written testimony was received and oral testimony opposing the subdivision was given by~ Don Sailer Lonnie Beal Diane Anderson Larry Barnett David Altman Gary Lyons Jon Erickson Kathy Weiss Marsha Johnson Richard Meyer Edward Shimley Bill Gray Norman Lowe Charles Hall Gary Simpson The points of discussion were: density, flood control, Eagle Comprehensive Plan, Natural resources and frontages. Moved by MINOW and seconded by WALKER to approve the transmittal based on the replatting of these particular lots and in addition to stipulate that it meets the sewer, water, and irrigation requirements and tests. And, in additional consideration be given to the flooding criteria to dry creek, as an entity. That a flood study should be included to any determination made by the water and irrigation people as it pertains to this subdivision. After discussion the motion was amended to include that the City of Eagle have the opportunity to review the final plat before final consideration is made. ALL AYEs MOTION CARRIED. MATLOCK was presented with a print "presented to Steve Matlock January 9, service. 1986-1990". with a plaque reading 1990 in appreciation of OATH OF OFFICE WAS GIVEN TO RICK YZAGUIRRE BY MAYOR GUERBER FOR COUNCILMAN FOR A 4 YEAR TERM. APPOINTMENTS.. Moved by MINOW and seconded by HAMMONS to approve the reappointment of Barbara Montgomery as City Clerk-Treasurer. ALL AYEs MOTION CARRIED. Eagle Public Moved by WALKER and seconded by YZAGUIRRE reappointment of Ann Gallinger as AYE: MOTION CARRIED. to approve the Librarian. ALL Moved by HAMMONS and seconded by MINOW to approve the reappointment of Daunt Whitman as City Building Inspector. ALL AYE .' MOTION CARRIED · APPOINTMENTS OF COUNCIL'. Moved by MINOW and seconded by WALKER to appoint HAMMONS as President of Council. AYE.. MINOW, WALKER, YZAGUIRRE. ABSTAIN.. HAMMONS. MOTION CARRIED. MAYOR GUERBER ANNOUNCED THE APPOINTMENTS OF COUNCIL AS FOLLOWS: TOM MINOW-APA STEVE HAMMONS-LIBRARY BOARD AND CENTENNIAL CHAIRMAN GARY WALKER-PARKS AND RECREATION AND SENIOR CITIZENS RICK YZAGUIRRE-PLANNING AND ZONING, CHAIRMAN LAW ENFORCEMENT TASK FORCE AND CHAIRMAN OF GREENBELT COMMITTEE. Moved by MINOW and seconded by WALKER to approve the appointments. ALL AYEs MOTION CARRIED. Moved by MINOW and seconded by HAMMONS to add to the agenda the bond issue for the medical facility and problems regarding parking and parking signs. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. REVENUE BOND/MEDICAL FACILITY: Presentation by MINOW. A letter has been received from the city attorney regarding the nature of the bond for that use. There is some questions regarding the ability of that bond to be sold as a tax free entity. That question would have to be answered before we could proceed with an issuance of a bond. There have been some studies done pertaining to permanent medical facility in Eagle. We need to clarify the issue. We are looking at as a city is what we can and cannot do. We are looking at a clinical facility for physicians to use whether it may be immediate care, for family practice that will be here on a permanent basis. We need to determine if the community wants to maintain a permanent facility here, we provide the facility and we provide the physicians to come in and staff it, full time or several part time positions but, providing the service. Motion by MINOW and seconded by YZAGUIRRE to propose a revenue bond, that revenue bond would be contingent on the clinical medical facility producing enough revenue to retire the bond, and if that was not possible to have enough assets there in order to retire the bond so there is no impact to the taxpayers. That we proceed to have a bond election to see if the community would support such a facility. There are other items the council has reviewed over the course of the last two years. If we are going to the extent of an election that it would be a recommendation to include those items on the ballot also, for voting issues. Those items are: law enforcement, library building, additional lighting in the community, plus some others. Discussion took place regarding the city not taking part in a private facility matter. AYE: MINOW, WALKER, HAMMONS. NAYs YZAGUIRRE. MOTION CARRIED. MINOW will talk with the city attorney regarding this matter. We will need to establish a workshop on the issue within the next 2 weeks. PARKING PROBLEM: Presentation by Ellen S. Keefer regarding parking on State Street and Stierman at Go-Fer Mart, it is impossible to see around the big trucks that park there in order to go on to State Street. Moved by MINOW and seconded by WALKER to write ACHD and request no parking signs be posted along the front of State Street on the frontage of the Go-Fer Station, no parking in that section of the highway, and in addition that the sign reading Orval Krasen-Friendship Park be moved as it obstructs the drivers view. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING/ORDINANCE #159 SCHEDULE OF DISTRICT REGULATIONS- TITLE 8: No testimony given. Public hearing closed. Moved by MINOW and seconded by YZAGUIRRE to approve the ordinance as presented. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. POLICE REPORT given by Lt. Cowles of the Ada County Sheriff's Office. Moved by MINOW and seconded by WALKER to approve the Claims as presented. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. Moved by MI NOW and seconded by WALKER that we review the finances of the city and determine if further long term investments be made. Also, that the council be informed of the cash and investment balance on the financial report. Moved by WALKER and seconded by MINOW to adjourn the meeting. The time was 9:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted: Eagle City Clerk Approved .' Mayor Steve Guerber