Minutes - 1989 - City Council - 10/24/1989 - RegularEAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 24, 1989 The Eagle City Council met in regular session on October 24, 1989. Mayor GUERBER presiding. The following members were present: STEVE HAMMONS STEVE MATLOCK. TOM MINOW, GARY WALKER. State of the City Address given by Mayor GUERBER. (attached) Moved by MINOW and seconded by MATLOCK to approve the minutes of the October 10, 1989 meeting as presented. ALL AYE~ MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING-C. L. House Minor Commercial Subdivision: Pat Tealey of Tealey Surveying represented C. L. House, and spoke for the proposed commercial minor subdivision proposal. The split would allow 3 parcels, but there is no planned development of the property at this time. Mr. Tealey introduced to council a proposal to vacate Third Street. He advised council that at least 30 feet of the vacated area would return to city ownership, and perhaps 60 feet, subject to an investigation by ACHD. There was no additional testimony and the public hearing was closed. Discussion took place regarding the vacation of Third Street, the access to the property and sewer-water. Moved by MINOW and seconded by MATLOCK to approve the subdivision proposal as presented, subject to the Eagle Planning and Zoning recommendation, that if development occurs, central sewer and water will be in the plan. Also, to give the indication that the city would look favorable to the vacation of Third street, subject to a public hearing by ACHD. ALL AYE= MOTION CARRIED. It is also the place that one access points. opinion of council that should development take access will be provided rather than 3 individual ORDINANCE #156: An Ordinance adopting annexation of the Joplin Ranch and R-5 zoning. Moved by MINOW and seconded by MATLOCK to approve Ordinance #156 (third reading). Roll call on the motion resulted as follows: AYE: MINOW, MATLOCK, HAMMONS, WALKER. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE #157: The "Centennial Ordinance", Historic Preservation. Mayor GUERBER opened the town meeting regarding the proposed ordinance and declared it was the third reading. James Gipson gave testimony in favor of the ordinance, there was no opposition. Moved by MINOW and seconded by MATLOCK to adopt the ordinance as follows: AYE: CARRIED. presented. Roll call on the motion resulted as MINOW, MATLOCK, HAMMONS, WALKER. MOTION DESIGN REVIEW-ISLAND INNs Jim Gipson, Chairman of the Design Review Committee represented the committee in some questions the committee has regarding the Island Inn. Mr. Gipson stated that the committee approved the sign to the bar, but was asked nothing more. They feel that other criteria was omitted and should be addressed, per his letter previously given to council. The council asked the city attorney to write a letter to the owners of Island Inn outlining some concerns of Design Review including the sign, a street light at the entrance and outlining the criteria to be followed. Moved by MINOW and seconded by WALKER to adjourn the meeting in order to confer with council. Council adjourned at 8:25 p.m. and resumed at 8s30 p.m. FINDING OF FACTS AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW: St. Mathews Catholic Church. Moved by MATLOCK and seconded by MINOW to approve the findings as presented. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. EXTENSION AGREEMENT FOR LIBRARY SERVICES CONTRACT: Moved by HAMMONS and seconded by MINOW to approve the contract between the Ada County Free Library District and the Library as presented. The contract provides for Ada County books to be set up in the Eagle Library, a rotation method employed, reciprocal services and an additional part time employee in the Eagle Library. There is no money exchange. Roll call resulted as follows: ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. ADDITION TO THE AGENDA: Moved by WALKER and seconded by MINOW to add an appointment to the Library Board on the agenda. ALL AYEs MOTION CARRIED. Moved by MINOW and seconded by HAMMONS to approve the appointment of Pat Krasen to the Eagle Library Board. ALL AYEs MOTION CARRIED. ADA COUNTY TRANSMITTAL 89-49-CU-Roundys Moved by MINOW and seconded by WALKER to approve the transmittal as recommended by Planning and Zoning, that sewer be required within one year of the installation of pipe down State Street. ALL AYEs MOTION CARRIED. TIM BARNETTs Eagle Arboretums Presentation regarding the possibility of having an arboretum within the City of Eagle. An arboretum is a place where many kinds of trees or shrubs are grown for study or display. Mr. Barnett suggests that this arboretum would be a world-class arboretum, a very large area with scientific value as well as beauty. He indicated that there is only one site left in Ada County is suitable for a world class arboretum, above Floating Feather Road known as the Holgate Ranch. This project would require time, study, funding, and donations. Lindsay, Hart, the project as a non-profit entity. Moved by MATLOCK and seconded by WALKER to support the feasibility study to start the project. ALL AYE: CARRIED. Mona Mack advised Mr. Barnett that the law firm, Neil, Wiegler, would donate pro-bono services for MAYOR'S REPORT: We have recorded the warranty deed for End of Orval Krasen Park donated to the City of Eagle. idea and MOTION the N. We have received a letter of complaint from Gary Barnes regarding Eagle Rim. Variance was given with the condition that Mr. Barnes fence problem created by the developer would be eliminated. Mr. Barnes problem has not been solved. Moved by MINOW and seconded by WALKER to instruct the City Attorney, Mona Mack, to write the developer and advise him that all building permits will be discontinued until the problem is resolved. AYEs MATLOCK, MINOW, WALKER. NAY: HAMMONS MOTION CARRIED. COMMITTEE REPORT~ Lights= HAMMONS advised the council that a letter has been delivered to Idaho Power regarding the lights. CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY: Moved MINOW and seconded by MATLOCK to approve the claims as presented. Roll call resulted as follows AYE: MINOW, MATLOCK, HAMMONS, WALKER. MOTION CARRIED. The council meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m. Respectfully~bmitted'. B~bara Montgomery, Ci~Clerk~ Approved: Mayor--Steve Guerbe~