Minutes - 1989 - City Council - 09/07/1989 - Special EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 7, 1989 SPECIAL MEETING-BUDGET 1989-90 A special meeting was called on hearing on the budget for fiscal presiding. September 7, year 1989-90. The following members were present: Absent: STEVE MATLOCK, GARY WALKER. TOM MINOW, 1989 for public Mayor GUERBER STEVE HAMMONS. Mayor GUERBER presented items relating to the budget figures to the public, indicating the budget is down this year a total of $996. from the current fiscal year. Additional revenue will be received from City property taxes in the amount of $3,997, and State Revenue Sharing $11,030. There was a reduction in income from Ada County Free Library District in the amount of $15,364., those figures offset each other. From the standpoint of a taxpayer, property taxes, with a home exemption paid a City tax of $26.32 on a $75,000. home. In 1989 that figure will go up to $27.63. There are a number of shifts that are taking place in the budget. The recreation expenses will be up from $2,000 to $3,900 as it is the 3rd year of the program, the first year the full amount was paid through a U.S. West grant, the second year the City paid half and the third year the City must support the total expense. The capital expenditures supports the need for a continuation of construction on the facilities. There is construction that must take place on the entrance off State Street on the irrigation pipes. The estimate for repair of this project is $10,000. for concrete pipe, in order to comply with the contract with the irrigation district. The City has assumed the audit fees this year for the Library an estimated amount of $300. The City Attorney fees were set last year at $10,000., anticipating litigation. We found that our fees actually turned out to be $15,000., and don't anticipate that figure going down now with the added growth expected to take place in the City. PUBLIC HEARING/BUDGET: The public hearing was opened with a statement from Mayor GUERBER advising the public that since there was not a Council quorum tonight, public testimony would be heard but the meeting would be continued until September 12, 1989 when all members could be present. Testimony was heard from the following: Those opposed: Cris Gaston, Library Board Pres. Susan McCall, Library Board Mike Covalt, Library Board A1 Courtial Lily Courtial Tom Gilbert, President, Chamber of Commerce Additional written opposition was received and is incorporated for record in the Library file in the City Clerk's office. The public hearing closed at 8:30 p.m. Approved .' May.o--6~ ~eve Gu~-rb-er